View Full Version : Norse Adventures

2009-01-10, 08:07 PM
Here is the "official" thread for Norse Adventures.

2009-01-10, 09:01 PM
Eydis leads the way up the stairs.

(Note that if anyone wants to do this sneaky-like you will have to stop me and go on ahead; Eydis is only sneaky in battle-cunning, stab-you-in-the-kidney kind of way, not a footpad, hidin'-in-the-shadows kind of way.)

2009-01-11, 12:20 PM
Gunnar takes up the rear in true cowardly fashion.

2009-01-11, 12:36 PM
You see sunlight up the stairs, then feel an icy breeze. You enter out onto a snowy field. It is a flat field, surrounded on four sides by a square barrier of some kind. It appears to be made of intertwined gray substance, like chain mail but much more open; in fact the gaps are wide enough that you can see through them. This barrier rises to a height of 20 feet and is capped all around by what looks like coils of metallic thorns.

A gate is located in the middle of the north wall. Instead of a heavy oaken door, which would be the sensible thing to make a gate out of, the door is made of the strange chain-mail like substance.

From the gate, running up a hill is a gravel path that leads to some sort of large brick building. About one hundred feet from the walls of the square barrier, a thick pine forest grows, obscuring your vision.

To the far east, rising above the pine forest, is a snow-covered chain of mountains.

2009-01-11, 03:40 PM
Gunnar attempts to open the gate. If he is not successful, he attempts to cut a hole in the fence using his new toys.

2009-01-11, 04:48 PM
Gunnar: The gate is locked with some strange force. Looking down, you see a little grove with which you suppose the gate uses to open. The material from which the fence is made turns out to be metal and very hard to cut.

2009-01-12, 11:47 PM
Sonhatsi toys with the gate, trying to see if there' s some way to release the lock mechanism.

2009-01-13, 07:30 AM
The gate seems to be "stuck" at the bottom, where the vertical right-hand bar that makes the right-hand frame of the strange metal wickerwork runs into the ground. You cannot see down into the pit that the frame runs down into.

2009-01-13, 06:56 PM
Mixton taps the fence with his finger.

2009-01-13, 07:53 PM
Mixton Gunnar taps the fence with his finger.

Eydis pulls on the vertical bar in an attempt to lift the from the pit and get the gate "un-stuck".

Str check, if needed.
[roll0] - Probably a failure. I'll try again.

2009-01-13, 07:55 PM
Strength check again.

2009-01-13, 08:17 PM
The fence moves slightly but does not get "unstuck."

2009-01-14, 02:31 PM
Sonhatsi looks at the strange, thorn-like braids of wires at the top of the fence. How climbable does it appear to be?

2009-01-14, 02:41 PM
Extremely climbable.

2009-01-14, 02:45 PM
I should say, the fence itself seems climbable enough. The thorns look like they'd hurt to climb through.

2009-01-14, 08:37 PM
Gunnar takes out his sword and swings again, this time trying to cut the spikes.

2009-01-14, 11:42 PM
You hear the clang of metal against metal. The spikes are unharmed.

2009-01-15, 02:33 PM
Eydis gives Gunnar an exasperated look. "That clearly isn't going to do anything."

Eydis inspects the gate, trying to discern what the locking mechanism is and how them might get it open. (I'm guessing this would be an untrained Knowledge check - [roll0])

2009-01-15, 05:24 PM
Whatever is locking the gate in place is obviously underground; there is no other place that it is stuck. You deduce that the gate slides open in the groove on the ground underneath it. You deduce that some sort of pincherlike or vicelike mechanism is biting the lower part of the gate, the part that is underground, and that this biting is what immobilizes the gate.

2009-01-16, 12:19 PM
Eydis explains her findings to her companions.

"Sonhatsi, you're the biggest; think you could pry the gate open?"

@Moxex:I don't know how high your check would need to be, but you could potentially use the Muscle Strain option from IH, taking 5 hp of damage for every +2 bonus you add to the roll. You've got plenty of hp so you could boost your Str check by quite a bit. Also, we could attempt to Aid you in your attempt, possibly boosting the check further.

@S.K.U.M.M.: Would he get a bonus now that he knows where to apply force?

2009-01-16, 07:33 PM
@S.K.U.M.M.: Would he get a bonus now that he knows where to apply force?

