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2004-07-14, 08:20 AM
Revised a little, thanks for the input guys. Unfortunately I'm pressed for time so I had to make some of the revisions shorter then I anticipated. Hopefully I'm allowed to make some changes after the end-of-month deadline.

Prestige Class Name: Tynam's Profanity Masters


Legend has it that a human mercenary by the name of Tynam gave birth to this new branch of training. Despite being a capable fighter, what made Tynam infamous was his masterful usage of profanity in virtually all known dialects. With his short temper and inclination towards violence, Tynam's reputation was unmatched - a master at igniting the temper of even the mildest individual. Though never quite understanding the advantages himself, Tynam was able to: completely stun individuals with his profanities, unbalance and disorient spellcasters with the sheer speed he spewed filth from his mouth, and was even known to force another into unconsciousness after a rather nasty word combination.

As the legend goes, Tynam settled down and opened up his own mercenary company. His legendary vocabulary and profanity combinations were honed to perfection during these years as he constantly berated his underlings for their shortcomings. The mercenaries under Tynam however eagerly embraced Tynam's verbal assaults, memorizing every combination and word they could for future use. These were the original members of Tynam's Profanity Masters, spreading the filthy and vile words of Tynam.

Though Tynam had passed away for generations now, his handful of students kept the huge vocabulary of his profanities alive to this day.

A Tynam's Profanity Master is capable of inflicting verbal damage and ailments to an opponent or a group of enemies. However, due to the nature of this verbal abuse, a Tynam's Profanity Master(TPM) can only use his/her skills against those whose language the TPM can speak fluently. For example, Tynam couldn't use his verbal attacks against a squirrel, but he could definitely get the attention of another human.
At epic levels however, the TPM's reach the pinnacle of profanity, able to convey their message to any primate with an intelligence score of 3+. Epic Tynam's Profanity Masters can even penetrate magical silence with the sheer edge of their profanities.

Hit die: d8.

Class: Anyone but a cleric, paladin, monk or druid
Intelligence: 13+
Alignment: Any non-lawful
Skills: Diplomacy* 2 ranks, Intimidate 2 ranks, Knowledge(Local) 2 ranks**, Perform(Oratory) 4 ranks

*Diplomacy is necessary since any good TPM should know what the boundaries of etiquette are, and do their best to utterly work in the opposite direction of it.

**Local knowledge is also necessary since cultural nuances may effect the strengths of various profanities. IE> Some cultures view the middle finger as a common greeting symbol. If used in the wrong side of Compton however, the consequences are astronomical.

Special: Any class with a background in being a pirate receives +2 to all special PrC related skills. A background of being a highwayman, mercenary, brigand or bandit all receive +1 to all special PrC related skills, up to the discretion of the DM. (These bonuses do not stack(A mercenary turned pirate does not receive +3 bonus).

Class Skills:
The Tynam’s Profanity Master class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Intimidate (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Perform (Cha), Concentration (Con), Speak Language.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Tynam's Profanity Master Table

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Vulgar Vocabulary, Profanity Focus, Rude Comments unlimited, Taunt unlimited
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Tynam's Simple Combinations 3/day
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Vulgar Gesticulation
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Iron Lungs, Tynam's Simple Combinations 5/day
5th +3 +1 +4 +4
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 You too!, Tynam's Simple Combinations 7/day
7th +5 +2 +5 +5
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Tynam's Intricate Combinations 3/day, Tynam's Simple Combinations 9/day
9th +6 +3 +6 +6 Steel Lungs
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Tynam's Master Combinations 3/day, Tynam's Intricate Combinations 5/day, Tynam's Simple Combinations unlimited

Class Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Tynam's Profanity Masters(TPM) gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Profanity Vocabulary(Ex): Starting from level 1, a TPM builds up his vulgar repetoire. As the TPM progresses in levels, his Profanity Vocabulary increases 1 per level. Only one free action TPM skill can be used in one round.

***The saving throw DC against all TPM Profanity skills are calculated at DC 10 + intelligence bonus + Profanity Vocabulary + special(ie pirate background etc) against the target's Will save. If the TPM has a negative charisma score, double up the penalty and add it onto the DC(Formula: +|CHAmodifierx2|).

IE> With a charisma of 6, Tynam's -2 to check for charisma greatly helped him piss off his enemies, recieving a +4 bonus to all DC checks made.

Profanity Focus(Ex): A TPM can use a standard action to analyze a target, or a full round action to analyze a group of targets. After analyzation the DC for any TPM skill used next is boosted by an additional amount equal to the current PV value.

Rude Comments(Ex): A TPM gains the ability to criticize a target with basic profanities. The sudden verbal assault can unbalance the concentration of the targeted opponent, lowering their Concentration and Discipline skill checks by 4 + Profanity Vocabulary(PV) each. Used as a free action. Target must have intelligence of at least 8. Save negates.

