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  1. Heaviest Material in 3.5
  2. Balanced factotum?
  3. Druid Mount Conundrum
  4. 3rd Ed Why do so many people on the 3.5 PbP threads on this forum choose Barbarian?
  5. 3rd Ed Is there a barbarian rage refluff with less anger anywhere?
  6. Using power points without manifestor level?
  7. Optimization Twisted Gift Epic Spell
  8. Pathfinder Redeeming Deskari
  9. Favorite Refluffings?
  10. Are there any stats for Familicide floating around?
  11. [3.5] Creatures with access to Awaken as a SLA
  12. Roleplaying Just how bad is 7 wiz, 7 int, and 7 cha--all at once?
  13. Maxing Handle Animal at First Level?
  14. Optimization Stating out some Hindu deities
  15. Player Help Hunter of Blood
  16. 3rd Ed Divine Sorcery Feat
  17. Pathfinder What happens if a sorcerer already knows the spell that is later granted by their BL?
  18. Pathfinder New traits for an Aboleth in an aquatic campaign?
  19. Pathfinder PF - Where In Golarion Do Clockworks Come From?
  20. Adding diplomacy to a dread necro
  21. Duskblade feats
  22. Sigil, The Hive and The Slags
  23. Pathfinder bloodline bonus spells and sorc/DD
  24. 3rd Ed Looking for Character Concepts. You bring 'em, I build 'em. #2
  25. Rules Q&A Intelligent items vs. Disjunction & revive construct effects
  26. Is it bad to want to DM a session just to spite a player?
  27. Breaking Incantatrix even further
  28. Warforged Limits of components?
  29. Vermin as an animal companion?
  30. Pathfinder Help Me Pick a Tactical Class (PF)
  31. 3rd Ed Relatively new player building a Samurai/ Weretiger character looking for advice :)
  32. Player Help Identity Storage?
  33. Optimization Another Skills Optimization Thread
  34. Aura Feats
  35. Optimization Suiting up, dropping anvils: Silly Shaper setup
  36. 3rd Ed I Can Want Have Robot Walker!
  37. Pathfinder war and necromancy
  38. Pathfinder [Cerulean Seas] Modified Aboleth for aquatic campaigns
  39. is this a good noctomancer build?
  40. Optimization How do you solve the skills paradox?
  41. Rules Q&A Pounce + Charging Smite + Leap Attack
  42. Super Epic Science Guy
  43. Pathfinder Captain America build advice
  44. Roleplaying How threatening are nuclear missiles?
  45. Optimization 3rd Level God Wizard [Pathfinder]
  46. Optimization Ascension Campaign DFA//Something (10th Level Gestalt)
  47. Pathfinder What is spheres of power?
  48. iaijutsu focus question
  49. Gnome hooked hammer
  50. Help Dealing With Oozes Ability to Destroy Weapons and Armor
  51. Player Help Kill it with fire.
  52. Forgotten Realms: How does Candlekeep work?
  53. Pathfinder Help With Chirurgeon/Inspired Chemist Build?
  54. Barbarian Gestalt Ideas
  55. Benefits to being cute? (Appeasing player silliness.)
  56. Player Help ECL and extra hit dice
  57. Pathfinder Half Orc Two-Handed Fighter
  58. Pathfinder: Selective Channeling and Blindness?
  59. Weird Swift Hunter Help
  60. Fear inducing low CR monsters?
  61. Encouraged to "Go Crazy" at Level 3
  62. Metamagic > 10th level vs AMF
  63. New player help: making a party buffer undead cohort
  64. Multi-headed template for PC
  65. Pathfinder Mythic Crusader (Leadership) Followers in an urban campaign: What to do with them?
  66. 3rd Ed Is there A Critfisher handbook?
