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View Full Version : [Magic Items] Utilities for the Aspiring Vampire

2005-02-03, 09:32 PM
Lavonia DeCesare, a mage of no small power, was obsessed with vampire lore from a young age. Through extensive studies of the undead creatures and of forbidden, forgotten magical rites, she sought for all her years for a means of becoming such a being herself – without becoming enslaved to a master vampire. To this ends, she created a number of magical items. All of these items, due to their vampiric design, function only at night (or in the influence of a darkness spell, or underground), and are suppressed in daylight (including the daylight spell)

The Drinker
One of the items created by vampire-obsessed necromancer Lavonia DeCesare The Drinker is, in fact, a +1 Dagger of Wounding. However, in emulation of the vampire’s Blood Drain ability, whenever The Drinker inflicts Constitution damage on an opponent its wielder gains 5 temporary hit points. The blade of The Drinker always seems to be coated in fresh blood. Like all of Lavonia’s creations, it functions only at night. By day it is merely a +1 Dagger of Wounding.
Faint Transmutation Moderate Evocation (Daylight) Strong Necromancy (Darkness), CL 17, Craft Magical Arms and Armour Mage’s Sword, Vampiric Touch.

Face of Death
Another of Lavonia DeCesare’s diabolical inventions, the Face of Death, at first glance, seems to be nothing more than a simple white porcelain mask. It leaves the nose, mouth and chin of the wearer uncovered, and has a translucent red lens over each eye. When worn at night, however, these red lenses glow. Once per day (or more accurately, once per night) the wearer of the mask can use the red stare to cast Dominate Person (caster level 12th).
Faint Transmutation (Daylight) Moderate Enchantment and Necromancy (Darkness), CL 12, Craft Wondrous Item, Dominate Person.

Ring of the Night
The Ring of the Night emulates the Children of the Night ability possessed by vampires. As with all of Lavonia DeCesare’s creations, it functions only at night. Although DeCesare was unable to mimmick the ability completely, the wearer of this ring can use it to command Bats, Rats and Wolves (or the Dire versions of these creatures) as an evil cleric commands undead. This ability is usable three times per night.
Faint Transmutation (Daylight) Moderate Enchantment and Necromancy (Darkness), CL 9, Forge Ring, Greater Command.

Shroud of Shadows
This black velvet cape is, in daylight hours, completely indistinguishable from any other cloak by non-magical means. By night, however, it blurs when they attempt to hide and muffles the sounds produced in movement, granting a +5 competence bonus to both Hide and Move Silently checks.
Faint Transmutation (Daylight) Moderate Transmutation and Necromancy (Darkness), CL 3, Craft Wondrous Item, Invisibility, Silence.

Trappings of the Grave
Representing the fruit of years of necromantic research by vampire-obsessed necromancer Lavonia DeCesare these robes are jet black and, in the light of day, completely non magical. By night however, the wearer of the robs becomes undead – gaining complete immunity to critical hits, non-lethal damage, ability drain, energy drain, damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), fatigue and exhaustion effects and risk of death from massive damage as well as granting Darkvision out to 60 ft and removing the wearers constitution score completely, so that they are immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless) and uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks. At dawn, the wearer is returned to life unchanged, at the same number of hit points he or she had whilst undead.
Faint Transmutation (Daylight), Strong Necromancy (Darkness), Craft Wondrous Item, Create Greater Undead, Slay Living

Vampire's Gloves
These gloves are made of white silk, and are cold to the touch. Other than this, so long as they are exposed to daylight, they are completely normal. As with all of Lavonia DeCesare's creations, they take on a sinister new purpose in darkness. The wearer, once a night, may utlize Energy Drain, except that she must make a melee touch attack against a target in order to activate it.
Faint Transmutation (Daylight), Strong Necromancy (Darkness), CL 17 Craft Wondrous Item, Energy Drain

All of these items, due to their vampiric design, function only at night (or in the influence of a darkness spell, or underground), and are suppressed in daylight (including the daylight spell).

EDIT: Added Vampire's Gloves

2005-02-20, 04:20 PM
If the Trappings of the Grave is artifact level (no CL listed and very, very powerful, then you might want to add a fifth 'regular' item and keep the "Trappings" in under the 'flavor items allowed to complete set as taste demands'-clause.