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View Full Version : Looking for an RPG

2008-12-31, 05:43 PM
Are there any decent RPGs set in the modern day-near future? I've only ever really heard of D20 modern, but I'd like something with more of a point buy, where combat with guns stays lethal. I did like the flexibility of modern, where you could play a realistic campaign, cyberpunk-esque, fight aliens, zombies, etc. and that's a flexibility I'd like the setting to keep if possible, though that might be asking for too much. So, for example, I wouldn't be interested in Vampire, since, though it's technically modern, is pretty narrow in scope. I'm also not big on systems with a lot of rules for roleplaying, though this isn't necessarily a deal breaker. Thanks in advance.

2008-12-31, 05:47 PM
I would suggest GURPS and you create the campaign yourself.

Tadanori Oyama
2008-12-31, 05:48 PM
Play a modern setting of GURPS. Point based, guns can kill.

2008-12-31, 05:50 PM
Ah, I forgot to mention GURPS. I do know about that, but was wondering if there's something else out there, something a bit more focused.

Tadanori Oyama
2008-12-31, 05:56 PM
Most games I know that focus on modern times play down the lethality of guns because their so prevalent.

You could try Call of Cthulu and just not use the mythos monsters.

2008-12-31, 06:04 PM
I second (third, fourth, whatever) GURPS. It fits anywhere.

Beyond the time period, what are you looking for? For a horror campaign, for example, I'd recommend Cthulu. For a superhero game you can't do better than M&M.

The strength of GURPS is that it works for anywhere, anywhen, any style. But if you have a certain genre in mind, a game specifically designed to emulate that genre might have a more authentic feel to it.

2008-12-31, 07:26 PM
Shadowrun? Fantasy + Cyberpunk. Combat is deadly if guns are involved. In fact, combat is deadly full stop and if you get into combat, you aren't playing the game right. It's pretty fun if you like tactics and planning

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-12-31, 08:00 PM
This is probably not the flavor you're looking for but there is the D20 Spycraft.

Edit: OK, this is probably the opposite of what you're looking for. Never mind. :smallredface:

2008-12-31, 08:02 PM
I haven't played it, but I would at least consider trying Twilight 2013.

2008-12-31, 08:27 PM
Try True20.
It is still a d20 system, but it is everything that d20 could have been if not for dnd. It is superb for modern styled games, hell it's superb for any styled games. And combat can be very lethal.

2008-12-31, 08:28 PM
Are there any decent RPGs set in the modern day-near future? I've only ever really heard of D20 modern, but I'd like something with more of a point buy, where combat with guns stays lethal. I did like the flexibility of modern, where you could play a realistic campaign, cyberpunk-esque, fight aliens, zombies, etc. and that's a flexibility I'd like the setting to keep if possible, though that might be asking for too much.Here's a few point buy systems for you to look at:
- Witchcraft (free on Eden Studio's site (http://www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html)) is a modern horror / supernatural setting.
- Savage Worlds (test drive is available from Pinnacle (http://peginc.com/downloads.html)) is a heroic / pulp action game.
- Shadowrun (not sure who publishes it anymore) is a post modern cyber-fantasy.

For non point buy systems you might look at True 20 (from Green Ronin (http://true20.com/)), a cut down and gritty version of d20.

2008-12-31, 08:41 PM
I second (third, fourth, whatever) GURPS. It fits anywhere.

Beyond the time period, what are you looking for? For a horror campaign, for example, I'd recommend Cthulu. For a superhero game you can't do better than M&M.

The strength of GURPS is that it works for anywhere, anywhen, any style. But if you have a certain genre in mind, a game specifically designed to emulate that genre might have a more authentic feel to it.

I don't have anything super specific right now, I just find myself delving more and more intrigued with the modern world as far as adventure ideas. It isn't necessarily horror that I'm looking for, but something that I could turn into horror relatively easily if I wanted to. I mean, DnD isn't horror, but I could easily stick everyone in a graveyard or a crypt and put in a bunch of sneaky monsters or what have you. As I said, I'm looking for something very flexible. (Yes, yes, I know, GURPS. I would prefer that there is less work for me, though. Don't get me wrong, I'm not discounting it, I just like to get a wide sampling of systems.)