  67. Playing 20 wis, 20 cha, 20 int all at once
  68. Question for the Forums: Teleporting and Surprise
  69. Shield/Capt America build for Pathfinder/Dreamscarred Press Soulknife
  70. Could familiar be used to control udead army?
  71. [3.5] Intelligent magic items with higher Int/Wis/Cha
  72. Pathfinder Is Anyone Else Waiting for an Advanced Class Guide from Amazon?
  73. Pathfinder need help picking with equipment for a 18th level unchained rogue
  74. Build Help - Alpha-Strike Sorcerer
  75. Somewhat new player - Transmuter help needed
  76. Awakened Skeleton PC, can we optimize it?
  77. DM Help [3.5] Populating An Abandoned Mansion
  78. Pathfinder First time building a Vizier. Help?
  79. DSP Metamorphosis questions
  80. Unseen Pit Traps - Reflex of No?
  81. Help with Sorcadin build
  82. How does a full Urban Barbarian with all of the Cityscape web ACFs stack up?
  83. Rules Q&A How does the Clone spell interact with Outsiders?
  84. Is there any list of acquired templates?
  85. CR question
  86. Refining a Fire Themed Gish
  87. DM Help What is the afterlife like for clerics of dead gods? (Forgotten Realms)
  88. Pathfinder What alignment is this character?
  89. Warforged Auramancer
  90. DMG2 Business Tweaks
  91. Pathfinder Build suggestions for 4th level undead slaying
  92. Rules Q&A [3.5] Overlapping figments and saves to disbelieve
  93. Roleplaying How to handle Attack Drones?
  94. Avoiding ability score loss/contingent spell
  95. 3rd Ed i've been searching for some class but have had no success in doing so
  96. Ways of getting Fast Healing/Regeneration on a Warforged Dragonborn
  97. Optimization I wanna play a Warblade//Cleric!
  98. Attempting to find the "Ancient" magic enhancement
  99. Pathfinder If you were Sent to Golarion
  100. Optimization The Spellcasting Prodigy feat
  101. A question about Templates.
  102. Half-Fielestial Possible? 3.5
  103. Pathfinder Gunslinger help needed
  104. Optimization A Dungeon for a Dragon
  105. DM Help Better Magic Item Pricing
  106. Can anyone find an issue with this?
  107. Optimization automatic counter spells for the secret sanctum
  108. Optimization Optimize this weapon 3: Locking Garrote from Song and Silence p.52
  109. Feats Compendium
  110. Pathfinder I need some arguments to sway a hesitant GM about Akashic Mysteries
  111. Pathfinder Idea for a "natural attacker" kobold
  112. Limbo nativity
  113. Kensai Magus OR Regular Magus for Dex-Build?
  114. Pathfinder Fiery Runes - Is action economy that powerful?
  115. 'Buying' Epic magic items.
  116. Pathfinder Total Party Kill Games Presents: Terrors from the Id: Psionic Horror (Playtest)
  117. Artificer + Caster level Based Prestige class qualification.
  118. 3.5 Camel Handbook: A Hump for the Haters
  119. Spellstoring Weapons - what to store?
  120. Pathfinder Animal Summoning Classes
  121. Help with building ToB style masters
  122. What's the consensus on Tome of Battle
  123. "Mage Killer" build
  124. How complicated is the magus class (pathfinder)
  125. Player Help Does sneak attack and skirmish stack?
  126. Which does more damage?
  127. 3.5 Battle sorcerer Help picking out spells
  128. Is there an official conversion to "mana" for sorcerers?
  129. What is E'X'?
  130. Extra Spell Slots feat Question
  131. Pathfinder Project Unchained Witch
  132. Guaranteeing th Magical Hit
  133. Pathfinder Dweomerkeeper Supernatural Spell Choices
  134. (PATHFINDER) Wizard tower cost.
  135. Elemental, Magical Aptitude
  136. Aldune Minotaur Help
  137. How did you get into 3e?
  138. Rules Q&A Armor speed penalties for faster creatures.
  139. Odd Question about Shape Change
  140. New dm. Requires assitance
  141. Tiny Godling Needs Help!
  142. How much problem solving is required in Pathfinder Society scenarios?
  143. DM Help Interesting ideas to prevent BBEG dying in first confrontation.
  144. Catch a Cerynitis
  145. DM Help Bullets
  146. v3.5 dndtools reference phone app
  147. Pathfinder Swash build proofing needed
  148. What Metamagic is good for Sonic Snap?
  149. Player Help Changing Weapon Types?
  150. Pathfinder The Akashic Brawler?
  151. Vile damage vs Nonlethal convertion (3.5)
  152. Yuan-Ti Sources?
  153. Player Help Can you gain temporary HD?
  154. DM Help Tome of Battle IC Justifications
  155. Questions about sorcerer/mage of the arcane order 3.5
  156. 3rd Ed A colossal dragon cups his "hands"
