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  1. - Top - End - #181
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Any reason for it having a weaker bite than a sized-up gray would?

    And I can't help but notice that it can't even rend. It's called a render and it can't rend stuff!

    Now I'm sad. Gray render lore is one of the few pieces of official lore that I absolutely love.
    I have got to stop editing these at 3 am...

    I has fixed

    I think a little cold resistance or at least letting them have Cold Endurance as a bonus feat would look good on a hairy creature explicitly adapted to live in colder environments than its parent species normally could.

    If my calculations are correct, these have four skill points not yet allocated and their Climb modifier should be a +12. Either that or they don't actually have a climb speed (I don't see the Climb bonus listed unders Skills).

    Are these static DCs?

    (Hm. Is there an official template for that kind of thing?)
    The skills were ok, I just forgot about the racial climb bonus (I have fixed). They are static bonuses, because as far as I can tell so were the original Mimics. No official template, but I can put it on the to do list.

    Non-sapient creatures with no weird alignment-granting subtypes don't tend to have actual alignment.
    There was a reason for this when I made it many long years ago, but I'm darned if I can remember it.
    Last edited by Bhu; 2022-09-26 at 11:24 PM.
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  2. - Top - End - #182
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    as far as I can tell so were the original Mimics.
    I'm fairly certain it's CON-based (DC's a 16 with 7 HD and a +3 CON modifier) and they just forgot to make that explicit.

    No official template, but I can put it on the to do list.
    Don't worry about it, I was just curious. If I'll ever need one, I can make it myself. Needless to say, if you want to put one together, I'm all for that and very certain it would end up wonderful.

    There was a reason for this when I made it many long years ago, but I'm darned if I can remember it.
    Heh. Fair enough!

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Vampire Squid
    Large Aberration (Aquatic)
    Hit Dice: 12d8+60 (114 hp)
    Initiative: +4
    Speed: 40 ft. swim(8 squares)
    Armor Class: 21 (-1 Size, +4 Dex, +8 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 17
    Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+19
    Attack: Tentacle +14 melee (1d6+6)
    Full Attack: 8 Tentacles +14 melee (1d6+6) and 1 Bite +12 melee (1d8+3)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (20 ft with tentacles)
    Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Blood Drain
    Special Qualities: Blindsight 120 ft., Vulnerability to Light, Poison Cloud, Partial Invisibility, Fast Healing 3, Immune to Cold
    Saves: Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +10
    Abilities: Str 23, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 14
    Skills: Escape Artist +16, Knowledge (Arcana, The Planes, Things Man Was Not Meant to Know) +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +13, Search +10, Spot +10, Swim +18
    Feats: Multiattack, Multigrab, Greater Multigrab, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes
    Environment: Cold Aquatic
    Organization: Solitary, Hunting Pack (3-5), Mass Swarm (10-100)
    Challenge Rating: 10
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil
    Advancement: 9-15 HD (Large), 16-25 HD (Huge)
    Level Adjustment: ----

    " sorry Paul. I know your family fortune is in that wreck at the bottom of the trench. But I can't go back down there. I know what lives down there in the dark. it took my arm, and I won't let it get the rest of me. You'll have to find someone else. And Paul? May the Gods protect you. Even though they didn't do me much good..."

    The Beings referred to as Vampire Squid in some rare books live in the deepest parts of the ocean where there is never any light. They are one of the few things feared by the Anguilians and rightly so. They and their Sahuagin relatives refer to the 'squids' as "The Hungering Dark". Swarms of Vampire Squid have destroyed their cities. No one has ever really seen one, but the very, very rare victim to escape their clutches described it as being similar to wrestling with an Octopus except the flesh was more fluid and elastic, covered with what felt like hooked barbs and noxious boils. Vampire Squid have never attempted to communicate with anyone and it is unknown if they understand any form of language. For the most part they stay in the depths, other than rare feeding frenzy's which bring them closer to the surface.

    Improved Grab(Ex): If a Vampire Squid hits an opponent of any size with its tentacle attack it may attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the Grapple attempt it may use its Blood Drain ability.

    Blood Drain (Ex): If a Vampire Squid succeeds with its Improved Grab, it constricts with its tentacles. The barbs from the tentacles do 1d6+6 damage per round, and the mouths lining the tentacles drain 2 Con worth of blood per round as long as the Grapple is maintained

    Partial Invisibility (Ex): The material that Vampire Squid are composed of renders it invisible to Dark Vision. They do not become visible when attacking. Combined with the lack of light in the areas it normally inhabits this usually makes it completely invisible.

    Vulnerability to Light(Ex): If exposed to even the tiniest amount of light the Vampire Squid begins to boil and rot away, losing 1d4 Con a round from something similar to torch light and taking double damage from all spells with the Light descriptor. A Daylight spell destroys it instantly. It is for this reason no one has ever truly described one. And unfortunately it also leads to other problems...

    Poison Cloud (Ex): Whenever the Vampire Squid is exposed to Light or dies it begins to rot away turning into a thick poisonous cloud of oil that causes anything in it to bleed from its pores. Anything within 10 ft. of the Vampire Squid must make a DC 21 Fortitude Save (Save is Con based). Initial and Secondary Damage is 2d6 Constitution. The cloud lasts as long as the Squid is losing Con due to light exposure, and for 1d4 rounds thereafter.

    Skills: A Vampire Squid receives a +10 Racial Bonus to Escape Artist checks, and a +8 Racial Bonus to Swim checks. It may always Take 10 on a Swim check, and may use the Run Action while swimming in a straight line.

    Combat: Vampire Squids immediately close to Grapple. They flee immediately from light or any creature that puts up a serious fight.

    Last edited by Bhu; 2022-10-06 at 11:07 PM.
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  4. - Top - End - #184
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Amanga Impisi (False Hyena)
    Medium Aberration
    Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
    Armor Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18
    Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+12
    Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d6+3)
    Full Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d6+3)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Madness Gaze, Spell-like abilities
    Special Qualities: Alternate Form, Summon Pack, Regeneration 5, Damage Reduction 5/Good, Telepathy 100 ft., Scent, Dark Vision 60 ft., Immunities
    Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +12
    Abilities: Str 16, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 18
    Skills: Bluff +9, Diplomacy +13, Hide +8, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (Nature) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Knowledge (Things Man Was Not Meant To Know) +10, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Search +8, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +10, Spot +9, Survival +7 (+9 to follow tracks)
    Feats: Ability Focus (Madness Gaze), Track, Narrowed Gaze, Pervasive Gaze, Improved Initiative
    Environment: Warm Deserts or Plains
    Organization: Solitary or traveling with hyena pack
    Challenge Rating: 9
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Advancement: 13-30 HD (Medium)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    "We used to make sure the Hyenas never came near our villages. We knew they were evil back then. We knew what would happen. But the young people these days, they've forgotten the old ways for money and material things. And they think having the Hyenas as pets are a symbol of status. Back in the old days I killed a Hyena out on the plains at night, and when it died it...changed. I haven't slept much at nights since. Especially since they've been bringing them into the city. I know they're watching me. Take this machete boy. It's special. When I die, you know what to use it for."

    The Amanga Impisi is a creature from the depths of space that arrived on the world many millennia ago. It has been confused with demons and other such creatures for a long time. The Amanga's goals appear to be uncertain, as they travel not with each other but with packs of Hyenas. It is rumored they feed on the fear and madness of mortal men, and work to disrupt societies and cause massive bloodshed. They appear as vaguely hyena like in shape with hooved feet. The skin is armor plated with fleshy tendrils of some kind running down the back and sides like some sort of perverse mane. The heavily armored head is much like a hyenas skull with split nostrils and random thornlike growths. The face is blood red turning to green near the mane, with the body mostly yellow. Inhabitants in areas populated by them tend to believe the Hyena is an evil creature. Amanga speak their own language.

    Madness Gaze (Su): Become permanently Insane, range 30 ft., Willpower Save DC 22 Negates (Save is Charisma Based). If the Willpower Save is failed the victim acquires some sort of permanent insanity. In normal D&D this is Insanity, as per the spell. See the Unearthed Arcana or D20 Call of Cthulhu for other examples of Insanity. The DM should pick one appropriate to the moment.

    Spell Like Abilities (Sp): The Amanga can use various Spell-Like abilities as an 8th Level Caster. They get five 1st Level, three 2nd Level, two 3rd Level, and one 4th Level spells. They may choose any Divination, Enchantment or Illusion spells from the Sorcerer list. They may use the 1st and 2nd Level spells 3/day, and the 3rd and 4th Level spells 1/day.

    Alternate Form (Su): At will the Amanga can appear to be a normal Hyena. This is a Mind-Affecting Glamer effect, and has no effects on stats or abilities. Creatures unaffected by Glamers are immune to this ability and see the Amanga as it is. Turning this ability on or off is a free action, but it drops automatically if the Amanga Impisi attacks.

    Summon Pack (Su): Once per day the Amanga can summon a pack of 8 Hyenas. This works like the spell Summon Natures Ally V in all other respects.

    Immunities (Ex): The Amanga is immune to poison, paralysis, polymorph, sleep and death affects, and stunning.

    Combat: The Amanga will stalk its prey in the bush for weeks slowly destroying its mind with its spell like abilities before using its gaze to drive it over the brink. After that it and the pack tear the victim apart.

    Side note: Amanga means "lie" in Zulu. Impisi is their name for the Hyena.

    Last edited by Bhu; 2022-10-06 at 11:06 PM.
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  5. - Top - End - #185
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Spectral Ape
    Large Magical Beast
    Hit Dice: 6d10+18 (51 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), Climb 20 ft.
    Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13
    Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+16
    Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d6+6) or Rock +7 ranged (1d6+6)
    Full Attack: 2 Slams +11 melee (1d6+6) and 1 Bite +6 melee (1d4+3) or or Rock +7 ranged (1d6+6)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
    Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Constrict (2d6+6)
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, Greater Invisibility
    Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
    Abilities: Str 23, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 5
    Skills: Climb +14, Listen +4, Move Silently +5, Spot +4
    Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Spectral SKirmisher*
    Environment: Warm forests
    Organization: Solitary, Hunting Party (3-6), Colony (10-20), or City (50-75)
    Challenge Rating: 6
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large)
    Level Adjustment: --

    * see PHB2

    "We could hear them in the night. That's when they came out, despite us not being able to see them. We started getting picked off one by one, until we fled the jungles. We went back in with a Wizard who claimed he could see the invisible. Said we were just fighting apes. Helped us fight them even, until something we couldn't see plucked him from the ground and crushed him like a grape 20 feet up in the air. We won't go back now. No matter what you or anyone else is willing to pay. You want whats in that ruin it's yours. I'll give you the map. But my help ends there."

    In the Jungles of (insert name here) there is a legend that long ago a wizard was destroyed by his own creations, and that his former palace is now a rotting hulk, eaten by the jungle, and haunted by the remains of what he left behind. The truth is that there is a large fortress somewhere in the jungle, and it is haunted, not by apparitions, but by great apes that can walk unseen. When slain they appear, and are white, horribly malformed and misshapen gorilla like hominids. The apes are highly territorial, and omnivorous. They are smart enough to know that they are invisible, and are often quiet knowing that hearing and smell are the only ways most beings can find them. Adventurers will often blindly walk unawares into the entire colony of them. Spectral Apes are similar in size to Dire Apes, and do not appear to be capable of speech despite their higher intelligence.

    Greater Invisibility (Su): This ability is constant, allowing the Spectral Ape to remain Invisible even while attacking. It works like the spell Greater Invisibility, and lasts as long as the Spectral Ape is alive (it becomes visible 1 minute after death). This ability is not subject to Invisibility Purge.

    Improved Grab (Ex): If a Spectral Ape hits with it's Slam attack it can make a Grapple Check as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. If successful it may Constrict the next round.

    Constrict (Ex): The Spectral Ape does 2d6+6 with a successful Grapple check.

    Skills: Spectral Apes have a +8 Racial Bonus to Climb checks, and may always take 10 on a Climb check even if rushed or threatened.