This would just be ideal, though. Really, I'd like to know about any RPG's set in the modern world that aren't designed to do just one sort of adventure. (i.e. Vampire, All Flesh Must be Eaten, Cthulu, etc.) I mean, heck, partially I'm just curious to see what's out there.

2009-01-01, 12:11 AM
I haven't played it, but I would at least consider trying Twilight 2013.

You'd have to expend enormous effort to fit it for anything very far into the future (and way more for anything fantastic), although cyberpunk would definitely be doable. Now, for early 21st-century apocalyptic survival or military action from the beginning of the 20th century onward, you can't beat Twilight 2013. (Sorry, TW2K, you're antiquated!)

They're working on a release of the generic version of the system, though, apparently. But it's still going to be a game made by and for soldiers and gun-fondlers. (Which is why it rocks at what it's supposed to do.)

Witchcraft / Unisystem is excellent. It's easily as flexible as GURPS, but simpler. You can do cyberpunk, SF, fantasy, medieval, zombies, whatever you like, and mash it all up if you want. (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, which uses the exact same system - Unisystem! - involves all those genres, and you can easily remove zombies from the equation, although then something like 25-50% of the content of the sourcebooks will go to waste.)

2009-01-01, 05:28 AM
You should probably try the games of the Unisystem line, lke the already mentioned Witchcraft, All Flesh Must Be Eaten or, which seems the best-suited system for you, Armageddon. The rules are easily adaptable and simililarly flexible to the Gurps rules - there aren't nearly as many options, but the system is much less complex.
Armageddon, as a a specific game deals with the war between humanity, heaven, hell etc. on the one side against the cthuluoid Elder Gods on the other side.

This would just be ideal, though. Really, I'd like to know about any RPG's set in the modern world that aren't designed to do just one sort of adventure. (i.e. Vampire, All Flesh Must be Eaten, Cthulu, etc.) I mean, heck, partially I'm just curious to see what's out there.

All Flesh is not that limited in its possibilities; it is mostly a very flexible universal system with attached zombies. Because everything is better with zombies (and explosions). I use AFMBE conversions for the grittier D20 settings like Dark Sun and Midnight and for this purpose, Dungeons&Zombies are a much better game than the originally intended sets of rules; we played campaigns with it which were based on Aliens vs. Predator (the computer games, not the crappy movies), and I know of another group who played a classic vampire hunter campaign with it.

2009-01-01, 05:57 AM
Although I mentioned it to you before when we were discussing what we'd roleplay(And I assure you, that game is still in mind once everyone returns from the break), Alternity has rules set up for modern level of play. The system runs on progress levels, and though the game I was thinking for that would be higher, I've run a few successful games using the system for just normal people on earth(well, if you count a a couple of CIA/NSA Operatives each specializing in different things, a biologist and a chemist normal).

The bad news is, Alternity is out of print.

2009-01-01, 06:49 AM
You should probably try the games of the Unisystem line, lke the already mentioned Witchcraft, All Flesh Must Be Eaten or, which seems the best-suited system for you, Armageddon. The rules are easily adaptable and simililarly flexible to the Gurps rules - there aren't nearly as many options, but the system is much less complex.
Armageddon, as a a specific game deals with the war between humanity, heaven, hell etc. on the one side against the cthuluoid Elder Gods on the other side.

All Flesh is not that limited in its possibilities; it is mostly a very flexible universal system with attached zombies. Because everything is better with zombies (and explosions). I use AFMBE conversions for the grittier D20 settings like Dark Sun and Midnight and for this purpose, Dungeons&Zombies are a much better game than the originally intended sets of rules; we played campaigns with it which were based on Aliens vs. Predator (the computer games, not the crappy movies), and I know of another group who played a classic vampire hunter campaign with it.

That's actually very good to know. A friend of mine had once used it to run a zombie campaign, and I never learned the rules very well (which is rather uncharacteristic of me, but I had been GMing a lot and was tired of doing work at the time). I just kind of assumed that it was zombie focused, but I'll definitely take a look at it with this in mind.

