View Full Version : Test Your Might 4

2009-01-16, 04:03 PM

Choose your characters' positions and roll initiative. For the sake of observers, please use the [roll] function.[/QUOTE]

2009-01-16, 04:07 PM

Bob [roll0]
Pip [roll1]
Theo [roll2]
Sam [roll3]

2009-01-16, 04:11 PM

Orange Slaad
Purple Slaad

2009-01-16, 04:17 PM
Theo frowns and bellows in a loud voice:

In the name of Pelor, foul and twisted creatures, BEGONE!

Banishment. Both Slaad have to make a Will save DC (DC = 24 - creature’s HD + 12). For the Orange Slaad, this is DC 25. For the Purple, this is DC 27. Failure indicates you have been banished back to your home plane.

By the way, it should be T B P S. Casters on the outside. You'll see why in a few rounds...

2009-01-16, 04:29 PM
Range on banishment doesn't seem to be 75 ft. Did he move or did I miss something that increases its range?


[roll1] assuming you can bypass SR 25.

2009-01-16, 04:32 PM
Range on banishment doesn't seem to be 75 ft. Did he move or did I miss something that increases its range?

assuming you can bypass SR 25.

Sorry, forgot the 30' standard move up before the spell

Caster Check [roll0]

SR is bypassed. Buh bye.

2009-01-16, 04:34 PM
...thus removing the biggest threat to you. :smalltongue:

Alrighty, finish your turns and let the orange set to work on you.

By the way, as per the rules, the orange slaad has magic circle against law and see invisibility up.

2009-01-16, 04:36 PM
Pip, upon seeing the smaller of the two creatures vanish at Theo's admonishment, moves up 20' and readies an action to attack if the other Slaad comes within reach. He switches to Assassin's stance as a swift action

2009-01-16, 04:43 PM
Bob readies himself for combat.

He moves up 30', even with Theo, and proceeds to manifest Expansion on himself, augmented to TWO size categories, for 7pp. He is now a Huge size. He gets a +4 on Strength and Dex, but a -2 Size penalty to AC and to Attack. Attack rolls are the same, +2 from extra Str mod is negated by the penalty to attack.

As a free action, he taunts the Orange Slaad

Hey, froggie! You want some of THIS? Bring it on!

It is now the Orange Slaad's turn.

2009-01-16, 04:56 PM

The orange slaad drops a confusion on Bob's square, then advances 30 ft.

Will save vs. DC 17, please. Both Theo and Bob.

2009-01-16, 05:09 PM
1) Pip moved up 20' last turn, although this doesn't put him in the Confusion's effect

2) Saves: (neither one of them can fail the save, as both have modfiers over +17)

Theo: [roll0]
Bob: [roll1] (includes his +4 vs Mind Affecting from Slayer)

3) Slaad provokes Attack of Opportunity for moving out of Bob's threatened range of 20' (by continuing to advance into it).

2009-01-16, 05:16 PM
(since it screwed up the AoO's)

Damage [roll0]

2009-01-16, 05:17 PM
See, this is what I get for trying to do anything on these boards when they're this slow.

Had I been able to load the post with your character sheets, I would have known.

However, there's no point in continuing. Your characters can save against anything I throw at them, and where the orange slaad depends on mind-affecting abilities and none of your characters can be hit by them except on a 1, this is basically "How many wasted actions would it realistically try before being pasted?"

I can lightning bolt you instead, or whatever, but the fact is that within one round, two at most, it will be dead, likely without having done anything more than some slight electric damage to your party.

Mostly, though, I'm just so bloody sick of this lag. Four.

2009-01-16, 05:18 PM
attack on AoO: [roll0]

2009-01-16, 05:24 PM
no point in continuing

Victory is yours.

2009-01-16, 05:28 PM
Sam moves up 15' and over 5' (right behind where Pip is now) and casts Haste on the party.

Theo casts Recitation, giving everyone another +3 luck bonus on resistances, then moves up 15' (provoking AoO)

Pip uses Pouncing Strike jump check DC Slaad's AC [roll0] to clear Bob and to end up directly opposite Theo. Since he's flanking, he gets precision damage. He gets an additional attack thanks to Haste, at his maximum attack bonus.

Full attack roll: 1[roll1]/2[roll2]/3[roll3]/4[roll4]/5[roll5]

Damage for the attacks:
1[roll6]+sneak attack [roll7]
2[roll8]+sneak attack [roll9]
3[roll10]+sneak attack [roll11]
4[roll12]+sneak attack [roll13]
5[roll14]+sneak attack [roll15]

2009-01-16, 05:40 PM
As I said, the win is yours.

I will need to place more restrictions, evidently, to make this at all useful - I just don't know what they should be.