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2009-01-14, 09:35 AM
Dawn breaks over every nation the same way - creeping over the horizon, sending tendrils of sunlight across their lands.

The dawn cares not about wars and alliances, about cultures and ancient kingdoms, about double-dealing and deception. It doesn't have to declare war on its neighbors, the sky and moon. It doesn't fight great battles, doesn't have to win favor with its neighbors or worry about the economy.

That's what makes it a force of nature instead of a civilized creature like us.

All the strange, strange kingdoms of this world are waking up, and borders will clash. Cultures will clash, and nations will clash in battle. All the strange, strange kingdoms of the world - are they ready? Can they survive the coming storm?

2009-01-14, 12:19 PM

To the inhabitants of Veii dawn was a foreign concept. They knew of it, it was told to all children that on the surface world, every morning the bright orb known as the sun would peak over the horizon and cast its light across the world. A sight very few Veiians would ever get to see. Instead the the passing of hours was told by the tolling of magical clocks and magical fires. In the static and organized world of the Veiians "dawn" came every morning at 6 in the morning and it stayed day out everyday for 14 more hours before night was called. It had been this way for centuries and not even the most elder members of society could remember any differently. Those lucky few, the soldiers of the legions, wizard expeditions and slavers who journeyed to the surface confirmed the legends of a world of varying seasons and an ever changing day and night cycle. It was the goal of every Veiian one day to return to the surface and enact vengeance against those who condemned to the world below. And it was just the time of the year to do it, it was a holy time the lead up to the first raids of the season when brave Veiian soldiers ride out of the world below and bring death to those foolish enough to settle too close to the mountains.

While the city was just awakening for work the tower of wizardry was a hive of activity as always. Operating 24 hours a day for the past thousand years, scholars worked in shifts sifting through knowledge, bureacrats worked ceaselessly to keep the city and outlying territories running. Very few things occured within the city whose knowledge did not pass through these halls.

The early hour did not stop even the First Lord of Shadows Augustus from working. Augustus read over the report presented to him by one of his spy chiefs, the man kneeled before the Shadowlord his eyes averted as protocol dictated so as not to gaze into the inky blackness which concealed the Archmage's face. The blackness symbolically represented the shadow veil which guarded Veii and Shadowlords and only they were granted the right to wear such robes and cowls.

"You say that this Dwarven city was brought down by constructs from the surface world?" asked the master.

"Yes my master. The filthy creatures pushed deep into the bowels of the world where they suffered most gloriously." The spy smiled. There was very little love lost between Dwarves and Veiians, they both competed for the same resources and Dwarven mining expeditions have always threatened to break passages into Veiian outposts. Their destruction was always greeted with joy in these halls.

Dismissed with new orders to gather more information on these mercenaries, Augustus set about working this situation to his advantage.

Hours later...

The twelve lords of shadow sat in meeting, 12 scribes behind them each taking their own minutes for their masters. It was a cautionary measure, one official minutes of the meeting could easilly be tampered with, but 12 would be nearly impossible. Augustus briefed them on what he had recently learned and though he was prepared to make contact it would be best if he did not propose the idea in case anything went wrong. That duty would fall to Lord Titus, the youngest member of the Council and always eager to contribute suggestions he fancied himself as the future First Lord and worked hard to establish his reputation as a power broker.

After a short debate the proposal to send an emissary to these "Ebon Hills" was accepted by the majority of the council. In accordance with the rules governing the Council the House of Titus would oversee the endevaor, a supporting house in this case Augustus' would accompany and a house opposed to it in this case Lord Tiberius would also send a representative in the diplomatic party. This was all done of course to prevent treachery and to make sure even those opposed to the plan would have a place in it to force compliance.


The wagon pulled by the large lizard made its way through the dark passage towards the underworld entrance to the Ebon Hills. Aboard were 3 mages and a soldier serving as a driver. Within the wagon was an offering of fine weapons. Forming a diamond around the wagon four cavalrymen made up the guard for this Diplomatic mission their wicked lances raised high on a non-threatening manner.

2009-01-14, 01:59 PM

Out of the dark came the guards, ten of the Ebony Warforged and one pale faced young man "Halt who goes there" he barks with a odd voice.

2009-01-14, 02:22 PM


The group comes to a halt as the three mages get off the car. The lead lizardrider moves to the side to make room for the mages as they approach the group of constructs.

The mage in the center addresses the pale man in an accented form of the common tongue "Greetings to you. I am Master Cato, emissary from the City of Shadows. We have noticed that you have expelled the Dwarves who had previously called these tunnels home and now claim dominance over these passages. My lords have seen it fit to offer you these goods as a sign of friendship from the City of Shadows," he motions to the cart laden down with fine Veiian weapons "and wish that we may establish peaceful and beneficial relations between our peoples."

2009-01-14, 03:52 PM

The man blinks in surprise and motions for a warforged to walk forward "Runner" he said "Head up to the second check point and tell them we have visitors"

The warforged bowed, his emereld eyes glowing "Yes Captain" and the dark construct practically flew away down the hall.

It didn't take long before a group of dark armored mercenaries rode down the passage. At their head a young woman was bestride a majestic black Rage Drake. Her shock white hair framed a interested young face, the eyes purest black.

"Master Cato, I am Regenisis." He voice sounds melodic, but vaguely unsettling "You are here to discuss peaceful relations with the Ebon Hills. Before I admit you, tell me what exactly you are, and the City of Shadows"


The force that marched into the Armlan lands was a proud site. Over five hundred Mercenaries, two hundred of them the Black skinned warforged, marched in three columns.

At the rear a small supply train followed while in the front two forms came to the forefront.

Colonel Aliiza Karez looked quite the picture of a officer, bedecked in Black Plate mail with a Blood red overrobe covering it. Her dark brown hair and tanned skin matched the outfit perfectly. Behind her, also on horse was the company standard bearer holding the Blood Red field with Black Diamond.

Next to her a young man rode, pale skinned and dressed in black and gold ambassadors robes. His blond hair is slicked back and his pure ebony eyes darted around.

"We should reach our destination soon Simalcrum" Aliiza assured the spooked diplomat.

2009-01-14, 04:07 PM
Duchy of Armal, Capital Province of Armalen

Dawn found Armalen cold and dark, The Capital City slowly waking, it's gloomy exterior belying the hustle and bustle of the common people. From the Mines on the outskirts the night shift stumbled out, a throng of bodies both warm and breathing and Dead and cold.
Slightly above the city, and away from the Mines stood Dread Keep, a looming, massive fortification that thrust out from the mountains behind it as if it were the fist of some massive Beast, clawing its way from the surface. It had been built in time long-forgotten, and though considered old-fashioned with the technologies and magics of the current times, by its very nature it would probably outlast them all, its outer walls thicker than thirty men standing hand in hand in a chain, and looming battlements cleverly designed to fool scaling attempts while giving defenders an ample view with which to drop boulders,oil,and arrows down upon their foes.


Her Majesty, Queen Mira Von'Armalen, swept into the council room in a rustle of fine robes and bright ceremonial clothes of office, and smiled politely at the few people she could trust explicitly. The Dread Keep did nto appear as it did on the outside as it did n the interior, and the Council room was awash in bright Magelight. Behind her the massive metal doors, intricately designed with precious jewels and metals shut with a clang, and her scribe whispered a small incantation.

Their was a sound like a bubble popping faintly int he distance, and the Council Members all relaxed visibly, Old Baron Ziegfried Von Armalen even producing a fat, long-stemmed pipe, his wife leaning over to light it with a touch of her finger. Even dead, Baroness Von Armalen was an accomplished mage, and her thick-set, homely body belied a cunning that had attracted her husband to her even when she was alive.

"There.And now none cna hear us speak.And where were we yesterday?"Mira said calmly as she slid into her formal, ornate chair, her scribe producing cushions to make the painfully stiff chair more comfortable.

She sighed and let the drone of complaints fill the air,and calmly raised a hand,gaining total silence.

"Quiet.I have spoken of this last time. Our contract with The EbonHills Companies will stand. we have argued this to death, and I have explained my reasons. It is far better to use their strength as our advantage, and let them have their land,then waste energy watching a border that is no longer threatened." She said calmly,and just a bit more than half of the Council nodded their heads. She remarked that Drokk Tanseign, an old,surly dwarf merely looked stonily at her instead. He had had investments with the dwarven groups the EbonHill had defeated to gain their new land. He'd also protested when they'd revolted against Armalen rule, playing down thee fact they had wanted their Very Queen's Head on a Pike.

She sighed. She'd have to have him killed tonight, if only because She knew he was leaking information to merchants about how Taxes changed during Council Meetings. It wasn't normally an execution-worthy offense, but it would let her enemies in the Council know She Was Not To Be Trifled With.

"Now, about how We will deploy the Mercenaries We have hired.."She stated, making sure to stress that the We was the royal We, and not the combined Council in front of her...

Karak Dulvorosh

The troupe of mounted Riders moved in two long lines as they approached the Great, recently rebuilt Gates of Karak Dulvorosh. Across shields and hanging on limp, Dead banners were stretches of black, a skeletal hand out-splayed across its surface, and in between a large chest sat braced between two stout black stallions, their riders leading them by hand.

And at the head of it rode a slender, armored figure, head held high and alert, though somehow it gave off the impression of a withered, hunched shape. The figures horse stood just as proud,but for the fact that a large portion of its rib-cage showed, as if part of it had been shorn off by an axe. It moved without difficulty however, prancing like any eager young stallion until the figure tugged at the reins impatiently.

The Figure itself had much the same appearance, its armor of exceptional quality, and a glossy,polished black, yet no amount of polish and shine could hide the scratches and dents of a hundred battles fought, and the swept-back plume atop it hung disheveled and damp in the foggy air.

The procession stopped with military precision a polite distance from the Gates, the lone Rider at hte front slowly picking its way forward.

Aia Von'Armalen, former Princess of the Undying Nation, and Currently one of the top Generals of said Nation, glanced about slowly. Even after some time she coulds till see the furrows of battle, where Warforged Titans had stripped the land of the flat, listless grass of the Ebon Hills, and boots had trampled well-tended gardens into so much mud.

She turned Limpid, yellowed eyes towards the guard that moved to call Question for her visit, the whites of her eyes darkened like fine,ancient parchment to a light yellow, though her blakc eyes were as piercing as a sudden brushstroke.

"Greetings. Her Majesty My Sister Mira Von'Armalen sends Salutations and Well-being to your Company. She extends her formal Alliance this day with a gift, and I have been instructed to meet with a Marshall Fisk."

She raised her voice so that the guards behind the one she spoke with would here.

"I am Aia Von'Armalen, of Royal Blood Relation to the Undying Monarchy. I am employed to Speak and Negotiate on its behalf with your Leaders. Behind me is my personal Retinue and Duke Terrance of Armalen." She said loudly, her voice projecting.

She gave a small smile from bloodless lips to the soldier and turned in her saddle, and as her arm shifted the soldier would see the bloodless, gaping hole that went through her left side and out her back, right below her Heart. The soldier could even see the rest of her retinue through it.

2009-01-14, 04:22 PM
Karak Dulvorosh

The guard, a veteran of several patterns coughed silently then spoke keeping his voice controlled "Greetings one of Royal Blood" he nods "Lord Fiske is expecting you"

The gates open silently to reveal two rows of silent warforged. The guard takes the group into the courtyard and asks for them to dismount "The stable hands will take care of your...mounts"

He then turns and leads them into the mountain itself. Several different winding passages lay before you but he takes you to the left and into what appears to be a smallish greeting hall.

On a throne at the end of the room a tall slender man stands and bows. He is older, perhaps late forties and his hair is black. He wears a ornate black doublet and trousers, a long silver sword buckled at his waist "I am the Marshall Montgomry Fiske"

2009-01-14, 04:26 PM
Armalen City Limits

The walls of the city were slightly less intimidating as those of the Keep, but the wide gates would hold even the armies of the Ebon Hills, at least enough time to mobilize a stronger defense, and the black rock and spare, well-cleared ground presented a foreboding aura. From the base of the gate a small line appeared, resolving into a door made of the solid,dark stone.

A Man stepped out, flanked by six men in Dark plate, a white, skeletal hand pressed upon every gleaming obsidian breastplate.

The Man was also paced by an incredibly thin white hound, which trotted close at the mans heels as they approached.

Runners had already announced the Ebon hills contingent were on the way, and the small group stopped politely a distance form the large Company, allowing the Colonel and the EBon hills Ambassador to approach formally.

"Greetings to our newest Allies. My name is Baron Jonz Von Armalen. My Queen wishes to extend her apologies for not meeting you personally, but She is currently in meeting with the High Council conducting affairs of state." The Man said with a smile and a short bow, the soldiers around him snapping to attention, the banners on their spears fluttering with small snaps as the harsh winds circled around them.

"Your Men are allowed within the first Wall of the City, but Her Majesty wishes that your men abstain from entering the City Proper or the Dead Keep's grounds."He continued smoothly after introductions went around, and his hand lowered,stroking the hound's head, which, now that it was close enough, was quite. Quite Dead. Skeletal in fact, its whipcord tail clacking softly as it wagged.

"Food and lodging has been prepared"He said and gestured for them to follow, the Massive Gates slowly creaking open like some fantastic Maw, Huge and Terrifying. Of course, what was behind them was as surprising as the younger Baron's pet.

Crowds milled just outside an open, wide thoroughfare and twisted and turned upwards into the distance,leading to another set of large gates in the distance. The Crowd broke into loud cheers and cries as the Company came into view, and everywhere as the soldiers were walking past were bright colors and jewelry and fabrics, even sharper when contrasted against the dark,drab colors of their surroundings.

Women, both alive and vibrant, and sallow,pale,and no longer quite so living snuck out amid the soliders, offering both Warforged and living and in-betweens cups encrusted with small, shiny stones(though not precious ro valuable) or brightly colored pieces of fabric or flowers, as if they were returning soldiers rather than a mercenary company!

The Man smiled and waved politely as the crowds parted, leading both the Colonel and the Simulacrum, his soldiers close to keep the crowd back.

"They are happy you conquered Karak Dulvorosh, they have been attacking our trade Caravans for some months now, and we had despaired of ever getting shipments to the Trading ports in the South. Come, we will be visiting the Keep. Your Men will be seen to."He said calmly.

2009-01-14, 04:32 PM
Armalen City Limits

"I am Colonel Aliiza Karez and the is ambassador Jeorge" commented the Horsewoman with a bow.

She barked an order back at the troops and without a sound they began to march again into the city.

The men and warforged seem pleasantly surprised at the greeting, though the lecherous comments from some of them were soon cut off by the sharp voices of nearby sargents.

The officers allowed the gifts though and soon the company marched through the streets, though the guards to the wagons were extra alert. The COlonel turned to the Baron "If you could show us the way?"

2009-01-14, 04:40 PM
Karak Dulvorosh

"Indeed. Dismount!" She said quietly, yet every single one of her soldiers moved as if the word had been shouted, dismounting in lockstep as eerily(and perhaps even more stunningly) as any Warforged group.

The horses were easily led away, roughly a third of them still alive, the rest either like their Leader's mount, or skeletal, as if Lady Aia rode with Death's own horsemen.

The chest in the middle was calmly taken up by two soldiers beneath dark helmets, though one hand grasping the chest was skeletal underneath the metal-backed glove, and the other's free arm appeared a size too large for his body, as if he had replaced it with an ogre's.

She lifted a hand and they formed up amid the warforge, and like a funeral procession they made their way to the Marshall's meeting Room.

"Greetings Marshal Fisk, I am Lady Aia, one of the representatives My Sister Her Majesty has sent."She gestured with a hand, and the two guards that had accompanied her into the rooms et down their burden, which when opened revealed a bed of jewels of uncut beauty. Amid them a figure was curled, and witha stretch slowly unfurled.

The strange creature was a mix of horror and beauty, elegance and ruin. It was elf-like, and it's black eyes were ringed in gold, its tall,pointed ears swept back beneath a shock of bright white hair. The elf bowed, its robes lined with gold embroidery, its wide shoulders marking it as a male.

"My name is Lord Talvis,of Armalen's Dark Elves. It is an honor to meet you Marshal Fisk"he said politely, and absently brushed a long fingered finger over the pale white bone of his left arm, which was skeletal form fingertips to teh shoulder, and engraved with delicate, eye-catching engravings. Neither Aia nor her guards,nor Talvis seemed in anyway perturbed that the man had been traveling in a chest, though Talvis gestured towards the chest.

"This is the rest of the payment that Our Queen has promised for our contract." He stated calmly.

2009-01-14, 04:44 PM
Karak Dulvosh

If Fiske is surprised, it doesn't show, and he greets them both "Greetings and thanks on the behalf of Doctor Kessel Unbara."

he snaps his fingers and two warforged come and take the box away "I assume that you are the delegates from your court? Or are you just here to pay me?"

2009-01-14, 04:47 PM

"Of course Colonel Karez, Jeorge"

The trip to the Dread Keep was stately but quick, their guards moving them at a brisk pace. The common soldiers were shown to barracks, where they were given food and places to rest. Within the walls of the buildings Armalen was a city within a city, for not even the barracks had a lack of beautiful carvings and bejewelled, metalworked walls and doors and furniture. The trip tot he keep was round-about and twisted, witchbacks and confused city layouts confounding event he bast of cartographers.

The Baron escorted them to a small, warm meeting chamber, and settled them in plush seats that one sunk into. The Warm, bittersweet Kaleya, the traditional drink of Armalen courtesy arrived in steaming mugs before the two ambassadors.

"Please, rest yourself. I will be your host until Her Majesty is free to recieve you."The Baron said with a warm, charming smile, his Dog curling up at his feet with a skeletal yawn.

2009-01-14, 04:54 PM

Recoginizing this Regenisis as a figure of importance Cato bows at the waist, the other two mages quickly follow suit.
"Greetings Lady Regenisis. I am Master Cato a commissioned Magi in good standing with the Council of Wizards and its 12 Lords of Shadow whose word is law. I have been selected by that esteemed body to serve as an emissary to you, the new rulers of this city. In regards to your second question..." he turns and points in a direction "The City of Shadows lies many miles away and many miles below. A metropolis that seeks the purest pursuit of discovering the mysteries of the art and of the universe."

2009-01-14, 04:56 PM

Both accepted the cups of Kaleya as they contemplated the new surroundings. Aliiza spoke first "Why does Armalen need Mercenaries Baron?" she asked with a raised eyebrow " Are you at war?"


Regenisis regards him with her deep black eyes, then nods "Then come with me, the Docter himself will want to see you"

She leads them to a huge lift of some sort, which easily fits all of them. The lift goes up slowly and as they reach the stop, Regenisis jumps from her mount "Please Dismount and I will get you an audience."

She quickly walks away. Minutes later she returns "The Doctor will see you now"

She leads them to a ornate room. larger than the one with Fiske, and at the end an even larger throne, the one that used to belong to the King of the Dwarves, a shortish man sat.

He was pale, and around fifty years of age, though he looked spry for one of his age. He too wore the robes of a magi, though a utility belt full of tools somewhat belies the image "Make your offer" he said calculatingly.

2009-01-14, 05:26 PM

The lizardriders dismount from their beasts and follow the wizards on foot. Entering into the throne room the wizards once again bow, this time to the doctor

"Greeting to you my lord. I am Master Cato emissarry of the City of Shadows. I have been commissioned by the Council of Wizards and its 12 Lords of Shadows to offer you the following gifts as a sign of friendship and congratulation to your capture of the hall from its previous Dwarvish inhabitants."

The soldiers begin bringing forth the finely crafted weapons from the cart.

"I have been commissioned to seek out an alliance between our peoples in which we can secure peace and prosperity for both our nations. I have been authorized to seek the safe passage of trade caravans from the great City of Shadows and its outlying territories to this majestic city. We would also like to discuss the possibility of mutual assistance in case any foreign powers would seek to do us harm."

2009-01-14, 05:34 PM
Realm of the Gods
- Capital City
-- Palace
--- High Tower of the Dragon Lords

Zar awakes early. He had never been a late sleeper, and the duties of the crown had certainly not made him any more relaxed. He walked to the edge of his room, staring out over the capital city of Kazz'a'hadar. His room was high above the rest of the city, and it contained no real walls. Instead, a series of pillars in a ring at the edges of the tower supported ceiling. The aire-like design had many uses. It allowed him to directly observe much of the city. It meant he could fly directly to anywhere else in the city. It meant he could always be accessed by petitioners. And it had one other purpose.

"We see you have awakened, Zarrexiestthros."
"We hope you have slept well."
"Are you ready to begin your duties once again?"
"Enough. Give him some air"

Zar doesn't face any of his "advisors", having long past learned that whenever he focused on one, another would speak. He fans his wings out, enjoying the light breeze on the warm summer morning. He opens one of the many trapdoors in his floor, withdrawing a change of clothes. He dresses, and pulls his sword from its resting place before buckling it to his side. It was time to get to work.

"Very well. I am prepared. Let us begin."

He opens another trap door, opening the staircase to his tower room. Finally, he goes once more to the tower edge and inhales deeply. He converts the air into fuel for his internal fire, before unleashing a large blast of roiling flame, signalling that he was awake and ready to receive visitors. A servant entered from the staircase.

"My lord?"
"Let them in, Sinzz. And send for some meat, please."

Zar walks over to his throne, as a retinue of servants and beauroucrats emerge from the staircase. As they arranged themselves, Zar looked over a stone tablet that had been engraved with the most pressing issues. The first petitioners of the day would be along soon. It was time to get to work.

2009-01-14, 05:40 PM

The Doctor thinks for a moment "Well, we give you safe passage for caravans and thanks for the offering"

He stares across looking interested "Of course a tax may be placed on such caravans, nothing that will cut into profits, but that is a detail that can wait. As for alliance, I apologize, since I a mercenary that would not be prudent." He lifted a finger "Unless You wish to purchase an alliance, in which case none of my customers would accuse me of favoritisms"

he shrugs "Its all about keeping the customers happy.

2009-01-14, 05:51 PM

"That is most excellent. As for purchasing an alliance I am sure we could work out an agreement. We are renowned users of the art and you no doubt could benefit from the assistance of Magi? Or, if you prefer something more tanigiable we could supply you with deep earth metals."

2009-01-14, 05:56 PM

"ah" the doctor said "Now there is a novel idea. I am sure rare resources would be a fine payment, but perhaps some spellcasters as well. Not FOR us as much as on loan, and I give you my word if things ever go bad between us, they will be returned unharmed"

2009-01-14, 06:04 PM

"As it will be done my lord. With your permission, I would like to remain here to serve as permanent ambassador on behalf of my masters while my companions return to our homeland to bring word of your acceptance. They will then dispatch a detachment of my brother-Magi so that we may serve you as loyally as we serve the Lords of Shadow."

2009-01-14, 06:14 PM

Kessel nods and with a flourish summons two scantily clad women "Here, Aleena and Zaresta will take you to your room"

He gestures at Regenisis "Send Ambassedor Korell with them"

Regenisis nods "Very well" she turns and leads the men out. They are soon met by a Simalcrum, that of a middle aged man "Greetings, I am Korell, and I am to travel with you"

2009-01-14, 06:26 PM

Cato bows "Thank you my lord. You will not be disappointed."

The other two Mages greet Ambassador Korrell "Ambassador it is a pleasure. I am Master Barius and this is Master Fimus. We and our bodyguard will be escorting you to the City of Shadows as soon as you are ready to depart."

The soldiers rush about readying the wagon for the return trip as they unload Cato's baggage and rearrange and the cargo that hasn't been offloaded to offer the maximum space for the travellers.

2009-01-14, 06:30 PM
Korell smiles oddly "My men already have my things" two warforged march out, each carrying a trunk "We are ready to go"

In the Hall Kessel nods again "I hope not"

2009-01-14, 06:40 PM
"Then we are ready." The magi take their seats in the wagon as the warforged finishing loading up the Ambassadors baggage and Korell makes himself comfortable.

