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2009-01-13, 02:09 AM
They came in the night. Maybe it was night; all this marching and you've completely lost track of time. Naturally, the black sack over your head doesn't help, even though you're either outside or in a room that for whatever reason has a breeze. Why don't they just finish you off? Why must you march for what seems like days, just to kill you? And the footing doesn't help either... probably over a large patch of road that is being worked on. Is that blood you feel oozing out of your feet? You can't stop to check. Finally, a break. You ask for the hood to come off, and for that you get a club in the face. With your back to another living soul, tied together (most likely another prisoner) all you can do is sleep, but before you know it, you're off on the march again, stumbling over wrecked roads and feeling like you never stopped. The day is sweltering hot, and the hood helps none at all. Finally, you enter the cool solace of a well insulated room. You're sat down in a chair, and you wait there for hours. Is that another person breathing next to you, or are you just paranoid? Is that another standing behind you, ready to torture, to punish, to interrogate? Is he readying the lash? When will eh strike? But it never happens. Instead, your hood is pulled off. Someone musses your hair as you adjust to the light... to find yourself in a room unlike any you've ever been in before, a circular thing of unhewn rock, uneven and seemingly unplanned, with a doorless corridor heading off to wherever. It's also awfully damp. Next to you, on other chairs, are prisoners like yourself; a middle aged, matronly woman, a young, plain girl, and an unassuming man, each exhausted and disheveled. Before you- presumably your captor- is a man. He is probably the most imposing person you've ever seen, and simply seeing him renders you awestruck. He stands at over seven feet tall, with a perfectly toned, muscular body, and a pretty, hansome face. Straight, gleaming auburn hair runs down to his back, and he wears simple but fine clothing. On his face is a look that could take over the world, and he speaks in a voice that is equally compelling, deep and charismatic. "I'd like you to know, first and foremost, that the only reason you were spared was because each of you has some kind of talent that could prove useful. I'm sure you're absolutely brimming with questions. Please, do ask, before we get into the details of our situation here. It'll set you at ease."

2009-01-13, 11:48 AM
The older woman winces as her hood is yanked off, squinting and blinking at the sudden lights, then simply stares blankly forwards, her face a mask of exhaustion, defeat and despair. Her bleary gaze eventually focuses on her captor, and she listens attentively to his words, through slightly pointed ears. She doesn't especially look brimming with questions, and she doesn't look like anything will set her at ease.

Nevertheless, she does speak, when prompted, through a voice that would be low and soothing if it weren't dry and weak from the long march. "My Developmental Unit," she mumbles, "Are they being taken care of? You didn't take them, did you?"

2009-01-13, 12:05 PM

Seraph shifts his weight and arranges his thoughts. Where is my psicrystal? Who is this guy? Two other captives... which is the plant?

Slowly he feels his talent uncurl from a fetal position. Lets see what happens if I try to manifest.
Seraph should be able to estabish a mindlink to his psicrystal if it is within one mile.

Who is this guy? [roll0] [roll1] (via direct knowledge, inference, or rumor).

Seraph manifest Call to Mind to make sure he recalls everything he might know,[roll2]. [roll3]

[roll4] on the giant to detect a reaction to Seraph's use of psionics.

Expend focus (Inquisitor feat) to [roll5] on the women. Is one of them only acting like a prisoner? (OOC, I know they're PC's, but Seraph would want to be sure.)

2009-01-13, 12:27 PM
Lilia blinked as her eyes became accustomed to the seemingly bright light. She looked around and her eyes focused on the source of the deep voice in front of her. She licked her lips before trying to speak, tasting a mixture of tears and blood from where she had bit her lip in order to not sob out loud.

"Whe...where am I?" She stuttered, the lack of a punch to the face giving her a little more confidence "What happened?.... Who are you?" She looked at her fellow captives "Who are they?"

2009-01-13, 07:01 PM
You cannot sense your psicrystal. At all. When you attempt to use your psionics, it fails. Completely. The "giant" gives you a knowing look. The other two seem to be normal prisoners. Other than that... you can tell that he is being secretive, and that he is holding out information. A lot of information. He carries himself like one used to being in charge.

As your vision clears, you get a better look at the man before you. His skin is impeccable and bronzed, and his ears have a slight point to them-though he is obviously not a half elf. He looks over at the older woman. "Yes, your charge is safe. They've been transferred to another ward, thinking that you've retired for a brief spell. In no small amount of time they'll forget all about you. It is the state's wishes. An admirable thing, to think of them before yourself. I was expecting something along the lines of her question," he says, nodding his head towards the younger woman. "As for that, well, I'm not at liberty to say much... you're somewhere, far from Home. As for what happened, well, you've been bad, and have to be punished. However, seeing as you each carry certain skills, as I've said beofore, you've been spared. Still, you will serve penance, for whatever crimes you've been accused of- I'm none to say whether you are innocent or guilty. Your penance will be in the form of labor. It won't be easy, and you will probably die. Still, it's better than being neutralized, right?
As for me... I am noone to be trifled with. That is all you ever need know, or should know. As for them, they are those who will serve penance like yourself."
He walks over to the man, and grabs him by his hair, throwing his head back. "When you are doing your new job, you will be required to use your skills. Try them in here again, and you'll find a bullet in your head." He says this levelly and calmly, and you can tell that A: he is very used to saying this, and B: he means it.

2009-01-13, 07:52 PM

Seraph bristles and then shortens the leash on his emotions. If they're both prisoners... then he might end up killing me as an object lesson to them. Nice. When he speaks there is no tremor in his voice.

He says, "Fine. Why the pageantry? I do this for a living, you know. Your cruelty can only impair my efficiency."

Seraph wants to know how it was done. Detecting the attempt to manifest, but suppressing the manifestation is quite a trick. [roll0]. Was there any delay between the attempt and the reaction?

Was Seraph able to activate the Inquisitor feat?

[roll1] (-3 to the previous checks too, if Seraph doesn't get the bonus from his psicrystal) Does it bother the man to be called cruel?

He'll work on regaining his focus [roll2].

2009-01-13, 08:21 PM
The man seems disconcerted by your insults. The physical part was done playfully- the threat out of necessity. Attempting to regain concentration proves exceedingly difficult, and somewhat uncomfortable, but you succeed. You cannot tell what supressed your power- there was a very slight delay, however, but only because of your efforts- the resistance was immediate.
The man looks at you strangely, sizing you up. "I am giving out information, not taking it, boy. Think of it as your initiation. I have no need for anything you might know."

2009-01-13, 10:05 PM
Re: cruelty, Seraph was thinking of the journey here. There has got to be better ways of getting three people from Home to here than making them walk while blindfolded.


"Of course." I wonder whether you know how much is revealed every time you react.

Seraph clears his throat. "Ma'am, I'm Seraph. As you do with children, I do with adults. That is, teach them to be better citizens."

"Miss," he says, nodding to the other lady.

He turns back to our captor. "Lets get the ball rolling, sir. How can we repay our debts to society, how long will it take, and why is it likely we'll die first?"

2009-01-13, 11:02 PM
"Hmhmhm. Excellent... yes. I say you'll likely die because your penance is dangerous, and none of you are experienced. However, you're better than most, so you'll have to do. You will serve us in various activities, including but not limited to scouting, reconaissance, cartography, resource harvesting, manual labor, and various combats. You will do this until the day you die. Rebel, and you'll be killed. Is there anything else you wish to know?"

2009-01-14, 12:11 AM
"I...No sir...That is to say....Thank-you." Lilia said, raising her head, her eyes wide with renewed hope."I may have failed the Homekeepers once, but to be given the opportunity to continue in their service...It means more than..." As the man turned his gaze back to her, Lilia's courage failed. She lowered her head and merely finished in a small voice "Thank-you".

2009-01-14, 01:45 AM
Ylla turns her head, a slightly painful process, and gives Seraph a dry, gallows-humor smile. "Is that what I do?"

She turns her attention- but not her eyes, keeping them lowered, back to her captor. "I'm not admirable, I'm just very... tired. And no," she adds quietly, "There's nothing else."

2009-01-14, 02:54 AM

Seraph chooses his words carefully as he says, "That sounds interesting."

He massages his temples.

"There is much I wish to know, but I'd be wasting everyone's time to ask. Food? Shelter? Show me that which needs to be done."

2009-01-16, 07:17 PM
I am livid:smallfurious:. Damn forum... I posted a whole page of stuff a couple days ago. It didn't go through, apparently. Here's a shortened version.
He chuckles at Lilia, obviously very amused, and then nods to Ylla. Seraph's questioning doesn't bring out a reaction. He talks as he undoes all your bonds. "You will have to earn your shelter and food here, in a sort of barter system. The more you obtain, be it information, weapons, or amenities, the higher your rank. Your rank will provide privleges- better equipment, rooming, and food. However, everything is temporary- each meal you eat, night you sleep here will drop your rank- it is up to you to keep it up. If you drop too low, you will be forced to sleep outside, and scrounge for your food. Do note that many, many of the people here end up scrounging- this is because we have inadequate food and bed, with a relatively small facility and no proper harvesting. Thus, only a certain amount will be able to sleep and eat at their leisure. We find competition provides an incentive to excel. Now." He gives you each a tag. "Give these to the quartermaster whenever, and he will give you some food and bedding for the day. After that, you're on your own." He leaves the room.

Following him, you find yourself in a very large facility. Inside are hundreds of people moving, sleeping against the walls, eating standing up. At your left is a row of large steel doors, and to the right the entrance to the cave looms huge, easily a hundred feet wide. Outside it is evening. All you can see over the sea of various sorts is a large steel cagelike affair near the end of the room- four grates making a square room reaching up to the ceiling. There are huge amounts of people gathered around it.

2009-01-16, 07:41 PM
((Sorry you lost your work. I always compose the long ones in a text editor. Since you're running multiple groups, it seems that'd be doubly useful to you.))


Seraph studies his tag.

"Competition. To what degree do you find your inmates hindering each other rather than achieving in their own right?"


Seraph studies the common room, seeking patterns.

What races are represented? Are people grouped into cliques, and if so, how are they characterized? How much stuff do people have? Any wounded? Anyone playing games? Anyone fighting?

2009-01-16, 08:01 PM
Ugh... that was all included in the original. I'll say this, however- both groups have very different stuff going on. You'll see. You may even meet up one day. This will happen if more than one or two people lose interest, as I will then try to merge the 2 together- but I hate railroading, so it would have to be of your own accord. anyhow...
Races: a fair crop of humans, a bunch of elves. A few gnomes. You see some very odd folk walk by, humanoids, but you can't make out just what they are by the time they get lost in the crowd. A small dragon flies overhead, and there is a twenty foot tall giant carefully going through the crowd, making sure not to step on anyone. His skin is a bluish color, and he wears a huge set of mail. Most wear rugged clothes of a drab olive green color, with guns and swords. Most are just trying to get through the crowds, and each goes his own way, aside from a few groups of 2-4. You don't notice any wounded.

The man simply says, "Oh, we make sure none of that stuff happens. We keep a close eye on everyone."

2009-01-16, 10:34 PM
Ylla casts her eyes around, slightly awed by the 'small' facility and its inhabitants.
"You mentioned our skills, and bullets, and heads. Does that still apply once we're 'on our own'?"

2009-01-16, 10:36 PM
He's disappeared into the crowd by now.

2009-01-16, 11:50 PM

"Since it's unlikely we'll be returning to our welcome room, I'm guessing that 'here' means all of here. Out there," he gestures to the cave mouth, "no problem. Attempting to perform a simple memory trick was enough to set him off, so I interpret his threat very broadly."

Seraph takes a deep breath and steps into the crowd. He seeks food, watching others for cues.

2009-01-17, 12:02 AM
The grate area has a lot congregating around it.

2009-01-17, 12:26 AM
Seraph queues up. (If more of a mob than a queue, he'll try edging in from the side.) He's not sure if the ladies will follow him. They didn't much respond when he introduced himself, but he finds himself wanting to hear the older one speak some more. He looks back.

2009-01-17, 12:53 AM
Lilia obediently followed the man into the compound, looking around to take in as much of the surroundings as she could. When he disappeared she was slightly startled, and looked around to see if she could see a man who might be the QM and then turned to the other man who was heading towards the queue, and pulled gently on his sleeve.

So..eerrrm, where do you think we'd find this quartermaster?

I'm sorry, my name's Lilia, I'm...I used to be a police officer. Your name was Seraph right?

OOC: If we might be meeting up with the other group does that mean you don't want us reading the other game? Just 'cos I'm curious and I think it'd be interesting to see how their characters react.

2009-01-17, 01:21 AM
HELL NO! Really. No peeking. I'll have you whipped, as it leads to some serious metagame potential. They'll be in a different area than you.
Seraph edges around the mob near the cage. Inside are 4 identical insectoid men, with drab green, spiky carapace, and naturally heavily armored. Each has four arms, and they are conversing with people in rapid-fire speech, giving them items and taking items. The cage in which they are in is about 80 feet square, and the insectoid men walk around on a pile of assorted cases and asundry, with also guns and other weapons hanging on the wall. Thet seem very strong, as they can lift cases several times their size. Seraph finally manages to edge in. Before he can get a word out, the man snatches the tag from his hands, gives it one small glance and then grabs a sack and tosses it at him. "There's for the three of you, 17th door from the entrance on the left side, meals' on your cots, get going." He manages to say this all in the matter of one or two seconds, and then shoves you out of the way- he is immensely strong, and you plow into Lilia.

As you enter one of the many steel doors, you find a hallway. It is completely straight, and about 15 by 15 feet, probably hundreds long. On either side are cots against the wall, 5 high. They are very small, and there are many people sleeping and going in or out, and eating. On one set of cots the center 3 each have a bowl on it.

2009-01-17, 07:43 AM
Ylla follows along with her... teammates? Fellow prisoners? Colleagues? She keeps quiet, and mostly to herself, head down- until she reaches the cots, and more importantly their meals: the first food she's seen or smelled in an unmeasurable amount of time. With equal parts decorum and desperation, she strides towards the nearest bowl, scoops it up in both hands, holds it under her nose- and stops.

"This is the part where we're supposed to say grace and thank the Homeland for their generosity," she remarks, dryly.

2009-01-17, 01:19 PM
Inside each bowl is white, scentless glop. Her dry remark creates no reaction, except maybe from the other teammates? Colleagues? Fellow prisoners?

2009-01-17, 01:51 PM

Your name was Seraph right?

"Yes," he says, bowing slightly. "I don't think you saw my best face back there. I'm not used to being on that side of an interview."

Seraph moves through the maelstrom as well as he is able.

"This is the part where we're supposed to say grace and thank the Homeland for their generosity"

"We'll be running the place in no time," says Seraph. He takes up a bowl and hands it to Lilia before securing one for himself. "Cheers."

2009-01-17, 06:17 PM
Lilia gave a faint smile, thanked Seraph for the bowl and perched on one of the beds. A look of slight confusion passed her face at the comment of the older lady, but then said, in Seraph's direction
I don't think any of us are at our best today.

She started eating the gruel as if it was manna from the heaven. In between mouthfuls she found the space to ask

I'm sorry but I don't think we had the chance to be properly introduced, my name's Lilia what's yours?

And after a pause

And you are, were rather a maternal technician? I'm sorry, I'm not used to this, I don't know how long it will take me to stop thinking of my previous life as my life. It's all so strange here.

2009-01-17, 06:42 PM
You all eat the glop. It's bland, and the consistency is vile, but it's all filling- nonetheless, 2 days' without food has made you ravenous, and even after eating all that you're still rather hungry. Inside the sack there are several items- in the front pocket, a worn, blue headband and a pair of fine gloves. In the center is a scoped rifle, a large, flashy double pistol and a stargun, both on top of 2 suits of armor, built of layers of leather, cotton, and other things. One is in better condtition. There is also a thin jumpsuit, with a consistency of silk. 3 pouches of dried food are inside, and 3 waterskins. Also a large bag of gunpowder, and another of bullets. All this manages to fit in the relatively small bag.

2009-01-17, 08:17 PM

Seraph ignores the weapons. He looks for some indication what the other items might be. "I suppose these are going to help us with our assignment."

2009-01-17, 09:22 PM
Lilia looked at the items in the bag and her eyes lit up.

Wow, that's a Chandler Rifle with a double range scope.

She delicately lifted the weapon from the bag, ran her hand gently up the barrel and with a practised hand started stripping it down.

It's beautiful, a little old and dirty but she'll polish up perfectly, so she will.

She tore a patch off her shirt, spat on it a started to clean the gun.

The range on these things, you know, in the right hands they're deadly at over 400ft. They may not be the newest but they're still the best in my opinion.

She let out a contented sigh and continued to clean the mechanism.

2009-01-18, 07:37 AM
Ylla spends a quiet moment communing with her food, and doesn't immediately notice Lilia's question.

"Mm. Ylla, and sorry about that. Yes, yes I was, among other things."

She eyes the girl for a moment, mentally and physically sizing her up.

"You're probably too old for it- but I don't suppose you've heard of Billy the Bunny?"

2009-01-18, 10:36 PM
Lilia didn't look up from the gun, having now moved on to oiling the works using the kit that was stored in the butt.

