View Full Version : Elan's Father is Haley's Father's Imprisoner

2008-12-23, 02:11 PM
As I first thought when I read through the comics, Elan's father has a high chance of being Lord Tyrinar, the person who imprisoned Haley's Father.

Firstly, the person who imprisoned Haley's Father is supposedly a cruel, tyrannic man(just as Lord Tyrinar implies). Elan's father was a big bad powerhungry warlord that controlled warbands to conquer new lands. After conquering these lands, he set up a nation, which incidentally is the one Haley's Father is imprisoned in.

Secondly, Haley's relation with Elan will be severly jeopardised by such an event, which is ironic and cruel to Elan. This makes for a great plot hook and tale.

Thirdly, Elan's story has to end happily ever after, what better way than to Strike Down/Change his father, save Haley's father, and get Haley.

Mauve Shirt
2008-12-23, 02:13 PM
Yeah, this has been suggested several times. I think it's an interesting theory. Lord Tyrinar and Haley's father will definitely come up when they go to the western continent.

2008-12-23, 02:14 PM
This theory has been around since approximately four hours after "Lord Tyrinar" was first mentioned. It does seem pretty likely, though.

2008-12-23, 02:19 PM
Well, I have been reading since before the comic came out? But then again, I have not actively paid much attention to the forums until recently, as can be seen by my pixie form.

And I kinda searched the entire forum(with the convienient search button) and didnt find anything about this theory, so i am stating(or restating) this case. But thanks Nerd-O-rama for your input on the myriad restating of theories.

2008-12-23, 02:29 PM
Yeah, it's the commonly accepted theory.

David Argall
2008-12-23, 02:38 PM
At least this idea is reasonable, which puts it several steps above most theories presented here. But as has been noted, it has been suggested a host of times. It can be called our standard prediction for the next book.
Now we should note that it is by no means a guarantee. We are talking about a whole continent. Lots of room for Lord Tyrinar and Elan's dad to be important people and still rattle around without even meeting each other. So we could be talking about two different plots. But they do look like they fit together well.

2008-12-23, 02:50 PM
Yes, the Giant did seem to have a whole lot of foreshadowing done when Haley read her letter in the 140's or so. (kinda makes me wonder if he gets people to stay up late and think up new plot hooks for him.[absolutely no offence intended toward the Giant.])

2008-12-23, 02:58 PM
At least this idea is reasonable, which puts it several steps above most theories presented here. But as has been noted, it has been suggested a host of times. It can be called our standard prediction for the next book.

Thanks for the compliment David. And the wash-over. Strange though, but I dun really think that The Giant will really expose so much in his next book.

2008-12-23, 03:03 PM
As I first thought when I read through the comics, Elan's father has a high chance of being Lord Tyrinar, the person who imprisoned Haley's Father.

Firstly, the person who imprisoned Haley's Father is supposedly a cruel, tyrannic man(just as Lord Tyrinar implies). Elan's father was a big bad powerhungry warlord that controlled warbands to conquer new lands. After conquering these lands, he set up a nation, which incidentally is the one Haley's Father is imprisoned in.

Secondly, Haley's relation with Elan will be severly jeopardised by such an event, which is ironic and cruel to Elan. This makes for a great plot hook and tale.

Thirdly, Elan's story has to end happily ever after, what better way than to Strike Down/Change his father, save Haley's father, and get Haley.

There's also the fact that Elan's Father's war banner and helmet have a design on them that strongly resembles a letter 'T', as shown here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0050.html).

Grey Watcher
2008-12-23, 03:03 PM
This theory has been around since approximately four hours after "Lord Tyrinar" was first mentioned. It does seem pretty likely, though.

More like one hour, but yes, this theory was first posted in the discussion thread for that... month? We're we still on the monthly threads back then? Man, I've been around here way too long.

2008-12-23, 03:06 PM
There's also the fact that Elan's Father's war banner and helmet have a design on them that strongly resembles a letter 'T', as shown here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0050.html).

I completely agree, That was another minor basis for the Lord Tyrinar being Elan's Father Theory.

