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Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-25, 11:20 PM
The set
Earth is ancient beyond reckoning. Countless empires have risen and fallen since the birth of civilization, and the history books measure time in aeons—billions of years. The bloated red sun staggers across the sky every day, but some time soon it will collapse in the throes of its death and only eternal night will remain.

The History
The past century has seen three major disasters: the Hundred Years War, the Red Plague and the Releasing of the Soul of Chaos into the world.
The Hundred Years War: Actually lasting only ninety-nine years, this war created a mire of violence which spread to nearly every nation and city-state in the world. By the end of the war twenty years ago, the Archadian Empire was toppled, plunging the world into a new Dark Age.
The Red Plague: A bare year after the Hundred Years War ceased, a plague swept the world. In three years, it killed one third of the world’s remaining population in an epidemic of red boils that burst into rivers of blood that couldn’t be staunched.
The Soul of Chaos: Finally a band of heroes discovered a secret that could stop the Red Plague. Nobody knows for sure whether the Soul of Chaos was the solution, a side-effect, or an incidental occurrence, but with the Plague’s defeat came a new threat. The earth shook and the sun, which had been orange, suddenly darkened to red. A voice howled through every land in the world, ranting that the Soul of Chaos had been released. And then all manner of monsters began appearing, seemingly from thin air, or from the earth itself.
The Prophesy Fulfilled: For perhaps the first time in history, every sooth-sayer, astronomer, scholar and witch doctor agreed that the events of the past century signal the End of Days. When exactly the End will come, or whether it is preventable or escapable, nobody knows for sure. The new age has had a strange effect on people: some spend their time savoring the last days of light, while others search desperately for a solution or a savior, while others travel the ancient world seeking adventure.
The Cast
Dolgan Glanek, Dwarven Cleric of the Sultan in the Sky (Grey_Wolf_c)
Good Dwarven Cleric (Radiant Servant)
Str 21, Con 14, Dex 9, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 11
Common, Dwarven

Initiative +4; Speed 5
HP 86; Bloodied 43
Surge 9/day (21)
AC 29; Fort 25; Ref 24; Will 27

Divine Fortune: Encounter
Turn Undead: Encounter
Healing Word: 2/Encounter

Righteous Brand: At-Will: +17 vs. AC
Sacred Flame: At-Will: +15 vs. Reflex

Smite Evil: Feat Encounter
Healing Strike: Encounter 1: +17 vs. AC
Split the Sky: Encounter 3: +17 vs. Fortitude
Awe Strike: Encounter 7: +17 vs. Will
Solar Wrath: Encounter 11: +15 vs. Will

Beacon of Hope: Daily 1: +15 vs. Will
Spiritual Weapon: Daily 5: +15 vs. AC
Divine Power: Daily 9: +17 vs. Fortitude

Bless: Daily Utility 2
Cure Serious Wounds: Daily Utility 6
Mass Cure Light Wounds: Daily Utility 10

Stuff: 200 gp, Scale Mail, Heavy Shield, Symbol of Life, Jagged War Axe, 4 Hand Axes, Restful Bedroll, Assault Boots, Gloves of the Healer, Adventure Kit
Skills: Arcana +12, Dungeoneering +12, Endurance +9, Heal +15, History +12, Religion +12
Feats: Armor (Scale), Deadly Axe, Dwarven Weapon Training, Shield (Heavy), Shield (Light), Smite Evil, Toughness

Rituals: Arcane Lock, Brew Potion, Comprehend Languages, Cure Disease, Detect Secret Doors, Disenchant Magical Items, Enchant Magical Items, Endure Elements, Gentle Repose, Knock, Make Whole, Raise the Dead, Remove Affliction, Silence
Ritual Components: Reagents (500), Salves (1,000)

Dargan has trained as a priest since the end of childhood, and has, over the years, served in almost every situation that the Ghanali dwarves been through, from their smallest communities built in the middle of the desert to the intrigue-infested Sufi Amor, as well as anywhere where the battles took the dwarves or their allies. Dargan has been able to perform his duties faithfully throughout these hard times, and has given him an almost inhuman perseverance and calm, only shaken by the uncertainty of Moradin's plans for the world.

Growing a good beard is almost part of dwarven religion and, as a priest, Dolgan must set an example. Thus, a dense, brown, well-kept beard hides most of his features. Amongst the hair, Piercing dark-blue eyes can be seen, and little else. A gruff voice goes well with the prototypical dwarven looks, but strangely Dargan has very calm demeanour. Outside the battle, anyway.

Born the year before the 100 years war started, Dargan hails from the blistering desert of Ghanal, where he was born to a noble family in Sufi Amor, the second child of the third wife of his father, the Ranking Noble of the Glanbek Family. Being far removed from any chance of succession, at the end of childhood, his father opted to offer him as apprentice at a useful trade. Instead, he was discovered by one of the traveling clerics of Moradin. Even though his father, like most in Sufi Amor, was outwardly devote of the Immortal Sultan of the Sky, he was happy to give Dolgan away -what his reasons where, Dolgan never knew. Dolgan spent his training years traveling, learning and then teaching the ways of the Forger God, tying to lift the spirits in the increasingly chaotic world around him.

While the war raged around them, he attended the needs of the people that needed him - dwarves mostly, but other races as well. In the chaotic times, he quickly learnt, like a proper dwarf, to fight, eventually bringing great fame to his surname. His efforts did not go unrewarded, for his father sent him one of the family heirlooms, the Waraxe of Glanbek-Thraa, great grandfather to Dolgan and Hero of Ghanal.

As his works continued, Dolgan found himself in the strangest of places, usually following the armies of the dwarves or their allies into battles close and far. Eventually, the war ended, the Archadian Empire defeated and the dwarves calling it a victory. Dolgan, however, had seen the destruction and knew better. When the weakened populations quickly fell pray to the plague, he once again started traveling, trying to be everywhere at once. In his travels, he amassed a number of rituals that helped the people recover, but there were too many, and the plague moved too fast, and there were not enough like him to help. Dolgan likes to think he made a small difference, but is painfully aware of the monumental task he faced.

When the Heroes of the Cure - as they are sometime known - finally found the cure, Dolgan was amongst the first to get hold of a copy of the complex ritual, and apply it. He was actually back in Sufi Amor, curing his father and several of his brothers and sisters, when the sun darkened and he heard from the very mouth of the Dwarven Runemaster himself that the world was ending. Shaken to the core, Dolgan attempted to find an answer, not willing to believe that Moradin would allow His world destroyed. He knew, however, that Moradin would not answer a direct prayer, but that his answers would come only through hard work, as they had always done. With the resolve that had marked his life, Dolgan said good-bye to his family, and once again set into the open world in search of Moradin's answer: if he really wanted the world destroyed, or if this was a Time of Forging where He set the world on the everlasting Anvil and pound it into a new shape.
Laertius Laertiades, Tiefling War Mage (Vox Clamantis)
Unaligned Tiefling Wizard (Staff Mastery, Blood Mage)
Str 13, Con 18, Dex 11, Int 23, Wis 12, Cha 9
Common, Abyssal, Draconic, Primordial, Supernal

Initiative +5; Speed 6
HP 78; Bloodied 39
Surge 10/day (19)
AC 30 (32 vs. OAs); Fort 24; Ref 26; Will 23

Scorching Burst: At-Will: +17 vs. Reflex
Magic Missile: At-Will: +18 vs. Reflex

Infernal Wrath: Racial Encounter
Ray of Enfeeblement: Encounter 1: +16 vs. Fortitude
Color Spray: Encounter 3: +16 vs. Will
Spectral Ram: Encounter 7: +16 vs. Fortitude
Blood Pulse: Encounter 11: +16 vs. Will

Acid Arrow: Daily 1: +16 vs. Reflex
Flaming Sphere: Daily 1: +17 vs. Reflex
Bigby’s Icy Grasp: Daily 5: +16 vs. Reflex
Fireball: Daily 5: +17 vs. Reflex
Mordenkainen’s Sword: Daily 9: +16 vs. Reflex
Wall of Fire: Daily 9

Expeditious Retreat: Daily Utility 2
Shield: Encounter Utility 2
Dimension Door: Daily Utility 6
Levitate: Daily Utility 6
Arcane Gate: Daily Utility 10
Blur: Daily Utility 10

Stuff: Staff of Ruin, Laughing Death Hide Armor, Eagle Eye Goggles, Cloak of Distortion, Instant Campsite, 3 Potions of Regeneration
Skills: Arcana +16, Bluff +6, Dungeoneering +6, History +16, Insight +11, Stealth +7
Feats: Armor (Leather), Armor (Hide), Armor Specialization (Hide), Defensive Mobility, Hellfire Blood, Linguist, Toughness

Rituals: Arcane Mark, Enchant Magical Item, Last Sight Vision, Magic Mouth, Shadow Bridge, Speak with Dead, Tenser’s Disk

Peasant folk are not the gentle, idyllic, pastoral free-men of popular romance. They are violent and superstitious, lashing out at anything and everyone that is unlike them. This is not the stuffy preconception of class bigotry you hear in my voice. It is the judgement of familiarity.

I was born on a rickety table in my father's farmhouse. I understand that humans do not begin to form clear memories until after they start to run around; that must not be the case for devils, because I remember the day of my birth quite well. The fear and rage on my father's face when he first saw me and the horror and disgust on my mother's. That was my introduction to the world.

Still, they didn't drown me in a bucket. Farmers do that when their dogs give birth to too many puppies, you know. They have a rather enlightened detachment when it comes to killing. My father must have been more sentimental than most. I suspect my mother wanted nothing to do with me at all. He left me on the steps of the church, and I remember waiting in the cold and damp until morning. I was born in the winter months, you see. Even then the cold made my skin burn.

It was my misfortune to fall into the hands of yet another soft-hearted human. Father Anthony was the parish priest of a farming community. I'm certain he wasn't trained to deal with devil changelings, or I'd have gone under the knife. Instead he raised me, let me sleep in one of the penitent's cells, taught me to read and write. Of course, holy books were the only kind to be found for a hundred miles in any direction.

Get to the good parts, you say? You'd like me to jump past the long apprenticeship and the years spent locked in study? You don't want to hear about the death of Father Anthony and the war that destroyed my home? Pah. Know a man's beginning and you know the man. The War didn't make me. My studies didn't make me. I was made over two hundred years ago in a shack with straw for a roof by two country bumpkins who didn't have the courage to spare me from living!
Reed Newbright, Halfling Thief Extraordinare (NecroRebel)
Unaligned Halfing Rogue (Artful Dodger, Master Infiltrator)
Str 14, Con 11, Dex 22, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 19
Common, Halfling

Initiative +16; Speed 7
HP 73; Bloodied 36
Surge 6/day (18)
AC 27 (33 vs. OAs); Fort 22; Ref 28; Will 24

Deft Strike: At-Will: +20 vs. AC
Sly Flourish: At-Will: +20 vs. AC

Second Chance: Racial Encounter
King’s Castle: Encounter 1: +20 vs. Reflex
Trickster’s Blade: Encounter 3: +20 vs. Reflex
From the Shadows: Encounter 7: +20 vs. AC
Distracting Wound: Encounter 11: +20 vs. AC

Easy Target: Daily 1: +20 vs. AC
Walking Wounded: Daily 5: +20 vs. Fortitude
Vexing Sting: Daily 9: +20 vs. Reflex

Fleeting Ghost: At-Will Utility 2
Ferret Out Frailty: Encounter Utility 6
Gap in the Armor: Daily Utility 10

Stuff: Feytouched Leather, Blackshroud Dagger, Starlight Goggles, Boots of Stealth, Burglar’s Gloves, Safewing Amulet +1, Everlasting Provisions, Silent Thieves’ Tools, Bag of Holding, 12 Potions of Healing
Skills: Acrobatics +20, Athletics +9, Bluff +14, Insight +10, Perception +10, Stealth +20, Thievery +18
Feats: Backstabber, Distant Shot, Far Throw, Fleet-Footed, Nimble Blade, Quick Draw, Reckless Scramble
Halflings are not always welcome when they get to wherever they are going because they have a reputation as master thieves, spies, assassins, and all-around cheats. However, whenever accused of anything the caravan elders just smile and say that their bad reputation is just the frightened worries of xenophobic village-folk. After all, things go missing all the time, but when the halflings come, they get blamed for every little missing coin.

The truth, unfortunately, is much more sinister. Most, if not all, halfling groups employ some of their members as professional "scouts" and "scavengers." "Spies" is a more honest term for most of these individuals, as the little folk rarely wander far from their wagons when the wilds surround them, and always look for whatever valuable bits they can snatch when they are among other races, whether it be knowledge of troop movements or precious works of art.

Reed Newbright is one such halfling, and one of the best at what he does. Over his lifetime, he has entered dozens of settlements undetected, stolen tens of thousands of gold, and even on some occasions slain a troublesome officer, all without being detected. Unfortunately, he's partially the victim of his own success. Since his exploits were almost always part of a team job, and he is so hard for most people to notice, the credit for what he has done usually goes to Ander Rivercross, Reed's long-time friend and rival.

Despite his lack of true recognition amongst his clansmen, Reed is still willing and able to defend them at all costs. He has consistently acquitted himself well in battles against bandits and monsters that attacked his caravan, his blades flying whether in his hands or in the air. He has quite an impressive collection of daggers, though his favorite is definitely the black-bladed one he filched from Ander, who in turn stole it from some goblin Warlock, and uses them to impress rubes in his caravan's carnival games.

An almost perfectly average Halfling man; average height, average weight, average looks... most people find it difficult to describe him unless they can see him, and even then the description would fit almost anyone. Perhaps because of this, he gets more than a little annoyed when people he wants to notice him don't, but it has made him a superb man to send into settlements his clan passes by to "scout" and "scavenge."
Variel Rhyann, Eladrin Warrior-Scholar (Crucival)
Unaligned Eladrin Sword Mage (Aegis of Assault, Anarch of Shyr)
Str 16, Con 15, Dex 15, Int 21, Wis 11, Cha 11
Common, Elven

Initiative +9; Speed 6
HP 100; Bloodied 50
Surge 10/day (26)
AC 30; Fort 23; Ref 25; Will 23

Booming Blade: At-Will: +18 vs. AC
Sword Burst: At-Will: +15 vs. Reflex

Fey Step: Racial Encounter
Lightning Clash: Encounter 1: +18 vs. AC
Blastback Swipe: Encounter 3: +18 vs. Fortitude
Spikes of Agony: Encounter 7: +18 vs. AC
Lightning Clutch: Encounter 11: +18 vs. AC

Cloak of Resistance: Item Daily
Sunleaf Armor: Item Daily
Lightning Sword: Item Daily
Burning Blade: Daily 1: +18 vs. AC
Lingering Lightning: Daily 5: +15 vs. Reflex
Glamour Blade: Daily 9: +18 vs. AC

Dimensional Warp: Encounter Utility 2
Silversteel Veil: Encounter Utility 6
Dimensional Dodge: Daily Utility 10

Stuff: Lightning Long Sword, Sunleaf Hide Armor, Cloak of Resistance, Bag of Holding, Belt of Vigor, Everlasting Provisions, Circlet of Authority, 6 Potions of Healing, Adventure Kit
Skills: Acrobatics +11, Arcana +17, Diplomacy +7, History +17, Insight +10, Intimidate +12
Feats: Armor (Hide), Eladrin Soldier, Evasion, Intelligent Blademaster, Quick Draw, Raging Storm, Toughness

Variel is an imposing figure, stoic and relatively unemotional, until he comes across novel information. Then his cold manner melts and he becomes animated, excited, and generally overpoweringly sociable. HIs features are severe but otherwise unremarkable, save a brief scar through his left eyebrow, received in one of his first fights with the Soul's spawn.

Variel believes in expanding his knowledge and understanding, above all else. Though he uses force to get to this knowledge, he nonetheless fights mostly to learn, and his increasing power is almost incidental to his increasing comprehension of the laws of the cracking universe. He is a strong believer in emotional restraint, but cannot hold back his emotions when he is on the verge of learning something fundamentally important.

Variel is part of a somewhat offbeat group of Eladrin in Rhiannon who think that the Soul of Chaos is an opportunity to gain more insight and power into the workings of primordial, untapped magic. In order to better investigate the Soul of Chaos, he was trained in the way of the sword and the way of the arcane. He spent much of his life investigating the phenomena surrounding its appearance, killing the wondrous monsters that it brought forth and examining each and every one. Though he did save several villages from the rampaging beasts, he did so more for the sake of increasing his own knowledge through battle than to save others.

Recently, he found a way to tap into the power of the Soul of Chaos, though only slightly, thus his paragon status of Anarch. However, he has found himself simultaneously exhilarated and troubled by this new power, and decided to return from the frontiers to the cities, hoping to find some answers. He has been collecting folktales about the Soul of Chaos, and it is this new search that brings him to the Halfling gypsy fair outside of Loch Heath.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-25, 11:24 PM
While spending a day at the halfling gypsy fair outside of Loch Heath, you each notice a crowd gathered around a garishly over-painted booth. The booth’s sign reads FATHER FORTUNATAS’ FORTUNES, with a makeshift cloth sign hung below the wooden sign which reads FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD—EXPLORERS WANTED. Inside of the booth is a human oddly enough, who is the focus of the crowd’s attention. He tells this story:

“During the plague, there was a princess named Juliet, who lived in the land of Shimal. Juliet was a benevolent soul, who cared deeply for her suffering people. Her people were flawed though, for they held a great animosity toward the neighboring city-state of Bolshy. The two city-states had fought each other during the Hundred Years War, and still warred with each other despite the great toll that the Red Plague was taking on both peoples. After her parents died of the plague, Juliet accomplished two incredible feats: she somehow discovered a truly effective cure for the plague, and then she married a prince of Bolshy named Romeo.”

“But the marriage only seemed to deepen their peoples’ mutual hatred, and the fighting intensified as old men, boys and even women began arming themselves. In despair, Juliet decided to withhold her cure until the fighting ceased. Unfortunately, the plague claimed Juliet’s life before that happened, and shortly afterward Romeo died of a broken heart. With their young leaders dead, Shimal and Bolshy finally stopped fighting, but the damage was done. When the Soul of Chaos entered the world, all that was left of the two city-states was destroyed in the tide of monstrosities.”

Father Fortunatas then explains that he wants to hire a group of explorers to travel to Juliet’s dying place and find the cure that she had found. Everyone in the crowd, thirty people at least, volunteer for the job. Some are peasants, while others carry blades or tools of magic and well-worn clothes. Even if you don’t volunteer, you four remain to see what happens—out of idle curiosity, or maybe you’ve already seen everything else to see in the fair, or maybe out of genuine interest. After telling his story and making his proclaimation, Father Fortunatas tells the crowd that he must find the right explorers by reading their fortunes with his cards. One by one he reads the fortunes of everyone in the crowd, and one by one turns them each away. Finally he reads your fortunes, one by one. Up close, you can see that Father Fortunatas is a ragged man. He smells faintly of horse, and wears patchwork slacks and shirt. As he reads your fortune, you notice that there are playing cards mixed in with his tarot cards. He seems not to notice.

To Variel he says “I see the answer to many secrets for you, should you journey to Shimal and Bolshy. Will you perform this task for me?”

To Dolgan he says “You will of course be free to keep a copy of Juliet’s ritual, should you find it for me. Will you perform this task for me?”

To Laertius he says “You know better than most how cruel the world is. Yet we all have something to live for, and you never know where you might find it. Will you perform this task for me?”