Yeah, Sonhatsi can use the "Muscle Tear" rules, and he gets a +2 bonus for the intellectual prowess of Edyis.

I shouldn't say this but...HINT HINT the gate is large enough that many people could grab onto it and attempt to pull on it too.

2009-01-16, 10:47 PM
Sonhatsi attempts to force the gate.
[OOC: By the way, where are the dice-rolling forums to work on GITP? I can't bring my d20 to work with me. . .]

2009-01-17, 01:18 AM
Eydis grips the gate alongside Sonhatsi and attempts to help.

- Eydis's foot slips on a patch of mud, rendering her aid rather useless.

[OOC: By the way, where are the dice-rolling forums to work on GITP? I can't bring my d20 to work with me. . .]

((Do this: [roll]1d20+x where x is your total Str check bonus. Remember that you get an additional +2 for every 5 damage of hp you choose to take, and a +2 from Eydis's craftiness.

EDIT: Whatever you do, do not preview your post if there's a [roll] in it! The code will cry and break.))

2009-01-17, 01:15 PM
Gunnar does his best to help.


2009-01-17, 05:11 PM
Sonhatsi puts his mighty thews into it, attemptiong to force the gate while grunting and swearing in some Mohawk-Norse pidgin.

2009-01-17, 07:07 PM
You all hear the squeal of metal stretched to the breaking point, then a loud snap and the gate rushes aside. You have opened the gate.

2009-01-17, 07:14 PM
About half a minute after Edyis and Gunnar notice two figures rushing down the gravel path from the direction of the structure at the top of the hill.

(OOC: I rolled a Spot check for all of you on my own, so we didn't have to waste time doing it over the message board.)

2009-01-17, 09:40 PM
Sonhatsi gives a deep laugh and draws his weapons.

2009-01-17, 11:48 PM
Eydis pulls her spear from where she stabbed it into the ground close to hand. She readies herself.

((Rolling Init in case this turns out to be an inevitable combat situation: [roll0]))

2009-01-18, 09:55 AM
The two people run up to about 100 feet from the gate, then stop, obviously shocked by your appearence. They are holding strange metal objects in their hands; they look like metal tubes that are attached to crossbow handles. At their sides each carries a club. "Freeze!" one of them says, and both point their metal tubes in your direction.

Even though it is winter, you are not cold; you don't know why the guards ordered you to be cold.

(It occurs to me that I have no idea how many HP you guys have. I wouldn't mind simply allowing you to have full HP because of a clerical error on my part.)

2009-01-18, 01:41 PM
Gunnar considers trying to handle this diplomatically somehow, laughs inwardly at the strange turns a person's mind can take sometimes, and runs at the closest guard, drawing his sword and striking in one fluid motion as he does so.

Initiative: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]

Crit. Conf: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]

Crit damage: [roll4]

2009-01-18, 05:59 PM
Hold yer horses, Gunnar. You are 100 feet from the dudes, so even if you charge them (thus moving 60 feet for a double move action) you will not strike them until at least the next round.

I will assume you mean you want to run at them this round.

Stuff that only I should see (I don't have my dice on me and I'll need to use the dice roller).

Initiative for two dudes:

2009-01-18, 06:02 PM
Here is what Sonhatsi rolled for Initiative:

2009-01-18, 06:05 PM
Here is Initiative Order:
Dude One
Dude Two

2009-01-18, 10:25 PM
(So what happens in between the time they start acting and the time that it's my turn?)

2009-01-18, 10:57 PM
You are flat-footed.

I suppose Gunnar is flat-footed too. Unless he posts otherwise, he will spend his turn running towards the two people up the hill.

It is Edyis' turn.

2009-01-20, 12:04 PM
(Sorry it took me awhile to post, I wasn't feeling up to snuff yesterday and couldn't coherently convey my thoughts)

Eydis eyes tubes that the two men are pointing at them. "Stay your hands," she advises her companions. "By the way they're holding those... things, they must be weapons; they have the high ground and they know this terrain. They have the advantage, but if we bide our time we may be able to change that."

She raises her voice to be heard by the two men. "Why do you curse us?" (Eydis is interpreting their shout of "Freeze!" along the same lines as "Go to hell!" or "Get bent!") "We were summoned here. We have been sent to seek the ones called 'the Wizards of the Coast.'"