Taunt(Ex): A TPM can taunt a target with a string of profanities, ranging from "With your pigsticker, you couldn't even hit my grandma, and she has an AC of 6!" to "Oh, sorry, was that swing aimed at me just now?" Taunting causes the target to focus their attention on the TPM for 1d4+1 rounds, reducing their AC by PV but raising their BAB by PV/2, rounded up. Used as a free action. Target must have intelligence of at least 6. Save negates.

Tynam's Simple Combination(Su): At 2nd level, a TPM can weave his wide vocabulary of filthy words into a simple combination, causing a variety of effects against a target. The TPM can switch between Heritage Attacks("Your mother..."), which does status effects(see below), or personal verbal attacks. If personal verbal attacks is selected, the target takes 1d6 mental anguish damage(nonlethal damage) for every PV. Used as a full round action. Target must have intelligence of at least 9. Save negates either effect.

Heritage Attacks - Roll d4.
1 - Target is enraged and is effected with Taunt and Vulgar Remarks.
2 - Target is stunned at the masterful usage of various profanities, with effect is akin to the Daze spell for 2 rounds.
3 - Target is deaf for 1d4+1 rounds.
4 - Roll again. (If 4 is rolled twice in a row, target is stunned by the sheer volume and creativity of the profanity combo for 3 rounds.)

Vulgar Gesticulations(Ex): At 3rd level a TPM makes use of bodily gesticulations, ranging from hand motions to certain, more vulgar movements. This ability enhances other skills when used in conjunction, doubling their effect and increases DC by 2. If both hands are free, DC is increased by 2. If equipped with light armor or less, DC is increased by 2. Cumulative. Used as a standard action.

With Vulgar Gesticulations, any TPM skill can be used while muted either magically or physically(gagged), or when the surroundings do not permit for clear communication. However, since no words are used, the Profanity Vocabulary does not add into the skill DC.

Iron Lungs(Ex): At 4th level a TPM can breathe in enough air to use two TPM free actions skills in a single round. The TPM is also able to have his voice heard from double the normal distance, and at normal distance with heavy ambient noise. Synergy: If a TPM has 5 or more ranks in Swim, they automatically get this skill. With this skill, you get a +2 bonus to all swim checks.

You too!(Ex): At 6th level a TPM can use any of his TPM skills to target any amount of targets. However, the DC of the skill is lowered by 4 for every additional target.

Tynam's Intricate Combinations(Su): At 8th level a TPM has amassed a Profanity Vocabulary extensive enough for an all-out verbal slaughter. The utter filth of the profanities, coupled with the huge vocabulary of words and creative usages causes actual mental damage. Deals 2d6 mental anguish damage(nonlethal damage) per PV, and 50% chance the target is mentally incapacitated, unable to cast spells or communicate. Used as a full round action. Target must have intelligence of at least 9. A successful save negates only the damage.

Steel Lungs(Ex): At 9th level a TPM's lungs have reached an amazing strength, allowing the TPM to use any Combination skill as a standard round action instead of a full round action. The TPM is also able to have his voice heard from triple the normal distance, and can be heard from double distance with heavy ambient noise. Synergy: With this skill, you get a +4 bonus to all swim checks.

Tynam's Masterful Combination(Ex): At 10th level a TPM has reached the zenith of profanity mastery. All enemies in range with 11 or less intelligence are instantly stunned into stupor by the godlike, almost poetic profanity spewing from the TPM's mouth for 1d4+2 rounds. Each turn the target makes a DC check, and if the target fails the check they immediately fall unconscious for 1 min/PV. Enemies with 12 or more intelligence are allowed a DC check, with a successful save negating any effect. Used as a full round action. Targets must have an intelligence of at least 6.

Epic Tynam's Profanity Master

Magical Vulgarity(Ex): At epic levels, a TPM is able to use his profane skills upon any living or nonliving creature(undead, construct, immune to mind attacks, etc) in range.

-Special Epic Feats-

Creativity in Action: Even reaching the pinnacle of profanity mastery, a TPM never stops inventing new obscenities. This feat adds a +1 bonus to the Profanity Vocabulary.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Quick Thinking: A TPM at epic levels has experienced enough situations to be able to creatively insult a large group of targets at once. For multiple targets, the DC is only reduced by 2 for each additional target after the first.

Extraordinary Communication: Through countless hours of experimentation, an epic TPM has learned to find ways to target more and more beings with his razor-sharp tongue. The intelligence required on any target is reduced by 2.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Titanium Lungs: The TPM can use any TPM skill for up to double their modified(Steel Lungs) range. However, this requires one full round to build up enough air and strength.

2004-07-15, 02:09 PM
This class is rate rpg-17 by the gaming guild of america. No one under 17 will be admitted without parental consent.

hehehe, sweet class!

2004-07-16, 01:53 AM
Have you ever played with my group, tynam, cause, I'm sure I've had memebers of Tynam's Mercenary Company in there once or twice.

2004-07-16, 08:17 AM
Have you ever played with my group, tynam, cause, I'm sure I've had memebers of Tynam's Mercenary Company in there once or twice.

