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View Full Version : [Screen Name] Alarran Dreamwalker

2004-07-28, 07:29 PM
She sat, motionless by the window, watching the moon trace a lazy arc through the sky. “I will not sleep,” she willed herself for the fourth night in a row. Yet she knew her body and mind would not allow her to deprive herself of the much-needed rest for much longer. As her eyelids sank with the weight of sleepless nights, the memory of blinding pain in her head, of waking sobbing, and drenched in sweat from night after night of agonizing nightmares broke through the sleepy haze. “No! I must stay awake!” she cried. Her battle with unconsciousness raged throughout the night, and when at last the sun broke over the horizon and she heard the low tap of the maid at her bedroom door, her heart soared. *

The next night however, her willpower finally failed her and she passed into the world of dreams.

She stood, cloaked in the shadows in the corner of the room. The woman lay on the bed, sobbing. After many nights of the same dream, she had come to accept that there was nothing she could do to change the woman’s fate. She could only quiver in the corner, feeling helpless, and awash in the woman’s sorrow.

The bang of the door no longer startled her as the pair of men crossed to the woman’s side. “Nothing more to do but sit down and watch the torture session commence once again,” she thought in a distracted manner. Perhaps it was the sleepless nights, or the sheer repetition of the dream, but her heart no longer ached for the woman. She sat on the floor, messing with a fingernail, the screams and cries barely penetrating into her consciousness.

The deep silence startled her into looking up. The men had left some time ago, the woman’s corpse lay bloodied on the bed. “Why am I still here?” she thought, with a start. Every other night she had awoken, screaming as the woman breathed her last breath. It was then that she saw the pale figure standing to the side of the room.

“Come with me Corvai. You are finally ready.”

The Alarran Dreamwalkers are disciples of Alarra, a renowned scholar who claimed to have discovered the secret of dreamwalking. Legend has it that Alarra refused to give the others access to her secrets once she learned of the pain and trauma that was caused to the dreamer by having someone manipulating their dreams. They tortured her for many days and nights in an attempt to gain the secrets. Yet, in the end, she chose to retreat into the dreamscape to escape. When they killed her earthly body, she was trapped there for eternity.

Although Alarra originally tried to remain as unobtrusive as possible in the dreams she infiltrated, centuries of exposure to the depravity of the general populations’ subconscious eventually corrupted the once sweet scholar. She now revels in the pain and havoc that she and her disciples can cause by manipulating the dreams and minds of others.

Only her disciples know the truth of this legend, as they are forced to witness it over and over until they prove that they have the willpower and lack of compassion to withstand the pain.

Few people admit the existence of this organization. It is spoken of as a myth and legend and even the initiates themselves do not associate outside of dreams.

Each disciple is hand chosen for their adeptness of their mind and trained individually by Alarra in the art of dream and mind manipulation. Few disciples have even heard of the group prior to being contacted. They are usually not aware that they are being tested until they have passed.

Hit die: d6

Alignment: any non-good, chaotic
Skills: Knowledge (Psionics) 5 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 5 ranks, Concentration 8 ranks
Feats: Open Minded, Psionic Meditation
Special: Must be contacted individually through dreams by Alarra herself, or one of the higher ranking disciples.

Class Skills: Autohypnosis (wis), Bluff (cha), Concentration (con), Diplomacy (cha), Gather Information (cha), Intimidate (cha), Knowledge (Psionics) (int), Knowledge (the Planes) (int), Listen (wis), Psicraft (int), Sense Motive (wis)

Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier

Level * * BAB * * Fort * * Ref * * Will * * Special * * * *
* *1 * * * * *+0 * * * *+0 * * *+0 * * *+2 * * * Dreaming Rest, Dream Walking
* *2 * * * * *+1 * * * *+0 * * *+0 * * *+3 * * * Illusion Understanding
* *3 * * * * *+1 * * * *+1 * ** +1 * * *+3 * * * Sleep
* *4 * * * * *+2 * * ** +1 * * *+1 * * *+4 * * * Mind Shroud *
* *5 * * * * *+2 * * * *+1 * * *+1 * * *+4 * * * Advanced Dream Walking
* *6 * * * * *+3 * * * *+2 * * *+2 * * *+5 * * * Mind Cloud
* *7 * * * * *+3 * * * *+2 * * *+2 * * *+5 * * * Dream Sending
* *8 * * * * *+4 * * * *+2 * * *+2 * * *+6 * * * Microcosm
* *9 * * * * *+4 * * * *+3 * * *+3 * * *+6 * * * Alter Memories
* 10 * * * * +5 * * * *+3 * * *+3 * * *+7 * * * Nightmare

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Dreamwalkers gain no proficiency in any weapon or armor.

