View Full Version : Freeform Godgame: The Lightless (IC)

2009-01-11, 02:50 PM
It was... empty. Everything was empty. The only signs that there was more than just darkness stretching forever were the strange lights which twinkled from every direction, and the eerie asteroid chain which floated nearby. As Uranus stared ever outwards towards the infinite depths that was a mirror of his soul, he grew... dulled to it. There was no loneliness, only a lack of action which after eons of rest and study of his own little pocket of nothingness had begun to grow tiresome.

He looked out, and knew there must be more. But to make such was not his place, he could be inspired to create only so much. And so he reached outward, toward the his divine power and essence that saturated the blackened depths making it heavy and dark. He drew this into solid divine sparks, creating from his own essence, his own form, gods. Divine beings that would create or destroy as was their whim. However, this left him without a form. And so his divine essence floated, invisible and unfathomable, where it would as he waited for his own power to return.

The newborn gods found themselves greeted by the cold depths of space their only companions their fellow gods, the uncaring distant stars, and the broken chain of rocks, that seemed as if they were the body, broken and battered, of a great beast a god among gods that had swam through the endless sea of the void until it had been shattered, and cast here like so much refuse. Forgotten in this seemingly timeless place, as the gods here were seemingly forgotten. How these new beings reacted to all this would determine their own future, their own individuality.

2009-01-11, 02:58 PM
Artainis given form by the first cognizant thought of the universe; He came into being as a massive being armored in ever shifting cogs, and spoke to his new gods telepathically.
"Hello, brethren."

2009-01-11, 03:32 PM
"Hello, brethren."

"Hello to you also, my child"

And thus the Father, he who saw himself the beginner of the greatest forms and the protector of the weakest, was born from the void.

2009-01-11, 04:27 PM

Reaching out and feeling his body move for the first time, the skeletal figure cranes his neck as he hears the telepathic call and then the second. Concentrating he sends out his own greeting

"Greetings to you too, brothers."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-01-11, 04:29 PM
The All-Seeing Eye

At first, they saw only a strange veil that seemed to hang in the void. It was kind of vaporous and it gleamed with the colours of the rainbow. Suddenly, the veil was torn apart and a being emerged from the mist, its many eyestalks gazing at the assembled gods.

"Greetings to all of you. I am the All-Seeing Eye."

2009-01-11, 04:58 PM
Nor, the Illuminator

Several shimmering sparks floated in the air before converging and bursting forth in a brilliant flash. A sphere of light, brighter than any star or sun, shimmering with shifting colors, came into form.

Almost perfect...but this expanse is empty and silent. Perhaps we can make it better...

The god of light cast its senses around, examining the other gods. After a while, it said simply,

I am called Nor.

2009-01-11, 05:24 PM

Comforted by the neutrality of the vacuum and drawn to the presence of others like him, Frigis winked into existence. The aspect of cold seemed to blink hesitantly in the presence of Nor's shining light, as if waking from a deep sleep. Frigis was aware of other manifestations of existence, named and given form just like he was, and he drew closer to them.

Fffrigisssss. He whispered.

The beginnings of contemplations slithered their way into his mind. With no reference point for thought or existence present save the other Gods and the floating rocks, Frigis was a loss as to what do do. For an instant, he tried to remember.... but there was nothing previous to this point, no memory, only... nothing.

2009-01-11, 07:32 PM
The Monkey

The Monkey, on the other hand, did not have any such high introductions. He simply manifested with an audible pop! and landed on the void-ground with a soft thud.


2009-01-11, 09:43 PM

It seemed to him that this was the beginning of time, perhaps, at least for him. If anything had existed before, he hadn't known it. Perceiving the universe for the first time was a difficult thing to handle.

Frigis quietly maneuvered himself to a small chunk of rock. Other... an object. This is not a being. Frigis took a good look at each of the other godlings in turn. Each of them moves, their forms twist. What is all this? Frigis looked back to the stone, reaching a shard towards it. He felt the desire to touch the thing, and his shard split, becoming a hand. His crystalline fingers caressed the craggy surface of the small rock, feeling... friction. A solid in a gargantuan world of empty, an anchor amidst nothingness. The rock was barely the size of a baseball, and Frigis grasped it in his hand and drew it towards him. This is something. This something is...


2009-01-11, 09:55 PM
Virgo was born from that which was beyond time, space, and matter. the astral plane. Astral energy infused itself, and a mysterious blue flash animated a portion of the formless void into a human body. A body of a race that would not be made in years. The small body was nonetheless of supernatural origin. As a polite being, Virgo simply floated in space, waiting for the resonse of the others, after simply letting one refreshing word escape from his lips. "Greetings."

2009-01-12, 12:23 PM

A small blob only the size of a few molecules appears near the other gods and begins to grow as they greet each other.

A faint telephathic signal floats from it "whazzit . . . . uhhh . . . yeahhhhh, scary . . . . ohhh feat . . . TOAST!."

The blob grows to the size of an apple and starts to distort out of its ball shape. As strange shapes begin to grow out of it, the mass begins to turn bright blue and within only a few moments a small blue rabbit.

