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2008-12-20, 10:47 AM
A Kind of Classic (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99962)

Welcome to the Bluefoot Inn and Tavern. The air is hazy with smoke, smelling of tobacco, alcohol, and food. It's a fairly busy place right now. Most of those in this place are human, but there are some halflings, gnomes, and half-breeds about the place, as well as some ... less-liked patrons. Near the door is a gruff-looking half-orc bouncer.

2008-12-20, 11:45 AM
The door slowly opens and an unconscious goblin with two arrows in his back falls face-first on the tavern's floor.

2008-12-20, 11:58 AM

Near the fireplace, in a shadowy corner, is a tall, lanky figure dressed in black explorer's clothing. His cloak is wrapped about him creating an imposing shadow. He rises as the door opens and strides over to the wounded goblin, going down on one knee to check if the humanoid is still breathing. Looking up, everyone realizes that the shadowy darkness of his hood is partially because he wears a mask over his face. "Is there a healer in the house?"

2008-12-20, 12:22 PM
Several Minutes Ago...

Someone strains against the door.

Pushes and grunts and shoves and finally manages to budge the impediment enough to slip inside. There comes a slightly annoyed sniff from the someone as he provides the previous object of his frustration with an irritated look obscured by rim of his comically large hat.

"You need your hinges oiled regularly, yep," comes a high, yappy voice in common along with a waggling finger of admonishment at the door. The finger in question is then turned to the bouncer at the door. "And you need to inform the owner of this establishment of this problem, yep yep."

Without so much as waiting for a reply the someone crosses the common floor of the tavern with a bouncy, springy gait and goes about the Herculean task of scrambling into a chair that's far too large for him. And it is in this endeavor that his nature is quite clearly displayed.

Shoeless feet, though certainly not what one would expect from a halfling. Furry, yes, but far too thick. A dark gray fuzz tinted with blue, clawed toes like a tiny therapod, and every now and again a hairless, scaly tail like a lizard's peeks out from under the someone's drab brown cloak.

Finally settled in the Chair of the Giants™ Regiji Shimerishten removes his humorously over-sized hat and blinks about the tavern with large, curious, cat-like eyes. The same gray fur adorns his face and head, though the neck is armored with bare scales. There are a few lighter muddy brown splotches of fur here and there, prominently a spot around his left eye. The face looks like some comfortable medium between canine and draconic, tiny horns above the eyes with a larger pair at the back of the head. Long, triangular ears twitch about at the various rowdy, boisterous conversations that fill the tavern.

Regiji bounces up and down slightly, standing in the chain on account of the height of the table he's 'seated' at as he takes in the sights. Searching, searching for adventure. "This will be the place, yep yep," he comments to no one in particular in that yappy voice of his. "This will be the place it all begins."


No adventure yet.

Eventually the bouncing stopped and Regiji was starting to nod off. Though... the sudden introduction of an arrow riddled goblin gets his attention in a hurry. In a snap the kobold leaps from drowsy to alert.

"A goblin in town? Oh, I wonder where he came from? Maybe he was part of a raiding part? Oh! He might be an outcast from a goblin village! That makes sense, yep yep. One goblin wouldn't walk into a human city, that would be stupid, yep."

He nods in agreement with himself, apparently oblivious to the fact that a lone kobold walking into a human city isn't the wisest course of action either. But then... Regiji hasn't always made the best of decisions on the fly.

2008-12-20, 12:42 PM
Redleaf opens the door, and is instantly amazed by the number of people here. His bare feet begin to twitch, showing longer than normal toes. He walks through the tavern, enjoying all the sights and sounds, sees the goblin and kobold, thinking, Oooh what interesting costumes, did I miss a holiday?

He walks up to the bar, notices all the big folk enjoying some sort of beverage and becoming more and more boisterous and fun. He jumps up to a stool and says Uhh...Can I have what they're having?. The barkeep, of course, charges him a silver, but Redleaf is honestly surprised. He hands over one silver and takes his mug, which is far too big. He sips a little then chugs the rest, loving it. Then he feels extremely dizzy and falls off his stool. He gets up, to fall back down again. This is a pattern as he goes to find a chair.

2008-12-20, 01:53 PM
Nadia waltzes into the tavern, taking a seat nearest to the burning ember of the fireplace. She begins to become relaxed, but then notices the small, dying creature on the floor. She stretches off a bit before trying to come to it's aid.

She turns him over, lifting his head like a babe. An ugly babe, but one nonetheless. "I don't know if I can do this, but I'll try my best" She says in a quiet, almost seductive voice. She then turns him over and sees what she really can do.

Heal: [roll0]

2008-12-20, 02:19 PM
Regiji quirks his head off to the side a bit as he puzzles over the antics of a certain halfling. The little fellow had hardly a drink in him and yet seemed to be having quite a bit of trouble... well... sitting.

The kobold snaps his jaw shut and peers at the odd scene.

"Drunk?" Regiji chatters at no one in particular. "But that couldn't be. No one gets inebriated that quickly. At least not in my experience. This oddity requires further investigation, yep yep!"

As opposed to helping with the arrow laden Goblin. Regiji has yet to meet any goblins that he likes, though that may change in the future. Besides which that brown-skinned human is already lending her aid.

Hmmm... That manages to distract him.

"Haven't ever seen a human of that particular color before. Maybe she's part Drow? No... Drow are black black. And she certainly isn't, nup nup. Oh well. On to other things, yep!"

And with that he hops out of his chair and bounds over to the tipsy halfling. "You look like you need a seat, yep yep."

2008-12-20, 02:56 PM
Nadia accidently sticks the arrow in deeper instead of pulling it. "Do not worry, small one, someone will come along with better aid than I can provide. Everything will be alright" She says, her rainbow-like eyes focusing onto the arrow, trying her luck once more.


2008-12-20, 02:57 PM
Redleaf gets back on his feet, staring at one spot for a second, getting his balance back and concentrating on forming words.

Oh, this is embarrassing. What was in that *hiccup* drink? Never in my life have I been knocked off my feet by a beverage. That is certainly a nice *hiccup* costume you have there. What's the occasion?

2008-12-20, 03:15 PM
"The ale? It's ale, of course! Water and barley and alcohol. Doesn't smell that good, nup. But these people seem to like it," Regiji peers at the spot the halfling has fixed his vision on, trying to figure out what he's looking at.

Hmmm... The kobold idly scratches one ear. And then both ears quirk upright at the next question. "Costume? I'm not wearing a costume. I'm a kobold, yup yup."

Another pause as Regiji studies the halfling with his yellow cat-like eyes. "Never seen a kobold, nup? That's okay! Most of them are mean and nasty. Kill gnomes on sight if they can manage. They're grumpy because they spend all their time mining I think, yup."

He glances back and forth conspiratorially before leaning in to whisper. "Just like the dwarves. But they're so full of ale all the time that they're a bit more jolly."

A jolly dwarf?


Regiji must have met an interesting one at some point in the past.

2008-12-20, 03:29 PM
I'm not so sure about this "ale" stuff... Redleaf mutters to himself. He shifts his gaze for a little bit, testing his balance and determining it is better. He notices the kobold's feet, seeing how they are indeed quite different from his own. Perhaps this is not a clever ruse but a giant talking lizard.

I'm terribly sorry, this is my first urban area. I'm called Redleaf, who are you?

2008-12-20, 03:54 PM
Giant talking dragon-dog, Regiji would be quick to correct. But since he isn't a very accomplished telepath he's quite unaware of the halfling's thoughts. Though when it comes to introductions that's something he can quite exuberantly throw himself into replying to.

"Hail Redleaf! A pleasure to meet you! I am-" the kobold grips the hem of his cloak and reaches up to make a flourish with his hat.

Only to find that he hat is missing.

He glances about for a few moments before realizing that he left it on the table nearby. "One moment, yup," Regiji holds up a single finger in a gesture stating what he just said before bouncing over to the table, scrambling back onto his chair, retrieving his hat, bouncing back over to the halfling, and then completing his bow with a flourish. "I am Regiji Shimerishten, son of the great illusionist Jeerin Shimerishten of the village Dellsfallow."

He rights himself, replaces the comically large hat upon his head, a smiles toothily. "And I will be the greatest sorcerer the world has ever known. My father always told me to set my goals high, yup yup."

2008-12-20, 04:20 PM

Harland looks up from his drink for the first time in several hours to watch all the newcomers. That orc must have fallen asleep at his post again, goblins and kobolds. Well its not my problem, atleast some one is dealing with the goblin in the right way. Harland raises his glass in a half salute to the brown skinned woman, before turning his attention to the activities of the kobold and halfling. Now there's an interesting sight, a kobold and a halfing talking without trying to steal each others shoes. glancing down to see the lack of shoes on there feet ok, maybe not so interesting then.

With a deep sigh Harland turns back to drowning his troubles Maybe my time will come again, but this isn't my time.

2008-12-20, 06:27 PM
Nadia walks over to the two short men after taking the arrows out of the goblin and patting him softly on the head. "Hello, small men. Might you be with the small, ape-maced man? I think he needs aid by someone more acquainted with his size. You don't mind do you?" She asks, hands on her hips.

2008-12-20, 06:54 PM
Now, Regiji had always thought goblins looked more like bat faced people than anything else. But then, he hadn't ever gotten a very good look at one of them before. Now might be a good time but...

The kobold peers past the towering woman's legs to get a better view of the now de-arrowed goblin.


"I haven't seen him before, oh no, nup. He just stumbled in a few minutes ago. Did he wander through the street like that, though? Arrows sticking out of him, yup? That must have been strange. Wonder why no one stopped him," now the kobold is just rambling. "Maybe they were frightened? Or didn't think a half-dead goblin was a threat? I don't know, nup. Maybe he lives here in town?"

Now he glances about the tavern to see if anyone seems to be familiar with the injured humanoid.

Probably won't be noticing any such thing.

"Healing isn't my forte, yup. Maybe if I had a wand?"

Doesn't have one of those. They cost money you see. And that's something that is in somewhat short supply to Regiji at the moment.

2008-12-20, 07:18 PM
Nadia crouches down at the lizard man. What a strange creature she thought. She never saw many reptilian creatures in the desert, besides the occasional yuan-ti spy. But this was as far removed from the devious, human-like creatures that she would see. It was a quirky little creature from what she could tell. "Tell, me, little one, what is your name?" She asks, face to face.

2008-12-20, 07:46 PM
The half-orc is not asleep, but watching the situation impassively, for any hint of trouble. So far, however, the participants seem more inclined to helping each other and conversation than making trouble, so he doesn't move.

"Interesting customers we're getting today," a dark-haired young woman comments to Harland, her gaze moving from the injured goblin and lingering on Regiji with no slight hostility. "Bet that's one of the dogs as took my dad. Seems a little too cheerful..."

2008-12-20, 08:08 PM

A slow creak announces yet another arrival at the Bluefoot Tavern. The grey cloaked figure slowly makes her way over to a table near the entrance. She ignores the couple before the door, only pausing a moment at sight of the goblin. The cowl hovers just over her forehead. Fine bone structure is seen, somewhat, poking from the shadows provided, covered by creamy, almost porcelain-shaded skin. Such fine skin is marred only on the left side by an angry-red scar.

A small cough causes the figure to raise a hand to her mouth. Yes, its definitely a she as the cowl is pushed back and a weary elven face peers around. She lets her backpack slowly slip to the ground next to her chair. The strain of travel on her visage disappears and a cold gaze peers at the goblin. Intent eyes appraise the gathering of concerned individuals.

The elf slowly stands and walks past the group, towards the bar. She orders a cup of mulled wine. Tossing down a silver piece after pondering the coins in her belt purse, she walks back towards her original table.

"You'd be better off letting him die. We all would, Corellon be praised."

A sharp sniff and a steady pace to her table signifies the entirety of this elf's opinion on the matter.

2008-12-20, 08:24 PM
Quirky and bouncy and none too curious, that much is for sure.

The kobold watches closely as the brown-skinned human stoops, dropping down to meet him face to face. He isn't quite sure whether this is out of politeness or because the woman considers him child-like. He had been told by his father before that the Big Folk tended to see those smaller than they in that sort of light.

"Makes sense, after all," Regiji chatters as he stares off into space. "Because their children are about that size, yup yup."


And then he seems to realize that he's being asked for an introduction. To which he grins toothily. "Of course! I would be more than happy to share my name, yup! I," he presents the same flourishing bow he had taken earlier. "Am Regiji Shimerishten, son of Jeerin Shimerishten the peerless illusionist of Dellsfallow."

He rights himself and replaces his hat atop his head. The rim flops a bit on account of being far larger than necessary.

"And might I ask the name of the one who has graced me with her conversation?"

The kobold is certainly polite. Certainly not the kind that would be likely to steal cabbages and babies from a farm house.

Regiji's ear twitches in the direction of the dark-haired woman, registering the words and quickly piecing them together. Strange customers and cheerful dog? The latter is himself, no doubt. The kobold is quite use to be likened to a rat, dog, or lizard depending on the mood and whims of those around him. Though in like manner he has long since learned to ignore such words. More often than not they're spoken in ignorance.

And once more ears twitch as the elf lodges her thoughts on the future of the poor bloodied goblin. Now, he's killed goblins before in the defense of his village. But just letting another die after limping inside for refuge? That seems downright inhospitable to him.

Had he the means to heal the goblin Regiji might do so just to spite the stuffy elf.

2008-12-20, 09:10 PM
I also know nothing of healing, sorry. He says to the woman crouching over him.

Redleaf, still a little drunk, guffaws at Regiji's antics. He then walks over to the door to move the goblin out of the doorway, a common courtesy.

2008-12-20, 09:27 PM
Nadia smiles. "Quite the charming creature, you are. I remember becoming enamored with man as polite as you from this land when I was little, but I wish I had someone with you back then instead." She says, caressing Regiji's face. She then sits on the floor, legs crossed, turning to the halfling.

"It is alright, little one. 'Time heals all wounds', as they say" She consols.

2008-12-20, 09:44 PM
The kobold's fuzz is short and fairly soft, about what one would expect from rubbing a dog. Though the skin under it feels quite hard and armored. Regiji seems rather taken by surprise by the physical contact. He had been expecting a name. Perhaps a polite bow or a hand-shake. But not petting. He yips slightly as Nadia touches him, though quite quickly be begins working at composing himself.