    Combat: Spectral Apes go straight for the Grapple. Lock up with the victim and rip him to shreds. Sometimes if there are groups they'll fling rocks, but generally they like to be up close and personal

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  6. - Top - End - #186
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Spectral Dire Ape
    Huge Magical Beast
    Hit Dice: 18d10+90 (189 hp)
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), Climb 30 ft.
    Armor Class: 19 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 18
    Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+36
    Attack: Slam +26 melee (1d8+10) or Rock +17 ranged (2d8+10)
    Full Attack: 2 Slams +26 melee (1d8+10) and 1 Bite +21 melee (1d6+5) or Rock +17 ranged (2d8+10)
    Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
    Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Constrict (2d8+10)
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, Greater Invisibility
    Saves: Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +7
    Abilities: Str 31, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 5
    Skills: Climb +18, Listen +8, Move Silently +8, Spot +8
    Feats: Awesome Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Greater Multigrab, Multigrab, Power Attack, Spectral Skirmisher*
    Environment: Warm forests
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 12
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: 19-36 HD (Huge), 37-54 HD (Gargantuan)
    Level Adjustment: --

    * See Savage Species and PHB 2 for some Feats.

    "I warned you not to go in there! I warned you! Now it's followed you back, and it'll get us all! Get off my land and don't come back you fools! Go spend what time you have left regretting what you've done."

    Every so often there's a nasty mutation of sorts among the Spectral Apes. Or perhaps they just keep getting bigger with age. There are few recorded instances of s Spectral Dire Ape (possibly due to their invisibility), but slain specimens have been 20-30 feet tall.

    Greater Invisibility (Su): This ability is constant, allowing the Spectral Dire Ape to remain Invisible even while attacking. It works like the spell Greater Invisibility, and lasts as long as the Spectral Dire Ape is alive (it becomes visible 1 minute after death). This ability is not subject to Invisibility Purge.

    Improved Grab (Ex): If a Spectral Dire Ape hits with it's Slam attack it can make a Grapple Check as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. If successful it may Constrict the next round.

    Constrict (Ex): The Spectral Ape does 2d8+10 with a successful Grapple check.

    Skills: Spectral Dire Apes have a +8 Racial Bonus to Climb checks, and may always take 10 on a Climb check even if rushed or threatened.

    Combat: Spectral Dire Apes go straight for the Grapple. Lock up with the victim and rip him to shreds. Usually one in each hand.

    Last edited by Bhu; 2022-10-06 at 11:03 PM.
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  7. - Top - End - #187
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    The Fly People
    Medium Aberration
    Hit Dice: 5d8+35 (57 hp)
    Initiative: +9
    Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Climb 20 ft., Fly 50 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 23 (+5 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Insight), touch 19, flat-footed 18
    Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
    Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+8 plus disease)
    Full Attack: 1 Bite +11 melee (1d8+8 plus disease) and 4 Claws +9 melee (1d6+4)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Acid Vomit, Improved Grab
    Special Qualities: All-Around Vision, Scent, Droning Flight, Spider Climb, Danger Sense, Immune to Disease and Poison, Alien Mind, Darkvision 60 ft.
    Saves: Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +7
    Abilities: Str 26, Dex 20, Con 24, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 4
    Skills: Balance +13, Climb +16, Hide +6, Intimidate +3, Listen +3, Search +4, Spot +7, Survival +11
    Feats: Hover, Multiattack, Multiweapon Fighting (B)
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary, Group (3-6), or Swarm (10-100)
    Challenge Rating: 7
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
    Advancement: By Character Class (favored Class is Rogue)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    "We don't go into the tunnels out by the old city anymore. In my youth a couple of us wondered why it had been abandoned, and set off in the night to find out. I'm the only one of us who made it back. My arm wasn't cut off in the wars like I told you. It was dissolved in the vomit of the thing we met there. I'll never return near the old city again. So forget the bets you made boy. You can't go to that city. Not for any amount of money..."

    The Fly People are hideous malformed Aberrations with 4 arms, stunted fly wings, and a massive fly-like head with dripping mouthparts. They spread disease and death, and are considered by many to be a sign of ill omen, since where one is more will follow. Most worship evil deities or Fiends, and are unusually dedicated to spreading their faith, converting followers at sword point if necessary. Despite their light build they are unusually strong, overpowering even Ogres in hand to hand fights. The Fly People stand just over 6 feet tall, and speak their own language. They have never made any indication of being able to understand the speech of other races, though they have to have some means of communicating with their cults.

    Disease (Ex): Bite, Fortitude DC 19, Incubation period 1d3 days, Filth Fever, see DMG page 292.

    Acid Vomit (Ex): Once every 1d4 rounds the Fly People may vomit acid on an opponent they have Pinned in a Grapple. They are immune to damage from their own acid. By making a successful Grapple check, the Fly people can do 2d6 Acid damage. Each round for 1d6 rounds thereafter the victim takes an additional 1d6 acid damage unless he can wash the stuff off somehow.

    Improved Grab (Ex): The Fly People can make a Grapple without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.

    All-Around Vision (Ex): The Fly People cannot be flanked, and have a +4 Racial Bonus on all Search and Spot checks.

    Droning Flight (Ex): The Fly People cannot make Move Silently checks while flying.

    Spider Climb (Ex): The Fly People may use Spider Climb at will (self only).

    Danger Sense (Ex): The Fly People gain a +4 Racial Balance on Initiative checks, a +4 Insight Bonus to AC, and a +4 Racial Bonus to Reflex Saves.

    Alien Mind (Ex): The Fly People gain a +4 Racial Bonus on all Saving Throws against Mind-Affecting effects.

    Skills: The Fly People have a +8 Racial Bonus on Balance, Climb, and Survival checks. They may always Take 10 on a Climb or Balance check.

    Combat: The Fly People will immediately close to Grapple so they can use their Acid Vomit, before biting and inflicting the character with disease. They will then fly away and let the disease take its course, and weaken them. They will attack again when the PC seems to have weakened (they will be stalking him all the while). If the PC's seem stubborn or disease resistant they will go all out for an assault, fleeing if they are reduced to half hp or less.

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  8. - Top - End - #188
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    The Pope Lick Monster
    Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar)
    Hit Dice: 8d8+16 (52 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
    Armor Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 Profane), touch 18, flat-footed 16
    Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+10
    Attack: Battleaxe +11 melee (1d8+2/ x3) or Slam +10 melee (1d3+2)
    Full Attack: Battleaxe +11/+6 melee (1d8+2/ x3) or Slam +10 melee (1d3+2)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Slow Fall, Leaper, DR 5/Good, Regeneration 2
    Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8
    Abilities: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
    Skills: Balance +6, Bluff +6, Climb +10, Concentration+6, Craft (any 2) +4, Disable Device +6, Handle Animal +6, Hide +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Arcane, History, Local, Nature, Religion, The Planes) +4, Jump +10, Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Open Lock +6, Search +4, Spellcraft +4, Spot +7, Survival +4, Use Magic Device +4
    Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Battleaxe)
    Environment: Pope Lick, Kentucky
    Organization: Unique?
    Challenge Rating: 5
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Advancement: 9+ HD (Medium)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    "There are a lot of stories about how he came to be. Many said he used to be a circus freak, or escaped from a ghost train. Others say he was a farmer who sacrificed goats to the Devil for power. Despite this, he died and was resurrected as a monster. Now he sacrifices people for even more power. Don't go out to Pope Lick Creek trying to prove he exists. You don't want to end u like the others."

    The Pope Lick Monster is a deformed man with hairy goat legs, a white face, an aquiline nose and wide set eyes. It has horns protruding from it's head, and long greasy hair. It seems fairly hell bent on killing anyone it sees in it's territory, either pushing them off the trestle (or using it's powers to make them jump), or leaping down to attack passing vehicles.

    Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At Will: Cause Fear, Ghost Sound, Hypnotism, Ventriloquism 3/Day: Command 1/Day: Fear, Suggestion

    Slow Fall (Ex): The Pope Lick Monster can fall any distance without harm.

    Leaper (Ex): Jump Check DC's for the Pope Lick Monster are not doubled if it does not have a running start, or for moving less than 30 feet.

    Regeneration (Ex): The Pope Lick Monster take normal damage from good-aligned weapons or beings, and spells or effects with the good descriptor. If it loses a piece of its body regrows it in 2d6×10 minutes. Holding the severed member against the stump enables it to reattach instantly.

    Skills: The Pope Lick Monster has a +8 Racial Bonus on Jump Checks. It also has a +4 Racial Bonus on Balance and Climb Checks.

    Combat: The Monster usually tries to get victims to kill themselves with his magical powers. Failing that he rushes in with his axe.

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  9. - Top - End - #189
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Vampire Squid


    Armor Class: 21 (-1 Size, +4 Dex, +8 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 19
    FF should be 17.

    Attack: Tentacle +14 melee (1d6+6)
    Full Attack: 8 Tentacles +14 melee (1d6+6) and 1 Bite +12 melee (1d8+3)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (20 ft with tentacles)
    Squid is a bit of a misnomer, apparently; actual squids have 8 arms and 2 tentacles for a total of 10 appendages.

    They are one of the few things feared by the Anguilians and rightly so. They and their Sahuagin relatives refer to the 'squids' as "The Hungering Dark". Swarms of Vampire Squid have destroyed their cities.
    (If I were a D&D vampire mollusk thing, I'd sure prefer eating aquatic elves/merfolk/aventi to preying on sahuagins. Sahuagins look too cute to die!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Amanga Impisi (False Hyena)


    Skills: Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Hide +8, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Knowledge (Things Man Was Not Meant To Know) +10, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Search +8, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +8, Spot +9, Survival +7
    The damn thing has a lot of skill points left to allocate (13, to be specific, after synergies are factored in).

    Combat: The Amanga will stalk its prey in the bush for weeks slowly destroying its mind with its spell like abilities before using its gaze to drive it over the brink. After that it and the pack tear the victim apart.

    Side note: Amanga means "lie" in Zulu. Impisi is their name for the Hyena.
    Shouldn't the shortened version of the name be Impisi, then? Calling it an Amanga is like shortening False Hyena to False.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Spectral Ape


    Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+12
    Thing's Large, it should have a +16 for grapple.

    Rock +7 ranged (1d6)
    Full Attack: 2 Slams +11 melee (1d6+6) and 1 Bite +6 melee (1d4+3) or or Rock +7 ranged (1d6)
    This is ultimately a thrown weapon, right? Shouldn't it add its STR to the damage roll?

    Greater Invisibility: This ability is constant, allowing the Spectral Ape to remain Invisible even while attacking. It works like the spell Greater Invisibility, and lasts as long as the Spectral Ape is alive (it becomes visible 1 minute after death). This ability is not subject to Invisibility Purge.

    Improved Grab: If a Spectral Ape hits with it's Slam attack it can make a Grapple Check as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. If successful it may Constrict the next round.

    Constrict: The Spectral Ape does 2d6+6 with a successful Grapple check.
    Looks like you forgot to add the Ex/Su tags to SAs/SQs. Same goes for the dire one below. (I know, I know, it's not a big deal, but I'm a hair-splitting pedant like that.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Spectral Dire Ape

    Full Attack: 2 Slams +26 melee (1d8+10) and 1 Bite +21 melee (1d6+3) or Rock +17 ranged (2d8+10)
    The bite should have a +5 to damage (copy/paste, the bane of all statblocks!).

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    The Fly People


    Level Adjustment: +10?
    Heh. Man, that's overkill. I'd almost say it's overkill even by WotC standards were it not for the silit. But seriously, nymphs get RHD+1st level druid casting, an at-will ranged stunning attack, a free action, at-will area debuff and their best stat to AC and all saves, and they still get a lower ECL and a lower LA in its composition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    The Pope Lick Monster


    Attack: Battleaxe +10 melee (1d8+2/19-20, x3) or Slam +10 melee (1d3+2)
    Full Attack: Battleaxe +10/+5 melee (1d8+2/19-20, x3) or Slam +10 melee (1d3+2)


    Feats: Alertness, Improved Critical (Battleaxe), Improved Initiative
    While it technically qualifies for Improved Critical with its +8 BAB, it doesn't get a feat slot at that HD to actually add it.

    Skills: Balance +6, Climb +10, Hide +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Arcane, Local, Nature, Religion) +4, Jump +10, Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Spot +7, Survival +4
    I'm counting… Some 48 skill points not spent? What's that about?

    Leaper (Ex): Jump Checks for the Pope Lick Monster are not doubled if it does not have a running start, or for moving less than 30 feet.
    Surely, you mean Jump check DCs there!


