View Full Version : Trouble at Home IC

2009-01-16, 07:33 PM
They came in the night. Maybe it was night; all this marching and you've completely lost track of time. Naturally, the black sack over your head doesn't help, even though you're either outside or in a room that for whatever reason has a breeze. Why don't they just finish you off? Why must you march for what seems like days, just to kill you? And the footing doesn't help either... probably over a large patch of road that is being worked on. Is that blood you feel oozing out of your feet? You can't stop to check. Finally, a break. You ask for the hood to come off, and for that you get a club in the face. With your back to another living soul, tied together (most likely another prisoner) all you can do is sleep, but before you know it, you're off on the march again, stumbling over wrecked roads and feeling like you never stopped. The day is sweltering hot, and the hood helps none at all. Finally, you enter the cool solace of a well insulated room. You're sat down in a chair, and you wait there for hours. Is that another person breathing next to you, or are you just paranoid? Is that another standing behind you, ready to torture, to punish, to interrogate? Is he readying the lash? When will eh strike? But it never happens. Instead, your hood is pulled off. Someone musses your hair as you adjust to the light... to find yourself in a room unlike any you've ever been in before, a circular thing of unhewn rock, uneven and seemingly unplanned, with a doorless corridor heading off to wherever. It's also awfully damp. Next to you, on other chairs, are prisoners like yourself; a a relatively cleanly, very large gnoll, a broad faced, pathetic looking guy, and a small, quick looking man. each exhausted and disheveled. Before you- presumably your captor- is a man. He has grey, colorless skin, is rather slim, and stands at less than six feet tall. Nonetheless, he seems almost larger than life. The heavy, gleaming armor he wears and the huge shield and sword upon his back definitely help, but it's not just that. He almost radiates an aura of pure energy, and liveliness. He hits you all with a stunning grin, one prone to laughter, upon an impeccable, beautiful face, with long, streaming ash colored hair. "I'm sure you're wondering why I brought you here today. First and foremost, I'd like to apologise for what I'm sure was a very rough trip- I assure you, it was necessary, and my heart breaks every time I look upon the new batch. If there were any other practical way to do it I would-but alas, I cannot." There is a very genuine sadness and regret in his voice, although mixed in with it is the same compelling energy. He somehow manages to grin while still seeming sorrowful. The sadness is instantly wiped away, replaced by even more intoxicating charisma and energy. "Now, I'm sure you're full of questions, so feel free to ask as many as you'd like! It'll put you at ease I assure you."

2009-01-17, 08:45 AM
(waaaaah, sorry I didnty post last night, was very, very busy in the uh, *cough* freeforum roleplay...thus also why the speaking text is highlighted, bad habit, you can tell me to stop.)

Katz twitches and stares, aching all over, "D-dont soften it, we're gonna die, arent we? You're gonna kill us...." Tears well up in Katz eyes. He never particularly liked his life, but anything was better than death. He should've never taken that necklace! He knew it was bad! Now he'd never see his harp guitar again...never, never, never...

"This is just one last bit of kindness before we die, isnt it?" he sobs, "I appreciate it, thank you, but....but please, it doesnt...doesnt help!" tears flow down Katz' face, from fear, the imminent fear of his death. "I'm sure lots of people are warmed by it, but it does help me!" he continues sobbing, as well as he can into his hands.

Prize Inside
2009-01-17, 09:10 AM
Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
That was certainly painful... They've never been so rough before... or so 'kindnapped-in-the-middle-of-the-night'-y. This is definatly different then the normal mines, though Rico lost track long ago any notice of where he was walking, only that it was forward.

Now, he slowly shakes the weary from his head as the man in front of him speaks. Rico grins. That doesn't sound too bad afterall. He looks around and takes in the other two beside him. I take it they don't seem quite fit for mining? No matter, Rico is sure everything will be explained. No need for questions... none at all. Well.... except.... "What did you mean by 'batch', sir?" he asks, still relativly as ease with the mans emotion and energy.

Am I familier with this grey skinned man, in either race or rank? Are my hands still tied? And why is the man beside me saying such odd things?

2009-01-18, 05:57 PM
Tarkus squinted in the light. Having his head in a bag - or was it a sack? Tarkus didn't know - for so long didn't help his eyes any, and having his eyes exposed to light so quickly wasn't any fun. The beatings and the bruises that he could feel weren't helping his concentration either.

Tarkus was rather upset with himself this time. How did they get him? He was usually good at detecting their 'goon squads'. Maybe, they actually clued-in this time to the fact that Tarkus was sensitive to magic, and sent brutes instead? Perhaps. Sure, the government was stupid, but, it did adapt to 'new' situations - or old ones with new spins. Home wasn't all-bad. If only they kept out of sight. But, they didn't.

Tarkus looks at his 'compatriots', one of them was whining, and the other was calm. Okay. "Yes. I guess we're wondering why we're here. But, you neglected to tell us. And, yes, there is another way you could bring us. You could ask us, perhaps? I'm sure we'd follow, since you fellows seem to run on fear. We'd do anything you tell us to. But, I guess you bastards didn't think of that, right?"

Since I have Detect Magic as an innate ability. And it's a 'sense' of sorts; I'm wondering can I use it without verbal/somatic components? If I can just do it? If yes, then I use it. If not, I don't.

2009-01-18, 07:04 PM
The man looks at Tarkus, sighs, and nods. "Yes, it is a horrible process- I wish I could change it, but I'm afraid I'm just not that powerful. Under normal circumstances, you would be dead right now- you were taken for processing, and each of you were found to have a useful talent, and so were spared. I'm sure you wouldn't come quietly if you thought you were going to be killed, would you? No. None of you are going to die, unless you do something horribly wrong again... although from now on your lives will not be without some level of danger, that much is true."
None of you can recognize him fully, except as of either born or made into something only mostly human. The way he carries himself, you can tell that he is used to being in charge, or at least a position of authority, and is used to fighting.
Cheesegear only:
You can activate it simply by concentrating. If you do, you can tell there is a huge amount of magic in this place, and that the man himself exudes magic- not only his items, but also he himself. It is not a sort of magic power, but rather- before you can tell, you feel a searing pain in your head, and your concentration breaks. The man gives you a bit of a knowing smile out of the corner of his eye.

2009-01-18, 07:13 PM
Tarkus shakes his head, as the backlash of...Whatever that was that hit him. Damn... He closes his eyes to concentrate on making the pain go away. For the briefest of moments, Tarkus is silent.

As he opens his eyes, he sees the human-looking person smiling at him. Tarkus, only grinned back, showing lots of teeth. The ogres told him once that that means you're angry. "Well, that tells us nothing."

2009-01-18, 07:58 PM
S-so we're not gonna die... Katz stutters, looking up at the man. Really? The truth? He had...useful talents? But he had always been shunted from job to job, and even at the thing he loved he wasn't perfect. But Katz certainly wasnt going to bring THAT up!

Danger... he mutters, eyes wide and still teary. Well...would he rather face danger or just die now? He didnt like the sound of where the man was going...but death was definitly not in the picture. The man did say that none of them were going to die, so whatever this danger was, it wasnt fatal. And hell if he was going to do anything to cross Home again, no, no, no!

This is definitly better than an execution! Katz takes a deep breath and calms down a little, looking up at the man before him, Danger... he repeats, What will our talents be put to use to...that's so dangerous?

Prize Inside
2009-01-18, 08:21 PM
Rico looks at the small, quick looking man, listening to the exchange. Everyone is asking questions, no point in throwing more out just yet. Danger is nothing too new, but Rico guesses that this is a far different danger then just mining...

2009-01-18, 08:37 PM
The man talks as he unbinds you all. "No, no, you won't die- probably." He takes a moment to let that sink in. "You're going to be sent out on various forms of missions- manual labor, offensive actions, exploration, reconaissance, and the like. It won't be easy. At all. But, I can tell you that it is far better than death. Now, are there any more questions?"

2009-01-18, 09:21 PM
Katz rubs his wrists a little, listening to the man intently. The Home...they had thought that he was special enough to be used on such important tasks?! Probably...probably not die, thats a good thing! Definetly! It's a better chance than 'so dangerous that dying is likely'....it...actually might be like that, Katz begins thinking. Maybe he's being purposely optimistic in front of them, so they dont know any fear when they walk to thier deaths.

Katz whimpers a little. The tasks, however... it's almost like they're giving him a second chance... and something better than what he was previously doing.
Not like he had much of a choice, but Katz liked to think that he might have some say in it.

"Well...what are we going to do first...I guess..." Katz starts, thinking hard, "And uh...since we were sentanced to death... supposed to be, I mean! Does that mean we cant go home...?" He remembers with a pang that his precious guitar harp was still left in his room. They certainly wouldnt let him have that back now...

2009-01-18, 09:42 PM
"Waht you will do first is rest. You're no good to us, the state you're in- after that, it's beyond my control. As for going home... this is the only home you'll ever have, to the day you die. Now. Go out, and to the 12th door from the left end, you'll find you quarters. There you will find some food... after you eat, I suggest you go to sleep. Come. I will escort you." He picks up a pack from beside the door, and walks out of the room. Outside, if you so choose to follow, is a dark metal corridor. There are solid steel doors, all shiny and polished, all along the corridor- it goes very, very far, to the point that you can't make out exactly what's on each end. He goes to the right, and takes you along until you reach the 12th door from the end- the end is simply a nondescript, steel wall. Walking in, you find a room that's... actually rather nice. There is a table at the center, some chairs, a couch, a cupboard filled with various household amenities. 2 doors each lead to a bedroom, and a corridor leads to a small stone hewn area-cold enough to serve as a larder. On the table there are 3 meals set out, of quite nice make. After he shows you around, he takes the sack off his back, handing it to Katz. He smiles warmly, simply saying "A gift, from me." He briskly waalks out, into the corridor and to the right. There is a slamming of metal. Inside the sack is a guitar harp of exquisite make.

2009-01-19, 08:19 AM
At the words 'this will be your only home until the day you die', Katz heart sunk like a chunk of granite tossed into a lake. Then there'd be no chance that he'd ever see an instrument until that very day...near or far as it might be. He followed the man, only half interested, idly wondering how big this place actually was... and what was behind all these doors. More 'useful' people like Katz? This might actually be so, as the room they were led to was an apartment, of sorts. At the sight of food, Katz' heart might've actually lifted a little. It looks good...they'd take care of him and his...group? His comrades?

First thing first, he needed to find out thier names...

Actually, first thing first, he is handed the bag. He's puzzled by this. Why didn't his...uh, comrades get something, just himself? He opens it and squeals with joy! A harp guitar harp! They must've kept him alive because they saw how excellent he could be at music! And they were going to take it away if he had lived...! Being sentanced to this was a blessing, a blessing in disguise! He grins widly and strums all the cords a little, hearing once more the lower twang of the guitar and the more melodius hum of the harp. Such excellent make, and its all in tune!! Katz laughs in joy, oh, he could do anything with a beautiful intrument such as this one!

He is lost in happiness for a time, before turning to his...comrades. "Ah, this isnt all bad at all, no? Good room, good meal, good music... he strums the guitar merrily for effect, "I'm Katzenklavier Launeddas! Who might you two be? What work did you do before coming here?"

Prize Inside
2009-01-19, 02:26 PM
That was the question Rico was hoping for, and he was happy it was asked. As for the answer, he curiously follows the man who leads them, carefully making a mental map of the way they go, more for his own entertainment then any other purpose. The rest, short as it was, was very welcome before this walking continued.

Such a wonderfull room! Furnished and large, enough space to walk around in! As soon as the man leaves, Rico makes his way to the food, famished from the long walk. He watches his... housemate now, he supposes... open the package, while anylising what's going on. So... he can't go home. But really, is that so bad? Sure, more walks like that would be bad, but Rico doesn't think that will be likely. This room is practically luxurious in camparisan, and the chance to be even more useful?!

He eats his meal, seeing the unwrapped device that looks like it can't decide what it wants to be. "My name is Rico..." He isn't supposed to mention the mines, but maybe that doesn't even matter now. "I do... did... hard labor. You two ((or just you, if Tarkus doesn't follow)), should try the food." If the smaller man is there, he'll look at him expectantly for his answer.

2009-01-19, 04:29 PM
Tarkus is already pacing the room. Searching up and down along the walls, looking for cracks, secret panels. Running his hands along the wall, looking for hidden switches. Knocking his fist at certain structure-points. Or, rather guessing where certain structure points might be. It was hard to tell.

Only half-paying attention to Rico, Tarkus swears as he finds absolutely nothing to help them get out. Unfortunately, this happened to be timed as Rico finished his question.

"Oops, sorry. Name's Tarkus. Don't have a last name. I delivered things to people. I don't like being trapped against my will."

2009-01-19, 04:48 PM
"Oh, so then you'd rather be dead, wouldnt you be?" Katz shoots at Tarkus as he sits down to enjoy the food, gently placing the guitar harp beside him. He shakes his head at Tarkus' actions. He should just appreciate this chance he had been given!