Berserk Monk
2008-12-23, 04:33 PM
This is the dumbest theory presented about Nale/Elan's father. The only logical explanation is that Nale/Elan's daddy is the King of Nowhere and he now want's revenge on Roy for impersonating him way back in strip 226 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0226.html). Also, in that one strip where Thanh is seen in the flashback with the king of Nowhere (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0535.html), he's just using a disguise self spell. Yeah, Nale/Elan's father is a multiclass fighter/rogue/cleric with the trickery domain, and Nale/Elan's uncle is a blackgaurd.

2008-12-23, 04:45 PM
I completely agree, That was another minor basis for the Lord Tyrinar being Elan's Father Theory.

Didn't Nale say that his father was a general? I think it's more likely that he's a general serving under Lord T; rather than being Tyrinar himself.

2008-12-23, 04:55 PM
I completely forgot this was still even the tiniest bit in question. I thought it had been stated explicitly.

2008-12-23, 05:24 PM
No, it's still a theory.

2008-12-23, 05:25 PM

Should we make a sticky thread of 'most commonly suggested/ supported theories' like this or the MiTD being a tarrasque? Just for the ease of newcomers and people who've been out of the loop?

Tholok Razescar
2008-12-23, 05:30 PM

Should we make a sticky thread of 'most commonly suggested/ supported theories' like this or the MiTD being a tarrasque? Just for the ease of newcomers and people who've been out of the loop?

The MiTD is a... what now?

2008-12-23, 05:32 PM
The MiTD is a... what now?

Some obscure D&D monster apparently.

Don't ask me, I don't play the damn game! Or any game that requires math, come to think of it...

Tholok Razescar
2008-12-23, 05:39 PM
Some obscure D&D monster apparently.

Don't ask me, I don't play the damn game! Or any game that requires math, come to think of it...

My simple love for creatures such as WoW Flesh Giants have been replaced solely by this beast.

http://images.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.aethertraveller.com/images/tarrasque.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.aethertraveller.com/HouseRules/Encounters/beastie/omnivore/tarrasque.htm&usg=__m96mPsd7NIczD92SgvywD8FdeBg=&h=500&w=658&sz=151&hl=nl&start=1&tbnid=p0R4Yw0WEsfB9M:&tbnh=105&tbnw=138&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTarrasque%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Dnl%26sa%3D G

You can not see my expression of slack-jawed shock, but I assure you. It is there.

2008-12-23, 05:42 PM
Oh my god it looks like H R Giger redesigned Bowser.

Tholok Razescar
2008-12-23, 05:44 PM
It looks like all of my childhood dreams came true, and proceeded to take a **** in a monster-manual.

In the way that everything tastes better when it ****s on a Ritz.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this.

2008-12-23, 05:47 PM
Sir, I am not a religious man but today you have found something unholy.

2008-12-23, 05:53 PM
This is the dumbest theory presented about Nale/Elan's father. The only logical explanation is that Nale/Elan's daddy is the King of Nowhere and he now want's revenge on Roy for impersonating him way back in strip 226 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0226.html). Also, in that one strip where Thanh is seen in the flashback with the king of Nowhere (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0535.html), he's just using a disguise self spell. Yeah, Nale/Elan's father is a multiclass fighter/rogue/cleric with the trickery domain, and Nale/Elan's uncle is a blackgaurd.

Oh no, the dumbest theory is that Nale/Elan's father is actually a truenamer/monk half-Illithid derro, who had his personality split, and those halves became both the Monster in the Darkness and the Oracle. Lord Tyrinar is obviously an alias, since it is an anagram of Rain Lord Tyr, which seems to indicate that it is actually the deity Tyr, who has taken control over the portfolio of rain, who is behind this. Obviously, since "Haley Starshine the Rogue" is an anagram of "The gore nurse he has Italy", we must assume this is all part of some dimension-breaking plot, obviously headed by the Giant himself, or rather his evil Mirror Universe counterpart, the Gnome.

Also, I find this (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/art_preview/20080418_114693_0.jpg) to be a better representation of the dread Tarrasque.

2008-12-23, 06:45 PM
Didn't Nale say that his father was a general? I think it's more likely that he's a general serving under Lord T; rather than being Tyrinar himself.

The backstory for Nale showed him on his father's chariot when he was still a baby: http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0050.html

Now, if he was leading the army for someone then it could be his master is Lord T. However, if the army was entirely his, he might have claimed a domain for himself and titled himself Lord T.

JT Jag
2008-12-23, 07:15 PM
Law of conservation of narrative states that this or something like this must be true.