    Nice flavour texts all around, by the way. The hyena's would be my personal favourite.)
    Last edited by Metastachydium; 2022-10-03 at 02:44 PM. Reason: Â.

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    I was kinda pressed for time getting entries revised this week. I'll fix it shortly, right now I'm sick as hell.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    I was kinda pressed for time getting entries revised this week. I'll fix it shortly, right now I'm sick as hell.
    No rush & get better fast!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Squid is a bit of a misnomer, apparently; actual squids have 8 arms and 2 tentacles for a total of 10 appendages.
    It's not really a squid, it's just called that cause it's effectively invisible, and given that it's deep sea that's where their imaginations went.

    Heh. Man, that's overkill. I'd almost say it's overkill even by WotC standards were it not for the silit. But seriously, nymphs get RHD+1st level druid casting, an at-will ranged stunning attack, a free action, at-will area debuff and their best stat to AC and all saves, and they still get a lower ECL and a lower LA in its composition.
    That was a little bit of a joke on my part, that thing has so much stuff I can't see it being playable.
    Fixed all the oopsies, readying this weeks critters now.
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    Fur Angel
    Tiny Outsider (Chaos, Good, Extraplanar)
    Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Fly 50 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 20 (+2 Size, +3 Dex, +5 Natural), touch 15, flat-footed 17
    Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-5
    Attack: Claw +8 melee (1d4)
    Full Attack: 2 Claws +8 melee (1d4)
    Space/Reach: 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities
    Special Qualities: Protective Aura, DR 5/Evil, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 2, Immune to Petrification, Cold Resistance 5
    Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4
    Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
    Skills: Diplomacy +8, Hide +17, Knowledge (any one) +5, Listen +7, Move Silently +9, Search +6, Spellcraft +6, Spot +7, Tumble +4
    Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse
    Environment: A Chaotic Good Aligned Plane
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 2
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Advancement: 4-6 HD (Tiny)
    Level Adjustment: --- (Improved Familiar, Level 7)

    "Honey, what the Hell is that?"

    "It's a monkey kitten princess angel."

    "I hadda ask...what's it for?"

    "Emotional support? Marital advice maybe. She also bakes a mean cookie."

    Fur Angels look like a combination of monkey and kitten, with little bird wings. They are usually dressed in a sparkling white dress and tiara. Their origin is unknown, but it's believed the Angels saw Imps on the Prime Material wreaking havoc, and decided they needed a counter for that. Unfortunately, while well meaning, Fur Angels are shenanigans prone. So much so, that they make Solars teeth itch.

    Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): AT Will: Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Invisibility (self only). 1/Day: Heroism. 1/Week: Commune 9can ask 6 questions). Caster level is 6th (12th for Commune).

    Protective Aura (Su): Against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures, this ability provides a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of the Fur Angel, and no nongood summoned creatures can enter the area. This aura can be dispelled, but the Fur Angel can create it again as a free action on its next turn. (The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in an Fur Angel’s statistics block.)

    Combat: Fur Angels rarely enter combat, preferring to remain invisible and buff their master.

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    Manananggal is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Humanoid. Manananggal are a type of Aswang from Filipino folklore, and usually appear as beautiful women. Most stories also portray them as older women, or light skinned with long hair. When night comes the creature smears it's body with a special oil. This causes it to grow enormous, batlike wings, a long tubular tongue (some say it has a sharp point, some don't), and vicious fangs and claws. It's body also separates at the waist, and it must hide it's lower half while it hunts. It uses it's tongue to suck out the entrails of sleeping pregnant women, along with their unborn child. They also are said to feed on the phlegm of the sick and the organs of groomsmen (in some stories the former human women were said to be abandoned at the altar). In some stories they smell awful in their true form.

    Their origin varies from place to place. In one instance the Mananggal is a familial position. The would be monster swallows a black chick, which slowly devours her entrails while keeping her alive, eventually making her a monster. When she eventually grows too weak to feed, she passes the chick from her mouth to that of a relative. In such cases it is said the woman can be cured by hanging her upside down and spinning her until she vomits up the bird. Another story says one can become a Manananggal by rubbing special oils on one's skin while reciting a particular chant, and holding the egg of a black chicken underneath the armpit until it disappears. In some stories it is a genderless being living in the jungles by day, and hunting at night (occasionally making itself resemble a man or woman to lure prey). In others it is a witch practicing black magic.

    They are also called Tik-Tiks or Wakwaks after the sound their wings make (though in some stories this is the name of a vampiric bird servant). They are also said to use the Sigbin as familiars as well.

    Size and Type: Size is unchanged, Type changes to Monstrous Humanoid.

    Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become d8's, unless they are already higher..

    Speed: When undergoing it's Nightly Transformation, the creature gains a Fly speed of 70 (Average) and it's Land speed drops to 10 ft.

    Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +6.

    Attacks: When undergoing it's Nightly Transformation, the base creature gains a Primary Claw Attack, and a Secondary Bite attack (it gets 2 Claws and 1 Bite with a Full Attack). BAB is equal to Hit Dice.

    Damage: The creatures natural attacks do 1d4 damage if Small, 1d6 if Medium and 1d8 if Large.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the base creature, plus gains the following:

    Tongue (Ex): The Manananggal has a long tongue that it uses to feed on sleeping victims while perched on their roof. It can extend 15 feet per round, to a total length of 40 feet. The creature can apparently see through this tongue effectively, as it always seems to know how to get to it's victim. When it attacks it's victim with the tongue (a melee touch attack) the victim gets an Opposed Level Check (1d20 plus 1/2 Hit Dice plus Charisma) to wake up, and another Check each round the Manananggal feeds from it. If the victim awakes, it withdraws it's tongue at a rate of 15 feet per round.

    Devour Life (Ex): Each round the Mananaggal's tongue successfully attacks, the victim takes 1d4 Constitution Drain, and the Manananggal gains 5 temporary hit points.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the base creature, plus gains the following:

    Damage Reduction (Su): The base creature gains DR 10/Magic. This DR doesn't work against daggers, spears made of pointed bamboo or whips made from the tail of a stingray.

    Fast Healing (Ex): The Manananggal heals 5 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point.

    Deceptive Appearance (Su): The Manananggal appears perfectly human(oid) when not transformed, and spells that would normally reveal it's true nature must succeed in an Opposed Caster Level Check to work (the Manananggal's Cater Level is equal to it's Hit Dice for purposes of this ability). Touching any item listed in it's vulnerabilities (except daggers or bright light) automatically reveals the Manananggal.

    Nightly Transformation (Ex): As a Full Round Action the Manananggal splits at the waist, with it's top half becoming a bat winged monster.

    Darkvision 60 ft.


    Vulnerabilities (Ex):Manananggal cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it. Similarly, they recoil from holy water, large crustaceans, onions, raw rice, burning rubber, bright light, salt, vinegar, spices, ash, and the tails of stingrays. These things don’t harm the Manananggal —they merely keep it at bay. A recoiling Manananggal must stay at least 5 feet away from a creature holding the items and cannot touch or make melee attacks against the creature holding the item for the rest of the encounter. Holding a Manananggal at bay takes a standard action.

    Reducing a Manananggal's hit points to 0 or lower incapacitates it but does not kill it. To kill it, you must find it's bottom half after it has undergone it's Nightly Transformation, and rub it with vinegar, garlic, spices, ash or salt. The Manananggal will not be able to rejoin it's two halves, and die when it is touched by sunlight. Optionally you may also hide the lower half, and it will still die if sunlight touches it. The creature will have to hide from the sun until it finds it's lower body or perish.

    Saves: The Manananggal gain a +2 Profane Bonus to all saving throws.

    Abilities: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +4.

    Manananggal have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.

    Manananggal gain Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes, assuming the base creature meets the prerequisites and doesn’t already have these feats.

    Environment: Warm Forest or unchanged.

    Organization: Solitary or Family (2-6)

    Challenge Rating: +2

    Treasure: Unchanged

    Alignment: Usually Chaotic Evil, but can vary

    Advancement: By Character Class, usually Wizard

    Level Adjustment:+6

    Example of creature using template here:

    Lestari (Human Wizard 4, Manananggal)
    Medium Monstrous Humanoid
    Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
    Speed (transformed): 10 ft. (2 squares), Fly 70 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 16
    Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+6
    Attack: Club +6 melee (1d6+2)
    Full Attack: Club +6 melee (1d6+2)
    Attack (transformed): Claw+6 melee (1d6+2)
    Full Attack (transformed): 2 Claws +6 melee (1d6+2) and 1 Bite +1 melee (1d6+1)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Tongue, Devour Life, Spells
    Special Qualities: Cat Familiar, DR 10/Magic, Fast Healing 5, Deceptive Appearance, Nightly Transformation, Darkvision 60 ft., Scent, Vulnerabilities
    Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9
    Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 18
    Skills: Bluff +12, Concentration +8, Craft (any 2) +7, Decipher Script +8, Hide +10, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Local, Religion) +8, Listen +13, Move Silently +10 (+13 with Familiar), Search +11, Snse Motive +11, Spellcraft +8, Spot +13
    Feats: Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Spell Focus (Necromancy), Alertness (B), Combat Reflexes (B), Dodge (B), Improved Initiative (B), Lightning Reflexes (B), Quicken Spell (B), Scribe Scroll (B)
    Challenge Rating: 6
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil

    "There was a young woman in our village named Lestari, which means 'everlasting'. If only we knew what an omen that was. She was beautiful, and would have been married were it not for her auntie Hitam chasing suitors away. Hitam means 'black', and it was fitting as everyone knew Hitam practiced black magic. We should have cast her out years ago, but everyone had used her skills for personal revenge. She knew all our secrets, and none of us dared speak up."

    "That was the way things stayed until the war of independence. Our village got crushed, and even Hitam didn't have enough power to kill all the enemy. She tried anyway, and as she lay dying she called for Lestari. Upon arrival, Lestari began weeping, and kissed her dying auntie. Something crawled up Hitam's throat, and down Lestari's. She's more of a terror now than her auntie ever was. We don't even dare look at her for fear she'll kill us. We didn't come to the city to trade vegetables. We're here to disappear. To fade away and hide behind the masses. At least until she has her revenge and the killing stops. Her auntie took payment for services, but Lestari wants meat. Especially the meat of women in your condition. When you came to the village I knew you'd be dead if I didn't get you out. I need to go out now. Remember to always wear the stingray tails. She can't touch you with them on."

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    Vampire Fruit
    Tiny Undead
    Hit Dice: 1d12 (6 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares)
    Armor Class: 15 (+2 Size, +3 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 15
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-
    Attack: -
    Full Attack: -
    Space/Reach: 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Harbinger of Doom!
    Special Qualities: Blind, Blindsight 30 ft., +2 Turn Resistance, Cold Resistance 5, Fast Healing 2, DR 5/Silver, Mindless, undead traits, vulnerabilities
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
    Abilities: Str 6, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 9
    Skills: Disguise -1 (+7 to pretend to be a fruit), Hide +8, Move Silently +4
    Feats: Ability Focus (Harbinger of Doom!)(B)
    Environment: Any Warm or Temperate Land
    Organization: Solitary or Patch (10-100)
    Challenge Rating: 1/2
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
    Advancement: 2 HD (Small)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    "That's the third Drekavac we've killed this week. Someone go check the garden for vampires."

    The muslim Roma of the Balkans have many vampire legends. Aside from humans, farm animals, farming tools left out in the light of the full moon, squash, pumpkins and watermelon can become vampires. If ground fruit is kept more than ten days, the fruit will begin to 'fight each other', and begin shaking and growling. once a blood-like spot appears (which may be full of small, white worms), the fruit is a vampire. This transformation can also occur if the fruit is left outside in the full moon, or not eaten before Christmas. Some also say it can occur if the fruit is used as a syphon when ripe and dry, and remains unopened for 3 years. Once this transformation occurs, they roll about the farm causing mischief. Vampire fruit cause a lingering malaise, and can attract evil spirits.

    Harbinger of Doom! (Su): A living creature within 30 feet of a Vampire Fruit must succeed a DC 12 Will save or suffer a -2 penalty on all saving throws for the next minute. A creature that succeeds its save is immune to the aura of malaise of that vampire pumpkin for the next 24 hours. Save DC is Wisdom based. If a creature fails this Save three times in a week, it must make a second Saving Throw or become Fatigued for 1 week. If it fails 3 more Saves in this time it becomes Exhausted for a week. Evil beings within this 30 foot aura receive the benefits of a Protection from Good spell, and Evil aligned creatures within one mile can automatically sense a fruits location.

