View Full Version : Nation Chapter One: Starting Small...

2009-01-06, 12:42 PM

Three hundred or so years ago the continent spanning Empire of Alasham settled into peace. The rebellions had died down, the Orcs of Kaman routed, and the Necromancer Joinaz turned by weight of numbers and executed.

Two hundred years ago that all ended. The elves, long though gone to the west returned, pursued by hordes of undead and the spectre of famine. This was merely the first shock to the stagnant Empire. With the Emperor's death the Imperial family splintered between his sons and daughters. The Orcs returned, previously undiscovered goblin camps deep in the Upper Forest spewed forth an angry retribution. The Wizard-Kings of the Elves, fed up with the divided dynasties decided to blast the familiy tree of the the rival Emperors, but in doing so left themselves open to a devastating counter stroke from the Sorcerer Hands, the loyal mages who stood guard over the throne room, awaiting the day when a single claiment might arise above the rest.

The mobs ruled for many days after that, turning the once great and bustling cities of the Empire to gutted, burnt out wrecks. The agrarian areas were no better off, plagued by brigands and the monsters who ran rampant over the 'realm' turned to strongmen and thugs for protection. Such is the world now. Clusters of farms around short, squat castles. Last remnents of the Imperial structure grimmly hanging on. Ruined glory long since abandoned... by humankind. Roving bands of monsters.

Only the elves and the dwarfs can cling to any vestige of nationhood. The dwarfs do so out of nessesity, as they live in constant war and seige with the Orcs of Kaman. The elves maintain a unity of sorts, but after fleeing the undead in the Promised Land for their Homeland, only to find it riven with strife and war, and to lose their Kings so suddenly... a few remain under the rule of Queen Elinora. The rest have scattered, wandering the land searching for a purpose.

Castle Albain and the surrounding area:

The Castle Albain is in fact an old Legionare supply depot/armoury, abandoned ever since the Pax Imperia. It is the center of the little village of about thirty households or so, who keep their houses clustered around the castle, and their plots radiate outwards from there.

The first Baron of Albain, an Imperial Lieutenant who deserted rather than try to pick sides in the ever expanding civil war, stumbled upon the ruins and rebuilt the walls, lifted the magical weapons and hunkered down to wait out the troubles. Eventually some of his former soldiers, and then some of the camp follwers crept out to join him. Hungry for protection, some refugees from the bandits now looting their way through the town of Acrameh bartered a quater of all future crops in exchange for protection. As the final spasms of vilence unleashed themselves on the world, The First Albain realized the old order was gone for good, and proclaimed his nobility, staked out his borders, and set about pacifying the wilderness around himself.

Not long after this many other feudal 'lords,' strong men, bandit kings, and a band of orcs set down in the surrounding area. To the North lie the Hills, now overrun by Orcs. To the souths, the bandit woods. Fortunately the bandits mostly strike at the peddler caravans and the farmlands o the south. Mostly. To the east is the territory of Alkazar the Mighty, a first generation strongman leader who appeared one day with his band to wrest control over the area from it's earlier owner. To the west lies the river of Alamain, and across it, the ambitious Baroness Yasmine.

You all arrive at the Castle around the same time. Luther, the Baron's right hand man, has dragged the healer, Loric into the Baron's chambers. The tall, tattooed man of uncertain origins paces back and forth, grunting noncommitmentally whenever questioned about exactly what is going on. Alvis, Luther's half-elf wife and the Baron's cheif scout, twirls an arrow through her fingers. She too is silent. Also in the room, are Evan and Dellion, who had been out on the raid, Hereon, the very young elven lordling-in-name, Alexius, his human counterpart, and the trustworthy likeable castle smith, Klaus.

And... go!

2009-01-06, 05:45 PM
Klaus studies the other people in the chamber, waiting for an answer on what in Moradin's name is going on here.

After a while, he asks

Luther, fer tha last time. Why did ye call us all here? Wher’s tha Baron?

2009-01-06, 05:53 PM
Luther grunts, and then sighs, and stops pacing. He's in there. It's bad. Yeah. He glances at his wife for support. If Loric can't save him, and I really doubt he could, he never married, so there's no heir. She looks at some of the newcomers to the room. We'll have to sort things out.

2009-01-06, 08:11 PM
Hereon Greenwings, Elven Lordling-to-be

The young elfling stands a bit to the side, twirling a lock of his long hazel hair in one hand as he evaluates the ones around him. He picks up a small glass vial, shaking around the water within, staring through it at Alvis. "Someone must be Baron, of course. This castle will be a fast target of bandits without a figure head. Not to mention I'm sure the citizens around here will be quite distraught."

2009-01-06, 08:28 PM
Alvis tucks the arrow she was playing with into her belt, and respondes in Elvish. True, but at a time such as this, we need the right leadership. How, and who, to decide?

Then she gets up and starts pacing exactly where Luther had been.

2009-01-06, 09:26 PM
Hereon Greenwings

The elf sets the vial back down on the desk behind him and leans upon it. How shall decide who. He idly looks up at the ceiling, avoiding watching the two pace a hole into the floor.

"There's a level of quality we should look to ensure, though I feel our immediate situation would not be affected much beyond that. It comes to what is most desired for the future."

The elf youth brings his eyes back down to earth, and glances at Evan and Dellion. "I don't think I've seen you two in person before, would you like to introduce yourselves?"

2009-01-06, 11:13 PM
Elves. Never could get a hold of their tongue. Evan berates himself for never learning his wife's native language. I am Evan of Thickenstock. I was on the raid. He gives Alvis a familiar, some what annoyed look I'd appreciate if we could keep the conversation in a common language. Not all of us are so well versed in Elvish. And this is a bad time for intrigue. Things seem to just be coming together for the two towns

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-07, 05:03 AM
Sir Alexius (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=100377)

Alexius had taken a seat in the waiting room and was obviously pondering the words of Hereon. Rising from his position he was a striking, tall figure, the purple crest with the golden eagle atop it dorning his dark tunic like some long lost regalia from the imperial days. He spoke slowly and confidently.

