View Full Version : Manifest Destiny V 2.1 Status thread.

2009-01-04, 04:59 PM
Here's the status thread for Manifest Destiny. Post your faction with all your relevant details below, in the following format:



Species description and traits

Faction name

Faction description, values and traits


What all your boni/penalties work out to


1 spoiler for each region with all its vital statistics


Military disposition of all units; spoilered for secrecy.

2009-01-04, 08:25 PM
Deep Blue
I'll try to finish the formatting later.


Lacaran are amphibians resembling a kind of cross between bipedal frogs and salamanders that generally populate coastlines, small islands and river beds. These three area's each contain a slightly different subrace. Coastal Lacarans tend to have a somewhat dull, sand colored skin generally roughened with small black eyes. Island Lacarans tend to be somewhat spotted in their complexion, similar to seals, though their skins are equally rough. River dwelling Lacarans aquire a greenish hue to their skin as they mature. No matter their subrace all Lacarans have webbed powerful legs and short, flexible arms.

An offshoot of the River Lacarans, Deep Lacarans are almost completely different in mindset. Their oceanic heritage far in the past, they have become impulsive, but even more intelligent. Whereas normal Lacarans will work everything through before moving on, a Deep Lacaran's mind is always active. They'll remember some random piece of trivia from long ago and even drop what they're doing before it's half done to work on their next harebrained idea.

Nothing short of divine intervention could have created a whole race of ADD frogs.

Game Statistics

Flighty: May not research a technology past its second application until a breakthrough is made in the same branch 1 tier down. (3 bonus points)

Insomniacs: Military and Research Capacity are increased by 50%. +5 objective modifier, never surprised in combat. (3 points)

Intelligent: +20% research points, +4 objective modifier. (4 points)

Tactically Astute: +5 objective modifier. (1 point)

Deep Blue

Deep Blue is one of the major Lacaran factions. They operate on a caste system where each caste has a more or less equal value in society. There are four castes - the warriors, workers, engineers and scientists. Each caste elects eight Elders to the Council of Elders. Then the longest-standing member of the Council from each Caste becomes a Grandmaster, with the four Grandmasters jointly leading the nation for four years, then stepping down from the Council of Elders and having another Elder enter the Council and the process repeats. The Council of Elders functions as a group of advisors to the Grandmasters.

Additionally, the Deep Blue ambassadors and spokespeople are known as Karpovs.

Deep Blue Values

Unity (+1 point)

End the turn with all regions at the same positive level of happiness.

All regions are within 2 points of happiness, but not all are the same.

End the turn with any two regions 3 or more points of happiness apart.


Do not spend more improving any region than it gains in income that turn.

Spend more than one region's income on improving it, but less than 50% of your budget.

Spend more than 50% of your budget improving one region.

Favorite Technology Branch (Psionics)

Research a breakthrough or application in the Psionics branch. ((To Maldeim: Does this mean it must be completed or that I must spend money on it?))


Do not research a breakthrough or application in the Psionics branch.

Deep Blue Traits

Investors (3 points): Development level counts as 1 higher for determining income.

Because of the system where all classes are equal and work together, investment is highly encouraged across all boundaries.

Poor Traders (+2 points): For determining trade, resources are halved.

Because most of the money is invested inside of Deep Blue, there is less to invest in other places.

Hobbyists (3 points): 1/20 population is given as bonus research points per turn.

All citizens are encouraged to share their insights with one another, and the high intelligence of the Lacaran people mean that they can contribute to the scientists more often than not.

Studious (4 points): +10% research points, +2 objective modifier

Lacarans are incredibly intelligent, and this shows in their nation. It allows maximum coordination of all researchers.

Tactically Moronic (+2 points): -5 objective modifier

Even though Lacarans themselves have an innate grasp of tactics due to their high intelligence, their chain of command is highly convoluted and this delays the response time to a deadly situation, forcing soldiers to think on their feet and increasing the risk of casualties.


+1 development level for income
1/2 resources for trade
+30% research
6.5% of population in bonus research points (includes 30% bonus)
+11 objective modifier


National Capital

Capitol Level: 1

Espionage HQ Level:1

Location: Xanadu

Population: 250 Million Lacarans (10 points)

+25 million Lacarans (+1 point) next turn

Produced Research: 0.6 units [10 pop/20 * 1.2]

Happiness:+1 (Supportive)

No effects

No projected change

Development Level: 2

Next Level: $60T, 2 turns

Regional Resources: 8

Terraforming Level: 10

Regional Facilities List

Military Facility (Level 2)

Maximum Spending: $15T

Research Facility (Level 2)

Maximum Spending: $15T


No Fortifications

No Shipyard

Industrial Infrastructure: None

Next Level: Technology, $10T

Tax Rate:40%

Tax Inertia:0

Regional Income: $54T [(10 pop + 8 res + 0 infr) * (2 dev + 1 bonus)]

Available Trade: $8T [(4 res + 0 infr) * 2 dev]


Location: Xanadu

Population: 250 Million Lacarans (10 points)

+25 million Lacarans (+1 point) next turn

Produced Research: 0.6 units [10 pop/20 * 1.2]

Happiness:+1 (Supportive)

No effects

No projected change

Development Level: 2

Next Level: $60T, 2 turns

Regional Resources: 5

Terraforming Level: 10

Regional Facilities List

Military Facility (Level 1)

Maximum Spending: $7.5T

Research Facility (Level 2)

Maximum Spending: $15T


No Fortifications

No Shipyard

Industrial Infrastructure: None

Tax Rate: 40%

Tax Inertia: 0

Regional Income: $45T [(10 pop + 5 res + 0 infr) * (2 dev + 1 bonus)]

Available Trade: $5T [(2.5 res + 0 infr) * 2 dev]

Military: Since only Maldiem and I need to know, I won't post here as he has the link to my wiki.

2009-01-04, 08:28 PM
ere you go.


Appearance: The Skraal are highly evolved insects. Evolving lungs and a real circulatory system has allowed them to grow to a size of about one and a half meters in height and two meters in lenght for an adult individual. They are covered in light and flexible chitinous plates, with a harder endoskeleton, but no hard exteriour plates. Their colouring varies greatly between individuals and is inheritable.
Despite their insect ancestry, they have some characteristics more reminiscent of vertebrates: an endoskeleton, circulatory system, two arms capable of manipulating complex tools and, most important, four eyes, two of them large compound eyes on the sides of their heads, the other two situated in the middle of the face and resembling the lens-containing eyes of molluscs.

Species points:

2xFruitful (6): The Skraal are egg-laying and spread rapidly.
Voracious: (-3): The Skraal grow rapidly and need large amounts of food to survive.
Skewed Psyche (+Biology, +Psionics, -Computers) (3): The Skraal's first tools and buildings were made much the same way bees or ants build their nests: from body products of the Skraal workers. Even though they have long since incorporated other materials, their technological priorities reflect a certain tendency to favor biological tools.
Plodding (-1)[/QUOTE]


{table=head]Stats|Hive Krellith|Hive Cellirn
Development level|2|2
Tax Inertia|0|0
Military|1 infantry, 1 artillery |1 infantry, 1 artillery
growth rate|40|40


8 faction points



tech savy

2009-01-05, 04:48 AM
Mechanica, a well known community center within the city of Torque.



Clockwork is a Tonkant faction. While of Tonkant origin, their culture is different than that of the other Tonkant faction. Having different beliefs about marriage, genders and fashion, they do have similarities, such as a knack for copying the skills of others and a fondness of discovery and technology. While Tonkant may be called Tincans, the inhabitants of Clockwork are often called Clockworks. Even the Clockworks themselves use this, though Clockworkians is the official term. The main belief amongst the Clockworks is that the world should turn like a well oiled clockwork, where each are gears to make the clockwork work. Clockwork is open for negotiations with other factions.

Species Description

Name: Tonkant

Racial appearance: The Tonkant are an interesting race. Bipedal, they possess nearly all the features of the average humanoid body. What might surprise, however, is that tubes are sticking out of their spines by areas, wrapping around their body to enter through the front into other organs. The Tonkant are what could be called humans on constant life support. They are reliant on mechanical engineering to keep themselves living, moving, breathing, and they do it well. One could say that they are mechanically enhanced humanoids and that they have evolved towards a symbiosis of sorts with those mechanical parts. Their spine has adapted to fit the tubes in places, the lungs have gotten deeper into the thoracic cage towards the spine, and the spine itself has straightened in an attempt to ease the strain of these mechanical improvements to the body.

Their skin is a deep bronze, reflecting an unchanging blue pair of eyes. People that call them Tincans are generally mistaken as they believe them to be androids of sorts. In fact, the mechanical engineering is only operated on the young three years into their lives.

Racial Psyche: The Tonkant are a non-aggressive race. They enjoy secluding themselves and thrive in isolation. When provoked however, one must be prepared to face swift retaliation as they generally enjoy a relatively advanced technology.

A bit of Tonkant history:

Tonkants have been a fairly adaptive race. They have looked upon other races, took from them what they wanted and adapted technology and possible uses of it to their tastes. Tonkants are extremely hands on and enjoy discovering how things work. They are reputed to be extremely skilled in doing anything other species do, if not better, though it takes them slightly longer. Far from being detrimental to them, they have actually been able to spread technologies around and are a general tech-o-meter of the level on the planet.

No one really knows whether the Tonkants were ever a race rather than just humans experimented on. The Caretakers seem to have made them and possibly tested technology on them. Perhaps they are part of this great experience, or maybe they are simply humans looking to enhance themselves. The Tonkants are unphased by theories that concern them. They exist as a race, a people, and they damn well are gonna stay that way.

~Xeli, a short story of the Tonkants

Faction Description


Clockwork is ruled by nobility. The different families of are called Gears. There are bigger and smaller Gears, but the three biggest Gears have by far the most power. One of them is the ruling Gear in name, but the three Gears rule united, each taking on different aspects of Clockwork.

Gear Steam is the ruling Gear of Clockwork in name. Its main responsibilities lie with politics, trade and executive government. It is responsible for enforcing the law and dealing with day-to-day management. Gear Steam is sometimes referred to as the central Gear which turns in between Gear Tome and Gear Crane and makes the ruling Gears turn smoothly together.
Gear Tome is a Gear whose responsibilities lies in documenting and guiding research and education. Due to their rich knowledge and documentation experience they provide the legislature part of the government, creating and adjusting laws. Gear Tome looks over the research of other Gears, documents them and makes sure that useful research is applied in practise. A lot of libraries are possessed by Gear Tome.
Gear Crane has responsibilities over the judiciary, military and police power. It controls the military units of Clockwork and provides security for the public. Gear Crane is also the leader of several associations providing care for those in need.

There are many lesser Gears, but some of the more important or well known lesser Gears are described below.

