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  1. Sculpt Spell by RAW
  2. Has any DM used d20's "Empire" book?
  3. [3.5e] The Feat "Expertise"?
  4. Disarming: A valid tactic?
  5. Is it just me...
  6. (3.P) Justice of Weald and Woe (Champions of Ruin)
  7. how do you make death matter?
  8. Full round action
  9. Rogue with 1 level of wizard: viable?
  10. +6 La
  11. Can Launch Item throw a grappling hook?
  12. Iron Chef Optimization Challenge in the Playground XX
  13. How Evil is Too Evil?
  14. Jungle Book
  15. Pathfinder Lore: The First World
  16. shackled city
  17. StP Erudite Question
  18. Multiple Weapons of Legacy?
  19. Kyuss [3.5]
  20. Feats for an NPC healbot
  21. Many Questions (mostly involving Mystic Ranger)
  22. Warlock Questions (mostly involving Multiclassing/Prestiges)
  23. Divine power at epic lvs...
  24. Getting passive search checks (like an elf)
  25. Fast dismounts from Huge mounts
  26. Making a strong sorcerer BBEG, while leaving a chance to win to the players.
  27. [3.x] Homebrew Love
  28. tomb of horrors class help
  29. [3.5] Ultimate Monk Optimization
  30. Help With Organic Dungeon Encounter
  31. Adapting A Swordsage (Unarmed Swordsage Question)
  32. needs some input on diplomacy
  33. Making a Legacy Shield
  34. Is this possible?Gett ALL SPELLS from TOP 3 lists AND Spelldancer?
  35. 3.P Archer Build Critique
  36. ToB Prestige Question
  37. Viking Barbarian/Warblade issues
  38. Familiar for a Rogue?
  39. Range Increment for Colossal Whip?
  40. Is full BAB enough to fix Soulknife?
  41. Rugrats style DnD, got any ideas?
  42. Tomb of Horrors
  43. d20 Modern advise
  44. Pathfinder Psychic Warrior (Dreamscarred Press)
  45. [3.5] Help with some Real World stats
  46. Two related encounter problems for a DM
  47. Good low-level mook races
  48. Monster Stats
  49. Schemas? How do they Work?
  50. Houserule Check: Sunder Natural Weapons (3.P)
  51. Are alchemical items magical
  52. Dragon Riding 3.5
  53. 3.5 armor spikes: how do they work?
  54. List of ways to get extra Essentia/Boosting Soulmelds?
  55. Shadow Sun Ninja
  56. What tier is this?
  57. Finding a New Feat
  58. Fluff Question: Devils
  59. Best Weapon Style for a Gish type?
  60. your experience being useless
  61. Thri-Kreen FEED!
  62. Mixing natural and manufactured weapons
  63. Meso-American and Southeast Asian monsters
  64. Classes that are *Fun* to play. [3.P]
  65. Multiclassing Divine Spellcasters
  66. Creating Artifacts
  67. Time-manipulation based melee guy
  68. Shapeshifter Druid questions [3.5]
  69. Defensive fighter cohort (low level) 3.5
  70. Deflect Arrows without a free hand
  71. Magic Users Casting multiple spells a turn?
  72. [3.5] Fun things to do with these spells?
  73. Dragonsplits
  74. Belsameth's Blessing Question
  75. Pathfinder Adventure Path?
  76. DMing a multi-front defence
  77. Powerful casting PrCs with ridiculous skill prereqs? [3.5]
  78. How does the general public feel about skill tricks?
  79. Help me with a nature theme concept
  80. tier system
  81. Non-Dungeon Battles: Terrain, Formations, Tactics
  82. Having Fun with Combat
  83. cleric spells that boost charisma
  84. wizards in low tier parties
  85. so what...
  86. How to make a monk playable?
  87. Questions
  88. Rants of a returning old guy.
  89. Which powerful effects did you actually use Wish and Miracle for?
  90. monk stuff
  91. Warlock Eldritch Blast damage Q.
  92. Why are half-orcs portrayed as ugly?
  93. Multi Mook Melee!: The Aftermath
  94. Oversized Two-weapon fighting?
  95. Changeling Factotum/Chameleon Build Help?
  96. Principles of DMing; How do you like to run your game(s)?
  97. When does one extra level of caster make a build weaker?
  98. A Muckdweller's muckdweller
  99. Sorcerer Help. Which is better
  100. Best effect of the Halruuan Great Elixir
  101. Combat Expertise tweaks
  102. [3.5] healer
  103. Getting the most out of Shrink Object
  104. Ideas for Sandor Clegane (The Hound)
  105. D&D 3.5 Villains
  106. Access to Arcane spells
  107. Spryte Warlock or DFA? Help!
  108. LA for an Osyluth/Bone Devil?
  109. Temporary Hit Points?
  110. Need help choosing a class
  111. Do Any Books Expand the Duskblade or Beguiler Spell Lists?
  112. Two characters equivalent to four [3.5]
  113. How do gestalt campaigns actully play out?
  114. [RHOD] Build request/suggestions for the Ghostlord
  115. Favorite (And Less Than Favorite) 3.x Books
  116. [3.5] Finally reading ToB cover-to-cover
  117. pathfinder tiers
  118. [d20r] Eric Cartman: Mantle Paladin
  119. [Pathfinder] blaster wizard from lv1
  120. Equipping a druid
  121. For my ToB Crusader in Pathfinder: Diamond Mind and no Concentration skill?
  122. Intelligent Weapons
  123. Dragonpacts and gishes?
  124. Optimizing Wizard Help
  125. Ballista User
  126. Ancient Warrior [Pathfinder]
  127. Reversing Spells
  128. Lance Damage
  129. Homebrew solutions [3.P]
  130. Factotum combat effectiveness
  131. Pathfinder Warlock?
  132. [3.5] help making a belgarathesque gnome
  133. Psion Power Selection
  134. Warforged Plating
  135. Huge Fullblade Size
  136. Core Damage Output
  137. Books With Fluff You Love and Crunch You Hate, or Vice Versa
  138. Help with maxing single ability(s)
  139. Which 3.5 is like a 4e warlord?
  140. [3.5] Tricksy Wizards
  141. [3.5] Elf Ranger, TWF, PoS style?
