View Full Version : Hmm, Possible Rules Upgrade...

2009-01-11, 03:27 PM
...I wonder, when, if ever, we're going to see a 4e-parody joke.

Also, quick guesses as to the OotS's 4e Stats (basing some on the Class and Level Geekery thread)

13/20 levels = 65% to the "end" level
65% in the 30 level system: 19.5, round down to 19

Str 20
Con 16
Dex 15 (based on preference for Greatsword and it's feat requirements)
Int 16
Wis 16
Cha 12

Feats: Student of Battle, Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade), Skill Training: Arcane, Action Surge, Adept Power, Novice Power, Acolyte Power, Blade Opportunity, Heavy Blade Opportunity, Combat Anticipation, Battle Instructor, Combat Commander

Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Intimidate, Diplomacy, Arcane

Paragon Path: Swordmaster

Class Features: Combat Challenge, Combat Superiority, Fighter Weapon Talent: 2-Handed, Combat Leader +3 (from Battle Instructor Feat, Boosted by Combat Commander Feat), Steel Defense Action, Steel Grace, Steel Blitz

At-Will: Cleave, Footwork Lure

Encounter: Unified in Blood (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0409.html)(An enemy within 5 squares bloodies an ally and you get to move to said enemy and attack), Vorpal Tornado (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0102.html), Sudden Surge, Precision Cut

Utility: Create Opening, Stand Tough, Into the Fray, Iron Warrior, Fantastic Flourish

Daily: Storm of Carnage, Unyielding Avalanche, Villain's Menace

Note: The powers chosen aim at: Roy's use of Great Cleave, propensity for charges and sudden movement, tactical mindset and his focus on vengeance.

15/20 = 22.5/30

Level 22 Rogue-Ranger
Str: 13
Dex: 22
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 10 or more
Cha: 10 or more

Feats: Warrior of the Wild, Bow Sniper(non-existent feat, but basically the same as the Street Thug feat in martial power that lets a rogue use a mace with any powers requiring light blades, in this case lets rogue use bow in place of crossbow), Weapon Focus: Bow, Slaying Action, Adept Power, Novice Power, Acolyte Power, Evasion, Secret Stride, Far Shot, Distant Shot, Point Blank Shot, Backstabber, Lethal Hunter, Courageous Shooter

Features: First Strike, Prime Shot (from Courageous Shooter), Sneak Attack, Rogue Weapon Talent, Artful Dodger, Archetype's Edge (Epic Destiny bonus Encounter attack)

Paragon Path: Paragon-Multiclass Ranger
Epic Destiny: Martial Archetype

Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff, Streetwise, Stealth, Thievery, Perception

At-Will: Deft Strike, Twin Strike

Encounter: Biting Volley, Triple Shot, Tornado Strike, Snap Shot, Guerilla Blitz

Utility: Open the Range, Hunt the Herd, Hide in Plain Sight, Shadow Stride, Nimble Climb, Tumble

Daily: Two-in-One Shot, Dead Stop, Slaying Strike, Blinding Barrage

Powers picked based on her Stealth and Ranged capabilities

That's it for now, may finish more later...

2009-01-11, 03:31 PM
Another joke should involve those gnomes and how they are monsters in 4e.

2009-01-11, 03:31 PM
Rich has said, in so many words, that he's not going to do a major 4e upgrade like he did for 3.5 in the first comic--the rules are just too different to make such a transition smooth (no bards or half-orcs in 4e for a start). He's said he will make jokes about the 4e rules if they seem appropriate, though.