Not trying to take extra equipment here, but I'm basing the rifle and it's use on the Baker rifles used in the Napoleonic Wars (yes I am in fact a Sharpe geek) and they had maintenence kits (oil, cleaning patch, a nail to hold the spring whilst cleaning etc) in the butt (as well as things like leather patches to wrap the bullet in for a better fit in the barrell and thus greater accuracy) but if you don't want me to have it I can retcon this post

Billy the Bunny? Like from Billy the Bunny Goes To Work and Billy the Bunny Has A Busy Day? Sure, my Mat Tech would read them to me all the time.

She pauses, looks up from her work and smiles briefly

I liked them all. All except the one Naughty Weasel Fails His Task. That one gave me nightmares. Huh. I guess I'm living it now.

She blinked at set back to the comforting work of cleaning the rifle.

2009-01-18, 10:49 PM
Not trying to take extra equipment here, but I'm basing the rifle and it's use on the Baker rifles used in the Napoleonic Wars (yes I am in fact a Sharpe geek) and they had maintenence kits (oil, cleaning patch, a nail to hold the spring whilst cleaning etc) in the butt (as well as things like leather patches to wrap the bullet in for a better fit in the barrell and thus greater accuracy) but if you don't want me to have it I can retcon this post.

Hey, good for you. It's always fun to pull out facts like that. If you have anything else just assume it's ok- just don't try telling me that most rifles were fully automatic and had explosive rounds.

Anyhow, if you're all done here, I'm going to fast forward to the next day... but I need to work out some things first. The other group is in an area of a much different atmosphere, so it gets confusing going back and forth.

2009-01-19, 07:41 AM
Ylla looks at Lillian curiously. "Naughty Weasel? I don't remember writing one about...


She goes quiet for a long moment, staring blankly forwards- but she snaps out of it quickly, distracting herself with the equipment pack. "Not to interrupt you from your hobby, dear, but do you know anything about these other two? Because I'm afraid I don't, and I might shortly have to."

2009-01-19, 12:42 PM
Lilia paused and looked back at the other contents of the bag.

OK, this is a stargun. Your basic point and click. You don't need to worry about ammo, it doesn't use it, but it doesn't do much damage. Mostly good for covering fire and getting non-combatants out of the way.

She put down the stargun and moved on to the pistol.

This one's a double pistol. It needs bullets and gunpowder, so it takes time to reload, but it does a lot more damage, so you might actually be able to stop someone before they get close enough to you to do any damage.

She paused and picked up the powder horn and a bullet.

First tip the powder horn so the powder just starts to flow and count to two. That should give you about the right amount. As you get more practise you'll be able to do it by eye, but for now that should be good enough. But be careful, too little and you won't get the range, too much and you risk blowing the gun. Bullet next, ram it down she said as she deftly removed the ramrod from the rings below the barrels.

Replace the rod, **** the pistol, add a pinch of powder for priming and all that's left to do is pull the trigger.

She gently lowered the **** so as to not fire the gun. She turned it around and offered it to Ylla.

Do you want to try?

OOC: The board filter hates me. I previously tried to name a character...a shortening of Richard and it wouldn't let me do that either. Sigh. Hopefully you understand what she said. Otherwise I'm goign to have to go with weird sidestepping explanations.

2009-01-20, 01:04 AM

Lilia's enthusiasm catches Seraph's attention. "I'm trying to remember whether I've ever touched a firearm. If wasted ammunition isn't an issue, I think the stargun might be for me. Mostly, I try to make friends with people."

Sometimes against their will.

"Now I haven't tried the technique against beasts, but in principle it should be the same."

2009-01-20, 01:43 AM
Ok, fast forwarding to next day... if you had anything more to say, just make a note of it. Anyhoo.

You retire for the day, and though you are dead tired, sleep does not come as easily as it should... there is a constant bustle and movement around you, yelling, walking, eating, crafts- the ground shakes with all the movement. Finally, you pass out...

And wake up on a cold stone floor. You see the large man who initiated you. He carries a clipboard, and has on round spectacles. He sits with his legs crossed, making a surprisingly dainty appearance.
"Right... I believe you all are on... cave duty. Eesh. Well, I don't suppose you'll be coming back. We've found a new cave, and you need to check it out. Look around, try to find some interesting things- whatever strikes you as possibly valuable, just make a note of it. If you find any intelligent beings down there, no matter how gruesome, do try to recruit them to our cause before killing them. Now, spin around 5 times." He waits until you do so, not hearing any sort of complaint or question. As you make the 4th turn, he says some kind of farewell, and you turn around to face a huge cave. Dark, dank. Behind you is a small building, and you can see rolling plains in the distance- before that is just rocks, nothing but endless fields of rocks. The bag of equipment is beside you. Inside is now 3 everburning lanterns and 4 days of rations for each of you. Everything is uncannily quiet.

2009-01-20, 02:16 AM
Is that three lanterns and the food in addition to the weapons, armor and stylish accessories?

Under Lillia's tutelage, Ylla familiarizes herself with the double pistol, on the grounds that since she doesn't plan on using it, she might as well carry the one that will be most useful when things stop going according to plan.

At the cave mouth, as she's putting on one of the suits of armor and checking whether her weapon is clucked or unkicked, she feels oddly calm. She knows she could be marching off to her certain death, but there's something about this that's oddly... familiar.

"Right then. Let's all stay together, we don't want anybody running off by themselves, do we? And did everyone remember to bring enough ammunition?"

Sorry guys, couldn't resist.

2009-01-20, 10:15 AM

Seraph looks at his stargun. "Uh... yes?"

"Lets check out that building first. It would be nice to know we have a safe place to retreat to, should that become necessary."

OOC, I'm pretty sure I recognize the headband and gloves. Is Seraph able to figure them out?

2009-01-20, 01:10 PM
Lilia takes the other suit of armour, slings the rifle over one shoulder and the bag over the other.

Yes Ma'am Lilia smiles, and notices Ylla checking her pistol Your pistol is loaded yes?

She turns to look at Seraph

The building seems like a good a place as any to start.

2009-01-20, 10:41 PM
"Or it might be where we're supposed to report after we finish," Ylla considers. "I get the impression you're carrying all the help we're getting."

2009-01-20, 10:56 PM
Well, if you do attempt to check the building, you'll find it quite locked. Anyhow. A note on my DMing: I don't railroad. At all. I just tell you what I have planned out. By all means, if you so choose to, say, run off into the wilderness, I will be perfectly happy with that- trust me when I say that I'm very flexible. For example, in one of my recent in-person games, one of my players decided that he didn't like the way the party was going, and decided to make them into his undead minions. He became the BBEG, and it was one of the most rewarding games I'd ever played. Just FYI: do what's in character, what you want to do, not what it seems like I want you to do. It'll be more rewarding on both our parts.

2009-01-21, 11:52 AM

Seraph doesn't break in to the building, but tries to determine what would be required were he to need to do so.

Turning his attention back to the cave, he asks, "Lilia, how much noise does a stargun make? I should practice with it, but I don't want to alert the locals."

If it's silent or nearly so, he'll shoot some rocks at various ranges, and he'll examine the damage it inflincts. Does it do untyped damage or some kind of energy? Manyshot only works at 30' or less. Same with this weapon? With a BAB of +1, no DEX, and no proficiency, he'll be a net -3 to hit, right?

Then he's ready to face the cave.

Unless someone else volunteers, he'll take the lead. He's looking to replace his psicrystal, so let me know if he notices any rocks that could serve.

Was Seraph able to discern the purpose of the gloves and headband?

2009-01-21, 12:35 PM
Ylla finds a place to sit by the entrance of the cave, waiting for the others to either satisfy their curiosity, or scrape their knees. She performs a quick magical gesture, feeling her hands tingle with faint but potent arcane power, and then performs three simple conjurations. One thin wooden stick, then another, then a small bundle of light blue yarn.

Craft (Knitting): [roll0]

2009-01-22, 05:14 PM
Starguns are pretty quiet compared to most firearms, so you could try it out if you want. Any attention it would attract has probably already been attracted by our conversation so I wouldn't worry about that. There's no real recoil to speak of but nor is there really enough time for you learn how to aim it effectively. Should the time come, I recommend pointing it at the enemy and hope that shiny lights scare them. If you get really lucky you might even hurt them.

She walks around the locked building surveying the area.

I just kind of extrapolated from your description how I thought the stargun would behave, if that's not how you see it working I can change it/just have her be wrong :)

2009-01-23, 12:02 AM
Looking around, in the immediate area it's all rocky. The cave is in a mountain face, and you happen to be standing on large outcropping covered in dry moss. In the distance is a long, long field of gravelly rocks, and beyond that is some desert plains. The building is right next to the cave; obviously very modern, much like a small storage facility one might see back in Home. It is about ten feet tall, and 20 by 16 feet. The only way in is a large steel door, quite locked. It would either take some explosives, more manpower than you can possibly have, or an accomplisjed burglar to get in.
Lesseee.... starguns make very little noise; about as loud as hushed voices. Seraph's automatically proficient in it; they are incredibly simple weapons, moreso than just about anything. You just point and shoot. Here's a redone stargun, more fitting to my ideas of it:
light simple ranged weapon, 30 ft increment, 1d3 damage, 19-20/x2, 2 lbs, magic damage. No ammuntition. When dual wielding starguns, the penalty only applies to the offhand one. The user is treated as having the rapid shot and pring attack feats while wielding one (or two). A full attack may be taken with a stargun as a standard action, incurring a -1 penalty to all attacks.
Essentially, it's a very powerful weapon for taking down weak enemies, but anything with any DR or high AC essentially makes it useless.
So... heading into the cave?

2009-01-23, 12:32 AM

After Seraph has lightly injured a number of rocks (including a few thrown ones), he holsters the weapon and readies his lantern.

"Nice work," he says to Ylla.

Pausing periodically to listen, he heads into the cave.

listen +2

Was Seraph able to discern the purpose of the gloves and headband?

2009-01-23, 12:47 AM
She moves up to be next to Seraph

I..I don't mean to be rude, but perhaps I should take point? I have had a little training in this type of situation and I should be better able to react to any threats.

Listen [roll0] and for completeness Spot [roll1]

2009-01-24, 12:28 AM

"Gah!" Seraph starts. "I didn't hear you.... Oh. I see. By all means."

2009-01-25, 10:52 PM
Just guess what the headband and gloves are. They're both for Seraph.
You plunge into the cave... and aside from some dankness and darkness, there isn't much. It's also pretty straightforward, with all forks either leading to dead ends or coming back in a circle. Aside from the echo of your footsteps, and the occasional drip of water, all is silent... this continues for about 10 minutes, until you come across a final dead end. Looking around, you find an underground lake. There is a line of rocks and small patches of dry land, making a walkway to the center of the lake, to find an island. In the center, there is a shape, but it's too dark and too far away to discern. Your stop has also lead to another discovery; there was a damp spot along the floor as you went down, going along the tunnel. You had previously assumed it to simply be a collection of water, but as you drew nearer they were obviously more recent- you can discern them to be footprints, but not human. Larger, more circular. You also notice a few bones, to the side; each about 1/2-1 inch cylinders. Closer inspection reveals them to be fingerbones. You hear some noise coming from the island at the center.

2009-01-25, 11:43 PM

"They've already seen our lights, so lets put on a friendly face and meet the locals."

Seraph manifests Read Thoughts. He spends the next few seconds scanning left, right, behind, forward, and then down into the water.

Detection is a in a 60' cone with decent penetration; 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. Any creature that fails a DC 19 Will save will be detected.

2009-01-26, 11:03 AM
Ylla trots along behind her teammates, lantern in hand- or near enough, hovering magically beside her when she finds something interesting. Which isn't really all that often.

At the river, noticing the odd shape, she points up into the air above her, and the lantern gently hovers higher, waving back and forth.


2009-01-27, 07:27 PM
Not again.... sigh.... I posted yesterday, I really did. Damn forum and its bugs, grumble grumble... Long story short, neither of you get an answer of any sort- as far a Seraph can tell, the place is empty. The thing in the canter is stone, all rubbley, obviously man made.
Oh, and Fishy: I forgot to post this, but your knitting resulted in a very lovely sweater.:smallamused:

2009-01-27, 07:51 PM
Lilia took in the surroundings and, more worryingly the footprints. She fingered the trigger of the lightly, more for comfort than anything else, then said "Onwards and inwards I guess" and headed out across the land bridge, keeping her eyes and ears open.

I can roll Listen and Spot if you like. Also, yeah with the sighing over forum spottiness, I was busy over the weekend and half the time when I did get the chance to check the forums they were offline.

2009-01-27, 07:56 PM
Losing posts is no fun. I tell you, notepad is your friend.


Seraph continues to concentrate, scanning alternately ahead and down into the water as we move out towards the island.

2009-01-27, 08:10 PM
You three trudge across the rocks towards the island at the center. Ylla falls in the water as you go- it is icy cold, brky, and uncannily thick. Luckily, she has a nice spare sweater to stave off hypothermia.:smallwink: You finally make it to the center, after some rather slow going. It is all sand, with no distinguishing features, except the object in the center. You see it as a staircase, leading down into the depths, made of some blackish stone... basalt. From inside, you hear breathing- obviously breathing. It is long, drawn out, an haggard, punctuated by some jerking noise, resembling some huge beast sobbing.

2009-01-27, 09:33 PM
((Let me know if the manifestation has expired. Seraph will renew it.))


Seraph reaches out with his mind, sensing.

2009-01-27, 09:43 PM
Seraph scans.... whatever's down there, and is suddenly overrun with an onrush of senses, all very subtle somehow, yet at the same time intense. You are only able to glean a bit of information, but what you do glean is helpful.
Whatever is down there either has a very powerful or alien mind. Or both.
It is very old.
It is... uncomfortable, at least.

2009-01-28, 12:57 AM

Seraph shares what he's felt so far.

"I'm really hoping 'uncomfortable' doesn't mean 'starving,'" he whispers. "I have to get closer if I'm to mindlink with it."

2009-01-30, 03:15 AM
Well I don't think or bosses will look kindly upon 'We explored the caves, heard something crying, so came back' so I don't think we have much choice. Lilia said, her voice also low. Keep close, keep quiet and be careful. She let the others close up a little and then continued leading the way, alert to danger.

Listen [roll0], Spot [roll1]

2009-01-30, 11:25 AM
"Crying, we can deal with," mutters the Maternal Technician through her teeth, still shivering slightly from her earlier misadventure. Prestidigitation is great for quickly drying out clothes, but Ylla is still glad for the Emergency Sweater. The lantern hovers beside her as she uses both hands to bundle the finely-crafted garment around herself. "Does it speak Common, do you think?"

2009-01-30, 11:44 PM

"It doesn't think in Common but may know it. It's a powerful mind."

2009-01-31, 12:33 AM
You all descend the staircase, Lilia in front. As you come down, you notice an echo. The sounds were coming from even deeper than you might have thought, and it the staircase is extremely long... but you finally get to the bottom, to find a rather mundane sight; simply a large stone room, with the end blocked off by an insurpassable mountain of rubble. You notice that the breathing is coming from a figure in the corner. It looks humanoid, and rather tall... but it's too shadowy and distant to see. It doesn't seem to notice you.

2009-01-31, 03:15 AM
Ylla takees the stairs a little bit slower than her companions, her knees complaining the whole way down, but she keeps her discomfort to herself- and edges a little way in front of Lilia at the vaguely pitiful sight of the hulking figure in the corner.

"Hello there? We were walking around upstairs and it sounded like someone was in trouble- is something the matter, dear?"

Because she's not in the mood for silliness, Ylla readies an action to use her Soothing Voice ability if their new friend attacks them. (Calm Emotions with a DC 1d20+20 Will save, Mind-affecting, Language-Dependent.) Which means she needs to be in 30' of the thing, which probably puts her in front, which may or may not turn out to be stupid. But it's what she's doing.

2009-01-31, 01:49 PM
The creature in the corner moves... it reaches up with a long, muscular arm, and grabs onto the wall, lifting itself up forcefully, then limps heavily over to Ylla. Once it comes into the light, you see it for what it is.
Here's a picture I found online that's uncannily similar to my ideas for the creature. Just think a bit more... squamous.
You notice that one of its arms is missing at the elbow, and large areas of its flesh are swollen and pink, oozing foul gray liquid. It is covered with welts and slashes dripping with noxious greenish stuff, and the shoulder at its unharmed arm, as well as that side of its face, is burn, blackened, cracked and bleeding more green stuff. One of its legs looks bent out, and it nurses it as it limps along. It stumbles very, very close to Ylla, and says in a raspy, surprisingly soothing voice, "Do not condescend to me, White. I assume you are here to finish the job... But I am surprised to see they sent one as scrawny as you." He rears up, and slams his good arm against the ground. The cracked and bleeding parts increase their flow, and his eyes narrow to slits. "If you are here to finish me, do it... if you can. You and your slaves." He breathes out, and time seems to slow, crackling with energy. You all feel dizzy, and everything is a blur. It fades.

2009-01-31, 01:53 PM
((Wow, that is soothing. And the knit crit. Is there anything she can't do?))


Seraph continues to monitor the creature's thoughts. If it starts running too many negative emotions or a hostile intent, Seraph will suggest they back off. If it doesn't understand Ylla but seems receptive, he'll try a mindlink.

((Edit: Ninja'd. What kind of info does Seraph get when the creature mentions White?))

2009-01-31, 02:15 PM
The word "White" invokes strong emotions.

2009-01-31, 02:53 PM

Seraph's concentration is obliterated by the mental image of Ylla as fell assassin.

"We're not the ones you're waiting for," says Seraph. "We're... recruiters. I'm not usually one for the hard sell, but you can come with us or you can die here. I have no intention of waiting around for whatever did that to you."