Powers Known: Starting at 2nd level, dreamwalkers gain additional power points per day and access to new powers as if she had gained a level in whatever manifesting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class.

Dreaming Rest (Ex): At 1st level the dreamwalker gains the ability to rest in the dream world. *Instead of sleeping, the dreamwalker may spend time in the dream realm to regain their rest. If a dreamwalker spends 8 hours in the realm of dreams it would be like she had slept an 8 hour night and all they would receive all of the healing effects that would have normally taken place during the sleeping. They will also have regained all of their power points. Time spent in the dream realm may be combined with time spent sleeping to make up the full eight hours.

Dream Walking (Su): At the 1st level of Dreamwalker the character learns how to travel by dreams. This is much like the Dream Travel power listed in the power section and all the Dream Travel rules apply. This power can be manifested once per every three psion levels starting at the first level. Will negates. Range touch. Targets 1 touched creature/level.

Illusion Understanding (Ex): At 2nd Level, the dreamwalker gains a better understanding between the dream world and the real world. This gives them a +10 bonus on all saving throws against Illusion magic. *

Sleep (Sp): At 3rd level, the dreamwalker gains the ability to cause a comatose slumber to take hold upon one or more creatures within a 10-foot radius burst. Roll a 3d4 to determine how many total HD of creatures can be affected. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first while creatures who have equal hit dice are affected by the order of who is closer to the character. You may only effect creatures equal to or less than your manifester level. Creatures affected by this power can only be awoken by someone taking a standard action to wake them or by the power wearing off. Creatures affected by sleep are oblivious to sound. Sleep lasts for 1 minute/level. *Will Negates. *Range Medium (100 ft + 20 ft. /level). This does not effect creatures that are immune to magical sleep.

Mind Shroud (Ex): At 4th level, the dreamwalker becomes especially skilled at resisting mental attacks. She receives a +4 competence bonus on all saving throws against all compulsions and mind-affecting effects.

Advanced Dream Walking (Su): At 5th Level the dreamwalker learns how to use their dream walking ability to a much stronger degree. This functions like Dream Walking except that the character is able to focus on any aspect of the dreams she wants. Manipulating and probing into the minds of the dreamers she is able to find out what each dreamer is dreaming and change any aspect of those dreams. *Dreams that are affected by a dreamwalker are always remembered in vivid detail. If the dreamwalker wants to enter the dream realm but not travel she can enter the dream world with only her mind. If the body is killed while the mind is in the dream world then the dreamwalker would be trapped in the realm of dreams forever.

Mind Cloud (Sp): At 6th Level a dreamwalker is able to cloud the minds of more than one creature at will. When a creature's mind is clouded they suffer a -10 competence penalty on all wisdom checks and will saves. Unlike the spell Mind fog, this cloud exists only within the target's mind. Since this cloud is in their minds, there is no way that they can walk out of the cloud and it is unaffected by environmental conditions like wind. Mind Cloud lasts for 2d4 rounds. Will negates.

Dream Sending (Su): *At 7th Level the dreamwalker is able to send a message through dreams to specific recipients. Much like the Dream spell, the receiver is not able to ask questions while this power is in affect. The dreamwalker begins the power by envisioning the person she wants to send the dream to. The dreamwalker enters a trance for the duration of the sending. If the target happens to be awake during the sending, they also enter a deep trance. If the target is attacked or takes damage in any way during the sending they remain in the trance and the sender also takes any damage that the target sustains. *When the trance or dream ends the target remembers the dream in very vivid detail.

Microcosm (Sp): *At 8th level the dreamwalker gains the ability to use the Microcosm power even if they are not of a high enough level to manifest it. All the same rules for Microcosm apply and the character still must pay the proper amount of Power Points.

Alter Memories (Sp): At 9th Level a dreamwalker is able to alter the minds of a target. The character probes the mind of the target and can learn everything that the creature knows. They are also able to insert and delete memories, and change thoughts, opinions and even alignments. When the character is done it is her choice whether to leave peacefully or to leave the target insane. Will negates. *Range medium 100 ft +10 ft./level.