Nice to meet you both then, Rico and Tarkus. Luck to the three of us on whatever we have to do, right? he smiles as he eats the good meal. At least we get all this, this really nice place to ourselves!

Prize Inside
2009-01-20, 10:14 AM
Too tired for much more conversation, Rico takes a look at the the bedrooms. Just two of them, and, polite or not, this takes some initiative. "A pleasure to meet you both, but I hope you'll forgive me if I save conversation for tommorrow." Such a long day, and so much to take in....

Having finished his meal, the gnoll takes for the left bedroom. "And Tarkus," he says before entering, seeing the man feel the walls. What is he trying to find? "Trapped or no, you'd be better off conserving your energy for tommorrow. I have a feeling we'll need it." A big feeling...

Rico takes a/the bed in the room, and eagerly offers pillows/blankets if it turns out one of the others is bedless. (For the greater good!)

Also, his curiousity piqued by Tarkus' searching, Rico will keep an eye out for anything that looks out of place architecture-wise... Not active searching, though, just passive scanning. ((also, should this be in a spoiler?))

2009-01-23, 12:24 AM
Ok, I'm just going to fast-forward to the next day. As far as you can tell, there isn't anything of interest in the room beyond what you see before you. Go ahead and post in spoilers anything you wanted to happen the night before, if I'm getting ahead of anyone.
Anyhow. A note on my DMing: I don't railroad. At all. I just tell you what I have planned out. By all means, if you so choose to, say, run off into the wilderness, I will be perfectly happy with that- trust me when I say that I'm very flexible. For example, in one of my recent in-person games, one of my players decided that he didn't like the way the party was going, and decided to make them into his undead minions. He became the BBEG, and it was one of the most rewarding games I'd ever played. Just FYI: do what's in character, what you want to do, not what it seems like I want you to do. It'll be more rewarding on both our parts.

You all fall asleep in your respective beds, and wake up the next morning feeling quite refreshed. On the table outside there are 3 plates, each with a hearty breakfast, and a note in very swishy handwriting.

Rico, Katz, and Tarkus:
I trust you've slept well. You'll need it. Today you will be sent out to do some reconaissance: we have recently begun to take an interest in a certain area, and we want it mapped out. We understand that Rico has some skill in cartography. We would also like you to make a note of any interesting things you find, whatever that may be of use to us.
Yours Truly,

As you finish reading, you look around to find yourself in a decrepit building. The table and chairs came with you, along with your meals. The building is grey, worn down, and there are holes in the ceiling. Cobwebs abound, and there are weeds growing in between the cracks on the stone floor. Aside from this, you can find a counter made of fading marble, upon which stands a sack- quite old and worn, but not so much as the building around you. You can hear the sound of gulls off in the distance, and there is the scent of salt in the air.

2009-01-24, 10:01 AM
(Katz would be pretty cool with whats going on, he sees no reason to run off. I mean, THAY GAVE HIM A GUITAR HARP! and let him live. What more could the guy ask for?!

And also...the paper teleported us, or we were shipped here overnight? AND would Katz have seen the sea before, would he understand what the signs all mean? I'll save his wonderment at the sights and sounds for the next post depending on weither he recognizes them or not.)

Katz, who had fallen asleep happily on the couch last night, wisely not cradeling his guitar harp. Oh, did he probably want to, but he knew he might break the precious, precious piece...

Blearly, he makes his way to the table, Harp/Guitar already held in his hand. He smiles half awake as he practically falls into a chair in front of his meal.
"This is all so amazing, thank you... he mutters happily as he digs down into the good food, I couldnt ask for anything better...." He notices the note as he becomes a little more aware and picks it up to read. He nods, still smiling, "Yes, yes, of course, whatever you'd like me to do...Vance?" he wonders if that was the name from last night. Katz doesnt recall that being the man's name... it's obviously thier boss, though! Of course, makes sense! He nods, more awake now, and notices... he's no longer in the room?! They'd stolen them in the night to here?! how...?!

"THE FOOD WAS DRUGGED!" he squeals loudly as he falls back off his chair with an "OW!" Was it all that surprising? Well.... no, but it wont stop him from being shocked! What else could they slip into the cdelicious food...?!

Prize Inside
2009-01-24, 10:56 AM
Note about your DMing: Woot =D

"OW" is all Rico hears as he leaves the bedroom, punctuated with a wide mouthed yawn, followed itself by a salt induced sneeze. That's new... in fact, this entire room. How did we get...
Breakfast!!! He moves towards the shocked looking human and sits down to eat. "Good morning..." Crap, what was his name.... "Did you sleep well?" He asks, reaching for the note if it looks like Katz is done with it.
In between bites, Rico also looks for Tarkus as well and... hey... another sack.

2009-01-25, 12:36 AM
Tarkus grumbles a rough "G'morning." before sitting down at the table and eating one of the meals. Left out for him. Not much good to eat. But, it was pretty much all that was left in the room, that had somehow become grimy and stingy.

Tarkus nods his head at the direction of the sack, between mouthfuls, and a fork in one hand, which he uses to point with. "What's in the sack today?"

2009-01-25, 10:38 PM
Ok, lessee...
JJkaybomb, please put your OOC comments in spoilers.
As for your questions: 1st, as to the mode of transportation, figure it out for yourself.
All of you know about the sea. Pretty well, at least. You just have a vague understanding of it- only Rico would know for sure that the salty smell and gulls point towards it being the sea. The others would think something along the lines of a nearby storehouse.
Also: I'd like you all to post a link to your character sheets in your next post. Much obliged.
Inside the sack, you find....
A large double pistol
A stargun
A shining, yellowish sickle-like sword (khopesh to those who know what that is- treat it as a sickle but with a crit threat of 19-20, and +2 to trip and disarm maneuvers)
A long, thin sword
A black shield
2 suits of brown armor
a light chain shirt
A pair of heavy leather gloves
A huge flask of ink, several fountain pens, and some very large blank scrolls
A few flasks of unidentifiable liquid. One says don't drink, the others are unlabeled.

As you all sit and eat, the area around you is quiet, aside from the gulls. A beam from the ceiling breaks and falls down, and you can hear a thud from above, but then it's quiet once more. Tarkus, between bleary eyed bites of food, notices a spot on the wall that does not match the rest. It is concave, very slightly, and colored a blackish green... on top of that, you notice that it seems to be flaking.
There is another clatter and thud of wood from the roof- although, with the conditions it is in, it's not all that surprising that the place is falling apart.

2009-01-26, 03:06 PM
"Good morning, everyone..." Katz mutters as he rises to his feet, lifting the chair to put it back into place. Flutters of some nervous feeling still nag him. Transported drugged in the middle of the night, practically thrown into the first mission in some... he jumps as the beam falls, some decrepit building. He hopes that it doesnt just all collapse on thier heads.... and theres also that wierd smell in the air. Salty. Gross, bleh.

"I slept...pretty well" considering that the food was drugged so they could be dragged here. Why did they make them walk the whole thing to the building they were in previously if they could transport everyone so easily?

He looks to his comrades, then shrugs and heads over to the bag, opening it. His eyes widen a little, "Um, our equipment, I guess!" he brings the bag over and carefully lays out everything on the table. "Who wants what, then? I think I want...." the shining chain shirt catches his eye and he picks it out of the pile, "This, at least!" he smiles, then it slips from his face, "Um, if...if no one else wants it... I-I'd like it..." He quickly changes the topic, "And, um, the pen and paper are obviously to record the maps, and whatever else so, Rico...?"

Katz (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=92865)

Prize Inside
2009-01-27, 08:08 PM
"Quite a load..." Rico says, taking the pen and paper set. Actually asked to make maps! Definatly will need to take care of this. But... "That's quite a lot of heavy equipment... Are we going to be expecting resistance?" Very, very heavy resistance. Or maybe just so we look official? Rico sniffs the air again, and sneezes.

Well, if he's going to look offical, he'll need something. Having never really touched a gun in his life, and seeing Katz take the chain shirt, the gnoll reaches for the Khopesh. He looks to Tarkus, still not sure what to think of the man. He seems to best know what's going on. Or at least certainly seems to know... something..."Your turn, then."

The gulls again... that means something... And the weapons can't be so we look offical. We're supposed to be dead, arn't we? He tests how the blade feels in his hand.

Moving forward slowly, but I like where this is going. Rico! (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=92967) at your service.

2009-01-27, 08:17 PM
Yes, it is going a bit slowly... more slowly than I would like. We are now waiting on cheesegear *glares in his general direction* who has to post before we move on with this.

2009-01-28, 02:44 AM
Tarkus, his curiosity piqued at the rather large haul that their 'benefactors' had given them. Closed his eyes, and breathed out, relying on the one thing that had always kept him alive at Home. With his eyes closed, Tarkus concentrated, and felt the ebb and flow of the room, his two companions, and the pile of equipment sitting on the table in front of them.

New day, right? I crack open a Detect Magic
...And it's hardly my fault the boards are running pretty badly these days. Plus, Life™. It makes things difficult sometimes. And, remember, I'm in a different timezone to you guys. :smallfrown:

2009-01-28, 06:58 PM
Feeling the ebb and flow, aside from the bag there is nothing else magical... scanning for a few more seconds, Tarkus notices something out of the corner of his "eye"- some magical energy, from a decent distance- from above, in fact. And it's moving. Before anything can be done, there is a crash, and two beings fall through the ceiling. One is a tall, regal looking half-elf, with wild hair and sharp face paint under his eyes, wearing a robe. He is beating the thing below him with a cudgel, screaming wildly. You can't see much of the thing below under his robes and with all the action, but it seems somewhere between 6-8 feet tall, with... fins, or spines, or something along its arms, back, shoulders, ankles- all over. Its face is only vaguely human, pointed, shaped almost fish like. The eyes are dark slits, and it has a clammy looking, dark green skin, dripping some kind of liquid. One of them reeks of salt and something organic. The thing below is screaming, and it reraches out from under the half-elf, scrabbling to get away, and sees you all. There is terror in its eyes- or at least maybe, you cannot tell for the alien face and short glimpse- and it yells out in a rasping, low, enticing voice. It is unintelligable.
Cheesegear, please post your character sheet.

Prize Inside
2009-01-28, 10:39 PM
Rico stairs at the silent Tarkus for a while. The guy must really be concentrating hard... There is alot of stuff, so that's understandable. He jumps as the silence is broken by the raining brawl. His first though is Cave in!! followed shortly by a realization that he isn't in a cave. Instead, just this violent beating...

He stairs shocked at the scene for a while, before the built up adrenaline forces him into action, instictively trying to break up this... fight?... beating?... should he really get involved? Too late now, he thinks, diving to pull the half elf off the... other thing.

Rico with try to attempt a grapple with the elf, assisting with breaking a current grapple, if applicable. He will also stop if either of his compatriates attempts to keep him back.

2009-01-28, 11:10 PM
Rico easily manages to pull the half-elf off; however, it leaves him off balance, and as soon as this is done the creature on the bottom leaps up and tackles him (the half-elf). They tumble across the floor, and the thing wildly beats on the elf, strangling and clawing at him. You notice that on each of its webbed hands, the thing has long, ichor-stained claws, and it bats the elf's protesting hands away to claw at his face- it tears through flesh and bone, leaving the right half of his face a gory mess, as the elf screams in agony. He grasps for his cudgel, cast aside, but the thing slams its massive fist on his hand, grinding it into the ground. It then gets up, lifting him into the air and throwing him against the wall, charging at him to continue the beating.
The creature, upon further inspection, looks a lot like this. (In fact, it's uncanny I found something that so closely resembles my idea for the being. Just think of that but a bit less shiny and a bit more squamous.)http://images.elfwood.com/art/f/r/framboisier/profond1.jpg

2009-01-28, 11:25 PM
Not hearing any objections, Katz puts on the pretty shirt. And then the crashing happens...

Katz, being the spineless little wimp he is, actually scampers back and screams a little, frightened by the sudden crashing and the horrendous looking fish/man.
Wait, why is Rico trying to help the half-elf? The guy is obviously killing what is obviously a horrendous, disgusting monster! But... Rico seemed to be more collected and, well, he seemed to have his **** together, much more than Katz had. Maybe Rico knew what was going on, sorta, maybe he had the right idea. With a touch of hesitation, Katz rushes forward.
Stop, stop, whats going on??? Katz yells as he attempts to help Rico.


Of course at the sight of the brutalization, Katz is compleatly freaked out. He screams and scampers back to the table. There is no way in hell he'd be able to take something like that on. What the hell was Rico thinking?! Katz knew it was a monster, dammit! Sword! Sword! He grabs at the thin sword, to defend himself, if the thing turns on him next. But hell if he was going to try anything! Combat is not his cup of tea!

Prize Inside
2009-01-29, 07:26 PM
No, no, no, no! Rico thinks, not knowing at all what's going on as he recovers his balance. "I don't know!!!" He yells at Katz, irritated at his hesitation. But he can't really blame the man, Rico almost didn't do anything himself! Too late for inaction now, he thinks diving to tackle the fishman. No one is going to die, dammit!!!

