View Full Version : The Spine [IC]

2009-01-29, 09:34 PM
It is a fine summer day in the Spine Fort. Today the first batch of recruits will be entering into active duty in the Fort militia. They have received only minimal training but it should be enough to give them an edge dealing with unallied tribes that have been raiding the surrounding villages.

Your commander, Drill Sergeant Dalto, a large Orc with a singularly hideous buzzcut and a voice best described as thunderous, strides across the courtyard to your squad.

"Alright Maggots!" He screams as obnoxiously as possible, "You've got your first assignment. The White fang Goblin clan has been raiding our outlying farms, and we need you to bust some heads."

He moves further down the line, looking at each member of the squad. "We're not sure were the little blighters are holed up, so you lot have to track them down." He points at the front gate and shouts directly into your faces, "Now get moving maggots!"

With that he strides back to his bunkhouse for a day of drinking and lazing about while others do his work for him. Which is his normal routine on a fine summer day.

Connor Darkdart
2009-01-30, 07:13 AM
As soon as the orc is out of sight Peldoe uses Change Shape and turns into a clone of the orc.

"Maggots Maggots, maggoty maggots! Maggot maggot!" he says.

"I get so tired of his constant shouting." Peldoe sighs.

He looks at the other "maggots".

2009-01-30, 08:07 AM

"I'm ready to move out, how far is this town?"

2009-01-30, 11:14 AM
A small stone paperweight strikes Peldoe in the back of the head. Dalto pokes his head out of the upper window of the barracks and shouts down to them, "I heard that Maggot!" He takes a swig of grog from his handy flask and pops back out of sight.

Back to the task at hand, you know from your residence at the fort that the Farms Dalto refers to are on the slopes below the Fort, so in effect you are already at the town. The White Fang clan must be hiding somewhere in the surrounding wilderness. You'll have to ask around and try to track them down.

2009-01-30, 12:24 PM
Kix's sybilant voice chortles with laughter as the stone strikes the wizard in the head.

"Let us Maggots go and ask the farmers where the goblins attacked from hmm?"

The kobold continues to giggle as he turns and walks towards the outlying farms . "Hee hee hee.. Maggots"

2009-01-30, 01:00 PM
Upon exiting the fort you are faced with the panoramic view of the various cottages, keeps, and farmsteads of the Spine village. From this vantage you can see several burned husks on the easteren edge of the valley. Those are most likely the farms that were attacked by the Goblin tribe.

Down the path from the fort you find yourself on the village green. There is a small knot of very agitated farmers standing on the green and arguing heatedly with one another. Several appear singed and one is waving a crude spear.

"I tells ya! Theys's come from out of da forest!" A smallish Gnoll with large area of his facial fur singed off yells.

"En I says theys's holed up in da mines! Ye stupid git!" The aged Orc waving the crude goblin spear retorts.

"Ye're both idiots! There aren't even any mines anywhere near here!" Interjects a crispy hobgoblin.

From there the arguments quickly devolves into namecalling and accusations that one another's mothers had congress with a list of increasingly unlikely creatures.

2009-01-30, 04:35 PM
Hronus had kept quiet, watching bemusedly as the Doppleganger mocked the orc. "Spot-on imitation", he thought, "right down to the inflated ego that glorified slob possesses." However, he couldn't help but laugh as the rock smacked Peldoe in the head.

Now, he watched the group of farmers slowly erode into a useless mass of squabbling. This is wasting our time. The tall minotaur took a step forward, clanged his axe and his shield and bellowed, "Quiet!"

Intimidate Roll to silence the farmers:

2009-01-30, 04:58 PM
You manage to intimidate the Hobgoblin and Orc, but the Gnoll remains unmoved.

The knot of farmers falls silent immediately and turns to stare at the minotaur. The majority are shaking in fright and surprise at suddenly being faced by such a fearsome warrior.

The Gnoll however remains unmoved and instead walks bravely toward you. "Oi! Why should we listen to you!" He glares at the group, "Ain't no buisness of yers anyway."

2009-01-30, 05:17 PM
Hronus returns the gnoll's glare. "Why? Because bickering like spoiled younglings gets us nowhere and it's getting on my nerves. And because if you don't, I'll cut you in twain."

Hronus brandishes his axe at the gnoll. "Furthermore, it is our business. We've been tasked with taking care of the White Fang Clan, and we need to know where exactly they're hiding. Unless you'd prefer we let them come back and burn the fur off the other side of your face, I'd suggest you lot get your act together and decide on a definitive idea as to where they are."

2009-01-30, 05:26 PM
The Gnoll backs off at the mention of being 'Cut in twain', but upon the words 'White Fang Clan' he gasps out, "Oi! Theys's the buggers that burned down my barn!" He suddenly looks sheepish.

"Well, we know that they's holed up somewhere in the eastern valleys." He looks back to the other farmers for support. "There ain't much places out there to hide"

The Orc steps forward to interject, "Well there's the old Dwarf mine." He nods sagely, "They abandoned it pretty soon after they started diggin, but the White Fangs could be hiding out there." He goes on to describe the approximate location of the mines and points out the pass they should take to reach them.

2009-01-30, 06:26 PM
Hronus smirked. There's nothing speaking forcefully and carrying a big axe can't solve.

After hearing all the orc had to say, he bowed his head in respect."Thank you, both of you. This is very helpful."

Hronus turns around to face the rest of the squad. "What say you all? Shall we head off to the mine?"

2009-01-30, 06:47 PM
Kix quirks his mouth as if pondering the minotaurs actions.. then setting his jaw as resolutely as a 60 pound kobold can, he walks over and pokes Hronus in the shin.

"You shouldn't threaten farmers.. You'll set a bad example for the others. We need to step above our base urges....

Besides.. If you cut him in twain, who will feed us?"

The 3'6" draconid nods his head, dusts off his hands as if satisfied, and starts his march towards the mine, stops, and turns back.

"Which way is east again?"

(Non existant Nature, Perception, Insight, and pretty much anything that might possibly used for navigation scores - also, how do you make one of those spoiler boxes?)

2009-01-30, 07:37 PM
Rolls from the OOC thread, where the roller cooperated

(d20+1)[14] Gargo
(d20+2)[20] Peldoe
(d20+1)[17] Hronus
(d20+2)[6] Kix
(d20)[13] Bermuda

Peldoe and Hronus, through some stroke of intuition manages to help you bumble your way through the woods to the Goblin camp. You find yourself at the treeline facing the cliff face. Lounging just outside the mouth of the cave is a squad of Goblins.

There are four goblins visible at the moment. The Goblins appear bored and aren't really paying attention to their surroundings. One appears to be asleep.

You are 4 squares to the Right of the goblins. The cliff face is below you. There are two goblins on either side of the entance, one directly in front of it and one directly in front of him.

Roll for Initiative.

2009-01-30, 08:31 PM
Kix clears his throat, steps to the front of the party, draws his sword, and shouts loudly in a shrill somewhat squeaky voice.

"Are you the goblins you raided the farms nearby? Surrender and explain yourselves!"


2009-01-30, 08:40 PM
Hronus groans as Kix announces the party's presence. First he tells me off for dealing with an impudent farmer, and now he ruins our chances of catching them off-guard?

Initiative Roll:

(( The dice gods probably don't like Kix because he ruined our surprise round. Argh. ))

2009-01-30, 08:51 PM
The Goblins snap to alertness at the unforseen interruption. Hearing the Paladin's questions they chatter something back in Goblin. Which no one in the party actually speaks.

Due to unforseen Goody two shoeing you lose your surprise round.

[roll0] +5
[roll1] +5

Wow, the normal goblins got a great intiative roll. And Kix keeps getting terrible rolls. The Dice god does not smile on you my friend.

2009-01-30, 09:10 PM
Kix stands his ground, positioning his tiny form between the goblins and the rest of the party.

"You live surrounded by a dozen other races and you don't speak common? Well that's rather foolish don't you think? Take me to your leader!"

Speaking openly and as forcefully as his tiny voice allows, he still keeps his sword ready in case the huge (to him) goblins decide to rush past him to the less formidable targets beyond.

lost initiative miserably or would be readying an action, but still ready to launch opportunity attacks and counter attack on his turn if they decide to attack. 1d20 + 7 intimidate .. yes my paladin did not train in diplomacy, he never quite got the knack

2009-01-30, 09:26 PM
Don't put spaces in your roll or it won't work.

Also Goblins are small sized as well. So they are just as tall as you are.

They don't speak common because they are savages. They are already unfriendly to you, which gives them a +5 to will defense. And you take another -5 penalty since you don't speak their language. Which means a total check of DC 22. I'll roll for you now then.


Well... Holy ****. Natural 20.

Your divine fervor shines through, bypassing their natural hostility and inability to speak common. Your very presence is so terrifying that the Goblins are momentarily stupefied by your righteous fury.

With a scream of utter terror they abase themselves before you and tremble at your feet.

2009-01-30, 10:14 PM
Bermuda smiles and draws her sickle from its sheath

"allow me to harvest these once your finished with them"

2009-01-30, 10:23 PM
Seeing the sinister hobgoblin draw a weapon the terrified Goblins scamper back into the cave and flee down the tunnel, shrieking something in Goblin.

New Goblin voices can faintly be heard from inside the tunnel, presumably asking why the other Goblins are freaking out. The tunnel is 10ft wide throughout. You pursue them down the tunnel (because otherwise we are never going to get anywhere) and find yourself turning a corner. Ten feet in front of you the tunnel branches off to the right, shouting can be heard down that tunnel. Fifty feet Straight ahead the tunnel opens up into a wider chamber.

Roll for Initiative, again.


I'm assuming the party would be Kix and Gargo in first rank, then Hronus and Bermuda in second rank, and Peldoe in the last rank.

2009-01-30, 10:30 PM
Initiave: [roll0]

2009-01-30, 10:32 PM
Hronus pursues the goblins into the cave, with the rest of the group.

Initiative Roll:

2009-01-30, 10:48 PM
bermuda readies a curse on the nearest enemy and an eldritch blast, provided no one is nearby to attack, in which case a slash with the sickle will do. My rod will give me +1 AC for one round once i've place my curse.

2009-01-30, 10:55 PM
I'm afraid we aren't going to be able to start fighting until the other players roll intiative and we figure out who is going first. And anyway the Goblins are most likely going to get the first round anyway.

Connor Darkdart
2009-01-31, 04:51 AM
[[OOC: Sorry about that, I forgot to subscribe to the thread]]

Peldoe observes the events and turns to his companions.

"Is it wise to follow them into their base? I have a feeling that they probably have traps, and if not that then a large number of warriors waiting for us. If we take a short rest I could try infiltrating the base as a goblin. My mimicking of the orc has exhausted me a bit." he says.



2009-01-31, 12:40 PM
It seems like Otogi has dropped off the face of the forum. I've been trying to get in contact with him but he hasn't Pm'd me back yet. I think I'm going to pull in one of the alternates for now.

2009-01-31, 02:03 PM
Kix follows the screaming goblins shaking his head in disapointment..

"Damn cowards.. Maybe the next ones can answer me."

[roll0] initiative

2009-01-31, 02:22 PM
Since it seems Otogi isn't checking in any time soon, and my alternate hasn't called back yet, we'll just assume he has become distracted and is staring at the clouds outside.


The Goblins rush forward to engage you, pushing their frightened colleages ahead of them. The goblins from outside finally give up on retreating and attack. One lashes out at Kix while his fellow attacks Hronus. The rest pack in behind the first rank.

Roll for attack vs. AC.

Goblin v. Kix [roll0]
Goblin v. Hronus[roll1]

The Goblin attacking Hronus is ineffective and does not manage to land a hit. However the second Goblin's strike flies true and smashes into the Kobold's head with a lucky blow.

Kix takes 4 damage from the Goblin Cutter

2009-01-31, 04:33 PM

Sorry for the delay, was out and about earlier. Ill just jump in here since seems to be a good spot.

Perception check to follow the group:

Stealth check since I followed the group from the fort out here without being noticed [roll1]

Initiative: [roll2]

In Common:Friends, I have followed from the fort and want to help you resolve the issue of the goblin attacks. They goblins are simply defending themselves because they dont know why you are attacking them. I speak goblin so we can try to negate some of their planning.