The lizardriders take their defensive positions around the wagon as its driver drives the beast forward on the road back home.

2009-01-14, 07:13 PM

Korell leans back and closes his eyes. It is impossible to tell whether he is sleeping or not.

The twin warforge stare at the Magi balefully, emotionless faces exuding a calm suspicion.

2009-01-14, 08:39 PM
Eastern Reaches, Farther out than normal...

"Come on, a bit farther. We haven't been this way before, and we may not get the chance for seasons!" Ranoth Jaelathor leapt up onto a rock, claws scrambling for purchase on the stone. He pulled himself up and leaped upwards, scrambling up the hill. "We're a good distance away from the Clan already - shouldn't we head back and tell them that there's only hill country for a day in this direction?" Ranoth simply laughed at Moran's protests. "You have no adventure in your soul, Moran! Don't we wander to explore unknown lands? Tell you what - if there's nothing interesting on the other side, we'll leave." Moran shook her head ruefully. "You'd find a wasteland interesting, Ranoth..." Nevertheless, she kept climbing.

Ranoth bounded up to the top on all fours, straightening up and sniffing the wind as Moran climbed up after him. Her jaw dropped as she looked down. "Sweet Light..." Ranoth gave a barking laugh as Moran stared down at the settlement below them. "And this is why we explore. Come on - we'd better take a look around before we head back to the Jaelathor. After all, we need to know what we're talking about..."

First contact with the Welans - just to let you know, Omnik. I can't really name them before the Jaela know what they are...

Northern Reaches, with several hungry Jaela

"Told you boys that my nose was never wrong..." Sharea whispered at her companions as they looked cautiously down the knoll, using the long grass to mask their colorful silk and leather. A clan of goblin-like creatures were traveling in strange wagons, looking a lot like kobold-made contraptions.

"Well, even this close I can smell the food..." Karz was almost drooling from the smell coming from the clan's wagons. He glanced at his friends. "We go in, take the food, and run back to the clan?" Sharea nodded, as did Nevan and Woryl. Lathan only said, "It might work. More food is always a boon."

Nevan flipped out a small ivory dagger - he'd made it himself while traveling along the coast. "They'll never know what hit them. On the count of five?"

Several moments later, the caravan traveling to the Federated States of Agakaan was assaulted.

First contact with the Gremlins.

...Why must my first contacts always involve outnumbered raids, Greystone? :smalltongue:

2009-01-14, 09:05 PM
Because you are a headstrong Bastard Raz :smallamused: I think your just a Masochist

Bringers of the Company
Riders are sent out the Gates of Karak Dulvorash, they go to bring word of the Mercenaries new HQ and manner of buisness.

[ie anyone who wants to meet me, have a rider encounter you [/spoiler]

2009-01-14, 09:08 PM

So we come now to the nation of Agakaan, a federation of merchant cities bound together by the threat of the Farathic Empire. It would be nice to be able to call it a 'Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy', but that would just being melodramatic. And possibly making a commentary on the Merchants, which is usually unhealthy.

The news of the Alliance between the Ebon Hills and the Veii was not met without some suspicion, and more than a few merchants took some small interest in the proceedings.

It was business as usual, then.

Goblins at the Ebon Hills!

It was scant but a few weeks after the departure of the Shadow Emissaries when a second caravan arrived, this one with a carriage of fine oak and surrounded by a small private guard comprised of goblins. Their armament and uniform gave away their allegiance immediately - they were the private guard of one of the merchant princes of Agakaan.

Not that it was hard to tell - after all, the famed 'Firearms' of Agakaan were only ever fielded in groups of any size by the Merchant Princes themselves.

Marco Polo and Armalen


Where the bandits' leader once stood, there was now only a smouldering pile of ash. The others stared.

"Off with you, or you'll be next!"

The bandits appeared confused for a moment, then fled. Book sighed, and pressed the hand-firearm back into his coat. Wouldn't bandits ever learn? He shook his head, and slapped his mule on the backside to get it moving again.

"Stupid creature." he muttered, in his native goblin, and shivered from the cold. Armalen was just up ahead, and he'd finally made it onto the main road.

He braced himself for the infamous undead of the ranged, and headed up to the ominous gates of Armalen itself.

Godsdamned Dragons.
In one of the settlements near the Realm of the Gods

"Bah, never going to find Zah'Kohl." grumbled Cartwheel, downing another mug of ale. It was rare enough to see Dragorans passing through on their way to the Capital - rarer still so close to the Ritual of the Stars, when everyone who wanted to head to the Capital was already long gone. Stupid border guards.

So much for that big idea. Wonderful metalwork was easy to find - half a dozen of the biggest countries in the world touted their own wares as the 'best in the world'. Starmetal, not so much. And the rite would be the only good time to buy, when there was a good supply before everyone started using it all up.

He sighed, and headed back out of the tavern, looking for the marketplace. Maybe someone could point him in the right direction there.

2009-01-14, 09:12 PM
Goblins at the Ebon Hills!\

A group of tenty warforged pathfinders waylaid the Goblins at the entrance to their realm.

Their leader stepped forard and in a powerful, calm voice said "What is your reason in the Ebon Hills?"

2009-01-14, 09:28 PM
Goblins at the Ebon Hills!

The carriage stopped, and the door swung open, a dwarf wearing a large black cap reminiscent of a tudor bonnet stepped out. He was dressed luxuriously in furs and jewelry - finery coming only from the depths of wealthy pockets.

Definitely a customer.

"What else? Business."


"Bandits!" came the cry, as the Jaelans fell upon the caravan. The gremlin guards moved so their backs were to the caravan and raising the contraptions they had in their hands. Even the driver produced a smaller, but similar looking contraption, from beside him.

They held the devices like crossbows - but clearly, they were not, because they lacked the bows to launch bolts, and instead seemed to have a staff where the bolt should have been.

The guards pointed their curious sticks at the raiders, and squeezed the triggers.

Rays of light erupted from the gemstones at the heads of the devices, rending the flesh and burning bone to ash where they struck, and searing the air where they didn't.

2009-01-14, 09:29 PM
Tekea Island

Roguen has been busily hurrying about, administering to the port cities on the island. "Establish trade agreements with the Welans.. Trade Minister." Roguen insists. "Just do it." Efforts were made to warm up relations with their neighbors on the continent. Meanwhile the Academy was being funded well with the treasury to ensure that they would teach the finest wizards possible.

Training the Dragonborn, the military was researching finer metal alloys, and alchemical ways they could somehow make stronger and more durable armors. At the same time, better weapons and crossbow bolts could be discovered through this. Roguen had his hands full as the arguing in the High Council was growing increasingly agitant.

Just a typical day for Prime Minister.

2009-01-14, 09:37 PM
Goblins at the Ebon Hills!

At the sight of the dwarf, the warforged glanced at each other, then shrugged "We shall lead you to the Manufactorum city of Has'Grav"

The lead warforged stopped "What type of business do you require? All purpose or specified purpose?"

Ebon Hills

A Simalcrum popped his head out of the shadows "Ah yes, the customer" he bowed "Marshal Fiskes aid will see you now"

2009-01-14, 09:43 PM
On the Threshold of Has'Grav

"Why, nothing less than your primary export, my good warforged. I'll be visiting Has'Grav after business is over."

The merchant prince in question clearly wasn't just a customer. He was a customer.

Or, looking to speak about Mercenaries.

2009-01-14, 09:49 PM
On the Threshold of Has'Grav

The warforged nodded and began to move. The trip is relativly short, especially with the expert shortcuts made by the pathfinders.

The city of Has'Grav is very new, very productive, and very dark. Symmetrical buildings line the streets and factories full of workers and smoke filled the city. The warforged wound his way through the streets until the smoke cleared and a small government district was beheld. The warforged stopped "Here is the City Hall"

The building is black with a silver diamond motiff above the door "We will wait outside for you, to lead you back"

2009-01-14, 09:59 PM
Ebon Hills
- Karak Dulvorosh

Kozz'Haad follows the Simulacrum.

2009-01-14, 09:59 PM
On the Threshold of Has'Grav

The dwarf nodded, and headed into the city hall with his personal bodyguard.

"No need to wait. My guards are perfectly capable of protecting my carriage, and there should be no problems getting back without an escort."

The guards moved to block any inquisitive looks into the contents of the carriage as the dwarf vanished into the City Hall.

Inside, the dwarf found his way to a mercenary handler, whereupon the character would actually get a name.

2009-01-14, 10:08 PM
On the Threshold of Has'Grav

"Very well" and the warforged quietly leave.

Inside a freindly Simalcrum receptionist points you to a hallway "Just that way sir"

Inside Governor Julius Vec waits. Julius is a elf, with silver hair pulled back in a ponytail "Ah, I am Govenor Vec, how may I help you?"

2009-01-14, 10:11 PM
Ebon Hills

The envoy is brought to a small chamber with a ebony table. Sitting at the far end is a young female half-elf "Hello, my name is Varya Jalosa, aide to Marshal Fiske"

she nodded "What can we do you for sir?"

2009-01-14, 10:20 PM
Mercenary Business

"Pleased to meet you, Governor. I'm Barak Ironhold, second heir to Ironhold Trading." replied Barak, taking his seat at the table. Julius would probably have been able to tell almost immediately that Barak was here on House business - few didn't know the House of Merchants. Odds were, the Council was in some way in on this too, and even if he lacked official standing, any deal with him would more likely than not pass both the House and Council.

"I've been hearing things about this 'Alliance Package' that you've been offering. Care to elaborate more on what that entails?"

2009-01-14, 10:25 PM

The two mages took careful notes of the constructs that were sitting before them. It wasn't very often that one was able to get a close look to such a strange and foreign creature that was not already pummelled by explosive magic.

Surface Raids South & East

As the sun set beneath the horizon the raiders began to stir. It was the first night of the new raiding season, one of the holiest days of the calender and from the mountain outposts and from the caves in the ground emerged the raider groups.

Led by experienced surfacers, many of the lizardriders took their first tentative steps into the Night Above and the canopy of stars. Weeks before spies tracked out tiny settlements, farms and caravan routes. This land was considered ripe for the raids, they have been ignored for many years by the Veiians and now they would take the brunt of the raids.

Their mission was simple, kill the sleeping surface dwellers by any means necessary, burn their buildings and fields to the ground and if possible raise the corpses of the dead into a false mockery of life to harrass anyone who comes in search of the dead.

OOC: This is directed towards anyone who have tinysettlements close to the southern and eastern borders of the mountains. They aren't going after anything big or defended. Just small towns, farms and caravans.

I think Raz's travelling groups will be out there and I'm not sure who else just yet.

2009-01-14, 10:36 PM

"What are your designations?" one warforged asks curiously.

Mercenary Business

Julius smiled, he liked a straightforward customer "Well, to put things simply, we get the ability to travel unhindered through your territory, and you pay us, and we send you a designated number of mercenaries, depending on how much you pay us"

he shrugs "Payment can be rare material, weapons, gold, jewels, just ratify it with us"

2009-01-14, 10:39 PM

The mage to the left of the warforged gives it a curious look "I am Master Barius."

"And I am Master Fimus." Adds the second.

"And your names are?" asks Barius

2009-01-14, 10:41 PM
"I am Shield" intoned the first.

"And I am Sword" replied the other.

2009-01-14, 10:43 PM

"It is a pleasure. You most certainly are fascinating creatures. Would you be able to tell us anything about your kind? Such as where you come from? What you are capable of?" Asks Fimus, the more inquisitive of the two.

2009-01-14, 10:44 PM
Mercenary Business

"Interesting. Now, and this is just a hypothetical, of course," There was that line. Hypotheticals always meant some form of underhanded and potentially lucrative work. "Suppose someone decided to take out a contract on a country that you had a current alliance package with. Say, a contract to conduct raids on their territory. How would that work out?"

2009-01-14, 10:49 PM
Mercenary Business

"Thats why Alliance package is a misnomer" mused Julius " It simply means we send them mercenaries. If someone wants to attack someone else, well then we='ll do it, and if necessary my men will fight each other"


Sheild is far more talkative "We do not know where we came from, though we are told that Doctor Kessel thought us up. We do not need the same...things that you organics do."

Sword reached out and picked up a stone that had skipped into the carriage. With a quick movement he crushed it with ease "That is what we can do"

2009-01-14, 10:51 PM
Raiding Ti- Oh crud...

When the little goblins started shooting fire, the five Jaela scattered. Ducking out of the way, Lethan and Nevan made it to the wagons - Lethan's grey fur smoldering, Nevan shaking slightly. "Lord of Light, they're nasty." Lethan started ducking around, using the wagon as cover. "We need to get out - food isn't worth being killed."

A scream rent the air, and the two Jaela looked at each other. "Karz!" Nevan leaped on top of a wagon, while Lethan circled around to the back of the goblins.

Meanwhile, Karz was lying on the ground trying to breathe with a burnt chest, and Woryl was clearly dead. Sharea looked up from where she had dived to avoid the fire - up at several of the goblins and their fire sticks. "Uh... hi?" Chuckling nervously, she dropped her spear.

Surface Raids

Jaela move about constantly, and pretty randomly. If one of the raids hit the Jaela, it'd be by sheer luck...

The Reynard Twins

"Hey sis, I can see an outlander. Can I kill him?" Rhysanon shook her head at her brother. "Dojan! Don't hurt strangers, remember?" Dojan simply laughed. "C'mon sis, it'd be fun..." Rhysanon rose from where she'd been cooking their dinner. "We'd better see what he's doing in our lands." She walked out of the small grove they'd camped in and yelled out, "Outlander! This way!"

"And then I kill him?" "Dojan!"

2009-01-14, 10:54 PM
The Reynard Twins

The Shadow messenger's horse reared back, but he kept his calm "Who goes there? Who are thee?"

2009-01-14, 10:57 PM
The Reynard Twins

"I am Rhysanon Jaelareynard, and you are traveling in the wrong direction if you wish to meet Jaela. Come, share our fire, tell us of your errand in this land and we may be able to give you directions."

2009-01-14, 10:59 PM
The Reynard Twins

The man heisitates than steps off, and into full view of the firelight. He wears a black chainshirt and pants, with a red and black crest of the Ebon Hills. He wears a deep red cloak "I am Jason Hus of the Ebon Hills" he says "Envoy and messenger. I am tasked with finding customers for our exploits"

2009-01-14, 11:00 PM

Both watch in awe as the construct crushes the stone. "Obviously you do not need to eat, drink or sleep. This is all very fascinating. Would you mind if we studied you?"

Surface Raids

OOC: They'll target known travelling routes, not sure how the Jaelas travel around though. Up to you if you want to get hit.

2009-01-14, 11:04 PM

"I apologize, that is not within our jurisdiction" apologized Shield.

2009-01-14, 11:05 PM

"Unfortunate. But, we understand."

OOC: Want to accelerate this to the arrival at Veii or do you want to bring anything up during the trip first?

2009-01-14, 11:08 PM
(OOC Accelerate the trip, I just wanted to show that warforged care too)


Korell awoke as they neared the Veii Capital.

2009-01-14, 11:12 PM
The Reynard Twins

"Customers?" Rhysanon looks taken aback. "I'm afraid that the Jaela have very little of value to pay anyone with - what kind of things do you sell?"

Next to the red-furred Rhysanon lounges a black-furred Jaela in a overlarge brown coat, yellow eyes fixed on Jason. "If it's valor you sell, you'll find no lack of it here."

2009-01-14, 11:17 PM
The Reynard Twins

"We sell swords" the envoy said "Men and machines to defend and attack in the name of your nation and people"

He smiled "They are quite valourous"

2009-01-14, 11:20 PM

As the wagon entered into the shadow veil visibility drops to nearly zero even for creatures normally capable of seeing in the most adverse conditions, the inky shadows are have no physical form and can not be batted away even momentarily. With precision from years of practice, the driver twists the wagon through one of the many routes leading to the city, being that they are with foreigners a more confusing set of tunnels is chosen.

After many minutes, the veil ends just abruptly as it begins as they cross over the stone bridge leading into the city. Thousands of magical fires flicker across the landscape projecting light in various colors. Towards the center of the city several towers reach towards and occassionaly reach the ceiling of the immense cavern. The streets are filled with hundreds of Veiians going about their daily business and numerous slaves of lesser races, mainly kobolds and goblins are seen attending to cleaning the streets and running small errands.

Barius leans forward and points towards the largest, most central and most opulent tower "That is the seat of the Council and where you will be residing."

2009-01-14, 11:26 PM

The ambassadors look around in interest. "Take us there"

(I think they can see, since they are constructs perhaps?)

2009-01-14, 11:26 PM
Mercenary Business

Barak smiled. "Ah. Guard duty."

"I don't believe we will have much use for an Alliance Package, in that case. But," Barak leaned forwards. "I think we can do some business."

"Ironhold Trading would like to take out a contract for the Ebon Hills Mercenary Company to raid Veii holdings. Their underground holdings, if possible, but surface outposts are acceptable. We are prepared to pay twenty gold pieces for the head of every Veiian brought in, and a hundred for the head of every Veiian Mage brought in."

Barak is deliberately offering low - he is perfectly prepared to pay more, but he expects Julius to negotiate for higher fees, and possibly a sweeter.

Raiding Time

Nevan and Lethan's antics seemed to work, somewhat, as a couple of guards turned at the jumping Jaelan and began trying to climb up to catch him.

They gibbered in goblin, no doubt shouting something about Nevan. Lethan had managed to escape their notice for the time being, however. Though it was difficult for him to avoid their notice by simply dodging around the wagons, thanks to the distribution of the guards, but it was not too difficult to dive under a wagon with Nevan and Sharea providing distractions for the guards, who were somewhat divided by either not looking in the right direction, trying to catch Nevan, and covering Sharea.

One goblin stepped out of the lead wagon, and looked around, shouting at the guards. Chances were, he was the leader - not hard to tell, with his noticeably fancier clothing.

2009-01-14, 11:32 PM
Mercenary Business

Julius chuckled "I don't think so, 75 for each Veiin abd 450 for each mage"

2009-01-14, 11:35 PM

Driving the wagon onwards the crowds in the street part in respect towards the Magi. Coming quickly upon the gates, they swing open at the last moment and close as soon as the rearguard clears the gateway. Stopping at the giant doors they begin disembarking. "Ambassador, welcome to the City of Shadows. If you will follow me I shall show you to your chambers."

OOC: It is designed to counter creatures that normally have darkvision and would resemble a thick fog in both mediums of sight. Not sure exactly how warforged see, they may have a tiny sight advantage in the fog.

OOC @ Ping: Psst...the name of the city is a secret. To outsiders it is just referred to as the City of Shadows.

2009-01-14, 11:37 PM

Korell steps out, and with the warforged in toe follow the magi to his chambers.

2009-01-14, 11:46 PM

The halls are filled with robe mens rushing to and fro carrying heavy books and scrolls. Side rooms contain all manners of libraries, labs and other centers of research. The occassional patrols of chainmail clad soldiers are seen but they are easilly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of Magi.

The Ambassadors room, rooms to be more precise is a large suite containing a living quarters, office and dining area. Attached rooms have a small kitchen and a servants quarters.

"I hope this is too your liking. If you require anything do not hestitate to ask anyone."

2009-01-14, 11:57 PM
(@LongVin: Well, would you rather be called 'Veii' as a general name, or have it never come up?

I'm basically going with the dwarf knowing that the country he's taking a contract out on is called 'Veii'. He doesn't know specific details, like the city of shadows.

Also, it's easier to just remember 'Veii'*.)

*Actually real reason. Shh. :smallwink:

Mercenary Business

Barak shook his head - not in any mocking way, just the back-and-forth of price haggling.

"Ordinary Veiin aren't worth that much. 40 gold per head. The Mages we will pay 350 per head. The head of an important personality, of course, is open for negotiation when brought in - we will pay no less than a thousand gold pieces for such a person."

"Of course, we would also like to get our hands on any Veiian documents you may acquire, and will pay 200 gold pieces per document and 20 gold pieces per page.""[/COLOR]

Barak leaned back and waited for Julius' response.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-01-15, 12:03 AM
Eastern Reaches

The Jaela came upon a modest village in the heart of a valley. They saw that the villagers were growing rice, even now during the dry season, thanks to an advanced irrigation system. The region wasn't heavily fortified, but a watchtower did sit on a nearby cliff. The Jaela also noticed several standing stones erected all around the settlement.


Kensogan, capital of Kelawen

Masai leant over the balcony and enjoyed the warm breeze, as the sun cast its first beams over Kensogan. At the same time, she could hear the pheonixes flying overhead. This spot was her favourite. From the minaret of the Temple, it was possible to see the whole of the city. Its turquoise, cobalt blue and eggplant colored domes and spires were impressive. The Welans used different techniques of tile decoration. Some mosaic-style panels depicted turtles, winged lions and heroes of legends. In other places, glazed tiles were set into a distinctive pattern of small honeycomb niches. The capital owed its nickname, the "Jewel of the West", to the beauty of its palace, of the national gardens, the Academy and the main temples of the Pantheon. Masai truly loved Kensogan. Unlike some of the other priestesses, however, she had actually left the city to travel the land. She was delighted with what she saw of the countryside: its fields that stretch as far as the eye can see, its lone mountain peaks, its tropical flowers, its jungle shrines decorated with relief panels and impressive statues of martyrs and spirits... not to forget elephants! It was all so different! If only she didn't have all those responsibilities, she would leave again...

Masai sighed and got dressed. As she exited the temple, the Shrinemaiden saw a boy running towards the seat of the Senate. She recognized Newa the messenger.

"- What are the news today Newa?"

The fourteen-year-old boy stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face Masai. He bowed before her and said:

"- Good morning priestess. Merchants from The Harbor are here. They speak of a treaty with the Tekeans."

Nawa, visibly in a hurry, excused himself and continued his run.

The Island of Tekea? So, their people finally wish to discuss a trade agreement... This could prove interesting.

2009-01-15, 06:24 AM
Ebon Hills
- Main Building

Kozz'haad bows and sits. My people wish to negotiate a contract with the mercenary company of the Ebon Hills. We do not need mercenaries, per se, but we wish to ensure that your warriors are never brought against us. We have both money and other potential offerings."

2009-01-15, 07:16 AM
Mercenary Business

Julius gave a sorrowful expression "I cannot settle for less than 55 per head and 380 per mage" he pointed down "They are right underneath our capital after all, so thats hazard pay"

Ebon Hills

Varya raised an eyebrow "Well a contract like that would be a monthly payment, with a chance for other countries to outbid the day before the payment is due"


"Very well" Korell stated, and left to his room.

2009-01-15, 09:48 AM
The Reynard Twins

Rhysanon shakes her head. "We need less war, outlander - not more. Your valorous swords won't be needed here, and only the Kobolds live south of here. My advice, outlander - head back. You're not needed here. Sell your swords to others who need them more."

The second Jaela chuckles. "If we want swords, we can get them from the south. If we don't want swords, who needs them?" The sound of his claws unsheathing was somehow ominous.

Raiding problems

Lethan growled as he saw the finely dressed goblin - but what good would revenge serve? He saw a way out of this problem that might work.

As the leader yelled at his guards, a shadow fell over him, and a furred hand lifted him up by the scruff of his neck. "I think that we have had an unfortunate misunderstanding, yes?" Lethan's half-smile was the grin of a predator.

Meanwhile, Nevan danced away from the guards - the acrobatic young Jaela moving too swiftly for them to accurately fire at him. He laughed at them and taunted them, dancing from wagon to wagon.


Taryn had been following the Jaelathor for several days, and had finally caught up. He slowed his long stride to a tired lope, walking through the tents of the Jaelathor, several of them recognizing the silver streak through his copper hair and greeting him warmly.