(The above comprises my move action. I will also ready a standard action to grab Gunnar or Sonhatsi if either of them tries to move to attack. S.K.U.M.M., feel free to role a 1d20+9 touch attack if it comes to that. If nobody attacks, then Eydis will spend one minute attempting to improve the guards' attitudes: [roll0] - EDIT: that should improve their attitude by one step.)

2009-01-20, 03:17 PM
The two men still stand at the top of the hill, the things in their hands still pointed at you.

"Stay where you are," the man on the left shouts. "How did you get in there? Where are the three Elves who were down there with you?"

2009-01-21, 05:41 PM
(Moxex and BDEYE, go ahead and post your next action so I know whether you're going along with Eydis's plan or not. And don't feel obligated to. I'm probably going to forgo the readied action to grab anyone who tries to charge the guards, since that's just likely to complicate things.)

2009-01-21, 09:50 PM
((Sorry, I posted but the forum ate it. Gunnar is still just gonna run at them and draw his sword. If he can't hit them this turn, he'll get them in the next one.))

2009-01-22, 08:02 AM
Okay, Gunnar moves up to within 40 feet of the dudes this turn. It is now Sonhatsi's turn.

2009-01-22, 08:05 AM
((Sorry, I posted but the forum ate it. Gunnar is still just gonna run at them and draw his sword. If he can't hit them this turn, he'll get them in the next one.))

I always COPY the text I put into the post before SUBMIT REPLYing, and make sure it actually shows up on the thread. If it doesn't, I simply PASTE the COPY'd text onto another post. It sure beats having to retype the text. Yeah, this server is slow and times out a lot.

2009-01-22, 04:17 PM
I always COPY the text I put into the post before SUBMIT REPLYing, and make sure it actually shows up on the thread. If it doesn't, I simply PASTE the COPY'd text onto another post. It sure beats having to retype the text. Yeah, this server is slow and times out a lot.

Agreed. This is also what I do, and I always check and make sure that my post actually showed up if the server is being slow.

2009-01-22, 05:27 PM
Sonhatsi assumes a defensive stance and turns to Eydis, his voice impatient.
"What is it, half-sister?"

2009-01-23, 01:53 AM
(Okay, I'm acting out of turn here, but consider it a free action...)

"Too late." Eydis points as Gunnar goes haring off in the direction of the two men.

(I'll continue my turn after Dude Two goes.)

2009-01-24, 04:42 PM
"Never too late, half-sister," snarls Sonhatsi, rushing towards the men.

2009-01-24, 10:33 PM
You all hear a slight popping noise from the top of the hill, apparently centered on the two men. A small geyser of snow appears suddenly from inches from Gunnar's charging feet.

It is now Edyis' turn.

2009-01-24, 11:49 PM
Eydis runs towards the guards, but takes an approach that runs slightly diagonal to that of her comrades, hoping to offer split targets.


2009-01-25, 09:25 AM
You all hear another small pop from the top of the hill, and Gunnar feels the strange sensation of displaced air pushing past his left ear. One of the guards at the top of the hill starts running away from you.

(At this time, Guard One is 40 feet away from all of you, and guard Two is now 70 feet away from you, as he used his Move action after he attacked).

2009-01-25, 11:19 AM
Gunnar charges the closest guard. He barely seems to notice the bullet rushing past him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Conf: [roll2]

2009-01-25, 12:40 PM
You thrust for the guard's stomach, and notice that your blade slides quite easily into the man's gut even though he has armor on. However, your blade doesn't enter very deeply into the man and he does not appear to be mortally wounded.

Sonhati's turn.

2009-01-25, 08:30 PM
[Am I close enough to move in and attack? I was under the understanding that we were still pretty far away.]

2009-01-25, 11:46 PM
[Am I close enough to move in and attack? I was under the understanding that we were still pretty far away.]

(I believe you are easily within range to make a charge action.)

2009-01-27, 06:50 PM
Sonhatsi charges into the attack, raving and foaming at the mouth. He attempts to drive his long sword into the stomach of the nearest guard and use his tomahawk to split the same guard's head.

Attack 1 (Long Sword):
Damage 1:

Attack 2 (Handaxe):
Damage 2:

2009-01-28, 08:39 AM
Gunnar charges the closest guard. He barely seems to notice the bullet rushing past him.
Technically, you would have no idea what a "bullet" is.