"You are quite right Evan, such would be usefull.

Still honourable mister Greenwings does have a point, someone must be declared the new Lord of Albain indeed, but we must ensure it is someone the people respect, that means someone with either a claim to his lands or someone with a proper bloodline. I doubt his men would follow anyone else or his people accept anyone else.

As it happens I was going through some of the castle record just a moment ago. They date back to imperial times. The baron is of the new nobility, the ones who proved their worth by their mettle and skill as we had done before them. Surely there could be a cousin one or two generations away that has a reasonable claim. We could check the family's heraldric records, but it will take time. For the moment we'll need a regent to hold the lands in his place. Otherwise the nearest claim would be my own, being a scion of the older nobility."

The latter is spoken in the utmost confidence, clearly as if it was the most normal thing to say under the circumstances...like bartering for a sack of grain on a market.

"(The) honourable mister ..." is more or less the proper way to adress the son of a baron. (i'm assuming here that Hereon's noble status amids the elves is somewhat like that of alexius amongst humans) Naturally if the GM wishes to have a different flavour, that's fine by me, but I'm guessing that Alexius (and probably Hereon) would know the proper ettiquete

Honourable mister Greywood would thus be the proper way to adres Alexius. Or Sir Alexius, as he was knighted by his father when they were still on good terms.

Though first names can probably be used by peers but not when commoners are around or in (semi) formal occasions. Nobility is about maintaining the status quo in that respect.

2009-01-07, 07:05 AM
Loric sighs as the fate of the baron, thinking to himself: "He should have taken a wife while he was still alive, he was such a fine specimen for a human". Before delivering his report to Luther he first cuts of a lock of hair from the baron and puts it away in a small pouch. After that he takes out a Black sash and binds it to his right for-arm.

He then walks into the waiting room with a very grim look on his face speaking in a low voice: There will be blood...

2009-01-07, 09:40 PM
Luther laughs weakly at Evan's comment. Aye, it's a right pain. Took me awhile to get the hang of it. Alvis smiles, but frowns as Alexius speaks up. A... regeant? You mean like place holder? Yes, that'd be good but, well, I think we need a more permanent solution than that for Albain, if we need- And then Loric walks out and delivers his news. Ah, and we do. The thing is, Alexius, I don't think anyone here would like an outsider to come in and proclaim themselves ruler. Even the First Albain was, well, the first one to come out to this place. It's a point of pride. And they won't accept no cousin that's never even seen the place. And they're be trouble, because there's that Alkazar out east, he's shown he like to grab without asking, and then there's Yasmine out west, and only those who've know her long distrust her, and that's even more dangerous than when nobody trusts somebody. BUt you know, you know Alexius, there are soldiers in the Baron's service who think they'd be best at being powerful too.

2009-01-07, 10:35 PM
Hereon Greenwings

"Alvis is absolutely correct, Sir Alexis," the young elf says without critique, stepping away from the desk to walk over to window. "The people would prefer someone who they feel is like them, understands their situation. The Baron had little room for error dealing with our neighbors, and would have had much less without the confidence of the citizens. Perhaps if we were a larger territory like the empires of old, the concept of your old nobility would be acceptable, but bringing in the next in line is not acceptable in our situation, neither politically nor practically. In the old nobility, an empire could survive because there were those whom could be assigned the duties of their lord and perform them despite the emperors own skills. Today, should our choice of Barons not be up to task, there are none who may fill his roles."

The elf leans upon the window seal and gazes out over the walls, enjoying the sight outside with a small hum as he breaks up his thoughts and words with a small rest. "I am sorry Sir Alexis, but it simply cannot be that simple again. As an aside, I do not feel we will need to worry about the Barons soldiers too much, despite any ambition of the commanders. The soldiers are still people, and will most consider the safety of their land and families, and will willingly accept new leadership in order to ensure that safety. As long as that appeal is made, no movement will have enough momentum to it."

2009-01-07, 10:55 PM
*I hate the internet. It ate another post...*

2009-01-08, 12:39 AM
Evan sneered internally at the situation. Nobility. Names. Birthright. It's madness that the future of any civilization should depend on this. Yet he understood the need for order, and it's need for validity. Perhaps a duplicate. How many know of the Baron's fate? Hells, do we know of his fate? He certainly didn't look well, but has there been any word from the healer? Evan couldn't believe what he had suggested, but it might keep order for the time being. How would your people handle the loss of their leader, their protector? How easily would they just accept a new one? This transition could be very dangerous, even without ambitious commanders.

2009-01-08, 08:36 AM
Upon hearing Evan's suggestion, Klaus is slightly taken aback.

Tis playin' with fire, lad. A lie may be o'help today, but it cannae be used indefinitely.

Addressing Luther:

What aboot ye Luther? Ye could hold things ‘til tha Baron gets better.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-08, 12:51 PM
Sir Alexius

Alexius does not appear phased in the sleightest by the elf's remarks.

"Honourable mister Greenwings I do indeed see why you would think that. I agree that it would be best to have someone who understands this place. Still the empire was not ruled merely by assistants, with the execption of the imperial court there were a rare few estates that could flourish without a capable lord. As such it was ruled by those most capable to rule. Unlike the simple concept that some people place to hereditary rule it is in fact the duty of previous lord not to select his eldest son or nearest cousin to succeed him, but his most capable one. The one that can fullfill the Noblesse Oblige, the duty to rule wisely and conduct himself with honour. Noble families usually had and still have many scions along their line for exactly that purpose, it's not about the eldest son, it's about the bloodline and ensuring there are no disputes over the succession. Afterall the civil war was caused by those who placed themselves above the rules of succession and soon everyone did."

