View Full Version : Eye for an Eye: OOTS-style webcomic.

2008-12-29, 05:23 PM
Yes, I know there's more OOTS-style webbycoms then there are humans on this earth. But bear with me.
I'm not really going by DnD rules and such here. I'll make up races, abilities, weapons, classes---you name it, I want it, it exists.
UPDATE #0. First two characters added.
UPDATE #1. Added Algol.
UPDATE #2. Added Talon.
UPDATE #3. Added Phosphor.
UPDATE #4. Added Beige Dragon.
UPDATE #5. Added David.
UPDATE #6. Added Fetter.
Heroes Kilconey.
Kilconey Ochreblade.
Race: Arisnic
Class: Greyguard (it's like Swashbuckler meets Bard.)
Weapon: Sabre
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Bio: Kilconey has worked as a blade-for-hire since he started his career. Several years ago, he went on an assignment with another hired soldier, Greinel Rensin. However, Greinel turned on him shortly after the mission. The two fought---Kilconey nearly lost an eye, while his foe was less fortunate. He left Greinel there, showing unusual mercy.

He now is part of a group questing through the oddly-named Third Dungeon in search of the Crimson Shard, a powerful artifact stolen years ago from the Silden family (the family of his group's leader, David Silden).

Kilconey is good, but not always very nice---he is rather cynical. He focuses more on destroying evil than actively promoting goodness. He has become the close companion of Phosphor Terma, the group's fire-witch.
Abilities: Decent strength, but excels most in ability and speed.
Phosphor. Phosphor Terma.
Race: Human
Class: Fire-Witch
Weapon: Has a dagger, but relies more on magic.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Bio: Phosphor Terma, "Phossy" to those who know her well, is a wanderer. She's been at it since her teens.
She is a fire-witch, a spellcaster focusing mostly on incendiary and destructive spells. Naturally, she's a bit of a loner.
She's been drafted into the party of David Silden, an adventurer seeking an artifact stolen from his family.

Phosphor is a rather quiet, unobtrusive person. She's not the one to shout at others---mostly. Sometimes a bit too much pressure causes her to explode.
Abilities: Proficient in fiery and/or destructive magic. Immune to fire, heat, and smoke.
David.David Silden.
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Weapon: The Coilbow, a spring-powered alternative to a crossbow.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Bio: David Silden was 15 when he learned about the Crimson Shard, an artifact stolen from his family. For six years, he trained like mad to be prepared to take it back.
In a tavern in his town, he gathered together an Arisnic Greyguard, a fire-witch, and a halfling cleric for his adventuring party.

David is flashy and a showoff. He will go out of his way to look cool, especially at the risk of danger. He's a good guy by all means, but naive and with an ego that is at critical mass.
Abilities: David is proficient at stealth and sharpshooting.

Fetter.Fetter Birchroot.
Race: Halfling
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Weapon: Clerical spells, holy mace.
Bio: Fetter has always been the misfit---a hairless halfling.
He became a cleric of the halfling Earth/Underworld god Urogalan as soon as he could.
Recently, he was hired as the cleric of David Silden's party.

Fetter is pessimistic and bad-humored, yet seldom makes any facial expression. Despite this, he is truly good inside. His surly demeanor and Kilconey's wry wit make them on good terms with each other.
Abilities: Clerical magic, mostly healing. Can call upon the force of Earth.
Greinel Rensin.
Race: Arisnic
Class: Warlord/Sorcerer
Weapon: Wrist-blade Gauntlet (the blade retracts completely, and snaps out in an instant.) and Deadlight (sorcerous eye replacement)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Bio: He worked as a mercenary for a while, until that fateful mission with Kilconey. He turned on his fellow Arisnic and tried to kill him for the sake of profit---not having to divide the money.
He met his match in Kilconey, who left with a semicolon-shaped scar by his eye. Greinel lost his own eye, and was left alive.

He was quick to rebound from this; he left the blade-for-hire business and soon fell into control of a goblin cleric and a death knight; the three quickly took over a tribe of goblins, and began raising a vast army. His current state of affairs is unknown...

Greinel's left eye has been replaced with a Deadlight, a sorcerous device that works as an eye and can also see over distances, see in darkness, and penetrate weak illusions. It also is rumored to have an ability called the Deadgaze.

