View Full Version : Trends/fads you wish would just GO AWAY!!!

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2008-12-23, 11:47 AM
If I never see another vampire chick-lit novel or Zombie comicbook I could die a happy man.



2008-12-23, 11:50 AM
i dunno - the walking dead is a solid read as far as zombie comics go

but i could do without hearing anymore grime or whatever its being called this week

2008-12-23, 11:51 AM
The joke:

"I was at a boxing match and a hockey game broke out!"

2008-12-23, 11:51 AM
The "Homie" "fashion".

Pants around the knees, big heavy belts, shoes 3 sizes too big, wallet chains that don't go anywhere, hoodies pulled over the chin and/or too-big shirts with some logo emblazened across it like they're a miniature billboard, slouching ape-like gait, dumbarse sneer, cheap chunky jewellery... You get the idea :smallyuk:

2008-12-23, 11:52 AM
Gods, the trousers worn so they look like they're gonna fall off...I don't want to see your pants hanging out, damnit, and you look stupid!

2008-12-23, 11:53 AM

Oh wait.

2008-12-23, 11:56 AM
Star tattoos. How much more unoriginal can you get?

2008-12-23, 12:09 PM

The return of the horny white kid movies from the 80's. Yeah, Superbad was alright. But enough already.

Seth Rogan. Nuff said.


2008-12-23, 12:18 PM
Oh... I thought you were saying that "Dee" is a distasteful fad :smallconfused:

2008-12-23, 12:41 PM
The "Homie" "fashion".

Pants around the knees, big heavy belts, shoes 3 sizes too big, wallet chains that don't go anywhere, hoodies pulled over the chin and/or too-big shirts with some logo emblazened across it like they're a miniature billboard, slouching ape-like gait, dumbarse sneer, cheap chunky jewellery... You get the idea :smallyuk:
It's even worse up here... the local scene "kids" (I use the term loosely; a lot of them are between 16 and 22...) have adopted the jeans that are about to fall off look, and combined it with everything else.

(And that's actually a thing I really DO wish would go away - scene "kids" fashion. Here's a description. Spoilered because it turns into more of a rant and it's a lot longer than I expected it to be... and it's mainly true of the ones we have up here than anywhere else that I've seen.)

So, basically, you're looking at someone wearing black and white converse with yellow laces on one and red on the other, both sets of laces being bright. The jeans are black skinny jeans, or occasionally (mostly - yes, that's right, MOSTLY - female versions of the scene "kid" do this) the jeans have both legs and the crotch cut out and have tights worn under them.

When the jeans are actual jeans and worn by a male, they tend to be worn so that the front is at the right height, or at least above the pubic area. The back is worn halfway down the arse. This goes doubly so for skinny jeans - perhaps they want to air their genitalia, it's hard to say.

The top, usually, varies between the male and female of the species. The males tend to favour very tight tshirts, usually too small for them. These are often band shirts for metal, "metal," or hardcore bands - black, and with a large logo emblazoned on the front. They have to be short enough to allow the boxer shorts to show above the jeans, however. If they are not wearing a band shirt, they tend to wear a different shirt - however, it MUST be brightly coloured and, again, far too small for them. It may or may not have some form of logo on the front, recent scene "kids" have been seen with fake pages from comics printed on them, the same three panels over and over and over again. Over these can be worn hoodies or leather (or, even, pleather) jackets. These should be kept fairly normal looking, though if the male wishes to wear a jacket then it is often in some form of camo colour scheme; perhaps to hide from their natural enemy at gigs, the actual fan of the band. However, this rarely works, as they do not wear these jackets in a gig and still make a big thing of themselves with their kung fu karate moves in "hardcore" pits.

Females, meanwhile, tend to favour either the same as the males or simply brightly coloured tops showing ample cleavage if possible. They also tend to wear hoodies over these, with much the same designs on them as the male shirts and tshirts.

Hair tends to vary from one to another. However, one will often find males with a side parting and emo hair, and both sexes with bright colours in their hair. This often contrasts with very obviously dyed black hair.

Males tend to have more piercings than females. However, spots they both tend to get pierced are the lips, noses, forearms (assuming Moose is there with a safety pin to do it and they're drunk) and ears.

Speaking of alcohol, their favourite method of alcohol consumption tends to be "plenty," "by the river," and "cheap." They do not drink - ever - unless they intend to get drunk; this can be demonstrated by giving one some extremely nice, fairly expensive alcohol and watching them down it. It can be amusing to attend these gatherings, assuming one brings their own alcohol and does not mind running away from the police at any given point - the scene "kid" thrives on danger, possibly explaining the safety pin pierced forearms. Other events at these gatherings involve the intake of various narcotics, mostly illegal, and sex. These places are the primary breeding ground of the scene "kid" - where the females are too drunk to care, and where the males can big up their ego by getting any form of contact with the opposite sex, or by pounding other males into the ground.

Other activities of the scene "kid" are smoking on street corners and trying to hide the fact that they mostly come from fairly well off parents, despite trying to imply they live in the gutter by forming "crews" and drinking, taking drugs and smoking under bridges while playing around on minibikes.

They also seem - no matter how old they are or what level of education they are in - to care about their grades about as much as they would a penny in a gutter; many are known to skive school or college to get stoned, working as few hours as possible in fast food restauants to pay for the drugs.

2008-12-23, 12:44 PM
Oh... I thought you were saying that "Dee" is a distasteful fad :smallconfused:

Yes, I'm a distasteful fad too. Guilty as charged. LOL! :)


2008-12-23, 12:48 PM
I'll second the "Look at my underwear" fad and the "I wear my pants low because it is more comfortable that way" fad.

If I can see your underwear in public, somethings wrong. I'd like to say a law should be passed to prohibit such "fashion" but I think it would actually make these cry-for-helpers think they were being noticed, and thus cause them to multiply.

2008-12-23, 12:52 PM
Chastspeak/leetspeak/1337sp33k/whatever you call it. No more "u" in place of "you", no more lol, no more silly abbreviations, and the world would be a much happier place.

2008-12-23, 12:55 PM
R&B, Hip Hop, all of you go away. You are no longer welcome.

I'm sick of the "gangsta" trends that are so popular right now. Mostly because the (stupidly named) killer bees are recruiting in my area. Why won't you go home?

2008-12-23, 01:08 PM
I'm sick of the "gangsta" trends that are so popular right now. Mostly because the (stupidly named) killer bees are recruiting in my area. Why won't you go home?

Oh God, not the bees! NOT THE BEES! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6i2WRreARo)

2008-12-23, 01:25 PM
/b/ and "lulz" can go away.

2008-12-23, 01:27 PM
I agree with all of the above. Over here we have 'chavs' which are painfully white kids trying to emulate their black rapper American 'brothers'. Except we have a zero-tolerance law on guns, so we have happy slapping and knife crime instead. Oh and street racing. And, somewhat ironically, racism- if your whole 'lifestyle' is based around black Americans, how can you insult the Polish and Indians over here? :smallconfused: "Them dam *insert racial slur* come over here stealing our jobs 'n wimmin- me an' my homeys'll pop 'em one in the head, now who wants to race our blinged up rides, yo?" :smallyuk: Or another confusing case, regarding my one-time best friend who said "those polish guys are alright, they work hard and are friendly sometimes- but them darkies have no excuse" which was said in front of my sister's husband who happens to be a cypriot and muslim. Never spoke to him again, and have no desire to.
Another annoying fad- tv talent shows. They killed Christmas :smallfrown:

2008-12-23, 01:49 PM
I agree with all of this stated above, also the word emo ... i hate that word, makes me want to strangle the person who said it .... the main reason i dont is because most of the time they say it online and thus i cannot :( dont know why it makes me so very much angry but ya ... that is all :P

2008-12-23, 01:50 PM
Here are some more.

Crocs. So glad these are on the way out.
win/fail. It's not funny anymore.
Popped collars.

2008-12-23, 01:59 PM

The return of the horny white kid movies from the 80's. Yeah, Superbad was alright. But enough already.

Seth Rogan. Nuff said.

Seth Rogen is one of the funniest people in movies these days.

The fads I really wish would go away are netspeak (especially "FAIL" and any variation thereof), {Scrubbed}

2008-12-23, 02:02 PM
I agree with most of these, especially the chatspeak and racism complaints.

I have quite a few of these, in fact . . .

Like rap. I hate rap as music, sure, in fact I barely count it as music, but I hate it for more objective reasons. Recent rap, at least, seems to be exclusively about sex, drugs, or alcohol. Getting prostitutes drunk seems to be a common theme. Why would anyone listen to that by choice?!

Also, the use of the word "gay" to mean stupid. It's pretty common in my school to hear "OMG, that's so gay" (Yes, they say OMG), or "[Teacher] is so f*cking gay, he's such a retard." (usually referring to them actually - gasp - getting in trouble for not doing homework!

And finally, women and girls dressed like whores. Why would you dress like that?! The only people so interested in seeing so much of your body probably aren't the people you want to meet. Why would you exhibit your body to everyone you meet??!! Arrrrgggghhh this annoys me so badly!

And it made me think of another thing - people who dress their toddlers like adults. Tiny high heels, revealing outfits, make-up? This . . . this post is already long enough, so I'm gonna stop here. Suffice to say that I hate this worse than anything else, and that I have several pages of ranting on the subject.

A Rainy Knight
2008-12-23, 02:14 PM
The overuse of the F-bomb. I don't suppose there are any other adjectives and adverbs in the English language, are there?

Music that uses electronic effects to replace instruments and vocals. At this rate, we won't be able to tell singers apart any more because none of them will ever use their actual voices. A lot of rap and pop seems to fall into this category.

2008-12-23, 02:14 PM
We should keep the religious discussions here to a minimum, no wait, we should not keep them at all, regardless of if you consider Kaballah/Scientology/something else a religion or not yourself.

Mauve Shirt
2008-12-23, 02:17 PM
Bratz dolls.

A Rainy Knight
2008-12-23, 02:21 PM
Bratz dolls.

They are going away, I think. Didn't Mattel sue them and win? I thought I heard something about that on the news.

2008-12-23, 02:22 PM
Bratz dolls.

Are they actually still around? I thought Miley Cyrus strangled that fad to death with her bare hands.

2008-12-23, 02:23 PM
Seriously guys, everyone knows making fun of Islam and Christianity isn't right

:smallconfused: Really? I hear people making fun of religion all the time. I don't do it a lot, but if something comes to mind I'll certainly have a go at one of the older, more established religions.

Just came to mind-were you talking about in regards to board policy? Because in that case you're probably right.

I'd like to second finding the word "emo" annoying. I generally find it's a replacement for real argument/criticism.

Also, music. Music is a fad which annoys me.

2008-12-23, 02:25 PM

xkcd comics posted here and there (can I say xkcd itself? ..Relevant Website.. (http://www.isxkcd****tytoday.com/))

whining about things we cannot change? :smallcool:

Crispy Dave
2008-12-23, 02:26 PM
Disney channel, myspace, facebook, the idea that there is a thing known as "fashion"

2008-12-23, 02:31 PM

Yes it is when the Mayan calendar ends. No the world is not ending.
Actually, most of what goes on during late night talk radio, like Art Bell.

Cristo Meyers
2008-12-23, 02:36 PM
They are going away, I think. Didn't Mattel sue them and win? I thought I heard something about that on the news.

Not sure of the specifics, but yes, those things are indeed history.

2008-12-23, 02:37 PM
They are going away, I think. Didn't Mattel sue them and win? I thought I heard something about that on the news.

Yes. They were allowed to continue sales through "the holiday season", but they will be forced to recall their remaining stock after that point and "rocks fall, everyone dies" in February. Barring appeals, of course.

And I agree that it can't come to soon. What an odious little franchise.

2008-12-23, 02:38 PM
Here are some more.

Crocs. So glad these are on the way out.
win/fail. It's not funny anymore.
Popped collars.

Popped collars.

Popped collars.

Popped collars.

Popped collars.


Other than that... activities that a disproportionate number of people who pop their collars participate in. Namely, binge-drinking, using the word "ghetto" as an adjective, using the word "ghetto" as an adjective to describe things (such as $600 cell phones) that are not associated with poverty and deprivation, whorish clothing and behavior (regardless of gender), obsession with fashion and trends, and collar-popping.

@V: Fine, swift death to most who pop their collars. It's more that everyone I know who pops their collars is incredibly aggravating than that popped collars themselves anger me. I wouldn't want to kill you, Rabbit dear.

2008-12-23, 02:40 PM

Other than that... activities that a disproportionate number of people who pop their collars participate in. Namely, binge-drinking, using the word "ghetto" as an adjective, using the word "ghetto" as an adjective to describe things (such as $600 cell phones) that are not associated with poverty and deprivation, whorish clothing and behavior (regardless of gender), obsession with fashion and trends, and collar-popping.

:: dies::

I pop my collar all the time. However, I do none of the activities you've associated with such things. Except keep track of fashion trends.

I'm also glad Bratz dolls are going away. Atleast Barbie was somewhat inspirational...

2008-12-23, 02:46 PM
:smallconfused: Really? I hear people making fun of religion all the time. I don't do it a lot, but if something comes to mind I'll certainly have a go at one of the older, more established religions.

Just came to mind-were you talking about in regards to board policy? Because in that case you're probably right.

Yes, that is what I meant. Sorry for any confusion.

2008-12-23, 02:49 PM
In continuation with the spirit of this thread...Everyone who dresses differently than us needs to learn to dress!

Pants a little big? Learn to dress!
Collar popped up? Learn to dress!
White after labor day? Learn to dress!
Cheeto and Mountain Dew stains on your unwashed t-shirt? Erm...that's ok.

I'm sorry, but just because someone doesn't share your sense of fashion, it doesn't mean they shouldn't dress the way they want. Chances are, they probably think you look pretty dumb too.

obsession with fashion and trends, and collar-popping.

I particularly like where you say that you hate people who are obsessed with fashions, and then in the very same sentence tell them how to dress. Bravo.

2008-12-23, 02:49 PM
I wish all celebrity gossip magazines, websites, TV shows and so on would go away. Honestly, it's gotten out of hand.

Roland St. Jude
2008-12-23, 02:55 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: Real world religion is an Inappropriate Topic for these boards. Please stay away from that topic.

Phae Nymna
2008-12-23, 02:58 PM
/b/ and "lulz" can go away.

lulzkillers can go away.

Wait... Lady Chang!? CALL IN FOR /B/ACKUP!


Sorry about all the yelling and mistypes. >_>

2008-12-23, 02:59 PM
And finally, women and girls dressed like whores. Why would you dress like that?! The only people so interested in seeing so much of your body probably aren't the people you want to meet. Why would you exhibit your body to everyone you meet??!! Arrrrgggghhh this annoys me so badly!

Seconded. :smallannoyed: Gives us such a bad image. :smallsigh:

2008-12-23, 02:59 PM
In continuation with the spirit of this thread...Everyone who dresses differently than us needs to learn to dress!

Pants a little big? Learn to dress!
Collar popped up? Learn to dress!
White after labor day? Learn to dress!
Cheeto and Mountain Dew stains on your unwashed t-shirt? Erm...that's ok.

I'm sorry, but just because someone doesn't share your sense of fashion, it doesn't mean they shouldn't dress the way they want. Chances are, they probably think you look pretty dumb too.

