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  1. American Gladiator! (14 replies)
  2. The Venture Brothers (IGNORE ME!) (25 replies)
  3. Gogol Bordello (11 replies)
  4. Tyranids vs. Zerg (286 replies)
  5. Gandalf vs Goku (37 replies)
  6. FTL- SoD (10 replies)
  7. Klingons v.s Reavers(from Fire Fly) (33 replies)
  8. The Beatles (26 replies)
  9. Anyone got contacts at Marvel Productions? (0 replies)
  10. Anyone got contacts at Marvel Productions? (0 replies)
  11. The Fluffy Rawr (0 replies)
  12. Cloverfield Monster (138 replies)
  13. Tyranids vs Xenomorphs, which galactic horror would win? (90 replies)
  14. Ellen Ripley vs.... the hell, vs. Anything! (3 replies)
  15. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2 replies)
  16. Batman vs. Xenomorph (12 replies)
  17. The Best Live Album (38 replies)
  18. Zorro (0 replies)
  19. Jedi vs. Aliens (39 replies)
  20. R.I.P. George MacDonald Fraser (3 replies)
  21. Mr.Immortal vs the scarlet witch (5 replies)
  22. Jerome Bixby's The Man From Earth: SF with a twist. (3 replies)
  23. Female-vocals gothic heavy metal bands (16 replies)
  24. Anime: a medium? (96 replies)
  25. Beyond Reach by Karin Slaughter (spoilers) (0 replies)
  26. Twilight? (2 replies)
  27. Bugfight!! (3 replies)
  28. Greatest Warriors (60 replies)
  29. Marvel No Name VS (3 replies)
  30. Movie Badasses (73 replies)
  31. The Great SW Power Debate (56 replies)
  32. Randall Flagg vs. Darth Vader (15 replies)
  33. Eldar v. Jedi (24 replies)
  34. Wolverine, the Miracle cure (24 replies)
  35. Wolverine vs. Deadpool Vs. Lobo Vs. The hulk (73 replies)
  36. In the House - In a Heartbeat (3 replies)
  37. Potterverse v. Star Wars (36 replies)
  38. Jar Jar Hatred (54 replies)
  39. Trade paperback or individual comics (5 replies)
  40. Tag Team: Sephiroth and Link vs. Voldemort and Sauron (659 replies)
  41. Orc vs. Orc vs. Orc/k vs. Orc-ish (14 replies)
  42. Dungeon Siege... The Movie?!? (42 replies)
  43. Space Pirates vs. Space Marines vs. Space Bounty Hunters (0 replies)
  44. worst vedio games (12 replies)
  45. Peter Chimaera (0 replies)
  46. Squirrel girl vs silver age superman vs batman (18 replies)
  47. Patrick Wolf (1 replies)
  48. Charmed vs. Harry (25 replies)
  49. Solar Exalted vs. Silver Age Superman (31 replies)
  50. Jedi vs. Space Marines (179 replies)
  51. The Emperor versus Cthulhu (77 replies)
  52. Plot armour vs plot armour (18 replies)
  53. What's your favorite arc? (5 replies)
  54. Jonathan Coulton (13 replies)
  55. The Princess Bride (36 replies)
  56. Amun Re, Set, and Osiris vs Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon (4 replies)
  57. Samus Aran vs. The Tau Empire (29 replies)
  58. Jack Aubrey VS. Horatio Hornblower (1 replies)
  59. What are you reading thats Awesome? (32 replies)
  60. Orcs vs Orcs vs Orcs vs Orcs (131 replies)
  61. Imperial Guard vs US Marines (153 replies)
  62. Discworld Query (6 replies)
  63. Noise (15 replies)
  64. Mean Quiz Thread (26 replies)
  65. Witch King v.s Voldemort (28 replies)
  66. I Am Legend? (8 replies)
  67. Imperium vs. Lensman (6 replies)
  68. Hades versus Orisis (30 replies)
  69. MP3 troubles (6 replies)
  70. Marvel fight (25 replies)
  71. Hogfather (6 replies)
  72. Favorite "bugs" in Science Fiction? (54 replies)
  73. Raistlin vs Sauron (96 replies)
  74. Favorite Movie Villain (23 replies)
  75. Angry Video Game Nerd (Foul Language abound) (2 replies)
  76. Xanth (0 replies)
  77. Whiny Parents Against Good TV (90 replies)
  78. Is Wikipedia a Reliable Source? (87 replies)
  79. OutWorld v.s Middle Earth (4 replies)
  80. Kefka's Tower v.s Warhammer Fantasy Invasion (3 replies)
  81. Bruce Lee Vs. Ryu (21 replies)
  82. If you're not smarter than a fifth grader... (22 replies)
  83. Is 52 worth picking up? (14 replies)
  84. Favorite Albums of 2007 (29 replies)