Greinel is a pitiless and sadistic villain. He is sometimes impatient, usually saying "Less talking, more unspeakable violence." Few things surprise him anymore. He has little or no regard for others' lives, including those of his troops. The only people whose well-being concerns him are himself, his cleric Talon, and his death knight Algol.

Abilities: Besides being a devastating melee combatant, Greinel is a powerful sorcerer (because of a strange artifact he wears upon his armor) who wreaks havok up close. All in all, he is a truly nasty piece of work.
Race: Undead Human
Class: Death Knight
Weapon: A massive Dark Starmetal Scimitar
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Bio: Not much is known about Algol's life (as opposed to his unlife). It is known that he was a powerful Antipaladin who, alongside a goblin cleric named Talon, was fighting for control of a large goblin tribe. When a certain Greinel Rensin stepped in, the trio were well on their way to leadership. With both the warlord/sorcerer and the cleric at his back, Algol went out, slaughtered half the enemy troops by himself, and rather made a point of dying.

He then became the death knight known as Algol. While the remaining enemy forces were busy gloating over his death, he waded into them and carved them to mincemeat.

Algol is very... enthusiastic about battle. He revels in killing things, and is the brute force behind Greinel's legions. A strong general in the heat of battle, he prefers to be right in the front line, where his huge scimitar can cleave through his foes. His other hand, his spellcasting one, is armored in bloodstained steel.

Abilities: Very strong and fast. Resilient as a lump of iron. Can cast close-range fire spells and instill fear in others.
Race: Goblin
Class: Cleric
Weapon: Magic, metal hand.
Alignment: Lawful evil.
Bio: A powerful cleric, he was able to take over a tribe of goblins with the aid of Algol and the leadership of Greinel.
He lost a hand in battle and now has a metal replacement; this allows him to hold his own in melee, including his formidable Mortal Grasp (in which he jams his hand into one's ribcage and tears at their heart) and deflect weapons. However, he is most effective at a distance, healing and buffing allies and blighting foes.

Talon is a stickler for details and can get too caught-up in them at times. He is the tactical force behind the legions, planning this and that. He mostly believes that the fighting is best left to the fighters, and the clerics are better off not bothering with that.

Abilities: Metal hand allows for Mortal Grasp attack. Powerful clerical spells.
Beige Dragon Beige Dragon.
Race: Dragon.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Bio: This dragon only fits in the Villain category because he hangs out with them. He's a pretty nice guy, and doesn't really do... anything. He makes laziness an art form.
Abilities: Incredibly tough hide deflects blades. Very strong and fast, but rarely cares to use these abilities. His breath weapons remain unknown...

2008-12-29, 05:51 PM
The hero's eyes seem to big..but then, it's a race I don't know so...ok.
But when a hand is closed around a weapons handle, it doesn't show the OOTS style 'fist', just look at your own avatar for example.

2008-12-29, 06:06 PM
The hero's eyes seem to big..but then, it's a race I don't know so...ok.
But when a hand is closed around a weapons handle, it doesn't show the OOTS style 'fist', just look at your own avatar for example.
1. The Arisnic race has large eyes.
2. I'm doing things a bit differently from the normal style.

2008-12-29, 06:11 PM
1. The Arisnic race has large eyes.
2. I'm doing things a bit differently from the normal style.

Well then technically it's not OotS style then. :smalltongue:

But seriously, keep going! OotS isn't the only style you can draw stick figures in, and other styles make a refreshing change on this board.
Any idea when we can expect Comic #1?

2008-12-29, 06:21 PM
Well then technically it's not OotS style then. :smalltongue:

But seriously, keep going! OotS isn't the only style you can draw stick figures in, and other styles make a refreshing change on this board.
Any idea when we can expect Comic #1?
Er... I have no idea.
You can, however, expect a bunch of characters added in the following days. Such as Algol (I like that better than Vikor) the death-knight, whose unrealistically-huge scimitar I'm working on now.

2008-12-29, 06:44 PM
Love the art style :D

2008-12-30, 12:57 PM
Added Algol, the death-knight who swings a preposterous scimitar.
And Talon, the goblin cleric whose left hand is, you guessed it, replaced with metal talons. No, he's not going to be a Redcloak knockoff. I hope. I might put an earring on him or something.
Added another goodie, Phosphor.

2008-12-30, 01:00 PM
Oooo I like the art style. :smallbiggrin:

2008-12-31, 12:56 PM
Yes, he kinda is EFAE's version of the MITD. But no, he's not a direct ripoff. He's more focused on a lack of doing... anything... than being childish.
That's why I drew him sitting like that, with his tail curled and his arms folded. He sits.
A lot.