2009-01-31, 11:23 PM
Ylla swallows as the creature looms over her, and her mind goes a bit fuzzy at the edges- and fills with a long procession of words she has trained herself not to say while 'on the job'. She's unnerved, to say the least.

Still, she holds her ground, and her voice is soft, level and motherly. Supernaturally so.

"They're not my slaves, they're my friends," she murmurs. "And we're not here to finish you off- and we didn't see anyone on the way in, did we, Lilia? We don't mean you any harm. No one's in any danger here."

Yup, Soothe the snot out of him. Will Save DC: [roll0]

2009-01-31, 11:54 PM
The thing looks around, narrowing its eyes. In a movement that belies its wounded state, it snatches Ylla by the arm, in in a movement that is almost non-euclidean, slips over by the entrance of the staircase in the blink of an eye. It holds Ylla up to its face, and says something in some strange dialect. Seraph and Ylla can notice snatches of elvish.
Oh, and did I say that this guy's over 9 feet tall? Coz he is.

2009-02-01, 02:00 AM

Seraph slips into hyper-awareness.

Expend psionic focus (Inquisitor Feat) to [roll0]. Will it hurt her?

If so, Psionic Suggestion "Let us go" Will DC 19

If not, Attraction (augment 2) Will DC 19 for +5 to social checks.

In either case, [roll1]

Can Seraph tell whether this is an elemental, aberration, humanoid, monstrous humanoid or magical beast?

2009-02-01, 02:04 AM
Well... that didn't work. Escape Artist:[roll0]

2009-02-01, 02:31 AM
It seems pseudo-threatening- you can tell that it is on edge, ready to attack at a moment's notice, but it is going to wait for you to make the 1st move.
Ylla, despite a very laudable effort, can't manage to escape from its grasp. It only grips tighter.
I'm going to wait for Lilia before we go on; a lot relies on this one bit.

2009-02-01, 10:35 PM
Lilia had been unsure of the diplomacy approach but when the creature took Ylla she moved quickly, she moved quickly readying the gun to fire and aiming it at the creature's head.

I really don't want to hurt you. From the sounds of things you've had as bad a few days as we have, but if you don't let the lady go right now, I won't hesitate to pull the trigger.

Diplomacy [roll0], Intimidate [roll1]

2009-02-01, 11:29 PM
The creature looking over at Lilia, waving its stump. "Child, I highly doubt that." It sighs, and drops Ylla, quite ungently; luckily, she lands gracefully, and no damage is done. It walks down, and surveys you all. "Now. If you are not here to kill me, and you are obviously not Whites, what are you doing here? And what do you want from me?"

2009-02-02, 12:15 AM

"There is much to explain, and you may not have the words. If you would permit a mindlink, we can dispense with the vagaries of language."

2009-02-02, 12:34 AM
As the creature dropped Ylla, Lilia lowered the weapon, but left the weapon readied in case things should take a turn for the dangerous again.

2009-02-02, 12:49 AM
"Some of us happen to like the vagaries of language," grumbles the storyteller, with utterly hollow bravado. She's physically unhurt, but quite shaken from the whole affair- and if Seraph wants to try his hand at explaining, she's more than happy to let him.

"Thank you," she adds to Lilia, very quietly. "That was very brave."

2009-02-02, 01:18 AM
The Thing looks over at Seraph, glaring. "I can speak your language far better than you, child. Your suggestion of a mindlink only serves to revive my suspicions." He looks over at Ylla, with a light look on his face. "Yes, some of us do share that sentiment. Now, answer me; I cannot believe you simply happened upon me for no reason. Why are you here, and what business do you have that is so important as to approach me?"

2009-02-02, 01:58 AM
Ylla tries a small smile, still wary of the 9-foot tall monster that just flung her around like a weightless ragdoll. "I assure you, we're peaceful explorers and nothing more. Our-" Boss? Master? Prison warden? Owner? "-Patron wishes to know more about what's in this area and who lives here. Our orders were to try to communicate with anyone we found."

"Which... we're doing quite poorly, it seems."

2009-02-04, 02:35 AM

Seraph contemplates positioning himself so that the creature is not between him and the stairs.

"Our motives are legion. It's a dangerous world, and one should always seek allies. Though it seems taking you as an ally would align us against other, perhaps greater threats.

"Amongst our orders was to recruit any intelligent creatures we find, if possible. I haven't given up yet.

"I'm looking for someone who plays chess without a board, and (no offense, ladies) right now you are a star of hope.

"I can tell you about Home. In return, I'd like to learn something about you."

Seraph's first jibe is an attempt to draw information about Whites by pricking the creature's fat ego.

He's still working on understanding the creature's body language (continuous sense motive checks), and he would like to regain his psionic focus (ditto concentration checks).

2009-02-04, 08:23 PM
It sets itself down on the ground, with a far-off look in its eyes for a few moments. It listens intently to both Ylla and Seraph. Its movements and mannerisms are shockingly human.
"Home, eh? Fair enough. Tell me, has it crumbled yet, or is it still the shining utopia it claims to be? Other than that, I have little interest in Home. Now- this is the important one." He pauses for a moment, and looks you all over, his eyes narrowed. "Are you fugitives, or officials?" He seems to have eased his guard by now, and the suspicion is all but gone.

2009-02-04, 11:22 PM

"I don't think utopia is an option. Even perfect imagining begets imperfect execution. But it's a far sight better than what came before. As to your more pointed question, I call it a false choice. We're... on probation."

2009-02-04, 11:32 PM
The thing smirks at Seraph's talk. "Well, Home has actually improved? How... shocking. And you are on probation? How evasive of you. Why were you, of all people, chosen to come here? Have you commited a crime, and been exiled for a time? Are you working for home, or others?"

2009-02-05, 12:43 AM

Seraph smiles thinly. You declined the mindlink. Watch me spin.

"So many questions. Why don't you come back with us? You can see for yourself instead of piling conjecture upon hearsay. In any case," he gestures at the damaged creature, "shouldn't you have that looked at? Impressive work; Why'd they do this to you?"

2009-02-05, 12:58 AM
Typical. The two days I have little to do the forums are down. I have an (unexpected) 14 hour day with no internet? Forums back. Well at least they are back now.

Lilia let the other two take over the conversation. She was good at two things, shooting and obeying orders, neither of which were really required in this situation. She remained alert and listened with interest to what the creature was saying.

I know that seems a little superfluous, but after so long I wanted to post something IC, if nothing else just stay 'Yes I am still here'

2009-02-05, 02:53 AM
Sensing that Seraph's interrogation technique is different enough that they'd just be working at cross-purposes, Ylla lets him handle this one right now, while she catches her breath.

Assuming he is handling it, of course.

[roll0] Can Ylla get some kind of read on the monster? ('Cause I can't) Is Seraph winning him over or ticking him off?

2009-02-05, 09:46 PM
The thing stands tall and proud, its chest forward, and with a deep voice it intones, "No, I will not come with you, until I know where you stand. The world is dangerous, as you can see," it says waving its stump, "And there are greater threats to myself in this world than the whites. You, I can trust; surely you would not be so incredibly vapid as to attempt to betray me, as at the first sign of treachery, you, human, will be the first to be killed. However, you patrons may be able to overwhlem even one such as myself; as such, I must learn more. Tell me everything, and do not lie." With this he throws in a verse in a strange tongue, and waves an arm, sitting down in a cross-legged form.

Ylla ONLY(no metagaming, kiddies.)
You recognize the handwave as some kind of arcane magic, be it wizardry or inherent ability you can't tell. The speech is in some dialect of draconic. He seems, obviously, rather ticked off, but not enough to actually do anything.

2009-02-05, 11:32 PM

Seraph sighs. "I can sense this interview is taking an unfortunate turn. May the ladies leave now?"

Assuming he is handling it, of course.Palm of my hand, I tell you.

I didn't see an answer to my previous question. Can Seraph determine what creature type this thing is?

2009-02-06, 12:25 AM
"If it's all the same to you, dear," Ylla says, smiling at Seraph in her friendly but vaguely-condescending way, "I think I still need a moment before we handle those stairs again."

Ylla searches around the collapsed cave wall for a boulder of suitable size, makes her self as comfortable as she can on the bare rock, and conjures up her knitting needles again. She hums quietly to herself, little nonsense syllables as she works- and keeps an eye on the 'interrogator'.

For ze DM:Ylla's singing in Draconic- a little Kobold children's song about how important it is to keep one's hands busy, and how nice it is to not be horribly killed by collapsing mineshafts.

Palm of my hand, I tell you.
We're all going to die, aren't we?


2009-02-06, 12:27 AM
Right, 'Preview Post' ruins everything, I forgot.

2009-02-06, 12:37 AM
The thing looks to the "ladies", then back to Seraph. "They will leave if they deem to do so... I see no reason they should not be present. In fact, I do believe I should be able to get a better answer out of them than you." As Ylla goes over to the boulder to sew, it bares his teeth at her; whether it is a humanistic grin, or something more along the lines of an orangutan showing that it's pissed, you can't tell.
Here's your roll, Fishy: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1928072/ an 11. So, a passable bit of whatever you're making.
You think he's some kind of abomination.
And yes, you're all gonna die.
Oh, and I find it incredibly ironic that you would happen to be singing about collapsing mine shafts; one of the folks in the other campaign would probably get a kick out of that. Don't go nosing about there to see why, though, or I'll DM smite you.

2009-02-06, 12:56 AM
Ylla makes reasonable progress on half of a sock, and returns what she's going to assume was a smile with one of her own.

Also, neither Lilia nor Seraph speaks Draconic, unless you know something I don't.

2009-02-06, 12:35 PM
I think I still need a moment before we handle those stairs again."Sure. Lie to him just after he said don't. But that's okay; He's going to kill me first.


Seraph shakes his head at Ylla.

"Facts are in short supply: A month ago I conducted an unsanctioned interview. Three days ago I was taken from Home, my property was seized, and I was blind-marched to another place. Today I was given this assignment.

"Conjecture: We're participating in a work release program.

"Not fugitives, not officials, but still serving Home."

Seraph looks at the creature. "What's your name?"

2009-02-06, 06:43 PM
The thing ponders what Seraph said for a moment. "You claim you were sent here to look for allies? Did they specifically explain just what kind of ally? I am... finding their intentions mysterious. My name is Cyrnemer, and I... need to ponder the implications." He sits and thinks some more. "Take me to your Patron, that I may render judgement."

2009-02-06, 07:52 PM

Despite his own lingering misgivings, Seraph knows it's time to shut up.

He nods to Cyrnemer.

"Ma'am, if you're ready to climb?" He offers an arm to Ylla.

At the top of the stairs, Seraph asks, "We noted wet footprints out in the cave system. Yours?"

2009-02-06, 09:13 PM
Cyrnemer squeezes in the passageway with you. "Yes, most likely; but I am no expert on the workings of water, and in too much of a hurry to notice my surroundings when I came in." After the allotted ten minutes, you finally see the light. As you exit and your eyes adjust to the glaring sun, you see a form, just barely through the light. "Now what's th-" You can barely see Cyrnemer leap forwards and grab the form with his good arm, lifting it into the air, and then by the legs dash its head agianst the side of the cave. It goes limp, and is dropped to the ground. By the time your eyes adjust, you can see that it was an elf, or half elf, wearing a varicolored robe. There is a staff on the ground nearby, and blood runs from his forehead. "I did not kill him, for the chance that he may not be a White; but my pursuers are too tenacious to allow any risk of that being so. Now, how do we contact your superiors?"

2009-02-07, 12:03 AM

"Good that you showed restraint. He might be here to teleport us back." Seraph rifles through the elf's pockets to see if he's got a meal ticket. Any potion flasks will be checked for labels.

"Who are the Whites?" Seraph asks, "and how would one recognize them?"


2009-02-07, 01:38 AM
The elf is carrying, other than the staff, 2 rods in his belt. One is an ornate metal thing, of platinum with gold traceries, and the other is of polished mahogany. He is breathing normally, and seems to be in good shape. Other than this, you can see him to be most likely a half-elf at further inspection; a bit under 6 feet tall, with fair skin and long hair, and a lean, toned body.
"The Whites are my enemies, and my pursuers. They took to a relatively uncivilized life in order to escape the confinement of Home and hunt me down. So far, they have been rather unsuccesful... but over the years they have slowly become more sophisticated in their methods. They look much like the half-elves of Home, or your friend here, at first glance; however, they are much taller- Whites of over 8 feet are not unheard of- a bit stockier, and have a recessive feral bloodline. It usually manifests itself in hairiness, strange eyes, aversion to light, mottled skin; every White has a distinguishing mark. This one may simply be difficult to discern- or simply a mundane, civilized sort. It seems to be the latter... but I cannot take my chances. Now, how do you propose getting to your Patrons- I do not know this locale." As he says this, he lifts the elven fellow up with his good arm, and slings him over his shoulder.

2009-02-07, 04:52 AM
Ylla goes pale at the sudden and shocking violence, and her new understanding of how close she came to getting her head dashed out on a rock at the bottom of a hole.

"And... who are you? To them, I mean. That they're after you."

2009-02-07, 01:22 PM
He bares his teeth again, saying "They are my enemies, and they will hunt me until one of us is dead because of my lineage. I won't say any more. Now, judging by your friend's comment, I am going to assume that you, as myself, are unaware how to get back. As such," he walks over to the building, and swings his good claw back, slamming it into the door. It flies off the hinges with the crunch of metal, and he looks inside. You hear a twang, and a sharp wind- a flame darts out, piercing his shoulder. Another is fired, and then two more, and then a fifth; they turn to be arrows. He groans, and falls to the grond, chest first. Looking up, you see 3 men; each of them half-elves, very tall. One wears a robe and carries a cudgel, his skin rough and greenish and his hair shoulder length and bright. The other two are crouching, wearing heavy leather and holding longbows; their hair is long, and wild, and they have sharp, long faces. The one with the staff turns back to them, saying "Hit him again. You know how tencaious these things are."

2009-02-07, 02:36 PM
Ylla backs away with her hands in the air, knocked speechless.

2009-02-07, 09:51 PM

Seraph can't help but feel Cyrnemer's lack of subtlety has invited this fate but still he speaks, "I have no part in this feud, but is this death a necessary one?"

If we're doing combat actions, Seraph will ready an action to dive for (full) cover if his question draws their fire.

As it seems we have another encounter today, I need to recount my power points: Did Seraph have to manifest a second detect thoughts here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5705314&postcount=56)? Did he manifest Attraction here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5723776&postcount=70), or was he too worried that he would provoke it?

2009-02-07, 10:01 PM
The head elf laughs, looking down on Seraph. "Why, of course it is! Do you disagree?" The others have their bows drawn and nocked, one trained on Cyrnemer, the other on the rest of the group.

2009-02-07, 10:29 PM

"Explain, please. What is it? It wouldn't tell us."

2009-02-07, 10:46 PM
The elf sighs, and speaks to you condescendingly. "He is a product of an evil being, and its servant. His race was brought to this plane by a madman who feel under the sway of this being- a being of immense power, not a god simply because it is more powerful than any god could hope to be. It was blocked from this world long ago, and now we war with its descendants." The elf points his cudgel at you, glaring. "Now, stand aside. We would not kill wantonly, but if you prove to be an ally of his, you will die with him."
This game is going to be riddled with moral choices like this- there is no "good side" in anything.

2009-02-07, 11:08 PM

"It did seem a little rough around the edges," Seraph says (to Ylla, mostly), and steps back.

As the elf draws for the killing shot, Seraph interrupts, "...Still, it showed mercy not two minutes ago, when it left a helpless elf alive. But we are not its ally. Do what you must."

We might be able to overcome them, but Cyrnemer did not endear himself to Seraph. He's a bauble we'd bring home to impress our keepers. So Seraph will use it as a morality test for the Whites. They owe a mortal enemy a blood debt. Seraph will expend his focus for sense motive (+18) to discern what's going through the speaker's head.

Did you notice the question about power points that I edited in a few posts up?

2009-02-07, 11:13 PM
On both counts, I won't count it as you using those- so no and no. The speaker is annoyed at your presence, and truly believes that Cyrnemer is evil. He is greatly annoyed when you talk about the mercy he showed, but says nothing. I'm going to wait for both fishy and bunny before continuing; another pivotal moment.

2009-02-08, 12:50 AM
This isn't a moral dilemma, this is 'holy boop we're in over our heads'. Which means there's really only one thing to do.

"Rough around the edges? He's a savage brute who threatened my life, destroyed their property, and grievously injured one of their comrades."

"But he agreed to come with us, of his own free will, and submit to the authority of our masters. That puts him under the protection of the Homeland- We're taking him with us, where he will be judged."

Ylla stands her ground, staring the leader of the wild elves in the eye, and continues, outlining a supernaturally reasonable proposition. "If what you say is true, and he needs to be destroyed, he will be reduced to a pile of ashes and scattered to the winds the moment we return Home. If you think you know something the Homelanders don't," she adds, doing an admirable job of keeping the incredulity out of her voice, "You're welcome to send one of your own with us to plead your case. And of course we'll arrange healing for your wounded and restitution for his actions under our care."
I have absolutely no reason to believe this will work, but [roll0], targeting the leader of the hunters. This should prevent him from taking 'aggressive actions' for the next three rounds, assuming no one does anything overtly hostile and Ylla keeps her concentration. I have no idea if 'ordering the flunkies to open fire' counts as aggressive or not.

