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View Full Version : The money Haley owes

Ron Miel
2009-01-12, 08:51 AM
One thing occurs to me. The dragon hoard was nor actually destroyed. It was merely buried beneath the wreckage of what was once an inn. And in fact the rubble (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0250.html) seems to have mostly exploded outwards. They couldn't retrieve it when under arrest by Miko, but surely it wouldn't be too hard for the Guild to send a team to get it back. That should settle the debt.

RMS Oceanic
2009-01-12, 09:08 AM
I think we're gonna have to wait until #622 to get a definitive answer, but several factors will define Haley's "bill":

- What the guild determines as "stealing".
- Whether wealth-by-level shattering things like the Dragon Horde count.
- What the guild know or believe Haley to have stolen.

And given what happened in Origin of PC's:

where Haley's cut in stealing a 6000GP diamond was whittled down to 58 GP.

I'm not optimistic she'll get off lightly.

2009-01-12, 09:20 AM
The question already got discussed to death in at least 4 different threads, and basically comes down to what Oceanic wrote; some less likely solutions include:
- Celia putting some loophole in the contract (not probable, considering the situation)
- Haley ultimately not accepting the arrangement (she didn't sign anything and still seems to be in position of power).

Plot-wise, it seems like everything was done to put Haley in a very difficult situation from which she has little chance of getting out (and no chance of getting out easily), that's why I think solutions I mentioned are unlikely.

Ron Miel
2009-01-12, 10:03 AM
The question already got discussed to death in at least 4 different threads,

Except that I'm not talking about the terms of the contract. I'm talking about retrieving the dragon gold to pay for it. As far as I know, this hasn't been discussed yet. At least I didn't see it.

2009-01-12, 11:50 AM
Someone mentioned this idea as well, but there was no response to that particular idea. I think it could work, but it's highly unlikely.

2009-01-12, 12:14 PM
Don't you think that if the Dragon gold wasn't destroyed, but rather scattered, other people would've picked up most of it by now. No one walks past a scattering of gold and gems and ignores it...

2009-01-12, 12:27 PM
I sort of assume the dragon gold is destroyed. Otherwise Haley will have gone through that cryptogram-speak thing for nothing. Plus there's no reason for any of those present at the negotiations (Celia, Hank, Yor, the other rogue) to know about the dragon horde so I doubt it will come into play at all.

David Argall
2009-01-12, 06:58 PM
The idea that others have discovered and removed the dragon horde seems pretty strong. The whole area was going to have a mob of workers rebuilding the inn, and once it opened, even more people all over the place. The finding of even a few gold coins should set off a stampede. It's been well over a year by most counts.

Now if Roy were up and around, we might see it. He and Haley go up there, and Roy gets arrested for impersonating royalty. But I don't see any good plot points to Haley going there.