I suppose same as last time, with Scaly McFisherton as the target. Also, awesome picture. Source?

2009-02-01, 02:54 AM
Apparently, Tarkus is uninterested in the giant fish man brawling in the middle of his breakfast. I commend his incredible ability to remain completely detatched.:smallannoyed:
Anyhow, yes, it is a very awesome picture. I was just looking for something that might resemble my idea for the creature, as it's easier to provide a reference then g from there than to just try to describe it; so, I just googled "deep one", and found that.
Rico, with a burst of strength, tackles the thing and sends them both sprawling to the ground. However, with his burst of strength gone, it knocks him off and slowly gets up... however, while this was happening, the elf recovered and grabbed his cudgel. Right as the thing regains its poise, the elf leaps into the air, and with a two handed blow swings the cudgel at its face; there is a ear-splitting crack, and a flash of light, and the thing goes flying, spinning across the room to smash into the wall. Its head is caved in.
The elf, sighs, almost wimpers, dropping his staff and falling to the ground. his face is bleeding profusely, and it is no wonder; he's been mauled. He is missing the left eye, and a chunk of his scalp is hanging by a thread. His jaw is obviously dislocated, and there is a hole in his cheek so that one can see inside his mouth. Other than this, he is also covered in bruises and gouges. He sits up, and grabs his cudgel. He looks over at Rico, and in a low, hoarse voice, "Well, I don't know whether to thank you or curse you. I would've had him if you hadn't pushed me off, and without scarring... but you came to my aid, in the end. Nonetheless. My wife isn't going to like this." He chuckles mirthlessly, and slumps over, breathing heavily... and a stirring is heard. The thing slowly lifts its arm, clawing at the wall and lifting itself up very, very, ponderously, and staggers to its feet. The elf looks up, and despair is in his eyes. "No... I can't believe it..." he manages to choke out. They both stand there for a moment; the elf, slumped, leaning on his cudgel, the thing standing with its chest up, proud. It responds, in a raspy, feline, attractive voice; "Whatever you believe, you will bleed all the same."

2009-02-01, 03:07 AM
Oops. Post my character sheet where? Here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=100884)?

Tarkus stunned at the initial collapse of the ceiling. Was he stunned? Maybe he was too tired? Maybe he just didn't care? For whatever the reason, Tarkus didn't find the the situation of two beings falling from the ceiling in a bizarre tangle of fists and blood very amazing, since he had just been brought and teleported to this strange place against his will. This place could have anything in it. Tarkus stopped caring about craziness when a strange man punched him in the face.
Just another day in this crazy place... he thought snidely. Tarkus was a cosmopolitan man, and the arrival of the 'fish' didn't phase him one bit. He'd seen crazier things in Home. Nothing really surprised him anymore.

However, when the...Fish...Thing...Managed to claw itself up, after taking a beating like like it had, well, that wasn't normal. Tarkus quickly grabbed whatever was closest; The double-barreled pistol and yells, in the most-commanding voice he can manage.
"Next Elf or...Thing..." he indicates the Fishman with a flailing of his newfound pistol "To move, gets a bullet, somewhere. I haven't totally decided yet. Can someone please explain to me what's going on!? There's only so much I can take before I snap. And I'm getting pretty close to that..."

Readied Action to Shoot

2009-02-01, 09:18 PM
"Explain?!" Katz squeals frightfully, so afraid he has to use the table for support. The mess of gore, especially from the elf's missing left face. Katz felt weak, helpless, though the fishman still seemed strong after all of that... And here Tarkus was, asking to explain things?! Was anyone honestly going to answer?! The fish had survived all that, what more was a gun going to do?!
"Does this look like the time to ask such things?!" He flips between the elf and the fish. Did it matter at all? Did he have to know who was on thier side? Would he get any honest truth either way? "In the middle of everyone killing eachother?! Fine! Ask away! Makes it more likely to find out whats going on if you ask! But...!" his breath comes out as a stutter. It wouldnt help... so... gut instinct. Fear. Doesnt help. The fishman was a monster, a beast that had mutilated a face more familliar to the human, a face that had a family. Katz couldnt see the man in the fish, just a horror... a deadly one...
"There's no time to ask!" he squeals, confirming his own thoughts and forcing himself off the table. With a frightened shout he charges at the fishman, thrusting his sword forward for a piercing attack.

2009-02-04, 08:55 PM
The elf leaps into the air as Tarkus waves his gun towards the thing, and brings his staff down on his head with a loud crack. Blood trickles down his head as Tarkus stumbles to the side, firing and grazing the elf's shoulder. As this is happening, Katz charges the thing, but in his haste he loses control; it calmly bats the rapier out of his hand, then plows over him, knocking him to the ground and charging the elf as it recovers from the gunfire.
Lesseee.... Tarkus takes 18 damage, 9 of it nonlethal, and Katz has been knocked prone. Note: I have some extra homebrew rules reflecting the severity of a blow to an unarmored flat footed opponent. Specifically, the attack deals double damage, half of it nonlethal with a bludgeoning weapon, and the critical threat range is doubled. Also, I have another rule: if one takes half of their hp in damage in one blow, they must succeed in a fort save DC equal to the damage dealt or be stunned next turn... Tarkus saved by 1. There are a handful of these homebrew rules I have to add to the realism like this, most of them rather minor... I'll bring them up as we go along.

2009-02-04, 09:06 PM
The elf and the fish-man, energized by the onslaught, charge at each other across the floor. The elf leaps into the air, yelling and bringing down his staff... but the fish man is too quick. As he is in the air, the fish man plows into the elf, making a leap of his own and driving him into the ground. The elf attempts to bring up the staff for a blow, but the fish man whisks it out of his hands, and flexing his arms snaps it in two. There is a crack, another flash of light, and the two broken pieces crackle with energy. The elf lifts up his arms, frantically pushing at the fish man, but the thing just taks the 2 jagged ends and rams them into his shoulders; as he yells, the thing grabs him by the head, and slams it into the ground; again, and there is a spot of blood there; again, and as he brings his head up it drips with blood. He slams it into the ground one final time, and the elf is obviously dead. Its breath ragged, the fish man drags itself to a corner, and with a shudder is motionless.

2009-02-05, 12:08 AM
Scared out of his mind, Katz knew he was going to die when he hit the ground. Thats it, end, over, death, like he should have, except this way scared him so much more, and was certain to hurt so much more.
Of course, it doesnt come. Sounds assult Katz' ears, sounds that he doesnt like, sounds that stop abruptly and fill him with dread. He lifts himself up to see the ending scene, the gore of a dead man...

Katz screams loudly and scurries back, unable to take his eyes off the mess and gore. He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to block out the scene.
What's going on, what's going on, why, why, why am I even here?! he squeals, frightened, We've just been sent to our deaths, that's all that's going on, we're just here to die like the half elf, going to get torn to peices and die... he moans, gripping at his head. His eyes snap open and focus oin the fishman in fright, Is it dead, are they both dead?! he squeals, voice high pitched and crazed, Do we have to kill it too?! Are we to enact murder before we ourselves are killed?! he squeezes the hilt of his rapier, at least trying to get to his feet...

Prize Inside
2009-02-05, 08:26 PM
DAMMIT! After being stunned at what just happened, Rico rushes over to Tarkus to make sure that he's okay. Not that he'd know one way or another, but it's still something... not like the poor elf. The small man had the right idea, even if it was too little too late. He grits his teeth at the panicing Katz. "Just calm the hell down for a second!!" the gnoll snaps.

Does the fish beast look dead? Does Tarkus look okay? Did anything fall off the table? Have the seagulls shut up yet?

2009-02-05, 09:29 PM
Lessee... well, as for the fish man, he has a caved in head and multiple weltys and lacerations. And he's lying motionless on the ground. But, from the words of one of my more recent DMs, you don't know, do you? Expect that as an answer for just about any question. As for Tarkus, he's reeling a bit, but standing. And there's a trickle of blood on his head. The seagulls haven't shut up. Nothing fell off the table, as the fight was relatively distant.
Jjkaybomb: I love the characterization. It's well written, and I'm getting a good feel for your character. I just don't like it. Would you mind toning it down a bit? Of course, he's your character, so do whatever you please, and I won't hold it against you. At all. In fact, I would consider it a good thing to refuse... but if so, do you have any plans for him growing a bit, maturing, gaining confidence?
Prize: Al in all, very well written. I like what I'm seeing, but the problem I have with you is exactly the opposite of Katz... I'm fine with the character, I just don't have much of a feel for him. He doesn't set himself apart, so to speak; there are no defining characteristics. Just something to think about.
Cheesegear: You've hit an exceelent balance of creating a character, but not overdoing it. I just wish I could see more of him:smallamused:
Anyhow, I'm seeing reactions, but no actual defining actions in and of themselves: do something people, so we can progress. You need to take the initiative to do whatever- the plot's not going to progress itself.

2009-02-05, 09:55 PM
Part of the reason why I play cowardly charactors is to see where they go. Sometimes they get whipped into shape and do mature, and other times they just become completely catatonic and just go with the motions, sometimes.... So, yes, I do have plans for Katz to at least grow, in some direction. Really matters what he's presented with XD but I love it when I can find reason to make my charactors grow a backbone... XD glad you like the charactorization, its what I play for :smallbiggrin:
The thing was that... if it still was alive, then we'd still be in combat, which means all I had to do in my round was stop being prone...
Katz shoots a dirty look at Rico, Well you dont have to yell about it! he squeals back. If we're no longer in combat and Katz can make another action besides getting up *cough* I mean, he eyes the fish. The elf is dead... dont think about that. The fishman. The fishman isnt moving... is it just exausted...? Though his legs are numb with fear, he holds the thin sword in front of him, edging towards the fish. All he can think of is why he had to move, why he had to attack, maybe there were answers to be had... now there were none. Nobody could offer anything... They're all dead... He shivers, but keeps moving carefully towards the fish.

readied action, if the fish man moves, Katz is going to freak out and stab at it

2009-02-05, 10:00 PM
The fish man doesn't move. At all. In fact, with his adrenaline enhanced senses, Katz can tell that it's not even breathing. Of course, with his adrenaline-addled mind, he can't remember if it was ever breathing in the first place.

Prize Inside
2009-02-05, 10:01 PM
As he is, Rico is pretty reactive, I tried to show the whole diving into the fight thing as an unusal thing for him (while justifing still getting stuff done). I was trying to set him up for following Tarkus at first (As most homies are more followers then leaders anyway) before eventually getting the balls to do things on his own. That's probobly where the mush is, as he's far more proactive then I envision as being, just to get done what needs to be done.
But while we're on the topic, a few questions of my own...
As I believe I said before, I'm rather new to the play by post thing. Should I wait for everyone to post before reposting, i.e. a round by round thing? Can I repost with dialogue, or should that wait as well? I don't wanna mess up the flow with a bunch of posting all in an hour or so.
Secondly, I like what you did with the answer thing, but, I REALLY like to ask questions. If I'm allowed, I'll stop asking simple things, and go complex. (Does the fishman look like he's breathing? Are his eyes open or shut? Does he look edible? (just kidding on the last one)) But I'll gladly stop if it becomes a hiderance (or just annoying)

2009-02-05, 10:14 PM
I only reply in that way to subjective questions. His eyes are closed. He's not breathing, as I said before. And post as much as you please; the more the better. If you outshine others, well then tough cookies to them, they should post more.

Prize Inside
2009-02-06, 04:56 PM
Rico grits his teeth again as Katz snaps back. But, he was right... the gnoll DIDN'T have to yell about it. He breaths hard as he thinks, still recovering from the adreinallin rush. He shouldn't have been so angry. It was just all so sudden... so chaotic... all of this. This isn't how the world is... or was... GAH!
As the human approches the beast, Rico thinks back. The elf... it mentioned it's wife... it was married. He looks at the poor dead elf. Marrage is an official title, approved by the will of the goverment. This person must have been part of that. Official, yes. "We're.... We'll need to report this." Rico says, starting hesitantly, but finishing firmly, with a matter-of-fact tone.

2009-02-06, 05:32 PM
Well then write it down! Katz snaps back, exasperated. His fear of dying no longer substantiated, most of it crashes down into a shaky irritation. He still edges closer to the fish and prods it with his sword, holding his breath. He can feel himself shivering... What has happened here? Two things trying to kill eachother succeeded.... that's all. Was it even important or meaningful? They were told to look out for anything strange as well as map out the area... this was certainly strange enough.
Sorry, I'll probably post more frequently then. I think the both of us were just waiting for cheesegear to post...

2009-02-06, 06:36 PM
The fish man doesn't move, at all. It is eerily silent, other than the occasional far-off caw of gulls.

2009-02-06, 07:25 PM
Tarkus frowns "Well, that about does it then! I'm sick of this hole and I'm sick of sitting here waiting for stuff to happen around us. Let's divvy up the stuff-" he indicates the myriad of objects on the table. "-and get as far away from this place as possible. Right. An elf and a fish...Thing dropped in on us. That's fantastic, now let's get out of here."

