View Full Version : Funny Homework Answers & Essays

2008-12-19, 06:51 PM
WARNING: Some of the essays are extremely explicit, using various curse words.





And another, slightly explicit one...


This kid has a LOT of essays... O.O




(Single curse used at the end, do not read if you are very religious)


Essay on Walt Whitman, creator of Livejournal.


Enjoy my random stupidity and boredom! =D

2008-12-19, 08:27 PM
That.... is.... GOLD!!!1!one!

my god, that's bl**dy hilarious man, and i'm a christian :smalleek:.

if you like things that are vaguely related, and i hope this doesn't break advirtising, because i'm not an advirtiser, ember or blaa bla bla, but check out


Warning, explicit

2008-12-19, 08:29 PM
I can't stop crying... and my ribs hurt.

2008-12-19, 08:40 PM
I honestly don't find this funny at all. I wonder whether they are fake, or they actually thought it was a good idea to turn those in. Maybe they think they're smart or funny (they're not). If the case is the latter, I think it shows an appalling degree of disrespect to their teachers, to the valuable education they are receiving, and to themselves, being them the ones who are ultimately going to appear as retards.

2008-12-19, 08:48 PM
Heh, my guitar teacher sent me some of these once. Specifically, the one with the curve graph and the elephant were on there.

Obviously they're all fake, but it's always fun to imagine the stupid people you know in your own classes turning that kind of stuff in and nodding and going "Yeah, I could totally see him doing that."

2008-12-19, 08:51 PM
I honestly don't find this funny at all. I wonder whether they are fake, or they actually thought it was a good idea to turn those in. Maybe they think they're smart or funny (they're not). If the case is the latter, I think it shows an appalling degree of disrespect to their teachers, to the valuable education they are receiving, and to themselves, being them the ones who are ultimately going to appear as retards.

Don't get me wrong, i think it's absolutely appalling that anyone might write or turn such a paper in, and aside from that, their probably fake, but i still find them hilarious.

2008-12-19, 08:56 PM
See, the fact that they're hopefully fake makes them less funny even. To me.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-12-19, 09:10 PM
I honestly don't find this funny at all. I wonder whether they are fake, or they actually thought it was a good idea to turn those in. Maybe they think they're smart or funny (they're not). If the case is the latter, I think it shows an appalling degree of disrespect to their teachers, to the valuable education they are receiving, and to themselves, being them the ones who are ultimately going to appear as retards.
Dude, you have no sense of humour :frown:

If I was a teacher and someone turned in a paper like that (especially if I knew that someone can write good papers), he'd be my favourite student till the end of time.

Raiser Blade
2008-12-19, 09:15 PM
I honestly don't find this funny at all. I wonder whether they are fake, or they actually thought it was a good idea to turn those in. Maybe they think they're smart or funny (they're not). If the case is the latter, I think it shows an appalling degree of disrespect to their teachers, to the valuable education they are receiving, and to themselves, being them the ones who are ultimately going to appear as retards.

Move along folks there will be no joy in mudville laughs today.

I lol'd

2008-12-19, 09:45 PM
A few were funny, but the essays by Peter Ngyun were merely random. Random is not the same as funny.

2008-12-19, 10:01 PM
The one on hell was funny. The Peter ones were obviously fake and not funny.

2008-12-19, 10:05 PM
"No, there is an elephant in the way." If I had ever thought to put that, I would have enjoyed physics much, much more.

A few were funny, but the essays by Peter Ngyun were merely random. Random is not the same as funny.

True, but the part at the end where he confused the United States with Goku and the Indians with Frieza in Dragonball Z made me laugh.

2008-12-19, 10:06 PM
The one on hell was funny. The Peter ones were obviously fake and not funny.

Yeah, the Hell one cracked me up.

2008-12-20, 10:25 AM
Well, seeing as people enjoy the essays/homework, outnumber the people who dislike them, so this will stay! Oh, I'll hunt for more eventually....

2008-12-20, 11:33 AM
The hell freezing over one was positively heroic. Being a snarky bastard and getting good grades at the same time? Win.
And the elephant one cracked me up. It's so logical, yet so wrong.
Also, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

2008-12-20, 12:18 PM
I think the find x one is of a realy exam, I know someone in my school expanded the bracet 4(x+2) by writing 4 ( x + 2 ).

Moff Chumley
2008-12-20, 12:21 PM
I lol'd on myself. Damn it, I just took a shower. :smallmad:

2008-12-20, 12:48 PM
Lots of people like these. =D GO MEH!!

EDIT: I found one called: expand x (a+b).

x (a + b)

x (a + b)

x= (a + b)

2008-12-20, 01:30 PM
*fails breathing check*
*dies of laughter*

2008-12-20, 02:24 PM
I laughed so hard I practically cried. The Peter ones weren't exactly great, but the first link . . . wow. I want to do the "here it is!" thing for "find x" on a math test now, that'd be great!

My contribution would be the infamous barometer problem. (http://www.snopes.com/college/exam/barometer.asp) The site has a couple different examples, I like the second one best.

2008-12-20, 03:01 PM
The one on Hell was Hilarious.

Peter Nyugen is obviously fake, but admittedly funny. Occasionaly.