2009-02-08, 03:15 PM
Sigh. I'm sure it's supposed to email me when there are new posts to this thread, not least so I don't have to waste server resources by sitting here clicking refresh.. Need to check my settings I guess, but mostly really sorry for apparantly disappearing.

As the first arrow flew, Lillia's hand moved to the butt of the gun, but she quickly realised that the others were all armed and readied, and whilst she certainly might be able to kill one of them, she certainy wouldn't be able to get all three herself without risking her own life and that of her comrades. She did not think of them quite as friends yet, but she felt bound to them somehow.

As the conversation progressed she very slowly moved her hand up the butt of the rifle to the dragonshead and carefully moved it downwards. They were splitting their attention, which might give her an opportunity.

2009-02-08, 05:55 PM

Seraph's expression indicates his disagreement with Ylla's legal opinion, but he does not interrupt.

2009-02-11, 12:25 AM
The head elf stares blankly at you. "Be that as it may, I have a duty to destroy this being." He waves his hand for the two archers beside him. "Kill it." They draw their arrows, which burst into flames, and...
Sorry for the delay, but I had to mull over how the fellow would react to calm emotions. Anyhow, in the initiative order, Ylla goes 1st, then Lilia, then an elf, then another, then Seraph then another. Just post when you can, even if your move isn't up yet; it helps things go more smoothly. If you find you would have reacted differently after you learn what the others have done, if I've already posted the results you can choose to change your actions. I'll trust you not to metagame.

2009-02-11, 12:49 AM
Most likely Lilia will try to take out the elves, however, if Ylla says or does something that would require a less violent/different solution this action will change.

Lilia will try to take out the two elves with the weapons (with rapid reload and rapid shot she can get two shots off in a single round)

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage 1 [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage 2 [roll3]

She'll also take a 5' step to attempt to give Ylla and Seraph cover (protecting the civilians and all that :) )

Lilia quickly brought the rifle up to her shoulder and fired at the nearest archer. With a swift and practised hand she reloaded the rifle as she moved in front of her two companions, aimed at the other archer and fired.

2009-02-11, 01:12 AM
Something inside Ylla snaps. The suffering and indignities of the last few days, the hunger, the pain, the violence, and now... "You," she growls, drawing her weapon as she storms towards the lead elf, "Are. Not. Listening!"

Pffft, cover.
Move action: stomp directly towards the head elf, drawing the gun as she goes. Pretty sure this breaks Calm Emotions, if it hasn't already.
Standard action: [roll0] Will save to every enemy in 30' or be Shaken.

2009-02-11, 01:33 AM
Em... sorry, but I forgot to note that they were standing on top of the rocks above the cave entrance. So, you can't charge them very well... anyhow.
Ylla runs towards the elves, saying her part. They all llok rather effected... and as this happens, 2 shots ring out; they hit the archer on the left. The first gets him in the shoulder, and he releases his bow, the arrow flaming into the distance and the bow falling to the ground. The second hits him in the jaw, and he falls off the ridge to the ground with a thump, moaning. The other archer shoots wildly into the fray; it hits Lilia right in the neck. Luckily, the armor absorbs most of the blow, but it knocks the wind out of her and the flames lick up to sear her face. She doubles over, dropping her bow. as this happens, the leader weaves an incantation, and several motes of light fly from his staff, slamming into Lilia and knocking her to the ground.
Ok, Seraph's turn. Lilia has taken 23 damage and is disarmed and prone. If you deem it wise to get up and make yourself a target, pray they don't end up dealing the same amount of damage. Of course, if it's in character, go right ahead... I don't give level penalties for raise dead, but I'm sure you'll find the penalties I do give equally destructive- however, if you die by good RPing, I lighten the blow. A lot.

2009-02-11, 02:54 AM
Yes. Yes, that owuld have been a nice thing to have known. :/

2009-02-11, 11:42 AM

"Oh ****. You don't know what you've done. Surrender! Now, before she destroys you."

Seraph burrows into the elf archer's mind neither subtly nor gently. Blasting through reason, bypassing emotion he makes his command an existential imperative.

Manifest Psionic Suggestion to force the standing archer to surrender. Will DC 19 negates. (Shaken gives a -2 to saves). If you deem this to be a reasonable suggestion, there is an additional penalty.

The wizard gets to choose. Hopefully he will surrender too.

2009-02-12, 01:28 PM
If you deem it wise to get up and make yourself a target, pray they don't end up dealing the same amount of damage. Of course, if it's in character, go right ahead.

Sigh, really I think it is. (It would seem neither of the characters I'm playing on the playground are particularly self preservation inclined. It makes it tough as a player cos I really don't want them to die). At the very least she's not a play dead while the others take the heat sort of person, so assuming that Seraph and Ylla haven't persuaded them to give up by the time her next turn comes around, and assuming you can still shoot a rifle whilst prone (the srd says you can still use a crossbow so I'm hoping it's ok but if not I'll need to rethink) Lilia will pick up her weapon, reload it and shoot. Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] (srd also says penalty only on melee attacks, but if you need to add a penalty that's cool)

Lilia felt herself swimming on the edge of consciousness, her body fiery with pain. Seeing the her rifle lying near her, and knowing she was the only one with even a slight previous experience of this sort of situation, there was only one thing she could do. She rolled over, picked it up, loaded it it, aimed at the ringleader, and fired. She felt her mind wandering, If there was only two left was he really a ringleader? More a lineleader really. I suppose if they faced each other and held hands it would be a kind of ring....I hope the others make it out of this ok. They seemed nice.

2009-02-12, 03:22 PM
Do we have an OOC thread?

thatsthebunny, I think Lilia is before the elves in the initiative order, which means they won't have the opportunity to surrender before she shoots. Could she reload and ready an action to shoot if they don't?

2009-02-12, 06:17 PM
I'm reading it as a readied action to shoot if the leader doesn't surrender. Enyhoo, doesn't matter as it is.
The remaining archer drops his bow, as a fog comes over his eyes; he puts his hand on the back of his head. The leader glares at him, furious, then it drops, as he realizes it was a spell. He turns back to the rest of you, standing proud, and points his staff down, speaking an incantation. Lilia shoots, and it pierces his chest; he cries out and disappears. All that is left is the moaning of the felled archer, the other kneeling, the bows, and a splash of blood across the hillside.

2009-02-12, 07:41 PM
((Man, the corpses are just piling up around us. Good job, you guys.))


Seraph helps Lilia to her feet. "That was amazing," he says. "Are you okay?" He can't help but stare at her neck.

Seraph looks up at his prisoner (if in mind only) and calls, "You may staunch your friend's bleeding, but do not attempt to wake him."

By the time he looks for Ylla, she's probably already looking at Cyrnemer.

"I'm guessing now that our pick-up is going to happen right around the time our food runs out, unless maybe they scry us first. That elf could be back any second, though, with reinforcements. We've got to dig in. Ylla, can that building be fortified again? Or should we retreat into the caves?"

2009-02-12, 10:39 PM
"I don't... I... Maybe?" Ylla stammers as the adrenaline floods out of her system- but she pulls herself together, forcing herself into the role of fearsome archangel of destruction. Or whatever it is that their prisoner thinks she is.

"You!" she barks, pointing dramatically at the elf. "Your cooperation has been noted, and you will be spared. Don't make me change my mind." She turns her back on him, making a vague gesture in the direction of his skull as she turns her attention to Seraph. "We need to know more about these people. Where do they come from, how many are there, who's their backup. You're in charge."

And with that, she storms off out of sight- to see what she can do for Lilia, the hero of the hour.

For some reason, I was sure Ylla had some sort of healing capacity. Fingers crossed- [roll0]

2009-02-13, 01:39 PM
((I failed my assumption. If Ylla isn't down checking on Cyrnemer, Seraph wouldn't ask about the building.))


"Shelter in the cave. We can watch the pickup zone, and we'll have room to retreat."

Seraph climbs up and accepts the elves' weapons. "What healing supplies do you have? Anything magical? Come on, I'll help you carry him down."

He takes the elves into the cave mouth. "I'm sorry it went down like this. I'm new around here, so I have a lot of questions. Will you answer them without compulsion?"

In what condition is the elf Lilia shot first? Seraph [roll0] +5 searches both.

[roll1] [roll2]

2009-02-19, 07:29 PM
Well, I've been waiting on thatsthebunny, but apparently she hasn't been on in about a week. As such, I've sent her an email, but we're going to plow on ahead in the meantime. I'd like to get this thing going.
The elf on the ground is dead, presumably while you were fighting. There is a large pool of blood around his head, still oozing from his throat. Other than a quiver of arrows, he carries nothing. The bow fell on a rock, and is splintered, most likely useless.
The other elf walks down over to you, and hands you his bow warily, following you into the cave mouth. He nods to Seraph's questioning.
Lilia has bruises on her neck, and her upper chest, neck and chin are red, swollen and blistered, cracked and bleeding in some places. Without adequate supplies or any real healing knowledge, Ylla's attempts are futile.
Cyrnemer doesn't move, and all is silent again.

2009-02-20, 12:11 AM

With the elf's help, Seraph brings the corpse and the broken bow down to the cave. He takes the quivers and has the elf unstring the bow.

"Please sit down," he tells the elf, and asks the ladies, "would one of you mind checking the building? If Cyrnemer lives, we should bring him up here if we can."

While he asks the elf questions, Seraph strips all the goodies off the other elf, the one Cyrnemer incapacitated. If the prisoner gives him any dubious answers, Seraph will pause and give him his full attention. Seraph use the bowstring to tie the unconscious elf's hands.

"You are 'Whites?' Is that what you call yourselves, or is that an epithet? I was told your ancestors seceeded from Home? When was that? Tell me about the current state of diplomatic relations between your people and Home."

"Were you aware of a Home prison colony around here?"

2009-02-21, 02:01 PM
Still feeling somewhat delicate, Lilia nods at Seraph's instruction and walks slowly over to the building. She kneels down at Cyrnemer's side and checks for signs of life, although given his unusual nature she's not really sure where to start.

"I don't suppose any of you know if this type of creature has a pulse? Or where one might find it if it did?"

Sorry guys, bad, incredibly busy week. Hopefully things have settled down a bit now, and I should be online and posting regularly again

2009-02-22, 11:08 AM
"Not a clue," Ylla says quietly, staying close to Lilia and propping her up as necessary. "But our new friends seem to think he's a tough one."

Very carefully, she unloads her weapon the way Lilia taught her, and concentrates, sending a little spark of arcane power into the slug before loading it back in.

Light spell + Bullet = Improvised flare gun? Because I'm rather at a loss for how to attract the Teleport Patrol.

2009-02-22, 02:07 PM
Seraph, you've already checked the elf Cyrnemer incapacitated.
Fishy- that's brilliant. However, the light that the spell creates is like that of a candle- one couldn't see it during the day. It's evening now.
At closer inspection, the White is very obviously unelven. He is very tall and lean, with no facial haor- however, the hair from his head is coarse, thick and wild, with an equal amount growing from the back of the neck. Hos eyes are yellow, with an unnerving looking pupil.
"We are the Whites, just as you are a human. And I couldn't think of any home I know of that keeps a penal colony... not very homely, in my opinion."

At the other end, with Ylla and Lilia- checking Cyrnemer, he is entirely motionless. No regular breathing, no movements, nothing. Lilia checks for a pulse of any sort, and reaching for the neck can't seem to find one-
then Cyrnemer leaps up, flailing out wildly and screaming, knocking Ylla to the ground. He looks around him for a moment, hyperventilating and clawing into the building next to him for suppot, then mutters something and collapses to the ground, once again motionless.

2009-02-22, 03:55 PM
We searched Cyrnemer first victim, but had left the stuff on him because at the time we weren't sure of his allegiance. Now that he's firmly in the enemy column, Seraph takes the gear (1 staff and 2 rods).


Seraph leaps up, but sees that his help isn't needed with Cyrnemer. He shakes his head.

Seraph says, "We're not at war, are we? We'll want to repatriate you, most likely; Do you live somewhere close?"

"Why were you here?"

2009-02-22, 11:42 PM
Ylla goes flying, again, only barely managing to catch herself with her hands on the jagged rock of the cave floor. She spends a moment regaining her composure, while a parade of profanity silently streams through her head, then climbs to her feet, moving closer to Cyrnemer's side.

"Now, now... It's all over. There's no need to be frightened, you're just having a nightmare. It's time to wake up now..."

We've already established that these just plain don't work on him, but once more for laughs, Soothing Voice. She's going to put her hand near where Lilia put hers, and try to wake him up during a Calm Emotions effect. [roll0]

2009-02-22, 11:50 PM
Lilia started back, her head instantly complaining, and causing the world around her to swim worryingly. After a couple of seconds she regains her senses, and stands up slowly. Ylla seems to be looking after Cyrnemer so Lilia decides to look inside the building now the door has helpfully been ripped from its hinges. Standing on the threshhold she peers inside.

Spot [roll0]

2009-02-23, 01:55 AM
Cyrnemer is, entirely ostensibly, dead. Nothing can effect him in any way, shape or form at the moment.
Inside the building, you find desks covered with strange apparatus you can't possibly discern the function of. There is a being inside, for lack of a better word; grey stones floating in a strange, lucid purple glowing matrix an a vaguely humanoid shape go around, fiddling with various apparatus, all made of similar substances as he. There are also several shelves covered in cluttered, and in varying forms of disrepair, books, scrolls, and papers. Everything is in complete disarray.
In Seraph's corner...
The elf Cyrnemer incapacitated wakes up. He wears a dazed, tired look on his face, and touches his head, then winces away. "Ugh... where am I? Feel terrible." He walks over to a corner and slumps over there, closing his eyes and breathing steadily.
The White replies to Seraph's questions- "No... I don't believe we are at war with anyone but the monsters... and anyone who aids them." He gives you a very obvious look. "I was here to hunt him-" he points to Cyrnemer- "and live nowhere nearby. In fact, without my guide, I don't believe I could ever find my way home."

Suddenly, there is a boom, and the sound of moving earth. The ground next to Ylla erupts in a rain of gravel and mud, creating a deep pit; she falls in, landing on her side hard. It's about twenty by twenty feet, and the sides are a sheer, relatively smooth surface. A voice then booms throughout the valley, loud, deep, imposing and commanding. "Leave the monster and this place, or this will be your grave." It comes from an unidentifiable source.
The White looks out the cave, speaking plainly, "Ah. That would be him now."

2009-02-23, 09:17 AM
And Ylla ends up on the floor. Again. She's not having a good day.

From the bottom of the pit comes a bone-rattling reply, matching the newcomer's voice in volume and authority, and easily doubling it in long-suffering frustration.


Casting Amplify, obv.

2009-02-23, 03:24 PM

"...and anyone who aids them." He gives you a very obvious look.Seraph rolls his eyes. "I'm not thrilled about all this, either."

As the explosion echoes, Seraph curses. Not interested at having more enemies than he can handle*, Seraph befriends** the newly conscious elf.

The White looks out the cave, speaking plainly, "Ah. That would be him now.""Is he the one who was with you earlier?"

((If the elf is charmed,)) Seraph sneaks to the cave entrance, looking for the newcomer.

*That is, one.
** Psionic Charm, Will DC18. I knew I should have done that while he was still unconscious and unresisting.


2009-02-23, 10:20 PM
The captive elf replies, "Yes. He is the guide I spoke of."
The other elf doesn't do much, just gets up and rubs his head a bit. You can't tell if the charm worked or not.
Outsidem there is no response to Ylla's comment; instead, the elf from before with the staff appears with a flash of light and a crack; he faces towards the cave, intoning in a deep, once again sourceless voice.
"I know you're in there, friend. I could tell from before you're one of the sensible ones. Just stay in there, where it's safe, and I won't have to kill you."
He raises his arms, and a gout of fire jettisons forth, into the mouth of the cave; not enough to reach Seraph, or even for him to feel the heat. The fire then swirls around the mage, and he is gone once more.

2009-02-24, 12:22 AM
I don't think I'm reading it wrong but gelatinous blob Lilia sees is different to the voice right? That was the elf with the penchant for flames yes? If not Lilia is about to act somewhat nutso

Errrm...Hello? Lilia says nervously to the ambulatory goo she is suddenly faced with. On hearing the explosions and Ylla's unhappy response she holds up a finger to the creature. Um...just wait there, I'll be back in a second She moves back out of the building pausing briefly to say Sorry and then moves quickly over to the new pit.

'Are you ok down there?'

2009-02-24, 12:32 AM
You can't tell if the charm worked or not.I thought that for a targeted power (or spell), you could (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#succeedingonaSavingThrow ). Obviously, if he saved, Seraph would like to keep trying.

What kind of range is it from the cave to Ylla's pit? To where the wizard last appeared?

Can Seraph tell the difference between an aportation (teleport/dimension door) and turning invisible?

Can he see Lilia?


"Peevish, isn't he. What do you think he's going to do next?" he asks his audience.

2009-02-24, 03:57 AM
'Are you ok down there?'

"NO! I am TIRED, I am SORE, and I have had QUITE ENOUGH of this SILLINESS!"