Gear Alchemy: While several Gears work and control research, Gear Alchemy is one best known Gears in this field. This popularity is mostly because the greatest research projects are undertaken by Gear Alchemy.
Gear Blood: Gear Blood is known for the latest machinery meant for the body of the Tonkants in Clockwork. They provide new models and try to explore new and better applications of the machinery inside the Tonkants.
Gear Love: The Gear in charge of most marriages, but also known for its match-making services.


Clockwork Tonkant are mostly monogamous, feeling that a relationship is an important gear in the clockwork of life. Ideally, a couple fits with each other like two gears made to turn with each other perfectly. However, on what level this perfect turning should be has been quite debated. A number argue that this is meant for the societal level, while others argue that it is on the level of love and care. Most marriages are arranged and dating or courtship is not prevalent. Arranged marriages are considered the norm and young adults prefer them, or at least consider them an option to fall back upon. This allows people to be brought together who might otherwise not have met. However, it is heavily frowned upon to arrange a marriage where the participants can not get along. Some parents hire those of Gear Love for matchmaking, the same Gear that usually performs marriages.


Gender is not as important in Clockwork as with the other Tonkant faction. Every individual is considered a gear in the total clockwork and it does not matter whether you are male or female. However, due to influence of the other Tonkant faction and the history of Tonkants, there are some meagre remnants of stereotypes. Therefore, there are slightly more men than women taking care of children at home in Clockwork.


Fashion is not something to be followed. While it does change, this is simply because shopkeepers can only have so much in stock. Fashion should fit with your self and ideally, be practical too. Shopkeepers can have different wares between cities and while some do wear clothes and machinery temporary and change, they seek out things based on taste. Some even travel between cities to seek out new things that fit with their current mood and personality. Clothes tailor-made to fit the wearer are common. Fashion is a choice which allows for expression.
The machinery part of Tonkants in Clockwork needs to be maintained well and thus needs to be replaced too. The appearance of machinery differs and varies widely amongst the population, just like clothes. They are a means to express your self. Some adapt their machinery to be bold and evocative, covering parts of their body. Others try to limit their machinery and keep it small. In this way, some express their embrace of the mechanical, while others seek out their human side. However, most require at least one thing of their mechanical parts. It should not get in the way of normal movement.

This leads to hair length and styles varies between individuals, clothes are very diverse and even formal suits do not have a standard type. A party will show many different kinds of clothes, machinery and colours, though most Clockworks prefer colours that fit with the metal colour of their machinery. Practically all Clockworks have incorporated a watch in their machinery and some even add redundant turning gears for aesthetics. Fashion is so diverse that there is hardly any fashion specific to a gender. Pants and skirts, short hair or long hair, it is all are there for both genders. While fashion is not gender specific, they are occasion specific, meaning that there are different styles for the occasion, such as formal or casual situations. This is, however, just a style and there will always be plenty of diversity to be seen.

Values and Traits

Species Traits

Gullible (-3): Espionage Actions must be rolled (and succeeded on) twice to be effective.

Naval Force Wimps (-2): Naval units count as if one level lower.

CopyCats (10): Not exactly dumb, just not at all original. This species can't do anything they haven't already seen someone else do. But once they have seen it happen, beware. May not research anything that has not already been discovered by another faction. May research Mastery applications after another faction does so. Research already-known breakthroughs and Mastery applications at double the normal rate. Mutually Exclusive with Original.


Among the Tonkant of Clockwork, some things are considered important.

The Tonkant of Clockwork, being Tonkant, are good at finding out the purpose of mechanical things and reverse engineering. They have a fondness for technology in general and will eagerly copy research from others. Unfortunately, as they copy not just research but other things, it has led them to be a relatively gullible species. The Tonkant of Clockwork have partly realised this and value honesty. In the ruling Gears, Gear Tome especially values this, because lies, deceit and untruths are unwanted in their documentation.

Honesty (+1): With: Take no Espionage actions that are discovered this turn. Against: Take more than one espionage action that is discovered.

The Clockwork name of the faction does show the Clockworks view. Their faction should be a smooth running clockwork, with each of the gears running smoothly and united. This perhaps especially goes for the Gears, the noble families. They should cooperate appropriately for the Clockwork. When this cooperation goes well and all Clockworks work united, they work like a well oiled machine. If there is disruption, no united spirit and gears being attuned to each other, the whole Clockwork will feel it. Amongst the ruling Gears, the center Gear, Gear Steam especially values this, because it has to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Unity (-1): With: Have all regions at the same (positive) attitude level. Against: Have any two regions that differ by more than 2 points of attitude level.

Because gears must work united for the greater good of the grand clockwork, the whole clockwork must remain functioning as meant. There should be no rebelling parts and things should remain stable. This stability is in part the responsibility of Gear Crane, which thus values it especially. It makes sure that things function in a stable environment and provides aid where needed. In the ideal society, their work is few.

Stability (+2): With: Do not have any region in rebellion. Against: Have any region in rebellion.

Faction Traits

While the Clockworks may not be as Tech-savvy as other Tonkants, they instead invest in new machineries, ideas and research. In principle, they believe they are investing in the clockwork as a whole, making it turn better, which is profitable for themselves and the faction.

Investors(3): Development level, for income purposes, counts as 1 higher.