"I... well..." he clears his throat. "Thank you for your flattery, miss," once more he bows politely. "First impressions are a gift that can't be taken back once given. I strive to make mine as pleasant as I can, yep yep."

2008-12-20, 10:29 PM
Redleaf goes back to where the girl and Regiji are talking.

Shall we claim a table?

He finds an empty one and sits down, picking things out of his toes and hair. He finds a tasty treat and pops it into his mouth. Redleaf doesn't believe in wasting food.

2008-12-20, 10:47 PM
Regiji balks slightly at the sight of the halfling picking parasites out of his hair. That's just...


The kobold blechs slightly, trying his best to maintain his composure.

Over to Redleaf he bounces, muttering a few arcane syllables before reaching up to place a hand on the filthy person. "Here, let me help you with your rather sordid hygiene, yup."

What spell is he using?

Why, none other than that perennial favorite Prestidigitation!

Should all go as planned Redleaf will find his hair freed of dirt and debris, clothing made fresh and dry, and all the grime that clings to him banished. Who knows, maybe the magic will force off all the parasite as well.

2008-12-20, 11:34 PM
"And a very good one you have made." She says, looking into the kobolds eyes. "My name is Nadia. I come from a land far from here. Why do you come here, if I may ask?"

2008-12-20, 11:43 PM
Regiji bows, though not quite as exaggerated in fashion as before. "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Nadia, yup yup."

"Here? This place specifically, yup?" Regiji echoes. "I heard that there are draconic artifacts here. Something I would rather like to see for myself, yup yup. And aside from that I hope to follow in my father's footsteps. He was an explorer in the days of his youth as well, yep. That was all before he settled down as the village wizard of Dellsfallow."

The kobold then quirks his head off to the side slightly. "And what of you? What has brought you to Asmira from your far away land?"

2008-12-20, 11:51 PM

Arduin stands up as the woman comes over and at first shows a complete lack of skill at working on the goblin, then a masterful display of skill to follow it up.

In which case it is probably luck, rather than skill.

Since the goblin is being cared for and not many others in the tavern seem inclined to help, or even notice the wounded creature, he quietly left the door and returned to his shadowy corner. He sits again and sips his ale quietly and returns to the book he was reading by the firelight.

I'm looking forward to seeing these fragments of draconic legend, who knows what they might promise in terms of a better understanding of magic.

ooc: Fast start today, sorry, I was gone for most of it... Yuletide party!

2008-12-21, 12:25 AM
Needless to say, Redleaf is surprised. He leaps up, lands on the back of the chair, causing it to fall backwards, making a racket. He lands on his feet and looks himself over rapidly. He licks his teeth to find them sparkling and white, his toenails are trimmed.

He decides it's not necessarily a bad thing to be clean and picks his chair back up, and sits with his feet up, bored.

A little drastic, doncha think... he mutters to himself.

2008-12-21, 12:34 AM
Regiji can't help but smirk at the halfling's surprise.

Just a little. He doesn't want to be rude after all.

"Oh, I disagree. I hate to be rude, but your previous condition made it quite the..." the kobold searches for the proper words. "Unique experience to be seated next to you, yep yep. I can't say that I've ever had the chance to be exposed to such odors coming from a humanoid before."

Clearly he hasn't ever met a troglodyte. Which is probably a good thing.

Since prestidigitation is still active Regiji goes about the process of making the pair's table spotless.

2008-12-21, 01:31 AM

Harland glances up at the dark-haired young woman, starring at her for several long seconds before glancing her up and down to get a full gauge of her. ... Was she speaking to me? Why can't people keep their business to themselves? All I want to do is mind my own business and forget my past in a lovely warm bottle. But no, people have to go out of their way to bug me. Harland gives a long sigh Well maybe I can help her out.

"Go on?"

Maybe she'll buy me a drink for my company. Harland keeps his gaze steady on her eye's in a most disturbing way, clearly interested in what she has to say.

2008-12-21, 06:52 AM
Meanwhile Grumzil stops bleeding from his arrow wounds and begins snoring quietly.

2008-12-21, 09:05 AM
The woman swallows, mildly disconcerted, though unsure why. Her clothing is simple but well-kept, and look decently well suited to travelling; her eyes are a similar dark brown to her hair. She sits down at his table, signaling for a drink.

"Though, the kind as took him had browner fur ... Say they want a ransom. We've got a hundred gold or so saved up, but they want five times that much. Besides, they'd probably just kill 'm once they had the money ..."

2008-12-21, 11:14 AM

Through the tavern door a winged humanoid enters the tavern. Well, at first sight he just seems to have a very large load on his back, that that bulk turns out to be folded wings, with a rather small pack nestled between them. At 6 feet he is fairly tall, but quite slender, and his hair, upon close inspection, turns out to be very fine white feathers. He holds a spear in his hand, and bears a scimitar at his waist. He is wearing light clothing.

Tuillafir is bemused at the commotion in the tavern. “So many odd people,” he thinks. “So much for ‘birds of a feather’ applying to groundlings.” He reminds himself that most people do not appreciate that term.

Tuillafir notices the goblin, and instinctively clutches his spear tighter. However, he sees it is injured, and surrounded by its captors. “A spy?” he muses out loud. “Should it be taken to the town’s chief to be interrogated?”

Catching site of the barkeep, Tuillafir lets the matter drop, and heads towards the bar. “Excuse me sir,” he says, “my name is Tuillafir, and I understand that this is the place to find travelling companions. I’ve begun my Walk, you see, and wish to experience more of this great wide world.”

2008-12-21, 11:28 AM
The barkeep, a weathered-looking man with salt-and-pepper hair, regards Tuillafir curiously.

"Certainly are a lot of drifters here. Anything in particular you're looking for?"

2008-12-21, 02:07 PM
A clichéd game? Where the barkeeper doesn't have weird facial hair? Truly a perfect opportunity lost. But such things can't be dwelled upon.

Regiji's ear once more twitches toward the conversation between the bulky bald man and the smaller dark-haired woman. From what he's gathered it sounds like a band of kobold brigands have stolen away one of the woman's loved ones. "A vile deed, certainly, yup," he once again chatters at no one in particular.

He doesn't consider his course of action. No indeed, he is quick to act and rather impulsive about this sort of thing.

Without second thought he slips out of his chair and bounces over to the conversing pair and provides one of his elegant, flourished bows. "Hail, strangers. I couldn't help but overhear your troubles," he rights himself and replaces his comically over-sized hat. "Someone dear to you has been stolen away, yup. And you fear treachery should you succumb to the demands of the brigands. There is but one course of action, then. A rescue, yup yup."

He would offer his hand but... he's a little short for that.

"Should you choose to save your father I would be honored to lend what arcane might I can muster to your cause. For the sake of your family, and that you may see that not all kobolds are sniveling thugs."

He's certainly eloquent enough.

2008-12-21, 02:46 PM
The woman looks surprised and abashed to be so politely addressed by Regiji. "You would? Well ... thank you. I would certainly be in your debt."

2008-12-21, 02:55 PM
"You seem surprised by my offer, yup?" Regiji inquires when he picks up on the woman's tone. "Kobolds are not inherently evil, nup. Their culture has conditioned them to be treacherous and xenophobic. I had the good fortune of being raised by my father, Jeerin Shimerishten. A good-hearted gnome and head wizard of Dellsfallow."

He bows once again.

"And I am Regiji Shimerishten. And you may keep your debt. Your thanks would be sufficient reward for me."

2008-12-21, 03:15 PM

The black-masked human in the corner actually seems to notice something going on around him, he looks over at Regiji. "Excuse me, did you say you were the child of Jeerin Shimershten... the same Jeerin Shimershten who wrote, Correspondences Between Illusion and Conjuration: The Shadow Path?"

2008-12-21, 03:42 PM
Regiji's ear twitches in the masked man's direction. Soon to be followed by the kobold glancing over his shoulder to scrutinize the speaker with those curious yellow eyes. Arduin is provided with a nod. And shortly there after an answer. "Adopted child, technically. But that technicality means little to bother my father and myself. And yes, the same. Shadow conjurations are a great strength of my father's, though he was somewhat disappointed to find that I lacked his knack for them, yup," the kobold replies. There's a good chance that he'll start rambling any moment now. "True conjuration, however, I'm quite adept with. I hope to one day live up to my father's illustrious legacy. No small task, but I do believe I am well capable."

2008-12-21, 03:55 PM
She smiles slightly. "You're a lucky one then, to have a father who raised you to be so generous. I'm Marisa." As the two spellcasters converse, she listens, seeming a tad bemused.

2008-12-21, 04:22 PM

Staring at the Kobold for several seconds before nodding slowly. A kobold willing to fight other kobolds for a human. Amusing. Speaking to the woman, but still staring at the kobold "We will need directions and a name. If your honest Kobold you will be welcome to join me, if your not you will be welcome to join me.... for half the trip." Harland's tone and manner doesn't change an inch throughout his massive monologue. This might be what I need... hmm But I'll need more people. Standing slowly Harland addresses the tavern, his armor showing under his cold weather gear, mace hanging off his belt. "I need a war party to deal with some kobolds and bring this girls father back. If your interested..." suddenly realizing what he's doing and the need to speak more would surely arise from trying to form the party "Talk to the kobold" with that he sits back down and finishes his drink.

Lets see where this leads...

2008-12-21, 04:59 PM
Nadia wonders to the kobold. "Would you like some companny, my kobold friend? I need help with some financial problems that this may be able to solve." She asks Regiji.

2008-12-21, 05:42 PM

The man removes his mask and smiles, his features are pleasant: pale, freckled complexion, brown hair, brown eyes that are almost black. He holds out a gloved hand, "Arduin is the name, a pleasure to meet you." He nods to the woman as well, "Marisa." He looks back at Regiji, "I'm something of a conjurer myself."

2008-12-21, 06:03 PM
She nods back to Arduin, then addresses Harland's question. "My father's name is Jack; I don't know the name of the group that captured him. I believe their camp is a few miles to the east of the city, inside the forest. Aside from their having brown fur they often wear blue armbands..."

2008-12-21, 06:23 PM
"Quite fortunate indeed, m'lady," the diminutive sorcerer responds with a hyphenated bow. "To the east? Well. It sounds as though we may need a guide to navigate the forest, yup."

Which would be a great time for a certain commoner to voice his interest in the endeavor...

Regiji considers the towering southerner for a time. Considering his mannerisms. His gestures. How uncomfortable he seems to be in speaking. "You have it on my honor and on the good Shimerishten name that I mean neither you nor the girl any treachery, yup yup."

And now?

Now people begin to line up for adventuring!

Ah this is exactly what Regiji had been hoping for. A humble quest, to be sure. But his father had begun much the same way all those years ago. "I would be most pleased to have your company, Arduin. And I hope that we may have a chance to compare arcane notes as it were when the opportunity arises," and just as quickly he turns his attention to the soft spoken bard. "And I'm sure our illustrious band would be pleased to have you along as well, Nadia. If you are worried about money I don't doubt that we will find some stolen goods in the hands of these knaves if their wanton kidnapping of the good Marisa's father suggests, yup yup."

Amusing how his focus so quickly bounces from one person or subject to another. Rather similar to his bouncing gait.

2008-12-21, 08:51 PM
Redleaf, having been listening for his opportunity for an entrance, got bored and announced his desires.

I would love to accompany you all. I love being in the woods and for such a noble cause, I'll fight a thousand.

He begins cracking his knuckles and various other joints, anxious for an adventure.

2008-12-21, 10:36 PM

The black-clad conjurer nods, "Of course, I'd be happy to accompany you. I came here to view the draconic fragments, but they aren't going anywhere, so I can always check them out later. A man kidnapped by a brand of brigands is somewhat more... immediate."

2008-12-22, 06:57 AM

Harland gives the kobold a slight nod before returning to his drink. Wonder how well his honor will hold up...

2008-12-22, 03:14 PM
Chase McLaughlin

A sour-faced teenager enters the pub by the back door. His cap casts a slight shadow on his face, but his clear blue eyes twinkle nonetheless. He wears the tan tunic and patched plaid breeches of a peasant, with a heavy waxed leather coat as if it was pouring outside. His skin is white and smoothe - if he is a peasant, he must be young.

"Oi," he says to a group of local youths hunched over a back table. Some of them grunt their welcome as they keep their conversation low and their words clipped. The youth himself is also hunched over as he walks; he glances up only briefly at the room full of people.

Someone passed out by huge door... not unusual. He doesn't notice the blood smeared on the thing's back, nor can he tell it's a goblin. The bartender and bouncer... normal. The huge human man who'd been hanging around for the past few weeks... still normal.

Fur monsters consorting with gnomes? People with wings? All quite out of the ordinary. He pulls his cap down to cover more of his face and keeps to himself as he walks to the side of the bar.

"They're mucked, then. You owe me a real ale _____, but I'll 'ave two of the weak ones if it please ya."

((I assume Chase knows the lady behind the bar, but I don't see her name in the thread.))

He tries to avoid making eye contact with the people about the bar, and doesn't seem to notice that the bartender is near on tears.

2008-12-22, 03:34 PM

Tuillafir never responds to the barkeep's question. He is distracted by the conversations going on around the woman, curious with at the respect that had, so far, been accorded the kobold.

When the armored man speaks to the tavern, calling on volunteers, Tuill smiles and steps forward. "My name is Tuillafir," the winged man says, "and I'd like to join your group. I have some skill in tracking and survival."

2008-12-22, 03:49 PM
Chase McLaughlin

O gods it's coming over here... Chase tries to keep a straight face and look the other way as the winged man approaches the crowd at the bar. Maybe he should save those beers for later.

2008-12-22, 04:37 PM
"Ah excellent, excellent," Regiji yaps as he scrutinizes the various tavern patrons that have thus far thrown their lot in with himself and the towering bald human. The somewhat tipsy halfling, the fellow conjurer who has read his father's work. The gentle-voiced woman who had been aiding the fallen goblin. And now the strange winged man. Regiji hadn't even seen his like before.

Though he bows respectfully none the less.

"Well met, Tuillair. I'm pleased to welcome you to our intrepid band of heroes, yup yup. Are you familiar with the forest surrounding the city? That would be a great boon to our quest."