  85. Juno [spoilers, obviously] (0 replies)
  86. Jack Aubrey vs Jack Sparrow (10 replies)
  87. Turin, son of Hurin (33 replies)
  88. Music Recommendations (3 replies)
  89. Transformers Animated Series (11 replies)
  90. The Destructive Power of Physics (25 replies)
  91. Down with the Imperium! (631 replies)
  92. Babylon 5 Appreciation Thread (22 replies)
  93. Voldemort vs. Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. (4 replies)
  94. Dungeon Siege the Movie (2 replies)
  95. Christmas Doctor who (35 replies)
  96. AvP:R (Mark Spoilers) (10 replies)
  97. Silly Thread: Clash of Aescetics (6 replies)
  98. KILL BAT: Beatrix Kiddo vs. Bruce Wayne (9 replies)
  99. Kobold Quarterly (4 replies)
  100. The Mothman Prophecies (2 replies)
  101. DC superheroes vs Marvel vs others? (5 replies)
  102. Sicko [non-americans, please do not laugh hysterically] (8 replies)
  103. Thank you, got my answer. (4 replies)
  104. Christmas movies (12 replies)
  105. Favorite One-Liners (5 replies)
  106. Superhero, supershmeero... (12 replies)
  107. I am a legend, and so can you (Nothing but Spoilers) (75 replies)
  108. New Batman Dark Knight trailor. (7 replies)
  109. In the Name of the King?!? (17 replies)
  110. Greatest Last Lines (34 replies)
  111. Greatest Last Lines (0 replies)
  112. Battle of the Earths (333 replies)
  113. Planet Destruction by Ships of the Line (152 replies)
  114. Sword of Truth series (9 replies)
  115. Alexander and Caesar vs Gondor (64 replies)
  116. Does Guns N' Roses suck? (105 replies)
  117. Hercules v.s Sampson (2 replies)
  118. Gandalf vs. Pucca (35 replies)
  119. Black Templar Space Marines versus Tassadar's Protoss Genocide Fleet (26 replies)
  120. Book advice please. (12 replies)
  121. e.e. cummings? (35 replies)
  122. Zombie Fight! kinda... (3 replies)
  123. Chuck Norris vs. Sauron (13 replies)
  124. Gordon Freeman vs. Sauron (19 replies)
  125. Marvel Earth versus Warhammer 40K (155 replies)
  126. Unpopular Media Opinions (154 replies)
  127. Imperium of Man vs Galactic Empire? (1 replies)
  128. This video is now in my top ten (0 replies)
  129. Witch King Vs Lich King (170 replies)
  130. On the "vs Sauron" threads. (94 replies)
  131. Home Alone (2 replies)
  132. Looking for specific FMA song (3 replies)
  133. Mordinkain Vs. Elmeister (3 replies)
  134. Pratchett has Alzheimer's?! (3 replies)
  135. new artemis fowl (22 replies)
  136. Sauron vs. Ultimate Superman (29 replies)
  137. A couple of videos *!Warning!* Fangamergasm (2 replies)
  138. Force Sub: Azure City. (2 replies)
  139. YOU at Pelennor Fields (64 replies)
  140. Anomander Rake vs. Morrolan e'Drien (1 replies)
  141. The coolest VS thread yet (77 replies)
  142. Mongols on Pelennor Fields (22 replies)
  143. 300 in Helms deep (27 replies)
  144. Silver age Superman vs. Batman (4 replies)
  145. mario vs. luigi (18 replies)
  146. chuck norris vs. jackie chan (10 replies)
  147. remmington steele (8 replies)
  148. Ancient Rome v.s Ancient China (41 replies)
  149. Pelennor Fields Bears (12 replies)
  150. Agent 47 vs Jason bourne (9 replies)
  151. Christmas aniamted wallpapers (0 replies)
  152. The "name that picture" quiz (16 replies)
  153. bands we miss (37 replies)
  154. Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse (1 replies)
  155. Sauron vs. Batman (77 replies)
  156. Dark Side v.s Light Side of the Taste : Food Wars (11 replies)
  157. New 'The Dark Knight' Trailer! (13 replies)
  158. Double Post - Please Delete (0 replies)
  159. double post (0 replies)
  160. Tom Bombadil vs Cthulhu? (54 replies)
  161. Vorlons v.s Ancients (24 replies)
  162. One Rat Short (0 replies)
  163. The Hobbit (films) will be made. Finally! (174 replies)
  164. Sauron vs. Jesus (16 replies)
  165. Yoda vs Sauron (65 replies)
  166. A Marine Platoon at the Pelennor Fields (40 replies)
