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Fax Celestis
2006-10-04, 11:12 AM
The Kolumaka are the result of breeding between elves and--of all things--beholders. Strangely, the process has not twisted the Kolumaka either in morals or in form, and the most prominent display of their strange heritage is a third eye in the middle of their forehead.

The Kolumaka have a number of "daughter" races, including the Haukea, the Leilani, the Hekiliao. and the Kaimana. These are simply steps down the evolutionary scale.

Alignment: Kolumaka tend towards neutrality and evil, though this is by no means a requirement.

Lands: Kolumaka have no particular lands, though they tend to live in the same environs that beholders do.

Religion: Most Kolumaka are not religious, though those that are tend to worship gods of darkness.

Language: Kolumaka speak Common as well as their own racial language, Kolumaka.

Player Character Kolumaka
Constitution +2, Intelligence +2, Charisma +2
Kolumaka are medium sized.
A Kolumaka's base land speed is 30 feet.
A Kolumaka also has a base fly speed of 10 feet (Average).
Monstrous Humanoid: Kolumaka are monstrous humanoids with the (Kolumaka) subtype.
Third Eye: A Kolumaka's third eye is not a vestigal organ and provides the following benefits:
Trinocular Vision: A Kolumaka receives a +2 racial bonus to Spot checks and a +1 racial bonus on ranged attack rolls due to their unique depth perception.
Beholdereye: Once every five rounds, a Kolumaka can emit a ray of magic, similar to that of a beholder. This ray can be any one of the following: charm person, fear, inflict moderate wounds, sleep, or telekinesis. These each have a maximum range of 5 feet per Hit Die of the Kolumaka, a save DC of 10 + 1/2 the Kolumaka's Hit Dice + Charisma modifier, and a Caster Level equal to 1/2 the Kolumaka's Hit Dice (minimum 1).
Antimagic Vision: Except while using one of their eye rays, a Kolumaka's third eye emits an antimagic field, as the spell, in a 30' cone. This cone disappears during any round in which a Kolumaka uses one of their eye rays and reappears the beginning of the next round.
A Kolumaka's third eye also grants them darkvision out to 60' and low-light vision.
Automatic languages: Common, Kolumaka
Bonus Languages: Undercommon, Elven, Draconic, Dwarven, Abyssal, Infernal
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment: +4
Haukea are humanoids who come from the cold southern reaches. They are descended from the Kolumaka. They appear as slightly shorter and pale humans with a distinguishing characteristic--a third eye in the middle of their forehead. Haukea have pale skin and light hair. Haukea have a natural predilection towards both skilled trades and magic.

Alignment: Most Haukea tend towards lawful neutral, due to the strict requirements of their subarctic lifestyle. Adventuring Haukea are more chaotic than normal Haukea, sometimes moving so far as to be chaotic neutral.

Lands: Haukea prefer colder climates and have evolved to handle extremely cold temperatures.

Religion: Most Haukea prefer to worship deities related to heat and cold, such as deities of the sun, of winter, of snow, or of fire.

Language: Haukea speak common as well as their own racial language, Kolumana.

Player Character Haukea
Strength -2, Dexterity +2, Wisdom -2, Charisma +2
Haukea are medium sized.
A Haukea's base land speed is 30 feet.
Humanoid: Haukea are humanoids with the (Kolumaka) subtype.
Third Eye: A Haukea's third eye is not a vestigal organ and provides the following benefits:
Trinocular Vision: A Haukea receives a +2 racial bonus to Spot checks and a +1 racial bonus on ranged attack rolls due to their unique depth perception.
See The Unseen: A Haukea's third eye allows them to see invisible or ethereal creatures and objects within their normal range of vision as if they were not invisible or ethereal. This ability can be used for a total time of one minute per hit die per day, divided however you choose, with each usage taking up a minimum of one minute. In addition, during the use of this ability, the Haukea loses their racial bonus to Spot checks and ranged attack rolls.
A Haukea's third eye also grants them low-light vision.
Stoic Endurance: A Haukea suffers no harm from being in an extremely cold environment as long as they are clothed. They can exist comfortably in temperatures above -30 degrees Farenheit without having to make Fortitude saves. This does not provide any protection against cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards.
Frigid Adaptation: A Haukea adds +1 to the save DCs of all spells they cast with the (Cold) descriptor.
Automatic languages: Common, Kolumaka
Bonus Languages: Aquan, Draconic, Dwarven, Halfling, Ignan
Favored Class: Spellthief
Leilani are humanoids who live in the deep jungles of central Mastaci. They are related to the Haukea through ancestral relations ot the Kolumaka, but have diverted into their own species. They appear as slightly shorter humans with two distinguishing characteristics--a third eye and pointed ears. They have darker skin--ranging from tan to near-black--much darker than the pale Haukea. Leilani have a natural predilection towards jungles, woods, and other forested environments.

Alignment: Most Leilani tend towards neutrality and good. However, this is by no means a requirement.

Lands: Leilani prefer heavily forested environments, up to and including rainforests and deep jungles. It is not unheard of, however, for Leilani to come into towns and cities. They don't usually stay long, except in exceptional cases.

Religion: Most Leilani prefer to worship deities related to nature and animals, such as Horjin or Nelig.

Language: Leilani speak Common as well as their own racial language, Kolumaka.

Player Character Leilani
Dexterity +2, Intelligence -2, Charisma -2. Leilani are nimbler than most, considering their wild nature, but they lack the education and tact that comes with civilization.
Leilani are medium sized.
A Leilani's base land speed is 30 feet.
A Leilani also has a base climb speed of 20 feet. This grants them a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. It must make a Climb check to climb any wall or slope with a DC of more than 0, but it can always choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened while climbing. If it chooses an accelerated climb, it moves at double its climb speed and makes a single Climb check at a -5 penalty. It cannot run while climbing. It retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus on their attacks against a climbing Leilani. Also, Leilani can add either their Dexterity modifier or Strength modifier to Climb checks (whichever is higher).
Humanoid: Leilani are humanoids with the (Kolumaka) subtype.
Third Eye: A Leilani's third eye is not a vestigal organ and provides the following benefits:
Trinocular Vision: A Leilani receives a +2 racial bonus to Spot checks and a +1 racial bonus on ranged attack rolls due to their unique depth perception.
Lifesight: Leilani can use detect animals or plants as a spell-like ability. This ability can be used for a total time of one minute per hit die per day, divided however you choose, with each usage taking up a minimum of one minute. In addition, during the use of this ability, the Leilani loses their racial bonus to Spot checks and ranged attack rolls.
A Leilani's third eye also grants them low-light vision.
Racial Weapon Proficiency: All Leilani are proficient with the shortsword, handaxe, spear, javelin, and shortbow.
Illiteracy: Leilani are illiterate but can purchase the ability to read all languages known to them by buying two ranks of Speak Language.
Automatic languages: Common, Kolumaka
Bonus Languages: Sylvan, Terran
Favored Class: Barbarian
Hekiliao are humanoids who live in the stormy steppes of southwestern Vespasia. They are related to the Haukea through ancestral relations to the Kolumaka, but have diverted into their own species. They appear as slightly shorter humans with three distinguishing characteristics--a third eye in the middle of their forehead; long, nimble fingers; and blue hair that runs down their back like a mane. They have light skin ranging from white to light blue. Hekiliao have a natural predilection towards electricity and industry.

Alignment: Most Hekiliao tend towards chaos and good. However, this is by no means a requirement.

Lands: Hekiliao prefer stormy environments and love thunderstorms. Most Hekiliao find them holy (or at least entertaining). Hekiliao frequently inhabit large settlements. They are friendly with gnomes and other tinkers, and love finding ways to imbue objects with electricity.

Religion: Most Hekiliao prefer to worship deities related to electricity and storms, such as M'oll.

Language: Hekiliao speak Common as well as their own racial language, Kolumaka.

Player Character Hekiliao
Strength -2, Dexterity +2, Constitution -2, Charisma +2. Hekiliao are weaker and less resilient than most, but have nimble fingers and strong personalities.
Hekiliao are medium sized.
A Hekiliao's base land speed is 30 feet.
Humanoid: Hekiliao are humanoids with the (Kolumaka) subtype.
Third Eye: A Hekiliao's third eye is not a vestigal organ and provides the following benefits:
Trinocular Vision: A Hekiliao receives a +2 racial bonus to Spot checks and a +1 racial bonus on ranged attack rolls due to their unique depth perception.
Magic Sight: A Hekiliao's third eye allows them to see magic as if through the detect magic spell. This ability can be used for a total time of one minute per hit die per day, divided however you choose, with each usage taking up a minimum of one minute. In addition, during the use of this ability, the Hekiliao loses their racial bonus to Spot checks and ranged attack rolls.
A Hekiliao's third eye also grants them low-light vision.
Electrical Adaptation: A Haukea adds +1 to the save DCs of all spells they cast with the (Electricity) descriptor.
Elemental Resistance: A Hekiliao has Electrical Resistance equal to their Hit Dice.
Automatic languages: Common, Kolumaka
Bonus Languages: Auran, Gnomish, Dwarven, Elven
Favored Class: Sorceror
Kaimana are humanoids who live under the ocean. They are related to the Haukea through their ancestral relations to the Kolumaka, but have diverted into their own species. They appear as slightly shorter humans with two distinguishing characteristics--a third eye and webbed fingers and toes. Kaimana have a natural predilection towards aquatic endeavours.

Alignment: Most Kaimana tend towards chaos, following the ideals of the stormy ocean. However, this is by no means a requirement.

Lands: Kaimana prefer aquatic environments and have evolved to life under and above water.

Religion: Most Kaimana prefer to worship deities related to water and the ocean, such as Leviatan.

Language: Kaimana speak common as well as their own racial language, Kolumaka.

Player Character Kaimana
Dexterity -2, Constitution +2, Intelligence +2, Charisma -2. Kaimana are tougher than most, since they are able to deal with extreme underwater pressures with ease. They are also highly intelligent. However, their webs get in the way of fine motor coordination, and they tend to come across as abrasive and withdrawn to outsiders.
Kaimana are medium sized.
A Kaimana's base land speed is 20 feet.
A Kaimana also has a base swim speed of 40 feet. This grants them a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks to perform some action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
Humanoid: Kaimana are humanoids with the (Kolumaka), (Psionic), and (Aquatic) subtypes.
Third Eye: A Kaimana's third eye is not a vestigal organ and provides the following benefits:
Trinocular Vision: A Kaimana receives a +2 racial bonus to Spot checks and a +1 racial bonus on ranged attack rolls due to their unique depth perception.
Lightsource: By concentrating, a Kaimana can cause their third eye to emit light as if through the my light psionic power. This ability can be used for a total time of one minute per day per hit die, divided however you choose, with each usage taking up a minimum of one minute. In addition, during the use of this ability, the Kaimana loses their racial bonus to Spot checks and ranged attack rolls.
A Kaimana's third eye also grants them darkvision out to 60'.
Amphibious: A Kaimana is able to breathe both air and water with equal ease.
Naturally Psionic: A Kaimana gains one bonus power point at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
Automatic languages: Common, Kolumaka
Bonus Languages: Aquan, Sylvan, Elven, Gnomish, Halfling
Favored Class: Psion
These feats are designed for players of races of Kolumakan descent, such as the Haukea, the Hekiliao, the Leilani, or the Kaimana.

Genetic Mutation
Prerequisites: Haukea, Hekiliao, Leilani, Noelani, Ahihele, or Kaimana of 1 HD

Benefit: Your third eye has the second listed power of one other Kolumakan race (Haukea, Hekiliao, Leilani, Noelani, Ahihele, or Kaimana) in addition to your own. It shares the same limited duration of your existing power.

Normal: Your third eye only has one power.

Strong Lineage
Prerequisites: Haukea, Hekiliao, Leilani, Noelani, Ahihele, or Kaimana of 1 HD, Wisdom 15, Charisma 15

Benefit: Your third eye's second listed power is replaced with an antimagic ray, akin to that of a beholder. This ray is beholden to the limits and duration of your previous power, but does not have its normal effect. Instead, all magic caught within its area (a 15' cone) are affected as if within an antimagic field.

Normal: Your third eye has its normal listed power.

2006-10-04, 11:21 AM
i like it but flavor-wise why are all the races other than the main one "slightly shorter"?

2006-10-04, 11:22 AM
Interesting. The Kolumaka's level adjustment seems too low. That's the only thing I saw.

Fax Celestis
2006-10-04, 11:23 AM
i like it but flavor-wise why are all the races other than the main one "slightly shorter"?
Genetic disposition.

Fax Celestis
2006-10-04, 11:25 AM
Interesting. The Kolumaka's level adjustment seems too low. That's the only thing I saw.
What would you give it? Or should I do LA + RHD?

Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick
2006-10-04, 11:30 AM
These look like some truly astounding racial variants...would I be correct in assuming that, like your new moniker seems to be, they are rooted in hawaiian mythos?
I've always found that a fairly rich vein of song and story (though I make, unfortunately, little use of it).

Fax Celestis
2006-10-04, 11:59 AM
The names are, the peoples are not.

However, if you chop the names in half and pop em into a Hawaiian dictionary, you should get some interesting results. Hau//Kena is "white snow". Kolu//Maka is "third eye". Lei//Lani is "heavenly flowers". Hekili//Ao is "storm cloud'.

I plan on adapting the Hawaiian pantheon soon.

2006-10-04, 12:53 PM
Hmm, this is rather interesting. I am curious as to how such mating pairs come to be, due to the assexual reproduction of Beholders. But that's just me being nit-picky.

My first reaction is to say, "Oh cool, elves with three eyes!"

My next reaction would be to say that they are quite a powerful set of races. As such, I don't think the LA's are high enough.

The Kolumaka have antimagic vision turned on ALL the time, unless they fire a ray. This means a dude strapped in +5 gear turns into a regular schmoe in a high-fantasy setting, when the ray is upon him. That seems REALLY powerful in my opinion. Worth at least a +1 or 2 LA.

They also have non-equal stats, worth a +1 LA.

The trinocular vision gives a +1 to ranged attacks, which is worth a free weapon focus feat. I would say this was worth +1 LA, though it could be argued.

Overall, I would say leave the Kolumaka at +3 or maybe take it to +4.

Next is the Haukea. The +1 to cold descriptor DC's easily is worth a +1 LA, as is the +1 to ranged attacks and antimagic vision. Overall, I would say at least a +2 LA.

Nextly is the Leilani. Unbalanced stats, and the +1 to ranged attacks should be worth a +2 LA.

Next on the list is the Hekiliao. I would like to say that I find the idea of these guys very entertaining. I've not seen many cultures that hail so much towards electricity. Its refreshing and unique. Nice job! On the topic of LA's, I would say that the unbalanced stats is a -1, and the +1 to electricity descriptor spells is a +1, along with the questionable +1 to ranged attacks. Overall, I'd give this a LA+1 or keep it the same.

Last is the Kaimana. Again, interesting idea with psionic aquatics. Its unique. The +1 to ranged attacks is the only thing that gets me. Up to you, but I'd say +1 LA.

Ok, overall, this stuff is quite interesting. I like the flavor of it.

Fax Celestis
2006-10-04, 12:59 PM
Hmm, this is rather interesting. I am curious as to how such mating pairs come to be, due to the assexual reproduction of Beholders. But that's just me being nit-picky. All shall be revealed in time.

The Kolumaka have antimagic vision turned on ALL the time, unless they fire a ray. This means a dude strapped in +5 gear turns into a regular schmoe in a high-fantasy setting, when the ray is upon him. That seems REALLY powerful in my opinion. Worth at least a +1 or 2 LA.

They also have non-equal stats, worth a +1 LA.

The trinocular vision gives a +1 to ranged attacks, which is worth a free weapon focus feat. I would say this was worth +1 LA, though it could be argued.

Overall, I would say leave the Kolumaka at +3 or maybe take it to +4.
I'm considering a +4, or perhaps a Racial Hit Die.

Next is the Haukea. The +1 to cold descriptor DC's easily is worth a +1 LA, as is the +1 to ranged attacks and antimagic vision. Overall, I would say at least a +2 LA.
Erm, Haukea don't have antimagic vision. They have the ability to see invisibility. In addition, Halflings have a +1 to all ranged attacks in addition to a bunch of skill additions, so I don't think that the +1 to ranged attacks is worth a +1 LA, unless we're going to do the same to halflings.

Nextly is the Leilani. Unbalanced stats, and the +1 to ranged attacks should be worth a +2 LA.Unbalanced stats, true, but it's an overall negative. -2 Int, Wis, and Cha is a very bad thing. It means you'll have trouble feinting in combat, making will saves, and get less skills. I'll reiterate the ranged attack statement above as well.

Next on the list is the Hekiliao. I would like to say that I find the idea of these guys very entertaining. I've not seen many cultures that hail so much towards electricity. Its refreshing and unique. Nice job! On the topic of LA's, I would say that the unbalanced stats is a -1, and the +1 to electricity descriptor spells is a +1, along with the questionable +1 to ranged attacks. Overall, I'd give this a LA+1 or keep it the same.LA+0.

Last is the Kaimana. Again, interesting idea with psionic aquatics. Its unique. The +1 to ranged attacks is the only thing that gets me. Up to you, but I'd say +1 LA.
...see previous. ;)

2006-10-04, 03:12 PM
*looks at his mistakes from above* D'oh!

Yeah, I can see your points. However, I thought halflings gained a +1 to ranged attacks based on their size mod?

As for the unbalanced stats, the leilani have a +2 STR and DEX. Thus, they should have the minuses they have, plus another -2 to another mental stat, as per the DMG on page 173. A bonus to STR or DEX both suggest a penalty to TWO mental stats each. This is how I determined your stats to be unbalanced. And as per creating monster rules, ANY amount of unbalancing stat costs a +1 LA. Again, you can ignore it if you want, but that's all I was saying.

As for the Kolumaka, I'd suggest just another +1 LA, instead of a racial HD. Racial HD's, let's face it, suck. It counts as a level when determining HD, but without any other benefits of a level.

Fax Celestis
2006-10-04, 03:43 PM
Right. LA +4 it is, and I'm dropping the Str bonus and the Wis penalty from the Leilani.

And PS: Halflings?

Small: As a small creature, Halflings gain a...+1 size bonus on attack rolls...
And then later:

+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings...

2006-10-04, 07:47 PM
Holy crap... does that mean they automatically have a +2 to ranged attacks, regardless of class? :o

Ok, the races look good to me. I might have to try these out in a campaign sometime. I'll ask permission prior to use, of course.

Have you thought of any other flavors of these guys? Such as living on, near, or inside volcanoes (magma, baby!), perhaps underground versions that can have an affinity to shadows (not to be confused with drow :-X), or perhaps some that have taken up the "wings" of their parentage and live among the clouds (clouddancers has a nice ring to it)?

Could there perhaps be a feat for them to increase their flying capabilities (or give them flying where none was had before), or one to increase the range on their various visions? Perhaps after a certain point, the lineage crossovers allows a very limited, and not to accurate precognition?

Fax Celestis
2006-10-04, 07:58 PM
Heh. Your thoughts went exactly where mine did when I came up with these guys. There will be more coming forth, including spells that only Kolumaka can use (since they require a third eye), a Kolumakan domain, and a more in-depth explanation of just how the Beholder-Elf Horizontal Mambo happened. Probably a Kolumakan paragon class too.

And if you do want to use one of them, go right ahead. Just let me know how they play.

Fax Celestis
2006-10-04, 08:44 PM
Speaking of which...
Ahihele are humanoids who live in the volcanoes of Enherjer and the deserts of Arboria. They are related to the Haukea through ancestral relations to the Kolumaka, but have diverted into their own species. They appear as slightly shorter humans with two distinguishing characteristics--a third eye in the middle of their forehead and a ridged nose. They have dark red skin--ranging from reddish-tan to deep crimson--much darker than the pale Haukea. Ahihele have a natural predilection towards volcanoes and deserts.

Alignment: Most Ahihele tend towards law. However, this is by no means a requirement.

Lands: Ahihele prefer hot environments, particularly volcanic ones. They thrive on the heat, and anything less than eighty degrees Farenheit makes them feel chilly.

Religion: Most Ahihele prefer to worship deities related to fire, such as Agni.

Language: Ahihele speak Common and Dwarven, as well as their own racial language, Kolumaka.

Player Character Ahihele
Dexterity -2, Constitution +2. Ahihele are tougher than most, having lived in dangerous environments for their entire history, but are less agile than other races due to it.
Ahihele are medium sized.
An Ahihele's base land speed is 30 feet.
An Ahihele also has a base climb speed of 20 feet. This grants them a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. It must make a Climb check to climb any wall or slope with a DC of more than 0, but it can always choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened while climbing. If it chooses an accelerated climb, it moves at double its climb speed and makes a single Climb check at a -5 penalty. It cannot run while climbing. It retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus on their attacks against a climbing Ahihele. Also, Ahihele can add either their Dexterity modifier or Strength modifier to Climb checks (whichever is higher).
Humanoid: Ahihele are humanoids with the (Kolumaka) subtype.
Third Eye: An Ahihele's third eye is not a vestigal organ and provides the following benefits:
Trinocular Vision: An Ahihele receives a +2 racial bonus to Spot checks and a +1 racial bonus on ranged attack rolls due to their unique depth perception.
Fearsome Gaze: Ahihele can use cause fear as a spell-like ability. This ability can be used a total number of times per day equal to 1/2 the Ahihele's Hit Dice. In addition, whenever the Ahihele uses this ability, the Ahihele loses their racial bonus to Spot checks and ranged attack rolls for three rounds.
An Ahihele's third eye also grants them darkvision out to 60'.
Natural Skills: An Ahihele has a +2 bonus on Profession (Miner) and Profession (Smith) checks.
Stoic Endurance: An Ahihele suffers no harm from being in an extremely hot environment. They can exist comfortably in temperatures above 120 degrees Farenheit without having to make Fortitude saves. This does not provide any protection against heat or fire damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards.
Automatic languages: Common, Dwarven, Kolumaka
Bonus Languages: Ignan, Terran, Undercommon
Favored Class: Fighter
Noelani are humanoids who actually live in and on clouds. They are related to the Haukea and other Kolumakan races through ancestral relations to the Kolumaka, but have diverted into their own species. They appear as slightly shorter and incredibly thin humans with a distinguishing characteristic--a third eye in the middle of their forehead. They have light blue skin.

Alignment: Most Noelani tend towards chaos and neutrality, choosing to rollow the chaotic nature of the winds. However, this is by no means a requirement.

Lands: Noelani actually live in and on the clouds in the sky. This is mostly due to their unique cloudstep ability.

Religion: Most Noelani prefer to worship deities related to the air, such as Raghinalt.

Language: Noelani speak Auran as well as their own racial language, Kolumaka.

Player Character Noelani
Strength -2, Constitution -2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2. Noelani are light and fragile, but are very perceptive and have strong personalities.
Noelani are medium sized.
A Noelani's base land speed is 20 feet.
Humanoid: Noelani are humanoids with the (Kolumaka) subtype.
Third Eye: A Noelani's third eye is not a vestigal organ and provides the following benefits:
Trinocular Vision: A Noelani receives a +2 racial bonus to Spot checks and a +1 racial bonus on ranged attack rolls due to their unique depth perception.
Deathwatch: Noelani can use deathwatch as a spell-like ability. This ability can be used for a total time of one round per hit die per day, divided however you choose. Activating or deactivating this ability is a swift action. In addition, during the use of this ability, the Noelani loses their racial bonus to Spot checks and ranged attack rolls.
A Noelani's third eye also grants them low-light vision.
Cloudstep: Noelani have the unique ability to walk on any gas of a consistency thicker than air, such as a cloud. This includes spells like solid fog.
Automatic languages: Auran, Kolumaka
Bonus Languages: Aquan, Ignan, Draconic, Celestial, Common
Favored Class: Cleric

2006-10-05, 04:34 PM
Excellent! I like what you did here with these two. Very nice. I can't wait to see more. I have no problems with these, either

Fax Celestis
2006-10-05, 05:53 PM
The one thing I'm kinda concerned with is the Noelani's cloudstep ability.

2006-10-05, 07:50 PM
Well, when would it be a problem? I mean, are we talking about them walking on clouds of chlorine?

You could just state that it is only usable on clouds and fog (which is just low clouds). Its not going to come up often, I think.

Fax Celestis
2006-10-05, 08:02 PM
It says "any gas of a consistency thicker than air"?

2006-10-05, 09:44 PM
Right, what I'm asking, is how often is a person going to run into pockets of gas thicker than air? Gases that you can survive in, anyways.

Fax Celestis
2006-10-05, 09:57 PM
Tru 'nuff.

2006-10-05, 10:03 PM
Nifty. One question: "low light vision out to 60'"? Unless something new has happened, low-light vision has no limit. Please explain.

Fax Celestis
2006-10-05, 10:23 PM
Stupid Word autoreplace. I originally gave Darkvision to the Haukea, and changed my mind and gave low-light vision afterwards. Forgot to remove the durations.

The Ahihele are an exception to this. They're supposed to have Darkvision, due to their undergroun nature.

Let me fix that.

EDIT: Come to think of it, the Hekiliao should have it too. So now they do.