View Full Version : RHoD, powergamer edition.

2008-12-26, 11:29 PM
As a roaming group of do gooders, you were approached by a stranger claiming to be a Cleric of Boccob, asking you to head to the Vale. Having no interedting prospects around, you did so.

You are only about a days travel from Drellin's Ferry, the closest settlement in the Vale. You are walking up a trail from the Thornwaste. It is a bright sunny day, the path is wide, flanked by ditches for runoff and undergrowth outside of that.

Roll spot checks, and inform me of any buffs you carry on you all day, what stance you might be in, or any method of faster then normal travel you might be using.

Anyone know of a good way to post battle maps for everyone to view?

2009-01-01, 03:04 AM

Kel, the Orog, walks silently among the group, next to whoever is slowest. He is but a shadow....

Hide[roll1](if i have to move faster than 20 feet, then it will be 15)
Move Silent[roll2](if i have to move faster than 20 feet, then it will be 9)

2009-01-01, 06:14 AM

Gix trots alongside Maekrix, ready to defend him against any attack. She fingers her crossbow absentmindedly as she looks around the group and the surrounding ditches and brush near the path.

Spot: [roll0]

2009-01-01, 06:28 AM

Gix's Draconic Rite spell (Mage Armor) is charged, but hasn't been activated yet/

2009-01-01, 02:22 PM

Cawti walks down the road, looking around herself with a smile on her face. There was such nice scenery here! It had definitely been a good choice to come this way. She had never traveled this far in this direction before. As a result she was seeing all sorts of interesting things so far. No doubt this would only continue.

Oh, and then there was that strange man. Who was he? Ah, yes. He had claimed to be a Cleric of Boccob. Interesting. He hadn't looked like most of the clerics Cawti had known in her life.

Oh well. He had asked her and the group of people she had been with at the time to travel to the Vale. Apparently there was trouble there. Cawti didn't see the problem, since there was always trouble of some sort somewhere. But she had been planning on going that direction anyways.

And then as for the group of people she was with... They were... Who were they? She had no recollection of how she had met them. Oh well, they must be nice people if she had decided to travel with them.

And so she continued down the road, eyes wide, and lips curled in that same small smile.


I have Mage Armor extended to last 10 hours, and then of course I have Abrupt Jaunt.

2009-01-01, 04:15 PM

The tall young man in polished plate mail walks with the others, leading his huge dark bay stallion by the reins. He walks confidently, and gracefully despite his armor.

Spot 16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1876050/)
Default stance is martial spirit

2009-01-01, 06:47 PM

Lorens walked silently at the front of the group, his attention focused on a small leather bound journal held in his left hand. The journal was filled with a small, scratchy, handwriting recounting the events of days recent and long gone, Lorens often re-read it to keep his memory sharp.

Every few moments he would glance upwards to make sure he was walking in the right direction, then down at the polished hilt of his rapier and back to his book.

Spot: [roll0]

2009-01-01, 08:19 PM

Spot Check: 7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1876311/)

Maekrix walked behind Lorens, not particularly paying attention to where they were going and trying to get at an itch on his back under his wings with his pick, muttering to himself in draconic. In his other hand, he tried to keep his place in a book, the pages fluttering as he kept moving.

He didn't particularly know why they were going in this direction, but the group seemed to be confident it would lead to something, and so he complained not.

2009-01-01, 09:01 PM
If you go to this link: http://www.mikeschley.com/projects/gallery/DDRedHandOfDoomMaps.htm You can see many maps, I trust you guys, but if you click on the second map, that is where you are.

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/5956/95680tl9.th.jpg (http://img525.imageshack.us/my.php?image=95680tl9.jpg)

Kel, Kendrick, and Lorens participate in the surprise round, everyone roll Init, surprise round will carry over into regular.

2009-01-01, 09:37 PM
Forgot to mention: The 2 spells that Lorens knows and can use once each today are:

Init: [roll0]

Lorens glances frantically about, drops his journal and enters a defensive stance.

Suprise round actions:
Using 1 inspiration point (3 left) to activate Cunning Defense, then entering Total Defense mode. This makes my my AC 24 for whichever enemy is nearest, 21 for all the others.

I trust we are in the shaded area? We are heading east, correct (using the compos on the map)? If so, the Cunning Defense bonus goes to the west most attacker (again using the maps compos)

2009-01-01, 09:47 PM

Initiative Roll: 10 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1876416/)

2009-01-01, 09:59 PM
Cast Nerveskitter

2009-01-01, 10:48 PM
Kendrick readies sword and shield as he seeks the nearest path to the foe.

Initiative [roll0]
question1: do you want me to roll to determine my granted maneuvers randomly, boss?
question 2: do we see what kind of foes they are? Are they behind the trees? Is it possible to charge them?

2009-01-02, 05:13 AM
Kel Kel notices the ambush, and says to the guy he's next to "Hey, up ahead, pay attention" while he continues his hiding, and takes a defensive posture.

2009-01-02, 07:28 AM

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-01-02, 04:02 PM
The road crests a small rise, and descends into a dusty grove in a large, shallow, dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today, but this one feels wrong. Then you glimpse the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road. Fierce warriors-tall, hairy humanoids with wide mouths and flat faces-are lying in wait.

[Kendrick, Lorens, and Kel go, in that order, then the Hobgoblins. Kendrick, make a post in the OOC thread with rolls for maneuvers.

After the surprise round Init will go:


2009-01-03, 02:00 PM
"'Ware, friends, an ambuscade!" The crusader's blade shines in the sunlight as he raises it, then charges at the nearest foe, blade poised to strike. "For Heironeous!"

Since I was lucky enough to start with Battle leader's charge, let's use it :)
Charging attack 1d20+12
damage [roll0]
AC for the next round: 21
Granted Maneuvers:
End of surprise round : Foehammer, Crusader's Strike
end of round 1: douse the flames
end of round 2: bonecrusher
end of round 3: reset

2009-01-03, 02:01 PM

attack roll [roll0]

2009-01-10, 02:27 PM

Gix springs into a stance at Kendrik's sudden warning. She spies a glint of metal and part of a furry face in the nearby foliage. She prepares for one of her most trusty attack methods, raising her free hand and pressing her small clawed fingers together; the Angry Viper Technique.

"Enemies in the brush, my lord!" she shrieks at Maekrix in Draconic, and she makes for the nearest foe. "Hyaaa!"

I run at the top hobgoblin on the left side. I activate my Dodge for +1 AC against this foe.

AC against attacks of opportunity: 29
AC against ranged attacks: 26
AC against specific hobgoblin I'm fighting: 25
AC against other hobgoblins: 24

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Angry Viper Technique:
I inflict piercing damage and do 2 points of CON damage. Hobgoblin must make Fortitude throw DC 17 or is stunned for one round. (Do I round my character level up for this? If so DC 18).

2009-01-11, 02:41 AM

Maekrix stops scratching back slowly, almost as if he didn't hear Gix and Kendrick's alarmed cries. He raises the pick into the air, looking around him with prying eyes at the bushes. Uncertain of how dire the threat and placing great trust within his bodyguard and friends, he murmurs a few words of calm piousness to Kurtulmak to begin with.

In draconic: "Patron mine, see to it our friends keep their calm."

BLESS Cast. +1 to Attacks and Saves vs Fear.