To Reed he says “I hardly need to read your fortune. I’m sure that you’d do well to step out of the shadows; your potential is matched by none of your kinfolk. Will you perform this task for me?”

2009-01-26, 12:11 AM
One of the few halflings in the crowd, Reed chuckles softly as the old man refuses to read his fortune. His clan has always had fake fortune-tellers in their caravans, and most of them have no true power. In Fortunatas, the "scout" sees something similar, and believes that the mystic knows he sees through the ruse.

"I heard what you said to these others here," Reed says, tapping his ear and smiling knowingly, "but I'm glad you don't think I'm going to fall for a little trick like that. You can tell what sort of people they are from the clothes they wear and the way they carry themselves, and then you just guess what might tempt them."

"Still," he continues, thinking of all the times he has worked for his people and of all the times others have been rewarded for it, "I guess I'm not as hard to read as I thought. And I've never been to Shimal or Bolsy, so at least there'll be new lands to explore. Fine, I'm in."

He laughs in earnest now, before finishing, "I wonder... How will Ander fare without me to get the tough jobs?"

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-26, 12:16 AM

Taking in the ramshackle booth and its dramatic lettering, a man in a deeply hooded traveling cloak curls the corners of his mouth in a bleak smile. Gypsies. He snorts under his hood. Some things never change. Still, in two centuries they've never offered boring work.

Finding a wagon to lean against a ways back from the crowd, the cloaked man settles himself. Laying a gnarled staff against the spokes of one enormous wheel, he folds his arms and pulls a double-bowled pipe out of his belt and waits for the inevitable.

Sure enough, the crowd thins and disperses. So absorbed is he in his thoughts and the smoke that he misses most of what the old man has to say, but it doesn't matter. It never matters. The work doesn't care who does it, so long as it gets done; Laertius Laertiades doesn't care what the work is, so long as he has some to do.

I'll take the job, old man.

2009-01-26, 02:03 AM
Variel had, of course, been looking for just such a tent. With the power of the Soul trickling slowly through his veins, he was driven to seek out such stories. The Soul's birth, the cure for the plague, anything that could shed light on the power that thrilled and terrified him. That was, after all, the nature of chaos: full of strength, and yet the sort of strength that depended on being utterly, totally out of control.

"If this cure truly exists, it must be found. Such things should never remain hidden." His diction and his tone carefully controlled, his words the severe, clipped pronunciation of a scholar, he nodded to the other with practiced nonchalance. " At least there will be....company, of a sort."

2009-01-26, 03:24 AM
To Dolgan he says “You will of course be free to keep a copy of Juliet’s ritual, should you find it for me. Will you perform this task for me?”

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan unconsciously caresses his beard while considering the question. "I already have a copy of the Heroes' cure for the Red Plague, but it is a dangerous one, killing the patient if they are too weak or too long gone with the plague. In the off-chance that this princess' cure is in any way better than mine, I think I must perform this task. I do wonder, though, what a fortuneteller wants the cure for. Are you perchance trained in the healing arts?" Dolgan's accent is barely noticable - he has clearly been outside of dwarven lands long. The complex phrasing typical of the dessert is still there, though.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-26, 02:04 PM
In response to Dolgan, the Father says “Yes, I learned something of healing after I barely survived the Plague once. I hope to never see the Red Death again, but I am a man of preparation.”

In response to everyone, he says “Wonderful! I’ve drawn you a map…” after some searching through his booth, the Father finds a parchment (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg) and shows it to you. “I expect that Juliet’s cure will be found in her castle in South Methana. There is a small town right below Kingfisher’s Pass…I forget its name, but you’ll be able to buy a canoe or two, so good luck!”

2009-01-26, 02:19 PM
Variel stays only long enough to take a look at the parchment, committing its rough shape and the necessary route to memory before glancing sidelong at his newfound companions.

"If no one needs supplies in Loch Heath, I am inclined to set out on the road immediately." Variel is used to traveling alone--his voice sounds awkward and a little stiff as he asks the question. Years of wandering in search of the Soul's secrets, and here I am fumbling around with party logistics. He laughed, inwardly.

It brought to mind a memory, outside a small frontier town, his blade cutting deep into the flesh of many a twisted monster of Chaos. He'd cut down the attacking force and begun examining the corpses before he realized the town militia had been fighting alongside him and was trying, sheepishly, to thank him for his aid. There they were, bruised and bloodied, standing quietly behind him while he wandered among the corpses, cataloging mutations. He'd looked up, then, realizing he'd saved their lives and the lives of their people, and said, Oh, you're free to go, now.

Rhiannon's Soulsages never did bother with teaching courtesy. The hint of a smile danced across his features, and then he walked toward the eastward road, hoping the others would follow.

2009-01-26, 02:27 PM
In response to Dolgan, the Father says “Yes, I learned something of healing after I barely survived the Plague once. I hope to never see the Red Death again, but I am a man of preparation.”

In response to everyone, he says “Wonderful! I’ve drawn you a map…” after some searching through his booth, the Father finds a parchment (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg) and shows it to you. “I expect that Juliet’s cure will be found in her castle in South Methana. There is a small town right below Kingfisher’s Pass…I forget its name, but you’ll be able to buy a canoe or two, so good luck!”

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"Fair enough, fair enough" says Dolgan, placidly. "Maybe we can talk some more about cures when we come back. Or will you be going elsewhere in the meantime? Will there be a need to track you down?" Dolgan quickly jots down the future stops of the carnival on the back of the map, just in case.

Turning to the others, he says in his soft voice, "My pleasure, I am Dolgan Glanbek, priest of Moradin, may his Everlasting Fire light your path. I remember the kingfisher's pass. I was there in the second battle of the pass, some 50 years ago. A bloody mess, that was: the defenders were well entrenched, but the attackers were far superior in numbers, never a good combination. Still, should be easier to cross this time around, one would hope.". Offering his calloused hand to the others, he adds, "Ah, I ramble as if my beard was white already. Please excuse me."

Politely listening to the tall Eladrin, Dolgan assures him "Do not worry, I have enough food for a while. And if we run out, I do carry some dwarven bread with me. Never has a dwarf gone hungry when there was dwarven bread to be had. I am ready to leave"

2009-01-26, 02:38 PM
Hearing the dwarf introduce himself, Variel manages to summon up some semblance of good manners, pausing in his eastward trek to face the others and make a shallow bow.

"Variel Rhyann. Warrior, mage, scholar, and a seeker before Ioun. May my god and yours smile upon our journey." He then seems to pause, lost in thought, head cocked to one side. "Dwarf bread? Isn't that the sort or bread that has to be forged, rather than baked?" His face still passionless, he manages a deadpan delivery. Assuming, of course, that it's a joke, and not simply the truth about the world's most resilient baked goods.

2009-01-26, 02:48 PM
Hearing the dwarf introduce himself, Variel manages to summon up some semblance of good manners, pausing in his eastward trek to face the others and make a shallow bow.

"Variel Rhyann. Warrior, mage, scholar, and a seeker before Ioun. May my god and yours smile upon our journey." He then seems to pause, lost in thought, head cocked to one side. "Dwarf bread? Isn't that the sort or bread that has to be forged, rather than baked?" His face still passionless, he manages a deadpan delivery. Assuming, of course, that it's a joke, and not simply the truth about the world's most resilient baked goods.

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"Indeed it is, indeed it is" answers Dolgan with a perfectly straight face. "Why, I have carried this one here for the last two score years, and only because I had to use the previous one to break the neck of some poor bastard that was taking pot-shots at my unit back in the assault on the city of Snakewater."

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-26, 03:42 PM
"Oh yes, the matter of meeting up again, of course." Father Fortunatas says. "The fair will be here for another five days. If you don't return by then, we'll be traveling south from here. I'm sure you'll be able to catch up."

2009-01-26, 05:44 PM
Reed has most of his gear in the enchanted sack tied to his waist, and the rest secreted about his body, so he is prepared to leave. "I'm Reed. Normally I just help my kinfolk get customers together, but I guess I can work as a scout for you people. Speaking of which..." As the group passes out of the carnival, the halfling shouts to the nearest member of his caravan, "Hey! These guys hired me, so I'll be back in a few days!"

2009-01-26, 05:54 PM
Reed has most of his gear in the enchanted sack tied to his waist, and the rest secreted about his body, so he is prepared to leave. "I'm Reed. Normally I just help my kinfolk get customers together, but I guess I can work as a scout for you people. Speaking of which..." As the group passes out of the carnival, the halfling shouts to the nearest member of his caravan, "Hey! These guys hired me, so I'll be back in a few days!"

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan adjusts the straps in his backpack, taps his double headed axe on his side, as if to make sure it is still there, or maybe for luck, and trots after the fast-moving halfling. Unbodered by the pace, he remarks casually, "If I may be so bold, may I ask how fare your people? I have not heard encouraging news about halflings being well treated, but since you had little participation in the war, how has the last few years been? Your people were fierce fighters, but above that, you were intelligent in getting out of the way rather than diving in headfirst, like most others."

2009-01-26, 06:26 PM
"We get by well enough. Lots of people try to chase us out of their villages, but then when we set up a mile or two away they come for the parties. It's just the way things have always gone.

The plague and the monsters haven't been as hard on us as some of the towns I've been through. I remember one town when I was young, called River Road, that we used to visit all the time. One year, we got to it and it was empty, with everyone falling to the plague. I guess it's because we move around so much."

2009-01-26, 06:43 PM
"We get by well enough. Lots of people try to chase us out of their villages, but then when we set up a mile or two away they come for the parties. It's just the way things have always gone.

The plague and the monsters haven't been as hard on us as some of the towns I've been through. I remember one town when I was young, called River Road, that we used to visit all the time. One year, we got to it and it was empty, with everyone falling to the plague. I guess it's because we move around so much."

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"That could be it, indeed," comments Dolgan, while looking far away, "I've treated Red Plague from one end of the continent to the other, and to this day I still am unsure of what causes it. I do know that cities weakened by the war where the first to fall to it, and where deaths were most prevalent. Still, glad to hear your people are doing as well as can be hoped for. I was good friends with some of the soldiers in the Halfling Irregulars back in the early years of the war, when I myself was but an initiate. No-one better to spend the time before or after the battle, Moradin's own truth. Then you wised up and stopped participating, and you were missed." Dolgan seems almost to be talking to the halflings he knew 80 years in the past, forgetting that three halfling generations have passed since then, and that Reed was still a child when the war ended.

2009-01-26, 06:58 PM
"War. Fascinating, really, the ebb and flow of power. One minute allies, the next enemies, all changed by the stroke of a pen or a single word uttered at the wrong time." The forest tended to take up Variel's perceptions in favor of the trees, if you understand my meaning. Though his focus on the dynamics of power was a bit more unique, this detached, almost scientific approach to the Hundred Years war and the Red Plague was characteristic of many Eladrin. What concern would they have for a dying world that they could simply leave?

"You would have found Rhiannon inhospitable, Dolgan. Too much apathy, treating your world like a spectator sport. I, for one, favor direct investigation. Field work is good for the soul." He cracked a little bit of a smirk, then, before returning to his usual stoic expression.

2009-01-26, 07:16 PM
Reed laughs at the dwarf's assumption. "I had no part in the war, old man. My father was a child when my people started to walk the roads and avoid the war. My own family decided that it was time to leave when my grandfather died in battle. We're simply not strong enough to stand on the battlefield; we've got to run to have a chance. Still..." the halfling flourishes a hand, a simple, old, but clearly sharp dagger appearing from nowhere, "I do have some things from the war. This blade was my grandfather's. I use it in the hopes that it will save my life where it didn't his."

2009-01-27, 03:25 AM
"War. Fascinating, really, the ebb and flow of power. One minute allies, the next enemies, all changed by the stroke of a pen or a single word uttered at the wrong time."

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"It is fascinating, I will admit that." says the dwarf, a spark of battle lust in his eyes, "Moradin smiles on those that face battles with an unburdened heart. But it is also messy and, too often, senseless"

"You would have found Rhiannon inhospitable, Dolgan. Too much apathy, treating your world like a spectator sport. I, for one, favor direct investigation. Field work is good for the soul." He cracked a little bit of a smirk, then, before returning to his usual stoic expression.

"I did find Rhiannon inhospitable, actually," admits the dwarf, "I was there, as part of the dwarven delegation during the alliance talks. Might as well not have bothered, if you ask me, although I will admit that the token units we got as compromise did their job. They were just not enough of them to make a real difference. Ah, well. Politics. Best forgotten, it has been a long time, and the blood shed and scars accrued have long faded. The flank held, and that is what matters."

Reed laughs at the dwarf's assumption. "I had no part in the war, old man. My father was a child when my people started to walk the roads and avoid the war. My own family decided that it was time to leave when my grandfather died in battle. We're simply not strong enough to stand on the battlefield; we've got to run to have a chance. Still..." the halfling flourishes a hand, a simple, old, but clearly sharp dagger appearing from nowhere, "I do have some things from the war. This blade was my grandfather's. I use it in the hopes that it will save my life where it didn't his."

A chuckle escapes the dwarf beard and a smile can be seen in his eyes. "Do excuse me, Master Reed, one is not used to the fact that other races die of old age. Moradin knows I haven't seen enough of the long death. I doubt there are more than a handful dwarves that have died such in the last 50 years."

When the halfling displays the dagger, Dolgan is truly interested, "That is a honorable weapon, then. And of excellent manufacture, I can tell," he adds, nodding his head in appreciation. Then, tapping his axe, he adds, "I carry a family heritage myself. This axe belonged to my great grandfather. According to the family records, he forged it himself. In a more peaceful time, I would have liked to become a runesmith myself, but Moradin had other plans"

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-27, 06:17 AM

Drawing near only long enough to steal a glance at Fortunata's map, the cloaked map follows the group at a distance, occupied in his thoughts. Pulling a thickly bound volume from his pack, he opens to the inside cover and begins to recreate the map from memory, sketching in details as he remembers them. All the while both lit bowls of his pipe supply him with tumbling curls of smoke that he exhales constantly, leaving a thick contrail in the air behind him like an old torch.

History check to see if he remembers anything about the area they're heading into: [roll0]

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-27, 10:31 AM
East through Andor you travel by road. It is Spring, and the weather is as fine as it can be. It takes one full uneventful day to reach Kingfisher’s Pass, and another half-day to climb up the winding rocky road to Kingfisher’s Keep. You find its heavy iron bound doors open, and no apparent life inside. Upon entering the keep’s outer hall, your suspicions are confirmed: it is abandoned.

2009-01-27, 10:45 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan had been chatting about the siege, the placings of the armies and the different tactics involved. However, finding the keep empty, he looks sad for a moment. "Twenty thousand lives were lost here. I was told that it was 'fundamental' to hold the keep. And what for? To be abandoned within my lifetime. Still, I made good friends, and most even survived. It was a good siege." He takes a few minutes to visit "his" spot, where he set up the healing camp and where he waited for things to happen. Then, he takes some time to check over the place, more for history's sake than expecting to discover anything earth-shattering.

Not sure what checks apply here, rolling the more obvious ones to see what happened here, and if anything of interest was left behind (for example diaries, records, etc)

2009-01-27, 10:53 AM
The site hiccuped while I was posting it - that's why, I think, it complains about roll count. I'm removing the parenthesis, see if that helps


2009-01-27, 11:36 AM
Reed seems nervous as the group enters the old keep, staying quietly in the shadows and slipping a pair of dark lenses over his eyes. "I don't like this..." he whispers, "places like this don't just get abandoned, not without something very bad happening." He draws a dagger, keeping the blade's flat side tight against his wrist and prepared to use at a moment's notice. "Keep your eyes and ears open."

Also, my Starlight Goggles are now on, so I have low-light vision, and I'll be using Fleeting Ghost to get around without compromising my stealthiness.

2009-01-27, 11:45 AM
Variel walks slowly through the iron bound doors, looking to either side of him with wary, sidelong glances. The fact that the keep lacks even a single corpse is enough to get his mind working. Either this place really is abandoned, or whatever dwells here now leaves behind no remains for wayward adventurers to find.

"Well, I think we've just found ourselves a base of operations. Assuming, of course, that there's not a Beast of Chaos hiding in the throne room." He says, drily, casting his eyes about suspiciously as he makes his way deeper into the keep.

Perception: 1d20+5
Insight: 1d20+10
History [roll0]
Arcana: [roll1]

2009-01-27, 11:46 AM
(Gah, I fail at board code.)
Perception [roll0]
Insight [roll1]

2009-01-27, 11:50 AM
Reed seems nervous as the group enters the old keep, staying quietly in the shadows and slipping a pair of dark lenses over his eyes. "I don't like this..." he whispers, "places like this don't just get abandoned, not without something very bad happening." He draws a dagger, keeping the blade's flat side tight against his wrist and prepared to use at a moment's notice. "Keep your eyes and ears open."

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"Actually, twenty years ago, places like this didn't get abandoned. Since the red plague, I've lost count of the number of towns and forts and villages completely decimated, the few people left fleeing or moving on when it was obvious that there were too few left to stay. Still, no sense in being reckless" Dolgan then holds the silver emblem of a hammer inside a mountain and tunes himself to the world around him, trying to feel if there is anything out of place.

"Well, I think we've just found ourselves a base of operations. Assuming, of course, that there's not a Beast of Chaos hiding in the throne room." He says, drily, casting his eyes about suspiciously as he makes his way deeper into the keep.

With a chuckle, Dolgan answers, "So long as it is only one... it would be a nice housewarming party"

A couple more that Necro just made me think about

2009-01-27, 11:55 AM
Reed smiles grimly at the dwarf's words, hissing "You don't think the plague killing everyone is something bad? I'm just saying that we need to be careful in places like this."

2009-01-27, 11:59 AM
Variel turns to the halfling, nodding sharply. "I agree with Reed. Before we let our guard down, we need to thoroughly inspect the keep to make sure nothing inside poses a threat."

2009-01-27, 12:03 PM
Reed smiles grimly at the dwarf's words, hissing "You don't think the plague killing everyone is something bad? I'm just saying that we need to be careful in places like this."

Dolgan raises a bushy eyebrow quizzically, until he realises the halfling is making a joke, "Of course it is, do excuse me if I was a bit harsh. But I do have the cure with me, and the plague, as far as I know, doesn't survive without people to infect so while bad, it wouldn't be dangerous to us, as such." Then, nodding to the words by Variel, he adds in his calm voice, "Indeed, indeed. Caution is certainly necessary."

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-27, 12:51 PM

Once the group gets out into the wilderness, Laertius removes his hood. With his features fully revealed, it becomes obvious that he is a rather ancient half-devil. Grey hair and a few wrinkles near the eyes are the only obvious signs of age, but his manner makes his age all too apparent. Keeping to himself, he never initiates a conversation, answering questions with noncommittal grunts where they'll suffice and tersely otherwise.

Still trailing somewhat behind the others, the taciturn devil takes a moment to stash his traveling cloak in his pack. Underneath he's revealed to be wearing silvered leather armor made from some dark hide. Straightening, he takes a moment to study the keep with a thoughtful look on his face. Finally, he speaks.

This is how the keep was when I first saw it. Deserted. That was...a little over two centuries back. I was young. I never knew why they abandoned it, or for how long.

If he had a reason for sharing that, it's nearly impossible to tell.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-27, 03:53 PM
It is clear that the keep has been abandoned for at least a year, but there is one sign of recent activity. In a large inner hall, you find an open fireplace filled with ashes and human bones. Propped up by the gruesome debris is a crude wooden cross with the words REST IN ETERNAL LIGHT burned into it. The ashes that surround the bones, and the cross, are fresh. It’s impossibly to tell whether these people died of the Red Plague, but it is unlikely that the illness lingered in a place so long abandoned. Some of the bones have the cuts and scrapes that come from battle wounds; these people were plainly soldiers.

