View Full Version : Orcs Unite!

2009-01-17, 02:08 AM
Orcs Unite!

Your kind faces extinction. Perhaps appropriate indiscriminate action need be taken?

Swallowing Night

Torches guide you to the grounds situated around what was described to you as Silvertooth ceremonial territory. A gruff voice hails you in orcish: It appears you've arrived. Finally.

You are told to walk a path. More torches guide you and you sigh impatiently as you continue your trek up foothills, and through ditches. For miles and miles you seem to travel until daybreak.


When you finally arrive, there are crowds of orcs making circles around bonfires that they've apparently kept burning all throughout the night. Beacons spreading their message to other tribes, perhaps? You can't assume.

You may have not seen so many hundreds of hooting, hearty warriors in all your life. So much cohesion! They greet you and you feel overjoyed, they punch your chest and laugh not in mockery. You greet them and share sympathy. As you look around, some are partaking in great feasts; ribs of some magnificent beast, sauce mixing with the deep pigmentation of orc children. But surely, this is not what you came for? Nonetheless, you enjoy it for what it is.

As you breath in the hot air, you look around. The ground is covered in ash from many past bonfires, you recognize. But over the hills in all directions is a splendid brilliant green, some of which seems almost groomed and smooth as the coat of a lamb. As you excuse yourself from the crowd and run to catch a greater glimpse of the scenery you notice small colorful plants decorating sparse regions in patches. A small tree, perhaps no larger than an ogre dots the landscape here and there. You may have not seen land this beautiful in your entire life.

What you do sincerely hope to see is this so called 'wise' orc who calls himself Narkhul Zulamein, however. Beyond the great fires lies many huts, some makeshift and temporary, some hewn from stone and even well endowed wood. Beyond that is a rather magnificent great hall, the tribal banner at the wide front entrance most likely en-grained with many rune-like embroidery that glow at odd angles amidst a deep red background and a reverse tooth like a mountain peak, splitting the barrier between the material plane and the abyss; it's base licked by hellfire. You cannot make out what lies beyond any further.

2009-01-17, 06:36 PM
Immeresed in the beautiful scenery, Kray'tak spends much time wandering through the environment, learning the paths and running through the forests. A solitary figure, he comes upon the great banner with sudden trepidation. Anxious, he reaches down to his side and sratches behind one of Karn's ears. The wolf, sleek and smoky gray, whines slightly at the hellish image.

2009-01-17, 06:56 PM
An aged, more haggardly orc approaches a tall, young and lithe orc with a wolf whom idles near the Great Hall.

OOC: For Kray'tak
"I know what you'se be thinking," mutters a grizzled orc from behind Kray'tak, "It's not what ye think. It means Silvertooth is ready for anything. Even the abyss." He gestures wide with a tatooed arm, "It pierces the abyss see? Like a glacier. Now, I don't know what a glacier is but Narkhul told me. Says it's huge and it cuts across the land like a dagger. Good symbols, hm? Symbology? Haha!"

The orc's body is painted black in odd places. His eyes are yellow and murky and hair sticks out every which way. His clothes are unkept despite the beauty of everything else around you.

2009-01-17, 07:21 PM
Nodding, slowly, Krey'tak examines the banner again, keeping this in mind. "Thanks you. Narkhul is indeed right. A glacier is ice, solid ice. Miles high. So heavy, that even though they move slower than the night sky, they cut through the land like a knife." Krey'tak looks again at the Orc. "What's your name?" He asks, his eyes piercing like a hawk's.

2009-01-17, 08:18 PM

After wandering through the camp for awhile Kur'tagh comes across a hunter that he had done battle with in his wanderings.

Hello Krey'tak, it's been awhile.
He rumbles to the smaller orc.

2009-01-17, 09:51 PM
((OOC: All apologies on my end. Two questions? Was I selected to be able to play (I read that everyone who posted a sheet got in?!) and is my posting needed necessarily soon? I am currently quite busy...college, going to a dance with my gf tomorrow, preparing for my own campaign...eek. Life feels busy. If necessary, DMPC'ing Nibbis, the Kobold Sorcerer, is acceptable.))

2009-01-17, 09:58 PM
An immense beast of vaguely bipedal proportions lumbers up to the lithe orc near the Great Hall. If the latter was tall, this especially hairy orc (you now realize that it fits the shape) is huge. Immense would be a difficult descriptor for such a creature, for its height reaches to be that of half the banner laid over the front entrance of the great hall. It gestures in a pattern you might recognize as being expressive of language and intelligence.

OOC: For Kur'tagh

A grizzled orc whispers, or at least speaks in a voice un-suiting for one of your stature (you can barely hear it), to Kray'tak as you approach. The creature, a parent of your own heritage, shakes visibly as if stricken by frostbite when he glances your way. His face is sallow and sunken however, and you find it hard to tell precisely what his current emotion might be.

OOC: For Kray'tak

"Garn Lud'hai they called me once." He pauses and sighs, "Nobody considers me by that name much anymore though I s'pose.

Tradition, y'know, states y'know that I can't much be of use even as a scholar, even though I's thinking that I could." He holds up his wrist and flexes his hand as if it were self evident, "I was a scholar for a while though, you shoulda seen!" He frowns, "Can't remember much 'fore then, s'terrible. You gotta name there? What's your name? Why've you come here?"

When Kur'tagh arrives he utters a sound like a 'yulp!' and shrinks into the background.

OOC: Brom, please post in the OOC thread if you've got issues.

2009-01-17, 10:16 PM
For the first time since he beheld this beautiful land, a smile lights up Kray'tak's face. "Kur'tagh, my old friend. It's good to see a familiar face." With a slight bow, he shows his respects to the massive fighter. Turning back to Lud'hai, the Orc introdues himself. "I am Kray'tak of Blackmire, hunter and wanderer."

2009-01-17, 11:44 PM
The grizzled orc speaks to the lithe ranger, "Interestin' name. Fascinating really. Y'know I might've visited that region at one point. How I'd love to write about it and share it with others; all the more s'terrible that honor takes it from me." He gestures in a laconic fashion to the larger orc, "You two friends, are yah. Almost scared me to my grave. Why might've you come here?"

2009-01-17, 11:56 PM

I have come because the chiftain here wants to unite the orcs in order to drive back the elves and humans. I would like to hear his plan.
Kur'tagh rumbles slowly, needing to pause occasionally to choose his words.

I've decided Kur'tagh will talk using normal words, albeit slowly, unless thhe gets overly excited in which case he'll revert to monosyllabic words until he calms down

2009-01-18, 01:02 AM

Taking in the scenery and the multitude of characters around him, Urg goes and visits as many different tribes he can hoping to make a few friends. Chippy running around the nearby area, having fun annoying the orcs all around him.

Urg approaches a big tribal flag and sees two rather interesting characters
Chippy, they look nice! The big one and little one seem to be friends, maybe we should go talk to them?

He sees a small lithe orc who is appearing to talk with a massive mean looking monstrous orc of some kind. As he approaches Chippy leaps and glides toward the smaller orc and decides that he likes the little orc, and so the bigger one can't be too bad.

Hi there you two, do you already know eachother, or are you from the same clan??
He says slowly with a dull smile on his face.

2009-01-18, 01:14 AM

Confused and a little annoyed, Tarnak takes in the spectacle before him. He had finally received a reply to the last letter he had sent for funding; he was rebuffed, but this wasn't out of the ordinary. He didn't remember the last time he had received the monies he had asked for - and despite his seal the orc tribe he had been scouting had begun to doubt his authenticity. The letter had contained further instructions, though, and these are what irked Tarnak.

While your reports may be accurate, the letter read, we still feel you do not have a firm grasp on the situation. Before we can send what you request you must live with an orcish tribe for a period of time, and most importantly fight with them side by side in battle. Only after you have had sufficient experience in this regard can we release any funds. To aid you in your goal we have set up a meeting with Narkhul Zulamein, an orc of some renown.

They're trying to kill me. Tarnak grumbled under his breath. He shook his head. No, they must be testing him. He had never proven himself outside of exercises, and they must think he was soft when the danger was real. They would try to stretch him to breaking, and were waiting for the point he would become fed up and return home. If he could endure this for just a while longer he could prove his worth and strength of character; if he left before he received word he'd only look as pitiful as they must think he was.

Stowing away his thoughts, Tarnak looked around to see if he could find this Narkhul the letter spoke of. Spotting a group of orcs by a massive structure (Perhaps their hall? It looked somewhat different then the last on he'd seen.), he began to head in their direction; one of them should know where the orc he needed to meet was.

2009-01-18, 01:14 AM
Krey'tak smiles at the newcomer's excitement. "We fought once. It was magnificent." He says, a wry, reptilian smile across his face. "I am Krey'tak, of the Blackmire." He says. He examines the newcomer, wondering about the Orc's combat prowess.

2009-01-18, 01:29 AM

I am called Kur'tagh, and I come from the Whiteclaw tribe.
Kur'tagh says, growling a little at the little creature buzzing around Krey'tak.

what kind of animal is Chippy?

2009-01-18, 01:50 AM
A grizzled orc who'd apparently been speaking to Kray'tak notes the arrival of the newcomers, "Somehow I got this feelin' you all came for what this clan warrior Kur'tagh came for; yes I remember the whiteclaw but only in written word." He mentions this last bit on the side, perhaps waiting for a reaction from Kur'tagh,
"Y'know, Narkhul often makes his presence known when he wants to make it known. You'll know soon enough when he makes one of his speeches at length, y'know... say, I haven't an idea what'll occur on the green horizon. All I know's y'know, is that there's some more land out there. Silvertooth's been moving a lot recently. I myself am reaching the end of my days... you don't need my company though, don't yah? Perhaps you could communicate with one of the scholars at length?"