2008-12-20, 05:20 PM
I had some GTAs at work show these to me earlier this semester. I find them amusing, assuming they are fakes...Though if I was a teacher (which I hope to be in the future!) I'd be more than a little upset.

Im guilty of writing some silly things on tests for some of my professors, but only the ones I know well and know that I'm not going to offend. I know last year I missed a day of notes and had a short answer question on the test about something Id missed that day. The teacher (this was a survey American History course) was my academic advisor and was very familiar with my antics. In the space I wrote "If I wrote anything other than 'I don't know', Id by lying." When the test was returned, that was the only short answer I missed and she marked it with a big red smiley face.

I wouldn't try that with a teacher who didn't have a good sense of humor towards me, of course. I value my GPA >>

2008-12-20, 05:50 PM
I had some GTAs at work show these to me earlier this semester. I find them amusing, assuming they are fakes...Though if I was a teacher (which I hope to be in the future!) I'd be more than a little upset.

Im guilty of writing some silly things on tests for some of my professors, but only the ones I know well and know that I'm not going to offend. I know last year I missed a day of notes and had a short answer question on the test about something Id missed that day. The teacher (this was a survey American History course) was my academic advisor and was very familiar with my antics. In the space I wrote "If I wrote anything other than 'I don't know', Id by lying." When the test was returned, that was the only short answer I missed and she marked it with a big red smiley face.

I wouldn't try that with a teacher who didn't have a good sense of humor towards me, of course. I value my GPA >>
I'm a little guilty of that myself.

For Example, I hate my Math Teacher with fiery fury to match ten-thousand suns. She hands a work-sheet. One Problem says "Explain in depth how to count Functions" I walk up to her and ask her what exactly this problem is asking you to do. She says, smiling "Counting Functions". So I go back to my seat, and write this :

Generally, I point at the first function on the page and say in a loud clear voice "Function Number one" I then point to the next Function, and say "Function number 2" Repeat.

Didn't get a good grade for that paper, but oh well.

2008-12-20, 05:58 PM
Most of these are ancient, like I haven't seen since I was 14 - 7 years ago, ancient.

Once, in the fifth grade, I was angry for one reason or another. Probably puberty. So on a math test I answered '1' for question 1, '2' for question 2 ect. For some reason I wrote the answers with proper units, meters, seconds, you know. Well when I got the test back I got one question right. The funny thing was that it was question 22 out of 25, which of course meant that the teacher graded the entire thing. She was upset and wrote, "Were you even trying?" on the test, and I was upset because she completely didn't get what I did.

Neko Toast
2008-12-20, 06:03 PM
My friend took a Philosophy class this last semester, and had some pretty funny but creative answers for some quizzes.

One question was "Is this a question?"
Her answer was "If that is a question, then this is an answer."

Another good one was "Prove that your chair doesn't exist."
Her answer: "What chair?"

2008-12-20, 08:09 PM
@Slayer: You do realize that's ALL over the internet? O.O

Popularity ftw! =D Everybody likes the essay on hell, and I know Peter's brother! =D

Flame of Anor
2008-12-20, 08:19 PM
On my archaeology test, when I was asked (T/F) if "the Taliban of Afghanistan had great respect for the legacies of earlier religious cultures", I permitted myself a "H-ll no."

2008-12-20, 08:21 PM
XD You guys are partially insane. =D LIKE MEEEEEEEEE!

2008-12-20, 08:34 PM

The one on Hell was Hilarious.

Peter Nyugen is obviously fake, but admittedly funny. Occasionaly.

And the elephant one was pretty good

dark-sage 95
2008-12-20, 08:54 PM
oh my god next math test that says find X or Y i'm so doing that!!:smallbiggrin:

Ninja Chocobo
2008-12-20, 09:00 PM
I had a friend who, when presented with a worksheet on the different sorts of sin in Religion class, invented an entire theology based around venial sin (sin which relates to the circulatory system), osteo sin (sin which relates to the bones), and one other form of sin which relates to the lungs.
Camels were involved in a number of places.
To this day I regret not getting a copy when I could.

2008-12-20, 09:01 PM

And the elephant one was pretty good

I forgot about that one. I'm going to use that, one day.

Flame of Anor
2008-12-20, 09:08 PM
I would do something like this--or make one up--if only I weren't concerned about getting good grades. Also, I don't think I could come up with anything nearly as bad as Peter Nguyen's essays if I tried.

2008-12-20, 11:05 PM
Thank you all for enjoying this! Now click on the other link and post there! =D

2008-12-20, 11:07 PM
FAIL (http://failblog.org/2008/09/29/opposites-fail/).

1. Time is Money
2. Knowledge is Power

Power = Work / Time
Knowledge = Work / Money
Money = Work / Knowledge

The less you know, the more money you'll make...Apparently.

That's my contribution to this thread.

2008-12-20, 11:09 PM
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... That was quite... INTERESTING, to say the least. Or most.

Flame of Anor
2008-12-21, 12:33 AM
1. Time is Money
2. Knowledge is Power

Power = Work / Time
Knowledge = Work / Money
Money = Work / Knowledge

The less you know, the more money you'll make...Apparently.

That is amazing. Proverbs, physics, and illogical logic all blended together in a supreme melange of sillitude. I congratulate you emphatically. :smallsmile:

2008-12-21, 07:45 PM
Flame, you stole Illogical logic from my latest TRG post...