I particularly like where you say that you hate people who are obsessed with fashions, and then in the very same sentence tell them how to dress. Bravo.

I agree. I can't understand why should anybody wear something like that (http://fotos.vivito.net/fotosend-1839835279.jpg), for example, but I guess that he/she does. And that's fine.

2008-12-23, 03:00 PM
Croc Shoes. Hate the miserable, vomitous, masses.

2008-12-23, 03:03 PM
I wish all celebrity gossip magazines, websites, TV shows and so on would go away. Honestly, it's gotten out of hand.
Forgot about them. I have... issues, with them. Again, spoilered.

Now, me, I'm doing Media Studies at A2 level.

The bits of the course are as follows.

Coursework - this is an essay, 4000 words, based on the music industry and representation of x, where x can be pretty much anything.

Exams - one on the television industry (moving onto this after Christmas) and one on the magazine industry.

As a result of this, I have seen more of the inside of some of those ******* ** *** ***** **** ** magazines than I would like. I want them to go away. I don't care about how they use an extended family repetoire, I don't care that it's human interest stories, I don't care about any of it! The fact that Kylie gained 8lbs and is happy is NOT something that anyone should care about aside from her! No, i DON'T care what Britney just did. Nor do I care about what celebrity wears what.

Plus, the pictures in those magazines are, for the most part, taken by the paparazzi - and they not only ruin the celebrity's lives, they ruin anyone else's who happens to live nearby. Ever wondered about what it would be like having people sneaking through your garden or waiting outside your house all day in SUVs just waiting for your neighbour to show themselves?

2008-12-23, 03:19 PM
I agree. I can't understand why should anybody wear something like that (http://fotos.vivito.net/fotosend-1839835279.jpg), for example, but I guess that he/she does. And that's fine.

This is what my response to that was:

A few seconds of confused silence.

"...What... What gender is that?"

I don't normally use the word "that" to refer to a person (or what I assume is a person), but I'm really not sure what exactly that is.

Judging from your post, you're not sure either.

2008-12-23, 03:35 PM
Scene kids: They make real metalheads, real goths, and real emos look bad :smallannoyed:. I mean it's just prep kids who dress in those styles and listen to equally watered down versions of that music (Avenged sevenfold, and Bullet for my Valentine I'm looking at you)It's also kind of annoying how you can want to start up a conversation with a goth/metalhead type only to find out they're just scenescene >_>. Also we have lots of scene girls here and no actual goth/metal/emo girls here, this is a serious problem I mean scene chicks are fun to look at (I definitely support the hotness of the female half of the scene movement :smalltongue:) but at the end of the day they're still just preps underneath.

DISCLAIMER: the term prep is not being used here to describe those who attend private schools or those who attend "prep" schools but to describe those with a smug/annoying/overlymainstream/cliche of popular kid attitude, the term as used here has nothing to do with class or schooling, this has been a message from your friendly neighborhood zeratul :smallbiggrin:

2008-12-23, 03:36 PM



2008-12-23, 03:39 PM
Reality TV, yes it kept American TV alive during the first writers strike but it should have died immediately after.

2008-12-23, 03:44 PM
Scene kids

What in the world is a scene kid? Is this like that South Park episode where are the goth kids hate being confused for the 'vampire' kids who drink that red clam juice?

2008-12-23, 03:52 PM
What in the world is a scene kid? Is this like that South Park episode where are the goth kids hate being confused for the 'vampire' kids who drink that red clam juice?

Actually that pretty much is what scene kids are basically the same thing as what one would refer to as a "prep" only with a combination of goth/emo/metal fashion (primarily taking from emo fashion) who listen to bands (as mentioned before) like avenged sevenfold and bullet for my valentine, and retaining all of the aspects of prep kids but with those things sort of added in. All in all scene kids are kind of like weird colored house fires, fun too look at but still really lame :smalltongue:

2008-12-23, 03:52 PM

The Gangsta look.

10 year olds who kill you in Halo.

When people use 'gay' as an insult.

Religous zealots (Of any religion)

'That's what She Said' lines.
Not that those aren't funny...
Nerd Hatin'. Just because we enjoy fantasy/sci-fi and are good in school, it doesn't make us worse than you.

Celbrity Gossip. Leave then alone already!

On the other side of that argument, Celebrities who believe that, because they're rich and famous, they can do whatever they want.

Reality TV.

I'll be back. Probably.

2008-12-23, 03:54 PM
Oh yeah, people who use gay as an insult need to get beaten over the head with a metal bat. :smallmad:

2008-12-23, 03:55 PM
This is what my response to that was:

A few seconds of confused silence.

"...What... What gender is that?"

I don't normally use the word "that" to refer to a person (or what I assume is a person), but I'm really not sure what exactly that is.

Judging from your post, you're not sure either.

Same. At first look I thought it was a girl; but on closer inspection (i.e. afer reading your post) I realised that although the 'girl' looks about seventeen there's absolutely no cleavage.
I'm left to conclude that it's a feminine boy.

Androgyny in fashion should disappear. I have pretty bad eyes as it is, and being unable to say 'excuse sir/ma'am/miss; but it's my stop. Thank you' and other polite things is really upsetting as it means:
1) I can be polite, but not as polite as I was taught to be. Not so bad.
2) I can no longer tell with 100% certainty whether a person is male or female.

I also agree with pretty much everything death dragon's mentioned. Especially the slut fashions that girls wear these days.
I saw a three year old wearing a thong and mini - skirt the other day. Three years old and unknowingly exhibiting herself like that.
Gods Above and Below, even the teenage 'sluts' and chavs were staring at this girl and her mother in horror.

Reality TV. Big Brother, I'm A Celebrity (who gives a d*mn!), X Factor, every single one of those ridiculously awful shows should disappear forever.
People who use 'gay' and 'retard' as insults or in a casual fashion. It's gotten to the point where I have to remind myself that attacking someone verbally or physically in college could result in probation, suspension, exclusion or expulsion.
Rap music. I can't stand 99% of it. Especially stuff about sex, bitches, drugs etc.

2008-12-23, 03:57 PM
The trend in media of mocking those who use logic and reason when examining their world. (http://www.chocolatehammer.org/?p=131)

(Self-link win the for.)

2008-12-23, 04:05 PM
In Rap's defense: I don't listen to a lot admittedly, but there's definitely some good stuff. Rage Against the Machine tends to have rather intelligently written political lyrics, and Beasty boys and public enemy are also pretty good bands. Also afro man is hilarious.

Saithis Bladewing
2008-12-23, 04:06 PM
Reality TV, TV Talent Shows, and Chavdom.

2008-12-23, 04:11 PM
I wish all celebrity gossip magazines, websites, TV shows and so on would go away. Honestly, it's gotten out of hand.

I concur. And first against the wall will be people who are celebrities only by virtue of winning reality TV shows.

And also:

Vox pops on TV news. That time could more usefully be spent giving more detail on a story which has been covered, or covering an additional story.

2008-12-23, 04:12 PM
wow and other massive online adventure roleplaying games are fad i wish would go away.

2008-12-23, 04:14 PM
wow and other massive online adventure roleplaying games are fad i wish would go away.

Pardon my curiosity, but why?

Works for some people, and there's plenty of other games out there.

\/ Guilty as charged, guv'nor.

2008-12-23, 04:19 PM
The trend in media of mocking those who use logic and reason when examining their world. (http://www.chocolatehammer.org/?p=131)

(Self-link win the for.)
Quoted for Truth


People who blatantly advertise their blogs.:smalltongue:

/\Also, people who edit in responses to posts below them. It makes it difficult to respond.

2008-12-23, 04:27 PM
Pardon my curiosity, but why?

Works for some people, and there's plenty of other games out there.

idk, it just kinda bugs me when people talk about lvl 70 tauran hunters, dps and epic mounts in real life conversations and if wow was passe, no one would do that.

note: my problem isn't with the people that play these games, just people that talk about them outside of where ever it is acceptable.

2008-12-23, 04:30 PM
just people that talk about them outside of where ever it is acceptable.

I dunno. I talk about Dungeons and Dragons with my friends in public--is that really "unacceptable"?

(I do get that this isn't really a, "I wish I could remove World of Warcraft", deal, more of a "I wish people would get tired of World of Warcraft and move on.")

Metal Head
2008-12-23, 04:30 PM
I sincerely wish the trend of thinking that all that is not trendy is bad. Especially if you don't know anything about this ubtrendy stuff. This really started pissing me off yesterday someone I know claimed that Kanye West (his favorite musician) is better than Iron Maiden (my favorite band) because "he doesn't scream all the time." Now if someone likes Kanye West more, I don't care much. But when they justify their musical tastes with something so incredibly false and uninformed then I get angry. This really applies to anything, not just music.

2008-12-23, 04:40 PM
Metal_head, I have the opposite. I get irritated when people bash on trndy stuff just because its trendy.
This is, of course, hypocritical, as I tend to do it as well >>

2008-12-23, 04:41 PM
lets consult my long list........

tv talent shows
reality tv shows
2012, nuff said
90% of television
the "cake is lie" thing
the "your mom" jokes
the "thats what she said" jokes
nerd hating
stereotypes in general
the media
"gangsta" stuff
the color pink (what?)
people who use "gay" as an insult
people who are racist against anyone
people who swear too much
the over masculinity thing
smarmy seven-year old idiots who think they're better than everyone else
this list to be updated

y'know, Calvins words, from Calvin and Hobbes "I think the best sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the Universe is that none of it has tried to contact us yet" really rings true when I compare it to all the things I hate....

late for dinner
2008-12-23, 04:42 PM
the term "lol" I hate it. I use "haha"

Celebrity Gossip- LEAVE BRITTNEY ALONE!!!

Suing someone cause they hurt your feelings....get over it.

Blu Ray

Twilight...sparkly vampires

iphones and the like....gotta admit, they are cool, but I am tired of seeing them everywhere...maybe its Jelousy

Metal Head
2008-12-23, 04:51 PM
Metal_head, I have the opposite. I get irritated when people bash on trndy stuff just because its trendy.
This is, of course, hypocritical, as I tend to do it as well >>

Hmmm, you have a very good point. In general bashing stuff based on popularity (or the lack thereof) is stupid.

2008-12-23, 04:52 PM
/b/ and "lulz" can go away.And Dramatica, don't forget that steaming pile of excrement!

2008-12-23, 04:53 PM
Uncyclopedia isn't great, but Dramatica is far, far worse.

2008-12-23, 04:54 PM
Hmm... I'm thinking we could all do without underwear, for starters.

And there are those who say that coming down out of the trees was a bad move and we should go back and sometimes... I am inclined to agree with them, especially around this time of year when we trample our fellows to death like some kind of grazing herbivore.

2008-12-23, 04:55 PM
I particularly like where you say that you hate people who are obsessed with fashions, and then in the very same sentence tell them how to dress. Bravo.

I do not give a damn about fashion. Everyone I know who pops their collar does care about fashion. I'm not telling people how to dress, I'm stereotyping people who dress in a particular way.

Oh, and I second the trend of declaring that you hate whatever's popular. It just makes people sound like they're trying WAY too hard to seem special and different. I dislike a lot of popular stuff, but I don't brag about disliking it. People need to accept that they are not unique and beautiful snowflakes.

2008-12-23, 05:05 PM
Oh, and I second the trend of declaring that you hate whatever's popular. It just makes people sound like they're trying WAY too hard to seem special and different. I dislike a lot of popular stuff, but I don't brag about disliking it. People need to accept that they are not unique and beautiful snowflakes.

this paragraph is completely confusing to me...........

.................but I somehow hate it, just let me figure out how........

2008-12-23, 05:08 PM
There's so many things here that I agree on, among others the distaste for "gangsta", but I'd go so far and say I hate pretty much every mainstream thing. E.g. Pop music. Can't you sing about, you know ANYTHING ELSE other than love?
In the same vein, the only rap I like is Rage Against the Machine because they actually have a bit more, well, meaning in their lyrics in comparison with mainstream rap and hip hop. And of course, the sound is AWESOME :smallbiggrin:

Hmm, I guess I also dislike the whole "Ignorance is cool" trend that seems so strong, but that might just be because I'm only 20 and haven't gone to university yet, and young "normal" people seem so ignorant. Not that people in general seem any better.
Oh frig, I sound like such a douche :smallfrown:

2008-12-23, 05:11 PM
Twilight...sparkly vampires

Oh yeah. The entire Twilight fad. NO IT IS NOT A GOOD BOOK GO READ SOME REAL LITERATURE. I don't mind people enjoying Twilight, or saying that they like it, but people act like it's THE best book ever written. Which just clearly says to me that they haven't actually read anything else.

This is what my response to that was:

A few seconds of confused silence.

"...What... What gender is that?"

Me too. I think it might be a female face pasted on a male body.

I saw a three year old wearing a thong and mini - skirt the other day. Three years old and unknowingly exhibiting herself like that.
Gods Above and Below, even the teenage 'sluts' and chavs were staring at this girl and her mother in horror.

. . . Oh dear lord. That just might need police intervention.

2008-12-23, 05:12 PM
I dislike gangsta, mostly because I'm black and everyone automatically assumes I'm gangsta. "Yo homie, wanna come wit me to *blank* some *blanks*?" "...no, I wanna read this book." Invite stares. Then they think that I am insulting them.
Also, hipster vs. emo stuff. I'm not either, but it annoys me when I see an emo kid whining about how all the hipster kids are preppy or hipsters talking about how all the emo kids are whiny or stupid.

2008-12-23, 05:13 PM
And there are those who say that coming down out of the trees was a bad move and we should go back and sometimes... I am inclined to agree with them, especially around this time of year when we trample our fellows to death like some kind of grazing herbivore.

I rather like not living in trees this time of year.

6 months ago, I can understand that, the trees would be wonderful. Right now? Too damned cold!

2008-12-23, 05:20 PM
Crass Humor
nihilist music
people with a sense of entitlement
uninformed statements about how much doctors make (you want to know the real reason medical care is expensive? Insurance companies extort doctors by claiming to officials that there's a trust violation if the doctors wont give in to their demands. oh, and did you know that medicare doesnt even pay doctors a penny for most cases? )
racism, against ANY group.
religious discrimination, against ANY group
people who are convinced that everything they dont like, such as having to work for a living, is the result of them being discriminated again.
the bailout bill.

Ego Slayer
2008-12-23, 05:21 PM
I didn't remember anything that bothered me until I read the thread...

First - WoW. I am incredibly sick of hearing people bitch about it. Some happen to enjoy it. The fact that lots of people play it makes it an easy target and 99% of the comments are lame, or intentional flaming because I swear everyone who doesn't play it thinks it cool to think its uncool. Get the hell over it already. If you don't like it, don't play it and leave whoever does alone because clearly they disagree with you, and everyone else says the same thing. Grow an opinion someone else hasn't already grown, murdered, and reseeded. Kkthxbai.

Second - I stab to death with an pencil those who say there are no girls on the internet. Its not true, its not funny in the least, and its offensive. Stop it.

Okay, Ego done. *pantpantpant*

2008-12-23, 05:22 PM
Me too. I think it might be a female face pasted on a male body.

Yes. There is no way that a human male could have a face that feminine.

Hmm, I guess I also dislike the whole "Ignorance is cool" trend that seems so strong, but that might just be because I'm only 20 and haven't gone to university yet, and young "normal" people seem so ignorant. Not that people in general seem any better.
Yes! Ignorance is not cool; there are a lot of smart, cool people. Just because you use your brain and learn stuff doesn't mean you're a stereotypical nerd.

What annoys me about this thread is the wanton stereotyping. Like this:

I'm not telling people how to dress, I'm stereotyping people who dress in a particular way.

I'm very glad that Surly is able to admit his flaws. :smallwink:

Hmm... I'm thinking we could all do without underwear, for starters.
Yes. Commando for everyone. Now.


Is Pokemon still cool?

2008-12-23, 05:26 PM
I saw a three year old wearing a thong and mini - skirt the other day. Three years old and unknowingly exhibiting herself like that.
Gods Above and Below, even the teenage 'sluts' and chavs were staring at this girl and her mother in horror.

I really hope you mean with 'thong' australian slippers and with mini-skirt a long dress to her ankles.

2008-12-23, 05:29 PM
Oh, and I second the trend of declaring that you hate whatever's popular. It just makes people sound like they're trying WAY too hard to seem special and different. I dislike a lot of popular stuff, but I don't brag about disliking it. People need to accept that they are not unique and beautiful snowflakes.

Surly wins my love, for being able to state it better than I could.

2008-12-23, 05:30 PM
Second - I stab to death with an pencil those who say there are no girls on the internet. Its not true, its not funny in the least, and its offensive. Stop it.

I feel a compelling urge to follow a fad that I don't wish would go away: linking to xkcd strips (http://xkcd.com/322/).

2008-12-23, 05:33 PM
Also (by which I mean in addition to some/many things posted above which I agree with), gold sellers. My opinion of gold sellers is as high as with other kinds of simple criminals. They deserve to be hated.

2008-12-23, 05:34 PM
DRM. I feel like I'm being punished for actually buying the damn game.

Reality shows. How does forcing people to react to artificial situations constitute reality?

Talent shows on TV. Yes, you know how to sing. No, I don't need to see you on national television.

Spin-off and secondary shows about said talent shows. X-factor was bad enough. I don't need to see how the every single audition and I certainly don't need to have twelve channels dedicated to Big Brother.

The "That's not Music" argument. Few people even now the definition of music, but that doesn't keep them from deciding what isn't.

Fantasy=Fairly Tales. Fairy Tales are a genre of it own. Sure there's similarities, but if having similarities meant being the same then Tiffany goes to Titsville = Hamlet.

Thes Hunter
2008-12-23, 05:34 PM
People who complain. :smallwink:

2008-12-23, 05:35 PM
Three Year Olds in Thongs would be horrifying. After all, what's the point? Ye Gods, at least with the slightly older ones the point is extorting/arresting pedophiles. I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth.

oh yeah, wanton pregnancy, that's pretty becoming pretty annoying around here. Between the teenagers who are proud of the fact that they're dropping out of highschool at 15 to have squawling ******** rip out of their bodies and women who'll pop out a baby just so they have something to nurture and those people who try to have a score or more of children, well, it's just not fun anymore because of them.

V: You mean Hippies?

2008-12-23, 05:35 PM
It's never been 'trendy' as far as I know, but white people with dreadlocks set my teeth on edge.

2008-12-23, 05:35 PM
The "Unless your sneakers your sneakers are two sizes too big, and are studded with diamonds and plated in 2" of gold and are woven from the silk of extinct silk worm, You are an outcast from society" fad. I buy my Sneakers at Meijier, and they keep my feet warm, like they were gorram designed too.:smallmad:

Oh, and pretty much anything else "gangta-homie-G". No, I don't want too look at your boxers, and no, I don't care if you a Beast in this Krib, or if You got sic stacks of cash, bro.

I don't mind Rap as a music, I dislike rap that is tasteless trash.

2008-12-23, 05:40 PM

People who actively TRY to be as dumb as possible, because being smart is uncool (I've met these people)

People who have uninformed opinions about what I do. Yes I play WoW and D&D, that doesn't mean that I'm about to drop out of school and join a cult.

Finally (for now) the word "mad" used in every sentence. That's mad cool, that's mad gay, that guy is mad mad.
The grammar used today is appalling to me, if you came from another country or have a speech impediment, that's one thing, actively trying to sound like and idiot is another.

2008-12-23, 05:40 PM
It's never been 'trendy' as far as I know, but white people with dreadlocks set my teeth on edge.

I'll go away now. :smallfrown:

2008-12-23, 05:46 PM
I'll go away now. :smallfrown:

If it makes it any better, I like dreadlocks. On anyone :smallsmile:

2008-12-23, 05:46 PM
OK I got more...
TV Talent Shows and celeb-dom... I can't stress the importance of this enough, that these things must be destroyed. By celeb-dom, I am of course referring to reality tv stars that are celebs because they were in the big brother house or are a footballer's wife or Paris Hilton. I'm also referring to the Paparazzi, though to be fair they do seem to only target people that deserve it- you don't get much paparazzi for the actors and songwriters who are actually any good. As for tv talent shows, Christmas number 1 is proof of this- Peter Kay released a charity single that's the best christmas song in ages, and the winner of the x-factor won the top spot simply because they won the x-factor.
Political correctness. Last year we had a problem over here in that you weren't allowed christmas decorations in any offices because it 'might offend people of other religions'.
WoW. I don't play it, don't care much about what people think about it, and only see it as the thing that non-gamers signed up to because they hadn't heard of Guild Wars and celebs were endorsing it (though the Ozzy advert's good). I realise this is my own opinion and it may well be a good game in its own right, but I for one wont be spending my wages on a monthly subscription to it.
*resists urge to discuss religion- if anyone wants to hear my opinion on religion they can PM me*
And regarding the above comments about ambiguous gender (the person in the pic definitely looked like a flat-chested girl to me) some people can't help the way they look, and others can but have every right to look how they want. I for one look like a considerably less attractive version of the above picture... I don't want a pic posted here, but if you REALLY want a look then PM me

2008-12-23, 05:47 PM
It's never been 'trendy' as far as I know, but white people with dreadlocks set my teeth on edge.

Ugh why now?

Now all rastas are going to get ya :smalltongue:

2008-12-23, 05:50 PM
I'll go away now. :smallfrown:

Aw man. I can't even be hateful on the internet without the poeple being right there to see it.

2008-12-23, 05:51 PM
Bloody goddamn Chris Crocker and his spooky little drowned worm crotch!

For the rest of you it may be easier to studiously ignore him, but not so easy for me, because he seems to be sleeping with 40 percent of the people in my extended social circle and I can't stop effing hearing about it.

Also, he hit on my boyfriend once.

Of course my boyfriend can't leave the house without half the population of Quebec trying to get into his pants and I've learned that I can't beat them ALL up, but still, goddamn Chris Crocker! Does he honestly think he's ... I just ... GAH! :smallfurious:

And I have moral objections to whatever the hell they're calling punk these days. (I am permanently stuck in the late seventies and I am angry that my favorite genre of music has evolved without my consent! Unacceptable!) At least it's gotten to the point where I can kind of ignore it now that Green Day's died down and Avril Lavigne has fallen off the face of the Earth.

Spiryt: Eh, he's cute, leave him alone. *loves me some androgynous scene kids*

2008-12-23, 05:53 PM
Aw man. I can't even be hateful on the internet without the poeple being right there to see it.

Given the amount of traffic these boards have, chances are there'll be more of us here.

2008-12-23, 05:55 PM
Given the amount of traffic these boards have, chances are there'll be more of us here.

So if I say that I hate people with big bronze keys pierced to their noses, somebody will be ofended? :smallbiggrin:

2008-12-23, 05:58 PM
Given the amount of traffic these boards have, chances are there'll be more of us here.

You'll all be too high to find me!

*flees while singing Get Up, Stand Up*

2008-12-23, 05:58 PM
So if I say that I hate people with big bronze keys pierced to their noses, somebody will be ofended? :smallbiggrin:

Well, unlike in real life, you can't see who you're talking to, so the chance is there.

You'll all be too high to find me!

*flees while singing Get Up, Stand Up*
Luckily, a side-effect of doping up on fluticasonpropionat* is reduced reaction time and better lung capacity.

*A common asthma medication

2008-12-23, 06:00 PM
That might just be specific enough that you wouldn't be likely to get someone with it. But, dreadlocks are fairly more general.

Hmm. The cruelty, callousness, and occasional maleficent tragedy born out of Ignorance can really get to a body after awhile.

2008-12-23, 06:58 PM
this one might not go down so well buuut...hipster types I've noticed tend to bug me, I don;t really know why, maybe it rubs me the wrong way or something, just seems pretentious to me basically people like the people from Questionable Content (great webcomic, just if the characters were real people who I met I'd probably feel an urge to punch them).

In addition I'm staunchly against the trend in some of thinking that "If a band is signed, or especially signed to a major label that means that they have sold out and suck." Dude being unsigned generally isn't a sign of how good ones music is. Now I know some great unsigned bands, but it's stupid to think that some magic potion get's given to bands after they get signed that suddenly makes them horrible.

Mc. Lovin'
2008-12-23, 07:02 PM
Gods, the trousers worn so they look like they're gonna fall off...I don't want to see your pants hanging out, damnit, and you look stupid!

Oh that annoys me so much ... They look so dumb! But they all do it! I can only imagine how much influence the guy who started this trend had on his friends.

Let's stop Smoking and Chavs.

2008-12-23, 07:23 PM
It's never been 'trendy' as far as I know, but white people with dreadlocks set my teeth on edge.

My dad has dreadlocks. :smalltongue:

And yes, he is white...but his hair is curly. Soooo...is there a problem? :smallamused:

Speaking of curly hair...

A trend that superbly irritates me is the hair-straightening one. I mean, if someone wants to straighten their hair that's fine with me, but I hate it when people randomly say to me:

"Is your hair permed or is that natural?"
Me: "It's natural."
"OMG! Seriously? It's so curly! I bet it would be really pretty if you straightened it!"

2008-12-23, 07:27 PM
The jeans are black skinny jeans, or occasionally (mostly - yes, that's right, MOSTLY - female versions of the scene "kid" do this) the jeans have both legs and the crotch cut out and have tights worn under them.

As in... a skirt?

I'll go away now. :smallfrown:
If it makes it any better, I like dreadlocks. On anyone :smallsmile:

I happen to LOVE dreads on most people :) Had a crush on this girl in high school who looked pretty amazing with them. Thiel, we love you. Keep 'em! hugs

I can't stand, in addition to a long list of items previously listed by many an astute observer above me, Ugg boots. UGH!

Abhor an excess of swearing-- use a dictionary and/or thesaurus, people, come on!

Innis Cabal
2008-12-23, 07:28 PM
So if I say that I hate people with big bronze keys pierced to their noses, somebody will be ofended? :smallbiggrin:

I take offense to that. Its my right to have what ever fashion I want.

2008-12-23, 07:30 PM
People calling everything gay.

It's stupid, I wish it only meant happy like it used to >.>

2008-12-23, 07:32 PM
The pirating of software. There is no good reason to do it. Ever. Pirates make things worse for everyone else.
Seconding the leet/1337speak, baggy/impractical clothes fashion trend.
I also wish formal clothes would go away. Suits just don't look comfortable.

2008-12-23, 07:35 PM
Gah, I just saw another advertisement for a new show, "Nostradamus 2012", on the History Channel. I am starting to wonder if these people don't freak out every time their calendars land on December 31 or a set of "magical match" numbers like October 10, 2010.

Refuge in Vulgarity
I shamefully admit to liking a lot of the "angry reviewer" types, but when they start devolving into cluster-bombs of profanity (which is fairly often), I have to take pause.

"But Fantasy's for Kids!"
I know this one is mostly on its way out, but I want to see it die a horrible death by orc war-axe. Cultural mythology and modern fantasy isn't some silly "kid's game", it can be fascinating subject.

Raiser Blade
2008-12-23, 07:37 PM
Those reduckulous glasses Kanye West wears.

Geeks who think they look cool wearing:

Black Leather Gloves

That crap needs to stop.

2008-12-23, 07:37 PM
I happen to LOVE dreads on most people :) Had a crush on this girl in high school who looked pretty amazing with them. Thiel, we love you. Keep 'em! hugs

Sadly, they are no more. But I'm working on getting them back.

A trend that superbly irritates me is the hair-straightening one. I mean, if someone wants to straighten their hair that's fine with me, but I hate it when people randomly say to me:

"Is your hair permed or is that natural?"
Me: "It's natural."
"OMG! Seriously? It's so curly! I bet it would be really pretty if you straightened it!"
This might sound weird, but I get that a lot.
I don't know where people are getting the idea that I might have had my hair permed since all I ever do to it is looking sternly at it.

Raiser Blade
2008-12-23, 07:39 PM
I take offense to that. Its my right to have what ever fashion I want.

Yes but it is our right to ridicule you for your fashion. :smalltongue:

2008-12-23, 07:39 PM
I take offense to that. Its my right to have what ever fashion I want.

And its our right to say you look silly and should probably take it of.:smallsmile:

EDIT: A sense a ninja.. and its close!

2008-12-23, 07:40 PM
People calling everything gay.

It's stupid, I wish it only meant happy like it used to >.>

I don't mind it using it to refer to homosexuals, myself.

It does irk me when it's used as a byword for "lame".

Same goes for the word retarded.

2008-12-23, 07:42 PM
I don't mind it using it to refer to homosexuals, myself.

It does irk me when it's used as a byword for "lame".

Same goes for the word retarded.

I absolutely hate that. When people don't realize they are mocking the suffering and limited abilities of some people. Even worse, when they do. That drives me absolutely beserk.:smallfurious:

2008-12-23, 07:43 PM
Those reduckulous glasses Kanye West wears.

Geeks who think they look cool wearing:

Black Leather Gloves

That crap needs to stop.

Hmm I haven't actually seen many nerds who wear trenchcoats black leather gloves or aviators in correspondence with nerdiness, fedora's I have seen a lot in nerd culture though. I wear trenchcaots and such but I;d say for me at least it doesn't have much to do with the nerd thing and more to do with liking trenchcoats as influenced by goth/metal, aviators seem fairly widespread in their popularity, don;t personally wear 'em, but I see them more on non nerds than on nerds. Black leather gloves I know would be associated with ren/LARP people but otherwise it's much more of a biker thing than it is a nerd thing

2008-12-23, 07:46 PM
I was going to say Emo kids, but a bit of reflection changed my mind.

A very large number of teenagers, who attach themselves to labels and then over-do it, especially the negative aspects. Especially because you know it's fake. I realize this isn't all teenagers, or just teenagers, but it's something that kind of drives me nuts. Also

People who use gay as an insult.
The whole Disney preteen madness (High School Musical, Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers, ect :smallsigh:)
Rap music.

2008-12-23, 07:49 PM
Sadly, they are no more. But I'm working on getting them back.


Those reduckulous glasses Kanye West wears.

Geeks who think they look cool wearing:

Black Leather Gloves

That crap needs to stop.

I happen to live across the street from a LAN Games store/ meetup locale and spy (mostly the trenchcoats) these items on a fairly regurlar basis. :-/ Not sexy guys. Just sayin'.