My posts are few and far between I'm afraid. I'll be posting last most of the time.

2009-02-06, 10:30 PM
So... just gonna head right out?

2009-02-07, 10:36 AM
Katz backs away slowly from the fishman, still feeling jittery and anxious. He turns back to the table slowly, keeping an eye on the fishman, but off the mutilated corpse... he shutters again. Katz shoves the sword in his belt and eyes rest on his guitarharp... that would help him calm down... but he wouldnt take it just yet...
Fine then, if nobody else wants anything from this table, he snaps, I'm going to start taking things. He grabs the bag and places all the potions inside of it, I think these would be best carried all together, right? Unless you guys have packs I had previously not seen... he eyes Rico and Tarkus, then withdraws a little, fright edging back into his thoughts, But um... dont take that offensivly, I'm just saying... His eyes flicker between the two again before they return to the table.
Pity there arent more ranged weapons... he thinks slowly, or meelee, we could've had one apeice... He picks out the stargun and the sheild smoothly. Well, there was an extra weapon anyway, and it would make sense to have multiple members of the group be able to shoot stuff. As for the sheild, well, Katz is a coward and is thinking heavily on his own defense, more than the others. He tries to quench any panic that his teamates might hurt him for taking all of that. Well they should've taken them in the first place if they wanted them, but I guess they dont care enough. Mine now.
Is the sheild a buckler or just a sheild?

Prize Inside
2009-02-07, 11:05 AM
Write it down, yes, yes, of course! Rico hurries over to the papers, and starts recording the event. The thought of having a protocol to follow helps him stay focused. Someone is still in charge, and anticipated this. We're still on official buisness! We need to stay organized, and keep track of what happens. "We'll leave soon enough." He says absantly to Tarkus. "But this is where we were brought to for a reason." The gnoll watches Katz at he walks to where the ceiling collapsed. "Good job," He says, indicating the bagging, half-interested. "Just save me an armor or something."

That elf had to have come from somewhere, Rico thinks, inspecting the hole in the ceiling.

Does the hole look climbable? If it does (as long as there looks like there is a somewhat reasonable chance of success, rickity is okay, but not if there is clearly no way up) Rico will attempt to climb up. If it looks too impossible, he'll see what he can, and then look for some sort of Identification of the elf (I assume Home keeps track of it's citizans using a simmiler method?
Also, how badly does it seem like it affected the structure?)

2009-02-07, 01:49 PM
Rico goes over to the side of the building, and climbs up onto a hole in the wall about 5 feet high; from there, it is an easy matter to grab onto another hole in the ceiling and climb up onto there. There is the crack of wood as he does so, but nothing much breaks...
Getting up, and brushing himself off, Rico can see for miles... there is a row of buildings, much like this one, going off into the distance. Each is equally dilapidated. From time to time there is a 3-story basalt building that can be seen, scattered about; these look to be almost untouched. 2 rows of buildings in the distance, there is a beach, and then the sea; there are piers going out, each one unusable, and a crumbling lighthouse. Everything is completely silent and motionless.

Prize Inside
2009-02-07, 02:59 PM
Squinting as the light, Rico is amazed at the scene. So open! But that will have untill later, there are still important issues to deal with. Rico takes a long look at everything, trying to find where best to go from here. After a good look, especially at the nearby buildings, he slide/climbs down to the ground floor again.

"Okay." He brushes the dirt off again, while addressing his teammates. "There's a lighthouse about a half mile or so away, or several large buildings around. Those would be good places to start. From the lighthouse, we may be able to better see the whole... town." Is this a town? This looks faaarrrr different then Home. Don't think about that....

He'll also grab one of the brown armors, and inspect it. Might as well use it if we are moving out soon.

What does it look like? Feel like? Does it look like it would fit? As long as it's not too heavy, and would fit, Rico will pop into a back room (if there is a back room) and change into it. (But not so far as to be out of the conversation if anyone responds.)

2009-02-08, 12:05 AM
Tarkus grabs the gun-belt from the table, and loops it around his waist, holstering the double-barreled pistol. He then dons one of the shirts of leather, and eases on the heavy leather gloves.

"Right. It's go-time." Tarkus grins.

2009-02-08, 08:42 AM
Still wondering if the sheild is a buckler or not, so sue me, I'm an ditz.

2009-02-08, 02:02 PM
Ok, so here's an inventory...
A large double pistol- Tarkus
A stargun- Katz
A shining, yellowish sickle-like sword (khopesh to those who know what that is- treat it as a sickle but with a crit threat of 19-20, and +2 to trip and disarm maneuvers)- Rico
A long, thin sword- Katz
A black shield- darkwood light shield, FYI- Katz
2 suits of brown armor- 1 to tarkus, 1 to Rico. Lamentine.
a light chain shirt- Katz
A pair of heavy leather gloves- Tarkus
A huge flask of ink, several fountain pens, and some very large blank scrolls- Bag
A few flasks of unidentifiable liquid. One says don't drink, the others are unlabeled.-Bag
Katz is carrying the bag. It's an HHH.

You all leave the building, heading for the lighthouse. Everything is so very silent. And then you hear a rustling, loud and audible in the silence... turning around, looking back in the room, you see nothing... too much nothing. The fish man is gone. And so is Katz. "I understand we got off to a bad start, but please, don't hold it against me. Far too many misunderstandings occur when everyone's trying to kill you." He has Katz slung over his shoulder, who is making no sound whatsoever despite his best efforts.

2009-02-08, 02:53 PM
wait, since when were the ink and paper in the bag... I just said I'd put the potions in there. huh. oh well, not like Katz has a say right now XD speaking of, tied up or just knocked out?

Prize Inside
2009-02-08, 06:30 PM
The fish thing!!
Rico freezes when he sees it, hand hovering over his khopesh. It was dead, he was sure! And now it will kill again.... DAMNIT!

He listens as the beast speaks, but stays silent. He won't let a teammate die, not this soon, and the creature is currently in control. The gnoll waits for it to continue.

How far away is the beast? Is it threatening Katz in any way? It sounds rather resonable. Can I sense motive to see if I can detect any malicious intent? Should I update my character sheet with my new equipment?

2009-02-19, 07:06 PM
Welll, between waiting for cheesegear, and my internet or the site being down, it's been over 10 days since I've last post... not good. Sorry bout the wait. I'm PMing cheesegear now.

@Rico: yes, update your character sheet. No, you can't detect malicious intent... or very much of it, at least. It just has Katz slung over its shoulder.
The fish man bares his teeth- whether in anger or amusement you can't tell- and then looks over at Rico. "Ahhh, I can see I have your rapt attention. I do so love to keep my audiences rriveted. Now, before the show can go on, I do believe I'll have to ask you to drop your weapos- one simply can't take any risks in this day and age, what with all the violence and anger, can they now?"

2009-02-19, 08:33 PM
Sorry I didnt post again myself... I thought it would just clutter... silly me @.@
Katz is very, very confused. How the hell did this happen?! He shouldve, he shouldve just killed the damn thing when he had a chance! Why didnt he?!
Now we're dead, we're all dead, he's going to kill us, oh god, he's going to kill us. Doesnt matter what he's saying, dammit, he's only going to kill us the moment he gets everyone to drop thier weapons!
Katz is lost in panic. Also, the fish man is touching him. AUG!
We're all going to die! He begins to stuggle to esacpe, paralyzing shock giving way to abject panic

Prize Inside
2009-02-19, 09:24 PM
The thing has killed once, it will kill again. It seems to be just toying with the human. No, this thing has no authority, not here. This team still has a job to do. Rico takes the khopesh off of his belt, making slow deliberate movements.

Rico will wait until the fish thing is distracting from the squirming Katz, and then attack, preferably trying to trip it with the khopesh. Have to learn to use it sometime! If he does have to drop it before the fish lowers his gaurd, he will... and then attempt to tackle it.

Well, this is going to have to go in the report.....

2009-02-20, 06:26 PM
As Katz struggles, the fish man squeezes him tighter, and when the struggling continues, he grabs him by the arm, slinging him over and holding him up next to his face, Katz' face right in front of his, his legs just barely off the ground. "Listen, friend, you tried to kill me. If you don't stop struggling, I might have to return the favor. I'm in quite-" a shot rings out, and pierces the fish man's shoulder- Tarkus had shot him. The fish man flings Katz aside, leaping over Rico and grabbing Tarkus, heaving him into the air, and grabbing him by the face. "I told you to drop your weapons!" and smashes his face into a stone wall, crushing his head with a quick, gory splatter. The body slumps to the ground. "Hm. Now, I'm in quite a rush. Drop the weapon, or the same fate will fall to you."
It's obvious he's bluffing; the thing is tired. Dark, brackish green blood seeps from his wound, spattering to the floor, and his shoulders sag. In fact, he seems much smaller, barely larger than Rico.

2009-02-21, 06:07 PM
Katz tumbles through the air, smacking into the ground hard, still in panic mode. He finds himself very unfortunate to watch the death of Tarkus....
Everything drains from him with the shattering of Tarkus' head. He tries to scream, not even noticing the state that the fishman is in. All he knows is how close his own death is. He cant stop his whole body from shaking violently, but he tries to struggle to his feet. To run, to try and find a way to attack, who knows...
I dunno, I figured Katz was prone, but if he isnt, he probably will draw his gun to try and attack the fishman as well. If he doesnt have his gun because the fishman took it off him or something, then he will scramble for the nearest weapon.

Prize Inside
2009-02-23, 09:04 PM
Seeing the creature on it's last legs energizes Rico, just as seeing another fallen comrade emboldens him with purpose. Rico narrows his eyes and rushes forward, charging in for a quick slice to the side.

2009-02-23, 10:33 PM
Katz grabs the rapier, then leaps up, charging the beast; it attempts to sidestep, but slips on its own blood, falling to a kneel. Reaching out a hand- to divert the attack away from its face, it succeeds, only to be stabbed through the hand; the force of the charge forces his hand back, to the point that the blade reaches the face, and draws a line of blood across it; suddenly, with supernatural strength, it twists its hand away, yanking the blade out of Katz' hands, then turning its own and, with its hand still impaled, stabs Katz with the blade, driving into his belly and out the back; the force of the blow keeps it going, lifting Katz into the air and sticking him to the building behind. As this is happening, Rico stands watching, shaken; he comes to his senses, suddenly, and runs forward, blade in the air, swinging down to connect it with the monster's shoulder. It goes through, cleaving all the way to the chest, blood spraying forth, the blade stuck in a bone, or cartilage, or whatever; it falls down, pulling the khopesh from Rico's hand and freeing Katz from the wall, though the blade is still there. Once again it lies motionless.

2009-02-23, 11:45 PM
Katz felt a rush of adrenniline as he was attacking the fishman. Yes, it killed the elf, Tarkus, but it was weak, weak! Maybe... Maybe...?!

Of course it all drained out of him as his own blade was torn from him... and against him. Honestly, I dont even think he was aware what was going on. Like the world suddenly stopped telling him what the hell was going on. All he was aware of was a cold feeling in his gut, the fishman in his face. But why did it hurt... oh god....

Only when he crashed to the ground did anything start to make sense. Except making sense meant every sense screaming at him at once.

Oh god, there is a sword, and its sticking in me! Oh god, it is in my body, and there is blood, and its in my body!!! AUG! Katz screams, if he can. He may just be screaming in his head. Doesnt matter to Katz, because there is a goddamn sword in his freaking gut!!!

I'm gonna die! I'm dead I'm dead! he shreiks. Trying to raise his arms to the cold blade stuck in his stomach. He can feel it stinging inside of him oh god! Should he pull it out?! Should he keep it there?! Is he even alive?! What the hell should he do?! Katz sure as hell doesnt know. But dammit, that sword, no, it doesnt belong here, in him. with shaky and sweaty hands, wide frightful eyes, and whining squeals, he tries to tug it out. Probably screaming.

OSHI! ...I'm still alive?! Oshi oshi...
Guh, so late, hope I didnt ham this post... or...screw up if I'd dead or totally incapacitated or something. Since it wasnt noted, I do as posted.

2009-02-23, 11:53 PM
As the blade is pulled out, bit by bit, the blood flows more and more. Finally it's out, and the blood gushes in a steady, heavy stream. Luckily it's a thin blade, so your internal organs aren't going to spill all over the floor. You're at 3 hp and dropping fast.

Prize Inside
2009-02-24, 10:40 AM
A snarl eminates from Rico, as the fishman falls. It isn't dead yet... not dead enough. Already, he's loosing his team, failing his mission. He can't do this alone...

Rico slowly shambles over to the fishy body, his eyes wild and crazy, saliva hanging from his panting mouth. He should have done this to begin with. He was stupid, trying to keep the peace. Rico trys to take the khopesh in hand, and yank it out. And slice it down again, hacking at the body. The elf... Tarkus... Katz... *HACK* all becouse he tried... what the hell was he even trying to do?! *HACK* No matter.