2008-12-31, 01:34 PM
You got that from one of the giants extras comics! :smallannoyed:


Infact Talon and the skeleton guy look like Xykon and redcloak! :smallannoyed:

Plus his starmetal sword is copied to! Besides, it would way alot! Copycat. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0297.html)

2008-12-31, 01:47 PM
You got that from one of the giants extras comics! :smallannoyed:


Infact Talon and the skeleton guy look like Xykon and redcloak! :smallannoyed:

Plus his starmetal sword is copied to! Besides, it would way alot! Copycat. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0297.html)
Au contraire. Though Talon does look a lot like Redcloak, I have no intention of making him act the same. In fact, Talon's mannerisms would seem more like V.
And Algol isn't a Xykon-copy. He's closer to the Death Knight that was used in the siege on Azure City. And I did say dark starmetal. It's as light as regular steel, but it's more awesome. Anyway, Algol's inhumanly strong.
And the Beige Dragon, yeah. The concept was copied, but the character's mannerisms are my idea.
In short, jumping to conclusions and making accusations is a great way to be proven wrong.

2008-12-31, 02:03 PM
You said his manerisms were like mitd. Copieing V's personality is still copieing. Same with the death night concept. *little gngster kid runs over and shouts* OWNED! :smallconfused:

Me: Who are you?

Gangster: I'm pauly.

Me: Go away Pauley.

Pauley: Yes sir.

2008-12-31, 02:07 PM
You said his manerisms were like mitd. Copieing V's personality is still copieing. Same with the death night concept. *little gngster kid runs over and shouts* OWNED! :smallconfused:

Me: Who are you?

Gangster: I'm pauly.

Me: Go away Pauley.

Pauley: Yes sir.
1. Find where I said that his mannerisms were like MITD's. Quote it. Otherwise, wrong.
2. Did I say "Talon's personality will be exactly like V's." at all? No. I said it would be more like V's than like Redcloak's.
3. Having a death knight is not copying. If he acted just like Xykon's DK, rode a skeletal horse, etc, that would be copying. And I gave him an original backstory.

Again, you're jumping to conclusions.
And typing badly.

2008-12-31, 02:12 PM
What's EFEA?

2008-12-31, 02:12 PM
Well, to be fair, from your descriptions, Greinel does sound like Xykon, Algol does look and sound like the death knight from OOTS, Talon does look and sound like Redcloak, and the Beige Dragon definitely sounds like the MitD.

However, there's no reason to not give you the benefit of the doubt until we can rely on actual comics to judge your characters instead of just your descriptions.

That's just my 2 cents. No reason to argue about a comic that hasn't even started yet.

2008-12-31, 02:14 PM
Wow that sounded.... Wow. :smalleek:

2008-12-31, 02:14 PM
What's EFEA?
Eye For An Eye.
It's an acronym.

Part of me thinks, "Well, he seems to have stopped incorrectly calling me out for 'copying'."
The other part thinks, "No such luck."

2008-12-31, 02:16 PM
Wow that sounded.... Wow. :smalleek:

Uh...yes? :smallconfused:

Anyway, I was just trying to defuse the situation a little.

2008-12-31, 02:19 PM
My brain hurts!

2008-12-31, 02:32 PM
Well, to be fair, from your descriptions, Greinel does sound like Xykon, Algol does look and sound like the death knight from OOTS, Talon does look and sound like Redcloak, and the Beige Dragon definitely sounds like the MitD.

However, there's no reason to not give you the benefit of the doubt until we can rely on actual comics to judge your characters instead of just your descriptions.

That's just my 2 cents. No reason to argue about a comic that hasn't even started yet.
Ah, I love the sweet scent of reasonableness.
Greinel. Yeah, he sounds like Xykon. He really isn't, at least not that much. Whereas Xykon's a wisecracking bone-bag, Greinel is more of a dour, humorless killer. In battle, the "sorcery" bit of him would be mostly Plan B stuff. If melee isn't going well, although it usually does for him, he'll whip out some lightning to soften 'em up.

Algol, yeah. He seems a lot like Xykon's Death Knight. Then again, I feel the DK was a great character who just didn't get enough on-panel-time. A typical thing will be Algol getting a bit confused or stuck on issues that don't involve killing stuff.