2009-02-24, 10:14 PM
Well, Maurkov, it's my world. I'm going to warn everyone right now: I am DM. As such, I am god, and a capricious one at that. I will do what I feel like, when I feel like. I do not follow RAW, so don't expect me to; my world operates under my own rules. Bringing RAW up will only make sure that I will not allow that. However, if you'd like, just tell me the way you'd prefer it and I'll probably agree, unless you ask me for wish to be a cantrip with no experience cost. Everything else is fair game though. I try to make things more relaxed, focused on interactions, planning, and things like that, rather than mechanics. However, I'll give this one to you; yes, it worked.Ok, aside from me rant...
@Bunny: well, you can't be sure it's not the gelatinous thing (it's really more of an aetherey, magical substance; not so tangible that holds it together), but you're pretty sure it's the elf.:smalltongue:
@ Maurkov: you're about 20 feet from the hole. The wizard appeared right in front of it, on your side.
There is silence for a few moments, once again; and, of course, it is once again broken by your elusive friend. Suddenly, Lilia feels a burst of energy slam into her back, hurtling her into the pit next to Ylla. The elf peers down at the two of you, smiling. "Now, you stay put, kiddies."
He deftly leaps over the hole, striding over to the cave and addressing Maurkov. "Now, friend, I certainly hope we can be reasonable. Release my ally from your magics and hand him over, and I'll let you be." The elf that previously had the bow walks forward, obviously hoping to get out... but then the previously comatose one strides forwards, snatching his staff up and holding him back. Side by side, the comatose one is about a foot shorter than the other two. "Now, you listen, boy. I've had about enough of this. I came here on a simple mission, then some thing attacks me, and now you're threatening my fare. Explain yourself."
The other elf does, describing how he was sent to kill Cyrnemer, though he refers to him as "the monster". He explains that he was simply coming over to collect his comrade.
The previously comatose one chuckles, smiling wryly. "Well, I can't say I have any objections to that." He turns back to Seraph. "Now, would you like to get out of here? I thought there were three of you... don't tell me the beast killed them? Can't say it wasn't expected... but the boss'll be pissed."
I need to find names for these guys. Typing in "The previously comatose one" all the time is becoming a pain. Anyhoo, Lilia is now at -2 hp, not unconscious; I'm ruling disabled.

2009-02-25, 12:25 AM
Part of the elderly half-elf fumes in silent frustration. Another part silently sobs in defeat. But another part of Ylla's mind, a new and coldly efficient part, starts counting.

Resources. Seraph, outnumbered and quite possibly outgunned. Lilia, ready to drop. Cyrnemer, unreliable and disloyal and unconscious. Two guns, nothing to fire at. Her natural people skills, no one paying attention to her. One lantern. Some dirt. Half a sock.

The fact that no one is paying attention to her.

Despite the lack of immediate trouble, Ylla starts getting ready to make some. Silently, she points at the cliff wall, and tiny pebbles start to change color, one by one, until a word is spelled out in blue on the cliff. EARS, it says.

She nods at Lilia, and pulls her knitting project out of her pocket, bundling it up and stuffing it as best she can between her sensitive elven ear and the dirt floor.

2009-02-25, 12:36 AM
Well, Fishy, I have no idea what you're doing here. While that's a good thing, I need to know what's happening so that I can put into motion the reaction properly; unless, of course, you intend to reveal that at some later time.

2009-02-25, 01:36 AM
Ylla is under the effect of an Amplify spell, and has a gun. About the only profitable thing she can do in the near future is fire it, and set off a really, really loud bang, that might... accomplish something. Hell if I know. But she's getting ready to do that.

EDIT: And not immediately, she's saving it for when it might... do something. Yeah.

2009-02-25, 01:38 AM
Hmmm. Creative. Just recently I was thinking about how loud these old guns are- I've fired one myself and couldn't hear for about 15 seconds afterwards, so with an amplify that would be deafening.
...now what was writing "EARS" for?

2009-02-25, 01:53 AM
Silent signal to Lilia to get ready to protect her ears. Because she can't very well whisper while Amplified, dontcha know.

2009-02-25, 12:59 PM
Thanks. I point to the SRD because it contains a shared understanding of how stuff works. House rules take precidence, but I would prefer to see them enumerated to prevent unpleasant 'actually, it doesn't work like that here' surprises.


Seraph watches the air crackle between the Home elf and the white wizard, hesitating to intervene, but ready to lash out if the white so much as fidgets.

"The others are there," he says, indicating the pit.

"Sorry about the beating. 'The Monster' thought you were with them, and it feared for its life. As our orders were to find recruits where possible, we convinced it to return with us. They shot it... we shot each other... leading to the standoff we currently enjoy."

"I don't know whether it lives. If you have the capacity, we should take it with us." He turns to the white, "If it is what you claim it to be, we will destroy it, and send you the pieces. As for the hostage, he will stay behind and will recover on his own." Seraph keeps the white archer close. The wizard might be able to pick off one of us, but should have trouble getting both without wiping out his ally, too.

Ready an action to suggest, "Don't do anything," if the white tries to do anything.

Suggestion isn't dismissible, and would take a standard action anyway, leaving Seraph momentarily vulnerable.

2009-02-27, 02:04 AM
Listen- just do what you will. Swords will kill people, charm person will charm people, etc. However, when it gets down to the details, or things off your character sheet... well, don't look at the SRD for answers, coz you won't get them. Maybe on a strong-willed person charm person will only be 1 round/level, rather than 1 minute per level. Maybe hold person will only slow someone. Maybe a black dragon will have immunity to fire. You don't know how everything works in the real world, so don't expect to know how everything works in my world. It's nothing drastic- just to keep you on your toes.
Oh, and Ylla- when will you be firing the gun?
The Home elf listens thoughtfully to the conversation, finally speaking up, turning towards the White. "Well, friend... whoever you are... I can't let you kill anyone here. The monster there will be brought back for processing, as all monsters are. I doubt he'll prove so horrible as to be... uncooperative. But here- take your friend back. I've no use for him, as he obviously already knows where his alleigance lies." He motions to the other White, who, if not stopped, strides over to his guide, a relieved look on his face. The guide stands there for a second, then sighs. "No matter what I do, I meet opposition at every corner..." he turns around for a few seconds, muttering- then disappears once more. The Home mage walks out of the cave, looking around, then looks in the pit. "Ah. There you are. Do you-" Suddenly, there is a blast of energy, and he is hurled in, bashing against the wall on the other side and landing with a crack. A voice can be heard, from overhead. "They always fall for it. You people just can't helkp looking in the mysterious pit, can you?"

2009-02-27, 02:47 AM
Ylla wasn't entirely sure what she was waiting for, but a blast of magical energy and a new elf dumped headfirst into the pit is probably as good as anything.

With one ear pressed against her sock and the floor, and one hand clamped over the other ear, she points her gun skyward and tugs on the trigger.

2009-02-27, 06:23 PM
BANG! I certainly hope I got my point across.
Your ears are ringing, and everything is silent. The elf in the pit shudders at the shot, battered, bruised and shaken; he seems like a ghost. All is silent other than the incessant ringing.
In Maurkov's corner, the bow-elf falls on his knees, clutching his ears, and the mage elf falls from above the cave mouth, throwing a fit.
All are deafened until further notice.

2009-02-27, 07:38 PM
A little bit stunned at the intensity of the blast, Ylla nevertheless clambers to her feet and tries to make what she can of the opening she's created.

Ylla attempts to cast Unseen Servant into the room above the mysterious pit, mentally directing the spell to try and shove one of those desks or some other easily-climbable furniture down with us.

Normally this'd be a 20% failure chance, but apply whatever penalty, your world, etc.

2009-02-27, 07:57 PM
You successfully summon the being, and it hurries up towards the building; suddenly, however, you lose control over it, for whatever reason.
While I highly appreciate and commend these creative ideas, it's all rather... overcomplicated. For example, you used prestidigitation to color some rocks blue to spell out a word. Why not just write it in the ground? You're in a dirt pit, y'know. As for this... it's a 20 foot deep hole. A desk would help, but try not to resort to something like this without, y'know, a climb check?:smalltongue:

2009-02-27, 08:15 PM
Eh, 20 feet up a sheer and magically created dirt hole, with people ready to shoot at her at the top, with a strength penalty. I figured it just plain wasn't worth it. Ylla's not very physical, is used to having magical assistance to get chores and complicated tasks done, and figures an Unseen Servant might be handy more than once in the next three hours. Plus, Lilia isn't going to be climbing out of here by herself, and Ylla can't leave her behind, for several reasons.

But, hey. If you'd like me to stop thinking outside the box to try and even the odds, I can just... lay here in the dirt until the next vastly powerful mage or monster decides to chuck Ylla around. Shall I do that? :smallannoyed:

2009-02-27, 08:28 PM
Alright, alright, sorry, it was just a suggestion; simple solutions often work the best, but go on with what you were doing if you'd like. I'd actually prefer it. And it's not a sheer drop... I honestly would've put it at DC 15 or so; can't hurt to try. But, if you insist, I suppose you can lay there in the dirt.:smallwink:

2009-02-28, 03:31 AM
So Lilia is now at the deaf and disabled at the bottom of a 20ft pit? This is a really-super-double-extra bad day for her. Ylla may end up on the floor a lot but at least she gets up again afterwards

Lilia sighed slightly as the elf hit the floor of the pit. "Hello Mr Elf, come to join us have you?" she giggled as Ylla set off her firework. Looking upwards she marvelled at the blossoming light that tried to overpower the little purple ones dancing in front of her and winced at the noise.

The giggles turned to quiet sobbing. Another explosion, another attack on Home and her co-workers, and again she was left lying int the dirt, incapable of helping them, only this time with the added pain of being aware of what was occuring.

2009-03-02, 02:43 PM
Tell me the elf didn't make Seraph give back the white archer's bow? That was his prize for the day's exertions.

I'm guessing that falling and throwing a fit means the white wizard is prone?


Assuming from the size of the blast that his new friends and the foolish elf have been atomized, Seraph goes paleolithic. He takes the largest rock he can muster and drops it on the white wizard's head.

2009-03-02, 09:27 PM
No, he;s not knocked prone, but close enough; dazed and pissed off is more like it. And...
Ouch. Y'see, Fishy, that's what I'm talking about. Simple but effective.:smallwink:
And rather amusing, but that's probably just me.
Whole the mage kneels over, stomping and silently cursing, Seraph sneaks up behind him, unheard and unnoticed, and bashes him over the head with a stone. The mage jolts, falling to the gound and going limp. The side of his head has caved in, bleeding, and he is very obviously dead.
The remaining white goes pale. He stands there, unblinking, the only motion on his face a bead of sweat that trickles to the ground.
Suddenly, you hear a voice in your head.
Well, that was... unfortunate, but if your story is true, necessary. So, you came out alive and took on some brigands... good work. If this thing here turns out to be useful, it will look well on you. But since he is the only thing you've managed to procure... well, if he's not useful, then it won't go well for you. Not badly, but not well. And unless you have anything else to do, we should be getting out of here... but first, I'd like my belongings back, stone boy.
Level up, all of you. I'd like to see it on your sheets soon enough.

2009-03-02, 10:12 PM
You'll note that his plan was possible because of my plan. :P But nice job, Maurkov!

Can Ylla and Lilia hear any mysterious head-voices, or is it just Seraph?

2009-03-02, 10:13 PM
Yes, and frankly, it was a very, very good plan. Creative. Anyhow, both Ylla and Lilia can hear him.

2009-03-03, 12:50 AM

Seraph stands alone, breathing heavy, staring at the blood on the floor, his clothes, his hands.

I knew my job was to crack heads open. That's what they look like inside.

Well, that was... unfortunate, but if your story is true, necessary. So, you came out alive and took on some brigands... good work. If this thing here turns out to be useful, it will look well on you. But since he is the only thing you've managed to procure... well, if he's not useful, then it won't go well for you. Not badly, but not well. And unless you have anything else to do, we should be getting out of here... but first, I'd like my belongings back, stone boy.

And now, I'm completely insane.

Seraph pretty much hast to examine the pit to prove that the elf's voice is neither a paranoid hallucination nor a ghost.

After dropping down the wizard's things, Seraph argues, yes, Cyrnmer might yet live. He seems to be a bit too independent and a bit too volatile for Home. I wouldn't want him on my team.

We also have the white archer. He doesn't know how to get back to his people now that I brained his transport. Leaving him here would most likely be a death sentence. While compelled, he's been treated better than could be expected and would make a fine recruit. But no, I don't want him on my team, either.

We have his flame bow, and another of the same, albeit broken. Even if the magic has fled, the second bow is of fine quality if it could be mended. We have all of the white wizard's gear.

There are the contents of this building, unless they're already Home's. We weren't told enough, clearly, before we were sent here.

If the earth moving was a function of the white wizard's staff, one you could activate, we could have another look down in the cave. There was too much rubble for our puny efforts, but if you, or another, cleared the path, we might have another look.

Seraph winds down. **** it. Take us Home.

2009-03-04, 12:13 AM
Right, right, if you insist... oh, **** oh ****. You sure this guy's friendly?
Looking up, you notice that Cyrnemer has gotten up. He weaves his good hand in a complex motion, casting a spell... and the Home elf collapses, unconscious. The next moment, you get your hearing back. "Don't worry," Cyrnemer intones in his deep, soothing voice, "He's just asleep. But first, I have a proposition for you all." He steps down into the pit, gracefully and gently lifting Ylla and Lilia, oblivious to any protest up, and leaps out, letting them down next to Seraph. "You have eliminated my pursuers, and for that, I thank you. You've proven yourselves highly competent for some so inexperienced. And you intend to go back to the service of Home...
tell me, humans. Have you ever once been told who, exactly, your employers are? Have they held any sign, shown an insignia, spoken common phrases that would prove them to be loyal to Home? From what you have told me, I see two possibilities: first, that they are rebels, tricking you into believing that you are working for Home. It should be much easier to bend you to their wills, if you think you're working for your longtime patrons... secondly, yes, you might be as you say, working for Home. In which case when you take me there, I will be captured and slain, unless there has been some drastic upheaval of powers. This is not about me, however. I will not return with you, no matter what you do, and unless there was something I wanted I would simply leave without explanation. This, however, is about you. In either one of my hypotheses- I may be wrong, but I doubt it- it is for your best interests to leave now. Forget everything you know, for it was a lie. Home is a silk glove over a black iron fist. At its core, it is efficient, hard, strong, and cruel. It may be pretty to look at, butonce you feel it, it is not something to be felt again. And any rebel group is bound to be as ruthless as the people who spawned them... however, you all have magics on you, to track you down if you ever decide to leave. So, I offer you an alternative.
I want you all to work for me. I am in desperate need of allies at this moment, especially ones not so monstrous as myself. Smaller folk, but clever folk, resourceful; you have proven yourself this. In my service, you will face great danger... but none so much as if you stayed with Home. However, rather than the aloofness of Home, or the distance of some ragtag rebel group, in my service you will know tangible rewards, you willl know what you are doing has a purpose, a goal... more than just some reconaissance missions. If you agree, the elf here will wake up in the next few minutes to find us well away, to my homeland; if you refuse, there will be the same result, but instead of us it will only be me. So then, humans; what say you?"
He speaks with subtle conviction and an overt wiseness to his voice. There is no discernible deception, and you can tell he believes everything he says... and also that you are dealing with a highly intelligent, powerful being.
Going towards the point of no return here, kiddos. Once the bridge is crossed, all you will be able to do is stand and watch it burn.

2009-03-04, 02:58 AM

"Home has its unyielding side. I know. For a while I was the knuckleduster on the iron fist. People, myself included, need structure. Five minutes ago I thought it was me and the white wizard, and I reverted to my basest level; pure barbarism. I didn't like it."

"Your theory, that we've been abducted by Home's rebels, had occurred to me. I'll take it a level deeper. They may believe they've slipped their leash, but I think Home knows, and at a general level approves of what they do. Home would stop them otherwise. No one can lie to me for long. Our 'leader' is an agent of Home."

"You are welcome for the service we performed, but I decline your offer."

2009-03-04, 09:10 PM
Cyrnemer sighs, and shakes his head. "Do you not understand that what you do to criminals Home has been doing to you all your life? Sure, it's far more subtle... but they do it, nonetheless. They aren't omnipotent, just a couple of clever folks with some tricks who have cracked your head open and convinced you of such. Would you believe that there have been rebels ever since the start? That Home has never managed to quash it, no matter how hard they try? If you cannot, then I am afriad you are entirely under their sway." As he speaks, you know he is right; somehow, you can see it, all from the beginning. An official, standing at a podium, yelling propoganda when there is a flash of light; suddenly, the official is dead. A child is being magically dominated; another is shot through the head for speaking out. Two rebels plot for their next assassination target in a shadowy corner. All the while, the survivors of the wars are readjusting to their first year at Home from the outside world.

2009-03-04, 10:26 PM
"That's fascinating," Ylla says, dryly. She grips her gun tightly, keeping it pointed at the floor, a little bit amazed at the power of the blast. There's a hoarse edge to her voice- from the effort of whispering under her Amplify spell.

"I couldn't help but notice you mention it, but not only are you not coming with us, you never intended to?"

"You do realize that Lilia almost died DEFENDING you, because we assumed you were trustworthy?"

All things considered, she's doing a remarkable job of not flying into a screaming blood frenzy and cracking his skull open with some combination of rocks and guns.

2009-03-04, 11:02 PM

Bantering with Cyrnemer was a game for Seraph. He was going to go on about ancient history, the impossibility of human perfection, and how, given scarce resources, 'rebels' aren't a priority. Ylla's distress brought him up short. Her hurt was palpable.

"Wait, Ylla. Give it a chance," he says sardonically, "You can throw away everything you've known to serve this creature which has just used us so casually. No?"