Durthas says as he heads into the cave, trying to squeeze his way toward the front.
Im taking Gargos place in the front rank

Durthas' blades seemingly appear in his hands, not quite being noticably drawn. He takes slashes at both of the goblins in front of himself and brave little Kobold next to him, possibly named Kix if he heard correctly.

Dire Wolverine Strike: Attack [roll]1d20+6 Damage 1d10+4

2009-01-31, 05:06 PM
Apparently your roll didn't work.

[roll0] Target 1 (AC 16)
[roll1] Target 2 (AC 16)
[roll2] Damage 1
[roll3] Damage 2

You strike out at the two Goblins within reach but they deftly parry and dodge your strikes. You fail to hit either Goblin. One of the Goblin Sharpshooters in the back ranks yells something at you in Goblin.

"You fight like my grandmother!" The other goblins snicker at this comment.

2009-01-31, 05:23 PM
In Goblin: Silly goblin, I am simply giving my friends a chance to get in on the fun!

2009-01-31, 09:07 PM
Kix smiles and salutes the goblins

"You have struck first, I will take that as an admission of guilt"

Kix presses forward into the cluster of goblins, lashing out with his short sword in a flurry of motion.

Attack 1d20+10 Valiant strike, +3 for nearby enemies.

If that lands, and fells the goblin directly in front of him, he will use shifty to shift forward one and then divine challenge on the goblin in the back row directly ahead of him.

Edited to fix the broken spoiler, original attack was a 15, stupid 5 natural roll =P

Forgot the damage too. 1d6+4

2009-01-31, 10:14 PM
Let's see what your roll is then. By the way I have your roll at 1d20+6 (3 for Str mod, and 3 for adjacent enemies) I don't know where you got +10 from.


Now that is more like it.

The short statured Paladin sallies forth and smashes the Goblin with a mighty blow, crumpling the creature and reducing it to something more closely resembling salsa.

With a quick step Kix slides forward into the gap.

2009-01-31, 10:18 PM
He got +10 because Valiant Strike is a Weapon-type power. His to-hit with his vicious short sword is +7 including his STR modifier, +3 for the adjacent enemies.

2009-01-31, 10:20 PM
I rerolled in the other thread already. And it doesn't matter anymore. Thanks though, I'll keep that in mind for future reference.

I would appreciate if you had things like that on your character sheets so I know where all your nonsense is coming from.

These things are Goblin Cutters, minions. They should have been no problem. You haven't even gotten to the real encounter yet and I am tired of the Number Gods getting in my way.

2009-01-31, 11:38 PM
Having blocked the goblin's blow with his shield, Hronus roars as he swings his axe low, aiming for his enemy's legs. He drops almost to a kneel to do so, leaving his back unprotected. Hronus, however, seems not to mind, his face contorted into a battle-crazed grin.

Hronus will use Brash Assault. The ally he selects to gain a basic atttack on the target (that way, if I'm wrong about the set up, Peldoe can do a Magic Missile for a ranged basic attack).

Brash Assault Attack Roll:

Brash Assault Damage Roll:

2009-01-31, 11:42 PM
Peldoe can indeed make a Magic Missile as a basic Ranged attack.


The warlord's inspiring onslaught gives Peldoe an opening to launch an attack of his own. Upon Hronus cutting his own adversay in twain the wizard splatters small bits of another Hapless goblin all over the wall.

By this point the Goblins have begun to have doubts about whether or not attacking these weirdos was a good idea. Then again they never really liked those guys and that one has some really nice boots. Still maybe a finer touch is required. One of the Sharpshooters in back calls to the party in Goblin,

"Maybe we talk about this? Make real good deal, you take half the loot on raids from now on yeah?"

New Layout


Next up is Bermuda, the the two Goblin Sharpshooters, and then finally Peldoe

2009-02-01, 12:16 AM
No silly goblins, the time for trying to negotiate is far gone.

2009-02-01, 12:47 AM
"They wish to surrender? Let them drop their weapons first then, I won't fall for any tricks."

Not too sure when my next turn will come up, but when the marked goblin acts it will take holy damage if it doesn't attack me. If my turn comes up again ill shift into the square with the most goblins around me, valiant strike for [roll0] attack [roll1] damage and then mark the farthest away goblin.

If the goblins drop their weapons, Kix will try and accept their surrender, anything less than that will be considered hostile action.

2009-02-01, 12:52 AM
They are not surrendering Lairiel, they are offering the standard bad guy offer of cooperation that shows that they are completely morally debased and don't actually understand why you are fighting with them.

They are offering to share the loot from their raids, not offering to stop raiding. In their mindset you are attacking them because you want to take their stuff, not because you want them to stop raiding.

Basically I was just demonstrating that they are undeniably evil and you shouldn't worry about sparing their lives.

I have to do things like this because in this setting the monster races are automatically evil.

2009-02-01, 01:43 AM
To clear that up. Im aware of that, my response was Kix's reaction to what he heard, since he cant speak goblin, he was covering his moral bases, as it were. But as stated, will keep attacking till they drop their weapons and surrender

2009-02-01, 01:46 AM
"One must die so another shall live, let the gods sort them out" bermuda mutters to no one in particular as wisps of black ethereal tentacles lash out from her rod.

ok curse nearest goblin to me. This gives me a +1 ac bonus for one turn.

Eldritch Blast:


1d10+5 also 1d6 for curse, should he fall i will decline to teleport.

(sorry i don't know how to make spoiler boxes)

2009-02-01, 01:55 AM
Why am I apparently the only one that the Roller will cooperate with?


The Eldritch blasts impacts the Goblin and rocks him back on his heels and he begins bleeding profusely from internal trauma. "You crazy bitch!" He coughs up some blood and a few more insults.

The Goblin to the right of Kix is now bloodied.

2009-02-01, 02:14 AM
"Oi! You in some kind of hurry?" One of the Sharpshooters snaps at Durthas seeing his eagerness to engage the second line.

He takes aim with his hand crossbow and fires at the overeager bugbear. His compatriot takes aim at the sinister creature that had just wounded one of the warriors.

[roll0] v. Durthas
[roll1] v. Bermuda

[roll2] v. Durthas
[roll3] v. Bermuda

Both Crossbow attacks hit, and take the appropriate damage. Please update your Current HP on your sheets.

2009-02-01, 02:43 AM

Durthas attempts to spin away from the course of the bolt but to no avail. It pierces his hide armor and he can feel it embed itself in his lower left abdomen. He quickly assesses the damage and finds that it is not a mortal wound and readies to retaliate.

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-01, 03:53 AM
Finally my turn! Time for some V-like arcane ownage

Peldoe looked at his companions fighting, and saw that more goblins were indeed coming upwards. It was time for the Arcane to draw a line and call it bloodspattered. He stood to his full height and walked towards the front, he stood as close as he could without being chopped and said " Jism Jasm Jism Jasm Karbeim!" as his hands glowed with energy he turned his hands towards the goblins and said "Enjoy hell, Skullfeeder!". As he said this the power in his hand formed into a giant feather which popped into a hundred and seemed rather drowsy, and very pretty.

[spoiler] So Ive casted Sleep. and I think ive done it in such a way that only the goblins will be hit, In any case im required to make a Int roll to see whether or not I hit.


2009-02-01, 12:27 PM
The Goblins have crappy Will saves. Due to the way they are positioned and the range on the spell you manage to hit the lot of them. They are Slowed, if they fail their first Saving Throw against it they become Unconscious. It is now the Goblin Warriors turn.

[roll0] Goblin v. Durthas

[roll2] Goblin v. Kix
[roll3] Crit means 10 damage

[roll4] Goblin v. Hronus
[roll5] Crit means 8 damage

Since the Goblins are adjacent to Kix and making ranged attacks, Kix gets two Opportunity attacks against them. The Goblin he marked is attacking him directly with his spear. I'll roll for the opportunity attacks.

[roll6] Normal Goblin

[roll8] Bloodied Goblin

The back rank of Goblins readies to repel the intruders. The middle Goblin jabs the Kobold paladin with his spear while the two Goblins flanking him pull back to fling their Javelins into the rest of the party. With the Goblins distracted by their aiming Kix is given an opening to lash out at the two goblins on either side.

The Goblins (who apparently have a deal with the Dice gods) hit all their targets handily. Hronus and Durthas are both struck by Javelins while Kix recieves a spearpoint in his gut.

In return Kix licks out with his shortsword and lands a hit on both of the Javelin throwers while they are distracted. The bloodied Goblin is looking quite the worse for wear, while the other exclaims

"It's only a fleshwound!"

The three goblins shake off their drowsiness in yet another display of disgustingly good luck.

2009-02-01, 01:58 PM
So its my turn now right? Assuming the setup is still the same as the last update. Im not 100% on Combat Advantage but if me and kix are both next to the goblin on the far left would I get combat advantage? Also are these the stronger goblins we are facing now (aka the ones that dont go down in one hit)

Durthas moves forward next to Kix and attacks the two goblins closest to him. He eyes the one on the left with special malice and attacks him first.

Twin Strike:
Attack 1 [roll0]
attack 2 [roll1]
damage 1 [roll2]
damage 2[roll3]

Add hunters quarry dmg 1d6 to whichever hits.

Yay rolls. I forgot to roll the 1d6 for the quarry so just add it to damage one (the left goblin)

2009-02-01, 02:11 PM
[roll0] vs. Heavily Injured Goblin.

The heavily wounded Goblin gurgles his last as the Ranger's sword parts his throat. He crumples to the ground. The second Goblins receives a painful wound but remains steadfast.

These Goblins are the ones who were inside the cave, not the ones that got scared into it. So yes, they are the non-minion variety and actually have hitpoints.

You don't have combat advantage on anyone, the Goblins are in a solid line across the hallway and you are all in front of them. So no one is flanked.

2009-02-04, 01:31 PM
With a hiss Kix continues his resolute advance, laying about him with his blade and hacking into the side of the goblin in front of him.

ill shift into the square with the most goblins around me, valiant strike for (1d20+7)[17] (+1 per goblin nearby) attack (1d6+4)[8] damage and then mark the farthest away goblin.

Kix is down 14 of 35, not bloodied yet

2009-02-04, 03:01 PM
The Goblin in front of Kix takes a solid hit to the shoulder which begins to bleed copiously, soaking his thin rags and slicking the weapon in his grip. The creature begins to panic, seeing that it's comrades have almost all fallen. He squeaks out a pitiful cry in Goblin.

"Why you do this to us? We didn't take nuthin of yours!"

The Goblin is now bloodied.

Next up is Hronus and then Bermuda.

2009-02-04, 05:38 PM
Hronus grunts in agony as the javelin pierces his side. "My turn." Hronus charges the nearest goblin, his head lowered. He crashes into his foe horns-first.

Hronus will use the goring charge encounter power. If hit, the goblin will be knocked prone.

Attack Roll:
[roll0](Str+4 vs AC)

Damage Roll:

2009-02-04, 06:34 PM
Hronus impacts the goblin with a sound reminiscent of a knife being sunk into a melon. The Goblin slides off the horn lodged in his diaphram and collapses on the ground, inches from death.

The hallways is now littered with Goblin corpses, their blood splashed copiously (and in interesting patterns I might add) upon the stone walls.

2009-02-04, 10:45 PM
"simply because you no longer breathe, doesn't mean you can't talk"Bermuda mutters as she begins searching through what's left of the bodies to find loot for the party and any information on other hideouts, accomplices etc.

2009-02-04, 11:35 PM
Maybe I worded that with a little too much emphasis on the gore. There are still two Goblin sharpshooters left unscathed, and two warriors barely clinging to life. The one in front of Hronus is now just 2 hitpoints from death and is lying prone. The other is bloodied but still standing.

The sharpshooters are farther back and haven't been hit yet.

In a disturbing show of nonchalance the Hobgoblin begins rifling through the pockets of the dead Goblins, while four of their comrades watch. Bermuda finds a small bag of gold coins and an odd stick.

