View Full Version : The Emperors Most Holy Of Inquisition IC

2009-01-11, 08:50 PM
The mighty hive of Masqure was one of the most secure in the entire Imperium, named after the great Saint herself, Blessed Saint Belinq Masqure. The city was not one armed to the teeth with elite soldiers the likes of Cadia, or even a planet home for some of the great Astrates guardians of the Imperium from the darkest forms of evil. This hive was simply loyal. Many have tried to turn this planet into a cultist pit but with the daily prayers and devotions to the Gold Throne of Terra, it has been impossible. The greatest asset (many would call a failing) would be their acceptance of natural mutations. Saint Masqure was born perfectly normal but she was twisted by the burning of her home to traitors. She was rescued by a passing mutant, returning from his daily work at the mines and saved her. When she rose to power they were protected and accepted ever since. With the mutants helping to fight any corruption, there is no scum class of society to turn to Chaos…

In the highest level of the sub-administratum tower, Felin Bercured, lay dead, multiple auto rounds were lodged in the back of his skull. Impaled through his midsection on one of the many communication rods extending from the lower tower, 3 levels below his office, he would not be found for days. Blood was gentle spilling off of his near lifeless corpse. His eyes had gone black but he could still see the man, burned into his memory, slowly consuming what was left of his fragile mind.

(OOC: this is for the two inquisitor parties)


*************** PASSWORD ACCEPTED




…..pulse weapons has the uncanny nature to vaporize living tissue yet does not damaged inanimate objects….


The screen hummed to display two men, darkness and a large robe shadowing their appearance, one drawing a weapon and killing a man seated at a desk [positive identification of bullet penetrating skull, victim Felin Bercured], shooter withdraws exits. Last man leans down to grab the corpse and throws it through the glass, shattering. Robe flies back from breeze [Positive identification Yulous Palefix: Heretic]. Screen statics.


……killer identified as Yulous Palefix….sole assailant
Investigators Note
-potential second shooter
-unexplained reasoning behind lack of complete bullet penetration, silencer would still have launched the bullet through the back of the skull
-collar was not damaged by bullet yet angle requires it
-corruption of ALL administration security cameras
-Agent Felicity Germith


Team 1 introduction:

Recently arriving on planet again instantly set you apart from the crowd, however, being led by a native of this world allowed you mix with far less exposure. After visiting the local inquisitor lord Kleiner Corel, well an unofficial lord at least (being as this planet and the segmentum’s Inquisitorial capital are at opposite ends, a miniature Inquisitor command structure was establish here also), you arrived at your mission priority’s. Find the second shooter and supports of Yulous Palefix, condemned heretic.

Your first activities involved simple research and investigation. You took things quietly and proceeded to discover as much information as possible about the investing itself. You discovers however led to nothing. All access to the investigation had been closed off and sealed from all but those with inquisitorial authority. You were tempted to real yourself in order to proceeded the investigation but instead you were contacted first.

Felicity Germith, as the DNA on her note offered you, arranged a meeting, during the Hive Wide Masquerade Ball. The entire Hive would be covered with members of the citizenry, wearing the colourful masks of the various animals of both Ancient Terra mythology, and the local animals. What this amounted to, was complete animosity, and protection, with the crowded street, lasting 12 days. Felicity had chosen a major courtyard used in celebration, an environment even more difficult to maneuver and high exposed. You agreed to meet her….

Team 2 Introduction

If only to demonstrate the difference between Inquisitors themselves, you followed a different path. An incomplete investigation is what grabbed your attention, you had been hunting this Heretic for some time and it seemed particularly unlikely that Yulous Palefix could be stopped so easily.

Unfortunately, being an offworlder meant that you stood out. An entire day on arrival to the planet you were without a mask, standing out in the crowd, although as only an individual and not an Inquisitor. Your party busied itself with you recent arrival but you decided to make actions speak louder than words. You noticed Felicity Germith’s complaints and immediately recognized the value of his knowledge, and began to seek her out. Simple and easy questions allowed you to locate her apartment hab in one of the lower sections of the hive. You spent some time observing the house and watched and waited.

It was long irritating work but it allowed you to monitor another individual, although evidently more accustomed to the local culture as they were wearing a mask. The man entered for he barest of minutes and departed. You attempted to follow the man but he disappeared behind an ally. Returning, disappointed to the hab you began a search of your own. A brief scan of the table indicated that diary had been recently accessed, simple paper, though stained yellow due to prolonged exposed to air. All that was marked was a location of a major courtyard.

You and your team then established a watch, more irritation, more frustration (at least granting you team time to buy themselves some masks), eventually and your patience paid off…

Team 3 Introduction

You are radical rogue trader, on the lookout for credits. The second you arrive on a major imperial world, you receive hundreds of job offers. Most are low cash, smuggling runs, or work which would result in you loosing money and this world was no exception. There was one promising offer however, the employer, like most high grade employment opportunity, was unknown.

The mission, at first glance was relatively simple, find, capture, and drop off. The target was an imperial investigator. Quick background checks indicated she work on the Felin Bercured, the case however was closed. Other details of her life were insignificant however. You thought it as an easy task, and the details ensured that this was more a demonstration that you could handle yourself and more work would be coming.