In the keep’s largest bedchamber, you find a desk. Inside the desk drawers is a dried up ink well and a few scattered parchments. One of the parchments is small and curled and reads:

Do as you must to hold the Pass for Andor, but do not attempt an attack into Shimal-Bolshy. If your theory is true, we cannot afford to become our own enemies.

Her Majesty of Andor,
Queen Utha IV

Utha IV was Andor’s monarch during the final days of the Hundred Years War. She died during the Red Plague.

In a once-secret cubby inside of a deep closet, you find a ritual book. Most of them are rituals you already know, but there are also these: animal messenger, traveler’s feast, water breathing and water walk.

2009-01-27, 04:15 PM
In the keep’s largest bedchamber, you find a desk. Inside the desk drawers is a dried up ink well and a few scattered parchments. One of the parchments is small and curled [...]

In a once-secret cubby inside of a deep closet, you find a ritual book. Most of them are rituals you already know, but there are also these: animal messenger, traveler’s feast, water breathing and water walk.

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan reads the letter carefully, although its vagueness creates far more questions than answers. "It would seem the commander of this fort - whomever it was - was being besiged from the inside, rather than the outside. I wonder what this theory might have been; if there was open rebellion, they were already their own enemies - and a mob would siege a place such as this." Still thinking about it, Dolgan moves on to the ritaul book. "Oh my!" he excalims, combing his beard with his fingers in nervousness. "Excellent, excellent. What a find, abandoned here as if was worthless. I will need some time to study this book, would any of you object if I were to hold on to it until I have parsed its contents and salvaged the knowledge inside?"

[roll0] (Trying to remember who the commander of this fort might have been, and if any troubles of this fort have reached Dolgan's ears)

2009-01-27, 04:23 PM
"Cannot afford to become our own enemies?" Variel frowns, trying to figure out what the queen might have meant by that cryptic statement. Perhaps the webs of power carry more links that I first realized.

Laertius' appearance hardly draws a reaction from him as they search the keep. The man is, if anything, a biological curiosity more than any sort of freak or target for persecution. He does, however, turn to Laertius, cocking a brow, as they discover the cross and the pile of bones.

"Devilmarked--would you, by any chance, know anything about fighting the Church of the Light? This....scene screams 'overzealous religious fanatic'." Variel hardly has any respect for religions that spur their followers on to death and persecution, though he rarely displays his sentiments this openly. Ioun and Moradin, at least, simply ask their followers to hold to certain values--they hardly qualify as oppressive forces, in his eyes.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-27, 04:30 PM

Although he stares at the ritual book with unblinking interest, the devil says nothing for several long moments. Then he mutters just so long as I can get my hands on it later, and moves past to look at the bodies.

Hardly a fitting burial.

He appears to have a few civilized bones in his body, anyway.

Aaaand another History check: [roll0]
Also a quick Arcana check to scan the area to detect magic: [roll1]

2009-01-27, 04:39 PM
"Devilmarked--would you, by any chance, know anything about fighting the Church of the Light? This....scene screams 'overzealous religious fanatic'."

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"Interesting reading, Master Variel. I see how you could arrive at this conclusion" says Dolgan, interrupting the conversation in a diffident voice. "I myself was worried that these are the remains of plagued or undead; it would not be the first time that simple folks have overreacted when faced with a force beyond their understanding. In times of plagues, burning your dead is a precaution few should ignore. But I won't discount the possibility you raised. I barely know which one would be worse, in this day."

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-27, 08:57 PM
To Dolgan’s recollection, Utha IV was the queen at the time he fought with the Andorians at the Keep. Though one can never be sure about human royalty, with their short lives and pretentious titles. The captain of the Keep at that time was Lord Mandrake, who seemed an honorable man. Shortly before Mandrake knew the siege was coming, he sent out a scouting party. After the party returned, he seemed even more stressed than before.

Laertius senses no magic within the Keep.

2009-01-28, 11:52 AM
"I know there are real beds here, but I think it would be better to simply...unpack our bedrolls and sleep in the same room. There's no telling when we might be surprised in the night, and I'd rather we be together where someone can keep watch than be surprised individually." Variel's voice is clipped and stiff. He simply trances anyway, so beds were hardly his concern. Nonetheless, better to make sure no one got caught unawares on their own.

2009-01-28, 12:03 PM
"I know there are real beds here, but I think it would be better to simply...unpack our bedrolls and sleep in the same room. There's no telling when we might be surprised in the night, and I'd rather we be together where someone can keep watch than be surprised individually." Variel's voice is clipped and stiff. He simply trances anyway, so beds were hardly his concern. Nonetheless, better to make sure no one got caught unawares on their own.

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"Caution would suggest to do just that, indeed," agrees Dolgan. "Shall we find a suitable defensible room for this purpose? If there are unfriendly creatures about, I would rather they came from a single direction. From my campaigns with elves and eladrin I know you require little or no sleep. How would you recommend we stand guard?"

2009-01-28, 01:04 PM
"I require little rest, so I will take the first watch. Perhaps Laertius can have the second, then Dolgan, then Reed?" He looks to each of his companions in turn as he speaks their names. The order after himself had been random, but Variel simply assumed that someone needed to make the decision.

While the discussion continues, Variel begins to poke his head into various rooms, trying to decide which one is large enough for them to rest in and has a small number of defensible entrances.

2009-01-28, 01:28 PM
"I require little rest, so I will take the first watch. Perhaps Laertius can have the second, then Dolgan, then Reed?" He looks to each of his companions in turn as he speaks their names. The order after himself had been random, but Variel simply assumed that someone needed to make the decision.

While the discussion continues, Variel begins to poke his head into various rooms, trying to decide which one is large enough for them to rest in and has a small number of defensible entrances.

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"If you require little rest, would you mind me taking the first watch? That way I can sleep uninterrupted. And by that token, out silent companion here" he says, pointing at Laertius, "should take the last one -or viceversa- while you and Reed -who, it seems to me, doesn't sleep more than an hour or two at a time- take the middle ones."

Dolgan then participates in finding a good place in which to set for the night.


2009-01-28, 01:37 PM
Variel shrugs.

"I had assumed you would want to rest immediately, but if uninterrupted sleep is more important, your order of watches will suffice." I will never fully understand other species, he thinks to himself. Even something as simple as sleep was...confusing, in its complexity. There was only time enough to be a master scholar in one field, and his did not include the circadian rhythms of sentient species.

Variel isn't all that great at Dungeoneering, but can we have him add a bonus to Dolgan's role for helping him to search? My Dungeoneering roll: [roll0]

2009-01-28, 02:13 PM
"I'd say that works just fine. My people like to enjoy the nights and firelight, and I like to make sure no beasts attack during the night, so you're right. I do sleep sometimes, but almost never from dusk to dawn."

During the time from the group's arrival in the keep, Reed has been mostly silent, keeping his attention on the layout and watching for possible ambushes while his more educated companions consider the bodies and messages. As the group passes through the keep, he adds his insights on how defensive different rooms might be, and how they might hide their presence overnight.


Vox Clamantis
2009-01-28, 04:39 PM

During the extended discussion of sleeping arrangements, the gray-haired devil pulls out his book and pretends to read. Bloody hells, must they talk everything to death? So intent is he on ignoring the conversation that he never learns which watch he's supposed to take, and resolves to find out whenever they wake him up for it. That, or they'll mention it again half a dozen times before falling asleep.

When it comes time to make camp, Laertius does nothing more than bark a command at a strangely folded bundle of cloth taken from his pack, at which it arranges itself into an orderly campsite. Seeing one of his companions prepared to stand first watch, he removes his armor and settles himself down with his staff close at hand.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-28, 06:04 PM
You find a smaller room within the upper keep with a rusty but solid door with a bolt for extra safety. As you each take watch, noises reach you from outside the room, at the edge of hearing. A footstep, a whisper, a distant moan, it’s impossible to define the sounds. As soon as you put your ear to the door, or unbar it to get a better listen, they stop. The night finally passes without incident.

At the break of dawn, you find yourselves plodding down the other side of the Pass with the distinct feeling that something is watching you. But no matter how quickly or often you turn your head, you see nothing but rock and a slowly thickening forest. At midday you reach the nameless town that Father Fortunatas mentioned at the fair; unsurprisingly, it too has been abandoned for quite a while.

You find burned ruins and partially burned houses everywhere. Near the center of town you find a large slate-roofed house that has only recently been burned; on the ground outside of this house lies a not-yet decayed human hand, calloused and tanned. Blood spatters the ground all around the hand. Where the town meets the head of the Blue River, you find two canoes that heroes such as yourselves could patch up with half a day’s time.

2009-01-28, 06:36 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan spends much of his guard trying to catch the elusive sounds, with little luck. He does, however, sleep soundly (and noisily) after his shift in his sand-stuffed bedroll, a little piece of home away from home. The next morning, when they get moving, the annoying feeling of something being around them comes back, and he is preoccupied with it. "I don't like this," he admits, "there is something off. I would like for the other shoe to drop," he ends, using a human expression that is somewhat funny when coming from the short dwarf.

When they reach the village, Dolgan is finally distracted by the scene before them. He is particularly interested in the hand, and leans close to it, examining it closely to see what he can discover.

[roll1] (Mostly, if they are natural/supernatural/extranatural
[roll2] (Same as above - I'm not sure which one applies)
[roll3] (How long it's been there, was it hacked from a living or dead person, what they used to hack it off). Also takes 10. And if there is enough time, takes 20.
Note: No idea if we need a check to fix the boats (or even if we want to). I'm going to assume no, and Dolgan will be happy to help, even if the idea of taking a boat isn't exactly his idea of a good time.

Edit: Yeah, the noises are a complete mystery to Dolgan. But the other two roles are very nice.

2009-01-28, 06:47 PM
"Burned houses, bloody body parts, a lingering presence just out of view...someone is trying to send a message. Perhaps to us, perhaps to anyone entering Shimal-Bolshy." Variel's elven countenance starts fraying at the edges, his uneasiness breaking through his usually stiff expression.

He walks past the hand and pushes his way into the slate-roofed house, shoving aside debris or opening doors, whatever is necessary to see inside the burnt ruins of the building.

2009-01-28, 06:48 PM
Reed sleeps fitfully, as is his habit, but ultimately restfully, and wakes ready to move.

As the group nears the burnt-out settlement, the halfling seems to become much more wary. Once inside, he quietly informs the others, "Don't look back, but I saw something shadowing us on the road here. I don't know what it is, but it's very... red." After the group finds the boats, he approaches one of the more intact walls nearby and begins to scale it, saying "I'm going to go look around and see if I can't catch our shadow unaware. Come running if I shout."

Edit: Wups, did just [ roll ] instead of [ rollv ] on those Athletics and Perception checks. I don't think it matters much, though.
Also, I seem to be incapable of rolling badly on Stealth checks. I'm practically invisible!

Where the town meets the head of the Blue River, you find two canoes that heroes such as yourselves could patch up with half a day’s time.
Half a day? Or 20 minutes?! We have a Wizard Cleric with the Make Whole ritual, after all, and presumably each canoe fits within a 10-ft cube. It would cost us a bit of moneys (20% of the canoes' costs), but it would apparently save us several hours time :smallbiggrin:

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-28, 07:28 PM

Unmoved by the sight of a burned and gutted town (having been witness to dozens), the old mage examines the hand with clinical detachment, trying to ascertain what manner of implement removed it. Satisfying one curiosity, he then indulges another by checking the most recent ruins for magical auras.

Dungeoneering: [roll0]
Arcana: [roll1]

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-28, 07:37 PM
From the way the flesh is cut and torn, Dolgan can tell that the hand was twisted and then ripped off of its arm, possibly by claws and fangs. The hand hasn’t been there for more than a week.

Inside the recently burned house, Variel finds the remains of an equally recent fire in its hearth. It appears that the hand’s owner stayed within the house shortly before losing it.

After climbing a still standing stonewall, Reed catches another frustrating glimpse of the crimson thing before it disappears again into the overgrowth surrounding the town.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-28, 10:46 PM
It appears that a beast bit off the hand. Laertius sees no magic within the town.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-28, 11:12 PM

Having examined the town to his satisfaction, Laertius comes back to stare at the disembodied hand. After several long minutes, he speaks to no-one in particular.

If we at the very least had the head, I could ask it some questions. A hand is of no use to me.

2009-01-29, 12:05 AM
"Laertius, the rest of those remains might still be around somewhere." Variel pokes his head out the door of the charred house, and gestures towards the inside. "The house's owner spent a normal night by the hearth not long ago."

2009-01-29, 12:15 AM
Reed drops silently from the wall just in time to hear Laertius consider speaking to the dead. "I've heard you devil-folk have a thing for souls. I didn't realize you had something for bodies, too." He looks around in disgust. "I usually avoid towns like this. I prefer places with more crowds to disappear into. Livelier, too. Speaking of lively, I spotted that red one that's been following us again, on the edge of town. It's a sneaky little thing, too; every time I've noticed it, it's disappeared again."

2009-01-29, 03:03 AM
Reed drops silently from the wall just in time to hear Laertius consider speaking to the dead. "I've heard you devil-folk have a thing for souls. I didn't realize you had something for bodies, too." He looks around in disgust. "I usually avoid towns like this. I prefer places with more crowds to disappear into. Livelier, too. Speaking of lively, I spotted that red one that's been following us again, on the edge of town. It's a sneaky little thing, too; every time I've noticed it, it's disappeared again."

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"If you can cannot catch to him," says Dolgan, remembering how the quick-footed halfling had disappeared earlier, "I doubt any one of us can. I still would like to know if it is spirit or flesh, and if we are being stalked or preyed. But it seems there is little we can do about it until it decides to show itself, unless we can set a trap for it".

Getting up from the hand, he quickly digs a shallow whole, and places it inside. "This was certainly not done by a spirit, although I doubt an animal would leave it behind. I cannot say I understand what happened here. Still, let me see to the boats." After a brief examination, he declares, "Well, well. They can be fixed, given a few minutes and some alchemic reagents that I carry with me. If you are all willing to bear the cost of reparations, I will have these two ships ready in a half-hour"

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-29, 06:50 AM

Looking from Variel to Reed, Laertius tries to mask his surprise at finding himself involved in one of their conversations. Hells, I'd better speak quickly.

It couldn't hurt to do a quick search for skulls. I don't need anything else.

Without knowing why, he adds -

In the natural world, red is a cautionary color, usually found on dangerous animals. Supernaturally, of course, it is associated with...

He smiles grimly and without real humor.


2009-01-29, 03:25 PM
"You would suggest devils, over creatures of Chaos? Scholarly nepotism, I say," Variel accuses, choosing to completely ignore the hypocrisy inherent in his statement. He exits the burnt-out building and shuts his eyes, concentrating.

Grasping at the tenuous thread of power that ties his strength to that of Chaos, he attempts to search for sympathetic vibrations, trying to sense those creatures which are also attuned to the Soul's intense power.

Arcana roll to see if he can sense any creatures of Chaos nearby:

2009-01-29, 07:27 PM
"What it is doesn't really matter, only that it's following us. Hopefully we can leave it behind as we go downriver, but if we spot it again there, it's probably after either something we have or something we're seeking. Either way, I'd like to know what. If follows us all the way to Shimal and Bolsy, we should hunt it down and find just what it's after." After speaking, Reed moves to a position where he can see most of the streets approaching the area the group is staying in, setting up so that he can warn the group if he spots anything coming without being obvious about it.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-29, 10:28 PM
Variel senses no creatures of Chaos in the area. The hairs stand up on the back of his neck, but that could just be from general anticipation.
Can I safely assume that everyone is hopping in the two canoes without delay?

2009-01-30, 12:05 AM
"Whatever this thing is that follows us, I don't think it's a creature of Chaos. Though it remains to be seen whether or not that'd be a good thing."

Variel chuckles wryly and then wanders over to help Dolgan repair the canoes, getting inside and helping to paddle when they're complete.

2009-01-30, 03:05 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan collects the gold coins from his companions and then ambles over to the boats. Sitting by the first one, he places before him a few flat stones, and pulls out from his backpack four little bags. The bags contain some powders, that he carefully mixes on the stones. He then adds water, that turns them into strange smelling liquids of a variety of colours.

<I call for thy help, Moradin, Sultan of the Forge> he invokes in dwarfish, pulling a small hammer that is suddenly infused in a white light. Dolgan then quickly and liberally applies the liquids to the jagged edges of the broken boats, and uses the hammer to gently push repair materials into place. The mixtures bubble for a second, then disappear, leaving behind nothing but solid wood, without even a seam to show where the break once was.

Dolgan works efficiently and twenty minutes later, the two boats before him are as good as new.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-30, 01:29 PM
With the canoes fixed, you buddy up and start rowing downriver. [Reed + Dolgan in one, Laertius + Variel in the other] Not an hour into the river journey, you spot what appears to be several sun-bleached drift woods sticking up out of the water. When you get about ten meters close (30 feet), Reed realizes that they are actually bone white hands, the palms of which all face upriver. The fingers are all partially curled, as if in relaxation.

2009-01-30, 02:55 PM
With the canoes fixed, you buddy up and start rowing downriver. [Reed + Dolgan in one, Laertius + Variel in the other] Not an hour into the river journey, you spot what appears to be several sun-bleached drift woods sticking up out of the water. When you get about ten meters close (30 feet), Reed realizes that they are actually bone white hands, the palms of which all face upriver. The fingers are all partially curled, as if in relaxation.

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan quickly taps Reed's shoulder and indicates that they should not plunge headlong into those upright bones. "I cannot imagine what those things are doing there, but where they to belong to a dead body, the river would have carried them down by now. Either they are tied together and to the bottom of the river -and why that could be, I cannot fanthom- or something unnatural is going on." Once safely by the riverside, Dolgan places a hand on top of his symbol and concentrates hard on the bones

If possible, Dolgan takes 20 in religion to detect/identify undead for a total of 32. Otherwise:

2009-01-30, 03:08 PM
"Obstacles." Variel sighs with annoyance. "Laertius, keep the canoe steady."

He pulls his paddle in across his lap, draws his sword, and then swipes it across the front edge of the boat as they approach the bony arms. A wave of arcane force pushes outward from his blade in a wave, aiming to clear away the interfering limbs.

Sword Burst At-Will Power. Trying to hit all bone arms within close burst 1 with force damage. Int vs reflex [roll0]
(I figure three should be enough to clear a path. Let me know if we need more.)
For [roll3] damage.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-30, 05:30 PM

Never the sort to follow bad advice, Laertius ignores Variel and diverts the canoe towards the bank after Dolgan and Reed's.

Bad call, lad. You want to tangle with those so badly, get out and swim for 'em.

2009-01-30, 06:07 PM
"Well, if they turn out to be dangerous, we can always just carry the canoes around them. Still, I want to try something." Reed digs in the bank for a short while before coming up with a stone, which he washes in the river before throwing it at the clutch of hands.

This might be a bad idea, but oh well. It'll tell us something either way.
I'm assuming that the natural enhancement bonus we all have to attack/damage applies to throwing stones as well. If not, both those are 3 lower than they otherwise would be.
Also, possibly-relevant skill rolls:

2009-01-30, 06:20 PM
Variel stumbles as Laertius shifts the canoe, his force wave ricocheting harmlessly off of the water's surface far away from the arms. He whirls on Laertius as the canoe moves up to the bank.