Talon... the moment you put a cloak on a goblin, a flock of squawking crows flies in and starts yammering on about "REDCLOAK COPY!"
Imagine him as both similar to V and as the opposite of Algol. Algol's fine if you're talking about death and combat, but gets stuck elsewhere. Talon's less concerned with the battle and more with his spells. He'll try a spell, it won't work as he planned, but it'll end up helping his forces in a different way; he'll be annoyed until someone reminds him that they benefited anyway. He doesn't think about the soldiers. He thinks of an army as one whole being.

Beigey. Well, it's natural for him to seem like MITD. That's just what many people are bound to think.
But he's different. He's not the childish, comical monster who doesn't know his own strength. He's the apathetic, sits-on-his-arse monster who knows his own strength and very rarely cares enough to use it. They have him guard a door, and he just sits in front of it and blocks it.

2008-12-31, 02:41 PM
Fair enough.

I'll still reserve judgement on similarities until actual comics are posted, though, as intention and execution don't always mesh perfectly.

Best of luck to ya, anyhow. Webcomickry is tough stuff.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-12-31, 02:44 PM
Webcomickry is tough stuff.

No it's not! It's easy! :smalltongue:

2008-12-31, 02:44 PM
Ah, I love the sweet scent of reasonableness.
Greinel. Yeah, he sounds like Xykon. He really isn't, at least not that much. Whereas Xykon's a wisecracking bone-bag, Greinel is more of a dour, humorless killer. In battle, the "sorcery" bit of him would be mostly Plan B stuff. If melee isn't going well, although it usually does for him, he'll whip out some lightning to soften 'em up.

Algol, yeah. He seems a lot like Xykon's Death Knight. Then again, I feel the DK was a great character who just didn't get enough on-panel-time. A typical thing will be Algol getting a bit confused or stuck on issues that don't involve killing stuff.

Talon... the moment you put a cloak on a goblin, a flock of squawking crows flies in and starts yammering on about "REDCLOAK COPY!"
Imagine him as both similar to V and as the opposite of Algol. Algol's fine if you're talking about death and combat, but gets stuck elsewhere. Talon's less concerned with the battle and more with his spells. He'll try a spell, it won't work as he planned, but it'll end up helping his forces in a different way; he'll be annoyed until someone reminds him that they benefited anyway. He doesn't think about the soldiers. He thinks of an army as one whole being.

Beigey. Well, it's natural for him to seem like MITD. That's just what many people are bound to think.
But he's different. He's not the childish, comical monster who doesn't know his own strength. He's the apathetic, sits-on-his-arse monster who knows his own strength and very rarely cares enough to use it. They have him guard a door, and he just sits in front of it and blocks it.

I am anticipating a good comic from you and well I see slight refernces betwwen the Oots characters and the EFREA(shouldn't it be either EFRE or AEFRAE?) characters.

2008-12-31, 02:48 PM
Fair enough.

I'll still reserve judgement on similarities until actual comics are posted, though, as intention and execution don't always mesh perfectly.

Best of luck to ya, anyhow. Webcomickry is tough stuff.
True dat.

I am anticipating a good comic from you and well I see slight refernces betwwen the Oots characters and the EFREA(shouldn't it be either EFRE or AEFRAE?) characters.
It's Eye For An Eye. Only one "an."

Incidentally, I sent Crimsonangel a little New Year's comic via PM. It involves him. A little. He's walking out in the first panel, with Kilconey yelling at him.
I suppose I'll just put it for everyone to see.

2008-12-31, 02:51 PM
Yeah, I saw that in the OOTS Style Art Showcase.

Looks good so far, although the speech bubbles do bother me a bit.

2008-12-31, 02:52 PM
Yeah, I saw that in the OOTS Style Art Showcase.

Looks good so far, although the speech bubbles do bother me a bit.
I'll probably tone that bit down a lot in the comics.

2008-12-31, 02:56 PM
No it's not! It's easy! :smalltongue:

Quality > Quantity, Q. :amused:

2008-12-31, 02:57 PM
Ooooo, Buuuurrrrn.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-12-31, 02:59 PM
Quality > Quantity, Q. :amused:

Dosen't change the fact that it's easy.

2008-12-31, 02:59 PM
You got that from one of the giants extras comics! :smallannoyed:

Infact Talon and the skeleton guy look like Xykon and redcloak! :smallannoyed:

Plus his starmetal sword is copied to! Besides, it would way alot! Copycat. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0297.html)

Hypocrisy overload!