Rico will continue to try and hack at the fishman until either it stops bleading, or Katz stops screaming.

2009-02-24, 12:30 PM
Arm shaking slightly, moaning and crying with tears of pain and fear smother his face, he watches Rico hack up the fishman, but turns down to his own wound, burning, stinging... Oh god, oh god...

He didnt want to touch it, he didnt even want to look at it, but his own life was in danger, and hell if he was going to let that get away from him. Whining a few notes for corage, he lifts his hand shakily and places it over the wound, wincing at the added sting. Maybe he could try to fix this... though he had never healed anything so severe.
Oh god, I'm going to die... he whines, closing his eyes and humming a few more bars and focusing.

Yeah, Katz is just casting cure light wounds, nothing special.

2009-02-24, 10:58 PM
Well, Prize, I'm glad you caught on so quickly. Well, actually I'm not, because I had worked on giving this guy a fully developed personality for quite some time...:smallsigh:
Katz is now at 3 hp. Rico has to make a balance check to walk, for slipping on blood.
With little effort, Katz manages to largely heal the wound; the blood flow slows to almost nothing, and the pain resides a bit.
In Rico's corner, the blood flow increases drastically, but not wihout undue effort. The thing proves to be incredibly tough even in death; the blade constantly catches on bony protrusions, cartilage, whatever; the insides prove to be varied and bizarre, with every cut revealing some new unfathomable organ or process. It takes nearly fifteen minutes, and within that time the creature is sufficiently butchered, quartered and quartered again. Rico, attempting to move, slips in the goo on the ground and falls; even without landing in it, he is filthy. And it's starting to stink. The seagulls have congregated around the area, and are eyeing you all hungrily.

Oh, and JJ... I see from your signature that you apparently take avatar requests. So, tell me... have you ever seen The Phantom of the Opera?:smallcool:

2009-02-24, 11:23 PM
Never seen Phantom of the Opera, no, but have seen and heard reference around every corner XD
Aw, we made the DM sigh... sad day. Even though its Mardi Gras.
Katz lifts his hand from the wound and looks at it, sighing in releif, then wincing, since it still hurt a little. He tries to rise to his feet, and watches, almost blankly as the fish man is hacked up by Rico. He has no sympathy for the fish. It was a beast, it killed two people without a second thought, and the strength that it was at... it would've just killed him and Rico as well, toying with them... It deserved what it was getting for that elf... and for... aug, Tarkus. He cringes as he sees the pulped head, much more than the fishman. He just couldnt relate to something so inhuman... but Tarkus...! His comrade...!

Katz edges over to the body of Tarkus, breathing shaky. The gun... he needed Tarkus' gun. Rico and him both needed to be able to kill these... these monsterous... things from a distance. Up close had gotten him impaled. But... oh, god, thats disgusting. And it, everything here, god it reeks. One hand over his mouth to block out smell and hold in vomit, cringing and shaking, he will try and find the gun, hoping its undamaged. And try to see what else is still useable around, like making sure nothing broke in the bag, ect...

2009-02-24, 11:48 PM
Hmmm. Didn't even know it's Mardi Gras... and actually, in my opinion the sighs are an integral part of DMing; you know you have good players when they make you sigh. It's just... ahrd. You know you have great players when they send you cackling in blind fury, wallowing despair and mirth all at the same time.
Anyhoo, I've been wanting a Phantom avatar; I've gone to the thread to request an OOTS avatar, but I gave up on that, as the only person who responded never got around to doing it. Anyhow, it's a great show and an even better movie, with some of the best singing I've ever heard. If you like good vocalists, it doesn't get better than Gerard Butler and Emily Rossum, in the movie adaptation; simply stunning, and listening to it has sent me into nigh-orgiastic pleasure. It's just that good. Anyhow, yeah... I really like it. Now on to the actual IC post.

The only thing that's broken is Tarkus' head; everything else is fine. The stench has become uncannily quickly unbearable, the seagulls are now moving in, a few eating the corpse, while one even has the audacity to attampt to eat chunks of flesh out of Rico's hair. The body seems to be eating itself away as you watch, reeling from the scent.

2009-02-25, 01:47 PM
sure, I'll do a Phantom avatar for you! You got anything in particular in mind, or shall I just roll with what little knowledge I have of the play? XD Since one usually thinks of that organ song... I was thinking of the phantom hunched over an organ...
Also, assuming something. I forget from the recruitment thread, but didnt you say the old just tend to disappear, not die... or something... so I wondered if Katz knew what to do with a dead body. I dont think they'd waste land burying them... Would they even know what happened to the dead?

Katz picks the gun away from Tarkus, but removing the gloves would be... a bit much, and kind've disgusting... like taking a his shirt. He bats a few of the gulls away from the corpse angrily. What were they even going to do with the body, just leave it here to be eaten by birds? That didnt seem... right. Not at all. But what was he supposed to do? Katz stares at it for a minute before edging away and going over to his remaining companion, trying to shoo the birds from him as well.

Rico... let's, let's just get out of here, lets go. We have to keep doing our job now... Theres no point in staying here. he tries to hand Rico the gun.

Prize Inside
2009-02-25, 08:10 PM
Seconded on the awesomeness of Phantom, though I must say the live action was far better then the movie. The movie wins hands down in musical vocals, though.

Rico picks himself up of the ground, wiping his filthy hands on his filthy armor, doing nothing to clean either. He was almost thankful for the seagulls, loud as they were, as least they were making noise, doing something to bring life to the scean.

"..let's go. We have to keep doing our jobs now..."
The words turn Ricos head, and he looks at Katz, holding the gun to the gnoll. The man looks frightened, and ragged. He bearly seems a man at all. A frightened child, in over his head. Rico narrows his eyes... This is his team now, and dammit, they're gonna look out for each other.
"You're right." The gnoll says, taking the gun and placing his other hand on the boy. "You look hurt. We should make for the lighthouse, and rest there. After that..." After that.... maybe someone will tell us what to do... "We start the report, tend to your wounds, and we'll decide where to go from there." Rico's snount twists into a smile, as friendly as he can manage though all the teeth and blood. "Can you manage that, Comrade?"
Becouse they did have work to do. They have a mission.

He hoped the man could manage it... Rico can't do it alone...

2009-02-25, 09:43 PM
Katz sighs heavily and nods, releived he had someone solid like Rico around. He wasnt even flustered by the birds pecking at him! ...though... almost scarily solid... like the fishmen... No, Rico, Rico was not like the fishmen at all, and he was Katz' comrade! They would take care of one another...Right... it's high ground. If we can make it there... we can easily see everything, and defend... or... he shutters. Or be trapped, attacked by a horde of fishmen.... He takes another deep breath, humming a few bars and nods again, R-right. I think we can make it, the both of us.

Making sure he has his bag, his precious guitar/harp, the sheild and both of his weapons, Katz makes his way to the door, trying to stay steady and walk firmly, but he cant help but shiver fearfully as he leaves the dilapitated warehouse of death...

That stench is going to stick with him for a while, isnt it...?

2009-02-25, 11:32 PM
Ahhh, another Phantom fan! Lovely.:smallsmile:
I, for one, argely agree with you on that sentiment; the movie has far better singing than any of the Live action shows (not that those are bad, or even anything less than great; it's just that the movie is so incredibly good, nothing can top it). In my humble opinion, as well, Phantom is all about the vocals. Nonetheless, the live shows are still great in their own right. I saw the Las Vegas Spectacular (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Phantom_of_the_Opera_(1986_musical)#Phantom:_T he_Las_Vegas_Spectacular) less than a month ago, and it was simply stunning- the singing was still incredible, but aside from that everything was simply breathtaking, and at the end I was clapping until my hands hurt. if you ever happen to be going through Vegas, I highly reccomend; it plays year round.
Ok... done ranting... well, no I'm not. I have a specific idea for the avatar, but frankly, I'd like it to be done by someone who's actually seen the movie *hint-hint*:smallbiggrin:.
Now, away from my tangent.
Yes, you were right about that- not many actually witness deaths, as Home tries to keep it out of the public's eye- very few people in home even know what's going to happen to their bodies when they die- or anyone's. Also, has it occured to you that salt water would most likely work wonders in masking a scent?
Alright, I'm done. I'll assume you're heading to the lighthouse, as you originally planned.
As you leave the carnage, the gulls flood in, attacking the bodies. It's really quite messy. You continue onwards towards the lighthouse, passing empty ruins of buildings, devoid of anything of interest; they're all largely overgrown and merely empty shells. It's quite quic to the beach,as you are able to take a direct route on one of the many pathways directly leading there, and once agaikn you find a largely uninteresting scene; there are some piles of salted, rotting wood in what used to most likely be docks, then just sand and open sea; except the lighthouse, of course. It's made of a white stone, and despite being covered in vines it is pretty much entirely intact; even the door is still standing on rusty hinges, overgrown and covered in lichen, with a hole here or there, but that's it. It takes quite some force, but you manage to bust open the door. Inside, all is dark, with flat, unbroken stone stairs leading up into blackness.

Prize Inside
2009-02-26, 09:43 PM
Rico wrinkles his nose, still not adjusted the the salt, or the blood drying on his fur, as they enter the lighthouse. As least he didn't sneeze. He inspects the derilect door, seeing if there is any way to close/reattatch it. If not, no loss, but he'll try anyway. He already feels more comfortable then he was outside, blinking a few times to let his eyes relax, shifting to the darkvision they so often used. And they made it. The kid stayed.

He thinks as he bearly trys to fix the door. Such an empty town. The sea, and the sky, and the salt. The seagulls and the silence. He didn't know they ate things. He tried not to think about that. Not now. He turns, whether the door is fixed or not, and inspects the lighthouse.

What does the inside look like? Can I see anything of the higher floors? If so, does it look like there are any other rooms on the way to the top? How tall does the tower seem, using an estimate from what he saw outside if neccissarry?

"You can come to the top with me, or keep watch down here, whichever you'd like best. It'd be safer if we stuck together though." He says to Katz, but with his eyes on the stairs. He plans to search the tower fully on the way to the top. Not for items, but for signs of life, and the layout of the place. The gnoll has had enough surprises today.

2009-02-26, 10:17 PM
Same here, how high can I see up it? And its still morning right...?
Katz refused to watch the birds tear apart the bodies. Is that what heppened when people died...? birds ate them? He shoosed away the thought of his own rotting corpse being torn to peices, hummed a few more bars. He felt like getting out his guitar harp... but that might attract something. And... wait, he cant play his guitar harp if he's carrying a sheild. Crap...

He'll try and give it to Rico, Here... I'm carrying a lot of stuff, maybe you should have this... But defending himself...! Didnt help him when he was fighting the fishman, he just drove that sword right through! He had a lot anyway.... the liquids, his precious guitar harp, and both Rico and himself needed to survive this. Katz could heal himself, He didnt know so much about Rico...

Katz is captivated by the scenery. How could all of this become so empty, so abandoned...? Was it because of the fishmen? Did they drive all the people away? On the other side... an endless body of water. It actually freaked Katz out at first that he couldnt see the other side. Something so flat, so endless... creepy.... maybe he could see the other side from the top of the lighthouse...

Katz looks up in the lighthouse best he can, No, we stick together. I dont think either of us could take another fish thing on ourselves...

Prize Inside
2009-02-26, 10:24 PM
Rico looks at the shield, and then takes it, nodding, more to relieve Katz' burden then anything else. He'll figure out how to use it later. For now, he slips towards the stairs, trying to quietly climb them.

2009-02-27, 01:44 AM
The lighthouse is about 500 feet tall, alabaster white, and has managed to incredibly survive against the elements all these years, being in quite good condition, other than the door. Inside, there is simply a stone spiral staircase set in the side of the room, leading up and up into darkness- you can see nothing but pitch black, far above.
Ahh, some nice, simple things, already all layed out... I have to say, DMing this team certainly has been easier than the other one. I'm just about to make a post describing what two undeveloped, minor characters would to in reacion to a tricky, morally unstable dillemma. Nnngh...
Oh, and by the way: if it's any consolation to you after Tarkus' death, you've both gone up a level! Rico gets his 1st class level! And Kat gets to become an even spoonier bard. Unless he'll multiclass, which is fine by me.

Prize Inside
2009-02-27, 05:47 PM
Rico lightly makes his way up the steps, trying to be soundless, motioning for Katz to do the same. "Let me know if you see anything suspicious... just tap my shoulder or tug my tail... try to keep quiet." As the same time, he is clearly eager to see to top, and may not be going all so slowly.

Rico's pretty comfortable here. The darkness and him being in charge is really helping him keep calm. Speaking of that, how does darkvision work? I.E. In function; Glowing red eyes, shifting to another spectem? Just a gradual fade of color? I was gonna RP it, but didn't wanna write something that didn't fit in the world XD.
Also, same thing in mind as previous post. Keeping a note on the layout of the tower, and checking all that stuff I mentioned on the way up.
Thirdly, dangit! Tempting us with the other thread! XD You've no idea how much I've been wanted to read it!
P.S. WOO! LEVEL! A delicious helping of Rogue for me! Updateing now

2009-02-27, 06:14 PM
Mm. Katz affirms with a nod, following nervously. It's so dark... but it'd be open and light at the top right? He hopes that he doesnt slip or something on the stairs... or they dont break... but those are secondary, he just hopes there arent any fishmen here.