Pausing for a moment he continues.

"It's not that I think there will be strife or conflict in Albain. But there are at least three very good reasons for ensuring that traditions are followed in this matter: First of all I don't want the choice to seem like it was just us deciding it without a greater guiding princple and thus prevent any dissatisfaction. I believe Evan got it exactly right when he said it "could be very dangerous, even without ambitious commanders" and even honorable mister Greenwings agrees that ruling without support is difficult. Secondly the choice would allow us to set in place a regent that could hold the lands together thus buying us time to choose a worthy successor. If needed we could even pretend it was the baron himself inviting his relatives to choose a successor, such a ruse could work for a while. And thirdly the ruler that makes the best candidate will naturally have to demonstrate knowledge of the estate and thus settle the point of pride. No ruler could rule a place he does not know."

2009-01-08, 04:23 PM
Bah, too many words... I want to know who is responsible for that arrow ending up where it did...

2009-01-08, 05:48 PM
Hereon Greenwings

The elf turns around form his window and gives a strange smile to Loric. "For a healer that's quite a comment. I wonder what you'd intend on doing if you found out. Never fear, once we have a new leader, we shall do our best to find the Barons killer."

The noble elf takes a breath and flips his hair over the back of his shoulder. "It's hard to believe we're disagreeing when we both claim we're perfectly right, Sir Alexis. I will then say that no cousin of our late Baron could be a better ruler than you or I. I have lived here all my life, and personally know many of the citizens around here. I have their concerns in my own heart. They trust me because I grew up with them, around them. Could any relative say the same? Perhaps in time they could understand Albain, but could we truely afford to loose that time? Only today the Baron was killed, what if tomorrow the Bandits decide it is a good day to pillage the land? Could you say with certainty that you could find a relative with more experience than yourself?"

Hereon eyes Alexis with full seriousness, trying to gauge Alexis' own worthyness to take the post. How much ambition do you have human? Will you hold on to old ways that have collapsed, or will you take your new path?

2009-01-08, 05:50 PM
Luther shakes his head when his name is put forth as temporary ruler. I earned my place here with my greatsword, not my wits. And we were on a raid, Loric. Dellion was there. Bandit hunting dangerous.
Alvis speaks up. Alexius has a point. The new rule, however decided, needs a certain sense of legitimacy. But with Darius and his cohorts they'd get no legitimacy beyond that of the sword. And, well, you all here seem to be the... what, village elders? Certainly leaders. Evan, it works for your village. After that we could-
There is a comotion from outside and down stairs.

Uh... the healer, Loric, already left the room and announced "there will be blood." Interpret as you will. Luther certainly thinks he's dead.

2009-01-08, 06:04 PM
Hereon Greenwings

Hereon raises an eyebrow and looks back outside his window. "What's going on out there?"


2009-01-08, 06:41 PM
The soldiers are returning, along with... the Green Hills Halfling Caravan!

2009-01-08, 07:02 PM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

Listening to the verbal sparring between Hereon and Alexius, Klaus thinks to himself: "With the baron dead, time is of the essence... maybe the two together can be stronger than one."

Addressing the two lordlings, he says

"Me Lords, yer boof right an' make valid points. Have ye considered tha possibility o' a joint rejency? So as ta ensure a peacef’l transition 'till tha new Baron is chosen."

2009-01-08, 07:15 PM
Hereon Greenwings

Hereon only hums to himself as he looks out the window, his mind quickly filling with halfings before he snaps himself away. "Hm? Oh, yes. That does sound like an interesting suggestion Mister Ironfist. In fact, that's the first solid thing I've heard so far.

"Right now, the caravan from Green Hills is arriving outside. If everyone, Sir Alexis included, is in agreement, perhaps we should go outside and greet them as such?"

2009-01-08, 07:32 PM
Yes, Klaus, you make some good points. BUt the thing is... an elf, a really young one at that, and an outsider? Wouldn't really fly more than just one of you. Wait, what? Green Hills? What're they doing here so early in the season? Alvis jumps to the window. Luther? The Driver likes you. Can you handle this? Just bring him up here for, uh, a private meeting with the Baron. Luther gets up and walks out. We'll need to come to a ruling soon, the Caravan'll want to barter and go quickly, no matter how early they've come in. Then she sits down heavily in one of the big wooden chairs, meant for armoured knights, and leans back.

2009-01-08, 07:45 PM
Hereon Greenwings

Hereon puts on his best, hurt looking expression as he addresses the half-elf, "Why, Alvis, you're comment pierces my heart more than any arrow. Yourself and your position non-withstanding as example, I've been a part of Albain my entire life! That you think of me as an outsider truely, truely hurts me."

He sighs and looks back up, smiling again. "Whatever the case, I'll be happy to barter with the halflings. There's no reason Alexis and I could not arrange an appropriate deal with them."

2009-01-08, 08:06 PM
Alvis frowns at Hereon. Get used to it, kid. I'm only half an elf, and I've been here longer than you. And it's not just where you were born, but your parents aren't from around here, and they've certainly made no attempt to fit in.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-08, 08:43 PM
Sir Alexius

Alexius looks back at Hereon, still calm and confident. Seemingly not even considering sizing up the elf.

"Suffice to say that most of the human memories of elven activies still date back to the great betrayal by the Elven elite, that for the Elves themselves happened less then a generation ago.* It's unfortunate that most of us can't see past that and look at the individual."