Although I mentioned it to you before when we were discussing what we'd roleplay(And I assure you, that game is still in mind once everyone returns from the break), Alternity has rules set up for modern level of play. The system runs on progress levels, and though the game I was thinking for that would be higher, I've run a few successful games using the system for just normal people on earth(well, if you count a a couple of CIA/NSA Operatives each specializing in different things, a biologist and a chemist normal).

The bad news is, Alternity is out of print.

I thought this was the case, but I couldn't quite remember. The out of print thing is indeed a bit of a bummer, though. As an aside, this isn't actually for anything I plan on doing sooner than the far future. This is just the sort of thing I like to think about, and I find myself having time to think now that I'm on break.

2009-01-01, 01:09 PM
How about Over the Edge? It's rules-light, so it can fit just about any setting you want. Firearms are extremely lethal - IIRC, minimum damage from a rifle is 10, with most characters having only 14 hp (the built-in setting has criminalized all firearms to prevent the average character from toting them).

And there's plenty of room for weirdness - in my (admittedly limited) experience with the game, I've played/encountered/read about a mad scientist with an Iron Man-style suit, a medical experiment gone horribly wrong, a Wiccan with real magic, genetically-engineered weirdos, vampires, and aliens.

2009-01-01, 01:28 PM
Are there any decent RPGs set in the modern day-near future? I've only ever really heard of D20 modern, but I'd like something with more of a point buy, where combat with guns stays lethal. I did like the flexibility of modern, where you could play a realistic campaign, cyberpunk-esque, fight aliens, zombies, etc. and that's a flexibility I'd like the setting to keep if possible, though that might be asking for too much. So, for example, I wouldn't be interested in Vampire, since, though it's technically modern, is pretty narrow in scope. I'm also not big on systems with a lot of rules for roleplaying, though this isn't necessarily a deal breaker. Thanks in advance.

What's wrong with just altering the setting of whatever you're already playing?

If not, Angel (the Cinematic, rather than Classic strand of Unisystem) could work well for anything with weird powers. If you want to make it grittier, control or even remove the Drama Point mechanic.

There's also Conspiracy X for Classic Unisystem which covers weird stuff in a less cinematic fashion.

2009-01-01, 01:36 PM
What's wrong with just altering the setting of whatever you're already playing?

Because while the changed setting might fit, the rules will be bad at reflecting it.

2009-01-01, 01:44 PM
Generic World of Darkness. You can bring in or homebrew any "fantasy"-oriented enemy you want, or pit humans against each other with no difficulty at all.

2009-01-01, 02:00 PM
If you're just hunting for available options then I'll recommend Fading Suns (http://www.fading-suns.com/). The setting is, at its core, a space opera, BUT it offers a lot of options for low-tech adventures, and if you throw out the mystical/magical bits and all technology above T4, I'd suspect it would be easy to adapt to a modern-day campaign. And without power armor, personal shields and all that, combat can get quite lethal quite fast.

2009-01-01, 02:22 PM
I would use Fudge, one of the character creation systems is point based, and guns are lethal by default, plus its a pretty simple system without much work involved, and highly, highly flexible. And its free online (http://www.fudgerpg.com/).

2009-01-01, 03:03 PM
What's wrong with just altering the setting of whatever you're already playing?

I suppose nothing, but I still like collecting as much information on things as possible. As I said, this is partially for curiosities sake and partially just to see what's out there. Also, I haven't been playing much recently, but what I'm "already playing" is basically DnD, and I've already mentioned why that doesn't work for me. I actually do like D20 modern/future as far as toolbox and setting go, but for some reason I mind much more when people are surviving getting shot a buncha times than when they're in a fantasy environment.

2009-01-02, 09:22 AM
JAGS generic, point based, free, good IMHO (http://www.jagsrpg.org/)

witchcraft, good system, the corebook is a free download, if you want mundane modern just ignore the magic rules, http://www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft.

Mutants & mastermind; technically a superhero game, practically it can be used for almost anything.

fudge/fate, universal, free. http://www.fudgerpg.com/products.html

modern20. I didn't read it yet, but it is worth mentioning, it is a unofficial remake of modern 20 by rpgobjects. From what I've heard it looks interesting.