" They are in our way. If they were driftwood, we would clear them away without a thought. Why give them more consideration than they're due?" He sneers at the protruding limbs, and then turns his glare back toward Laertius. "If I had known you were so frightened by simple anatomy...." He murmurs to himself, angrily, before climbing out to join the others. These omens are beginning to become an annoyance.

"Must we delay every time we come across something dead? This is a Chaos-ravaged wasteland, you know." Variel, who has been waving his sword around wildly during the preceding rant, sheaths it with a glare, and turns to watch Reed experiment, arms crossed over his chest. Must we be burdened with so many...distractions?

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-30, 06:37 PM

His face completely impassive, Laertius responds as gently as if his companion were asking the time of day.

They appear to be stationary. I can blast them out of our path from a safe distance in less than a minute. If you feel we can't spare that much time from our trip downriver, this will be an excellent opportunity for you to learn patience.

2009-01-30, 06:37 PM
Variel stumbles as Laertius shifts the canoe, his force wave ricocheting harmlessly off of the water's surface far away from the arms. He whirls on Laertius as the canoe moves up to the bank.

" They are in our way. If they were driftwood, we would clear them away without a thought. Why give them more consideration than they're due?" He sneers at the protruding limbs, and then turns his glare back toward Laertius. "If I had known you were so frightened by simple anatomy...." He murmurs to himself, angrily, before climbing out to join the others. These omens are beginning to become an annoyance.

"Must we delay every time we come across something dead? This is a Chaos-ravaged wasteland, you know." Variel, who has been waving his sword around wildly during the preceding rant, sheaths it with a glare, and turns to watch Reed experiment, arms crossed over his chest. Must we be burdened with so many...distractions?

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"Peace and calm, Variel, peace and calm" says Dolgan, in his relaxing tone of voice. "We will be detained but a few minutes, and it is better to be safe than sorry. That is no driftwood, and I cannot see how they could be natural. If there are surprises waiting for us, I rather meet them on solid ground. Lets see what our observations uncover. There will be time for more direct action later."

2009-01-30, 06:47 PM
Patience is a virtue Variel keeps in reserve for his own favorite pet projects. He could spend hours prowling the wasteland looking for just the right sort of Chaos beast, and yet find a conversation painfully inefficient in a matter of minutes. At least he knows what his priorities are.

"Very well. If you must investigate, do so quickly. However, consider me in favor of Laertius' blasting proposal, should they turn out to be harmless."

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-30, 07:21 PM

Stepping to the bank, Laertius sets aside his pack and conjures a ball of ferociously hot flames into the palm of one hand, obviously prepared to hurl it at the slightest provocation.

Readying an action to Scorching Burst the center hand if they do anything suspicious (move, flex, etc).

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-30, 07:42 PM
As you steer away from the hands, you're not quite sure, but as the canoes scrape against the shore pebbles as you drag them onto land you find it impossible to deny: the hands have shifted to face their palms toward you. Even as Reed chucks a stone at one, the hands submerge themselves. Looking into the waters, you see several large shapes moving rapidly toward your position.

You have one full round to prepare for possible battle. (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/Battle.jpg)

2009-01-30, 08:10 PM
Variel draws his sword and shoots the others a sidelong glance.

"Looks like it'll be a longer delay than expected. Suggestions?"

2009-01-30, 08:11 PM
At the sight of the menacing forms approaching the river's edge, Reed curses beneath his breath and hurriedly ducks into the nearby foliage, readying his enchanted black blade to throw if anything should break the surface.

Hexes, huh? Neat :smallcool:

Move right 2, right-down 1, putting me in among the green thing (which I assume is a tree or shrub or something to that effect), hide as part of that action (assuming that I have enough cover for it), then ready an action to use Distracting Shadows (E12) at the first thing to show itself above water.

I will probably have combat advantage against whatever it is, either from my First Strike class feature since it won't have acted yet or from it not being able to see me.

[roll2] (includes CA bonuses)
If hit, I and all allies have combat advantage against that target until the end of my next turn.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-30, 08:16 PM

Seeing the hands submerge, Laertius steps away from the bank and holds his flaming hand higher, holding his staff before him like a shield with the other.

Defending yourself would be prudent...

For the first time since the journey began, the Abyssal changeling appears to be enjoying himself.

In the round of preparation, Laertius moves six squares east and readies an action to Magic Missile the first non-party-member he sees.

Rolls to speed things up:
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll1] damage

2009-01-30, 08:52 PM
As the others pull back into position, Variel steps back just enough so that they can see their attackers break the waterline, and then draws his sword into a defensive battle stance, trying to make himself look like an attractive target.

"As always, Laertius, your scholarly input is appreciated."

East two squares, then using his standard action for Total Defense. +2 to all defenses. Preparing, as a minor action, the application of his Aegis of Assault ability, to mark the first monster to come within 2 hexes of his position.

2009-01-31, 03:28 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

HP 86+8/86 Bloodied 43 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27 Speed 5

Dolgan's calm demeanour suddenly shifts at the thought of battle, particularly with the undead. "Let them come. This will not be a long delay, but a nice intermission" he says in a subtly changed voice. He pulls back, trying to cover his companions and letting the warrior be point, and waits for a target.

Too many options to decide without more accurate info. Dolgan moves back 5 hexes from the beach (so the hands would have to charge past him to get to Laertius), Edit: Dolgan moves to the front of the bush, between it and where then hands used to be, and then delays turn until he can see what he is fighting. He'll also delay until after all the other delays resolve.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-31, 12:22 PM
With great sprays of water, six man shaped forms spring from the river. Their skin is pale, sickly and sloughing. As you get your first good sight of them, you realize now why they held their hands above the water: the eyeballs that should be in their faces instead stare at you from the palm of each hand. They had kept their fingers partially curled so you didn’t notice the eyeballs, but now their fingers are stretched out fully like fat eyelashes. They hold their hands over their faces so that their eyeballs stare at you from where a human’s would be, until they get within striking distance when their eyed hands reach murderously forward…

Reed’s blade and Laertius’ spell both nearly hit the first pale man to rush from the water, forcing it to stumble aside. (Two hits and a mark on Pale1!) Four pale men grope for Variel and Dolgan, but their martial grace and armor save them from harm. Two pale men see Laertius in the rear, and move toward him. Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/Battle.jpg)
None of you have seen or heard anything about these creatures, but you are certain that they are demons of Chaos.) After Dolgan goes, we’re going to continue with all PCs going first because you all readied/delayed, and then all the pale men.

2009-01-31, 12:50 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

As the strange pale creatures leave the water, Dolgan quickly sends a bolt of white light towards one of them. Then, when the enemies are by his side, Dolgan blocks their attacks with his shield, raises his axe above his head and shouts "By the everlasting fires of Moradin! Feel its Flame!". The axe suddenly flashes with a brightness beyond words, bathing all the field around him in light.

HP 86+8/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27

First, the delayed attack as they leave the water:
Sacred Flame @Pale5, Wisdom vs. Reflex (here's hoping that having water around their legs makes their reflex worse). Divine, Radiant
If it hits, Variel gets 5 temporary HP

Then, after they have attacked, my regular turn:
Solar Wrath (Divine, Radiant; Burst 8.) Wisdom vs. Will

All enemies hit are stunned until the end of my next turn if they are demons or undead.

Edit: great. two 1s. And the rest of the rolls aren't great, either.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-31, 01:34 PM

HP: 78/78 AC: 30 Fortitude: 24 Reflex: 26 Will: 23

With a vicious snarl, the horned magus sinks his teeth into the palm of his free hand and flicks droplets of blood at the monstrosities trying to close with him. On contact the blood seeps into their bodies with a flash of blue flame, contesting their control over their own muscles and making every movement ruinously harmful.

Move: North six hexes.
Standard: Blood Pulse Pale 5 and Pale 6
Attack Pale 5: [roll0] vs Will
Attack Pale 6: [roll1] vs Will
Hit: [roll2] damage and until the end of my next turn, they take 1d6 for every space they leave

2009-01-31, 03:00 PM
Reed flashes out of the bushes like a startled hare, but the blade that streaks into the pale men's leader seems more like the bite of a wolf before its owner vanishes again.

Current Status:
HP 73/73 Surge 18 Used 0/6
AC 27 Fort 22 Ref 28 Will 24

Use From the Shadows (E7), shifting right 4 up-right 1 before attacking Pale1.
-If hit, use power-granted shift with Reckless Scramble to move right-down 5 left-down 2, putting me in the bushes down and right from where Laertius started and letting me make a Stealth check to hide.
-If Missed, move up-left 4 left 2, putting me in the bushes at the top.

My movement is a bit complicated due to the strange shifting From the Shadows grants; suffice it to say that if I hit I'm probably hidden, and if not I'm just far away from the enemy.

2009-01-31, 06:39 PM

Hp 100/100 AC 30 Fort 23 Ref 25 Will 23

Variel turns towards the Pale Man on the far side of Dolgan, and spreads out the fingers of his left hand, placing his Aegis of Assault on the creature.

Lightning crackles along the length of his blade, wrapping along its deadly edge as he brings it down on the creature immediately ahead of him, hoping to spread the damage across the enemies before him.

Aegis of Assault on Pale4 as a Minor.
Lightning Clash Encounter power on Pale3: Int vs AC: [roll0]
If it hits, open the spoiler below:
Damage: [roll1]
Lightning Clash Allows a secondary attack on Pale2
Int vs Reflex [roll2] for [roll3] lightning damage
Also using the Lightning Longsword Daily Power as a free action, since I hit with a melee attack. The target (Pale3) and enemies within 2 squares of it take [roll4] lightning damage.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-01-31, 11:51 PM
Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/Battle.jpg)

When Laertius retreats and fires off his spell, the nearest pale man is incited to an incredible burst of speed. It not only catches up to Laertius, but takes a swing at him too. The grasping hand goes wide though, and the changeling’s spell wracks the pale men with pain. Dolgan’s prayers blast the pale men, stunning most of them. Reed’s expert blade slices open the already flagging lead pale man, who does not get up after toppling over. Variel’s crackling blade cuts a gash into one of his foe’s arms, but his next swing goes wide.

The two unstunned pale men grope at Variel and Laertius, but prove too clumsy.
Pale1 is dead.
Pale3 is bloodied.
All pale men except for 2 and 5 are stunned.
Variel, gain 5 temp HP from Dolgan’s Sacred Flame.
NecroRebel, I only moved you north because when I followed your directions Reed ended up in the open. If you want to hide in another bush, I’ll retro it.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-01, 12:43 AM

With a sneer of contempt at the grasping demon's attempts to lay a hand on him, the devilish conjurer takes a step back and stretches his bloody palm out towards his attacker. An impossible gusher of blood spouts from the wound and forms a clenched fist, smashing the pale thing away with inhuman strength before flowing back into the wound.

Capitalizing on Blood Pulse's lingering effect!
Move: Shift one NE
Standard: Spectral Ram at Pale 5
Attack: [roll0] vs Fortitude
Hit: [roll1] damage and the target is pushed 3 squares, taking [roll2] damage from Blood Pulse for leaving 3 squares

What a monumental waste of a good power combination.

2009-02-01, 12:54 AM
That move action was actually only if I had missed with my attack. From the Shadows lets me shift 1+Cha before I attack and 1+Cha if I hit, so I had only intended to actually use a move action if I missed, as I felt that I wouldn't be hidden then and moving north would put me in a place where I would be safe from attack. Still, no harm done, and my movement was confusing, I admit.

By the motion I had meant to use, it would've put me 4 right and 2 down-right from where Pale6 is now, but I'd rather you keep me where I am now. I'm hoping to take out Pale3 and leave Pale5 flanked with Laertius with my actions now.

Reed emerges from hiding one last time, moving to force the creature near his tiefling ally to deal with him before sending a dagger to the one Variel had wounded.

Current Status:
HP 73/73 Surge 18 Used 0/6
AC 27 (33 vs. OAs) Fort 22 Ref 28 Will 24
Effectively AC 31/37 if my attack this round hits, and have concealment for another effective +2 to all defenses if Pale3 drops.
Move 4 down-right to flank Pale5, use Trickster's Blade on Pale3.
If hit, I gain +4 AC until the end of my next turn.

Pale 5 gets no opportunity attack against me since I'm hidden in my Blackshroud Dagger's concealment during my movement and before my attack, since I dropped a creature to 0 with that weapon. After the attack, I'm no longer hidden, but do have concealment if Pale3 drops, so all creatures get -2 attack against me.

2009-02-01, 02:48 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Seeing the demons fall under the combined powers of his companions, Dolgan barks a short laugh. Then, still holding his axe up, he exclaims, "Demonspawn, taste Moradin's Thunder!". As he says those words, a massive thunderbolt inerrantly hits the axe, which is infused with the raw energies of the bolt. Dolgan hits the demon in front of him, causing its body to shake and be launched backwards onto the ground.

HP 86+8/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27

Not sure if these things are affected by turn undead, but Dolgan would know, I would imagine. By the way, are they vulnerable to Radiant? I expect it would be obvious after Dolgan's first attack.

*If* Dolgan knows they are affected or is not sure, Dolgan steps north-east into the bush and turns undead (the step is so that blast 5 hits the one by Laertius)
Wisdom vs. Will, Radiant damage
All hit are pushed 3 squares and immobilised for a turn. All not hit take half damage.

*If* knows they are not affected, Dolgan hits Pale4 (Pale3 if pale4 is dead) with Split the Sky, Strength vs. Fortitude, thunder damage
If hit, pushed two squares and prone.

2009-02-01, 03:22 AM

Hp 105/100 AC 30 Fort 23 Ref 25 Will 23

Variel concentrates on the web of power that spreads over his blade, and the lightning stops dancing along the length of the sword. He feels the Chaos power throb within him, and embraces it willingly, channeling its forces against the very monsters that it created as his blade lunges forward.

Lightning Clutch encounter power, from Anarch of Shyr
Against Pale2 (unstunned) Int vs AC: [roll0]
If it hits, [roll1] damage, and Pale2 gets marked with a special Aegis of Assault that does not force him to remove the Aegis from Pale4

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-01, 01:37 PM
Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/Battle.jpg)

Laertius’ foe shrugs off his blood spell, who surges forward again to attack. It lets out a weird moan-scream as Laertius avoids all its swings with ease. Reed’s thrown dagger only narrowly misses its target (hit!) Dolgan’s prayer hits his foe, throwing it backward. Variel’s sword forces his foe to move quickly (hit!). Suddenly one of Variel’s foes becomes fixated on Reed, and rushes the Halfling. Caught off guard, Reed stumbles as he barely avoids the creature’s grasp (take 16 damage). In an instant, Variel is attacking the creature and manages to open a shallow wound on its back.
Crucival, I moved Variel as I thought you would want him to, for the sake of expediency. If you’d rather he did something else, I’ll retro it.
Pales 2, 3 and 4 are bloodied.

2009-02-01, 02:00 PM

Hp 105/100 AC 30 Fort 23 Ref 25 Will 23

That movement looks fine, for the Aegis of Assault ability. (that's why he moved, right? It's the teleport action?) It didn't matter this time, but you should know that the Anarch of Shyr path gives him a +2 circumstance bonus on the melee attack roll he gets when Aegis of Assault triggers.

Variel watches as the creature, still bleeding from its open wound, rushes by him to attack the wily halfling. He narrows his eyes, and then shuts them, concentrating, and as the creature swings at Reed, he blinks out of existence beside Dolgan and reappears behind the Pale Man, his sword already on the downswing into the creature's exposed back, a lingering *bamf* sound hanging in the air.

"Reed, hold still..." He slams his eyes shut again, and with a pair of *bamf*s, Reed and Variel have teleported, switching positions on the battlefield and allowing the halfling to attack the marked creature's back.

He then shifts his grip on his blade, and thrusts it into the creature's waiting face, the swing of the blade echoing with the threat of thunder.

Using Dimensional Warp Encounter Power as a minor action, to switch Reed and Variel's places. Then using Booming Blade At-will Power:

Int vs AC on Pale2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If Pale2 tries to move out of that square before my next turn, he takes [roll2] thunder damage.

2009-02-01, 02:09 PM
Dolgan looks around with satisfaction at the enemies thrown all around him. The battle was turning out rather well. Reed had been hurt, but it didn't look serious... yet. He could probably last a little longer. Besides, he had plenty of help around him. Dolgan decides to take care of the demon still standing next to him. "Moradin, guide my axe!" he shouts as he moves towards him. Once more, his axe is bright with the power of Dolgan's plea.

HP 86+8/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27

Move next to Pale3 (to its north-east).
Free action: Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune
Free Action: Smite Evil
Standard action: Awe Strike; Strength vs Will
[roll1]+2 from Smite evil, which I forgot
If it hits, enemy is immobilized until the end of your next turn

2009-02-01, 02:32 PM
"Stand still? I've told you before, if my people stand still, we die!" Reed shouts back at Variel. Still, he does not move far, only shifting enough to feint clumsily with a second dagger before his black blade bites at the thing that attacked him.

Current Status:HP 57/73 Surge 18 Used 0/6
AC 27 (33 vs. OAs) Fort 22 Ref 28 Will 24
As always, if a foe dies to my Blackshroud Dagger I get concealment.

I'll stay put, using Sly Flourish on Pale2 and otherwise wait for Variel to take me out of this flank.


Vox Clamantis
2009-02-01, 02:34 PM

Slamming his staff upright into the ground, Laertius claps his hands together dramatically. Instantly two sheets of ice coalesce and slam into the creature from both sides, crushing and pinning it in place. Retrieving his staff, Laertius stands his ground.

Standard: Bigby's Icy Grasp (provokes OA)
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll1] cold damage and the target is grabbed. The hand uses my Reflex or Fortitude when the target attempts to escape.

AC vs Opportunity Attacks: 32


Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-01, 05:18 PM
Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/Battle.jpg)

In a flurry of crackling lightning and graceful blades, Variel and Reed destroy the pale man between them. In the confusion though, the northern-most pale man nearly hits Varile (take 17 damage) and tears bloody gashes in Laertius’ face with its overgrown fingernails (crit! Take 38 damage). Dolgan’s attack smites his foe into oblivion, while Laertius’ spell securely grips his foe. The prone and injured pale man opts to retreat speedily into the river rather than continue fighting. Another pale man lunges for Reed, but widly misses the nimble Halfling.

2009-02-01, 05:42 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"By the Sultan's beard, I've run out of enemies" mutters Dolgan under his breath, almost unhappy about it. Turning around, he sees Laertius' face almost ripped off, and realises that the battle is far from over. He jogs next to Reed, and smashes his axe into the demon before him, while at the same time sending a healing prayer towards Laertius.

HP 86+8/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27

Move to the hex west of Reed (north-west of Pale 6)
Standard action: Healing Strike @Pale6 Str. vs. AC; Radiant damage
If it hits, Pale 6 is marked until the end of my next turn. Laertius gets to spend a healing surge and add the extra heling I rolled above.

2009-02-01, 05:57 PM

Hp 88/100 AC 30 Fort 23 Ref 25 Will 23

Variel winces as the monster's claws scrape across his flesh, and returns the favor by spreading his Aegis of Assault over it. With an arrogant sneer, his blade suddenly goes silent, and when he shoves it toward the nearest Pale Man, the blade erupts with arcane force, cutting at the beast's flesh like shards of glass.