Asking several of the clansmen, he finally found who he was looking for - Karia Jaelathor, chieftain of the Jaelathor. As he walked up to the chieftain's large tent, Karia glanced up at Taryn and hurriedly rose. "Honored Lightborn, it honors me greatly to have your presence grace the Jaelathor. Will you accept my hospitality for a time?" Taryn responded to the ritual greeting with the answer, "I would count it as an honor to accept your hospitality, noble chieftain." Karia's face lit up with a grin, and she hugged Taryn enthusiastically. "It's good to see you again, Taryn. I haven't seen you since we met in Cragmoor - and I've only seen one other Lightborn since then. Come in, sit down and I'll fetch you some food." Taryn bowed his head and let Karia lead him into her lush tent, taking the chance to rest his weary body on several cushions.

Karia brought back some spiced meat and wine, with some wild fruit on the side. Karia and Taryn talked for several hours, Karia speaking of the travels of the Jaelathor, Taryn speaking of his duties as a Child of Light and of how the tribes were quiet in the southwest. "I'm going to have to head north, if only to have the chance for some adventure!" Taryn gestured to his blade, Ayaz - a great sword, made to be wielded with two paws and forged of finest kobold steel, decorated with engravings of frost and ice down the blade that hinted at its enchantment. It was the blade of a warrior, and Taryn knew how to wield it well.

Karia chuckled. "You'll find adventure aplenty wherever you go, Taryn - it follows you!" As they laughed together, there was a scuffle outside and a young Jaela burst into the tent. "Chief Karia! We've found som..." His voice trailed off as he saw Taryn. "Oh... my apologies, Lightborn. I'm sorry if I interrupted you - I'll go wait outside..." Taryn held out his paw. "Nonsense. Come and tell the chieftain what you will - we were only chatting about old adventures. If it's important, then tell us right away!" The boy grinned meekly, and continued. "Me and Moran went scouting westward, and we went farther than we should have... we found a settlement, chief! Outlanders, very close!" Taryn looked at him in interest. "An outlander settlement? And you're sure we've never met these outlanders before?" He nodded, and Taryn rose, girding on his great sword. "Then we may as well go and meet them. Karia, if you could head westward on the morn, I'll go with a guide and meet the outlanders." Karia nodded, "Certainly. Ranoth! Go get Darkai and Raithe, tell them that they'll be accompanying a Lightborn to an outlander settlement and meet him on the hill west of here! Go!" Ranoth ran out, and Taryn turned to Karia, taking her paw and kissing it. "Thank you for your hospitality, chieftain. May I taste it again soon." He turned and exited the tent, bushy tail twitching with excitement.

That Night

The five Jaela descended into the valley, silent as shadows. All carried light weaponry - daggers, scimitars, Raithe's shortbow - but no one carried a blade like Ayaz but Taryn.

Ranoth and Moran headed down towards the standing stones and the village, while Raithe and Darkai headed to the watchtower. Taryn simply knelt in the grass and watched, waiting to see what these outlanders were like.

2009-01-15, 09:57 AM
The Reynard Twins

"The strongest deterrent to a fight is a larger more powerful force" the Mercenary said stubbornly "That is a simple fact"

He stretched "Irregardless of your feelings, it is my mandate to meet the leaders of your people"

2009-01-15, 12:39 PM
Ebon Hills
- Main building

Kozz'haad thinks for a second. "Monthly...at what price?"

2009-01-15, 12:44 PM
Ebon Hills

"Well, how much do you have to offer?" she laughed "and what else do you make"

she eyed the ambassedor "We also barter unique items and creatures....are you willing to part with Dragons?"

2009-01-15, 01:10 PM
Ebon Hills

Kozz'haad leans back, his face intent.

"We are willing to offer two hundred a month, and are prepared to bid extra if a buyer attempts to out-bid us. On the matter of Dragons...I assure you you would not find them very useful. We are barely able to train them, and they share a bond of kinship with us. However...we are prepared to loan you some dragons and riders. Five Wyverns or Drakes, three Savage Dragons, or two worms are our offer. Our final offer, on that respect, non-negotiable."

2009-01-15, 01:36 PM
Ebon Hills

"Well, what is the difference between a worm and a Savage?"

2009-01-15, 02:01 PM
Arriving in the cities of Agakaan

Attn: Pingcode

Only a few days apart small caravans arrive in the six cities of Agakaan, the men with the caravans are not typical Veiians. Being experienced surfacers their skin is not as pale and they are used to sunlight. Nor do they dress as Veiians.

Operating undercover and posing as traders from faraway surface lands they begin questioning goblin and gremlin traders and gunsmiths inquiring about the purchase of the legendary firearms produced in the cities.

They are willing to trade coin(once again from various surface realms) as well as stone and metal crafts in exchange for the weapons. They will try to purchase as many of the powerful weapons as possible without arousing too much suspicion.

2009-01-15, 04:02 PM
Ebon Hills
-Main Building

Kozz'haad quirks an eyebrow at the uninformed aide.

"I'm surprised you don't know, but fine. I'll run through the various dragonkind types. Wyverns are primarily land based, and capable of breathing lightning. Drakes are excellent in the air, and can breathe ice. Savage Dragons are basically the dragons of myth, and breath fire. Finally, wurms are titanic beasts, and burrowers to boot, able to burrow through the ground."

2009-01-15, 04:10 PM
Rivan Theocracy

"-An other one. 700 wounded and, from what we heard, about half that number of deads."
"-From what you heard ? Haven't your brothers counted the bodies ?"
"-We...that's... we didn't find any, Cardinal."

The village was in ruins, the templars of the Shield having only just finished to put the fire out. Whoever did that, they weren't goblins, that Monreskieu was sure of. None of these savage creatures could have coordinated such an assault without being detected by the templars. The alarm hadn't even been struck this night...

"-They can't be far away from here. I'm talking about the pillagers, of course. As for the bodies, keep searching. Tell the men not to venture away from the village alone."
The Cardinal spoke his instructions like wise advises but the Archdeacon wasn't fooled : those were orders. Monreskieu didn't know the identity of the pillagers but all of this looked very familiar for him.

Ten years already. But he would remember that day all his life. The deserted village, with clear evidences of battle but no corpse. Not even one. Then suddenly, as he and the rest of his squad had reached the center of the village, THEY had burst from every houses : undeads. Mindless creatures who weren't even a challenge for him and his brothers but the fact that many of them were women and children had sent a cold chill down his spine, as well as a huge blow to his honor. It was only after the "children" had killed two templars and a few soldiers than he had waved away any doubt.

Was the same happening here, right now ? No, the village had been cleared and there were survivors. But none of them had seen the attackers.

"-Archdeacon Thomas, you are to secure the perimeter. Nobody get out of this village before tomorrow morning. I want a platoon ready to leave by dawn with the survivors and their belongings. We'll ask deacon Gregory if his folk can offer shelter and food to this poor souls."

"-And about the pillagers ?"
"-As soon as the civilians are safe, we will go after them."
Or after what they left behind... With a sad mood, Monreskieu looked around before walking to the local temple.

Surface Raids South & East

As the sun set beneath the horizon the raiders began to stir......

OOC: This is directed towards anyone who have tinysettlements close to the southern and eastern borders of the mountains. They aren't going after anything big or defended. Just small towns, farms and caravans.

The way I read it, the Veils have many raiding parties. I assumed that, as the Rivan Theocracy is set primary in a mountain area, the two nations will clash soon or later. So, the sooner the better, right ? :smallwink:

2009-01-15, 04:11 PM
Ebon Hills

"Is it possible to take one wurm and two Dragons? If not I suppose I shall have to choose the two wurms." She grinned, showing off disturblingly pointed canines "They can see see something from the sky, but thinking that something could be directly under ones feet....that is a soldiers nightmare"

2009-01-15, 04:19 PM
That With No Role flitted across the world, its powerful wings carrying it across rivers and mountains. It rested intermittently, envious of the birds which wheeled overhead and could travel with barely a stroke of its wings, and on one such occasion fell asleep entirely, no sense of cover or position considered.

OOC: Just an attempted way to get Those in the Clouds into this fantastically deep story.

2009-01-15, 05:58 PM
Ebon Hills
- Main Building

Kozz'haad shakes his head.

"No. We will not permit such a thing. You may have one Savage Dragon and one Wurm, or two Wurms. Take your pick."

2009-01-15, 06:01 PM
Th Ebon Hills
The Dhamphire paused, thinking then "Fine, we shall take one of each" she smiled her pointed smile "Perhaps we will divine a way to create them ourselves"

She pulls out a contract and jots down the changes. Then she signs it.

she offers the paper and pen to Kozz.

2009-01-15, 06:53 PM
Ebon Hills
- Main Building

Kozz'haad, taking the contract, reads it carefully for fine print or unacceptable conditions, nods, and then signs it. He withdraws a small circle of glass from his shirt, and runs it over the parchment.

"There. The contract has been said to King Zar. Your dragons should be here within a week. Additionally, with your permission I will be staying here in case of a bidding war to ensure our contract, as well as for the case of a contract renegotiation, should it come up."

2009-01-15, 07:34 PM
Mercenary Business

"45 for the Veii. To sweeten the deal, let me bring something else to the table:"

Barak snapped his fingers, and his bodyguard produced a polished wooden case, which he laid on the table. Barak snapped open the locks, and opened it to reveal its padded interior to Julius.

Inside, was a single hand-firearm, inlaid with gold trim and set with a ruby at its tip. Along with it was a small case filled with small rubies - maybe thirty or forty of them in all.

"We can put you on the preferred buyers list for Ironhold Trading's hand-firearms, and sell ammunition for any weapons you might acquire."

He slid the case across the table.

"This first one, of course, will be free."

Trivia Time:
On Firearms:

Agakaan's famed firearms are as deadly as they are expensive. The great merchant houses all produce their own firearms, but have also realised the immense value an exclusive good is. As a result, by agreement, firearms are sold at a tremendously inflated price compared to their cost of manufacture.

For the most part, the workshops of the great merchant houses produce only hand-firearms in any saleable quantities, owing to a Council restriction on the sale of full-size firearms. While it is possible for firearms to be produced that do not require ammunition, the process is somewhat more expensive, and is available only by private commission.

The most popular form of firearm is comparable to a more deadly wand of scorching ray, although it is cheaper to fire than a wand.

A combination of these factors has meant that few militaries can afford firearms for all but their best officers, as a single hand-firearm could equip thirty to fifty men.

Raiding Problems

Small-Ear had a distinct sensation of being raised into the air, and waved his short arms and legs pathetically.

"Yes, yes, I think we have!"

Meanwhile, more guards were climbing onto the wagons to try and corner Nevan.

Veii goes shopping!

The Veii got few looks of suspicion as they bought the weapons, though each caravan found it difficult to buy more than a few each.

This was due to a number of important factors:

(1) - The Hand-Firearms available for sale were extremely expensive to begin with.
(2) - Owing to their 'questioning foreigner' act, many of the goblins were cheating them at every turn. (You're still pretty sure there's no such thing as a 'Buying Firearms Without Wearing Goggles' tax.)
(3) - Apparently, the good stuff was made on commission.
(4) - Buying the more common goblin-sized weapons would have been suspicious.

In the end, they ended up with about 16 hand-firearms, about 500 tiny rubies, and empty pockets. Oh, and a nice ping-pong paddle.

A test firing showed them all to be one hundred percent the real thing, though, and they were pretty nicely made.

Of course, the 'empty pockets' part is dependant on how much they actually brought.

But, like I said, they're pretty damn expensive without the right contacts.


Cartwheel sighed, and left the marketplace, none the wiser. There was really only one place left to go - for the city hall, to seek an audience with the Dragoran King.

2009-01-15, 08:40 PM
I'd just like to point out, the location of the capital city is a well guarded secret, and only the most trustworthy and proven non-dragorans are allowed to know its location. Also, that's where the Dragoran King lives. So...yeah.

2009-01-15, 08:54 PM
Which explains precisely why Cartwheel has utterly failed to find it.

In his last post, he was still blundering about in a city near the outskirts of the mountains, trying to convince someone to take him there.

He's still trying.

The idea being that eventually he finds someone with enough authority to give him access to things available there.

(He would have met with the king, who was ready to receive visitors, if the capital was not so damn secret.)

2009-01-15, 09:35 PM
Ebon Hills
The Damphire nodded "Very well" she rolled the contract and gave it to a warforged that had gone unnoticed, being as still as a statue "Argos will take you to your room"

Mercenary Business

Julius peered in the box and carefully lifted it out, examining it. "What exactly is it meant to be a preferred buyer" Julius glances up " Does that mean we get it for less, or that we get first pick"

2009-01-15, 09:57 PM
Jeial, City 1, Underground

The sleep cycle of the Duergar still matched the length of the day. The concept of "day" however had long ago passed out of there language. Now it was back, thanks to the goblins whose magic and technology had finally allowed them to assimilate the other tribes and conquer the wilderness. He himself had been born of a peace union between the races with, obviously, the help of the Grund's "unique" magic, that of combining traits from one separate living things into one. Scouts had reported strange activity near the city of shadows and he had dispatched a team to investigate. They knew of the Veii but did not really Know the Veii. Mean while a mining expedition had found something most unusual in the far reaches. An abandon mining shaft, but not one of theres, stranger still was that the shaft came from the "surface" a word that until a century and a half ago had been alien to the Grund. A team composed of goblins had been sent to investigate. Well, not entirely of goblins, a single Grundish scientist had been sent with them . Dark only knew what they would find .

I have to log off for the night. the mine shaft comes from Armalen in case you wondered

2009-01-15, 11:14 PM
Raiding Problems

The creature holding Small-Ear turned him and gave him a grin. That is to say, his lips were curled back and his fangs were showing. The creature was vaguely human, but had grey fur and long lupine ears, not to mention bestial eyes and long claws.

"Now, you are the leader, yes? Now, as leader to leader, I think we can discuss things. One of my friends is dead, and the other is close. I'm angry, but willing to trade."

Meanwhile, Nevan continued to lead them on a merry chase, but he was ready to dive into a wagon if necessary...

The Reynard Twins

The two Jaela exchange glances, before the male breaks into hysterical laughter. "The leaders of the Jaela? The leaders?"

Rhysanon looks a bit embarrassed, but she tries to explain. "The Jaela Tribes have one leader, and many leaders. It would take you months to speak with all the chieftains, but..." She looks a bit uncomfortable. "Must you speak with our leader, or with one of her trusted servants? As strange as it may seem, my brother and I may speak with the authority of the Talin Gythaint. It may take her over a week to find you if you must speak with her..."

2009-01-15, 11:15 PM
Mercenary Business

"As I'm sure you're aware, the knowhow to build firearms is a well-kept secret of the gremlins, and as a result, firearms sized for people as large as you and me are harder to make - that's why most of our guards and soldiers are goblins and gremlins."

"As a result, we don't produce a lot of weapons that are big enough for anyone but goblins to use. As a preferred buyer, we will establish an office here where you and your troops can place orders for hand-firearms and ammunition, which we will build and ship to you at a discount."

Normally, it would be impossible to even place orders for human-sized firearms with an Agakaan Merchant House - it just wasn't worth turning workshops over.

2009-01-15, 11:21 PM
Veii goes shopping

The Veiians were alittle disappointed with their purchases having hoped to get larger numbers of the weapons. They expected the goblins to try to cheat but not that much, filthy creatures.

Departing the cities they returned the way they came back to the mountains. The weapons would be studied by the wizards to see what made them tick and how they could be countered. Goblins did not deserve such toys. In the meantime, spies would be distributed to the Goblin cities to learn as much as they can about the making of the weapons and this Goblin "government"



OOC: Excellent. Let's get the ball rolling

IC: The raiding party held their bloody swords up high upon their return to the outpost. They had struck first blood amongst all the groups for this season, it was one of the greatest honors that could be imparted upon a Veiian. It was already a good start to this year's activity, like most surface humans they rarely took to heart the lessons of their ancestors and still ventured forth to the mountains unprotected. Now they were reaping the price of their ignorance to history.

Nightly parties will continue to ride out and bring death to the human lands over the coming weeks. It will be like it always has been, those who survive will lose heart and retreat back to the cities in which they came and within a few years time their foolishness will bring them back to the mountain's edge in search of riches.

Watching the Watchers


Few things passed the notice of the Wizards of Veii and curious parties poking around the tunnels leading to the city was not one of them. The strange Dwarf-like creatures known as the "Grund" have been proving to be a little too curious and reports have surfaced they have been delving closer and closer to Veii and its outlying holdings.

With the reports of these creatures getting closer, a patrol is tasked with following them at a safe distance. They are ordered not to make contact unless the Grund are foolish enough to attempt to enter a Veiian outpost or worse pierce into the shadow veil and try to find Veii itself.

2009-01-15, 11:54 PM

"Fine, fine. What is it that you want?"

Small-Ear stopped struggling, and sighed, snapping his fingers and gesturing at the surrendered Jaelan, saying something in machinegun goblin.

The guards yelled at her in goblin, and made motions for her to stand, and was brought over to the one who had their boss. As they made their way over, one or two of the guards began aiming at the one which had their boss.

Veii and Firearms

The Veiian Wizards would be occupied for years by the question of the Goblin Firearms. The best their examinations could discover was that:

1. One of the rubies is put into the firearm.
2. When the trigger is pulled, the ruby is converted somehow into magical energy.
3. The device somehow converts this into a deadly ray with a series of gemstones, culminating in the one in the front.

They also discovered that it almost completely obsoletes the use of armour - it simply burns right through, no matter how powerfully enchanted the armour is.

On a temporary basis, dispelling magics would work to render the weapon useless for a few seconds, but on the whole such a solution was about as helpful as knowing that using dispelling magics on a magic sword would render them useless for a few seconds.

The Spies, on the other hand, were able to find out some interesting information - nothing particularly useful, however.

Agakaan is ruled by a council comprised of representatives from each city making up the Federation, along with representatives from various 'Tribes'. The councillors meet once a month to discuss issues in the federation, and vote on various binding resolutions that affect the entire Federation. However, outside of council rulings, the city states and tribes are highly autonomous, and maintain their own armies.

The goblin police force is highly disciplined and efficient, and crime within the cities is difficult - especially in the merchant's districts. The goblins appear to realise how important their firearms are to their status as a world power, and their manufacturing facilities are tightly secured - moreso than even the banks. As a result, attempts to penetrate the workshops have so far been entirely unsuccessful.

The last tidbit of information is a certain goblin by the name of Stripe, who appears to carry a lot of regard in Agakaan.

After all, having firearms and being able to field them is part of Agakaan's outstanding advantage! It's not going to be at all easy to try and level the playing field on that point.

2009-01-16, 08:35 AM
Reynard Twins

The Envoy smirked "I have been traveling for two weeks already, whats a couple more"

he drew himself high "I am doing a very important job for the Ebon Hills"

Mercenary Business
"mmm, Very well you have a contract" Julius said pulling out a sheet of paper. It was honestly more of a prefabricated form, and he filled in the necessary parts.

After several minutes, he leaned back, satisfied and signed it.

2009-01-16, 10:49 AM
Rivanian Theocracy

The raids :
With the increasing number of raided villages, the Clergy had to take actions. The Councils of the attacked provinces call for archdeacons of the Dove Order to help the few survivors, joining their forces with those of local hospitals while the archdeacons of the Shield, following Monreskieu's "advises", established a watchful network of patrols on the roads.

Healers come from all across Rivan to help.
Templars establish patrols and watches.

The local deacons built up their garrisons with volunteers, usually young peasants eager to serve. Untrained troops wouldn't help much but their sheer number might restrict raids to the less populated areas. A system of "draft and drill" was put in motion, with experimented soldiers training whole platoons of recruits to use the spears and the crossbows, not learning to fight as warriors but rather to battle as a unit.

Military & warfare +41
Redshirt army, probably effective in open battle but not for skirmishes.
Spearmen fight in squares, flanked by small squadrons of crossbowmen, much like the New Model Army of England did with the pikes and muskets.
Templars are used as cavalry or heavy infantry.
!! The whole system is not functional yet!! (Must wait to reach 100)

The path of war :
The rest of the Theocracy was largely unaffected by this crisis, though the cities received large demands for crossbows. As it was impossible to produce the usual finely crafted crossbow in such quantity and in such a short time, many workshops began to craft blunt, shapeless, purely functional ones. It was up to their users to carve whatever ornaments they wanted. Efforts were made to standardize the future production.

Economy & Art +31
The small weapon workshops are enlarged while the wood crafting and metal smiting capacity as well. Quality, however, remains the same. Several minor changes as well for peasants, builders and healers but nothing like a breakthrough

Faith must spread
In the capital city of Rivan, where life went on as usual, the Crown Council, always willing to expand its influence abroad, decided to sent 3 missionary expeditions to convert the unfaithful. These expeditions are mainly made of adepts from the Orders of the Owl and of the Cloud , though a few nuns from the Dove and templars from the Shield were sent along to show all the gifts Theocracy could offer.

1 expedition to Agakaan, led by a Cardinal (former adept of the Owl)
1 expedition to the Ebony Hills, led by a Cardinal (former adept of the Cloud)
1 expedition to Kelawen, led by a Cardinal (former adept of the Owl)
About 50 adepts each. Diplomatic goals but won't hesitate to both help the population but also try to convert it.

The Owl Order sent two of his most learned archdeacons. In the Order's laboratories, many researches were slowly progressing. The subject of such researches were various, from basic physics to biological fertilizers, through safer construction techniques and new substances to add to the Dove Order's pharmacy. Grey magic was progressing also, as the "Blank Slate" project went on. It was still nothing more than stranges iron sticks with a glass bubble at the top but one shouldn't expect blinding light from anti-magic adepts...

At the Shield Order's request, a new crossbow design is under development and will allow for mass-production, easy maintenance and use while retaining overall range, power and accuracy of traditional heavy crossbow.

Alchemy & Science +37
Various little projects who'll support the daily life of Rivanians.
Crossbow design is both Warfare and Science I guess.
Magic & Mysticism +37
"Blank Slate" project + many individual projects from White and Grey mages.

2009-01-16, 12:57 PM
[Wow you guys are moving fast. Updating by making big posts.Anyone I miss/forget just bug me that I missed/ignored your post in relation to Armalen. Tues-Thurs will be my slow days usually, so expect slow replies during those days:P]

The Dread Keep(Armalen City)

The Baron gave a soft sigh at the question,and waited a moment to sip gently from his cup of steaming Kaleya, then set the expensive cup down on its saucer with a soft chink.

"Tell me colonel, how many non-Armalens have you seen since you arrived?"He asked simply, allowing her a moment to scan back through her memories.

"I'd be surprised if you could remember more than a dozen, not counting your own soldiers of course."He said amiably.

"You see Colonel, it is not just that you and your soldiers taking the Ebon Hills as your own that excited the populace you saw outside, it is the fact that you are here at all." He leaned forward and ran a hand across the top of the skeletal hound's skull.

"Armalen is...considered a bleak,terrible place by many people on this world. Many consider us evil, blasphemous, for the way we live. Tell me Colonel, Jeorge. Is it wrong to save someone's life?To make injuries easier to live with, to prevent suffering?"He looked down at the dog,then smiled at the pair with a slow, handsome smile.

"We here in Armalen are..misunderstood. People fear Death, yet we openly flaunt it. This leads to..diplomatic complications."

He looked at Aliiza with warm brown eyes."You see, you are the largest amount of foreigners to visit Armalen in the last three hundred and sixteen years, and with your arrival brings all sorts of opportunities. Your soldiers will spend their wages on what our merchants sell, our merchants will get to view your own works of art and trade goods, our people will meet and speak to one another,even if it is only of war strategies and the like. We are a nation starved of attention Aliiza, and those we reach out too have only attacked us in the past."

