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View Full Version : I have dreamed a dream... [Creature]

2006-10-19, 11:41 PM
Dream Consumer
An amorphous pink blob approaches...
They hail from the dream world, the land of nod, the realm of the dreamers, starry skyscapes beyond the veil of conscious thought. They watch over the Dream Fountains from which springs the endless flood of subconscious thought that fills the night world with splendor. They watch over the dreamers themselves, moving silently amongst them. They defend against those which would twist the network of conscious thought to their whims, against the crude, against the greedy, even against Darkness and Chaos itself.
Mostly, they're small, pudgy creatures. Too cute to consider a threat. But they hold an ace, a distressing Silly Putty-like ability to reform themselves as whatever they see fit.
For the most part, Dream Consumers are the guardians of all that is good.
Sometimes, however, one goes bad...

Size/Type- Medium Shapeshifter Outsider
Hit Dice- (2d6)d8
Initiative- +0
Speed- 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class- 20 (+10 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple- +2/+2
Attack- Tackle (1d4 bludgeon)
Full Attack- Swallow Whole (See Below)
Space/Reach- 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks- Improved grab, Swallow Whole, Tackle, Spell-Like abilities
Special Qualities- Damage reduction 1/bludgeoning
Saves- Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
Abilities- Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills- Knowledge (Planes) +5
Feats- Quick Draw
Environment- Plane of Dreams, near people waking up, Region of Dreams
Organization- Solitary
Challenge Rating- ???
Treasure- Profit!
Alignment- Usually good-aligned
Advancement- See below
Level Adjustment- —

Special Features

Inhale (Ex)- A Dream Consumer may attempt to inhale anything in front of it. This takes the form of a Gust of Wind spell, with the following changes.
The spell has a Cone shape
The spell draws objects towards the Dream Consumer, not away
The spell effects creatures one size category larger than Dream Consumer (or smaller) as a Tiny creature, and creatures which are larger than that are affected in a scaled manner as well (two categories larger would be knocked prone, three larger would be unable to move backward, etc)
If a creature would be drawn into the same square as the Dream Consumer, the Dream Consumer may use Improved Grab on the creature.

Improved Grab (Ex)- A Dream Consumer gains a +20 racial bonus to all attempts to grab using its spacious maw. A Dream Consumer may attempt an Improved Grab upon all enemies in the same square as it immediately after using its Inhale ability.

Swallow Whole (Ex)- A Dream Consumer is amorphous, and, while using improved grab on a creature, may attempt to swallow whole it if one size category larger than the Dream Consumer or smaller. Any living or undead creature Swallowed Whole by a Dream Consumer must make a will save (DC 20+5d4) or be subject to the Right Back At Ya ability.

Right Back At Ya (Ex)- If a Dream Consumer Swallows Whole a creature, that creature must make a will save (DC 20+5d4) or be absorbed into the Dream Consumer's Inner Universe. When a Dream Consumer devours a creature, it becomes a part of him.
The Dream Consumer takes on the racial traits of the creature, and gains one-quarter the hit points. Furthermore, the Dream consumer gains half the creature's BAB and Save bonuses, and may chose one spell, feat, class feature, or other special ability to gain. It gains this ability with all the same restrictions the original creature had, with the exception of class features which may be re-adjusted to fit the Dream Consumer's alignment and such (an Evil Aligned Dream Consumer may devour a Lawful Good paladin and gain Smite Good, for example). It also becomes the same size category as the creature it devours.
This ability may be used multiple times, the effects stack. When determining the size category of a Dream Consumer, pick the category there are the most creatures of. If two or more size categories are represented equally, chose the median one. If there are only two, and they are one after the other, pick the smaller one.
Furthermore, the Dream Consumer becomes deformed in a manner reminiscent of the original creature, as though partially polymorphed. This may take any number or forms, such as similar hairstyle, armor, or weapons, and is readily recognizable as being equivalent to the original creature. All armor and weapons are merely for appearance, they are made from the "flesh" of a Dream Consumer and do not give attack or armor bonuses. A Dream Consumer cannot even use armor or weapons.
This ability may only affect one creature per round. Additional creatures are expelled afterwards, as the Starscream ability, and may be consumer again. All creatures that pass their save are expelled in a similar manner.
Though a Dream Consumer may gain the class features of a creature, it does not gain a level in that class. A Dream Consumer is incapable of gaining a level in any class but Commoner. However, the same Class Feature taken multiple times (such as absorbing numerous paladins or Dragon Disciples) may interact in interesting ways. A Dragon Disciple's breath weapon, for example, may be used multiple times per day (as many times per day as Dragon Disicple's Breath Weapon Abilities the Dream Consumer has absorbed, as a matter of fact), and Smite Evil is calculated as though the Dream Consumer had levels in Paladin equal to the number of Paladins the Dream Consumer had taken that feature from.

Starscream (Ex)- If a Dream Consumer has a creature in an improved grab in its mouth but does not want to swallow whole the creature, it may chose instead to shoot it out its mouth. Creatures one size category larger take 2d6 bludgeoning damage, same size take 5d4 damage, one size category smaller take 4d6 damage, creatures two smaller take 4d8, three smaller take 2d12, four smaller take 3d6, five smaller take 1d6, and six smaller take 1d4. Seven or more size category smaller creatures do not take damage.
The creature is shot out in a manner reminiscent of an arrow. A creature one size category larger has a range of 20 feet, same size category 30, one smaller 40, two smaller 50, etc.
A Dream Consumer cannot use this ability to shoot out creatures two or more size categories larger than it.

Escaping a Dream Consumer's Inner Universe
It's difficult, but possible. A creature that polymorphs into a different creature while inside the Dream Consumer's Inner Universe may awaken, if they make a Will save (DC 20+current remaining hit points of the Dream Consumer). A creature that is, somehow, affected by a planeshift spell will be awakened as well, though they will not be transported out of the creature.
The effects of a Wish or Miracle spell can awaken up to 8 beings or transport all awakened beings out of the Dream Consumer. The Inner Universe of each Dream Consumer is unique, and has walls. The walls of an Inner Universe are spongy in texture, and have a hardness of 50 (100 hp/inch of thickness). If the walls are breached, the hole formed functions as a Gate spell between the Dream Consumer's Inner Universe and the plane he is currently on. The hole on the inside is usually vastly larger than the hole on the outside, and creatures passing through the hole regain their natural size after a second or two. The holes seal up extraordinarily quickly, one round for every five feet cleared out on the inside. The walls are 50 feet thick.
There may be other ways out of a Dream Consumer. Commonly they have such features as nostrils or blowholes which open to the outside world. The DM has the final say.
The Inner Universe of a Dream Consumer is vast beyond compare. It is roughly the same shape as the Dream Consumer, and larger than the largest creature in it by a fair amount. For example, if the largest creature were a medium sized creature, the Inner Universe would be roughly the size of a large City.
If a creature is awakened inside the Dream Consumer, all the effects afforded to the Dream Consumer are removed, and all Saves, BAB, Size Category, etc, are re-calculated.
If a Dream Consumer is killed, all the creatures in it are planeshifted to the Plane/Realm/Region of Dreams (wherever the Dream Consumer hails from) and the body of the Dream Consumer deflates and melts into nothing.

Absorbing another Dream Consumer
It happens, though rarely. A Dream Consumer is treated exactly the same as any other creature in this case. This, of course, makes fights between Dream Consumers extremely dangerous. Most Dream Consumers are usually very kind and do not engage in activities like in-fighting or mating games. They also do not enjoy the company of one another, as each feels that their particular collection of abilities is superior to that of other Dream Consumers.

Dream Consumers as Player Characters
Not advised. Note the lack of LA. A Dream Consumer might make for an interesting Epic Level game, or a game in which level guidelines are ignored, and multiple Dream Consumers in a single party could make for an interesting dynamic. Interesting, but ill-advised.

A Dream Consumer has consumed a Colossal+++++++ish sized creature, likely by consuming larger and larger creatures each time. (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/kirblacticus.jpg)
A rare Evil-Aligned (and non-spherical) Dream Consumer. Note the dead black eyes. (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/buu.jpg)
A Dream Consumer which has absorbed a shark. (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/kirbysharkmaw.jpg)
A Dream Consumer which has absorbed a large creature prepares to devour a child. (http://home.comcast.net/~jarl_the_radical/kirby.jpg)

-Inspired by the realization that Kirby and Buu were the same kind of thing. I didn't know what the CR would be.

2006-10-20, 12:19 AM
... ...


Were I doing this, I think I would make its size small instead of medium, and allow its inhale to draw in creatures one size catagory larger than it. (I mean, Kirby can swallow the mini-boss type enemies in the game, and they appear to be a size catagory larger than him.)

Also, a couple of times you said "hole" instead of "whole"...

Other than that, a very fun creature.

2006-10-20, 12:32 AM
... ...


Were I doing this, I think I would make its size small instead of medium, and allow its inhale to draw in creatures one size catagory larger than it. (I mean, Kirby can swallow the mini-boss type enemies in the game, and they appear to be a size catagory larger than him.)

Also, a couple of times you said "hole" instead of "whole"...

Other than that, a very fun creature.
I based the size off Smash brothers (probably a bad choice) in which he is only a head or so shorter than Peach, who's borderline large (tall girl, that Peach).
The Inhale thing I didn't realize I'd done. Fixing now.

-And as for whole/hole, at a certain point it became difficult to keep track. I'll go through it again right now.

2006-10-20, 01:16 AM
I would suggest removing the entire inner universe thing, and making it more like smash bros. And also temporary, and limited....essentially so that it's a playable race. For simplicities sake at least I'd change the disposal of consumed creatures. How about: if a grappled creature begins it's turn pinned, the [kirby] may use a full round action to copy the pinned creature's abilities. If it succeds on a grapple check, it swallows the grappled creature, then expels it through the astral plane (or other teleportation method) and into an adjacent space of the kirby's choice.

2006-10-20, 02:15 AM
You're using the Smash Brothers Kirby as a model?

Even with that, I'd say he should be small. He's shorter than Mario. Mario would be about the size of a DnD Dwarf, I think, which is pretty much as short as you can get and still be a medium sized creature (I'm not including width here for simplicity, just go with it). So by that standard, the Dream Consumer here should be small.

And, again, if you're using the Smash Brothers Kirby as your model, he'd just expel them a space or two away, as Fizban suggested. Plus, neighter in Smash nor in any of the other Kirby games did Kirby actually change size after swallowing something. Basically, I kinda like Fizban's suggestion.

Though if you want to just keep it that way and end the connection with Kirby there, go right ahead.

2006-10-20, 02:28 AM
Well, Buu increases size, so I'm dragging in that aspect of him.
So blargh.

-Also, in the Kirby games, an expelled enemy is a useful weapon (the only one in the first game, as a matter of fact), you take what you can.

2006-10-27, 01:57 PM
Reformatted it for the new board software.

-I find this new ten thousand character limit disturbing. My previous post was ~10,036 characters and it made me shorten it. Oh well.