2008-12-22, 05:09 PM

Tuillafir shakes his head. "Not really. I have only been to this area once before, when I was young. My nature lore can help somewhat, but it may be best to learn about the surrounding area from one who grew up here." Here he gestures towards the young people sitting or standing around the bar.

2008-12-22, 05:34 PM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase perks up when he hears mention of a guide in the woods, but he quickly puts his head back down. He wanted to get a job as a guide, but... maybe not with these people. They're so foreign!

He looks back and forth around the room nervously, clearly unsure what to do, and hopes the bartender will give him his beer quickly.

2008-12-22, 06:23 PM
Nadia walks up behind the pale commoner. "Excuse me, but did you say something about gods?" She asks. "Because, I do not know about the ones of this area." Nadia says,sliding to a stool. She puts her head on her hand and leans closer to Chase.

"Might you be the one to tell me?"

2008-12-22, 06:38 PM

The self-proclaimed conjurer looks at the brown haired woman, "I apologize if I didn't catch all of your tale before, could you tell me exactly who has been kidnapped and by what?"

2008-12-22, 07:16 PM
The kobold nods slowly, craning his neck waaaaaaay back to get a better view of the bird-man. "Perhaps so, yup. No doubt there is someone here who would..."

The kobold's voice trails off slightly as he realizes something.

Compared to the noisy tavern he just can't muster the volume necessary to be heard. To that end he reaches up and tugs on the towering bald human's leggings. "I hate to be a bother, but could you request a guide for us, nup? For the purpose of addressing a crowd I'm not quite as naturally endowed."

2008-12-22, 07:29 PM
Redleaf looks around, bewildered by the large group now surrounding him. He lists issues in his head.

1. Save lady's father.
a. need a guide.
2. look for draconic artifacts.
b. wizard-types will help.

So first thing first, we need a guide. He scans the area and notices the bird-man. Birds and lizards?! Insanity! Anyways...guide.

He notices a local talking to dark-human. He walks over to the two and says

Hey, kid, we could use a guide through those woods. Want a job?

2008-12-22, 08:11 PM
"Excuse me, but did you say something about gods? Because, I do not know about the ones of this area. Might you be the one to tell me?"

Chase stammers at the woman, taken off guard by the abrupt questions. He turns to the newcomer and his eyes fix on her chest as he tries to think of an answer. Realising he's staring, he quickly pulls his gaze up to her face, but he still has a hard time looking her in the eye. He hopes she didn't notice his (painfully obvious) ogling.

"Aye, well, uh, the local goddess is Asmir. Came from the celestial realms to protect us, but that was tree hunderd years ago. There's a statue where the druids leave offerings, but the town priest is all about Pelor."

(("tree hunderd" is not a typo - that's how he says it))

Chase is just starting to feel proud that he came up with a real answer, and turning to look for his godforsaken beers, when he is assailed by more questions.

"Hey, kid, we could use a guide through those woods. Want a job?"

"A job?" Chase finally turns with his back to the bar so people will stop sneaking up on him. His eyes narrow as the question sets in. "Hey old man, I'm no kid. And aye, y'found the best guide in town," he lies, and puts on his tough face. "But I doubt ya can afford me."

2008-12-22, 08:13 PM

Scanning the increasing crowd, Valissa sips at her wine thoughtfully. A wince and a glare at her cup deems the wine less than the best and she sets it down. She leans forward at the mention of work from the nearby conversationalists.

I suppose I should say something. I need to get better acquainted with my fear. Need to overcome it so I can...

Valissa speaks up in a clear voice, as a bell across a congregation of the faithful.

"I will assist those who require aid, may Corellon test my words. So long as it is to end the marauding of those that do harm in the mountains."

2008-12-22, 09:17 PM
Nadia lets out a giggle, not so oblivious to where Chase's eyes go. "That's quite interesting." She says before taking one the drinks and sipping them.

2008-12-22, 10:51 PM

Staring hard at the kobold for a several long seconds and several more sips of his drink. Harland steels himself to speak yet again.


Little guy sure does talk a lot.

Despite his answer the beginnings of a smile can be seen on his lips as he takes his next drink, sadly by the time it is lower its gone again.

2008-12-23, 08:40 AM
The local staff finally hand drinks to those who ordered them, including two mugs of ale to Marisa. She hesitantly attempts to offer the second one to all of those who have offered help, blushing when she realizes the difficulties involved in this. Taking a drink from her own mug, she answers Arduin's query.

"My father, Jack, has been kidnapped by a group of kobolds camped a few miles to the east of the city. They have brownish fur and wear blue armbands, and want a ransom of five hundred gold, which I cannot near afford." She takes another sip to give some justification for her swallowing.

"Besides which, what's to keep them from killing him once they've got the money?" She stares briefly into her mug, then looks up and smiles weakly at those gathered around her. "Thank you all for offering your help. You're ... really a blessing."

2008-12-23, 10:16 AM

Arduin looks thoughtful, nodding. He looks around to the growing group of potential rescuers "Do we have any information on these kobolds? What their camp is like? Why they wear blue armbands? Have they kidnapped humans before, and if not, why now? Any information might help us plan Jack's rescue with minimal risk."

2008-12-23, 10:36 AM
Well, yes. Kobolds are usually fairly talkative creatures. Most don't get a chance to experiance this since the usually nasty things are more interested in sticking visitors with spears rather than carrying on conversation.

Regiji, of course, isn't interested in doing any spear sticking. Though he will yammer endlessly. His ears droop a bit at the wall of a man's reply. It isn't quite what he had been hoping for. "Ah... I see, yup. Well. Maybe fortune has saved both of us from addressing the crowd at large."

He glances off toward Nadia and the local boy. He'll have to move in on that situation just as soon as, "A pleasure to have you with us, miss," he makes his usual flourishing bow to the elven woman. "Any aid we can have for this most noble of quests is most appreciated, yep yep."

And with that he bounces over to the young man speaking of his guiding prowess. He can expect his pant-leg to be tugged on by the not even two and a half foot tall sorcerer. "Pray tell, what is your price sir? We have quite a few among our number now and I believe we should be able to meet it."

2008-12-23, 11:02 AM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase doesn't want to ignore the woman who finds him "interesting", but it looks like he might have work. Maybe even work that pays coin instead of barter. He tries not to frown as she takes a sip of one of hsi hard-earned beers.

His attention isn't so divided, however, that would fail to notice the crowd of freaks moving closer to him. The fun lizard never gets close enough to pull on Chase's pant leg, for he spots the verminous gentleman and backs up a bit. Glancing back and forth between Redleaf and Regiji, he answers with as level a voice as he can muster.

"80 silver, and that's a flat fee. If the trip gets long it's 80 a month." He tries to emphasise what a high price it is, as if that proves how worthy his skills are. Perhaps he doesn't grasp the intricacies of haggling, or perhaps Asmira is just a different sort of town.

2008-12-23, 11:33 AM

Tuillavir contemplates the scene calmly. He is curious whether 80 silver is a large amount. Tuill's father had given him some coins to help him get started on his walk, and explained how groundlings used them to purchase things (though why it was better than barter, Tuill was unsure), but he hadn't developed a feel for the equivalent value.

Thinking of his father, Tuill smiles inwardly. The old hawk had warned him that people would stare at him, treat him differently, and sometimes even be afraid (!) of him, but he'd seen little of that in this town. Indeed, even a kobold seemed to get a good measure of respect, and Tuillavir was beginning to suspect his father's warnings of the prejudices of other races was merely to scare him into caution.

2008-12-23, 01:05 PM
Marisa answers Arduin, as best she can. "I ... don't know that much about them, what they call themselves, how many there are. I don't think they've held someone for ransom before, though I've heard reports they've harried caravans and fled when it got tough; they must be desperate for funds of some sort ... to actually send one of them in with the ransom demand, especially."

She takes a measured drink of the ale, considering how to continue. "I'm afraid that's the extent of my knowledge...anything else is speculation."

2008-12-23, 01:50 PM
Alright, 80 silver and how many of us? Lessee, that's Me, Regiji, shy-elf, bald-human, Nadia, wizard, bird-man...I don't think I'm missing anybody. 80 silver divided into 7 parts makes like 11-12 silver each? That's affordable, right?

Redleaf looks in his money pouch and finds 6 gold and 8 silver, easily affording 11 silver.

2008-12-23, 02:16 PM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase tries not to let his mouth fall open at the high price he's bringing in. No haggling? Really? It isn't too late for them to talk this guy out of it, he reminds himself. He nods at the spendy chump and says, "Oi, I din' think you 'ad such good taste. Your money'll be well spent friend. I know these woods better'n a dwarf'll know the stable floor."

He looks over at Nadia and grins, apparently a little more confident (and less worried about the beer she took) now that he has work lined up. "If your mates can get toge'er my wage while I finish my beer, I'll be ready to leave yet today."

2008-12-23, 04:22 PM
Regiji likewise noses about in his coin-pouch. He had saved up a small stipend for his adventure, mostly doing errands and small tasks with his magic. Even simple spells cast in service can fetch a goodly wage. Twenty silver coins and five gold. More than sufficient.

The kobold nods. "It seems a worthy enough price, yup. If your skill is truly as profound as you suggest. I am certainly willing to give you the benefit of the doubt."

That last bit might be a bit of a challenge. Though his tone suggests that it is all quite good natured.

"I believe that I may be able to learn more of our adversaries. Kobolds are well known to be xenophobic, though quite hospitable to their own kind. If I present myself peacefully there's the chance I can discover the nature of this trouble," he glances at those gathered around. "Though if you are unwilling to trust me with such a task it would be quite understandable, yup yup."

2008-12-23, 04:36 PM
Chase McLaughlin

He looks at the little dog thing with a quizzical expression. "Why would they give you any more inform--"

He stops. This thing is a kobold. It's an actual kobold.

"Aw bugger. Mister, you better pay fast before the price goes up." This to Redleaf, since he brokered the exchange.

2008-12-23, 05:46 PM

Rising in his typical slow style. Harland walks over to Chase, every step seems some what drawn out and it takes him a surprising time to get to him. Of course this merely increases the amount of looming Harland can get done before reaching the commoner. As he does so, he reaches into a pocket and pulls out somthing and slaps it on the table.

"Your pay, earn it well"

Sliding the hand away he reveals a single Platinum piece

Harland then gives the kobold a steady gaze, waiting on the little guys next move.

2008-12-23, 07:03 PM

The brown-haired mage nods, "Well, it seems like we have a guide, a potential negotiator, and enough muscle and magic to make them sit up and take notice of us... I'm all for leaving as soon as possible. I'm sure Jack would like to be home sooner rather than later."

2008-12-23, 08:13 PM
Regiji glances up at the towering (not)-barbarian. He can't see the table. Nor the coin that was placed on it. But judging from the stunned silence of those surrounding he must have just offered a substantial sum.

No doubt that will cover their guide's services well enough.

The lil' guy nods, bobbing up and down as he does so. "I must say that I'm in agreement. The sooner we can leave is the sooner we can retrieve Marisa's dear father for her, yup. I have all that I could require for such a short journey."

He glances about at those gathered, asking with his gaze if anyone else has need of anything.

2008-12-23, 08:24 PM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase shakily opens his hand around the thin white metal coin. There is a long silence as he stares at it.

"What the Hells is this?" he asks.

Looking up at the big man, he summons his courage. Maybe it's because Harland has been around town for a few weeks, or because a burly human seems like little threat compared to a ravenous kobold. Maybe he just doesn't expect trouble surrounded by his own people. But he opens his mouth again.

"'at's some fancy coin Mister Harland, but there in' much silver on it. Sparkly and all, but this is what, a five silver piece? Yer friend here said 80 silver, I said 80 silver, now don' go shortin' on me."

He thrusts the coin back at the man.

2008-12-23, 09:31 PM

The man restores his mask and shakes his head, "It's a platinum piece son... it's worth ten gold, or a hundred silver."

2008-12-23, 09:53 PM
Nadia snatches the coin up. "Of course, you did say '80 silver is 80 silver'" She says. "We could always keep the coin, if you wish"

2008-12-23, 10:23 PM
Chase McLaughlin

As the coin leaves his hand the youth looks around at the others in the bar, seeking confirmation of the outrageous claim. One glance at Jezan's worldly grin (the bartender) tells him all he needs to know.

"One coin, worth all 'at?"

He looks at Nadia's smile and cringes, but keeps his talk strong. "Aye, you can 'ave it back if I was ungrateful. I'm not asking for charity. 80's the price and if you want to tip I'll neither beg nor refuse."

2008-12-23, 10:43 PM
Nadia flips the coin back to Chase. "Then keep that as a sort of a future payment" she says before looking to masked arcanist. "If that's alright with you" she asks, her eyes shifting colors more rapidly.

2008-12-23, 11:06 PM
For the most part Regiji has remained silent for the better part of this exchange, as shocking as that may seem. You see, it isn't his money that is being passed around, but rather the wall of a man who seems somewhat adverse to proliferated prattling.

The kobold, of course, has no such phobia.

"I hope our deal is sealed then, yup? Excellent! The sooner we can leave the better!"

The little bugger bounces up and down on his toes a bit.

2008-12-23, 11:25 PM
Redleaf also can't see the table but hears the word platinum and thinks Alright I don't have to pay! He then hears talk of things being done and starts bouncing a little bit.

Everything's settled, then let's go now, before they do something terrible to this man. Does anybody need anything?

He looks around for a bit, figuring things out. He realizes he doesn't know the name of everybody.

Can everybody say their names so I remember?

2008-12-24, 12:07 AM

The dark conjurer's eyes smile behind his mask, "Arduin's the name."

2008-12-24, 12:16 AM
"Regiji Shimerishten, as I have so introduced myself before," the kobold states as he makes a bow to those gathered around. Ever the flaunter of charm, him. But then the world needs someone like Regiji to balance out the existence of Harland. "And I esteem myself most fortunate to have met the acquaintance of such a fine group of people so early in my journey."

2008-12-24, 12:41 AM
Chase looks at the coin one more time and tucks it into his belt. Literally in his belt, against the fabric of his tunic, not in any kind of pouch at all. "Platinum piece..." he muses, and slams the entire tankard of beer Jezan had brought him.

Can everybody say their names so I remember?