2008-12-23, 07:29 PM
Law of conservation of narrative states that this or something like this must be true.
I prefer to think of them as "guidelines." :smalltongue:

(Seriously, if I were Rich, which of course I'm not, reading that would do more to disincline me to make Lord Tyrinar Elan's father than anything else.)

2008-12-23, 07:34 PM
This theory earns the distinction of being the sole theory I actually hope is true. Sure, we all see it coming, but the potential for swashbuckling and drama is too great to pass up.

2008-12-23, 08:28 PM
The thing with this peice of conventional story telling is that it works in as much as it sets up a known and recognised scene..

The headline would read "Puissant Prince Saves Princesses Prisoned Pater" or perhaps somthing less alliterative but equaly trite "Heroic Prince shows true Elan"

However, given that The Giant is (it seems to me) a subversive sort of chap (think a wemic based P. G Wodehouse) I fully expect to see this sort of thing lampooned without mercy.

Oh and a merry Quaahunucrimbeid to all.

2008-12-23, 08:34 PM
The thing with this peice of conventional story telling is that it works in as much as it sets up a known and recognised scene..

The headline would read "Puissant Prince Saves Princesses Prisoned Pater" or perhaps somthing less alliterative but equaly trite "Heroic Prince shows true Elan"

However, given that The Giant is (it seems to me) a subversive sort of chap (think a wemic based P. G Wodehouse) I fully expect to see this sort of thing lampooned without mercy.

Oh and a merry Quaahunucrimbeid to all.

I hate Quaahunucrimbeid! I hate all of the sounds and the noise! I hate that time of year! Maybe I should steal all of the presents from all of the little girls and boys!

I do love Christmas though. I hope :elan: has a dream where it is Christmas and he kisses :haley:

2008-12-24, 12:14 AM
Didn't Nale say that his father was a general? I think it's more likely that he's a general serving under Lord T; rather than being Tyrinar himself.

He could have seized power and made himself a Lord.

2008-12-24, 12:22 AM
this idea has been brought up many times before,
and I think it has much potential for drama and would really be shocking revelation to Elan + Haley

but knowing Rich...........unlikely especially since it has been suggested :smallfrown:

David Argall
2008-12-24, 12:40 AM
Didn't Nale say that his father was a general? I think it's more likely that he's a general serving under Lord T; rather than being Tyrinar himself.

One of many possibilities, but as has been noted, generals of warbands do become lords at times. So there is no problem in both being the same person.

On the other side T on helmets is a standard in this strip [and reasonably practical] so it can not be deemed serious evidence of any connection.

2008-12-24, 01:50 AM
unfortunately, as much as i love this theory, the fact that is has been suggested immidiately makes it false.

Even if this was the giant's originial plot, he's likely to just drop it and make something out of the blue to show us unwashed masses what for.
I still remember laughing out loud at the oracle's death comic, and how mercilessly he pwned the forum.

2008-12-24, 02:03 AM
Also, I find this (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/art_preview/20080418_114693_0.jpg) to be a better representation of the dread Tarrasque.

That is badass.

2008-12-24, 02:09 AM
Elan: But... You're not my father!

2008-12-24, 08:02 AM
It has been mentioned before but I guess it would actually be a nice reversal of the 'Hero falls in love with beautiful daughter of evil overlord' trope.

2008-12-24, 09:56 AM
I'd love it if "Lord Tyrinar" turns out not to be a tyrant at all, and has a perfectly good reason for imprisoning Hayley's father and demanding the money...

2008-12-24, 02:38 PM
That is badass.

It's more than badass. It's Fourth Edition.

2008-12-24, 02:50 PM
Elan's father was depicted in one of the Elan-Nale meeting comics. He seems similar to one of Xykon's early mentors in Start of Darkness. Maybe someone less lazy can compare the two and see if we have a name on said mentor.

David Argall
2008-12-24, 03:39 PM
The unholy master was non-human, at least in part [bat wings and tail], and probably fiendish. As far as is known Elan's dad was fully human.

2008-12-24, 04:22 PM
I'd love it if "Lord Tyrinar" turns out not to be a tyrant at all, and has a perfectly good reason for imprisoning Hayley's father and demanding the money...

Except star wars made it an even BIGGER cliche for the hero's father to turn out to be the evil overlord.