Statistics Turn 1


Spy HQ|2
Development Cap|3
Military Tech Cap|1
Military Facility Cap|3
Lab Cap|3[/table]

Faction Religion


Pop Individuals|275M|250M
Development level|2|2
Military capacity|5.5/5.5|5/5
Research capacity|0/5|0/5
Tax Inertia|0|0

Army Clock: 1 tank, 1 artillery
Army Watch: 1 infantry
Army 29/Tower: 1 infantry


Expenditures Turn 1
$2T - Upkeep
$60T - Build first part of Development Level increase in Clock
$5T - Build Frigate
$10T - Assured Trade Treaty Success
$3T - First half of Battleship payment
$1T - Purchase of 2 military capacity for 2 turns from Khor-Skraal
$5T - Build Tank
$20T - Colonise Region 29/Tower
$5T - Assured Colonisation Success
$0.5 - Partial Frigate building
$1T - Build tiny first part of Development Level increase in Watch
$34T - Additional first part building of Development Level increase in Clock
$3T - Sent to Deep Blue for the Division Treaty

$111T - Tax
$32 - Trade
$6.5 - Sell research capacity for the turn to Telovin Federation

Money Balance
$0T|Total Treasure[/table]

Statistics Turn 2


Spy HQ|2
Development Cap|3
Military Tech Cap|1
Military Facility Cap|3
Lab Cap|3[/table]

Faction Religion


All facilities and DL are +1 due to values (already in calculated)

Pop Individuals|300M|275M|2.5M
Development level|3|3|2
Military capacity|12/12|11/11|0/0
Research capacity|12/12|11/11|0/0
Tax Inertia|0|0|0

Army Clock: 1 infantry
Army Watch: 1 tank
Army Tower: 1 tank
Army Area 67: 1 frigate, 1 battleship
Army Area 53: 1 infantry, 1 artillery


Expenditures Turn 2
$3.5T - Upkeep
$26T - Finish Clock Development Level Upgrade
$119T - Finish Watch Development Level Upgrade
$4.5T - Finish Frigate
$5T - Build Battleship
$5T - Build Artillery
$5T - Build Artillery
$2T - Build Tank partially
$3T - Money for Battleship payment to Deep Blue
$20T - Colonise region 35/Alarm
$5T - Ensure Colonisation Success
$20T - Colonise region 30/Bell
$5T - Ensure Colonisation Success
$11 - Start Tower Development Level Upgrade
$23T - Reserved money for research
$10T - Hire 23 Military capacity from the Operative
$5T - Build Battleship
$5T - Build Tank
$5T - Build Infantry
$5T - Build Artillery
$3T - Build Tank (continued)

$222T - Tax
$68 - Trade

Money Balance
$0T|Total Treasure[/table]


Life Sciences - Genetics - Khor-Skraal shares research with Operative and Clockwork
Operative: 45 + 22.5 + 7.5 = 75 RP - Research up to App IV
Clockwork: 45 + 22.5 + 7.5 = 75 RP - Research up to App IV
Deep Blue: 30 + 22.5 + 11.25 = 63.75 RP - Research up to App III

Psionics - Bell Space - Deep Blue shares research with operative and Clockwork
Operative: 17.25 + 8.625 + 4.125 = 30 RP - Psionics App I
Clockwork: 17.25 + 8.625 + 4.125 = 30 RP - Psionics App I
Khor-Skraal: 16.5 + 8.625 + 4.3125 = 29.4 RP - Psionics Breakthrough

Statistics Turn 3

Research Done

Genetics|Life Sciences|x|x|x|x|x||
Bell Space|Psionics|x|x||||[/table]

Research Effects
Genetics App IV
+5% growth rate (total 15%)
+1 DL cap
+1 Lab cap
+2 resources all regions
+1 checks to modify attitude of controlled region positively
Allows Biological Warfare


Life Sciences - Genetics
Clockwork: 10 + 5 = 15 - Research App V
Operative: 10 + 5 = 15 - Research App V

Physics - Fission
Clockwork: 10 + 5 = 15 - Research Breakthrough
Operative: 10 + 5 = 15 - Research Breakthrough

Computers - Electrical Computers
Clockwork: 10 + 5 = 15 - Research Breakthrough
Operative: 10 + 5 = 15 - Research Breakthrough


Spy HQ|2
Development Cap|4
Military Tech Cap|1
Military Facility Cap|3
Lab Cap|4[/table]

Faction Religion


All facilities and DL are +1 due to values (already calculated in)

Pop Individuals|350M|340M|1M|1M|1M
Development level|4|4|2|2|2
Military capacity|14/14|13/13|0/0|0/0|0/0
Research capacity|14/14|1/13|0/0|0/0|0/0
Tax Inertia|0.5|0.5|0.5|0|0

Army Clock: 1 infantry
Army Area 59: 1 frigate, 2 battleships, 4 tank transport, 1 infantry transport, 3 artillery transport
Army Area 67: 1 frigate, 1 battleship
Army Area 53: 1 infantry, 1 artillery


Expenditures Turn 3
$8T – Upkeep
$13T – Infantry + Psy Interface Command
$5T – Infantry
$4.5T – Partial Artillery

$15T – Research

$68T – Second Part DL Increase Tower

$40T – Labs Increase Clock
$40T – Labs Increase Watch
$40T – Military Facilities Increase Clock
$40T – Military Facilities Increase Clock
$60T – Labs Increase Clock
$60T – Labs Increase Watch
$60T – Military Facilities Increase Clock
$60T – Military Facilities Increase Clock

$638 - Tax
$136 - Trade

Money Balance
$247T|Total Treasure[/table]

Assets Used

+6 resources Clock (4 asset points)
+1 population Clock (1 asset point)

Statistics Operative (Turn 3)