Sonhatsi: Technically, you make one attack each with each of your two weapons at a -2 penalty for both. However, this penalty is negated by the +2 bonus for charging, for a total of +10 for your longsword and handax each.

Anyway, Sonhatsi feels the satisfying crunch of his sword severing the guard's backbone. then the popping sound of the man's brain case being opened by his tomahawk.

The second guard continues to run up the hill, towards the house. He is soon lost over the curvature of the hill.

2009-01-28, 02:25 PM
To be clear: Sonhatsi killed the guard. I think that gives him rage points (I am not at my computer now, so I don't have my rule book on me).

It is Edyis' turn.

2009-01-28, 05:00 PM
Sonhatsi laughs in a strange register and bites down on the handle of his tomahawk.

2009-01-28, 08:03 PM
Gunnar examines the dead guard's weapon, interested but a little confused.

((I guess it would be too good to be true for me to use my Wild Card feat to give me an Exotic Weapon Proficiency that would in turn let me use the gun.))

2009-01-28, 09:15 PM
((Yes, seeing as how you first saw a gun about a minute ago. Sorry, dude, but you just have to accept the fact that you are a Viking.))

2009-01-29, 12:16 AM
((No, don't accept the fact that you're a Viking, embrace it!!))

Eydis runs up the crest of the hill to see if she can catch sight of the fled guard.

((Edit: I'd think that Gunnar would be able to use the gun, but he'd take the normal -4 penalty for non-proficiency. And be a puss for not using a proper Viking weapon that goes *crunch* into your enemies bones when you swing it.))

2009-01-29, 01:04 PM
Edyis: You can "Run," thus moving 120 feet up the hill. However, you will have to accept whatever consequences are entailed with doing so (i.e. elite commandos in winter camouflage hiding in a snow drift would get AoOs against you as you ran past them, you would be forced to stay in whatever spot you ended up in until your next turn, ect).

From where Gunnar and Sonhatsi are at, they can see more of the building up the hill, but the curvature of the hill is still prevents them from seeing the bottom story of the building.

Okay, I've thought about it, and if Gunnar can make a DC 15 Intelligence Check, he can use the gun as a Wild Card feat. He will suffer no penalties from using the gun, as it'd be considered a Proficient weapon.

Also, please do not "metagame" and count ammo. As far as you are able to tell, the thing is firing magic or something. I'm going to rule that you would have no idea how to reload the weapon, as you have never seen anything like it before. The only reason you can use the weapon in the first place is that it somewhat resembles a very small crossbow.

2009-01-29, 04:45 PM
Edyis: You can "Run," thus moving 120 feet up the hill. However, you will have to accept whatever consequences are entailed with doing so (i.e. elite commandos in winter camouflage hiding in a snow drift would get AoOs against you as you ran past them, you would be forced to stay in whatever spot you ended up in until your next turn, ect).

((Actually, due to armor, I have only 20 ft of movement, and thus running would only move me 80 ft. Any hidden elite commandos can suck my Mobility. Also, I think running actually might lend a penalty to attacks against me??))

((Edit: Okay, I read the Iron Heroes entry on Running in the Combat chapter. No penalty to hit me, and apparently I can only move 60 ft (triple speed, because any armor that reduces my speed also limits my run speed, apparently, not just heavy armor as in 3.5), and I would lose my active bonus to defense. In light of that, I will make a "Hustle" (or Double Move) action instead, moving 40 ft. Hidden elite commandos can still suck my Mobility.))

2009-01-29, 06:36 PM
Okay, Edyis runs forward and 50 elite commandos in snow camouflage burst out of a snow bank and sneak attack her...Just kidding.

She runs forward, but is still 20 feet downhill of Gunnar and Sonhatsi.

Gunnar's turn.

2009-01-29, 08:24 PM
((INT check [roll0]))

Gunnar grabs the gun, shoves it into his pack, and creeps up the hill, keeping an eye out for enemies while attempting to stay unseen and unheard. If there is no cover available he crawls along the ground:

((Shifting the Wild Card Thief to Stealthy before he moves-

Hide: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]
Listen: [roll4]))

2009-01-29, 08:37 PM
Remember, the pine forest surrounds all of this area, except for a thin area cut out for the fenced-in area and the road itself. You manage to easy get amongt the pine forest and can move whatever way you choose.