    Blind (Ex): Vampire Fruit are immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.

    Vulnerabilities: To kill a vampire fruit, it must be boiled into pulp, the remains swept up with a broom, and then the broom must be burned.

    Skills: The Vampire Fruit has a +8 Racial Bonus on Disguise Checks meant to pretend to be a normal fruit. They also have a +4 Racial Bonus on Move Silently Checks.

    Combat; Vampire Fruit generally growls a warning, or flees.

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    Spectral Swarm is an Acquired Template that can be added to any Aberration, Animal, Magical Beast, or Vermin Swarm. Spectral Swarms are free roaming magically created guardians. Most outlive their creators and become randomly traveling destroyers, eating all in their path afterwards.

    Size and Type: The base creatures type changes to undead. Do not recalculate the base creatures base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. It gains the Incorporeal Subtype. Size is unchanged.

    Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become d12's, and hit points are recalculated.

    Speed: Spectral Swarms have a Fly Speed of 50, unless the base creature already has a better flight speed, with Perfect maneuverability,.

    Armor Class: Loses Natural Armor Bonus to AC (if any), except against Ethereal opponents.

    Attacks: A Spectral Swarm retains all the attacks of the Base Creature, but those relying on physical contact do not effect creatures that aren't ethereal. BAB is unchanged.

    Damage: Against ethereal creatures, the Spectral Swarm attacks normally. Against non ethereal targets the Spectral Swarm usually cant physically damage them but can use special attacks (see below). When using its Swarm attack it does negative energy damage instead of physical damage against non ethereal targets.

    Special Attacks: A Spectral Swarm retains all the Special Attacks of the base creature, but those relying on physical contact cannot effect non ethereal creatures. The Spectral Swarm also gains the following:

    Consume Swarm (Su): When a Spectral Swarm kills a Swarm of the same type as it's Base Creature (i.e. if a Spectral Spider Swarm kills a Spider Swarm) it adds that Swarms Hit Dice to it's own total 1d4 days later. Each time a new swarm is absorbed increase the Spectral Swarms Area by 5 feet. Remember to increase Swarm Damage as it gains the appropriate amount of Hit Dice.

    Special Qualities: A Spectral Swarm retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature, plus all of the following:

    Dawn Flight (Ex): When the sun rises at dawn, a Spectral Swarm cannot cross over from the Ethereal Plane. Instead of being Incorporeal beings stuck between the Prime and Ethereal, they shift fully into the ethereal and cannot manifest again until nightfall.

    Turn Immunity (Ex): Spectral Swarms are Immune to Turn/Rebuke Undead attempts.

    Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals will not come within 100 ft. of a Spectral Swarm, and Panic if forced to do so (they remain Panicked so long as the Spectral Swarm is within Range).

    Lifesense (Su): Spectral Swarms may automatically sense Living creatures within 100 ft. as thought they had Blindsight. They also automatically know the strength of their life force as if they had cast Deathwatch.

    Saves: Saves remain unchanged except for changes due to new stats.

    Abilities: +4 Dex, +4 Cha (minimum Charisma of 10. If it is below 10, raise it to 10). Spectral Swarms have no Strength or Constitution Score.

    Skills: Spectral Swarms have a +8 Racial Bonus to Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks.

    Feats: Spectral Swarms gain no Bonus Feats.

    Environment: Any, often as Base Creature

    Organization: Unchanged.

    Challenge Rating: +2

    Treasure: Unchanged.

    Alignment: Always Neutral Evil.

    Advancement: Depends on how many Swarms it can Consume (see above).

    Level Adjustment: n/a

    Example of creature using template here:

    "Back in the old days we had locust problems every year. The famines they caused were horrible. Babies died in their cribs, while the cattle died in the fields. It was like the bugs were possessed. Like they wouldn't stop until we all starved to death.

    And one day a man named Alister came to town with his young apprentice. He claimed to be a Wizard, and said for a fee he could fix our problem. We paid him half and the locusts didn't appear the next day. When he came to collect the last half he said he wanted more, or the locusts would come back. We agreed. And then tried to kill him in his sleep. He escaped, his apprentice didn't. Or should I say, his son didn't.

    The town was terrified when he told us who the boy really was. We waited weeks for his revenge. Then months. When it didn't come we hoped he'd moved on. And then the locusts came back. At least we thought they were locusts at first. But they didn't eat crops anymore..."

    The Swarm (Advanced Locust Swarm/Spectral Swarm)
    Diminutive Undead
    Hit Dice: 27d12 (175 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: Fly 50 ft. (10 squares), perfect
    Armor Class: 20 (+4 Size, +6 Dex), touch 20, flat-footed 14
    Base Attack/Grapple: +20/-
    Attack: Swarm (5d6 negative energy damage)
    Full Attack: Swarm (5d6 negative energy damage)
    Space/Reach: 30 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Distraction, Consume Swarm
    Special Qualities: Dark Vision 60 ft., Immune to weapon damage, swarm traits, Dawn Flight, Turn Immunity, Lifesense, Unnatural Aura
    Saves: Fort +15, Ref +16, Will +9
    Abilities: Str -, Dex 25, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10
    Skills: Hide +27, Intimidate +8, Listen +8, Move Silently +8, Search +8, Spot +8
    Feats: ---
    Environment: Temperate Plains
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 13
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Advancement: Varies
    Level Adjustment: --

    Consume Swarm (Su): When a Spectral Swarm kills a Swarm of the same type as it's Base Creature (i.e. if a Spectral Spider Swarm kills a Spider Swarm) it adds that Swarms Hit Dice to it's own total 1d4 days later. Each time a new swarm is absorbed increase the Spectral Swarms Area by 5'.

    Dawn Flight (Ex): When the sun rises at dawn, a Spectral Swarm cannot cross over from the Ethereal Plane. Instead of being Incorporeal beings stuck between the Prime and Ethereal, they shift fully into the ethereal and cannot manifest again until nightfall.

    Distraction (Ex): Any living creature vulnerable to swarm damage within The Swarm's area of effect must make a DC 23 Fortitude Save or be Nauseated 1 round. Using skills that involve patience or concentration require a DC 20 Concentration check. Casting or concentrating on spells requires a Concentration check (DC 20+spell level).

    Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals will not come within 100' of a Spectral Swarm, and Panic if forced to do so (they remain Panicked so long as the Spectral Swarm is within Range).

    Lifesense (Su): Spectral Swarms may automatically sense Living creatures within 100' as thought they had Blindsight. They also automatically know the strength of their life force as if they had cast Deathwatch.

    Combat: The Swarm isn't subtle. It charges the nearest creature and attacks it until it dies. Rinse, Repeat. Given a chance it'll devour everything it can before the sun causes it to retreat.

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    Waraikumo (main form)
    Medium Outsider (Chaos, Evil, Extraplanar, Shapechanger)
    Hit Dice: 16d8+144 (216 hp)
    Initiative: +9
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Climb 30 ft.
    Armor Class: 29 (+9 Dex, +10 Natural), touch 19, flat-footed 20
    Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+20
    Attack: Slapstick +28 melee (1d6+7) or Touch +25 melee touch (1d6+4 plus poison)
    Full Attack: Slapstick +28/+23/+18 melee (1d6+7) or 2 Touches +25 melee touch (1d6+4 plus poison)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Poison, Throw Spider, Split
    Special Qualities: DR 10/Good and Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Telepathy 100 ft., SR 28, Immunities, Carnivorous Healing, Shapechanger
    Saves: Fort +19, Ref +19, Will +14
    Abilities: Str 19, Dex 29, Con 29, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 24
    Skills: Balance +15, Bluff +20, Climb +17, Concentration +20, Diplomacy +20, Disguise +20 (+22 acting), Gather Information +13, Hide +20, Intimidate +19, Jump +20, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Local, Religion, The Planes) +14, Listen +14, Move Silently +20, Perform +20, Search +14, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +16 (+18 scrolls), Spot +14, Tumble +20, Use Magic Device +17 (+19 scrolls)
    Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Unique?
    Challenge Rating: 17
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Advancement: 17+ HD (Medium)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    Waraikumo (swarm form)
    Diminutive Outsider (Chaos, Evil, Extraplanar, Shapechanger)
    Hit Dice: 16d8+144 (216 hp)
    Initiative: +9
    Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Climb 20 ft.
    Armor Class: 29 (+4 Size, +9 Dex, +6 Natural), touch 23, flat-footed 20
    Base Attack/Grapple: +16/-
    Attack: Swarm (4d6 plus Poison)
    Full Attack: Swarm (4d6 plus Poison)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Distraction, Spell-Like Abilities, Poison, Reform
    Special Qualities: DR 10/Good and Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Telepathy 100 ft., SR 28, Immunities, Carnivorous Healing, Immune to Weapon Damage, Swarm traits
    Saves: Fort +19, Ref +19, Will +14
    Abilities: Str 3, Dex 29, Con 29, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 24
    Skills: Hide +32

    Diminutive Outsider (Chaos, Evil, Extraplanar, Shapechanger)
    Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp)
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Climb 20 ft.
    Armor Class: 16 (+4 Size, +2 Dex), touch 16, flat-footed 14
    Base Attack/Grapple: +2/-14
    Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d3-4) plus Poison)
    Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d3-4) plus Poison)
    Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Poison
    Special Qualities: DR 5/Good and Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Telepathy 100 ft., Immunities, Carnivorous Healing
    Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3
    Abilities: Str 3, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 11
    Skills: Climb +10, Hide +14, Jump +10, Listen +5, Move Silently +7, Search +2, Spot +5, Tumble +7
    Feats: Weapon Finesse

    "You are correct when you say I do not care for the Italians. When we signed the Treaty of Commerce and Friendship with them in 1866, a delegation was sent to their country to work out further details. I was with them, as a bodyguard. They held quite the decadent celebration for us, and we were both delighted and appalled at all we beheld. Particularly the strange comedic plays they performed, so unlike our own kyogen. I couldn't follow them between the language barrier and cultural differences. I gathered from a translator that it was the story of a servant named Harlequin, and his rival Pierrot. Apparently this Harlequin had some sort of magical ability to influence the world around him, which he used to pursue women and work various mischief. I found these plays, and everything else about the country tiresome."

    "And then Hiroshi, the head of the delegation, disappeared. We last saw him inquiring about meeting the actor who played the Harlequin. When he hadn't been found after a swift search, we asked the theatre owner for the actors address. We didn't find Hiroshi, but we found Hanzo, his personal guard. Or more accurately, we found what was left of him. The local men looked dismayed, but not surprised. I knew they realized what had happened, but fear kept them silent. Our government was offered much silver as an apology, and a promise that if the Harlequin was caught, he would be turned over to us for justice."

    "It was an obvious lie meant to soothe us. The local Omawarisan did not inspire faith in their abilities. I received permission to stay behind, and a modest stipend to finance me. I threw myself into research about the Italian theatre, and it's current actors. The trickster Harlequin was based on a much older French character named Hellequin, who was a servant of demons. The more I looked into the plays past, the more the truth became evident. Much like the truth behind our own legends of the Jorogumo, that truth was unpalatable. The actor was a man named Ragno, and it was disputed that he was even a man. A master of his craft, some said the actor had privately portrayed a woman well enough to fool a local noble into becoming his husband. At first I simply put this down to spurious rumor, but that was not the truth. Ragno was neither a man, nor a woman, but able to appear as both. It was a Demon who moved from life to life, leaving corpses in it's wake. It appeared as loved ones, and even pets to fool others into giving it shelter. Always hiding from something that locals implied to me was worse. Once it knew of me, it appeared to me as Hanzo, mocking me for failing to prevent his death. Not that I could have known his death was coming. I went home a failure again, unable to avenge Hiroshi and Hanzo. And i will never return to Italy. It is a land of demons, and the locals capitulate to them. Perhaps they have been given no choice. But i have a choice. And I choose not to see the Laughing Spider a second time."

    "Ojisan, we live in Okayama. There's a spider yokai on every street corner."


    "The vendor you buy ice cream from is a spider woman."

    "Well (beep)."