2009-02-05, 07:37 AM
Ignoring the suffering goblins bermuda turns upon one of the healthy sharpshooters, now in front of the party "Suffer vermin, your fear leaks out every opening and I will make it pain" Flames ignite within the goblin bursting from every opening in his body.

curse the sharpshooter and cast Witchfire I'll be taking a prime shot since I'm in front now for an extra +1, this will also raise my AC +1 for the round

To hit: [roll0] vx. reflex
Damage [roll1]
Curse: [roll2]

2009-02-05, 11:28 AM
The Goblin ducks out of the way of the jet of magical flames and returns fire with his hand crossbow, his comrade does the same, but aims for the diminutive Paladin who had recklessly put himself into the line of fire.

[roll0] vs. Bermuda
[roll1] vs. Kix

[roll2] Bermuda
[roll3] Kix

The first bolt strikes Bermuda in the shoulder with a meaty thunk, it doesn't hit anything vital but is still extremely painful. The second strikes Kix's plate armor and ricochets off to lodge in the ceiling without inflicting any wounds.

Now it's Pelode's turn. Go for it Wizard man

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-05, 12:22 PM
Peldoe looks dissapointed that these puny animals had resisted his magic, but he had more tricks up his sleeve, and not all of them would be so peaceful. Now was the time to bring out the damage! He weaves his hands in a complex movement and halfway through his hand starts to seem to be covered in a greem slime, although closer inspection shows that infact it is floating closely above his hands. The slime starts to fizzle and take on the shape of an arrow, until Peldo thrusts one arm at one of the Skirmishers and the acid arrow flies towards it.

Okay, so the arrow is flying towards one of those Goblins and its a Int VS Rfl check. If he fails then he gets 2d8+Int mod damage. Also there is another Int VS Rfl check for the Skirmisher next to him. If that hits its 1d8+5 damage.

They both will end up with ongoing 5 acid damage until they save. Which with those lucky ********** will probably be next turn. If I miss then the main Goblin gets half 2d8+Modifier and has 2 ongoing acid damage (save ends)

To Hit first Goblin: [roll0]
To Hit Second Goblin: [roll1]

For Damage first goblin: [roll2]
For Damage Second Goblin: [roll3]

2009-02-05, 02:09 PM
The Goblin skirmishers lurches desperately aside and avoids the streaking acidic arrow by a narrow margin. His companion is not so lucky, he avoids the first arrow but takes a splash of acid magic to the chest regardless, taking minor acid burns and covering his torso with a thin coating of acid.

The arrow that missed strikes the back wall of the cave and a portion of the wall begins to dissolve, revealing a secret compartment.

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-05, 02:58 PM
Thank you so freaking much for the hidden compartment. Peldoe needs some comfort loot to happy him after the arcane failed him :(

2009-02-05, 11:52 PM
The bloodied Goblin warrior desperately jabs his spear at the nearby paladin, hoping against all odds to save his own life. His comrade desperately scrambles to his feet and stumbles away from the horrible creatures that had slaughtered his clan.

Seeing the creature attempting to flee Hronus takes a quick swipe at the pitiful wretch with his battleaxe. The second Goblin finishes his jab and also attempts to flee, giving Kix a chance to slice at him as he turns.

[roll0] [roll1] vs. Kix

[roll2] [roll3] Kix Opportunity attack
[roll4] [roll5] Hronus Opportunity attack

The Goblin's thrust skims harmlessly off of Kix's armor, but the return thrust misses the mark entirely as well. Both combatants come out unharmed and the Goblin retreats. Hronus smashes the fleeing Goblin with his battleaxe, splitting the creature in twain and sending it's halves spinning out into the corridor.

2009-02-06, 02:48 AM

My turn for whenever it is

Durthas lunges forward and attacks two of the remaining goblins.

Twin Strike: One of them (whichever hits is the quarry)
Attack1: [roll0]
Attack2: [roll1]
Damage1: [roll2]
Damage2: [roll3]
Quarry Dmg: [roll4]

2009-02-06, 09:39 AM
Durthas lunges and buries his blade into the fleeing Goblin's spine, felling him instantly and slashes at the Goblin Sharpshooters. The creature slips under the strike and slides back out of melee range

All that remains are the two Sharpshooters, the one Durthas attacked slid back a square with Goblin tactics.

2009-02-06, 08:13 PM
Kix leaps into the gap left by the falling goblin, his sword flares with a pure white light as he spins and sweeps his blade around him in a vicious arc.

Not sure on layout, and I THINK im next, I shift into a square near the golbin I had marked and use Radiant Smite on it, then mark the Other goblin
[roll0] Attack [roll1] Damage , dont forget the mark damage if they attack someone who isnt me, having trouble following which one i marked in relation to which is alive =/

2009-02-06, 09:08 PM
Kix slashes the Goblin across the chest, slicing him from shoulder to hip with a wicked yet shallow wound. The Goblin's wound is painful, but not immediately life threatening.

The Sharpshooter is just barely above Bloodied and the other remains unhurt. Next up is Hronus, then Bermuda, and then the Sharpshooters again.

2009-02-06, 09:39 PM
This post assumes that the setup is something close to the following:

{blank}[Sharpshooter][Where Hronus will be]



If I am wrong, I'll need to adjust my actions for this round accordingly.

Hronus rushes towards the Goblin as Kix delivers his strike. Positioning himself to the Goblin's side, Hronus aims a sweeping blow, hoping to give his kobold ally an opening for another attack.

Hronus will use Hammer and Anvil. If the attack hits (its vs Ref, not AC), then Kix may make a free melee basic attack against the Goblin Sharpshooter. Here's hoping I beat the Goblin's Reflex!

[B]Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

2009-02-06, 10:05 PM
Hronus rushes up alongside the Goblin in front of Kix. Thankfully the second sharshooter had retreated but moments ago, putting him out of reach as he flanks the single target.

He strikes home with is battleaxe, pinning the Goblin to the stone wall with his blade. Kix takes the opportunity to thrust at the trapped Goblin with his shortsword.


Kix's blade strikes true, sinking into the Goblin's eye and onward into his tiny brain. He gives one last shudder and collapses on to the ground.

2009-02-06, 11:15 PM
annoyed at her poor luck Bermuda falls silent and gets down to business, wispy black tentacles pour like missiles from her rod.

Curse nearest sharpshooter this round and fire eldritch blast
[roll0] to hit
Damage [roll1]
Curse [roll2]
if he falls i will teleport just behind Kix

2009-02-06, 11:47 PM
The Goblin shies desperately aside from his impending doom. To his surprise he feels no agonizing doom. Coming out of his cowering pose he finds himself outlined against the wall by a line of scorch marks.

How one could possibly miss the creature is unknown. It seems that the Gods of Luck may not look kindly on this venture.

Muttering ferverent thanks to the Gods the Goblin flees down the corridor at full speed and stops in front of the compartment which has been eaten away by Peldoe's magical acid. He reaches into the shadowy recesses and digs through the filthy lucre. With a cry of triumph he pulls forth a sword.

"Now I kills you with da Magic sword!"

The sword is strange in design, heavily built, with a dully metallic sheath locked to the handle with a thick clasp. As it is pulled forth the Durthas (being the only one Perceptive enough to see it) notices that the colors in that side of the room suddenly deepen. The blue rags deepen to navy, red blood splashed on the walls becomes maroon.

The Goblin scrabbles desperately at the clasp hoping to use this seemingly mighty weapon against the intruders. Finally the clasp opens with a crisp pop. Almost instantly inky black shadows leak out of the resulting crack.

The Goblin's hand clenches on the hilt as the black smoke sinks into his arm, his flesh begins to turn grayish and then streak through with veins of black. The pitiful creature turns to stare pleadingly at intruders. The Goblin lifts the sword, his arm moving in jerks as if he is not in control of it.

Suddenly the sword plunges downward and impales itself through the Goblin's chest (dull rounded sheath be-damned). The Goblin's mouth opens in a silent scream as his entire body fades to a grayish husk, his eyes becoming black pits. The Goblin falls to his knees, clutching at the weapon buried in his chest.

The clasp snaps closed with a resounding clunk and the hall falls silent.

2009-02-07, 12:06 AM

Durthas stares in wonder as the goblin seemingly caused his own destruction by trying to use the magic blade. Durthas doesn't have detailed knowledge of magic items and their abilites, and hoped that one of the members of the group he followed from the fort does.

He walks toward the goblin and tries to decide if he should remove the sword from his chest to resheath it or not. He decides quickly that he shouldn't fear a weapon and grasps the hilt of the sword and rips it from the goblins chest.

Do I need a perception check to find stuff? Ill assume I do...

As he leans down to inspect the other goblins, he calls back to the group.
Seems as though these goblins didn't know what weapons they had after all... Do you think they stole this or has it been in their possession?

2009-02-07, 12:17 AM
The little Kobold keeps his shield raised and his blade ready.. Eyeing the bared blade with caution.

[roll0] Religion

2009-02-07, 12:39 AM
I was just going to let you take everything in the hall. It's not like the Goblins are going to stop you.

Durthas pulls the sword out of the Goblins corpse with a sickening rasp of the hilt on the dessicated flesh.

Hello. How are you? the blade asks politely in your mind.

Kix has a strange feeling that he should probably know something about this object, but he just can't bring it to mind.

The Goblin corpses yield a staggering variety of eclectic objects and weaponry which you quickly ferret out of various secret compartments and disgusting corpses (quite a ghoulish sight I assure you). In order of importance you find

- The Strange magic sword
- a +1 Rending Khopesh
- a +1 Masters wand of Magic Missile
- a +1 Parrying Dagger
- a Restful Bedroll
- 3 Potions of Healing
- 320 gold pieces
- a large gem, worth 100 gold pieces

I used some things from the Adventurers Vault. If you want I'll post stats in the OOC thread for you.

2009-02-07, 12:53 AM
"Hello sword which speaks" Durthas replies to the sword, "I see that you did not allow the retched goblin to wield you yet I did not suffer the same fate as him?"

To the others Durthas says, The sword is speaking to me, allow me a few moments to try to figure out its intentions or why it is here.

2009-02-07, 01:12 AM
The Goblin was weak. But you're different. Why don't you undo the clasp? a wave of sardonic amusement washes into his mind. Undo the clasp and we'll find out if you are strong enough.

2009-02-07, 01:22 AM

Durthas considers the words he hears... Never one to back down from a challenge he decides to unclasp it.
I am not so weak as a puny goblin sword.

2009-02-07, 01:23 AM
Kix hisses worriedly

"Perhaps Ranger, you should put it down, until we are sure it is safe. Something gives me pause about this blade."

can you retry religion rolls? If so, spending more time pondering the problem [roll0] religion

2009-02-07, 01:27 AM
You can't retry knowledge rolls. Once you fail them on a subject you fail them until you take time to read up on it. Anyway, Religion isn't exactly the best roll to analyze this thing.

I'll change your Religion roll into a Receive Divine Warning roll

A divine presence briefly touches on Kix's mind, imparting a feeling that can only be described as "Stop him you fool! He'll kill you all!" You have an overwhelming urge to strike Durthas before he does something stupid.

Yes yes squishy one! Release me!

Seriously, don't unclasp the cursed sword that I just went to all the trouble of gruesomely describing the effect of unclasping the sword. He didn't even manage to draw the damn thing. He barely even cracked it open.

2009-02-07, 01:36 AM

Hearing the implicit hatred and evil in the tone of the sword when it spoke the last words, Durthas decided to heed Kix's warning and not unsheath the sword. He hands it to Kix and asks, Do you know anything about this sword little one?

2009-02-07, 01:40 AM
The sword chuckles in Kix's mind as Durthas hands it over. I knew he didn't have the guts. He gives the mental equivalent of a gasp, Oh my, how rude of me. I haven't introduced myself.

I am Nightblood. It's a pleasure to meet you all.

2009-02-07, 02:23 AM
Hisses in fear as he gingerly takes the sword, as the voice speaks in his head he quickly decides to play it safe and removed his cloak, wrapping it around the sheathed blade to hide it from sight.

"It says it is called Nightblood.. I know nothing for certain.. but Bahamut tells me that it is very dangerouss.. and that drawing it could have dire resultss..

I am not a learned kobold.. but I am wise enough to know when something is beyond me. We best take this to wiser minds than ours."

2009-02-07, 02:02 PM
Hronus frowns. "I lived in a labyrinth full of magic items. My clan-father always said to never trust a weapon that talks." He moves slowly towards Kix and the sword, as if he didnt trust the ground he was walking on.

"I agree with Kix. There are others more knowledgeable back at the fort. They might know what to do with... Nightblood."

2009-02-07, 02:24 PM
With the Goblin lair well and truly looted and all the Goblins slaughtered there is nothing left to do here and you all head back to the fort.

After a few minutes of travel you arrive back at the edge of town, only to be faced with a nervously shifting knot of farmers awaiting your return. As you exit the last shaded hollows of the forest the farmers surge forward to surround you.

"Well? Did you find the little blighters?" The aged orc from earlier this morning asks.

"Better yet! Did you find my turnips?" interrupts an ash coated Goblin. (Note: You did not find any turnips) Following this interruption the other farmers begin listing off stolen property they themselves would like back. Most of which are foodstuffs and none of which you found intact. You did find the Gnoll's cheesewheel, but it was quite throroughly soaked in Goblin blood and you didn't take it with you. (Understandably)

Now that you are back please divy up the loot amongst yourselves however you wish and then ascend to Level 2. Please post what you do for 2nd level in the OOC thread and update your character sheets

2009-02-07, 11:44 PM

Durthas decides he'd rather avoid the milling townsfolk who look eager to bombard the group with questions.
I will see you guys inside, don't feel like being pestered, all I want now is some ale. He says as he takes a abrupt turn toward the forest and seemingly vanishes into the foliage.

Stealth check to move around the townsfolk and enter fort unnoticed. [roll0]

2009-02-07, 11:51 PM
Durthas easily slips out of sight and makes his way to the fort unmolested by the crowd of oblivious farmers. The rest of you remain surrounded by worried farmers awaiting some kind of reassurance that their precious crops would no longer be set on fire.

Nightblood begins telepathically singing a rousing rendition of "Last Night I Killed two Peasants" in Kix's mind. (A chipper tune common among the Knights of Kallandron 300 years ago) The sense of which is lost on Kix as he has most likely never heard of Kallandron, and even if he had he probably wouldn't understand the differing syntax.

Jo vidím môj dolly ona to len päť nohy dve,
Vieš, že by som ju použiť na pančuchy uškrtit vás.
Paraná do mesta si to brakový vak slečna,
Je možné hrať v pohodě - yeah! Môže hrať temný.
Zanechá stopy smrti za sebou,
Nikdy sa vracia na scénu zločinu.
V vamps hovoria, že si urobíme s rolníky zle,
Vdovy v oblasti životného poľnohospodára pieseň.

2009-02-08, 12:09 AM
Hronus gestures calmly as he tries to placate the crowd.

"We found none of your stolen crops or property, but the White Fang Clan paid for their crimes against you with their lives. You no longer have to fear the safety of your farms. Now, my companions and I must return to the Fort, so let us pass."

2009-02-08, 12:43 AM
Kix trudges along trying not to let himself be distracted by the blade, muttering "Your a terrible singer" under his breath.

2009-02-08, 12:52 AM
The farmers glance at one another and then at the party once more. After a moments pause they begin to disperse with mutters of "Well that's all well and good, but it doesn't bring back my turnips." The crowd disbands quickly and the lightly charred farmers return to their burned out hovels.

Nightblood snorts indignantly (a remarkable feat taking into account his lack of nasal passages with which to snort). Maybe you are just a poor audience. Mišklev would have enjoyed it.

2009-02-09, 01:23 PM
With the farmers dispersed and the various party members no longer staring absently into space you move along and make your way to the fort. You pass through the open gates and come face to face with everyones favorite person, Drill Sergeant Dalto.

"Well Maggots! I have to say I am surprised to see you." he bellows, "Since you appear mostly intact I'll assume you took care of the White fangs. Here's your payment." He tosses you a small bag containing two small gems worth 50 gold pieces each.

"Now then, since you managed not to get yourself killed you'll be starting on some serious work. There's a Human caravan full of supplies moving through one of the southern passes on it's way to the Shieldwall. We want you to intercept it." He hands you a map on which the pass is marked, along with the path of the caravan that will be moving through it. "The supplies should be moving through the pass sometime tomorrow morning. Don't let them slip by."

With that he strides off into the bunkhouse for some more drunken indolence. On the way inside he retrieves his paperweight and hefts it ominously.

In the fort there is a Blacksmith, General Supply, and Minotaur Wizard by the name of Baurus. Feel free to bother any of them before you leave

2009-02-09, 09:21 PM

Durthas smiles ruefully as the sergeant passes him his money and he decides he wants to seek out the blacksmith and find out about getting a matching blade for his new one he got from the goblins.

As he wandered the fort searching for the blacksmith he kept a sharp eye out for any thieves or others paying too much attention to him [roll0]

He finally finds the blacksmith and browses as the owner approaches.
Smithy, I need a blade to match this odd one i recently got, and I want to see about selling my scimitars as I won't need them once you make me a new blade.

2009-02-09, 09:47 PM
Durthas walks obliviously across the fort without taking the care to actually notice his surroundings or anyone he passes. He rams headfirst into three poles and nearly trips on a dog but eventually makes it to the smithy.

The blacksmith, a soot encrusted Kobold wearing large complicated goggles, peers at the magical Khopesh. He spits a gob of equally sooty spittle on to the sooty floor and hops down from his stool.

"Aye lad, I've got another blade like that one. Not as fine a blade of course." He scuttles through a small door behind the counter into the forge rooms. After several muffled crashes and muted curses he returns with a second Khopesh.

"Ok then, I'll sell you the Khopesh for 20 gold, and I'll give you 5 for each of those Scimitars. So you owe me 10 gold for the new blade." He proffers the Khopesh in one hand and holds out the other for payment.

You don't have to worry about having one made, because I think Khopesh's are cool, and thus the Khopesh is a very common weapon. The same goes Repeating Crossbows and Scythes

2009-02-09, 10:12 PM

Suddenly being very cautious of his surroundings, Durthas turns to the Kobold and says, Say friend couldn't you offer me a slightly better deal for my scimitars? They are great blades and have served me wonderfully.
Diplomacy check for fun: [roll0]

2009-02-09, 10:43 PM
Hronus walks off to the edge of the fort, smiling as he hides the gems in a pouch. He heads to the training grounds, practicing his axework on the straw dummies that are set up. After he is satisfied with his training, he heads back to the bunkhouse. Unrolling his newly-won magic bedroll, he decides to get a good rest before his next mission.

Hronus will, time permitting, take an extended rest in his Restful Bedroll. This gets him [roll0] temporary hit points. He also gets all lost hit points/healing surges back, as per a normal extended rest.

2009-02-09, 11:11 PM
The Kobold thwacks Durthas on the forehead with two fingers. "I'm not paying full price for your Scimitars. You think I'm running a charity?" He taps his foot and waits for payment.

With the gems added in you have 520 gold and 3 healing potions. You can divy them up if you want, or sell them. Take 10 gold out of there for Durthas' new Khopesh and you have 510 left to divy up.

2009-02-09, 11:44 PM

Grudgingly Durthas realizes that his force of character just isn't enough to persuade anyone, and hands over ten gold pieces. Thank you Smithy, I will return soon for more purchases and I will be sure to tell my companions of your fair dealings with me today. Durthas says as he is testing the new blade in his hand against his old one, he likes the feel of the two together, but notices how the shopkeepers blade seems much more mundane than the other blade he received.

Wondering exactly how the blade was so easily wielded in his hand, Durthas decided that after the blacksmith made his change, he would visit the Fort's wizard, Baurus he thinks trying to remember back to what the sergeant said.

He sheathes his twin blades and heads toward where he thought he saw the shop earlier, but not totally sure since he was somewhat dazed at the time running into so many poles.

He arrives at the shop shortly and asks the wizard, who turned out to be a rather hairy minotaur to inspect the other blade.
This blade is preternaturally light in my hand and is very well balanced, more so than any blade I have wielded prior, is it magical? he says as he holds up three gold coins to show the wizard he would pay for the information.

2009-02-09, 11:59 PM
Kix will stick close to his large minotaur comrade on his way through town, a bit more wary than usual, seeing potential problems wherever he looks due to his unconventional burden.

As he walks in the attention grabbing behemoth's shadow he ponders the issue. Giving the sword to someone would be unwise, given what it did to the goblin. This could be one of those evil artifacts from stories, a blade that would take over a wielder of weak will and force evil actions upon then. He obviously dared not draw it himself.

He decided that he would take it to a kind hearted priest, one who would be least likely to be corrupted by any influence of the blade. Was there a priest of Bahamut nearby, he couldn't recall?

As the tiny paladin walked he spoke under his breath to the sword.

"What is your purpose? And who is this Mišklev you speak of?"

2009-02-10, 12:02 AM
Baurus, the Minotuar Wizard plucks the sword from Durthas' hands and peers at it from under bushy brows. After a few moments of concentration he straightens up and hands the sword back to you.

"That weapon has a Rending enchantment on it. Wielding this blade will lend you greater strength and speed like most enchanted weapons, and you may experience a strange Time dilation when the enchantment activates. It will give you a chance to strike at your opponent again while the enchantment speeds your assualt." He grabs a piece of parchment and begins scribbling on it with a stick of charcoal. "Here's the details on the blades enchantment. I doubt you care about the theory behind it but this should be all you'll ever need to know." He hands you the parchment and pockets you coins.

You now know, In Character, everything about your weapon that I posted in the OOC thread.

2009-02-10, 12:11 AM
My purpose is "Destroy Evil".

At least that's what Vasher said it is. I've never really been clear on what that means. Oh and Mišklev? He was a Knight I hung around with for a while. At least until that Ogre got him.

With this Nightblood falls silent once more. Thinking back Kix knows of no Priests of Bahamut in the town. There is a chapel of Pelor, and several more to Corellon, Erathis and Kord (popular dieties among the Spine dwellers). Lawful Good is a very rare alignment in these parts, being mostly Unaligned.

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-10, 08:56 AM
Peldoe spends about 5 minutes dealing with the villagers before he gets bored and simply scares them away by muttering random words of power. He thinks about the sword for a bit and decides that he would rather take a closer look at it. He spots Kix and runs up to him.

"So, Kix, I was thinking, this sword is probably magical, I should probably take a look at it right? Just incase it has some bad effect if you hold on to it too long or something?" he says. He honestly just wants to study it, but knows the kobold would be outraged at the chance that the sword could harm some one.


2009-02-10, 11:18 AM
Kix shakes his head in disgust.

"Use Evil to destroy evil, is that it? A tactic which only brings ruin. I saw a part of your nature when you destroyed that goblin.

And who is this Vasher?"

The makes his way towards the temple to Pelor. Not to his taste, but probably the best suited to determine if this blade is evil.

2009-02-10, 11:29 AM
That last bit was directed to the sword, not Peldoe

Kix looks up at the mage distractedly. Eyes narrowing warily.

"Hmm? I suppose.. I intend to keep it under wraps until I can get it inspected by a priest. Come with me to the temple, and you can examine it after."

2009-02-10, 11:53 AM
Why do you ask so many questions? The sword snaps before immediately clamming up. Apparently not wanting to say any more on the subject. Which is odd as Nightblood has been chattering at Kix almost constantly since he had taken the sword.

The two arrive at the chapel of Pelor, a small stone building made of rough hewn limestone quarried from the surrounding hills. The fittings are simple, but well made. Upon entry they are confronted by the priest of Pelor, a robust (read: fat) Bugbear with a wide smiling face. His robes are spotted on the front with food and he is carrying a wineskin. You vaguely remember that his name is Gosti, and that he is a mostly pleasant enough fellow.

2009-02-10, 11:58 AM
Kix stands before the rotund figure and holds out the heavy sword, wrapped in blankets.

"I found this. Before you take it, be warned, it seems to act on its own, and killed a goblin that drew it. I wish to be sure that it won't be a danger to the community before deciding what to do with it."

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-10, 12:19 PM
Peldoe enters the church and immediately feels uncomfortable. He was going to need to make a sacrifice later for entering this place. He sighed at the thought but carried on.
"Hail Priest, on our last mission we found a enchanted sword that talks and my friend Kix wanted to..." he says. What did Kix want to do again?

2009-02-10, 12:25 PM
The priest beams at the Kobold Paladin and gives a hearty guffaw, "Of course my boy, of course. Matters such as these are what I'm here for anyway. Give it here."

Now see here! I will not be handed about like some common bau-

Kix hands Nightblood to the priest mid-protest and the voice departs his mind as he loses contact with the sword. The priest gives a chuckle. "Feisty one isn't he? I'll begin the rituals of binding and have it locked up for safekeeping in no time." He walks out of the main chapel and into a back room with the sword.

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-10, 12:38 PM
Peldoe looks panicked. "Erm, Kix, are you sure its safe to leave a sword that powerful with one fat priest? Not to doubt Pelor-" at saying the gods name he twitches "but I think that sword might overpower him"

[[Who cannot see this coming? Its not like this sword has survived millenia by just skillfully avoiding any low level cleric >_>]]

2009-02-10, 01:12 PM
"I may not be the smartest kobold in the lair Mage, but I'm not That naive"

Kix strides forward confidently after the priest.

"Sir, I am a Paladin in the service of Bahamut, and I regret having to involve you and your church in my troubles. I will remain by your side until this problem is dealt with. Surely our gods will be pleased by our spirit of cooperation in the face of this potential evil"

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-10, 01:51 PM
Peldoe grumbles. "Not quite what I meant"

He follows the two and thinks. There is no way to retrieve the blade without being obviously defiant... Maybe some trickery would help.

"Wait a second, what is that good aura emanating from it!? he shouts once the sword was on the floor. Under his breath he whispers "Ghost Sound"and points at the priest. He then quickly whispers in a divine sounding voice "Halt! This sword was made for great good! You shall not harm it or suffer my wrath priest. The Wizard will help you take care of it.

[[So basically I am emulating Pelor contancting a priest, and I need to roll a bluff roll to see if the priest believes his half baked scheme.]]


Connor Darkdart
2009-02-10, 01:53 PM
[[Sorry for the double post, but I just realised I would need a Religion roll as well to see if I actually know enough about Pelor to emulate him. Dandandan!]]


2009-02-10, 02:04 PM
"What trickery is this?" The Cleric frowns at the feeble attempt to impersonate a Divine presence. He suddenly turns towards the wizard.

"You there.


The Cleric uses his divine command word to order Peldoe out of the chapel. His holy symbol of Pelor bursts into radiance and Pelode is flung out of the chapel to land a full 30 feet away in a hay stack.

[roll0] vs Will (15)

He harumphs with a sense of finality and turns back to Kix. "You had better watch out for that one. He's liable to get you killed if he keeps up that nonsense." He tucks Nightblood into his belt. "I'll start binding this up. Just keep your friend out of my Chapel from now on."

Seriously Conbar. Insight is a class skill for Clerics, and Wisdom based. Which is the Cleric's attack stat. Don't try to bluff clerics.

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-10, 02:12 PM
Peldoe lands outside and is upset, he had hoped to of known more about Pelor and be able to imitate him, but obviously a mere cantrip was not enough. He thought about what other spells he could use to help himself. He gets out of the haystack and casts Prestidigiation to lift all the hay covering off him.

[[Didn't think it was worth mentioning but my will defense is now 16, because of the .5 level upgrade, doesn't really make a difference but just an FYI]]

2009-02-10, 02:21 PM
((Your sheet still says Will is 15. That's where I will be going to check any of your stats. It still adds up to 15, 11+2+2))

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-10, 02:27 PM
[[Ah sorry, your right.]]

Disgruntled at being thrown out, Peldoe approaches the church a little bit and ists down and concentrates, he starts invocating the magic words needed for one of his rituals, most specificly Magic Mouth. He chants the words the Mouth will say and also the trigger. [[The following is assuming no interruption]] he then stands up and walks off to the fort to report their succes in the mission.

[[Basically, assuming no interruption. I have just created a Magic Mouth on the wall next to the front door of the church that will be activated when someone says "Pelor" near it. Its appearance are sharp teeth and cracked lips.
it says the following.
"Actually, this is a church to the almighty death of all things living. By entering you forfeit your soul.[[shouting]] ENTER MORTAL!". What can I say? Peldoe does not appreciate being thrown out.]]

2009-02-10, 02:39 PM
With the sword safely stowed the Priest urges Kix out of the chapel so that he can go about the binding rituals. He pushes Kix out and firmly closes the door with a final quip, "And keep your Wizard out of the chapel of Pelor!"

Peldoe's magic mouth begins yammering immediately "Actually, this is the church to the Almighty death of all-

"Quiet you!" The priest smashes the magic mouth with his fist, putting a large crack in his once pristine limestone facing. "Blast it all! Thrice be-damned wizards!" he curses, clutching his aching hand.

2009-02-10, 02:56 PM
Kix slips back inside as the priest is distracted with the mouth.

"Good Priest.. I will remain until your labour is finished, and defend you from any who would interrupt. This is my charge, as the sword fell to me. I will see it through.

Surely I can be of aid in your rituals? Or if not I will stand a silent sentinel and not disturb you in your endeavours."

The small Kobold stands resolute, hand on his hilt.

Kix can use aid another to help with any religion checks, and in so doing see what the priest is trying to do. Any other priests around? He should have trouble justifying throwing out a Paladin who is promising to defend him.

And dammit mage, way to cause trouble, lol

2009-02-10, 03:00 PM

As Durthas is exploring the rest of the fort after his meeting with the Minotaur wizard he passes near the temple of Pelor and hears an ominous voice speak but he cant make out the words, then he see's a priest smash the wall and shout something about wizards. Nearby he see's Peldoe and approaches, What was he saying Peldoe? And where are the others?

2009-02-10, 03:03 PM
"Very well, if you feel you must." The priest pulls out a piece of chalk and draws a circle on the floor, placing Nightblood in the center of the circle. He then walks into the back room and returns with a large tome. He cracks the tome open and begins to scan through the contents.

"Here we are, the binding ritual." He kneels in front of the circle and begins to chant the ritual words. He lights several sticks of incense and waves his implement in the appropriate parts.

The ritual builds to a crescendo, the incense smoke swirls with radiant sparks in a vortex around the sword. With a sharp command word the smoke and sparks settle around the sword in a misty cage of light.

The cage immediately turns black and is sucked into the sword.

"Oh my... That wasn't supposed to happen."

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-10, 03:05 PM
Peldoe looks at the minouar and puts a finger to his lips. He gestures that the minoutar should come behind the hay stack. "This silly priest threw me out and I made a Magic Mouth on his wall. He just punched it and really hurt himself! Isn't that just hilarious!?"

2009-02-10, 03:10 PM
- Kix: Inside Chapel
- Peldoe: Outside Chapel
- Durthas: Outside Chapel
- Hronus: Fort barracks
- Bermuda: Unknown

2009-02-10, 03:32 PM
Kix rapidly draws his blade and stands ready, watching the swirling darkness with great intent.

Seeing no immediate threat, he gestures rapidly, expanding a circle of protection around himself and the priest.

standard action - Sacred Circle , readying a minor action to mark anything hostile that appears

"Are you alright Priest?"

2009-02-10, 04:01 PM
The priest nods shakily to Kix, "Yeah, I'm fine... it's just..." He waves vaguely at Nightblood, "It ate the spell. That was my most powerful binding." He picks up the sword and thrusts it back into Kix's hands.

"I'm not sure what that thing is, but no magics of mine can hold it. It's safest with you for now."

Peldoe F.Y.I. Durthas is not a Minotaur, Hronus is the minotaur. Durthas is a bugbear.

2009-02-10, 04:56 PM
Kix frowns, taking back the blade from the priest.

"Do you think it Dangerous? I.. Don't know what to do with it now.."

Kix bundles it back up in a blanket and straps it securely to his back for time being.

2009-02-10, 06:00 PM
The priest shakes his head, "It seems like the sheath keeps it mostly contained. As long as you don't actually draw the sword it should be safe enough." He walks over to one of his bookshelves and removes a small scroll. He unrolls it and looks it over before returning.

"I know of a wizard who might know something about this. He's a Banshrae, by the name of Raolin, they've got a Hive down in the Vale." He hands you the scroll, which shows the northern portion of the Vale, which has the Banshrae hive marked on it. The Hive is about a day and a halfs walk from the Southernmost passes of the Spine.

2009-02-10, 06:16 PM

Huddling behind the hay stack waiting for something expectedly with the wizard, Durthas whispers, What are we waiting for? Is someone in danger? as he puts his hands on the hilts of his blades.

2009-02-10, 07:00 PM
Kix nods and adjusts the blade.

"I'll go find this Raolin, and ask his advice. Is there anything else you know about him? Is he trustworthy?"

Kix waits for an answer, then leaves.. Muttering to the sword under his breath.

"Looks like I'm stuck with you again."

2009-02-10, 07:14 PM
"He's as trustworthy as a Fey can be said to be, most of all the Banshrae. They're a tricksome lot, all said. But he's got a knack for enchantment, and he's come around the Spine before, looking for artifacts." With that the Priest sends you on your way with Nightblood in tow.

Upon hearing Kix's mutterings Nightblood pipes up cheerily, happy to be back in contact with the Paladin.

Now we can be bestest friends forever!

2009-02-10, 10:28 PM
bermuda leaves the bumbling team to aggravate the village as usual, secures her pay (how much did we each get again?) packs a few days supply of rations and goes to rest for her travels.

2009-02-10, 11:14 PM
With all your various wealth added up you had a party pool of 520 gold. Durthas spent 10 on a new Khopesh, and ten more went to analyzing Durthas' magical Khopesh and Nightblood.

So there is 500 gold still left for spending. Now would be the time to make any purchases you want before leaving on your next mission. Tomorrow I will be sending you on your way.

2009-02-11, 02:01 PM

Durthas quickly tires of waiting aimlessly behind the hay stack and decides to make his way back to the inn to rest before heading out on the next mission.

2009-02-11, 07:47 PM
After much pointless nannering about, and a few jokes in very poor taste, the party settles in for the night. Which passes uneventfully as you are in the middle of a large military fort. Upon awakening you pack up your gear and set off for the southern passes, to where you'll hopefully find a caravan full of supplies which you will then immediately pilfer.

You travel steadily south throughout the day, stopping only for a short midday meal. Ahead of you the woods begin to thin as the craggy moutaintops give way to gentler slopes.

Without warning you ride into a sudden (and inexplicable) clearing in the forest. Likewise a group of travelers rides into the clearing from the opposite direction. The leader of the second group, an armored Human wielding a Halberd, gives a shout.

"Come my comrades! A Random encounter! Ex-pee for all!" His meaning is unclear to you as he is apparently a madman with all this talk of random encounters and the willingness to slaughter random travellers without provocations.

His comrades follow suit without even lodging a complaint, which by all rights they should as I have clearly explained that he is clearly a madman. Clearly.

Nonetheless they begin to close the distance to your party. In the lead is a the Human, an Elf wielding two swords, and a Halfling with a dagger. Behind them is another Elf, this one with a bow, and a Gnome in green robes holding a staff. They appear quite murderous.

"I call the hairy one's swords!"
"Come on man! You always get the best loot!"
"Yeah, give someone else a chance for once!"

2009-02-11, 07:50 PM
Roll for Initiative!

[roll0] Peldoe
[roll1] Hronus
[roll2] Kix
[roll3] Bermuda
[roll4] Durthas

[roll5] Gnome
[roll6] Human
[roll7] Bow Elf
[roll8] Halfling
[roll9] Sword Elf


Bow Elf
Sword Elf

2009-02-11, 08:03 PM
The Elf archer rushes forward and looses his arrow at Hronus from 20 feet away, seeing him as the largest and most imposing threat.

"Die foul beast!" He let's fly his arrow.

[roll0] vs. AC 18

The Archer's shot thunks heavily into Hronus' shoulder, dealing substantial damage to the Minotaur.

In the meantime the halfing skulks off to the side and waits for an opportunity to move in, he is approximately 15 feet to away from the party. He ducks into a some deep brush and attempts to avoid notice.