You manage to crawl uphill, and can see the entire building. The woods stop in an area 100 feet out from the building; I suppose this is where you stop to view the building. It is four stories tall. The side of the building facing you is 40 feet across. There are two windows that have heavy bars over the windows on either side of the single door. The guard that ran away is standing in front of the open door. He is looking intently at the road from which he ran from you, but doesn't see or hear you. On the second story are three windows. The three windows are open and long thin tubes are poking out of them, held by guards. The tube-like things look like elongated versions of the noise-making machine you have picked up.
The top two stories have three windows each, but they are closed and you cannot see anybody behind them.

Immediately continuous to the side walls of the building is another strange chain-fence with the iron brambles on top running up about 10 feet high.

At this point in time I'd say combat is over unless Sonhatsi and Edyis want to charge the building; sorry, Sonhatsi, but you'll have to lose your rage point for now.

2009-01-29, 09:01 PM
Sonhatsi approaches Gunnar.
"What do you propose we do, cousin? We could kill the cleave-assed son of a hundred fathers where he stands."

2009-01-30, 12:19 AM
Sonhatsi: I assume you Move Silently and Hide to get to Gunnar. I rolled for you and you did well. Make sure you explicitly say what actions you take (this is necessary for message board games, as it takes so long to get feedback.)

I forgot to mention, the chain-fence runs out from either side of the house for 30 feet, then makes a right angle and goes on for an undisclosed distance further to the north. The forest has been cut down to a distance of 100 feet from the fence, also.

2009-01-30, 04:58 PM
Yes, you're right. I apologize. But that's what I do--Hide and Move Silently.

Sonhatsi: I assume you Move Silently and Hide to get to Gunnar. I rolled for you and you did well. Make sure you explicitly say what actions you take (this is necessary for message board games, as it takes so long to get feedback.)

I forgot to mention, the chain-fence runs out from either side of the house for 30 feet, then makes a right angle and goes on for an undisclosed distance further to the north. The forest has been cut down to a distance of 100 feet from the fence, also.

2009-01-30, 06:55 PM
"No," Gunnar whispers. "We don't know how many there are, and they all seem to have those noisemakers to call for help with. Better we get out of here and find safe haven elsewhere. Maybe then we can figure out how the hell we came to this strange place."

2009-01-30, 10:05 PM
To Gunnar and Sonhatsi only:

As you two talk quietly in the woods you hear a commotion from the house. Three more men are exiting the door, all with the little noisemakers. The four assembled men take up some sort of formation, with two men sticking their noisemakers in front and walking side by side, the two other men walking slightly behind them and sticking their noisemakers to the east and west. They start walking south, down the path to where you two came from--and where Edyis is still presumably standing.

2009-01-31, 11:10 PM
Gunnar waits until they have gone past, and follows, attempting to remain unseen. He takes their left flank and motions for Sonhatsi to take the right.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]

2009-02-04, 01:45 AM
"Should I charge in, cousin? It might distract them. . ." says Sonhatsi.

2009-02-04, 05:32 PM
Eydis looks around her, wondering where her kin have run off to.


2009-02-04, 07:06 PM
Gunnar doesn't say anything. He thinks about the best way to disarm the men ((Wild Card feat to Improved Disarm)). As soon as he sees that the strange uniformed men have spotted Eydis, he will attack, hopefully catching them from more then one direction.

2009-02-05, 07:49 AM
Edyis: You hear the sound of footsteps from up the hill. You cannot see the source yet, but they are obviously made by more than one person. Soon, you clearly hear an exclamation from one of the men. However, you are too far away to hear exactly what they are saying.

Gunnar and Sonhatsi:

: Traveling further down the hill, the four men find the corpse of the guard you guys killed. They are talking amongst themselves.

"Let's get the wizard," some of them are saying.
"No, we need to explore the redoubt," says the guard that ran away from you a few minutes before. "Look, we simply check out the redoubt and see what happened down there. Those guys we saw probably just ran away. We need to get McAlane back to the Wizard for questioning. We don't know if Rodd will bolt now that the gate is broken."

After some grumbling, the men reform their original position and start traveling down the hill once more.

2009-02-05, 06:15 PM
Gunnar waits for his moment.

2009-02-06, 04:52 PM
@BEDYE: You can't change your Wild Card feat, since you already set it to Stealthy.