Nope, don't believe I have.

2004-07-16, 01:19 PM
Some people I know in real life have all these abilities as racial traits :P

2004-07-18, 11:48 AM
I would have added some synergy if combined with Bardic Music, but still an awesome class.

2004-07-18, 01:53 PM

regaurding these requirements:

Race: Any
[Simply delete this line, not needed. This is the default if nothign is said otherwise]

Class: Fighter, Ranger, Bard, Rogue, Wizard, Sorceror, Barbarian
[perhaps you mean to say "must have at least 1 level in 1 of these classes"? But why even bother, you already say any non-lawful. Reccomendation: delete. It's also restrictive if using non PHB core classes such as psionic characters]

Intelligence: 13+
[It was pointed out to me a long time ago that PrCs shouldn't directly have an ability score requirement, though you coudl require a feat that requires a 13+ intelligence]

BAB: -
[And again, this line shoudl simply be deleted if there is no minimum BaB requirement]

Now, for concept stuff: I love it! You really shoudl work on cleaning up yoru descriptions a bit, they are a bit akwardly phrased, but the idea is cool and it does nto seem overpowered to me.

Gorbash Kazdar
2004-07-19, 11:08 PM
I have to say I love this class concept. Very unique. It's sort of a reverse bard - bard's buff the party, this class penalizes the enemy.

However, it needs a little work.
I second Zargoth's suggestions regarding the requirements. As a replacement for the Int requirement, I suggest a language requirement - that is something along the lines of "Special: Must be able to speak at least 4 languages in addition to automatic racial languages."
The basic ability is similar to bardic music. I think the abilities should probably function better if worded similarly, and should be based on Perform (oratory). You'd have to add an ability, something along the lines of "Rough Side of Your Tongue (X/day): A profanity master's ability with vulgar words and comments is so strong that he can affect others simply by giving them the rough side of his tongue. He may use this ability X times per day." The particular abilities of the class would occur under this, like with bardic music abilities.
I would suggest dropping a PV score, and simply have everything add to DCs. In other words, the wording would be "Profane Vocabulary: A profanity master adds a competence bonus equal to his levels of Tynam's profanity master to all DCs of the Rough Side of Your Tongue ability."
Whats the numerical bonus provided by Profanity Focus? Something like +4 to the DC would probably work best.
What do you mean by mental anguish damage? If its lethal damage, its far too powerful.
Most of the other abilities work pretty well, though you may want to add more specific effects involving the actual profanity.
You may want to consider making this a bard only class, and adding some "+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class" to the class, because otherwise it strikes me as a bit weak overall.

Anyways, wonderful concept!

2004-07-27, 05:39 PM

This has got to be the funniest thing I've read in a while! I know people who have epic levels in this class! :o

I'm a bit short on time at the moment, but I promise to offer some detailed feedback later. Zag and Gorbash offered you some pretty sound advice, though.

2004-07-28, 11:08 AM
The class idea is really cool, however the techmical part is confuse, with too much modifiers, some abilities too powerful ... I'll try to give some advices.

2004-07-28, 11:37 AM
And as promised, the detailed feedback.....

<<snipped flavor text>>

Excellent flavor! An enjoyable read.

Hit die: d6.

Race: Any
Class: Fighter, Ranger, Bard, Rogue, Wizard, Sorceror, Barbarian
Intelligence: 13+
Alignment: Any non-lawful
BAB: -
Skills: Diplomacy* 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Knowledge(Local) 4 ranks, Perform(Oratory) 9 ranks

*Diplomacy is necessary since any good TPM should know what the boundaries of etiquette are, and do their best to utterly work in the opposite direction of it.

Feats: -

Special: Any class with a background in being a pirate receives +2 to all special PrC related skills. A background of being a highwayman, mercenary, brigand or bandit all receive +1 to all special PrC related skills, up to the discretion of the DM. (These bonuses do not stack(A mercenary turned pirate does not receive +3 bonus).

The hit die seems OK, though you could probably entertain ideas of moving it up to a d8 without any balance troubles.

Your pre-reqs have some issues. Most of them have been mentioned already, but I'll reitterate (because I'm too lazy to see what was mentioned and what wasn't ;) ).

A requirement for any race is unneeded, as that is the default. So you could remove that line.

The list of classes seems kind of baffling. First, explicitly mentioning a class is bad form; instead mention a class ability. It seems the only classes you've excluded are Druid, Paladin and Monk. Paladin and Monk are already excluded by the alignment restrictions, and I'm not sure why you'd want to explicitly exclude druids. I'd remove the class line completely.

It's also "bad form" to mention a specific stat - though I'm guilty of doing it on ocassion (including both the Z Man and Z's Babes I posted here). In your case, you could easily replace the "Int 13+" with the Combat Expertise feat. That feat requires the score you want, and it even fits from a flavor point of view - you get somebody really mad at you, you'll want to be better able to defend yourself.

The Alignment you list is a perfect requirement.

Your BAB entry is unneeded and can be removed.