"Chase mac Lachlan from Beech Run Hill outside of town," he says. "And I'll go get my tings an' meet you right back here as soon as I can. These folk can vouch for me, I'll be back." He slams the empty tankard on the bar and leaves the second beer for Nadia to finish. Slapping some of his friends on the back as he passes their table, he walks out the back door again.


Chase heads straight to the town provisioner, where he attempts to purchase the following things: torch, hammer, whetstone, ceramic tankard, empty sack, sewing needle (I presume it comes with thread).

totaling 1 gold 1 silver and 5 cp. (1.15 gold). Make that 3.15 gold, as I realise he has no knife but that's something every farm kid has. So I'm deducting the cost of a dagger, too.

I can only assume he has some serious problems purchasing them, since he has the equivalent of a $5,000 bill. Hopefully he and the shopkeeper can flag down enough locals to make various kinds of change until everything adds up.

The remaining 6.85 gold he takes in mixed coin and tightly wraps in a piece of scrap cloth, heading south toward his family cottage on Beech Run Hill. On the way he steps off the road to relieve himself near a tall, wide willow tree. After looking around to make sure no one followed him he digs into the soil by the roots of the tree and buries the envelope of money, covering the disturbed dirt with fallen leaves and crossing two sticks in an X shape.

He goes home, tells his mom where dad can find the wages (but not saying how much), and says he hopes to be home in a week or less but he can't be sure. He gets his possessions (including his quarterstaff) and returns to the inn. I presume he also eats a meal that his mother gives him on the walk back to the pub.

Two hours later the boy returns and pokes his head in the tavern, looking for his employers. He holds a six-foot holly rod in his right hand, and a heavy blanket is tied about his shoulder like a cloak. He is ready to go.

2008-12-24, 07:05 AM

Valissa clears her throat slightly before stepping forward.

They all talk! Corellon! Will we be talking to the kobold's when we get there as well? Its fine. Its fine. You need them Valissa. There is no other way. You must learn. You must...find those who deserve your recompense.

A small, polite smile twinges at her lips as Valissa speaks.

"I am called Valissa in the common tongue."

2008-12-24, 08:44 AM

"My name is Tuillafir, though some shorten that to Tuill. I look forward to this expedition, and thank you for having me."

2008-12-24, 08:57 AM

Not even bothering to watch what happens to the coin after putting it on the table. Harland stares around at the group, picking out those who can fight and those who clearly use some kind of hidden skills.

At the question of names Harland gives a simple grunt. The boy spoke it, if he didn't catch it, I don't think he needs to hear it again.

When Chase gets back Harland will give him a slow nod and then look to the kobold for orders. The sooner we get this done the better.

2008-12-24, 11:57 AM
"Excellent, yup yup! It would seem our band of intrepid adventurers is ready," Regiji proclaims triumphantly as he adjusts his far-too-large hat and begins bouncing toward the door. Every now and again he pauses to make sure that the others are actually following him.

It would be somewhat foolish if he want tromping off and failed to notice that the others weren't following.

That had happened to him once before. False start on adventure. But he has a better feeling about this group.

Regiji begins straining against the door. "Big folk always put the door knobs too high..." the kobold grumbles as he stretches up, balancing on the tips of his toes a reeeeaching up as high as possible to better grasp the mechanism. He scrabbles at it for a few moments before shoving with all of his inconsiderable might to push the door open. "We shall need *huff* We shall need a name for our party, yup yup. All proper adventuring bands have one."

2008-12-24, 12:07 PM

The maked mage smiles with his eyes, "Why don't we wait and name ourselves if we find we work well together and succeed... at such a point, I might suggest a name like... Jack's Back."

2008-12-24, 12:09 PM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase stands back as the orc (or whatever) works on the door. He'd be amused.... if he wasn't so worried. But he puts on a brave face and follows the others out onto the road, ready to go.

He is so distracted by the goings-on of the party that he still doesn't notice that the halfling on the floor is neither a halfling nor, likely, alive. His ingorance is probably for the better.

2008-12-24, 02:11 PM
Hmmm, a name...

Names swirl about Redleaf's little noggin. Redleaf's Rascals? Nah, too vain sounding...Howabout "The Order of the...something". Maybe putting all our names in together for one super-name. Redleaf-Regiji...No wait! The Chasers! It's genius!

The Treasure Chasers?

He laughs and keeps an eye out for the guide's reaction. Redleaf enjoys puns.

Anyways, let's go! To adventure and to rescue!

2008-12-24, 02:25 PM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase tries to suppress a smile at the suggested name. As far as he can tell, he isn't being mocked, and he likes it. But then a thought dawns on him.

"Treasure Chasers? I tought you were off to rescue the old man."

2008-12-24, 02:38 PM
Well right now, yes. You never know what'll happen later. Does anyone's name rhyme with brigade? Or entourage? Order? Party? Group? Syndicate? Hmm, we also help people...

A thought dawns on him and it's visible in his eyes.

The Benevolence Brigade!

He continues to walk down the road east towards the woods, trying to wait patiently.

2008-12-24, 03:49 PM
Chase makes a sour face. Just when he thought they were going to name it after him... well, sort of. Stoically he follows the others out of town.

((Kalai, taking 10 on a Knlwdge: Local for a total of 14. Anything I should know about the road we're traveling to pass on to the party?))

2008-12-24, 04:06 PM
The cobbled road is fairly well-traveled, though not as much so as the trading routes to the north and south. It passes through a gate in the city wall, which is generally open during the day. The road leads to the forests and up into the mountains.

On the road are a variety of establishments, including taverns such as the one you left and an assortment of shops. The thin layer of stores provides a concealing layer for the residential areas, tenements connected via thin dirt side streets and alleyways.

The cobbled road is fairly well-traveled. The road leads to an open gate in the city walls, manned by no more than two guards. On the road are a variety of establishments, including taverns such as the one you left and an assortment of shops.

2008-12-24, 05:46 PM

Sighing heavily listening to the others namings Harland hesitates before leaving the inn. Starring down at the goblin with interest. Something pushed this creature to go to human lands. He must have had a reason. If he carries a warning and we miss it, many lives will be lost.

Sighing yet again, Harland opens up his backpack, reaches down and grabs the goblin, giving him a little shake to make sure he wasn't just asleep. Patting him down for weapons, (and passing any he finds on the goblin to Chase) he pops the goblin into his backpack. If anyone asks or gives him a quizzical look Harland reply's simply. "Free rations"

With that he jogs after the group, his jog slower than most of the groups walk.

2008-12-25, 08:13 PM
Most people probably wouldn't feel compelled to tell the mountain of a man that eating a goblin isn't necessarily wise. Partly because goblins are usually vile little creatures and partly because that would require telling Harland that his idea is a poor one.

As the party leaves the tavern Regiji is quick to untie his mule and lead the beast along behind him. It's a wonder that the animal is willing to obey the commands on the kobold considering the ease at which it would be able to simply trot off. After all, kobolds are neither known for their strength or their mass.

And so bounce bounce bouncily down the road Regiji goes. One hand on his hat to keep it from flopping off and the other on the rope about the mule's bridal. "This will be a grand adventure, yup. To save a man from peril and his family from certain ruin. We might be heroes, yup yup! And who knows where it might go from there? My father's journey started much like this, yup. Much like this indeed. I hope our journey will prove as illustrious."

2008-12-25, 09:03 PM

"Indeed," Tuillafir responds, "I, too, look forward to this adventure." Though he starts out near the front of the group, he gradually falls back near the rear, spending much of his attention staring at the architecture of the town's buildings. Once the group reaches the more familiar natural surroundings, he moves to the front to assist Chase however he might.

2008-12-25, 11:06 PM
As the party reaches the forest, Redleaf can't control himself much longer, he's been out of the woods for like 7 hours and that's been about all he can handle. He bounds into a tree ((takes 10 on climb check for 17)) and will keep up with the party through brachiation. He shouts with joy when up the tree.

2008-12-26, 02:43 AM
((To clarify:))

Chase is wary. If there really are kobold brigands about... well, he wasn't about to get hit in the face by them. He stays toward the middle of the group at all times, walking slow enough that Harland doesn't fall far behind him. He ties to keep his eyes on the big man, feeling safe near the only person he sort of knows. More often his gaze goes to Nadia... and he quickly sets it on the road ahead when he catches himself.

Now and then he'll call out in flat tone...

"Road'll fork up 'ere. Keep on the right."

"Creek'll probably wash out the trail this time of year. Watch your footing."

"'At's a common dactyl, no need to be alarumed."

"Watch yer step, it's burn ivy that is."

And so forth. But the directions are always called to those in the lead from safely in the middle of the group.

2008-12-26, 04:33 AM

Jogging to keep up with the group as best he can, his long slow strides seeming to take forever to land, Harland manages to keep up with the group even if he does bring up the rear of it.

Seeing chase look across at Nadia yet again before quickly watching the road again Harland laughs softly and speaks in a low rumble so that only chase can hear him, "Where there's honey, there's bee's"

2008-12-26, 07:41 AM

Valissa has followed quietly behind everyone else. Watching the sides of the road, her eyes are darting and nervous. She holds the haft of her shortbow with a white-knuckled grip. As time wears on, she pulls the cowl of her cloak up higher and one can hear her speaking very lowly. A quick guess would say that she is praying.

She eyes Harland trepidatiously as he falls back towards her and then moves forward again.

I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here. Corellon protect us. I'm just a farrier. Corellon, why me? Gods, my mother. My sisters. Why them? I can't do this. I can't do this.

She falls farther and farther behind. Before long she is a good fifteen yards behind even Harland. Her steps are slow and unsure.

2008-12-26, 08:07 AM

Seeing a member of the group fall behind, Harland stops and turns to watch. There doesn't seem to be any reason for her to fall behind... Maybe there's something on her mind. Maybe some one should talk to her Harland glances over towards the Kobold with an expression of disappointment growing on his face. Why couldn't that kobold stick his nose into this before it became a problem for me? There's just no justice in the world. With a great sigh Harland turns back to face the women who's name he had managed to avoid remembering. Starring at her with little expression Harland clearly steels himself for the coming words.

"Whats wrong?"

What's that good for nothing kobold doing anyway?

2008-12-26, 02:36 PM

The masked wizard keeps up with the rest of the party, but he walks mostly in silence, probably musing upon wizardly things...

2008-12-26, 04:03 PM
The kobold is up closer to the front of the group at the moment yammering endlessly at Arduin about magical theory and the pros and cons of summoning versus calling and the finer points of creating elemental energies and the intricacies of crafting new spells rather than simply copying existing ones.

An awful lots of wizardy talk. Surprising since Regiji is a sorcerer. But he was raised by a wizard and schooled by wizards and is rather bright in his own fashion. So this sort of talk is rather second nature to him.

2008-12-26, 06:56 PM

Valissa jumps at the words.

"Hmm? Yes?"

She tracks back in her mind to what Harland said...


A furtive glance at the others and then a look back at Harland.


"How do..."

"How do you do it?"

2008-12-27, 12:30 AM
Redleaf brachiates(?) to the lead of the group. He keeps his eyes open from above.

Spot check-

2008-12-27, 12:37 AM

Starring at Valissa for several moments, Harland gently puts a hand on her back and gives slow pressure to bring her to a walk.

"If we don't, who will?"

2008-12-27, 05:24 PM

Valissa starts to walk again, matching the gait of Harland.

"And what if you're afraid?"

She takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.

"What if all you can think about is your fear?"

2008-12-27, 09:17 PM
Under Chase's skilled guidance, the party navigates across the town, slowly but steadily, eventually leaving out the open gate and walking through the forest. Redleaf takes to the treetops.

Spot (Redleaf):
Up ahead, you see a carriage on the road. It is lead by a team of two horses.
Farther than that, somewhat hidden among the trees are at least three creatures watching it carefully. They appear to be around human size and lightly armored.

2008-12-27, 10:00 PM
Bandits?, Redleaf thinks.

Hey guys! See that carriage up ahead? We should get close enough to protect it, I think I see some bandits.

At that he sprints ((x4 speed)) through the trees until he gets to about 30 feet from the carriage and stops.

2008-12-27, 10:10 PM
"Fair enough" Nadia says, doing the same.

2008-12-27, 10:18 PM

His eye's glaze over for a moment recalling dozens of battles before Harland grunts out his answer "Don't think."

Where is that blasted kobold anyway? I wonder if pegging my goblin at him would get his attention... Hey, maybe its a wake now!

Reaching into his backpack Harland stops at the cry of possible danger. Swinging his shield around to bear, Harland grabs his goblin, sits him on his arm behind the shield and draws his mace. With that he storms forward, barely going faster than he was before, and yet clearly in a battle ready state.

Entering stance.
Martial Spirit
Man's readied(highest two useable):
Vanguard Strike (1d50)[44]
Leading the Attack (1d50)[30]

2008-12-27, 10:27 PM
Crusader's Strike [roll0]
Charging Minotaur [roll1]
Vanguard Strike [roll2]
Leading the Attack [roll3]
Stone Bones [roll4]

2008-12-28, 10:35 AM

Gripping his spear tightly, Tuill moves ahead at a more secure pace (double move), leaving the reckless running to those better suited towards combat. "Dawn!" he shouts. "Come!". A large eagle swoops down, flying just over Tuill's head, slowing to keep pace with the raptoran.

Heh, almost forgot my animal companion. Tuill will not take any offensive action until/unless an enemy does so first.

2008-12-28, 05:47 PM
((Ah yes, my raven familiar, who was here with us the whole time >_>))

Regiji nearly misses the halfling's comment altogether, so busy is he yapping ceaselessly about this and that bit of arcane theory. Though when words finally register he begins turning his attention to the goings on down the road. Even stands up on toes to see if he can't get a better view. "What was that? What do you see? Where are they?"

Of course, considering how much his attention tends to bounce around it'll be a wonder if Regiji manages to spot anything at all.

Spot check: [roll0]

Yay for sup-par spotting power!

2008-12-28, 09:16 PM

The wizard looks up, startled and looks ahead to the carriage and the other members of the group sprinting toward it. He begins running toward the carriage himself.