You can pick a feat to fill the “wild card” slot as a standard action. You retain this feat for the rest of the day. After you rest for eight hours, the wild card slot resets to empty, allowing you to choose a different feat to fill its place.

2009-02-06, 07:04 PM
((Thanks, I misread how that worked.))

2009-02-07, 10:59 PM
Sonhatsi reluctantly does as he's told, attempting to flank the men from the right.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2009-02-08, 06:33 PM


2009-02-08, 06:37 PM
Okay, try as I might, I could not get rid of the line after G and S. Each (0) is 5 feet. Green 0s are forest, black 0s are empty ground. Edyis cannot see over the hill, she has no idea what's going on up there.

G is Gunnar, S is Sonhatsi. Sonhatsi disturbs some underbrush and one of the guards spots him. They do not see Gunnar. Roll for initiative, ya'll.

BTW, Gunnar can, if he so chooses, make a surprise action.

2009-02-08, 08:00 PM
((Yes, Gunnar is I think the only one who acts in the surprise round, as none of the enemy combatants are aware of him (and therefore also all flatfooted).))


2009-02-08, 10:32 PM
Damn it, Gunnar thinks to himself. He charges with a scream as the guards turn in Sonhatsi's direction.

((Charges Guard 4 in the surprise round:
Damage: [roll]1d6[/roll
Critical: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Initiative: [roll3]))

2009-02-08, 10:33 PM
((Here's that first damage again: 1d6))

2009-02-08, 10:36 PM
((And again: [roll0]))

2009-02-09, 11:02 PM
Gunnar: You easily stab the man, who was looking in Sonhatsi's direction. You might as well take your full turn now, as there is no possible way Sonhatsi can get your Initiative position and I already rolled for the guards' turns.

2009-02-10, 07:28 PM
Gunnar strategically body-checks one man while kicking the other in the side of the knee.

((I'm a little confused as to whether Whirlwind attack lets me take two trip attacks with my maximum BAB or if it's only good for basic melee attacks. I'm going to assume not and use my full attack to trip guards 2 and 4. If I can use Whirlwind attack then the second melee touch attack gets a +4.

Guard 2: Melee touch attack- [roll0], trip check [roll1]

Guard 4: Melee touch attack- [roll2], trip check [roll3]

And since Combat Reflexes are going to let me get an AOO on anybody who tries to get up or use a ranged weapon too close to me:

AOO's: [roll4], [roll5], [roll6]))

2009-02-10, 07:31 PM
((Damage for the AOO's: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]))

2009-02-10, 09:23 PM
Sonhatsi looks briefly calm and then starts shrieking obscenities in Mohawk, Old Norse, and various pidgins thereof.
Initiative: [roll0]

2009-02-11, 01:16 PM


2009-02-11, 01:22 PM
Gunnar takes down the two guards, who are not quite sure what is going. Guard One fires wildly in Gunnar's direction, his attention having been caught up in his discovery of Sonhatsi. He misses. Guard two stands up under the constant assault of Gunnar's short sword, but takes minimal damage in doing so (aka Gunnar successfully AoO'd guard 2). Guard three fires at Gunnar and misses. Guard 4 remains on the ground.

Edyis: You hear three shots fired from up the hill.

Initiative order:

Guard 1
Guard 3
Guard 2
Guard 4

2009-02-11, 01:40 PM
Eydis runs to the crest of the hill in the direction of the commotion.

((Basically, I want to move far enough so that I can see what's what. If this requires a 60 ft. "run" action, then Eydis's AC is 12 until my next turn. If it can be accomplished with a simple 40 ft "hustle," I'll do that instead.))

When she gets close enough to see what's going on, Eydis quickly scans the battlefield.


Opportunism Pool: 1 token

2009-02-21, 02:13 PM
((Sonhatsi, it's your turn. Go already, damnit))

2009-02-23, 09:54 PM
Sonhatsi rushes at Guard 1, attacking with both weapons. If guard one falls to the first weapon, he attacks Guard 4 with the second.

Attack 1:[roll0]
Damage 1:[roll1]

Attack 2:[roll2]
Damage 2:[roll3]

2009-02-23, 11:09 PM
Sonhatsi: You manage to tip your sword up underneath the guard's arms, but he was aware of your existence so you did not get the drop on him. He dodges your ax. He is wounded but still on his feet.
((ooc: i assume you meant you would attack guard 3. You cannot attack guard 4 unless you actually enter their formation, which I would assume you would not want to do.))

