View Full Version : URGENT! Aussies and Kiwis Please Help!

2009-01-22, 05:33 PM
Hi! So here is the deal, I'm apply for an international exchange program with my University and am aiming for a school in New Zealand or Australia. However, the deadline for application is REALLY SOON. As in less then 48 hours now. So I am trying to do a LOT of research in a very small amount of time.

What I'd like to know is if anyone has any experience with the following Universities. Any thoughts, opinions, you live near there, you go there, it's a good school, it's a really ugly campus, it's horribly expensive, etc.

Deakin University
James Cook University
La Trobe University

Massey University

It's a select list because of what schools are connected through the program. ANY information or personal advice about these would be fantastic. Again, I only have a few hours, so time is of the essence.

Thank you in advance!

Ricky S
2009-01-22, 07:00 PM

So, I only have any knowledge of JCU. I am applying for Law there so I'll do my best to help.

You need to have your Student Qtac number, identification number and Tax File number handy.

Accept the course that you want to go to. You know on the QTAC website. Once you have accepted the course you will need to confirm it with the University. They should have also sent to a letter by now depending on whether you have accepted or not.
So once you know which course you are doing and have accepted it and recieved trhe letter from the university, you need to post the letter to officially respond to the offer.
You will then need to fill out a form eCAF for JCU (Im not sure if other Universities use the same form). The form basically highlights how you will be paying for the University. Ie whether you want hecs help or are paying upfront.

If you want hecs help YOU NEED a tax file number otherwise they will not accept the form. Or you can send the form and apply for a Tax File Number at a later date. You get them from the taxation office at your local city or where ever you are (just phone and make an appointment). If you are applying now and getting your Tax File NUmber later you need to have sent it to the University before the university census date.

Ok so this is the eCAF form thingie for JCU http://www.jcu.edu.au/student/enrolment/estudenthelp/JCUDEV_013995.html the site has information regarding what to do etc.

Once you have done all these things you will need to choose your courses carefully and then apply for them.

OK on the subject of accommodation. You need to have sent a $50 deposit to the university so they will look at your accommodation application. You select the place you wish to stay and they will tell you if there is any place available, I myself have not yet been confirmed as having a place at the student residence although I hope I do seeing as I will be going there from Brisbane. here is the link http://www.jcu.edu.au/accommodation/ (sorry I only have JCU's stuff.)

Basically just whichever uni go to their site and they will have easy steps (well not always easy =P ) on what to do. I hope this helps and if you want anymore help just post a reply and I will do my best.

2009-01-22, 07:05 PM
I can't say i have any direct knowledge of any of those, having gone to the ANU, but i have heard good things about la Trobe. Sorry i can't help more.

Ricky S
2009-01-22, 07:16 PM
oops! misread the question (always do it)

Any who just go to the website of where ever or whatever you are applying for and they will prompt you. If you are already with the uni isnt there someone who you can ask about this sort of thing?

2009-01-22, 07:40 PM
Ricky S, thanks for your detailed reply. But I know the process and have that down, I'm looking more for personal opinion and impression of the different schools. What attracted you to that one? Etc.

Thanks Elm11 for your imput too. :smallsmile:

2009-01-22, 09:33 PM
I don't know how much help I can be, considering I didn't pay any attention to what the representatives from Massey University were going on about, but if it helps http://www.massey.ac.nz/ is the website.

This (http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/students/futurestudents/why-choose-massey/why-choose-massey_home.cfm) part of the site might help a bit too.

Other then that, I can't say I have much experience with the school. It's pretty close to the city (As in, Central Auckland), so there's always things you can do outside of the campus.

2009-01-22, 10:37 PM
I was seriously considering James Cook. It looks like a really good university. Problem: It's waaaaaaay up north in Cairns and Townsville, Queensland. To hopefully give you an idea of just how far that is: My dad lives on the Gold Coast, Queensland. My aunt has recently moved up to Cairns from Canberra. My dad is complaining that it's further to see her (in the same state) now than it is for him to get to Melbourne (two states away). It's really hot and steamy, and up north's where all the crocodiles and jellyfish and things are. Not necessarily a downside...
I'm not sure about LaTrobe and Deakin. I think they're city ones... I'm sure they'd be fine, and as an added bonus, much closer to yours truly :smallwink:
You know what university you should go to? University of New England. Then we could hang out and crap! :smallcool:

2009-01-23, 01:34 AM
Sorry Serp, New England isn't offered. But it's good to see you! *hugs* And from what I understand, flights inside of Aus are frequent and affordable-ish.

I managed to get in touch with one of my friends from school who is currently down there and he's at James Cook it turns out. I really like the wildlife aspect of that area.

For the application I have to list my first to third choice. Currently it's Massey, then James Cook, then La Trobe (Though I don't think I'd accept if its just La Trobe. But I have to fill the space.)

Now just to figure out the semesters, hammer out the application and cross my fingers!

Ricky S
2009-01-23, 03:02 AM
Well we cant really help then... It's a matter of personnal opinion for you. They are all decent universities so it shouldnt matter anyway. Just which one is closer, easier, has more benefits, for you.

2009-01-23, 03:15 AM
I'm assuming you're talking about the Massey in Auckland. I live nearby, and have checked out the campus myself. Its relatively small, but well equipped and very pretty. Nice architecture and all that, plus its close to the shops in Albany for all the shopping that inevitably has to occur.

2009-01-23, 03:50 AM
I'd reccomend UTAS, Hobart campus (so then there can be two playgrounders in Tasmania), but it doesn't seem to be on your list...

2009-01-23, 03:52 AM
My mother went to LaTrobe and seemed to enjoy the experience, but if you like living in the city you might not want to do things that way as it is in a more rural era - especially as compared to Toronto.

I'm not sure which of those is located in Melbourne, but if you do come to Melbourne you'd be more than welcome to come hang with me till you were on your feet (but you'd like, double-owe me a visit in Canada, though :smalltongue: )

2009-01-25, 12:28 AM
SoD, that would have been sweet! But it wasn't offered as a partner institution. :(

And I actually don't like ones in the middle of a huge city like Toronto. I like little self contained campuses or small towns and the like. Since I'm studying Zoology in part, it doesn't make sense to me to study it in Toronto. Toxicology perhaps....

Massey did sound really nice. I liked the Welling and Palmerston campuses. And James Cook seems huge, but my friend there said it's actually much smaller. That Le Trobe has a wildlife center on the grounds... well you might say that helped me decide between it and Deakin. :smallsmile:

Thanks for your input everyone. I'm finished the application. Now I just need to wait. :smalleek:

2009-01-25, 05:53 AM
SoD, that would have been sweet! But it wasn't offered as a partner institution. :(

Ah well, if you ever find yourself down my way (Tasmania. Southern, usually, but it's a small place, I can get anywhere), feel free to let me know, and I can show you around for a bit, eh?

Thanks for your input everyone. I'm finished the application. Now I just need to wait. :smalleek:

Good luck with it all! I'm sure you'll get in.

2009-01-25, 07:07 AM
Deakin and LaTrobe are both in Melbourne.

I guess it's a bit late, but my sister did an arts degree at Deakin and it was really nice. She really enjoyed it.

I don't know about the courses, but I've been to the LaTrobe campus a few times and the facilities look good. Everything is really spaced out though - it's quite different from the inner city universities I'm used to.

2009-01-25, 07:18 AM
La Trobe in the city is a very good uni to go too. I have a relative who is a lecturer there, and the campus is very good, and offer a high intake of international students, so odds are high there.

2009-01-26, 08:14 PM
Oooh! So if LaTrobe is in Melbourne, yay! We'll get to hang! *high-five*