Nightmare (Sp): At 10th level, the dreamwalker gains the ability to send a nightmare into the mind of any target. This spell-like ability pulls the target’s worst nightmare out of their subconscious and makes them relive it. This nightmare is of an attack by a creature that the target fears more than anything else. The nightmare is so vivid that the target sustains 10d6 damage and must flee for 2d4 rounds. Will Negates.

2004-07-28, 07:46 PM
One major mistake: There are no 0-level powers!

This PrC seems interesting, I have to post more points after I've slept for some time, since it's 2:50am currently. ±_±

Oh, and I'm unfamiliar with the feat "Psychoanalyst" and the skill "Remote View". Where on Earth did you take these?!

2004-07-28, 08:05 PM
this is kinda creepy, I think I'll use it on my players ;D


2004-07-29, 03:55 AM
Really neat class.

But, Fsi-Dib, is correct. 0 level psionic powers have been eliminated in the XPH.

Also, there are no feats or abilities which require a reserve cost, instead, you need to expend your psionic focus...although there is nothing in the rules saying you can't utilize this as a prep cost.

2004-07-29, 01:19 PM
I really don't know psionics well. Of course, not knowing something about the subject never stopped me from commenting before. ;) Most of my comments will be generic in nature - I'll leave the psionic stuff to those who know it.

<<snipped flavor text>>

Very, very nice flavor text. It was easy to ready, it was enjoyable to read and it provides a solid overview of the class.

Hit die: d6

Alignment: any non-good, chaotic
Class: Psion
Skills: Knowledge (Psionics) 4 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks, Concentration 3 ranks
Feats: Psychoanalyst
Special: Must be contacted individually through dreams by Alarra herself, or one of the higher ranking disciples.

The hit die looks good.

You should try to avoid requiring a specific class. Is there a class ability Psions receive that you could use as an alternate pre-req? For example, in place of saying, "Rogue" I might say, "1d6 Sneak Attack." While that allows other classes (such as Assassin), it's not something they get at first character level any other way.

Next... Somebody could conceivably enter this class at character level 3! The only "level" requirement you have is 4 ranks in a skill, which can be achieved after 2 levels. You'll need something to bump this to a higher level. How about a base will save requirement? Pick whatever level Psion you want to have enter this class, and that becomes your requirement.

Otherwise the reqs look OK to me.

Class Skills: Concentration (con), Diplomacy (cha), Intimidate (cha), Knowledge (Psionics) (int), Knowledge (the Planes) (int), Listen (wis), Remote View (int), Psicraft (int), Sense Motive (wis)

Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier

* gets on soapbox *
Craft and Profession should be class skills for everybody
* gets off soapbox *

Do Psions have high Int scores? If so, it is quite likely you'll run out of class skills - a human with an Int mod of 4 could keep every class skill maxed. Are there any other skills (along with Craft and Profession) you could add? How 'bout some other Knowledge skills?

<<snipped table>>

Is the BAB and Save progressions normal for a Psion? Otherwise, everything looks OK here.

Dreaming Rest (Ex): At 1st level the dreamwalker gains the ability to rest in the dream world. Instead of sleeping, the dreamwalker may spend time in the dream realm to regain their rest. If a dreamwalker spends 8 hours in the realm of dreams it would be like she had slept an 8 hour night and all they would receive all of the healing effects that would have normally taken place during the sleeping. They will also have regained all of their power points. Time spent in the dream realm may be combined with time spent sleeping to make up the full eight hours.

Does this also affect the rest required for Arcane Spell preparation, for any multiclassed characters?

Dream Walking (Su): At the 1st level of Dreamwalker the psion learns how to travel by dreams. This is much like the Dream Travel power listed in the power section and all the Dream Travel rules apply. This power can be manifested once per every three psion levels starting at the first level. Will negates. Range touch. Targets 1 touched creature/level. A character can use Dream Walking as long as her power point reserve is 3 or more.

First question, which applies to all the abilities: Is it "normal" with Psionic stuff to have a power that says, "A character must have a power point reserve of at least X"?

Second comment here - you need to establish the save DC. Typical is 10 + class level + ability score.

Illusion Understanding (Ex): At 2nd Level, the dreamwalker gains a better understanding between the dream world and the real world. This gives them a +10 bonus on all saving throws against Illusion magic. This ability constantly protects the character as long as her power point reserve is 3 or more.

Your bonus type is unnamed - is that intentional? Competence bonus seems appropriate to me.

Sleep (Sp): At 3rd level, the dreamwalker gains the ability to cause a comatose slumber to take hold upon one or more creatures. Roll a 3d4 to determine how many total HD of creatures can be affected. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first while creatures who have equal hit dice are affected by the order of who is closer to the Psion. No creature with 8 or more HD is affected. Creatures affected by this power can only be awoken by someone taking a standard action to wake them or by the power wearing off. Creatures affected by sleep are oblivious to sound. Sleep lasts for 1 minute/level. Will Negates. Range Medium (100 ft + 20 ft. /level). A character can use Sleep as long as her power point reserve is 4 or more.

Again, you need a save DC Also, does this affect creatures normally immune to magical sleep (such as elves)?

Mind Shroud (Ex): At 4th level, the dreamwalker becomes especially skilled at resisting mental attacks. She receives a +4 competence bonus on all saving throws against all compulsions and mind-affecting effects. She also receives a +2 competence bonus on saving throws against psionic attack modes, which stacks with any bonus granted by raising a psionic defense mode, if any. This extrordinary ability is active and constantly protects the psion as long as the dreamwalker’s power point reserve is 9 or more.

Stating the +2 bonus stacks, then giving it a named type that doesn't stack, really is a minor issue. If you want it to stack, use a Cicrumstance bonus, as those bonuses from different sources always stack.

Mind Cloud (Sp): At 6th Level a dreamwalker is able to cloud the minds of more than one creature at will. When a creature's mind is clouded they suffer a -10 competence penalty on all wisdom and will saves. Unlike the spell Mind fog, this cloud exists only within the target's mind. Since this cloud is in their minds, there is no way that they can walk out of the cloud and it is unaffected by environmental conditions like wind. Mind Cloud lasts for 2d4 rounds. Will negates. A character can use Mind Cloud as long as her power point reserve is 4 or more.

I'd alter the bolded text slightly to say "Wisdom checks and Will saves." Do you want this to also apply to skill checks that use Wisdom? If so, you may want to use the wording, "Wisdom based checks (including skill and ability checks) along with Will Saves." Or something similar.

Dream Sending (Su): <<snipped>>

I wouldn't worry about it, but I can think of minor abuses. There is a spell in Forgotten Realms, for example, that converts all damage you receive to nonlethal damage. That makes taking "feedback" damage from this ability less problematic. Like I said, though, your ability is fine as worded - it's just something to keep in mind.

Microcosm (Sp): At 8th level the dreamwalker gains the ability to use the Microcosm power even if they are not of a high enough level to manifest it. All the same rules for Microcosm apply and the psion still must pay the proper amount of Power Points.

I have no idea if this is good or not. Currently, we're talking about a 10th level charater gaining this ability - is that really early? Remember that if your requirements change, that'll push back access to this ability.

Alter Memories (Sp): At 9th Level a dreamwalker is able to alter the minds of a target. The character probes the mind of the target and can learn everything that the creature knows. They are also able to insert and delete memories, and change thoughts, opinions and even alignments. When the psion is done it is her choice whether to leave peacefully or to leave the target insane. Will negates. Range medium 100 ft +10 ft./level. A character can use Alter Memories as long as her power point reserve is 13 or more.

Do you have the Book of Vile Darkness? If so, there is a spell in there called Mind Rape that is very similar to this. It's a good spell. You've come awfully close to replicating it, so I'm thinking you may have used that for a source. ;)

Does the will save negate everything (the altered memory, etc), or does it just negate the insanity.

A nice, high level ability.

Nightmare (Sp): At 10th level, the dreamwalker gains the ability to send a nightmare into the mind of any target. This spell-like ability pulls the target’s worst nightmare out of their subconscious and makes them relive it. This nightmare is of an attack by a creature that the target fears more than anything else. The nightmare is so vivid that the target sustains 10d6 damage and must flee for 2d4 rounds. Will Negates. A character can use Nightmare as long as her power point reserve is 9 or more.

I really like the Nightmare spell. This is a nice ending ability for the class.


Overall, your class seems well thought out, and well constructed. Your formatting was awesome, which made reading things easy. While I don't use psionics in my game (yet), I could see this being a class somebody would be interested in.

You only really need to fix two things: Boost the entry requirements so it can be gained later, and define the save DC.

Great job!

2004-07-29, 03:46 PM
*sigh* I could have sworn I'd bought the most recent edition of this book. Ah well...now that that is fixed...*mutter, mutter - how dare they get rid of feats and skills I wanted to use.* =)

Think all should be right now, at least with the things psi-dib and guessmith mentioned, haven't started on your suggestions yet zherog.

thanks all! =)

2004-07-29, 04:03 PM
Um, sorry, but the requirements are having conflicts. Chaotic Mind feat states that you cannot take this feat if you have or use psionic powers. :-/ Oh, and so does Force of Will...

I think the feat Open Minded could fit for requirements. Also, something like "Able to manifest 2nd-level powers" as requirements would be good. Or able to manifest a specific power yadda yadda.

2004-07-29, 04:18 PM
*sigh* see...I don't know what I'm doing. :-/

I was actually looking at open minded as a possible requirement. That might work.

2004-07-29, 09:21 PM
*sigh* I could have sworn I'd bought the most recent edition of this book.

Sometimes, you don't even need the book.


Hope this helps. :)

Don't get encouraged, the rules just like the editions might change every now and then, but for me at least, the fun part are the ideas. There are lots of people on these boards and many others who will help you make the class compliant, but without the core idea, you don't have much at all.

It's still a great idea...good luck!

2004-07-29, 10:23 PM
Don't get encouraged, the rules just like the editions might change every now and then, but for me at least, the fun part are the ideas. There are lots of people on these boards and many others who will help you make the class compliant, but without the core idea, you don't have much at all.

It's still a great idea...good luck!

Psst. I think you mean discouraged, guesssmith. ;)

Allara - he's right. Your class is awesome - it just seems to need a few tweaks to bring it up to 3.5.

2004-07-29, 11:59 PM
Psst. I think you mean discouraged, guesssmith. ;)


Really, that's what I meant!

2004-07-30, 12:15 AM
I'm not discouraged. I just in general tend to take the opinion that I am not able to do this. I keep thinking that I shouldn't have jumped from having no knowledge of d&d whatsoever to creating a prestige class. You should have seen me trying to create this. I'm sure Chris wanted to strangle me. =)

You should try to avoid requiring a specific class. Is there a class ability Psions receive that you could use as an alternate pre-req?
changed. At least one of the feats I am now requiring requires the ability to manifest psionic powers, so the class requirement is no longer needed.

Next... Somebody could conceivably enter this class at character level 3! The only "level" requirement you have is 4 ranks in a skill, which can be achieved after 2 levels.
That bumped up enough?

If so, it is quite likely you'll run out of class skills - a human with an Int mod of 4 could keep every class skill maxed. Are there any other skills (along with Craft and Profession) you could add?
added 3 more class skills

Does this also affect the rest required for Arcane Spell preparation, for any multiclassed characters?
Sure does.

Your bonus type is unnamed - is that intentional?
yep, that would be intentional.

does this affect creatures normally immune to magical sleep (such as elves)?
No it does not. I clarified that in the spell.

Stating the +2 bonus stacks, then giving it a named type that doesn't stack, really is a minor issue. If you want it to stack, use a Cicrumstance bonus, as those bonuses from different sources always stack.
changed this to match the changes to this ability in the new version of the psionics handbook. shouldn't be an issue anymore.

I'd alter the bolded text slightly to say "Wisdom checks and Will saves."
It was supposed to say that, oops. Changed.

I have no idea if this is good or not. Currently, we're talking about a 10th level charater gaining this ability - is that really early? Remember that if your requirements change, that'll push back access to this ability.
With the changed requirements, I'm thinking they would get this around level 13 or 14. Normally, they would have access to this power around level 18, I believe. Does that sound okay?

Do you have the Book of Vile Darkness? If so, there is a spell in there called Mind Rape that is very similar to this. It's a good spell. You've come awfully close to replicating it, so I'm thinking you may have used that for a source. ;)
Does the will save negate everything (the altered memory, etc), or does it just negate the insanity.
Yeah, this is based a lot off of that spell. I had a spell similar to this before I saw that spell actually, I just used some things from it to make it more powerful. And will negates everything, not just the insanity.

Thanks for all the really helpful feedback! =)

2004-07-30, 12:31 AM
Oh pish posh my dear. I had no desire to strangle you. I had fun.

2004-07-30, 09:14 AM
This one definately has my vote. Mostly because im basically obsessed with the Astral plane and Astral projection. But its a great job anyway.

2004-07-30, 03:24 PM
So this is a drawing that I did today of my conception of what an Alarran Dreamwalker would look like. What do you think?


2004-07-30, 03:36 PM
I think I'm extremely jealous of your art skills. :D

2004-07-30, 04:14 PM
:o WOW :o

2004-08-01, 12:42 PM
aww...thanks! ;D