He looks around best he can as well through what little he can see, sticking close to Rico and trying to keep his hand on the wall, or a railing if there is one.

2009-02-27, 06:18 PM
Darkvision: you see in black and white, but otherwise perfectly in darkness, as long as it's not total or magical darkness. Feel free to add any flavor you'd like, although glowing eyes feels a bit cheesy to me. And impractical, other than for possible intimidation benefit.
As for the other thread... let me console you with the fact that until this game ends you will never, ever see it. Ever.:smallbiggrin:
Ok, maybe if you meet the other group and they use some magic to let you see into the past, I'll let you read it, but other than that no.
And wow... Rico never really struck me as very rogue-like. While he may be a skilled fellow, he never seemed very backstabby... might I interest you in the fighter rogue variant in unearthed arcana? It allows you to trade sneak attack progression for bonus feats as a fighter. Buy now, and I'll even throw in full BAB progression, free!
Also, for expedience sake, I'm going to assume Katz cast light.
The lighthouse goes up, and up, and up, on a meter wide unrailed spiral staircase hugging the walls. Relatively untouched by the weather the steps are in stunningly good condition, though the bottom of the floor is rather dirty. As you travel up, it gets darker and darker, until the only light there is is magcial, a small orb, just enough to iluminate the steps. It goes on, and on, and on. By the end, Katz red-faced and panting. Finally, it stops after about ten minutes of traveling. There is a wood door here, very heavy and in quite good condition, bolted to the frame in thick straps of grey iron. The handle is equally heavy, and extremely large- all in all, it looks like it should be able to stand up to even a fish man, at least for a while. Checking it, you find the door to be securely locked. And you hear unintelligible voices coming from below.

2009-02-27, 07:36 PM
...crap, I forgot to mention light XD IM A DITZ *jumps off cliff*
The door isnt held up by pin hinges, right? could we try to pry the pins out?
No! Why! Katz pants, leaning on the door a little, Dammit! Everything else *hf* was so run down *hf* this can't be... he breaths heavily a few more times. Then spins around leaning against the door. Voices?! No...! It-It's in use...! Katz moans, then shoves a hand over his own mouth. He wispers frightfully up at Rico, brow knitted, We... we're dead! We're so stupid! Why, why did we think this was a good idea?! It's a high point... was that all we were thinking?! he whimpers a little, Please, dont be more fishmen... oh, please dont be... how would we fight them here?
He turns back to the door, trying to get it open. He looks at the hinges, most of all, theres no way he could pick that lock...

2009-02-27, 08:00 PM
The lock seems sturdy enough. The door is bolted to the frame, not held in by pins- it's very, very sturdy.
And, hey, everyone forgets their cantrips. They're, y'know, cantrips.

Prize Inside
2009-02-27, 08:05 PM
I would be very, very interested in that! Sold! I didn't really see him at a backstabbity type guy either, but he wasn't trained for combat, and I couldn't see him at a barbarian. I origianally wanted a Shadowdancer, though I'm not sure if that fits well with how he's developing. I don't have Unearthed Arcana, but I think I see what you're saying. So just refer to fighter to see when feats are attained, or a feat where every sneak attack would have been? And thank you for the suggestion, this fits wonderfully!
As for the game, I'm aware... and I don't think I'd want to read it 'til it's all over anyway, ESPECIALLY if we meet up. Just would make for a nice, all-at-once read. =D

"QUIET!" Rico hisses lowly at Katz, secretly just as scared. "If we have to fight.... at least... we're up here. They'll fall easier." He looks at the injured, frightened, and exausted Katz. "Just, wait here, and see if you can find a key for the door, or play your harp... just... lightly" Something to keep the boy occupied.
Rico turns back down to the stairs "I'll be back for you," he says softly, decending. His pupils widen as he leaves the light, stretching as far as they can to pick up things other eyes miss. Tiny vibrations, air currents, little bits of heat. More then light is reflected from walls, and the gnoll is quickly returned to the comfy grey world of the mines, the walls shifting as if in a heat daze, but with no details lost to the eye.
He will decend as carefully as possible, until the voices are legible, or the the figures can be seen.

2009-02-27, 08:42 PM
As you descend, you realize that the voices are illegible because they're not saying anything; it's just some laughing and other mirthful noises.

Prize Inside
2009-02-27, 08:51 PM
Again moving.... slowly.

What do they sound like? I.E. pitch and volume. Like children? Like how the clawfish sounded? I'll keep straining to see, as well, and stop if they seem startled, or stop suddenly.

2009-02-27, 08:55 PM
They sound like 2 fully grown adults. You can tell they're moving up slowly.

2009-02-27, 09:13 PM
No! Katz cries out softly as Rico leaves, Dont... dont leave! We need to... stay together... he trails off as Rico leaves. Katz bites his lip, then roots around in the corners for something, anything! Maybe... dammit, it's so pointless! He hisses in a gasping breath. Fear... again and again, but now... almost a sense of uselessness... But Rico knew better than him, Rico's head was clearer than his own. He reached back for his guitar harp, then stopped. No, it was too loud. Katz hums a few bars softly, trying to calm his fear, his sinking feelings...

Prize Inside
2009-02-28, 10:48 AM
Rico freezes, perfectly still, leaning back on the stairs. He'll wait as they slowly approch, hoping to understand who and what they are.

Am I close enough to see if they have any light with them?

2009-02-28, 05:22 PM
I'd like both of you to fully update your sheets by the next time you post. Prize, you can add 1 pt. to any attribute, and you already have shield proficiency.
Rico hugs the wall, waiting for the 2 to come up. Finally, they come into view...
The first is a tall, elven looking guy, well over seven feet tall. He is extremely lean, and muscular, scarred and battle hardened. He wears no shirt, just some loose pants and a curved sword at his belt. His hair is very long, and straight, and his skin is a mottled color.
In his arms he carries a smaller woman, very tall compared to the average human but a proportionally having diminutive featuers. Her long, pointed ears protrude from a mess of hair, growing long, wild, and all over the place; some on the back of her neck, and her forearms as well. She is constantly, uncontrollably giggling, and he periodically stops to display his affection. As they near you, she looks up, and her eyes widen; she shrieks, tumbling out of the man's arms in distress, and falling over the side of the steps; however, he catches her by the arm, and in a graceful motion lifts her up to sailthrough the air, landing deftly behind him; with his right hand, as he does this, he draws a the sword at his belt, narrowing his eyes at you, waiting. She cowers behind him.
You hear a shriek, and the scraping of metal.

Prize Inside
2009-02-28, 09:20 PM
Rico is oddly relieved, though the faces may not be friendly. At least there is SOMEONE in this empty town. He stands up striaght. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" The gnoll asks, perhaps a bit too sternly, still on edge.

2009-02-28, 09:50 PM
The elf with the sword glares at you, incredulously. "Who am I? Who am I? Who the **** are you!?"

2009-02-28, 10:37 PM
Katz squeals at the sound, and frantically speeds towards the stairs. That sound... a fight?! He wasnt just supposed to stay up here while Rico...! Wait here, wait here?! He teeters on the top step, straining his ears for more signs of a conflict. Depending on what he hears... I'm sure the voices dont sound anything remotely like fishmen, but...

He brings out his gun and grips it tightly, shaking a little with nerves. If he hears any more signs of conflict, like shouts, blows, metal on metal, he's going to run down the stairs.

Prize Inside
2009-02-28, 11:29 PM
Rico narrows his eyes. Who is he?! "Rico... and I'm here on official business." He almost growls, surpriseing even himself. He can't say Minerson... not anymore... maybe he should take a new last name. This is his job now, and dammit, why should he have to explain himself. Who is this man?!

2009-02-28, 11:36 PM
The elf is incredulous, and pissed. Really, really pissed. "Official business? You barge into my home, demand to know what I'm doing here when I have more right to be here than you yourself, and you have the gall to claim you are on official business? There is nothign official in the next thousand miles, you fool, just whoever can manage to stay alive. Now give me a good reason why I shouldn't kill you." He is really pissed, every word filled with so much acid that it almost burns to hear it.
FYI: you do not have the PC glow. You enter someone's home without permission, they grab their gun. Or sword, as the case may be.

Prize Inside
2009-02-28, 11:58 PM
Oh, I don't beleive in a PC glow so no problem there, but Rico still is tied to Home... that's all he knows. This whole world is new to him, and he's gonna have to learn that the hard way. XD

Oh ****, Oh ****, Oh ****, Oh ****. Rico is agape at the reaction. "You... you live here?" He asks, with all assurity and confidance gone. That changes everything...

2009-03-01, 12:17 AM
"No **** I live here! You do not, however, official business or no; now tell me; what are you doing here? And I believe I asked you why I shouldn't kill you."

Prize Inside
2009-03-01, 12:37 AM
Rico sits on the stairs, overwhelmed, and slightly exausted. Hopefully, he'll seem less of a threat that way. "We're here becouse we thought this building was abandoned. All the other houses seem to be. If we missed a sign somewhere...." Everything is so clearly marked back Home... But for this man to live in such a landmark building, he obviously must be an important figure, someone in charge. "We apologize for our intrusion." he finishes, in a differanciel tone.

2009-03-01, 12:39 AM
Before you post again

Can Katz hear anything? He strains his ears, trying to make out the conversation. No fighting...

2009-03-01, 12:52 AM
Yes, Katz can hear most of the conversation.
The elf looks Rico over, still annoyed. Then he sighs in resignation, and slides his blade into its sheathe. He then walks over to Rico, and extends a hand. "Come then. My name is Brand, and this is my paramour, Sael. We live here, with the rest of our group; at any given time, however, there will only be a few in the building itself. We generally are either gathering resources, or hunting Jaff." After pulling Rico up, he continues up the stairs, Sael following a bit behind. He peers down the side of the steps suspiciously. "You... wouldn't happen to have encountered one of them on the way here, would you? They're large, bipedal sea monsters; descendants from an evil being- not a god, but close enough- from a distant plane. Despite their monstrosity, they are cunning, and more brilliant than you or I; no doubt if you were to meet one, it would either attampt to bargain and guile you, or kill you. If you had, I should think the only way you could be here is if you were under its sway- but you do not seem to be the crafty type, so I will trust you. Now, tell me; why are you here? Searching for food, shelter, sanctuary? We can offer you that, and more." He continues up the stairs.

Prize Inside
2009-03-01, 02:11 PM
It all rolls over Rico so quickly. "...Jaff?" He hears the descriptions... "Oh, the clawfish! Yes... we... killed one." He says, almost embaressedly. He's remembers he's still covered in its horrible blood. "But not before it killed two of us. My team is still injured from the fight..." Katz... he's still upstairs. Rico looks in that direction, before turning back to the man, taking his outstreched hand. What is going on here? He thinks, following the man up the stairs, making sure to follow behind. "As I said we are here on offical buissness." How much is he allowed to say? The man deserves some explination. "For that, we needed a better view, and this lightout is the tallest structure around."

2009-03-01, 02:43 PM
Katz, hearing that the conversation seems to be going well, puts away his gun and hurries down the stairs to join the group.

I-I didnt know there was more people here! Sorry for breaking and entering! Katz will stammer as he gets to the group, There was one other elf... but like my comrade said, we thought this area was compleatly abandoned!

2009-03-01, 03:05 PM
"You killed one, you say, but two of you died? Hmmm... that is to be expected." He unlocks the door at the top with a strange looking key and some foreign words, opening it. Inside there is large, round room, with stacks of bags and several bunks. A fire pit sits in the middle, with a chimney above. Several doors lead into other rooms. He walks into the closes one to the left, and going inside there is a corridor leading to an unrailed balcony. He looks off in the distance, serarching, and notices the flock of gulls that congregated around the body, still eating. "What a waste, to leave that thing to the gulls." He turns back towards Rico. "You say there were others with you... and that you are on officil business. What is this business? And who were they... more importantly, howeer, who are you?"

2009-03-01, 03:47 PM
Well... Katz starts, stepping forward cautiously, I'm Katzenklaiver Luddendaus. Our business here was to map out the area and report on anything we find for Home. you're also here for Home, right? Maybe we're supposed to help you here, or get what you know to bring back...

Of course, these people must also be from Home, what or why else would they be here? Above all though, Katz is just glad to see friendly faces that werent more of the fishmen.

2009-03-01, 05:01 PM
The man furrows his brow. "Home? You must belong to an impressive house, to speak of it in such a way. This is the only home I know of. However, seeing as you are against the Jaff, I'll not interfere with your business; the balcony here should prove an excellent start for your mapping. And, if you'd like, you can stay here, rest, eat; we are constantly under duress for food, but we need all the help we can get, so help yourselves. I only require one small favor in return."

Prize Inside
2009-03-01, 08:30 PM
Rico smiles at the formalities. It isn't Home... they've never even heard of it. That brings a small amount of questions to his mind, but he will save them for another day. "Of course." The gnoll says to elf. These people are offering to help them, and they should be repaid in kind. That's the way it's always been. "Anything we can do."
He also looks off the balcony, eager to see the view.

2009-03-02, 08:39 PM
He... he doesnt know about Home? Kayz cannot wrap his mind around the concept. Maybe, maybe he was gone for so long...
But they were good people, they were helping, so... I suppose there wasnt a problem.
Katz nods, frowning a little, Of course, it would only be fair to pay you back in turn for helping us so graciously. What can we do for you?

It's still morning, right? From just our judgement... like how many hours would yolu say it was since we had that breakfast?

2009-03-02, 09:17 PM
The elf laughs heartily, a rougish grin on his face. You can tell that he has some kind of ulterior motive in all this. "Now, now, let's not get into the gritty details just this moment; first, food and drink! Sael, fetch some provisions." The girl nods, and glides off into another room. "The girl's a bit shy, but she's a nice one. Lovely singing voice. Now, let's see the view." He walks out onto the balcony. It's about a meter from the lighthouse, and circles around it, unrailed. To the side is a rack of telescopes. He crouches down on the side away from the sea, pointing things out. The area is mostly rotten wooden shells like the one you entered in. He first motions to a square, alabaster structure in the west. "That's the library building. We don't go there anymore. Before, there was all sort of good things to be found; books, magic. There's a rather large underground complex; it would take my entire group years to search the whole place. Recently, the Jaff have taken it up as their home. It's large enough and they're few enough that one could enter and not run into any, but it's good not to take any chances. And here is the docks- or at least the remaining ones." To the north, along the beach, you see a large stone pier, with a decent sized stone building. "The Jaff have no interest in the place, aside from attacking us, but we find it useful; it's where we keep our fishing boats, and it's easily defensible for a small group of men. Now, off in the distance there, is Fort White." He points to the southwest, closer than the rest of the landmarks, a fortress made of driftwood. "We've managed to devise a mobile fortress, through magic and engineering; when needed, the entire thing can be packed up and moved in about a day. It's proved useful on several occasions; very versatile, an outpost wherever we need it. I just came from there myself. Our race is scattered across this area, and we have several outposts like this one- it would take too long to point them all out."
By this time, there is a table set in the main room of the lighthouse, covered in dishes containing packets of unidentifiable meat wrapped in seaweed, a flagon of murky looking water and a small bottle of brown liquid.

Prize Inside
2009-03-03, 07:28 PM
Rico pays very close attention to all of this, wishing he could start mapping already. But he should wait until after the meal... that would be polite. Still... "The clawfish... Jaff, you called them? Is that where they come from? The library? Who built all this?" He points to the basalt buildings that occasionally appear (if they can be seen from here) "What are those?" He'll need to label all of these. They sent him to make a map, and make it he shall. THEY shall, he thinks, looking over at Katz. They are a team. He continues to survey the countryside, taking special note of the mobile fortess as well. At length, he'll sigh, and turn to the food. He hopes he does a good job...

He'll wait for either Katz or the elf to lead the way to the food, and follow

2009-03-03, 08:22 PM
Katz watches Sael go, I can play harp guitar if she can sing... a little band going. He taps at it meekly. That would be lots of fun actually, he had never really pplayed with a second person...

Besides that, Katz pays close attention and nods at Rico's questions. That smile... well, of course he'd have an ulterior motive, he's getting something out of this...

Unless they planned to kill himself and Rico as bait... the thought sends a shiver down Katz' spine, but a lot of stuff like this does. He turns back to the food and smiles, shooing his fears away, Thank you very much for all this he goes to take a seat.

2009-03-03, 09:24 PM
The ekf takes on a distaqnt look in response to Rico's questioning. "The Jaff don't necessarily come from the library. In my opinion, they're summoned from the pits of hell. They just decided to live in the library.
Who built all this... I'm not sure. Our ancestors, I suppose. This place used to be a powerful city, but since the exodus it's just been us and the Jaff. But that's old history; there's probably no more than one or two who still remember those days, other than the Jaff, who are immortal, or close enough. The larger structures were storages, or factories... multipurpose buildings. Nowadays there's a good chance any one will be occupied by some of us, in times of need; they're well blocked off. The better ones are those camps I mentioned, safehouses like this one." He steps over to the table, then uncorks the bottle of brown liquid. It comes out with a pop, and starts smoking. A foul smell enters the room, so acrid it burns to breath. The elf braces himself, then takes a swig, sweating, then grunts. "Ahhh... that's good stuff. Pain to get though." He hands over the bottle to Rico, smiling.
When Katz mentions his music, the elf grins broadly. Sael leans back, blushing slightly. "Excellent! There aren't many good musiians around here; tell me, boy, what songs do you know?"

2009-03-03, 10:44 PM
Katz watches the bottle, deeply disturbed. What could be in there?!

But more importantly, they got a lot of information about the area for Home! Maybe Home wanted to see if there was any life left so they could rejoin the fold! Katz grins, these people wouldnt have to suffer on the edge of survival anymore, they would be brought back to the arms of Home!

Ah... not many, to be honest.... he takes out his harp guitar and strums it happily, beautiful notes cheering him up even more. A few of the songs they taught us at Home, a couple that I made myself... He starts to play a simple tune he had taught himself for Home in these past months, smiling. This is what he loved to do, enjoyed. The events today... horrifying, but it was better now. He had his music, it was much better now.

Prize Inside
2009-03-04, 10:16 PM
Rico will gladly fill the role of polite guest, taking only what is offered. He frowns a little at the bottle, worried. He sniffs it, and as long as it's not too painful, he'll try his best to take a swig of his own, to be polite. For the most part, he keeps casual conversation, and trys to let Katz shine, himself trying to get a good idea of the lad. After all, they only met yesterday.... was it only yesterday...?

2009-03-05, 12:46 AM
The liquid in the bottle burns Rico's lungs.... but it doesn't seem all too dangerous. After all, the elf looks fine. Rico takes a swig, seeing the elf's face, grinning broadly, as his vision darkens, blacking out... he wakes a second later, doubled over coughing violently. Drinking that felt like being punched in the gut. Hard. Rico's eyes water, and his vision swims as he manages to regain his composure. "Heheh, you're pretty tough." He turns towards Katz, taking a swig. "I'd offer you some, but from the looks of you it wouldn't take kindly with your belly... most are floored the first time they drink this stuff. Now, let's eat."
The meat is very tough, and has a bizarre flavor, but it is juicy and strangely delicious. The water has an equally bizarre flavor to it, as Brand tels you that there are no lakes or rivers to drink from around here- what you're drinking is unsalted sea water. Throughout the meal, Brand jokes, talks, and is generally jovial. Sael says little to nothing.
Brand leans back, satisfied. "So, tell me... what are the circumstances of your being here? How did you meet the Jaff you killed, and who were these companions it took with it?"

2009-03-05, 10:45 PM
Katz tries to keep conversation as best he can. Not sure how well he would, as he is constantly cross comparing to Home. A compleatly different lifestyle... so far away from everything he knows. And they didnt even know what Home was....
Eh, at least he didnt have to drink the wierd stuff in the bottle...

Well, Katz starts, Like we said, we were sent here by Home to scout out and map the area. There wasnt really a... circumstance, apparently stuff like this is our job now. He pauses and collects his thoughts for the next part, The, the Jaff... it flew in. Katz frowns, There was another elf with it, and both of them crashed through the roof where we were. Both the elf and our other comrade from Home, Tarkus, were killed by the Jaff before we could finally make sure it was dead... it faked its death a couple times, tried to persuade us at one point...

2009-03-06, 08:56 PM
The Brand grows pale and sallow as you tell him of the other elf. "You say there was another elf fighting him? One you... didn't know? And he was killed? Tell me everything."
While he was jolly before, now his face is all seriousness, as he stares intently at you.

Prize Inside
2009-03-07, 08:45 AM
His eyes still watered, Rico trys to answer the questions. He looks rather solom himself, his still hard to focus eyes lowered while speaking. "It was my fault, really. All I knew was that two things were fighting, and I tried to stop them both. I was stupid, and did not know what it was. After I failed, the... Jaff... started to attack the elf again. I went to stop it, and together we were able to beat it dead." Did he really help all that much? "The elf thanked me afterwords, and talked about his... his wife..." Rico coughs again. It was his fault the man died. "The clawfish didn't stay dead... it got up, and killed him. So we killed it again. And it got up, again, kidnapping Katz." He nods to the bard. "It told us to lower our weapons, that it was tired of fighting. We shot, and it killed our teammate. So then we killed it, and made sure it would stay dead." Not entirely accurate, maybe, but that's how he remembers it.

2009-03-07, 01:16 PM
Brand sinks down to the table, a look of despair on his face. He clutches at the skin on his face, as if it were sloughing off. "Tell me... what did this elf look like? Distinguishing marks, clothing, weapons..."

2009-03-07, 07:44 PM
U-um.... Katz lowers his gaze and thinks hard. What did he remember?
He remembered the elf's bloody half torn face and his dead corpse splaed out... Katz shivers. No, bad memories... What did he look like?
He um... was in robes... the face? Again the wreaked and torn gouged out mess... he shivers, He also had a cudgel... Katz just did not want to think of the face. He takes a deep breath and tries to remember. He had... he lifts his hands, Some face paint across here... he indicates with his hands about where he remembered seeing the paint. Possubly innaccurate, the horrible sight filling his eyes...

2009-03-09, 06:28 PM
The elf sinks down, collapsing onto the table, clutching madly at his face. "I... see." He looks up, a mad look in his eyes. "Now. What was the cudgel like?"

2009-03-09, 08:55 PM
Katz shakes his head, eyes wide. Of course it would have this effect on the elf... they should've been more clear it wasnt thier comrade.... I-I'm sorry... Katz reaches forward hesitantly, trying to place a hand on the elf's shoulder, trying to comfort him, I didnt see it clearly... not like the face.... he frowns, scared the elf might lash out or something... You... one of your own, wasnt it... he tries to speak sympathetically, I'm sorry... it must be terrible, horrible to hear, especially from strangers like us.... his eyes flicker down and he bites his lip, I'm really sorry...

2009-03-09, 09:02 PM
Brand sighsm moping for a bit. When Katz comes over to comfort him, he looks up, glaring with a resolute look on his face. He walks over to the side, where he had put his sword and belt before, then puts them on. "Take me to it. I'd like to see for myself."

2009-03-09, 09:10 PM
Katz stares at Brand in disbeleif, Wh-what, to the warehouse full of gulls...? There would be nothing to find there, the birds would've torn everything apart, right??? And the fishmen... but they'd be alright, right...?
He turns to Rico, then back at Brand, shaking slightly, Uh... um, o-of course...
Prize Inside's got a really nasty virus, sorry he hasnt posted in a bit...

2009-03-09, 10:00 PM
Ahhh, I see. How ironic- I do as well. Good thing I'm in posession of multiple PCs. Well then, could you ask him what he would like to do? I could NPC him for now, just pretend he doesn't exist, stop entirely...

Prize Inside
2009-03-10, 09:00 AM
Yeah, 102 fevor, two papers due, and enough mucus to... well, it isn't pretty, I'll tell ya that. Regardless, I'm gonna try my best to get a post out a day, as promised. Feel free to NPC me if I don't make it, or ignore me if that works better. I ment to explain this all yesterday, but the Nyquil kept me in bed the whole time. XD
Also, thanks JJ. =D

"Yes, of course" Rico says in a much more confident tone. He stands, still coughing a little from the drink. His head swirls with question, but the Brand seems an honorable man, and he deserves to see his friend. He turns back to Katz before heading to the door, eyeing his wounds. "You don't have to go if you don't want to, but we should stick together." the gnoll says softly, offering a hand.

2009-03-11, 12:13 AM
The elf nods, and without waiting for you to follow heads out the door and down the stairs. Sael looks after solemnly, with a blank look on her face.