He shook his head and sighed."We are not at War Colonel, but we believe we shall soon be in one,if only for our beliefs."

Behind him the doors opened, and a messenger stepped smoothly over to the Baron,leaning down and whispering in his ear softly."Ah,it seems the Queen is free from her Council meeting. Would you care to meet her now?Or would you prefer to rest and speak with her at the Open Court tomorrow?"

And the dog at his feet wagged its skeletal tail, eyeless skull regarding them with a puppy's quizzical tilt of the head

A gremlin's welcome

The Gates of Armalen had long since closed behind the Ebon hills mercenaries that had arrived by the time Book's mule had decided it was hungry and cold enough to want to get into the City, and soon the rather cold gremlin found himself under the shadow of Armalen City's Monolithic gates. A cry came form the wall, and a pair of helmeted heads peered down at book. There was a scraping sound, and a much smaller door set into the Gate itself opened outward, an older man stepping out. Book would not be able to help but notice his elft arm was naught but bone, though it looked less menacing than perfunctory grasping a clipboard.

"Greetings Traveller, I am Gatekeeper Talm. Business in Armalen?"He said with a calm smile. Odd that, that the Gatekeeper of the city would meet him himself, and not an underling, but so far mindless undead had not attacked him, the Gatekeeper(who was waiting expectantly, a pair of spectacles Book's own Grandpappy might have work perched on his nose) watching him with a quill in his free hand. Through the door Book could see two interested looking soldiers,though ti was hard to tell the one of the left, seeing as how his entire head was merely a human skull turned in his direction!


border town Of Salek

The town of Salek was a tiny Armalen settlement, just large enough to warrant a wall of sharpened tree-trunks, and the small families huddled together in the Cold night of Armalen's hills. It was also just alrge enough to warrant a full Necromancer, though nto a very good one. Just enough for the rare emergency or injury.

Jon Salek, being long Dead the last twenty years, had no need to be asleep anymore. His grandfather had founded Salek, hence his name, and though his son now carried the title of heir, himself and three others(one recently dead, Tom,w as a skeleton, and the other, Joanna, possessing skeletal legs and a dour temperament) watched over the tiny flocks of large, robust sheep-like animals the Armalen's raised for their durable winter coats, as well as a delicacy for Armalen nobility.

Jon sighed and leaned into his shepherd's crook, a stout length of knobbly wood as tall as he was, and so old it was as stiff as a stone. beside him was a massive sheep-Dog, dead after a mountain cat had opened the poor young pup's throat.

Amid the flock were the other two, and for further protection against predators were Rams the size of small Bulls, the oldest, most sullen creatures Jon had ever known. his grandfather had had them raised,and they guarded their flocks with Undying vigilance.

He whistled between his lips, and the dog perked up, giving a yawn despite no longer having to breathe.

"Easy Boy, just another slow night is all"He assured the dog, and titled his head as the dog pulled itself to its feet, lank, long dead hackles flufffing out as it growled, turning towards the gates.

He started to quiet the Dog when the broad wooden gate was blasted thirty feet back, plowing into a nearby Barn. His only stunned thought was 'least the Sheep are out in the pasture tonight, Before action set in.

The Veii raiders were strong and powerful, and they rode on their large War-lizards, and thought themselves young and invincible.

And when they reached the first homes of sleeping Armalens they confirmed this,as screams and fire erupted.

Jon Salek moved across the grass with a steady gait that needed neither breath nor muscles to power it, his Dog at his heels as Joanna and Tom followed close behind.

"Get as many people as you can to the Old Mine!I'll hold them off!"He said grimly, and he only shouted for joy as he watched his own son come out the front door of their farmhouse, bustling his younger sister out. The shout died on his lips as a blade appeared in his chest, a Veii stepping out and raising his arm to fell his daughter even as his son fell.

The Veii never got the chance as a bolt of black energy felled him on the spot.

The Town Necromancer, Orick, got to the stop just as Jon did, and Soon Jon's Son was up again, the Necromancers of Armalen were skilled Healers indeed, for it took a knowledge of Life to cheat Death.

He sent Orick with his children towards the mine, and his shepherd's crook cracked the skull of a passing Veii soldier, pausing in horror as the still bleeding corpse of a fellow farmer lurched out the door,stumbling at him with grasping, hungry hands. He crushed int eh skull with a choked sob, and spun as he heard chanting. Behind him stood a Veii wizard, who grinned as he spoke the last word of a spell,and black energy blasted into Jon, designed to strike him dead on the spot...

And Jon grinned at him a savage grin, as his Dog ripped the Wizard's throat out, for a spell that caused death had no effect on one who was already dead!

"Hear me!I am Jon of Salek! My Bones shall be buried here when I am through and done!"He yelled in challenge, feeling Joana and Tom move to flank him as the Raiders turned towards them. He would by the survivors time to get to the Mine tunnel, before the Raiders would catch them


In the Pastures hugging the town walls some Raiders had decided to kill the Uplanders livestock for their own dinners.

Of course,when the first undead ram shattered a War Lizards back, and then trampled its rider, they'd probably be more wary, the old Ram grizzled and short-coated, horns crooked with age and skins allow in Undeath, yet it snorted as if it were an adolescent and brayed a challenge.

Among the Raider's feet swift, small forms dashed and darted, and throats and the backs of knees were torn out, for Armalen Pack Dogs were half wild, of rangy stock, half-feral but for the food and companionship the outlying Farmers would give them.

Still, it would not stop The Raiders in the long run.

Abandoned Mine Shaft

Old Padley, an ancient, grizzled dwarf, was the only non-human in Salek, and currently he was leading close to a dozen of the town's surviving population, only one out of every ten. Children clugn to those that held them, and Orick stood at the back, three newly dead Menfolk guarding them should the raiders charge down the old mine tunnel,half hidden by scrub and debris.

Padley stopped and the procession came to a halt, chidren sobbing quietly."Who goes there!"The old dwarf said,his eyes milky with age, though his breath still spoke with authority. A massive Pick-axe was held at the ready, a rusted,ancient artifact to the first days him and Old Salek had first found the small deposit of gold that had funded the tiny town.



Outlying lands of Armalen

"Ah, and now what are you?"The Man sitting near where That With No Role had decided to rest was wholly unsuspected, for the Man had not made any noise,nor moved once while he examined the strange creature before him.

Of course, Mikael Von'Armalen had little need to make noise nor move unless it pleased Him.

"What a remarkable pair of wings you have"He remarked as he slowly stood with the creaking of ancient joints.

Mikael had once been a King,and it showed in his regal bearing, a dilapidated circlet of bleached Ivory from some foreign country resting upon his brow, and black leathers and the thick, soft Winter Fabric his country preferred only broken by the white hand delicately embroidered on to his back, splayed across his shoulders.

He regarded That With No Role as if he were a That Which May Rule, his only weapons a tout,thick dagger belted at his waist and the mind of a tactical genius centuries ahead of his time, and still a few to go before he became obsolete!

(Haha, crazy old Man-King. WOo.Also,hooray for large posts)

2009-01-16, 03:46 PM

One more quick question about the firearms: If someone gets killed with one, is it noticable that a goblin firearm did it? Or does it just look like anyone else who was blasted with red magic?

Raids against the theocracy


As the Rivanian patrols begin to step up in their lands, the raids start to slow down as the Veiians begin to choose their targets more carefully, only going after the most remote of settlements and the least defended of the caravans that are passing through the lands.

Border town Salek


The Veiians weren't used to having resistance on their raids and it was proving to be quite an annoyance and nor were what they fighting entirely human. It was proving to be quite troublesome.

In the fields, the deaths of a few sheep weren't worth the harrassing attacks from the blasted dogs these demon people kept in the fields. Grouping together in a circle the riders usiing their lances and swords and the lizards snapping mawsto keep the filthy dogs at bay, stopping only to collect their few wounded and dead. While retreat itself was not dishonorable, leaving a fellow Veiian alive or dead on the field of battle(espicially on the surface) was the greatest of crimes.

Town center

Arrayed before Salek and his two companions were 5 of the lizard riders. Four carried the wicked lances favored by the Veiians and the the one in the center wore the black and purple robes of a Master of the art, the leader of this raid.

The flickering of the nearby fires cast illumination revealing the faint smile. "So be it. Kill them!"

The 4 riders pulls forth from their saddles tiny crosbows and let the tiny pricking bolts fly. From the center came the chanting of the wizard, his arm drawing back and then thrusting forward as he released a long stream of magical fire, let these foul creatures burn for daring to resist the power of Veii.

2009-01-16, 04:21 PM
Outlying lands of Armalen

That With No Role is referenced so because it was... unusual for its race; it was disjointed, did not long to stay with the hive, and left for joy, to discover... hence, when it wakes and finds a strange, flabby, pink thing, its antennae twitch furiously.

It takes a breath and remember That of the Mammals. "Hell. Hello. You have here... That With... Nothing... Never... No! That With No Role."

It twitches his wings, tinted red to match the red rings on its yellow body. "The... wings of... this exist unimpressively. Sleep take this when the wings take this further than a few hives."

"How are you distinguished?"

Hurrah! A thread!

2009-01-16, 05:39 PM
Mercenary Business

"Pleasure doing business with you. We'll have our office set up within the next few weeks."

Barak read over the contract carefully one more time, then signed it and dated it.

"I assume, of course, that you preserve the confidentiality of your contractees?"

A Gremlin's Welcome

"Trade!" called back Book, gesturing to his laden mule. "I bring a cargo of cloths and spices from Agakaan!"

On Firearms

Not all Gremlin Firearms are made equal - though the human-sized ones that the Veii managed to acquire are, for the most part, similar in design.

The scorch marks of somebody killed by such firearms are quite distinctive; holes burnt straight through their bodies, burning flesh, steel and bone alike to ash where it passes.

Not that this isn't replicable with Red Magic, of course.

2009-01-16, 05:53 PM
Armalen town of Salek

The three undead stood their ground grimly as the riders approached, committing to memory the way they spoke,and the way they dressed and acted, for someone would need warning of this should one of them escape.

He glanced sidelong at Tom and Joanna, and nodded subtly. This was goodbye, they all three knew. None of them were soldiers, though all three had fought the occasional bandits. These ones were much more prepared, and this mage looked like less of a fool then his predecessor.

When the crossbows twanged as they fired Tom moved to the fore, his body jerking as the quarrels bit deep into his stout peasant frame. It was the recoil from the close-ranged crossbow bolts that made him slow for a fraction of a second, and as Joanna and Jon dived to the side he was enveloped in a flash of magic fire.

And even still he stumbled, and his burning hands clutched one of the rider's mounts blindly,making it hiss and thrash wildly before the necrotic energies powering his body dissipated, puffing away as the fire cracked his bones he crumbled away.

With a cry of sorrow and anger Joanna was in the midst of the riders, the Veii Lances impaling her from all sides, yet she ignored them, reaching out to clutch a hand around the wizard's throat, her hands cold and icy as they squeezed, cutting off the life-giving oxygen the underground Raider required to live.

A low growl came from the riders and a War Lizard tottered and slumped, scaley throat gutted as Jon's sheep dog danced amid the thick feet of their mounts, even as the dog's Master himself tackled another rider off his mount, a Heavy rock smashing in his skull. He spun as Joanna turned to look at him,mouthing 'run' and giving him a broken smile. He felt his heartbreak as he watched the lances plunged into her again and again, yet she started to laugh, the echo of it chasing Jon as he fled, using backways and hidden paths to the old Mine Tunnel...


Armalen Countryside

The being in front of it was not exactly flabby and pink, being more of a grey, pale hue, just a tad lighter than the drooping hair that still grew lush around his head.

Mikael tilted his head and regarded the strange creature before him with a slow, benign smile of slight confusion.

"I have...Oh. Is that your name?What a peculiar designation."He said with a crooked chuckle.

"Perhaps I should call you That?Forgive an elder, but i don't think using a sentence would be expedient."The older, and of course Very Dead former Monarch merely shook his head.

"Nonsense! If I had to lift my own body weight as if I were some bird in the air I would get tired after some time myself!" He remarked easily, and his tone conveyed that That discussion was over. That with no Role had quite beautiful wings,and that was that.

"I am Mikael Von'Armalen, former King of the Undying nation of Armalen, and now just an old bag of bones"He said with a chuckle, though not one of his personal advisers, or even his descendants, would say he was just a bag of bones!

Armalen Gates

"Ah, wonderful. I am afraid you will be under guard through the gates, and we will have to search your goods.My Men will be polite and you may oversee the procedure of course"The Gatekeeper said apologetically as Book and his mule was ushered through the smaller, foot-traffic gate the Gatekeeper had exited from at his arrival.

The two guards were cheerful, and carefully marked down what he carried on scrolls taped to flat boards of slate...

2009-01-16, 06:49 PM
Abandon Mine
Kela had a problem. although the trip so far had been uneventful there was now an event. An elderly grund had appeared suddenly from a side tunnel and begun shouting at them in a strange language. The old man was tall and obviously deformed , his nose and ears too small, his eyes too big, but he was not her main problem. The main problem was the troop of monsters he lead with him. As tall as he or taller they where lank and had the same strange deformities as there leader. they resembled, in fact nothing more than giant goblins. And they where scared crying like frightened children. Perhaps they were. she cleared her through and said in old grundish " we are explorers from the lands below, we mean you no harm"

a note on the above, the grund have shrunk a size category and are considered "small" rather than "medium" also old Grundish is like Dwarvish but with a bad back country accent modern. Grundish is like that but with a few goblin words mixed in.

Being Watched
The orders from City 1 where quite clear to watch and wait for any suspicious activity, and well they had it. They where being watched. "Who watches the watch men " the cried in the common language of those who live in the Dark.

2009-01-16, 06:59 PM
Armalen Countryside

That With No Role looked confused, but decided that, if That was a name more suiting the ground, then it should adopt it.

It took a proper look at the creature as it spoke, taking in its hue. Hasty No Role, seeing all mammals as one.

"King? King... Ruler? A forna... former ruler? Ah! Is the bag a thing given to those who are defeated? Eerie, to carry such around.

"May I ask, what is 'Undying'?"

2009-01-16, 09:52 PM
Bordertown Amlek

The riders rushed to their fallen leader checking him for signs of life, he was alive if just barely. Pulling him onto the back of a waiting lizard, the other wounded and dead are rounded up. The inhabitants of this town fought well to defend it, and there was always a price to for defiance against Veii.

"Light up torches! Burn this place to the ground!" came the order down the line. Torches were ignited and tossed into the fields and buildings. This town would be no more and righteous vengeance would be wrought against anyone who escaped. But now was not the time. The remaining riders carrying their fallen and injured comrades rode back to their mountain outpost to lick their wounds and reorganize. Patience was a virtue, one which the Veiians had in spades.

2009-01-16, 10:24 PM
Mercenary Business

"Ah, that was not in the contract" Julius took the paper and rolled it "But do not worry. We do not sell our contracts for money, is bad for business"

The Dread City

Aliiza and Jeorge had listened intently while he had talked, but when the message came, the two nodded.

"Its up to you Jeorge" she shrugged "Your the diplomat"

The simulacrum paused, then smiled "I would love to see her immediately"

Did you ever continue the talks between Fiske and your former Princess?

2009-01-16, 10:50 PM
Abandon Mine

Being Watched
The orders from City 1 where quite clear to watch and wait for any suspicious activity, and well they had it. They where being watched. "Who watches the watch men " the cried in the common language of those who live in the Dark.

A voice calls back to them in the same language "You trespass into tunnels claimed by the City of Shadows and its shadowlords. State your business."

2009-01-16, 10:56 PM
Meeting with Ambassador Korell

A knock comes at the Ambassador's door. "Ambassador Korell it is Master Barius. You had requested to speak with me?"

2009-01-16, 11:12 PM
A voice calls back to them in the same language "You trespass into tunnels claimed by the City of Shadows and its shadowlords. State your business."

"We have heard of your dealings with the world above" said the team leader " and we where curios as to what they may entail"

2009-01-16, 11:20 PM
Being Watched

"We have many contacts with the surface dwellers through our trade networks. What specifically do you wish to know? Do you wish to establish diplomatic relations with the City of Shadows?" the voice comes back.

2009-01-16, 11:39 PM

"Yes, yes come in" the Simalcrum opened at shut the door behind him. "I have news that can be profitable to both of us"

"Please, have some tea"

2009-01-16, 11:42 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private talk! No peeking!

"Thank you Ambassador." The Magi takes a seat at the table and picks up the cup of tea taking a sip.

2009-01-16, 11:46 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private talk! No peeking!

"Recently we received a contract for the heads of your people" the Simalcrum took a drink "45 for each head, then lots more for a mage...I was wondering whether you had prisoners you don't need anymore"

2009-01-16, 11:53 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private talk! No peeking!

Barius looks up at Korell with a slight look of shock upon his face before returning to his tea. "We may be able to provide you with some prisoners or some other captured peoples we could pass off as Veiians. After all you should be sucesfull in your contract, the Ebon Hills do have a reputation to uphold. Now, would you be able to tell me who purchased said contract?"

2009-01-16, 11:56 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private talk! No peeking!

"Well Technically...no. But I will tell you this. If you give us enough prisoners, and enough proof that some of them were mages, we can get firearms for study" Korell whistled as he dropped the hint "And, of course, we would be willing to share any findings we have..."

2009-01-17, 12:00 AM
Meeting with Korell

Private talk! No peeking!

"I see..." Barius takes another sip of tea. "What proof did your client require to prove they are Magi?"

2009-01-17, 12:12 AM
Meeting with Korell

Private talk! No peeking!

"I have no idea honestly" the Simalcrum said "Is there a tattoo, or symbol, or item common to most Magi?"

2009-01-17, 12:27 AM
Meeting with Korell

Private talk! No peeking!

"Perhaps some extra Magi robes?"

2009-01-17, 01:05 AM
Meeting with Korell

Private talk! No peeking!

"Hmmm....perhaps a magical instrument of some sort, something cheap that would be carried by any level of Magi

2009-01-17, 01:20 AM
Meeting with Korell

Private talk! No peeking!

"An insignia ring should work."

2009-01-17, 03:45 AM
The Troubles with the Lastborns

"Rule," something said, making That Which May Rule jump slightly. It turned from watching the enormous pollination chambers and found That Which is Black and Works With the Spawn.

"How can this help that?" Rule asked, smiling.

"It's about No Role..."

Only two kinds of Those gained such short titles; the most important and the least important. Rule couldn't decide which No Role was.

"It seems to have gone wandering again. It took a few days rations of honey and flowers. This thinks it has gone for good, this time."

"Astonishing. This didn't think it had such bravery in it. It has been some time since one has left the hive without business... Who knows?"

"Only this so far, but many more will. Its leaving can't be secreted."

Rule folded its arms and scratched its fingers along its thorax. "Fine. Tell everything; these gave No Role a role, finally... to explore the world below. Most will think it a pity role but they won't question it."

Black's wings beat heavily, the corresponding buzz almost deafening.

"That does not agree?"

"What if other Spawn decide to follow No Role's path?"

"Not No Role... That Which Takes Leave and Wanders. And this doubts heavily that other Spawn will follow Leave and Wanders' path; it is a Lastborn."

Black went to speak again, but remembered; That Which May Rule was also a Lastborn. The last Spawn of the Week Queen almost always died; whether it was her dying breaths or the wait to escape, they didn't survive long. In fact, That Which May Rule and No... Leave and Wanders were the surviving only Lastborns for centuries.

"Exactly," Rule said. "Can this help further?"

Black shook its head and left, confused. Rule turned back to the pollination chamber and shook its head. It understood the former-No Role better than anything else could; it just wished the damn thing had waited a while longer.

This would complicate plans for the eighth Hive.

2009-01-17, 04:46 AM
Mercenary Business

Baruk pressed his hand on the contract before Julius could pull it away.

"It appears my assumption was wrong - nevertheless, I am sure there will be no problems correcting our misunderstanding."

A careless mistake on his part. Of course, it was equally as careless to point out that confidentiality was not an inclusion in the contract.

"It will just have to be redrawn, unfortunately."

Baruk tore the contract in two.

At the gates of Armalen

Book nodded, and opened up his bags for inspection. For the most part, it was as he declared.

"Everything should be in order."

2009-01-17, 05:38 AM
Faith must spread : Agakaan Federation

Goblins... This miserable creatures were everywhere here and these weren't the savage kind the Rivanian were used to. This puzzled the missionaries, who nonetheless proceeded to spread their message...or at least they tried.

To their call for peace, cooperation and justice, the adepts were "attacked" recklessly by hyperactive merchants, eager to sell their junk to these naive humans from abroad.

"-Peace...Peace !! We do not wish to buy anything, thank you... No, thank you, I have no daughter and if I had any, I doubt she would want to wear this... Oh, for the Faith's fate, I told you, I'm not interested. Yes, we have money but we can't... Oh, you're poor ? I see, what do you need ? Food ? Healing ? Maybe can we try to... What do you mean "just give me da money" ? Dear...hum...sir ? Are you a "he" ? Cause it's difficult for us to tell, you see. Anyway, dear sir, money will not solve your problems as there are things money can't buy and... Why are you laughing at me ?!!"

Ignoring the hapless adepts of the other orders, a monk of the Shield grabbed a nearby goblin and ask him "politely".
"-You !! Do you know who's in charge here ? If you lead me to him, you'll be rewarded."

Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

Was this land...dead or something ? The hills seemed to be made of coal or of some dark ore. the few plants which grew there looked sick in comparison with the West provinces of the Rivanian Theocracy.

Walking across this wasteland, the missionaries of the Owl wondered what could have happened. The Cardinal Virius, an former adept of the Cloud, gestured at the archdeacon of the Shield responsible for their protection.
"-If you suspect something, let me know in advance. Monsters must roam the area and I don't want our brothers to be killed before having show the marvels of the Faith to at least one pagan.

Faith must spread : Kelawen Republic

The expedition had lost its way for nearly a week, thanks to the adepts of the Owl who wanted to "collect some specimens" for their future researches. Said specimens were mainly plants unknown in Rivan's territory. As they were climbing a hill, a impressive sight revealed itself : One large fortress, covered with ornaments and minarets. The most impressive was not so much its appearance than its size, the front wall running for nearly a mile.

"-...We might have things to teach to the people who built this but we also must learn from them a few tricks. Don't you agree, archdeacon Mathias ?"
"-Ya, indeed..."

For future references :
Shield adepts (mainly soldiers)
Cloud adepts (mainly artists)
Owl adepts (mainly scientists)
Dove adepts (mainly healers)

Also, small mistake : each missionary expedition is led by a Cardinal who was a former adept from a Order and has now archdeacons from the other orders to travel with him. The Order the Cardinal belonged to just indicate the primary focus of his expedition.

2009-01-17, 06:20 AM
Spreading of the Faith

Yes, the chaos of the thriving Joharan marketplace was usually difficult to navigate to the uninitiated. Grabbing an unfortunate local and demanding they take you somewhere tended to rate amongst the top ten ways to get where you're going in a hurry - right between 'Start a fight so the police haul you off, then ask' and 'Going through the back-alleys'.

The hapless local whom the monk corralled pointed the missionaries towards the city hall and waited for his payment before storming off in a huff about being taken away from what he was doing.

Inside, a gremlin looked up at the missionaries through tiny glasses - It seemed some things didn't change wherever you went - and perused them momentarily before speaking.

"Can I help you?"

2009-01-17, 08:12 AM
Meeting with Korell

Private talk! No peeking!
Perhaps that will work"

Mercenary Business

Julius smiled sadly as the torn pieces of parchment drifted to the table. Suddenly all the pieces drew back together in a crack of blue flames.

"Unfortunatly, once you make a contract it is binding" Julius shrugged " No matter how much you wish it destroyed, it cannot. The same thing happened to the dwarves in these hills. You cannot escape it"

"When we bring you the heads, you will pay or you will pay with blood, so says the laws of the company"

He looks genuinely apologetic.