2008-12-29, 09:46 AM
Chase McLaughlin

At the word "bandit" Chase's eyes widen. Why are they here, so close to town?

he doesn't give it further thought as he sprints into action. At firsthe runs off the side of the road with Tuillafir, but when he sees an eagle burst through the trees at the man he changes direction mid-bound and darts to theother side of the road. There he takes cover behind a tree trunk and peers around the side, staff gripped in hand.


BTW, when my wife heard that the group almost got named after Chase (which she found quite amusing) she had a suggestion of her own for our little band:

Laughlin's Fortunate Few


2008-12-30, 11:11 AM

Valissa's eyes leave Harland's and start scanning the foreground, then the background of her surroundings. They come to focus on the road ahead and a quick movement puts her hand to bow and an arrow ready to draw.

Valissa's lips begin moving in prayer, hopes to Corellon filling her mind.

2009-01-12, 10:51 AM
Attention fellow players:

Since our DM has disappeared, we are recruiting a new DM to continue running this campaign. We took a vote on this in he OOC thread. We noticed however that one or two people haven't weighed in over there. If you haven't been checking the OOC thread, you might do so now - we hope to have some potential DMs soon and we can vote on which to go with.

OOC thread: OOC: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5629316

We all really love the characters and interactions so far, so I hope you guys come over and join us for Part Deux of this misadventure.

2009-01-22, 03:35 PM
Though the party is not far from Asmira, the forest has all but destroyed your clear sight of the town behind you. Through gaps in the leaves above, some of you may notice that the sky has begun to darken, and everyone can feel the forerunners of a gale tracing across their faces. With a dull rumble in the distance, it becomes adamantly clear that a storm of some kind is coming. The rescue attempt, now more than ever, lies on the knife edge of decision:

Whom yet wishes to pursue the quest?

2009-01-22, 04:36 PM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase grips his quarterstaff as he looks around for signs of trouble. He glances from one adventurer to the next, not sure if he has done the right thing by hiring out to them. Looking at the foreboding sky, he hopes this will all be over quickly.

2009-01-22, 07:13 PM
Redleaf (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=98050) sits perched in his tree, waiting for his party to catch up. He is confused by the sudden change in weather and knows too well the dangers of storms. But someone is in grave danger and must be rescued; this is far more important.

2009-01-22, 07:18 PM

Moving forward steadily his feet drooping with every step. Harland takes a one hand grip on the long handle of the large axe strapped across his back.

OOC: are there still bandits up ahead?

2009-01-22, 08:16 PM

The masked mage looks at the oncoming storm, "Do you think we'll be able to find them in this?"

2009-01-23, 04:38 AM
Grumzil slowly wakes up in Harland's backpack. What is this? I'm in a.. bag!? Mgrnnn. Why am I in a bag?! He quickly goes through Harland's possessions until he finds a ration. He hasn't eaten in two days. The temptation is too strong. He starts eating. When he's halfway through he pauses for a moment. Using hist sharp nails he pokes a hole through the strange bag and takes a look through it. A human? And an elf! And a kobold! Mgrn, what does this mean? How did this happen?! Then the memories start coming back slowly. The tribe chasing after him, the endless running, the staggering pain in his back.. The pain? He felt his back with his fingers, and it hurt when he touched the arrow holes. But it looked like the wounds were taken care of. Well, at least the arrows were taken out. Why would they pull the arrows out of me? Were are they taking me? He took another look out of the bag. This road... Mgrnn, I've been here before.. Kobolds! This road goes to the kobold caves! And there's a kobold in the group!! Does this mean? Well, what else could it be? Mgrnnn. I'm going to be a slave. With tears in his eyes Grumzil slowly continues eating the ration.

2009-01-23, 11:18 PM
"A most ominous turn of events, yup! Perhaps an omen of ill comings? Or the rumblings of our glorious fate? Only time will tell, yup yup! Let on press on!" Regiji declares as he waves an adventurous finger in the moist air, any potential danger from the bandits already long forgotten by the little bugger. His attention seems to bounce around about as much as he does after all. "Press on and find the lost father! Repay the misdeeds of these brigands most foul, yup!"

And then a slight pause as the massive axe-wielding man lumbers past. Regiji's attention often times settles on things out of the ordinary. For him, at least. And out of the ordinary can have a very different meaning depending on whom one asks. In this case the kobold isn't interested in the previous cry of bandits. Nor the coming storm. Nor the wind thrashing against the branches above the road. Nor the shower of leaves said thrashing result in.

He isn't looking for danger.

And he certainly isn't paying attention to the guide.

No, his attention is firmly fixed on the fact that, "Your back-pack is wriggling, yup."

That would be addressed to Harland, of course. Who else in the party has a live goblin in their satchel after all?

2009-01-24, 12:51 AM
One might wonder if it's paranoia, or maybe some trick of the light filtering through the trees, but what had appeared to be bandits had in fact been little more than and old crone escorting her rag-tag band of orphans back to the village; Chase knew her only as "Missus", and also recognized that she and the children were coming from the orchards nearby, as evidenced by many an apple in greedy fingers.

2009-01-24, 01:57 AM
Chase McLaughlin

Looking about, Chase lets some of the others pass him before he comes out from behind the tree. He sighs, supposing they're safe for now. He sees the old woman and the kids coming down the road and waves to show that there is a local with this group of ruffians.

As he approaches her, Chase tugs on his patchwork cap in a gesture of respect. "Afternoon Missus. Don' s'pose you could lend an apple to a hungry trail guide?"

He smiles.

2009-01-24, 03:12 AM

Reaching around without stopping his walk, Harland gropes inside his backpack until he feels the scaly face of what can only be a goblin. Gripping with his oversize hands he carefully lifts the goblin out before taking hold of him with both hands.

Glancing the small creature up and down, Harland frowns slowly. "Whats your story, little one?" Harland's eyes take in the food still in the goblins hand, and his frown deepens.

Poor guy must be starving.

2009-01-24, 03:50 AM
The various apple-bearing children hardly register in Regiji's mind. At least not yet. They might catch his attention and manage to remain the focus of his interest for a few moments, but little more. No, he's more content to allow the full brunt of his sharp little mind to settle firmly on the ration stealing goblin.

"A goblin, yup? Oh! Must have been the one with the arrows, yup yup! That makes sense. Brought him along then? Into danger like this? Kind of strange, don't you think?"

He pauses a moment to consider that point and rub his scaly little chin.


"Ah! Leaving him in the middle of the floor would have been worse, yup! Someone might have just slain him outright. Plenty of people who don't like goblins around after all, yup! Give him a chance, I say. We'll see how..."

Regiji trails off.

"Oh! How rude of me! Here I am chattering about someone sitting right there and we haven't even been properly introduced!" without breaking his bounding stride the kobold doffs his comically oversized hat to the goblin. "I am Regiji Shimerishten, son of Jeerin Shimerishten the head illusionist of Dellsfallow. Remember my name, as it will be one sung of in years to come!"

2009-01-24, 06:26 AM
When the big hand grabs Grumzil, he instinctively reaches for his shortswords, but finds them missing. With nothing else coming to mind he simply lets himself be pulled out of the bag. When he sees the size of Harland his first thought is Giant?, but when Harland speaks to him in common he realizes it's just a very big man. But before he could start thinking of an answer the kobold introduces himself. Startled by the unusual situation the only thing he manages to say is "Agre you going to sell me? Mgrnn" (the Agre is intentional)

2009-01-24, 11:19 AM

The masked wizard looks at the goblin in the big man's hands, "So what's your story?"

2009-01-24, 11:38 AM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase does his best to ignore the molestation of the half-dead halfling that Harland stole from the tavern. He's interested in that apple he asked about.

Then he hears the word "goblin". He turns and gives the little thing a second look, a longer look. He grips his holly staff more tightly and chews his lip. "'Scuse me, ma'am," he says to Missus and puts himself bodily between the orphans and the manhandled goblin. He scowls with outrage at first the goblin, then Regiji the orc-or-whatever, as if they must be in cahoots.

Surprise! OK so I was so intrigued by what I read of this campaign last night that I had to drop in even though it's the weekend. It helps that my RL game is canceled this week. Sorry MK, I didn't mean to give you a false impression.... normally I don't check in much on weekends. But I'm here now!

2009-01-24, 12:26 PM
"Hmmph, of course, master Chase," Missus replied, motioning to one of her rugrats, "Daniel! You ate near seven full apples at the orchard, you don't need another!" The crone turned back to Chase, giving him one of the best (worst?) scowls she'd ever given him in his life.

"Of course, master Chase once made off with near half a bushel of them once upon a time; judging by your present company, I'd say you've yet to do away with that scoundrel streak yet!" The crone handed Chase the surrendered apple, giving him a subtle pat on the shoulder as she resumed herding the orphans down the road; they still had a ways to go yet, and the storm wasn't going to wait for Missus and her wards to get back to the safety of her home.

2009-01-24, 01:59 PM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase keeps an eye, and a readied staff, pointed toward the party's increasing demon population while he accepts apple, shoulder pat, and criticism from Missus. He's used to her criticism but he wants her to know he's not up to any trouble.

"Missus, these folks say they're going to rescue Old Jack. He got carried off by kobolds. S'posed to be holed up around here - you seen anything?"

2009-01-24, 07:57 PM
Redleaf, now fully confused, wonders how he could have mistaken a sweet old lady for armored figures. He notices the goblin and remembers the goblin in the tavern. I wonder if they're the same. he thinks. He climbs down from his perch and goes over to meet this goblin.

Hello there, where did you come from?

2009-01-24, 08:05 PM
"Old Jack? Hmph. Always knew that boy'd find himself in a scrape... worse than you he was, I'll stake my own eyes upon that," Missus' scowl returned, and she threw a weary glance up the way, in the direction she'd just come from, and the direction which your party, incidentally, is heading.

"I've not seen his wrinkled, bumbling hide in a few days, but mark my words, master Chase. Running off after a bunch of kobolds could only mean trouble, especially if that damned fool Jack is with them. If you hadn't told me you'd already given your word to do it," Missus' scowl re-directs itself to Chase once more, "I'd advise you to leave the old fool to his fate; it serves him right!" Missus sighed, and resumed her attempt to begin herding the orphans back to town.

"As it is, master Chase, your word is your bond," the crone said pushing a finger against Chase's chest, "And you need'nt think twice about going through with it; I raised you better than that." With that, Missus resumed her walking and herding, and Chase knew that, perhaps it was best to leave the conversation at that.

2009-01-24, 08:55 PM
Chase looks on as the column of kids heads off under the old woman's tutelage. He follows just long enough to keep himself between them and the monsters. He ponders the old woman's words and, as she disappears down the trail, he nods thoughtfully.

"Aye, that you did, Missus. That you did."

2009-01-25, 08:23 AM

Harland simply waits for the goblin to answer his question while striding down the path. Holding the goblin in two hands he looks him over to see how well he's healed up, while waiting for a reply.

2009-01-25, 01:02 PM
Why agre they integrested in my "stogry" so much? Mgrnn. Maybe they want to see if they can get mogre money than the kobolds would pay for me.. Mgrnnnnn... Yes, that makes sense! But then if they find out my tgribe is after me they'll sell me to them! Chief will kill me dead fogr sugre! No, I must lie.. What could I.. I know!

"Mgrnn, yes, my stogry.. I was.. mgrn.. out in the woods.. mgrn, hunting yes! And then someone shot me, mgrnn, and then it went black."

2009-01-26, 06:33 AM

A Goblin who hunts by himself carrying a short sword... Not a chance. But he hasn't endangered us. Might as well give him a go....

"We're not going to sell you little one. We won't do you any harm, so long as you do us none." Harland frowns even more, before continuing "Do you know this area Goblin? We're looking for Kobolds who took someone, some one we want back."

2009-01-26, 08:13 AM
Yes! He believed me! Mgrnnn.

"Yes, I know whegre the kobolds agre! Mgrnnn. This is the gright groad, they agre not fagr." Then Grumzil remembers one of the kobolds is walking right beside him, and has actually introduced itself(Grumzil was never really able to tell the male and female kobolds apart) to him, so he turns to it ans says "I'm Grumzil. Mgrnnn. Wegre you captugred? Why agre you not tied up?"

2009-01-26, 12:22 PM
Chase lets the others go by as they talk, sticking near the back of the group. He continues to stare at the goblin and kobold with a mixture of disbelief and disapproval. Looks like they're becoming friends pretty darn fast.

2009-01-26, 04:38 PM
As the party moves on, Missus and her wards fading into the distance behind, it rapidly becomes clear that the storm would in fact come sooner than later. Some draw up their hoods, others pull their hats more firmly atop their heads, and you press on in spite of the wind.

Another hour passes, and soon the storm bears the substance it has threatened; fat drops of rain begin to patter down, rapidly turning into a downpour. Feeling confident and stalwart, you continue the journey... until you come to your first real obstacle. The Ganymede River runs deep across the path, and while it's normally swift, the downpour of rain has the river moving dangerously as it runs its mountain-fed course to the sea...

...worse yet, however, the bridge is out.

2009-01-26, 04:58 PM
Any helpful info I would have as a local?

Take 10 on Kn: local = 14
Take 10 on Kn:natur = 15

Chase's blanket is up over his head and shoulders like a shawl. "Crossing now is a bad idea. Besides, you don't want to fight in the rain. Hard enough to see as it is."

2009-01-26, 06:09 PM
Now, Regiji is fairly bright. He has a keen mind when it comes to solving problems. And as has become quite clear the kobold has quite the knack for putting on quite the show of eloquence when the situation calls for it in quite the charming fashion.

Of quiteness.

...or something...

But one thing he isn't is a good judge of shenanigans. One would think the kobold would be a bit more accustomed to trickery given the propensities of gnomes. But alas, it just isn't a skill he ever really picked up.

As such, he accepts the goblin's word without question. "Shot in the back? How dreadful, yep! Well! As my fine friend Harland has said we mean you no harm, yep yep! So long as you don't make yourself an enemy."

That said, he continues bounding along, easily keeping pace with the mountain of a man beside him. At the goblin's question Regiji quite obviously balks. "Captured? Oh dear me, Celestia no, yep! I am no prisoner, but rather an adventure, noble and true!"

He hops ahead a bit, bounding on top of a convenient stump so that he might better strike a dramatic pose.