Also, I ardently wish that smoking would go out of style.

Edit: Due to the fact that I neglected to include an entire clause in my statement, haha.

2008-12-23, 07:52 PM
Rap music.

Yeah now, thats not fair. You can't hate an entire genre' of music till you have heard an entire genre' of music, and I doubt you listened to ever rap song, ever.

2008-12-23, 07:53 PM
Any of the following phrases: epic win, epic fail, made of win, made of win sauce or any variation thereof, made of fail, and fail being used as a sentence. Every time I see these I want to curb stomp a defenseless bunny with a steel toed boot.

2008-12-23, 07:56 PM
The pirating of software. There is no good reason to do it. Ever. Pirates make things worse for everyone else.
Poorly thought out DRM. It doesn't actually stop the pirates and far too often inconveniences legitimate customers.

2008-12-23, 07:56 PM
I can't hate an entire genre of music? Oh yes I can. Watch me.

I hate the components that make up rap music. I like it when Anthony Kiedis raps. Why? Because the guitar, and the drums, and the bass, the composition makes it more funk/rock, with rapping lyrics. I also hate Country Music, with the exception of Johnny Cash, who's alright. I don't like the over-done Southern accents, I don't like the boring guitar, I don't like the southerny sound.

2008-12-23, 07:56 PM
Those only work in a very particular context, I'll grant you.

The idea is that it has to be used to summarize a situation or action that is so ridiculously awesome/impossibly stupid that it needs one word or a thousand.

The best uses "win" or "fail" are when you can almost hear a person struggling to come up with a way to articulate their feelings, before communicating them thus.

The pirating of software. There is no good reason to do it. Ever. Pirates make things worse for everyone else.

Poorly thought out DRM. It doesn't actually stop the pirates and far too often inconveniences legitimate customers.

I agree with both of these.

2008-12-23, 07:58 PM

Phew, I'm done.

2008-12-23, 07:58 PM
Yeah now, thats not fair. You can't hate an entire genre' of music till you have heard an entire genre' of music, and I doubt you listened to ever rap song, ever.

Especially the three or four Christian Rap songs that are nothing like Mainstream Rap (which is mostly crap).

Poorly thought out DRM. It doesn't actually stop the pirates and far too often inconveniences legitimate customers.

It's either DRM or the collapse of the entire Gaming industry. Because if the shareholders don't get their way they leave, killing the business. Once this starts the shareholders of other companies leave killing more businesses until their are none left.

So which is it?

2008-12-23, 08:06 PM
In the same vein, the only rap I like is Rage Against the Machine because they actually have a bit more, well, meaning in their lyrics in comparison with mainstream rap and hip hop.
Mild derail (and you're probably not even reading the thread any more :smallsmile:) but there's a lot of less mainstream stuff that really does go nuts on the lyrics, I mean people like Saul Williams are probably closer to Syd Barret than Fiddy Cent:

Through meditation I program my heart
to beat breakbeats and hum basslines on exhalation
I burn seven day candles that melt
into twelve inch circles on my mantle
and spin funk like myrrh
And I can fade worlds in and out with my mixing patterns
letting the Earth spin as I blend in Saturn
n****z be like spinning windmills, braiding hair
locking, popping, as the sonic force
of the soul keeps the planets rocking
the beat don't stop when, soulless matter blows
into the cosmos, trying to be stars
the beat don't stop when, Earth sends out satellites
to spy on Saturnites and control Mars
cause n****z got a peace treaty with Martians
and we be keepin em up to date with sacred gibberish
like "sho' nuff" and "it's on"
the beat goes on, the beat goes on, the beat goes "ohm"

and I roam through the streets of downtown Venus
trying to auction off monuments of Osiris' severed penis
but they don't want no penis in Venus
for androgynous cosmology sets their spirits free
and they neither men nor women be
but they be down with a billion n****z who have yet to see
that interplanetary truth is androgynous
and they be sending us shoutouts through shooting stars
and n****z be like, "Whattup?" and talking Mars
cause we are so-lar and regardless of how far we roam from home
the universe remains our center, like "ohm"

I am no Earthling, I drink moonshine on Mars
and mistake meteors for stars cause I can't hold my liquor
but I can hold my breath and ascend like wind to the black hole
and play galaxaphones on the fire escapes of your soul
blowing tunes through lunar wombs, impregnating stars
giving birth to suns, that darken the skins that skin our drums
and we be beating infinity over sacred hums
spinning funk like myrrh until Jesus comes
and Jesus comes everytime we drum
and the moon drips blood and eclipses the sun
and out of darkness comes a ...
and out of darkness comes a ...
and out of darkness comes the...


Anyway, on topic.

Spin-off and secondary shows about said talent shows. X-factor was bad enough. I don't need to see how the every single audition and I certainly don't need to have twelve channels dedicated to Big Brother.

The "That's not Music" argument. Few people even now the definition of music, but that doesn't keep them from deciding what isn't.

Yes, both of those.

By and large, though, I'm kind of immune to trends and fads because I'm not normally in a situation where I have to deal with loads of people doing stupid stuff. I'm guessingmostt of these things are more annoying when you're at highschool and are stuck with a small finite number of classmates for most of the time and a large fraction of them are following random trends that you either don't care about or find actively stupid...

Raiser Blade
2008-12-23, 08:11 PM
Hmm I haven't actually seen many nerds who wear trenchcoats black leather gloves or aviators in correspondence with nerdiness,

I have.

fedora's I have seen a lot in nerd culture though. I wear trenchcaots and such but I;d say for me at least it doesn't have much to do with the nerd thing and more to do with liking trenchcoats as influenced by goth/metal,

Trenchcoats aren't cool no matter what influences them. ever.

aviators seem fairly widespread in their popularity, don;t personally wear 'em, but I see them more on non nerds than on nerds.

Or maybe you just see more nerds than you realize?

Black leather gloves I know would be associated with ren/LARP people but otherwise it's much more of a biker thing than it is a nerd thing

Trust me. These kids aren't bikers.

2008-12-23, 08:14 PM
I can't hate an entire genre of music? Oh yes I can. Watch me.

I hate the components that make up rap music. I like it when Anthony Kiedis raps. Why? Because the guitar, and the drums, and the bass, the composition makes it more funk/rock, with rapping lyrics. I also hate Country Music, with the exception of Johnny Cash, who's alright. I don't like the over-done Southern accents, I don't like the boring guitar, I don't like the southerny sound.

Not all Country is hill-billies yelling into microphones while strumming the banjo, and not all rap is screaming obscenities either. You cannot hate something you probably have never heard simply because you don't like the "Components". You are saying you hate cookies because there is chocolate in them, and not all cookies are chocolate.

2008-12-23, 08:23 PM
Trenchcoats aren't cool no matter what influences them. ever.


Papa Rutskarn's Recipe for Absurd Amounts of Coolness:

1 Trenchcoat (black)
1 Gasmask of the Single-vent variety (black)
1 Skintight cowl covering the hair and neck (black)
1 Wide-brimmed Fedora (black)

Mix and match weaponry to taste.

2008-12-23, 08:26 PM
Trenchcoats aren't cool no matter what influences them. ever.

Pfft trenchcoats are awesome as long as they suit you. Although I don;t really think they make sense in general nerd culture particularly as they don;t really make sense on the nonthreatening nerd boy type :smallamused:.

2008-12-23, 08:26 PM
Bloody goddamn Chris Crocker and his spooky little drowned worm crotch!

For the rest of you it may be easier to studiously ignore him, but not so easy for me, because he seems to be sleeping with 40 percent of the people in my extended social circle and I can't stop effing hearing about it.

Also, he hit on my boyfriend once.

Of course my boyfriend can't leave the house without half the population of Quebec trying to get into his pants and I've learned that I can't beat them ALL up, but still, goddamn Chris Crocker! Does he honestly think he's ... I just ... GAH! :smallfurious:

That's just about the best thing I have ever seen someone angry about. I don't mean to take joy from your annoyance, and I have no idea why I enjoyed reading it so much, but that made my day.
Now I can't get the image of rubakhin drop-kicking Chris Crocker out of my head. And I don't want to get it out of my head.

2008-12-23, 08:27 PM
People assuming I have no social life just because I know a lot and am not very good at sports.

People using "gay" or "retarded" as insults... in fact, that's given me a great idea! Whenever someone (we'll call them Tim) says "That's so gay!" reply "Ah, my stupid <teacher/coworker/boss/computer/parents/whatever might annoy you> is so Tim!". I am actually doing this... whoop.

High School Musical.

High School Musical.


2008-12-23, 08:32 PM
I have never heard a country artist, again excepting Johnny Cash, that I've liked. My mother, sister, and grandfather all LOVE country music. I've heard lots of Tim McGraw, Brad Paisly, Taylor Swift, Faith Hill, The Dixie Chicks, Garth Brooks, Allison Krauss, Dolly Parton, Sugarland, Rodney Atkins, LeAnn Rimes, and Rascal Flats, among others. I hate them all. It's not a stretch to say that I hate country music.

Same way with rap. They play it at my school dances, and my friends play it at their houses, and I can't stand it. And in some way, the components ARE what make up a genre of music. If you take a rock band, replace the guitarist with an accordian player, replace the bassist with a horn player, give the singer a harmonica, and take all the drums except for the cymbals, you don't HAVE a rock band anymore. I don't like rappers, because the rapping vocals, combined with the hip-hop beats bore me. If the rappers were singing, and the beat was rockier, it wouldn't be rap anymore, would it?

Raiser Blade
2008-12-23, 08:39 PM

Papa Rutskarn's Recipe for Absurd Amounts of Coolness:

1 Trenchcoat (black)
1 Gasmask of the Single-vent variety (black)
1 Skintight cowl covering the hair and neck (black)
1 Wide-brimmed Fedora (black)

Mix and match weaponry to taste.

Exhibit A

Pfft trenchcoats are awesome as long as they suit you. Although I don;t really think they make sense in general nerd culture particularly as they don;t really make sense on the nonthreatening nerd boy type :smallamused:.

Trenchcoats especially don't look good on the "Rar i'm an angry goth/punk rocker. Look at me i'm so tough in my trenchcoat" type. Honestly I have not seen one person wearing a trenchcoat who actually looked good. You just end up looking like a goth rick astley.

2008-12-23, 08:42 PM
Exhibit A

Trenchcoats especially don't look good on the "Rar i'm an angry goth/punk rocker. Look at me i'm so tough in my trenchcoat" type.

Pfft, goth/punk/metal people don't wear them to look tough, they wear them because they like them, if other people think it makes them look tough that;s their issue. I mean you could just as easily say the same thing about normal leather jackets, or spikes, or long hair for that matter.

2008-12-23, 08:42 PM
My point was that it can be a cool look.

Not that it usually is.

I mean you could just as easily say the same thing about normal leather jackets, or spikes, or long hair for that matter.

Uh, yeah, about that...

2008-12-23, 08:45 PM
Pfft trenchcoats are awesome as long as they suit you. Although I don;t really think they make sense in general nerd culture particularly as they don;t really make sense on the nonthreatening nerd boy type :smallamused:.
I think they look really good on awesome comic book / film characters who are ridiculously cool in a slightly dated way. On most real-life people they just make you look like you work in PC World but wish you were V or something...

Greatcoats on the other hand are, as the name suggests, great.

Raiser Blade
2008-12-23, 08:58 PM
Pfft, goth/punk/metal people don't wear them to look tough, they wear them because they like them, if other people think it makes them look tough that;s their issue. I mean you could just as easily say the same thing about normal leather jackets, or spikes, or long hair for that matter.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft

Punkers and the like dress a certain way and have their hair a certain way because they are trying to project an image. You just said
as they don;t really make sense on the nonthreatening nerd boy type

You contradict yourself.

2008-12-23, 09:08 PM
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft

Punkers and the like dress a certain way and have their hair a certain way because they are trying to project an image. You just said

You contradict yourself.

Yes but it;s not the "tough guy" image, it;s whoevers doing its spin on the punk image or the goth image or the metal image.

2008-12-23, 09:17 PM
/b/ and "lulz" can go away.

Also, Rutskarn's image for the gasmask trenchcoat dude is probably the single coolest freakin' thing I've ever heard. I just imagined said dude plonked in a zombie apocalypse with a sawed-off shotgun, and it was perhaps the most beautiful single image I've ever... imaged. Imagined. Trends/fads rule!

2008-12-23, 09:47 PM

Also, Rutskarn's image for the gasmask trenchcoat dude is probably the single coolest freakin' thing I've ever heard. I just imagined said dude plonked in a zombie apocalypse with a sawed-off shotgun, and it was perhaps the most beautiful single image I've ever... imaged. Imagined. Trends/fads rule!

I was going to post this, along with a bunch of other fake CD covers, on Friday's Pretty Pictures post for my blog, but eh--let's open our presents early, shall we?



Oh, and in case that made too much sense for you:


2008-12-23, 10:01 PM
I see you've abandoned the red style again

2008-12-23, 10:12 PM
Re: Trenchcoats:

I have one word for any trenchcoat-haters:


'nuff said. :smallamused:

2008-12-23, 10:14 PM

1.) Actually, these were done way before I did the red stuff.

2.) Meh. The red style is an experiment, not a religion. I do plenty of multicolor stuff.

2008-12-23, 10:16 PM
Re: Trenchcoats:

I have one word for any trenchcoat-haters:


'nuff said. :smallamused:

That series should have been staked, burned and buried at a crossroad after the first episode.

2008-12-23, 10:19 PM
That series should have been staked, burned and buried at a crossroad after the first episode.

You and I will never be friends. :smallamused:

*huggles her Angel DVDs*

2008-12-23, 10:21 PM
*gets on Dragonrider's side of the room, starts fingersnapping and dancing around Thiel*

In all seriousness, I thought the seasons got progressively better, although admittedly 4 had some serious weak spots.

2008-12-23, 10:22 PM
I don't like the cyber-punk Neo-wannabe style of trenchcoats. The private detective variant, however... :smalltongue:

This isn't so much of a trend or fad, and it may be limited to the guys at my school, but the word 'awkward' is ridiculously overused. :smallmad:

2008-12-23, 10:24 PM
*gets on Dragonrider's side of the room, starts fingersnapping and dancing around Thiel*

In all seriousness, I thought the seasons got progressively better, although admittedly 4 had some serious weak spots.

Thank you! :smallbiggrin:

I've actually only seen 1 and 2. But someday I plan on seeing more :smallbiggrin:

Raging Gene Ray
2008-12-23, 10:24 PM
I don't know how widespread this one is, but I'm pretty sick of the "chronic diseases = humor" thing. There is nothing funny about cancer, diabetes, or leukemia.

2008-12-23, 10:25 PM
Leprosy is comedy gold, though.

Jack Squat
2008-12-23, 10:28 PM
I think trenchcoats (and overcoats, great-coats, etc.) can look good even when worn informally, but treat them as an over-shirt/jacket. I don't like it when someone decides to wear black pants, a black trenchcoat, and a white shirt; it just doesn't fit. Also, I tend to prefer trenchcoats be at the right length (around mid-calf, great-coats can be to ankles) and of a decent fit (don't look like John Bender).