2008-12-24, 09:12 PM
nice theory. I concur.

2008-12-24, 11:45 PM
One of many possibilities, but as has been noted, generals of warbands do become lords at times. So there is no problem in both being the same person.


But, my biggest problem about assuming that Elan's father is Lord T. is that Nale never mentioned that the man ever became a lord or ruler of a (unassumingly) powerful nation. I think metting your long lost twin brother for the first time in 20+ years, you'd might want to mention that important detail about dear old dad.

David Argall
2008-12-25, 12:58 AM
Nale thinking: "Should I tell bro about dad being a king?
"Let's see. What would I do if he told me that? Well, that's obvious. I would figure out an elaborate plot to kill my brother and become the heir.
"Being a genius, I will kill him first anyway, but even with my love for the devious, why give him the chance to kill me? What he doesn't know won't hurt me."

2008-12-25, 01:38 AM
He could have seized power and made himself a Lord.

He's LE, L standing for Lawful. That wouldn't happen.

David Argall
2008-12-25, 01:43 AM
LEs are well known for their ability to find reasons/excuses for their seizing power.

2008-12-25, 01:54 AM
He's LE, L standing for Lawful. That wouldn't happen.

Lawful is not falling lock-step behind the man on the throne. Lawful characters can have calid reasons for starting Coups.

2008-12-25, 11:47 AM
People... am I the only one thinking that Lord Tyrinar, supposed Elan's father, is dead (or at least imprisoned or sth.)? During the OotS's first fight with the Linear Guild, Nale said that 'nobody denies him', neither Elan, nor FATHER.

Anyone see my point? I think that Nale did something terrible to Tyrinar/Elan's father!

David Argall
2008-12-25, 01:57 PM
Well, it is quite likely Nale tried something...
But on the available record he is not likely to have succeeded.

Also, Elan's dad is potentially a very useful figure. To kill him off before he really even gets onstage seems very wasteful.

2008-12-25, 02:14 PM
People... am I the only one thinking that Lord Tyrinar, supposed Elan's father, is dead (or at least imprisoned or sth.)? During the OotS's first fight with the Linear Guild, Nale said that 'nobody denies him', neither Elan, nor FATHER.

Anyone see my point? I think that Nale did something terrible to Tyrinar/Elan's father!
Or this could merely mean that Nale was very spoiled as a child.


2008-12-27, 02:24 AM
Nale thinking: "Should I tell bro about dad being a king?
"Let's see. What would I do if he told me that? Well, that's obvious. I would figure out an elaborate plot to kill my brother and become the heir.
"Being a genius, I will kill him first anyway, but even with my love for the devious, why give him the chance to kill me? What he doesn't know won't hurt me."

:roy: It's like that Monk class ability that lets you jump as far as you want want, only in this case, it applies to conclusions.

Really, I doubt that went through Nale's mind. If you recall, in #54 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0054.html), Nale gave Elan the chance to join him and start a team.

One thing I've noticed is that this “Elan's father is Lord Tyrannar” theory needs to add speculation in order to support itself. The only evidence we have is Nale's story that his father was a general. There is no evidence that “he's a general but he could have found a nation and... became a lord”.

Until more evidence presents itself, I won't make that assumption.

David Argall
2008-12-27, 03:31 AM
Really, I doubt that went through Nale's mind. If you recall, in #54 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0054.html), Nale gave Elan the chance to join him and start a team.
Waste not, want not. Nale thought his brother might be useful for a little while. That is entirely compatible with killing when he isn't. Note acceptable risks (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0255.html)

One thing I've noticed is that this “Elan's father is Lord Tyrannar” theory needs to add speculation in order to support itself. The only evidence we have is Nale's story that his father was a general. There is no evidence that “he's a general but he could have found a nation and... became a lord”.

Until more evidence presents itself, I won't make that assumption.
Probably wise, but this remains one of the few theories on this board that fits all the facts and looks tempting as a future development. So don’t get too shocked if it does happen either.

2008-12-27, 06:23 AM
whoo, with a title like this, I guess the Giant is pretty much giving up on trying to stop prediction spoilers in titles eh?

Still this makes a lot of sense... not only the T on the banner, but there's the whole fact that elan turned out like his mom, and nale turned out like his dad... and kidnapping is kind of a Nale-ish thing to do.

