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View Full Version : I have a bed now!!! crispydave edition

Crispy Dave
2009-01-19, 04:49 PM
so I was sleeping on the floor for about a month wainting to get my new bed. I am now sleeping on a tempur Pedic bed.It is so comfy I slept for 13 hours last night.

Mauve Shirt
2009-01-19, 04:50 PM
SWEET! 13 hours is the optimum amount of sleep. :smallbiggrin:

Thanatos 51-50
2009-01-19, 05:07 PM
Whats wrong with sleeping on the deck? Wrap yourself up in a big, comfy blanket, and use another as a groundcloth, lay your head on a pillow and go.

That being said, yay for comfy beds!

2009-01-19, 10:38 PM
I had to sleep in a lawn chair until my mother forced my father to put my bed up. >_> But it's a complicated story, and I'd rather not think of my divorced parents.

Congrats on your Tempur Pedic! I have been wanting one of those.

2009-01-19, 10:50 PM
Still sleeping on a futon/mat. It's still awesome. I'm happy for you though.

2009-01-19, 11:57 PM
Once, I was in a firefight for 15 straight hours, clutching a rifle and a bottle of gin and waiting for the enemy to take my trench.

My only "bed" for the 15 minutes at a time I would sleep was the half-rotted body of a comrade, who in my sleep-deprived madness I could not afford the respect due of the dead.


That was a pack of lies. But hey, new bed!

2009-01-20, 03:28 AM
That's good. Bed's are always nice.

On that note, I ought to be in mine. Hrm.

Raiser Blade
2009-01-20, 04:27 AM
Hmmm do I smell a "I have a head now!!! Raiser_B1ade edition?

2009-01-20, 05:08 AM
Hmmm do I smell a "I have a head now!!! Raiser_B1ade edition?

How about a "I sleep on a mattress on the floor now!!! Black Pants Guy Edition"? it happens whenever I move houses...we disassemble the bed frames and sleep on the Mattress on the floor for a few days as we set up the bed frames in the new house, therefore being sleep-worthy when we move in.

:smallmad: Hurts my back.

2009-01-20, 05:48 AM
SWEET! 13 hours is the optimum amount of sleep. :smallbiggrin:

I just slept for 16 hours.

Crispy Dave
2009-01-20, 12:27 PM
it sucked I forgot that my mothers friend was coming up for a visit yesterday and when I got home I remembered and was lie "OHH crap I gotta give up my bed". It all worked out in the end and she slept on my sisters bed.

Flame of Anor
2009-01-20, 12:51 PM
A couple of months ago I stayed up until about 5.00 on the computer. When I woke up it was dark...I had slept for about 13 hours and missed the day completely.

Moff Chumley
2009-01-20, 07:44 PM
Interrestingly, the longest sleep I've had was while rafting. Here was my preparation: "Hrm, that rock looks comfy." zzzz

Also, Raiser gotahead. *giggles like a small girl*

Don Julio Anejo
2009-01-20, 08:02 PM
Is it wrong that I like sleeping on the floor more than I do on my bed?

2009-01-21, 02:27 AM
I can't sleep on the floor. My nose gets all itchy and stuff. I need a bed. Can't even really sleep on a couch. Surprisingly, ground (like outside) does me just fine. It's just floor that makes me feel terrible.

2009-01-21, 07:14 PM
sleep rant.

so yea, i've had some of my best sleep on a big ol' chair. legs over one arm, head dropped slightly upsidedown over the other, arms crossed over my chest.

beds are good, i like 'em smaller with firm mattresses. that's prolly why i also like the floor. I could probably sleep well in an iron maiden, i've slept well sitting at desks in school, with my head proped on an arm, i actualy learned to keep my pencil hand moving.

i'm pretty sure i've slept while driving, that was kinda scary, i know i've opperated a two headed drill press asleep too.

in short sleep is good, and i have learned to take it any time i can. except at 2 AM, i keep waking up nomatter how tired i am.

/sleep rant

otay, so congrats on the bed, i'm gonna go use mine here in a few.