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View Full Version : [3.5] 3.5 char sheets with a 1E feel

2009-01-07, 08:15 PM
I seem to remember seeing some character sheets online someone had designed to have a "First edition feel", but I can't seem to find them now. My Google-fu is weak.

Anyone know of these?

2009-01-07, 08:19 PM
maybe the Mad Irishman's website? I can't get there to check because he is blocked from my work... but he's got lots of nice character sheets.

2009-01-07, 08:21 PM
Well, "Third-Edition Rules with a First-Edition Feel" is the motto of Necromancer Games, IIRC, so that could be the place to start. Or, as Grail suggests, Mad Irishman, since that site has every sheet you could ever need.

EDIT: They do indeed use "3rd Edition Rules, 1st Edition Feel" as their motto, and they also have two "1st Edition Feel" character sheets (HERE (http://www.necromancergames.com/pdf/NG_3.5_CSv101.pdf) and HERE (http://www.necromancergames.com/pdf/NG_3.5_CSv101a.pdf)) in their free downloads section (http://www.necromancergames.com/freestuff.html). I think that's what you're probably talking about.

2009-01-08, 01:02 AM
Thanks, those are exactly the ones I was looking for! :smallbiggrin: