View Full Version : Now who has the nice haircut, huh?

Twice Bitten
2009-01-10, 03:25 AM
OK, it's my first post, so I will be probably banned for some reason I will never understand. Whatever. I just want to say I really like the new Haley's haircut. She looks much more "adventurous" now. Like a real fighter. And more attractive, in result. This make me also like Crystal for being so good hairdresser! She doesn't have to be brilliant, she's real artist. I hope Haley won't waste diamonds to resurrect her hair, or something like this. This is how she should look forever.

Tempest Fennac
2009-01-10, 03:27 AM
I'm curious about whether her hair will grow back. I don't thin she can revive a hair style, though, which is a good job as fatr as the '80s went.:smalltongue: A Regenerate spell may work under some really leniant rullings, but Id personally say it wouldn't work for hair.

2009-01-10, 05:36 AM
Oh please! Ressurection? Regenerate? Any good DM would let a freaking CANTRIP grow hair. IT'S HAIR.

Tempest Fennac
2009-01-10, 07:34 AM
You have a point. I've never bothered to homebrew anything like that to be honest, and I don't think there's any official spells which do that (there is a Wizard feat which lets you change your appearance and outfit at will, but I can't remember what it's called). Also, I never said I was a good DM.:smalltongue:

2009-01-10, 09:04 AM
It makes her looks like The part of her brain that wants to get back to the humour (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0319.html)

Tempest Fennac
2009-01-10, 09:05 AM
Someone mentioned that a while back. If that's intentional, I'm not sure whether it means anything (I guess it could be a joke about the Order's fortunes at the time being at their lowest point so far).

2009-01-10, 09:40 AM
Someone mentioned that a while back. If that's intentional, I'm not sure whether it means anything (I guess it could be a joke about the Order's fortunes at the time being at their lowest point so far).

In case you forgot, Haley mentioned she'd cut her hair even shorter when she did not want to dye it anymore. I assume that's from where that part of her split personality comes from. Note how it opposes the goth part, who was the one with dyed hair.

Me, I don't care. I like Haley with long or short hair, no difference. Of course, it is annoying when you get a haircut from someone without your agreement.

Tempest Fennac
2009-01-10, 10:06 AM
I hadn't forgotten that. I just didn;t think there was a connection between that and her Gothic phase.

2009-01-10, 11:24 AM
WHy do you think you'll be automatically banned for making your first post? There wouldn't be many people posting here if it was an automatic ban for posting without having posted before...:smallconfused:

2009-01-10, 11:59 AM
Hair just grows back. I do not care about the external appearance of a character as long as the personality is defined.

As for being banned, I do not think the forum rules say anything about not posting.

2009-01-10, 05:17 PM
Maybe the Giant is setting things up for a "You cut your hair..." line, a la the lovers' big reunion in Ladyhawke, when Haley and Elan finally get back together.

David Argall
2009-01-10, 05:27 PM
grow it back

2009-01-10, 06:55 PM
actually, I like the new haircut.. as it was said before, it gives an Adventurer Girl look to her.

2009-01-10, 06:56 PM
If you also include the reduced cost in hair care, Haley could save some money and therefore have more available wealth.

2009-01-10, 07:26 PM
Oh please! Ressurection? Regenerate? Any good DM would let a freaking CANTRIP grow hair. IT'S HAIR.

The only cantrip that could do that would be Prestidigitation, and nothing that spell does beyond cleaning and dirtying lasts longer than an hour.

You have a point. I've never bothered to homebrew anything like that to be honest, and I don't think there's any official spells which do that (there is a Wizard feat which lets you change your appearance and outfit at will, but I can't remember what it's called). Also, I never said I was a good DM.:smalltongue:

I still see no reason why Mending couldn't do it. It repairs both silk and leather, which are made out of protein like hair is. In fact, scales are made out of the exact same protein that hair is.

2009-01-10, 08:36 PM
I want Haley to get her hair back to normal...she just doesn't look like Haley without it.

I can understand being freaked about making your first post...whenever I write something I'm always thinking that I'll accidentally say or do something against the rules. Which I have, occassionally, on other posts actually done.

2009-01-10, 08:40 PM
It makes her looks like The part of her brain that wants to get back to the humour (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0319.html)


I have seen a lot of complaints about it looking like Crystal, or Hayley's "latent bisexuality", bu, it looks much more like this.

2009-01-10, 10:16 PM
I still see no reason why Mending couldn't do it. It repairs both silk and leather, which are made out of protein like hair is. In fact, scales are made out of the exact same protein that hair is.