Sighing he Looks at Alvis and the others, Alexius speaks slowly and clearly, the tone of his voice displaying seriousness on the issues.

"It's a said thing though that these people have lost hope for the restoration of their glorious past. I personally believe we should be united by our ideals to reclaim our destiny and not judge some-one upon how long he or she has lived in a place. Still I do know most of the townsfolk and am no stranger to this place after five years, most of my life as an adult.

If we are to institute a regency period I would have no objection to taking up the mantle if that is needed, no need to be unclear about that. A joint regency, however noble a compromise, would not advisable. If I've been taught anything about rulership it's that in times of distress it's best to be united under a single leader. Anything else would lead to confusion amongst those we make dealings with concern amongst our followers about potential strife and inefficiency when speedy decisions need to be taken."

assuming cannon DND lifespans for elves (700+ years)...200 years would be next to nothing.

2009-01-08, 09:23 PM
Lost glory. Heh. We survive Alexius, day by day. There's no time for glory. And, so who's to be regeant then? Or do we all gather here and decide for ourselves each decision? She pauses to sound this out in her brain.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-08, 09:42 PM
Sir Alexius

"That would be ill advisable." Alexius smiles as he replies to Alvis's rethorical question. He continues, a sense of humbleness coming over his voice as he speaks, as if he takes on a great task.

"Still as the facts stands I've got the best chance of being accepted as regent by the people untill a suitable heir can be found. I'm the only human noble in the barons lands and lived here long enough to know these lands well. Unless there are grave objections I will take up the mantle and welcome the halflings to Albain. Naturally I'd hope for all of you to remain present and be advisors in these dealings and more. Afterall only a fool would ignore wise such council."

2009-01-09, 02:16 AM
Hereon Greenwings

"We're not in dire needs of a leader just yet, though good of you to step up Sir Alexis. I see nothing wrong allowing you to be reagent until we sort things out. We shall have to discuss more after we deal with our traders." His smile seems to grown longer as he relaxes, amused to some degree, but still serious. "I am glad you welcome my aide, Sir Alexis."

2009-01-09, 05:42 AM

Turning to Greenwings first: Sometimes you need ta kill alot of parasites in order to cure something. We'd better make a bloody example out of those who dared to attack the Baron. Turning to Alexius: Concerning leadership, though I appreciate what you've done for Elisa you did not make any friends amongst the soldiers really, you know like Darius? I wonder, since you humans look all alike, Evan's suggestion might not even such a bad one. Who here of us could wear the Baron's armor and not look ridiculous doing so? Might give us some more time.

2009-01-09, 03:14 PM
Does anyone outside this room know of the Baron's fate? I've been thinking, and listening, and as similar as we all look, Evan gave a smile to LoricA duplicate may be quickly discovered. I have revised my idea. Evan took a breath, The Baron is not dead. The Healer could stabilize him, but only that much. He isn't to be seen by anyone save a small few, on account of his condition. We, or, you people, rather, speak for him. Evan looks about the room to determine whether his suggestion is understood. This isn't a permanent fix I know, but it may buy time until you can.

2009-01-09, 03:28 PM
Does anyone outside this room know of the Baron's fate? I've been thinking, and listening, and as similar as we all look, Evan gave a smile to LoricA duplicate may be quickly discovered. I have revised my idea. Evan took a breath, The Baron is not dead. The Healer could stabilize him, but only that much. He isn't to be seen by anyone save a small few, on account of his condition. We, or, you people, rather, speak for him. Evan looks about the room to determine whether his suggestion is understood. This isn't a permanent fix I know, but it may buy time until you can.

2009-01-09, 05:32 PM
Alvis smiles at Evan. I knew your wife would rub off on you. The soldiers at least know that he's been hurt, but everyone know his face. It'll work, for now.
Alvis? We're coming in now. Luther arrives, followed by a portly halfling in green robes.
Alvis! Good to see you. So, where's the Baron?

2009-01-09, 06:02 PM
Sorry about the double post there, working with wireless from a hotel

The Baron's been badly hurt in a raid, and a healer is tending to him. His trusted advisers here would be happy to do business with you as his proxy. Evan gestures towards Alexius and Hereon.

2009-01-09, 06:14 PM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

Klaus bites his tongue to stifle a reprimand at Evan's blatant lie.

Moradin's beard! Pray let none of them question me about the baron. He thinks while putting on a forced smile for the Halfling entering the room.

2009-01-09, 06:16 PM
The halfling stops for a moment, and then narrows his eyes. 'ere, you're that Evan fellow, down in that new town. Now look 'ere kid, yeh goona have tah get up a lo' soonah if you wanna pull one on me, right? Now, I knows that the elf there's a kid, e'en had I not seen him on my first trip as car'van leadah, he looks like et, soo there y'are. Speaking o' which, I known Luther and Alvis f'r... almost as long, and the Baron f'r juz as long, and so ah know when they're jumpeh, and I also know who dah Baron's 'closest advisors' are too. Yeh hear meh? He smiles. So Luther, you want tell me the truth now? Seems these fellows are already in on the secret.

2009-01-09, 06:26 PM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

Well, he's certainly quick on the mark. Thinks Klaus to himself while waiting to see how the others will react.

Rolling to see how well Klaus can bluff if he has to lie:

2009-01-09, 06:41 PM
Hereon Greenwings

The elf can't help but grin (did he ever stop one wonders?) as the halfling lays flat Evans cover up. Courteous and gracious, Hereon address the alert halfing. "You're quite astute, and I must say I do admire that greatly. However, Mister Evan has still spoken correctly; The Baron is indisposed after a grave injury. There is no way at this moment he can deal with you. Under these circumstances, we here will take up his duty for the time being."

