View Full Version : Dr. Beit's Office

2009-01-31, 06:41 PM
Previously, on No II:II oN...

Hey look! Lex is online the same time I am!
Sirk is searching for Dr. Beit. She has no idea what Dr. Beit looks like. Yay.

A middle-aged man, with black hair, a grey suit, wire-frame eye-glasses, and a thin mustache approaches Sirk. May I help you, miss?

Erm.. I was looking for Dr. Beit?

I am Dr. Al Beit. How may I help you?

Oh. That's good. I've been looking for you for...
...a long time...
...how much do you charge for therapy?

I charge depending on the client, how much effort will go into said therapy, and the nature of the therapy. Tell me your problem, and I will assess how much I will need to charge. He smiles and waves for Sirk to follow him to his office.

Sirk follows him to his office...

Once inside, Sirk will notice three different chairs. One fluffy and soft looking. One straight-backed, with a leather padded cushion. And a comfy looking love seat. Take your pick. He says as he sits in his own leather chair. What is the problem?

((What does Sirk look like?))

Piccy (http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x280/kriskatarn/SirkDoomSketch.png)

She sits in the straight-backed chair.
Well, I have a few habits left over from my necromancing days that I can't seem to get rid of...

And what would those habits be?

"I just get angry so easily. And when I get angry, it always triggers some sort of reaction from my necromancer side. I spent 10 years angry all the time, killing people and raising there corpses, and it got me killed. I don't want that sort of life, but it won't let me go." :smallfrown:

Do you remember what started you down this path, ten years ago? Dr. Beit steeples his fingers.

"I... I got mauled by a zombie." :smallredface: v.v

You got mauled by a zombie. Hmmmm. How'd that make you feel?

"Well, angry of course. How would you like it if you spent 15 years since the age of 4 training to be a paladin, then on the first day of combat got mauled by the lowest of the low?"

Who were you angry at? Yourself? The zombie? The people who trained you?

"I was angry at Death."

At Death? Interesting. Dr. Beit thinks for a moment. So how is it you became an undead necromancer?

'I just... came back to life. I don't know how... At first I thought it was a necromancer that did it, because after I came back to life they all crowded around me, but later, I became sure it was me that did it."
What led you to this conclusion?

Ashen Lilies
2009-01-31, 07:47 PM
"It was the way the Necromancers treated me. They treated me with respect and awe, unlike the other undead, which they treated like dirt. They were in continual respect of my power, and none of them save The Necromancer Lord ever tried to bind me to their will like they did the common undead. My second death, in the final battle of the war confirmed it. I'm not Necromancer Spawn, I'm a true undead. One who has shunned Death because of her own will."

2009-01-31, 07:53 PM
Rutskarn stumbles in. He appears to be on fire.

"Uh, yeah, wait, sorry, hi, excuse me, do you need an appointment, here? I only ask because you don't really have a receptionist, and...well, it's what we'd call, 'urgent'."

2009-01-31, 08:08 PM
A pretty young woman walks out. May I help you. She uses a fire extinguisher to attempt to put Rutskarn out.

In a sealed room, away from the burning man. Well, my dear, are you happy being a Necromancer?

Ashen Lilies
2009-01-31, 08:18 PM
"Well, I could do a lot worse..."

2009-01-31, 08:22 PM
Rutskarn checks the damage on his coat.

"Huh? Oh, thanks. Didn't really notice that.

"Anyway, I need an appointment. It's urgent."

2009-01-31, 08:28 PM
Well, if you follow me, he will be right with you.

She leads Rutskarn to a room.


Yes, but are you happy? Do you feel any pride in being a necromancer. Does it war with the part of you that was a Paladin?

Ashen Lilies
2009-01-31, 08:37 PM
"No. Because when I say 'I could do worse' that's exactly what I mean."

2009-02-01, 04:15 PM
So, you are happy to not be a Paladin. Why did you go that route, in the first place?

2009-02-07, 12:45 AM
So, you are happy to not be a Paladin. Why did you go that route, in the first place?

* Poke *

Ashen Lilies
2009-02-07, 12:48 AM
"Because I thought it would be different. I wanted to create, not destroy. But it seems that's all Paladins are capable of doing. Holy Scourge of the Gods and all that."

2009-02-08, 05:29 AM
You obviously got in with the wrong paladins. I recently met a paladin that nearly refuses to use her weapon. She follows a goddess of hope and wants nothing more than to help people in need through negotiations. Would you like to meet her?

Ashen Lilies
2009-02-08, 05:44 AM
"Was her name Alexis?"