It's eyes blink as it surveys the huge shapes around it and then it opens its mouth releasing a loud booming voice that travels across the void despite all science to the contrary.

"I'm Bob."

Emperor Demonking
2009-01-12, 12:27 PM

Nothing was destroyed. Nothing turned into leaves. The leaves were destroyed and turned into ash. The ash swirled around and Pluto stood oin the middle of it looking around at the other people.

2009-01-12, 02:39 PM
Frigis clutched the stone carefully, noting that when he released it, it moved. In stasis, it did nothing, but when set in motion, it moved... An external force affected it.

We have been set in motion. We have been moved... Why? By whom?

The crystal-blue shard spoke to himself as much as the other beings, but looked to them for an answer nonetheless.These other things are so strange. They each feel so different.

2009-01-12, 02:45 PM
"I am Virgo, Magic, pristine and pure.. Free from corruption. I bring knowledge, and the manna which brings the spirit to material. I bring the wealth of the astral plane to those who would seek my aid. You are Winter, frigid, cold and icy. It is I who seek to bring knowledge to all future children."

2009-01-12, 02:51 PM
Frigis pondered the odd creatures' statements. He had no concept of 'children', or even 'future'. Cold simply... was. Cold permeated, it existed, it stole heat and froze elements. Frigis tapped a crystal finger against the rock and asked Virgo one question.


2009-01-12, 03:04 PM
Frigis pondered the odd creatures' statements. He had no concept of 'children', or even 'future'. Cold simply... was. Cold permeated, it existed, it stole heat and froze elements. Frigis tapped a crystal finger against the rock and asked Virgo one question.


"I simply am. I am Pure and loving. I give to those who seek to grow."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-01-12, 04:17 PM
The All-Seeing Eye

The goddess turned all her eyestalks in the direction of Frigis.


That is an excellent question! It will take a billions years to even begin to understand the implications of that question and its answer. Nonetheless, this question needs to be studied. I shall see to it myself."

2009-01-12, 05:28 PM

The small bunny's form wobbles for a moment and shifts into a green snail.

"Who says we need a purpose," the snail says, "I have no purpose. At least I don't think i do." The snail seems confused for a moment and then says "Wait, what's a purpose?"

2009-01-12, 07:31 PM
"Ah, dear Frigis, I am the Father, where Virgo seeks to give understanding, I seek to give preparedness to my children. We are here for some grand reason, and you must ask yourself if you truly feel the need to question you birth. For can we not take your beauty and magnificence and be happy? Must we question why why why?"

Kaiser Omnik
2009-01-12, 08:38 PM
The All-Seeing Eye

"There is obviously more to this than meets the eye...eyes. Ahem. Is it important? Is it...significant? Who knows? I still believe that at least one being in this universe should search for those answers. I know I will do it, but it is certainly not a task for anyone."

2009-01-12, 08:47 PM
Frigis was comforted by the All-Seeing Eye's pledge. It seemed that the bizarre orb with the many eyestalks was something dependable and intelligent, something with drive. On the other hand, Virgo's impassioned declaration confused him. The concepts were too foreign, too beyond his own scope of the universe. In a world where the timeline had just begun, how could she possible comprehend more than he could?

Frigis felt belittled by what he perceived to be the Father's condescending tone. He drew the rock even closer to himself, tiny bits of frost forming on its craggy surface. I am not your child. If we do not question why, then are we not blind? With the use of that term, Frigis looked to the All-Seeing Eye for support.

2009-01-12, 11:51 PM
The All-Seeing Eye

"There is obviously more to this than meets the eye...eyes. Ahem. Is it important? Is it...significant? Who knows? I still believe that at least one being in this universe should search for those answers. I know I will do it, but it is certainly not a task for anyone."

"I can see all things emroidened with the Astral... you, seem to see all. All-Eye, do you think that we could do this search together?"

2009-01-13, 01:21 AM

The snail pulled in on itself, becoming a blob once again and then grew into the a small pink shape, a human child.

The child balls its fists as if trying out the idea of fingers and then raises a hand "Can I help?"

Emperor Demonking
2009-01-13, 10:59 AM

Pluto looked at them speaking,but his face was unmoving until eventually he said. "Before we look, we need something. Something that can be destroyed. In time."

2009-01-13, 12:54 PM

Orpheus was silent as he listened to the other beings speak. He contemplated their words and though he appreciated the lifeless void. It was even too empty for him.

"I agree with Pluto...this void is too empty. There must be something more to occupy our time before we all go mad."

2009-01-13, 02:46 PM

Frigis' form brightened and he backed away defensively from Orpheus and Pluto. If Pluto wants to destroy something, he can destroy his own things. Frigis only then realized that the rock had been covered in a sheen of frost. The stone itself hadn't frozen, but its surface had a fuzzy carpet of icicles. Frigis was at once fascinated and confused by the effect his touch had on the rock. It began to feel more like him, more like something he owned. As he focused on the rock that was his, it almost seemed that the frosty carpet grew...