He gives a pause to this, letting the facts sink in before adding, "I apologize if this is unacceptable. It would be a shame after coming so far to have you leave without arranging any deals with Albain."

2009-01-09, 11:51 PM
Serious injury? Alright. Now, I've got everything that the pidgeon man discussed with the Baron all set to go, and then we'll be staying in for the night. And then in the morning I'll be delivering my news, as per usual, and then my confrence with the Baron that afternoon, and then we get escorted to the end of your lines. I'm sure the healer can have him up and about by then. Sarcasm laces his last sentence.

Bluff roll for Greenwings: [roll0]
Sense motive on Greenwings: [roll1]

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-10, 07:57 PM

"Indeed we would be inclined to honor any dealings made by the Baron. Still there are the Barons injuries and the fact that you are a few weeks early. At best the list of goods to be exchanged the baron has seen would have been a draft, and given his condition he will be unable to verify a final list drafted by the cook.

Though we understand this is an unfortunate situation we simply will have to go over the list of supplies again to ensure that all our needs are met and your needs accounted for, which given the fact that we haven't seen any drafts yet will take us some time.

Fortunatly, your being ahead of schedule will grant us such time as I'm sure an honorable man such as yourself would understand the grievous situation we are in. You will naturally be welcome to stay as honored guest untill we have sorted things to an adequate level and together ensure our dealings this year are as mutually benificial as they have always been. As it stands I do not believe this will take more then a few days, which for the sake of your good past relations with our baron I'm sure you'd be willing to spare."

Alexius speaks these conditions plainly, though clearly stressing key words, his face is warm and friendly displaying great intelligence. His words sound like he believes the merchant to be of the honest sort and is directing his appeal to that side of him, though the words are spoken with enough conviction to show that this is not merely a request, but rather what Alexius intends to happen in some form or another.

2009-01-10, 09:20 PM
Now kid, you have to understand. Deals made with a pidgeon man are no different than deals made face to face. And you don't want to break a deal with Driver Tweed, especially without the Baron here. You don't break his deals. Now, if he breaks his deal, I don't come back to Albain, ever. You break his deal, he breaks your knees, and remakes the deal, understand? I'm a fair man and I make fair deals, and I keep them. And you keep them because I'm making deals with everyone else on my route, and I assume that all the deals get kept, okay? I'll go get the boys unloading. Luther, did you really think you could foist him off on me as the regeant? If it's a joke, it's pretty good. C'mon, ou can get me the things I need. The halfling turns around and begins walking off, cane over his shoulders.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-10, 09:56 PM
"Master Tweed, though I see no reason for your innuendo, there will be no deal breaking. We merely need to ensure that the deal, as it was made, contains everything we need, surely you wouldn't want to miss out on additional business."

It's clear to those that know Alexius that he is biting his tongue, barely able to contain his anger and contempt for the man, and using using every bit of tact that he can muster. At best his voice is stern and shows strong will.

2009-01-10, 10:07 PM
Yeah, yeah, freedeal what you will, we'll be around. He and Luther leave.

Alvis leans up against the door. Ugh. Look, we need to make a decision now, and for the long term. How do we rule Albain?

2009-01-11, 01:50 AM
Hereon Greenwings

More stress... It spreads quite easily today. Hereon shakes his head at Alexius, disapproving, but understanding. He put his teardrop necklace in his hand and pulls it along his neck, thinking. "I do still like the idea of a joint barony. My greatest concern is experience, which I think none of us here have.

"Alexius, you do have what it takes to gather up the respect of the people, but you nearly burst a vein talking to Tweed. I've dealt with him before and know he's a good person, however much his words need to be checked. He needs swift dealing, dragging to points rather than picking holes. He may seem disgruntled, but I assure you he's just beaming on the inside. Still, I was uncertain of any procedure to handle him at this level.

"I think we would benefit most from each other, allowing a practicality and wisdom beyond ourselves. We are both of nobility, we can make the claim. We cannot expect to fetch another to deal with this, we must choose here."

2009-01-11, 07:50 AM
Nobility be damned. Both the nobility of the elves and humans made a pretty big mess of things. Since each of us lacks the experience ot decide over all things properly we might as well subdivide stuff. Heck, I'd be able to handle public health, animal husbandry, agricultural issues and possibly defence, though Klaus should also be able to handle that department.

2009-01-11, 11:10 AM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

Surprised at how quickly Tweed smelled rat, Klaus pulls out his pipe and begins filling it as Sir Alexius and the Halfling continue their verbal sparring.

After the caravan master leaves with Luther, he nods his agreement to the points made by Hereon and Loric, and lights the pipe.

"Aye. Ye speak truthf’ly master Loric. More actin’ an ’less chatterin’. Fer meself, I can help wit’ boof defence an’ tha workshops in tha castle."

Pausing to take a few puffs, he then addresses the two lordlings

"Though methinks that tha two Lords may be usef’l as regents, at least nominally. Fer da sake o' appearances."

2009-01-11, 06:02 PM
Sorry to muck that up there, this is beyond me. Evan looks somewhat defeated in the face of the halfling's assessment and dismissal of the situation. You two do what you will, and just keep me informed. Hopefully I haven't lost any chance of getting any business out of the halflings. I'll need something to tell the council of elders back in Thickenstock before I go, for now, I could do with a drink.

2009-01-12, 06:22 AM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

Replying to Evan

"Nay lad. Don’t cha beat yersel’ over Tweed, ‘e’s a smart one, that Halfling. We’ll need ta tell him da truth at some point."

2009-01-14, 09:56 AM
Well, we need to make a decision, and soon.Evan turns towards Alexius and Hereon. I don't know too much about the inner politics of this place, but if you two think you can rule and cause the least unrest when you go about it, you've got my vote.