Gunnar: Guard 4 tries to leap to his feet, but stumbles because of the weird contraption he is holding in his hand. You may make an AoO against him, then the contraption goes off in your face ((rolls d20 in meatspace...)

but he misses, because the stance he ended up in was way off.

You're turn. Guard 4 is standing up, guard 2 is still on the ground.

2009-02-23, 11:13 PM


2009-02-24, 02:26 PM
A few things:

You are more than welcome to reposition yourselves on the map as you see fit. Basically every O is a five-foot square. Normal movement rules apply (every other diagonal step counts as five feet, ect). Just "quote" the map text, delete the actual [quote] script language, and move yourself to whereever you want to. Do keep in mind passing through other's threatened squares, etc.

Also, you might as well have "contingency" clauses in the end of your turns to deal with attack of oppurtunities. These can be pretty simple, such as "any time anybody does something that provokes an AoO, I will attack them." Things get more complicated with the Combat Reflexes feat tree, you will need to explain exactly how many people you want to attack, how much bonuses to put into each attack, etc.

These AoO contingencies will significantly reduce the time it takes to complete combat.

2009-02-24, 02:29 PM
Oh, I see Gunnar already posted an AoO. Gunnar hits Guard 4.

Note: I'm assuming that the +4 bonus for hitting a guy standing from prone.

2009-02-24, 02:33 PM
Gunnar: Looking more closely, however, I noticed that you have actually rolled a critical failure on your first AoO. I took the liberty of using your second AoO for preventing the crit failure, so you are fine.

Speaking of which, everybody might as well use the same format for ANY attack. It would go something like this:

standard attack
crit attack (this will apply for both confirming critical hits AND avoiding critical failures)

Everybody cool with that?

2009-02-24, 03:22 PM
Everybody cool with that?

Eydis quickly scans the battlefield again. [roll0]

Then she rushes forward into the fray.


(flanking Guard 3 w/ Sonhatsi)

(Edit: Attacking in next post, wanted to see if I got another token.)

Opportunism Pool: 2 tokens

2009-02-24, 03:32 PM
Eydis ruthlessly drives her spear for a weak point in the flanked guard's defenses. (Using Cheap Shot on Guard 3 for +1d6 sneak attack damage)

[roll0] (flanking bonus included)

15 damage total

Opportunism Pool: empty!

2009-02-24, 04:25 PM
Edyis: It's actually Gunnar's turn now. I took the liberty of moving you 80 feet up the hill in this round, which just ended. Gunnar is first in initiative order, so he goes next, as this is a new round.

2009-02-24, 04:27 PM


So, as of right now, the board looks like this.

2009-02-24, 06:22 PM
Gunnar slashes at the second guard, spins, and quickly and surgically stabs the inside of the fourth guard's leg, attempting to knock him back over. He continues the spin, ready to lash out at anybody who makes the mistake of trying to stand up anywhere near him.

((Attack on guard 2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Trip on guard 4, touch attack: [roll4]
Dex check: [roll5]

Takes advantage of any and all AOO opportunities until such time as he runs out of attacks:

AOO 1: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Critical: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

AOO 2: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]
Critical: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

AOO 3: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]
Critical: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]))

2009-02-24, 11:55 PM
((D'oh! Sorry, I don't know why I thought I was up.))

2009-02-25, 07:27 PM
Gunnar: Guard 2 stands up, which allows you to attack him. You slice into his forehead as he stands up. He fires at you, but the blood in his eyes causes him to miss. Meanwhile, Guard 4 sticks his weird contraption right into your stomach and fires. You feel a surge of pain in your abdomen.
You take 12 damage. (Your DR does not apply to firearms).

Sonhatsi: Guard 3 points the strange contraption at you and hits you in the shoulder. You feel a something explode around your shoulder, even though you saw no weapon strike you.
You take 5 damage (I rolled your DR reduction for you).

It is Sonhatsi's turn.

((OOC: I made a DM executive decision that Sonhatsi's DR applies to firearms because berserker DR is based on sheer force of will and near-preternatural toughness, whereas Gunnar's DR is only based on mundane armor. Alternatively, I also determined that the guard's armor DR is only effective against firearms.))