2008-12-27, 06:36 AM
If this is all true, and Nale gets his father's help in defeating the Order of the Stick, will Sabine seduce Ian Starshine to get at Haley?

2008-12-27, 07:54 AM
Perhaps. Haley woudn't like that, though...

2008-12-27, 09:55 AM
Really, I doubt that went through Nale's mind. If you recall, in #54 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0054.html), Nale gave Elan the chance to join him and start a team.
Indeed, Nale's obsession with killing Elan is solely because Elan refused his invitation. "Practically synonymous with taking disproportionate revenge over quasi-imagined slights."

2008-12-27, 12:31 PM
Best evidence in favor of this theory?

The simple fact that Elan's last name has never been revealed.

2008-12-28, 04:46 PM
Best evidence in favor of this theory?

The simple fact that Elan's last name has never been revealed.

Sorry, that is not evidence.

The simple fact Elan's last name has not been revealed does not prove that his father is Lord Tyrinar because it can support the opposing theory that daddy could be someone else.

2008-12-28, 04:57 PM
While the evidence for and against it basically comes out even (I think), I'd like to consider it another way.
Two straitjacketed little words: WHAT IF?
What if Lord Tyrinar was Elan and Nale's dad? There's a chance for some great Elan/Haley conflict there, and also some Elan/Dad conflict.

Of course, we don't know what will happen. We aren't The Giant.
All I'm really saying is this:
1. It's open to possibly happening.
2. The Giant could really make it work.

David Argall
2008-12-28, 05:04 PM
Sorry, that is not evidence.

The simple fact Elan's last name has not been revealed does not prove that his father is Lord Tyrinar because it can support the opposing theory that daddy could be someone else.
Yet, why hasn't Elan's last name been revealed? We get full names for the rest [except V, whose name is long enough to be a combination of first and last names]. There would seem to be a reason for this, and that daddy is Lord Tyrinar is a likely reason. It does not prove that, but it does support it.

2008-12-31, 08:49 PM
While the evidence for and against it basically comes out even (I think), I'd like to consider it another way.
Two straitjacketed little words: WHAT IF?
What if Lord Tyrinar was Elan and Nale's dad? There's a chance for some great Elan/Haley conflict there, and also some Elan/Dad conflict.

The evidence is not even close to being even. The real evidence regarding Elan's father is Nale's testimony that he was a general for a powerful. That supports my theory that he was just a general and nothing more.

Every piece of evidence that supports the other theory: Elan's father is Lord T takes that single piece of evidence, butchers it, and tries tack on unsupported speculation to give itself any credibility. They say hew was a general but could be a warlord, and then treat that hypothesis as a solid conclusion.

Normally, I don't have a problem with the 'what if'. What I do have a problem with are people accepting these what-ifs like it's an undeniable fact without any evidence. Case in point:

Yet, why hasn't Elan's last name been revealed? We get full names for the rest [except V, whose name is long enough to be a combination of first and last names]. There would seem to be a reason for this, and that daddy is Lord Tyrinar is a likely reason. It does not prove that, but it does support it.

I don't know the reason why Elan's last name has not been revealed. It's irrelevant, and does not support your theory any more than it supports mine. If you have such faith in this piece of evidence, then explain how: a) this supports the claim of Elan's father is Lord T and b) disproves the simpler theory that he could be someone.

2008-12-31, 08:50 PM
Elan is a bastard child is why he doesn't have a last name.

2008-12-31, 10:30 PM
I don't know the reason why Elan's last name has not been revealed. It's irrelevant, and does not support your theory any more than it supports mine. If you have such faith in this piece of evidence, then explain how: a) this supports the claim of Elan's father is Lord T and b) disproves the simpler theory that he could be someone.

But it is a theory that could be true.

At some point, V refers to everyone to the Order by their last name, with the exception of Elan and Belkar. I attribute Belkar to the fact that V does not respect Belkar, as so would not call him Mr. Bitterleaf, and is not the type of person to call people solely by their last names. That is to say, V would neither call Belkar 'Mr. Bitterleaf' or 'Bitterleaf'. V, knowledge-hungry that V is, would be the type of person to know a person's last name anyway. The fact that nobody ever refers to Elan's last name, including V and Roy, who as the party leader, should know it, does support the theory that nobody, including Elan, knows his last name.