Spy HQ|2
Development Cap|4
Military Tech Cap|1
Military Facility Cap|3
Lab Cap|4[/table]


Pop Individuals|332.75M|332.75M
Development level|3|3
Military capacity|19.5/19.5|19.5/19.5
Research capacity|15/19.5|0/19.5
Tax Inertia|0|0

Army Binary: 1 Fighter, 2 Infantry, 1 Tank
Army bi10: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 2 Artillery
Army zone 20: 1 Infantry


Expenditures Turn 1
$16.2T - CPA
$4.5T - Upkeep Military units
$5T - Tank
$5T - Tank
$5T - Tank
$5T - Artillery
$5T - Artillery
$5T - Artillery
$20T - Colonise Area 22
$20T - Colonise Area 25
$5T - Colonising Bid
$5T - Colonising Bid
$15T - Research Funds
$46.3 - First Part DL increase Bi10

$120T - Tax
$42T - Trade

Money Balance
- 162|Expenses
$0T|Total Treasure[/table]


The Trade Treaty

1. The intent of the Trade Treaty is to stimulate and facilitate trade.

2. Any faction not previously removed from the Trade Treaty and currently not blockading trade of treaty members may sign the Trade Treaty.

3. Any faction previously removed from the Trade Treaty may not request to sign the Trade Treaty again in the same fiscal period as the faction was removed. In addition, a faction previously removed needs support from 2/3rd of the members to be reinstated and must not currently be blockading trade of treaty members.

4. All members of the Trade Treaty are allowed to conduct economic trade with each other.

5. All members of the Trade Treaty have the option to put economic trade in the Trade Pool. Members may draw out foreign trade only up to the amount of trade they have put in the Trade Pool.
Provided that no single member ever holds over half the trade pool there should always be sufficient foreign trade left for members to draw out an equal amount to what they place into the Trade Pool without having to specify its origins.

6. Members of the Trade Treaty are not allowed to blockade trade of other members of the Trade Treaty. If this act is done by a member, that member is automatically removed from the Trade Treaty.

7. If a member believes another member is acting against the intent of the Trade Treaty, it may request a vote to remove another member of the Trade Treaty. The accusing member must have a valid argument on why the accused member is acting against the intent of the Trade Treaty. If 2/3rd of the members agree, the accused member is removed from the Trade Treaty.

8. When a member is removed, any trade given to the Trade Pool by the removed member is returned and any trade taken from the Trade Pool by the removed member is returned to the Trade Pool.

9. Changes to the Trade Treaty are made by Clockwork. Any changes made take effect the next fiscal period.
(OOC: Changes may not be made during the last day of a turn.)
By the request of two members, a change may be voted upon. In the vote, approval of 2/3rd of the members is required to let the change pass.

- Clockwork
- Junk Apes
- Deep Blue
- Zensunni
- Operative
- Telovin Federation
- Khor-Skraal
- Ciral Republic

2009-01-05, 11:07 AM


Appearance: The Skraal are highly evolved insects. Evolving lungs and a real circulatory system has allowed them to grow to a size of about one and a half meters in height and two meters in lenght for an adult individual. They are covered in light and flexible chitinous plates, with a harder endoskeleton, but no hard exteriour plates. Their colouring varies greatly between individuals and is inheritable.
Despite their insect ancestry, they have some characteristics more reminiscent of vertebrates: an endoskeleton, circulatory system, two arms capable of manipulating complex tools and, most important, four eyes, two of them large compound eyes on the sides of their heads, the other two situated in the middle of the face and resembling the lens-containing eyes of molluscs.

Species points:

2xFruitful (6): The Skraal are egg-laying and spread rapidly.
Voracious: (-3): The Skraal grow rapidly and need large amounts of food to survive.
Skewed Psyche (+Biology, +Psionics, -Computers) (3): The Skraal's first tools and buildings were made much the same way bees or ants build their nests: from body products of the Skraal workers. Even though they have long since incorporated other materials, their technological priorities reflect a certain tendency to favor biological tools.
Plodding (-1)


The Khor is the way of the Skraal. Every Skraal does his part, for the greater good of all Skraal. Every Skraal follows the Queen. We grow, we expand, we consume. That is the Khor-Skraal.
-Words of the Queen

The Khor-Skraal is a militaristic society, which preaches that the individual should follow the words of the so-called queen. To further these claims, their scientists have brought forth proof that the Skraal actually descended from a species of eusocial, hive-forming insects and should, for the good of the species, return to a state close to that.

Expansionist (0)
Interventionist (-1)
Favorite Technology Branch: Life Sciences (0)

Martial (3)
Tactically Astute (2)
Patriotic (4)
Taciturn (-3)


25% Growth Rate
Terraform Rating counts as halved for purposes of maximum population.
+50% Research on life sciences and psionics, -50% research on computers.
May not use a breakthrough as a prerequisite until it is fully explored or Mastered. Must attempt to master a technology if it has not been mastered before it can be used as a prerequisite.
May Upgrade (population points / 20) units per turn for free.
+5 objective modifier to all battles.
Attitude of all regions improves by 1 per turn if below supportive.
Capitol actions must be rolled (and succeeded on) twice to be effective.