Minor: Aegis of assault on Pale5
Standard: Spikes of Agony Encounter Power:
Int vs AC on Pale5: [roll0] for [roll1] damage
If it moves at all next turn, it takes 8 damage

2009-02-01, 06:30 PM
...Stupid false roll count stupidity stupid. Stupid. :smallmad:

2009-02-01, 06:33 PM
Reed dodges around his assailant, slashing wildly at the inevitable gaps in its defenses, before jumping away again.

HP 57/73 Surge 18 Used 0/6
AC 27 (33 vs. OAs) Fort 22 Ref 28 Will 24
As always, if a foe dies to my Blackshroud Dagger I get concealment.

If Dolgan's move hasn't already happened, use Ferret Out Frailty encounter utility on Pale6, giving me combat advantage against it until the end of my turn. Either way, then use Deft Strike on it to move to the hex down-right of it before my attack. If Dolgan has already moved, he would be flanking it with me.

...Rolls are in OOC thread.

It gets an opportunity attack against me from my movement. Then, if it is still alive I shift right 1, or if it dies I move to to the square left of Laertius, avoiding the squares adjacent to Pale5.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-01, 06:49 PM

Staggering back a step and bringing one hand to his face, the devil-spawn bares his fangs in a truly evil smile as he flicks his own blood at the held demon. Accelerating to incredible speeds, the specks of blood punch through the creature's body as though it were cheap parchment.

Move: Shift N
Minor: Sustain for [roll0] cold damage
Standard: Magic Missile
Attack: [roll1] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll2] damage

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-01, 10:38 PM
With weapon and spell, you each pile further injuries on the pale men. Finally realizing the futility of their position, they attempt to flee toward the river but are each cut down well before they touch water. Congratulations, the heroes are victorious this day!

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-01, 11:07 PM

Looking with distaste at the grotesque corpse still trapped in the ice of his spell, the arcanist waves his staff. The ice begins to melt, and in a moment evaporates completely, dropping the unmoving body onto the bank.

I find myself wondering whom exactly these things were waiting for. Could it be that we're expected?

A thin smile stretches Laertius' lips.

Had I known we've an appointment, I'd have packed my dress robes.

2009-02-01, 11:40 PM
Reed wipes his dagger clean before it disappears back into its sheath. The halfling passes by the corpses warily as he approaches the river, looking for anything else that might attack before commenting, "If something is waiting for us, we'll deal with it. You guys handled yourselves well, so I think we can take any demon or monster that might get in our way."

Ceasing his scrutiny of the water momentarily, he looks back at one of the bodies. "Speaking of demons and monsters, lots of them are worth something. Think we can get anything for these fellows?"


2009-02-02, 12:08 AM

Though Laertius' joke was right in the vein of Variel's own sense of humor, by the time the last Pale Man dropped to the ground, his sword had gone dull and glamorless and he had begun squatting by the corpses, ignoring almost everything around him.

He examines each Pale Man in detail, noting the anatomy, using his magical senses to dissect how the Soul of Chaos might have created them, or perverted them from existing species. And of course, for each Pale Man, he attempted to pluck at the linger thread of Chaos energy, to trace the creatures' connection back to the source and better understand how to improve his own, jury-rigged version.

He takes a few samples, digging an eye out of one creature's palm, removing a claw, an area of skin, and so on, before stuffing them into his bag of holding for future analysis.

Arcana check for analyzing the Chaosness of the Pale Men:
Perception for anything else: [roll1]

When he finishes his moment of intense examination, he stands and turns to the others.

"I apologize for my earlier...fit. This has been a valuable experience after all."

He turns to Reed, then Laertius. "Do you think there might be a connection between our crimson follower and these creatures of Chaos? Perhaps it alerted them to our arrival."

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-02, 01:01 AM

Poking his staff into the ground, Laertius walks over to pick up his discarded pack. Throwing it casually into the canoe, he retrieves his staff and prepares to set out again. At the Variel's question, he stops what he's doing and turns.

Our red shadow seems to hide whenever we make a show of noticing its presence. That behavior bothers me. Most predators will stalk a prey only until they're discovered or they find an opportunity to strike. His persistence and patience suggest that our hunter is intelligent.

Since we can deduce that he's intelligent, I think it likely that these chaos demons were merely a test. If they are a serious attempt to destroy us, our red phantom would have ambushed us while we were dealing with them. In a decisive battle, one never withholds resources.

He pauses and frowns.

That does presuppose a connection between them, of course.

2009-02-02, 01:19 AM

Variel listens patiently to Laertius. Having examined the Pale Men seems to have calmed him, like a drug addict who's finally had his fix and can relax for a while without jonesing for his next hit.

"Your point about intelligence is well-taken, but I'm not sure that implies that we are being tested. For all we know, our red shadow is simply waiting for us to find the Plague Cure, so it can snatch it from our hands for its own purposes."

He pauses, in thought, then continues. "Even chaos demons need to feed. Perhaps they lay in wait for any kind of prey that may pass by via the river. Did you get the sense that these creatures were intelligent? At least, more so than any other predator that hunts in packs?"

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-02, 01:25 AM

Hm. No, the one that attacked me was inarticulate in its expressions of frustration. Perhaps we should have made some effort to capture one alive...

2009-02-02, 03:18 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan spends some time after the battle winding down, letting the battle lust fade and returning to his more pleasant self. As is his custom, he sits and cleans his axe carefully with a steel mesh and then carefully applies a fine covering of oil. He listens carefully to all that is said around him, and he finally raises his voice to speak.

"I cannot tell if they were intelligent or not. Lack of clothing and language, and poor tactics beyond 'rush at the enemy' would indicate animalistic behaviour, but with chaos demons, who can tell? They did seem to be waiting for lunch, rather than specifically for us. But they could be a guard post for a nest in the city, in which case I regret one got away." Taking a pause, he then addresses Laertious, "As for a connection, I am not that certain myself. Has anyone detected the red creature since we got into the river? We were paddling downstream - if it could keep up with us, it must be able to fly. If it can get ahead to set up ambushes, it must be quick indeed."

Damn my need to sleep! I've missed all the post-battle discussion. Sorry :smallredface:

Tequila: I assume there is nothing valuable in the corpses?

2009-02-04, 02:09 AM

"I wouldn't put it past our red shadow to have some form of magical communication. But I sensed no connection to Chaos when Reed tried to stalk it back in the town. Whatever it is, it is not a Chaos demon like these things we just killed. " He gestures to the corpses splayed around them.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-04, 11:35 AM
Upon examination, the pale men are living breathing creatures--or were at least. There is nothing truly unique about them as creatures of Chaos, except for their two nose-holes, which act as some type of gills.

As you speak of your red pursuer, you hear a faint humming sound coming from the nearby forest. Whirling around with weapons ready, you find yourselves facing a solitary creature hovering in the air--a woman of about Reed's height wearing a crimson gown. The gown is ragged and stained with dirt in places, and the woman's eyes have bags under them. She has very angular features, long ears that would put any elf to shame and wild red hair. A blur of constant motion at her back, very much like the blur of hummingbird wings, allows her to so effortlessly hover. Variel, Dolgan and Laertius recognize her as a fey creature of the Faerye realm.

"Hello, I am Ms. Took, and I have a proposition for you." She says.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-04, 12:04 PM

Although he doesn't like being surprised, for the moment Laertius' curiosity overcomes his caution. Moving a little closer, he tries to identify her species. Her words he leaves to the others; he's not much for conversation.

Arcana: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Religion: [roll2]
Dungeoneering: [roll3]
Nature: [roll4]

2009-02-04, 01:06 PM
"Hello, I am Ms. Took, and I have a proposition for you." She says.

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan turns about to regard the newcomer and immediately bows and answers in his calm voice, "Welcome, m'lady. I am Dolgan Glanbeck, Moradin's servant. I must say, this is rather unexpected, and much too rushed for an old dwarf's taste. I am willing to hear your proposition, if you are willing to answer a few questions of our own. Will you share a meal with us, in the meantime?"

2009-02-04, 01:29 PM

"We are far from the comforts of even Rhiannon, Ms. Took. I, for one, second Dolgan's offer to discuss your proposition over a restful meal."

He seems finished, then pauses, looking up. "Oh. Right. Variel Rhyann, Warrior-scholar, at your service."

2009-02-04, 05:54 PM
Reed watches the interloper carefully, trying to gauge her ability and intention, but looks more closely at the wilds surrounding the group. Where there is one previously-unseen creature there may very easily be more.

"A meal sounds like a fine idea, especially with such a lovely lady as yourself," Reed lies. "For my part, I am Dalbert Highroad, Ranger out of the Western Mountains."

Reed will also attempt to determine exactly what Ms. Took is along with what she intends and whether or not she is truly alone while also attempting to convince her that he is in fact telling the truth.


Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-05, 08:28 AM
Laertius recognizes Ms. Took as a humming sprite, appropriately enough. Humming sprites are somewhat rare, and are known for their speed, maneuverability and stealth. During your conversation with her, she appears to be trustworthy. You see nor hear signs of any other creatures in the immediate area.

"I'd love to share a meal." She says with a sigh, "It's been so long since I've eaten anything but berries and roots." When she settles down to eat, her eyes constantly shift about as if expecting foes to leap upon her from the nearest bush. Her wings stop their blurry dance, but they regularly twitch as if in agitation.

"You see, those beasts of Chaos stole something of...well it isn't mine, but it's my responsibility. I can't get it back myself. I was hoping that those Children that came this way the other day would help me, but they thought I was a Chaos monster! Can you believe that? Anyway, they didn't last very long when the beasts found them."

2009-02-05, 08:42 AM
"You see, those beasts of Chaos stole something of...well it isn't mine, but it's my responsibility. I can't get it back myself. I was hoping that those Children that came this way the other day would help me, but they thought I was a Chaos monster! Can you believe that? Anyway, they didn't last very long when the beasts found them."

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan quickly and efficiently starts a small cooking fire, and sets a few rations to boil in a small pot, with some water for a nice gruel. Keeping a careful eye on the fire, he notices their guest's nervousness. "Relax, m'lady, relax. These chaos creatures will not hurt you. We will protect you, if it comes to a fight. If we are to help you, we will need some details on this object you are charged with. But before we get to the gritty details, for my peace of mind, are you the one that was observing us since we nighted at the pass keep? And what are these "Children" you refer to? Eladrin or elves, maybe?"

As he ends his questions, he scoops some of the thick soup into a earthen bowl, and takes it to their guest. He then proceeds to offer some to the others, ending with himself. He does his best to calm the flighty creature.

2009-02-05, 04:29 PM
Ever suspicious of the fanaticism of less reasonable members of the mortal races, Variel shakes his head.

"I believe she means the Children of Light, Dolgan. The ones who left us such a lovely funeral pile back at the keep."

He looks up at the creature of Faerye.

"Ms. Took, do you know why there was a pile of humanoid bones in that keep, with Children of Light slogans written on a burial marker?"

2009-02-05, 08:55 PM
"You say the beasts stole from you, but you still cannot retrieve it even with their reduced numbers? Do you know where they lair, and how many more there are in the region? If there are more, it may benefit our other business to simply go and clear them out now so they cannot waylay us again. You could recover whatever you've lost as we dealt with the monsters, and we benefit as well."

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-06, 12:43 AM
"Yes, I have been following you off and on since you left the Keep. I'm usually friendlier, but this place has me on edge." She says, glancing nervously from the forest to the river.

"And yes, I meant the Children of the Light, as they call themselves. If you found burned bones within the Keep, the Children most likely found them dead already and cremated them. I haven't seen lights in the Keep for years."

"Yes, I know where the monsters lair, and that there are quite a few more. They lair under the river, in some kind of burrow. I've seen the entrance, but haven't dared to approach it, as it is guarded by pale men and other creatures."

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-06, 01:37 AM

Having dragged a log over for the sprite to sit on (an uncommonly polite gesture, coming from him), Laertius has seated himself near the cooking fire, absently sticking his hand in from time to time to keep it going with a burst of magic.

Could you describe those other creatures? One never knows what bits of information might prove useful.

2009-02-06, 02:59 AM

Variel suddenly becomes excited, and though he tries to hide it, his efforts are only partially successful. He leans forward, a glimmer of interest lighting his eyes.

"So they're intelligent? Pale men deployed as guards, and other creatures commanding and directing?"

2009-02-06, 03:29 AM

Variel suddenly becomes excited, and though he tries to hide it, his efforts are only partially successful. He leans forward, a glimmer of interest lighting his eyes.

"So they're intelligent? Pale men deployed as guards, and other creatures commanding and directing?"

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"Or maybe they are like ants or bees, with clearly defined roles." Dolgan offers back. Then, pensatively, he adds, "Mind you, I would consider some ant colonies more intelligent than some of the people I have met over the year. I've seen some of the warrens of the red desert ants, and they are dwarf-worthy in their complexity" Becoming all business again, Dolgan continues, "Nevertheless, if we are to help you, we will need details on both their under-river warren and the object that was taken from you. Are we talking about a jewel or a scroll? And why would chaos creatures be attracted to it to the point of taking it?"

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-06, 06:42 PM
"The other creatures that I saw under the river looked like...lobster-men. I'm not sure what their purpose is; they have weak looking segmented legs but no other apparent weapons."

"I'm not sure if the pale men and lobster men are intelligent, but if they aren't then something intelligent is directing them."

"The object I need from their lair is a seed. A very special seed from a very special tree."

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-06, 07:11 PM

Leaning forward, the black-eyed devil brings the the tips of his fingers together and squints his eyes slightly.

Could you be more specific about this seed? What it looks like, what its function is?

2009-02-06, 07:11 PM
"The other creatures that I saw under the river looked like...lobster-men. I'm not sure what their purpose is; they have weak looking segmented legs but no other apparent weapons."

"I'm not sure if the pale men and lobster men are intelligent, but if they aren't then something intelligent is directing them."

"The object I need from their lair is a seed. A very special seed from a very special tree."

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"A seed?" Dolgan suddenly looks very interested - desert dwelling dwarves set great store on what few plants they could grow "I can see why you would need that back. I, for one, am willing to help you, but I must admit that my companions and I are already on a task of sorts, and Moradin does not smile upon those that abandon their duties. If my companions are unwilling to participate, I will reluctantly follow their decision. I do ask that, if we are to recover your seed, you expand on the details, for Iðunn, Goddess of Spring, desires for all dwarves to learn as much as we can about life beyond the Oasis, and this special tree sounds like it fits Her instructions"

2009-02-06, 07:14 PM

"I, for one, will help recover this seed. The needs of Faerye are the needs of Rhiannon." And besides he adds, silently, I want a chance to see this intelligent force firsthand. Perhaps the Soul itself is conscious!

Curiosity, a sort of hungry, rapacious desire for knowledge, burns brightly behind his eyes as he reaches into his Endless Provisions basket and takes a bite out of a piece of bread, using it to soak up the last of Dolgan's soup from his bowl.

Conscious forces...can be manipulated. Though I cannot help but wonder whether, if it has a mind, the Soul has noticed my intrusion.

2009-02-06, 08:16 PM
"Recovering the seeds of magical, or otherwise special, plants is a duty many Rangers hold more highly than I. However, I do not object to taking a short time from our other engagement to handle these creatures.

Still, it may be difficult for us to manage. None of us can breathe beneath the surface of the river, and I know of no way to redirect its flow away from the beasts' lair. Unless you have access to the magics that would allow us to do these things, or know of a way to get into the burrow from on dry land, we will not be able to aid you."

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-06, 09:08 PM
"The seed is from a namida tree; very tall, very beautiful when full grown." Laertius, Dolgan and Variel recognize namida pollen as a component in certain magical oils. Namida seeds are very large, often the size of a human head. "I was delivering this seed to Shimal as a gift shortly before its fall. Thanks to the people's incessant fighting though, it never got planted."

"If you are willing to help, I have a trick that will allow us all to breath water for an hour. Gilly weed is its common name. If we retrieve my seed, I can tell you the location of certain hidden valuables in Methana."

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-06, 09:26 PM

Waving his hand absently, Laertius dismisses the idea of treasure.

I've never done anything for valuables, but I think I should like to see these lobster men up-close, and although I've used namida pollen, I've never seen the seeds. Curiosity has never yet lead me astray. I shall trust in it now.

His smile would be reassuring if his features weren't so sinister.

We shall simply have to prove ourselves more dangerous than your enemies.

2009-02-06, 10:22 PM

The eladrin turns to Laertius, an odd look of admiration dawning in his face.

"Curiosity is the greatest of causes, Laertius. It is good to find myself among colleagues in the war on ignorance." He smiles, subtly, and nods to the tiefling with an air of respect. Then he turns back to Ms. Took, a quizzical expression taking over.

"You were bringing the seed as a gift to Shimal? How long have you been out here, Ms. Took?" Faerye dwellers were long-lived to be sure, but such dedication in the face of the coming Chaos--years of guardianship over a gift whose recipient had faded from the face of the earth--it was mind-boggling. Not that it in any way swayed his determination to raid the lair and meet the intelligence of Chaos in person. It was just exceptional, in his mind.

2009-02-06, 11:17 PM
'Dalbert' chuckles at his companions, saying "It seems to me that many scholars get so wrapped up in their research that they forget people need to eat. We'll kill the creatures, and we'll take the reward you offer."

Gesturing to the sprite to draw for the group, the halfling continues "What do you know about the creatures' lair? Numbers present, layout, where guardians tend to be stationed, any side entrances, or anything else that might help us plan our assault? We'll probably want to attack from downstream, since they seemed to be watching upstream before they attacked us and won't be able to catch our scent in the water, so try to focus your information on that side."

2009-02-07, 04:39 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"I'm glad, I'm glad" says Dolgan, "It seems that my companions are all willing to take participate." He quickly gathers the dishes, clens them with some water and packs them back. He also pulls the boats into land further, just as a precaution, straps his back-pack securely. All in all, he seems ready to leave.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-07, 11:43 PM
"I've been here..." Ms. Took's wings finally stop fluttering momentarily as she concentrates; "...twenty-two years."

"I know nothing of the lair's particulars, other than the location of its entrance."

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-07, 11:59 PM

The pronouncement hangs in the air for a moment before Laertius stands up and brushes the crumbs off his armor.

Good enough for me, I think. This business won't resolve itself; let's get to it.

2009-02-08, 12:14 AM

"Let us depart for the lair soon, then." Variel rises, and walks over to Ms. Took, making a gesture to take her aside and talk privately.

"Ms. Took...I would ask a favor of you, as a scholar. You must have been here when the creatures of Chaos first appeared and overran Shimal. Such an eyewitness account would be incredibly valuable to historians and arcanists both. Assuming we succeed, and you are able to return to Faerye, would you seek out the Order of Soulsages in Rhiannon, and tell them your story?"

Regardless of her answer, he begins assembling his gear for the trek underwater.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-08, 09:53 PM
"I'd be glad to pay the Soulsages a visit as soon as I get back to Rhiannon." Ms. Took replies to Variel's request.

She then leads you downstream about a mile and then directs you to shore. Stowing the canoes, she leads you in a wide path into the forest and then back to the river. Looking upstream, she explains that there are pale hands sticking up out of the water just at the edge of vision. Reed is able to make out what he would otherwise dismiss as driftwood, if he didn't know better. "Those pale men stand almost atop the entrance to their lair. How shall we proceed, heroes?"

2009-02-09, 04:27 AM
"Those pale men stand almost atop the entrance to their lair. How shall we proceed, heroes?"