Your skills are pretty steep. If you view this as a class for characters other than Rogues and Bards, you'll need to alter these requirements a little. It would take a fighter damn near forever to meet these requirements. I think I'd drop Diplomacy to 2 ranks. I'd leave Intimidate where it is. I'm not sure why Knowledge (Local) is there, but I'd drop it to 2 ranks. The Perform requirements are the hard one to figure out. At 9 ranks, a character taking cross class skills won't be able to take the class until 15th level! And even with the skill as a class skill, the class can't be entered until after 6th.

Your feats line is just like your BAB line - unnecessary.

Finally, what you list under "Special" isn't really a requirement, but a class feature. It's also very open to interpretation. While it's got some nice flavor, you should consider removing it. If you don't remove it, then it should be become an "ability" at first level.

I'm thinking this class is most suited for a bard.

Class Skills:
The Tynam’s Profanity Master class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Intimidate (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Perform (Cha), Concentration (Con), Speak Language.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

For readability, you should rearrange your skill list to be alphabetical. I'll take this opportunity to continue my crusade and mention that (in my not so humble opinion) Craft and Profession should be class skills for everybody. Bluff sounds like a good fit for this class as well. Finally, because Knowledge and Perform (not to mention Craft and Profession ;) ) are really multiple skills, you should bump the number of skill points to at least 4.

Tynam's Profanity Master Table<<table snipped>>

I think you could go with the Medium BAB (the same as the rogue and bard). These guys are going to get themselves into an awful lot of trouble, and should therefore be somewhat good at fighting their way out of it.

Profanity Vocabulary(Ex): Starting from level 1, a TPM builds up his vulgar repetoire. As the TPM progresses in levels, his Profanity Vocabulary increases 1 per level. Only one free action TPM skill can be used in one round.

***The saving throw DC against all TPM Profanity skills are calculated at DC 10 + intelligence bonus + Profanity Vocabulary + special(ie pirate background etc) against the target's Will save.

I'd recommend changing the requisite ability for the save from Int to Charisma. This seems to be much more charisma based than intelligence.

This (along with a lot of other mechanics around this class) seem to be a little clunky. It looks to me as though you tried to reinvent the wheel (so to speak), when really the perfect mechanic is already built into the game - Bardic Music. I think if you make this work off of Bardic Music (but only with the Perform (Oratory) skill), you'll have a much more sound mechanic. If you go that route, allow existing uses of Bardic Music to stack. That gives the Bard something, since they'll lose out on their spellcasting and their bardic knowledge.

Finally, if you go the Bardic Music route, you'll want to change the action type from "Free" to "Standard." See below, as I'll attempt to rewrite one or two of these abilities as Bardic Musics at the end.

Profanity Focus(Ex): A TPM can use a standard action to analyze a target, or a full round action to analyze a group of targets. After analyzation the DC for any TPM skill used next is boosted by an additional PV amount.

Does this double the Profanity Value, or does it just add 1? Otherwise, this is a good ability. It allows the character to sacrifice actions to boost the DC.

Rude Comments(Ex): A TPM gains the ability to criticize a target with basic profanities. The sudden verbal assault can unbalance the concentration of the targeted opponent, lowering their Concentration and Discipline score by 4 + Profanity Vocabulary(PV) each. Used as a free action. Target must have intelligence of at least 8. Save negates.

What is a "Discipline Score"? Why must the target have an intelligence of 8 or higher? You seem to be implying that dumb people can't be insulted. ;)

Taunt(Ex): A TPM can taunt a target with a string of profanities, from "With your pigsticker, you couldn't even hit my grandma, and she has an AC of 6!" to "Between you and a stick, the stick would probably beat you to an intelligent conversation." Taunting causes the target to focus their attention on the TPM for 1d4+1 rounds, reducing their AC by PV but raising their BAB by Pv/2, rounded up. Used as a free action. Target must have intelligence of at least 6. Save negates.

I have been looking for a decent Taunt type ability for some time. This seems OK, and can be made slightly better with a brief re-writing (again, coming later).

Tynam's Simple Combination(Su): At 2nd level, a TPM can weave his wide vocabulary of filthy words into a simple combination, causing a variety of effects against a target. The TPM can switch between Heritage Attacks("Your mother..."), which does status effects(see below), or personal verbal attacks. If personal verbal attacks is selected, the target takes 1d6 mental anguish damage for every PV. Used as a full round action. Target must have intelligence of at least 9. Save negates either effect.

Heritage Attacks - Roll d4.
1 - Target is enraged and is effected with Taunt and Vulgar Remarks.
2 - Target is stunned at the masterful usage of various profanities, with effect is akin to the Daze spell for 2 rounds.
3 - Target is deaf for 1d4+1 rounds.
4 - Roll again. (If 4 is rolled twice in a row, target is stunned by the sheer volume and creativity of the profanity combo for 3 rounds.)

Again, the required Int seems to be off. For example, this ability can't be used against the "standard" Ogre (int 6) or Orc (int 8 ).