Kaiser Omnik
2009-01-13, 03:29 PM
The All-Seeing Eye

The goddess nodded.

"Frigis is right. You may enjoy life the way you like, but you must not close your eyes on your origins and your purpose, or else all will be lost."

She then replied to Virgo and Bob.

"Even I can't see everything. We all need your unique perspectives on the matter. I will be happy to collaborate with you on any project."

After listening to the other gods, she added:

"Indeed, that is where I was going. Where some may see only darkness, I see infinite potential. Together, we will all realize it. I say to you:


I even think that there is a place for more sentient beings. Those will give us a new perspective on the universe!"

2009-01-14, 12:39 AM

Bob seems to like the form of the child creature . . . at least long enough that it hasn't changed again.

He frowns in concentration, "I dunno eye-eye, I'm pretty sure that I created all of us. So if we must discover our purpose than I decree that our purpose is to have no purpose. So it is decreed and so the problem is solved. We can move on."

Bob looks confused for a moment. "Does anyone else have a weird open feeling in their center?" He taps on his stomach "I think it wants me to put something into it . . ."

2009-01-14, 01:32 AM
Frigis watched Bob with a bit of apprehension. He couldn't help feeling a little doubt that the strange, ever-changing one could have created those assembled. From his point of view, each of the others was very specific in their design, and Bob was anything but specific.

I do not want to believe we have no purpose. The crystals around Frigis spun rapidly, belying his anxiety. I want to have a purpose, but that is me. Perhaps each of us has our own wants. With a free hand, Frigis gestured toward Bob. Perhaps yours is to fill yourself?

Kaiser Omnik
2009-01-15, 09:39 AM
The All-Seeing Eye

"So, what shall we create then?"

2009-01-15, 10:03 AM

Pokes his stomach

"Let's create something to go in their . . . . . I wonder how I'd get it in."

Emperor Demonking
2009-01-15, 11:16 AM

Pluto flew to one of the rocks and the rock started to be destroyed. When Pluto was finished a single apple was left from the remains of the rock. Pluto then continued to fly, looking for something else that needed to be destroyed.

2009-01-15, 11:41 AM
"Hm.." Virgo thought and thought. "What about a race of beings that are typically frail but gradually become extremely powerful for exceptions of their race?"

2009-01-15, 08:01 PM
Frigis visibly gawked at Pluto with horror. Fiend! Obliterator! In a panic, Frigis snatched another floating rock protectively and stared at the appley aftermath of the God's actions. The destroyed stone had revealed something entirely different underneath. Not obliteration... He removed the shell, and released what was inside? Freed what was held hostage underneath?

2009-01-15, 08:08 PM

"BORING!" Bob says and turns towards the asteroids. He begins flapping his arms and legs, clearly trying to make himself move towards the asteroids, but nothing happens.

After a few moments he frowns and lifts a foot to his face, sniffs it and then reaches out and grasps at the emptiness with his free hand. "Ohhhhh," he says. "Very interesting."

He concentrates for a moment and a small flat stone floats towards him, followed by another and another. Bob steps onto the stones as they form a small path for him, as his foot leaves each stone, it quickly flies around in front of him to form the next step in the path.

As he walks away he calls over his shoulder "I was trying to walk on thin air! Ha, no wonder it wasn't working."

2009-01-15, 08:12 PM

"I believe that creatures we make should be able to use their minds as tools that are equally as, or even more so as effective as their bodies."

2009-01-16, 02:24 PM

"Any creature we create will need to be cold, and hardy to live in this forsaken void of a world. It will have to survive only by its wits and it's strong and firm eternal construction."

2009-01-16, 02:40 PM

The god of light sat there, watching the other gods. Finally, the light stirred.

Are we going to discuss this for eternity or are we going to make something of this universe?

The ball of light zoomed off and enveloped several hefty asteroids. Sailing across the void, the space that he left behind no longer a boring black expanse but now filled with large dust clouds that reflected almost every color imaginable. The stars, originally pathetic pinpricks of light, likewise quivered and took on many different shades as well.

With a bit of chaos here, some destruction there and a tad of creation and reordering the available materials, the void became a picturesque universe full of color, brimming with possibility and excitement.

Nor settled down, exhausted, and waited for the other gods to act.

2009-01-16, 03:56 PM

As the light begins to envelop the asteroids Bob squeels and starts to run towards them on his make shift stone path.

He gets near one of the asteroids that has not been fully enveloped yet. It is huge compared to his small child form, the size of a mountain.

"This ones mine!" He yells out sounding in all ways like a child at a toy store. He reaches reaches out with one hand and a small cloth bag appears, with the other hand he reaches out and grabs the asteroid. Neither change size as the small hand grips the giant asteroid and any mortal looking on it would have found themselves suffering a migraine from even watching such a spectacle. The gods who were able to see him however, thought little of the display.

With his right hand he grabs the asteroid and shoves it into his bag. He runs off with his bag and gasps in delight as Nor does his work. Bob runs through the clouds of dust and gasses that are being created, grabbing hand fulls hear and there and shoving them into his bag.