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"Heroes?" Dolgan scoffs, "After 60 years of war, all I can say is that I am more a butcher than a hero. Still, not the time or the place. Shall we charge them? Try to lure them outside the water? Charge right in? I cannot say I am familiar with underwater fighting."

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-09, 04:39 AM

Heroism is in the eye of the beholder. So long as we're helping the lady, I for one will accept the title without comment.

The red of Laertius' skin seems to be deepening, as though the prospect of a fight is bringing out his darker heritage.

I've never been one for subtlety. Draw as many of them as we can onto dry land, where we have the advantage, then go in after the seed and clear out the rest.

2009-02-09, 12:24 PM

"Give us the gilly weed, just in case we end up in the water sooner than expected." Variel looks grimly out over the river, ignoring the talk about heroism. He hardly cared what he'd been called--such namers usually never bothered to ask about silly things like motives.

"I agree with Laertius. Draw them out on land. I imagine that many of our abilities will simply not work underwater. Fire blasts may not ignite, lightning bolts may simply diffuse. Better to use those abilities out here on the enemies we can see. Reed, up for another rock-throwing?"

2009-02-09, 05:38 PM
"Normally I'd prefer something with more... finess... but since they already know we're around and are watching the shores, I agree, we should draw them to dry land and take out as many as we should."

To Variel's use of his real name, the halfling shoots the eladrin a dirty look, but addresses his question regardless. "A rock isn't quite what I'd use in this situation; I only used one last time because I wasn't sure if they were actually going to be hostile and didn't want to use a real weapon. This dagger," he indicates the black blade at his left side, "strikes true more than any stone. Maybe I can even manage to put one of their eyes out and give us more of an advantage right off."

2009-02-09, 06:05 PM

Variel had, quite frankly, utterly forgotten about "Dalbert." Absentminded professor with a reality-shattering blade, that was the eladrin for you. On the other hand, he didn't put any special emphasis on the halfling's real name, so that it sounded natural, as if it were a nickname...or something. He actually manages to look momentarily puzzled at the dirty look, before he continues.

"If we're agreed that an attack is better than a simple distraction, there is a lightning spell I've been saving up. Shall we strike, then, while their hands are still aimed upstream?"

2009-02-09, 06:13 PM
"If we're agreed that an attack is better than a simple distraction, there is a lightning spell I've been saving up. Shall we strike, then, while their hands are still aimed upstream?"

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"We might as well. I am certainly ready to call forth Moradin's power once again." Dolgan says with a sigh. Once again, he pulls out his axe and his manner changes sharply as he gets ready for battle. "Lets see if taunting them brings them out of their lair." Then, almost as an afterthought, he says to his companions, "This time, try not to get too far from me. I cannot heal your wounds if you are running all over the place. Stay behind me and Variel, make them have to go through us to get to you."

2009-02-09, 06:25 PM
Reed nods and adresses the groups winged guide. "We have a plan, then. Will you be joining us in battle? If you need weapons, I have a few extra blades stashed away, and an extra body is always beneficial."

I'm assuming for the purposes of the next battle that we've taken a short rest. Reed is also going to have spent a healing surge to recover his lost hit points.

Also, I feel dumb now because I probably should've used my Second Chance power when the Pale Man hit me, as it might've saved me that surge :smallsigh:

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-09, 06:25 PM

I dare say my spells strike from greater range than your dagger, but as you will.

Poking his staff into the ground for a moment, Laertius sets his pack carefully aside and uses one nail to slice a long gash in the palm of his left hand. The edges of the cut pull back to display a hint of red muscle underneath, but no blood drips out. His other hand closes on the staff and tugs it free.


Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-09, 10:54 PM
"I don't need a weapon. I'll just...shout encouragement from a safe distance." Ms. Took says as she dispenses a ball of rubbery weed to each of you, and then swallows a smaller one herself.
So what power is Reed opening with?

2009-02-09, 11:56 PM
Nodding and taking the herbs, Reed indicates that the rest of the group should remain in sight before vanishing into the undergrowth. Moving where he is not visible to the monsters in the water, he waits a moment, lines up the nearest hand as best he can, and lets his blade fly.

Well, I don't want to burn any encounter or dailies just yet, so Sly Flourish for maximal damage :smallsmile:


Whether or not the stealth roll works doesn't really matter, as I still have combat advantage from them not having acted yet.

Once the attack resolves, I'll move back towards the rest of the group, getting behind the defenders if possible.

Edit: Crap! That's a bad attack roll. Fortunately, it might hit anyway due to my redonculous attack bonus, but that's still bad. Makes me glad I used an at-will :smallannoyed:

2009-02-10, 01:32 AM

Assuming that his lightning spells, or at least the ones requiring transmission between targets, will not work properly underwater, Variel charges a blast of lightning up through his blade, aims it at the Pale Men, and prepares to fire.

Readied action: Lingering Lightning Daily Power, as soon as 3 Pale Men come within 5 squares of him.
Int vs Reflex, one per target:
[roll0] for [roll1] damage
[roll2] for [roll3] damage
[roll4] for [roll5] damage

If hit, full damage and 5 ongoing lightning damage, save ends.
If miss, half damage, no ongoing damage.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-10, 03:31 AM

Holding out his cut hand, Laertius slowly closes it around an amorphous surge of blood that grows outwards and extends into the rough, liquid shape of a javelin. Drawing back his arm, he prepares to hurl it like a Jovian thunderbolt at the first enemy to breach the surface.

Readying Magic Missile
Attack: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage

2009-02-10, 05:01 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan's fist starts to glow with a bright light, while he places himself squarely on the ground, ready to face whatever they entice out of the water.

HP 86/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27

Ready Action: Sacred Flame on the first clear target that comes out of the water. Wis vs. Reflex, radiant damage
If I hit, Laertius gets 5 temporary HP

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-10, 08:35 PM
Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)

Reed throws his dagger from hiding, which splashes into the water without hitting anything solid. (Hit, barely!) The pale hands immediately aim towards the “heroes”, but no demons come bursting out of the water. Several shapes move toward the shore, and then an unlikely attack! Three chitined arms, distended to impossible length, shoot out of the water. Two miss wildly, but one bypasses Variel’s defenses and scratches his arm. Variel immediately feels light headed (lose 15 HP, Variel is dazed and -2 to attack rolls; save at the end of your turn).

Roll initiative!
Aquatic combat is pretty mild in 4e; fire powers get a -2 to attack, as do all weapon attacks except for crossbows and spears. If you ever find yourselves fighting in warm water, I’ll switch the fire penalty to a cold penalty. If and when you get in the river, you will have to spend 4 hexes of movement each turn to compensate for its flow.

2009-02-10, 09:04 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

85/100 hp, AC 30, Fort 23 Ref 25 Will 23

2009-02-10, 09:10 PM
Although he did not expect the enemy to attack while remaining submerged, Reed is still quick enough to try slashing at the limbs before they recede.

Since it doesn't really matter as far as I'm concerned whether they're in melee or at range from me, I'm just going to flavor attacking the limbs as they come at us instead of attacking the things below the water directly. Just treat it as ranged attacks against the bodies if you will.

Using Sly Flourish against whichever creature hit Variel last turn.

No combat advantage this turn :smallfrown:

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-10, 09:11 PM

Initiative: [roll0]

HP: 78/78 AC: 30 Fort: 24 Refl: 26 Will: 23

Since I'm going last, my actions will depend pretty heavily on what everyone else does.

2009-02-10, 09:14 PM

85/100 hp, AC 30, Fort 23 Ref 25 Will 23

Variel will spend his turn consolidating his defenses, forgoing his attack to try and shake off the feeling of being dazed.

Regardless of initiative order, Silversteel Veil Encounter Power: Variel and all allies in Close Burst 1 gain +2 AC and +2 reflex until his next turn. At the very least, this should include Variel and Reed, and probably Laertius, too.
And my saving throw: [roll0]

2009-02-11, 03:07 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

HP 86/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27

I'm unlikely to go first, so just going to roll initiative and consider my options while waiting for my turn


Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-12, 12:40 AM
Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)



Three arms leap out of the water, and Variel once again proves too slow to avoid a cut (take 14 damage). Reed strikes again! Shaking off the demon poison, the Variel casts a spell to protect Reed and Dolgan. The pale men seem content to remain under the water with the lobster demons. It is now Laertius’ turn.

The dice just aren’t on your side, Crucival! That second hit came before your successful save, so luckily you’re not dazed and penalized again.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-12, 03:05 AM

Stepping forward, Laertius shouts a word in the tongue of celestials! A brilliant golden light blazes from his eyes, burning and blinding the creatures in front of him.

Move: two or three hexes W
Standard: Color Spray
Attack P1: [roll0] vs Will
Attack P2: [roll1] vs Will
Attack P3: [roll2] vs Will
Attack L1: [roll3] vs Will
Attack L2: [roll4] vs Will
Attack L3: [roll5] vs Will
Hit: [roll6] radiant damage, and the target is dazed until the end of my next turn.

Color Spray is Close Blast 5, so it should be large enough to encompass the whole group.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-12, 03:11 AM

I meant to use Bolstering Blood with that, but I forgot to roll the dice.

[roll0] damage to me, and the same to each target of the spell.

Lamest roll ever.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-12, 12:10 PM
Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)

Five out of the six water demons recoil from Laertius' spell. It is now Dolgan's turn.

2009-02-12, 01:16 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan moves directly into the river, taking the fight to his enemies. As he reaches the closest one, he finds it still dazed. Even as he swings, he calls a prayer to heal Variel. His enemy is too dazed to properly defend itself, and Dolgan's ancestor's axe bites into his target, the jaged edge easily tearing a massive gash that immediately starts bleeding heavily. To finish, Dolgan kicks with his leg, sweeping the creature's legs off the ground and pushing it sideways onto the ground.

HP 86/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27

Move to the east of Lob2.
Attack: Healing Strike (vs. AC; radiant damage)
[roll0] -> Critical!
[roll2] -> Enemy is also knocked down, and has ongoing 10 damage (until save)
If it hits, it is marked and Variel can spend a healing surge

2009-02-12, 01:33 PM
Reed takes advantage of the dazzling power of Laertius's spell to slip a blade past the creatures' defenses to try to pierce one of the thing's eyes.

Current Status:HP 73/73 Surge 18 Used 1/6
AC 29 (35 vs. OAs) Fort 22 Ref 30 Will 24
+2 AC/Ref goes away after Variel's turn

Use Sly Flourish on Lob2 if it's still alive, or Lob1 if it isn't.

[roll0] - Doesn't include penalty for ranged attacks vs. prone targets.

2009-02-12, 02:46 PM

Variel steps forward to the water's edge, lightning twisting along his blade's edge, and aims the blade at his enemies, firing the energy as branching, twisting bolts into the creature's bodies.

100/100 hp, AC 30, Fort 23 Ref 25 Will 23

Moves three squares west, to the water's edge. (If for some reason, Variel gets dazed again, he should still be able to use the power from where he is. I just wanted him to be the most attractive melee target, should the need arise)

Standard: Lingering Lightning Daily Power: Attacks 3 creatures within Ranged 5 (Lobsters first, then Pale Men, depending on who's alive.)

Int vs Reflex:
[roll0] for [roll1] lightning damage
[roll2] for [roll3] lightning damage
[roll4] for [roll5] lightning damage

I wasn't sure if the dazed status granted me combat advantage. If so, add 2 to all the relevant above rolls.

If hit, full damage and 5 ongoing lightning damage, save ends.
If miss, half damage, no ongoing damage.

Prepared Action: Aegis of Assault mark as a minor action, should any of the demons decide to come within 2 squares/hexes

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-12, 03:19 PM

Reforming the blood weapon, Laertius hurls it towards the group of confused demons like a javelin. At his shouted command, it multiplies in midair until a veritable hail of crimson darts fall and pierce their grotesque forms, pinioning them to the ground like stakes.

Regardless of what the one creature un-dazed does, I'll be targeting the massed group.

Standard: Blood Pulse
Attack P1: [roll0] vs Will
Attack P2: [roll1] vs Will
Attack P3: [roll2] vs Will
Attack L1: [roll3] vs Will
Attack L2: [roll4] vs Will
Attack L3: [roll5] vs Will
Hit: [roll6] damage, and until the end of your next turn the target takes 1d6 damage for every square it leaves.
Bolstering Blood: [roll7] damage to me and anything hit by the spell

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-12, 05:45 PM
Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)



After being ripped open by Dolgan’s axe, the lobster man makes a desperate attempt to counterstrike, but is quickly pulled downstream with its guts spewing into the river. The other demons retaliate, and Dolgan must move quickly to avoid a similar fate (total of 14 damage). Reed manages to cut one of the monsters, and Variel’s spell sends two other reeling. Ms. Took flies over behind Variel and whispers a word of arcane haste in his ear, allowing him to strike speedy blow with his sword. In a flurry of long arms, the two remaining lobster men lash out at Dolgan, Variel and Laertius all at once. Variel is once again hit! (15 damage, dazed and -2 to attacks again.) Laertius’ spell torments all five remaining demons, and then more as everyone in the river drifts downstream. One of them screams as if the water were acid, and then stops moving altogether. It is Dolgan’s turn.

2009-02-12, 06:13 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan steps back out of the river and away from the creatures. Once on dry land, he gasps for air and, concentrating, calls upon Moradin's fires to destroy the demons before him. Dolgan's symbol suddenly flares with the strength of a sun, the burning light bathing all around him. He watches satisfied as three of the demons are stunned by the bright light, one of the pale ones in particular almost bursting into flames. "Hit them now!" he growls, "Those three won't be able to move for a while!"

HP 72/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27

Move one hex east
Solar Wrath vs. Will, radiant damage
[roll2]-> Critical! Damage=32
(Any demons/undead hit are stunned until the end of my next turn)

2009-02-12, 07:17 PM
Reed smiles wickedly as the light of Dolgan's lord burns the demons, but does little different from what he had done several times before. Taking advantage of its pain, his blade moves to catch the nearest shelled thing between its armor plates.

I forgot that these things were ruled to be demons! Good times! Of course, this means that I'm just going for damage, so I'm going to be using Sly Flourish on Lob3 without moving!

Ooh, shiney damage rolls :smallbiggrin:

I outdamaged Dolgan's critical!

2009-02-12, 08:54 PM

The proud Eladrin reels, and grunts with annoyance at being poisoned. Yet again.

"Creatures of Chaos, I....hate.....VENOM!" He then coughs, embarassedly, and begins slashing with his electrified sword, hoping to shake off the feeling of lightheaded-ness in case he falls forward and starts to drift downstream.

85/100 hp, AC 30, Fort 23 Ref 25 Will 23
Dazed, so I get all of one action:
Standard: Lightning Clash Encounter Power
Int vs AC, on Pale3. I'm going to assume that my -2 to hit and +2 for combat advantage end up balancing out. If not, adjust my roll by -2 accordingly.
[roll0] for [roll1] damage

If it hits:
Int vs Reflex, on the nearest living lobster within 5 squares of Pale3
[roll2] for [roll3] lightning damage.

Save versus venom: [roll4]

TS, could you let me know if I've managed to mark any of these guys with Aegis of Assault?

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-13, 12:33 PM
Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)



After Dolgan's prayer and Reed's blade, only one demon remains alive. It snarls at Variel in fury.
Pale3 is bloodied but not stunned.

Crucival, I’m not sure why you’re asking me which demon you’ve marked, as Aegis of Assualt requires no rolls. I didn’t do Variel’s turn because I thought you might want to pick a different power now that there’s only one demon left. Also when you take your turn, make a basic melee attack thanks to Ms. Took’s magic.

2009-02-13, 12:57 PM

Variel uses magic to rewrite time and space, adapting to new conditions and changing his actions accordingly.

The lightning sheathing his sword concentrates to a fine point at the tip powered by Chaos, which detonates as he swings the Pale Man.

85/100 hp, AC 30, Fort 23 Ref 25 Will 23

So: Since there's only one demon left, it hardly matters who I've marked. I was asking because I had Aegis of Assault as a prepared action on the first monster to come within 2 squares, so I wasn't sure if that would be Pale3 or not. Sorry I wasn't clear.

Also: Thanks for letting me retake my turn! I appreciate you letting me reconsider.

Now then: Standard Action:
Lightning Clutch (not clash) Encounter power
Int vs AC: [roll0] for [roll1] damage
EDIT: Since Pale3 isn't stunned, the above attack roll should be -2, so 26.

If Pale3 is still alive, it gets marked with Aegis of Assault. Which is silly, but I mostly just used this power for the extra damage die.

Finally, the Ms. Took-induced basic Melee attack:
[roll2] for [roll3] damage.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-13, 02:17 PM

Pointed teeth on display in a fierce grin, Laertius casually shakes a single drop of his blood onto the beach in front of him. With a rumble the stained earth spits a heavy chunk of itself at the remaining demon with unchecked weight.

Standard: Spectral Ram
Attack: [roll0] vs. Fortitude
Hit: [roll1] force damage, and you push the target 3 squares and it is knocked prone.
And an additional [roll2] damage for being pushed three squares.

Whiff. :smallamused:

2009-02-13, 02:50 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan moves around the last enemy until he is opposite Variel as he mutters a call for Moradin's thunder. As he raises his axe to strike, a keen eye can see that it is bristling with electrical energy all along its jagged edge. Dolgan then unceremoniosly swings his axe into his enemy's back with a grunt.

Move until flank is achieved
Split the Sky vs. Fortitude, thunder damage
If it hits, push it 2 squares out of the water and knock it prone

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-14, 12:00 AM
The demon screams in pain and rage as Variel's spell savages its pale flesh. Giving up the fight, it swims with the current. Despite everyone's best efforts to finish it off, it disappears down around the river's bend.

Not that it matters, but you've reached your first milestone! With the short rest you'll no doubt take before diving into the demon lair, you have 55 minutes of water breathing left. Now I'm going to spend the weekend deciding how best to ramp up the difficulty.

2009-02-14, 06:24 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan sits for a moment in the riverside, catching his breath. "Nice little fight. I suspect they won't be so easy from now on. We are going into their turf, and we'll be on a tight schedule. Anyway, anyone needs some healing?"

If anyone is going to spend a healing surge, Dolgan can use up to two Healing words that he'll get back during the rest. In case you want to, you get:

I suspect none of us is so hurt we need the extra juice, but since I'm posting, I might as well make the rolls just in case.

2009-02-14, 01:49 PM
"You look a bit winded," Reed smiles at his companions. That halfling himself doesn't seem the slightest bit tired, and he says so. "That 'fight' wasn't even as strenuous as some of the throwing competitions I did in my youth, but if you need a bit of rest it might be beneficial if I go scout the enemy lair a bit and determine its layout. The demons would have less of a home field advantage then, after all."

I didn't actually get hurt at all that battle, and didn't even burn any encounter powers. Actually, after the surprise round I didn't even move...

Anyway, in case people want me to go scouting during the rest of the party's short rest, I'll take my medicine (which I avoided before for this very reason), go into the water and into the lair all sneaky-like, and look around for a couple minutes before heading back. If spotted or otherwise attacked I'll activate my Feytouched Armor and invisibly get out as quickly as I can, using an action point and quadruple-moving if I can't get out of sight with a double-move on the second round of invisibility.

Skill checks if necessary:
Hey, I rolled low on a Stealth check! Even though it may not get used, that's still the first time that's happened!

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-14, 02:28 PM

Absentmindedly closing the cut on his arm, Laertius ventures over to the shore and looks at the entrance to the underwater cave.

You wouldn't be tired, would you? You hardly contributed.

He turns back with a wry grin on his face. Clearly he was just twitting the halfling.