Having seen enough of Cyrnemer's "rough edges," Seraph makes sure not to stray into reach.

2009-03-04, 11:49 PM

ok, I'm done.
"Used you? No, I never used you... you simply decided to defend me while I was unconscious, and for that I thank you; if it were not for you, I may very well be dead. It was then that I decided that I would not come with you; your patrons would have killed me. You cannot possibly believe that I would put issues of morality before my own life? Instead, however, I offer you your only chance to escape from the evil things that have you under their grasp. You, who it would have been much safer to kill- and believe me, I could do so easily. I have never lied to you, or betray you, nor do I have reason to do so. I offer you all this, and you throw it in my face. Very well. I certainly hope you will not end in some vain death, though I think that should be the case; however, if you do, you will find no sympathy from me- you brought it upon yourselves. I wish we shall never cross paths again, for I feel that it would not end kindly for either of us." As he speaks, you feel his anger, his condescension, his regret, his sadness. You know that his words are true, that he speaks with the wisdom and benevolence of a god. You cannot do anything but bow your heads in shame, realizing that you have deeply offended the only ally or friend you will ever have in this cold, uncaring world. When you look up, he is gone, and these feelings are replaced by whatever you felt before.

2009-03-05, 06:08 AM
Ylla silences herself, staring dejectedly at her feet. It was all true. This creature- this god- was even more alone and hurt and hunted than they were, and he had offered them his friendship, and they had rejected him. It was shameful, despicable that they should be so petty, so suspicious, after he had been nothing but honest, and kind, and understanding, and merciful-

"You're lying," Ylla murmurs, softly. She takes in a long, unsteady breath, her ribs still sore from where the monster had snatched her up in one claw and nearly squeezed the life out of her.

"You're LYING TO ME!"

Too little, too late. He's gone, of course.

Suddenly exhausted, Ylla slumps back onto the nearest rock, trying to steady herself. "Seraph, wake up our ride and get us out of here. Lilia needs a healer. Now." And frankly, nothing else matters to her right now.

2009-03-05, 02:48 PM
Lilia sat, watching the exchange. She hugged her knees, still shaking with physical and emotional pain. She couldn't speak, the idea of leaving home wasn't frightening, there was just no room for it within her. Home was everything, the start and finish of her world. Leaving it was an idea so alien she couldn't truly comprehend what the creature was offering.

She could, however, comprehend that the others might leave her and that terrified her. She had only known them a short while, but it had been an eventful short while in which her world had been turned upside down. Ylla's soft and caring nature and Seraph's cool collection had become things to hold onto, her certainty in Home, replaced in part by a certainty in them.

On hearing their rejection of Cyrnemer's proposal, tears of relief start rolling down her face. She looked at Seraph then Ylla and said "Thank-you" in a small voice.

2009-03-05, 04:18 PM

Seraph shudders. Is that what it feels like when I change somebody's mind?

"We made the right choice," he says, and that seems to settle the matter for him*, as he brightens and straightens, "And, Cyrnemer took it rather well."

"I mean, it only threatened to kill us next time instead of doing it now. See? I'm putting a little tally mark here in the win column," he says and pantomimes holding a notebook.

The exposed earth of the pit catches his eye. Any rocks showing that could replace his departed and much-missed psicrystal?

Seraph turns to the sleeping wizard and contemplates applying a strong charm, one that would last a couple of days, but doesn't. Morals are how you act when you think nobody is watching. He settles for applying Conceal Thoughts (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/concealThoughts.htm) to himself.

*Seraph uses Suggestion, Psionic targeting himself. He foregoes his save so that for the next three hours he won't have to grapple with whether it was the right choice.

So, how does it feel when he changes somebody's mind?

If the ladies and wizard are still in the pit, and Seraph isn't, I think someone else has to wake him.

2009-03-06, 10:02 PM
Well, I had a post, and I copied it to notepad and everything in case of the forum failing. Naturally, instead of the forum, my computer crashed right when I was about to post it- 3 whole paragraphs. My PC's been unusable ever since, and I'm typing this on a friend's computer. Worst, yet, I know I was going to post something cool, and I've completely forgotten what it was...
Anyhow, you didn't feel anything out of the ordinary during your little chat with Cyrnemer, just intense empathy; it was all very natural though.
Cyrnemer previously pulled the ladies out of the pit, so unless they've decided to jump back in...

Seraph successfully enchants himself. With that out of the way, he looks in the pit for a suitable crystal; inside, he notices the pit is littered in crystals, all stuck out of the ground; he'll need to get a better look for an appraisal. One catches his eye, near the ledge... reaching down to pick it up, he finds some kind of quartz, or maybe agate; however, as it is pulled out, the side of the thing collapses. Inside are dozens and dozens of crystals, all uncut but more than there is dirt. Seraph notices what he thinks might be a fist sized ruby, among the other uncut gems; they're all alrgely just rocks, with white or red bits.
You have no idea just what kind of history this place has. And, how lucky you are you decided to look for a crystal.

2009-03-07, 12:26 AM
Sorry you're having computer trouble. I had a mobo meltdown, but was able to press a PIII 450 back into service. After I disabled the bells and whistles, it runs XP and IE7 just fine on 256 MB RAM.

Is the wizard still down there?


"Well, now there's something you don't see... ever."

"Ylla, my reach exceeds my grasp. Can you help me?"

2009-03-07, 12:31 AM
The wizard is still down there, sound asleep. The collapsed part has created enough dirt to safely get down and possibly up, if you feel like treading on possibly precous gems.

2009-03-07, 12:54 AM
Gems are brittle, but most are very very hard. Seraph's more worried about his shoes than damaging the bling. He'll be careful anyway.


"Belay that. I think I can make it."

Seraph descends carefully, collecting some interesting bits on the way. At the bottom he wakes the wizard.

"This just isn't your lucky day, is it?

"We lost the monster (like I said, too independent), but located some mineral wealth."

2009-03-07, 12:57 AM
The wizard is still out cold. Nothing you can do will wake him.

2009-03-08, 02:43 AM
Ylla cranes her head to watch Seraph's progress, but since he doesn't directly need her help, she stays with Lillia, crouched down next to her and holding her hand. "We're getting you out of here as soon as we can, alright, dear? Just hang in there, it's going to be okay..."

2009-03-09, 11:33 AM

When a gentle shaking, water from the canteen, and a hard pinch of his earlobe all fail to wake the wizard, he calls, "He's really out. I guess we wait, unless you've got a better idea."

What's the white archer doing?

2009-03-09, 12:21 PM
"Great. Just... great."

Ylla gently pats Lilia's cheek, trying to catch and hold her wandering attention for a moment. "I'm coming right back, okay?" And with that, she gets back on her feet and into the building, moving carefully around the hole in the ground she's already spent too much time in.

So, what's in the lab now? Any chance of an emergency medical kit? Conveniently labeled healing potions? Stuff that got set on fire during the mage battle? The mysterious globby thing?

2009-03-09, 07:03 PM
Ylla trudges up the collapsed side of the hole, her legs sinking in the soft dirt up to her knees and gems in the rough sliding down for Seraph to collect. Finally, she makes it to the top, red in the face and thoroughly tried, walking over to the building. Opening the door, the aethery rock creature takes notice of her. It floats over, touching her on the shoulder for a second, then brushes past, gliding into the hole. There, it touches the elf; he wakes up, and it flies back into the building.
He groans, and slowly gets up. "Ugh... so big guy's gone? Good riddance. Well, come on over, I don't have all day, let's get out of this hole."

2009-03-09, 11:37 PM

Seraph helps the wizard to his feet. "Hey, should we bring these?" he asks, scooping another stone from the many.

2009-03-10, 11:49 PM
The elf looks over at the stone Seraph holds. "Well... they may turn out to be useful. Bring a few back for sampling, and we'll see how valuable it all is. Now, come on you all- I need to get this treated. And you up there, leave the building alone."
After you've all gathered, he draws out the wooden rod and activates it; in a flash, you are standing in a cave area much like the one where you were brought in. Two women stand to the side, dressed in light, loose clothes, and instantly they come over to tend to your wounds, starting with the elf, then going onto Lilia primarily. However, what catches your eye is a bizarrte monstrous creature behind a desk in front of you. It stands about seven feet tall, and seems to be a man with only skin and bones- it's all gaunt, and as it lacks a shirt you can see it ribcage, clearly defined, below which a small pillar- the spine, with no guts or muscles or anything, just a thin cord- descends. Below this is some more humility, with thin, white pants. The creature faces away from you, and you can see two black, smooth tentacle like appendages, but spiny, protruding from its back, both about four feet long and in constant, hypnotic motion. It turns to face you, and there is another monstrous quality to it; the face completely lack facial features, such as a nose, mouth, ears, only two immense, slanted, ellipsoid eyes, black and segmented. Its hair is limp and thin, down to its neck, but a lovely golden color, and its skin gleams beautifully. In fact, it exudes an almost celestial glow, as a light seems to emmenate from it. The effect is ruined by the freakish skeletalness and waving appendages, and it creates a conflicting mixture of both a peaceful and unsettling feeling. It stands almost motionless other than those, staring off into space. Suddenly, you hear a voice in your heads, and though it has not moved you can tell it is directed towards the elf, not from content but from some kind of precognition.
You took longer than expected. Although, I must say that by your wounds all is explained. You are dismissed.
The elf, now fully healed, bows his head and walks out of the room. As he does so, he places a hand on Seraph's shoulder. "Just go along with it. It'll make everything easier." As he leaves, suddenly there is a piercing pain shooting through his body, almost as though some kind of icy finger shot through the skull, probing through the body and extending roots all over; it is invasive, and leaves an unbearable prickiling pain. Seraph collapses to the floor, moaning, and in his mind he can see everything that happened recently, everything he thought, saw, heard, as though he were reliving it all in a moment. Then, it is all gone. The whole experience lasted hardly more then 4 or 5 seconds. The process is repeated with Ylla, and when the two women are finished with Lilia and she stands once more, with her.
Yes, it hurts. And yes, there is no other way. Forgive me for being curt, but after years of doing this I've gotten rather used to it. Now... I must say I'm rather dissapointed in you all. The commissioner- the one who brought you all in- is as well. Such a creature as you met is truly very rare. We've only recorded one or two over the years, and if you were to simply interview it a bit more we could all learn so much. Beyond that, though, I would have advised going with him, with the intention of learning all you can and then returning here- if he could lead us to more... the possibilities are endless. But, no. Rather than learning all you could- which we expressly instructed you to do- you insult him, deny him. One of the greatest opportunities we have ever stumbled upon, wasted. You are new here, so you will not be punished, but nonetheless... your mission was largely a failure. The gems may prove somehwat valuable, if only for arcane materials... but I doubt it. Go to the quartermaster and give him these for your meal tonight- you'll be paid your full due once we can appraise your findings. Dismissed.

2009-03-11, 12:32 AM
Ylla looks on with horror as Seraph collapses, all of her protective urges kicking in at once. This wasn't right, they shouldn't be punished before even giving a report, Seraph shouldn't have to suffer alone-

And then, pain.

Ylla lies on the floor, and when thought returns, she thinks about defending herself. 'We were trying to bring him back alive, as a valuable ally, right up until he betrayed us,' she could say. But not only would the celestial skeleton not be interested in hearing it, it would be a lie. The forced flashback and the strange clarity of semi-consciousness made it clear: she hadn't been trying to take a prisoner, she was trying to get her team out of there. Lilia had gotten herself injured, and that had clouded her judgment.

Ylla's mistake was that she cared about the girl, when the masters of her prison made it abundantly clear that they did not. She had failed them, and would fail again, in their eyes, until she stopped caring. Until she recognized that all of them were expendable. Worthless.

**** that, then. **** them all.

"The next time," Ylla croaks as she rises to her feet, "Someone asks me... to abandon my Homeland... become a terrorist... You would have me accept?"

Oh, hey, updated Ylla's sheet to level 4. Took Cure Moderate Wounds so Ylla can sort-of-kind-of healbot, and Nightmare Lullaby mostly because it's the most awesome spell name ever. Spent some skill ranks on cross-class-trained-only nonsense, to go with the newly improved Bardic Knack. You never really know.

Also, how are we doing HP again?

2009-03-11, 12:46 AM
The skeletal thing leans over, and in its first display of human body language it lays its hand on the table angrily, and glares.
...I feel no need to explain myself to you, nor to correct the many holes in your argument. I will simply say that your self-righteous thinking and base rudeness will get you nowhere in here, nor out there. And do you not understand the words "dismissed"? Apparently not. Allow me to make things clearer. Leave. Now. Unless any of you actually have something of import to say, I've no further use for you all, and my next customers will be arriving soon.

2009-03-11, 12:51 AM
"It was an honest protocol question."

Or, it could have been.

Nevertheless, Ylla turns and leaves the office in an attempt to evade further wrath, though she waits for the others before finding the quartermaster and her next meal.

2009-03-11, 01:58 AM

When he can stand, Seraph meekly leaves.

"I don't understand," he says to no one in particular. "Yes, we could have learned something, but to what end? We'd have no way to return with the knowledge."

He doesn't bother to ask an official. They'll hear it the next time they rape him.

2009-03-14, 04:17 PM
As you leave the cavern, you walk through a winding stone corridor for a bit, finding the main room once more packed with various strange peoples. At the exit, you see the elf who teleported you here. He has a bandage around his head and over an eye, and is wearing a new, more casual robe, slippers, and behind him about a foot above his head floats a pewter tray covered in foodstuffs. He steps forward somewhat bashfully, holding out a hand.
"Hi there... I don't believe we had the chance to get properly introduced. My name's Hasufel. The... man back in there... we call him Arel. He's really not that bad, once you get to know him; he's been here since the beginning, is one of the people who helped found our group. And he's always been doing what he does... it's caused him to be a bit desensitized while he works. Emmm... anyhow, I brought you some food... c'mon, I'll lead you to your quarters."
He turns around and leads you through the crowd, who all part a bit to let him and his tray through. He takes you back to a different corridor before, this one with adjoining chambers. The 13th one down to the left he opens up, inside a cramped but private room with 2 bunkbeds, a small table, a thin armoir and a subsistence bathroom. "Anyhow, you 3 get some rest... I'll call on you in the morning for your next assignment." He lays the tray down on the table and leaves. This time your fare is far better than before; some steamed vegetables, a whole chicken and a flagon of wine.

2009-03-14, 11:15 PM

Seraph is poor company. He nods when Hasufel introduces himself and says nothing when he defends Arel. The food draws him out slightly, "Thank you for that," but he doesn't go to it right away.

He stands by a bunk while he once more relives his day. He gets as far as the killing of the white wizard, and glances down at the blood and dirt that covers him.

What do you mean by a 'subsistence' bathroom? Is it a room with a bucket? Is there a ewer and basin?

2009-03-14, 11:32 PM
There is a modern tub and sink, as well as a hole in the ground with a lid, a flush, and some wipes nearby. It's all in a hewn rock hole though, the tub is an ugly metal, there's no cleaning products, etc. It's subsistence for Home's standards, y'see.

2009-03-15, 02:19 PM

Seraph strips the cover from one of the beds and retreats to the bath. He emerges later, cleaner, wrapped in the blanket. He lays out his wet clothes to dry.

He takes out the large ruby and begins to train it.

2009-03-16, 10:39 AM
Exhausted in a physical, mental, emotional, and arcane way, Ylla nevertheless can't quite bring herself to sleep until the others are safely 'tucked in'. Force of habit. She thanks the wizard, checks to see if Lilia is alright, gratefully and hungrily eats her dinner, takes her bath, checks to see if Lilia is alright, and... sits on the edge of her bed, silently staring at nothing in particular. As Seraph gets out his ruby and starts his meditations, Ylla conjures up another pair of knitting needles and starts hers, trying to see what she can make in an hour before it all crumbles away.

Metaphorical, if you think about it. Which she absolutely refuses to.


2009-03-17, 01:31 PM

Seraph is satisfied that the crystal has started responding. Tomorrow maybe he can train it to move*. Nobody seems interested in talking, and he is no exception. He leaves the ruby on the table and climbs into a top bunk. "Thanks, everyone, for giving it your all today. We make a good team. 'Night."

*It turns out, I know nothing about psicrystals (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/psion.htm#psicrystals):

"A psicrystal is a fragment of a psionic character’s personality, brought into physical form and a semblance of life"

I guess he just had to think hard and one would materialize out of nothing. Training a real crystal is neater, I think.

So we kind of skipped over, but did we turn over all the other loot we gathered? What happened to the white archer we captured?