Spreading the faith

An arrow springsout and buries itself in the ground at one of the missionaries feet "Halt, who goes there?"

2009-01-17, 09:24 AM
Faith must spread : Agakaan Federation

The Cardinal stepped forward. This cardinal wasn't used to speak to the crowd. The largest group he ever had had to address to was a large class of adepts-in-training for the Order of the Owl. Scientists and clerks for the most part, who didn't expected him to be charismatic. Just to teach them the facts. And that's what he did with the gremlin.

"-Good day, my...child. We are adepts of the True Faith, sent by the Clergy on a quest to bring light in the darkest corners of this world. Your people are...interesting, to say the least, and we desire to know more about them. I've been told by one of your fellow goblins that you are the one in charge of this community. If it is true, then me and my brothers and sisters are ready to assist you in whatever way you may find us useful. The only thing we ask is for you to convert to the True Faith."

Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

As one man, all templars raised their shield and put themselves between the adepts and the hills, forming a wall of iron and flesh to protect those couldn't fight. The soldiers were slower to react but soon, crossbows and spears were ready.

Despite the martial demonstration, the expedition wasn't there to fight and so the Cardinal Virius, an former orator of the Cloud Order, advanced to introduce himself to the invisible archer.

"-I am Virius, adept of the True Faith, sent by the Rivanian Theocracy to spread peace and justice across this forsaken lands !! We believe in a world where no man should have to drew a weapon against his brother and would rather work with him for the Greater Good of both.

Me and my brothers are here to assist you in whatever way you may have a need. I see black rocks and dead plants where green fields could be. I see misery and waste where wealthy cities could stand. But I don't see you, my child, when people should not fear the strangers but rather welcome them warmly, as they must be like brothers and work together as a big family !!

So come now and reveal yourself. No harm will be done as the best weapon of the shepherd is his voice. And I'm convinced that, as skilled as you seems, you won't shot a disarmed band of pilgrims. Or would you ?"

At the Cardinal's signal, every single templar lowered their weapons. Once again, the soldiers, who weren't as faithful as the warrior monks, hesitated before obeying.

2009-01-17, 10:39 AM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

Ebon Hills scouts, mostly flesh and blood, but a couple warforged as well, stand from their positions. Most of them carry long recurve bows, but the warforged heft great crossbows.

"Not unless we have a bounty" laughed the one in charge "But what exactly is your business here, despite spouting rhetoric"

2009-01-17, 11:15 AM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"-As I told you, we are here only to serve those who believe...as well as the others, if it can help them to see the light. But experience taught us that, for our help to be the most efficient, we have to give it to men of power. Men who can really change things. Introduce us to your monarch and he will be more than pleased."

2009-01-17, 11:40 AM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

Some of the men hid their mouths to laugh but the leader remained straight-faced "I doubt it, but I shall take you to the Doctor"

2009-01-17, 12:07 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"-The Doctor it is, then !! You heard him, my children, let's move !!"

As the fifty or so adepts and soldiers began to move, the Shield archdeacon went near Virius to whisper.
"-Cardinal, I've got a bad feeling about this doctor. And these strange statues...that's not natural."
"-Of course, it's not. But we also use magic to ease our daily burden. I find it no less natural than using a tool. The dark arts aren't here, my son. I'm sure we can trust them."

The Cardinal smiled at the scout leader before following him, the rest of the expedition behind him.

"-So, tell me, my son, who is this doctor, exactly ? I've already heard similar titles among other peoples. Is he some kind of healer ? But I must seem rude to you, sorry. What's your name ?"

2009-01-17, 12:14 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"My name is Captain Spears" the Captain remarked " As to the Doctor, I doubt he is what you would call a healer"

One of the warforged coughed polity, urging the Captain on.

"Well, he is the boss, a scientist and the head of the Mercenary Company"

2009-01-17, 01:14 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private Talk! No Peeking!

"Excellent. I will see what I can do. Is that all?"

2009-01-17, 01:32 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private Talk! No Peeking!

"Well, if I could just get a rough estimate of the amount of prisoners you can get, and how many will be Magi" he jotted down some notes "also could we set them up on a surface settlement, one that appears you were trying to colonize the area? We go in, wipe them out, and everyone is happy"

2009-01-17, 01:39 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private Talk! No Peeking!

Barius ponders the questions for a moment, "I believe we will be able to secure somewhere around a hundred bodies for your purposes. As for how many we can make up to look like Magi, that would probably be around a dozen or so. I believe that number would please your client. After all, have they ever even seen one of us? They might as well be chasing after ghosts."

2009-01-17, 01:50 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private Talk! No Peeking!

"Excellent, and about the fake settlement?" he mused "A fake outpost burnt to the ground will add credence to our story" he began to right numbers down-3,690, 4,560....

2009-01-17, 01:54 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private Talk! No Peeking!

"That should not be a problem. I am sure we can find some old abandoned human settlement within the mountains to use."

2009-01-17, 01:58 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private Talk! No Peeking!

Korell shrugged "Works for us, contact me with the location as soon as its ready and we shall have our heads, and soon we can begin that study" he stood "I shall contact Regenisis to gather a battalion"

2009-01-17, 02:04 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private Talk! No Peeking!

Barius stands and bows to the Ambassador "I will speak with the Council immediately and we will begin gathering the bodies. I will be in contact with you again shortly." With a click of his heels he spins around and exits the Ambassador's quarters. There was much work to do.

2009-01-17, 02:22 PM
Meeting with Korell

Private Talk! No Peeking!

Korell sat back with a small smile on his face....his work was done

OOC-Now where do we go from this? Do I just post me going to him with the bodies?

2009-01-17, 02:25 PM
Preparing the bodies


Secret! No peeking but Greystone!

The Council was pleased with their alliance with the Ebon Hills, Lord Titus was particulary smug about it. While expensive it had paid off well in revealing this plot against the City and they would play their enemies for fools. A list was compiled of prisoners that were deemed acceptable for the ruse. In the end it was narrowed down to 30, 30 men and women who had no knowledge on how to pass through the Shadow Veil into Veii. 12 of which would bear the insignia ring of a Mage from varying schools, of course these insignias would be phony so that if another Magic user attempted to divine their origin it would be fruitless as no school existed bearing that symbol. An additional 80 bodies would provided by surface raiders from recently killed humans.

For added security to prevent the communications with the deceased spirits, the souls of these chosen individuals would be sold to infernals to assure that they could not be raised or contacted. Secrecy was paramount in this mission.

On the surface an old mining colony was selected as the site of the "massacre" it had been deserted for years after a Veiian assault against it. It would make an ideal location for the battle to take place. All it needed was some burnt buildings and broken weapons which the Ebon Hills mercenaries could provide.

With the bodies in place all that was needed was for the Mercs to collect them and for the foolish client to pay out the gold owed for their vicious crusade against the City of Shadows.

2009-01-17, 02:38 PM
I'll finish this massacre as soon as Ping can answer my "No contracts are broken clause"

Sorry LongVin...

2009-01-17, 04:05 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"-Mercenary Company ?"
Maybe the archdeacon was right, after all. Now Virius too had a bad feeling. Mercenaries... If there was one despicable, soulless scum in this world, that was well the ones who were living on wars and conflicts. As if to kill was a worthy skill !! Of course, some had to be good at it but only as long as evil and anarchy would inhabit this world. And the Clergy was precisely working to get rid of them.

"-You...are in charge of these lands, right ? You are not just working as mercenaries for the local lord, aren't you ?"
Had Virius not been a former adept of the Cloud, used to speak to the crowds and to hide his own opinions, the mercenaries would have felt a wave of disgust and distrust in the Cardinal's words.

2009-01-17, 04:12 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"Well, sure, this here is the Ebon Hills, now home to the Black Diamond Mercenary Company." the Captain remarked easily. Varius feels something odd at the back of his mind, but then it disappears " Oh, I think you feel a certain distaste for our profession"

He and some of the men made mock signs distress "Well, we aren't all murderors, some of us here just work the land or factories" he shrugged "Or are used to discourage war. Don't judge us by a label, that is unbecoming of a Cardinal"

He is a Doppleganger, aka a mind reader

2009-01-17, 04:57 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

Virius was shocked by the ability of Spears. Was the warrior also a Diamond mage ? Or was it something else ? He judged that merely thinking about the question was akin to asking it to Spears. The mercenary would answer if he wanted to. As he couldn't hide his thoughts, The Cardinal showed no more reserve.
"-You think well, capitain."
The "my son" was gone, of course.
"-We understand the necessity of violence in this world and I won't blame those who dedicate their lives to protect those of others. But mercenaries... You must agree that there is something odd, there. Most of our templars and all of our soldiers wish to never have to fight. They want to serve and protect but are glad when their services are not required. Because it means peace. Mercenaries are doing the opposite : they wish for conflicts to erupt so that they can fight and become wealthy.
He paused for a while, looking around as the group crossed a bunch of black hills. To see so few plants was disturbing. Wasn't this land already beyond redemption ?
"-I understand easily that a band of...soldiers was able to claim these lands : nothing can grow here. Your company must either be small or very wealthy if it can afford to live here. Has it been around for long ?"

You decide when we meet the doctor.
Until then, Virius will keep asking questions.

2009-01-17, 05:00 PM
Mercenary Business

"In that case, let us move on to a second contract that we wish to take out with the Ebon Hills Mercenary Company." replied Barak, leaving the contract on the table.

"We wish to negotiate for a contract guaranteeing the total confidentiality of all dealings between Ironhold Trading and the Ebon Hills Mercenary Company, and we are prepared to provide a five per cent discount on Ironhold Trading arms across the board."

Spreading the True Faith

The gremlin stared at the missionaries for a moment.

"Missionaries. Right. Hold on a second, if you would."

The clerk rummaged under his desk for a moment, before producing a colourfully illustrated brochure entitled 'Agakaan - Everything you want, in the one place'. He flipped it open and began reading aloud.

"Welcome to the fine city of Johara, jewel of the six cities of Agakaan. Whether you are here for business, art, or leisure, Johara has it all!"

"Looking for that special something? Try the Johara marketplace, where you will find all manner of merchants selling everything from apples to exotic spices at reasonable prices!"

"An art lover? Visit the Council Gallery, where the works of hundreds of artists hang for display, including a special exhibition by elven artist Alundel Silverbloom!"

"Here for leisure? Try one of our many inns all around the city. Our city guard will keep you safe while you relax in your own luxurious suite!"

He continued reading from the traveller's brochure.

2009-01-17, 05:04 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"Follow me" The Captain begins to lead the party to Doctor Unbara.

On the way, questions were answered and asked.

"True, BUT sometimes war scars and maims the mind, or one finds that this is all they are good at in life" the Captains voice has changed, instead of vaguely countryish, it was now crisp and uppercrust "We do a service that few else can fill, we help end wars, our presence stops would be invaders. Are we the sinners or are the people who hire us"

as an afterthought "The BDMC has been around for around forty odd years, but the takeover is very recent." he smiles "Don't let the looks fool you...there are some, very few, green or beautiful places here"

2009-01-17, 05:08 PM
Mercenary Business

"Hmmm" Julius drew another parchment and wrote down a passage.

"Ironhold Trading has confidentiality to all other customers of the Ebon Hills. The Ebon Hills will not tell the name, speak the name in context, hint through use of mixing letters about, or going through proxy"

"Is that acceptable?"

2009-01-17, 06:22 PM
Mercenary Business

"You seem to have forgotten to actually mention what you will not disclose. It hardly seems total, either. Here, allow me to write what I believe will be a satisfactory agreement between parties."

Terms of Contracture Between Ironhold Trading and the Ebon Hills Mercenary Company

Henceforth, all mentions of 'Ironhold Trading' refer to Ironhold Trading Company in all shapes and forms. All mentions of 'Ebon Hills' refer to the body generally understood to be known as the Black Diamond Mercenary Company in all its shapes and forms, including the Ebon Hills Mercenary Company.

All dealings between Ironhold Trading and Ebon Hills, inclusive of all dealings under aliases of both parties, are subject to the following regulations:

1. The Ebon Hills will not disclose or attempt to disclose the identity of Ironhold Trading or its representatives in any way, shape or form except to the elf known as Julius Vec or a duly appointed representative of Julius Vec, subject to approval by Ironhold Trading.

2. All dealings* between Ironhold Trading and the Ebon Hills will be conducted strictly between a representative of Ironhold Trading and either Julius Vec or his duly appointed representative, subject to approval by Ironhold Trading. All such dealings are confidential, and only employees of Ebon Hills directly involved with said dealings or the results of any such dealings may be informed of aforementioned dealings. Dealings, in the context of this document, refers to any and all agreements made between Ironhold Trading and Ebon Hills, subject to specific exemption by mutual agreement. The contents of this document are not subject to this regulation, however, all other regulations apply.

3. Ironhold Trading hereby acknowledges the Preferential Buyer status of Ebon Hills, and agrees to provide weaponry to Ebon Hills as detailed in the Ironhold Trading Preferential Buyer Charter. In addition, Ironhold Trading will provide a discount of Five Per Cent on all arms purchased from Ironhold Trading.

4. Violation of any of the aforementioned terms is grounds for the termination of any contract currently active with the Ebon Hills, at the discretion of Ironhold Trading.

5. No dealings between Ironhold Trading and Ebon Hills will in any way involve explosive or otherwise booby trapped text, including the use of magic.

"I trust this is acceptable. Your signature, please."

2009-01-17, 08:48 PM
Being Watched

"We have many contacts with the surface dwellers through our trade networks. What specifically do you wish to know? Do you wish to establish diplomatic relations with the City of Shadows?" the voice comes back.

"We wish to know because our contacts with the uperworld have been few." replied the captain honestly " As to establishing diplomatic relations, well, we must report back and talk with our superiors on this ."

Jeial, City 1
Interesting, so the Veii wished to talk. Well, there was no harm in sending an ambassador. Who knows, they may just find out more than the Veii where wiling to say outright. The team would consist of Karel, a skilled diplomat and negotiator ,Rassin, one of the city's best biomages, and Ursk, a craftsman of renown skill who would be travailing incognito as a member of the guard force to scope out any technology that may be useful to the Grund.

Place of the Watch

The delegation had arrived at the place they had first contacted the Veii and Karel made there presence known to the Veii undoubtedly waiting just out of visual range.

2009-01-18, 12:45 AM
Being Watched

A windowless lizard drawn carriage emerges from the darkness, the door opens and out comes a man dressed in the black and purple robes of a Magi "Will those who wish to enter the city of shadows please step on board"

2009-01-18, 12:01 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"-Well, that's a point we disagree on, Captain. I feel sad for the man who can't use his life for anything but to kill and destroy. What's the use to stop a war if you could have prevent it in the first place ? But let's not our opinions get in the way for now. If the Doctor accepts our help, those scars you're talking about will be healed and the mercenaries will find more noble purpose."

Faith must spread : Johara

The cardinal staid there for a minute, mute with surprise as the gremlin proceeded to read the brochure. It was not until the little monster ended his lecture that the adept finally answered.
"-...I think you misunderstand me. We are no tourists. More like... ambassadors. We are willing to help you if...wait, are you the leader of this city or am I mistaken ?"

2009-01-18, 01:25 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"very well" the rest of the trip goes in silence. As they begin to near the Capital, the sky opens up a bit and small farms and trees are seen. The mountain of Karak Dulvorosh is huge and awe inspiring.

The go into the mountain and eventually end up at a entrance hall. Regenisis stands in the center of the room, in a leather tunic and pants. Her short white hair fell past her ears and her pitch black eyes stared at them.

"So, what are you doing here" she sounds cheerful and normal, which is odd due to her appearance.

2009-01-18, 01:51 PM
Mercenary Business

"All of it besides the last. All of the Ebon Hills contracts are enchanted with a powerful charm and curse. It is the way we assure that all contracts are fulfilled. If you do not pay you will die, and if I tell that the Ironhold Trading Company was involved...I'll die. It is a two way charm. We are not saying we do not trust you, but it tends to make sure rogue and dangerous thoughts enter our head"

Raid on a Veiin Outpost

Regenisis, bestride her Rage Drake, looked down on what was previously a Human mining outpost. The people of the City of Shadow seemed to have taken up residence here, and already little improvements had been made.

With a wave of her hand the Ebony warforged converged on the targets. Regenisis smiled, an easy victory was a good victory.

IronHold Trading HQ

Regenisis and her troop of warforged entered their land and waited to be admitted. A large wagon trundled behind them.

2009-01-18, 02:04 PM
"-Doctor Unbara, I presume ?"

The cardinal bowed slightly as he introduced himself. He was surprise that rude mercenaries had chosen a woman to lead them.
"-Cardinal Virius, of the True Faith Clergy. I've travelled from the Rivanian Theocracy to bring you a message of peace and a proposal you'll find interesting. But we can talk about it latter. For now, let me tell you that I'm impressed. This whole land seem to be cursed or something but here, around this very city, it's a true Eden. You and your people can be proud of their achievements in such a difficult climate. About your people, by the way, how can we name it ? I suppose "Black Diamond " is just the company's name. What are your people called ?

He saw again one of those strange golem-like creature walking past the hall. By the Holy Light, what were they ?

2009-01-18, 02:12 PM
Spreading the faith

"I apologize for the misunderstanding" the woman said, her ebony eyes unmoving "I am Regenisis, Dr. Unbara's second in Command. As for the land, it was like this when we took it, the dwarves had strip mined and broken it down, a shame but it suits us. As for our peoples name, we have none, since all of us are from different countries and..." she put a hand on her heart "...,backrounds"

"Would you like to speak with the Doctor or banter words with myself, he is quite busy and may not be able to see you immdiatly"

2009-01-18, 02:31 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

A warm smile appeared on Virius face. Something like a grandfather for his favored child. He waved a hand as Regenisis spoke of the delay.
"-We are in no hurry. If you aren't busy yourself, maybe can you tell me more about this place and its people. Some of them have... unique abilities, as I have seen. Or should I say felt ? Not mentioning those strange golems of yours. I know of some mages who can built similar things but that's the first time I see that many of them."

Burn the tainted !! All (dead) flesh must be purified !!

The assault was well coordinated, a group of light riders attracting the undeads out of the woods while a thick formation of spearmen waited for them in the open. When the horde came on sight, crossbowmen knelled and aimed. Though their bolts wouldn't do much against the undeads, the impact was usually strong enough to tripe some of them, slowing down the flow. And a lucky shot in the head was always a possibility...

The abominations crashed on the wall of spears, on which they were stabbed until they felt for good. The undeads were lashing at their opponents but unable to reach them without impaling on a spear. When the pressure was too high on a square, it stepped back slowly, letting just enough space for the templars to rush in with swords, shields and heavy armors, making short work of the already weakened undeads.

White magic, usually used only for curative purpose, was here of great value but the Theocracy found it out only after a few incidents, when undeads had attacked unprotected refugee camps. The militia had been overrun and the adepts of the Dove had been forced to fight with what they had...

Anyway, today, the tactic against the undeads was fully implemented. And it was with little pride that Cardinal Monreskieu, in what could be describe as a storm of blades, rushed the left flank of spearmen square, pushing back the undeads by himself. Soon after, the ranks of the tainted were thinned enough for the heavy cavalry to run them down.

The day was theirs...but what about tomorrow ? The threat won't disappeared until the source wouldn't be destroyed.

2009-01-18, 02:38 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

Regenisis walks closer and as Varius can see better he realizes something. Not only the Irises and center of the eye is black, the entirety of both eyes are black.

But she smiles and gestures at a long table. She dismisses the Captain and sits down "Well, we are people of all types, Captain Spears there is a Doppleganger, Lord Fiskes aid is a Dhamphire, I am a Simulacrum"

She leans back "As to the golems, they are known as Warforged. They have minds like you or me, but they prefer to be lead, by their creators. Their name is a misnomer as they can be great workers, farmers, or craftsman as well"

2009-01-18, 03:09 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"-Thinking machines, so ? Interesting... As long as their mind retain its freewill, I'll say it's a fantastic achievement. Most golems are but mindless tools and what little initiative they got come from their creator's own soul.

Our nation has always looked down the fires of industry. They are efficient and we too use it but our forges are both too small and too few to even think about mass-producing thinking machines. And we probably wouldn't. I can't explain it but I can surely see the moral problems it would bring."

His mood became more serious, though still friendly.
"-The Rivanian Theocracy is like your city, my child. But it covers hundred and hundred of miles. From our snowy mountains in the east to the vast western plains, thousands upon thousands live a peaceful and simple life. There, things such as wars, diseases, thirsts or hungers are rare and always quickly solved through solidarity. We are building our own Eden, like you are. But we've been doing so for centuries, now."

He waved a hand to show the hall.
"-But like your company, it has been only two generations since the clergy reached its actual level of power. From a mere organization, we've become a nation. But we want to be more than that. We want to become an ideal for every man and woman, whatever their race is. And that's why I am here, lady Regenisis. We will help to transform the Ebony Hills into a Eden. And all we're asking in exchange is for its inhabitants, or at least its leaders, to follow the True Faith's philosophy. Peace, Justice, Solidarity, Courage... Those are only some of the words which could resume it but I think they are enough for you to answer my question :"
He marked a short pause before speaking slowly.
"-Will the Doctor accept our conditions ?"

2009-01-18, 03:27 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

Regenisis shrugs "I doubt it. As a organization we have but one goal, and that is profit. I am sure you may find a few converts here, and I am sure the Doctor will accept anything you have to improve the land, but know this"

she raises a single finger, its nail long and painted black "Peace is the word for the time between wars. Justice is harshly used, to maintain balance, Courage means nothing if you die alone, and we already have Solidarity. I apologize if this is not what you want to here, but we are a business."

Her face adopts a far off look, like she unfocuses "Maybe in a world with no war" but then her mind reasserts herself to the present "But until then we will be here to profit from it and its industries"

A look of mild pain crosses her face at the last words and she rubs her head before it resumes its normal calm exterior.

2009-01-18, 03:44 PM
Reynard Twins

Rhysanon nodded. "Very well. I will go and speak with the Talin Gythaint, though it may be some time before you may speak. Meanwhile, feel free to share our fire and our food - we'll look after you. Isn't that right, Dojan?" Dojan mutters something violent under his breath, but Rhysanon simply smiles at him and gets up, walking into the trees.

Raid gone wrong

Lethan snorted. "I want for this to end. We will leave you alone - you will let us leave. In addition, we require weregeld for Woryl and Karz."

In Kelawen

Ranoth and Moran nimbly leaped onto one of the strange buildings - like kobold houses, but above the ground instead of inside it. How difficult it must have been to make them.

"Where do you think the Chieftain's dwelling is?" Moran pointed to an ornate building. "There, I think. Let's take a look."

Meanwhile, Darkai was examining the watchtower from a hiding spot. "Interesting. Raithe?" "Looks like one of those "keeps" the kobolds build. Probably some kind of dwelling place - shall I go take a look?" "Yes." "You got it, Darkai! You come and bail me out if things get bad, my friend..."

2009-01-18, 03:49 PM
Reynard Twins

To all of you meeting Shadow Envoys
These guys are probably some of the best individual fighters of the Ebon Hills Group. Just warning ya'll if you don't like 'em to be careful of what you say

"I thank thee" the envoy said "My name is Lucius"

2009-01-18, 05:19 PM
Raids Mysteriously End

A few weeks after the night time raids randomly begun, they suddenly appear to have died out almost overnight. To the surface regions affected it is like waking up from a nightmare but the tragic aftermath is still there. Many villages and farms are burnt to the ground and lifeless corpses continue to roam the countryside as a warning to those who journey too close to the mountains.