Assuming you follow...
The elf walks off swiftly, finding his own path through the buildings. Finally, you come across the area where the scuffles took place. The Jaff's body is little more than a stain on the ground, upon which Brand spits, vehemently. There are some dead gulls lying about- five or six, you have no time to count.
He goes inside the building, to find a few gulls fighting for scraps on the other elf's body. Not much is left but bone, though. He shoos them off, and falls to his knees by the body. For a second he just sits there, and then he stirs, gets up, and looks around the building. He finds the broken cudgel, then runs over and picks up the pieces. For a few moments more, he stands, this time shuddering. A whimper escapes from his mouth, and a tear drops to the floor. He then throws the pieces aside, and turns around blotchy eyed and with a resolute look on his face. "I w-" suddenly, there is the sound of air and flesh against stone outside, and the elf drops low, motioning for you to do the same. He silently flits over to the doorway, peering outside. There is a Jaff standing there, this one much larger than the other- around twelve feet tall. Nonetheless, it is obviously wounded, with greenish liquid seeping from open wounds, some strangely blighted skin, and it is missing most of its left arm. Luckily, it has its back to you, as it looks over the stain that used to be the other one. Brand looks over and hisses at you.
"Do not allow him to speak... they are all enchanters and mages, and will cast a spell on you. Now, when I..."
Outside, you hear a voice, deep, rasping, and commanding.
"Surely you don't think so lightly of me as that? Now, if it weren't for your excrement here, I probably would've been off guard and you may have wounded me. However, as it is..." the Jaff never finishes his sentence as Brand rushes him, drawing his sword. The Jaff deftly steps aside, and with a quick, effortless motion lays its hand across his back, sending him hurtling to the ground.
"You people are all so... hasty. I have no taste for this as of now." With that, the Jaff waves an arm, and as Brand gets up he stumbles, falling to the ground once more, not to come up again. You, too, find your eyelinds getting heavy, and you settle down on the ground for a moment...
and you wake up to Brand, shaking you awake in the late afternoon. "Damn... damn all those things. Come on, we've got to go- the longer we stay out here, the likelier we'll encounter another of those monsters."

2009-03-11, 09:06 PM
Katz blinks a few times, staring into space. What.... what the hell just happened?! So suddenly.... and they werent dead?! Why was that thing wounded...?!
What the hell...?! Katz squeaks, getting up, How... what... what happened?! his eyes are wide and frightful, darting around as if looking for an explaination as to what just happened. Why didnt the Jaff just kill them if they had been put to sleep?! He lets out a quiet whine, How are we still alive?!

Prize Inside
2009-03-12, 08:55 PM
Rico shakes himself awake as well, very troubled by how things are developing. "Perhaps questions would best be saved for later." He says, taking Katz's arm and quickly following the Brand

2009-03-12, 09:22 PM
Brand runs off towards the lighthouse. "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.... oh, ****. He probably had some kind of ulterior motive... tracking us... or something..." He sprints into the distance, and you can barely follow him. As he nears the lighthouse, he collapses by a building. "No, we can't go back to the base- we don't want them to find it's location. He's cast... some kind of spell on us, hoping to track us to one of the bases. He'll probably send dozens after us... I could never take on a full force of those, even with dozens of my own. Until now, we've only survived by guerilla attacks and holing up... we can't lose the lighthouse, it's too valuable. And Sael's there... the fortress is too far, and none of the nearby bases are nearly powerful enough. We'll just have to... oh, god, I don't know." He collapses to the ground, burying his face in his arms. "Ok.... there's a chance. The library. If we stay here, we're dead. If we go to any of the outlying bases, we're dead. And we'll also lose anyone there, and the base itself. If we go through the library, though, and we don't encounter any of them- which is likelier than you may think- we can get to the fortress, it's right nearby. It's by far the best descision. Or... or we can go to the docks. There's probably several of our kinsmen there... but we will undoubtedly suffer losses.

2009-03-13, 09:04 AM
But they use the library as a base Katz moans, jittery and frightened, If they track us there then thats practically home turf! They'll still have dozens sent against us, trapping us... killing us as they would if we were left in the open... Images flash across his mind and he shivers horribly. Death... death, no, he didnt want to die, not like Tarkus... You said that it was big... big enough, complex enough to hide from an army of those things?! He shakes his head, trying to get the images out of his head, humming a few bars and taking deep breaths, You... you know the area better, you said its the best chance... and they wont be able to track us to the fortress...?

2009-03-13, 09:45 AM
Brand shakes his head. "There's few enough of them there that it makes little difference, and with most of them out hunting, we should be able to get through relatively easily... and it doesn't matter if they find the fortress. It's defensible- we have over a hundred of our people living there."

Prize Inside
2009-03-15, 10:10 AM
"Then lets go!" shouts Rico. It's better then out here, we don't have time to talk like this! "If it's big enough to avoid them, we have a better chance, and we can talk what to do next from there."
Rico thinks back to looking from the lighthouse. What way was the library? Were there any back roads?

If he can remember the way, Rico will try and get Katz and the Brand moving, preferable though backroads.

2009-03-16, 10:20 AM
midterms & been travelling for spring break

Katz nods nervously, but with conviction, I guess then... to the library...

2009-03-16, 06:11 PM
Brand nods, a worried look on his face. "Yes... it's the only way. Let's go." A flick of the tongue and a twitch of the eye betray everything. He's leading you into danger when you could far more safely gone to one of the safehouses, or the docks, or just around the library, and he knows it. It isn't maliciousness though... he has some kind of ulterior motive. He wants to go to the library. Before you can say anything, though, he gets up and dashes off into the distance, sprinting. You have trouble keeping up with him, and he tends to stray out of sight, but finally after a half hour or so without mishap you make it. The library is huge. In the center is an immense, white pillared building, covered in vines, and with a large rusting steel door. In the center is a dome, but to the sides are 2 loooong adjoining buildings, each probably a quarter mile long. You can't guess how deep it is. Around this is a comlex of more buildings, with bridges in between many of them, or covered walkways. It's in quite good condition, but whether it's an excellently built building or well maintained you cannot tell. Brand turns around, his eyes darting. "Well.... here we are, I suppose. I've... never been this close before. Shall we continue straight in, or just try one of the adjacent buildings?"

2009-03-17, 03:58 PM
Katz, on edge and half panicked because he knows now this wasnt the safest route, gapes at Brand, wispering furiously, in case any more fishmen were around Never been this close?! How are we going to find the way to the fortress then?! We're going to die, we're going to die, oh sweet Home, we're going to diiieee....
Just, just straight in, waltz in through the front door! What harm could it do?! Oh, except... Katz squeaks, jumpy, It's rusted over, probably will scream ungreased the moment we touch it, attract all the fishmen... he waves his hands towards the buildings, But oh, its so much easier for the fishman to probably live in the smaller buildings! Like individual little houses! He grips his head, We are so going to diiiieee... we're gonna get lost and killed... he sobs. He hisses a few breaths, I-I-I say the adjacent buildings... theres one that goes to the main library.... he looks around, seeing if one does.

Prize Inside
2009-03-19, 09:12 PM
"I say we go staight in, and find somewhere we can talk." Rico says, giving an angry and hurt look at Brand. "I though you said you'd been here before!" He look around, and listens to Katz's arguement. "Hmm, maybe a side building would be better." He admits. He begins to watch the Brand a little extra. Something isn't right here, he thinks. Perhaps it isn't malicious, but something is wrong, and he intends to find out what. ...And... the library itself interests him. He was able to read few enough books at Home. What would be in there....?

2009-03-21, 11:57 PM
Brand nods his head shakily, visibly scared. You surreptitiously go over to one of the adjoining buildings, and opening the door head inside. You find the library aptly named- there are shelves built into every square inch of wall, filled with books. Many are rotting or falling apart, and at the bottom of each shelf there are piles of fallen books. A desk sits to the side, covered in papers and spilled ink, some other books, and undescipherable apparatus. Below it, the floor is wooden, as opposed to the polished stone in the rest of the room. A ladder to the side leads to one of the many raised walkways.

2009-03-22, 02:24 PM
Katz' eyes focus on the desk. Was this place abandoned so hastily to leave these things behind...? Or did this desk get used as a desk by the fishmen....
What a bizzare thought, a fishman at a desk... almost bizzare enough to make him not terribly scared. No, wait, he's still shaking, but keeping quiet about it. He only breifly looks over the books before heading to the ladder. What condition is it in?

Prize Inside
2009-03-22, 10:06 PM
"Where to now, then?" Rico whispers "Waiting by the door is not our best option." He looks over at the papers, wanting to check them, wanting to see what happened here. But there are more important things. He looks around for signs of anyone being here before. Or for a way to another floor.

Regardless, he does his best to keep quiet, and stay with the group. More for their sake then his own, each are important for this mission, and these fish deamons could take any of the three unless they are together. "We need to find somewhere out of the way. A secluded room, or something." Rico does his best to sound calm and reassuring, but he is just as on edge.

2009-03-22, 11:55 PM
The ladder is in fine condition, a sturdy, hardwood thing, and has obviously been maintained over the years. It looks like it would lead out into another room. The place, other than this, for all intents and purposes seems abandoned.

2009-03-23, 06:18 PM
Activly used.... Katz looks up the ladder nervously and starts to climb, dreading what he might find at the top...

Were most fishmen really small and light enough to use this ladder often? Maybe some of them...

Prize Inside
2009-03-23, 08:34 PM
Taking another look at the papers and promising himself he'll be back to inspect this place, Rico nods to Brand and slowly moves to Katz on the ladder. That way looks as good as any other, and up is probobly safer then ground floor.

2009-03-24, 08:29 AM
Katz waves down nervously at Rico, shaking his head side to side. No, lemme check first... The ladder might not be able to hold all of us either... he wispers as loud as he dare. It's quiet, yes, and there might be nothing, yes, but, dammit, better safe than sorry, right??

Prize Inside
2009-03-24, 09:06 PM
Rico nods and gives a light grunt in response, trying to look everywhere at once.

2009-03-24, 09:15 PM
You climb up a ladder to find one of the many walkways leading to the main building. It goes right to the center of it, the large, unwindowed complex. The door leading inside is just a small two foot by two foot square- most likely a servant's entrance. The squaere is glass, however, and it is still visible inside- you look in to find a wrecked room. Everything is in good condition and put together, but strewn all over the place- it's obviously very used. You notice various things you have no idea the function of, alchemical apparatus, more books and papers than can be counted, a bone in one corner, a suit of armor somewhere else... and a Jaff. It looks to be rather large, but you can't tell; the building it's in is huge, and from the grand setting and distance you have no sense of scale. It sits ontop a pile of overturned bookshelves, papers, scrolls, and what appears to be its last meal, and is hunched over reading. It's faced away from you and doesn't seem to have noticed you, as far as you can tell.

2009-03-28, 09:59 AM
Katz stumbles back, startled. Dammit! Well, of course this in an obvious place for a Jaff to be...! Is there a walkway that we can access without entering the jaff's nest?! Can we get to the lower level???

Prize Inside
2009-03-28, 10:43 AM
Rico growls quietly, scared and irritated. It doesn't help matters, but it certainly makes him fell better.
As Katz looks for other ways out, Rico inspects the room a bit more. Are there any standing shelves remaining near the Jaff, or any other large objects? Are there any other exits in the Jaff-room?
How is the Brand doing?

2009-03-28, 01:37 PM
Brand just seems a little pale. And silent. There's plenty of stuff in the room with the Jaff. Plenty of exits as well. You can get to the lower level, and there are plenty of other walkways around; none connecting to this one, though, so you'll have to enter one of the other buildings first.

2009-03-29, 07:59 PM
If there is a way down without entering in the room, Katz'll wisper to his teamates nervously, L-lets avoid this... let's go down a level... Please dont let it have seen us please dont let it have heard me... its so huge.... huge enough not to fit through the doors? Silly idea, we need to go down

Prize Inside
2009-03-29, 08:12 PM
To be clearer, "are there any shelves left standing near the Jaff that look like they may be pushable onto said Jaff?". Regardless, Rico is thinking against this plan now.

"Back the way we came?!" Rico growls lowly, clenching his jaw. If they run from every Jaff, this place is nothing more then a maze! But... he's right, they should be steathier. Rico nods at Katz, "Okay, back down..."

2009-03-29, 08:23 PM
Yes. There are.
Ok, so you're going back down; what then? Onto another building? Leaving this accursed place? Try to take out the Jaff (which you could do if you're smart.)

2009-03-30, 03:20 PM
Katz shakes his head. Why is Rico growling at him?! No, down a level, to the main building's base floor! Since we had come into the main building, I've been asking if there was a way down to the first floor that's been avoiding the Jaff, or do we actually have to go through the nest area to reach the stairs. Have I not been clear???

2009-03-30, 06:04 PM
Apparently I was the one who was unclear. You are on one of the walkways, outside, coming from an adjoining building, looking into the main building through a glass servant's door. You can just go back the way you came, into the adjoining building, and then back to the point you started at. So you go down, back into the adjoining. Now what?

2009-04-01, 09:28 PM
Hmm... well, Katz looks around the building a little bit more, poking in the corners, seeing if there's any way to that underground complex Brand mentioned... There must be other ways, ways that dont go to that nest... right, Brand...? he shivers a little. And the front door would be a dead giveaway....

2009-04-02, 12:37 AM
Katz's searches are rewarded. Under the desk he finds a wooden door, leading to soe sort of a cellar. Everything inside is dark, and dank, and stony- not finished at all. You can't see very far inside, and neither can you even see the ground; for all you know, it's merely a bottomless hole.

2009-04-05, 10:34 PM
....Hello? If y'all are going to keep at this game, I'll need some much more frequent posting. I know I haven't been that great myself, but nonetheless, ya need to do something.

2009-04-08, 06:01 PM
Ok guys, seriously? What's up? We can't slow down like this, it'll ruin the game.