"I have ventured forth from my home of Dellsfallow to seek fame and fortune in the wide world! And to that end I have set out with this our band of intrepid heroes to rescue the innocent man who has been captured by a band of brigands most foul, yep!" Regiji flourishes with his hat for emphasis. "And now that we..."

The kobold trails off as he notes the party moving on ahead of him. "Yep! Wait up!"

And with that Regiji hops off his perch and bounds after the rest of the party.

An hour later...

Regiji stand precariously near the edge of the bridge, gazing down at the raging current below. He hrrms thoughtfully, pondering the next course of action they may yet need to take to cross.

His first thought?

Check about for any trees that could be felled as a make-shift bridge. At their guide's suggest. "But would that be prudent? We have yet to save the prisoner, yep! His situation only grows all the more dire the longer we wait."

2009-01-27, 08:59 AM
Oh, so it is fgrom some othegr band. That makes sense. Mgrnnn. They healed my wounds and say they won't sell me.. This is stgrange. If they let me go the tgribe will find me here, mgrnn, but if I stay with them thegre will be too many of us! They will be too scagred to attack! I must look useful, so they won't shoo me!

"If you want to hunt the kobolds, you will have to go in theigr caves! And theigr caves agre full of tgraps! Mgrnn. If you take me, I can find the tgraps fogr you."

2009-01-27, 10:48 AM
Chase remains at the back of the party, wary of the goblin, but does not presume to answer on behalf of the group.

2009-01-27, 07:08 PM

Stopping to stare at the river over flowing, Harland looks around considering his options.

Looking for any large near by tree's not necessarily large enough to make it to the other side, but maybe large enough to make it to the first bridge support, and from there maybe another tree to make it from the first to the second?

2009-01-30, 08:18 PM
Caves?! *gulp*

Redleaf is afraid of caves. That's where bears live! Scary bears!

But wait, this is kobold caves. Kobolds are way smaller than bears but they probably drove them out using numbers. Redleaf thinks his little group is big enough to take these little kidnappers on (especially Harland).

Redleaf notices the obstacle at this point. He thinks what he can do.
I've got about fifty feet of rope, it should be enough to cross. Maybe someone can lasso that post on the other side?

2009-01-31, 11:44 AM
As you each ponder the potential at hand for crossing the river, despite a fast moving, likely dangerous current, in the middle of a heavy rain storm with a howling wind behind it, Harland is the only one who hears something. It's faint, polluted by the wind and rain... why, it could be nothing at all... but the ranger *thinks* he hears the sound metal clanging off to the south, downriver from the party's current position. That, and what could be the sudden cry of a dying man.

2009-02-01, 04:59 AM

Turning to look down river, Harland frowns. Fighting? Perhaps there are some kobolds near by.

"Come" Harland says with the simple air of some one not in the mood for talking, before breaking out into a jog down river to find the source of the fighting.

2009-02-01, 05:04 AM

The wizard turns to follow Harland.

2009-02-01, 08:52 PM
Redleaf scratches his head and thinks Harland wouldn't say anything if it wasn't important

He turns and follows Harland as well.

2009-02-01, 10:42 PM
Chase slumps. As long as the majority of the party is standing around the bridge, he'll stay with them. If more people take off running than stay behind, he'll go along, but near the back.

2009-02-02, 04:41 AM
Grumzil isn't sure where Harland is taking him, because all he can see is the big man, but since they were looking for a bridge he concludes Harland must have found another one.

2009-02-08, 09:38 PM
The walk toward whatever it was Harland heard is a short one, not even a full minute. The scene that unfolds before you, is heralded by an errant arrow that whistles past Harland's head, thudding into a nearby tree behind him. Seconds later, the trees break a bit, and in the clearing before you is an elf, beset by at least six skeletons, their bones blackened, the water washing over them causing the apparent source of the majority of the blackness to run down in sludge-like streams. The undead haven't noticed you yet, and continue to advance on the human responsible, who promptly puts up his bow even as his back thumps against a tree...

He's got nowhere left to run. Perhaps you should act fast.


Alright, everyone EXCEPT the human gets to act in the surprise round, and yes, this is where I'm introducing Arq's character. Arq, please wait to post until the surprise round is over and I've updated for that. Everyone: what do you do?

EDIT: I've been informed that Arq's character is in fact not an elf. The Minister of Edits would like to inform you that there are no elves near Baghdad. That is preposterous. Even if there were any elves near Baghdad, they are killing themselves by the walls as we speak.

2009-02-08, 09:52 PM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase uses his moment of surprise to crouch behind the biggest, sturdiest tree he can find - preferrably one with some undergrowth around it.

Hoping to gain cover (+4 AC) and total concealment (50% miss chance) is they can even see me, which will be determined by this roll:


2009-02-09, 12:45 PM
Redleaf sees them and acts without thinking. He runs and leaps at the nearest one, trying to knock it's head off with a punch.

I guess the surprise round is in random order or should we roll initiative?
Charge Attack [roll0].
Damage roll: [roll1]+ skirmish [roll2]
Initiative from the OOC thread: 13

2009-02-09, 06:56 PM

Dropping the Goblin, Harland reaches over his back and draws his massive axe. With a mighty roar, he moves in to attack the middle skeleton with a powerful overhead swing.


2009-02-11, 12:14 PM
As soon as Harland drops him, Grumzil turns around and notices the skeletons.

What the?! Mgrn!

He turns around again and sprints towards the tree chase is hiding behind.


2009-02-11, 12:34 PM
Chase McLaughlin

"Ahh!" Chase says as the goblin comes at him. He swings his stick at him...

((I voluntarily fail this attack roll))

...and barely misses the goblin's head as the creature reaches the tree.

2009-02-11, 02:23 PM
Grumzil immediately reaches for his shortswords, but not finding them in their usual place, he rather decides to go hide behind some other tree.

Hide: [roll0]

2009-02-14, 10:18 AM
Before any of you can strike, the spry Regiji springs into action. Hissing and chanting in what most would describe as at best a "terrifying lullaby", the sorcerer rolled his wrists and flicked his hands; a sheet of red hot coals appeared beneath three of the skeletons, sending them crashing to the ground.

Think it best, perhaps, to not charge directly into Regiji's spell, Harland instead surges forward just to the right of it, his greataxe whipping downward at a skeletal head. The heavy iron cleaves into its skull, caving in the back of its head... but ultimately, the creature still stands.

Meanwhile, Chase and Grumzil decide it best to settle their differences at another time, and promptly dive behind two good sized trees. To Chase's displeasure, a rain soaked root happened to be exposed, and as he slips into cover (literally), his face smacks against the bark of the tree, revealing it to be a rather sappy maple.

Redleaf, not one to be left out of the action, launches himself forward, and with a surprising hop, clouts the skeleton next to Harland's behind the head. Once again, the force is sufficient to cave the back of the skull, but... there isn't an apparent effect.

Alorin, seeing an interesting opportunity, opts to work in tandem with Regiji, launching a spell at the three prone skeletons that coats them in ropey, sticky strands of spider's silk. The man in the mask smirked; they didn't look like they would be doing too much any time soon.

To the surprise of Harland and Redleaf, the sections of skull that were caved inward by their attacks reforms with the oily, black sludge that was running off their blackened bones; however, the skeletons in Regiji and Alorin's snare shriek madly, gouts of black smoke and steam boiling off their bones... However, of the three that are standing, the two that were struck have now diverted their attention to Harland and Redleaf...


*New Round*

Okay guys, just a quick run through here. Harland and Redleaf are standing next to each other, each engaging a skeleton. The third is still engaging Arq. To the left of the melee by about ten feet, there's an area full of hot coals, entangling webs, and screaming, wailing, *prone* skeletons.

Arq Kujos
2009-02-15, 03:34 PM
Arron will draw his morningstar from his back, which will provoke an AOO, and then he will swing at the Skeleton who is engaged with.

I roll to hit. [roll0]
If I hit, I roll for damage [roll1]

2009-02-15, 11:28 PM
Redleaf knows he can't do much damage without a running start, so he backs up about 10 feet and then runs at and attacks the same one.

Okay, thats a 5-foot step, followed by moving back 10 and forward 10, then attacking. (Whoopsie-daisy, thanks, poet.)

Attack roll:[roll0]
Damage roll:[roll1]

2009-02-16, 07:28 AM

Swinging again with his large axe, Harland tries to take down this strange creature.


2009-02-16, 02:36 PM
Unless the skeletons approach him Chase remains hidden. If they do approach he will run (using the Withdraw action to avoid AoO).


5' step doesn't work that way. You can only 5' step if your total movement for the round is 5'; since you moved more than 5' total you'll provoke an AoO.

Which might be worth it to get skirmish damage; just letting you know.

2009-02-17, 01:03 PM
Grumzil also remains hidden behind his tree, but he takes just a slight peak at what is happening to the others.

2009-02-20, 11:43 PM
Regiji launches his next magical trick, launching a spark of lightning from his fingertips, continuing his sibilant hissing. The spark flickers forth and strikes the skeleton standing in front of Arq, which shudders and shrieks as the sludge boils off its bones. However, the creature still stands, though now it is shrouded in acrid smoke.

Harland brings his axe to bear a second time, this time cleaving the skeleton from skull to pelvis, resulting in a venomous hiss and the sound of bones snapping, followed by the wet sound of the blade of his weapon slamming into the earth between the skeleton's feet. The bones collapse, but Harland suspects that he won't have long to enjoy his victory...

Chase and Grumzil remain hidden behind their respective trees, though the goblin is perhaps more inquisitive than Chase, and takes a peek at the going ons.

The plucky halfling ducks as he retreats a few paces; he'd deliver a sharp blow, for sure! (I'm doing you a solid and dropping your attack action, since you can't double move, and attack, in the same round. ...also, it was a natural 1.)

Alorin's mind begins to work rapidly, but the masked mage refrains from acting on his suspicions...

The skeletons gurgled and hissed, the smell of their rain soaked bones certainly an unpleasant one. Since Redleaf retreated, his skeleton turned its eyeless gaze on Harland, shuffling forward a few feet before lashing out with its claws. The bear of a man grunted as the claws raked over his face, but the hit was poorly timed, and its cuts superficial. However, they burned in a way that Harland couldn't quite place. (Roll a Fortitude save, please. DC 14. You may also attempt a Knowledge (Nature) or Knowledge (Alchemy) check, DC 15, to place the burning sensation, but you need to pick one, not both.)

Arq drew his morningstar, ducking a similar slash of skeletal claws, but his own swing crashed home, shattering through the skeleton's shoulder, down through the clavicle, and on through most of the ribcage.

Much to Arq's heartening, the skeleton before him does not re-form... but to Harland's dismay, his skeleton did, almost purely out of whatever that foul, black substance was. The skeletons trapped in the web have stopped shrieking like wounded banshees, and have joined the other skeletons in hissing and generally sounding menacing.


New round, gentlemen. One skeleton is down; have you figured out the key?

2009-02-21, 06:48 PM
Redleaf notices the elf crush the skeletons bones dead and Harland have no effect.

You have to crush them, slicing won't work!

At that he hops right back into the fight and gives his best punch at the same skeleton he attacked before.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1] + [roll2]

Arq Kujos
2009-02-21, 07:16 PM
((Ok guys, two things. 1, I am not an elf! 2, My character's name is Arron, not Arq.))

"Yes, but I think the real problem is this nasty slime." Arron will move to flank the skeleton with Harland.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

2009-02-21, 10:05 PM


With a low growl, Harland decides that there is little for him to do here, but to help the new comer by flanking.

Is there even a point to rolling damage if these guys are totally immune to anything but fire and bludgeoning?

2009-02-23, 10:26 AM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase finds himself peering around the tree, fist clenched and grinning like he's watching a hurling match. When Harland's axe crushes a skeleton, it's all he can do not to let out a great cheer; when the skeleton stays up and swipes Harland, he groans aloud.

Hearing Redleaf's shout, Chase grits his teeth. Harland's axe was no good? But it was so heavy.... Chase finds himself gripping his holly quarterstaff in both hands. Hmmm...

Taking a deep breath, Chase darts out from behind the tree toward the big man. "Mister Harland! Mister Harland!" he cries.

Move action to reach Harland.
Free action to hand off his staff.
Move action to run back to the tree.

The above will only be done if he can make it there and back without going near any skeletons, i.e. without provoking AoO's.

((If possible, maybe Harland's attack roll for this round can be with the staff instead of the axe? Otherwise next round for sure.))

2009-02-24, 12:16 AM

Seeing Chase race out to him, out of the corner of his eye. Harland halts his attack, drops his axe, takes the quarterstaff and swings it in a wide arc to smash into the skeletons side.

same attack roll as above,

2009-02-25, 06:37 AM
Grumzil continues on watching and hiding.

2009-02-25, 01:26 PM
Regiji made as if to cast another spell, but as his lips moved in time to his somatic movements, he suddenly froze. His hands fell limp at his sides, and instead of the familiar hissing sound, a voice echoed out of his mouth that was not his own.

"You DARE defy me further? Impetuous worm! You... Are... MINE!" With that, the kobold's eyes rolled back into his head, and the sorcerer collapsed.

Harland, not knowing that Chase was formulating a plan of his own, hacked at the skeletal sludge standing before him. The result was to see the form collapse to the ground, quivering in a pile at his feet.

Grumzil, content to remain hidden, could only watch with surprise as Chase suddenly sprung from cover, crying out his warning to Harland. Though the peasant was fairly quick, he still could only just reach Harland's side, though he took care to stay out of the other skeleton's reach. In a heartbeat, the exchange was made, and Chase was able to take a few steps back... but he'd be unable to reach safety right this moment. (The battle is fifty feet away from your tree, Chase. I let you make the tradeoff in the middle of your second move action, bringing you back toward the trees ten feet.)

Redleaf grinned; the human with the morningstar was standing right behind the skeleton! Perfect! Dashing forward, the plucky monk delivered, much to his chagrin, a badly timed the barge passes over the falls, though his fist still crunched into the skeleton's pelvis and on through it's hip, causing the skeleton's bones to collapse. His victory was short lived, however; his hand was now coated in the sludge off the skeleton, and it burned. (Same deal; Fortitude save, DC 15, you can attempt either a Knowledge (Alchemy) or Knowledge (Nature) check to identify the sensation.)