Vulgar Gesticulations(Ex): At 3rd level a TPM makes use of bodily gesticulations, ranging from hand motions to certain, more vulgar movements. This ability enhances other skills when used in conjunction, doubling their effect and increases DC by 2. If both hands are free, DC is increased by 2. If equipped with light armor or less, DC is increased by 2. Cumulative. Used as a standard action.

With Vulgar Gesticulations, any TPM skill can be used while muted either magically or physically(gagged), or when the surroundings do not permit for clear communication. However, since no words are used, the Profanity Vocabulary does not add into the skill DC.

Interesting, but a little clunky.

Iron Lungs(Ex): At 4th level a TPM can breathe in enough air to use two TPM free actions skills in a single round. The TPM is also able to have his voice heard from double the normal distance, and at normal distance with heavy ambient noise. Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Swim, you automatically get this skill. With this skill, you get a +2 bonus to all swim checks.

I'm not sure I understand the Synergy. Are you saying anybody with 5 ranks in swim gains this ability? Be careful with the use of the word skill - remember that "Skill" is a game defined mechanic. I think you mean "Class Feature."

IF your intention is to grant this ability to anybody with 5 ranks in swim, I'd advise against it.

You too!(Ex): At 6th level a TPM can use any of his TPM skills to target any amount of targets. However, the DC of the skill is lowered by 2 for every additional target.

Interesting abliity, and the penalty seems fair.

Tynam's Intricate Combinations(Su): At 8th level a TPM has amassed a Profanity Vocabulary extensive enough for an all-out verbal slaughter. The utter filth of the profanities, coupled with the huge vocabulary of words and creative usages causes actual mental damage. Deals 2d6 mental anguish damage per PV, and 50% chance the target is mentally incapacitated, unable to cast spells or communicate. Used as a full round action. Target must have intelligence of at least 9. A successful save negates only the damage.

Well, just to be complete, I'll point out the fact that the minimum INT score of the target means critters like ogres and orcs are immune to this.

What, exactly, is "Mental Anguish" damage? 2d6 per PV is going to be a lot of damage. When we gain this ability, we have a PV "score" of 8, so this is going to cause 16d6 damage!

Steel Lungs(Ex): At 9th level a TPM's lungs have reached an amazing strength, allowing the TPM to use any Combination skill as a standard round action instead of a full round action. The TPM is also able to have his voice heard from triple the normal distance, and can be heard from double distance with heavy ambient noise. Synergy: With this skill, you get a +4 bonus to all swim checks.

Interesting. Again, under the synergy, you use the word "skill" when you seem to mean "class ability." Some slight tweaking is needed, and there's other possible side benefits (such as helping to avoid drowning, suffocation, etc).

Tynam's Masterful Combination(Ex): At 10th level a TPM has reached the zenith of profanity mastery. All enemies in range with 11 or less intelligence are instantly stunned into stupor by the godlike, almost poetic profanity spewing from the TPM's mouth for 1d4+2 rounds. Each turn the target makes a DC check, and if the target fails the check they immediately fall unconscious for 1 min/PV. Enemies with 12 or more intelligence are allowed a DC check, with a successful save negating any effect. Used as a full round action. Targets must have an intelligence of at least 6.

I'm not sure what critters have an Intelligence below 6 - I'll have to dig. This is kinda strong, but it is a 10th level class ability.


I think the class has great potential. I hope you don't mind if I rewrite the first couple of abilities as Bardic Music type abilities, to give you an example of how you can use that game mechanic. I'll do that in a different post, though.

Your minimum Intelligence scores seem to be arbitrary in a lot of cases. I think I'd allow these abilities to work on anybody with an INT higher than 3 as that is the minimum for a PC, and rules out the abilities affecting standard animals.

I can see this class being used by somebody looking to have a bit of roleplaying fun in a campaign. Let's all work together and make this the awesometastic fun PrC it can be!

2004-07-28, 12:13 PM
And as promised, here's a handful of rewrites.

First, I'll suggest the following as the pre-reqs:

Alignment: Non-lawful
Feats: Expertise, Skill Focus (Perform (Oratory))
Skills: Diplomacy 2 ranks; Intimidate 4 ranks; Knowledge (Local) 2 ranks; Perform (Oratory) 9 ranks
Special: A character must train under an existing Master of Profanity.

This will, unfortunately, mean the class will not be taken by anybody who does not have Perform as a class skill - which means only rogues and bards, mostly. Expertise gets the required Intelligence score you want, and allows the target to defend themselves better. SKill Focus shows a dedication to being a good performer.


Let's look at the Bardic Music ability as written under the Bard, since we'll be using that mechanic for the class abilities here.