  167. Rambo Time!! (12 replies)
  168. Rooster Teeth vs. LoadingReadyRun (3 replies)
  169. Dragon Ball Movie (12 replies)
  170. More Haruhi info (8 replies)
  171. Sweeney Todd (20 replies)
  172. Colbert and Stewart vs Leno and Letterman. (15 replies)
  173. I Am Legend: Warning! Spoilers! (2 replies)
  174. Klingons vs Uruk Hai (66 replies)
  175. Rick Deckard is on his way. (2 replies)
  176. The Germanicus Trilogy (6 replies)
  177. Beatlemania (22 replies)
  178. Best Animated Choreography (13 replies)
  179. Hp7 (11 replies)
  180. YouTube Dyson/Touhou parody (0 replies)
  181. Twas The Dark Knight Before Christmas (0 replies)
  182. Beowulf (48 replies)
  183. Romans at the Pelennor Fields (77 replies)
  184. The Golden Compass (10 replies)
  185. Parfait Tic (2 replies)
  186. Sinestro Corps Ending (naturally spoilers) (31 replies)
  187. Super-human classification (10 replies)
  188. I am Legend (Possible spoilers) (64 replies)
  189. 1337 5p34k (Leet Speak) (33 replies)
  190. Fa la la la la, la la la la! (39 replies)
  191. Battle of the Giants: Who should've won? (26 replies)
  192. Betty Curse (1 replies)
  193. Slayer OR Vampire? (26 replies)
  194. Eragon (27 replies)
  195. Ultramarines vs Predators? (19 replies)
  196. Carebears vs. Gummi bears (33 replies)
  197. The Mask v.s Beetle Juice (3 replies)
  198. For Your Holiday Viewing Pleasure (0 replies)
  199. Roman Legions vs Uruk Hai (202 replies)
  200. Greco vs. Azathoth (0 replies)
  201. Tin Man (13 replies)
  202. Ipod, Ipod, Ipod... (45 replies)
  203. Cloverfield (19 replies)
  204. Sad News for Terry Pratchett (47 replies)
  205. Aizen Sosuke vs Granny Weatherwax (3 replies)
  206. Alien vs. Predator 2 (movie) (10 replies)
  207. Project 118 (0 replies)
  208. Buffy S3 > Buffy S2 gift idea (11 replies)
  209. The gladiators are coming (5 replies)
  210. Batman vs. Bun-Bun (49 replies)
  211. An Aperture Science Internet-based Trademark Altercation (10 replies)
  212. Darth Vader vs. Decepticons (34 replies)
  213. A Memory of Light author chosen (7 replies)
  214. Official Manga/Anime Spoilers thread (8 replies)
  215. Top 10 Music Albums? (18 replies)
  216. Here he comes (10 replies)
  217. great actors against useless movies (13 replies)
  218. The Mighty Boosh (11 replies)
  219. Fight Music (39 replies)
  220. Mr T WoW add (19 replies)
  221. The Deep Old Ones(Aquanox) vs The Enemy(Shadowrun) (0 replies)
  222. The Greatest Villains in Comic Books (84 replies)
  223. Help Identifying an Anime (4 replies)
  224. God Almighty vs. Pun-Pun (7 replies)
  225. Favorite Spider man enemies (26 replies)
  226. Listen. Learn. Regurgitate endlessly. (35 replies)
  227. God-Emperor of Man vs. Cthulhu (51 replies)
  228. Name of this christmas song... (8 replies)
  229. Has anyone read Harry Turtledove but me? (17 replies)
  230. The Twelve Days of Versus (1 replies)
  231. The Golden Compass {spoilers} (60 replies)
  232. Recommend a forgotten realms book (14 replies)
  233. Gruffi Gummi vs. Freddy Krueger (1 replies)
  234. I Need Help Identifying a Movie (3 replies)
  235. yet another VS. thread (0 replies)
  236. Melkor vs the God-Emperor of Man (69 replies)
  237. The Catwoman Argument (15 replies)
  238. Actors/Actresses who get way too much hype (92 replies)
  239. Asmodeus vs. Morgoth (1 replies)
  240. Morgoth vs. Nyarlathotep (27 replies)
  241. star trek (65 replies)
  242. Explain to me Napolean Dynamite... (42 replies)
  243. Top 10 Villans of all time (all formats, possible spoilers) (67 replies)
  244. Good comics (28 replies)
  245. ultimates 3 (2 replies)
  246. Cosmic Chess: Tzeentch, Lord of Sorcery Vs the Deceiver (3 replies)
  247. Rate the Films of 2007 (53 replies)
  248. Tamora Pierce (6 replies)
  249. Sauron vs. Nyarlathotep (6 replies)
  250. Sauron vs. Yawgmoth (0 replies)