I wear my dad's overcoat sometimes (it's grey wool), mostly when doing something kinda formal, but I've worn it in jeans and a black t-shirt before, looks fine, but I wouldn't quite call it the epitome of fashion.

2008-12-23, 10:28 PM
As a whole, the 'Reality TV' thing should just stop.
Amy Whinehouse (pun intended), and all the drug addicted morons that get press because they did something stupid while on drugs and etc.

Not sure if this falls under a fad or 'trend' in the context, but...

I am so... sick and tired of hearing about mow much people hate computers. Mostly, this comes from unenlightened imbeciles that choose not to learn about something new because they don't want to try to understand it. Thus, something that a person does not want to learn about and is unwilling to understand is automatically hated. Realize that without computers, we would not have a very large percentage of what makes human lives easier. Internet, EMail, cheap phone service, HDTV, proliferation of new types of media and information, vehicles that get 40+ mpg on fuel, safety features of said cars, cures for disease, etc. would not exist if it were not for computers.

I welcome the insulting and infuriating comments about my chosen profession. Thanks people. /sarcasm

Oh, my personal favorite. "Windows (flavor) sucks it's so slow it always crashes it doesn't work it's a waste of money..." blah blah monosyllabic BLAH. Ok. Windows XP , or even one better, Windows Vista does not cause a computer to 'crash'. A 'Crash' is actually caused by poorly written software conflicting with other poorly written software that was not designed for Windows (flavor) but is being forced to work by the user of the software and the writer of the software.

Technically speaking, a real 'crash' is when the actuator arm and reading point of the hard drive literally crashes into the disk media, causing failure in the disk unit. Those are recoverable and avoidable, with properly written, installed, and configured software. Hey, what a shocker that is!

I have had a WindowsXP PC for years. It has given me a STOP error (also known with the term "BSOD") once... and it was my fault. It was not the computers fault. It was not the software fault. It was not Bill freaking Gates' fault. It was mine. It has been the most perfect computer I have ever used. To go along with that part of the rant: blaming all their Microsoft software problems on Bill Gates, or saying "oh bill gates needed more money so they made my (xyz) application stop working". What does bill gates have to do with your (xyz) program? Your (xyz) program was not even written by Microsoft; which Bill freaking Gates has no developer-level control over? How about stop blaming other people for your unwillingness to learn about something before you start using it? Does Reading the Manual sound familiar?

Fhew. Rant over. I needed to get that off my chest.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-12-23, 10:37 PM
Binge drinking is something we could do without. That lifestyle is a house of cards, man.

2008-12-23, 10:41 PM
Binge drinking is something we could do without. That lifestyle is a house of cards, man.

Ugh, yeah. And the university I'm going to in a semester has been rated #1 party school in the U.S. :smallsigh:

2008-12-23, 10:49 PM
People using a single stand-alone example to condemn a technology. For example: Earlier this year, a Danish windmill broke rather dramatically and within minutes, people began to argue that it was unsafe, despite a clean record so far.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-12-23, 10:50 PM
Ugh, yeah. And the university I'm going to in a semester has been rated #1 party school in the U.S. :smallsigh:
Duuudee... Where are you going? :biggrin:

Trenchcoats... The whole point is to wear them as an overcoat when it's cold. A guy in a nice business suit and a trenchcoat doesn't look bad. In fact he looks good. A guy wearing a trenchcoat, black pants and sunglasses is about 8 years behind the times.

PS: I make a notion to vote rapper subculture off our planet.

PPS: A lot of people here seem to agree, as rapperwear is now not allowed in quite a few of Vancouver's nightclubs including Caprice.

2008-12-23, 11:02 PM
Smoking. Honestly, I can't even walk into half my relatives houses without having a freaking couching fit, and I'm not even asthmatic. Asthma is pretty common, and even if smoking doesn't kill people it does cause coughing, smells horrible, and shouldn't be inflicted on people. Or people could at least try not to smoke around other people. Just because I have to take a bus home from school doesn't mean that I should get a face full of cigarette smoke every five seconds from the bus stop. Most of which is probably illegal anyways, due to age restrictions.

Anti-Intellectualism. If I hear the term "I'm not a nerd, I get straight Fs" again I'm going to strangle something. Similarly people deliberately being stupid. If you have a mental disability, fine, although even then people can try to scape goat stuff that doesn't really apply. But when people are just deliberately dumb its really irritating.

IB propaganda. I don't want to hear about what a miraculous education program you are, and stop trying to tell us ridiculous stuff like how you "enable gifted students to develop good social relationships". Because apparently smart people can't have friends without some school program interfering.

On a similar note, AP and IB programs getting all the credit. If you accomplish something after being in a normal class, its because you were able to. If you were in AP or IB, they taught you well.

People convinced that grades are/IQ is a direct correlation to intelligence. Mostly its the arrogant people with good grades who are trying to claim that that is proof that they are smarter than everybody else. Because clearly intelligence is the only thing that impacts grades, the people who lose points on projects and stuff because of damage due to them getting to school without being driven are obviously just dumb. As for IQ, we haven't even been able to define what exactly intelligence is yet, measurement is hardly accurate. If you have an IQ 100 points higher than somebodies, then you might have some claim to being smarter, anything less than that is pretty much within margin of error.

Text chat. English is not a beautiful, elegant language, it isn't even phonetic. The last thing it needs is more abuse. While I would prefer to avoid going into my hypothesis about text chat eventually leading to world destruction(Its a lot less crazy than it sounds), its really, really irritating. Its bad enough when people don't capitalize.

Political Correctness. While people just being blatant racists and homophobes is bad, it is possible to take things to far in the opposite direction, and Political Correctness just turns to patronization after a while. "No you can't put up Christmas decorations. All the poor helpless atheists wont be able to handle it." Yes, I have actually heard this said, and I'm an agnostic currently leaning towards atheism, and this was really irritating from my side.

People claiming everything is satanic. Its bad enough when its just computers, but when it gets to other religions its just infuriating. Plus half the time it makes no sense. Seriously how can atheists worship Satan?, last I checked atheism included the belief that there was no Satan.

All the current crap about how its okay to lie to children. The absurd Stork story, people claiming that outright lying to children is like "shielding them from bad weather", all that. This ties into patronization in general, but it is one of the more annoying cases.

Celebrity obsession. None of this is important. I don't care if some person who I don't actually know had some minor thing happen in their lives. This includes weight gain and weight loss.

People trying to be macho. Self explanatory.

2008-12-23, 11:06 PM
Political Correctness. While people just being blatant racists and homophobes is bad, it is possible to take things to far in the opposite direction, and Political Correctness just turns to patronization after a while. "No you can't put up Christmas decorations. All the poor helpless atheists wont be able to handle it." Yes, I have actually heard this said, and I'm an agnostic currently leaning towards atheism, and this was really irritating from my side.

I agree with this, but I do get annoyed at people that use "Politically Correct" as a sneering epithet to grant their bigotry or ignorance the moral high ground.

2008-12-23, 11:13 PM
I'm pretty sick of people flaunting their materialism/frivolity, but I guess that's more of a permanent characteristic of human ritual, and not a trend.

2008-12-23, 11:19 PM
"Is your hair permed or is that natural?"
Me: "It's natural."
"OMG! Seriously? It's so curly! I bet it would be really pretty if you straightened it!"

Oh ye Steves; I know this one :smallsigh:

Definetley agree on Political Correctness. In Australia, we can't use the term "Gollywog" when referring to the Enid Blyton book, because it might be offensive.


And, though it's strange to point out here: people who complain about things.

2008-12-23, 11:25 PM
The sunglasses that make you look like a freaking bug.

Fake fingernails.

Kid Rock- Here's a story. I did like one song of his. (I was 13.) But his most recent song, "All Summer Long", should die a painful death. I like "Werewolves of London". I hear the beginning of his new song, and get ready to start howling along, then I hear singing, that isn't good. And, it's actually kinda bad.

2008-12-23, 11:29 PM
The sunglasses that make you look like a freaking bug.

Fake fingernails.

Kid Rock- Here's a story. I did like one song of his. (I was 13.) But his most recent song, "All Summer Long", should die a painful death. I like "Werewolves of London". I hear the beginning of his new song, and get ready to start howling along, then I hear singing, that isn't good. And, it's actually kinda bad.


Oh by the THOUSAND musical gods, one of which is no doubt Warren Zevon, that song is a crime against musicians and hope.

Dumbledore lives
2008-12-23, 11:41 PM
You know what I went to a party a little while ago and one of the guys came wearing a trench coat, despite the fact that it's summer here and it was quite a hot day. Of course everyone insulted him over that and I think eventually he took it off but still. Of course it actually looked decent on him, even if it was a bit weird.

Cpt. Soup
2008-12-23, 11:46 PM
What in the wide would do I despise enough to want to make vanish? Well pretty much everything.. But if I had to narrow it down to one thing I want to vanish or even never to have existed I would say the internet. I Hate the internet with every bit of my being. There are many things about this mass network that I hate, too many for me to think of without my head exploding, as soon as one grudge against it escapes my mind a new one burrows in like a maggot.

Besides all the little things that everyone complains about, like 1332 speak theres a few core things about the internet I despise. The main thing is information, I find it incredibly disturbing how easy it is to find information, it makes things too easy! The ease in which its acquired, to me, diminishes the importance of it, almost anything now is just a pattering of keys and a search engine away! This may seem a bit strange, but thats one of the reasons why I think the world was a better place when there was no internet.

It's probably a little hypocritical of me to use the internet when I'm strongly against its existence, but I ask you this, would you stop using this wonderful information machine, this conduit to a secondary world, simply out of principal?

2008-12-23, 11:49 PM
If there were no internet, there'd be no playground :smallconfused:

And that would make me very sad.

2008-12-23, 11:50 PM
What in the wide would do I despise enough to want to make vanish? Well pretty much everything.. But if I had to narrow it down to one thing I want to vanish or even never to have existed I would say the internet. I Hate the internet with every bit of my being. There are many things about this mass network that I hate, too many for me to think of without my head exploding, as soon as one grudge against it escapes my mind a new one burrows in like a maggot.

Besides all the little things that everyone complains about, like 1332 speak theres a few core things about the internet I despise. The main thing is information, I find it incredibly disturbing how easy it is to find information, it makes things too easy! The ease in which its acquired, to me, diminishes the importance of it, almost anything now is just a pattering of keys and a search engine away! This may seem a bit strange, but thats one of the reasons why I think the world was a better place when there was no internet.

It's probably a little hypocritical of me to use the internet when I'm strongly against its existence, but I ask you this, would you stop using this wonderful information machine, this conduit to a secondary world, simply out of principal?

I am one who is addicted to information, and I've never seen it this way.

The internet, to me, is like oxygen: cheap, plentiful, essential and addictive.

2008-12-23, 11:52 PM
I am one who is addicted to information, and I've never seen it this way.

The internet, to me, is like oxygen: cheap, plentiful, essential and addictive.

I'm addicted to info myself, and more internet means less stalking.

2008-12-23, 11:54 PM
What in the wide would do I despise enough to want to make vanish? Well pretty much everything.. But if I had to narrow it down to one thing I want to vanish or even never to have existed I would say the internet. I Hate the internet with every bit of my being. There are many things about this mass network that I hate, too many for me to think of without my head exploding, as soon as one grudge against it escapes my mind a new one burrows in like a maggot.

Besides all the little things that everyone complains about, like 1332 speak theres a few core things about the internet I despise. The main thing is information, I find it incredibly disturbing how easy it is to find information, it makes things too easy! The ease in which its acquired, to me, diminishes the importance of it, almost anything now is just a pattering of keys and a search engine away! This may seem a bit strange, but thats one of the reasons why I think the world was a better place when there was no internet.

It's probably a little hypocritical of me to use the internet when I'm strongly against its existence, but I ask you this, would you stop using this wonderful information machine, this conduit to a secondary world, simply out of principal?

Do you like anything invented since say 1997? About half of that probably wouldn't have been invented if the net didn't exist.

2008-12-23, 11:54 PM
It's either DRM or the collapse of the entire Gaming industry. Because if the shareholders don't get their way they leave, killing the business. Once this starts the shareholders of other companies leave killing more businesses until their are none left.

So which is it?
How about a third option: the Stardock model. No DRM and their games are still profitable.

2008-12-23, 11:56 PM
How about a third option: the Stardock model. No DRM and their games are still profitable.

Has any DRM model except for MMO actually worked? And yes, MMO is a type of DRM. An exceedingly clever one.

2008-12-23, 11:56 PM
And awesome. So that's a plus, too.

2008-12-24, 12:06 AM
Let me submit phoning while driving. But a lot of people do a lot of dangerous things while driving. Feet on airbags... :smallsigh:

The sunglasses that make you look like a freaking bug.

Ah. Thank you for reminding me. That one really bugs me.

Trenchcoats... The whole point is to wear them as an overcoat when it's cold. A guy in a nice business suit and a trenchcoat doesn't look bad. In fact he looks good. A guy wearing a trenchcoat, black pants and sunglasses is about 8 years behind the times.
Exactly. I wear my trenchcoat in winter. It's comfortable, warm, and easy to throw over a chair or on a coat-rack when I walk inside. I think it looks decent, too.

User Name
2008-12-24, 07:58 AM
I think they look really good on awesome comic book / film characters who are ridiculously cool in a slightly dated way. On most real-life people they just make you look like you work in PC World but wish you were V or something...

You've summed up trenchcoats pretty well. I have a friend who's rather short and he has the whole outfit: trenchcoat, sunglasses, boots, black jeans, and a black cap. I know he wears it to look tough, but it just emphasizes his, uh, puniness.

This is pretty meta, but complaining about baggy jeans, popped collars, reality shows, and slutty kids' fashions are all fads, and passé ones at that. I think it originated in the 90s desire to be ironically detached from styles and fashion to avoid becoming the 80s of the 2000s (you know what I mean :smallwink:). They failed, of course, and grunge and hipster fashions became popular while people everywhere complained about Starbucks franchises popping up everywhere and fumed because someone had the gall to talk on a cell phone in public. The fashion of ignoring fashions and the trend of avoiding trends have themselves become annoying fashions and trends.

Like I said, pretty meta! :smallcool:

By the way, that androgynous person in that photo is a female whose nickname is Bill. She's the singer in Tokio Hotel and before I stopped browsing 4chan threads about her with hundreds and hundreds of posts would appear on /b/ every four or five days, and every post was either "I'd go gay for him!" or "I can't believe it's a dude!"

Finally, I use "gay" a lot in slangy informal conversations with friends. "Oh snap, dude, that sh**'s mad gay!", for example, would be a typical expression of surprise and dismay. I cut it out in polite settings just like I do with other swears. I don't think people should stress out over the lexical content of private conversations. There are so many more things to get mad about - like religion! :smallfurious:

2008-12-24, 08:36 AM
Re: Trenchcoats:

I have one word for any trenchcoat-haters:


'nuff said. :smallamused:

I have a synonym: CONFIRMATION! Blech.

If I'm wearing my trenchcoat (tan, not leather, and free, thankyouforasking), it's because it's raining and too warm for my other waterproof coat. Oddly enough, it seems to be the only one in the city.

Seconded with Flickerdart and the information addiction.