Capitol Level: 2
Espionage HQ: 2
Number of Units: 17
Upkeep: 8.5
Command Rating: 5
Military Tech Cap: 1
Development Level Cap: 4
Lab Level Cap: 4
Military Fac Cap: 3


Population: 13.2
Military Facilities: 2
Lab Facilities: 1
Terraform Rating: 10
Development Level: 2
Resources: 7
Infrastructure: 0
Spaceport: 0
SDI: 0
Attitude: +3
Tax Inertia: 0
Tax Rate: 40%
Region Income: 40
Trade: 14
Military Capacity: 13
Research Capacity: 6.5

Structures: Capitol


Population: 13.2
Military Facilities: 1
Lab Facilities: 1
Terraform Rating: 10
Development Level: 2
Resources: 7
Infrastructure: 0
Spaceport: 0
SDI: 0
Attitude: +3
Tax Inertia: 0
Tax Rate: 40%
Region Income: 40
Trade: 14
Military Capacity: 6.5
Research Capacity: 6.5

Structures: Espionage HQ


Population: 0
Military Facilities: 0
Lab Facilities: 0
Terraform Rating: 10
Development Level: 2
Resources: 6
Infrastructure: 0
Spaceport: 0
SDI: 0
Attitude: +3
Tax Inertia: 0
Tax Rate: 40%
Region Income: 6
Trade: 6
Military Capacity: 0
Research Capacity: 0

Structures: None


Skraal-Vor Guard:
1 Tank, 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 CAS, 1 Bomber
Commander Rating: 0
Stationed in: Region 54

Skraal-Tac Guard:
1 Tank, 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 CAS, 1 Bomber
Commander Rating: 0
Stationed in: Skraal-Tac

Special Forces:
2 Infantry
Stationed in: 54, hidden

Skraal Navy
2 Battleships, 1 Frigatte, 1 Carrier, 1 CAS
Commader Rating: 0
Stationed in: 64

Emperor Demonking
2009-01-05, 11:08 AM
Junk Apes Faction

Junk Apes

The average Junk Ape is around 1.3 metres. Junk Apes are large thick arms covered with thick black hair with large grey hands. They have large bodies, covered with black, brown or white hair. Their thick legs are covered with black hair. Their feet are like a circle with three toes. Their heads are large with black hair. Their eyes are large compared their head and their ears are like wise large.

Junk Apes have a firm sense of want, if something is unwanted, the Junk Apes will want it and their minds come up with the best way to get it. Junk Apes can naturally survive better in hostile and poor than most and their technology reflects that.

Tactically Astute +1
Natural Spacers +1
Recycle Mania +3


Expert Builders
Family Focused

Air Force Wimps


Pacifist - Moderate
Green - Moderate
Humanitarian - Moderate


Some Junk Apes got junk in order to say they had it. Some tried so they could get even better junk. Some tried to get weapons. Some tried so they could fly. One group rejected all the other ideas and got junk in order to increase their standard of life.

These Junk Apes survived where other Junk Apes were fighting. They felt that as long as they protected their borders they would be fine. These Junk Apes flourished.

These Junk Apes survived where other Junk Apes were destroying junk or sending it to the stars. They decided that allowing their enviroment to grow and flourish would allow them to advance.


Development level|2|2
Tax Inertia|0|0
Military|1 Infantry|3 infantry

June 124 Fortifications.
4 Fortification +24 T

2009-01-05, 11:12 AM
A species which closely resembles humans as far as outward appearances go. They do have a much more pale skin tone than humans, and their hair is always of similar color, such as white, gray or a very pale blond. Their eyes are just slightly bigger than a human's.

The Telovin are somewhat shorter than an average human, and have a slender build. The tallest of them barely reach the shoulders of a human. Because of their physique, they are not really suited for combat. They have one thing going for them though: their intelligence. They are smart, really smart, and they love knowledge. It is a natural instinct for them to amass knowledge and to be as curious as possible. They are, however, fairly cautious. They prefer to be left alone by the other beings living on this world, until they are certain that they are dealing with potential friends and not potential predators. In case of a conflict they tend to flee or rely on a friend.

Species points:

Sneaky (5): Has learned how to best keep from the sights of others through a long lasting tradition of observing without getting noticed.

Intelligent (5): Very intelligent and learn things really quickly.

Ground Force Wimps (-4): Their frail bodies give them a disadvantage in ground combat.

Tactically Moronic (-1): They simply are not made for war, and never cared for it. Therefore, they have always been pretty bad at that particular art.

The Telovin Federation:
The Telovin Federation started out as one Telovin nation among many. It grew in strength quickly, however, and since the Telovin generally prefer to avoid combat, and because they saw the logic in one single strong nation in place of many weaker, the other nations soon joined the Federation. For a long time it remained as a nation for the Telovin only, but lately they have become more and more accepting of other races and opened their borders recently to any species willing to live according to their values and rules. Though, only Telovin are allowed to sit in the government.

They put heavy emphasis on learning, and teaching. In fact, the two professions which commands the greatest respect in the Federation, are scientists and teachers. Scientists because they have dedicated their lives to finding new things to learn and understand, and teachers because they help others to learn.

The Telovin Federation is, as the name implies, a federation, with a few tweaks to the system. Most notably is the criteria which the Presidential candidates must meet to even be allowed to try for election. Most notably is the fact that they need to have at least 15 years of experience working in a scientific field. Basically, the President is almost always a retired scientist. Or a teacher. Their current President used to work as a mathematician, and is named Hirano Takeshi.

Non-interventionist (+1): Likes to keep to themselves, and to leave others alone to their own conflicts.
Pacifist: Not a warrior species, and has always considered war to be an unnecessary effort.

Tactically Moronic (-2)
Investors (+3)
Studious (+5)

+50% Research Points
Development level counts as 1 higher for income purposes.
Espionage Actions may be rolled twice.
All ground forces count as 1 level lower.