Without assuming any trouble, you headed to your targets hab, entered, and searched the apartment. Not much was there but you found details of meeting being arranged at a major courtyard at 2 standard hours. You also noticed a birght blue feather fallen on the ground, you took it and the note and left however you immediately felt as if you were being watched and followed. Moving quickly through the mixture of ally’s nearby you managed to give slip to the pursuer, or at least the feeling you where having.

Illiterate Scribe
2009-01-12, 08:35 AM

Master Navigator Dos Deschan, late of House Areis, veteran of the Thirteenth Black Crusade, and servant of the Inquisition, waited.

He didn't like this.

Not that he hadn't engaged in operations with a certain degree of risk before - throne, but that time on Cadia hadn't exactly been a cakewalk - but this was different. It was easy enough placing oneself in the line of fire - after all, incinerating the very souls of those who had sadly strayed from the Emperor's path came naturally, almost as a reflex, when they were trying to do the same back to you - but to go into the middle of a large square to meet a contact, even if everyone was wearing masks, well, it was probably a bad idea. Still, they must have their reasons, and at least the masks would provide some anonymity.

This inquisitor that he'd hooked up with was quite a piece of work, too. A little flashy, what with the pistols akimbo fighting style that he affected - damn, had they all grown up watching pulp-fic pict-caps of Kal Jericho? Kids these days - but he seemed dependable, a good solid agent of the Ordo Xenos, who, like his fellow bug-hunters, was less likely to go off the rails into deviance. Sure, a daemon might tempt you in a moment of weakness, or one might go all Stocchollom Syndrome with a group of subversives, but there was something about ravening alien monsters and their guns that was less potentially alluring, even if it came in a more subtle, infiltration-suited form. Also, on the shuttle down, Deschan had caught some words of Helmuth's introduction (he had been asleep the rest of the time) about his being a native of this planet. That was good. Perhaps they could go sightseeing later. In the meantime ...

Mr Yohn, about this meet we've been called to with Ms Felicity. There's something worrying about it - a big courtyard, we might risk losing her to sniper fire, if Palefix has any idea of what he's doing. I have a suggestion, though - swapping masks. If we're all of us concealed by the frontage of some long forgotten Terran Marmoset, then, even if a potential assailant had marked Germinth at first, we could secrete her away and fight our own way out.

He shrugs, realising that the formation of counter-terror battleplans isn't great small talk.

My two demi-gelt.

2009-01-12, 10:03 PM
It was only 2 standard, and festivities would not officially begin until night but crowds were already beginning to gather, either to help with the preparation, or simple to entertain themselves as most places of work closed this day. The canvas which had been erected to cover the square would house also be a part of brilliant light show; reflecting off of the carefully interwoven blankets of white with flares of orange, red, and blue. It also gave the Arbites the opportunity to establish security perimeters for the festivals ahead, and place security vids to monitor the crowds, in the event that citizens became unruly.

For now though, the crowds where fairly well space, too compact for a clean firing of a weapon but space enough so that movement was no problem. A pair of fully armed Arbites in their griffin masks, with white feather, lined with brown to reflect their own duties, created a fearsome, yet elegant creature. Imperial citizens, it has been recorded, prefer the mighty geempt (a lizard like creature found in the local forests). The creature is known to represent loyal, as it demonstrates fierce devotion to the alpha male in its almost pack-like nature. The lizards themselves are bright green with flecks of brown and dark green and in mask form, reflect an almost playful appearance, despite the aggressive nature of the beasts.

So the courtyard itself is one of many for the old Guild Sarcross, a small mansion which has been converted into a hotel after their successive business enterprises allowed them to advance to a more suitable location. Now the courtyard is used as a public marketplace, trading all good imaginable, creating a natural centre for the festivities. Few sale carts were out at the present but would return shortly with items of celebratory nature. Everyone the square was in a busy mood, excited for the days to come. Most wore the most colourful clothing they could find, and the various patterns of yellows, blues, greens, and oranges created a rainbow like appearance.

One figure gently eased her way through the crowd, hey bird mask, containing bright blue feathers heavily contradicted he black and brow outfit. The Arbites troopers did not notice her but it was though her own tension spread to them as they each reached back for their automatic combat shotguns, both realizing the weapons were still slung to their back and returned to observing the crowd.

Note, you are in a public place, making it known you have weapons may expose you, if stealth isnt you thing don't worry.

2009-01-13, 08:53 AM

As he stepped down into the courtyard, Faith adjusted his mask slightly. It was not a mask that was very popular here, and no wonder. But it fit him well - in more than one way - and it made him stand out. Perhaps that wasn't a good idea, considering what he was about to do, but sometimes he could be an idiot and enjoy it. He chuckled to himself as a geempt-masked citizen did a double-take at the vagabond wearing the grey-furred, snarling visage of an Imperial Wolf.

He glanced around the courtyard, looking through the masses to try to find her. Who was she? What would happen to her? Despite the insistence of his greed, a few disturbing questions still banged about in the back of his mind. All he could do was focus on the mission, and maybe they'd go away.

A flash of blue! Yes, the blue-feathered mask. It was worth a shot, definitely!

Making his way through the crowd in black and grey, Faith noticed two men lounging and looking at her - and she was heading towards them. Brilliant. He'd reach her about the same time she reached them. Plan, new plan - no, stick to the old plan, use your credentials as an "Inquisitor" to lure her away. And keep your ears open.

Illiterate Scribe
2009-01-14, 02:06 PM
Having donned the mask of some strange, esoteric bear-like creature from Old Terra, Dos sauntered out into the square. He had the old high-velocity coil-fired naval service pistol that he'd, well, liberated from a ship that had short-changed him for a journey, but unloaded - he had hoped not to have to pop heads on this sojourn here, and could do that quite well without the aid of bullets.

And ... could it be? There were two figures approaching on fairly unsubtle beelines towards him and the inquisitor, one bearing a bird mask, and the other a wolf one. So, one of them was the contact ... and the other? And which was which?

Well, the second question was easily answered - Ms Felicity was almost certainly the female figure, wearing the bird mask. Nice work blending in there, kid. So this mysterious other? Well, he appeared to be going for the rather blatant statement - oh hey, guys, I'm a wearing a wolf mask, sure no symbolism there - but it was more his presence here at all that worried him. Well, it appeared to be time to enact that plan. Surreptitiously unfastening the back of his mask as Germith approached, he gave her a look. A 'stop, if you want to live', look.

At this point, Deschan plans to trip Germith and, in the ensuing commotion, swap masks. Would I need to roll for this, King, and, if so, what?

2009-01-14, 02:31 PM

In preparation for the upcoming festivities Helmuth dug out his old geempt mask, relying on its traditional appearance to keep him below the radar of any onlookers.

As he and Dos threaded their way through the crowded square Helmuth caught sight of the two approaching figures just as Dos does. He notices Dos loosening his mask in preparation for the switch and quickly steps forward, placing himself in front of Dos and the contact in an attempt to screen the switch from the unknown stalker.

2009-01-14, 06:11 PM
That would probably be an Intiative test, at say, -30 (crowd, her reaction, swapping masks). So just to clear up for everyone. You take your stat(I), subtract the modifier (-30), then you need to roll a 1d100 and get underneath. The lower you are, the better the result.

Shades of Gray
2009-01-14, 07:17 PM
Kol Jerem

Kol walks through the courtyard. Donning the mask of some albino antlered animal. He had never before seen a creature like this, but he did not dwell on this. Let's review what we know. Xenos involvement. Significant courtyard. I should look for anything prominent

A blue sheen catches his eyes, instinctively he turns his head and touches his autopistol underneath his coat. Woah, calm down, you need to reevaluate the mission. Should be prominent. Should be important.

He releases his hand from the autopistol, and puts his hands in his pants pockets. He looks again at the blue object, and sees four other individuals converging on the location.

He gestures to his companion, Knight, I believe you've noticed this as well. Proceed with caution... He begins walking towards the blue feathered woman. He hears a loud, ordered thumping noise. He puts his hand to his pistol again. He realizes that this noise is hims marching. Throne, I must start walking more casually if I want to fit in.

2009-01-14, 10:34 PM
Faith Felixsson

Ah. Interesting. And also so many kinds of bad. Whoever she was meeting with didn't want him around. Well, that left him with several options. He could run up, attracting undue attention... he could wait and let her talk with the unfriendly men... he could give her the opportunity to slip away with them...

"Miss! Wait up a moment!"

...Or he could do something completely unexpected and throw everyone off. He dashed up, skidding to a stop next to her.

"Sorry about how late I am - I had quite a time trying to find you, miss! You got my comm, right?" Sincerity dripped from his voice - at least the eager enthusiasm was real - and he gave her a wide grin from behind the mask.

Being considered a foolish, enthusiastic scholar was better than being considered an eavesdropper or a threat...

First Speaker
2009-01-15, 05:43 PM
Dos saw the pursuing man break into a run in the corner of this eye. It was now or never, then.

ROLL UNDER 50 DAMN IT: [roll0]


Placing a single foot out in front of himself, Deschan then hooked his other foot around Felicity's leg, then let simple physics do the rest - he collapsed to the ground, levering Felicity down with him - into the cover of the crowd. While she was stunned by the fall, he pulled off his already loosened mask, replaced it with hers, placed the bear mask on her face, and whispered a hushed missive into her ear:

My friend in the geempt mask is the contact. The wolf guy is not. Capisce?

Faith's 'contact' and her aggressor rose from the floor, dusting themselves down, and swapping a plethora of withering looks at each other. Readjusting her somewhat scuffed bird mask, she strode off, away from Helmuth, and into the path of another stranger keen to make her acquaintance.

Miss! Wait up a moment!

Ooh boy.

Sorry about how late I am - I had quite a time trying to find you, miss! You got my comm, right?

Ooooh boy.

Knowing that his imitation of a young-ish aged woman from this backwater of a planet was not up to much, but that a loose dark-grey tunic could be trusted to hide what he lacked (seriously, did everyone here wear grey and black?), he nodded, nervously, then, in his best mincing walk, began heading towards the edge of the square, beckoning Faith to follow him. Away from Helmuth.

2009-01-15, 07:08 PM
Much as i love watching your hijinks Illiterate, im goign to wait until everyone posts before we get started. Ill contact those who havnt now, and we also have another player joining us (hes new to Inquisitor), a techpriest if anyone wants some 1337 haxor action.

2009-01-15, 07:12 PM
Faith Felixsson

In Faith's experience, there were moments where the universe stopped. Where the Emperor stops breathing, where the concrete beneath your feet turns into shifting sand, where everything screeches to a halt and all you can think is: What? What? What??

The mask covered what might have been a fatal moment of uncertainty before he began to piece together a plan in his head. New plan. Good plan. He strode alongside her, easily matching her quick pace.

"Rrrrrright. Yeah, important comm - about the Jelhadine IV case? That comm. Anyway, I - as I mentioned - need to talk to you in private about the information I found, preferrrrrably before... twenty-hundred hours? I've got really important business then... tell ya what, we can meet over at the Freyan Diner - quiet place, very easy for us to talk without notice. See you at the Freyan Diner at about... eighteen-hundred hours? That work for you?"

Faith spoke rapid-fire, not letting her get a word in edgewise - that was key. He kept up the act of sincere, flaky scholar, but added in a touch of seriousness into the voice, like the information was of vital importance.

He winked at her, and added a bit of flirtatiousness to his voice, leaning forward slightly. "And I'm looking forward to seeing your face, miss." With a chuckle, he straightened up and began to stride away. "Freyan Diner, eighteen-hundred hours, Jelhadine IV case. Got it?"

2009-01-15, 07:48 PM
Abigail quickly and easily found the mask she was looking for. A set of golden feathers spreading out from her cheeks and eyes. While in the centre of her nose, arced out two eagle-heads. One head featured eye, one without. Abigail was wearing an Aquilla on her face. The Emperor Protects.

Walking swiftly beside her 'master' Kol, who, in his idiocy was marching, Abby eased her knives strapped to the insides of her wrists. People often underestimated the use of the simple knife. Knives didn't have power cores, and they didn't radiate electro-magnetic signals. And therefore couldn't ever be picked up by scans. Sure, when she ran through mag-scans, they'd pick up metal, but, people used metal for everything these days. And, even if she was stopped and patted down by the Arbites, Kol could flash his insignia and be on their merry way. Although, the day Abby was stopped by simple Arbites, would be a day to remember. It would be a day when local law enforcement on any said world would be cut by a third. Mass Casualties.

Still. Abby gave a grunt, and Kol must've realised, but he ceased his marching, and tried to walk casually. It was like watching an aquatic animal try and walk on land. Kol knew how to walk, obviously, he just wasn't used to it.

Abby did see the people that Kol referring to. And her nervousness was founded on actual fact. She released the catches on her wrist-sheathes that were hidden underneath her long-sleeved shirt. Sure, it wasn't much protection, and hot as Ulteran V, but, long-sleeves hid things. A second flick of her wrist would have her knives in her hands ready to kill.
It was a good day for killing. She had an Aquilla to conceal her identity. Strange that.

2009-01-17, 05:49 PM
The rough mask switch left her dazed and confused, something had bumped her shoulder and as she turned for a moment, her mask suddenly became out of shape. She paused for a moment to readjust it so that the eyeholes lined up until she realized that someone was speaking to her. She banked her head slightly to the left which allowed her to recognize the subtle differences of light piercing the mask. The mask was different to her own, or at least, what was her own.

Travelling at 299, 792, 458m/s, it took approximately 0.00000334 seconds for the beam of light to reach its intended victim. It was that brief moment of confusion which prevented a decapitation, instead, the las round penetrated her right shoulder, with enough force to have flung backwards and collapse. Two more rounds were fired for good measure, cutting through various bystanders, and a fourth shot was taken at the Arbities (although glancing harmlessly off their reinforced carapace armour, though leaving it with an unhealthy black scorch). The flashes of light could be seen in a tower not far from here, at a high-rise apartment, which had a clear view of the courtyard and surrounding alleys. The Arbities troops hurried to pull their shotguns free from their clamps but their use was fairly limited. They hurried to move to the wounded and attempt to establish control of the situation, voxing for backup at the same time.

In the crowd an anonymous figure (fairly distinct in their level headedness in the sea of panicking bodies), with her indistinct geempt mask, forced her way clear of the crowds and bolted out of the courtyard, immediately followed by several auto-slugs ripping through the courtyard, and crippling yet more of the crowd. There was no evidence of any actual firing; through the gunman could be seen, raven mask, autopistol and all, hurrying through the crowd after the anonymous woman.


Basically I will be giving you a series of options (or you can make your own decisions) on what actions to take, you can do each action individually, though the more people involved the easier it will be. Each person can do their own actions but again, having more than one is easier. Also multiple parties can do the same option though be aware that you may be shooting each other.

CHASE: Unknown woman and gunman
HUNT: Sniper firing on the crowd
RECOVER: Informants body (the one everyone was trying to get)
CONTROL: pacify the situation and return order with the help of the Arbities
INVESTIGATE: Leave the scene and research details about the investigation
INVESTIGATE: Leave the scene and search Felicity’s apartment more thoroughly

2009-01-17, 07:21 PM
Brother Exercitus

Brother Exercitus stood tall, with his boots and helmet he seemed over two meters tall. He wore dusty red robes bearing the insignia of the Adeptus Mechanicus which covered his whole body. His sword was sheathed and his stubber was chained to him. A large chain under his right arm and around his left shoulder held his stubber in the height of his feet even if he didn't hold it himselft. He was walking straight towards the informant, pushing people that were in his way. Spending a couple of decades surrounded by machinery, outside civilization had rendered him immune to other people's feelings and such things as "manners". He also didn't care at all about blending with the crowd as his peculiar appearance was more than enough to scare people away from him. His dark helmet, covered by the red hood of his robes gave him an even more sinister look.