2009-03-18, 08:56 PM
Thatsthebunny has not been on, or posted, in a very long time. I tried emailing her and haven't gotten a reply. As such, she will be taking a forced vacation from this game for a time... and if she doesn't post by the time y'all get back to the base here, it'll be a permanent vacation. What do you think about a merger of the two groups? I've already lost one over there as well, so it would raise us back up to four.
As for the loot: you got nothing but the White's bow, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong. As for the White himself, you don't know, do you? Last you saw he was just standing there, lifeless.
Seraph focuses on his crystal, training it, attuning it... and it just sits in his hands, little more than a rock. Suddenly, however, he feels his mind pouring down, into it, exploring its depths... he is locked in a trance, as it starts to glow, shake, and the rough crumbles away...
It shimmers a bit, floats up into the air, and then warps into a diamond shape, with spindles orbiting about it. Then the pieces clink to the floor, lifeless. Best try tomorrow.
You wake up in your bunks to the sound of the door opening. Looking out are 2 familiar faces; the large man you first saw here, Hasufel. The latter is now wearing more practical clothing; heavy gauntlets and boots, a thick leather robe, and a gorget, with his staff in hands and a curved blade at his belt. The large one is also in combative attire; you notice the glint of steel under his clothes, and he is brimming with blades. As you look around, you notice Lilia isn't in the room... the large one adresses you both. "It turns out your companion's wounds are worse than we thought, and she had to be taken to the medical ward. As such, Hasufel will be joining you on your next mission; convenient in that he's the one to take you to and fro... but if he dies, not so much. Well, get on with it." Hasufel steps forward, grabbing your bag with its posessions and shrugging, then slings it over his shoulder, pulls a rod out of his belt, and holds it before him. Your vision blurs... and you wake up to the smell of salt. Most likely some kind of food storage... but around you is the cry of birds, a cold wind, and you fall to the ground on sand, still in your bedclothes. To the side is an endless expanse of green water... your head swims just to look at it. Hasufel tosses you your clothes, and respectfully turns towards the water. "Ah, the ocean. The first time Arel saw it, I remember his face... it lit him up like a candle. You could fell the glow, the energy radiating from him. It's a rare occurence, nowadays; I myself find the endless waters... disturbing. So, so large..."

2009-03-18, 11:37 PM
All the outages have been frustrating, so I have sympathy for 'bunny. At the same time, I appreciate you keeping the narrative moving.

For loot, as I enumerated here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5844947&postcount=157): flame bow, broken bow, the white wizard's things, the white archer (did I miss something happening to him?), and the jewels.

"It turns out your companion's wounds are worse than we thought,"As the man speaks, Seraph watches him for any sign of deception*.

He shakes his head at another jolting transition. "None of your cadre has a background in psychology," he says. It's not a question.

It doesn't bother Seraph much to be naked. He knows he's no prize, physically, so his shyness is more out of consideration for others. He's much angrier to have had Arel gaze at his naked mind. As he dresses, he looks around for signs of danger or of an objective.

He concentrates to prime his psionics. "Ready."

*Inquisitor feat for +10 to sense motive, regaining focus as able.

2009-03-19, 06:09 PM
Ahhh, yes. You have the bow, and the staff, but they were left behind, presumably to be confiscated. And if you must know, the White you fought was a 5th level wizard. The bows were unmagical- just masterwork mighty composite longbows. The mage cast flame arrow. The staff was also unmagical- just a token of office, essentially. However, yes, the jewels are a prize. You'll be paid well for them, in due time. As for 'bunny, the forums haven't been down so much that she can't have been online the past two weeks.
Anyhow, lessee.... you detect no deception, and Hasufel says little. Also, just a mention- living in Home, you've never seen or even thought of a body of water larger than about ten feet wide. I'm sure Seraph would be realtively unphased,. but nonetheless.
Around you, you see some piles of driftwood half in the ocean, and just more sand leading away from the water. After that, there is an overgrown road, then a ruined city; dozens of houses of wood and stone, all crumbling and rotting.

2009-03-19, 08:49 PM
Assumed as much, but does the ocean pop up in stories of exotic locales?

2009-03-19, 09:04 PM
Assumed as much, but does the ocean pop up in stories of exotic locales?

Nope. Never even heard of a lake.

2009-03-19, 09:52 PM
With her mind foggy from sleep, Ylla stares grumpily at the pile of clothes, obviously unhappy at the prospect of getting undressed in front of the... in front of...

"Oh my."

She spends a moment simply staring at it, overwhelmed. So much perfectly flat horizon, so much water... Her eyes ache faintly, not used to even the idea of something that far away.

But, time is wasting, and if there's one thing she's learned about her captors, it's that they live for efficiency. She turns her back on Seraph, and quickly gets herself dressed and armored- and goes back to staring.

"Is it... really endless?"

2009-03-19, 10:07 PM
Seraph would like to run down his knowledge skills in an effort to get a handle on the situation.

Geography +6: What's an ocean? What is the shape of the earth? Where are we?
History/Nobility +6/+10: Now that Seraph knows these guys are really old, does it give him a clue about who they might be? How old is this ruin?


Ready, he permits himself to wonder.

2009-03-20, 12:13 AM
Hasufel sighs at Ylla's question. "Not endless. Close enough, though. Anyhow... you've been chosen specifically for this job. Arel has been able to track down Cyrnemer's location; this is where he teleported to. There's a reason we go through that painful process- more docile magics cannot reach such incredible precision. Now, we understand Cyrnemer may become violent if we encounter him- if we do, we are to run immediately. Our job here is to learn more about his race- we figure that this place must be of some importance to him. Maybe there are others, or artifacts. I understand you may be a bit aversive to this... but as I've come to understand, you owe our patrons your lives, as do I. Such distasteful things can sometimes be necessary."

Seraph cannot think of anything specific... he remembers reading about a body of water separating the land Home is on, and another land, however. He also knows that this is that other land. As he realizes this, he senses motion behind him... the "failed" psicrystal floats up by his shoulder, the spindles orbiting hypnotically. He's lying to you, you know. Everythign he's said is lies, malicious duplicity.

2009-03-20, 12:29 AM

"It does seem a fools errand," says Seraph jovially, "Could you explain why us, instead of other recruits, whom he hasn't explicitly threatened? We'll do it, of course, but I'd like to understand."

He touches Ylla's shoulder, and attempts to establish a mindlink.

2009-03-20, 12:59 AM
Ylla feels Seraph's thoughts touch with hers, and opens her mind to him. It's a mind that was clearly orderly once, but has been turned upside down again and again. She's churning mass of emotions- loss, despair, anger, hopelessness- and one voice, cold and clear.

That counting monster in her head is awake again.

I don't know how this works, but if you can hear me?

The plan is insane. If we run into Cyrnemer or one of his kind, and Hasufel is incapacitated, we can't "run". He's faster than us, he's stronger than us, he teleports. Our weapons can't hurt him, our magics don't effect him, our arguments don't sway him. We're deadweight.

Our only asset is that Cyrnemer would like to use us to destroy Home.

I know it, you know it, Arel knows it.

Ask him if we have been ordered to commit treason.

Ask him!

2009-03-20, 11:32 AM

Seraph's mind rocks under the unexpected onslaught.

Yeah, that's how it works, only, you don't have to shout.

He centers himself, then glances at the other two to check whether they might be eavesdropping.

It's possible this new psicrystal needs to be calibrated, but I think Hasufel is lying. A lot. He's got a couple of tells, but listen for the rising inflection... there*. I don't know what we're doing here, but it's not what he said. Maybe we're bait while they try to capture him? That'll go over well.

I'm not going to confront him. It's better if he doesn't know he's a terrible liar.

*Seraph will aid another on Ylla's sense motive.

I was going to make the new stone aid concentration, but if that last check assumed it was another sense motive, that's fine too.

2009-03-20, 04:50 PM
I never said it was sense motive, did I? Honestly, with that inquisitor feat, I'm under the opinion that your sense motive needs to be knocked down a peg. But, hey, I'll do anything to please. Anyhow, I've never used a psicrystal before, so I'll just give it some sentience and personality.

You can't see in any way that Hasufel is lying. In fact, it seems that he's largely under the same opinion as you- that the whole thing is foolish- but is going along with it anyways.

You can't really tell if he's telling the truth or not; you never really noticed it before; but with the psicrystal's suggestion, you did notice a few very subtle tells.
Hasufel looks at you strangely, then ***** an eyebrow. "An internal conversation, eh? Listen, I don't like this job any more than you do, but if we're going to be working together we need to be able to trust one another. Now, are you all ready?"

2009-03-20, 07:18 PM
I never said it was sense motive, did I?
Not at all. It's just that I didn't fix it on my sheet until two nights ago, so you might have seen it before I changed it. My assumption was reinforced when it seemed focused on ferreting out dishonesty.

Honestly, with that inquisitor feat, I'm under the opinion that your sense motive needs to be knocked down a peg.If I wasn't pondering the Thrallherd prc, I'd be in favor of swapping it out. I can also use it less often, if you'd prefer.

But, hey, I'll do anything to please.Lets go with concentration, please.

Anyhow, I've never used a psicrystal before, so I'll just give it some sentience and personality.Neat. I've played familiars both ways.

Psicrystals normally have a speed of 30' climb 20', until at 9th level they gain fly 50'(poor). If you handle them differently, that's cool.


"Would you like to talk about trust?" Seraph says in a tone that indicates a rant held barely in check.

2009-03-20, 09:06 PM
Hasufel looks at you, an annoyed and hurt look in his eyes. "Oh. I see how it is. The minute you come here you think that I'm trying to trick you, that I'm betraying you somehow. I've never told a lie to you in my life, and have no reason to. I know you're upset over your teammate, and I know this kind of thing is very stressful, but we need to work together. Being paranoid won't help anything but our enemies."
Seraph feels the psicrystal hovering behind him, bobbing excitedly. Lies, all lies. Everything he's ever said has been a lie. Deceit, pretense, spouting falsehoods and sins.

2009-03-20, 10:41 PM
Is the bronze giant with us? He was dressed for action, but I suddenly realize you didn't specify whether he came with. I'm starting to think no, because nobody's hit Seraph yet.


He glares at the crystal, Ground rule: You advise, I decide. If you think you sense lies, you tell me what you hear or see, and I make up my own mind. You're just a fragment; You don't have all the information. You're supposed to help me concentrate.

Now, run ahead and scout, and don't be seen.

"You don't see," he says gently, "It has been made very very clear to us that we are garbage, not worth our board, most likely, and that we are to be used until we expire. What does it even mean to trust you?

"We can be civil. We can even be friends. I don't expect you to put my welfare ahead of any material or strategic objective."

Seraph's vision starts to waver and he realizes he's tearing up.

2009-03-20, 10:57 PM
Hasufel sighs, and heavily sits on the ground, and speaks resignedly. "You aren't garbage; you are a resource. Don't think you are treated uniquely- I've been here many years longer then you have, and I met the same reception. It's a hard life- many times I've pondered just walking away, going off to meet my fate elsewhere. But there it is truly the least of many evils- in the wild, should you expect to be treated at all? Back at Home, you're not even garbage- you're just a number. Even after years of dedicated service, you'll be abandoned to your fate. I've seen your files- you were going to be excecuted because you did your job as best you could. The rebellion saved you, and they took you in. I got here the same way. Not only is this the best life, but it is our duty to serve them. It's flawed, and it is hard... but it is necessary." He gets up, and walks over to Seraph, holding out a hand. "Now. The sooner we're out of here, the better- let's do what we came here to do, and prove our worth."
The crystal falls to the ground, and skitters off in the distance.

2009-03-20, 11:42 PM

Seraph's eyes are shut tight. "I can endure indifference, inefficiency, incompetence. But what do I have to do to keep them, keep Arel, out of my mind?"

2009-03-21, 12:58 AM
"The rebellion?"

Suddenly, a number of things start to make sense. Maybe. Possibly. Or not. Who the **** knows.

2009-03-22, 01:24 AM
Hasufel sighs once more, and shakes his head. "I don't believe there is anything you can do to keep Arel out of your head- it's standard procedure, and its rewards outweigh the pain. He'll read you, as he reads all others- from the lowliest grunts to the top of the ladder, he reads them all."
He then turns to Ylla. "Yes- the rebellion. We've been formed to take down Home- or so I've deduced. Actually, it's been quite a subject of debate amongst us- whether we're working for Home or against it. From what I've seen, I should swear the latter... but there are some who would say the opposite. In the end, it doesn't really matter- if I were to later find that I am working for Home, I wouldn't stop. As I've said, it's my duty. Now, are we all ready to take off?"

2009-03-22, 02:20 AM
Is he lying? Or just completely insane? I can't get a read on him like you can Seraph...


Ylla's eyes go wide as she looks over at her traumatized companion. Her heart goes out to him- and she fumes at herself for being blind to his suffering earlier. "Just a minute," she clucks at the elf, then lays a hand on Seraph's shoulder, her voice dropping low and soft.


"Seraph? It's going to be alright," she intones.

I'm going to kill him.

"I know you feel alone and helpless- but I'm right here. I'll take care of you."

I'm going to put a bullet right between his eyes and crack open his skull and spill his brains- and we'll pick a direction and start walking. It'll be over.

"But you're going to have to be strong. We have a duty, remember?"

We can't leave Lilia in that hell hole.

"Just pull yourself together. We can do this."

One more time.

2009-03-22, 02:28 PM
Not that Seraph was about to lash out, but [roll0]Seraph

"He'll read you, as he reads all others- from the lowliest grunts to the top of the ladder, he reads them all."

Seraph balls his fists. "He didn't read you."

Ylla's voice diffuses his rage. He continues to shake, but with his emotions supressed, he's able to think clearly and to pay attention.

"Thank you," he tells her.

Is he lying? Or just completely insane?

I... I'm not sure. The psicrystal is certain (of the former), but I wonder if my emotional state last night contaminated it. I think Hasufel may be damaged. Remember how he dealt with the white wizard? I thought he was being naive. Now I wonder if if they've stripped him of his capacity to distrust.

We can use that.

I'm still not good at killing, but if we're scanned again I don't think it will go over well.

"I can do this," he agrees.

2009-03-29, 01:41 PM
Hasufel glares. "He didn't read me because I'm just the transporter. But he'll read me when we get back. And he's read me before. Dozens of times. And I got through it. I was fine. I expect you to do the same. Now, let's go. We've wasted enough time as it is."

2009-03-29, 11:53 PM

Seraph examines the terrain between him and the ruins. He plots a course that will give them the most cover for the most distance, and bypassing the road if at all feasible.

Hey Rocky, anything so far? he asks the psicrystal.

Seraph starts off, taking the lead and missing Lilia. "Hasufel, if there is trouble, besides teleporting," he says, and taking a hit, he telesends, "what can you do?"

2009-03-31, 09:04 PM
Nope, boss, nothing here. At all. Entirely empty. Really.

Following Hasufel, you travel up the beach and into the ruins. Everything is rather level, but you see a large, greyish building in the distance... heading forth, you find it to be some kind of storage. It is made of dark basalt, a kind of tapered cylinder, about twice as tall as the buildings. As you walk, Hasufel speaks. "Well, just about anything... I'm good with a sword, I'm good with a spell, and I'm pretty decent at just about anything else under the sun, or below it. Though my forte is in items- the mahogany rod I have here can teleport us back to the base at need, and my other rod is good for several things."

2009-04-02, 11:12 PM

"Since you're the only one who can bring us," he steels himself to say it, "back, I think it's important that you don't take the lead. I'll do a better job sensing minds if you're not in front of me."

2009-04-02, 11:20 PM
Hasufel looks back, and narrows his eyes. "Yes. Well. I suppose that would be... prudent."

2009-04-03, 01:30 PM

Seraph assumes the lead. He powers up Read Thoughts as they near the basalt building and he calls his psicrystal in from patrol. He circles the building looking for an entrance.

Can the psicrystal climb it? It's +14 and has a climb speed.

2009-04-03, 05:04 PM
The entrance is obvious- a wooden door, but locked. There are no windows to speak of, and yes, the psicrystal can climb quite competently...
Hasufel steps forward. "Well... if you have reason to enter this building, that can be arranged, if you wish. Shall I?" He pulls out the silver etched rod, and holds it against the doorknob.

2009-04-05, 12:18 AM

Seraph gazes at the building, watching the construct climb. He attempts to scan through the door.

"Large. Intact. Locked. Yes," He smiles at Hasufel, "unless you think Cyrnemer would have taken to a lesser structure?"

He steps back while the wizard works.

2009-04-05, 10:36 PM
Hasufel speaks some words, rubs another hand over the rod, and shields his eyes; there is a blast, a clatter, and the door is busted open. You go inside to find a dark, unlit room. Inside is a spiral staircase leading down, down, down into the blackness... at least 50 feet.
Fishy- what's up? You haven't posted in a while. Just not much to say? I'd also like to ask both of you to try to pick up the pace just a tad. I don't want this thing to die yet.

2009-04-05, 11:37 PM
I was sand bagging a little so Fishy could speak up.



Seraph steps back to the doorway and looks around. He checks the dust on the floor. Carefully, he visually inspects the room a second time, and he examines the lock.

He's curious about the ages of all this stuff, whether it's been used lately, and whether it's trapped. But he's also killing time while the crystal reaches the roof and looks around, then returns to scout the stairs.

2009-04-06, 03:46 AM
Ylla readies her weapon- and takes a long look at the back of Hasufel's head as he is distracted with the door- but snaps out of it, following her 'team' into the building, and focusing what little arcane power she has.

Casting prestidigitation, because I don't like to be without it. But yeah.

Sorry about the delay, been busy with work, confounded by the server outages, and... kinda not having that much fun with this. But I'll stay with it.

2009-04-06, 05:10 PM
Eeshhh.... that's not good. Really, really not good. Is there any reason why you're not enjoying it? Frankly, I'd hate to see you go, but if you're not enjoying yourself then I think it would be best for all concerned for you to... well, leave. Not immediately-give it some time- but if it's becoming just a burden, I don't want to inflict that upon you.
Maurkov... are you bored at all as well?
You step down into the room. It's obviously not been used recently, having gathered quite a bit of dust, marking every footstep. Hasufel casts a few spells, lighting up the area. You proceed down the stairs for a bit, all fifty feet; soon enough you notice a dropoff ahead, where the stairs have collapsed. You still can't see the bottom.