Development level|2|2
Industrial inf.|None|None
Terraforming Level|10|10
Tax Inertia|0|0

The Byakko Guard: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter
Special Forces stationed in Suzaku: 1 Infantry
The Suzaku Guard: 1 Tank, 1 Infantry

2009-01-05, 09:05 PM
The Zensunni:

Race Crunch:
Space Force Wimps (-4): The Zensunni are creatures of the sand they do not like to fly and can not even imagine why someone would try and leave the planet.
Plodding (-1): Unlike their ancient cousins they can often be single minded, a task in not complete until it is perfect.
Recycle Mania (3): Masters of survival they have adapted and evolved to waist as little as possible (with their priority being water).
Tough (3): The Arrakan desert is a tough place and it breeds tough people.
Fast Reflexes (3): The Zensunni always prefer, ambush tactics and guerilla warfare.
Tactically Astute (1): Planning is essential if you want to survive, but some times instinct takes over and it comes down to who has the better instinct.

The Zensunni:

Libertarian (With) (-1): The Zensunni live in close family groups, they help each other because they can. The idea of giving resources to some greater authority just because you are told to so…
Religion (With) (-1): The Path Zensunni, an ancient way dating back to before recorded time. It teaches peace and cooperation, tempered with a knowledge to act when the time is right. While most prefer not to interfere, but to live in harmony with the world, they will act if there actions will stop a greater(and harmfull) change in the world. For thousands of years the Zensunni lived in small isolated groups(many still do), but in recent years a leader emerged Emperor Muad'Dib, and has unified his people under a single banner. While there is now a form of large scale control over the people of Arakan desert, all is volantary for the Zensunni. Simply through cooperation a very effective form of goverment is run, because with the heavy degree of culture the goverment need are supported by the people.
Now as for people rasied outside the Arakan desert, while they do not live in a family run goverment, they learn to bond with family, apreciate others, and work together to reach a common goal.
Revenge (With) (-1): An honour bound group, they take insults to the core and will never relent in the hunt for justice.

Naval Force Wimps (-3): They live in a desert, need I say more. (I know this is -6, but I only use 10 points.)
Great Traders (2): Because most Zensunni do not want to leave the Arrakan desert, anything they can’t make themselves they trade for. Centuries of trading have built up contacts, knowledge, and experience when it comes to finding a good deal.
Tactically Astute (2): A natural killing instinct is further honed my combat training from birth.
Ground Force Supremacy (6): The sum of knowledge, training, and a killer instinct form the Zensunni Crysknife Warriors, masters of the ambush and guerilla warfare.


Resources, for trade purposes, count double.
Infantry counts as if they were 1 level higher.
Naval units count as if one level lower.
+10 objective modifier to all battles
If, during the casualty resolution phases, this species does enough damage to destroy an opposing unit firing in that phase, it takes no damage from that unit.
All of this species' units have 1/4th more toughness(round down).
This species may add 1 resource point to one of its regions for every 2 points of resources (round up) overharvested on the same planet that turn by any faction that does not have the Recycle Mania trait. Each region may gain no more than 1 point of resources per turn through this method regardless of the amount overharvested.
Space units all count as if they were 1 level lower (but can't go lower than 1).



Development level_2
Industrial inf._____None
Terraforming Level_10
Tax Inertia_______0
Military facilities___1


Development level_2
Industrial inf._____None
Terraforming Level_10
Tax Inertia_______0
Military facilities___1



4 Specail Ops(Infantry)


3 Specail Ops(Infantry)

I will inject the life blood of my Faction(AKA fluff) later, but for now this is what you need to know.

2009-01-07, 07:57 AM

Faction Name: The Operative.

The Operative is a faction among the Tonkants. Its inhabitants refer to themselves as Ops. They are, alongside the Clockworks, the most important Tonkant faction, and one of the oldest to come out of the Hole. Their society revolves around the concept of binary information and aim towards creating fully automated machines for themselves. They are ambitious and while not of an expansionist nature, they seem to be certainly more warlike than a lot of the races on Xanadu. This faction seems to have pushed towards developing as fast as possible, and men and women alike in this Democracy work tirelessly for the government, tinkering with tools and new technologies from afar.

Faction Values

Libertarian: With: Have a tax rate lower than 40%. Against: Have a tax rate higher than 40%.

The Ops are libertarian by nature. They know patriotism, but they enjoy their freedom and believe the government should allow for that financial space. This is possibly the most sensitive point between the Operative and its inhabitants. The tax rate is not exactly high, but nor is it low and it is a matter of debate in the Capital.

Perfectionist: With: Research a Mastery Application. Against: Lose progress on a Mastery application because another faction finished it.

The Operative believe in free flow of binary information. And to them, that means that everyone's secret is everyone's bedtime story. In other words, there are no secrets to be held, and information should flow between factions in order to achieve its fullest potential. They could be regarded as perfectionists of any and all technologies, past or present.

Faction Traits

Tech-Savvy(10): All facility level upgrades are built as soon as they are allowed by increasing development level. All special facilities are built in all regions with population as soon as they are available.

The Operative believes that anyone and everyone should have access to technology. It is also a well known fact that schools for Ops encourage and pushes individuals towards the mastery of tools, electricity and overall technology. By doing so, they have effectively an army of researchers that push and upgrade everything around them constantly. It is considered a mania to other species, Ops have to fix everything they deem upgrade-able. New ideas surge forth from the crowded Ops, and the entire Operative benefits. In binary fashion.