Let's get a move on. Time is against us.

Spending a healing surge to recover from the blood sacrifice.

2009-02-14, 02:34 PM

Variel pauses to lean against a tree, recovering his strength momentarily. Then he stands, and moves to the shoreline.

"Shall we venture into the lair of the beast?"

Using a healing surge, so he's back at 100% and has 7 surges left

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-17, 10:42 AM
This (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg) is what Reed sees on his scouting mission. The tunnel walls are covered in a sickly green resin, obviously meant to maintain structural integrity. The central tunnel is clear, but when Reed looks into the first two chambers he sees the floors, walls and ceilings covered with beating hearts. Apparently the hearts are attached to the resin, for they all point toward the center of the two chambers. The hearts bulge with veins with every beat; they don't have open arteries and veins protruding into the water, but they do have small tentrils that reach upward and undulate slowly. Beyond the hearts, within the two chambers, Reed sees pale men and lobster men who are somehow attached to the wall. Their eyes are closed and their limbs droop; they are apparently resting amidst the hearts and green resin.

2009-02-17, 12:17 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan looks slightly disgusted at Reed's description of the underwater cave. "Beating hearts? Demons attached to the walls? Truly these are strange days. Although I seem to recall..." he looks far away, before continuing, "Bah, maybe it'll come to me. While I would like nothing better than to destroy such place, if we are to recover anything from the inside we may have to wait until we are ready to exit before we do something about the decoration. I say we go in, dispose of the resting creatures before they wake, and push in before the weeds stop working."

As usual, no idea what knowledge check I should be doing to see if Dolgan has heard of something like this. Covering my bases:
In case he has heard of it before:

In case he can deduce a few more things about it:
[roll2] (It's "alive", so to speak...)

And the ever-useful "flash of inspiration":

2009-02-17, 02:00 PM
Reed squeezes water and muck from his hair and out from under his armor. "The place is creepy if nothing else. Makes me wonder where they got all those hearts."

Thinking for a moment, he continues "I think you're right... If the lair is held up by this strange flesh and goo on the walls, we're probably best off avoiding damaging it until we can find what we need unless we're desperate, even if it might be what sustains the mobile demons as they rest. Let's go in, kill the ones in the first chamber, and move quickly to get through before the rest are alerted if we can."

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-17, 02:01 PM

Tapping his staff on the river bank in obvious impatience, Laertius eyes the water with obvious distaste.

Let them sound the alarm and rush to the entrance. They'll bunch up, and I'll blast them to pieces.

He puts his pack a ways off from the water to preserve its contents.

The oldest, simplest strategies are the best.

2009-02-17, 02:23 PM

Variel searches his memory for anything resembling such a cave. Perhaps he had come across it during his studies of Chaos and its beasts...
Arcana [roll0]
History [roll1]

He looks from one party member to the other, and then closes his eyes, considering for just a second before replying.

"Laertius has the right idea, though we can...modify it, somewhat. I can hold back the enemies in a single corridor, with Dolgan's help, while Laertius and Reed attack from afar. We need not face the entire hive in one battle, but we can try and use the same strategy for each room."

2009-02-17, 02:49 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

"The only problem with letting them know we are here and waiting outside is that it gives them the advantage, and we are not going to be so lucky that this is the only entrance," musses Dolgan. "I am worried about the escaped creatures, too. They have had plenty of time to find a secondary entrance, and they may be gathering support even as we speak. So far, we have vanquished small groups, but if the entire enemy force comes streaming out, we will run out of energy before they run out of meat shields. No, I agree with Variel - it is safer to take them on, one room at a time. The small corridors, too, will hinder them more than they hinder us, stopping them from overwhelming us, unlike here in the surface."

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-17, 05:51 PM
Dolgan and Variel recognize the hearts as a kind of proto-demon. Many demons aren't born or hatched--they begin as various types of obscene bits and later become living, breathing, killing demons. Though probably helpless, the hearts are no doubt sensitive to their environment and to nearby movement. Like full grown demons, proto-demons hunger for blood and can be satiated for a short while with it.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-18, 02:08 PM

Forgot to roll skills.
Arcana: [roll0]
Dungeoneering: [roll1]
Religion: [roll2]
History: [roll3]

2009-02-18, 02:22 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan quickly fills in the others on what he suspects, "Those are the demon's equivalent of eggs. I would still not advise attacking the walls too much, but if we pop a few of the hearts, not big loss. But we are wasting our hour out here - shall we go inside?"

((Assuming no-one objects))

Dolgan wades into the river, his heavy clothing pulling him down as he gets to the entrance. He signals Variel, "Would you mind taking point? From the description, it will quickly open into a chamber, but if we are attacked before then, I can reach our enemies from afar with my burning light, while I would just be on your way"

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-18, 02:35 PM

Stepping into the water, Laertius mutters to himself as he begins to soak.

Suddenly I'm glad I chose not to wear long, flowing robes like my more academic peers...

2009-02-18, 02:37 PM

Variel nods at Dolgan and moves to the front of the group, his hide armor allowing him to be a bit more mobile as he slowly goes under the water.

"I believe those hearts may act as a sort of...security system. They can sense movement, and will wake the demons if they detect us. However, being creatures of chaos, we may be able to calm them with blood." He speaks in a scholarly, almost professorial tone, and then draws his left palm across the blade of his longsword. "Let's hope we can get the drop on them, hm?"

With that, he dives into the lair and begins directing the flow of blood from his palm into the water, aiming it at every heart he can find.

2009-02-18, 11:21 PM
Reed enters the water again nervously, commenting "I'm not sure how I'm going to throw any distance underwater, so I might have to close with the things. At least they'll probably be more eager to go for our blood mage if they smell him in the water, right?" Holding a dagger at the ready in front of him, the halfling kicks his way towards the beasts' lair at the rear of the group, ahead of only their Fey companion.

Also, rolling initiative now just in case.


Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-19, 12:24 AM
"How distasteful." says Ms. Took as the five of you swim into the first chamber (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg).
Okay, skill challenge time! Anyone performing the coup de graces should roll Athletics. Anyone calming the hearts with blood should roll Arcana. This challenge requires four successes before three failures, so everyone roll three times and I'll tally the success/failures in order.

2009-02-19, 01:00 AM

The Eladrin concentrates on calming the hearts with blood, allowing the others to pour in behind him and begin killing.

Arcana checks!

And just in case, for some reason, you need it: Initiative: [roll3]

2009-02-19, 01:12 AM
Reed positions himself over one of the slumbering creatures, examines it as he quietly removes a second dagger from his sleeve, and then swiftly punctures the thing's heart as he other blade opens the front its neck. Examining his handiwork for a moment to make sure his victim's life stops, he moves to the next one to repeat the process.

I suspect that I'll be delivering at least one of the coup de gras, as I have a crappy Arcana skill and deal the most single-target damage of the party.

Also, this came up in a thread in the gaming forums recently: is Sneak Attack damage maximized on a critical hit? My own interpretation is that it is not, but I leave it up to you.


Vox Clamantis
2009-02-19, 02:47 AM

With a sigh that escapes his mouth as a burst of bubbles, Laertius holds out his hand and allows a streamer of blood to escape, willing it to snake through the water and pacify the demons.

Arcana: [roll0]
Arcana: [roll1]
Arcana: [roll2]

2009-02-19, 03:10 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan decides that the best for the job of calming the hearts would be the wizard, and moves over to help Reed take care of the sleeping demons. Unfortunately, a jagged dwarven axe is not exactly the best tool for the job.


Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-19, 01:31 PM
A half dozen hearts expand greatly, as if to give a mighty pump, as Dolgan drops a little too close to them as he coup de graces his first demon, but Variel and Laertius send streamers of blood their way and they slowly return to normal size. After that, the remaining demons are dispatched without problem and you make your way into the next chamber. (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg) There, you find many more demons to kill.
More demons to kill means more successes needed! :smallamused: Please roll six rolls this time.

2009-02-19, 01:38 PM

Variel, happy to be efficiently and cleverly disposing of the creatures, rather than having to fight each one in the unfamiliar underwater milieu, continues to push his blood around.

As he does so, he whispers to Laertius (assuming that water breathing confers some ability for intelligible water-speaking):

"You use your blood as your power source, correct? Can you destroy everything that's absorbed your blood, once we're finished here?"

If he can't talk intelligibly to Laertius in a quiet enough voice, he won't talk, (so don't read the spoiler).

Let's get rolling! More Arcana:


2009-02-19, 01:50 PM
The process of destroying the creatures in the second chamber is the same as the first: slit the throat and pierce the heart.


...Well, THOSE rolls certainly weren't as good as I'd hope...

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-19, 02:31 PM

Living blood powers my spells. Theirs, mine, any living blood will do. But blood dies quickly outside the body.

Arcana: [roll0]
Arcana: [roll1]
Arcana: [roll2]
Arcana: [roll3]
Arcana: [roll4]
Arcana: [roll5]

2009-02-19, 05:39 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan pushes himself off the floor and half-swims half-walks to the next room, where he continues the slaughter, hopefully without waking any of the creatures.


Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-20, 01:50 AM
This time it is Reed who causes a cluster of hearts to almost...do something, by being a bit overzealous with his dagger. The lair's creepiness must be getting to his nerves. Another chamber cleared, and the next turns out to be two linked cambers. (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)
This double chamber requires twelve successes before three failures. I think six rolls each will do it, one way or another.

2009-02-20, 03:50 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan signals Reed that he will be taking the chamber to the right before drifting his way there, careful not to brush against the hearts.


I'm fairly certain that 5 rolls would be enough (that gives us 20 rolls total, and the maximum number of rolls is 12 successes + 5 failures, or 11 + 6 = 17), but it costs us nothing to roll an extra time.

I have been wondering, do skill challenges count towards the milestones of the day?

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-20, 04:35 AM

Following Dolgan to the right, Laertius once again directs streamers of his blood around the chamber in a weird display of magical aptitude.

Arcana: [roll0]
Arcana: [roll1]
Arcana: [roll2]
Arcana: [roll3]
Arcana: [roll4]
Arcana: [roll5]

Here goes.

2009-02-20, 10:27 AM

Shaking his head to brush away the light-headedness, Variel continues pacifying the demons moments before they meet their grisly end.

Arcana, take 3!

2009-02-20, 11:11 AM
Reed is quick to push off away from the hearts on the walls, shaking slightly as he watches them deflate. In the next chamber, he will try to be more careful; the creatures in this place are dangerous enough that a single mistake could doom them all.

Hopefully I roll better this time...


Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-21, 07:17 AM
Reed again nearly screws up, but you finally clear the double chamber and move on to the biggest one yet. (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg) This one is different; there are hearts on the walls but many of them are partially detached. They float several feat away from the floor, wall and ceiling on single strands of resin. These floating hearts have fleshy, bony and chitinous growths around them; they are apparently on their way to becoming full demons. They will make clearing this chamber much more challenging.

Twelve successes before three failures, again. Same number of rolls.

Grey_Wolf, I'll get back to you on the milestone question. I don't think skill challenges count, because they don't use any resources that milestones replenish, but I'm not sure.

2009-02-21, 07:35 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan whistles at the sight in the latest chamber. "This is going to be tricky. I would expect this to end in trouble. M'lady, don't enter until we are done, or we are detected. This is bloody work indeed," he ends, once again rising his axe as he pushes into the room, weaving amongst the half-formed demons.


2009-02-21, 01:01 PM
It is apparent now that Reed is getting increasingly shaken by the strangeness of the environment and the stress of assassinating true monsters. His voice is small, barely audible through the water, and shakes as he whimpers "This isn't good. I'm not sure how we're going to avoid awakening this last set, so be very careful and very watchful."

Alright, once more, not-crappy roll machine, go!



2009-02-21, 01:12 PM

Variel glares silently at Reed, wondering if the halfling is trying to take revenge for blowing his cover. But destroying a fake identity is hardly worth the death of the entire party, right?

Variel didn't know. He had a hard time evaluating the priorities of others. Unlike him, they didn't understand the value of Chaos, and that alone was enough to put their thoughts fundamentally out of his reach. Shrugging, he takes his off-hand and continues to dump blood into the water.


Vox Clamantis
2009-02-21, 03:57 PM

Skin beginning to chap a little from overexposure to water, the devil kicks a little ways into the room and begins to direct his blood around the room like a grotesque conductor.

Arcana: [roll0]
Arcana: [roll1]
Arcana: [roll2]
Arcana: [roll3]
Arcana: [roll4]
Arcana: [roll5]

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-23, 06:15 PM
Edging your way into the final chamber, you note several important features before you continue your grim work. At the far side of the chamber, coins and other valuables litter the floor. Among the coins lies a large brownish-green object. When Ms. Took sees it, her wings flutter excitedly and she whispers “The seed!” Unfortunately, there is a large demon sleeping in the wall directly behind the coins and seed. It is unlike anything you’ve yet seen; its legs and arms resemble a slender toad’s, while its body is that of an enormous eel. Its head is that of a lion fish, with the colorful blue and black spines continuing down to its body and limbs. The water within three meters (nine feet) of the demon is periodically lanced with fine forks of lightning that emanate from its spines.

This time, you only manage to kill two lobster demons before Dolgan and Reed get too close to a floating heart-demon. Its eyes have no lids yet, but they go from a vacant stare to a wild shifting in a moment. Before anyone can strike at it, its heart swells to twice its size and then pumps a great cloud of dark red spores that explode to every corner of the chamber with amazing speed. Instantly, every demon in the chamber is awake. Roll initiative!

Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)

2009-02-23, 06:31 PM

HP 100/100 AC:30 Fort: 23 Ref: 25 Will: 23 1/10 surges used

"Damn. And we were doing so well..." Variel quips, as he turns towards the largest demon. Eyes flashing, he quickly examines the fish-creature and its various minions, and gathers a quick initial impression.

Initiative: [roll0]
And to see what he knows about the large beast, and/or how dangerous the hearts are:
Arcana: [roll1]
Perception: [roll2]

EDIT: If any of the enemies hits Variel with missile weapons (i.e. lobster attacks), he will use his Dimensional Dodge daily utility to evade the attack and teleport into a hex adjacent to the attacker (Max range 20 squares). If possible, he will avoid teleporting into an aura.

2009-02-23, 06:35 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan looks almost pleased at the weakening of the demons. In his fierce battle voice, he growls, "Good. Moradin does not approve of butchering enemies in their sleep. Although He would do an exception with demons, I will rather meet them in face-to-face battle." Holding his axe and shield before him, he starts praying loudly for Moradin's blessing for the upcoming battle

HP 72/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27


2009-02-23, 07:34 PM
Reed's previous jumpiness pays off in this case. The moment the spore cloud clears, one of his knives blooms in the great thing's leg as he retreats behind his allies with a drowned shout.

I'm probably going first...


...so I'll just declare my actions now. If I go before the large demon, I'll use Easy Target on it then move back to the square to the right of Laertius. First Strike grants me CA in this case.

If I don't go before the large demon, I'll use Ferret Out Frailty on it so I have combat advantage before using Easy Target and moving.

Either way, attack and damage rolls are the same.
Also if hit, the thing is slowed and grants CA to me (save ends).
If miss, half damage and grants CA to me until end next turn.

I don't think it has cover or anything like that, but I probably take some penalty for being underwater.

Also, if I'm hit I'll use Second Chance to force a reroll.

Current Status:HP 73/73 Surge 18 Used 1/6
AC 27 Fort 22 Ref 28 Will 24

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-23, 07:52 PM

With an evil grin, Laertius prepares to show the demons why letting him lace the room with his blood might have been a bad idea...

Initiative: [roll0]

I usually go last, so I'll wait until my turn.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-26, 05:20 PM
Reed's dagger buries itself in one of the great demon's hind legs, causing it to reel in pain and bulging-eyed rage. It is now Laertius' turn.

Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)


Vox Clamantis
2009-02-26, 06:05 PM

With a gesture and an expression of fiendish glee in his eyes, Laertius causes the blood that he had leaked around the chamber to suddenly dart towards one side of the room and absorb into the bodies of the demons there.

Free: Bolstering Blood [roll0] damage to me and to every target hit by Blood Pulse
Standard: Blood Pulse the hex just north of Heart 8.
Attack Lob 2: [roll1] vs Will
Attack Heart 6: [roll2] vs Will
Attack Heart 8: [roll3] vs Will
Attack DEMON: [roll4] vs Will
Attack Heart 5: [roll5] vs Will
Attack Heart 7: [roll6] vs Will
Attack Lob 1: [roll7] vs Will
Attack Heart 4: [roll8] vs Will
Hit: [roll9] damage, and until the end of my next turn the target takes 1d6 damage for every square it leaves.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-27, 12:56 AM
Laertius' blood spell strikes at the demons, and the hearts demons scream briefly, and then are lifeless. The two lobster demons strike at Laertius and one's pincer injects its poison into his blood. (6 damage, -2 to attacks, dazed, save ends) The great demon remains where it is, glaring at Laertius and Reed balefully. It pulls Reed's dagger out of its leg with a foreleg, and the wound immediately begins to heal. It is now Variel's turn.

Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)


2009-02-27, 01:29 AM

HP 100/100 AC:30 Fort: 23 Ref: 25 Will: 23 1/10 surges used

Variel extends an aura of protection over the party, and then darts forward, positioning himself between a pair of heart demons and swiping his sword in a circle, a wave of force blasting outward from him in all directions.

"Nuisances. I'll clear the way. Concentrate on the main demon." Even as the force of his weapon dissipates, he gazes at the main demon, noting every fact about it. Chaos must fuel its regeneration, and grant it the power to use the other demons.

Across the room, he tugs at the thin threads of power that connect him to the Soul of Chaos, trying to touch the creature's mind, if only briefly.

Minor Action: Silversteel Veil encounter power. Variel and everyone in close burst 1 get +2 to AC and Ref until his next turn. So he's now at AC 32 and Ref 27. Dolgan, Laertius, and Reed also get the same bonuses, since he uses it before he moves.

Move Action: Move one square west, and two squares southwest, to put him in between heart1 and heart2.

Standard Action: Sword Burst At-will power
Close burst 1, Int vs Ref (Not sure whether I roll once for the whole burst, or once per target)
Heart1: [roll0] for [roll1] force damage
Heart2: [roll2] for [roll3] force damage

Using his Chaos sense to see if the Demon is some sort of thinking creature, and whether it's controlling the smaller demons.
Arcana: [roll4]

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-27, 10:53 AM
Variel expertly cuts down two heart demons with a single swing. Reaching out with his mind, he finds the great demon's psyche writhing with the reckless hate typical of demonkind, but he also senses intelligence somewhere underneath it. How much intelligence, though, is up to speculation.

The last heart demon moves in and claws toward Laertius, but only succeeds in flailing about. It is now Dolgan's turn.

Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)


2009-02-27, 11:44 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan completes his prayer, and in the few seconds that have passed the battlefield is far more empty. Dolgan quickly moves forward, reducing his distance to the demon. "Meet your destruction, spawn of hell! Moradin will not allow you to survive this day!" he shouts, before calling upon Moradin to mark him for destruction. A white light projects from Dolgan's emblem and envelops the demon, remaining there to eat away its flesh.

Dolgan, however, is not done. As in previous fights, he calls forth the fires of Moradin's forge, burning and stunning the demons around him as the cave is brightly illuminated by the white flames spurting from his axe.

HP 72/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 31 Fort 25 Reflex 26 Will 27

Move: Move NorthWest->West->SouthWest->SouthWest.