2009-04-06, 11:25 PM
Ylla peers curiously down into the darkness. She conjures up one of her knitting needles, asks Hasufel to hit it with a Light spell (and providing her own if he doesn't), and drops it over the side, carefully counting the seconds until it hits bottom.

I don't know- I mean, the whole point of the game is that we're helpless pawns of a faceless and invincible conspiracy, thrust about by powers that we cannot comprehend or control, but I feel like my presence or absence or contributions or lack there of don't really mean anything. What *are* we supposed to do if Cyrenmer shows up? Watch two arbitrarily powerful NPCs take turns knocking each other out and telling us we've failed?

I don't mean to be overly negative: I love your sense of atmosphere, and your characters are awesome- but I don't really enjoy spectating.

2009-04-07, 11:41 AM
Has the crystal reached the roof yet? What is up there? I was going to have it look around the ruins for our next area of interest, having forgotten its sight range is limited to 40'.

Has it made it back down to Seraph, and could it traverse the broken stairwell?


"Well, nearly intact." Seraph waits to see how much further the shaft descends.

I'm not bored. The characters' personalities and loyalties seem to have the plot on a collision course. Something's got to derail it or our return to the rebel lair is going to trigger an apocalyptic battle.

If Ylla was my character, I think I'd be frustrated. She's built around an extremely powerful Calm Emotions effect that hasn't ever worked. In contrast, Seraph's getting pretty good mileage out of his tricks. I feel like his actions matter.

2009-04-07, 05:23 PM
Well, I'm glad thats all, and I'm glad for your input. I'm kindof new to PbP in general, having only DMd a couple games that failed right away, so I was worried that it was just all in all just a bad experience... but let me tell you what's going on.
1st of all, for the calm emotions- it really just hasn't been able to be utilized to it's fullest extent. Cyrnemer has such a massive will save that it's a laugh for you to even try, and it's worked once on the head White- it stopped him from attacking right then and there. However, even though his emotions were calmed, his sense of duty prevailed. Maybe that's not exactly how calm emotions works, but I've already talked about that. Trust me, you'll get a chance to use it soon enough.
As for just being a spectator. That was kindof intentional. I had Cyrnemer knocked out to try to lessen the effect, but I suppose the instant ditch spell nullified my efforts. Y'see, right now I'm setting the mood, outlining the factions, and giving you choices- do you join Cyrnemer? Do you betray your patrons? etc. Let it be known that you'll be taking a hand in things very soon. Cyrnemer is well enough gone, and I doubt you'll find what you expect if you happen to encounter him. The only other "arbitrarily powerful NPCs" are on your side, or out-of-sight-out-of-mind, unless you choose to betray them, in which case you'll not have one to come to the rescue anymore.

The lighted needle falls a very short time, until coming to a plink at the bottom. The bottom is just barely out of your vision- probably only 20-30 feet down. If you were to fall now, you'd break a bone at worst- but that's not a very pleasant experience. At the edge of your vision at the bottom, you notice something near the wall- too dark and too far to make it out, though.

2009-04-07, 06:48 PM

"Any rope in that bag of yours?" he asks the wizard.

2009-04-07, 06:50 PM
"Nope... just some food."

2009-04-07, 10:27 PM
"Ladder sandwiches?"

Ylla peers into the darkness, trying to get a sense of how difficult it would be to climb down the shaft- or for Hasufel to climb back up if some unfortunate incident occurred.

"We could jump down, and I could patch us up at the bottom... but then we'd be at the bottom of a hole with no way out."

Thanks for your words- actually did clear up a lot of my concerns. I'll have patience, and start ruining things at the earliest opportunity.

As for Calm Emotions, I wouldn't say that's what she's built around- but it's certainly one of the more powerful things she can do... until two levels from now, anyway.

2009-04-08, 01:08 AM

"...except to teleport," says Seraph quickly, "I think we can leave this for now. The dust was enough to tell me that Cyrnemer hasn't been in here. If we find decent rope elsewhere, I'd like to take another look. This building is certainly an odd one out."

2009-04-09, 11:13 PM
Ok. Glad that's all cleared up. I'd hate to lose another player, as the other group dropped one near hte beginning, and the two others have been MIA the past two weeks or so. Very, very troubling. I'm thinking of starting another recruitment thread if they don't turn up soon; not to add to this one (unless you'd like a larger group) but just to have another group, possibly to meet up with this one one day. This is a campaign setting I'm becoming very dedicated to, but it needs some fleshing out; I find that the best way to do that is to just start a campaign and see where my imagination takes me.
You leave the building, coming back into the sun. After the dankness of the stairwell, you notice just how hot it is out here... sweltering, humid. Much hotter than the cool climes of Home tend to be. Looking around, in the distance you can make out another landmark... a black dot in the distance.
(Assuming you go after it, as there really isn't much else in this place)
You go after the building, and finally you see... one largely the same as the one you just left. Getting nearer, you can see it's of a very slightly different construction, but otherwise identical. The heavy wooden door once again proves to be locked.

2009-04-09, 11:23 PM
Ylla does her best to prestidigitate the air around her to a more comfortable temperature, but eventually just resigns herself to the uncomfortable heat.

"Locked again. Be a dear, Hasufel?"

2009-04-09, 11:33 PM
Hasufel nods, walks over, and puts the rod up to the door. He runs his hand over it, and... bang. The door busts open, clattering to the ground inside. It's pretty much the same as the other building... one of the pieces from the door clatters down the stairs, eventually falling off the side and to the floor far below, making quite a noise. On top of that, the place is very clearly inhabited. The dust on the floor is very well trafficked, averything's in ok shape... and there is a torch burning on the wall halfway down.

2009-04-09, 11:58 PM

"We should work out a quieter way to do that," he says as he scans ahead for minds.

2009-04-10, 04:33 AM
"Probably," Ylla mutters unconvincingly.

[roll0] What sort of 'well trafficked dust' are we looking at here? Or at the very least, what size footprints? Are these elf tracks, or a squamous monstrosity?

2009-04-10, 11:12 AM
My forum ate my post, then ate my next post. Sadly, neither of them were copied.:smallmad:
Hasufel looks over, and glares at you. "Well then, next time why don't you pull out your lockpicks that you're obviously trained to use. Oh, wait, no, silly me- you can walk through walls, can't you!? Well, that'll certainly be useful in the future. Pity I already wasted my magical energies for you, when you could've so much more easily and efficiently gone in. Now, let's go." With that, he goes dowwn the stairs.
With all the tracks overlapping and scuffling, you can't make out much... but you can tell it probably wasn't a big scaly guy. Probably.

2009-04-10, 12:01 PM

"I'll work on that. Sure. In the mean time, thank you," says Seraph, trying to mollify without being patronizing.

"Keep your weapons out of sight so I can charm whoever comes to investigate," he says, and begins to work his way down the stairs.

I assume he's on a fresh manifestation of Read Thoughts. [roll0] [roll1]

Given the limited time spent in briefings, I was playing that he figured out what the headband was, but that he hadn't divined the purpose of the gloves yet. I've been regretting that, since there are several instances where I've wanted to use them. Does Hasufel know about them? Getting an Object Read on the torch, for example, would tell us what sort of humanoids to expect.

2009-04-10, 01:08 PM
Ylla holsters her gun with a frown, not disapproving enough to express anything over verbal or mental channels. She takes a moment to note the torch as they walk past, checking for some sign of how long it's been burning.

2009-04-11, 12:53 PM
The torch has been burning for quite some time; it's down to its last bits of fuel.
You make your way down the staris, Seraph unable to make out anything near the bottom and stubling a bit, but nothing damaging. You come across a heavy wooden door, much like the one up top. It is, once again, locked. Hasufel steps forward, and throws back a quizzical look, taking out his rod... and then you hear a click, from beyond the door. It opens, as you hear a voice. "You really should remember your keys, children. What would happen if I weren't here, eh?" With that, the door opens, and you see a tall half-elf standing before you. In the room beyond him, there's just one candle, making it extraordinarily dim... but he seems to be lit by his own fire. While he isn't much, in details- just a rather attractive, lean fellow- as a whole he seems to be more... present, real, sharply defined than anything you've ever seen. You are stricken by just looking at him, your mind racing to take it all in.

He looks at all you, an eyebrow cocked. He then shrugs, and steps back, holding out an arm in an inviting gesture. The room inside is about twenty feet square, with two doors- one on the opposite end, and one to your left. The room is filled with crates, and a weapon rack on the right wall, containing two swords, and then a rack that holds some cloaks and coats. A table is in the center, on which there is a bit of half-eaten food, the candle, both cleared aside for a chessboard, with a man on a stool nearby, and another sulking in a corner. You've obviously interrupted their game.
The man on the stool is another half-elf, but broad shouldered, with well toned, corded muscles, and brown, mottled skin. The one in the corner you can't clearly make out, but his skin is an orangish hue, and his arms are huge, muscular, sporting green scales and large claws.
The one who answered the door walks back over and continues the game, and so does his compainion. The "present" one is obviously winning. He motions for you to help yourself to the food.

2009-04-11, 01:28 PM
The one who answered the door walks back over and continues the game, and so does his compainion. The "present" one is obviously winning.

Yes, but who's playing White? :}

Ylla smiles warmly at the display of generosity, and makes herself at home, taking a small piece of the offered meal- having teleported in lieu of breakfast. She eyes the chessboard for a moment, sizing up the pieces and positions. "I never had much of a head for these sorts of games," says the poor old confused biddy. "If you don't mind me asking," she adds with an innocent smile, "Which one of you is White?"

2009-04-11, 01:38 PM
Let's look at this logically: there's two other people in the room. One is sulking in a corner. The other is sitting on a stool at the table where the game is being played. Guess.
EDIT: I guess I wasn't clear as to where the stool was: it's right at the table. my bad.:smallredface:

2009-04-11, 01:42 PM
I mean to say, the 'present' half elf and the other half elf are playing chess. The 'Present' elf is winning, but is he playing with white pieces or black?

EDITED TO ADD: Or am I seeing something that has no significance whatsoever?

2009-04-11, 01:52 PM
Wow, I completely misunderstood you. You capitalized White, and I was thinking White as in the race, Whites, of which these fellows abviously are.
The "present" one smiles up at, you, taking a black rook and moving it to the side. "'Mate, friend." The large one scrutinizes the board a moment, as the one in the corner scoffs mockingly. The large one sighs, shaking his head. "You always beat me."
"That's because you can't play the game worth a damn, Tieg." Says the corner one.
The large one (Tieg) repiles, "Oh? Would you like to play me? I could beat you anytime."
The corner one: "Hm. At least I know when I'm going to lose."
Tieg rolls his eyes, as the "present" one leans back, hands behind his head, and smirks. Tieg turns to you, smiling affably. "So, what brings you to this desolate part of the city? Hunting Jaff? We killed a group just today. I took 2 of em." With that, he holds up a sting, on which there are dozens of ichor stained, large claws. The one in the corner mutters under his breath, and the "present" one keeps smirking, almost condescendingly.

2009-04-11, 07:51 PM
((Did Seraph detect any of these beings through the door?))


Seraph's eyes are drawn to the game board, then to the string of claws, then back to the game board. "Is there time for a game, sir?"

2009-04-11, 08:40 PM
*facepalm*. Sorry. Yeah, you would've. I guess it's a moot point now.
Tieg grins widely. "Me, or smart guy here? I'm afraid I'm not much of a competitor, but I'd love to play. Smart guy'll just like the look on your face when he wins in a few moves. Isn't that right, smart guy?" He turns to the "present" one, who chuckles and shrugs, and speaks up himself, directed at Serpah. "By the way, competitor, you can call me Serin. Tieg just likes calling me smart guy, because my intellect vastly outweighs his." He shoots a smile at Tieg, who makes a face and shrugs. "The dark one in the corner's called Hoda. And, if you want to play, we'll need to know your name as well."
All the while, Hasufel just stands in the back, watching.

2009-04-12, 01:20 AM
"Ylla," says Ylla, "And terribly sorry about your door, we'll patch it up before we go."

She gives another look to the string of claws, frowning slightly. "These 'Jaff'... Was one of them missing an arm? We've got a bone to pick with him, and we think he might have come this way."

"Killed him once yesterday, but it didn't take."

2009-04-12, 11:01 PM

"I'm Seraph. This is Hasufel. I must say that in this dangerous world, it's refreshing to not be attacked on sight. I'll try you, Serin. It's been a while since I've played, but I enjoy a challenge."

Seraph takes two pawns behind his back and offers two closed fists from which to choose.

It wouldn't be sporting to read Serin's thoughts, but since he's already manifested the power, Seraph will check that the other two aren't planning an unpleasant surprise. Then he'll drop the manifestation to concentrate on the game.


Edit: Not his best, it seems.

2009-04-12, 11:28 PM
They shake their heads at the mention of missing an arm. When Ylla mentions killing a Jaff but it "not taking", they all react adversely. Serin drops his smirk. Tieg rolls his eyes. Hoda slams a fist into the wall, shaking the room, Tieg speaks up, in a mocking, annoyed tone. "Oh, it didn't take, did it? He rose up behind your backs, did he? Probably killed some of your people. Gaw, you rookies make me sick. You have no respect for them, at all. You don't respect what they're capable of. No matter how many times we tell, you, you're always too ****ing arrogant to just take your time. 'Oh, gee, we caved his head in and chopped off an arm. He's not breathing, so he must be dead!' Did you know we've had a Jaff with his left leg and right arm chopped off, head cut so far back it was hanging by a thread, and with a torso so burnt to a crisp that if you touched it chunks would fall off? Do you know what this bastard did when we turned our backs? He killed Brand. He tore off his ****ing head. Oh, we killed him then, but that didn't change things. We couldn't afford to have him resurrected. Brand's gone now, because of people like you. It may have not killed anyone, but what if it escaped, to go on and kill some more? You need to have respect. You need..."
He trails off, losing coherency. It's all just a stream of language, and by the end, he seems more upset than angry. While he talks, Hoda walks into another room desultorily, and Serin grimaces. Finally, Tieg calms down, and sighs. "I'm sorry. Brand... he was a good kid. Just don't do it in the future, alright?" With that, he walks over to the corner of the room, and hunkers down on one of the crates.
Serin looks up at Seraph. "Still up for the game? Tieg'll get over it. It was only... oh... a few months ago, that Brand was killed. Still too fresh. Tieg gets emotional easy. And I'll take black, if that's ok with you." Serin meticulously replaces the pieces on the board, brushing your hand away if you try to help. Finally, it's all set up, and you begin the game. Hasufel watches intently as you play, and Tieg mutters incoherently.
The game is over before you even know it happened. As you play, it seems that Serin is reading your mind. At his turn, he never even thinks- just places the piece. Every time you try to move a piece, you realize he's blocked it off, every strategy you try is foiled before you begin. He managed to take many of your main pieces in just a few of turns, ensnaring them all in a sort of trap, while you walk away with just 2 pawns and a bishop. Soon after, he calls out check.... and the next turn, checkmate. You didn't even realize it was being set up; one move, and you walk right into it. It seems like a fluke... but you're smart enough to know that the man before you is either prophetic, literally reading your mind, or a savant.

2009-04-13, 01:31 AM
"Why don't I go see about mending that door?" Ylla mutters under her breath. "While you cool off." She stomps her way up the stairs, containing her anger, shouldering Hasufel out of the way as she goes.

... And making a grab for the mahogany rod of teleportation Hasufel was so kind to point out earlier. [roll0]

DC 20 and it's mine, beat his Spot check and he doesn't notice. Fingers crossed...

EDIT: Damn. Worth a shot, though.

2009-04-13, 12:14 PM

Seraph doesn't comment on our past with Cyrnemer. It wouldn't take much to reveal that we were on the wrong side of that battle.

Seraph takes his loss gallantly. "Brilliant. Well done indeed. Will you play another? I'd like to see what you do on offense. For that matter, what tactics did you use against those?" he points to the claws.

Seraph will concede as soon as he's a few points down. He wanted to make a better showing, but seeing that his brain isn't in it, he contents himself with memorizing Serin's opening.


2009-04-13, 12:38 PM
Tsk, tsk.
While Hasufel is especially intent on the game, Ylla bumps into him and grabs the rod. He obviously doesn't even notice a thing. However, Seraph does, and Serin gives you a look.
You two play another game. His opening is different, you notice-it's a counter to yours. Once again, he pulls all of your units into a trap, and starts taking them all. After you concede, he just shrugs, and starts rearranging the pieces again.
"Strategy? Nothing much past what you already should've been taught. Hit em with fire, annihilate the body. They're strong and tricky, and probably smarter than you, so watch your back. That's all."
From watching Serin, you've picked up some new tricks- his general strategic theory is impressive. +1 misc bonus on gaming checks, permanently.

2009-04-13, 08:19 PM
When Ylla is safely out of sight, she takes a moment to inspect her new toy- and quickly stow it on her person. Then, it's back upstairs to apply some mending spells to the unhinged door.

Heh. 'Unhinged'.

Right, time now to maybe come up with an actual plan? Pfft.

How far is it to the other building, by the way? If Ylla took off at a sprint, how long would it take her to get there?

Is her mindlink with Seraph still working?

2009-04-13, 08:59 PM
The door mends just fine. The mindlink is not working. It would take you about 30 minutes, +/- half an hour- you're unsure, but definitely less than an hour.