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2009-01-11, 10:20 PM
Good Day!

In our last Session, the party made the mistake of making a group of Pixies angry (the Barbarian succeeded at intimidating them, which made them run away in a panic, only to come back a few hours later, intent on causing mischief, at which point the Barbarian chucked a spear at one of them.)

The party is now 6th level, and the pixies are straight out of the monstrous manual, with the exception of their leader, who has 4 levels of bard and ridiculous charisma.

Even if the Fey wanted a straight-up fight against the PC's, they don't really stand a chance, and that's not really their style, I don't want anyone dead, just... Y'know, messed with. So, I'm fishing for ideas about mean-spirited pranks for them to pull.

2009-01-11, 10:22 PM
How many pixies would it take to fly in, grab the barbarian, and carry him off?

Moff Chumley
2009-01-11, 10:25 PM
Otto's Irresistible Dance.

'nuff said.

2009-01-11, 10:31 PM
Well, Pixies have Permanent Improved Invisibility, so they don't need to be seen unless the PCs are using See Invisibility.

Thus, you take advantage of this, and "Haunt" the PCs with them. The Pixie Bard uses Illusions to appear as a ghost, and the other Pixies move things around the room, dropping crockery and bed pans whenever they like.

The party soon gets a name as being haunted by a restless spirit, and they stop being welcome in towns and bars, until they try to make peace with the spirit. At which point, the pixies get payment in whatever form they ask for, and then move on.

2009-01-11, 10:35 PM
permanent images and entanglement

Use the images to create something that the party would go after. As soon as the party reaches the area, the pixies cast entanglement. The pixies then ask for payment in order for the party to be set free.

2009-01-11, 10:44 PM
Steal one characters stuff, and put it with anothers. So that the victim believes his companion has stolen from him.

This is the kind of lowbrow stuff I do when I'm playing a high level rogue and I'm bored. Wander through the streets of a city, picking pockets and dropping them in someone else's pocket. Then I cry thief, and watch the hilarity ensue.

2009-01-11, 11:03 PM
Back when I played Basic, my brother's character ran into a group of pixies. They cursed him, so that whenever someone said 'water', his pants would fall down. :smallbiggrin:

2009-01-11, 11:11 PM
Steal one characters stuff, and put it with anothers. So that the victim believes his companion has stolen from him.

This is the kind of lowbrow stuff I do when I'm playing a high level rogue and I'm bored. Wander through the streets of a city, picking pockets and dropping them in someone else's pocket. Then I cry thief, and watch the hilarity ensue.

This is especially amusing if they steal from a high-ranking and especially pompous mortal and place it on the Barbarian's person, then the bard uses illusion magic to call the guards down on them. That way, two entirely different sets of mortals get taken down a peg. Also, Rei Jin's bit about Otto's Irresistible Dance. Especially in an important yet somber social situation, or in a random encounter they'd otherwise win without effort.

2009-01-11, 11:13 PM
The D&D prankster's best friend is Sovereign Glue. Stick anything to anything forever. For the most entertainment, put a vial of Universal Solvent somewhere nearby but moderately hard to reach (a little way up a tree, under a pile of stuff jammed together so it can't just be kicked over, etc) and watch them struggle to acquire it while their boots are glued over their hands and their backpacks are dangling on their asses. Glue the party tank's armor shut. Seal the top of the mage's components pouch or the edge of his spellbook. The possibilities are endless.Tanglefoot bags can be used to similar but less permanent effect.

For non glue-related shenanigans, try playing with thorns. Stick some in the character's boots (1 damage, same movement-hampering effect as stepping on caltrops). After a couple of days of that, they'll get used to checking their footgear before putting it on. So don't do anything to them for a couple days.. then put the thorns in their gloves and gauntlets instead. If your table tracks food and water, find any seasonings they have along and dump it all over the food to the point of being inedible (if your table *doesn't* track food supplies, this would be a good chance to have a change of pace and make doing so important for a session or so. Or at least make the spellcasters blow slots on Create Food.)

2009-01-11, 11:15 PM
Half their precious stones and money is replaced by fakes made by prestidigitation. Some scrolls are rendered blank by erase. The surrounding area is hit with an alarm spell for confusion.

For added effect, major image of a nude nymph when they think it's safe, which turns into a nude female troll after a few minutes.

2009-01-11, 11:35 PM
In one of my games, some years ago, a group of 6 players of about 7th level angered some fey inside Cormanthor, in FR. The fey started to haunt them for days, preventing them from resting (they took shifts and used illusory sounds and invisibility), them scared their horses, that fled into the woods.
After some days of this, the group was exausted. The fey let the group sleep for about an hour and started waking them one by one, using focused illusory sounds (I don't remember the name of the spell). They used illusions to make each of them to think they were alone, or to see the party members leaving some hundreds feet away, etc (I usually use a house rule were lack of sleep could affect your will saves and perception skills, along with conditions like tired and exausted).
They made the party split in the middle of that gigantic forest. Then, the fey singled out the party rogue, the one that angered them in the first place. They hit her with the memory loss arrow and left her near a town, just out of piety, to prevent her from dying in the woods. Before being left near the town, the rogue even noticed the party druid, that was tracking the other members, but was afraid to come near that strange brutish and dirty strange man and fled from him...

The fey were mainly as written in the MM, without class levels... maybe one of them had sorcerer or bard levels, but just a few levels. But, even when the PCs made their saves or somehow discovered the ruse, they could always fly away really fast under Greater Invisibility and try again later. The only one unaffected was the druid but, while he was asleep, the rest of the party was driven away from him... so, no difference here.

Iku Rex
2009-01-11, 11:52 PM
Look at the spell-likes.

Lesser confusion is a quick prank in itself. Possibly a bloody one, if the target attacks a nearby creature.

Use detect thoughts and shout out what the characters were just thinking. Should get interesting as the PCs immediately start thinking about what they really don't want to be thinking about. (Some characters will make the save and know they're under "attack" right away, so be ready to flee.)

Entangle is an obvious annoyance. Add a few angry bees or something to make it nastier.

Use permanent image to create scenes where caricatures of the PCs are getting humiliated, and leave them at crossroads and other places where they will be seen and heard.

2009-01-12, 12:28 AM
Anything involving Sovereign Glue is hilarious. Put it in people's scabbards and quivers when they aren't looking, and then just wait around for the next encounter. Bring popcorn.