Alorin gasped in surprise, dashing over to his fellow arcanist. He seemed to be attempting to stabilize Regiji.

The skeletons suddenly ceased making sound; looking over, you grimace at the sight as two of them finally manage to stand free of the webs that had trapped them on the coals. Their bones, though stained black and purple, glisten... cleanly, in the pouring rain.

Arron, not one to be left out of the skeleton crushing action, moved forward, ducking another swipe of bone claws. In doing so, however, his foot slipped on the rain soaked grass, throwing his swing off enough to mitigate how much damage he did. The morningstar clipped his target's shoulder, sending chips of bone flying, but failing to destroy the monster.

Harland, about to turn to face the skeletons in the web spell, pauses as he hears a gurgling sound. Looking down, he sees the sludge at his feet reforming once again, taking on skeletal shapes. Skulls made of filth opened their mouths wide, loosing a wet sounding shriek...


Okay you guys, I'm giving you one more round to figure out the key to this encounter before I just come out and reveal it... but like I said before, you were close to having it right before.

Recap: One skeleton is still prone in the web spell. Two have managed to stand, one of which Arron has managed to damage, but not kill. Of the three skeletons not entrapped before, two still stand as skeleton shaped sludge monsters. Chase is ten feet away from the battle. Grumzil is still hidden. Regiji is down.

2009-02-25, 02:53 PM
Chase will use the Withdraw action to return to the cover of a tree, and try to Hide if possible on the same turn.


Arq Kujos
2009-02-26, 04:28 PM
Arron will continue to attack the reforming skeleton in front of him, hoping that it will stay down.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2009-02-27, 12:37 AM
Redleaf sees his hand and starts freaking out. ((no ranks in knowledge(anything))). He withdraws from combat and sprints to the stream to try to wash off this burning sludge.

Fortitude [roll0]

2009-03-07, 08:54 PM
Regiji, still laying silently, continued to be attended to by a now desperate Alorin, whom was apparently beginning to realize that, he was no healer...

Harland, trying his hardest to force a solution, slapped at the nearest sludge creature with the quarterstaff. Gurgling, it collapsed into a quivering pile, and carefully, the ranger began to withdraw toward Regiji's fire spell, and the skeletons that have begun to free themselves.

Grumzil remained hidden. It's hard to describe that over and over again. Chase, however, managed to return to his tree, though he wasn't so sure he'd managed to hide himself as well as before.

Redleaf blinked at the faint burning sensation on his hand, but couldn't place what exactly the cause of it was. Realizing it wasn't a threat any longer, the halfling monk dashed valiantly toward the now standing skeletons and launched another leaping punch, which plowed through its collarbone and through the spine, breaking the magic which held it animate.

The remaining standing skeleton lashed out at Arron, raking bone claws across the ranger's face. The man cries out in surprise and pain as blood begins to flow down his face. (We have our first true casualty; Arron takes 6 damage.) The one still standing sludge monster hissed wetly as it attempted to surge past Harland to pursue Redleaf, who delivered a heavy smack with the staff to the creature's chest, causing it too to collapse.

Arron, perhaps unbalanced by the sudden wound to his face, failed to connect with his morningstar, the heavy iron weapon thudding wetly in the grass.

Once more the sludge beasts reform, though the prone skeleton wails in frustration, as it is still unable to stand.

2009-03-22, 04:32 PM
((Okay guys, forums're working, let's get this thing rolling. One skele left!))

Chase, having made already risked his hide getting his staff to Harland, feels it's time to go back to looking after his own survival. Seeing that he hasn't hidden himself very well behind the tree, he opts to to to climb up it instead.


((on a success he ascends 10' into the tree))

Arq Kujos
2009-03-24, 09:01 AM
(Wow, the forums really are working. Cool.)

Arron, now slightly enraged by the wound to his face, moves to attack the last skeleton. Though blood now flows freely over his face, Arron moves to strike with the beast with his full strength.

(Using Power Attack for +2. It is +2 and not +1 because I am wielding it two handed.)

Attack Roll[roll0]
Damage Roll[roll1]

(Well, f**k. I hate these damn forum dice macros. I hate them so much.):smallfurious:

2009-03-24, 09:27 AM
(Wow, the forums really are working. Cool.)
(Well, f**k. I hate these damn forum dice macros. I hate them so much.):smallfurious:

Yeah, it's amazing how sucky "rolling" seems when you don't have your favourite set of dice where the edges are just rounded enough from years of rolling to skew the odds a bit...

That may sound sarcastic, but it's true. I have two d20s that roll lucky. They're not weighted or built for cheating, just the little imperfections that all dice have happen to make these dice favour the high numbers. The blue one loves its 20s. Working with what I assume is a true "random"* number generator is vexing to say the least.

*I am using "random" here with all the normal caveats that should come with that word.

Arq Kujos
2009-03-30, 09:06 AM
Yeah, it's amazing how sucky "rolling" seems when you don't have your favourite set of dice where the edges are just rounded enough from years of rolling to skew the odds a bit...

That may sound sarcastic, but it's true. I have two d20s that roll lucky. They're not weighted or built for cheating, just the little imperfections that all dice have happen to make these dice favour the high numbers. The blue one loves its 20s. Working with what I assume is a true "random"* number generator is vexing to say the least.

*I am using "random" here with all the normal caveats that should come with that word.

I don't truly believe that these dice rollers are "random", because I consistently roll low. I know it sounds like nit-picking and whining, but if it keeps the thread moving, then oh well. :smallannoyed:

Still, you do make a very good point. We all have dice we use in certain situations, because in a game that is based heavily on dice rolls and random chance, we want to have the best odds possible. I think I really just miss rolling dice. :smallfrown:

So DM, what is the penalty for rolling a 1? :smalleek:

2009-03-30, 02:23 PM
Arq: Rolling a 1 just means you fail to hit.

I've often wondered if the forum roller is skewed toward low numbers also.

If someone wants to post 1,000 d20 rolls in the dice roller forum and tally the average, I'd love to see the result.

2009-04-01, 03:12 PM
Okay here is my final bump for this thread.

If you're still around and haven't taken your turn yet please do!

If there is still no response I guess I'll stop trying to resuscitate...

2009-04-01, 05:57 PM
Redleaf doesn't seem to be doing anything useful in this fight, despite his enthusiasm so he tries to grab one of the sludges and sprint into the river, trying to drown it.

2009-04-23, 11:26 PM
Chase is relieved to be safe in a tree, but he can't just let the others struggle on their own. Hoisting a rock (which he *totally* grabbed while he was still on the ground and stuffed into his trousers while he climbed...) he hurls it with all his might at the nearest skeleton.



Arq Kujos
2009-04-23, 11:57 PM
((I honestly think you should just give this one to him. He is a commoner, after all.:smallsmile:))

2009-04-24, 12:23 AM
Nah I don't takes no special favours from no "hoigh and moighty" Dungeonne Master! Commoners roll 20's when they need to get stuff done :P



2009-04-24, 11:44 AM
As Redleaf makes to grab a sludge creature, it suddenly begins to spasm violently. The gelid skull distends its jaw and looses a horrible, wet scream into the stormy night air... and then the creature bursts, like an over-full water skin. The plucky halfling has only his wits to protect him from the (DC 15 Reflex save) sudden gush of sludge!

Everyone watches as the other monsters proceed to scream and explode in similar fashion, though only Arron and Harland are near enough to be in danger.

The rangers work in swift fashion, putting an end to the remaining skeletons, trapped as they are in the webbing. You're all left panting in the rain, some of you perhaps worse for wear.


You've survived your first encounter (the sludge actually was set to blow this round, awesomely enough), and now, before the wrap up is over, I need a Reflex save (DC is 15) from Arron and Redleaf to avoid [roll0] "acid" damage.

Okay, technically, I guess it should be negative energy damage, but it behaves like acid. So, save or take evil acid damage! :smallamused:

2009-04-24, 12:23 PM
Chase McLaughlin

Chase stares in complete disbelief at the mess by the river bank.

He looks straight up at the sky as if thanking his gods.

Then he gets around to complaining.

"Gods f---ing d--- corpses coming out of the ---- ---- of Hades' wart-covered ---- in the ---- ---- ---- ---- of a ---- goo and slime all over the ----ing forest like it's ---- Day!"

((Eventually, he drops down out of the tree and reclaims his quarterstaff, wiping it thoroughly.))

Arq Kujos
2009-04-24, 01:08 PM
No wammies no wammies no wammies.

Also, I need to remake my character sheet. I updated it earlier for another campaign, My bad, guys. I'll fix it my this weekend. However, if I remember correctly, my reflex save is a +5 because I get +2 from Ranger and I had a 16 in Dex. I'll post my flavor text based on whether I survive the acid explosion or not. :smalleek:

((Whew. Thank you Lord. Also, I call green for my color.))

Arron pants heavily, bleed flowing down his face as the rain washes over him. Thank you. Thank y........ With that, Arron drops to his knees on the ground, exhausted and bleeding. Gasping for breath, the elf turns his eyes up to examine his new found allies.

2009-04-24, 08:47 PM
RollsReflex- [roll0]

Redleaf really doesn't like sludge too much. He'll be picking this out of his hair for years. He let's out an audible "UGH!"

2009-04-25, 08:21 AM
Arron and Redleaf both find themselves unharmed; they had dodged the bursts quite ably. Harland, however, was not so lucky. Caught between two bursts, the man was quite coated in the sludge; madly, the ranger began to wipe at the goop, groaning and muttering pained syllables.

...which began to escalate to short, bitten off shrieks of pain and violent clawing motions as the ranger began to become more and more desperate. With wild eyes, he looks to those who remain, and cries out to you for help... at least you're pretty sure it was a cry for help. Steam is beginning to rise off of Harland... and as he collapses to the ground (for good reason, unlike a certain elf... it's just a fleshwound Arron! :smalltongue:), you all know for certain that steam is very bad.

Arq Kujos
2009-04-25, 08:36 AM
((Haven't we already been over this? I'm not an elf. :smallannoyed:))

2009-04-25, 11:12 AM
((Quiet, elf!))

Redleaf forgets his cleanliness issues and rushes over to pick up the kid's quarterstaff and tries to remove the ooze from Harland with it (being afraid to touch it with his hands).

Arq Kujos
2009-04-25, 12:02 PM
((You know what, since I lost my old sheet, sure, what the hell, I'll play an elf. But he will be an elven Ranger/Fighter. Is that ok?))

2009-04-25, 12:12 PM

Chase was about to pick up his quarterstaff when he saw what was happening to Harland. Letting Redleaf take it, he runs over and tries to help as best he can... by kicking the big man into to river water.

(Using the sole of my soft leather shoe only, and then wiping it against the ground, and then checking to see if it's safe or if I need to pull it off.)

2009-04-25, 01:09 PM
Redleaf begins to wipe furiously at Harland's skin with the staff, even as Chase rushes forward, thinking to boot the much bigger man into the river... the river that was currently still rushing madly downstream, fed by the pouring rain rushing down from the mountain as it was. However, the grass is slick, and Chase's kick turns into a nearly perfect drop kick to Harland's stomach. With a grunt, the man doubles over even as he keels backwards, rolling head over heels towards the violently moving water...

When suddenly, one of the ranger's powerful hands lashed out, clenching like a claw, slamming into the wet ground, halting his wild ricochet towards the river abruptly. One hand still clutching his face, you can hear Harland's breathing over the sound of the wind and the rain... you're not quite sure how, but you can. It rasps in your ears and grinds against your courage, but none of you feel particularly shaken by the strange change.

Harland looked up then, one eye exposed, the other covered by the ranger's hand, and his newly disfigured face contorted into a grin. Slowly, he heaved himself to his feet...


Spot checks please.

2009-04-25, 01:41 PM
Chase breathes out hard when he hits the ground, and looks up at the changed ranger before him


Arq Kujos
2009-04-25, 02:55 PM
Spot: [roll0]

(I had max ranks in Spot and a 14 Wisdom)

2009-04-25, 05:17 PM
Spot: [roll0]

2009-04-25, 11:34 PM
Spot: [roll0]

(I had max ranks in Spot and a 14 Wisdom)

OOG: Don't forget your +2 bonus for being an Elf. Or is that just listen checks? It's late at night.

Arq Kujos
2009-04-26, 08:07 AM
OOG: Don't forget your +2 bonus for being an Elf. Or is that just listen checks? It's late at night.

Thanks. So that makes it a 12. Not great, but oh well.

2009-04-27, 08:37 AM
((So what do we see then?))

2009-04-27, 11:26 AM
Arron and Chase both notice that Harland's muscles seem to be bulging under his clothes, and that his skin seems to have taken on an unhealthy pallor. However, Chase also manages to pick out that the man's muscles seem to twitch and spasm sporadically, ranging all over the burly man's body, and that the hand that's still covering half Harland's face seems to be clenching it...

It's Redleaf, however, that notices that Harland's fingertips seem to have become ragged and withered, exposing an inch of what looks to be the bone, dripping some kind of black ichor... and they look awfully sharp to boot.

Harland, for his part, does not advance any further... his face tics and spasms as his mouth begins to work violently, then slowly to a sporadic twitch. His raspy, wheezing breath pauses then, only to interrupt the sound with speech. The voice that echoes out of Harland's mouth, however, doesn't sound wholly his own...

"You... fools... Do you think yourselves kings... or... gods...? You cannot challmmrrrrreeeenngerrrrrrm meeeee..." The hand clutching Harland's face tenses violently, and the big man falls to his knees once more.

2009-04-27, 12:19 PM
Chase doesn't pay any attention to whose voice it may be (voluntarily failing Listen check). Instead, he scrambles to get up and get away, but only makes it 15' before he doubles over and vomits from the sight of the friendly Harland ripping at his own twisted face.

Arq Kujos
2009-04-27, 01:07 PM
Listen! And I am an elf! Haha!


Arq Kujos
2009-04-27, 01:43 PM
With an angry look on his face, Arron will run and grab the giant man and toss him to the ground. Demon! Hellspawn! Whatever you consider yourself, it matters not to me! Now, where is my liege! You will return him to me, our by the gods I will find you and cut your still beating black heart from your chest! WHERE IS SHE!? Arron will draw his blade and point it to make a point.