Upon hearing the gunshots and seeing the informant fall down he started running as fast as he could towards the body, pushing people that were in his way in a violent manner with his mechanic strong arms. He wanted to get to the body and if possible provide medical assistance, if not at least recover the body and any useful information he could find. His mission was sacred and failure was not an option.

Shades of Gray
2009-01-17, 09:17 PM
Damn it. Hey, what's that.

Knight, go after that gunman, capture or kill, depending on the severity of the situation. I'll go after the woman he was chasing.

Kol runs after them, and tries to trip the gunman with Psychic Impel, to ease Knight's situation. He uses his other action to run to the woman.


2009-01-17, 10:34 PM
Abigail grins underneath her Aquillan mask.
"You read my mind, sir." Abby grinned. Of course, Kol couldn't actually do that. But, over time, an Inquisitor and his assassin began to know each other well.

Abby flicks her wrists again, and her twin knives drop out of their special sheathes at her wrists into her palms in a reverse-grip. And she bursts into a sprint after the gunman.

2009-01-17, 10:34 PM
Running forward, the gunman is caught, just as he managed to exit the courtyard. The psychic forward slammed him forward, forcing him into a roll into the alleyway. He managed to successfully pick himself up, as soon as the force stopped, giving time for the woman to escape but not slowing him down.


Knockback: [roll0]

First Speaker
2009-01-18, 06:07 PM
Wow. A simple plan to talk to some bird with a (heh) bird mask. A slightly more complex plan to smuggle her out, away from the clutches of mysterious grinning lechers. So the Emperor in his wisdom decides that some sort of blazing firefight is the way to go to from here. Well, that old Throne-y coot always pulled through in the end, but, in the meantime, Dos felt some justifiable rancor. In the confusion, Dos covertly pulled off his mask, dropping it on the floor, and looked around, taking stock of the situation, looking around for potential threats - the fact that someone was busting out telekinesis all over the place was interesting enough, to say the least ...

Lightning reflexes! Using a pause for breath action at the start of the round to get bearings, drop mask, etc. Action rolls at speed 5: , , [roll2], [roll3], [roll4].

Edit:Rerolling the 1, using heroic. [roll]1d6


Blargh. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5663373&postcount=1211)

I'm just rolling dice because I feel like doing this under a rules framework - especially if it gives me some hilarious fumbles while I'm at it!

Edit: 3 successes. Declaring actions as

Sprint towards the sniper.
Sprint towards the sniper.
Sprint towards sniper.
If, in the unlikely event that I can get within range (highly unlikely, given that our friend is firing from 1km away, if I've multiplied those two numbers you've given us - deliberately? :smallwink: - correctly), then I'll use Warp Gaze on them.

Thank the Emperor for smokers. A great billowing cloud from a dropped lho-stick wafted up, and, transfixing it, a thin red line became visible. Oh, so that sniper was still out there somewhere, was he? That tower? Clever sniper. He'd be able to cover all these surrounding streets, and, even if his ham-handed aim had missed the first, second, or third time, he or she could unload charge pack after charge pack into the crowd until he or she got their mark.

Well, not if Dos could help it. The tower was a short distance away, but, what with everyone in the area being bunched up in Sarcross square, the gunman would have difficulty getting away unobserved - handy, as it was the navigator's considered opinion that this shooter would know something, or at least give some clue with what they were dealing with. Furthermore, the bumbling inquisitor Dos had brought in tow could have some use in dealing with the conventional informant - he'd leave that up to him. So he ran. Ducking betwen the members of the crowd, he sprinted through its thinning periphery, trying to keep enough cover between himself and the gunman, but nonetheless making progress towards his tower, trying to cut him off at its base.

2009-01-20, 07:29 AM

Sometimes Faith hated himself, he really did. The smart thing to do would be to run away as fast as possible - but no, he had to go run up to the injured man. He told himself sternly that he'd have to run away after making sure he was alright.

He swiftly made his way over, brushing others aside. He skidded to a halt and bent down over the injured citizen. "It's okay, calm down. I'm the doctor. Let me take a look at the injury..."

2009-01-20, 06:46 PM
The Arbities attempted to prevent you from moving closer but the sight of a fully robed techpriest was enough to pull back and allow you to pass, Faith used this opening to move forward himself. The two of you quickly began to assess wounds, and trauma, which, appeared to be surprisingly minimal. What was most significant was that this person was most definitely a he, and did not look the Felicity ‘type’. There was serious damage to his left shoulder where the las weapon had impacted but it could be repaired, and had no consequence of the physical well-being of the person. He began to stir, out of his concussion (being caused by his fall rather that the attempted assassination). His hand began to slide down to his revolver, and that was the moment the techpriest and the rogue trader noticed each other. This recognition was short lived as one of Arbities roared with his shotgun at the two approaching, armed, men

…As the gunman recovered quickly outside the courtyard, the slug ricocheted off of the metal walls of the alley way, causing him to duck, and notice his pursuers. This only allowed him to hasten his speed after the woman, who had managed to corner herself in a long alleyway, behind a pair of large garbage units. Two other men were already proceeding to open fire on her, from behind the walls of an intersecting alley (looks like that: +). The gunman hurried to dive behind cover with them as both the assassin and inquisitor rounded the corner. Between them and the 3 hostiles, were various hunks of concrete steps , eroded away of thousands of years of dreary existence, a small wooden fence, about waist height stood out against this age about halfway down the alley, though it surely wouldn’t stand up to a sustained blast. Various side alleys crossed and intersected your own.