2009-02-08, 05:57 AM
Last I knew, it still was, yes.

Ashen Lilies
2009-02-08, 06:05 AM
"I met her once. And apologies for coming off as a cynic, but those ideals aren't going to last long."

2009-02-08, 06:11 AM
Dr. Beit smiles. I forgive you.

I'd like to end this session for now. I will set an appointment for Tuesday, does that work for you?

Ashen Lilies
2009-02-08, 06:14 AM
"Okay. Thank you."

2009-02-20, 05:08 PM
Butler heads in, presumably followed by Titan Ajax. "Here we are sir. This is where the Doctor works from sir."

2009-02-20, 05:13 PM
Titan Ajax burst in heroically!

His gauntlets raised and humming with internal light, ready for any minions of the vile Doctor Nefarious that might be thrown his way!



The hero's arms slowly fall to his sides.

"...this... Isn't a diabolical lair of doom..."

2009-02-20, 05:25 PM
Eep. There are those big words again. "Diabolical sir? I thought it looked rather clean to me sir. But I suppose it could use tidying up sir."

"But why would there be doom here sir? This is Doctor Nefarious' office sir. Doctors heal and help people sir. I know things like that can be confusing sir. I had no idea what a dentist was once sir, back when I was young. At least until someone explained it to me sir. But there's no doom at all sir."

"And how did you get your clothes to glow like that sir? That was neat sir."

2009-02-20, 05:40 PM
For a long time Ajax just... stands there.

There are basically two possible explanations regarding this turn of events. Either the lair of Doctor Nefarious is fiendishly well disguised or this butler fellow has absolutely no idea who Doctor Nefarious actually is and has lead the costumed hero into the office of a medical doctor.

He has the feeling it's the latter.

Which results in face-palming.

"Doctor Nefarious isn't a doctor of medicine. He's trained in robotics, cybernetics, biological engineering, and quantum physics. He doesn't set broken bones. He builds death machines," Ajax explains as calmly as he can manage. "And my armor glows because it needs to shed excess photonic radiation from the power core. And it helps it look neat."

2009-02-20, 05:51 PM
Soooo many big words. Butler's eyes just sort of glaze over as he gets completely lost. "Uhhh... what sir?"

"If this isn't the Doctor's office, then why does it say Doctor's office?" Butler looks at the name more closely. "Wait a second sir. This is Doctor Bet's office." Yes, he mispronounced Beit as Bet. "Sir, I'm starting to think that the guy you want to fix your chivalry isn't here after all sir. This may be another doctor's office sir."

2009-02-20, 06:03 PM
"I just said..." Ajax's voice cracks a bit. Odd. Sounds almost famine...

"Never mind. Forget about it. I'm starting to wonder if Nefarious even has a base here. More likely I was just hurled into some random dimension," the costumed hero sighs at this point, sinking into a Random Chair®.

"You're right. This is a different Doctor's office. And I don't need my chivalry fixed," seems Ajax has given up on using his hero voice around the Butler. The spacey man seems to be more or less immune to it.

2009-02-20, 06:25 PM
"Oh, but you said sir..."

"Then why do you need a doctor sir?" Butler shakes his head and smiles at him. "Nevermind sir. I don't need to know sir. I'm sorry you couldn't find him and that I couldn't be more help for you sir. Is there anything else I could do for instead you sir?"

2009-02-20, 06:29 PM
Ajax has already decided that he's going to explain this unless the frustration causes his head to explode first. Besides, he still might be able to get some useful information out of the cat-person.

"Alright. We're going to try to be simple here. Are there any bad people that live in this city?"

2009-02-20, 06:37 PM
Butler thinks a long while. "Bad people sir? Only two that I know of sir. Whoever it is that eats Nikolai sir. And Jaren sir. Both need to be stopped sir. But I don't know how to help Nikolai sir. And I don't know where Jaren is sir. I really need to find him too sir. He has some of Decker's soul sir. I'm not sure what a soul is sir, but he had some of mine for a while and it's very important sir."

2009-02-20, 06:44 PM
"Okay, you know of two bad people who live here. I," Ajax places one hand on his chest. "Am a super-hero. It's my job to make sure bad people don't do bad things anymore. Doctor Nefarious is a bad person I was trying to stop. But he sent me to this city so I wouldn't be able to stop him."

He's really hoping this is simple enough to get through the cat-boy's seemingly simple butler brain.

"So if I'm stuck here I want to know about the bad people so I can stop them."

2009-02-20, 06:57 PM
"Oohhhhhh, I see sir. Then you probably won't find him here sir. This is a place where they help people sir. Does Doctor Nefarious eat people too sir? And how'd he become a Doctor and a bad guy sir?" Doctors are the good guys! And yes, simple enough. For once.

"Maybe you should come to the Good League of Good sir. I think Mrs. Amakirr mentioned something once about stopping bad guys sir. I wasn't sure what she meant at the time sir. But I think I understand now sir. She must be a super-heroes too sir!" Butler's face breaks into a childish grin of growing admiration for super-heroes.


2009-02-20, 07:05 PM
Childish admiration?

That's just swell.

"No, Doctor Nefarious doesn't eat people. But he has an army of flesh-eating robots that do," Ajax clarifies as he once more rises to his feet, giving the office one last glance to make sure there isn't anything villainous afoot. "And I'm not sure why Nefarious has chosen a life of crime. I don't pretend to understand the motive of villains."

Though at the mention of GLoG.

"Wait... You have a heroic organization in this city? That's perfect! It might not be the Freedom Force but no doubt it'll be better than flying solo."


"Very well citizen! To the Good League of Good!" he places on hand on his hip and with the other he points dramatically. If he had a cape it would probably be fluttering in the breeze.

2009-02-20, 07:12 PM
"Flesh-eating robots sir? But robots don't eat sir." Everyone knows that.

"I don't know anything about a heroic organization sir. I just know it's a nice place to live sir. But I'd be happy to show you there sir."

Butler tilts his head as he poses dramatically, grin widening. "Yes sir! But I'm not a citizen sir. I'm a butler sir. I'm pretty sure citizens have another job besides cleaning and fetching stuff sir."

And off they go to the GLoG (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104568).

2009-02-20, 07:17 PM
Ajax decides that it's probably best not to try correcting the butler regarding the meaning of the word civilian. It'll probably just go right over his fuzzy cat ears again. But at least he's finally making some progress!

Or at least Ajax is pretty sure he's making some progress. This GLoG place could very well be nothing more than an apparent complex.


2009-02-20, 07:40 PM
Dr. Beit peeks out of his door, well after the superhero and cat-boy have left.

Hello? He looks around. Is anyone there?

He shuts the door and goes back to listening to his music, which is turned all the way up to 11.

2009-04-21, 07:56 AM
There's a disturbance on the astral plane, and in the receptionist's area, or waiting room, or whatever functions as such in this particular place, there's a faint outline, humanoid, as a ghost-like presence forges its way, briefly, onto this plane of existence. Hello?

Ashen Lilies
2009-04-21, 08:02 AM
This thread.
Sirk had an appointment due.
About two or three months ago.

2009-04-21, 01:26 PM
Dr. Beit comes out of his office again. Where's that damn receptionist? Hello? May I help you? Dr. Beit looks around.

2009-04-21, 01:44 PM
Bring me back to life, psychic. I know you can hear me. I can be anything you want. The voice echoes, quiet.

2009-04-22, 01:28 AM
Who are you? I need to know who I'm dealing with, before I make a deal with you.

Ashen Lilies
2009-04-22, 04:08 AM
There's a cold air rising, dementorish, almost, or at least the movie dementors where they actually froze stuff, rather than a psychological chill. But there's some of that too, and the air is soon filled with the laments of the fallen, the mournful wails of the wives, the dying scream of the soldiers, the keening wails of the murdered children as, ever, ever so slowly, the door creaks open (regardless of how well it's oiled), and Sirk floats in, cloak billowing impressively in the mini-hurricane of her cold aura meeting the slightly warmer air of the room.
Oh dear. It's getting worse. It might have to do with a certain Necromancer Lord doing dirtily diabolical deeds of dastardliness.

Then, the aura suddenly disappears and Sirk sits uncomfortably down on a chair, seeing that Dr. Beit is occupied with a mysterious voice. Of mystery.

2009-04-22, 07:22 AM
Dr. Beit shivers a little at Sirk's entrance. Hello, my dear. How have you been? He looks directly at her. Would you like to come into my office? He opens the door to his office, letting her enter first, if she wishes.

Ashen Lilies
2009-04-22, 07:40 AM
She enters. And then deadtimes. Blah.

2009-04-22, 11:29 AM
Morgellus. The voice says, before whiting out. Whee!

2009-04-22, 08:36 PM
Dr. Beit sits at his desk and types the name Morgellus into his favorite search engine.

So how have you been Sirk? Have you had any revelations?

Ashen Lilies
2009-04-23, 07:43 AM
"I know that my former master came back to life, died, and is now currently alive again. Does that count?"