Mending doesn't affect creatures, and the distinction between objects and creatures is much more important in D&D magic than the difference between one substance and another (e.g. Polymorph Any Object). You could repair a wig or a fur coat with Mending, but not hair on a creature.

2009-01-10, 10:49 PM
Mending doesn't affect creatures, and the distinction between objects and creatures is much more important in D&D magic than the difference between one substance and another (e.g. Polymorph Any Object). You could repair a wig or a fur coat with Mending, but not hair on a creature.

The ponytail is not a creature, it is an object (currently in Crystal's possession.)

2009-01-10, 10:58 PM
The ponytail is not a creature, it is an object (currently in Crystal's possession.)
Haley lost more hair than just her ponytail, however. Mending won't help with that.


2009-01-10, 11:04 PM
If you also include the reduced cost in hair care, Haley could save some money and therefore have more available wealth.

Please! It's hair. Hair care probably doesn't exceed 3 gp a year. That's an insignificant amount of money.

I'm not sure if I like the new hair cut. I'd prefer she just toss the ponytaill and keep them natural long. Not very pratical for combat though.

2009-01-10, 11:47 PM
I prefer the old cut, personally.

2009-01-11, 12:48 AM
Haley lost more hair than just her ponytail, however. Mending won't help with that.


No reason why a cure spell wouldn't though. If healing a bird can repair its wings, healing hair can restore it, as well.

Ultimately it depends on Rich, but the rules don't prevent it.

Tempest Fennac
2009-01-11, 02:38 AM
I never considered cure spells for this. I'd say Mending would re-attach it based on the points about leather, though.

2009-01-11, 03:10 AM
Please! It's hair. Hair care probably doesn't exceed 3 gp a year. That's an insignificant amount of money.

I'm not sure if I like the new hair cut. I'd prefer she just toss the ponytaill and keep them natural long. Not very pratical for combat though.

Haley has a Slipknot Ponytail (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SlipknotPonytail) thing going. Does anyone else think she looks gorgeous when she wears it loose (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0531.html)?

Nimrod's Son
2009-01-13, 02:11 AM
Haley has a Slipknot Ponytail thing going.


2009-01-13, 02:15 AM
Ponytail, not Mask, ya durn fool!

Nimrod's Son
2009-01-13, 02:40 AM
Gosh, is that a mask?

I always assumed he was a burns victim, or suffered from Epidermolysis Bullosa or something. Thanks for putting me straight.

Dr. Cthulwho
2009-01-13, 03:01 AM
I think it's fine, and suits the character. A bit like Elan's change of costume.

Hmmm. The two characters whose external appearances have changed the most... I wonder whether it warrants a thread about whether that is somehow relevant to the overall plot. (:smallwink:)

Tempest Fennac
2009-01-13, 03:06 AM
With Elan, I think it was due to him gaining moderate power, but Haley became a more responsible leader a while back, so I don't think it's relevant for her, unless she's undergoing another change which isn't noticable yet.

2009-01-13, 05:01 AM
I like the new haircut. I think it suits her.

More importantly, I think it's nice to see the art evolve a bit. The Giant's art is copy-pasted a lot, so any change is welcome. It's extra work for him but it makes the story better IMO.

For instance, Haley's resistant outfit... Celia's changes of outfits, then her braid...
Of course, Elan's appearance has changed too, but I think Haley's could be less definite. Her hair will grow back, after all. Whether she decides to have it cut up regularly so it stays short, or let it grow back, we don't know, I guess.
But if she lets it grow, and unless there is a looong cut (as someone who has had hair that short and let it grow back to Haley's previous length, I can tell you it took me 2-3 years), we'll see it evolve a bit.

Or she could keep it short. I mean, we don't see the other characters with short hair evolve. Roy most of all, when he was alive. Since he shaved his head, the difference would be obvious in a matter of days, but it wasn't, so... Really, the Giant can do whatever he wants with that.

I think it's nice that the character's appearance evolves, at any rate. It shows that there is time passing, but also that there is an evolution. At a time like now, when so many people are complaining that nothing is happening, such evolutions are nice to see.

2009-01-13, 05:20 AM
Her old style was so ugly (and dumb-looking). :smallsigh:

The new one is much better, but there is still room for improvement :smalltongue:

Tempest Fennac
2009-01-13, 05:27 AM
Which style would you pick for Haley, Trixie?