(OOC: assuming weezer follow along with you illiterate)

Both the inquisitor and the astropath pushed forward through the streets towards the tower. The sniper, still firing round after round into the crowded courtyard, slowly noticed the approaching pair. He calmly tapped his vox twice, the international code for trouble. Another man entered the room, his interest an involvement suddenly increased. The sniper calmly began to pack his belongings away in the apartment, with its dreary interior, and grey/lime walls. There were very few possessions to pick up, aside from his bipod and gun-supports. The second man moved towards the door, baring his shotgun. The two of you entered the building and heading straight for the stairs.


Forgot about weezer! Oh well, he can just follow Illiterate until he posts…

Anyway, that’s 1 bonus point to Illiterate for being the first to recognize my fancy maths skillz. Well, actually for putting 2 and 2 together.

ALSO we are in combat mode now! So roll for actions, declare etc. You are each about 20 yards from your target (though one group has that vertically).

Abigail Knight
Kol Jerem
Brandon Pallen
NPC Baddies

Dos Deschan
Helmuth Yohn
NPC Baddies

Faith Felixsson
Brother Exercitus
Arbities NPCs
NPC Baddies

2009-01-20, 07:02 PM
Gunman's Actions

Speed 6:,[roll1],[roll2],[roll3],[roll4][roll5]

Combined Action: Crouch/peek out towards street
pause for breath
aim at woman
fire single (distance is about 7 yards)
fire single
drop behind wall

Shot 1: [roll]1d100+10 (20 aiming - 10 distance)

Shot 2:[roll]1d100+10 (20 aiming - 10 distance)
Damage: [roll7]

Ok i get to stick my head out and stop....

Illiterate Scribe
2009-01-20, 07:26 PM
Well king, if you will post two numbers that obviously multiply to give 1000 ... ;p

Is it alright if I go and declare actions even though the gunman, Faith, Abigail, etc still have to go? We're essentially fighting a different combat ...

declaring actions as 1) evading up to the alcove/doorframe/side passage that's furthest up the stairs and that I can reach with a single evade move 2) listen out, with an initiative check to listen out for the dudes ([roll0] vs 80 - critical victory!) 3) free pause for breath to decide my last action.


2009-01-20, 07:49 PM

Yeah thats fine. Dam 7, nice roll....Ok as for detecting dudes. You hear one's heavy breathing at the doorway directly to th right of you, you can tell hes facing the stairs (although i assume your in cover just below the top of them) as his breathing is clear and easy to hear. You hear another man rustling some equipment around, probably metal and a curtain flapping in a breeze against a window.

2009-01-20, 08:31 PM
Brandon leaned back on a wall by an alley while the festivities were going on. He was having a particularily good day, his benefactors having no use for him, and thus he was free to do as he wished; for the most part, at least. While his... nature prohibited him from actually joining in, it was nice enough just to relax and enjoy life. He even hadn't needed to use hsi powers for quite some time, so the omnipresent headache and discomfort was all but gone. When the shots were fired, he assesed the situation, and simply decided that the arbiters would take care of it. He was too far away to do much... but as a precaution, he faded into incorporeality. At least some shooting wasn't going to interfere with his precious down time. Then some woman dashed past him... definitely in distress. Oh, well, probably just reacted bad to the shootings. It's beautiful that some people these days can be so put off by something so (relatively) minor... shows that the universe isn't so completely pulled into the neverending war. Then some guy runs past, definitely chasing her... oh dear. No, it wasn't just the shootings. And I was having such a nice day...
Better late than never. Going to jog down the alleyway. Not necessarily running, but not walking, so let's put it at 5 yards per round. To all looking down here, I'm glowing right now. A lot. Side effect of instability.
Jog 5 yards then.

Illiterate Scribe
2009-01-21, 01:01 PM
OK, technically, this is a bit dodgy, but, given the way that the power works, it might be justifiable ... I have a backup plan which I can edit this post to in case a stricter interpretation of the rules is desired.

Essentially, I'm going enter into overwatch with the psychic power 'the lidless eye' on the door. While you technically can't go into overwatch with psychic powers, the way that 'the lidless eye' is described as manifesting itself is essentially trying to get eye contact using the third eye - he's essentially looking at the door, ready to nail the attacker as soon as he exits. Let's see if I'm successful ...

Rolling a psychic test vs. difficulty 15, so I need a 90-15=75 or less: [roll0]

Dos stands squarely in the hallway below the door, and simply looks at it. This would normally seem suicide - after all, standing in plain view of a heavily armed assassin (not to say a crazed gunman) was unlikely to be good for his health, but Deschan wasn't exactly normal. He stood with his eyes closed, but his eye open. Regarding the spirit-form of the door frame, its machine spirit little more than an expression of geometric principles, he smiled, amused. He wondered what the shooter's reaction would be when he opened the door, and the warp was behind it.

2009-01-21, 07:34 PM

Faith is going to:

Sprint for 4 Actions, moving 10 yards per action.
Pull out his laspistol for action 5.
Lastly, look around at his surroundings for action 6.

Faith looked up, seeing the fleeing woman for the first time. "Ah, here's our problem! Lata oss springa!"

Faith leaps up and sprints after her, keeping his eyes focused on her. His sword beats against his thigh as he struggled with his holster, getting ready to pull the weapon out.