From the SRD:

Bardic Music: Once per day per bard level, a bard can use his song or poetics to produce magical effects on those around him (usually including himself, if desired). While these abilities fall under the category of bardic music and the descriptions discuss singing or playing instruments, they can all be activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, singing melodies, whistling, playing an instrument, or playing an instrument in combination with some spoken performance. Each ability requires both a minimum bard level and a minimum number of ranks in the Perform skill to qualify; if a bard does not have the required number of ranks in at least one Perform skill, he does not gain the bardic music ability until he acquires the needed ranks.
Starting a bardic music effect is a standard action. Some bardic music abilities require concentration, which means the bard must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability. Even while using bardic music that doesn’t require concentration, a bard cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands). Just as for casting a spell with a verbal component, a deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use bardic music. If he fails, the attempt still counts against his daily limit.

It then goes on to describe each of the effects, but we aren't too interested in the specifics of those.

So, at first level we'll use this ability in place of Profanity Vocabulary:

Profanity: A number of times per day equal to his class level, a TPM can use his unique skills to affect his targets in ways that are almost magical. To use any of the abilities described below, a TPM must meet certain minimum rank requirements in his Perform (Oratory) skill. The save DC against all Profanity effects is equal to 10 + TPM level + charisma modifier + 3 (for his Skill Focus feat). The save required of the target(s) is a Will save unless otherwise noted. Targets with an Intelligence score of 3 or less are immune to the TPM's profanity effects.

A TPM who also has levels in Bard may use his uses of Bardic Music to fuel his Profanity, but not the other way around. For example, a Bard 6/TPM 3 has 6 Bardic Music uses per day, and 3 Profanity uses per day. He may use any of his 6 Bardic Music uses as Profanity, but may not use his three profanity uses as Bardic Music.


So now we've defined Profanity to be similar to Bardic Music; we've set a DC that uses a generally standard mechanic (slightly altered to include our SKill Focus feat), and we've defined how the ability stacks with existing Bardic Music.

Now let's define an ability.

Rude Comments (Su): A TPM of at least first level with at least 10 ranks in Perform (Oratory) can use his basic knowledge of insults and foul language to distract his opponents. The use of Rude Comments requires a standard action. The TPM must select a target, and he must be able to communicate in a language the target understands. If the target fails his Will save, he is distracted by the tirade spewed forth by the TPM. The target receives a -2 to attack rolls and skill checks for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the TPM's charisma modifier, but no less than 1. Spellcasters targeted by this ability must make a Concentration check (including the penalty) in order to cast any spells during this period of time. Once he succeeds on a Concentration check, no further checks are required (though all the penalties remain).


So, here's the intro ability of the class. The use requires 10 ranks - the 9 you used to get into the class, plus one more that you would have had available when gaining this level. The ability effects everybody, and forces spellcasters to make a concentration check to cast spells.

Let's do one more ability. I'm going to take "Simple Combination" and split it into two different abilities. This will allow you to fill in some of those "empty" levels you have.

Heritage Attack (Su): A TPM of at least [pick a level, 2 perhaps?] with at least 11 ranks in Perform (Oratory) can make a Heritage Attack against a single opponent. This ability requires a standard action to activate. A Heritage Attack often begins with a phrase such as, "Your momma is so ugly," or similar, infuriating comments. Targets of a Heritage Attack are entitled to a Will saving throw. Failure indicates they are infuriated by the comments of the TPM, and they are affected as though under the effects of a Daze spell. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the TPM's charisma modifier, with a minimum of 1.


Anyway, I think going with a style such as this would be the best mechanically for your class. This style of ability would continue through the 10 levels. Basically, any time your Profanity has an affect on a target, it would be written in this style. If you need help writing other abilities, let me know.

2004-07-28, 12:32 PM
Hit die: d6.

Race: Any
Class: Fighter, Ranger, Bard, Rogue, Wizard, Sorceror, Barbarian
Intelligence: 13+
Alignment: Any non-lawful
BAB: -
Skills: Diplomacy* 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Knowledge(Local) 4 ranks, Perform(Oratory) 9 ranks
Feats: -

As suggested, drop away the empty requirements, and the Int one. Id' put Combat expertise (it makes sense : you have to protect yourself well when taunting people), or even better : Improved Feint. This feat is about language and fighting, after all.
Perform(Comedy) seems more appropriate :
- Comedy (buffoonery, limericks, joke-telling)
- Oratory (epic, ode, storytelling)

Special: Any class with a background in being a pirate receives +2 to all special PrC related skills. A background of being a highwayman, mercenary, brigand or bandit all receive +1 to all special PrC related skills, up to the discretion of the DM. (These bonuses do not stack(A mercenary turned pirate does not receive +3 bonus).

Drop this. Background should not interfere with pure technical things, like a DC.

Class Skills:
The Tynam’s Profanity Master class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Intimidate (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Perform (Cha), Concentration (Con), Speak Language.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

AFAIK, Speak language is a "class skill' for every class. It'd be better to add something nice like a free language at every PrC level. You should add Bluff and Sense motive.

Tynam's Profanity Master Table

That's a bit harsh ! I'd rather see a Bard progression - that is average BAB, Will and Ref as good saves.