2009-01-15, 06:23 PM
Alvis nods. It'll work. But, uh, that whole earning legitimacy thing? You'll have to earn it from me, and Luther, not just the peasents/ You understand? And part of that is going to be knowing how to take advice, yeah?

2009-01-16, 07:26 AM

*nods at what Alvis said* Them young ones will be in need of a lot of advice.

2009-01-16, 01:43 PM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

Klaus listens to Alvis and Loric, nodding his agreement

Aye, it be da proper place fer those wise in years ta guard against da folly o’ youth. So, aall in agreement?

He asks looking at those present in the room

2009-01-18, 05:11 PM
*prod* C'mon people, voting isn't that hard. Even my fellow American's can manage it.

2009-01-19, 01:12 AM
OOC: Everyone has voted, but right now we're at a tie between council and double barony. Alexius is voting for single Baron, and I'd like to see if he changes his mind at all and votes one way or another, or keeps his vote. If he doesn't change his mind, Hereon will vote for Council. We're just waiting on Wizard of the Coat to post.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-19, 09:05 PM
(OOC: sorry hadn't seen a GM post for days so assumed it was dying)

"Well it goes against my better judgement, but the honered mister Greenwings has always been a good man. I'm sure we'll make this co-regency work, though we'd need to sort out our individual responsibilities shortly. If anything we'll need to proclaim the state of affairs to our neighbours, if they suspect we're hiding this they'll think us weak. if we're open and seem united in our efforts they're less likely to test our stability. It's like a diplomatic show of force. What do you think"

Alexius specifically adresses Hereon, but the invite seems open to all.

2009-01-19, 09:32 PM

Aye, seeming to be strong and actually being it should be our first priority. Establish a clear rule of law, as you put it, with the two of you as regents. And when you happen to disagree on a certain subject, which will happen, ye can always fall back on dwarven wisdom.

2009-01-19, 09:46 PM
Alright. Now... how do we break the news?

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-19, 09:58 PM

"Maybe it would be wise to have a joint declaration by the both of us made to the village. Followed by an immediate pledge of alligiance by all the knights and men at arms. Ensuring this all to be public and letting the halfling see it would get the new out quickly enough. Still we must make sure not to show any signs of dissent. How do we ensure that? Luther, how do you think the men will react?"

2009-01-21, 10:13 AM
Luther shrugs. A lotta them won't like it much. But I don't think they'd like anything much. You guys go out and make 'em believe, maybe you only have to deal with one or two of them. I wouldn't ask for pledges though. Most men here won't like being asked to give their word just like that. The rest will just smile, say it, and stab you in the back anyway, if they see cause.

2009-01-21, 01:55 PM

Luther is right, asking them knights to bow down fer ya will only end with them putting their sword up your bowels. Ye, or we actually, first need to proove ourselves.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-21, 04:18 PM

"I feared as much, we've not proved ourselves. Maybe an oath to defend the unity and people of these lands. Certainly they could not object to that, but the coherence in their words would be a strong signal to those that would seek to divide us. Naturally all of us should take a similar oath. If anything it will show our devotion and our high regard for the men."

2009-01-21, 05:10 PM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

Puffing slowly on his pipe, Klaus waits for the others to finish before exposing his opinion

"Oaths an’ talk ae aall pretty, boot what will sway tha men ae actions. Punishin’ those responsible fer tha death o’ tha Baron. Tha’ will give tha troops an’ da people somet’in’ ta rally behind, an’ prove to all tha’ Albain is still strong and nae to be trifled with."

He looks at Alexius in the eye

"Then ye can have y’r oaths, fer tha men will have seen what yer made o’. Don’t cha agree, Master Loric?"

2009-01-21, 05:20 PM
Evan Of Thickenstock

I agree. The best way to prove your worth to the people is by tracking down their leader's killer. It's ironic that one of the reasons they trusted the Baron is the reason he's gone now, but it's what you'll have to do to win Albain's loyalty

2009-01-21, 06:36 PM
Hereon Greenwing

"I have to agree. Tomorrow after making the announcement, we should declare that we will go out to bring this bandit leader to justice, requesting the aide of our soldiers for the sake of the dead Baron and the safety of Albain. Not only will we return with a conquest of sorts to champion ourselves with, but the troops as well will have had experience under our command, and thus grow less opposed to us."

2009-01-22, 06:15 AM

While raising his fist shortly: I could not agree more with these words, Klaus and Evan.

Then turning to Greenwings

I'm not sure whether we should bring too many troops with us, as we need ta prove ourselves worthy, preferably not with too much help of a the whole army. I'd just take Luther and Alvis with us and perhaps some volunteers who truly want join to revenge the Barons death. I'll be bringing with me some dogs of war...

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-22, 05:42 PM

"I concur that avenging the baron would grant us much needed respect, but if we are to succeed at that we should leave at once. We cannot leave the keep leaderless for too long, for now the baron's illness buys us time, but that ruse will not last long. After we make the announcement I would say that we have mere days at best before the other lords mobilize against us. Maybe it's better to leave now and carry out this quest, leaving behind Luther or Alvis to keep things quiet concerning the true state of the Baron or temporarily take over till we make it back if the news breaks free. We need all the time we can get and for the moment is our best source of time...so I'd say let's pack up.

If we first announce our regency then one of the regents at least should remain behind to organise our defences. It could work too, if Hereon is willing to keep an eye on things here. I'd guess my arcane talents would serve us best in the quest afterall and Hereon is a master of rethoric when left to conduct official business. Still I'd prefer it if we could all go and that requires us to keep up the ruse."

2009-01-22, 06:01 PM

Immediate action eh? Hmmm... Well, it could work, but we'd need ta gag Klaus fer a bit then... Or we could fill his mouth with cotton and say he just had tooth surgery...

