View Full Version : Dragoon Template

2009-01-14, 06:18 PM
This is A template for being a Dragoon (Based off of the PS1 game Legend of Dragoon), I made it for a campaign I am making for a D&D club at my school, These are made for version 3.5


This I the list of the Stat modifiers, Elements, and spells of each type of Dragoon






Here is the Weapons the characters must use when in their dragoon form (They are proficient with the weapon as long as they are in Dragoon form)

This is the list that adds a base of Dragoon spirit preferences, (The DM of course chooses the actual outcome, but based on this chart)

Explanation for SP system; “SP” is Spirit points that are used to charge the Dragoon spirit’s power, Every “100” spirit points you gain, you are able to use your dragoon powers for a round, and the total Sp you have gained also causes your dragoon abilities to level up, everyone automatically starts with 100 Sp total and at level one, to gain Sp you must attack an enemy, Depending on how much damage you do you gain an amount of Sp, (Spells, pets, controlled undead, etc. receive half) When you gain “Sp” you add it to your “SP counter”, The counter cannot exceed your Dragoon level X 100, However, Even if your Counter has the maximum amount of SP your TOTAL Sp increases as you do damage and gain more Sp, The damage to “Sp” chart is below.


And here is the Sp needed to level the Dragoon's abilities. (Amount of Sp taken right from game)
You may only replenish Dragoon magic usage by getting a full day's rest (or meditation) staying up 24 hours or only resting about 6 hours won't do the job.

Red-eyed – Sea Blue Transformations & Magic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh8lUeFEsS4

The Mentalist
2009-01-14, 11:59 PM
THANK YOU! I loved this game when I was younger.

2009-01-15, 12:54 AM
You seem to be missing a lot of details about integrating this into the rest of the system...
How long does the transformation last? X rounds? 1 combat? 1 hour?

Does the transformation level up work like a class? Or do you level in other things your dragoon level is earned based on your total experience? Or do you have to get the XPs for it in a totally seperate way from how you get your XPs for your classes?

In the first table, second column, it should be "50 temporary hitpoints that last for the duration of the transformation" if you are going to use the standard D&D nominacature.

2009-01-15, 05:08 PM
You seem to be missing a lot of details about integrating this into the rest of the system...
How long does the transformation last? X rounds? 1 combat? 1 hour?

Does the transformation level up work like a class? Or do you level in other things your dragoon level is earned based on your total experience? Or do you have to get the XPs for it in a totally seperate way from how you get your XPs for your classes?

In the first table, second column, it should be "50 temporary hitpoints that last for the duration of the transformation" if you are going to use the standard D&D nominacature.

First; Thank you for your criticism, I'm always paranoid if what I'm doing has be changed or improved to fit a guide line and criticism is the only way i know if I'm right or even close, and for some reason I barely get any of it.

Anyway, to answer your question about XP, you gainXP the same as a regular class, (even though in the LOD game it was different I cannot figure out something to replace SP with, Which is also where I began to get stumped on the transformation duration) But in the last "Spoiler" tab on the bottom I stated how you may place XP.

About Transformation Duration; as I stated in the parenthesis above the lack of a "SP" system made it hard to incorporate how to level The Dragoon level or decide how long the form would last. Well not so much how long it would last, It's easy for me to make it equal the Dragoon level in rounds, the hard part is deciding when the characters would be able to transform again.
(if you have any ideas on this, feel free to share)

And for your last point, Thank you for saying that, I had a bad feeling about the health in the first place but after thinking about that I find it PERFECT!

I will edit as Needed now, but feel free to keep commenting on how to improve.

2009-01-15, 10:57 PM
I updated the information,

I added;
The dragoon spirits, and their preferences.
A NEW "Sp" system
Changed the Xp needed to level up Dragoon level to Sp
Lowered the sp/xp needed to level a dragoon
Changed the permanent +50 health to +50 temporary.

Morph Bark
2009-01-16, 05:49 AM
Hmmm, this does give me inspiration and incentive to expand upon my old Limit Dragoon class. Someone said that one of its abilities was very reminiscent of the Legend of Dragoon anyway.

It looks like an interesting template; a little complicated though. What is the LA exactly? I didn't see it anywhere.

2009-01-16, 10:01 AM
First off, great idea/adaptation! I think I might incorporate this into a campaign in the future, complete with the horrible voice acting from the original game.

One thing I'm confused about: The bonus' to health, to hit, and damage, are they applying to the character at all times or just when they are in Dragoon form?

One adaptation I'm thinking of making when/if I get around to playing with this is to keep the SP count secret from the players and keeping it as a sort of random duration last ditch effort. They will know basically that the longer they wait to use the Dragoon, the longer they CAN use it in terms of rounds. I will probably pass secret notes to the player when they get a new level and use the Dragoon form in combat. They can then describe how the spell looks, almost like they invented it themselves. Everyone else will be like "WTF MATE" and stuff.

I love how you took this a step further than the original game and made a Dragoon for all the other types of dragons as well.

The power of these things are immense, as they should be for Dragoons, so I'd warn to make encounters where they will specifically need the Dragoon power to win (like the game did), or add a sort of Fatigue system like a Barbarian's rage to balance it out. Along the lines of, if you don't kill them with this, you are truly effed for a bit.

All in all, fantastic job, and I can't wait to see where you take this!

2009-01-19, 02:26 PM
...My friend coup De' gra'd a dragoon... OMGWTFBBQ