Class Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Tynam's Profanity Masters(TPM) gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Profanity Vocabulary(Ex): Starting from level 1, a TPM builds up his vulgar repetoire. As the TPM progresses in levels, his Profanity Vocabulary increases 1 per level. Only one free action TPM skill can be used in one round.

Drop this, and go with class level. It's far more simple to say : "The saving throw DC against all TPM Profanity skills are Will saves at DC 10 + Intelligence bonus + Class level."

Furthermore, I agree with Gorbah : put a limited number of use per day ; maybe add a line to say that bardic music uses can be substituted to these.

Then you could add in this part that to use Profanity abilities versus an opponent, you have to speak a language he can understand, and have at least an Int of 3 (and drop this minimum to 2 at level 5 of the PrC so that you could at this point taunt animals).

Finally, all effects are of course [Mind-Affecting].
I think I'll add something like the ability to affect Undeads, Constructs and other Mind-Affecting immune creatures (that still have an Intelligence score, of course) at some levels. Something like levels 3, 7 and 10 ?

Profanity Focus(Ex): A TPM can use a standard action to analyze a target, or a full round action to analyze a group of targets. After analyzation the DC for any TPM skill used next is boosted by an additional PV amount.

Wow ! That will lead to very high DCs... And it can be done every round (since some abilities are free actions).

Rude Comments(Ex): A TPM gains the ability to criticize a target with basic profanities. The sudden verbal assault can unbalance the concentration of the targeted opponent, lowering their Concentration and Discipline score by 4 + Profanity Vocabulary(PV) each. Used as a free action. Target must have intelligence of at least 8. Save negates.

What is Discipline ?
What's the duration ?
I'd rather see :
"As a free action, you can elect someone to be the target of your Rude comments. Until your next action, if the target try to use any skill, he must succeed a saving throw or have a morale penalty equal to 4+class level for this skill roll only."
Electing someone does count toward the limitation of one free profanity action per round, but is not counted as a use if the target do not use a skill.


Drop the flavor examples.
I'd put :
" If the target fail his save, he takes a -1 penalty for every two class levels on his attacks rolls, except when he's attacking the taunter : he then gain a +2 morale bonus to attacks roll. The target also suffer a -2 penalty to Armor class that is not cumulative with the rage malus. Duration is 1d4 round plus character level. If the target have the ability to rage, he must start it at his next turn. "

Tynam's Simple Combination(Su):

Did I already say WOW ?
This is far too much powerfull.
I don't see any reason to be able to inflict direct damages with this class. A Daze effect (not limited by HD, of course) would be cool enough at lvl 2 of the PrC.

Vulgar Gesticulations(Ex):

I'd drop this one : this PrC is about language (as you pointed on the flavor text).

Iron Lungs(Ex): At 4th level a TPM can breathe in enough air to use two TPM free actions skills in a single round. The TPM is also able to have his voice heard from double the normal distance, and at normal distance with heavy ambient noise. Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Swim, you automatically get this skill. With this skill, you get a +2 bonus to all swim checks.

Cut the fact that having 5 ranks in Swim give the ability.

You too!(Ex): At 6th level a TPM can use any of his TPM skills to target any amount of targets. However, the DC of the skill is lowered by 2 for every additional target.

Very nice one. Add the fact that you have to choose one language, so that you can affect multiple targets only if they share a language - and if you guessed well !

Tynam's Intricate Combinations(Su):

Change this : again, imho inflicting mental damages doesn't seem right.

Steel Lungs(Ex): At 9th level a TPM's lungs have reached an amazing strength, allowing the TPM to use any Combination skill as a standard round action instead of a full round action. The TPM is also able to have his voice heard from triple the normal distance, and can be heard from double distance with heavy ambient noise. Synergy: With this skill, you get a +4 bonus to all swim checks.

Ok for distance and Swim synergy.

Tynam's Masterful Combination(Ex): At 10th level a TPM has reached the zenith of profanity mastery. All enemies in range with 11 or less intelligence are instantly stunned into stupor by the godlike, almost poetic profanity spewing from the TPM's mouth for 1d4+2 rounds. Each turn the target makes a DC check, and if the target fails the check they immediately fall unconscious for 1 min/PV. Enemies with 12 or more intelligence are allowed a DC check, with a successful save negating any effect. Used as a full round action. Targets must have an intelligence of at least 6.

Seems ok, needs a little rewording. Cut the Int part.

Overall, you could add something like :
- a Laugh effect (level 5 ?) ; if a target fail his save versus a Taunt effect, every allies of him distant from less than 30 feet must succed a Save or suffer the effect of an Hideous Laughter spell.
- dispelling Silent zone ;
- Confusion effect ;
- ...

2004-07-28, 12:37 PM
In the core books, the only classes I can recall that have Speak Language as a "class skill" are Bard, Rogue and Lore Master. That means they can spend 1 skill rank to learn a language. Everybody else must spend 2 in order to learn a new language.

The ability to (potentially) speak a bunch of languages seems appropriate for this class.