2009-04-27, 05:26 PM
Listen- [roll0]

2009-04-27, 05:31 PM
Harland, kneeling as he was, reacted as would only be... natural? A guttural snarl tears out of his throat as Arron rushes him, and the burly man stands, one hand still clutching his face. The other hand, however, lashes out at Arron, clawed fingers tearing into the ranger's clothes as Harland grabs him roughly and pulls him close. Acrid air poured out of Harland's mouth as he spoke.

"You...hnnnk... would challenge me? A goddess? Uuuuuaaaaaaaaghhhggk! Arron!" Harland's uncovered eye blinks, and you can sense the shift in Harland's demeanor, "Arron! S-she...uuuuunnnnnrrrrkkkk... she can see you! She knows you now! I... n-no... get... get away!" The larger (and far stronger) man shoved Arron roughly, the elf stumbling back several steps as Harland collapsed to his knees once more, his free hand clapping over his face as well now. Hunched over, Harland began to convulse wildly, strange, bestial sounds issuing from his throat...

Redleaf and Chase are not so certain, perhaps, what's going on... but even if you were all on the same page, with the river as it is, where would you go if you chose to run?

Arq Kujos
2009-04-27, 11:08 PM
Stay Back! Arron stands back up and holds his blade between the large man and himself in a defensive position. Does any of you have any holy water or a holy relic of some kind!? Arron started to truly fear what might happen next.

2009-04-28, 09:05 AM
Chase spits a few times to clear his mouth of the taste. "He's slow, we can--"

Hearing the call for holy water, he fumbles to pull something out of his tunic's neck hole. On a bone-bead necklace he reveals that he wears a carved wooden lion of Pelor. He holds it in front of him as he continues to back away from Harland.

"The demon go out of you!" he yells. "The demon and the shadow! By Pelor's might, be pure!"

His voice shakes as he prays.

2009-04-28, 06:16 PM
Harland's spasming and shaking abruptly halts, his left hand tearing away from his face once more. The powerful man stands again, glowering straight at Chase through his exposed eye.

"You speaks of gods... hrrrrggh... and demons? Wretched little human... I... am chaos!" The clawed left hand rose, pointing straight at Chase, "Unbind me, little man! Relea-haaagggggghk! Hnnnrgrgrgggkkkk... No! Enough of thi-... SILENCE!" The final word echoes through the pouring rain like thunder, and lightning fills the sky, illuminating Harland's new form in full.

He stands before you, his skin blotched with patches of black and grey. His face is gashed badly from Harland's desperate battle for survival and control, and black ichor runs down his features. His fingers end in ebon talons, and his eyes (well, the one that isn't covered up) glows silver in the night.

"I've had enough of this insolent creature... but as for you," Harland turns back to gaze at Arron, "You fool... your people live their vaunted long lives, yet even you are blind to the power of true patience and long term planning! Your little friend... is mine!"

With that, Harland collapses to the ground, shaking violently, but alive, as far as you can tell.

Arq Kujos
2009-04-28, 07:51 PM
Stay back! We don't know what might happen! No one touch him! Then, turning to Chase. You, human! Keep that holy water ready just in case.

Arron was furious. This monster had not only taken his master, but it had now tried to harm these people that tried to aid him. Foul beast, if you are truly so powerful and chaotic, then why are you in need of us to release you? It is because you are just another egotistical outsider. Now, you will release this man, you will return my master to me, and you will return to what ever infernal prison you came from and stay there. Arron spat at Harland.

2009-04-28, 09:10 PM
Fadder Chase McLaughlin, Doctor of Theology and All-Around Swell Guy

Hearing the demon-thing balk at Chase's holy symbol, and then seeing him beg for freedom, Chase is flabbergasted.

He almost drops the medallion, and stares at it in his hand in disbelief. Then he remembers himself, and how good Pelor always is to those who are brave. He prays all the more fervently.

"In Pelor's name! In Pelor's power! Leave our friend, you fiend! Out of our friend! Get back or I'll smite ya in the name of PELOR!"

He advances on Harland, completely ignorant the the fact that the man has already been released, and ignoring Arq's order to stay back. He approaches Harland until he is practically yelling in the man's ear, his holy symbol still held like an aegis before him. He doesn't seem about to shut up, either.

2009-04-28, 10:15 PM
Redleaf has stood stock-still for this process, afraid, and unsure what to do. At this point, he snaps out of it. He comes to believe this thing to be a very powerful being of chaos and of evil. He is still unsure of what to do, so he stands right next to chase, ready to aid his fragile friend if the beast decides to attack again, though, heeding Arron's words, he does not touch Harland.

Backing you up if he strikes again!

2009-04-29, 06:35 PM
Despite the various shouts and threats of the party, Harland remains prone and shaking for several minutes. As time continues to pass, the rain still paying pounding tribute to what has taken place, Harland's shaking slowly comes to an end, and with a groan, the muscular man rolls onto his back, eyes still closed, hands laying in the soaked grass.

Suddenly, he gives wind to a series of wracking, hacking coughs, which cause Harland to roll onto his side, curling into the fetal position slowly, his eyes screwed tightly shut. Finally heavy, glistening gobbets of black phlegm are ejected from Harland's throat, and after a few minutes more, the man stills once again.

He's breathing, and his eyes are still closed, but otherwise, appears as he did some fifteen minutes ago, when the flashes of lightning illuminated his altered frame.

2009-04-30, 10:14 AM
Chase McLaughlin

Satisfied that Pelor's grace has vanquished evil, Chase puts the carved disk back under his tunic with a reverent pat and a whispered prayer. Then he does what he does best, which is work hard.

Leaving Harland to recover (and completely certain he'll be fine in no time), Chase finally retrieves his staff and scrubs it thoroughly at the edge of the river. He uses a smooth stick with the bark removed to rub off the black goo and tries not to touch it with his hands, though having seen Pelor's power over the stuff he is somewhat less trepidatious than before.

Once that's done he'll do his best to dry the stick with a rag, and chooses to sacrifice the butter from the food bundle his ma gave him. He rubs the butter into the wood, hoping the oil will arrest the moisture before any serious warping occurs.

He then cleans his hands, buttons up bis leathers, and leans his holly staff over his shoulder while biting into an apple.

"Right then, looks like we won. Back to town is it?"

2009-04-30, 11:52 PM
Redleaf, still suspicious of the being inside Harland, stays a good distance away from him.

I believe we had a mission even before this dangerous sidetrack which you have yet to guide us to, sir, though I would understand if you're too scared to keep going.

He smiles. Then he frowns.

I don't believe I've caught your name, new friend. He speaks now to the strange elf.

2009-05-01, 08:46 AM

"What, haven't you killed enough monsters yet?"

Chase shrugs. These adventure-seekers made no sense at all.

"I'll keep goin'. Can't be much worse than this lot in these hills."

When Redleaf asks the elf's name, Chase turns and looks at him expectantly.

Arq Kujos
2009-05-01, 07:37 PM
My name is Eron Wel'thia. I am a bodyguard for and I must pursue my liege. If anything were to happen to her, I would not forgive myself. Eron will wipe his blade and sheath it. I trust your friend will be fine. I apologize for accidentally dragging you into my conflict. Eron will bow politely. He will start to leave, but then he will turn back and look at the group. ((Whoever is left, that is))

I cannot take these monsters alone. he will whisper to himself. He will walk back slowly and hold out a few gold. I am tired and wounded. I cannot save my liege by myself. If you help me, I will pay you for your troubles. Doing his best to be humble, the elven soldier "pleads" with the group for help.

2009-05-01, 07:45 PM
Pleased to meet you. My name's Redleaf.
His eyes shift away from the elf and he tries to decide about the adventure. Well I don't have a home, or any real commitments. I did sort of have a mission to save that guy, but this seems more important. Plus, a majority of our rescue group is dead. I kinda miss Regiji...

He shakes his head quickly, snapping out of his internal monologue.

I'm in, he says, But we need to give our dead a proper funeral and our wounded a safe place to rest.

2009-05-04, 08:59 AM
Forgive me, MK, but I need a refresher - are we still on a mission to free a local man who was kidnapped by kobolds? Or was that plot hook retconned out with the DM change?

2009-05-15, 08:43 AM

Fellow players, you guys DO have this thread subscribed right?

Chase, being an employee, does not decide the group's destination. He will await to see if the others are so ready to abandon the search for the old man for the sake of arich woman.

Arq Kujos
2009-05-19, 07:22 AM
Time is of the essence. If you must do so, then I will scout ahead and try to find the path those vile undead took my master down. I'll be back in less than 2 hours. That should give you time.

2009-05-19, 09:19 AM
((No, let's not split up... we only have 2-3 players as is, no need to make ourselves even weaker...))

Chase looks conflicted. It's obvious the adventurers who hired him aren't going to make the right decision. Not sure of himself, he speaks up awkwardly.

"Well, uh, if I may..." He looks around expecting to be told to shut up. When he isn't, he goes on. "Well I jus' 'ave this thought I 'ave, maybe I'm not roight, but, well, Asmira's a peaceful area. As peaceful as you'd be expectin'. I mean usually, as in most of the toime anyway. Bandits and kobolds and, er, wand'rin' spurrits, well, who'd think they'd all show up in the same week, on their own devoices? I'm jus' sayin', jus' sayin' is all, maybe if we foind the old man we foind the 'igh lady, and vicey-versera and all that. Eh?"

((Yeah I forgot my Irish peasant accent for a while there but it's back in full force now... :smallsmile: ))

2009-05-19, 05:20 PM
Redleaf is confused by the dialect of the commoner but gets the gist. He nods in agreement but is worried about Harland. He cautiously checks for a pulse and assuming nothing explodes, he asks the others for first aid help.

I agree with what Chase is saying, but first Harland needs our attention if any of you know how to cure.

He turns his attention to Arron.

Do you remember what happened last time you went out on your own? We need to stick together if we hope to survive.

2009-05-19, 11:11 PM
Chase will offer any aid he can, but is no physician by a long shot.


Nice! This will add a +2 to whoever makes the actual roll. It can be used untrained so have at.

2009-05-22, 09:38 AM
((Okay, since no one else is making a check, let's just consider that the primary with no aiding another - if that's OK with MountainKing. MK, having successfully turned undead, do I now successfully perform a triple bypass souloplasty?))

2009-05-22, 12:50 PM
Chase gently turned Harland face up; he was still breathing, and he didn't look injured. He didn't have any obvious wounds... though Chase had a feeling that Harland wasn't the same anymore. The heavy, talon-like claws that were his new fingertips, the darkened blotches on his skin (darker than the heavy tan the man'd sported before)... to Chase's discomfort, Harland's skin felt... smooth. Inhumanly smooth.

The three remaining adventurers gathered around Harland's still form as Chase inspected the man... then, thinking of little else, he smacked his cheek lightly. Harland groaned and opened his eyes, looking to each of the three.

"There's... someone, or something, under the mountain... and that's where the skeletons are taking the other elf... I saw it," Harland coughed a little, covering his mouth briefly, then grimacing... the expression revealed his newly acquired fangs, "She... or it... showed me..."

2009-05-22, 12:58 PM
"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay..." Chase repeats nervously to the man or to himself. He fumbles to bring out the blessed holy symbol again, and moves to put it around Harland's neck. "Say a prayer to Heironeous and the Saint and you'll feel better... I've seen the town priest do it..."

2009-05-22, 01:05 PM
As Chase attempted to place the holy symbol on Harland's neck, the bigger man gently pushed it away, giving Chase a tired smile.

"I didn't break free from whoever that was by myself... I can't explain it very well, but... I do know what I saw, and the name it gave me when asked. He called himself... "Bahamut". I'm not sure who he was, but... I trust in him, for rescuing me." Harland stood up shakily, walking over to his axe.

"We should try to rest... tomorrow, we can bury Regiji..." As the ranger trailed off, the rest of you realize that, you're not sure where Alorin went. He's just... gone.

2009-05-25, 12:19 AM
*guilty look* who is Alorin again?
Redleaf = Xyk
Eron = Arq
Chase = Me
Harland = NPC
Alorin... must've been one of the other PCs who vanished? Any ideas?

Arq Kujos
2009-05-25, 08:15 PM
With Harland's revelation, Eron will decide to remain with the party.

2009-05-25, 11:03 PM
There was also Regiji, Tuill, and Arduin...and Nadia. No Alorins. Then again, we get Eron's name wrong about every time.

2009-05-26, 12:23 AM
"You want to camp, this close to town?"

Chase seems sceptical.

"Let's just go back to the inn, or you can stay at our house."

Arq Kujos
2009-05-26, 07:23 AM
There was also Regiji, Tuill, and Arduin...and Nadia. No Alorins. Then again, we get Eron's name wrong about every time.

You guys really do. Though, I've never had the letter L near my name.

There are times were I just want to keep changing my name and see if anyone would even notice. :smalltongue:

Arq Kujos
2009-05-26, 07:27 AM
Eron runs his hand through his hair and brushes the wet, tangled mass behind his head. We had better stop at the inn. This man needs a true doctor or cleric. We had better make a sling or something to carry him so we do not harm him more. Eron begins to search for a pair of sticks, or more likely tree branches, and leaves to cover them to help carry Harland and make a stretcher out of.

Survival Check:
[roll0] + 6 = 21

2009-05-26, 08:32 AM
Chase offers his "cloak" (which is really a winter blanket) to serve as the, well, stretchy part of the stretcher.

2009-05-26, 02:05 PM
Harland looks at Chase and Eron quizzically, standing upright and moving about as he is.

"...so you'd rather travel several hours back to town to rest, in this storm, while carrying me on top of that?" Harland grinned, "You men are crazier than I thought."

OOG: ...really guys? You want to do all that?

2009-05-26, 06:35 PM
You can walk, you're fine. You'll be better in the morning. Besides that, we are on something of a tight schedule, what with the old man in danger and the other in danger. We can camp here or keep moving and camp further ahead.

Redleaf seems to have forgotten the storm or is ignoring it.

2009-05-27, 12:02 AM
Chase shudders. "If you're all detarmined to move on, who's got a rope? We'll make a line to cross the river with this flooding."

Arq Kujos
2009-05-27, 06:12 PM
Thanks for rendering my awesome survival check useless by making Harland completely ok. :smalltongue:

Impressive. I was under the impression that you were injured. If not, then we should take care of your other companions and then move on.