  142. Size...
  143. Eberron Legacy Weapons
  144. Help finding modules.
  145. Tome of Battle, Weapons of Legacy
  146. [3.5] Extra Spell "cheese"
  147. If Not From the Gods, From Whence? Where Do Divine Spells Come from in Your Settings?
  148. What to take after being a mind flayer? (Gestalt, 3.x)
  149. Blighter question
  150. [3.5] Need Help Stating NPCS Part 1: Epic Bonus Boss / Big Good?
  151. Blank books for writing journals? (equipment)
  152. Warforged Juggernaut
  153. Steadfast Boots (MIC) and AoOs question
  154. A suggestion: favoured items
  155. Need Build Advice
  156. Curious about martial styles meshing together.
  157. How do you get this prestige? HEXER!
  158. SLA's to spell-slots
  159. The god of Grapple!
  160. Help Me Be Annoying with a Barbarian Wizard
  161. Domain Draughts?
  162. [PF] Harpy's Captivating Song
  163. Gestalt Help: Imp Assassin
  164. Powerful Character Challenges?
  165. Wight-bomb reality?
  166. tTotMA: Why D&D Stats are Broke
  167. How important is caster level past level 20?
  168. Good Divination spells?
  169. Trouble Designing Fun Encounters
  170. [d20 Modern] Ugly Americans
  171. Damage: The no-save-just-die effect
  172. [3.5]Stabbing people with wands.
  173. Most broken spell tricks under 15th level?
  174. Final Battles
  175. Low level bard looking for some options (3.5)
  176. Abyssal Rift's plane shifting qu
  177. Resources detailing Wild Magic
  178. Wondrous Items by Caster Level
  179. The Enlightened Spirit (A.K.A. ANOTHER Warlock Thread)
  180. Thunder Lance Optimization
  181. Favorite Gish Build?
  182. Crusader Hit Die: d10 right?
  183. Stat my Crusader
  184. Keniticist Build
  185. Most Expensive Material
  186. EEEK Wrong Forum
  187. [3.P] Half-giant brawler, assistance?
  188. CoDzilla and Large Scale Battles [Pathfinder]
  189. PF Witch and Summoner to 3.5?
  190. Evangelist and Knack or Fact [3.5 CDiv]
  191. help- Dalekyr's new underwater creations [Eberron, but any]
  192. How to know how long will an adventure take to run?
  193. [3.5] The Unicorn Invasion of ... D&D
  194. Aid another with a Whirlwind Attack?
  195. How can I pull this off [3.5]?
  196. Extending Combat
  197. [PF] Eidolon questions, and then some
  198. [Pathfinder] Necromancer Wizard...improved or still the same?
  199. Help with a concept: charisma-damage rogue
  200. Psi-Like ability advancement
  201. [TOB]Sudden Leap, am I reading this right?
  202. Character Advice
  203. optimizing a singing bard
  204. Low Magic Character Suggestions
  205. The Monkening
  206. D&D 3.5e character sheet.
  207. Gelatinous Cubes
  208. Pre-Made D&D 3.5 srd Characters??? Plz Help!
  209. Emergency Encounter Design [3.5/PF]
  210. Very low AC/ Very high HP Barbarian
  211. Yes Another help me out lvl 9 optimization cleric buffer thread.
  212. Wizard AC
  213. [3.5e]Best non-Thrallheard, Non-Necromancy method for getting lots of minions?
  214. Detect Evil
  215. [3.5 SRD/d20r] Bug Tracker
  216. Warlock with a Familiar. Now what?
  217. I'm sorry but, you're dead.
  218. Death Domain Granted Power
  219. Breaking Leadership
  220. Low-level core Wizard build suggestions?
  221. Pacifist: How feasible is it?
  222. [PF] Red Mantis Assassin spells known
  223. Spellhoarding Dragon Psychosis question
  224. Winged elf thing stats.
  225. What is the point of the Sorcerer?
  226. Master Specialist's Expanded Spellbook
  227. Spellfire Wielder questions
  228. Gamebreaking Shenanigans - Whats a DM to do?
  229. [3.5] Bardic-Warblade (First time Multiclassing)
  230. Mapping Paradigm Shifts in D&D Combat by Level
  231. Saving Throw Help.
  232. A familiar question [3.5]
  233. What expansions?
  234. Giving the Sorcerer a purpose (A response to another thread...)
  235. [Dnd 3.5e] Swordsage'd
  236. searching for a swarm form template
  237. Swarm: does base creature's size matter?
  238. Ordained Champion of Moradin HELP!
  239. Is there a good annotated list of feats?
  240. Build Tweaking/Help (Mystic Ranger/Warblade)
  241. Binder Online Resources
  242. Divine Eldrich Knight?
  243. Optimizing my paladin for Pathfinder
  244. Song of the White Raven and Other Bard Questions
  245. Please rate my "monk" build
  246. Official Character sheets? (D&D 1st or 2nd Ed)
  247. Whats the best Animal Companion?
  248. [3.5] Dread Necro Help Please? [3.5]
  249. [3.5] Deific-ness
  250. Music to set the mood of the far realm.