In the City of Shadows the returning raiders are welcomed home as heros for striking a bloody blow to the wicked surface dwellers. The raiding season had come to an end, the few weeks of terror would give way to months of quiet. It had been this way for centuries so as not to arouse too much suspicioun. The violence would be attributed to goblins and the surfacers would soon forget it had ever occured, that is until next season.

2009-01-18, 06:06 PM
Mercenary Business

"I see."

Barak motioned for yet another contract, and rewrote the entire thing before crumpling up the first draft.

Terms of Contracture Between Ironhold Trading and the Ebon Hills Mercenary Company

Henceforth, all mentions of 'Ironhold Trading' refer to Ironhold Trading Company in all shapes and forms. All mentions of 'Ebon Hills' refer to the body generally understood to be known as the Black Diamond Mercenary Company in all its shapes and forms, including the Ebon Hills Mercenary Company.

All dealings between Ironhold Trading and Ebon Hills, inclusive of all dealings under aliases of both parties, are subject to the following regulations:

1. The Ebon Hills will not disclose or attempt to disclose the identity of Ironhold Trading or its representatives in any way, shape or form except to the elf known as Julius Vec or a duly appointed representative of Julius Vec, subject to approval by Ironhold Trading.

2. All dealings between Ironhold Trading and the Ebon Hills will be conducted strictly between a representative of Ironhold Trading and either Julius Vec or his duly appointed representative, subject to approval by Ironhold Trading. All such dealings are confidential, and only employees of Ebon Hills directly involved with said dealings or the results of any such dealings may be informed of aforementioned dealings. Dealings, in the context of this document, refers to any and all agreements and contracts made between Ironhold Trading and Ebon Hills, subject to specific exemption by mutual agreement. The contents of this document are not subject to this regulation, however, all other regulations apply.

3. Ironhold Trading hereby acknowledges the Preferential Buyer status of Ebon Hills, and agrees to provide weaponry to Ebon Hills as detailed in the Ironhold Trading Preferential Buyer Charter. In addition, Ironhold Trading will provide a discount of Five Per Cent on all arms purchased from Ironhold Trading.

4. Violation of any of the aforementioned terms is grounds for the termination of any contract currently active with the Ebon Hills, at the discretion of Ironhold Trading. Termination of a contract consititutes the immediate rendering null and void of the contract following the settling of outstanding debts. Any employee of Ebon Hills attempting to claim on a previously terminated contract is subject to summary execution and confiscation of personal belongings in order to recoup costs incurred on the behalf of Ironhold Trading. No further payment will ever be owed to Ebon Hills as a result of such termination and confiscation. No employee of Ironhold Trading carrying out such an execution and confiscation may be held accountable by Ebon Hills in any way, shape or form.

"Is that acceptable?"

Raid gone Wrong

"No. No weregeld for self-defence." replied Small-Ear, very clearly. "If you and the one on the roof leave now, we will let your friend go. Otherwise, we will have to pay weregeld for her."

Spreading the Faith

"Ah, you want the Mayor, then. Second door on the right."

The missionaries were sent to a door with a brass 'Mayor Longtooth' nailed to the front. Inside, was a gremlin dressed somewhat nicer than the receptionist out the front. He appeared to be in the midst of reading a report when the Cardinal entered.

"Ah, come in, come in. What can I do for you gentlemen today?"

2009-01-18, 06:12 PM
Mercenary Business

Julius took the other, crumpled Contract and tucked it away in a bow "I shall have that contract vetoed at once" he said smiling and signed the new contract "Much better, thank you...is that all?"

2009-01-18, 06:33 PM
Mercenary Business

Baruk shook his head. "I believe we're almost done."

"We will have an office set up here within the next month, give or take, and begin paying bounties at our local office a week afterwards. Obviously, in order to pay you, we have to be able to ascertain that a given head is that of a Veiian. As such, we request that you bring in whole bodies where possible, to assist in the swift and timely identification of agreed-upon targets of our first contract. Obviously, we would need more proof to verify mages, and especially to verify important figures. Submission of valuable or otherwise important personal effects of such individuals will be necessary. Bodies claimed should be submitted within 3 days or preserved with magic in order for our employees to quickly and accurately process your claims. Bodies delivered in a state of decay will be subject to a 10 gold piece examination fee, in addition to the standard 5 gold piece administration and disposal fee. Allow at least 24 hours per fifty bodies for examination before payment. Orders placed with our arms department require a minimum of four weeks notice plus one week for every dozen weapons being ordered, and orders given with a deadline sooner than that will be subject to a 10% surcharge for resources expended in a rush order. We cannot guarantee orders with a deadline less than standard will arrive on schedule, though we will make every effort to deliver it on time."

Barak rattled off what sounded like a slightly modified boilerplate to suit the contract, before pausing, and saying one thing more.

"That being said, do you wish to appoint a proxy now, or will you be handing deliveries personally?"

2009-01-18, 06:39 PM
Mercenary Business

Julius shrugged "For regular Veiins, we shall bring heads, since full bodies are timely and costly to transport, aka not worthy of your bounty, but we shall bring as much of the mages as possible"

The elf leaned in "My Proxy will be the Lady Regenisis, as she will be the one to kill and give you her dead enemies. Any notable items will be ordered to be given to you, though I have met a couple of Veiins and they seem to draw magic from themselves more than items"

2009-01-18, 06:51 PM
Faith must spread : Johara

The Cardinal entered the room.
"-Good day, Mayor. And may the Light be with you. I am Cardinal Kulius, adept of the True Faith Clergy, who is ruling the Rivanian Theocracy, a land not so far away from here. You might have heard of it through traders maybe..."
Though Kulius doubted that any goblin would have been welcomed as "trader" in Rivan or any of its vassal cities.

"-Me and my brothers are here to deliver a message of peace. From where we come from, men and women are working together to build a Eden. A land where anyone would live in peace an harmony, without needs to worry about the future."

He advanced toward the Mayor and then speak like if he was reading a very familiar text.
"-This might look like a dream but it's a dream we want to share with the rest of the world. The Rivanian Theocracy is ready to offer its support in whatever way you may need it. The only thing we ask is for you to govern your people according to the True Faith's philosophy. Peace, Justice, Solidarity, Courage... Those are only some of the words which could resume it but I think they are enough for you to answer my question :
Are you ready to accept these terms and harvest the limitless benefits of an alliance with us ?"

The archdeacon of the Shield advanced to join the discussion.
"-Or would you rather shun the Light ? For once we find goblins who aren't trying to kill us, it would be a shame to..."
"-Casius !! Enough !! Sorry about that, Mayor. Casius is young and does not understand its place."

2009-01-18, 07:04 PM
Mercenary Business

"Very well. We look forward to doing business with you in future."

Barak signed off on the confidentiality agreement, and shook Julius' hand before leaving.

The Delivery

While it was far from anything resembling a headquarters, the local office of Ironhold Trading was far from just a 'local office'.

It was almost a small warehouse, complete with a large gate to allow carts and wagons in.

A guard waved the carts in, and motioned for Regenisis to head into the office.

2009-01-18, 07:10 PM
The Delivery

Regenisis dismounted and walked into the warehouse with a slight swagger, the cart coming behind her, but stopping inside the compound. Four warforged guarded it.

The Simalcrum walked into the office.

2009-01-18, 07:34 PM
Mayor vs Missionary

Mayor Longtooth looked at the archdeacon. "Could you please ask him to step outside and wait in the lobby? I do not wish for this to have to become a guarded meeting."

He waited for the Archdeacon to leave before speaking again.

"Take a seat. I usually don't get a whole group of missionaries coming in, so I only have two seats. I'll have some more brought in."

He opened a tube on his desk.

"Sprocket, could you bring in, oh, a dozen chairs or so? Thanks."

Then he turned back to the Cardinal.

"Pleased to meet you, Cardinal Kulius. I'm afraid I have to tell you now, that as leader of this city, I am required by law to be completely secular - at least, as far as being a member of a religion goes."

"Before we talk about an alliance, I have a few questions about your faith. Tell me more about the philosophy of the 'True Faith'. Peace, Justice, Solidarity and Courage are all things that most nations have - and, judging by your friend Casius, we have at least as much peace as Rivan. I'd like to know more about your philosophy, beyond broad concepts such as that."


A gremlin sat behind a large counter, busy at work with something, when the Simulacrum entered. There were a couple of guards standing at the doors to the back of the office, and another two posted at the front door. An automatic piano in the corner played soft, somewhat quaint music.

"Yes? Ah, you're here for the bounty. Unfortunately, contractual policy requires us to deal with either Julius Vec or the Lady Regenisis herself in these matters. Please send her in."

2009-01-18, 07:38 PM
Mercenary Business

Regenisis blinks, then smirks "I am the Lady Regenisis, though it is not often I am called that."

With that she removes her black helmet.

Her armor is masterful work. Though appearing to be plate mail, it has a lot more flexibility worked into the design.

The helmet is that of a harlequins masque. One side white, the other black, with a smooth back.

2009-01-18, 07:54 PM
*Ugh.. I"m sorry, I have to drop out of this.*

2009-01-18, 08:03 PM
Mayor vs Missionary

Kurius sat and gestured for most of the adepts to stay outside. The archdeacons, Casius excepted, would remain inside, though, as well as a few adepts of the Cloud and Dove, as they were the more suited to explain the philosophy of the True Light, should the Cardinal need help.

The old man produced a small book.
"-Don't worry, I'll explain to you. But here is a little gift which should help you understand the true depth of the Faith, when we won't be here.

He took a deep breath.
"-The Light is in each of us. It works for a world without envy, greed, jealousy, anger and vanity. Those are the basic moral tenants. If the individuals don't know these feelings or at least don't experience them too often and too strongly, it will be a good start. All of this can be achieve only if the leaders are fair, generous and strong.

Fair in the way they'll pass laws and make justice. You will have to make everything in your power for the truth and common sense to rule your nation, rather than power and wealth. Freedom of speech and thought are, of course, a necessity.

Generous in the way they'll spend their wealth at the service of their people. People must always have access to basic welfare : food, shelter, water, healing, education, security and all of this must constantly improve.

Strong when it comes to moral dilemmas. Even if reason shout to accept a deal with the devil, you shall not accept. Even if the short terms consequences are dreadful. The future of your people depends on this general attitude.

The Cardinal made a pause.
"-So... This is the dream. If you can at least TRY to reach this, we will help you to do so. We will, of course, help you in other things as well, if you request it.

Loyal Good attitude, basically.
Try to picture the work it will be to go from a Renaissance city-state to a modern Welfare state (think about actual Germany or Scandinavian countries), but without any political corruption.

And of course, if along the way, the Clergy is given some power, I won't spit on it :smallbiggrin: Am I dreaming ?

2009-01-18, 08:12 PM
(Johel, will you answer Regenisis?)

2009-01-18, 08:19 PM
Hey, keep your welfare state out of my Renaissance City-State!

On the other hand, the full renaissance transition (as represented by the Eco&Art investment) will very likely call for a cathedral...


"Ah, welcome. Our sincere apologies, Lady Regenisis. Will you be checking in any bounties today?"

Spreading the Faith

The mayor listened carefully - or, if he wasn't, he was at least making an impressive show of it.

"It is quite the dream." he said, nodding. "I can't help but recall, though, that Federation Traders have never been allowed into Rivan. Why is that? Truth, and Common sense?"

2009-01-18, 08:29 PM

"Indeed" she gestured outside "I have over 98 heads for you to examine, and twelve bodies of Magi"

She placed a box on the table "Here are their insignia"

"If everything checks out that should be 4,410 gold pieces for the regulars, 5,400 for the mages"

2009-01-18, 08:48 PM

The clerk nodded, and wrote something down on a clipboard.

{table]Items Received|Number|Payable|Total
Veiian Mages|12|380gp|4650gp
Total|110| |9060gp
Admin Fees|110|5gp|550gp[/table]

"Please sign here to acknowledge that you have dropped off the bounties. The administration fees are payable in full immediately, and we will be ready to issue payment for the bounty in three working days. Please be informed that any bodies deemed to be unidentifiable as Veiians cannot have a bounty paid for them, and bodies found with signs of decay will be subject to an additional 10 gold piece examination fee." rattled off the clerk - clearly a pre-written text.

2009-01-18, 08:54 PM
(oops sorry, Its only 4,560 for the mages...thought it was 450 for some reason)

"They have not begun to rot yet" Regenisis thought that heads dipped in a little embalming fluid would last long enough for an inspection "Though how you'll tell the difference is beyond me, they look like any human, a bit pale, but human"

"Take the money from the bounty"

2009-01-18, 09:08 PM
Armalen Country-Side
"Eh?Bag?"The old King seemed confused,and tilted his head to the side,then shrugged.

This 'That' seemed a bit off-skew, but the old king felt himself warming to the creature. Besides,it wasn't everyday the King managed to meet a foreigner that wasn't impaled on a spear or begging for his life.Ah, the old Days had been enjoyable....

He smashed that thought quickly,It would not do to start thinking like an old dodder after so long!

"Undying,you know. Unable to Die. Ever-living. That which does not fade"he said in explanation, and then knocked on his chest,which gave a rattle of old bones. If That peered closely, he'd notice the old King's chest neither rose nor fell, and that he had yet to blink once, nor(if his hearing were that keen),could he hear the old King's heart. A hundred years ago an assassin had carved it out hoping to kill the old Undead Monarch. He had gotten the heart,but the assassin had lost his own in the process. A fair trade, Mikael assumed.

The Dread Keep
"Follow me then,Please"The Young Baron stood and ushered them out. A dizzying array of massive, impressive corridors, easily twice the width,and three times as high as those of the Ebon Hill's new home awaited them, though everywhere was beauty and art, the dark stones lightened in contrast by bright tapestries and works of art,s embedded,shining jewels. The Keep itself was a veritable Treasure trove! Any thoughts the pair might have entertained of theft were rendered moot by the amount of servants and guards that hustled across the thick,carpeted floors, and not one room or hallway they passed remained empty of servants, all of whom spoke to the Baron with easy familiarity.

The Baron led them to two doors cut of some fantastic stone, a swirl of colors like oil on water, with inlaid handles of gold. On either side massive, leering skeletons were embossed into the stone, kneeling in supplication to either side of the Doors, heads bowed and spears at the ready, each towering into the gloom of the upper walls.

"Her Majesty is in here"He opened hte door and gestured them in without following.

The room further in was quite large and spacious, and guards stood with easy nonchalance at the doors spaced evenly in a half circle opposite hte massive doors.

A guard beckoned them from the right,and they'd cross a massive diamond etching in the floor, the skeletal white-hand of Armalen laid on Obsidian-colored flooring.

This door was smaller,and made of a cheerful, new wood, and the room they stepped into was crowded with books and scrolls on every wall. It had the air of actual occupation, there was even an old,cold cup of Kaleya on one desk in the corner, and a delicate pair of the reading glasses the Armalen Nobility favored.

Seated in a large armchair that should have dwarfed her was the Queen of Armalen herself. She looked up as they entered, and waved a slender, skeletal right hand. Two servants in dakr livery immediately moved a desk nearby out of the way,and the two ambassadors were seated.

"Greetings. You must be the two Ebon Hills representatives. I trust your stay has been comfortable.."She said politely, though her eyes were terrifying in their intensity, as if the knowledge of centuries hid behind her young visage.

Abandoned Mine

The Old Dwarf blinked, then hastily searched his head to match the Old, rather backwards dialect some of the more 'feral' dwarves in his ancestry had taught him, and grumbled out.

"Ah, s'long as you're not one of those thrice-blasted,beady-eyed Buggers Brother"He said in the Old Tongue. They are Tr'a'g'rok'"

The old Dwarf spoke the last word like a curse, using the oldest, most heinous of dwarven descriptions. Literally,in Common, it translated to mean(roughly), "Mine-Stealer", but it's true meaning was much darker, from the times when dwarf would collapse the mine of another, to steal their wives and children and Gold. It was a word that was not used in normal conversation,for it had the note of War and Murder in it.

"Beware those that ride on Big Scaly Beasties Brother, for they have killed many of my friends and their children tonight"He grumbled and let the pickaxe lower slightly, a whispered murmur of common filling the mine tunnel as he relayed that they had not been caught by more killers...yet..

Fiske's Chambers
"I am merely Lord Talvis's bodyguard, to see him safely into your keeping, however myself and my men shall enjoy your hospitality for the night before returning." The undead woman said calmly.

Talvis merely smiled a tad crookedly, his arms hanging to etiher side as if he were a puppet whose strings had been loosened, head cocked to one side as he listened, like a bird.

The two soldiers took up positions to either side of Aia, their still-helmed visages as unreadable as any warforged.

Armalen City(Commoner's sections)

Book was treated quite well by the guards, who merely poked and prodded at what he told them was not explosive(He was a gremlin, after all,and they faulted him not for it). They tallied everything up, seeming to pay more attention as to what he didn't bring than what he had!

"Thank ye kindly Sirra, this here is your 'chit."The soldier that still possessed flesh pressed a large Ruby the size of an apple into the gremlins hand, a hole bored in it holding a loop of twined,flexible metal wire that would tie to a belt or string.

"Keep it on ya when you go about the merchants' Squares, They'll give ye a booth if'n ya want it, and fer a small fee space to put yer Goods. lot cheaper than inn-stay anyways."The Guard said cheerfully, and the skeleton merely waved a stiff arm, escorting the gremlin and his Mule up through a smaller gate. It pointed up the road a bit,where banners and the general noises of a crowd of eager consumers drifted back towards him.

2009-01-18, 09:11 PM

"Company policy states that administration fees must be paid in full and in advance. If you do not have the money now, we will be happy to hold the bodies at no extra cost until you can produce it. Be aware that Ironhold Trading is not responsible for any damage incurred to the bodies while it is in our care."

The clerk tapped the clipboard.

"Ironhold Trading is not responsible for ensuring that submitted bodies are identifiable. If the head is unidentifiable, then it is the responsibility of the hunter to produce evidence that proves the head is of Veiian origin. Likewise, if it is not possible to identify that a claimed head is an arcane practitioner, the head will be considered not a mage. If you wish, our in-house cleric is able to perform definitive identification services for two hundred gold pieces and one day per body."

2009-01-18, 09:31 PM

Regenisis growled and pulled out a pouch. She placed it on the table "There is your fee"

"The insignia's were on all the mages, and they will serve as proof. As to Veiin Identity, my proof is the burnt settlement in the mountains. If you want that as proof, send someone out. Though my men had orders to at the very least burn the bodies...its cleaner than leaving them there"

"The mages bodies are as intact as possible, and I have them, in their robes and slashed finery"

Dread Keep

Aliiza gave a salute and Jeorge gave a low sweeping bow "Yes milady, it has been quite good" the Simalcrum said with a smile "I am Ambassador Jeorge and this is Colonel Aliiza"

Fiske's Chambers

"Ah" Fiske turned to the Lord in the Box "I greet you as well Lord, are we ready to discuss thing?"

2009-01-18, 09:48 PM
Screw it. Switching to Standard Olive for all Gremlins/Goblins

Gremlin in Armalen

"Thank you." nodded Book, as they reached the end of the road. "Dunno if you've kept your mind through turning into a skeleton, but here's a tip for your trouble." He began to press a handful of small coins into the skeleton's hand, before thinking better of dropping coins into a skeletal hand and putting it in a small pouch first.

Book made a mental note to tell Agakaan Mercantile that Armalen customs was efficient and helpful, for when they set up a proper trade route.

He spent a week or so offloading his wares at one of the booths, before heading off towards the mining companies. There were a lot of things to buy in Armalen, but one thing in particular was of interest to the trading empires of Agakaan. The jewel mines, of course.


The clerk took the pouch, and placed it behind the desk. "Be aware that Ironhold Trading is not responsible for ensuring exact change is given, and any excess above the billed amount will not be refunded. Any deficit discovered in the administration fees will result in bodies not being processed. Bodies of highest value will be excluded and disposed of without payment first in the event of a deficit in administration fees. Ironhold Trading is not responsible for informing you of such an eventuality, if and when it occurs."

The clerk paused to catch his breath.

"If it becomes necessary to fund an expedition to verify the identities of the bodies, we will inform you at the end of the preliminary examination period, and the cost of the expedition will be payable in advance. Under no circumstances will any fees incurred be refunded."

"If you have no further questions, please sign off for delivery and you will be given a receipt for your claim. Be aware that bounties must be claimed within forty-eight hours, or additional holding costs may be incurred."

2009-01-18, 09:55 PM
"Believe me, its just enough" she paused "Funding your own expedition is not in my mandate, so if it'll be cheaper I'll just carry one of you to the site"

She turns "I'll be back in three days for my money"

2009-01-18, 10:12 PM
Delivery and Bureaucracy

The clerk signed off on the clipboard, and tore off a cheque-sized bit of it, holding it out to Regenisis.

"Your receipt, Ma'am. Please keep it safe. If you do not present the receipt upon claim of the bounty, we will not be able to guarantee we will be able to pay your bounty. Be aware that it is the responsibility of the client to ensure payment is exact, and it can be positively verified that the client has not removed any money from their payment."

"If there are no other questions..."

He filed away the document in a tray, and looked back down.

Time to describe how exactly Ironhold Trading finds the bodies.

2009-01-18, 10:21 PM
Delivery and Bureaucracy <- Bah!

"Very Well"

The heads are in chests, and are preserved slightly with embalming fluid. They look exactly like reports say Veiins would look like, down to the extremly pale skin.

The twelve mages are each rolled in canvas. When taken off it appears that each were killed violently, through slashing or bludgeoning. Each wear tattered robes or finery. With them come a insignia along with two small wands, though they are out of charges.

2009-01-18, 10:36 PM
Raid gone Wrong

Lethan snarled in anger, before looking at Sharea and sighing. "Very well." He dropped the goblin and stepped back, sheathing his rapier. "Nevan! Get down here!"

"Just in time, boss!" Nevan backflipped from the goblin's wagon and landed at Lethan's feet.

Kobold Mines

"What this?" Several miners looked down into the hole they had excavated hunting for that elusive vein. "I think this tunnel, boss!" Krakiin shook his head. "How tunnel get down here? We not dig it!" "We better take this to boss!" "Oh yes, this goes to boss. This not good."

A Veiian tunnel, methinks. Interesting...

2009-01-18, 10:43 PM

The doctors examined the corpses and heads, and carefully checked for signs of decay. The pale skin was indicative of most Veiians, but also that of undead. The enbalming process, of course, was extremely crude, so it was easy enough to simply remove the enbalmed neck to check for decay.

Report on how old the corpses are, please.

Then, they properly embalmed the bodies and reported on the state of decay in the bodies, before moving them to the chilled underground cold room.

Raid gone wrong

"Bah. Off with you, then. Your friend will be with you shortly."

Small Ear climbed back into the wagon, barking orders in goblin as he did. The guards waited for Lethan and Nevan to leave, before letting Sharea go.

2009-01-18, 10:46 PM

Only about 5-6 days old, but the embalming fluid has stopped decay.

Definatly NOT undead.

@Raz Fox

Ready to talk when you are

2009-01-18, 10:54 PM
Kobold Mines

Lindum - Veiian mining settlement.

The empy tunnel stretched far out, it was abandoned by the mining crews for not being profitable enough for Lindum an outlying town of the City of Shadows.

Further down the tunnel the sound of picks can be heard echoing against the stone as they chased thicker veins. Dozens of slaves from lesser races like Orcs and Goblins. Between their ranks patrolled whip weilding Veiian overseers keeping the slaves working and properly motivated. They had quotas to meet and they would meet them or else the savage creatures would pay in their blood.

2009-01-18, 10:55 PM
Being Watched

A windowless lizard drawn carriage emerges from the darkness, the door opens and out comes a man dressed in the black and purple robes of a Magi "Will those who wish to enter the city of shadows please step on board"

Karel, Rassin, and Ursk, along with two other guards enter the carriage.