    The Waraikumo's true name is unknown. Patchy historical regards suggest it was once the servant or rival of another powerful demon. It is known to be hiding from something it often refers to as 'Pierrot'. It often hides in plain sight as a theater actor, but more often insinuates itself into households via it's ability to shapeshift. While in some cases it has been theorized to care for some of the lives it encounters, in practice it brings ruin to most of them. While it's main form is a man in a checkered suit and black mask, the Waraikumo is actually a swarm of spiders sharing a single mind.

    Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At Will: Animate Objects, Briar Web (Spell Compendium), Grease, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), Locate Object, Mislead, and Polymorph Any Object. Caster level 16th. The save DCs are Charisma-based

    Poison (Su): Injury, DC 27 Fortitude Save (DC 13 for Spider, Save DC is Constitution based), Initial and Secondary damage is 1d6 Con (1d3 Con for Spider).

    Throw Spider (Su): As a Standard Action the Waraikumo can separate a Spider from it's mass, and throw it out to a range of 60 feet. It takes 2d4 damage when it does this, but regains those lost hit points when the Spider rejoins the main body (which it may do as a Swift Action). It may only do this while in it''s main form.

    Split/Reform (Su): As a Move Action the Waraikumo can split into it's Swarm form, or regroup into it's Main form.

    Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that begins its turn with a swarm in its space must succeed on a DC 27 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.

    Immunities: The Waraikumo is imune to Paralysis, Petrification and Polymorph.

    Carnivorous Healing (Su): When using it's Touch attack in it's main form (or it's swarm attack in it's swarm form, or it's bite attack as an individual spider) the Waraikumo heals one point of damage for each point of damage it's attack does.

    Shapechanger (Su): The Waraikumo can assume any animal or humanoid form of Medium size or smaller as a standard action three times per day. The Waraikumo can remain in its animal or humanoid form until it chooses to assume a new one or return to its natural form. This works like the Alternate Form ability, except the Waraikumo retains it's physical ability scores.

    Skills: The Laughing Spider has a +8 racial bonus on Climb and Jump checks. The Laughing Spider can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. The Laughing Spider uses either it's Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb and Jump checks, whichever is higher.

    Combat: The Waraikumo will often fight below it's true power in order to mask what it truly is (more for it's own amusement than protection, but there is clearly something it doesn't want to find it). It will duel individuals with it's wooden sword before capering away, unless they remain persistent, or it perceives them as being capable of being a threat. AT that point, all bets are offf, and it will do whatever is necessary to destroy it's opponent.

    The Slapstick
    The Slapstick appears variously as a wooden sword or club, and is a +3 club effectively. It also has the ability to modify reality, if you can figure out how to use it. This requires a DC 25 Use Magic Device (see Use Magic Device "Activate Blindly' in the PHB). Each time you successfully use the Slapstick, the Check DC lowers by 5, and disappears altogether once it lowers to DC 10. If it is successfully activated, the wielder can cast Wish once per day (this does not require the XP cost, nor may it be used to grant Inherent Bonuses to ability scores). Caster Level is equal to the wielders Hit Dice. If you fail the Use Magic Device Check by 10 or more, you are subjected to a Disintegrate spell (Caster Level 17th).

    The Slapstick
    The Slapstick appears variously as a wooden sword or club, and is a +3 club effectively. It also has the ability to modify reality, if you can figure out how to use it. Once attuned, you can use it as a magic weapon, but you must make a DC 20 Charisma Check. Each time you succeed in this check, the DC drops by 5, going away altogether when it reaches DC 10. If it is successfully activated, the wielder can cast Wish once per day. If you fail the Charisma Check by 10 or more, you are subjected to a Disintegrate spell (Save DC 17). The Waraikumo can use this ability without taking Stress (see the Wish spell).
    Last edited by Bhu; 2022-10-16 at 03:40 PM.
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  18. - Top - End - #198
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Fur Angel
    Let me tell you, this one's the creepiest of the whole lot (a monkey cat playing dress-up? [Shudders]).

    Level Adjustment: --- (Improved Familiar)
    What level does it become available at? I can't find where that's specified.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post


    Deceptive Appearance (Su): The Manananggal appears perfectly human(oid) when not transformed, and spells that would normally reveal it's true nature must succeed in an Opposed Caster Level Check to work. Touching any item listed in it's vulnerabilities (except daggers or bright light) automatically reveals the Manananggal.
    The thing doesn't have a native CL or SR and no DC is specified for the CL check. (On an unrelated note, any chance the EVIL birdy'll get stats of its own?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Vampire Fruit
    Heh. I've always liked these. Nice to see them written up.

    Feats: Ability Focus (Harbinger of Doom!)
    That should be marked as B: this thing is mindless.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Waraikumo (main form)


    Skills: Bluff +20, Climb +17, Concentration +20, Diplomacy +20, Disguise +20, Hide +20, Intimidate +17, Jump +20, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Local, Religion, The Planes) +14, Listen +14, Move Silently +20, Perform +20, Search +14, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +14, Spot +14, Tumble +20, Use Magic Device +17
    It seems to have 20 missing skill points (after accounting for synergies).



    Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d3-3 plus Poison)
    Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d3-3 plus Poison)
    Damage should be 1d3-4 (from STR 3).

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    I has made appropriate edits. I'll do the Manananggal's companion as soon as I can study it. It has worse coherency than the Manananggal when it comes to having a clear definition.
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Corporeal Spirits are beings who have refused to accept their death and continue on as undead. Trapped on the Ethereal Plane, they come to the Prime Material Plane when blood is spilled on their grave, or when certain events transpire related to their life. For example, if they were a famous fighter, they may return if someone attempts to tarnish their reputation. Above all Corporeal Spirits are great liars. They even lie to themselves in an attempt to convince themselves they're still alive. Corporeal Spirits say they are just victims of a curse for example. This unshakable belief is thought by some to be the source of their power. That and the blood they feast on to maintain their semblance of life. They don't need much blood to maintain themselves, and can gain what they need by simply ripping someone open and letting their victim spray them (it's absorbed through their skin). Most Corporeal Spirits are greedy though, and will cause more damage than is necessary, as the act of feeding reveals that they are dead (driving them into a rage).


    Corporeal Spirit is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Aberration, Animal, Dragon, Giant, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid or Plant.

    Size and Type: The base creatures type changes to undead. Do not recalculate the base creatures base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

    Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become d12's.

    Speed: Speed and movement remains unchanged. The Corporeal Spirit gains a Flight Speed of 50 (Perfect) unless it already has better).

    Armor Class: Natural Armor is the same as the Base Creatures plus its Charisma bonus (minimum of +1).

    Attacks: A Corporeal Spirit retains all the attacks of the Base Creature, but those relying on physical contact do not effect creatures that aren't ethereal (unless it has manifested). The Base Creature gains a Bite attack if it does not have one already. Damage depends on the Corporeal Spirits size (Fine: 1 point, Diminutive: 1d2, Tiny: 1d3, Small: 1d4, Medium: 1d6, Large: 1d8, Huge: 2d6, Gargantuan: 3d6, Colossal: 4d6). This bite attack cannot be used while the Corporeal Spirit is maintaining it's Lifelike Appearance (see below).

    Damage: Against ethereal creatures, the Corporeal Spirit attacks normally. Against non ethereal targets the Corporeal Spirit usually cant physically damage them but can use special attacks (unless it has manifested).

    Special Attacks: A Corporeal Spirit retains all the Special Attacks of the base creature, but those relying on physical contact cannot effect non ethereal creatures (unless it has manifested). The Corporeal Spirit also gains the Corporeal Manifestation Ability, and 3 others from the following list. The Save DC against a Special Attack is 10 plus half hit dice plus Charisma modifier unless otherwise stated.

    Corporeal Manifestation (Su): A Corporeal Spirit can emerge from the Ethereal Plane when blood is spilled on it's physical remains, or during certain circumstances related to it's life decided by the DM. It manifests as a physical being temporarily losing it's Incorporeal Subtype. If destroyed it returns to the Ethereal Plane until it can find a way through again.

    Ghost's Curse (Su): You may cast Bestow Curse at will as a Supernatural ability. Anyone 'slaying' (i.e. temporarily ending your existence without permanently getting rid of you) a Corporeal Spirit is automatically subjected to this ability and receives no Save.

    Numbing Touch (Su): Your touch is cold and numbs the body of your victims. If a Corporeal Spirit successfully Grapples a victim that victim must make a Fortitude Save or become Paralyzed until the Corporeal Spirit releases it's hold.

    Slay Memory (Su): The Corporeal Spirit may psychically assault victims to erase their memories. As a Full Round Action it may choose 1 opponent within 30 feet, and that victim must make a Willpower Save or lose all memory of the past 24 hours. Only Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil, Miracle, Wish, or a similar spell will restore the lost memories.

    Strike Dumb (Su): The Corporeal Spirit may psychically assault victims to render them speechless. As a Full Round Action it may choose 1 opponent within 30 feet, and that victim must make a Willpower Save or be rendered incapable of revealing anything it knows about the Corporeal Spirit, as well as being mute. Only Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil, Miracle, Wish, or a similar spell will restore the lost memories.

    Terrifying Appearance (Su): If your Lifelike Appearance is lost, any living creature within 30 feet seeing your true appearance must make a Willpower Save or become Panicked for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per point of your Charisma modifier. If they make their save successfully, they are immune to the Terrifying Appearance of this Corporeal Spirit for 24 hours.

    Bestial Rage (Su): If your Lifelike Appearance is lost you go into a berserker frenzy attacking every living creature you can detect until everything is dead. This state is identical to the Barbarian Rage ability listed on page 25 of the PHB, except you also temporarily grow long claws which you can use as Secondary natural weapons. Damage depends on the Corporeal Spirits size (Fine: -, Diminutive: 1 point, Tiny: 1d2, Small: 1d3, Medium: 1d4, Large: 1d6, Huge: 1d8, Gargantuan: 2d6, Colossal: 3d6).

    Special Qualities: A Corporeal Spirit has all the Special Qualities of the Base Creature plus Blood Drinking, Rejuvenation, Turn Immunity, Unnatural Aura, Lifesense, Lifelike Appearance, and 1 other from the following list:

    Blood Drinking (Ex): A Corporeal Spirit must consume the blood of living creatures to maintain it's ties to the material plane. After 2 weeks without blood the Corporeal Spirit cannot maintain it's lifelike appearance. After that it must make a DC 15 Fortitude Save each day it goes without food or return to the Ethereal Plane. The save DC gains a cumulative +1 each day until the Corporeal Spirit fails. The amount of blood consumed is immaterial so long as some is drank each day, however most Corporeal Spirits feel compelled to gorge, often revealing themselves in the process. A successful Bite attack is usually sufficient to feed.

    Rejuvenation (Su): This is the same as the regular Ghosts ability listed on page 118 of the Monster Manual.

    Turn Immunity (Ex): You are Immune to Turn/Rebuke Undead attempts.

    Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals will not come within 30 feet of a Corporeal Spirit, and Panic if forced to do so (they remain Panicked so long as the Corporeal Spirit is within Range).

    Lifesense (Su): Corporeal Spirits may automatically sense Living creatures within 100 feet as thought they had Blindsight. They also automatically know the strength of their life force as if they had cast Deathwatch.

    Lifelike Appearance (Su): When manifested corporeal spirits appear to be alive and healthy. They are warm to the touch, and even appear to breathe. But this is illusion. Anyone who suspects them can make a Willpower Save ( DC is 10 plus half hit dice plus Charisma modifier) to see through it. In which case they see the Corporeal Spirit as he was when he died, with pale skin, and their eyes long gone. The Corporeal Spirit cannot maintain this facade if it has been more than 2 weeks without feeding, or on Hallowed ground. If a Corporeal Spirit has fed within the last hour it's Lifelike Appearance cannot be seen through, and it can even sire children (said Progeny have the Half Ghost Template). After that hour it may be seen though as normal. Spells that would detect it's undead nature or health or alignment do not work upon it well. The Corporeal Spirit gets a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus spell level plus appropriate attribute modifier) to control what information its opponent receives. This does not work if the Corporeal Spirit has lost it's Lifelike Appearance.

    Iron Skin: The Corporeal Spirit has Damage Reduction 10/Magic.

    The Blood is the Life (Su): For 1 hour after feeding all rolls made by the Corporeal Spirit are at +2.

