View Full Version : Characters and the songs you'd associate with them.

2009-01-04, 06:13 PM
When thinking about fictional characters, especialy villians, I don't always associate them with their official theme songs and vise versa. Let's take "Those Chosen By the Planet" and "One Winged Angel". I don't think of Sephiroth that much when I hear them. In fact, when I hear "One Winged Angel" I tend to think of either Light Yagami, Aizen Sauske and even the likes of 40k's Inquisitor Karamazov before I think of Final Fantasy VII's Sephiroth.

For Sephiroth I prefer Queen's Gimme The Prize. As far as I'm concerned the song fits both him and the Kurgan rather well. They could even team up if they wanted to. So the questions are this, does anyone here have theme songs for one character that makes them think of another chacter as well or instead? Or is something just wrong with me?

2009-01-04, 08:12 PM
"As Long As He Needs Me" for Misa Amane.
"Going The Distance" for Mello. I'm presuming here that "she" is the kind of woman who carries around lots of symbolic paraphernelia.
"Empty Chairs At Empty Tables" for Remus Lupin.

2009-01-05, 09:54 AM
I'll bet this thread will feature mostly anime characters...

2009-01-05, 10:22 AM
Because it's bad people watch anime?

2009-01-05, 12:00 PM
I wouldn't say "bad people", but anime fandom already had a habit (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anime_music_video) of pairing up their favorite shows with previously-unrelated songs. I'm sure that there are examples with other shows/movies/whatever out there, but I'm most familiar with AMVs.

Personally, I don't really associate music with things on my own. Williams' Imperial March will always be Vader's theme, but that's how it was supposed to work anyway so doesn't count for this thread.

The Evil Thing
2009-01-05, 01:32 PM
Because it's bad people watch anime?
Probably due to the fact that every anime character and his dog have those glorious things called image songs. Some have several. Having a song designed specifically to reflect someone personality just makes things easy.

2009-01-05, 02:10 PM
Well I can't listen to any Disney songs any more without thinking of Kingdom Hearts characters, thanks to a certain series of youtube videos >.>
With other characters, I can't help but think of Sam Vimes from Discworld whenever I hear 'I Predict a Riot' by the Kaiser Chiefs- that's thanks to a Discworld meetup I went to where we had to 'match the songs to the characters'
Other than that, I do really only think of the characters the music was intended for... like with One Winged Angel and the Imperial March...

Oh, wait a minute- '(I've Had) The Time of My Life' is now forever embedded in my head as sung by Herbert the paedophile from Family Guy, thanks to Blue Harvest >.>

warty goblin
2009-01-05, 02:31 PM
I think of Caramon Majere and his relationship with Raistlin every time I listen to Evanescence's My Immortal. Cheesy as hell I know, so sue me.

I can't listen to Lisa Gerrard's Sanvean- I am you Shadow without thinking "big ass space battle," although this might be because I first heard it when watching this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STFjC7aUwRE).

2009-01-05, 02:34 PM
Oh - and it's not precisely a character song, but let's just say the opening theme from Casino Royale and I never really came to an... understanding.

Berserk Monk
2009-01-05, 02:43 PM
I'll bet this thread will feature mostly anime characters...

That's completely unrealistic think.

Viral. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od39vrsNKhU) :smallbiggrin:

2009-01-06, 07:31 AM
Well, my friend and I do this for characters a lot. We've got 'Have a Nice Day' by BonJovi for Silk/Prince Kheldar from the Belgariad, 'Breaking the Habit' by Linkin Park for Garion and 'Welcome to My Life' by Simple Plan for Taiba (same books), but we're having trouble agreeing on some others.

2009-01-06, 11:58 AM
See, I don't do this with existing characters very much. But I very often choose leimotifs for the NPCs in my RL RPG games.

Although, since I run the Ravenloft setting every so, I have managed to give a few to pre-made NPC characters. Like Lord Soth, he gets "The Darkest Day" from the Independence Day score. it's very grand and militaristic.
Azalin gets one from Stargate, "Ra -- The Sun God" it's very, very majestic and sinister, like him.

Never could settle on one for Strahd, though. But the whole Bram Stoker's Dracula score is an easy one to just skim through.

Of course, I have several mix CDs for the supers genre. What with all the movies coming out lately there's a lot of material to use.

Mind you, on the few occasions we've done a Star Wars game, it's ludicrously easy. We have the big, 4 CD set, including music that was cut from the films as well as The Phantom Menace score.

- Yulian

2009-01-07, 06:39 AM
The ones I always tend to think of are, when I read Terry Pratchett's Soul Music, I think of the song Buddy Holly by Weezer whenever Bud Y Celyn is mentioned, for very obivous reasons to those who have read the book.

Whenever I see Darth Vader I don't think of the Imperial March, but rather, as silly as it is, Back In Black by AC/DC. This is due to my friends and I jokingly singing the song when Vader was revealed at the end of Episode 3.

I read about Rincewind, I think of Beck's Loser. Don't really need much explanation on this one methinks.

Also, Angel (from the Whedonverse) always makes me think of Lacuna Coil's Heaven's A Lie.

Also, Yulian, for Strahd, music from the Castlevania series, especially a lot of the stuff from Symphony of the Night, meshes really well with the First Lord. Songs like The Tragic Prince, Door of Holy Spirits, Requiem For The Gods, and Rainbow Cemetary would all work pretty well methinks.

2009-01-07, 07:05 AM
When I first read Neuromancer I'd just got a copy of Roni Size and Reprazent's New Forms, and it fit pretty perfectly with the book, in a fast paced, sophisticated, futuristic sort of way. In particular, I think I've come to associate the tunes with female vocals - Watching Windows (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=8uSODDCQWOY) and Heroes (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=t_xWpYjau9w&feature=related) - with the character of Molly.

2009-01-07, 07:11 AM
Captain Vimes is "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel, for some strange reason.

2009-01-07, 07:59 AM
Aergoth: Nothing strange about that, two people just trying to handle other people's messes. I like the association.

AMV without the A? How about S for Stop-motion animation?

Focus - Hocus Pocus / Wallace & Gromit (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCBbKBSttFw&feature=PlayList&p=D627D8A2A06E9FCB&playnext=1&index=6)
(The video keeps the plot, perfect syncing, knows when to fill in with humdrum shots to ease the tension and not jolt from peak to peak--take notes.)

Could've sworn I mentioned this before, maybe a few years ago now, but I sometimes pair entire albums with my books. Thus, I might be listening to early Jethro Tull while reading late William Golding, or some selection of Indigo Girls to accompany The God of Small Things.

2009-01-07, 08:13 AM
"...Jayne! The man they call Jayne!"

"He robbed from the rich and he gave to the poor."
"Stood up to the man and he gave him what for.
"Our love for him now, it ain't hard to explain."
"The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne."

2009-01-07, 08:36 AM
Oh, wait a minute- '(I've Had) The Time of My Life' is now forever embedded in my head as sung by Herbert the paedophile from Family Guy, thanks to Blue Harvest >.>

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