View Full Version : Animal Motifs In PCs

2009-01-08, 08:07 PM
Occasionally, you'll come across an animal whose symbolism is so fitting, so right for the personality of a PC, that you just have to use it as a recurring motif in your character. Maybe even a pet.

My own character, Joshu Tabris, has an albino king cobra, for example. Besides the obvious indications of deception and trickery-he pefers planning and manipulation to brute force-it also indicates the occult (he's a warlock), and wisdom (he's actually quite alturistic, if a bit misanthropic). Dark is not evil, after all, and he's the living embodiment of that.

So, any other examples?

2009-01-08, 08:08 PM
Wisdom isn't exactly connected all that strongly to altruism or misanthropy.

Just sayin'. :smalleek:

2009-01-08, 08:14 PM
A few ideas:

Wizard with cat familiar: free spirited, rarely obeys orders, finicky

Druid/Ranger with dog: extremely loyal

2009-01-08, 08:18 PM
Wisdom isn't exactly connected all that strongly to altruism or misanthropy.

Just sayin'. :smalleek:

By "wisdom", I mean the virtue, which is connected to alturism.

Though yes, I should outline that a little better-as the master of the snake, I wanted to show that Joshu has, in Biblical terms, embraced the loss of innocence and the gaining of free will-and has become a better person for it.

2009-01-08, 08:32 PM
There are plenty of virtues. Aristotle identified 12.

2009-01-08, 11:19 PM
A character of my own (that I never actually ended up using) was a scorpion man (rather than use the existing one, he was tauric). He is one of those big strong types with a rough exterior. Except he's not the kind who a real big softy when you really get to know him, instead, he's the kind who screws you over and leaves you to die (this was an evil campaign).