The old orc begins to ramble off names, "Now... there's Tar'met and Orom'ai. Orom'ai is a good friend of Tar'met, an ogre, a little small spoken rather then soft as it were, but most ogres are now aren't they, haha! Leng'hurst, J'hukam, Klay'golo... most are friends, most definitely. You'd have to meet them, I can't list them off by heart if you don't. Some of them are still probably scholars." The many tatooed orc mutters these last words.

A group of orcs suddenly make their way past the group into the great hall, strong and silent.

One of them growls, "Out of the way, old one." And the tatooed, grizzled orc dutifully steps aside.

OOC: For Kray'tak

It's become apparent that Garn truly is a retired member of his society. Particularly with how others appear to treat him.


Tarnak feels the heat of several orcs giving awkward, albeit non-hostile, stares towards him.

2009-01-18, 02:01 AM

Kur'tagh growls at the mention of his clan.
My tribesman were slain by the elves, if this Narkhul's operation will let me battle the elven armies than I will gladly join his cause.

2009-01-18, 02:06 AM
Krey'tak takes a long look at the one known as Lud'hai. "...Garn, if I may, what is it that you do these days?" He asks, respectfully.

2009-01-18, 02:09 AM
EDIT: Crap, ignore this post. Read below.

2009-01-18, 02:13 AM
The old orc shakes involuntarily at Kurtagh's growl, "Narkhul has an aura about him, for sure. Just wait until he makes one of his speeches, y'know. It's not just nothing y'know, it's... it's information concession. You'll understand when he rouses the warriors of Silvertooth. He has a big reason for bringing all this carfuffle together, in fact, he's probably suspected for years, and only now he has managed to find an evident method of convincing all the clans to come together like this! Just wait, y'know?" His voices rises causing it to croak a little, involuntarily immersing his head in the apparent politics of the situation.

He pats Kur'tagh on the chest, apparently distilling himself and changing the subject with an inherent shakiness at addressing the beast orc, "Silvertooth tradition, while it concerns the survival of our species, has nothing on name formalities. Although I'm embarrassed to admit that I did not introduce myself. I'm Garn Lud'hai. What have you come here for?"

Garn, after kneeling himself a distance from the path to the Hall on the soft grass in the midst of his speech, looks to Kray'tak for support.

He appears as much offended as an elder can be when Kray'tak asks him what seems to him to be the ultimate QUESTION, despite the hunter's tone, "I used to be a scholar, just told you! Evidence enough?"

2009-01-18, 12:02 PM

Urg listens attentively trying to understand everything that is being said. Chippy is still running around trying to get a rise out of everyone and Urg has to try and resist laughing at the other orcs getting angry. When the odd looking orc mentions Silvertooth something in his mind reminds him of something his father said. So close to remembering it, knowing it was important, a large orc to the side took a swipe at Chippy and Urg couldn't resist laughing at his feeble attempt to get rid of the annoyance. Silvertooth forget for the time....

(Check OOC thread for Chippy info)

2009-01-18, 12:36 PM
I didn't take a swipe at your pet (assuming you're talking about me.)

not to sound pissy, but why are you deciding how other characters are acting towards chippy? all I said was I growled at him.

2009-01-18, 12:43 PM
Im not talkin about you, im talking about a random orc among the many around us, I would have said something specific if it were one of the PC's

2009-01-18, 12:46 PM
ah, well I apologize then. shows what happens when I assume huh?

2009-01-18, 02:02 PM
Krey'tak responds with a deep voice, obviously angry, though not at Garn. "You claim that! Yet these Orcs treat you like you used to be a goblin! In my village, elders are treated with respect. If this is how Silvertooth treats them, then I'm not so sure this is the one to unite the tribes." He says. His brassy eyes follow the backs of the offending Orcs as they enter the main hall. A low rumble emits from Karn's throat.

2009-01-18, 02:25 PM
Nibbis, milling through the crowds, attempting to not get stepped on (with limited success), managed to regroup with his good friend and hunter, Krey'tak.

He comes in midsentence, hearing only, ''how Silvertooth treats them, then I'm not so sure this is the one to unite the tribes."

He steps onto the nearest point of elevation (hopefully a decent sized rock or something) and pokes Krey'tak on the way.

"What'd I miss, good friend?"

The blue-skinned Kobold carried himself with the same dignity and grace that he always did; he gave a toothy smile to all the rest.

"And who are your new friends? Can they be my friends, too?"

He waved energetically. "Nibbis! Nibbis the Kobold, at your service!"

2009-01-18, 03:10 PM
A huge, hulking, filthy beast walks towards the group standing there. Half of the time he walks on all fours. He has an elongated snout, immense horns, and even bigger hands- though they could be called paws. He is, by all accounts, one of the most hideous creatures you've ever seen, and one would expect him to be malicious and cruel. Instead, there is a vacuous smile on his face, one of sheer bliss. He had been bounding about for some time, oblivious of others, but when he sees the group he almost has some kind of direction... but this is instantly eliminated when he sees the kobold. The thing squeals like a little girl finding a puppy- or as much as a huge, hideous creature like him could squeal like a little girl, and picks up the kobold by the tail, giggling all the while. "Small scale man look fun-ny. Dran like small scale man. Dran will take small scale man home and keep small scale man. Dran will love small scale man, and feed small scale man, and if small scale man bad Dran will eat small scale man. Small scale man friend." For a moment, Dran just stands there, looking at the kobold with a blissful smile.

2009-01-18, 03:23 PM
Nibbis' first instinct was to scream and protest and shout and imperiously demand it let him go or that someone help him. Working with voliatile Orcs who hated being ordered by a Kobold had purged the concept of first instincts being good from his mind.

Then he listened; when he thought about it, the arrangement didn't seem so bad. The thing was offering to feed him and take care of him. He didn't know where the things home was, but it didn't seem smart, and Nibbis could convince a demigod of it's mortal status. The eating part was a little worrisome, but Nibbis was next to certain that the things mind would bend like a moldy cucumber under the power of enchantment that Nibbis had. It would be as easy as charming the thing and using his powers of charisma to order it to leave him be, despite it's own normal interests -- something he was *very* good at.

The charm spell died on his lips, and instead he smiled and waved goofily at the creature holding him. "You'll be Nibbis' friend? YAY! Nibbis be your friend too. Can I sit on your shoulders?"

Nibbis was internally grateful of his skill as a con. Hiding his moment of self-concern and mortal terror was easy for someone like him.

I have a +18 to Bluff, so I'm just going to assume that my caracter is able enough to hide his initial reaction, especially when working with Orcs and knowing that breaking down is usually just asking for more abuse.

2009-01-18, 03:30 PM

Kur'tagh chuckles at seeing the little lizard flung about like a rag doll, and turns to the other over sized beastie in the group.

You're called is Dran I take it? I am called Kur'tagh.

2009-01-18, 04:27 PM
"And I am Krey'tak. It is an honor." Krey'tak says, concealing a slight chuckle as the huge beast slings Nibbis around.

2009-01-18, 06:27 PM
I Urg, nice to meet you all.

Urg is smiling openly at the situation with Nibbis "the funny lizardman" and Dran. Chippy seems exicted to meet the others also and scurries over and begins running all over them both.

2009-01-18, 06:40 PM
I'm a PC. You can't decide if I laugh or not; odds are I'm more likely to say, ''Hey, friend, could you do me a favor...'' and have my new oversized friend here eat it :P

2009-01-18, 06:54 PM
A confused look grows on Dran's face as the kobold talks to him- he can tell, in some vague sense, that something is wrong with this. But it doesn't matter! He has a new pet/friend. He hits Nibbis with a searing blast of rancid breath, and then puts him on his shoulder. "Small scale man friend. Dran keep small scale man now." He pats the little man on the head, hard enough to hurt him, then grows a confused look at the (to him, at least,) barrage of greetings, but then just smiles and nods.
Nibbis must now take a reflex save vs. DC 20 to avoid 1d6 damage. Dran is stronger than he thinks.:smallwink:
Oh, and he has 18 wisdom, despite his 4 intelligence- don't mess with him too much, because even with a seasoned veteran like nibbis, he'll figure it out eventually.

2009-01-18, 07:31 PM
The orc shakes involuntarily again at Kray'tak's words, "How they treat me? There's nothin' wrong with it... and I'm hardly an elder. My time is just by now, y'know? Just by... It's a personal thing and I'm sure the others would not expect or enjoy hearing outside opinions. Now I recall... I used to be a warrior too, there's no doubt about it. Do you share the same sentiments as your er... friend Kur'tagh here? Why you should visit some of the areas before the council... learn a little more about silvertooth and how much in stock we have. We've got a whole market blooming! But, if you've come to serve the chieftain personally, I could direct to one of our bookmen. I know only one of them though, Herzla; you must address her if you wish to speak to the advisor to the chief in private. Just ask, and I'll tells yah."

A dozen orcs ride beyond the great hall in the distance, upon the backs of giant wolves. Just inside the greathall, you spot minotaurs serving food, bugbears milling about with a variety of papers, and ogres tending to mounts under the watch of a bugbear each. Smoke wafts farther beyond, outside.

On the roads from whence you came, you spot a hobgoblin milling through crowd's of orcs and goblins scampering between bonfires. Every now and then, the rare minotaur would get by with their haul, although this lone hobgoblin certainly doesn't appear to be milling well.

This is may be the first time you've ever seen a hobgoblin.

2009-01-18, 09:25 PM
[roll0] I gotta kinda see what the result is before I do anything else, so if I fail it, I'll say something about being hurt, and if not...

2009-01-18, 09:25 PM
I want to see some of what you have to sell. When is meeting with the chief?

2009-01-19, 12:42 AM

I really hope you're referring to me, imp_fireball. Considering I'm a lone hobgoblin. If you aren't referring to me I can tweak my post.

Tarnak finally arrives before the Great Hall. He looks upon the orcs assembled there, and notices the way their staring at him. Am I that out of place, he thinks, or are they so backwater that they have never seen a Hobgoblin before? Either way, they'll learn to respect me.

You, over there! Tarnak says in Orcish, pointing to an elderly orc, I have a meeting with Narkhul Zulamein; bring me to him.

Tarnak pauses a moment, waiting for a reply. He congratulates himself; if he must fight with them he'll do it as their leader, and the sooner they learn to take his commands the better. Break them like the pack animals they are and soon his orders will be their second nature - they won't even take a piss without him giving the okay.

The moment stretches on. None of the orcs look ready to speak, and a few of them have their hands on their weapons. I suppose they're dumber then they look - don't they realize who and what I am? Another moment passes, and a few more of the orcs hands drift to their hilts. Tarnak ignores them. Old man! I said to take me to Narkhul; are you deaf or are you just stupid?

2009-01-19, 01:32 AM
OOC: You're absolutely correct Hecore.


A few of the orcs burst into laughter at the irrate hobgoblin; the very same one as before. Some even burst into song. He must be insane, you figure.

OOC: For Hecore

A drumming noise is heard in the distance. The orcs of whom were fingering the hilts of their weapons begin to stamp their feat. Another breaks into guttural song, the words of such orcish slur that you are unable to make out any lyrics (it mostly sounds like 'oooooyuuuuurrrrrruuuughuuuuurrr' an audible 'wolf without his pack' and more slurring). The drums get louder, those who've been dancing begin performing leaps into the air, bringing themselves to astounding elevation. Some even lick their swords.

But then the elder orc crooks his finger for you to come closer. And all activity ceases.

OOC: For the rest of the group.

"The chief's advisor is making a throne speech to address the public. But you can make an appointment with one of the bookmen I know. Herzla's her name.

And if you're interested in the markets, go right ahead, they're everywhere. I couldn't find my way around them myself though. If you're lucky, you'll catch something rare, though y'know.

Ah and I forgot to tell yah, the throne speech's happenin' in two days! So be quick about whatever you find! Again, if you want the attention of Narkhul you'll need to book an appointment. Wish you the best of good luck with that." Garn smiles sincerely at these last words, revealing nearly the full extent of his chipped canines and missing teeth.

Somehow, you'd expected that.

2009-01-19, 01:46 AM

Nibbis saw the giant things hand coming down towards him, and tried to scamper away, and was only partially successful, feeling the thing come down painfully on his leg.

Oh, that's it! he thought.

Quickly he pointed past Dran. "Look, I think I saw one of your kind over there! Do you know him?"

[roll1] Bluff for diversion. If you fail Sense Motive, it counts as a diversion and your attention is diverted from my casting.

Quickly, Nibbis followed through, and cast his Charm.

Charm Person, DC 18.

He hoped this worked. It would be annoying if it didn't; he wasn't going to take another hit like that.

2009-01-19, 01:54 AM
Aww, what a pity. The giant behemoth with his little spellcasting friend would've been fun.:smallfrown: Oh, well.
Sense motive: [roll0]
Will save: [roll1]
Dran looks over where Nibbis points, not so much caring about "another of his kind" but rather the funny pointing finger. Seeing nothing, he turns back to Nibbis and sees him finishing the spell. He realizes he's been had. He stands there for a second, processing it, and then realizes he's mad. He lets out a sound that's a mix of a wail and a roar, and then grabs the kobold by the arm, lifting him up and bringing him right in front of his face. He then has no idea what to do with it.
I'm not even going to bother with the grapple check- I've got a modifier somewhere in the 30s. However, here's a link to the touch attack (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1903530/), which I believe I succeeded on. I could kill you easily right now, but I won't. Take this as a warning: don't mess with Dran if you're smaller than him and within reach.

2009-01-19, 02:02 AM
It can still *be* fun. I had something along those lines mapped out. Nibbis just wants to charm him and then give him a command to relax and sit still until directed to otherwise and use his charisma to coerce him into it (as per opposed Charisma checks, I have a feat that gives him a +9 total to the check =D) Plus, I as a player am very cautious about what I do to other PC's (both because it's dangerous to use your abilities on other PC's, what with them being equal level, and the fact it makes the game less fun when the players start being brutal on one another) so I as a player am trying to play out what Nibbis (small, easily frightened, seeing something big and dumb) would do without overkilling it. Nice will save roll and damn, nearly had the Sense Motive, too.

You fail your Sense Motive, get distracted, but successfully resist the Charm. Damn.

Nibbis used his better judgment and said nothing when the Charm didn't work. This beasts will was surprisingly resilient. Once he succeeded, it would be easier to bend his mind again next time, but he needed to survive until then. Since the charm was cast easily enough, he used his remaining distraction period to back to his hunter friend Krey'tak. In a fast, frightened whisper, he said in Orcish, "Please protect me, this thing could splatter me without realizing it."

2009-01-19, 02:09 AM
I got ninja'd. I was under the impression that the diversion would be a full round distraction; it'd buy me one round to take actions. I think I could finish a charm in that time (what with it being a standard action) and further, I don't think that your character is of sufficient intelligence to recognize an arcane spell =D Isn't your INT like, 4? Assuming that spellcraft is an INT related skill and it's use is to identify spells, I'd think that if you had enough of a penalty to it, you wouldn't even know if a spell is being *cast.*

2009-01-19, 02:11 AM
When the small scale man speaks, Dran roars. It is loud, and fierce, and the poor kobold in front of him undoubtedly got sprayed with spittle. He then dumps out his sack of food and stuffs the poor creature inside.
If you think about it, this actually helps you- your arms are freed for spellcasting. Another roll for deadly strength damage: [roll0]

2009-01-19, 02:20 AM
Stuffed in the sack, Nebbis couldn't do much more. He did what a Sorcerer would do if in this situation; cast a spell. He could keep casting until he was dead, which was likely.

Another DC 18 save or be asserted into friendliness. Dran doesn't keep friends in sacks, does he? =D

2009-01-19, 03:19 AM
Krey'tak tries not to be angry. The large creature is easily whipping the little kobold around, but he doesn't appear to know he's doing any harm. He cautiously grips the spear, intent not to use it. But if the thing kills his friend, he'll do his best to make it pay. "Dran." He says, his voice calm and betraying no emotion. He didn't think he could take this thing. "How about you let me be friends with Nibbis for a while? We haven't talked in some time, and I'm anxious to hear how went his travels."

[roll0] Diplomacy check. *Crosses fingers*

2009-01-19, 03:26 AM
Dran looks at Krey'tak, glares a bit... and hands over the sack. "Small scale man is bad. You take small scale man."

2009-01-19, 03:31 AM
Your will save? >_> Hey, it's me, over here, in the sack, casting a spell =D

2009-01-19, 08:56 AM
At work ill do my catch up posting during breaks/lunch

2009-01-19, 09:43 AM

Seeing the interaction between Durn and Nibbis Urg couldn’t help but laugh. He wasn’t aware that Nibbis was in real danger or he might have helped the situation. He decided to go to the market and see what he could see before going to talk to Herzla.

See Chippy these people friends too like us! Lets go see what we can find

Urg browsed the markets for a while quickly losing his way in the crowded city. If this is what orc clans are like now Urg had missed a lot these past 20 years living in seclusion. He found a booth selling natural herbs and other items of much interest to Urg. He reminded himself to return after he found out what he was doing here. He turned to return to the group but quickly realized he was hopelessly lost. He tried anyway and was sure he was going the right way, but after nearly ten minutes of hopeless wandering he ended up back at the booth.

Chippy, can you lead me back?

Excited at having a job Chippy takes off at breakneck speed back toward the group. Urg takes the form of a eagle and easily follows from the sky, and even spots the group and beats Chippy back. As he lands he shifts back into his natural form, and Chippy meets him there and seems angry that he was beaten.

Better luck next time little friend. Warning to all of you, this city is a lot harder to navigate than any forest I’ve ever been in!!

2009-01-19, 12:46 PM
Check the OOC more often, buddy. You need to be able to see the target to cast that. Unless kobolds have the racial ability see through bag, I don't think you can charm me.

2009-01-19, 01:29 PM
Hmm. Fair enough. Meh. I get baton passed anyways.

2009-01-19, 08:28 PM
OOC: For Urg

You meet a timid goblin in the herbs aisle who seems desperate to sell everything he has to you.

"Take it all, sirs.... m'aster whip me.... if don't liquidate....".

OOC: Large bag of herby reagents if you buy it all? We can agree on a price in PM or OOC; whichever. Likely cheap if you make a knowledge: local check (to basically indicate that you were scouring the areas for something that truly caught your eye; taking 20 will mean you were gone for quite some time, over an hour, however you'll know a good portion of the aisle you bought from.).

2009-01-20, 02:13 AM

Tarnak casts a disparaging glance at the orcs that were mocking him. As they begin stomping their feet in tune to the drum; as the music swells around them; Tarnak realizes something special is occurring. He isn't sure what - this is something he was never taught, and that he had never witnessed before. The sight of this leaves him a little unnerved, and he feels somewhat uncomfortable.

The sound is enveloping, stifling. Though the night air is cool, Tarnak suddenly feels too warm. Underneath his armor he can feel perspiration against his skin, running in down in small rivulets. It takes all his self control to keep from taking off his armor and letting loose a guttural cry. Unused to these primal rhythms, he can't help but want to join in.

The sound and movement stop as quickly as they began. The fog covering his mind evaporates into the night air, and Tarnak is left wondering if the sensations he felt were those of a daydream. Seeing the elder orc beckon snaps him out of his trance, and he casts the doubts from his mind. Puffing up his chest, he takes a few steps forward and says "Where is he? Bring me to Narkhul."

2009-01-20, 10:43 PM
Hmm yes I would like your entire stock, will 10 gold be ok?

2009-01-21, 05:24 AM

@ Krey'tak- I want to meet Herzla, but I don't trust myself in social situations. Will you come with me?

2009-01-21, 02:55 PM
Krey'tak nods solemnly. "Understood, friend." He says. "Lead the way. I am, unfortunately, at a loss in this...shamble of a town. I'd feel much better if we were in the wilderness."

2009-01-21, 07:42 PM
OOC: For Urg
Check out OOC, there's a better explanation there.

Garn smiles, quivering, "I'll liken to lead the way."

The orc takes off in a direction beyond and around the great hall, avoiding the spears that present themselves along the walls of the great structure.

He appears partially offended, and partially shaken by something else inside, that nobody assumed that he would earlier.

OOC: For Tarnak

As you come closer, you notice that the old orc's brow is furrowed such you find it impossible to see his eyes, hidden as they are. Strange. Could the venerable creature perhaps be hard of hearing too?

"You want the writers wanderer... the secretariat?" He croaks.

2009-01-22, 03:54 PM

This old man speaks in riddles. Tarnak was getting tired of these orcs. They didn't recognize his authority, they were primal and unrefined, and they apparently talk in the most obtuse manner possible. He'd have slugged the elder if he thought he could get away with it.

Raising his voice slightly, more in anger then for the old orcs benefit, Tarak spoke: "I don't know what your talking about. I'm not sure if your deaf or just daft, so let me repeat myself one more time. Clearly and simply, so even one such as yourself can understand me. BRING-ME-TO-NARKHUL. Now."

2009-01-22, 10:29 PM

"Easy, traveller." Krey'tak says. "If you'd lower your voice, I'm sure we can come to an agreement." He says, very agreeably. Krey'tak's hand waits, hovering in reach of his spear.

2009-01-22, 11:03 PM
OOC: Tarnak
The elder orc frowns ever more impossibly in frustration, "You come to see the book men, wanderer. That is your answer as clear and as simple as an individual such as yourself can understand it. I am only a simple retired individual, I cannot help you further."

He waves his hand, and warriors nearby obediently move away. All is calm.

OOC: Krey'tak
The old orc whom the hobgoblin had been speaking somewhat harshly to, mutters as only an elder can and waves a decrepit hand; warriors who'd been offering harsh stares to the exchange move away, perhaps to make room.

You can feel the heat of the old orc's glance on you now. He seems aware of what prowess you, yourself hold.

2009-01-23, 10:56 PM

Urg has returned from the market and is now watching the exchange between the hobgoblin and the old orc, and approaches the orc known as Krey'tak
What is wrong here friend? Why does this hobgoblin talk to the elder that way?

2009-01-23, 11:47 PM

Kur'tagh snarls at the hobgoblin as he berates the elder.
Maybe I should teach the little goblin some manners.

2009-01-24, 12:11 AM

Krey'tak speaks without turning his head. "He is just alone in unfamiliar lands, surrounded by potential enemies. I'm sure he's just on the knife's edge."

2009-01-24, 02:13 PM

The small Kobold, still shaken by his encounter with the...thing, decided that he would go and observe the disturbance.

Observation yielded quick insight: a Hobgoblin trying to pull rank. Nibbis pursed his reptilian lips; could there be something to gain in helping this one?

Nibbis moved subtly to the Hobgoblin's leg and tugged on him to get his attention. In a low whisper, he queried;

"What is it that you want, Hobgoblin? Perhaps...I can help you get it."

2009-01-24, 10:21 PM
We need to speak with the one to guide us, let us all settle our differences for now and try to meet our new friend!

2009-01-24, 11:26 PM

Damn that orc! Age was no excuse as far as he was concerned; if it weren't for the assembled mass watching him he would have gladly gutted the old one where it stood. He was being toyed with and it irked him, and worse there was nothing he could do about it. Regardless, he had to keep some level of self control. It wouldn't do have have these primitives thinking they could manipulate his emotions that easily.

I'm done playing your games, old one. Save your nonsense and riddles for the striplings. Turning, Tarnak addressed those assembled; perhaps they knew of the orc he was looking for.

I am looking for the one you call Narkhul. Which among you can lead me to him - I tire of waiting and so far this one, Narkhul gestures in the direction of the elderly orc with which he was speaking, has deigned only to waste my time.

Feeling a tug at his leg, Tarnak glanced down and heard the little kobold. He thought for a moment. Clearly a slave, Tarnak had seen the abuse with which it had been treated earlier (Or was it jest? It was difficult to tell when dealing with orcs), and surmised that he might be able to use him as a tool against his captors. Speaking surreptitiously Tarnak replied Perhaps we can discuss my needs later small one, when there are fewer eyes upon us.

2009-01-25, 12:36 AM
The old orc snorts in disgust, turning his head to avoid the gaze of the others.

"You waste your head, hobgoblin." He croaks, although you can barely hear him.

In the mildly awkward confusion, another voice materializes, "Another newcomer!" Garn surprises the likes of all of you. Hadn't this elder wandered off?

"I'm Garn Lud'hai," He nods affirmatively towards the hobgoblin, and then turns quickly once more, "And now that introductions n'all that've been made, are all of you appropriately prepared to follow me?" He rests his back at the side of the road again, waiting for a response.

ooc: Tarnak

A new orc addresses you. Unmistakeably, he appears old as well, although more coherent perhaps.

2009-01-25, 10:11 AM

When the belligerent hobgoblin addresses the group and is again rude to the elder Kur'tagh moves over to him and leans down over him.
Little goblin, if you speak to an elder or my friend in that way again I will rip off your leg, feed it to you and then beat you to death against the nearest tree. Perhaps you would like to re-word your request?
He says in a low growl with a feral smile on his face.

2009-01-25, 11:55 AM

The large one is right hobgoblin, although i have met few of your kind in my life you need to respect your elders or punishments worse than my friend can provide will be brought upon you.

Now we need to meet the one to guide us.

Urg says angrily as though his patience has ran out with the hostile hobgoblin, Chippy also is emitting a low growl that no one realized was coming from him.

2009-01-26, 03:26 AM

Tarnak sighed inwardly. It wasn't worth a fight with the orcs; not only would it not accomplish his goals, but he didn't like the odds. Time to throw a few baubles to the natives.

Turning towards the two hostile orcs, Tarnak spoke. [Bluff] I am just overtired from my journey here; after all, I am a stranger in a strange land. In the future I will be sure to keep my temper in check.

He then turns to the elder orc that addressed him. It would be my pleasure if you would lead the way.

Bluff roll: [roll0]

2009-01-26, 02:02 PM
Nibbis cast message discreetly, and spoke to the Hobgoblin without looking at him, making sure to stand a little bit away.

"It's me...Nibbis, the Kobold to your left. You did the smart thing. These Orcs are strong, and cannot be bludgeoned or whipped into shape. But they aren't cunning. If you meet their onrush like a dam, you will be cast aside. Meet them with rocks to redirect their course, though, and you get what you want. Tell me if you need their assistance. I possess no small amount of ability to magically influence minds. Also, try not to look like you're talking under your breath if you respond to me, but this link will remain open for the next few minutes."

2009-01-26, 02:13 PM
Nibbis cast message discreetly, and spoke to the Hobgoblin without looking at him, making sure to stand a little bit away.

"It's me...Nibbis, the Kobold to your left. You did the smart thing. These Orcs are strong, and cannot be bludgeoned or whipped into shape. But they aren't cunning. If you meet their onrush like a dam, you will be cast aside. Meet them with rocks to redirect their course, though, and you get what you want. Tell me if you need their assistance. I possess no small amount of ability to magically influence minds. Also, try not to look like you're talking under your breath if you respond to me, but this link will remain open for the next few minutes."

Quickly, Nibbis asserted with his own bit of duplicity.

"Makes sense, I can see how Hobgoblins would get road weary. They aren't cut out for the roads like Orcs are. He didn't mean it, so probably best to just cut him slack."

[roll0] for bluff :P

2009-01-26, 06:13 PM
"Well this one's ready, at least. I don't imagine you'se wishin' to speak to Narkhul as well do you? That's become bit of a habit as of late." Garn shakes a little, though still resting, "Sorry f'I forgot your name, what's your name there lukky?"

2009-01-31, 04:12 PM
Can someone do...anything? :P

2009-01-31, 04:36 PM
like I said in the OOC, I'm waiting to get to Narkhul's aide or whoever.
I agree with the sentiment though.

2009-02-11, 10:43 PM
You know, this is a great campaign concept. I'd hate to see it wither and die. Can the DM *do* something?