View Full Version : Hong Kong Phooey [IC]

2009-01-17, 03:04 AM
[OOC: It's not quite Saturday here yet but I'll get started anyways. :)]
The OOC post can be found HERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5669427) Please direct any questions are concerns there.

It's a beautiful Sunday evening, the city lights twinkle in the distance, competing with the sky for night-time dominance.

Warehouses adorn this end of the pier and the crowds grow thin. Private working folk and their employers take up the bulk of people to be found here.

One warehouse in particular seems to stand out, if you know what to look for at least. The small x, marked in chalk, is has been carefully scribed on the side entrance to Warehouse 18; a door that leads to a small basement in this private building.

Mr J waits inside tapping his fingers incessantly on the the gray desk. It echos off the walls of the medium-sized room. Flakes of paint fall carelessly from it ancient surface in this otherwise spartan environment.

tap tap tap

J checks the time. It's only 2101 but he's getting antsy.

tap tap tap

tap tap tap

J checks the hour for the umpteenth time. He decides to make a call.

A muffled voice comes in over the comm. "Yeah? What is it?

A vein pulsates in J's neck. It's me you idiot!


"Shut up." He cuts him off. "I thought you said that they'd be here by nine. It's already-" He pauses for a moment and checks the time yet again. "...almost 9:15!"

"They'll be there D-"

"Frag! Just Frag!"

"Look, the fixer said that they would be. He's none too bright but he gets work done. I-"

"Fraggin' idiot." J mutters to himself as he disconnects.

"You get what you pay for..." He says disgusted.

The tapping continues as he leans back, his face hidden in the darkness. He watches the door like a hawk waiting for its prey.

His ears perk and he leans forward, his face still covered in darkness, watching as the door starts to open.

2009-01-19, 03:03 PM
OOC: I find myself with lots of questions before posting. (You might want to make a OOC thread) What is the security like around this warehouse area? Why are we late? (My character wouldn't be if he had a choice. While I can see various ways for us to be late without having much choice in the matter. I generally don't see it as good 'business' not to be where we agree to be when we agreed to be there)


2009-01-19, 06:50 PM
((OOC: And so the learning begins...WF, I'm just going to go with it as I'm seriously doubting he'd be...rude...enough to try and stage our meet in a A+ security zone...right?))


Baka gaijin! The lithe, dark haired elf thought to himself as he stalked with inhuman natural grace into the dock district, fully alert but holding himself with confidence.

Unsuprising though. Boris was not known for having the highest quality of...associates. Something like this should almost be expected in fact.

His dark custom leather duster flapped in the slight breeze as he moved purposefully deeper into the district and towards his destination, his brow furrowing deeper with each passing moment.

Regardless though, meeting in the dock district at night? Definitely nonstandard for even a aka-chan of a "Johnson".
He carefully filed the fact, along with the decidely short notice of the meet, away for use in the potential upcoming negotiation.

Potential, because this could very well be nothing more than a poorly conceived setup.

We will see. Pain will result in either case. These eniu would just have to learn.

Glancing down for a microsecond at his comm unit, he decided where best to observe the meet location, then moved in that direction, observing his surroundings carefully to make certain he was alone and not being followed.

Situational Background info-

Dire's daily ritual is to cast the Armor & Increased Reflexes into his sustaining Foci every morning unless otherwise noted.

Both spells would be active at Force 3 (the level of the Foci).

Using average numbers, he'll always succeed at casting both those spells and dealing with the drain (and even if he didn't the stun would be gone by this point).

To speed things along, as soon as he got the message about the meet he would have summoned and sent a messenger spirit with the orders to <"Find Sensei's meat form and tell him I am meeting a Johnson at (said address). If he is 'asleep', wait for him to wake up".> (in Japanese, the messenger spirits one chosen language).
He'd also send a text comm message to his home as a fail safe against the spirit.

God, I love this game. :smallbiggrin:

Goblin Music
2009-01-19, 09:24 PM
Chyran walks around the warehouse looking for anything suspicious through the Matrix.

2009-01-20, 03:04 AM
[OOC: Please check out the ooc post. Also: figure it out: are you complete strangers, mere acquaintances, old friends? Lemme know.]


Twenty men dressed in full combat armour wielding fully automatic weapons not five feet away. They have you cornered up against a wall and the only escape is a rusted fire escape twenty feet in the air. On closer inspection there is a combat mage glowing yellow and shouting "Kamehamehame" over and over again.

Just when the stuff's about to hit the fan. You wake up and realize, no, he's not that rude. ;P


After taking the time to assure themselves that there is nothing wrong with the general area around the meeting site. Dire and Chyran approach the warehouse door, caution forcing them to take their time.

According to Boris this is a client that, despite having hired out for him before, is one that he usually avoids. The man is a bit of a jerk, but he pays exceedingly well when the job is done just the way he likes it.

They see an armed grunt close by, towards the end of the alley but, before they can act the human holds up his hand, palm facing the two runners, and says. "You're wanted inside."

Before they can open their mouths to question him, he adds. "I'd get in their if I were you. Mr., uh, Johnson doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Dire and Chyran know that they're not late, in fact they're the first ones to arrive that they've seen. Maybe it would be better to just take the sentinel's advice. No point in annoying the man paying you, right?

2009-01-20, 01:11 PM
Wraith had gotten the details and he had done enough background research to feel confident enough to meet this new Johnson. He didn't like meeting in the flesh, ever. Still it was the price on had to pay if one wanted to work.

Wraith had arrive to the dock by ferry. That meant he had a bit of a walk before arriving at Warehouse 18, but the Kowloon City native was use to walking. Given the congested nature of most of Hong Kong he found it was faster to walk or take public transportation then deal with a hassle of a car or bike most of the time anyway.

He had been invited to this meeting through a trusted friend that knew someone. Mr. Johnson's reputation for rudeness was known to people in Wraith's Guanxi, which was why they only dealt with him through others. Which was also why Wraith was late. To be late was to be rude, and thus returns the Johnson's crassness to him. Wraith didn't think being late for a meeting with a Johnson was a good idea, but when it came down to choosing between his friends and allies or an unknown Johnson with work, well that was an easy choice.

So it was that Wraith found himself walking up to the armed grunt. He tries to project an image of collected coolness, but that is marred when he has to stop and blow his nose, due to the various pollen and other airborne crap attacking his sinuses