2008-12-24, 08:58 AM
Twilight. By Merlin's beard, stop this tripe from continuing. It's not a good book, and it will NOT be the next Harry Potter.

The 'gay/retarded' insult. Living on an all-male floor of university accommodation means that I have to put up with this an awful lot. Gay is not a bad thing, and to use it as an insult is just immature and childish. Also, insulting mentally ill people in this manner is just disgraceful.

Children who think they're way tougher than they are, and generally make the lives of those around them a misery. I was on the train the other day, and a group of kids got on and began hurling items up and down the carriage, and making way too much noise, slamming doors between carriages etc. Many of us wanted to hurt them. Badly. Chavs also fall into this catergory.

And though it's not a fad, I want to spend a few lines ranting on something that crops up for me. I wear glasses and am generally a geek - I don't mind being called one, and I certainly am not going to change it. But people who use the insult of 'Harry Potter' on me... I mean, come on! Can't you think of anything better? Yes, I have glasses. However, besides that I have long, black hair, no scar on my forehead, and don't carry an owl around. Oh, and surprise surprise, I'm not magical. Can't you come up with something better?

The grammer and sentence structure here is probably way off, but I'm ranting, and have to go out, so I can't really double-check it.

Oh, and P.S., I forgot: People who leave their phones on in the theatre and cinema, even on silent. Granted, if someone you know's gravely ill, then it's alright, but besides that you've been told, it's rude, and it's not live you can answer them anyway! Sit down, shut it off and enjoy the thing you're paid to see.

2008-12-24, 09:25 AM
I was on the train the other day, and a group of kids got on and began hurling items up and down the carriage, and making way too much noise, slamming doors between carriages etc. Many of us wanted to hurt them. Badly. Chavs also fall into this catergory.

I really hate chavs too. Living in the sewers, kidnapping people off the streets, eating them alive — they're a real pain in the butt.

No, wait, I'm thinking of CHUDs.

Jack Squat
2008-12-24, 10:09 AM
Oh, and P.S., I forgot: People who leave their phones on in the theatre and cinema, even on silent. Granted, if someone you know's gravely ill, then it's alright, but besides that you've been told, it's rude, and it's not live you can answer them anyway! Sit down, shut it off and enjoy the thing you're paid to see.

I think people using their phones bugs you if you include it being on silent. I put mine on vibrate and it sits in my pocket the entire time I'm there. If I feel it go off (which I rarely do...vibrate might as well be silent) I step outside and check who it is.

Now, when you can see people's screens because they're texting the entire time, that bugs me.

Speaking of, I wish texting would go away. It's a useful resource, and I do plan on getting it soon, but people use it way too much. If you're going to carry out a conversation with it, just call the person; if you can't call them or they can't call you, you probably shouldn't be texting anyways.

2008-12-24, 10:10 AM
How about a third option: the Stardock model. No DRM and their games are still profitable.

Is Stardock a publicly traded company? If it's not, then the model is invalid because the majority shareholders of a company tend to demand that their investment be protected. They honestly don't care if it works, or if it alienates the consumer base, because they care about money. To the shareholders there is no third option, it's their way or the highway.

2008-12-24, 11:55 AM
Trenchcoats aren't cool no matter what influences them. ever.

No way, trenches are amazing, insanely flattering, and all-around cool. But they also can't be super-long or made of leather and probably shouldn't be black (and if they are all black, they ought to be made from wool and shouldn't be skimming the tips of your toes). I personally own a few of them, including a white one in a light cotton with leaves on it for when it gets rainy in the summer. :smallsmile:

Fedoras should never be worn ever no matter what. Really, they just look goofy, and not in a good way.

Also I'm not too fond of any sort of intolerance, Ugg boots, giant blown up houndstooth, and girls who wear way too much eyeliner. Ditto giant sunglasses, those kissy faces girls make on their profile pictures on Facebook, or the hating on people who like fashion :smallwink:

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-12-24, 12:04 PM
These new fangled horseless carriages people go on about. Automobiles, Bah! Back when I was your age, you could get your "car" in any color you wanted as long as it was black. I know they are dying out because Ford finally agreed to make these things in other colors. That's a sign of desperation right there. Give me a good steed any day. It won't just break down on for reason.

Heh, and I here some weirdos in North Carolina are building some kind of flying machine now. It'll never catch on.

2008-12-24, 12:08 PM
Heh, and I here some weirdos in North Carolina are building some kind of flying machine now.

That's crazy talk! If we were meant to fly, we would've been built with wings! :smallamused:

Cristo Meyers
2008-12-24, 12:09 PM
That's crazy talk! If we were meant to fly, we would've been built with wings! :smallamused:

It's just like all these new "colors" in clothes these days. If we were meant to wear purple and blue clothing, we would have been given purple and blue sheep!

2008-12-24, 12:55 PM
That's crazy talk! If we were meant to fly, we would've been built with wings! :smallamused:

(hold up hand) Yo.

Although I guess that's not usual.

Let's just say around where I was born, we heard the, "If god had meant man to have nuclear power plants on every block, he would have given us uranium instead of carbon!" argument a lot.

2008-12-24, 01:13 PM
That's crazy talk! If we were meant to fly, we would've been built with wings! :smallamused:

*jumps up and down waving hands*


You know what I really wish would stop? Little snobby girls who stick English words right in the middle of a Spanish sentence. Sure, there are loanwords in every language, like "OK" or something like that, and I don't mind if someone answers "whatever" to a question I asked in Spanish. But putting a word in English just because... UGH.

Also, girls who have the urge to yell out "HOW CUTE!!!" every time a certain actor walks on stage.

But I suppose that's mostly because I've been living surrounded by a lot of female relatives lately.

2008-12-24, 01:29 PM
By the way, that androgynous person in that photo is a female whose nickname is Bill. She's the singer in Tokio Hotel and before I stopped browsing 4chan threads about her with hundreds and hundreds of posts would appear on /b/ every four or five days, and every post was either "I'd go gay for him!" or "I can't believe it's a dude!"Honey, Bill is a 15 year old guy. Granted, a guy whose balls have obviously yet to drop, but still. :smalltongue:

2008-12-24, 01:38 PM
I still say burn him anyway for being so silly, but that's just me.

Good to see you're alive, been absent in this holiday rush so far, 'twould seem.

Children and parents getting into rows in public that show just how badly some discipline is needed in this world. That's pretty annoying, and it seems to be happening a lot more since the days when I was am munchkin.

V: Bravo, Good Sir. Bravo.

2008-12-24, 02:07 PM
Honey, Bill is a 15 year old guy. Granted, a guy whose balls have obviously yet to drop, but still. :smalltongue:

You know, a lot of teenagers long to spark great controversy in the world with their music.

I just don't think this is what most of them have in mind.

User Name
2008-12-24, 02:58 PM
Honey, Bill is a 15 year old guy. Granted, a guy whose balls have obviously yet to drop, but still. :smalltongue:

That's what I get for getting my information from Encyclopedia Dramatica, I guess. Those 4chan threads were obnoxious nonetheless. I wonder if they still pop up from time to time...

2008-12-24, 03:39 PM
I really hate chavs too. Living in the sewers, kidnapping people off the streets, eating them alive — they're a real pain in the butt.

No, wait, I'm thinking of CHUDs.

The difference is that CHUDs are too intelligent to listen to this kind of music (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ckMvj1piK58).

2008-12-24, 03:47 PM
...Britland scares me and makes me glad that my ancestors were kicked out.

Though wonders what they were kicked out for now, if this lot's managed to hang on.

Hmm, people that try to shame me into not reproducing since I'm ostensibly part of the middle class. Their argument always confuses me because it always seems to go back to the fact that those lower down on the socio-economic totem pole should be allowed to continue breeding like rabbits rather than receiving education and incentives to, y'know, have family planning actually reach them.

This is especially awkward since I'm a guy and most of them who've started in on me like this know that I do not plan to reproduce, being the designated go to guy in case of condom emergencies.

Cristo Meyers
2008-12-24, 03:52 PM
Oh god...the "lower class/stupid people are outbreeding us!" argument? People still believe that?


well, all the new dance/singing reality shows need to die a slow painful death, every last one of them. Half of them are all related to Simon Cowell on some level anyway.

2008-12-24, 04:04 PM
Sorta, but like, in reverse, where this is a good/okay thing, and the middle class should all be either adopting the excess children from this situation or abstaining from reproducing. I personally think the people arguing it are a bit confused.

Also Owls will come for Simon Cowell. (http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/Owls/).. So don't worry too much.

This makes me glad that I'm a troglodyte who hasn't been getting much in the way of the telly these days...

2008-12-24, 05:34 PM
This is what my response to that was:

A few seconds of confused silence.

"...What... What gender is that?"

I don't normally use the word "that" to refer to a person (or what I assume is a person), but I'm really not sure what exactly that is.

Judging from your post, you're not sure either.

It's Bill Kalwitz, a male, (i find it hard to believe too) the singer of the german band "Tokio Hotel" that is really popular in Europe (especialy young teenage girls, like Backstreet Boys fans age) but most people hate them.

2008-12-24, 06:36 PM
Most people hate them? That's quite a generalization, I'd say. I like them, particularly when the songs are in German.

2008-12-24, 06:40 PM
*vomit* is all I have to say about Tokio Hotel and their intentionally misspelled band name. :smallyuk:

I can't really think of many fads that get on my nerves now that I'm out of high school. :smalltongue:

Well, other than those infernal fuzzy boots. Uggs. Those things are, well, ugly.

2008-12-24, 06:58 PM
*vomit* is all I have to say about Tokio Hotel and their intentionally misspelled band name. :smallyuk:

I can't really think of many fads that get on my nerves now that I'm out of high school. :smalltongue:

Well, other than those infernal fuzzy boots. Uggs. Those things are, well, ugly.

From what I've heard, Tokio is the correct spelling or Tokyo is an anglisication(or whatever it's called).

I wish sterotypical emo's would go away, nobody's interested that your parents yell at you when you come in at 6 in the morning or have a go at you for having promiscious unprotected sex. Just shut up.(this is based on someone I know)

I hate the whole "we're unique, all forty of us" thing, you're not unique if you look like all your friends and listen to the same music and like the same stuff.

2008-12-24, 07:02 PM
I wish sterotypical emo's would go away, nobody's interested that your parents yell at you when you come in at 6 in the morning or have a go at you for having promiscious unprotected sex. Just shut up.(this is based on someone I know)Scene != emo.

What you're dealing with are probably yucky scene kigs. :smallyuk:

2008-12-24, 07:09 PM
Scene != emo.

What you're dealing with are probably yucky scene kigs. :smallyuk:

Well then I haven't met an emo then because they must have all been scene, they're all like that.

2008-12-24, 09:32 PM
Any and all who use the term "creeper." Seriously who are they to judge someone who they have problaby not spoken to for more than five minutes, if that?! It just seems to me that the term gets tossed around way too much. Especialy since just about every one of us could be termed a creeper for any number of reasons, and once that happens no matter how good of a person you are, you have the label that was no doubt given prematurely.

Raging Gene Ray
2008-12-24, 09:36 PM
Never heard of it..."creeper?"

2008-12-24, 09:43 PM
Yes, I first heard it about six month's ago and have since, heard it with increasing frequency. I even saw it used on these forums last week. It is generaly used to describe someone creepy or stalkerish with an extremly negitive connatation.

2008-12-24, 09:45 PM
No way, trenches are amazing, insanely flattering, and all-around cool. But they also can't be super-long or made of leather and probably shouldn't be black (and if they are all black, they ought to be made from wool and shouldn't be skimming the tips of your toes). I personally own a few of them, including a white one in a light cotton with leaves on it for when it gets rainy in the summer. :smallsmile:

Fedoras should never be worn ever no matter what. Really, they just look goofy, and not in a good way.

Also I'm not too fond of any sort of intolerance, Ugg boots, giant blown up houndstooth, and girls who wear way too much eyeliner. Ditto giant sunglasses, those kissy faces girls make on their profile pictures on Facebook, or the hating on people who like fashion :smallwink:

A trench coat goes about mid thigh pretty much universally. If it goes to your feet it is a different kind of coat called a duster.

I don't mind the business attire look, but the Neo look makes you look like an idiot. It doesn't really bother me, though, 'cause, well, I don't look like the idiot.

I find it funny when one subculture despises another... metal kids claiming scene kids aren't really legit, scene kids moaning about gangster kids, who in turn whine about pretentious indie kids. It's all the same thing at the core, I don't care who you are.

Trends that bother me? Bunk pseudo science and various forms of nut-jobbery disguised as helpful and often called "alternative medicine" with absolutely no experimental or even theoretical scientific support. I separate this category from religion for forum banned reasons. This includes but is not limited to:
Cellular Memory
Chi- Also Ki/Qi
Colloidal Silver
Juicing(the non-steroid one)
Neural-Organization Technique (NOT)
Orthomolecular Therapy
Theraputic Touch: (i.e.:Bio-Magnetic Healing, Breema, Contact Healing, Etheric Touch, Laying of Hands, Light Touch Energy Healing, OMEGA, Ortho-Bionomy, Radiance Technique, Reiki, Shandra-Chi, Touch Assist, Touch Therapy)

And parents that freak out about vaccines, exclusively without any kind of biochemistry background

2008-12-24, 09:56 PM
Who hates fedoras? I collect the darn things. Then again, I regularly wear sufficiently snappy suits. Go figure.

I hate creeper too, if only because many of my friends are called that by girls. A couple of girls actrually asked, "Why do you hang out with those creepers?" I promptly lectured themfor 20 minutes on why that was wrong, and even hypocritical.

2008-12-24, 09:58 PM
Things that always come up at the last minute. Like the dinner party I had to go to that I didn't know about until 20 minutes before hand.

The word creeper when creep is what's really meant. It just sounds... baby-talk'd. ...Well, to be frank, it's just unpleasant to my sense of aesthetic. The fact that I kept getting called this by friends no less, with no actual reason just compounds my dislike for the word.

Scene != emo.

What you're dealing with are probably yucky scene kigs. :smallyuk:

:smallconfused: They're all yucky because they're kids. Especially the ones who still act that way despite being older than me. :smallyuk: Being a nogoodnik until the age of 35 is so last generation.

Oh yeah, arguments in favor of unprotected sex always get on my nerves.

Ed: That is to say, people trying to justify not using condoms during sex.

V: Nah, that's the marriage bed, which is something that I say is best kept locked up in the attic/basement/bedroom. I don't know what couples would be in the position where they'd have to argue for unprotected sex for the purpose of causing pregnancy though. Whereas it apparently is a very common occurence for people to still try to get out of using condoms. **************

2008-12-24, 10:07 PM
Oh yeah, arguments in favor of unprotected sex always get on my nerves.
Do couples delibratly trying to get pregnant count?

2008-12-24, 10:10 PM
Come to think of it, using creeper, or any other label for that matter, is almost like using racial slurs in that they both hold a negitive meaning for a person or group of people who haven't been given the chance to be properly socialy assesed.