Free Action: Smite Evil on the Demon

Standard Action: Cascade of Light on Demon
Wis vs. Will Ranged 10 Radiant damage
[roll0] Critical! (Illuminating Attack)
[roll1] 34 damage (including +2 from Smite Evil)
If it hits, +2 damage from smite evil and Demon becomes vulnerable to all damage from Dolgan (save ends). If it does not hit, half damage

Action Point: Demon gets 10 ongoing radiant damage (15 if he's vulnerable to Dolgan, I think) (save ends)

Extra Standard Action: Solar Wrath
Wis vs. Will Close burst 8 Radiant damage

Demon gets +2 damage if I hit and missed the previous attack (Smite Evil)
Any demonic entity hit is stunned until end of my next turn

Man, that was long. Hopefully I haven't forgotten anything...

2009-02-27, 12:02 PM
"No true god would allow abominations like these to exist! Return to the dust which spawned you!" Reed shouts, his confidence returning now that open battle has broken out. Once more, he strikes at the eel-toad, attempting to draw its attention and make it drop its guard against his companions' attacks.

Assuming I still have CA from Easy Target for the time being.

Distracting Shadows on the demon.

[roll0] ...Crap.
If hit, it grants CA to me and all allies until the end of my next turn.

If Easy Target's CA lapsed, I'll just use Ferret Out Frailty on it before attacking.

Current Status:HP 73/73 Surge 18 Used 1/6
AC 29 Fort 22 Ref 30 Will 24
AC and Ref drop by 2 at the end of Variel's turn.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-27, 03:56 PM

Parrying the demonic heart's attack with his staff, Laertius shouts a single, muffled word and fades from sight, becoming nearly transparent. His barely detectable outline seems to move off a few feet before the battle is lit by a flash as a shard of brilliant light appears and slashes at the lightning demon.

Minor: Blur (+2 all defenses 'til the end of the encounter and invisible to anyone 5 or more distant)
Move: Shift W
Standard: Mordenkainen's Sword
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll1] force damage

Tequila Sunrise
2009-02-28, 11:25 AM
Dolgan's prayers stun each demon, except for the remaining heart, and wrack the great one with lingering holy power. Reed takes aim, but a nearby heart pumps a spray of spores into his face and his blade doesn't come near anything. Laertius' conjured sword opens a small wound on the great one. It is now Variel's turn.

Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)


Vox Clamantis
2009-03-01, 03:21 AM

Since almost all of the demons are stunned, I'll post Laertius' actions and ignore the un-stunned heart

Stepping closer to the demons, Laertius dramatically whips his staff around and points it at the largest of their number. A brilliant stobe of light pierces the underwater cavern, bright as the sun on a clear day.

Across the room, the conjured plane of force continues to dart around, slashing.

Move: W two hexes
Standard: Color Spray (massive 5 close burst, love the size of it)
Attack Demon: [roll0] vs Will
Attack Lob 1: [roll1] vs Will
Attack Lob 2: [roll2] vs Will
Hit: [roll3] radiant damage and the target is dazed until the end of my next turn.
Minor: Sustain Mordenkainen's Sword
Attack: [roll4] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll5] force damage.

I included Combat Advantage from the stun into my attack rolls.

Vox Clamantis
2009-03-01, 03:23 AM
Additional Damage for the crit on Lobster 1:


2009-03-01, 05:02 AM

HP 100/100 AC:30 Fort: 23 Ref: 25 Will: 23 1/10 surges used

Variel turns a terrible glare on the stunned demon, and bounds forward, spreading his Aegis of Assault over the large creature, and then gathering magical energy at the tip of his sword as he stabs it twice towards the slug-fish-toad.

Move Action: Move 5 squares straight west, to be adjacent to the demon.
Minor Action: Aegis of Assault, on the demon.
Standard action: Burning Blade, on the demon
Int vs AC [roll0] for [roll1] fire damage
(Assuming +2 for CA balances out -2 for fire attacks in water)
All subsequent attacks in this encounter do 3 bonus fire damage, regardless of whether this power hits.

AP used, for standard action: Spikes of Agony, on the demon
Int vs AC [roll2] for [roll3] force damage, with +3 fire damage. Assuming this hits, that's 23 damage total from this power.
(This roll includes CA)
If the demon moves before the start of Variel's next turn, it takes 8 additional damage.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-03-01, 02:25 PM
As Varielc closes with the demon, he is stabbed by lightning (take 5 lightning damage). Variel executes his first strike too soon, but his second opens a wound on the great demon's body. The heart demon flails at Laertius, but is easily batted aside by the tiefling's staff. It is now Dolgan's turn.

Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)

Lob2 (Stunned)
Demon (Bloodied, Slowed, CA, Stunned)
Lob1 (Stunned)

2009-03-01, 02:44 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan takes a moment to consider the situation. The big demon is finally starting to look like the attacks are damaging it, clearly bleeding from several of the bigger wounds. The fact that the smaller ones are closing up, though, worries him. When Variel charges into the field, though, Dolgan quickly decides that he should remain outside - if that field laid them both low, there would be no-one to defend the wizard and the halfing from attacks. "Sacred Flame of Moradin!" he calls out, as a white fire tendril surges across the battelfield to hit the demon

HP 72/86 Healing Surge 21 (0 used /9)
AC 29 Fort 25 Reflex 24 Will 27

Sacred Flame vs. Will; radiant damage
[roll0] (includes CA from stun)
[roll1] (includes vulnerability)
If it hits, Variel gets 5 temporary HP

Tequila Sunrise
2009-03-01, 06:52 PM
Moradin's light sears the great demon's flesh just as it and the lobster demons recover from Dolgan's last prayer. It is now Reed's turn.

Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/One/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)

Demon (Bloodied, Slowed, CA)

2009-03-01, 11:00 PM
Reed flips a dagger at the toad-eel, aiming for its throat, before swiftly moving to flank the last half-formed creature. Striking at the creature's uncovered heart, he hardly even pauses before continuing farther towards the chamber's far end.

Lead off with Trickster's Blade, then move to flank Heart3 with Laertius. It should get an OA at this point. Then, use an action point, Sly Flourish the heart, then move to the square immediately right of Lob1 (Master Infiltrator grants me an extra move action when I spend an action point).

[roll0] As always, no penalties for water included.
If hit, I gain +4 AC until the end of my next turn.

Current Status:HP 73/73 Surge 18 Used 1/6
AC 27 Fort 22 Ref 28 Will 24
AC is at +6 vs. OAs, and another +4 if Trickster's Blade landed.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-03-02, 11:04 AM
...inflicts further pain upon the great demon with two spells. A lobster demon nearly hits Laertius with its extended claw, but the mage flings up a spell of shielding just in time. The other lobster demon circles Reed, avoiding the halfling's attack but is unable to land a blow itself. In a flurry of painful motion, the great demon stands up, moves toward Reed and then blasts Laertius and Dolgan with a gout of lightning from its great maw. (11 lightning damage)

Map (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/Slateskies/Two/4eDyingEarthMap.jpg)

Demon (Bloodied, Slowed, CA)

Vox Clamantis
2009-03-03, 12:09 AM

Making the best of a bad situation, Laertius waves his staff through the water and commands a fierce underwater current to smash the big demon and knock it against the wall.

Standard: Spectral Ram
Attack: [roll0] vs Fort
Hit: [roll1] force damage and the target is pushed 3 spaces and knocked prone.
Minor: Sustain Mordenkainen's Sword
Attack: [roll2] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll3] force damage

HP: 66/78 AC: 32 Fort: 26 Reflex: 28 Will: 25

2009-03-03, 04:33 PM

HP 100/100 (5 temp hp) AC:30 Fort: 23 Ref: 25 Will: 23 1/10 surges used

Variel seems to shudder--at first, it appears with fear--and then the vibration throughout his entire body seems to gather into his blade, stirring the water around it with a hum that echoes through the cavern. He stabs the blade forward into the large beast, a crack of underwater thunder rolling outward.

Standard Action: Booming Blade At-will Power
Int vs AC [roll0] for [roll1] Damage, plus 3 fire damage from the "burning blade" effect.
On hit: If the big demon moves away from being adjacent to Variel, it takes [roll2] thunder damage

2009-03-03, 05:01 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan seems to take a few seconds longer than Laetius to recover from the electrical discharge, his body still shaking by the time the wizard has already attacked. However, Dolgan is not really that hurt, and a growl coming from his mouth reveals him to be angry, and getting angrier. A shake of his head clears his mind, his wounds basically forgotten and with a dwarvish battle shout, he charges at the demon, delivering an overhand axe blow.

HP 82/86 Bloodied 43 Healing Surge 21 (1 used /9)
AC 31 Fort 27 Reflex 26 Will 29

Delay until after Laetius

Minor action: second wind

Move straight west next to the demon

Standard action: Awe Strike (Str. vs Will)
[roll0] (+2 if demon is prone)
On a hit, enemy is immobilized until the end of Dolgan's next turn, which I'm hoping will stop it from standing up, if it is prone

2009-03-03, 05:44 PM
As the lobster-beast reaches out to strike him, Reed grasps its arm, using it to pull himself away from the largest beast. As he streaks through the water, he strikes at the toad-eel in its flank.

Move to the right of Lob1, then Sly Flourish the large demon. Both demons can take an OA against me, but my AC is 37 since Trickster's Blade's AC boost is still active. I'm not sure if I'm taking damage from the lightning aura; I assume so, but how much?


If the large one hits me, I'll use Second Chance to force it to reroll.

Oh, and for my own OAs, I have +16 to hit with no CA and 1d4+5 damage.

Current Status:HP 73/73 Surge 18 Used 1/6
AC 27 Fort 22 Ref 28 Will 24
AC is at 31 until the end of my turn, and +6 against OAs.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-03-04, 12:57 AM
Variel wounds the great demon further, then Dolgan moves in and delivers the killing blow with his axe. While the beast’s eyes darken in death, the lobster demons attempt to retreat to the safety of the current above, but are cut down or knocked out. (Your choice.) The fight finished, Ms. Took immediately heads toward her seed. You have plenty of time to exterminate the proto-hearts and/or collect the treasure, which will be prepared shortly.

Oh, and you gain a level!

2009-03-04, 05:16 AM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan is finishing chopping up the last lobster demon down to kindling by the time his rage starts to evaporate. As his mind starts to contemplate concepts other than destruction, he looks around to take a good look at his surroundings now that they are not dominated by a demon. He is particularly interested, intellectually, in the huge ssed, but the riches around him call upon his genes strongly as well. With a sigh, he floats down to the floor, and spends some time cleaning his axe.

"Nice little fight, nice little fight," he observes at the world at general. "So, anyone in need of healing? I still have some energy left, and I like to make sure everyone is patched up before I take a break."

I'll do my level-up this afternoon, I need my books for that and I'm at work.

In case anyone wants to use a healing surge, the first two can get a healing word, as usual:

[roll0] (includes healing gloves)
[roll1] (includes healing gloves)

Vox Clamantis
2009-03-04, 06:47 AM

As Laertius passes his hand over a shallow cut on his forearm, the wound closes and heals over.

Nothing I can't handle, thank you.

He looks at the seed with interest, his hands held conservatively close to his chest as he leans in.

Arcana: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Nature: [roll2]
Religion: [roll3]

2009-03-04, 11:17 AM
Reed swims to examine the scattered treasures, pausing to destroy any of the neophyte demons that may be near or among them as he does. "I will be fine once we're out of this vile place. I've always disliked doing assassinations, especially somewhere as creepy as this and doing as many as we just did."

I'm still not certain whether or not I actually took any damage from the large demon's aura, but if so I'll spend a healing surge to recover it.

Also, skills for searching through the loots:

2009-03-04, 01:13 PM
"Don't think of them as assassinations. For most of these creature's it a relief from a hateful existence and a life filled with nothing but pain, hunger, and anger. " Variel says clinically, as he travels around the room, collecting samples and investigating. A few pieces of bony protrusion, a lightning-imbued piece of the toad-eel demon, some treasure(boring!), a chunk of the resin making up the walls, maybe a piece of proto-heart. He might take a look at the seed, too, if Ms. Took is willing.

"Chaos brings them into being hateful of all life, and does its best to warp them so they know only anger and destruction. Quite masterful way to make a minion, if you have no need of nuance."

Arcana and Perception, for examining the various demons, magic items, chaos power sources, and loot in the room.

Arcana [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

No surges necessary. He's only taken 5 damage.

2009-03-04, 01:57 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Since his companions all seem healthy enough, Dolgan finishes his small rest and gets on his feet, carefully examining the room and the treasure, before joining Ms. Took to take a look at the seed.

Level Up: Gained 5 HP; added Healing Sun daily power to my list (supposedly an utility, although I've seen encounter powers that hit for less damage); swapped Bless for Shield of Faith; taken the Righteous Wrath special Dying-Earth-only feat; finally, I've had mythweavers do all the math, so hopefully there are no mistakes there.

With his new modifiers, Dolgan will:

Tequila Sunrise
2009-03-05, 11:29 PM
The pile of loot contains:
A ring with a magical aura
A pair of boots with a magical aura
A belt with a magical aura
A shield with a magical aura
A dagger with a magical aura
A Sword Mage’s Spell Book
Coins and gems worth 8,000 gp
Many human bones
A suit of rusty plate mail, embossed with a white cross on a black field
4 rusty long swords
3 rusty shields
As Ms. Took pulls a sack out of somewhere in her dress and approaches the seed, Laertius and Variel notice that it has a magical aura surrounding it. An aura of illusion, in fact. To Dolgan, the seed looks very much as a natural seed should look.

2009-03-06, 03:29 AM

Variel scoops up the boots and the spellbook, relatively unconcerned with gold as he shoves the other treasures into his Bag of Holding for later safekeeping. As his eyes fall upon the illusion-bound seed, however, he casually, nonchalantly moves to the mouth of the cavern, blocking Ms. Took's exit.

"Fine work, everyone. Ms. Took, I must say, that's one of the better weaves of illusion I've seen in a long time. What're you really retrieving?" He says it as if it's the most simple thing in the world, one craftsman in magic talking to another. And yet his sword is still drawn and he is standing relaxed but imposing between her and the exit.

Intimidate [roll0] Go go Circlet of Authority!

Vox Clamantis
2009-03-06, 03:35 AM

Aware that he's not really suited for the role of 'good cop', Laertius settles for bluntness.

Whose illusion is that, and what is it hiding?

2009-03-06, 11:35 AM

"Ms. Took, I must say, that's one of the better weaves of illusion I've seen in a long time. What're you really retrieving?" He says it as if it's the most simple thing in the world, one craftsman in magic talking to another. And yet his sword is still drawn and he is standing relaxed but imposing between her and the exit.

Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Dolgan lifts his head from the pile of coins he has been carefully counting and storing away, and with a puzzled look on his face asks Variel, "Illusion? What illusion?" then, detecting the tense atmosfear, he quickly gets up and unslings his axe once more, although he clearly doesn't know who needs defending at this point.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-03-06, 03:52 PM
Ms. Took doesn't seem to notice anyone speaking to her as she runs a hand over the seed. A second aura of magical flairs up around it as it shrinks to the size of your [not Reed's] palm.

"I wasn't entirely thruthful with you good folk. This is a seed, so to speak, and I am responsible for it. I really want to trust you four, but I've learned caution in who I trust, the hard way..." Quick as a wink, she plops the seed into her sack. An aura of magic briefly flares around her, and then Ms. Took is not there.

If you think you can stop her from leaving, you can roll initiative.

2009-03-06, 04:00 PM
Dolgan Glanbek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104662), Priest of Moradin

Surprised by her sudden disappearance, Dolgan starts moving to block the exit.


Did we get enough of a rest to refresh our encounter powers?

Also, I'm about to be AFK for about 24 hours. Thankfully I tend to be the last one to move anyway.

2009-03-06, 05:14 PM

Variel watches as she miniaturizes the seed, then narrows his eyes. blocking the exit as before. This time, however, he tries not to seem hostile. He wants the truth, not violent confrontation.

"Trust issues. Those tend to come up, when one deals with Chaos." Self-referential? Perhaps. The way she spoke about the seed, however, suggested that she was less interested in causing mass destruction than in serving her own motives with secrecy. If she wanted to do them harm, why would she bother to say she wanted to trust them? Assuming she's invisible, rather than incredibly good at teleporting, he speaks. "Tell me that this seed won't be used to harm or destroy, and I'll step aside. I hardly care about anything else."

Initiative [roll0]

2009-03-06, 06:44 PM
Reed swears softly, pushing away from the treasure pile without picking anything up and swimming as quickly as he can towards the entrance. Since even invisibile creatures leave some trace of their presence, Reed pays as much attention as he can to the water around where Took vanished while still maintaining his pace.

I'm not 100% certain what I'll do if I catch her, but I guess I could attempt a grapple. I could slow her down a lot with Walking Wounded, but that's a daily and I'm leery about using it for something like this.

In any case, double run towards the entrance of the caves and minor action to make a Perception check.


Since I'm running and double moving, I'm moving 16 total. If we're halving because of swimming now, that's 8. Either way, I probably outun our fey friend.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-03-08, 02:09 AM
As Reed swims toward the chamber's exit, he hears a faint buzz headed that way too. He shouts to Variel, who reaches out with both hands, but he can't hear what Reed hears and catches nothing more than a bit of wall muck. In another moment, everyone is gathered at the chamber's exit. Suddenly Ms. Took appears out of thin water and speeds away, with wings buzzing fast so that everyone can hear them now.

The chase is on! If you want, you each have one round to incapacitate Ms. Took in initiative order before she reaches the surface.

Ms. Took

2009-03-08, 02:33 AM
Reed is quickest to go after the fairie, moving as quickly as he possibly can to disable one of her wings and grab her out of the water if he can.

I'm not sure if I can use another action point now, since I used one during the preceding battle and it may not have been 5 minutes. However, I can use From the Shadows, since I didn't use it during the previous battle.

Regardless, assuming she is actually taking the run action for the speed boost, I have CA against her, which should improve my to-hit chances, and if not I'll use Ferret Out Frailty to get CA anyway.

So, From the Shadows, moving 7 before the attack from that (not sure if that move is halved from water), then making the attack, then moving another 7 from From the Shadows if my attack hits.

If she gets actually taken down, I'll just knock her out.

Then, my actions depend on whether or not I can use another action point and how far away from me she is now.

If she's within my move distance (7), I'll move to be adjacent to her.
If I can spend an action point and she's within my double-move distance (14), I'll double-move and attempt to grab her.
If I can spend an action point and she's within my double-run distance (18), but not within my double-move distance, I'll double-run and attempt to grab her.

Regardless, attack roll for grab if I can spend an action point:
[roll3]; -5 if I had to run at all.
If hit, she's immobilized.

...I realize that these series of actions are quite complicated. If you don't understand, please tell me and I'll try to clarify.

Also, athletics checks:

Vox Clamantis
2009-03-08, 03:39 AM

Without making any motion to chase the sprite, Laertius waves the others off.

Don't attack her! She took what was hers!

2009-03-08, 07:03 AM

Without making any motion to chase the sprite, Laertius waves the others off.

Don't attack her! She took what was hers!

"Maybe so, maybe so, but she also lied to us. How can we trust her about her right of property?" says Dolgan. His voice has, once more, taken a dangerous edge. "I am always a willing listener, but I do not respond well to surprises."

He watches as Reed gives chase and he cannot but whistle softly. "Moradin, that halfling can run!"

Not my turn. Abusing talking as a free action (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TalkingIsAFreeAction) rules :smallbiggrin: