View Full Version : Oooh, I know!!!! (incredibly silly theory)

2009-01-28, 10:08 PM
The dragon is, in fact, V's MATE!

And really annoyed with him/her for racking off adventuring.

It explains it all. How he/she knows his/her name, why he/she goes straight for the kill, etc, etc.....

It all makes sense, you know it does.

The Blackbird
2009-01-28, 11:08 PM
The dragon is, in fact, V's MATE!

And really annoyed with him/her for racking off adventuring.

It explains it all. How he/she knows his/her name, why he/she goes straight for the kill, etc, etc.....

It all makes sense, you know it does.

Somehow I doubt it... But it could be right HA:smallbiggrin:

2009-01-28, 11:13 PM
I count myself as somewhat of a connoisseur of silly pointless theories and in that capacity I say... Well Done! Wish I had thought of it.

2009-01-28, 11:19 PM
pretty dang hilarious if not incredibly weird.

BTW, this is kind of a pervish thought... this raises the question in my head that if the dragons a guy, why isn't V dead? If you don't get it, just, don't bother. It's probably not worth your time...

Then again, V could really be a dragon. Like, one of those shapeshifting ones or something. 0.o

2009-01-28, 11:24 PM
That raises some important questions.

If V's mate was naturally a dragon, V would recognize or even suspect it without lashing out and fleeing like he does. He also wouldn't think the dragon was with Qarr.

If V's mate is another elf, she is capable of 9th level spells (specifically, Shapechange), since an illusion or a lesser polymorph would be incapable of duplicating the dragon's acid breath or spell resistance.

In addition, the dragon/dragon-impersonator mate being female would definitively answer the V's gender question, which I don't think the Giant would do (at least not like this.)

Based on these, Occam's Razor dictates that things are just what you see - a dragon that has it in for V is attacking him. Knowing V's name could be attributed to stalking him, though it would have had to be doing this at least since V left the ship in #599, the last time anyone said his name while he was around.

2009-01-28, 11:36 PM
Come on, V never realised his/her mate was a dragon. It was a shapeshifter, and due to it's incredible love for V, took the shape of an elf, and kept it that way for their entire relationship.

It also explains the vague sense of ownership that it has about V.

2009-01-29, 12:15 AM
Let this theory explain just one thing.
You are as skilled as my information led me to believe.


2009-01-29, 12:23 AM
And you thought the dragon was talking about MAGIC there, didn't you?

(Or, alternatively, there is no greater informant than the source)

2009-01-29, 12:28 AM
Given some of the weird interacial relationships I have witnessed in D&D this could be true. It is possible that V's mate somehow got *turned* into a dragon.

However, I think it is wrong. I think it is far more likely to be the mate of the dragon V disintegrated all that time back, looking for revenge.