  157. Roleplaying Roleplaying a Barbarian
  158. What's your favorite Monster race?
  159. DM Help Critiquing My Houserules
  160. 3.5 Flying Airship
  161. Pathfinder Getting Bleed to stack through damage types?
  162. Pathfinder Looking for roguish healer builds
  163. Help with making Sublime Way masters for webcomic
  164. Pathfinder Akashic Mysteries Dark Lord's Ring veil, does it buff the wight?
  165. Real world pantheons: Who would you stat as an Overdeity?
  166. Level-Inappropriate Stories
  167. ideas of Paladin OP
  168. Optimization Gestalt 20 - Divine Rank 1 - Build Ideas
  169. DM Help Consequences of eliminating all Drow?
  170. [D&D 3.5] Smite and Full Round Attack
  171. DM Help Negative Levels from Resurrection
  172. Playing Star Wars Saga, anything that should be avoided?
  173. Optimization Psionic Archmage Build?
  174. Creating new spell for arcane thesis
  175. Need An Elite Snow Warrior
  176. What's everyone's best riddle?
  177. Pathfinder Monk Vow of Silence + Spellcasting
  178. Pathfinder Simple Gestalt Ideas
  179. Pathfinder Weaponizing kobold wings?
  180. The Knight FAQ
  181. Pathfinder Twisted Fate in Pathfinder?
  182. Daring Champion Build - Need Advice!
  183. How a wizard survives...
  184. Player Help Bard Variants
  185. D&D 3.5/Pathfinder built crossover parties
  186. DM Help Ramification of removing most feat prereqs
  187. Pathfinder Fun Bloodrager buid? I need ideas.
  188. DM Help New DM here, Need help optimizing the campaign
  189. 3rd Ed Advice for a Rogue Warlock Unseen Seer Other build
  190. Pathfinder: Hellcat Stealth + Blend = invisibility?
  191. Pathfinder ECL 16 Magus (Kensai - Blade bound) Build Help
  192. Optimization Pathfinder Kingmaker: Help me plan my build for Bloodrager
  193. Pathfinder Wards and Protections
  194. Need some fluff help with a potential Strange Aeons character
  195. 3rd Ed [3.5] Partial Caster Base Classes (all books)
  196. Non conventional offensive spells
  197. Mininatures Alternatives
  198. Pathfinder Adapting J1 - Entombed with the Pharaohs to Spheres of Power
  199. DM Help Vasharan worm pod question
  200. Pathfinder: panther style
  201. DM Help [3.5] Hiding Alignment on a Budget
  202. John Bloody Constantine
  203. The Phase Blade
  204. Naval combat rules?
  205. Partial Gestalt
  206. [PF] 7 Charisma Paladin
  207. mystic ranger / wizard 1..
  208. True Creation and Golem Crafting
  209. How to force a soul from a kill to go to a different plane than their alignment?
  210. Custom nonepic summon spell research?
  211. Optimization Help with my Warpriest
  212. Pathfinder Advice for a one-dagger rogue?
  213. Pyrokineticist - anything to save it?
  214. Mystic Theurge and Consumptive field
  215. Pathfinder bloodline
  216. Constantine thread the second
  217. Shadow Creator Master
  218. PF - How to Build a Clockwork Mimic/Doppelganger
  219. trying to find some cool classes (3.5e)
  220. How to get True Mind Switch on a wizard?
  221. DM Help Finding the right monster to stalk my players
  222. Pathfinder Ring of Spell Storing (minor) with Mythic spell.
  223. Quickly switching items?
  224. 3rd Ed [3.5] Tibbit/Tressym Combination
  225. Optimization Dragonfire Adept + PyroHidra
  226. Build Help - Ghost of Beholder Mage future
  227. Pathfinder Weapon Challenge: Club
  228. Looking for the feat that gives you a 2nd level spell at first level
  229. Activating a magic-item while swimming
  230. Pathfinder Shield Slam or a Ramming Shield?
  231. Who can help? Looking for feat
  232. Pathfinder How to Overcome A Liminal Sprite?
  233. Kingmaker AP Travel and running a nation?
  234. Rules Q&A Items/weapons that turn into constructs
  235. Pathfinder How can one add tentacle attacks to a natural attack routine?
  236. Alter Self... as an Elan?
  237. Using Magic Jar to permanently turn yourself into a golem!
  238. How to give a construct a temporary constitution score?
  239. Rules Q&A Price Check isle three (ask price on things!)
  240. DM Help New Era weapons in Medieval Fantasy
  241. Advice for an odd oracle build
  242. [3.5] Call Weaponry: Unarmed Strike
  243. Wild shape and familiarity
  244. Pathfinder Elder Mythos Cultist channel energy combo?
  245. Crits and what they include
  246. 3rd Ed Good spell to put into an Enternal Wand
  247. Pathfinder PF - Lists of Undead Creation and Creatable Undead
  248. Aquiring immunity to a Demilich's Trap the Soul?
  249. Build request: Dagger fighter/thrower
  250. How do you turn yourself into a construct?