2009-01-22, 11:37 AM
The tech-priest took notice of the two armed men coming towards him, no doubt they wanted to capture his target. Not on my watch



I want to grap my stubber with both hands (i guess 1 action), aim at the closest armed guy coming at me (1 action) and then fire one shot at a time (2 actions). I will delete the actions I can't do after the rolling

2009-01-22, 01:13 PM

Finally catching up with Dos, Howmet draws his two pistols and stands with him covering the door in case anything comes out. Glancing questioningly at his partner he asks What are you staring at?

overwatch on the door
sorry about the gap in posting with classes just starting up I was overwhelmed

Illiterate Scribe
2009-01-22, 02:01 PM
Dos doesn't answer. A closer look at his face will reveal that his eyes are closed, but his third eye is ... disturbing.

2009-01-24, 07:57 PM
Abigail runs forward, ignoring the other two combatants. Aiming her run directly for the gunman. If she wasn't wearing mask, the man would see his death about to rain down on him. As, underneath her mask was a snarl, that bestial growl that Abigail had be prone to emit as far back as her days in the Progenium. When the scholars deemed her far too violent for her own good.

Operative Knight leaped onto the gunman, her Assassin's Eye aiming her first strike at the man's femoral artery. The knife biting deep into the man's thigh. Strike a man...Here. And he'll bleed out in less than a minute... her training forefront in Abigail's mind. The next attack went for his throat, but, the silly man put his hand up to block that fatal blow, and Knight merely grazed his arm.

But, again, the knife buried in the man's thigh came out, and around, and stabbed into the opposite thigh, causing the man to buckle as the blood in his legs sprayed out from their arteries. Without blood, the legs crumbled as the man fell to his knees. Unsteadily, shakily, the man stared, wide-eyed as in his vision, he finally saw his death.
As Abigail's knife arced across his jugular artery. Spraying bright red, arterial blood across Abigail's knife, hands and arms. Her hands dripping blood, the man beneath her feet expertly slit, not a single knife-stroke wasted. On the floor, blood pooling around Abigail's feet.

With half her mask covered in blood, a homicidal edge to her voice, she turned to the other men who would threaten her, and her master. Members of His Emperor's Most Holy Inquisition. How dare they. It didn't cross Abby's mind that the assailants didn't know that Abby was part of the Inquisition. Still, pedantics.
One word. Escaped her lips, in a dark whisper. "Next."

I only assumed 4 + 10 (head) + 4 + 14 (leg) + 8 = 40 damage. Killed him. Unless his Toughness is somewhere in the vicinity of 80...He at least takes multiple System Shock tests and a consciousness test. I just assumed that he's dead.

Shades of Gray
2009-01-24, 09:37 PM
Kol smiled. It seems my assassin is having some fun. But I may need some alive...

Knight, leave one alive!

Kol turns his hand towards one gunman, then the other, then the daemonhost in particular.You are under arrest by the authority of the Inquisition and the Golden Throne.

Using Enforce Will on each guy to make them go to their knees, and put their hands above their heads.

Actions: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3]

WP checks need to get under 79-1/2 WP of each gunman.

2009-01-24, 10:01 PM
The force of your will caused one man to stand upright into the open, dropping his pistol, with stunned and confused expression on his face, yet obeying your command. The other simply shuddered for a moment then raised his weapon.

Perils of the Warp, im actually going to use the Perils of the Warp Table in Dark Heresey rather than just forcing you to take 2D10 to you WP.
So here goes: [roll0] Psychic Maddness...everyone in the alley except the psyker is frenzied for 1 round, basically attacking the nearest movement/ person whatever.

EDIT: While waiting for Gorgon:

The well trained officers of the Arbities, at the moment of spotting two approaching armed men, immediately brought thier weapons to bear, crouched, and almost in sync, fired their shotguns.

3 Actions: combined crouch/draw basic weapon

The left arbities office, with his solid fire, shredded the first attacked, leaving him a limp body on the ground. The right however, was not as lucky, producing enough force, to hurl the man backwards, he was very much alive, returning fire, blasting the arbities back, though most of the damage waqas prevented due to his armour.

Apartment building

The rustling noises continue for a brief moment but eventually stops. A small creak of leather (most likely from tight fitting armour) is heard down the hall. Very little movement accurs and the hall becomes uncomfortably quiet.

2009-01-26, 05:21 PM
The techpriest growled when the first aimed shot missed its target. Irritated by his own incompetence he started firing again and again until his target dropped dead; or he run out of ammo.


I guess new round has started so I fire as many times as I can, one shot at a time to the only target left in the courtyard. I dunno if he was the own I aimed for in the last round. BS:56 + the range finder
So for the 4 moves
[roll0] ,[roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

For each move:

PS: roll damn you roll!

Illiterate Scribe
2009-01-26, 07:53 PM
Dos' more mundane eyes creak open a millimetre or so. He heard that. And it wasn't good.

Pause for breath (lightning reflexes is a pretty cool guy).


What's the door made of, as far as I can see?

2009-01-27, 02:24 AM
Brandon Pallens Actions


Frenzy so:

Charge Kol (draw power knife)

First Attack HIT
[roll4] WS 69 ( +10 reach)

Second Attack
[roll5] WS 69 ( +10)

Third Attack
[roll6] WS 69 ( +10)

What do you want to do Gray, dodge i assume or take the hit like a man!

