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2010-05-28, 02:16 AM
Brand accepts the badge (and the money, of course) as a means of representing his hin. He silently nods in agreement having vowed to stick together and feels that their presence has already stirred the frying the pan and ignited the fire.

2010-05-29, 12:12 AM
I accept the mission as well. Hopefully I'm not the only one who's thinking this, but we're all too wonderfully different to be slaves to uniformity.

2010-05-29, 12:29 AM
Annie accepts to warn the Lost Villages ... but does he accept the Freeman of Saragost honor?

2010-05-30, 02:25 AM
I can't honestly say I've done anything to deserve it. My actions weren't done to save Saragost. Instead, I acted to preserve the lives of people outside of the city. My efforts to convince you to bolster your defenses aren't because of any love for the institution of the city, but they are for the people who live within its walls, including those who follow us and look for protection. We encouraged people living outside of the city to seek refuge here without thinking whether or not those people would be put in a better position. Nor did we bother to consider whether or not so many refugees would be an unbearable strain on the local economy. We relied on hope and what we saw as the righteousness of our cause. Even now, I hesitate to take the honor you have graciously offered because it requires allegiance to the city. While I would agree that the assembled counci is made of good and honorable people, that may not always be the case in my lifetime. Should I still be held to the contract the medal represents? My allegience is to Hombel and the value of Justice. As long as Saragost remains a just city, the city may rely upon me, for what it's worth.

2010-05-30, 03:34 AM
"Anaximander Shuul," says Grandlord Peregrine Yomah, smiling, "it not for one to demand an honor be bestowed - that is a tribute. No, an honor is bestowed by another to one the bestower deems 'deserving,' not the other way around.

"And the honor offered is not the Freeman of Saragost's Council, but the Freeman of Saragost. Yes, we hope that our combined wisdom in this oligarchy will be what is best for Chillhame. And in that regard, you must use that finely tuned sense of Justice to do what is best for this Bastion of Freedom to consider our coming requests with due judgement and regard.

"So we look to worthy men and women who will bestow that honor upon us ... if such a person deems us 'worthy'."Diplomacy result of 30, if that matters.

2010-05-31, 12:32 AM
Annie returns the smile
If I expect my diplomacy checks to work, shouldn't theirs work as well, especially when it doesn't really hurt anything?

I apologize if I've caused any offense. However, I didn't want to give the impression that I was the kind of person who believes he is owed accolades for doing what he believes to be correct and just. Thank you for correcting a young man's flaw in logic. I sincerely hope this doesn't mean you'll withdraw your offer of recognition. Presuming that it hasn't been withdrawn, I humbly accept.

2010-05-31, 01:22 AM
Kasimir accepts the honor with a bow and a flourish, taking off his hat and drawing more attention to his brilliant embellishment.
"But of course- it would be an privilege and a boon to accept this honor. I accept wholeheartedly."

Anything to increase his status and recognition is always a good thing, and if worst comes to worst it's not like there's actually anything binding about some little trinket.
But, most importantly, does the badge go with the rest of his outfit? If not, he'll surely have to prestidigitate it into a more appealing color.

"As for the expedition to the lost villages, I'm perfectly sure that the good Marshal and the others are competent enough to handle such an undertaking on their own- in return, might I find some way to make myself useful around the city?"
Of course he's not going along with Mardak- the more time out of the dwarf's presence, the more time he'll have to work his magic.
Speaking of which, he snatches up the figurine and hits it with a detect magic.

2010-05-31, 04:54 AM
They're still good with giving Annie the honor.

Ditto, of course with Kasimir.

That leaves Kael as the only one left to make a decision.

Kas, you "snatch up" the figurine? Are you going to grab for Mardak's purse (where it yet remains), or ask nicely to see it?

2010-05-31, 02:25 PM
Actually, I was more thinking retroactively, before it's residence in Mardak's purse.

2010-05-31, 05:32 PM
@Kas: Fair enough. There'd be no reason Mardak would hide such an odd thing from someone who might have the answers. You cast detect magic and find nothing. Did you want to hold onto it for further study? Mardak finds it a tasteless bauble, and was only holding onto it to find out more about it later.

2010-05-31, 10:54 PM
Well, if it isn't magical, it isn't important, as far as Kasimir is concerned.

2010-06-01, 01:17 PM
@Kas: Fair enough. Mardak will keep it for now as "possible evidence" for the youth's strange actions in planting the item on him (allegedly).

@Kael: Social Inertia = the effect, or feeling, of not being wholly involved or committed to an action when this action takes place and one is merely swept up by events.

Whether Kael would view it in a positive or negative light, his 10 Charisma manifests as just letting things rolling along as they are - going with the flow - even if he might have reservations.

Kael finds himself stirred by the possibility of more action and heroism outside of town, and the camaraderie found with his brothers-in-arms (and Brand's cautious advice to stick together), and volunteers for the mission. He sees it as a responsibility for the Starborn to take on the secular honor as a means to gaining visibility and respect. If the Legend of the Starborn is true, then political concerns notwithstanding, they will be "leading" the fight against the Host and their minions. Well, the Host (possibly, you're not sure if it is the duergar/drow or not) is coming to knock on Saragost's gate before long ... so it's time to kick it up a notch.

Kael accepts the Freeman of Saragost honor badge and the mission.

2010-06-01, 01:50 PM
A small ceremony is held in the hall with all present (the Council, dignitaries, etc.), and each of you is given the Freeman of Saragost honor badge.

Another surprise award is given. This one is to Junior Marshal Mardak Powerstone, for acting above and beyond the call of duty in pursuit of the interests of security and safety of Saragost, and by extension, all of Chillhame. His efforts reflected great credit upon himself and the Marshal Corps of Saragost, and are in keeping with the highest traditions of all of Chillhame's Constabulary. [The award was noted above. Note the Junior.]I am sure, upon reading this, that my Navy buds in this game (srgonzo and jmbrown ... as well as the newly uniformed (army puke) UserClone) are giggling at my blatant plagiarism and adaptation of standard, trite, Navy-award/commendation wording. :smallbiggrin:

[At this point, we will now move on to Starfall: Part II (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8606741#post8606741), located here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8606741#post8606741).]