Apathetic(-2): One less Value.

The Ops aren't very keen on believing a bunch of different values. They are completely and utterly apathetic to anything but their search for new technology. As such, they seem slightly off-putting to other races, as their peculiar way of life seems to revolve around their machines.

Statistics Turn 1


Spy HQ|2
Development Cap|3
Military Tech Cap|1
Military Facility Cap|3
Lab Cap|3[/table]


Pop Individuals|250M|250M
Development level|3|2
Military capacity|15/15|10/10
Research capacity|15/15|10/10
Tax Inertia|0|0

Army Binary: 1 Fighter, 2 Infantry, 1 Tank
Army bi10: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 2 Artillery
Army zone 20: 1 Infantry


Expenditures Turn 1
$2T - Upkeep Military units.
$60T - Build first part of Development Level increase in bi10
$25T - Build Military Units. (1 Tank, 2 Infantry, 2 Artillery)
$10T - CPA.

$75T - Tax
$20 - Trade
$5 - Sell research capacity to Khor-Skrall. (Turn 1)

Money Balance
$3T|Total Treasure[/table]

Statistics Turn 2


Spy HQ|2
Development Cap|3
Military Tech Cap|1
Military Facility Cap|3
Lab Cap|3[/table]


Pop Individuals|275M|275M
Development level|3|2
Military capacity|16.5/16.5|11/11
Research capacity|16.5/16.5|11/11
Tax Inertia|0|0

Army Binary: 1 Fighter, 2 Infantry, 1 Tank
Army bi10: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 2 Artillery
Army zone 20: 1 Infantry


Expenditures Turn 1
$4.5T - Upkeep Military units.
$60T - Payment second part of DL increase in bi10
$27.5T - Research Funds.
$10.5T - CPA.

$80T - Tax
$25T - Trade
$10T - Selling Military Cap.

Money Balance
- 107.5|Expenses
$0.5T|Total Treasure[/table]

Assets Used

+1 DL used. (Binary) All points used.

Foreign Relations

The Operative encourages any and all that would trade to come forward and speak. The Operative also encourages other factions to come spend their money on Operative territory as the great military and research capacities available are opened to investors in need of a quick military upgrade. Tonkants Industry tm. is there for you and your needs!

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-07, 02:58 PM
The Universal Church


Racial Appearance

Lacaran are amphibians resembling a kind of cross between bipedal frogs and salamanders that generally populate coastlines, small islands and river beds. These three area's each contain a slightly different subrace. Coastal Lacarans tend to have a somewhat dull, sand colored skin generally roughened with small black eyes. Island Lacarans tend to be somewhat spotted in their complexion, similar to seals, though their skins are equally rough. River dwelling Lacarans aquire a greenish hue to their skin as they mature. No matter their subrace all Lacaras have webbed powerful legs and short, flexible arms.

There seems to be a fourth subrace, that is very similar in appearance to the coastal variant, that lives during night-time in the desert regions, though most Lacarans claim this is an altogether different species.Though likely stemming from latent racism it is rationalized by indicating the desert subtypes reduced need for moisture and enhanced vision at night.

Racial Psyche

Lacarans are a race of thinkers first and foremost. They have a tendency to get obsessive about even the smallest details that needs to be perfected. Everything is planned in great detail long before it is ever put into action and contingency plans are always plentiful. They have no innate preference for individuality or a sense of community, being equally adapt at making their own future as they are at working within a community. Despite these admirable qualities Lacarans do seem to have a pitfall in their inability to continue on a new pursuit if the old one hasn't been perfected yet.

Lacaran biologist believe these qualities to stem from their oceanic herritage during which they could not afford to forget any details as the dangerous three dimensional world they lived in would have been full competition.

Plodding (-1)
Workaholics (+3)
2x Intelligent (+2)
Tactically Astute (+1)

The Universal Church
The universal church is exactly that, a religion for all. The basic tennents of this religion revolve around a single god, who's divine radiance can be glimpsed at by looking at the sun. In fact every star, or distant sun, is assumed be yet another emanation showing his power. Even when there is darkness he thus lights the way.

A single patriach heads the religion, a council of archbishops and cardinals helping him govern the ecliastical lands that fall under his sway.

The faithfull believe that al sentients are custodians of whatever land they inhabit and as such must use if responsibly, and not squander that which has been given to them.

Religion (-1)
Expansionist (0)
Novelty (+2)

Church Tithes (+8) (same as collectivists)
Air Force Whimps (-5)


The Western Coast of Tranquility
Development level|1 +1
Tax Inertia|0
Income|13.5 +13.5
Trade|9 +9
Military|1 INF*

The Coast of Dawn
Development level|2 +1
Tax Inertia|0
Income|45 +22.5
Trade|10 +5
Military|1 INF* 1 (+1/2) ART*

The Sunrise Islands (capitol)
Development level|2 (+68/120) +1
Tax Inertia|0
Income| 57 + 28.5
Trade|16 +8
Military| 2 INF*

Region 65: 3 BB* 2 DD*
Universal Church Extraterritorial Defence Force: 2 INF 3 TANK
*(BB: battleship, DD: frigate, INF: infantry,TANK: tank, ART: Artillery)

+2 Units of Infantry bought from Junk Apes

Total Income:27 +45 +22.5 + 28.5 + 57 = 180 T
Total Trade: 18 + 15 + 24 = 57 T

2009-01-13, 03:52 PM