2008-12-24, 10:20 PM
A trend that I would like to see go away would be Toronto-style driving in my hometown. I do not appreciate being almost ran over everytime I cross on my green light. :smallyuk:

2008-12-24, 10:30 PM
i don't mind seeing shorthand over the internet, as it saves time i suppose, but i can't stand people using it in real speech, nor can i stand people spelling these things as they're supposed to sound over the net. seriously, if i have to read or hear one more "lawl", i'm going crazy.

also, emos bug me (apologies to those who have noted thier distaste for the word). bu tin my defense, my hatred involves other people using the term emo as an excuse to act like an idiot ("don't you think that's a little melodramatic" "of course it is, i'm an emo!")

2008-12-24, 10:30 PM
:smallconfused: They're all yucky because they're kids.

Isn't the general consensus that being a teenager is ****ty?:smallconfused: but yeah zarr is right, that does sound more like scene kids than emos

2008-12-24, 10:40 PM
I was going to say Emo kids, but a bit of reflection changed my mind.

A very large number of teenagers, who attach themselves to labels and then over-do it, especially the negative aspects. Especially because you know it's fake. I realize this isn't all teenagers, or just teenagers, but it's something that kind of drives me nuts.

*Snippy snip*

Bam, blast from the past.

Mr. Moon
2008-12-24, 10:45 PM
As those of you who watch me on dA should know, Twilight. It scares me. It ****ing scares me. Same goes for the fangirls. Oh dear gods, I'm terrified for them. How can their parents let them READ that trash? All it's doing is setting them up for disappointment.

Also, Harry Potter. I used to like it, used to be a huge Harry Potter fan when I was younger, but now I'm sort of tired of it. It's been over played, it's time for Rowling to let it die.
And she was going to, too! But ohhh no. She wrote another book. Gah.

Ganstah kids. Where I live, there's an incredibly rude word for them that I won't repeat here. God, pull up your pants, you look like you **** yourself.

As for Scene kids... Meh. The girls can be kinda hawt, as long as they don't wear tights. I hate tights. Ew.

People who use "gay"/"queer"/"f****t" as an insult. Bad as racists, the lot of them.

Which reminds me. Racist people.

Smokers. I saw some woman standing around a playground - a PLAYGROUND - smoking. What. The. Hell. Smoking in public should be illegal.

Those kids on the Roger's cell phone commercials. "Oh look, mom got me this new cellphone, it's almost as cool as the last one she got me." Shut. Up.

4Kids. 'Nuff said.

Disney's voyage into pre-teen stars. What happened to the glory days, when people died and characters used big words?

Also, what's this about Bratz getting sued?

Fedoras should never be worn ever no matter what. Really, they just look goofy, and not in a good way.

Are you saying my kick-ass fed makes me look goofy?

Which reminds me. I need to find a white trench coat to go with it.
And a gas mask. But where would I find one? *sigh*

2008-12-24, 10:46 PM
Come to think of it, using creeper, or any other label for that matter, is almost like using racial slurs in that they both hold a negitive meaning for a person or group of people who haven't been given the chance to be properly socialy assesed.
I have this feeling the term has been used against you.
I use Creeper, because, honestly, there are several creepy people (beyond RHL's level of creepy) I have to work with or near on a daily basis.
Its a useful word. And, if it weren't for 'creeper', we'd still be saying 'stalker' and such. Which, by the way, is itself a negative thing. Calling someone stalker-ish isn't like a racial slur, or discriminative.
If you creep, you are a creeper.
If you stalk, you're a stalker.

2008-12-24, 10:46 PM
No way, trenches are amazing, insanely flattering, and all-around cool. But they also can't be super-long or made of leather and probably shouldn't be black (and if they are all black, they ought to be made from wool and shouldn't be skimming the tips of your toes). I personally own a few of them, including a white one in a light cotton with leaves on it for when it gets rainy in the summer. :smallsmile:

Fedoras should never be worn ever no matter what. Really, they just look goofy, and not in a good way.

I really feel I need to weigh in on this. I love fedoras. I love trenchcoats. I love them both because I love the classic "private eye" look from the 20's, 30's, and 40's. I don't wear them because some dork in a movie made them popular (when all those Matrix look-a-likes started doing it, I couldn't stand it.) Under my coat, every day, I wear a shirt and tie...I would also be wearing a suit coat, but the one I have keeps losing it's buttons and the sleeves are way too long (that's what I get for buying second hand and not checking the length fully.) I get people claiming I look as if I belong in a blues band all the time and I can deal with that; I play sax.

As for things I'd like to see go away, there is too much to list and most of it gets on my nerves in irrational ways, but some would include the sagging pants look, people that think that, because they decide to grace me with their presence and ask a stupid question I should be all fawning and friendly as if we had been close friends for years, all the crap that has been coming out that they are passing off as entertainment (this may just be me getting old and jaded,) and the growing people I've noticed who try to tell you everything you like is wrong just because you have no idea what you're talking about.

2008-12-24, 10:56 PM
]I really feel I need to weigh in on this. I love fedoras. I love trenchcoats. I love them both because I love the classic "private eye" look from the 20's, 30's, and 40's[/B]. I don't wear them because some dork in a movie made them popular (when all those Matrix look-a-likes started doing it, I couldn't stand it.)

Okay, I've never seen someone wear a fedora like this in real life, if you can pull it off then I support it 100%. That actually sounds really quite cool. :smallbiggrin: Unfortunately, most of the fedora'd people I've seen have been wearing cheap ones over jeans and t-shirts which just looks ridiculous. If you fedora-wearing folk are wearing them they way they should be worn, then I completely retract my statement. :smallredface:

A trench coat goes about mid thigh pretty much universally. If it goes to your feet it is a different kind of coat called a duster.

I don't mind the business attire look, but the Neo look makes you look like an idiot. It doesn't really bother me, though, 'cause, well, I don't look like the idiot.

You've got a point with the duster/trench thing, but I've seen the term used pretty much interchangeably, incorrect as it is. You've pretty much hit the nail on the head with how I think people should wear a trench, though. :smallsmile:

2008-12-24, 11:03 PM
Okay, I've never seen someone wear a fedora like this in real life, if you can pull it off then I support it 100%. That actually sounds really quite cool. :smallbiggrin: Unfortunately, most of the fedora'd people I've seen have been wearing cheap ones over jeans and t-shirts which just looks ridiculous. If you fedora-wearing folk are wearing them they way they should be worn, then I completely retract my statement. :smallredface:

I started out with a cheap one because that was all I could afford, but I'm moving up slowly as I have money. The last one I bought, the least expensive in the shop, is a felt job that set me back $50. Yes, I must agree that people doing the cheap look diminish the potential for just sheer suaveness, but what bothers me most, for some odd reason, are women wearing them. I don't know why and it's nothing personal against them, but I don't believe that they look good. It's personal taste.

2008-12-24, 11:18 PM
I don't really get why black leather trench coats or leather trench coats are any less acceptable than other trench coats. If you like black clothes and like leather clothes, and like trench coats, wouldn't it make sense to get a black leather trench coat? They also suit some people who would look goofy in the more classic trench coats that do look very good on some people.

Oh and also other trend that;s been annoying me: People who call people who wear black leather trench coats "neo" "morpheus" or "trinity" I hadn't even seen matrix until four years after I got my first one, very few people who wear black or black leather trench coats do it because of the matrix and it gets really old after hearing it for the thousandth time.

2008-12-24, 11:19 PM
I don't really get why black leather trench coats or leather trench coats are any less acceptable than other trench coats. If you like black clothes and like leather clothes, and like trench coats, wouldn't it make sense to get a black leather trench coat? They also suit some people who would look goofy in the more classic trench coats that do look very good on some people.

Oh and also other trend that;s been annoying me: People who call people who wear black leather trench coats "neo" "morpheus" or "trinity" I hadn't even seen matrix until four years after I got my first one, very few people who wear black or black leather trench coats do it because of the matrix and it gets really old after hearing it for the thousandth time.
I've not even seen The Matrix, and I get pissed off when people accuse me of imitating it for the long leather trenchcoats =/

2008-12-24, 11:20 PM
Hell, I've never seen the Matrix PERIOD. I also don't own a black leather trenchcoat, but damn if I could, I totally would.

Jack Squat
2008-12-24, 11:42 PM
Fedoras should never be worn ever no matter what. Really, they just look goofy, and not in a good way.

Counter evidence:


I do agree that fedoras shouldn't be worn with casual clothes, but I've got one that I'll wear with a suit; unless you're Harrison Ford, it doesn't look good otherwise.

EDIT: On black leather trenchcoats. I think they're fine, so long as they're classic cut and/or the person is wearing something that matches it.
Not right (http://www.eshopone.com/images/leather-jackets/leather-trench-coat/560/leather-trench-coat.jpg), right (http://www.pimacountythunder.com/store/images/product/OATRENCH.jpg), and subjective (http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/Dissonantblack/0100548_l_000000.jpg) (It looks awesome on this guy, probably wouldn't on most).

2008-12-24, 11:46 PM
Which reminds me. I need to find a white trench coat to go with it.
And a gas mask. But where would I find one? *sigh*

Bit pricey, but... (http://www.approvedgasmasks.com/evolution-5000.htm)

Jack Squat
2008-12-25, 12:24 AM
Bit pricey, but... (http://www.approvedgasmasks.com/evolution-5000.htm)

A bit cheaper (http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/MLT9101-1.html)

2008-12-25, 12:28 AM
$200?! Man you can but that same thing at armynavy for $20.

The Matrix analogy is more of a colloquialistic criticism in reference to the style. The same stands without the pop culture reference, because IMHO if you dress like this (http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images/unbranded/f/unbranded-full-length-leather-trench-coat.jpg) you look like a tool.

Its the same reason I can't wear most sunglasses. I just end up looking like a Matrix character :smallsigh:

2008-12-25, 12:37 AM
Man, I wish I got off with just being called a matrix rip-off when I'm out in my trenchcoat against the cold and wind.

Try being called a rapist to your face by your peers for some fun. Thankfully that's only ever happened to me twice. But still. :smallyuk: As it is, since it's green, I get called a nazi. :smallconfused:

2008-12-25, 12:40 AM
i wish anoraks, gas masks, and ak-variants were mainstream. can you imagine how awesome it would be if everyone dressed like a s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

2008-12-25, 12:54 AM
i wish anoraks, gas masks, and ak-variants were mainstream. can you imagine how awesome it would be if everyone dressed like a s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

I'll hold out until society collapses and wearing those becomes actually practical, Strelok. :smallyuk:

2008-12-25, 12:55 AM
What do I wish would go away... nothing.

What do I wish would change, or be less rabidly fanized (or however you say it)? Lots of stuff.

Rap... okay, it has its place, but the gangsta rap style of music that it seems like everyone listens to really bothers me... its crude, bad, and I don't like it, can we please stop listening to it?

Talent shows... are a bit annoying. That being said, I suppose they are okay. I hate American idol with a passion (of course, if they ever make Metal Idol I might just try to watch that...) and the whole "british guy who hates your stuff" thing really does bother me.

Pants down to your knees: This needs no explanation methinks.

Smoking: Stop. Please. 2nd hand smoking bothers me enough, but real smoking is even worse. What bothers me even more is the way some of my friends try to "hide" that they smoke. Yes... you smoke... and I figured that out because you "go for a walk" every so often for no real reason, or whatever.

Nothing else at the moment...

2008-12-25, 12:59 AM
I'll hold out until society collapses and wearing those becomes actually practical, Strelok. :smallyuk:

so if understand you, you'd rather pick up this fad when its required for survival rather than to conform? GET OUT OF HERE S.T.A.L.K.E.R!

2008-12-25, 01:37 AM
Rap... okay, it has its place, but the gangsta rap style of music that it seems like everyone listens to really bothers me... its crude, bad, and I don't like it, can we please stop listening to it?

So since you don't like something no one should be allowed to? :smallconfused:

And though I quoted this particular post, to be honest that question could be posed to most of this thread.

2008-12-25, 01:52 AM
So since you don't like something no one should be allowed to? :smallconfused:

And though I quoted this particular post, to be honest that question could be posed to most of this thread.

Except Mainstream and "gangsta" rap provides no positive message, society would not be worse off if it dropped off the face of the Earth tomorrow. The same is not true of all other forms of music.

2008-12-25, 02:11 AM
I'm one of those people whos tastes don't include rap (the style), but don't mind the style's existence. I will echo the dislike of rap that glorifies crime, violence, etc.
I do, however, like country.
On trenchcoats: if someone just personally likes the style, that's fine. People doing it to purposefully "look cool" rarely do so.
Me, I've got a nice brown duster. Good for rain, snow, cold, etc. I prefer the old western look anyways. Hence my sturdy leather wide-brim. (I'd just use my cowboy hat, but it's felt. :smallfrown:)
anti-religious zealotry. Of any kind. :smallwink:

2008-12-25, 02:13 AM
Except Mainstream and "gangsta" rap provides no positive message, society would not be worse off if it dropped off the face of the Earth tomorrow. The same is not true of all other forms of music.

Yes, since rock and other music totally all has positive messages and hasn't often condoned violence, drugs, and promiscuity like rap. I mean, who's ever heard of 'Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll' associated.

But that's not the point. The point of music is enjoyment. What gives you the right to deprive other people of their enjoyment simply because you don't yourself enjoy something?

2008-12-25, 02:27 AM
Yes, since rock and other music totally all has positive messages and hasn't often condoned violence, drugs, and promiscuity like rap. I mean, who's ever heard of 'Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll' associated.

But that's not the point. The point of music is enjoyment. What gives you the right to deprive other people of their enjoyment simply because you don't yourself enjoy something?

I see several differences in those two actually. Firstly, rock usually talked about drugs such as marijuana, shrooms, etc, which, while bad for you, usually caused you to sit around and do nothing all day. They also hardly, if ever, mentioned dealing. Rap, on the other hand, mentions cocaine, speed, crack, ice, etc, and talks about all the money you can make dealing. This sends out the message that its good to do these drugs (which cause high levels of anger and extra energy, which is much worse than sitting on a couch) and that dealing is great (also a bad thing)

Rock may talk about premarital sex and promiscuity, but they do not refer to females as "bitches" or "hoes", etc, which is highly demeaning. Rap does, which sends out the image that Women aren't as important as men and only serve one purpose.

Rock bands mention violence, yes. However, rarely do they speak of killing someone with the joy you hear of in rap music, and it is also very rarely related to gang culture, which is also a bad thing. Rap tends to make it seem as though being in a gang and killing other people is a perfectly acceptable way to spend your time and that you should think nothing of it.

Finally, Most rock bands have at least half, if not more, of their songs not deal with these issues, and they usually deal with stuff that can have some meaning, such as romance (the real kind, not like "hey, i banged a chick"), government issues, etc. Rappers, on the other hand, tend to have nearly all, if not all, of their raps deal with sex, drugs, and killing.

I'm not saying that the message rock sends out is always amazing. Alot of the time it is bad, yes. But the message rap sends is worse, and it is sent alot more often.