NPC (with gun)

Shoots at Faith/Brandon: Miss
Shoots at Faith/Brandon: Miss
Shoots at Faith/Brandon: Hits Brandon in the Abdomen for 10 damage (before armour).

NPC (stanidn in middle of alleyway)

Draws melee weapon
charges Abigail: hits Chest, 5 damage (you can parry or dodge it though).
Attacks : Miss

Also, the door is most likely made of cheap metal, although it is open at the moment with a man standing there.

Abigail Knight
Kol Jerem
Brandon Pallen
NPC Baddies

Dos Deschan
Helmuth Yohn
NPC Baddies

Faith Felixsson
Brother Exercitus
Arbities NPCs
NPC Baddies

Illiterate Scribe
2009-01-27, 09:16 PM
Dos stood, facing the gunman in the doorway. Raising a hand in greeting, a disarming gesture full of charm and confidence, he simply stood there - warm, friendly open. Sure, a guns-akimbo agent of the Most Holy Inquisition had stationed himself beside the Navigator Master, with intent on riddling whatever leads presented themselves with lead, but that couldn't be allowed to break his style.

Hi there.

And then there was chaos. Not the chaos of hubbub - psychic parlour tricks like knocking stuff over weren't really Dos' scene - but Chaos - and not the gribbling, ruinous powers, 'let us rampage through the universe wrecking stuff', sort, either. This was the pure, unadulterated form of the warp, a sight as familiar to his kind as shoddy wallpaper was to hoteliers, but something not good for the psyche of your average thug.

A good few seconds of this darkness visible relayed directly into the optic nerve should do the trick. The defence mechanisms common to all but the most open minds would stop him from simply dying then and there, but he wouldn't be in a good state afterwards.

Stepping forward a step or two, so as not to break eye-contact, he shrugged, indicating that Helmut should go on.

Time to break out the whole 'I am an Inquisitor witness my rosette and hear me roar' routine. You might also want to do something about the guy with the rifle.

2009-01-30, 04:48 AM
Nerve Test 1 [roll0] 30
Nerve Test 2 [roll1] 30

Fail 1: Stunned [roll2], W loss: [roll3]
Fail 2: Stunned [roll4]

The sudden jolt of fear stemmed into the thug, his resistence managed to limit the impact but the force overwhelmed him. He collapsed agaisnt the door frame, blood trickling down his nose.

As the rabid human, lunged himself at Abigail, she herself demonstrated her own brutality, in its more, assasin-like grace. The first few slices were legitament self-defence strikes, cutting a ligament in the leg, slicing the hamstring in the other. By the 6th or 7th strike, it was pure frenzy, a hunk of meat (which had presumably been the mans genitals) was ripped free. His cheek was pierced with another blow, although this had been several seconds after he had died. effectively, Abigail had been covered in blood, and the remains of an incosiderate gentleman.

Shades of Gray
2009-02-04, 06:14 PM
Kol Jerem

As the inquisitor invoked the warp, he realised he had lost control of it. Straining to keep it in balance, he endeavoured to keep one under his control. He drew his autopistol, and fired at the remaining gunmen (if any). Otherwise, he points his gun at the Daemonhost.

Why is it that they never listen to "halt"?

Declaring my actions to draw my autopistol and fire at any remaining gunmen. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

BS 69




I hope I did this right...

2009-02-06, 05:33 PM
Since nobody is replying...

The autopistol cracked and hammered the thug gunman in the right arm. Having faced down some of the psychic force, he managed to ignore the pain, and refocus his sights.

Illiterate Scribe
2009-02-06, 06:19 PM
Dos Deschan

One down for the count, and some other man-mental* with a sniper rifle lurking up in the room beyond yonder portal. Frickin' unbelievable.

This called for some more direct tactics. No warp-play here, but rather the judicious application, or threat, of bullets. Clipping a pair of the tiny, disturbingly dense neptunium tabs that the coilgun accepted into the requisite slot, Dos jinked and scrambled up the stairs, gun held out before him like the cane of a determined blind man.

Screaming his favoured battlecry - 'I'm gonna brainpunch ya!' (you had to be there to appreciate it. It also helped if you were aware that the third eye of a navigator arguably was capable of having an effect similar to a balled fist) - Deschan burst into the room, aiming his gun at the sniper. A slight motion with the barrel indicated that he wouldn't mind if the man stepped away from his weapon.


Drawing my naval pistol while evading up the stairs, chambering two bullets while evading up the stairs and shouting 'I'M GONNA BRAIN PUNCH YA', going onto overwatch (he shoots) for the last one.

Four successes, shame I didn't think to load more rounds.

*At least, so Dos presumed. That incident with the plasma cannon-toting genestealer had demonstrated to the Navigator the value of discarding false axioms.

2009-02-06, 06:51 PM
Just gonna meditate for teleport the entire round.

Brandon wakes out of the frenzy, confused for a second... then mad. At himself for allowing this to happen, and at his enemy for forcing it to happen. And the day was going so very well beforehand... he meditates, readying a powerful ability.

2009-02-07, 12:19 AM
@ Dos

Barging into the room, your weapon drawn, you find... nothing.

The window's gentle breeze waffting into the room. There appears to be a side door but it only leads into the toilet. The room is messy and littered with more than a few caffeine pill rappers. A bipod lies on the far wall, with its screws still stuck into a piece of wood once belonging to the window frame. Even from here you can see the view out into the courtyard...