Mine, all mine
"Tr'a'g'rok'!" thought Kela. Monsters, tails told to children, but perhaps hear they where real. " We are not Tr'a'g'rok', we merely wished to learn about the builders of the mine " She said "If you have bean attacked perhaps we can help, If you tell us where you want to go we may be able to help you. "

2009-01-18, 11:02 PM
Raid's Over

Lethan, Nevan and Sharea loped away from the caravan, Lethan snarling with restrained fury and Nevan supporting Sharea.

"We'd... better head back to the tribe."

They left quietly, leaving their dead behind them.

Over a Week later

Rhysanon and Dojan took their leave from Lucius the next day, telling him to stay in the grove and wait for a week. Surprisingly, Lucius found the berries growing in the grove to be edible and there was more than enough wild game to survive on if his own supplies ran out.

Eight days later, a tribe of Jaela descended upon the grove. Several scouts ran ahead, finding Lucius in the grove.

"You wish to see the Talin Gythaint, outlander?" The leader of the scouts was tall and almost human, but for his scales and vicious drake's teeth. "We will camp here tonight, and you may speak with the blessed one."

2009-01-18, 11:03 PM

Lucius stood, then bowed "Very well"

2009-01-18, 11:04 PM
Being watched

The carriage wheeled around heading towards the city and slipping into the fog of the shadow veil. The carriage takes a round about route just in case the grund are trying to memorize the way. The path into Veii was only for Veiians to know.

The robed figure who greeted them in the carriage introduces himself in the common tongue of the world below "I am Master Donatus."

2009-01-18, 11:36 PM
Being watched

The carriage wheeled around heading towards the city and slipping into the fog of the shadow veil. The carriage takes a round about route just in case the grund are trying to memorize the way. The path into Veii was only for Veiians to know.

The robed figure who greeted them in the carriage introduces himself in the common tongue of the world below "I am Master Donatus."

"Hello, Master Donatus." says Karel " My name is Karel and this is my associate Rassin. We would like to open trade relations with the Veii and possibly allow for the exchange of magical knowledge, I am led to understand that you have impressive magical facilities" she says with a polite smile.

2009-01-18, 11:49 PM
Meeting the Grund

The carriage forced its way down the streets of the city, outside the sounds of city life could be heard as merchants hawked their wares and people went about their daily business.

"You will not be able to find a people more gifted in the art anywhere else be it on the surface or the world below. We are always looking for more locations our traders can visit. What is it do you have to offer?"

2009-01-19, 06:30 AM
Armalen Countryside

That With No Role looked carefully at the former-King and smiled. "Ah, it is a wish made with black magic! This understands; your nation hopes to live forever. Lofty..."

No Role stretched and stood up to its full height of eight feet. It fluttered its wings and scratched its thorax. "This must consume. Do you want to share?"

It places its hands on the ground and concentrated. A small apple tree, barely two feet tall, appeared between the four limbs.

No Role reached down and picked out a handful of tiny, green apples, eating them with a wince. It then gestured that the former-King should feel free to have one.

2009-01-19, 07:13 AM

Three days later, when Lady Regenisis returned, a different clerk was at the desk (a difficult feat to actually discern - many gremlins looked very similar to non-goblinoids, and barring distinctive facial features, they were often mistaken for one another. Co-workers tend to catch on eventually, though).

"Lady Regenisis, I presume? Your receipt, please."

Various Happenings with Ironhold Trading

Only a few weeks after Regenisis' claim was processed, the Ironhold Trading office had an entire face of its walls covered in tarpaulins, and coated goblinoids rapidly became a ubiquitous sight in the open markets, presumably out on the hunt for bargains. Every now and again, they would jot down something on their clipboards, and ask a question or two, before moving on.

What are the commerce laws of the Ebon Hills?

Failed Raid

Small-Ear humphed to himself, and motioned for the driver to move on. He had no love for bandits and raiders - if they wanted to use force, they would only get force back.

2009-01-19, 08:40 AM

Regenisis holds out her receipt quietly.

Various Happenings with Ironhold Trading

Every Item sold, including the Iron Trading Companies, has a tax set on it that goes to the Black Diamond Mercenary Company coffers. The prices are average, but a good portion of it does go to the Company itself. Goblins may notice that their purchases cost slightly more than the norm.

2009-01-19, 03:34 PM
(Johel, will you answer Regenisis?)

((Sorry, a lot to deal with and it was late...))

Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"-Well, this world can exist, my child. All it needs is people ready to work at it. I understand that your people prefer not to associate to our projects for now. Nevertheless, I'll ask the Doctor if the Clergy can purchase a few houses in this city, as well if the Order of the Dove, a sisterhood of the True Faith, can open a temple.

I guess a land full of mercenaries would find the help of healers useful. Freedom of religion and speech in exchange for the help of the Order of the Dove, this should be acceptable, don't you think ?"

1% of believers per turn in exchange for access to White Magic.
Not a large access to begin with, but this will increase as your population convert. To reflect this, adapt slowly your local politic to the True Faith philosophy.

Spreading the Faith

The mayor listened carefully - or, if he wasn't, he was at least making an impressive show of it.

"It is quite the dream." he said, nodding. "I can't help but recall, though, that Federation Traders have never been allowed into Rivan. Why is that? Truth, and Common sense?"

Faith must spread : Agakan

The cardinal blushed.
"-I'd say racism. And it makes me sad, trust me, but not all goblins are as civilized as your citizens. And this cause many among my people to see this race as the negation of what we are working for...and as a threat. But maybe we could change this if you accepted to work with us.

When returning home, I'll do my best to guarantee safe passage to goblin traders, provided they bear a certificate from you. In exchange, what about letting the Order of the Owl, a brotherhood of learned monks who believe in the True Faith, settle a temple in your city ?"

1% of believers per turn in exchange for access to Grey magic and Water magic (that's world magic but specialized on water).
Not a large access to begin with, but this will increase as your population convert. To reflect this, adapt slowly your local politic to the True Faith philosophy.

2009-01-19, 04:16 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"Well, we'll let you in, but I can't guarantee the amount of faith you'll get"

Eh, prob. not. Maybe in any normal civvies still around, but the mercs like their job too much as a whole, even 1% is stretching it

2009-01-19, 04:28 PM
Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

"-Oh, don't worry about it. We must try, whatever the odds. That's the only way to achieve our dream one day. And even if we can't inspire faith, nothing prevent us to change the current values. It will take time but, as I've already said, the Clergy is in no hurry."

...I think you misunderstood. I'm not asking for recruits. Just that 1% of the population believe in the True Faith and try to live by its philosophy.

For the Doctor, it just means to avoid contracts with "genocide" painted in red letters and to provide basic services to your population (steady improvement of Economy and Arts) rather than spending everything in weapons and military technology.

In exchange, you get "white magic" items and, when your population will be faithful enough, the unilateral assistance of the Theocracy. I can throw the Water magic as well but I'll rather give it than trade it. :smallwink:

2009-01-19, 05:53 PM

The clerk takes the receipt, and rummages through a stack of files.

"Mmm... It says here that we should hold the bodies for another two weeks before releasing the bounty, since the doctors found something that required further investigation."

Scribbling out another receipt, the clerk gave Regenisis a new one.

"This receipt verifies that our doctors have found no appreciable signs of decay on the bodies, and that the bounty will be released in two weeks. No further cost will be incurred to you at this time."

Various Happenings

The goblins didn't buy anything - they simply browsed and questioned. That all the prices were average across the board was suspicious in and of itself - it was rank with the stench of a regulated economy.

Instead of conducting any business, they simply browsed, watched, and documented.

Spreading the Faith

"Now there's an idea, Cardinal. As you may already know, Kulius*, the council has recently passed an initiative requiring all the city-states of Agakaan to undergo large-scale beautification. The details, of course, were allowed to local city councils."

Longtooth opened a drawer and produced a large map of Johara, with a number of sections marked out in grey, labelled in goblin. He pointed at a largish one.

"Our particular plan includes a cathedral to be built right here, to form the hub of our new arts district. However, we are still in discussion regarding which religion we should allow to establish their temple there."

Then Longtooth leaned forwards, putting his elbows over the map.

"Before I offer to allow your faith to establish this cathedral, you must understand how we, as a people, have arrived at this point. As you say, for much of history, goblins have been a savage, brutal race. Considered monsters by much of the world, goblins have been cut down by the thousands wherever they have been found. We have allied with anybody who seemed to possess strength, for no other reason but to survive. Survival. That was the name of the game. If ten soldiers attacked a hundred goblins, who would win? The soldiers. Even the kobolds had their elaborate lairs to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies - we had nothing. Every home we built, torn down. Every fledgling nation, destroyed in war. Numbers saved us only by allowing more to escape from each brutal devastation. Now, this has all changed."

Longtooth opened the top drawer of his desk, and took out a weapon. It was a firearm - carefully built and charged with magic. He placed it on top of the desk, closing the drawer again.

"Tell me, what is this?"

*Or was it Kurius? It seemed to change. Better not to ask, kuriusity killed the cat, after all.

No deal on that one. Agakaan already has World and Grey.

2009-01-19, 07:36 PM
((... I like the pun :smallsmile:. Ok, let's say Kulius.:smalltongue:))

Faith must spread : Agakaan

The cardinal looked confused. He put an hand on the mysterious device and began to look at it more closely. Was it some kind of pipe ? Maybe these goblins were even more evolved he had thought if they were able to build such a marvelous music instrument.

"-Archdeacon Raffil, what do you think ?"
A old but enthusiast adept advanced his chair. As a member of the Cloud Order, his task was to inspire dreams and to delight the minds. And so, like Kulius before him, the first thing which crossed his mind was...
"-A pipe ? Oh !!! And I've never seen anything so elaborated !! I could probably spent years on it, just to learn how deep and beautiful its sounds are !! Lemme try !!"He grabbed the "thing" with haste and brought the hollowed side to his lips, manipulating the "pipe" carelessly, like a child would have done with a new toy.

2009-01-19, 07:55 PM

"What did they find" Regenisis asked casually while taking the receipt.

Faith must spread : Ebony Hills

Before Regenisis can answer Dr Kessel Unbara entered the room, decked in his Dark Blue lab coat "Ah, your the priests. I will allow you to stay in the land and attempt to convert my populace, but you will not get far"

He will take genocidal contracts, they are good money. The regular Mercs and warforged just don't care, as per their job. You perhaps can impress 1% of the worker force

2009-01-19, 09:59 PM
Meeting the Grund

The carriage forced its way down the streets of the city, outside the sounds of city life could be heard as merchants hawked their wares and people went about their daily business.

"You will not be able to find a people more gifted in the art anywhere else be it on the surface or the world below. We are always looking for more locations our traders can visit. What is it do you have to offer?"

"This is good. I am sure that the question of what is to be trade can be worked out by the merchants, as long as we make trade possible. In the meantime, allowing our people to come to you magical universities and the other way around could be beneficial to us both"

2009-01-19, 10:00 PM
The Spice Faith must Flow!

Longtooth watched with slight alarm as the adept began fiddling with the weapon, plucking it from his fingers before he figured out how to actually trigger it. Even without the usual crystal at its head, it was still dangerous.

"Ah, best be careful. Ceci n'est pas une pipe." he said, gently, before setting it back down on the table.

"While music is a very fine aspiration, and I'm sure we can all agree that fine music is amongst the finest things to enjoy in the world, this is not a musical instrument. I am sorry to say that this is the pinnacle of the most deplorable practice. Archdeacon Casius would have recognised it immediately, I would warrant."

He shook his head sadly.

"It is shameful to think that this is responsible for our existence, but this was the invention that finally broke our cycle of extinction at the hands of others. It is cold, and indiscriminate. The mightiest knight is as the smallest child before its strength, and it is what has brought us here today. We gremlins alone created it, we alone can construct it, and we alone among all the goblin races succeeded in building a civilisation because of it."

"The power of this tool made it too difficult to simply destroy us. Quality of size, quality of sword, quality of armour - none of these made the slightest difference now that we had our weapons. And so, the people allowed us to live. And we lived. Johara was the first city that we ever had."

"I will not lie. The first generations of our cities were harsh, brutal affairs ruled by old, violent gods. But in time, the struggle to survive diminished, and more enlightened minds began to flourish more and more. Rule of the strongest cannot last when strength means nothing. But, we would just be a couple of cities, points of civilisation surrounded by hundreds of more brutal clans. It was only when the Black Lands fell that Agakaan could truly rise. Fearing that neighbours would be encouraged to try and sweep them away in the wake of the event, the goblin tribes rallied with our cities, and we became a nation, feared and reviled among our neighbours."

"Then, we did the unthinkable. We opened our doors. We welcomed others to trade. At first, it was simply a matter of playing nice with the goblin with the firearm, but in time, with sound policy and strict secularity, we have been able to carve our cities into centres of trade and commerce in the region - perhaps the foremost in the world at present. But at its heart, it is commerce and force which has bought civilisation for the goblins."

Longtooth finished his account of the history of Johara, and paused for a moment.

"That is who we are, as a people. Even now, we must rely on force for our own safety - your lands are a fine example; despite what we have achieved, still we need to rely on strength of arms to preserve our people. Understand that in your endeavours to spread your faith."

The mayor drew back, waiting for comments.


The clerk looked at the memo.

"It doesn't say, I'm afraid. Just that something came up and they would need another two weeks to properly examine the bodies before the bounties are paid."

2009-01-19, 10:12 PM

"Very Well, but I shall be back in two weeks"

2009-01-19, 10:13 PM
"This is good. I am sure that the question of what is to be trade can be worked out by the merchants, as long as we make trade possible. In the meantime, allowing our people to come to you magical universities and the other way around could be beneficial to us both"

'We normally do not allow outsiders to enter into the City of Shadows. But we can arrange for some of our Magi to go to your universities and advise your spellcasters."

2009-01-19, 10:22 PM
Monitoring the Ebon Hills

The next two weeks were spent with the agents of Ironhold Trading keeping an ear to the ground, keeping in touch with as much as they could happening in the Ebon Hills.

Meanwhile, examinations continued behind closed doors.

2009-01-19, 10:26 PM
Monitoring the Ebon Hills

As far as any investigations go, nothing seems out of place in the Ebon Hills. Talks are made between clients, contracts are fulfilled. No Goblin is admitted deep in the Capital though so, nothing is known at what the depths hold.

2009-01-19, 11:19 PM

Lucius stood, then bowed "Very well"

The entire tribe arrived at the grove several hours after the scouts, quickly setting up tents made of hide, leather and silk. They integrated seamlessly with the natural grove, as if they had lived there for years in harmony with the animals and trees of the grove.

After most of the tents had been erected, three Jaela came over to Lucius. Their leader was a young Jaela maiden in diaphanous blue silk, carrying a black staff covered in gold and silver runes - she seemed nervous, and her eyes flickered away from Lucius's gaze. The second was a tall Jaela, with the common grey fur and prominent fangs of a lupine - he carried a sword at either hip, and walked with the dangerous grace of a trained soldier. The third could have been the leader's twin - but with flexible leather armor, ribbons of silk hanging off of her garb; she seemed confident and amused, though hanging back and letting the other two approach first.

As the tall soldier nodded at Lucius and the confident one started playing with an obsidian dagger, the maiden cleared her throat and addressed Lucius. "I was told that... you wished to, uh, speak with the Talin Gythaint about mercenaries. You may speak, warrior."

2009-01-19, 11:33 PM
@Raz, anything else happening in the Kobold mines?

2009-01-19, 11:39 PM

Lucius stood and bowed deep. "I bring a message from the Black Diamond Mercenary Company, Ruler of the Ebon Hills. We offer any who hear this message aid, troops, or workers. We are honest and hard-working and are willing to do practically anything you require"

2009-01-19, 11:45 PM
Two Weeks Later

Two weeks later, when Regenisis returned, the clerk seemed to be waiting for her.

"Welcome back, Lady Regenisis."

2009-01-19, 11:52 PM
Two Weeks Later

"I am here for my bounty" and she presented her receipt/

2009-01-20, 12:21 AM
Two Weeks Later

"Unfortunately, Lady Regenisis, our investigations have led us to believe that the bodies you checked in with us are not legitimate bounties as per the terms of the contract. It has been determined to our satisfaction that neither the heads nor the bodies were the products of a raid on Veiian holdings, and we have reason to call into question the legitimacy of the bodies presented as Veiian in origin." said the clerk.

2009-01-20, 12:39 AM
Two Weeks Later
Lad y Regenisis's eyes rose in anger "Are you calling me a liar? I attacked that settlement myself, spilit their blood. What proof do you have to the contrary?"

2009-01-20, 12:55 AM
Two Weeks Later

"I am afraid you don't quite understand, Lady Regenisis. The contract clearly states that the bounty is payment for raids on Veiian holdings. Veiians that simply happen to have been killed at a settlement are not legitimate bounties, no matter how much you wish it to be different. That the City of Shadows has completely failed to react in any way, shape or form is proof enough that what you may have believed to be controlled by Veii was, in fact, merely an independent settlement."

The clerk stared down Regenisis.

"Until you have evidence to the contrary, I'm afraid no bounty will be paid."

Devil's contracts were extremely fickle things - such harsh penalties (with no heuristic judgement, one might add, unlike your standard contract) cried out to be quibbled to death. For example, the fact that the bounty had never specified how quickly any bounty had to be paid. Or the fact that it wasn't a bounty at all - merely a mode of payment for raids on Veiian Holdings.

2009-01-20, 06:34 AM
Two Weeks Later

Regenisis's face turned deadly cold "Your not that smart are you? There has been no retaliation because there wasn't a single survivor from that settlement to tell" she took a step forward "You have noticed that they have stopped their attacks, this is because they don't want to risk another massacre"

She slammed the desk "You will pay the Company or you shall all pay with your life, there is no third option."

The twowarforged guards she had brought moved as well getting ready to easily catch and slaughter every goblin in the room.

2009-01-20, 07:05 AM

"Again we must remind you that a Veii settlement is not the same as a Veii holding. We have no records of any such raids, and even were there any, the massacre of an undefended settlement would not provoke any such withdrawl of troops from Veii. Moreover, homes and settlements are not holdings of the state, and are not legitimate claims for a bounty."

Of course, the warforged were making the exact same mistake so many others had in dealings with the goblins. Time and again, time and again. The goblin guards steeled themselves for conflict.

"Ironhold Trading will not be held responsible for your disregard for the terms of the contract. Nor will it be swayed by petty threats of violence. I suggest you leave, before our guards are forced to make you leave." He tightened his grip, and steeled himself behind the counter.

This clerk had nerve. Moreso than the usual clerk, even. It was questionable if he was even supposed to be a clerk at all.

2009-01-20, 08:36 AM

"A holding of the Veii is the ownership of the nation. The Veii have no innocent settlements. It was the beginning of a staging point to te surface. It was likewise NOT undefended, we killed the guards and mages...since it is our job"

A flicker of something more human crossed her face "I would advise you to listen to me"
(Explain the room to me, how many goblins, how many appear to be guards, and so on)

2009-01-20, 09:07 AM
The Spice Faith must flow !! : Agakaan

Kulius nodded. Legends had told of monsters trying to befriend humans but these were mere tales for children, or so he had thought until now. The fact that Johara, even if it was not through pure and sincere friendship, had succeed in doing so was unbelievable.

But as far as he was amazed by the gremlin society and its efforts to become something more than a savage alliance of monsters, the cardinal couldn't avoid thinking about the "firearm". The name was saying much about its use but still, Kulius knew of some mages, especially World Magic practitioners, who could easily create fireballs. Yet, to create a item capable of this cost fortunes. Had the Federation of Agakaan truly equipped its whole army with these weapons ?

"-Peace through Strength is something we can relate to, despite our rather pacifist policy. I think I understand the purpose of your story. We'll advocate peace and cooperation, of course, but I guess goblins and gremlins won't understand true pacifism yet. But if you allow it, the Order of the Dove, a sisterhood of healers, might work to ease this path.

Our peoples have a lot to share, I'm sure. And they will, as long as you'll agree to respect the True Faith's principles. With your blessing, the Order of the Owl and the Order of the Dove will be happy to settle in this city. Libraries, schools and hospitals will open as soon as the temple will be built...all of this, of course, only if we're invited."

Fan of Dune, aren't you ?

Ok, I get that the gremlins are not hippies but if you don't want more Grey and World magic...you'll get them anyway. :smalltongue:

It's in the "My Faithful Friend" Package, along with White magic, small welfare support and military help if you need some fanatic meatshields fearless allies.

Faith must spread !! : Ebony Hills

"-So be it. Thank you, my...heu...Lord ? How shall I address you ?"


As soon as they were allowed inside the city, the missionaries from the Dove built a temple. A majestic building with thin arcs erected from a pool of shallow water, the whole complex was made of stone but a large opening had been left in the roof, where an superstructure of bronze and copper was set to install panels of colored glass. Even with plenty of funds and motivated workforce (be they volunteers from Rivan or well-payed locals), the whole thing would take time to finish and for now, wide but thin colored canvas closed the roof where windows would one day stood.

Yellow, white and azure lights engulfed the place during the day. At dawn, torches burned along the walls of the main hall where many small alcoves had been set for individual prayers, while the center was filled with banks for the faithful to sit. Additional rooms were used for the medical assistance, the storage of material and the accommodation of both adepts and patients.

Ok, so that's free healing for the population.
In exchange the faith will rise slowly.
Agree ?

2009-01-20, 10:00 AM
Faith must spread !! : Ebony Hills

"Just call me Doctor Unbara"
It will take years to convert the normal populace, and the mercenaries won't stop fighting, but you'll sway some.

2009-01-20, 06:25 PM
Tea and Cupcakes

"And I suggest you come up with evidence to prove your claims. We will pay, but only when it has been proved to our satisfaction that the settlement you attacked was, in fact, a holding of the Veii state. To date, we have seen only evidence to the contrary."

The guards in the room were the same in number as the first and second times Regenisis came by. Three more were outside, and likely another few in a breakroom or something.

The Spice Faith must flow!

"Which orders you choose to establish here are immaterial." replied Longtooth, pointing at the plot on the map. "What we will be doing is turning over the use of this plot of land for you to build a temple."

"The land can only be used for a temple, but once it is built you're welcome to run schools and hospitals inside, too. But, I'm sure you'll be able to find old buildings you can buy and convert. Standard stuff applies - no summoning eldritch abominations, no raising hordes of the undead, no undermining the city from below, you know, basic stuff. "

"Of course, we will have to ask one thing of you. Namely - Opening your borders with us. Simply put, allowing our people through, and only applying the same regulations as you apply to everyone else. After all,"

Longtooth stood, and held out a hand.

"We welcome you with open arms. We ask only that you do the same."

I'm not sure you quite understand what Mayor Longtooth is saying here. He's saying - here's this big plot of land, build a temple as you please. Any order that wants to set up in the temple is welcome to do so, because they're not going to regulate which orders, precisely, decide to set up.

2009-01-20, 06:42 PM
Ok, I thought you told me the city's history just to point that gremlins don't want to be stormed with "peace propaganda" while most of the world still see them as "savage goblins" and will gladly slain them.

Kulius looked confused.
"-Well...I've already promised you that, haven't I ? Just provide some certificate to the travelers, so they may not be mistaken for goblin raiders. Things should run smoothly in two or three weeks for your traders and a delegation from the Orders will arrive here at around the same time, with funds, adepts and craftsmen. I expect goblin traders to be able to travel without certificate in about a year or two."

He extended an open hand.
"-We may contact you again soon for another proposal. But we must first judge your nation through its actions. It was a pleasure to do business with you. The archdeacons can handle whatever paperwork is needed..."

2009-01-20, 06:50 PM
The Spice Faith must flow!

"One last thing,"

Longtooth pointed at Archdeacon Raffil.

