View Full Version : Ho Ho Ho Not So Happy Christmas IC Thread

2008-12-22, 04:24 AM
It's Christmas time again and the City of Noel can barely believe it, it seemed barely anytime at all since last year but never the less the snow had fallen and with only with 12 days before Christmas it was time for the annual lighting up of the Christmas tree in the great square of Noel!
Being the social event of the year everybody has turned up; The Mayor himself, every citizen of Noel even the few people who hate Christmas have turned up!
Mulled wine was being given out freely and the atmosphere was happy and the air was noisy with talk and laughter when the Mayor stood on the platform near huge tree, he was a large portly man with a white beard and big happy eyes;
My Residents of Noel, Happy Christmas! The Mayor shouted with a magically enhanced voice; Welcome once again to the Start of the best Christmas ever! Now I won't babble on boring you with the History of Christmas or other boring things I'll Hand over to our resident decorator who will light the tree! Happy Christmas!
The Mayor stood down from the Platform and a small elderly man with thinning grey hair took the platform. He Started casting a spell towards the big fir tree, the atmosphere became quiet and tense waiting to see the decoration this year, the spell seemed to be nearing completion when out of nowhere an arrow whizzed towards the man and hit him square in the chest killing him ouright.
Lots of people screamed but then all went silent as the tree erupted into flames and a loud bang exploded over one of the buildings on the edge of the square, everyone turned towards the building. Standing on top were a small green goblin and a skeleton surrounded by lots of little gingerbread men, each holding a little weapon.
The Little Goblin starts to talk; People of Noel. This year Christmas has been stolen!
The square is silent and most people look confused, the skeleton and goblin look each other really rather confused. This awkward silence continues for a few seconds before the Mayor, with his magically enlarged voice intervenes; Ahem! Maybe uhhh you could speak up a little?
The Goblin smacks his fore head before shouting; People of Noel. This Year Christmas has been stolen!
With this the goblin motioned to the Gingerbread Men who jumped off the building and into the crowd where they started attacking anyone in sight as people ran and screamed and cried.
With this the Goblin and Skeleton walked off out of sight over the rooftops.

2008-12-22, 08:57 AM

It's about time someone decided to do something about this blasted holiday. He pulls out his wand. But not like this.

2008-12-22, 11:55 AM

Finally she thinks to herself Something to relieve the boredom

She turns invisible, draws her rapier and takes off. She surveys the situation from above.

2008-12-22, 03:01 PM
"Tiny Tim"
What! I was just getting some good payout!
Scowling, the littlest halfling draws his shortsword, and seeks an appropriate vantage point from which to survey this madness
As he pushes through the crowd, his voice raises into a childish shrill, and he pesters the various citizens for information
Sir! Could anyone tell me what's happened!? Please?!

2008-12-22, 03:48 PM

Puma glances blearily up from the wine table, several empty glasses surrounding him. He sighs and mumbles, "Practice, practice practice." He removes two slender metal rods from his belt and proceeds towards the gingerbread men, patting a rythym out on his thighs as he goes.

2008-12-24, 06:51 AM
As Sahaar flies up in the air, there are 6 gingerbread men that she can see, 2 are beating a man who is now lying in the foetal posistion, another 3 are just running around hitting as many people as they can get close to and another is making rude gestures at everyone with its petit gingerbread hands.
A rather portly woman bounces into Tiny Tim and almost screams in his face; AHHH! There be Little treats attacking everybody! Run little boy! Run home and stay there!
Puma walks towards the Gingerbread and as he does so one squares up to him and spreads its icing smile into a horrible grimace.
The Gingerbread man runs up to Puma and does a little jump in the air as it attacks with a little tiny mace!
However the little fella' misses and his attack swings wide leaving him pulling his mace out of the floor, if a gingerbread man could look embarrased he looks pretty embarrased now!

If hit; [roll1]
Percentile; [roll2]

2008-12-24, 07:11 AM

Ben recognises the man in the foetal position. He was default on payments. If he died, he'd never see his money. With a flick of his wand, Ben blasts one of the delicious baked treat.


[roll1] if needed

2008-12-24, 11:19 AM
Puma laughs and slurs an indistinguishable word, as he does, the metal rods he holds start to crackle with electricity. Puma then quickens his hands, sending the rods into a roll on his thighs before bringing them down on the gingerbread man. ""Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!"

Crit confirmation:[roll1]

Crit confirmation:[roll4]

Crit confirmation:[roll7]

Crit confirmation:[roll10]

2008-12-26, 11:39 AM

Violence is one thing, but there's no need to be rude!

She flies down (still invisible), activating her rapier's frost ability, to the Gingerbread Man who's making rude gestures, hits him with her rapier and flies off again.

Initiative [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Normal Damage [roll2]
Cold Damage [roll3]
Sneak Attack [roll4]