Roll for stealth

The halfling successfully sneaks into the brush without attracting notice and disappears from view.

2009-02-12, 12:02 PM

Durthas reacts quickly to the threat, as the arrow thuds into the minotaur next to him, he notices the little one seemingly vanished, he searches the brush quickly but doesn't notice the halfling.

He walks toward the bow wielding ranger and attacks visciously with his dual khopeshs.
Rolls in OOC, attacks are 7 and 15 (forgot the +1 for my magic weapon) and damage is 13, and 19 (forgot +1 for magic), and one damage for quarry, if i miss I deal half damage.

So 6 damage on one miss attack, and 14 if i missed on both attacks.

He strikes the bowman but doesn't look at how deep of a wound he caused.

2009-02-12, 12:27 PM
As Durthas passes through the foilage the Halfing lashes out with his dagger. He misses his swipe completely and is revealed to the party. Durthas passes by unscathed to attack the Elf.

vs. AC
+ 1d6 Sneak attack

Durthas gives two glancing blows to the Archer, scoring no solid hits, but manages to deal superficial wounds nonetheless. The elf winces at the long gash along his browline, ruining his oh so precious Elven features. The gash begins to bleed heavily (as scalp wounds are like to do) and run into his eyes.

Half damage from both attacks, 14 and 18 damage total, so 7 and 9 damage at half. Which means the elf takes 16 damage and he is bloodied.

2009-02-12, 01:09 PM
Kix inches forward, readying getting ready for an opening in the enemy ranks and muttering to himself and the blade strapped to his back.

"Damn.. A party from 'civilized' lands.. They slaughter our people for sport. This could get very ugly..

Can you be trusted to aid us in our battle sword?"

Kix has lost many family members to the blades of adventurers invading their warrens. Waiting his turn to act. Does he know about the swords abilities?

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-12, 01:33 PM
[[Not to speak for the DM, but since you never, neccesarilly, gave the sword to anyone to examine. I would say all signs point to no]]

[[I also forgot to mention my spells prepared. I also noticed that I get 2 Utilities not just 1 and I choose Shield,

Prepared spells for today

Acid Arrow


I appear to have iniative before the armoured dude and the caster gnome, hooray. Incase it comes to my turn during the night (GMT night that is!) I plan to quick draw my wand.

I was wondering, can I use the Magic Missile Wand as my Implement or must I use the one I got at 1st level? In any case, I draw the wand of Magic Missile if I can use it as an implement. I cast Acid Arrow at a couple of the adventurers.

Primary target: Gnome
Secondary target: Human

Also, can Limos make my rolls for me once it is my turn.

On my next turn, (because im busy all of tommorow with travelling) I will as a free action whisper "I will try to infiltrate them" and then try to sneak off. If I succeed I will use my Encounter Change Shape ability to change into the guise of a human. I will then (assuming my sneaking off does not count as a move action) sneak behind the Enemies and then wait for my next turn.

[roll0] Stealth Roll
(As I said, if the DM can do attack and damage for me once it is my turn)

2009-02-12, 04:30 PM
True, but the standard for 4e is that you know everything about an item after a short rest, except for exceptions, so typically I would know, but since this sword is special i wanted to ask ;)

2009-02-12, 04:36 PM
You know the stats for Nightblood In Character now that you've had a chance to rest.

Use the revised stats I posted in the OOC thread.

[[Still waiting for Hronus]]

2009-02-12, 05:39 PM
Hronus howls with pain as the arrow pierces him.

He moves past Durthas, going into a spin as he reaches the Elf's flank, aiming a blow at his back. His wild strike leaves him off-balance. "Hit me again, you long-eared bastard!", Hronus yells as he swings his axe.

Sorry for the late reply, I had an inexplicable internet connection failure for about half a day.

Anyways, you can probably tell that Hronus is using Brash Assault. After I attack, the elf has to opportunity to attack me with combat advantage. If he does, Durthas may make an attack with combat advantage against the Elf.

Attack Roll: [roll0] vs AC

Damage Roll: [roll1]

Also, not to complain or anything, but as I mentioned on page 2 of the OOC thread, my Combat leader class ability gives all my allies a +2 power bonus to Initiative. I don't think that was added in to your rolls for us.

2009-02-12, 06:51 PM
Did the sword answer ? Got a while till my turn at this rate

2009-02-12, 06:52 PM
Let it be known that the new initiaitive list is as follows.

Bow Elf
Sword Elf

Hronus swings, and misses, the lithe elf. In response the Elf makes an attack against the minotaur while he is presumably off balance. Hronus makes a second strike on the backhand swing in retaliation. Both strikes connect, the Elf scores a long gash along Hronus's flank, while the Minotaur's battleaxe scores a deep gash in the elf's shoulder. The elf is in quite sorry shape by this point, with several serious wounds. "Uh guys? I could seriously use some help with this.

[roll0] vs. Hronus AC.


Meanwhile Nightblood telepathically answers Kix. I can help! I'll even do my best to not kill you! Which is actually harder than you might think.

2009-02-12, 07:13 PM
"Alright.. I'll give you this chance, this one chance to prove you can be trusted in a fight."

With my turn coming up ill fill you in now. Kix is pissed at these so called civilized people, coming into our lands to pick off stragglers.

He's rushing forward past the bow elf in front and fitting in next to Hronus, from your description I believe The Halberder is in front of me, with the sword elf ahead and to the side, with the gnome behind them.

I should be able to catch all 3 of them in the close blast 3 from Nightblood, my attack bonus is +9, and I believe the damage is 1d10 +5 +2d6

I'll move there shouldnt be any AOO's by my math, and i should be in melee with both elves and the halberder for potential AOO's of my own, drop my sword and shield as a free, minor action to draw nightblood, standard to blast them, action point, standard to blast them again.

If there's any way i can catch 4 enemy targets without hitting an ally ill do that instead, but priority is not hitting any allies.

Attack rolls

Attack 1
[roll0] Halberder [roll1] +[roll2]
[roll3] Elf [roll4] +[roll5]
[roll6] Gnome [roll7] +[roll8]

Attack 2
[roll9] Halberder [roll10] +[roll11]
[roll12] Elf [roll13] +[roll14]
[roll15] Gnome [roll16] +[roll17]

I'm rather expecting you to nerf this sword after this, but we will see ;)

2009-02-12, 07:16 PM
woops, damage bonus is +6 due to versatile in 2 hands, add 1 to each damage roll that hits.

Also, heres 6 miss damages, apply however many I miss attacks for


2009-02-12, 07:35 PM

After Hronus takes the vicious attack that leaves the elves flank exposed, Durthas reaches forward for an attack of his own.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Quarry: [roll2]
If I hit I choose to use Predatory Eye- Encounter, gain 1d6 dmg on an attack you make against a target with Combat Advantage.

Also, was at work so I didn't notice but the attack and damage rolls I made earlier were low, but I think thats what you fixed with the higher # than I came up with, these are now correct.

2009-02-12, 07:54 PM
Durthas' attack fells the Elf archer, cutting him into three seperate pieces. Kix rushes past and unleashes a furious barrage against the Adventurers. The Halberd wielder takes two blasts of Necrotic energy, causing horrific lesions to crop up on his exposed skin, he begins to bleed from the eyes and nose (which is quite disturbing).

The Elf scout drops to the ground and avoids the wave of Necrotic damage. The energy snaps back and lashes at Kix. The Gnome takes the first strike but avoids the second as he fades into invisibility. Once more the necrotic energy backlashes at Kix.

In addition Kix feels his lifeforce begin to leak into the sword through the grip.

The Halberder takes some serious damage and becomes Bloodied. The scout dodges both attacks and kix takes 3 and 2 damage for those attacks. The Gnome dodges the second strike and uses his encounter power to become invisible after being hit with the first. Kix takes another 2 damage for that. And then 4 damage for Nightblood being drawn this turn.

In total Kix takes 11 damage from his own attacks.

I think you are right that the sword is still a little overpowered. I'm thinking of changing the blast to a Daily ability.

But you are going to get raped when their turns come around. The sword elf is going to hit you with two melee attacks right off the bat, then Peldoe gets a turn, then the Gnome hits you with a Scintillating bolt, then the Human hits you with his +1 Battlecrazed Halberd. Dealing extra damage for being bloodied, not to mention his special attack that knocks you prone.

[[Just waiting for Bermuda now]]

2009-02-13, 01:15 AM
Bermuda watches as the halfling disappears then completely gives away his position. "the fool can't even hide himself properly" she chuckles to herself stepping three squares to the side of the combat to gain her Shadow Walk concealment.

Curse the halfling (AC +1 for this round)and hit him with eldritch blast.
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] for curse

2009-02-13, 01:23 AM
The Halfling takes serious damage from Bermuda's spell, but remains standing. She fades into the shadows as she reaches the edge of the clearing.

The dual wielding elf rises up from the ground and strikes at Kix with both weapons in quick succession. Hoping to put him out of the fight before he can use that terrible necrotic weapon again.


Additional 4 damage if both attacks hit due to Rending strike

His first attack misses the Paladin by a longshot, but the second connects squarely, dealing minor damage with his shortsword.

Kix has taken a total of 16 damage now

2009-02-13, 01:30 AM
[[Taking care of Peldoe's actions, as set down earlier]]

Peldoe begins casting a spell from the relative safety of the back row, far from the main conflict. He points at the Human Halberdier and a bolt of malevolent green energy flings itself at the human, the splash intended for the elf beside him.


The attack misses the human and splashes at his feet, spattering his legs with acidic energy which deals minor damage.

Peldoe misses the reflex on both targets, and instead deals half damage (4) to the human alone, and he takes 2 ongoing acid damage.

Peldoe successfully avoids notice as he slips off into the forest. His magic whisper is relayed, but it seems there will be little chance of infiltrating the opposing party at the moment.

2009-02-13, 01:36 AM
[[Now the last two enemies]]

A burst of swirling colors flies out of the dense forest, presumably from the Invisible Gnome who had moved away moments ago. It sizzles through the air at Kix.

[roll0] vs. Fortitude (15)

The blast of light smashes into Kix's head, spinning him about and filling his vision with disorienting sparks. Kix begins to bleed heavily from the massive magical trauma he has received thus far.

Kix takes 6 damage and becomes dazed

2009-02-13, 01:41 AM
Taking advantage of your disorientation the Human strikes with all his strength at the Paladin, his Halberd pulses with malevolent blood magic. "I'm going to have you stuffed and mounted monster. You'll make a fine trophy."

[roll0] vs. AC 21
[roll2] Damage for being bloodied

The human deals a massive blow to the Paladin, tossing him into the air like a ragdoll. He comes back to earth in a crumpled heap on the brink of death. Nightblood's clasp snaps shut with disturbing finality.

The human deals 19 damage to Kix, which combined with the original 22 damage he's taken puts him at -1 hp. Either Durthas or Hronus had better do something before Kix's turn comes up or he will have to make a Death saving throw.

Are you okay?

2009-02-13, 02:52 AM
"Kix! You don't get to die today! Not on my watch!"

Hronus rushes to face the Human halberdier, his shield raised. As he reaches his foe, he feints left and swings his axe at the human's midsection.

A dwarven rune on Hronus' left spaulder glows, and a few wounds of his begin to seal up.

First, Hronus will use Inspiring Word as a minor action to allow Kix to use a healing surge.

Next, he will move up to the Human, and use Bastion of Defense. If this hits, all allies within 5 squares (which includes at least Durthas and Kix, not sure who else) get +1 to all defenses. Regardless of where it hits or not, all allies within 5 squares gain 8 temporary HP .

Also, I'm taking a free action to activate the power of my Dwarven Armor to gain HP as if I had used a healing surge, so +7 HP for me.

Attack Roll:[roll0]

Damage Roll:[roll1]

2009-02-13, 07:40 AM

Durthas see's Kix fall in a heap and rushes to attack the aggressor, knowing he has no skills in healing a wound he hopes someone else in the party can assist him. Seeing Hronus' attack smash into the human he decides to take on the elf. He swings both his blades at the surrounding enemies.

Ok so I think I have the dual wield elf and human both within a close burst 1 for me so I will use Dire Wolverine Strike.

Attack vs Human: [roll0]
Damage vs Huma: [roll1]

Attack vs Elf: [roll2]
Damage vs Elf: [roll3]
Quarry vs Elf: [roll4]

Then I will also use my action point to gain a standard action and use the power Twin Strike against the elf:


2009-02-13, 10:39 AM
Hronus cleaves the Human in twain with his greataxe, sending the confused torso sailing through the air. In the meantime Durthas unleashes a ferocious assault on his Elven counterpart, dicing him into at least 16 different parts. They both expire quickly.

Kix stirs on the ground, having been drawn back from the brink of death by Hronus' inspiring word.

The Halfling gulps upon noticing that he is standing exposed in the middle of a clearing with all the heavy fighters in his party now lying dead. He dashes to the forests edge, towards the caravan.

[roll0] Stealth Check

The Halfling disappears into the underbrush without a trace. Meanwhile the Gnome has not yet grasped how much trouble he is in and is still standing on the edge of the clearing.

2009-02-14, 04:47 PM
Bermuda continues to move in a wide sweep to the side of the gnome, cutting off his path towards the direction the halfling ran. She grins watching her first target flee in terror. "We have had a very productive day. Let's not let this last one get away though"

Curse the gnome (+1AC) and cast witchfire vs. reflex.
[roll1] and -2 to all his attack rolls for a round
[roll2] for the Curse

2009-02-14, 05:19 PM
The Gnome collapses in a shrieking fireball of agony as the spell strips the flesh from his bones. He is dead, about as dead as it is possible to be. The glade falls silent as the battle abruptly ceases. All the members of the civilized party, other than the Halfing are dead.

Feel free to loot the bodies of the heroes before moving along. By the way, nice Crit Kamatari.

2009-02-14, 05:44 PM

Durthas examines the fallen enemies, taking special note of the equipment he believes may be of use for him. Particularly the weapons wielded by the two elves. He first takes note of the dual swords, and then the bow wielded by the other elf. He leaves it to one of the more magically inclined to find better hidden items.

But he does a quick one over to see what he can find.

[roll0] To find stuff on them.

2009-02-14, 06:00 PM
The Sword elf's weapons are a completely mundane longsword and shortsword. His armor however appears to be magical. The Bow elf has no magical items on him, but he does have a startling amount of gold and a deck of cards.

2009-02-14, 06:19 PM
Hronus gives Kix a hand up from the ground, then moves to where the top half of the Human warrior landed. "Blood-mad murderer," Hronus snarls, "Who knows how many of our kind you've needlessly slaughtered. Let's see how you like the afterlife with no eyes." With that, Hronus plucks out the corpse's eyes and stomps them into the ground.

He begins to walk away, but turns back and picks up the human's halberd. "Looks like we're the ones who will be taking trophies."

2009-02-14, 09:13 PM

After searching the bodies, taking the gold and deck of cards and stripping the magical armor and throwing it on the ground to be inspected by the wizard, Durthas turns to the others and says,
So what has everyone else found? This one had some magical armor, but the other had nothing of consequence.

2009-02-14, 10:30 PM
You gather up the various possessions of the dead adventurers and move swiftly in the direction the Halfling fled, back toward the caravan trail. As you enter the pass you see the Halfling give up on unharnessing one of the draft horses which are too agitated to pull the cart at the moment. The cart itself is caught in a rut, the wheel lodged tightly enough that the horses are unable to dislodge it.

He sprints for the edge of the pass with a light pack and is quickly out of sight among the vegetation. The cart is a small affair, covered with a tarp and drawn by two stocky horses. There are several crates visible underneath the tarp.

From this point it is a days walk to the Banshrae hive. Half a day if you ride in the cart. If you leave soon you will arrive by nightfall.

Someone can make a Nature check to calm the horses and a Strength check to dislodge the cart. There is no loot in the cart, just the supplies that you are supposed to bring back to the Spine fort with you. It's mostly non-perishable food and mundane weapons. Nothing that will suffer from a day's diversion.

2009-02-14, 10:40 PM

Durthas approaches the wagon and horses and calms them down and checks to make sure there are no more enemies nearby. He then shoves on the cart hard to try to dislodge it from being stuck.

[roll0] Nature to calm horses
[roll1] Str to dislodge wagon.

2009-02-14, 10:54 PM
Durthas successfully calms the horses, but his tentative push does not dislodge the cart. The rest of the party joins Durthas at the caravan trail. Durthas gives several more tugs but does not budge the stubborn cart.

2009-02-15, 12:45 AM
if we all push together we can certainly free this cart to work for our own purpose

Strength check to assist [roll0]

2009-02-15, 09:23 AM
"Aye, I'll give you a hand with that cart."

Str check to assist: [roll0]

2009-02-15, 01:08 PM
With your combined strength the cart bursts free of the rut and is once more useable. The horses prance nervously but remain calm for the moment.

2009-02-15, 10:01 PM

Durthas calms the horses down and takes the drivers position.
Come everyone, this wagon will surely quicken our trip!

Nature Check for driving the horses:


Durthas begins driving toward the destination assuming everyone gets in.

2009-02-15, 10:24 PM
The party piles in to the cart, quickly settling down among the crates of supplies. Durthas brings the horses around and you begin the plodding descent back in to civilized lands. You are already south of the Shieldwall, so there shouldn't be anything in between you and the Vale.

The time passes slowly, as you make your way out of the mountains and into the verdant farmland of the Vale. Ahead of you a thin plume of dust rises from the trail, presumably from another traveler heading your way.

There are no notable landmarks or geographic features in any direction, nor any kind of cover. Just rolling grassland for miles.

Remember, you are scary monsters in the middle of civilized farmland right now.

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-16, 03:58 AM
"I think I should take the shape of a human, in order to not arise as many questions from locals. If anyone approaches us, you could be my prisoners. God knows the humans have believed stupider things." Peldoe says.

As he waits for a response he checks over the items they gained. He also rifles through the Ritual Book and writes down the Ritual in that book.

Do I have to make an Arcana check for each and every item?
[roll0] [Arcana Check]

2009-02-16, 10:34 AM
Peldoe assumes the guise of a human while the oncoming caravan comes slowly into sight. You notice that you're "Prisoners" still bristle with weapons and are not bound in any way. Perhaps something should be done about that.

At the Moment you have a -2 circumstance penalty to bluffing the travelers due to your Prisoners being armed. And an additional -2 penalty for them being unrestrained.

2009-02-16, 07:25 PM
Hronus throws his weapons and shield into the cart the horses are carrying, and motions for the others to do the same. "We should probably look as if we've been captured if Peldoe's deception is to succeed." He also does his best to appear under magical control.

Bluff check to convince approaching enemies that he is under some form of controlling spell: [roll0]

I don't want to risk being bound up if Peldoe's Bluff is discovered, so I'm going with trying to look as if we've been subdued by the magic of our human wizard imprisoner.

2009-02-16, 07:29 PM
Hronus manages to look suitably dispirited and beaten down, making a convincing display of being a prisoner. With his weapons out of sight he will most likely deceive the travelers.

2009-02-16, 09:02 PM

At Hronus' words Durthas lays his blades behind him out of sight, but not out of mind.
We need to stay calm and let these weaklings think we are prisoners.

Bluff check as well:[roll0]Prayin for a good roll!! Damn my horrible luck...

2009-02-16, 09:14 PM
Durthas is now unarmed, but still visibly defiant and far too straight backed to be slave. The travelers are beginning to draw very near, you can almost make out the figures driving the cart.

2009-02-17, 08:10 AM
Bermuda throws her rod and sickle into the cart, but conceals her dagger up her sleeve and assumes her best beaten down look.

bluff: [roll0]

...oh dear

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-17, 08:23 AM
Can I assist them with their Bluff checks somehow?

2009-02-17, 10:54 AM
While now disarmed, Bermuda still looks quite sinister. With the unconvincing Durthas by her side the cart does not look so much like a prisoner cart but an especiallly unhappy family outing.

Seeing the cart about to come alongside you Kix makes his own attempt to appear beaten down, and stows his weapons among the crates.

[roll0] Kix's bluff (just for time constraints sake)

Kix manages to look beaten down alongside Hronus and the two balance out the ineffective display of the two Bugbears. Just as the party finishes preparing for the coming cart it rolls up to them. The wagon is wide and fills the narrow track. The Driver is tall and wears loose homespun garmets that hang from an overly thin frame. He also wears a large straw hat and a light scarf to keep the dust off his face. All that can be seen are his eyes, which can barely be seen among the shadows of his headgear.

There are two smaller figures, in similar garb, poking out of the back of the high cart. They do not wear hats, but their scarves are wrapped entirely around their heads.

The fabrics are oddly bright for peasant garb, far more color than you would expect on such simple garmets. The Driver peers over at you and your cart, which will not be able to pass his without going off the road and into the soft earth on either side (and probably become stuck).

"Why... er... Monsters in your cart?"

Since half the party looks beaten down, and they are all unarmed, you no longer have any circumstance penalties to your bluff skill. Go ahead and bluff away Peldoe.

You notice that there appears to also be monsters in the other travelers cart, an assortment of goblinoids mostly, all shackled together and looking much more authentic as prisoners.

2009-02-18, 03:33 PM

Durthas takes a look at the approaching wagon and trys to see if there is anything he missed at first glance.

Roll for perception: [roll0] I think my mod is 9, dont have access to my sheet right now at work, if its 7 just subtract 2.

He then calls to the other goblins in Goblin, Why are you in chains? This human has beaten us down with his will but you still have yours!!

Do I need a bluff check in goblin, my main goal is to see if the human speaks goblin or not.

2009-02-18, 11:41 PM
Durthas takes a closer look at the cart. He notices immediately that it is full of shackled Goblinoids and various others of the Monster races. The three which are not shackled appear very strange.

The driver's clothing is very baggy and loose, yet you can tell that he is very thin underneath. You can't make out any facial features, but the bone structure of their face is strange as well. His fingers are oddly elongated, much more so than any human you have seen.

The two shorter figures are quite clearly not children. They do not appear comfortable in their current clothing and especially seem to dislike wearing shoes. They both have several daggers just barely visible as bulges in their clothing.

As Durthas shouts the driver looks at you blankly, he quite clearly does not speak Goblin. One of the goblins in the cart looks up "They said not to speak..." One of the shorter figures bops the goblin on the top of the head mutely and the creature trails off.

The two shorter figures begin peering at you suspisciouly and fingering the hilts of their knives.

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-19, 02:28 AM
It appears to me that for Change shape, I get a +20 to Bluff, and another +4 for natural skill. May be wrong (just checked my MM).

Peldoe looks at his prisoners and says "Do not be worried. They are bound by my magic, I found them looting the corpse of some adventurers and decided to take them in. Some of them are resisting a bit, but they cannot outdo the power of the Arcane. What are you doing with so many Goblins on your cart?". He disguises his voice to match that of the human warrior they met earlier

[roll0] Bluff Check

2009-02-19, 11:12 AM
The driver tilts his head just slightly back towards the cart and one of the shorter figures nods almost imperceptibly (which means only Durthas is perceptive enough to notice it). The travelers cart suddenly lurches to one side and the railing the figure was standing on a moment ago explodes with a thundercrack of shattering timber.

The blurring figure zips across the intervening space and lunges at Peldoe with his knife drawn in all but an instant.

The shorty uses Tumble to shift from one cart to the other and then make a Sneak Attack Piercing strike against Peldoe. For some crazy ass damage if he hits.

[roll0] vs. Reflex
[roll1] + [roll2] Damage vs. Peldoe

By the way, Rolling for Initiative now.

[roll3] The Other shorty
[roll4] The Driver
[roll5] Durthas
[roll6] Bermuda
[roll7] Kix
[roll8] Hronus
[roll9] Peldoe

The figure plunges his dagger into Peldoes chest, causing the wizard to lose his shape and revert to doppleganger form as he falls to the ground. The figure reels back in confusion at this. By his reaction you can tell that he was really convinced the wizard was a human. Nonetheless, if Peldoe does not receive help soon he will expire.

Ouch, sneak attack critical means max damage for my little buddy here. That's 4+5+16+2, which puts Peldoe at -7 hp.