    Spell Resistance (Ex): The Corporeal Spirit gains Spell Resistance equal to 10 plus half its hit Dice plus its Charisma modifier.

    Unnatural Vitality (Ex): The Corporeal Spirit may add its Charisma modifier to it's hit points instead of it's now nonexistent Constitution score.

    Saves: Unchanged

    Abilities: +8 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +4 Cha. Corporeal Spirits have no Constitution Score.

    Skills: Corporeal Spirits have a +8 Racial Bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Listen, and Spot checks.

    Feats: Corporeal Spirits get 1 Ghost Feat as a Bonus Feat (Ghost Feats will be detailed soon)

    Environment: Any, usually same as Base Creature.

    Organization: Same as Base Creature, usually Solitary now.

    Challenge Rating: +2

    Treasure: Unchanged

    Alignment: Unchanged, but many tend towards evil because of their feeding requirements.

    Advancement: As Base Creature

    Level Adjustment: +7

    Example of creature using template here:

    "No one has ever liked the house at the end of Salem Street. It's old, and run down, and even a little disturbing to look at. Strange cries have been heard from it at night, and many of the people in neighboring houses have long since left. In it lives the Old Man. No one remembers his name, and he was considered old during your fathers time. You recall the first time you saw him as a child. You knew something about him was wrong. Animals fled from him, and even the flies that swarmed in the summertime didn't bother him. His eyes were strange. Terrifying. Like the eyes of someone who has looked into Hell, and found it wanting. His smile made you want to vomit.

    Recently the Guild that adopted you decided to raid his house. The supposition was that he must have had a great deal of money to survive without working all this time. You even sent a low level Mage in, just in case. Some of the more superstitious members thought he might be a Mage himself due to his longevity. It's been 3 weeks. They haven't come back. Other Guild members have been found daily, drained of blood with their backs broken, hanging from the towns lamp posts. You are one of the few left, and in desperation you have turned yourself in to the Order of Saint Cuthbert. In return for swearing off a life of crime, and devoting yourself to the Church, they will help you rid the world of what you believe is some sort of monster. You can only hope the priest they sent with you is able to help. He looks young. Too eager to prove himself.

    And then the Old Man steps out into the street. Even the driving wind and rain from the summer storms don't seem to touch him. He smiles. A mouth full of razors. And you think for the second time today: I am going to die tonight."

    The Old Man (Male Human, apparent age undeterminable (but very old), Hexblade 11/Corporeal Spirit)
    Medium Undead
    Hit Dice: 11d12 (71 hp)
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Fly 50 ft (good)
    Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14
    Armor Class Raging : 13 (-2 Rage, +1 Dex, +4 Natural), touch 9, flat-footed 12
    Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+15
    Attack: Bite +15 melee (1d6+4) or Grapple +15 or weapon +15
    Bite +17 melee (1d6+6) or Grapple +17 or weapon +17when raging
    Full Attack: 1 Bite +15 melee (1d6+4) or Grapple +15 or weapon +15/+9
    1 Bite +17 melee (1d6+4) and 2 Claws +12 melee (1d4+3) or Grapple +17 or weapon +17/+12 when Raging
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Corporeal Manifestation, Ghosts Curse, Numbing Touch, Bestial Rage, Greater Hexblades Curse 3/day, Spells
    Special Qualities: Blood Drinking, Rejuvenation, Turn Immunity, Unnatural Aura, Lifesense, Lifelike Appearance, DR 10/Magic, Mettle, Arcane Resistance
    Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +11 (+13 Raging)
    Abilities: Str 18 (22 Raging), Dex 12, Con -, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 19
    Skills: Bluff +19, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +19, Intimidate +19, Knowledge Arcana +8, Listen +11, Spellcraft +8, Spot +11
    Feats: Combat Casting (B), Spell Focus (Necromancy) (B), Ability Focus (Hexblades Curse), Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Dodge, Empowered Ghosts Curse (B)
    Challenge Rating: 13
    Treasure: See below
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Level Adjustment: +5

    Spells Known: 1st (DC 15, 2/day): Charm Person, Disguise Self, Karmic Aura, Reaving Aura
    2nd (DC 16, 2/day):Karmic Backlash, Blindness/Deafness
    3rd (DC 17, 1/day): Hound of Doom, Vampiric Touch

    Corporeal Manifestation (Su): The Old Man can emerge from the Ethereal Plane when blood is spilled on his physical remains, or if someone enters his house. He manifests as a physical being temporarily losing it's Incorporeal Subtype. If destroyed he returns to the Ethereal Plane until he can find a way through again.

    Ghost's Curse (Su): The Old Man may cast Bestow Curse (DC 19) at will as a Supernatural ability. Anyone 'slaying' (i.e. temporarily ending his existence without permanently getting rid of him)the Old Man is automatically subjected to this ability and receives no Save.

    Numbing Touch (Su): The Old Man's touch is cold and numbs the body of his victims. If he successfully Grapples a victim, that victim must make a DC 19 Fortitude Save or become Paralyzed until the Old Man releases ihis hold.

    Bestial Rage (Su): If his Lifelike Appearance is lost the Old Man goes into a berserker frenzy attacking every living creature he can detect until everything is dead. This state is identical to the Barbarian Rage ability listed on page 25 of the PHB, except he also temporarily grows long claws which he can use as Secondary natural weapons. Damage is 1d4.

    Blood Drinking (Ex): The Old Man must consume the blood of living creatures to maintain his ties to the material plane. After 2 weeks without blood he cannot maintain his lifelike appearance. After that he must make a DC 15 Fortitude Save each day he goes without food or return to the Ethereal Plane. The save DC gains a cumulative +1 each day until he fails. The amount of blood consumed is immaterial so long as some is drank each day.

    Rejuvenation (Su): This is the same as the regular Ghosts ability listed on page 118 of the Monster Manual. To permanently end the Old Man he must be shown proof of his demise, and be compelled to accept it.

    Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals will not come within 30' of the Old Man , and Panic if forced to do so (they remain Panicked so long as the Old Man is within Range).

    Lifesense (Su): The Old Man may automatically sense Living creatures within 100' as though he had Blindsight. He also automatically knows the strength of their life force as if he had cast Deathwatch.

    Lifelike Appearance (Su): When manifested corporeal spirits appear to be alive and healthy. They are warm to the touch, and even appear to breathe. But this is illusion. Anyone who suspects them can make a Willpower Save ( DC 19 for the Old Man) to see through it. In which case they see the Corporeal Spirit as he was when he died, with pale skin, and their eyes long gone. The Corporeal Spirit cannot maintain this facade if it has been more than 2 weeks without feeding, or on Hallowed ground. If a Corporeal Spirit has fed within the last hour it's Lifelike Appearance cannot be seen through, and it can even sire children (said Progeny have the Half Ghost Template). After that hour it may be seen though as normal. Spells that would detect it's undead nature or health or alignment do not work upon it well. The Corporeal Spirit gets a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus spell level plus appropriate attribute modifier) to control what information its opponent receives. This does not work if the Corporeal Spirit has lost it's Lifelike Appearance.

    Mettle: If the Old Man makes a successful Will or Fortitude Save against an attack that would normally have a lesser effect on a successful Save, he instead completely negates the effect.

    Arcane Resistance: The Old Man gets a +4 bonus to saving throws against spells and spell like abilities.

    Hexblades Curse: 3 times per day the Old Man may curse a visible target within 60'. The target must make a DC 21 Willpower Save or take a -4 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for 1 hour.

    The Old Man died peacefully in his sleep, but his spirit refused to accept it. he still has all the appropriate equipment for an 11th level PC, and all the money he's stolen from his victims.

    Combat: The Old Man usually uses his Hexblade's Curse, Ghost's Curse, and spells to soften up opponents from afar, before Grappling them and strangling them to death. After that he rips them apart to get to their blood.

    Berserkers were ill tempered men of a martial bent in life. Their temper has only grown worse in death, particularly when they are confronted with the reality of their own demise.

    Hexen were usually mildly talented casters, on the verge of finally gaining access to real power before coming to a brutal and premature end. Now they seek a way to regain the path they lost when dying.
    Last edited by Bhu; 2022-10-17 at 10:31 PM.
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  21. - Top - End - #201
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Spectral Vermin are monstrous vermin turned into undead monstrosities by powerful spellcasters through unholy rituals. They usually outlive their creators, killing and devouring anything that enters their territory. For each 10 Hit Dice of living creature they destroy they gain 1 Hit Die permanently. Theoretically there is no upper limit to the size (and number of hit dice) they can gain.


    Spectral Vermin is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Vermin Size Class Medium or larger.

    Size and Type: The base creatures type changes to undead. Do not recalculate the base creatures base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. It gains the Incorporeal Subtype. Size is unchanged.

    Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become d12's.

    Speed: Base movement speeds are lost and a Flight speed equal to (base land speed + 20 feet) is gained\, maneuverability is Perfect.

    Armor Class: The Base Creature loses it's Natural Armor Bonus but gains a Deflection Bonus of equal value (or it's Charisma bonus, whichever is higher).

    Attacks: A Spectral Vermin retains all the attacks of the Base Creature, but they become incorporeal touch attacks.

    Damage: The damage of the Spectral Vermin's regular attacks is now negative energy damage instead of physical, and no longer adds it's Strength modifier for damage.

    Special Attacks: Retains all of the Special Attacks of the Base Creature in a slightly different form (if they are mentioned below), and gains Energy Drain, and Terrifying Appearance. Saves for all Special Attacks are 10 plus half hit dice plus Charisma modifier.

    Energy Drain (Su): Each time an opponent is hit by the Spectral Vermin's incorporeal touch attack it must make a Fortitude Save or gain 2 Negative levels. For each such negative level bestowed the Spectral Vermin gains 5 temporary hit points.

    Terrifying Appearance (Su): Any living being within 60 ft. of the Spectral Vermin must make a Fortitude Save or take 1d4 points of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution damage. If the save is made successfully, the opponent is immune to this particular Spectral Vermin's Terrifying Appearance for 24 hours.

    Energy Spray (Su): If the base creature has an acidic spray attack, it gains Energy Spray. The size and damage are the same, but damage is now negative energy damage instead of acid.

    Death Attack (Su): If the Base Creature has a poisonous attack, it gains the Death Attack (so called because it appears to kill its opponent). If the Spectral Vermin successfully hits with the formerly poisonous attack the opponent must make a Fortitude Save or be paralyzed permanently. Any spell/effect that removes curses or Remove Paralysis will cure this condition. A DC 20 Spot check or a DC 15 Heal check will reveal the victim is still alive.

    Spectral Web (Su): If the Base Creature has a Web attack, it gains the Spectral Web attack. When thrown, instead of entangling the opponent, the opponent must make a Fortitude Save or lose 1d6 Dexterity (after which the web fades). The web may be thrown at will, not just 8 times per day.

    Please note I only looked at Vermin in the Monster Manual. Will add other Special Attacks as they become requested.

    Special Qualities: Retains all the Special Qualities of the Base Creature, and gains Turn Immunity, Unnatural Aura, Lifesense, and Sunlight Powerlessness.

    Turn Immunity (Ex): You are Immune to Turn/Rebuke Undead attempts.

    Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals will not come within 100 feet of a Spectral Vermin, and Panic if forced to do so (they remain Panicked so long as the Spectral Vermin is within Range).

    Lifesense (Su): Spectral Vermin may automatically sense Living creatures within 100 feet as though they had Blindsight. They also automatically know the strength of their life force as if they had cast Deathwatch.

    Sunlight Powerlessness: Spectral Vermin are powerless in natural sunlight and cannot move or attack while in it. They will not willingly enter sunlight, and flee from it given the chance.

    Saves: Spectral Vermin receive a +4 Racial Bonus on Willpower Saves

    Abilities: +4 Dex, Int becomes 4 (Spectral Vermin is still immune to mind affecting effects), +4 Wis, +10 Cha. Spectral Vermin have no Strength or Constitution score.

    Skills: Spectral Vermin gain a +8 Racial Bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks.

    Feats: The Base Creature gains 1 Ghost Feat.

    Environment: Any, usually same as base Creature

    Organization: Solitary

    Challenge Rating: +3

    Treasure: Standard. More depending on age and power.

