View Full Version : The Gambit-Risk

2009-01-25, 01:55 AM
Here is how it might work out.

America is the looming force of evil. All of North and South with 18 men poised in iceland and another force having just broken into Africa.

I play first and dont turn in my cards, claiming that i dont have a match. I shore up Japan. I also have forces in Scandinavia and Great Briton. These forces make up almost all my men and are a sacrifice to hold off america for one more round.

Then the player with the rest of Europe turns in her cards and goes, Beating back America from Africa.

Then America goes and rips apart my European force, possibly also taking back his African territory. He cannot turn in cards.

Then the player with Most of Asia and the rest of Africa turns in her cards and firmly secures africa, possibly completly retaking South America (only remnant forces holding the areas behind his main front).

Then i reveal the subterfuge and turn in my cards. If the player before me did as i requested she will pull most he rmen out of the backdoor to Alaska. She thinks i am making a last suicidal charge. Instead it will be seven men in Alaska (America seems to have forgot about it) VS a force of over 30 from Japan.
Remember that America has left only one unit in each territory below his front line, while he will have lost half of (if not more) in taking my European sacrifice.

Asia i spread thin, and the other player with people in Europe might have been totaly eliminated by then. In fact, she expects it. If Asia and her did as planned and the dice gods are with me then America will be left with part of Europe while i have the back part of Asia and all of North America.

A lot can go wrong with my plan. If either of my pawns fails to act as i predicted i will lose. If America holds back or shores up the bearing strait i lose the gambit. If he spend his turn reinforicng his interior i lose. If Asia backstabs me i lose. If the dice roll odd i may lose: Earlier a single infrantry force fought off thirteen armies in a row from two players.

But it is either i do this, or i curl up in a ball and they whittle me to death after America stomps everyone.

If this works history will be made. Arogance and failure to back the heartland will have the storngest player possibly completly eliminated in one round.

The Black March will have its last hurrah.