"What order is he a part of?"

It was more to make it clear that while the orders are welcome in, the goblins really won't be switching to pacifism for quite some time, and Kulius shouldn't expect it too quickly.

It's something the Rivanians need to take into account, because while they can spout peace propaganda as much as they like, it will still be a long, difficult journey.

2009-01-20, 06:54 PM
Tea and Cupcakes

"What evidence do you want? You did not require evidence in the contract. We have the bodies of the Veiins, you have the mages insignia's, that of some magical order. If you've seen the settlement we burnt it to the ground practically during the fight. I am not exactly sure what you need?" she growled "I have seen no contrary evidence, perhaps if you pointed it out instead of side stepping the matter we could get somewhere"

2009-01-20, 06:59 PM
I can make Greystone put anything I want as a title

"No, but given the evidence to the contrary, we request evidence in order to verify that it was, in fact, a Veiian holding that you destroyed, and not simply a settlement. For example, armour from the soldiers, or perhaps some wands that actually have charges remaining."

2009-01-20, 07:52 PM

She was clearly losing her patience "You asked for no such proof. I see no evidence to the contrary. You have heads and wizards, and the wands charges were all used. Any armor and weapons has long since been melted down and used in the forges. A settlement IS a holding you stupid little bastard. You have two options. You will pay now, or you will not."

honestly, your stretching it a little thin here

2009-01-20, 08:00 PM
Oh well, it was worth a shot.

"We are not obligated to explain further the evidence we have acquired. The inconsistencies are sufficient to call into question your claim. No retaliation, no weapons or armour to show for it, nothing but mass-produced insignia. Surely you don't mean to tell me that you managed to drag out the raid long enough to cause all the mages to expend every ounce of magic in the wands. We will pay you, only when you have produced proof."

The Clerk watched Regenisis.

"You were informed that we would request additional evidence if it became necessary. If you have chosen to destroy all evidence that could verify your claims, then it is no fault of Ironhold Trading."

2009-01-20, 08:08 PM
The Spice must flow! ...I mean Faith !!

"-Raffil ? The Archdeacon is part of the..."

"-Cloud Order, Mayor !! The finest of all, if you want my advise, for we are in charge of bringing light in the hearts and souls of the mortals. We take it as our duty to entertain them but also to teach them some moral through the entertainment. Music, comedy, painting, poesy, dance, anything is a vessel for the True Fai..."

"-Yes, yes...hum...Thank you, my son. We'll be leaving now. It was a pleasure to deal with you, Mayor Longtooth."

2009-01-20, 08:57 PM
'We normally do not allow outsiders to enter into the City of Shadows. But we can arrange for some of our Magi to go to your universities and advise your spellcasters."


Um, have we arrived in the city yet? because my industrial spy is ready to take in the mechanical marvels (if any) of the shadow city

2009-01-20, 09:01 PM

Regenisis sighed "Fine, would you like me to show you how we defeated them so no retaliation would come?"

Moving faster than the eye could track she crushed two small orbs that appeared in her hands. The Grey gas effected the Goblins instantly.

Each one was paralyzed briefly, and they could neither move, nor speak. Regenisis and her guards moved and gathered each one of them and gagged them before it wore off.

She picked up the clerk harrasing her "Scream and they all die, Now do you understand? We do not play these bureaucratic games. You will approve the payment or I shall kill you and take it. Period"

These are pellets that do not work on constructs....makes sense huh?

2009-01-20, 09:26 PM

Lucius stood and bowed deep. "I bring a message from the Black Diamond Mercenary Company, Ruler of the Ebon Hills. We offer any who hear this message aid, troops, or workers. We are honest and hard-working and are willing to do practically anything you require"

After glancing at the other two, the maiden shook her head. "The Jaela do not need your help. We have lived alone for centuries, and our reptilian friends are hard-working and honest. The Black Diamonds are not needed here."

The tall male interrupts. "Troops? Mercenaries? We are warriors when we must be, but when war comes we can fight alone. We are warlike enough without encouragement from outlanders." His tone is disapproving, like a father reproving a negligent child.

"Herathine is right. War is the only thing we need less of other than outlanders in our..." She blushes as she realizes what she's saying. "M-my apologies. That was rude of me. Nevertheless, I do not think we should do it. What do you think?"

The one called Herathine shakes his head. "We should allow them unmolested passage through our lands if they decide to make alliance with southerners. However, an alliance with the Black Diamond would not be prudent."

The quiet one in the back chuckled. "I think Herathine is speaking sage advice. He's got a point when it comes to letting them through our sacred lands - as long as they treat the land with the respect it needs. However, we don't need more soldiers but more guardians and sages. We should say no to these mercenaries, but that does not mean they cannot travel along our paths."

The maiden nodded her head. "Yeah. Um... As It Is Said, Let It Be Done. You may travel through our lands as you will, Lucius of the Black Diamond, by the will of the Children of Light and the Talin Gythaint. Now, you may stay with the Jaelaizand for as long as you wish, Lucius of the Black Diamond." She stepped back, all but sighing with relief.

LongVin, stuff about the Kobolds coming later. :smallsmile:

2009-01-20, 11:00 PM

Lucius bows again "Thank you. If ever your people are in need, we are easily contacted."

He paused and then turned "A Promise. The Black Diamond Company will not attack you out of malice, if we do it is due to a contract. I say this to assure no ill will, it is the nature of our buisness. I hope our paths need not cross again"

2009-01-21, 12:27 AM

Um, have we arrived in the city yet? because my industrial spy is ready to take in the mechanical marvels (if any) of the shadow city

you are in the city, but you are in a windowless carriage. You can hear the bustle and bustle outside

The sound of gates being slammed shut puts an end to the noises of the city and the carriage comes to a halt a moment or two later. Opening the door, they are met by the imposing sight of the Tower of Wizardry reaching the top of the cavern.

"Welcome to the City of Shadows."

2009-01-21, 12:37 AM
The Lock

"Now, if you had presented such devices as evidence earlier, we may have been able to work with you." replied the Clerk. This one was good.

"I will need to open the safe. Put me down, please."

The clerk headed over behind the counter, and kneeled at an iron chest, placing his hand on it.

"Just a magical lock I'll need to open." he said.

That was a dirty trick, pulling that out of thin air. Honestly, I should have just had the clerk shoot Regenisis when she tried to pull that trick.

The Spaith, I mean the Fice, I me- Oh, you know what I mean.

Longtooth chuckled at Kulius' hasty cutting off of the chatty Raffil.

"Yes, I suppose you have things to do. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Archdeacon Raffil. The Order of the Cloud will also be more than welcome in Johara in the future."

2009-01-21, 08:47 AM
The Lock

Regenisis carried the goblin to where he needed to be, and waited intently for him to be done. She was ready at any moment to strike if he so much as twitched in the wrong way.

Don't worry, there is only ONE reason why she was ready for this, and that was the two week wait. One of her strengths is Dirty and Sneaky fighting, and she will be the only one ever to use this. Ergo if this would of came to violence when you told her to wait, she wouldn't of had it

Kaiser Omnik
2009-01-21, 09:47 AM
That night, in a border town

The Jaela heading towards the watchtower were suprised by the sounds of drums. Had they been spotted? Suddenly, several men armed with spears and bows ran out of the tower. The Jaela explorers feared they were going for them, but they went in a totally different direction. They heard screams, then a loud roar, and everything was quiet again. A few minutes later, the guards returned dragging the corpse of a large panther.


The Faith must spread

The gates of the keep opened and a delegation of twelve men and women rode out to meet the missionaries diplomats from the Rivan Theocracy. One of the males wearing a golden scale armor dismounted and bowed before them.

"- Greetings to you, strangers. I am Cahya of the Sohei, and this is Fort Turtle. You are about to enter welan territory. May I know what your intentions are?"

All the while they were talking, a few pheonixes joined them, circling the sky directly above their head.

2009-01-21, 07:14 PM
The Stock

The clerk walked over to the chest, and knelt, putting his left hand on top of the chest and producing a key from inside his pocket and inserting it carefully with his right.

His firearm was clearly visible on his hip, and it wouldn't be possible for him to draw it faster than Regenisis could respond. Instead, he focussed on the task at hand.

"Rosso, Forza, Bullone, Tiro, Venti" he said, his hand glowing momentarily as he turned the key, the lock opening with an audible click. For the way the clerk said it, it sounded a lot like a five-number combination lock being operated in goblin. Or a set of lotto numbers.

The clerk pushed the chest open, and produced a pouch visibly full with coins. He handed it to Regenisis.

"Here. Your ill-gotten plunder."

To be perfectly honest, it was only because Regenisis was your national leader (and the clerk is an unimportant player) that I didn't.

2009-01-21, 07:24 PM
The Stock

Regenisis saw the bag and she quickly shot out one hand. It grabbed the gun, not the bag, and she tossed it over her shoulder, under the desk.

Then she grabbed the money "Pleasure doing business with you" she looked him in the eye "Be warned, we do not like playing these games. We do our job and get payed, no questions asked. We don't worry about beuracracy"

She turned and her guards followed her. Before anyone could stop them, they had vanished.

Nobody else will do that dude, just her. She really was irritated at the time. She almost killed him anyway, but something held her back

2009-01-21, 07:58 PM
The Barrel

The Clerk stood, and dusted himself off as Regenisis seemed to be intent on escaping with what was apparently her bounty. He watched her leave, then shrugged, and motioned to the guards, who hurried outside and into the warehouse to begin moving things. He finished counting to twenty, and discharged the magic into the floor.

Regenisis had really outdone herself this time.

The guards quickly added a number of rubies to the room, and placed a barrel labelled 'Embalming Solution' behind the desk. Around the warehouse, they did similar things, while the clerk carefully wrote out a notice informing anyone who might be interested that owing to breaches of contract, Ironhold Trading had terminated the raid contract effective immediately, tacking it on the office door.

A number of gremlin mannequins, dressed in heavy cloaks to disguise their nature, were set up inside the office, and equipped with hollow replicas of the famous firearms.

The clerk mannequin was rigged to a small flywheel mechanism to make it looks like it was working on something, while the bell over the door was broken off and dropped on the floor as though Regenisis' departure had destroyed it. Finally, the clerk produced a black disk from within his coat, and, with the aid of a ladder, planted it above the door and tapped a few symbols on it.

Before Regenisis could get away and back, the work was finished, and the gremlins gone, leaving with the preserved bodies covered under the cart and vanishing through the security checkpoints while their credit still held. They were simply removing the bodies for proper disposal, after all.

No agent of Ironhold Trading was going to be caught still around when Regenisis discovered that in her haste she had only been given the pouch of administration fees.

Interesting. Dodging out by saying she vanished 'before the goblins could stop her'. Well, turnabout is fair play.

Since it doesn't really matter anymore (you're still not allowed to use this knowledge, btw), if she'd stopped to count the money, the clerk would have blasted her with red magic - very powerful red magic, for that matter.

(If you hadn't noticed, I'd been lining up my cards for it for the entire confrontation. The gun? A red herring. I can explain in the OOC how I seeded hints, if you want.)

2009-01-21, 08:10 PM

Well a warforged of hers found that the warehouse was empty, she left.

The first thing she did was pull out the contract, which Julius had so helpfully given her, she began to read of words that she had memerized.

The contract glowed and burnt away in a blue flame.

Wherever Baruk was, since his name was on the parchment, he saw the glowing scroll in his mind before his heart stopped.

Regenisis gathered her men, they were planning on a little payback. Using Sending Stones she contacted the Ebon Hills garrison.

The Iron Hold Trading Company people inside the realm were to be captured, alive if possible.

She had not been idle in the two weeks she had to wait. In case of treachery she had tracked down important Company holdings and Warehouses. They were going to burn.

I'm sorry, the Goblins knew this was coming if they didn't pay. You can't just say you want a contract canceled and now they die unless something spectacular happens to appease the company. And any of them in the Ebon Hills are captured, there is really no way around it.

2009-01-21, 08:22 PM
you are in the city, but you are in a windowless carriage. You can hear the bustle and bustle outside

The sound of gates being slammed shut puts an end to the noises of the city and the carriage comes to a halt a moment or two later. Opening the door, they are met by the imposing sight of the Tower of Wizardry reaching the top of the cavern.

"Welcome to the City of Shadows."

"Amazing!" exclaims Karel "What is this building?"

2009-01-21, 08:58 PM

The trouble with this notion, of course, was the fact that the Ironhold Trading Company had planned sufficiently for this contingency. The warehouse was the primary holding in the Ebon Hills, and most of the staff had been removed from the area. The doors of the warehouse were locked, and only the office door remained unlocked.


The remaining staff arrived at the security checkpoint. Hopefully they were fast enough, but if not, well, that was what weapons were for.

Oh, I know the remaining staff probably going to die. I'm just going to have them fight their way out.

2009-01-21, 09:07 PM

Its a warforged, locked doors mean very little to it. It saw the note and followed orders to check the warehouse.


As the Goblins approached the checkpoint several black armored mercenaries stepped out of the shadows "You and the rest of your staff are under arrest. You will not be harmed if you surrender immediately"

Oh, i'm not going to kill THESE goblins unless they fight. I have to have some people to get information from eh?

2009-01-21, 09:14 PM

The warehouse doors were fairly sturdy constructions, and it would take a few hours to cut open, even for a warforged.

Blockade Runners

"They've on to us! Fire!" yelled the Clerk, drawing his sidearm. The twelve or so guards raised their rifles, and complied, incinerating the guards they could spot with lances of killer light.

The clerk rattled off a series of arcane syllables and hurled a fireball into the guardhouse.


Barak sighed as he expired. Money well spent. Well spent indeed.

2009-01-21, 09:20 PM

Well, he could tell that it was empty of people, which is all he needed.'

Blockade Runners

A roar sounds in the distance, it sounds as if an angry Dragon was after. Unfortunately, it sounds close. The guardhouse burst into flames, though it was mostly empty, this time of night being patrol time.

The poor bastards standing in the street died screaming and before the goblins could move alarm bells rent the sky.

It seemed as if the whole of the city had awakened.

2009-01-21, 10:04 PM
"Amazing!" exclaims Karel "What is this building?"

"This is the tower of Wizardry. It is the seat of power for the twelve lords of shadow and where you shall be residing during your stay within the city.

The front doors open on their own accord through magical means and the two guards step aside to let the mage and the grund ambassadors through.

"Please if you will follow me." Donatus leads them through the heavily occupied hallways filled with scholars rushing about to a suite of rooms in one of the towers wings for the three grund. The rooms are complete with bedrooms, living areas and a den/office. "These will be your quarters. I hope they are satisfactory."

2009-01-22, 10:04 AM
Like I said before, tues-Thurs is the slow days for me. Ug. ten hour workday;-;

Gremlin in Armalen

The skeleton accepted the coin purse with a nod of its head(so,intelligent then, at least enough to recognize politeness), and gave a small wave before ambling back to the Gatehouse.

Armalen was a city of contrast, for everything was built from that foreboding, gloomy black rock and dark winter timber, yet every home was colored in bright fabrics and artwork. It was as if the Armalens had reacted to their dark, oppressive environment by going to the opposite extremes. Book would be hard-pressed to find a home that was not a riot of pleasant colors and inviting warmth.

The Merchant's Square where Book settled himself in was in the part of the city named 'The Lower Arc', and contained everything between the large Outer wall and the next one up,one of four such walls that led up to the Dread Keeps walls.

Occasionally, Book would notice a dark knot of moving figures among the brightly dressed(some could say flamboyant) Armalens, which would be one of two groups. The first, and infinitely more cheerful would be Armalen soldiers and Guardsmen, their all-black armor imposing with the crude-looking white hand splashed across the chest and between the shoulder blades.

The second group, usually in escort by one of the first, were a much more dour group of mercenaries from the EBon Hills. After a few days of being in the city it was obvious the Mercenaries were being herded(albeit very gently and with the utmost respect, only allowed to congregate in small groups, and even after the gremlin was granted the run of the second and third walls, he'd never see the mercenaries closer to the Dread Keep than the far wall.

But that was not why Book was in Armalen City, after all, and it was best put out of mind. Better to concentrate on the Jewels, and the jewels! These Armalens actually traded in the things, the currency tiny, slightly flawed gemstones, which had a magically-stamped picture of the white hand. It was a bit confusing at first, but they equated well to Book's Agakaan money, and he found no shortage of Merchants that minded dealing in Agakaan coins, the larger ones even having a few of their own(albeit ancient ones long out date).

The Jewel Mines were a confusing warren of large warehouses, worker camps, and hectic foot traffic. It took him most of the day to even find someone he could work out a trade with, but eventually he was admitted into one Salvatore Von Holm of Holm, Crater, and Skull Mining.

A dusty, smudged dwarf with skin blacker than the stone around him escorted Book up a flight of thick,imposing steps, the walls lined with small precious stones(did no one steal The damn things?or did they just replace them when Book was not looking?).

Salvatore Von Holm was a small, miserly looking man of an advanced age, his remaining hair tied back in a loose tail, and his hands were creased still with the wear and tear of a Miner's work. He gave Book a slow, cold smile.

"Can I help you Saer..."The Dwarf leaned over and murmured something,then withdrew, leaving the gremlin alone with the old man but for an ancient, brightly colored southern-bird, its former bright-yellow feathers dimmed to a dirty smudgy grey.
"Saer Book, is it? I have heard you've been asking around for trade with the Jewel Mines. Well, perhaps we can help one another.."The Old Man gave a slow,reptilian smile, one any Agakaan Merchant could appreciate, for it marked the beginning of a truly enjoyable Haggling. ..

The Queen's Private Study, Armalen

"We are pleased to find that you have been taken care of. Would you care for anything to drink?"She asked politely, gesturing to a small cabinet nearby. Crystal decanters were half-seen behind a frosted-glass cabinet door, and a small,steaming pot of Kaleya perched on a slender tripod on the top, a number of delicate cups surrounding it.

"Forgive Our lateness in recieving you, Matters of State"She said witha wave of her skeletal hand.

"We wish to make it clear that your men have free run of the lower section of the city,and that you two are our guests. You may explore the city at your leisure for the next fortnight, then We will discuss how you shall be deployed."She said imperiously, and gave jeorge and Aliiza a small, charming smile, her long skirts rustling as she shifted to regard the pair with interest.

She had been told Jeorge was a Simulacrum, and she tilted her head as if regarding some strange new lifeform, smiling faintly.

Fiske's Chambers, Ebon Hills

Talvis gave a slow,crooked smile.

"I am Ready to discuss, are you prepared?"He said with a soft titter, brushing his hair back behind one long,pointed ear, which was pierced with delicate gemstones.

Talvis's guard merely smirked and gave a slow nod, hip canted as she leaned on to one foot, watching Fiske with a gaze that seemed intense and vacuous from one moment to the next, two of her personal retinue flanking her with official dignity.

Kopout and Febreezium, gonna reply to you guys later, have to run at the moment:p

2009-01-22, 02:45 PM
The Queen's Private Study, Armalen

Aliiza nodded "There is no offense" she waved a hand "And no thank you, I am not thirsty"
Jeorge noticed her gaze "Do I interest you milady?" his pure ebony eyes seemed to glint "I can answer any questions you require"

Fiske's Chambers, Ebon Hills

"I am prepared" Fiske said imperiously "Let us begin"

2009-01-22, 05:18 PM
The Faith must spread

The gates of the keep opened and a delegation of twelve men and women rode out to meet the missionaries diplomats from the Rivan Theocracy. One of the males wearing a golden scale armor dismounted and bowed before them.

"- Greetings to you, strangers. I am Cahya of the Sohei, and this is Fort Turtle. You are about to enter welan territory. May I know what your intentions are?"

All the while they were talking, a few pheonixes joined them, circling the sky directly above their head.

The cardinal advanced toward Cahya and his warriors.
"-I am the Cardinal Nikabar, adept of the True Faith and member of the Order of the Crown, the ruling council of the Rivanian Theocracy. Me and my brothers are here to spread the teaching of the True Faith. We want to help people while upholding the ideals of Peace, Justice and Solidarity, among others. Welan territory, you said, my son ?

2009-01-23, 12:02 AM
Blockade Runners

The Clerk looked up at the alarm, and motioned to the others.

"Take the mines, and split up. Poker, Fingers, Bluey, Lenny, and George, you're with me. Rest of you, you're with Mohawk."

The guards nodded, and quickly took the black disks from the cart, hanging on to one or two each. They'd been intended to litter the roads as they left, but now that their cover was blown they would just need to use them to survive to claim their pay.

"George? What about the rabbits?"
"Not now, Lenny."

"See you all on the other side."

The Clerk set one of the black disks on the underside of the cart, before waving his group onwards, keeping to the sides of the road to make it less likely that they would be detected, using their small size and relative speed to their advantage.

Mohawk split off and took a side road, keeping an eye out for the inevitable mercenaries.

Gremlin in Armalen

Book nodded, smiling himself. "Your sources keep you well informed, it seems. I usually don't do trade agreements, but, of course, I don't normally have any say in what my sponsors request."

"Put simply, we're looking to buy."

Agakaan prepares to enter an age of thought

Mayor Longtooth looked up at the massive clock tower that formed the focal point of the Arts District, driven by the new-fangled 'falling weights' mechanisms that had been in all the periodicals lately.

The location for the temple was still noticeably empty, and he walked over to what looked like an Archdeacon from Rivan standing around.

"Say, when are you going to start construction?"

2009-01-23, 06:09 AM
Agakaan prepares to enter an age of thought : Temple of the True Faith.

The priest looked embarassed.
"-Well...funds are slow to come but we're already in touch with local contractors who are interested.
However, this city is full of exotic designs and the Cardinal Kulius want to insert some of them in the temple's design, to reflect the union of local culture and the True Faith."

I'm thinking about the whole design. The Ebon Hills temple was more dedicated to the Dove. But I've seen your interest for the Cloud so I'll try to work something with it.

Investigating the undeads

The number of attacks had decreased sharply as more and more hordes had been defeated by the Cardinal Monreskieu. However, the holy warrior wasn't happy. For months now, his staff had been searching for the origin of these monsters. Many trails but all dead ends. And so he knew that, one day, the deads would raise again.

The room's door burst open as a massive templar entered.
"-Father Monreskieu, we found something !! Trails in the mountains !!"
"-Well, that's unusual, now..."
Most attacks had been on mountain villages, so such discovery wasn't surprising at all. Probably another horde to burn, nothing more.
"-Father, the trail isn't the one of undeads !! I mean, yes, some of the footprints are from undeads but others..."
"-What ? Speak, my son."
"-You know how the undeads walk. The footprints are usually human but odd-looking, like if the zombis could walk right. Here, Goblins but also normal humans have been busy with undeads. No evidence of combat so they must be the ones who raised the corpses."
"-Where does the trail lead ?"
"-To a network of caves. We haven't explore it yet."

The Cardinal stood up.
"-Lead the way, my son. We're ridding to war."

2009-01-23, 10:31 PM

The Pathfinders that patrol the Ebon Hills aren't only for show. Due to their flamboyant escape and the call to arms, a group of them had been sitting in a ambush for half an hour.

Traveling on the side of the road the Goblins had managed to evade the following guards, though the sounds of Regenisis's Rage Drake was steadily growing closer.

Unfortunately it had put the goblins in a perfect position to be ambushed. The first arrow, by some act of luck, slammed into the clerks shoulder, knocking him to the ground.

This was lucky for him, since the actual volley followed. The Goblins were hit with mostly arrows, but several heavy bolts slammed into them, practically taking of limbs, definatly wielded by warforged.

Mohawks group ran into what is known as Hangmans Choke, a skinny section of valley that separated the Ebon Hills from the Land of the Dead. Unfortunately, the gates were shut and mercenaries began to take cover. A head Captain popped his head out "Oy you there, surrender, or we will be forced to skin you little green devils!"