2008-12-31, 03:04 PM
Hypocrisy over-load!
At least I'm making up for my villains' similarities with my pretty original characters. I mean, a cynical sabre-wielder and a shy, reserved fire-witch? If anyone does have that, I haven't seen it.

2008-12-31, 03:09 PM
Thats because you made up the fire-witch thing.

2008-12-31, 03:11 PM
Thats because you made up the fire-witch thing.

How dare Beans be original by making stuff up!

2008-12-31, 03:11 PM
Thats because you made up the fire-witch thing.
My point exactly.

And Keris, expect more new ideas. For example, I mention David Silden being the party leader for the goodies. Yeah, he's got a weird sorta weapon I made up myself.

2008-12-31, 03:17 PM
@CrimsonAngel, I don't mean to be rude or cruel but I personally don't think that your comic's very original. It's extremely similar to OotS.

2008-12-31, 09:32 PM
@CrimsonAngel, I don't mean to be rude or cruel but I personally don't think that your comic's very original. It's extremely similar to OotS.
I remember seeing one strip in which, I kid you not, a the hero's limbs didn't change position at all.
Oh, did I forget to mention that that's the one in which he slices a villain in half?

EDIT: Added another character. The Good cleric. And no, he is not a Durkon ripoff. Or a Belkar ripoff.
And David is not a Haley ripoff. Or an Elan ripoff.

2008-12-31, 09:35 PM
The rouge has nice clothes. :smallamused:

2008-12-31, 09:40 PM
David is flashy and a showoff.

How could he not be? He has a gun that fires arrows! :smalltongue:

2008-12-31, 09:40 PM
The rouge has nice clothes. :smallamused:
Spelling. :{D
Yeah. It's like Elan's outfit, but... green.

How could he not be? He has a gun that fires arrows! :smalltongue:
It's more of a crossbow wearing a gun costume. :\

2008-12-31, 09:43 PM
How could he not be? He has a gun that fires arrows! :smalltongue:

We had something to that effect in Pop:Zero wielded by Kilzu the Imp. It was a cross between a crossbow and a shotgun :smallbiggrin:

2008-12-31, 09:46 PM
We had something to that effect in Pop:Zero wielded by Kilzu the Imp. It was a cross between a crossbow and a shotgun :smallbiggrin:
Ugh. What happened? The back of my throat tastes like... Bruce Willis quotes.

Anyway, I've now got the whole adventuring party and the whole villain crew up. Alriiiiiiight.

2008-12-31, 09:54 PM
It's more of a crossbow wearing a gun costume. :\

A hollow metal tube containing a powerful helical spring used to project a bolt. Reloading would be difficult, you would need some sort of ratchet, so it would only really be a one shot weapon. Or you could use magic.

The fletching could benefit from a reinforcement strut at the end, and similar struts (possibly additional fletching as well) closer to the head to stabilise it in the barrel. These struts could also be mounted in rifled grooves on the barrel's inside, increasing accuracy, provided the fletchings were kept to a minimum to reduce air resistance while spinning.

EDIT: Actually, the rifling needed for an bolt to remain stable would have too large a twist rate to be practical. Better to leave the fletchings on, and have straight grooves. Lower accuracy, but the bolt is less likely to tumble in flight.

2008-12-31, 10:11 PM
Sooooo freakin technical.

2008-12-31, 10:28 PM
A hollow metal tube containing a powerful helical spring used to project a bolt. Reloading would be difficult, you would need some sort of ratchet, so it would only really be a one shot weapon. Or you could use magic.

The fletching could benefit from a reinforcement strut at the end, and similar struts (possibly additional fletching as well) closer to the head to stabilise it in the barrel. These struts could also be mounted in rifled grooves on the barrel's inside, increasing accuracy, provided the fletchings were kept to a minimum to reduce air resistance while spinning.

EDIT: Actually, the rifling needed for an bolt to remain stable would have too large a twist rate to be practical. Better to leave the fletchings on, and have straight grooves. Lower accuracy, but the bolt is less likely to tumble in flight.
Well, you see that grey bit at the end of the coilbow? It contains a magic force that ratchets back the spring. The rate of fire is decent, but not zippity-fast.
Also, I may take all that you've said and somehow give it as lines to Talon. He'd be talking about how the coilbow works (dunno why he'd start) and he'd just get stared at.