    Alignment: Always Neutral Evil

    Advancement: As Base Creature, but there is no maximum size or Hit Die limit (see above).

    Level Adjustment: ---

    "There used to be a Wizard up on Black Peak. Built his spire right out of the mountain. It had no doors, and the only openings were where, and when, he wanted one to appear. We always assumed there was a way in somewhere in the mountain caves, but he always got in by magic that we saw.

    When he started calling things down from the sky, the towns mayor decided he needed to go. Not that we could really do anything, so we puttered around the mountains roots looking in the caves. And wouldn't you know we did find one that led into the mountain. As black a pit as I've ever seen. Crawling with spiders and vermin. We lost a lot of men just finding the cave, let alone cleaning it out.

    He knew what we were up to of course. He had something waiting for us as we hacked and burned our way to his sanctuary. We lost everyone. Everyone but me, coward that I was. I had run screaming while they fought and died. It got the Wizard too in the end. It's up there now. Still. Waiting for anything that comes it's way. And if the Gods are with us it'll stay in that damned mountain, and never come out."

    The Spider of Black Peak (Advanced Gargantuan Monstrous Spider/Spectral Vermin)
    Gargantuan Undead
    Hit Dice: 20d12 (130 hp)
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: Fly 50 ft. (10 squares), Perfect
    Armor Class: 21 (-4 Size, +5 Dex, +10 Deflection), touch 21, flat-footed 16
    Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+34
    Attack: Bite +16 melee touch (2d8 negative energy plus death attack plus energy drain)
    Full Attack: Bite +16 melee touch (2d8 negative energy plus death attack plus energy drain)
    Space/Reach: 20 ft./15 ft.
    Special Attacks: Energy Drain, Terrifying Appearance, Death Bite, Spectral Web
    Special Qualities: Turn Immunity, Unnatural Aura, Lifesense, Sunlight Powerlessness, Dark Vision 60 ft., Tremor Sense 60 ft.
    Saves: Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +12
    Abilities: Str -, Dex 21, Con -, Int 4, Wis 14, Cha 12
    Skills: Hide +10 (+18 when using webs), Listen +10, Move Silently +20 (+28 when using webs), Search +6, Spot +15
    Feats: Positive Energy Resistance (B)
    Environment: The Black Peak
    Challenge Rating: 12
    Treasure: See below
    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Level Adjustment: ---

    Energy Drain (Su): Each time an opponent is hit by the Spiders incorporeal touch attack it must make a DC 21 Fortitude Save or gain 2 Negative levels. For each such negative level bestowed the Spider gains 5 temporary hit points.

    Terrifying Appearance (Su): Any living being within 60' of the Spider must make a DC 21 Fortitude Save or take 1d4 points of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution damage. If the save is made successfully, the opponent is immune to the Spiders Terrifying Appearance for 24 hours.

    Death Attack (Su): If the Spider successfully hits with it's Bite attack the opponent must make a DC 21 Fortitude Save or be paralyzed permanently. Any spell/effect that removes curses or Remove Paralysis will cure this condition. A DC 20 Spot check or a DC 15 Heal check will reveal the victim is still alive.

    Spectral Web (Su): If the Base Creature has a Web attack, it gains the Spectral Web attack. When thrown, instead of entangling the opponent, the opponent must make a DC 21 Fortitude Save or lose 1d6 Dexterity (after which the web fades). The web may be thrown at will, not just 8 times per day.

    Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals will not come within 100' of the Spider, and Panic if forced to do so (they remain Panicked so long as the Spider is within Range).

    Lifesense (Su): The Spider may automatically sense Living creatures within 100' as though it had Blindsight. It also automatically know the strength of their life force as if it had cast Deathwatch.

    Sunlight Powerlessness: The Spider is powerless in natural sunlight and cannot move or attack while in it. It will not willingly enter sunlight, and flee from it given the chance.

    Combat: The Spider of Black Peak usually softens up its enemies with it's Spectral Webs, and then moves into to finish them off with it's bite attack.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Black Fly Swarm
    Fine Outsider (Extraplanar, Lawful, Evil)
    Hit Dice: 12d8+12 (66 hp)
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: Fly 30 ft. (6 squares), Good
    Armor Class: 23 (+8 Size, +5 Dex), touch 23, flat-footed 18
    Base Attack/Grapple: +12/-
    Attack: Swarm (3d6 plus disease)
    Full Attack: Swarm (3d6 plus disease
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Distraction, Panic, Waken the Dead, Dark Magic
    Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 10/Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Weapon Damage, Low Light Vision, Swarm Traits, Immunities (Fire, Poison, Disease)
    Saves: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +11
    Abilities: Str 1, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 12
    Skills: Hide +28, Listen +8, Knowledge (Arcana, Religion, The Planes) +4, Intimidate +9, Search +3, Spot +8
    Feats: Ability Focus (Diseased Bite, Panic), Great Fortitude, Hover, Iron Will
    Environment: Any, usually the 9 Hells of Baator
    Organization: Solitary, Scourge (2-4), Blight (5-8)
    Challenge Rating: 8
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always Lawful Evil
    Advancement: None
    Level Adjustment: ---

    "Flies are more than just biting vermin Jericho. Their origin is in a place darker than this world. The day we found your mother dead in the field it was swarming with flies, but noticeably not one was touching her. The day we were forced to put her in the ground a second time they were not so choosy."

    Black Flies are the swarms that abide in the 9 Hells, and are rarely seen elsewhere unless summoned (via Summon Monster IX) or sent for a purpose. They are often used to torment the opponents of Devilish cults. The Flies are also an incredible nuisance, poisoning the land, waking the dead, and increasing evils power in general. Sightings of swarms is often a sign that bad things are afoot, such as an open Gate or a possession. They understand Common and Infernal, but cannot speak either.

    Distraction (Ex): Any opponent that begins its turn within a swarm of Black Flies must make a DC 17 Fortitude Save or be Nauseated for 1 round. Save DC is Constitution Based.

    Diseased Bite (Ex): Any opponent damaged by the swarms Swarm attack must make a DC 19 Fortitude Save or contract Devil Chills (see DMG page 292, Save DC is Constitution based).

    Panic (Su): Any opponent that begins it's turn within a swarm of Black Flies must make a DC 19 Willpower Save or be Panicked for 1 round. Save DC is Charisma based, if the opponents Save is successful he is immune to this Black Fly Swarms Panic ability for 24 hours.

    Waken the Dead (Su): Any corpse touched by the swarm or within it's area animates as per the Animate Dead spell. However the undead aren't controlled by the Swarm (although they will not attack it), and there is no limit to how many Undead they can animate. This ability is continuous and requires no action on the part of the swarm.

    Dark Magic (Su): All spells or spell like abilities from the Necromancy school or that have the Evil descriptor have their Save DC increased +4 while cast within 30 ft. of a swarm of Black Flies (unless the spell is being cast on the swarm).

    Combat: Black Flies pretty much attack the way all swarms do, by swarming. Despite their slightly higher Intelligence they still aren't very tactical.

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  23. - Top - End - #203
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Perrault's Crow
    Huge Aberration
    Hit Dice: 18d8+90 (171 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), Fly 120 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 20 (-2 Size, +2 Dex, +10 Natural), touch 10, flat-footed 18
    Base Attack/Grapple: +13/+29
    Attack: Bite +19 melee (3d6+8)
    Full Attack: 1 Bite +19 melee (3d6+8) and 2 Claws +17 melee (2d8+4) and 2 Lesser Claws +17 melee (1d8+4)
    Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
    Special Attacks: Frightful Presence
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 120 ft., Second Sight, DR 10/Magic, SR 20
    Saves: Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +12
    Abilities: Str 26, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 14
    Skills: Climb +8, Listen +8, Search +4, Spot +8, Survival +4
    Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Improved Snatch, Multiattack, SKill FOcus (Search), Snatch
    Environment: Temperate Forests
    Organization: Unique
    Challenge Rating: 9
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Neutral
    Advancement: 15+ HD (Huge)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    "Listen closely, I'll only be drunk enough to ever tell this story once. There's a reason we avoid the Sonian Forest at certain times of the year. At one time a man named Jean Perrault lived in a small pavillon hidden there. He was an odd man. Never attended Church or any other social function. He only came to the village for parcels and supplies. God alone knows where half the things he ordered came from. Some of them stank, or were marked hazardous. When he went on his frequent trips, he would return with strange devices, and even stranger books. People began to whisper that he was into the occult. Probably because he was."

    "His other singular obsession was a crow. It was an odd crow. Piebald, with milky eyes. You could always see it somewhere, staring. We all thought it was blind, yet somehow it kept on living. We assumed Perrault fed it, but no one knew how it could get about without hitting anything. The townsfolk started referring to it as Perrault's familiar. If we only knew the truth."

    "Eventually his odd behavior exceeded our tolerance. I was a boy of 14 at the time. A mob had formed to oust him, and my father took me along because he wanted me to 'learn what it was to be a man.' Apparently being a man meant joining a lynching party that was frothing at the mouth in fear, and destined to spiral out of control. Even as a boy I could see what was coming. At least i thought I could. It erupted into violence as expected, but Perrault, wily rogue that he was, had a surprise for us. Four men died before we even got to his house. He'd trapped the path leading to it. The door was open when we got there. Perrault was gone, but his handiwork wasn't. He'd opened a door to somewhere, and something had come through. A great many somethings in fact. I ran when they tore the first man in half. Most of the people who went in died that day. We never found Perrault, but we did kill most of his creations."

    "I was hiding in the town hall afterwards, and overheard everything. Perrault had become obsessed with the idea that his crow not only wasn't blind, but could see things the rest of us couldn't. He had it in his head that there were many overlapping realities, and that his crow could see the weak points in them that allowed one to cross over from one world to the next. He used it to open a doorway to somewhere, but in his journal he noted that whatever he expected to find on the other side, he wasn't fool enough to cross over himself. He sent small beasts of the forest that he trapped instead, to watch what happened to them. They were...changed. Horribly. And whatever was on the other side kept pushing them back over to our side of the door. Perrault had some manner of keeping them at bay. Likely he kept them around on the chance we did what we did."

    "And then there was the crow. After it ripped out the Mayors eyes, it fled through the door. It comes back every so often, when the door is open. It's not just a crow anymore. We never did find Perrault. Maybe one of his pets ate him. Maybe he's up there still, whatever he might be now. Avoid the forest, especially on New Years Day. And don't pursue this any further. The town has a way of making sure people who ask about the crow disappear."

    Frightful Presence (Ex): The Crow can unsettle foes with its mere presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the Crow attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures within a radius of 120 feet are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than the Crow. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a DC 21 Will save (Save DC is Charisma based) remains immune to that Crow’s frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds, those with 5-10 HD are Frightened for 4d6 rounds, and those with 11 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

    Second Sight (Su): The Crow permanently has the benefits of a True Seeing spell (Caster Level equal to it's HD). It also can see into other planes of existence in areas where the barriers between worlds are week, and can see portals between realities that are normally invisible.

    Combat: The Crow seems to prefer to do Flyby attacks, snatching up one victim at a time.

    Last edited by Bhu; 2022-10-22 at 07:34 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    River Ghost

    River Ghost is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Humanoid who has drowned in a river. This is based on old Swedish folklore of ghosts that try to drag people under the water, but
    I'm kind of winging it as I can't find any English language sources. The ghost wants to cross the river or fjord, and will insist people crossing the river carry them, often drowning them in the process. Some ghosts will explain to targets how to send them on to the afterlife, but often in only the most cryptic of terms.

    Size and Type: The base creatures type changes to undead with the Incorporeal Subtype. Do not recalculate the base creatures base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

    Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become d12's.

    Speed: The base creature gains a Swim speed equal to it's land speed.

    Armor Class: Natural armor is the same as the base creature’s but applies only to ethereal encounters. When the ghost manifests (see below), its natural armor bonus is +0, but it gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier or +1, whichever is higher.

    Attacks: A ghost retains all the attacks of the base creature, although those relying on physical contact do not affect creatures that are not ethereal.

    Damage: Against ethereal creatures, a ghost uses the base creature’s damage values. Against nonethereal creatures, the ghost usually cannot deal physical damage at all but can use its special attacks, if any, when it manifests (see below).

