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View Full Version : 3.5 Artificer

2009-01-26, 05:01 PM
In what sourcebook is the Artificer class found?

2009-01-26, 05:03 PM
Eberron Campaign Setting.

2009-01-27, 06:09 AM
Eberron Campaign Setting.

But absolutely don't use it without getting the official errata. That way filthy broken madness lies.

2009-01-27, 06:11 AM
But absolutely don't use it without getting the official errata. That way filthy broken madness lies.

What? There's ONLY a way to spend four feats to get items that are completely free, require no xp to create, and take 0 hours to make.

2009-01-27, 07:47 AM
What? There's ONLY a way to spend four feats to get items that are completely free, require no xp to create, and take 0 hours to make.

That would take 12 feats, unless you mean "or"... but yes, 12 feats and you can instantly make anything you can fesibly make as a free action and with no reagents. What broken about that? I mean, wizards get to create fireballs as a free action with less feats! :smallamused:

2009-01-27, 07:58 AM
What? There's ONLY a way to spend four feats to get items that are completely free, require no xp to create, and take 0 hours to make.

and even that can't technically be done as text trump's table, and the feats themselves don't mention that they can be taken more than once.

2009-01-27, 11:57 AM
But absolutely don't use it without getting the official errata. That way filthy broken madness lies.

Is the official errata posted online anywhere? If not, is there a standard name by which it can be purchased online?

2009-01-27, 03:18 PM
and the feats themselves don't mention that they can be taken more than once. Actually, the RAW default is that you can always take feats more than once unless stated otherwise.
If a character has the same feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated otherwise in the description.

In general, having a feat twice is the same as having it once.

2009-01-27, 03:20 PM
Is the official errata posted online anywhere? You can get everything here: Official D&D Errata (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20060531a).

2009-01-27, 05:33 PM
Wait, isn't the version in the errata even stronger? I certainly liked the idea of getting the Craft Wand feat earlier.