2008-12-25, 02:34 AM
I agree with all of the above. Over here we have 'chavs' which are painfully white kids trying to emulate their black rapper American 'brothers'. Except we have a zero-tolerance law on guns, so we have happy slapping and knife crime instead. Oh and street racing. And, somewhat ironically, racism- if your whole 'lifestyle' is based around black Americans, how can you insult the Polish and Indians over here? :smallconfused: "Them dam *insert racial slur* come over here stealing our jobs 'n wimmin- me an' my homeys'll pop 'em one in the head, now who wants to race our blinged up rides, yo?" :smallyuk: Or another confusing case, regarding my one-time best friend who said "those polish guys are alright, they work hard and are friendly sometimes- but them darkies have no excuse" which was said in front of my sister's husband who happens to be a cypriot and muslim. Never spoke to him again, and have no desire to.
Another annoying fad- tv talent shows. They killed Christmas :smallfrown:

Someone else from Leicester! *plays music, runs across field for an embrace*

I 100% agree with you. One hilarious scenario I had while I was in the shop Reverb was this:

"Mate, you're a chav."
"I ain't a chav, innit." *snorted laughter from said chav* "There's a diff-ur-ance between dressin' like a chav an' bein' a chav, righ'?"

Be aware that this man was wearing tracksuit all over, and had been using chav lingo. Why look like one if you don't want to be one? :smallconfused:

That said, I have met some people who wear chavvy clothing and yet aren't chavs themselves. I lament their decision, but some of them are nice, just... misguided, perhaps? :smallwink: I sound like a Tory.

Okay, a fashion which must die also: playing music on mobile phones, loudly. Now, in my college it's usually the 'gangsta' crowd which does this (and, why, Firefox, why do you recognise that as a word), others do too. It's all very well listening to music, but you do not blare what others may think is tripe very loudly. It really annoys me. Even one of our local metalheads started doing it and I found it annoying, even being a fan of metal. The appreciation for the music was lost because it was a) poor quality anyway, putting those poor mobile phone speakers to strain and b) not about the music, but simply an advert for what culture he's in.

Music is not a tool for annoyance, it isn't something to use to advertise what fashion or fad you follow, music is music. The constant abuse of it makes my skin crawl...

P.S Sorry if I sound very up my own behind. This is what happens when I rant. Sorry if I offend anyone! :smalleek:

2008-12-25, 02:56 AM
Yes, since rock and other music totally all has positive messages and hasn't often condoned violence, drugs, and promiscuity like rap. I mean, who's ever heard of 'Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll' associated.

But that's not the point. The point of music is enjoyment. What gives you the right to deprive other people of their enjoyment simply because you don't yourself enjoy something?

What if their enjoyment is in something that specifically glorifies violent and criminal behavior? I mean, seriously. If the only stuff someone listens to is stuff about shooting and sexing and drugs...
Doesn't matter the style, I'm more than a bit leery.

2008-12-25, 02:58 AM
This is what my response to that was:

A few seconds of confused silence.

"...What... What gender is that?"

I don't normally use the word "that" to refer to a person (or what I assume is a person), but I'm really not sure what exactly that is.

Judging from your post, you're not sure either.

I really don't mind that style, tbh. Looks quite cool in my opinion.

But I'm weird that way. And one of my close friends dresses like that (gay and transvestite).

2008-12-25, 03:44 AM
Pop-punk. It needs to die. 99% of these bands have never heard real punk and probably never will. It pains me when i go outside and get asked if I listen to greenday etc etc, because of the way I dress.

On that topic, Hot Topic. Needs to be taken care of South Park style. Turning a DIY under culture into suburbia's new plaything is just wrong. On top of it the people who run it are hypocrites. "Buy here! Be different. We cater to your dark soul," while the entire while acting just like the other big name stores.

Yes I am a bit touchy on the subject of Punk in the mainstream, mostly because i have been listening for years and live its message in my everyday life.

/end rant

2008-12-25, 04:15 AM
Yes, since rock and other music totally all has positive messages and hasn't often condoned violence, drugs, and promiscuity like rap. I mean, who's ever heard of 'Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll' associated.

But that's not the point. The point of music is enjoyment. What gives you the right to deprive other people of their enjoyment simply because you don't yourself enjoy something?

Because unlike other forms of music, it is very hard to find rap music that doesn't mention drugs, "hoes" and killing. There's no such thing as "Alternative Rap" like there is with almost every other genre of music. This is because Rap is almost solely defined by those subjects. You can't be a bestselling rap artist without seeming to hate children (dealing), women (the degridation of women through sex) and society in general (escessive violence).

I'm not saying Rap needs to go away, it's an interesting musical medium. Hell I enjoy good Rap music. But Mainstream Rap is what needs to leave. The near-fanatical focus on Drugs, Sex, and Murder is not a good thing. It increases the number of life-sentence prisoners (3 strikes rules and Dealing), increased STI/STD transmission (studies have found that listening to music that degrades sex increases the likelyhood of having unprotected sex, while music that exalts sex, lowers the likelyhood of unprotected sex), and a more hostile society ("thug life", and gang culture in general).

2008-12-25, 04:28 AM
Okay, a fashion which must die also: playing music on mobile phones, loudly. Now, in my college it's usually the 'gangsta' crowd which does this (and, why, Firefox, why do you recognise that as a word), others do too. It's all very well listening to music, but you do not blare what others may think is tripe very loudly. It really annoys me. Even one of our local metalheads started doing it and I found it annoying, even being a fan of metal. The appreciation for the music was lost because it was a) poor quality anyway, putting those poor mobile phone speakers to strain and b) not about the music, but simply an advert for what culture he's in.

Music is not a tool for annoyance, it isn't something to use to advertise what fashion or fad you follow, music is music. The constant abuse of it makes my skin crawl...
I forgot about this one.

Mostly chavs who do it up here, and scene "kids" due to their habit of copying absolutely everything else that every stereotype ever does ever.

Mostly, it's done in the back of buses. As an example, a while ago, I got on the bus to get into Durham. Sat at the slightly raised seats just after the stops leading to the back - sitting here means that I don't feel short if the bus gets crowded :p Two stops later, a group of extremely young chav girls get on, sit RIGHT at the back, start playing music as loud as it will go on their phones.

This kept up until I got off the bus four stops early to get away from it. By loudly, I mean I was listening to Machine Head. On my MP3 payer, and the headphones are good at calcelling out external noise. And the MP3 player was at pretty much full volume and STILL, I could hear the rubbish they called music - ie, a repetitive beat with someone whining over it in a voice doctored so much by vocal effects in the studio that it sounded like everything else in that genre - over my own music.

Oh, they were also throwing things (scrumpled bits of paper etc) at me, that got irritating fast as well... and one of them even had the nerve to ask me to go into the shop to get them booze/cigarettes.

Three things, RIGHT there, that NEED to go away.
-Playing music on phones in public where other people can hear it.
-Chavs. Or wannabe chavs. Or 12 year old girls convinced that the chav look works. It does not.
-Really underage drinking. I have no issues with it from age 16 onwards, but prior to then - especially in public and asking total strangers to buy it for them - is a different matter entirely.

2008-12-25, 04:55 AM
Bandannas, Baseball hats with stickers on the bottom of them, t-shirts with not-so-witty phrases, torn clothes (muscle shirts and whatnot), tuque and a cap... Uh... Really anything worn by 50 Cent... ... Antique clothes? >> Dunno.

I just want to see people wearing something they like, and not something that's spoon fed to their minds via media every day.

...oh! And I hate spikes, and oddly placed piercings.

2008-12-25, 05:34 AM
A bit cheaper (http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/MLT9101-1.html)

Gas masks are one product that I don't tend to trust.

I'm mostly going to draw on this (http://www.nationalterroralert.com/gasmasks/) site, as it's the only thing I can find. No sources, unfortunately, and if they're wrong, I'd be curious to hear it.

The first mask seems fine, but the filters they're selling with it are apparently obsolescent.

The second one appears to be the same as the M-10, which they list as ineffective and only intended for tear gas.

Jack Squat
2008-12-25, 08:59 AM
Gas masks are one product that I don't tend to trust.

I'm mostly going to draw on this (http://www.nationalterroralert.com/gasmasks/) site, as it's the only thing I can find. No sources, unfortunately, and if they're wrong, I'd be curious to hear it.

The first mask seems fine, but the filters they're selling with it are apparently obsolescent.

The second one appears to be the same as the M-10, which they list as ineffective and only intended for tear gas.

it is the M-10. For $10, it's expired as well, and as such won't get a good seal. I posted it assuming someone was looking for a cheap prop or for novelty, not for actual use.

Even so, gas masks themselves are useless save for a very small percentage of uses, which is going into a known contaminated area for no more than a few hours. If you realize you need a gas mask, it's too late anyways. If you're wearing a gas mask, there's a good chance you need a full chemical suit to avoid exposure as well, so even if you did get the gas mask on in time, you'll probably still be contaminated because the substance was absorbed through your skin.

IMO, the only reason you'd be able to use a gas mask effectively as a response is tear gas and getting out of a smoke filled area, all of which the M-10 is capable of as long as you can get a good seal.

2008-12-25, 10:23 AM
Text chat. English is not a beautiful, elegant language, it isn't even phonetic. The last thing it needs is more abuse. While I would prefer to avoid going into my hypothesis about text chat eventually leading to world destruction(Its a lot less crazy than it sounds), its really, really irritating. Its bad enough when people don't capitalize.

Alright, this was posted a while ago, but I have to know. How is text chat going to lead to world destruction? PM me if you want, but I hate chatspeak and would love to know you theory.

2008-12-25, 10:58 AM

Beeing the uneducated person i am i need an explanation, what is "pop their collars" what exactly does that mean?

Gray Jester
2008-12-25, 10:59 AM
Except Mainstream and "gangsta" rap provides no positive message, society would not be worse off if it dropped off the face of the Earth tomorrow. The same is not true of all other forms of music.

Disagree. Admittedly, much mainstream gangsta rap seems to focus on that subject, and that alone, but even in the mainstream it's not entirely limited to that subject. There's also as diverse subjects as being in jail, being forced to turn to crime due to lack of other options, etc. I even remember one song about world peace and loving everybody. (admittedly, that last one was perhaps more hip hop then rap) My point, however, is that it isn't -all- bad, and saying that it is ignores a small but still significant part of it. Also, there is a lot of rap that isn't 'gangsta' rap and doesn't promote the same things.

Rap and pop also serve a very distinct cultural purpose, the same one that rock n' roll filled for our parents generations. Without it, there would be a significant loss of modern, mainstream teenage culture, at least until teens found a way to fill the hole that it would leave. I might not particularly enjoy the fact that it is the only music they can play at high school dances due to people boo-ing out things that aren't rap/pop/pop-rock, but it -is-, and not without reason. It's also, in my opinion, honestly much easier to dance to then the alternatives, excluding some EDM, much in thanks to its heavy, regular beat.

Futhermore, can I ask a question? Explain why, in your mind, promiscuity, drug use, sexism, etc. -are- such a terrible thing to expose people to the existence of, or even promote, considering current societal trends? Although I personally am not in favor of any of them, I find that questioning values is an important part of growing up. Both sides of the equation are not necessarily correct, in my opinion, and it seems like just presenting the side that society finds most acceptable is comparable to brainwashing. Note: Debating this could turn slightly political, so watch your responses to it carefully, to avoid such nonsense as government, politics, religion, etc., even though they -do- play a large role in the subject. If you could limit yourself to such vagueries as 'society' and 'societal values', that might be a good thing.

Trends/Fads I wish would just go away, partly because I sometimes find myself tied to them more then I would like:

I'd like to see the trend of unquestioning obedience to societal values go away. I wish people were quicker to question and less quick to simply accept. (*raises hand* Guilty.)

I also wish people were less quick to declare themselves open minded. I know -many- people, including quite intelligent ones who I respect/love, who label themselves as 'open minded' and then are quick to denounce behaviors they see as 'wrong'. That is just as dangerous, in my mind, as unbridled bigotry, and much more subtle and insidious. This, of course, ties into the first one. (I personally am bigoted, elitist, slightly racist, sexist, and biased in other ways. I do not see these traits as necessarily 'good things', but I also am not going to hide them with the invisibility cloak of announcing myself 'open minded' and not do anything about them. I'm also reportedly fairly honest, but I am not quick to make such ephemeral claims, as I do lie to myself and others on occasion.)

Hmm. Oh yeah. I wish the trend among otherwise intelligent, perfectly nice young men of debasing themselves to get a woman's attention (bending to her every whim, no matter how ridiculous, for instance) would also go away. It is possible to be 'nice' without being 'a doormat'. It is possible to be 'thoughtful' without rewiring your life just because someone wants you to. It is possible to respect women while still accepting that there are some overarching trends in both sexes and vocalizing those. The tendency to put all women, or even just one woman, on a pedestal is, in my not so humble opinion, stupid. (Doesn't mean I don't fall victim to this.)

2008-12-25, 11:05 AM
Beeing the uneducated person i am i need an explanation, what is "pop their collars" what exactly does that mean?

Polo shirts have a collar which generally folds down over the shoulders, but when it is "popped" up, the collar extends the shirt up along the neck. This is generally associated with "preps."

It almost reminds me of Dracula, but is generally much more lame than that.

2008-12-25, 11:14 AM
an example of a popped collar and the typical user.

2008-12-25, 11:18 AM
Gas masks are one product that I don't tend to trust.

I'm mostly going to draw on this (http://www.nationalterroralert.com/gasmasks/) site, as it's the only thing I can find. No sources, unfortunately, and if they're wrong, I'd be curious to hear it.

The first mask seems fine, but the filters they're selling with it are apparently obsolescent.

The second one appears to be the same as the M-10, which they list as ineffective and only intended for tear gas.

That first gas mas is obsolete, granted, but damn does it look cool.

2008-12-25, 11:46 AM
<long post snipped for space>

Why be against the promotion of hard drug use, demeaning sex/sexism, and random gang violence?
Mabye because it hurts individuals, communities, and the whole country?
I mean, I can't think of any positive returns on drug dealing and so on.
It's one thing if a song asks "why do our parents say drugs are bad?"
It's another if it says "sell drugs to 10-year olds!", or whatever.
Like I've said, the style of rap, hip-hop, etc. has no innate problems with me. It's not my style, but eh. It's when it promotes destructive/illegal behavior that I think something needs to change.

2008-12-25, 11:51 AM
it is the M-10. For $10, it's expired as well, and as such won't get a good seal. I posted it assuming someone was looking for a cheap prop or for novelty, not for actual use.
Right you are. Sorry, I forgot that's how they'd come up.

2008-12-25, 12:27 PM
Because unlike other forms of music, it is very hard to find rap music that doesn't mention drugs, "hoes" and killing. There's no such thing as "Alternative Rap" like there is with almost every other genre of music. This is because Rap is almost solely defined by those subjects. You can't be a bestselling rap artist without seeming to hate children (dealing), women (the degridation of women through sex) and society in general (escessive violence).

Not really. I don't listen to a lot of rap (nowhere near enough to be an expert), but a quick google (http://www.google.com/search?q=alternative+rap&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a) search refutes this ridiculous claim. See also Michael Franti (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Franti); I listen to him extensively, and can guarantee that he both performs in a hip-hop style (often) and has very wholesome lyrics. Even more wholesome than that, yes.

2008-12-25, 01:10 PM
On that topic, Hot Topic. Needs to be taken care of South Park style. Turning a DIY under culture into suburbia's new plaything is just wrong. On top of it the people who run it are hypocrites. "Buy here! Be different. We cater to your dark soul," while the entire while acting just like the other big name stores.Rofl, Hot Topic stopped catering to punks and"gawths" years ago and switched to catering to all the icky scene kids. :smallyuk: