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2006-10-07, 10:16 PM
Fallen One

Good and evil, two opposites which stand against eachother in eternal battle. The fallen ones are scions of good corrupted by darkness into evil although few know it. They have stumbled into the path of evil while fooling themselves as riteous doers of good in the world. The most powerful fallen ones have taken notice of thier corruption and fall from grace, but have gained a power so great they embrace thier wickedness and decide to spread it.

HD: d10

Race: Aasimar
Alignment: any evil
BAB: +5
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks
Feats: Celestial Bloodline (http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Celestial_Bloodline_(FR),Rac;start=0), Outsider Wings (http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Outsider_Wings,Rac)
Spellcasting: Ability to cast divine spells
Special: Must have been corrupted by a high level Fallen One, but know nothing of your descent.

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill points per level: 4+Int modifier


Proficiencies: Fallen ones gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armors but no shields.

Descent (Ex): Fallen ones have fallen from grace, whatever good diety they served has forsaken them, but a lord of evil has taken them under thier wing. If they cast spells as a cleric they retain the ability, but now cast them as an evil cleric. Whatever domains they had associated with goodness now turns to it's evil counterpart; Good turns to Evil, Healing turns to Destruction and any other changes to be made. If the character was a paladin before taking this class, he replaces his paladin levels with those of a paladin of either slaughter or tyranny, whichever matches his new alignment.

False Aura (Su): Fallen ones are surrounded by a clouding aura, making them undetectable by spells or effects that pinpoint evil alignments. They never show up on detect evil as evil but the aura even fools the fallen one. They never see thier acts as wicked, never see thier spells as possibly evil and if in the presense of a fiend or evil ally it does not register that they are wicked beings. If asked about any of it they merely shrug it off with a laugh or a wave of thier hand and get angry if asked further.

Claws of the Underworld (Ex and Su): Fallen ones hands becomes twisted razored claws. They do 1d6 for medium creatures, 1d4 for small creatures and 1d8 for large creatures. These claws are considered evil aligned for the purpouses of overcoming damage reduction. Additionally, any weapon wielded by a Fallen One is treated as evil aligned. At 10th level a Fallen One's claws and any weapon they wield is treated as a weapon with the Unholy weapon property.

Spellcasting: At every level except first, fifth and ninth, a fallen one gains an effective level in whatever divine spellcasting class they had before entering this class. This does not stack with other levels to determine turn or rebuke attempts or the like.

Shroud of Darkness (Su): Fallen one's celestial white wings darken to grey, red, black or completely fall off and become replaced by a pair of batlike demonic wings. These wings fly at double the flight speed they could formerly fly at. Additionally, they can cast darkness as a spell-like ability at will but if thier wings are ever removed they lose the ability to use thier darkness spell-like ability.

Smite Good and Evil (Su): Just as the paladins smite evil class feature, except they can smite those of both good and evil alignment. This is usable twice a day. At 10th level they can only smite good.

Stop Heart (Sp): Fallen ones may reach right into the vital organs of thier foes. They can use Stop Heart as a spell-like ability once per day as described in the Book of Vile Darkness.

Corrupt Insight (Su): Fiendish whispers begin to linger in the thoughts of Fallen Ones, this gives Fallen ones an insight bonus to AC equal to thier Charisma Modifier. If the Fallen one is ever incapasitated or otherwise unable to move they lose this bonus to AC.

Corruptor (Ex): The Fallen One has finally pierced the false aura which they lied behind for so long. They finally see thier wickdness, thier evil and thier corruption. But they also embrace it. They gain the evil subtype, register as evil on anything that would detect it and radiate an aura of evil as a cleric of thier HD +2. Once per day, they can corrupt other aasimar into becoming Fallen ones as a spell like ability with medium range. The save against this is 10+Fallen one level+Charisma Modifier.

Ex-Fallen Ones: Any time a Fallen One rises again from disgrace, he loses all benefits of this class and suffers 2d6 con drain and 1d6 wisdom drain. He may again try to associate himself with his former faith but must get the aid of an atonement spell cast by a 16th level cleric of his favored diety.
I'm fairly certain this'll have some balance issues but I couldn't spot them to save my life.
I drew that picture too.

Edit: Hey, has anyone else noticed I have basically nothing but evil PrC's under my Belt?

2006-10-08, 07:48 PM
any comments at all?

2006-10-10, 07:21 PM
Aside from any other comments, I don't like the "Corruptor" ability. They can force other people to change alignments and take a level of a certain class on a failed save? That seems a little much, and doesn't say how often they can use it or how it might be undone.

2006-10-10, 09:36 PM
Aside from any other comments, I don't like the "Corruptor" ability. They can force other people to change alignments and take a level of a certain class on a failed save? That seems a little much, and doesn't say how often they can use it or how it might be undone.

Well, technically they don't HAVE to take levels in this class, just gives them that option. And I figured this is no real huge deal as a power, firstly because it only works on Aasimar and it basically copies a not-to-high-level spell from the book of vile darkness and gives it a little added stigma.

2006-10-10, 11:16 PM
Well, technically they don't HAVE to take levels in this class, just gives them that option. I guess I'm confused. Is this a class or a template, or both? If both, what features belong to each?

And I figured this is no real huge deal as a power, firstly because it only works on Aasimar and it basically copies a not-to-high-level spell from the book of vile darkness and gives it a little added stigma.I don't have the BoVD, myself, so I can't comment on the spell in question. I personally don't like this mechanic, but if you do more power to you!

2006-10-11, 06:52 PM
It seems to me that this really ought to be a template, rather than an actual class. This would make things easier I think. JUst guve it a LA and most of the abilities can be gained automatically at the apropriate level.

Just a thought.

2006-10-12, 05:08 PM
This might be good in a campaign that didn't allow Aasimar PCs, but I'd be pretty wary about using it in one that did. It takes an *exceptional* roleplayer to be able to bring off "You're really evil now, but you don't know it." I'm dubious about *anything* that charms or changes the alignment of PCs over the long term. (I even think Helms of OA should be used very carefully, and the story should be steered to give characters a chance to get out of them pretty quickly.)

Yeah, I know that the BoVD/BoED give you spells that will change anyone's alignment permanently, including a PC's. But I'm with Lapak--those are bad effects. You never want to make a permanent involuntary change to someone's character's...er...character. The ability to say what your character wants is one of the most important parts of playing one. Portraying a personality given to you, rather than one you create, can be fun, but it's not what most people want out of their RP experience.