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the base creature, plus gains the following:

    Manifestation (Su): Every ghost has this ability. A ghost dwells on the Ethereal Plane and, as an ethereal creature, it cannot affect or be affected by anything in the material world. When a ghost manifests, it partly enters the Material Plane and becomes visible but incorporeal on the Material Plane. A manifested ghost can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons, or spells, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. A manifested ghost can pass through solid objects at will, and its own attacks pass through armor. A manifested ghost always moves silently. A manifested ghost can strike with its touch attack or with a ghost touch weapon (see Ghostly Equipment, below). A manifested ghost remains partially on the Ethereal Plane, where is it not incorporeal. A manifested ghost can be attacked by opponents on either the Material Plane or the Ethereal Plane. The ghost’s incorporeality helps protect it from foes on the Material Plane, but not from foes on the Ethereal Plane.

    When a spellcasting ghost is not manifested and is on the Ethereal Plane, its spells cannot affect targets on the Material Plane, but they work normally against ethereal targets. When a spellcasting ghost manifests, its spells continue to affect ethereal targets and can affect targets on the Material Plane normally unless the spells rely on touch. A manifested ghost’s touch spells don’t work on nonethereal targets.

    A ghost has two home planes, the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. It is not considered extraplanar when on either of these planes.

    Psychic Grapple (Su): The River Ghost can 'ride' people or animals, making them feel as if a great weight has descended upon their back and shoulders. They do this to creatures who are crossing the river. This is a Standard Action that can target any living creature that is adjacent to the ghost. The creature must be swimming or walking across the river for this ability to work. Each round the target is subjected to this ability it must make a Strength Check (1d20 + 1/2 HD + Str modifier) opposed by the Ghosts Charisma (1d20 + 1/2 HD + Cha modifier). If the target succeeds, it moves normally. If it fails, it's movement speed is halved. If it fails another check it also becomes Fatigued. Should it fail a fourth check, it becomes Exhausted. Should it fail a fifth time, the target slips underwater and must hold it's breath or begin drowning. The ghost will target this creature each round with this ability until it crosses the river or drowns.

    Invisibility (Su): A River Ghost can become Invisible as per the Greater Invisibility spell at will.

    Horrific Appearance (Su): Any living creature within 60 feet that views a ghost must succeed on a Fortitude save or immediately take 1d4 points of Strength damage, 1d4 points of Dexterity damage, and 1d4 points of Constitution damage. A creature that successfully saves against this effect cannot be affected by the same ghost’s horrific appearance for 24 hours.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the base creature, plus gains the following:

    Rejuvenation (Su): In most cases, it’s difficult to destroy a ghost through simple combat: The "destroyed" spirit will often restore itself in 2d4 days. Even the most powerful spells are usually only temporary solutions. A ghost that would otherwise be destroyed returns to its old haunts with a successful level check (1d20 + ghost’s HD) against DC 16. As a rule, the only way to get rid of a ghost for sure is to determine the reason for its existence and set right whatever prevents it from resting in peace (usually crossing the river in this case, or righting whatever wrong it did). The exact means varies with each spirit and may require a good deal of research.

    Turn Resistance (Ex): A ghost has +4 turn resistance.

    River Imprisonment (Ex): A River Ghost cannot step out of the river it died in.

    Saves: Unchanged.

    Abilities: +4 Cha, being Undead it has no Con score.

    Skills: Ghosts have a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Search, Spot, and Swim checks. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line

    Feats: Unchanged.

    Environment: The river it died in.

    Organization: Same as Base Creature, usually Solitary now.

    Challenge Rating: +1

    Treasure: Unchanged.

    Alignment: Any.

    Advancement: n/a

    Level Adjustment: ---

    Example of creature using template here:

    Old Man Kallan (Fighter4/River Ghost template)
    Medium Undead (Aquatic)
    Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp)
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Swim 30 ft.
    Armor Class: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 Deflection), touch 14, flat-footed 13
    Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+6
    Attack: ---
    Full Attack: ---
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Manifestation, Psychic Grapple, Invisibility, Horrific Appearance
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Rejuvenation, Turn Resistance, River Imprisonment
    Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3
    Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con -, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 16
    Skills: Climb +2, Handle Animal +8, Hide +9, Intimidate +8, Jump +2, Listen +9, Ride +6, Search +7, Spot +9, Swim +10
    Feats: Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Cleave (B), Great Cleave (B), Improved Initiative (B), Power Attack (B)
    Alignment: Neutral Evil

    "Kallan was a cavalry man who retired after the Great Northern War. His retirement was not an easy one. He'd acquired a great deal of wealth in the war, some say by theft, and lorded it over the rest of us. The mayor may have run the town, but he was Kallan's toady. He let Kallan get away with murder. There were darker things attributed to Kallan as well, but only in whispers. The older he grew, the worse he got, and finally word made it's way around that he'd hired a Haxa to give him eternal life in exchange for God alone knows what."

    "We'd had enough. We killed the witch and burned the body a fortnight away from the village. She cursed us with her dying breath, but we paid her no mind. We would've put paid to Kallan too, but when we returned we'd learned he drowned while bathing in the river. Odd given that he'd always been a good swimmer. We just assumed someone had beaten us to the punch. But the witch had given him eternal life of a sort, just not the manner he wanted it to be. Old Kallan still 'lives' in the river, and that is why we avoid it. We've called upon you to lay him to rest. He is the witches curse given form, and he won't leave until we're all dead or find someone who can exorcise him."

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  25. - Top - End - #205
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    I'll do the Manananggal's companion as soon as I can study it. It has worse coherency than the Manananggal when it comes to having a clear definition.
    Cool! Take your time!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    O-okay. These have the same LA as your standard issue Core ghosts but they are way stronger, with more options (including built-in Undead Toughness. Yuck!)

    Size and Type: The base creatures type changes to undead. Do not recalculate the base creatures base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
    So, um, are these things Incorporeal under any circumstances?

    Speed: Speed and movement remains unchanged. The Corporeal Spirit gains a Flight Speed of 50 (Perfect) unless it already has better.
    Because this is a tad bit weird if they aren't; and this:

    Armor Class: Natural Armor is the same as the Base Creatures plus its Charisma bonus (minimum of +1).
    a tad bit weird either way, but mostly if they are.

    Special Attacks: A Corporeal Spirit retains all the Special Attacks of the base creature, but those relying on physical contact cannot effect non ethereal creatures (unless it has manifested). The Corporeal Spirit also gains the Corporeal Manifestation Ability, and 3 others from the following list. The Save DC against a Special Attack is 10 plus half hit dice plus Charisma modifier unless otherwise stated.


    Special Qualities: A Corporeal Spirit has all the Special Qualities of the Base Creature plus Blood Drinking, Rejuvenation, Turn Immunity, Unnatural Aura, Lifesense, Lifelike Appearance, and 1 other from the following list:

    Blood Drinking (Ex): A Corporeal Spirit must consume the blood of living creatures to maintain it's ties to the material plane. After 2 weeks without blood the Corporeal Spirit cannot maintain it's lifelike appearance. After that it must make a DC 15 Fortitude Save each day it goes without food or return to the Ethereal Plane. The save DC gains a cumulative +1 each day until the Corporeal Spirit fails. The amount of blood consumed is immaterial so long as some is drank each day, however most Corporeal Spirits feel compelled to gorge, often revealing themselves in the process.
    They should have some form of Blood Drain; it'd have a good synergy with their paralyzing grapple trick and, well, having one's blood drunk by an undead abomination ought to have some manner of adverse health effect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Black Fly Swarm


    Waken the Dead (Su):
    (I'd probably use wake instead of waken, but that's purely a matter of stylistic preference.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    A BIRDY!

    Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Snatch, Multiattack, Snatch
    18 HD come with 7 feats; this fellow only has 5. This cannot be!

    Frightful Presence (Ex): The Crow can unsettle foes with its mere presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the Crow attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures within a radius of 120 feet are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than the Crow. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a DC 19 Will save (Save DC is Charisma based)
    The DC should be a 21).

    On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.
    Hm. Could I convince you to make that panicked up to 4 HD; frightened up to 10; and shaken at 11 or higher?

    Second Sight (Su): The Crow permanently has the benefits of a True Seeing spell (Caster Level equal to it's HD). It also can see into other planes of existence in areas where the barriers between worlds are week, and can see portals between realities that are normally invisible.
    I'm not sure there are actual rules for the latter half, but I like this one a lot regardless.
    Last edited by Metastachydium; 2022-10-17 at 06:57 AM. Reason: A missing tag has been inserted.

  26. - Top - End - #206
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    O-okay. These have the same LA as your standard issue Core ghosts but they are way stronger, with more options (including built-in Undead Toughness. Yuck!)
    I increased the LA.

    So, um, are these things Incorporeal under any circumstances?
    Nope, They either exist on the Ethereal Plane, or manifest physically on ours.

    They should have some form of Blood Drain; it'd have a good synergy with their paralyzing grapple trick and, well, having one's blood drunk by an undead abomination ought to have some manner of adverse health effect.
    They really don't need much blood, so I changed the text here and there to reflect that.

    18 HD come with 7 feats; this fellow only has 5. This cannot be!
    I has fixed

    Hm. Could I convince you to make that panicked up to 4 HD; frightened up to 10; and shaken at 11 or higher?
    Maybe. That's generally more powerful than a Dragon of equal HD.
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  27. - Top - End - #207
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    I increased the LA.
    You left it unchanged in the Old Man's statblock, though.

    They really don't need much blood, so I changed the text here and there to reflect that.
    Works for me.

    Maybe. That's generally more powerful than a Dragon of equal HD.
    A dragon of equal HD has d12s, all good saves, full BAB, more skill points, comparable physical stats, (far) better mental stats, sorcerer/cleric spellcasting, a breath weapon, immunities, higher NA and (usually) speed(s). The crow has somewhat better DEX, stronger natural attacks and superior maneuverability, but that's about it. I don't think making its Frightful Presence a bit more competitive breaks anything.

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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    You left it unchanged in the Old Man's statblock, though.

    Works for me.

    A dragon of equal HD has d12s, all good saves, full BAB, more skill points, comparable physical stats, (far) better mental stats, sorcerer/cleric spellcasting, a breath weapon, immunities, higher NA and (usually) speed(s). The crow has somewhat better DEX, stronger natural attacks and superior maneuverability, but that's about it. I don't think making its Frightful Presence a bit more competitive breaks anything.
    I didn't mean it made it more powerful than the dragon in generaal, just in that ability. I'll mod it when I get home.
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  29. - Top - End - #209
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    I didn't mean it made it more powerful than the dragon in generaal, just in that ability. I'll mod it when I get home.
    Roger that!

  30. - Top - End - #210
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Scorpionfly Swarm
    Tiny Vermin (Swarm)
    Hit Dice: 12d8+24 (78 hp)
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), Fly 30 ft., Good
    Armor Class: 16 (+2 Size, +2 Dex, +2 Natural), touch 14, flat-footed 14
    Base Attack/Grapple: +9/-
    Attack: Swarm (3d6 plus poison)
    Full Attack: Swarm (3d6 plus poison)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Distraction, Poison
    Special Qualities: Half Damage from Slashing and Piercing, Dark Vision 60 ft. Swarm Traits, Mindless, Vermin Traits
    Saves: Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +5
    Abilities: Str 3, Dex 15, Con 15, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 2
    Skills: --
    Feats: --
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary, Cluster (3-6 Swarms)
    Challenge Rating: 7
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always Neutral
    Advancement: --
    Level Adjustment: --

    "They came out of the Mist when the sun went down. Shelly was the first one to die. I can still see her body bloating on the roadside..."

    Scorpionflies are horrible alien dragonflies with scorpion stings. Their venom is quite deadly, and they sting readily if provoked. And they provoke easy. They are only rarely spotted, as they only access our world by traveling through gates some unsuspecting fool has opened. But once they swarm through, they quickly go about setting up nests.

    Distraction (Ex): Any opponent that begins its turn within a swarm of Scorpionflies must make a DC 18 Fortitude Save or be Nauseated for 1 round (Save DC is Constitution Based).

    Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 18, initial and Secondary Damage 1d6 Con (Save DC is Constitution Based).

    Combat: Scorpionflies generally sting their victims and retreat. Swarms are more persistent though, and will repeatedly sting victims to death.

    Last edited by Bhu; 2022-10-25 at 09:48 PM.
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