2004-07-28, 12:43 PM
I just checked out, and you're right ! :-[
I thought the 2 points cost was for everybody. Maybe in 3.0 ?
Whatever, Speak language is then of course a good choiceas a class skill.

2004-07-30, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the feedback all. I'll try to explain some of the stranger issues that I didn't really think of until you guys brought it up.

I know having an attribute requirement isn't good to do, but the whole point behind it is that people with high intelligence scores can remember enough words and use them creatively enough to become a TPM. I've thought of using a feat to substitute this requirement, but none of the feats really met my likings. Combat Expertise doesn't really tie in with the entire cussing process.

Saving and intelligence requirements...

I made the DC use intelligence since charisma is viewed as a positive thing. You wouldn't really expect a paladin to start cussing you down, and you would probably take little offense to it, knowing he had some good reason or somesuch. On the otherhand, if a swarthy pirate mercenary who exuded anti-charisma started calling your mother names with no apparent reason, you'd reach for your Sword of DIE +10 first and ask questions later.

Intelligence requirements were added since a TPM's vulgarities are profoundly different from the normal, day to day ones. You'd have to be of certain intelligence to understand and appreciate the complexities of some of the words and word combinations used, or they'd have little meaning. Calling an ogre a cannibalistic idiot who couldn't read, write, and had a whore for a mother might not have a great effect, opposed to calling the same to a human. The ogre might not understand the concepts of reading or writing in the first place.

The Profanity Vocabulary seemed to have caught alot of flak, so I'll try to defend it. I added it mainly to add flavor to the PrC, and also for later use in some Epic Feats. The idea of tying this PrC in with the Bard profession doesn't really appeal to me, since though they might be from the same tree, they're two completely different pieces of fruit(the bard's an apple, the TPM is a pepper. Yes, a pepper isn't a fruit. EXACTLY! :o)

Profanity Focus gives a bonus of Profanity Vocabulary(PV) value to the DC, on top of whatever is already there. IE> Tynam, with a PV of 12, INT bonus of 2, CHA bonus(or anti-bonus?) of 4 and mercenary background of 1 adds up to a DC of 19(Without including any other factors). If Tynam used Profanity Focus for one full round, the DC would go up by the PV value(12) for the following round. Thus, the following round Tynam could use Tynam's Simple Combinations for a total DC of 31.

Hopefully this clears up some of the stuff. I'll try posting more later.

2004-07-30, 09:03 PM
professional escort

;D Sorry, I was being politically incorrect with the word.

2004-07-31, 12:13 AM
I know having an attribute requirement isn't good to do, but the whole point behind it is that people with high intelligence scores can remember enough words and use them creatively enough to become a TPM. I've thought of using a feat to substitute this requirement, but none of the feats really met my likings. Combat Expertise doesn't really tie in with the entire cussing process.

I've done it. *shrug* Hell - I've done it on this board. I recommended Combat Expertise because it's all about defending yourself - something your gonna have to do if you fling those insults around. ;)

I made the DC use intelligence since charisma is viewed as a positive thing. You wouldn't really expect a paladin to start cussing you down, and you would probably take little offense to it, knowing he had some good reason or somesuch. On the otherhand, if a swarthy pirate mercenary who exuded anti-charisma started calling your mother names with no apparent reason, you'd reach for your Sword of DIE +10 first and ask questions later.

I believe you misunderstand charisma. It is force of personality. A high charisma doesn't mean people like you. Want proof? Flip through the Monster Manual and look at what things have a high charisma. The Tarrasque has a 14; a vampire gains a +4; a Great Wyrm Gold Dragon has a 32. I wouldn't call these things "likable" or "pretty."

Intelligence requirements were added since a TPM's vulgarities are profoundly different from the normal, day to day ones. You'd have to be of certain intelligence to understand and appreciate the complexities of some of the words and word combinations used, or they'd have little meaning. Calling an ogre a cannibalistic idiot who couldn't read, write, and had a whore for a mother might not have a great effect, opposed to calling the same to a human. The ogre might not understand the concepts of reading or writing in the first place.

Ah, but see - the TPM should be smart enough to know his target, and use the proper insults. Perhaps that string you listed above would actually be a compliment to an ogre. Instead, try, "Your momma was a goblin who knew how to read and write!" Now your stupid ogre is sufficiently angry at you. ;D

The Profanity Vocabulary seemed to have caught alot of flak, so I'll try to defend it. I added it mainly to add flavor to the PrC, and also for later use in some Epic Feats. The idea of tying this PrC in with the Bard profession doesn't really appeal to me, since though they might be from the same tree, they're two completely different pieces of fruit(the bard's an apple, the TPM is a pepper. Yes, a pepper isn't a fruit. EXACTLY! :o)

I think you're overcomplicating things - especially because Bardic Music does exactly what you're looking for. Heck - I even went so far as to provide an example.

In the end, all I (or anyone else) can do is offer suggestions. It's up to you to read those suggestions and decide if those suggestions actually improve your class. *shrug*