If we knew Elan's last name to be X, and X was not Tyrinar, then we could say that Elan's father was not Lord T, barring his mother changing back to her maiden name after divorce. And there would still be people claiming that that Elan was Lord T's son.

However, no information contradicts the theory that Lord T is Elan's father. We know Elan's father was a warlord, and roughly twenty years have passed since his father took Nale and left.(Elan and Nale were babies when the split happened, and they are 21-22 now.) That is plenty enough time to conquer a large bit of land in this world. Furthermore, his father is Lawful Evil, and Good people usually do not become 'absolute rulers of nations', especially ones named after themselves, because that sounds a lot like tyranny.

In addition, having Elan be Lord T's son adds a bit of parallelism between Elan and Haley. The Order, or at least Haley, is going to run into Lord T when they head to Girard's gate, and having Elan deal with with his own father issues at the same time as Haley is a nice bit of storytelling.

So maybe Elan is the son of one of Lord T's generals, or a general of the next country over. We don't know. But the theory that Elan is Lord T's son is both reasonable and possible, at this writing, and it is widely-accepted theory.

2008-12-31, 11:42 PM
Even if Elan's father is the one holding Haley's father captive, I doubt if Haley would hold that against Elan in the least. She already knows his twin brother is Evil to the core, and she doesn't seem to think less of Bard Boy because of that. Being Chaotic generally means you judge people by how they've treated you, not what they are or who they're related to.

David Argall
2009-01-01, 04:00 AM
The evidence is not even close to being even. The real evidence regarding Elan's father is Nale's testimony that he was a general for a powerful. That supports my theory that he was just a general and nothing more.
Nale says dad was the general of an army. He does not say he reports to anyone at all.

Every piece of evidence that supports the other theory: Elan's father is Lord T takes that single piece of evidence, butchers it, and tries tack on unsupported speculation to give itself any credibility. They say hew was a general but could be a warlord, and then treat that hypothesis as a solid conclusion.
If you just want an acknowledgment it is a theory, and not proven, yet. fine. That is obviously the case. If you wish to contend that there is serious evidence for any alternative, you have a problem.

I don't know the reason why Elan's last name has not been revealed. It's irrelevant, and does not support your theory any more than it supports mine. If you have such faith in this piece of evidence, then explain how: a) this supports the claim of Elan's father is Lord T and b) disproves the simpler theory that he could be someone.

a-"...the curious incident of the dog barking in the night."
"But the dog didn't bark."
"That is the curious incident." [The dog turned out to know the intruder and did not bark.]

In the case of Elan, our writer has not "barked". Why not?
It would seem he has some reason not to reveal Elan's full name. But what would that be? ... Relationship with the ruler holding Haley's dad fits here, and we really don't have much of an alternative.
Is this rock solid proof? Of course not. But it does fit all the available facts and would be story useful.

2009-01-01, 02:05 PM
Nale says dad was the general of an army. He does not say he reports to anyone at all.

Every military has a chain of command; meaning everyone in the military, even generals, reports to someone else.

If you just want an acknowledgment it is a theory, and not proven, yet. fine. That is obviously the case. If you wish to contend that there is serious evidence for any alternative, you have a problem.

My problem is people accept this theory as proven fact, despite the the lack of evidence.

The alternative theory, Elan's father being a general, has plenty of evidence. We have Nale's testimony.

We also have Occam's Razor. I don't rule out the possibility of the man being Lord T, but between the two theories, Elan's father being a general makes the fewest assumptions.

In the case of Elan, our writer has not "barked". Why not?
It would seem he has some reason not to reveal Elan's full name. But what would that be? ... Relationship with the ruler holding Haley's dad fits here, and we really don't have much of an alternative.Is this rock solid proof? Of course not.

Once again, I do not care why Elan's last name has not been revealed. It's a red herring that distorts the issue. If you believe that not revealing Elan's last name somehow means that it's Tyranir, then you need to explain your reason. Otherwise, it's best to concede this point.