You are all basically within arms reach of the little guy though. I'm going to allow that you can draw your weapons from where they are right now as a Minor action

The Driver stands up and looks over at the party. "We take you from here. You get in cart now." Otherwise he does nothing on his turn.

I forgot about Hronus' thing again. So here is the Initiative list.
1. Shorty #1
2. The Driver
3. Kix
4. Hronus & Durthas
5. Shorty #2
6. Peldoe
7. Bermuda

So that means that Kix is up now, since the Driver chose not to attack during his round.

2009-02-19, 11:26 AM

With astonishing speed the little one zips across the gap of wagons and attacks Peldoe, dealing a grisley wound. Durthas is astonished at how effective his attack was and snaps out of it and grabs up his blades waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Durthas says to the Driver Why should we get in your cart, you attacked one of us, not realizing they were attempting to act as prisoners, his hands gripping his blades tightly.

2009-02-20, 11:40 PM
The tiny kobold looks left and right, realizing his sword is in the wagon out of reach while his comrade lies bleeding to death.

Kix leaps into the fray, straddling the fallen mage and lending him the power of his faith and life force lay on hands - Heal your healing surge value +2, doesn't cost you a surge though

He stands bare handed, channelling divine energy pouring through him and out into the surrounding area. Ready to take down anyone who threatens his fallen comrade Sacred Circle - Everyone take a +1 AC within 3 spaces of me, which puts Kix to a 24 ac

2009-02-21, 12:00 AM
Kix's healing magic pours into Peldoe, reviving him from his near death as the wound on his chest seals up, leaving a painful gash that is otherwise not life threatening.

Peldoe is alive again, and it is now Hronus and Durthas' turn. Either one of you can go first, since you share the same intiative.

2009-02-21, 01:38 AM
I want to get over to their wagon, Ill roll Athletics to jump, and Acrobatics to land safely.


Assuming I land safely, I will then use Twin Strike on the driver who is also my quarry.

[roll2]Attack 1
[roll3]Attack 2
[roll4]Dmg 1
[roll5]Dmg 2
[roll6]Quarry if either hits.

Durthas leaps across to their wagon and takes a brings his blades to bear against the driver. Why did you attack us? If you surrender now we can avoid more bloodshed.

2009-02-21, 10:46 AM
Durthas jumps lithely over the diminutive foe and lands on the drivers perch of the large wagon. He swings at the Driver with both Khopesh's.

The Driver lifts one hand in refusal and a dome of almost translucent energy blocks both swings. He looks up at you in confusion from where he is still seated.

"You are not prisoners?"

The Driver uses his readied action and casts Shield as an Immediate Interrupt and raises his AC by 4 for the round. Which means that both of Durthas' strikes miss the Driver and he takes no damage.

2009-02-21, 12:18 PM

Surprised at the sudden shield blocking his attacks, Durthas backs off a bit and answers the driver, No we are not prisoners, but now that you know we can't let you escape in case you tell anyone else.

2009-02-22, 11:42 PM
The Driver looks at Durthas quizically, then turns his head slightly backwards to the second figure. He says nothing, but the figure tilts his head as though considering something and then nods gravely to the Driver. Durthas notices these small nonverbal cues and concludes that they are speaking telepathically.

I wasn't going to respond to that comment before, but since Hronus hasn't responded yet...

Remember people, check the thread at least once a day!

2009-02-23, 05:15 PM
Hronus numbly responds to the assault in a emotionless manner, he pulls Peldoe backwards into the cart and takes his place on the drivers seat, striking the speedster.

Due to Hronus being unresponsive I'm having his use Wolf pack tactics to shift Peldoe backwards into the cart and then he closes to melee range to make his attack.

[roll0] vs. AC 17

Hronus shifts Peldoe back into the cart, but does not hurt the inhumanly quick enemy, who sidesteps his swing lithely.

The scond speedster leaps into blurring motion and zips across the cart, too fast to follow. He strikes at Kix and Bermuda as he passes, stopping on the back edge of the cart.

Second shorty uses his Quick Cuts racial power to make two melee basic attacks at a -2 penalty as he moves across the cart.

[roll2] vs. Kix

[roll4] vs. Bermuda
[roll5] + [roll6] Sneak attack because Bermuda hasn't acted yet.

The speedsters first strike glances off of Kix's armor ineffectually. The second gives Bermuda a nasty gash along her side.

Currently, From the back of your cart the order is.

Kix and Hronus
Durthas and Driver

Next up is Peldoe, and then Bermuda.

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-25, 12:00 PM
Peldoe looks at the new scar and the gash in his armour. He looked at the shorty who had caused this gash. In his eyes, if you happened to look deep enough, you would be able to see the hundred painful deaths he had planned for the shorty. For now he would only kill him once. He drew his wand, and with speed not seen before from him, he cast two spells.

So I am quick drawing the wand (Its such a useful feat!) and using an action point to cast 2 Spells at the shorty, Overkill? Yes Make it any less awesome? No

First Spell: Chill Touch
Second Spell: Thunderwave
Note that I have 6 bonus from Int, and +1 from using my wand as an implement
[roll0] "Chill Touch
[roll1] "Thunderwave"

Im too much of a lazy ass to fetch my PHB, so can Limos please do damage rolls for me?

2009-02-25, 12:39 PM
Oh no no no, that will never do. Rolls called foul on account of Forum roller Asshattery. Reroll is called. :D


Much better.

The Shorty gets blasted with the freezing spell and becomes confused, just in time to be smashed with a thunderwave and sent spinning into the grass on the side of the road. He begins to bleed heavily from where he is crouched in the grass.

2009-02-25, 06:39 PM
Bermuda grins as the first shorty is sent flying and focuses on the second, pondering just how bad his day is about to get. Conjuring up images of pounding waves in an ocean of his own blood to insert into that feeble mind.

ok so looking at the order we're in I've got a dastardly plan for Shorty 1. I shall cast curse of the Dark Dream, inflicting a nightmare upon him and sliding him three squares, I'd like to slide him straight towards me causing him to stumble by kix, peldoe, and Hronus which ought to provoke attacks of opportunity from all four of us. Even if it fails to hit, he will slide one square provoking an attack from the first two.

Here goes nothing...
vs. will
[roll1] damage if hit, if not just the slide and I'll let the others make their attacks.

I'm assuming that's a hit so i'll make my melee attack
1d4+1 damage

2009-02-25, 06:46 PM
let's try that again...

2009-02-25, 07:35 PM
Bermuda rifles rudely through the creatures mind and it stumbles into the midsts of the larger attacker, beginning to hemorrage from the nose and ears as the eldritch magics eat into his psyche.

The first Shorty rises out of the grass with two handfuls of small daggers and murder in his beady eyes. He winds up with both arms and lets fly a barrage of knives into the cart.

[roll0] vs. AC Shorty#2 (17)
[roll2] vs. AC Kix (23)
[roll4] vs. AC Hronus (18)

The barrage of knives plink against Kix's armor, but cut deeply into Hronus and the second Shorty. They become temporarily blinded by the dripping blood.

The Driver stands up from his seat next to Durthas and chants a spell.
Expeditious Retreat

He slips away from Durthas and across the cart, twisting between combatants to come to a stop on the opposite side of the cart. As he slows back down to normal speed he raises both arms, pointing them at the cart.


A blast of magical filaments settle over the cart, snaring those within in it's sticky embrace, including both shorties and all of the party except for Durthas.

[roll6] vs. Reflex, Shorty #1 (16)
[roll7] vs. Reflex, Shorty #2 (16)
[roll8] vs. Reflex, Hronus (11)
[roll9] vs. Reflex, Kix (15)
[roll10] vs. Reflex, Peldoe (16)
[roll11] vs. Reflex, Bermuda (14)

Everyone in the cart with the exception of Peldoe and the second shorty become immobilized by the clinging webs and are held down to the cart frame. The Driver looks across the cart to Durthas.

I believe we have had a misunderstanding. He pulls off his hat and lowers the scarf covering his face, revealing the insectoid features of a Bansrae and his total lack of mouth. The shorties pull of their masks, revealing their grayish skin, pointed ears, and fanged mouths of Quicklings.

2009-02-25, 08:22 PM

As the driver speeds away and ensnares the others, Durthas was thinking of his next move. When the driver unveils that he is in fact more akin to the group than he had expected.

Why do you have these others in chains if you aren't our enemies? I do not like seeing my distant kin in chains...

As Durthas says this he jumps down and heads over to where the driver is and sheaths his blades.

2009-02-25, 08:30 PM
The Chains are there to fool any passing soldiers. We've been pooling our wealth together so that we might purchase as many of your kin as we can from the slave markets. These are as many as we could get a hold of at this time.

One of the goblins sheepishly slips off his manacles and raises his hands to show his unbound wrists. "They aren't locked..." Several other monsters show their unbound wrists as well.

The Banshrae turns back towards you, You are far from the Spine as well. What brings you into human lands?

2009-02-25, 10:20 PM

Durthas eases up after seeing that the goblins weren't in chains.

We came from the Spine to get this wagon of supplies, and as you can see, we have it, from here I'm not sure where our road will take us.

2009-02-28, 12:59 AM
"You are Raolin I assume, your reputation with the magiks is not exaggerated. It's a pleasure to be on your good side now that we know who you are. One of our party has led us out here in search of you"

2009-02-28, 12:35 PM
Raolin appears surprised that you already know who he is. Yes, I am Raolin. What brought you so deep into these lands in search of me?

Connor Darkdart
2009-02-28, 12:43 PM
In his mind Limos laughs at his companions. They had been caught in a magical web and he had not!

"We came in search of you because of this sword. It is possesed and talks to the wielder. It appears to be quite powerful, as it was unable to be bound." he says as he points at the sword. He also smirks at the fact the sword could not be bound.

[[So what do we gain on 3rd Level?]]

2009-03-01, 10:55 AM
Hronus struggles to break free of his magical webby restraints.

Now that we're all friends here, d'you mind dispelling your magic web?

2009-03-05, 12:20 AM
bermuda struggles in the web for what seems like days...

2009-03-05, 12:29 AM
((Apologies my friends. Hectic week.))

Oh oh yes, of course. Raolin pats at his robes for a few moments. Now where did I leave that scroll... Ah! Here it is! He pulls out a thin tube of yellowed parchment and quickly dispells the sticky webbing.

The two Quicklings immediately blur out of the cart to stand next to Raolin. "Why do we bother with these clodhoppers anyway?" One of the Quicklings says to Raolin, earning a quick snap across the back of the head.

Cieonefus! Be polite!

2009-03-08, 10:44 AM
Bermuda looks at her companions and then decides to speak. "We have accomplished our mission that we've been dispatched for and I personally do not wish to remain in the human lands any longer than I have to. Do you have a shelter of any sort? or would you like to return to the spine with us? then we can discuss this artifact and the nature of it."

2009-03-08, 01:25 PM
I suppose we were headed your way in any case. We can head to the Spine together.

With that decided on and there being not much else to do in this empty stretch of pointless grassland you turn your cart around and get moving. After a few hours of travel it begins to get dark and set up camp for the night.

Much fun is had and the night passes uneventfully (not even requiring any particular PC interaction). You break camp in the morning and travel for yet more hours across this boring green expanse.

Finally you arrive back in the Spine mountains (then travel some more) and drive into the main throughofare of the Spine Fort.

Well now, that was a long and uneventful journey. Now maybe you can tell me about what brought you my way? says Raolin from the drivers seat of his cart. He steps down and one of the Quicklings takes the reins. He immediately begins driving back out of the mountains again with the empty cart. The former slaves disperse into the town. The second Quickling remains beside Raolin, acting as a bodyguard.

Seargeant Dalto can be seen stumping his way down the road towards you. Faint calls addressing you as worthless maggots can be heard, along with shouted calls of "what the hell took you so long." He will arrive at the main square in a few minutes.

2009-03-09, 05:59 PM
"My companion's sword was acquired from some bandits not long ago. It seems to have great power, but a mind of its own. It also does no good to the weilder either. I won't lay a hand on it myself, but our little lizard felt the need to end his life prematurely and draw it in battle. He is lucky to be breathing. If it were up to me it would be buried in a solid mountain never to be found, but we have decided to bring it to you."