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View Full Version : Need Help w/ a Campaign Arc

2009-01-30, 10:21 PM
I want to run a campaign in a few years and since i have a tendency to procrasinate a lot i thought i should get started, so my campaign arc that i have came up with so far is:

Party investigates why caravans from the west have been getting attacked, they find a letter leading them to the hills south of town.
They go to the hills and stop a war between some goblins and koblods
they go back to town where a PC's family member is waiting for them and wants them to come with him
On the way their they run into a cult of lycanthropes
Get to the town where they were heading, here i plan on running Red Hand of Doom
After this (hopefully with few PC deaths) the dwarves from Wyvernwatch mountains ask the party for help
Party goes down into the underdark killing the duergar and mind flayers causing the dwarves trouble.
In whatever town they are in after this the BBEG sends some assassins after them, on one of the assassins they will find a clue as where to go
In the town they go to they will get involved with some slavers and take them out
The slaver town will be right by where the BBEG's base is and here i hope they will start attacking the BBEG's headquarters

This is what ideally would happen if the party follows the clues i give them but that rarely happens so this will most likely change once we start playing. An idea i had was to have as they kill the BBEG was to have said BBEG then to say that his master will take revenge on them, or something to that effect.

I dont know what i want the BBEG to be and i dont know what his motive is yet but i do know what i would want his master to be. I want the master be a lich named Lahm and his HQ would be in the Azure Vale.(Yes i did steal that from the Book of Vile Darkness).

My questions are, What is your advice on this arc and what would you change about it? Also what do you think of having the BBEG saying that u now have to deal with my master? Last thing whats your opinion on this arc?

EDIT This will be a 3.5 campaign, so you know before you start suggesting things.

2009-01-31, 11:05 AM
I am going to bump this so someone will reply

2009-01-31, 11:38 AM
Hrm. Work out the BBEG's motives, and work it so the party wants to murderize him from the beginning.

2009-01-31, 12:52 PM
ya i was thinking maybe he wanted to punish people for ostracizing him when he was a kid, so i would have to make him some sort of freak, and he wants to show them their mistake. Then his master would just want revenge on the party for killing his prize pupil.

2009-01-31, 04:18 PM
They go to the hills and stop a war between some goblins and koblods

Why are you sure the party will actually do this? I could easily see them saying that a war between such critters is good for the townsfolk.

2009-01-31, 04:34 PM
yes the party probably will let this war go on for a little bit but if they wait too long the war will start affecting the town and its because of this that caravans were starting to get attacked.

2009-01-31, 05:14 PM
If you want the best plotline possible, you should plan about the climax as soon as possible, and then fill in the blanks.
Also, winging it an actually work out quite well, to resist railroading too much.