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An Enemy Spy
2009-03-08, 11:47 AM
Desmond calmly walked out of the bathroom, nods politely at the people in the room, and strolls out the door.

2009-03-08, 02:28 PM
Silme inhales the scent deeply, but then stops, not wanting to.
You better fix him up before I e, he gets to bad to be fixed.
A small sweat breaks out on Silme´s forehead, the scent, the sight, getting a bit to him.
He sends Jen a look, to know that she´s not alone in this, because he guesses she´s most likely feeling the same.

Cpt. Soup
2009-03-11, 12:20 AM
Carker smiled in a friendly way at the man and widened his eyes. Carker drew the merchant into those eyes, he waited until he was certain the man was in his power. Carker moved a step closer to the merchant and intoned his words far clearer then his earlier muddled speech.

You do want to take the lumber don't you? this captain's desperate to get rid of it, you'll defiantly get it at a great bargain. It'd take no time at all to take it in and you'd be on the horizon before the Governor could even get his wig on. A little heat is worth the profit that wood would bring you in the end though wouldn't it? Good timber in those waters would certainly sell better then some shoddy bolts of cloth..*

He clapped his hands together loudly and turned his head away from the merchant for a moment. He turned back and frowned to himself, he let those words run around in the captain's mind before speaking.

I not know.. If you are not interested in cargo then I must hurry and find other who may.

*note: This part of conversation will not occur if Carker doesn't think the captain is in a suggestible state.

2009-03-29, 07:05 AM
Isla Prima, the Caribbean, Noon:
Leigh walked out into the street and stood there for a while, as it appeared Jonathan needed his time to do his shopping. After a while a familiar figure passed through the busy shopping street: the governor of Isla Prima, flanked by several guards. He must have been on his way from the church to his mansion up on the hill.

Desmond didn't really mind interrupting these people in one of their most private of moments and simply walked into the room. The woman shrieked, as she was the one that didn't have her back turned on Desmond, and the man jumped up. Dressed in nothing more than a loosely draped sheet and definitely not prepared for battle the man drew his rapier that had been hanging from the side of the bed. Desmond simply walked on, out into the hallway.
"Hey, you, blaggard! Hold it right there!" the man shouted. What was worse was that the woman's shrieks had attracted unwanted attention from downstairs. Rapid footsteps could be heard on the stairs. The woman seemed flushed, scared almost, but not so much of Desmond, as he didn't seem to be much of a threat right now, faced with what was soon to be several armed men.

"Dear god , no!" Shanks screamed, briefly escaping from unconsciousness. With a thud his head fell back again. Silme gulped. The scent was almost unbearable, and it didn't look like anyone was about to patch up Shanks soon. Masik was no-where to be found, and no-one else on board seemed to have any medical knowledge.

Carker's stare did it's job. The captain's eyes glazed over briefly, and then he snapped out of it. He clapped his hands.
"Men, follow this young gentleman and help him unload the timber. Sir, here's the advance on your pay. The rest upon delivery"
The captain slipped Carker an agreeable sum of money.

Cpt. Soup
2009-03-29, 09:58 AM
Carker grinned stupidly and bobbed his head to the indicated men.

Walk to ship is this way.

Carker inclined a hand in the direction and let his feet follow. He weaved his way with the merchant's men in tow through the crowded docks and back to the ship. Carker trudged up the ramp and stepped on deck. He glanced around to see if anyone was on duty.

An Enemy Spy
2009-03-30, 11:41 AM
Desmond puts his hands up. "Good day to you all. There seems to have some sort of misunderstanding here, but I'm sure that if we all keep our heads and talk this thing out. We can put it behind us and all go our seperate ways. I was just trying to find the way out of here. So if you could just show me to the front door, than this would be resolved quickly and painlessly." He flashes a winning smile.

2009-03-30, 05:25 PM
Carker arrived at the ship with some fifteen men to help him lug the lumber. The deck was abandoned, but there wasn't much to steal there anyways, and certainly any thief would not dare interfere with an obvious pirate vessel. There was a lot of noise belowdecks though. Voices, and a scream. Carker wondered if leading the men downwards was such a good idea.

Desmond remained calm even in this stressing situation, and it seemed to serve him well as the men were about to let him leave, even though he'd just destroyed a quite exquisite window.
"No" a voice spoke out. It was a female voice, shivering slightly, but nonetheless determined.
"Throw him in the dungeons"
"But milady-" one of the servants exclaimed.
"He's seen too much. Now get him out of my sight, before my huspand gets home"

An Enemy Spy
2009-03-31, 09:11 AM
Bloody Hell!
Thinking quickly, Desmond darts away from the guards and grabs the woman by the arm and holds her in front of him.
"Nobody move or I'll ... do something or other to her. And mark my words, it will be very unpleasant."

2009-03-31, 09:55 AM
Desmond tried to get to the woman, but hadn't counted on her lover. The man jumped in front of him and put the tip of his blade to Desmond's throat.
"No" he growled. Two men grabbed Desmond from behind by the arms and dragged him back.

Cpt. Soup
2009-03-31, 03:17 PM
Carker told the men to wait offdeck for a moment. he trekked across the deck and peered down suspiciously through the hatch. He recognized several figures and became a bit more at ease. He dropped down below and looked around the small crowd.

What is going on? I have men outside for taking wood away.

He got a look at the blooded man in the hammock and surprised himself with an unexpected winch.

An Enemy Spy
2009-03-31, 06:15 PM
"You're making a very big mistake! I have friends in high places who will be very anxious to know what happened to me!"

2009-04-01, 12:20 AM
Get...Away.....I'm turning....Into....Those...Things...Get away...NOW!
Silme says, his urge for the sweet flesh and the rich blood only strengthening.

2009-04-02, 11:33 PM

Johnathan examines the suit. The disply case leads him to believe in the suit's expense, but it is a fine piece of tailoring. The cost and style could indeed provide him with the needed class to help the licensing process. And if all else failed, the suit's ease of movement would leave him with the upper hand in combat. "Excuse, but how much for the exquisite item?" He says, indicating the Oshoru-Hensi. He absentmindedly jingles his change, hoping he has enough.

2009-04-06, 02:29 PM
Carker went belowdecks, to the crew's quarters, where the cook was looking at Shanks desperately. He was pacing back and forth, trying to think of a plan. They had need of a doctor on board, and right now they couldn't find one. Everyone else just sort of stood there gaping, Silme and Jen at some distance from the others, in a black pool of shadow. Silme muttered something, but only Jen seemed to be able to hear him.
"Can we come down yet? We hasn't got all day" a voice yelled from the deck.

Desmond screamed as he was dragged away, and somewhere along the way down the big marble steps one of the men grew sick of his squirming and hit him over the head. He awoke some time later with a bursting headache. He was in a cell of sorts. That is, it was a network of bars joined up with a single wall. The bars formed the three other walls and the ceiling. There was a small window in the ancient looking stone wall, where a little bird sat perched on a rather nasty looking metal spike that stuck through the window. Maybe it had once been a bar, intended to keep prisoners from sticking even their hands outside, but now it was a vicious spike, keeping prisoners from sticking their hands outside only if they wanted them back in one piece. Facing the window was a door in the bars. The only sign there was even a door in that network of steel was a thick lock.
The adjacent cells, left and right, were pretty much identical to Desmond's. They too had small windows, sans spike, and they too had as only furniture a small heap of straw, either intended as a bed or a toilet, Desmond was still trying to figure out that part.
The cell to his left was empty except for a small old man, who had been there for at least a hundred years, if his beard was any indication. His beard was long, white, and was sprawled all about the cell. Somewhere in the centre sat the old man, snoozing with his own beard as a pillow.
Desmond wasn't quite sure how the old man managed to sleep through the noise that had awakened him: the arrival of a bunch of new prisoners. They looked like pirates, that was for sure, and were all dressed in black. They'd all been stuffed in the cell to Desmond's right, all the while screaming and laughing, and trying to pour down some more rum before the guards took it.
One of the two guards who had escorted them gave them an angry look as he locked their door and walked off. He walked up some stairs, the keys jingling on his belt, and then disappeared into the darkness. It was a whole lot darker now, now that he had left with his torch and the only sources of light were the windows. The pirates in the cell next to him began to sing a song. It seemed to focus largely on gallows and coffins.

The storekeep smiled broadly at Jonathan and made a slight bow.
"Let's see. The price is -ah-"
The storekeep paused, looking estamatingly at Jonathan's purse. He named a price that was just too high for Jonathan to pay. As he saw the look on Jonathan's face he said "I could -ah- of course give you a -ah- discount, if you'd be willing to do a small favour for me"

An Enemy Spy
2009-04-06, 06:18 PM
Desmond grabs the bird before it can fly away. He throws it at the old man to wake him up. "Oi! Wake up!"

Cpt. Soup
2009-04-09, 12:11 PM

Carker appeared to ignore Silme's feverish ramblings.This was a awkward situation for Carker. He had the porters upstairs getting impatient, and the crew downstairs gaping at one of their bleeding comrades. What could Carker do? The answer became clear, make it someone else's problem!

Carker stepped over to the cook, who was the most senior crewman onboard in Carker's opinion. He tugged at his sleeve until he got the man's attention.

There are men updeck, sent by merchant to take wood away, what should be done now?

Carker was now satisfied that whatever happened, he would not get blamed for it.

2009-04-11, 04:55 AM
Desmond managed to grab the bird and the throw it, but the poor thing flew away as it was being thrown, out the old man's window. The pirates were now singing a song, the lyrics of which seemed to consist entirely of the word "beer". None of this affected the old man.

The cook looked at Carker.
"Hey, I'm not in charge here and I've got problems enough as it is. That being said, I'll take care of the lumber, you go find the witchdoctor, because Shanks here isn't doing too well"
The cook walked over to the hatch and let the men in, then showing them down. Except for some strange looks they seemed to have little reaction to the bleeding crewmate.

2009-04-11, 05:15 AM
The smell was getting stronger........bright.....more new prey, no! no! They were people! Not food!

Damn, Silme continued on thinking, I need to keep my thoughts toghetter.

He looks if he can seek some other dark place where he can be alone, also looking worriedly at the silent Jen.

He takes Jen's hand to take her to the dark empty room, if there's any.

Cpt. Soup
2009-04-11, 02:55 PM
Carker felt the relief of his burden lifted from his shoulders. He didn't like the idea of having to scrabble through the crowded town for that witchdoctor, he'd certainly stick out, but Carker didn't like being near him. On the other hqand this was an excellent opportunity to escape the press of sweaty bodies and the stench of blood suffocating the cramped area, Carker gratefully fled to the deck.

Since the witchdoctor wasn't with the returning men, it was safe to assume he wasn't with the main crew at that tavern, perhaps he was with the Captain? Carker looked up and down the streets for signs of the witchdoctor as he made his way to the fine establishment Scarlet Will had chosen to recline in.