2008-12-31, 10:36 PM
Well, you see that grey bit at the end of the coilbow? It contains a magic force that ratchets back the spring. The rate of fire is decent, but not zippity-fast.
The time it takes him so simply drop another bolt down the barrel prevents it from being "zippity-fast". Just sayin'.

Also, I may take all that you've said and somehow give it as lines to Talon. He'd be talking about how the coilbow works (dunno why he'd start) and he'd just get stared at.

By all means do so. I may do some rough calculations to work out what twist rate would be needed to stabilise the bolts fired from the Coilbow.

2008-12-31, 10:47 PM
The time it takes him so simply drop another bolt down the barrel prevents it from being "zippity-fast". Just sayin'.
Er... crap, how do I twist this to make it easy for me to be lazy...
Ah. Magic teleports arrows from his quiver to a compartment just below the barrel. After each shot, when the spring is cocked back, that arrow moves into firing position.

2008-12-31, 10:49 PM
How'd he afford that gun.... /crossbow?

2008-12-31, 10:55 PM
How'd he afford that gun.... /crossbow?
Eh... built for him by a family friend. Or something.

2008-12-31, 11:01 PM
So the relative was a spellcaster AND capable of building Uber powerful magical GUNS.

2008-12-31, 11:06 PM
So the relative was a spellcaster AND capable of building Uber powerful magical GUNS.
1. I haven't really decided who made it. Maybe several people one of whom was a spellcaster.
2. It's not uber-powerful, and it's not a gun. It's just a better version of a crossbow.

2008-12-31, 11:10 PM
So the relative was a spellcaster AND capable of building Uber powerful magical GUNS.

Like you never heard about Artificiers...

2008-12-31, 11:11 PM
Er... crap, how do I twist this to make it easy for me to be lazy...
Ah. Magic teleports arrows from his quiver to a compartment just below the barrel. After each shot, when the spring is cocked back, that arrow moves into firing position.

We never see Haley draw an arrow from her quiver either. In a single panel she can have fired a pair of arrows, and drawn back another. So don't sweat it.

@CrimsonAngel: It's a heavy crossbow with a magic device to make reloading a move action. Not exactly über-powered.

2009-01-02, 05:58 PM
Like you never heard about Artificiers...
Yeah, or that. But I've got a valid-ish excuse in that I know absolutely squat about DnD. All I know about it is stuff I gleaned from OOTS and some glances at Wikipedia.

Yeah, it's not as compelling as, say, the battle for Azure City, but it's the first of possibly many. So bear with me.

2009-01-02, 06:50 PM

Teeth! :smalltongue:
Not many artists bother with those.

A couple of comments, (on the artwork, it's a bit too early to comment on the plotline:smalltongue:) if you merge the speech bubbles with their tails (Union tool in Inkscape, Ctrl+Shift+=), you make them into one shape, which can improve their appearance. Also, I would move the smudges on Phosphor's face to below the eyes.

2009-01-04, 12:18 PM
Teeth! :smalltongue:
Not many artists bother with those.

A couple of comments, (on the artwork, it's a bit too early to comment on the plotline:smalltongue:) if you merge the speech bubbles with their tales (Union tool in Inkscape, Ctrl+Shift+=), you make them into one shape, which can improve their appearance. Also, I would move the smudges on Phosphor's face to below the eyes.
Will do. Since I'm a busy bugger, I'll get right on #2.


2009-01-04, 12:36 PM

Phospor's arm doesn't move when she casts fireball...
Other than that, nice work on the fight scene.

Also I am intrigued by your method of bumping threads, seemingly without posting. I will have to look into it, should I ever start my own comic.

2009-01-04, 01:14 PM
Phospor's arm doesn't move when she casts fireball...
Other than that, nice work on the fight scene.

Also I am intrigued by your method of bumping threads, seemingly without posting. I will have to look into it, should I ever start my own comic.
It relies on post-deletion.
If you were the last poster, you go to the edit box. After copying everything you said in that post, you delete it. You then post it again, and add anything you like.
EDIT: Yes, Phossy's arm doesn't move. The idea was that her arm was already up and in position. Or something.
MOAR EDIT: Feel the power of the DRP (Delete/RePost) Bump.

2009-01-04, 01:19 PM
Yeah, I figured out how you must be doing it, it just provoked a couple of "WTF? I thought they'd posted." reactions.:smalltongue:

2009-01-04, 01:38 PM
Lols. Yes.
Anyway, I think the characterization of Talon is just starting to emerge here.