2009-01-22, 06:22 PM
Luther laughs. No but really, it would be best if I stayed here. YOu don't need another sword, and with Alvis and Evan both you should be able to find whatever is left of the bandits easily.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-22, 07:54 PM

"Allright let's go then, let's retrieve what gear we must quietly and meet back here in a few minutes. I'm off to retrieve some scrollcases."

Unless there is need for further discussion Alexius goes to his quarters in the palace where he unseals the glyphed chest containing his additional equipment. It takes him a few moments to sort them all out and as he kits himself out he takes care to conceal most things under his tunic. The less attwention they'd draw to themselves the better he thought.

2009-01-22, 08:25 PM
Hereon Greenwings

"That sounds acceptable. I should be more than capable of holding the fort. How long would you suppose it will take you to find and eliminate the bandits? A few hours, or a few days?"

The elf pats Luther on the shoulder and smiles. "So it shall be you and me to take care of matter then. Is there anything that I should address immediately in your mind, or should I take care of things as I spot them?"

2009-01-24, 09:06 AM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

“Mmm toot’ surgery? Nay thanks. Bess if I come an’ keep an eye on ye lot… an’ ye could make use o’ me waraxe.”

He replies smiling at Loric, one hand resting on his battle-scarred Dwarven waraxe.

2009-01-26, 01:18 PM
Well, thats settled then. Time fer me to get Hector.

Loric goes to his quarters, armors his dog, and quickly returns.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-28, 01:22 PM

With everyone kitted up and returned to the chamber they were in before Alexius looks confidently at the others.

"Allright we're all ready. If honored mister Greenwings keeps things quiet till we return, we'll do our best hunting. Still I suggest we leave quietly and on foot through the east gate. It's more quite that way and we can avoid most of the village, not withstanding the halfling caravan."

Looking at each his compatriots in turn he nods and smiles.

"I've never had greater trust in any other group of people. So let's get going. If you'd care to lead the way Alvis. I think we should start at the place of the ambush. Try to avoid the busier places"

2009-01-28, 05:08 PM
Alvis nods. Alright, quick now. The party down below should last long enough. She leads you out the east gate and into the long shadow of the castle, cast by the setting sun. You reach the edge of the forest and push on, Alvis squinting in the encroaching darkness until you reach the battlefield. The bodies are missing. Alvis slows down and circles out, and just as night falls she finds the trail, several people moving through the forest, dragging heavy loads.

You follow the path in utmost silence, and then Alvis holds up a hand.

Coming soon!

2009-01-29, 07:42 AM

Loric stops as he sees Alvis signing, and immediatly starts looking around him.

Spot check: [roll0]

2009-01-29, 09:50 AM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

Seeing Alvis's signal, Klaus also halts and peers into the dark woods surrounding the small group.

Spot check: [roll0]

2009-01-29, 03:07 PM

Evan readies his crossbow and follows his gaze with the bolt's point

might as well do a spot, everyone else is: [roll0]

2009-01-31, 12:02 AM

Maps up. Call a coordinates and your actions.

You see ahead of you a clearing, and in the middle, a group huddled around a campfire.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-31, 11:53 AM

Alexius looks at alvis as he clearly readies to cast a spell whilst lowering a bullet into his sling. His look is sternly questioning as he nods in the direction of the campfire and then looks back at Alvis as if to say"Are those the men responsible?".

A small viper seems to curl out from his pack decending his leg and ready to take full benifit from sharing the spell's effects and lash out at anyone that get's to near to Alexius. Alexius doesn't seem to mind the creatures presence.

He's readying to cast mage armor as soon as anything attacks them.

The viper is readying an attack of opportunity against anything coming near them. (using it's considerable hide and a five foot move to come into range sneakily if needed)

2009-01-31, 12:35 PM

Evan whispers to the group We should surround them, and strike simultaneously from cover before engaging them fully
He slowly takes position behind a tree, making a bead on the nearest bandit.

move silently : [roll0] hide: [roll1]
moving to A 11, using the bush/tree/whatever it is as cover, and readying to fire on the bandit at D7, either when everyone's ready or the bandits hear them.

2009-01-31, 12:38 PM
{Need a location out of Alexius}

2009-01-31, 12:59 PM




One bandit (B5) suddenly shakes his head and begins to slap at a swarm of bugs that surrounded him. He's making much noise, and not really paying attention.

The others look up curiously, and then go back to looking at the fire.

Ah, I see the dice continue to hate me, even as I GM.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-01-31, 01:33 PM
{Alexius is at A 14, or preferably a bit more distant and behind a tree if possible or just keeping low and hoping his cloak offers some concealment}

2009-01-31, 04:01 PM

((Loric is at B13 and Hector is at B12 or something like that))

Loric readies a spell entangle, on I2 (40 ft radius), Entangling the whole enemy group making escape raterh hard at the first sight of movement. Hector will charge the moment he does so.

If needed: initiative 1d20+1 bah, not working... roll for me as needed, I'll take anything

2009-02-04, 03:33 PM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

Klaus nods his agreement to Evan's plan, and moves quietly into position by the human, his waraxe drawn and ready.

Moving to A10. Move silently: [roll0] Hide: [roll1] Klaus will wait until his companions start the attack or the bandits notice them before he jumps into action.

2009-02-07, 06:55 PM
Sorry about my computer problems....


2009-02-13, 07:11 PM
Okay... go!

Combat works like this. You post, your moves, then I move for the baddies, and you post again. So you autowin init vs bad guys, and then go as you post.

2009-02-14, 06:27 AM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

Klaus studies the bandits to be certain that they have not been alerted of their presence. Satisfied, he motions to Evan, indicating his intention to attack the brigand closest to them. Holding up three fingers, he counts down to his attack.

OOC: unless Evan dissuades him or presents another plan, Klaus will charge at bandit B5.

Breaking cover, Klaus charges at their foe, shouting “NYR DOCH!” at the top of his lungs while storming into the clearing.

In an old dialect of Dwarven, “Nyr doch!” translates as “Eat this axe”. It is among the dwarves’ heartier battle cries. From Races of Stone

Here go the rolls. Attack: [roll0]. If he hits, damage: [roll1]
AC is 17 until the start of the next round, then it goes back to 19.

Sweet, full damage! Now here's hoping that the 20 hits the brigand, for I would hate to see a hit like that go to waste.:smallbiggrin:

2009-02-14, 07:30 AM

Loric casts natures groping strands and Hector charges along Klaus.

As the first sign of movement has happened (though it was one of us who moved), Loric casts an Entangle on I2 (40 ft radius), Entangling the whole enemy group. The enemy on B5 should be on the edge of the entanglement area so Klaus and Hector can still Charge him, and if the Enemy on B5 fails his ref save (DC 14) he will be considdered entangled.

Attack of Hector: [roll0] Damage: [roll1], and if he's still standing I'll also roll a trip attack.

2009-02-14, 01:55 PM

Evan lets a bolt fly as Klaus charges, moves over to another tree and prepares to take another shot.

I assume that since this is a surprise round, I could have taken the shot before Klaus actually got there, so I don't get a penalty for shooting into melee? Also, I'm now at A8

Attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2009-02-14, 04:28 PM
If B5 is surprised or in any case denied his dextery bonus to AC, then please add [roll0] extra damage

Wizard of the Coat
2009-02-20, 04:54 PM

As the attack begins Alexius's mage armor spell comes into effect, soon afterwards he's starting to fire bullets from his sling at their foes.

Readied action from last round is used to cast followed by a round of attacking ((if possible))

Sling attack [roll0]
If hit [roll1]
If critical [roll2]
Extra Critical damage [roll3]

2009-02-20, 06:44 PM
Bandit number one dodges the first arrow that comes at him by the skin of his teeth, only to get Klaus' axe stuck in his stomach. He doubles over and falls to the ground.

Reflex saves:

B1 [roll0]
B2 [roll1]
B3 [roll2]
B4 [roll3]
BC [roll4]

Bandit AC: 15
Bandit Captain AC: 16

B1-4 health: 9
BC Health: 30

2009-02-21, 06:58 AM

Loric walks into position and casts a spell a spell as soon as Hector tries to attack yet another bandit.

Loric moves to E10, (draws his scimitar as he does so) and as soon as Hector is about to bite Bandit-3 (while standing on E9) he casts bulls strength on himself (share spell on Hector).

Hector: Attacks Bandit-3 from E9 (normal move to E9, no charge)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Trip attempt: [roll2]

2009-02-22, 05:39 AM
The_JJ, could you please indicate on the map the area affected by the entangle spell? That way it is easier to see how to go around it to attack brigands on the edge or the ones that made their save. Thanks

Wizard of the Coat
2009-02-22, 01:27 PM

Alexius moves swiftly into view of the bandits to get a clear slot and releases a bullet from his sling into his enemy.

Move to A8 for a clear shot

Attack B3

Sling attack [roll0]
If hit [roll1]
If critical [roll2]
Extra Critical damage [roll3]

2009-02-23, 03:22 PM
The_JJ, could you please indicate on the map the area affected by the entangle spell? That way it is easier to see how to go around it to attack brigands on the edge or the ones that made their save. Thanks

The following squares are affected: a2, a3, b4, b5, c6, c7, d7, d8, e8, f9, g9, h10, i10, j10, and everything within. I guess I should have cast the Entangle spell on I1, would have been better. (If the DM would allow this then all of the above coordinates shift 1 to the left)

2009-02-23, 10:46 PM

Oy, watch where you're swinging that sling, Alexius As Klaus mauls through the first bandit, Evan takes a shot at another bandit before slinging his crossbow behind his back drawing his axe, charging into the fray.

Just so alexius knows, he took a shot from A8, where I was before I took this turn, so we kind of occupied the same space for these attacks. Should we roll some kind of initiative, for our own sake?
attack on B3 [roll0] damage [roll1]

I'm now at D6

edit: yeesh. so many ones

2009-02-25, 09:16 AM
Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

As far as I understand it, both B3 & B5 are now out of the fight, correct? Also to reach the other bandits with a melee attack one would need to enter the area where the spell is active, right?

Seeing several foes fall in the face of their ferocious assault, Klaus smiles ferociously as he pulls out his crossbow and shoots the bandit closest to him.

From C8, Klaus attacks B2 (or nearest Bandit still alive when it comes to his turn). Attack: [roll0]. If it hits, damage [roll1]. Dodge bonus vs BC

2009-02-25, 09:19 AM
Apologies for the double post. Possible critical. Attack: [roll0]. If confirmed critical, extra damage [roll1]

2009-02-26, 12:46 PM
[QUOTE=Lukmar;5818819]Klaus Ironfist, Dwarf Blacksmith

As far as I understand it, both B3 & B5 are now out of the fight, correct? Also to reach the other bandits with a melee attack one would need to enter the area where the spell is active, right?
I would put my money on this yes, and pssst... sneak attack on an entangled guy :smallwink:

2009-03-05, 12:03 PM
I would put my money on this yes, and pssst... sneak attack on an entangled guy :smallwink:

I keep forgetting that. :smalltongue: Here goes [roll0]

2009-05-31, 02:21 PM
so when half the group has changed their avatars since the last post, I think that makes the thread dead