2009-02-27, 09:08 PM
In a rage, Sonhatsi attempts to disembowel Guard 3:


2009-02-28, 11:51 AM

You ruin the guard's face and upper torso, but he is still hanging on to life by a thread.

Edyis' turn.

2009-02-28, 03:35 PM
((Actually, I think Eydis's initiative count comes before Sonhatsi. When you said it was his turn, I assumed that you were counting my previous post as my action, which would have come before Sonhatsi's. Now, of course, Guard 3, the only guard I can properly flank, is almost dead, so I'll just attack him without using my tokens.))

Eydis rushes the severely injured guard.




Eydis now threatens Guard 3 (assuming he lives), Guard 4, and (using Hafted Weapon Mastery) Guard 1, giving me 3 more tokens (or 2, if Guard 3 is dead).

If any of these three punks take a provoking action, COMBAT REFLEXES, BITCH!

AoO vs. Guard 3

AoO vs. Guard 4

AoO vs. Guard 1

I'm using one of my 4 AoO to boost my AoO against Guard 1 by +2. If Guard 3 is dead, I'll use the AoO I would have used against him to boost my AoO against Guard 4 (increase the attack roll by 2).

Opportunism Pool: 4 or 5 tokens?

2009-02-28, 08:08 PM
Edyis: You run through Guard 3 with your spear. He falls to the ground, dying. Guard 4, startled by your presence, turns his contraption towards you and you hear a loud noise emanate from it, but the strange sound didn't effect you in any way.

It is now Gunnar's turn.

2009-03-01, 12:42 PM
Gunnar abandons all pretense of strategy and just starts hacking at every enemy in range.

((Whirlwind attack on 2 and 4. Losing track of who is prone and who is flanked, so some bonuses may be in order beyond what is listed here.

First Attack
Attack: [roll0]
Critical: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

Second Attack
Attack: [roll4]
Critical: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Critical Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Critical: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Critical Damage: [roll11]

Attack: [roll12]
Critical: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]
Critical Damage: [roll15]

Also, do we have a word over whether Whirlwind Attack allows me to trip or disarm everyone in range at my full BAB?))

2009-03-01, 01:51 PM
Gunnar: You are dimly aware that you have struck both guard 2 and guard 4. Both are bloodied but still standing. Guard 2 fires in your direction, but you never feel the impact.

Edyis: Guard 4 fires at you, but also misses.

Sonhatsi: Guard 1 fires at you. You barely feel any pain, as the rage has consumed your entire existance (i.e. you soaked all the damage through your damage reduction).

Edyis' turn.

2009-03-01, 04:10 PM
Pulling her bloodied spear from his carcass, Eydis steps over the fallen guard to flank the one who keeps pointing the noise-maker at her. (five-foot step)



Full attack plus Cheap Shot vs. Guard 4 (flanked)


Combat Reflexes
AoO 1

AoO 2

AoO 3

Using mastery 2 to spend 1 AoO to boost my first AoO by +2. Obviously if I kill Guard 4 this turn there will only be 2 targets for potential AoO, in which case ignore "AoO 3" and add +2 to the attack rolls in "AoO 2," thus using up all 4 of my AoO.

Opportunism Pool: 2 tokens

2009-03-01, 06:31 PM
Edyis: You're first attack skewers the guard, who drops his contraption and hangs lifelessly from the haft of your spear.

((You might as well use your second attack against somebody else))

2009-03-01, 07:10 PM
((I'll use it against Guard 2, but I had assumed a 16 would miss anyway. If not, all the better.))

2009-03-01, 07:12 PM
No, it is a hit. You kill guard 2 as well.

Only guard 1 remains standing. It is now Sonhatsi's turn.

2009-03-20, 09:04 AM
((DM Controlling Sonhatsi:))

Sonhatsi waves his ax in the remaining guard's face. Taking the bait, the guard tries to bat it out of his face, and while he is distracted Sonhatsi hacks into the guard's torso.

Attack one:
Crit: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

Crit: [roll5]
damage: [roll6]
crit damage: [roll7]

2009-03-21, 11:17 AM
((Sorry, giantitp.com mysteriously froze yesterday))

Sonhatsi severely wounds the man, but he is still standing.

Gunnar's turn.