This debate has gone full circle, and there's no point in continuing. I've presented my argument. However, people will continue to believe in their favorite pet theory. Fair enough. Until more evidence presents itself, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

David Argall
2009-01-01, 06:14 PM
Every military has a chain of command; meaning everyone in the military, even generals, reports to someone else.
Everybody, except the one at the top, reports to somebody else. Daddy is described as THE general, not a general. So he does not report to anybody in the military. He is the boss man.
Does he report to some king or other ruler? Maybe. But generals often enough were also kings. A successful general of a warband declaring himself Lord such and so is nothing out of the ordinary.

We also have Occam's Razor. I don't rule out the possibility of the man being Lord T, but between the two theories, Elan's father being a general makes the fewest assumptions.
Not so clear. We are pretty sure that the party will be dealing with both dads. So we are dealing with the complexity of two dads at once, or dealing with the complexity of doing two different scenes. It is not obvious that one involves less assumptions than the other.

Once again, I do not care why Elan's last name has not been revealed. It's a red herring that distorts the issue. If you believe that not revealing Elan's last name somehow means that it's Tyranir, then you need to explain your reason.
To try again, imagine you are writing this comic and you had some secret about Elan that would be revealed by his name. You obviously don't use that name.
Now imagine you don't have any such secret. You start using full names. Why wouldn't you use Elan's full name? It's rather hard to think of an innocent reason. It's possible, but you start assuming there is a good reason why you don't hear that name.
And what other secret do we know of? Recall here that our writer is big on foreshadowing. We see a lot of Xykon's plans, Nale's plans, Kubota's plans... So it seems that the lack of a last name links up to something, and Lord Tyrinar is the obvious candidate.

2009-01-02, 11:58 AM
Everybody, except the one at the top, reports to somebody else. Daddy is described as THE general, not a general. So he does not report to anybody in the military. He is the boss man.

Issue #50 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0050.html)
Ah, see, now, my Father was a cold and ruthless general of a nigh-unstoppable army.

Funny, that line does not that, in any way, that Nale's father was the 'Boss Man'. Please, point out any line, panel, or comic that supports your notion. Until then, it will not be accepted as a fact.

Does he report to some king or other ruler? Maybe. But generals often enough were also kings. A successful general of a warband declaring himself Lord such and so is nothing out of the ordinary.

But where's the proof? As of yet, there is no physical evidence that Nale's father performed such a feat. So, it's a good bet that Nale's father reports to, I dunno, Lord Tyranir.

Not so clear. We are pretty sure that the party will be dealing with both dads. So we are dealing with the complexity of two dads at once, or dealing with the complexity of doing two different scenes. It is not obvious that one involves less assumptions than the other.

Another red herring. Possible storylines that might involved Haley's father, Elan's father, and the OotS has nothing with the comparisons and assumptions of either theory.

To summarize my point, the assumptions for each theory is as follows.

Assumptions regarding Nale and Elan's father being nothing more than a general:

Nale and Elan's back story (in issue #50) is accurate. This is only piece of evidence regarding they're father.

Assumptions regarding Nale and Elan's father being Lord Tyranir:

Nale and Elan's back story being, once again, accurate.
Their father promoting himself from general to Lord and then conquering a large nation for himself. (This is an assumption that lacks evidence).
Nale having some reason to withhold the fact of his father being Lord Tyranir from Elan. (This lacks evidence.)
Elan's last name not being revealed being somehow important and the only reason is that his father must be Lord Tyranir. (This is an assumption which flat out ignores other possibilities and a desperate attempt to grasp at straws. But, I'll explain later).
Finally, there's the assumption that any story between Elan/Haley/Ian can only work if Elan's father is Lord Tyranir.

To try again, imagine you are writing this comic and you had some secret about Elan that would be revealed by his name. You obviously don't use that name.

Now imagine you don't have any such secret. You start using full names. Why wouldn't you use Elan's full name? It's rather hard to think of an innocent reason. It's possible, but you start assuming there is a good reason why you don't hear that name.

And what other secret do we know of? Recall here that our writer is big on foreshadowing. We see a lot of Xykon's plans, Nale's plans, Kubota's plans... So it seems that the lack of a last name links up to something, and Lord Tyrinar is the obvious candidate.

It might surprise you that we don't know the last names for one third of the OotS party. There are a handful of the supporting cast whose last name's have never been told. We don't always need to know a character's last name. I see no reason to assume that not knowing a last name links up to some secret.

If you want to convince me, then it's you job to provide proof. All you provided was speculation about the writer's mindset while failing to consider other, simpler alternatives.