Oooohh! Search Engines! I bet it's GoogleTM. Is it GoogleTM? No, I am not being paid a thousand dollars for every instance of GoogleTM I can slip into a post.

2009-04-23, 11:44 AM
Bing! There appears to be nothing about a Morgellus. Whee!

2009-04-23, 12:46 PM
Dr. Beit frowns at the results of his search engine. Which happens to be YahoogleMT.

He turns to Sirk. It's a start. How do you feel about his return?

Morgellus. Are you there?

2009-04-23, 01:40 PM
Just. The voice echoes, inside the Doctor's head. It's neither male, nor female, it seems, just yet. Ask three questions. Be quick and concise.

2009-04-23, 05:46 PM
Very well. How did you die? Why should I help bring you back? Why do you think I can help you?

2009-04-24, 11:02 AM
Those are poor questions, though I am obliged to answer. A demon devoured my soul after I needed help. I can reward you with pleasure, or by inflicting pain on an enemy. You have ties, and are the only one I could find, nearby, who might be able to hear me. Hitomi may help, if you can find her, if not, bring me back asides. Save. Me. The voice is fading faster, now.

2009-04-24, 01:14 PM
How can I bring you back? Where is your body?

Dr. Beit reaches out with his mind and attempts to make contact with this Hitomi person. Hitomi? Do you know a Morgellus?

2009-04-24, 01:18 PM
But Morgellus' voice is silenced. It seems he has to wait.

2009-04-24, 01:35 PM
What do you want, old man? And why should I bother telling you anything?
Her response came back cold, angry, threatening.

Ashen Lilies
2009-04-24, 07:44 PM
Dr. Beit frowns at the results of his search engine. Which happens to be YahoogleMT.

He turns to Sirk. It's a start. How do you feel about his return?

Morgellus. Are you there?

"I'm feeling a strange, impulsive urge to go to PEACE, where I expect he is now."

2009-04-24, 09:19 PM
And what will you do when you find him?

No need to be rude, Hitomi. I only seek information. Give your price, and I will decide if it is too steep.

Ashen Lilies
2009-04-24, 09:24 PM
"I imagine I'd fling myself down at his feet and proclaim eternal servitude. He has a way with undead. None can stand up to him for long."
This is all said with clear distaste. She doesn't want to be within several miles of the man, much less meet him. But what can you do when there's a paranormal compulsion to do so.

2009-04-25, 03:37 AM
I'm being rude? You interjected yourself into my mind. My sanctuary. I find that to be rude.
There was a moment of silence.
Obviously, you are unaware of demon pacts. It is you who offer me an incentive for an exchange, and then I decide if it is acceptable, not the other way around.

2009-04-25, 05:19 PM
I apologize for that, madam. I tried to be gentle about it, but not knowing who you were, I must have been more forceful than I intended.

And I didn't even realize you were a demon. How about indentured servitude for one year in exchange for all information on this Morgellus. If you find nothing, you gain nothing.

To Sirk. May I look into your mind? Maybe there is something there that can free you of this compulsion to "fling yourself at his feet."

Ashen Lilies
2009-04-25, 07:45 PM
Sirk bristles. Go into her mind? She thinks not.

2009-04-25, 08:46 PM
Dr. Beit smiles. Okay. Maybe not. Tell me about this compulsion. Why do you think you can't fight it?

Ashen Lilies
2009-04-25, 08:51 PM
"Because he is the necromancer Lord, and I am his subject. And it's not just that. Stick a vampire in front of him, and by nightfall the vampire will be licking his boots."

She's of course, talking about Asiel, who was, by all accounts, a very formidable person, but all the Necromancer Lords were able to dissolve the will of undead beings by their mere presence.

2009-04-26, 12:32 AM
Mmm, perhaps. Yes, that would be acceptable, I suppose. And when would it be best for this...exchange?

2009-04-26, 10:42 AM
I'd appreciate a month after you have given me the information. To get things in order and such. But the information has to be worth it.

To Sirk: But you are a Necromancer Lord yourself, are you not? Why should you be less than him?

Ashen Lilies
2009-04-26, 10:51 PM
"Because he is The Necromancer Lord, and my power does not even begin to compare to his. All I know how to do is not die."

She gazes at the skulls on her scythe as she does this, the scythe itself sitting in midair above her lap.

2009-10-08, 11:30 PM
A worm enters the reception area!
Or a cat.
Depends on who has the stuff to see.

It has bandages wrapped around its front segments/two front paws. Could be a fashion statement maybe?


2009-10-09, 12:04 AM
The receptionist looks down at the worm? Um... may I..... ew. May I help you?

2009-10-09, 12:08 AM
"Hello. I was told this is a therapist office. And the only one in existence it seems."

Reinholdt sighs. He doesn't really want to be here, but if Happy was going to waste her due on him, so be it.

"I don't suppose he's in and readily available?" Reinholdt would have figured the place to be more crowded.

2009-10-09, 12:18 AM
Let me seeeeee here. She flips through her book. Dr. Beit, there's a bandaged worm here to see you. Should I send him in?

Oh, okay. She hangs up. The doctor will see you now.

She indicates the hall for Reinholdt to slither down.

2009-10-09, 12:23 AM
"I'm a..." Reinholdt pauses then mutters. "Nevermind."

With a sigh he adds identity crisis to the already extensive list of issues, then pads his way down the hallway.

2009-10-09, 12:29 AM
There is only one door to enter and it is opening now. Hello? Why, you're not a worm? He looks down the hall. Why'd she call you a worm. I'll have to have another chat with her. Dr. Beit frowns.

Come on in. Make yourself comfortable. Reinholdt will notice the room shift slightly to be more kitty friendly than worm friendly.

There is a kitty bed, a covered sandbox, and kitty-climber that reaches to the ceiling.

2009-10-09, 12:35 AM
"It's a long story... I'm sure you'll want to discuss it." For big bucks. At least Reinholdt has the money to afford this. "But she's not at fault for that."

He steps in. Oooh. A kitty bed. He hasn't slept in one of those since... his own world maybe? He can't remember. He's not climbing the pole until his claws get better and the bandages come off though. After taking a look around, he takes a seat somewhere that appears appropriate.

2009-10-09, 12:42 AM
The kitty bed is appropriate, if he wishes. There's also landing's on the pole, one about every foot up. So if he wishes to sit on one of those, he won't have to climb.

So, what are you here to see me about?

2009-10-09, 12:46 AM
He'll get up on the pole so he's about eye level with the doctor.

"Ohhh... just things I guess. I owe somebody something and they said I should get help and this was the only place." He's reluctant. And vague.

"I mean, I was already working on things, but no that's not good enough." :smallsigh:

2009-10-09, 12:58 AM
So, why would somebady tell you to get help? What do you need help with? Dr. Beit sits down and looks at Reinholdt, listening.

2009-10-09, 01:01 AM
"Nothing! I can handle things just fine!" Kitty snubs the doctor!
And pauses...
And sinks.
"Everything." He doesn't really know where to begin, what to do, if the doctor can help, and he most certainly doesn't trust Dr. Beit very much. The last thing he wants to do is share himself again and get hurt like always.

2009-10-09, 01:08 AM
How about this. I'll tell you something about myself, and then you tell me something about yourself. Sound fair?

2009-10-09, 01:11 AM
These things always seemed strange and awkward. "You don't really want to know about me." Hmm...

"I mean... like what?"

2009-10-09, 01:16 AM
Well, like I was born to a wealthy family. Had everything a growing boy could ever want, until I got to school.

My father decided that I needed to go to public school. To learn to appreciate what I had over other kids.

Which was fine, until first grade. Somehow the older boys found out I was rich, and I became the prime target for daily bullying.

2009-10-09, 01:25 AM
"We were pretty rich. My family lived in a castle. They didn't much like me either..." Reinholdt gets a distant look in his eyes for a bit, before shaking his head. He doesn't much like talking about his family. "I'm sorry. It was a mistake coming here. I shouldn't have bothered you." Getting cold paws, Reinholdt hops down and tries to dash out like the scared little kitty he is.

He'll probably be back though. He's got nowhere else to turn really. Except perhaps to the self-inflicted pain and the Mad Hatter tea drugs and the suicidal tendencies.
Yeah, he'll be back.


2009-10-09, 12:56 PM
Wormholdt comes slinking back. Pathetic. Simply pathetic.
*kicks cat into the wall*

"Errr... ummm... I should probably have a follow up appointment or something." He tells the receptionist.

2009-10-09, 09:02 PM
Doreen looks through her book. Will tomorrow evening be alright with you?

2009-10-09, 09:06 PM
"Sure... got nothing better to do I suppose."
The worms' eyes shift in a shifty way.

2009-10-09, 09:08 PM
Don't look at me like that! Doreen suddenly shreiks.

2009-10-09, 09:10 PM
Reinholdt leaps backwards. "Like what?" :smalleek:
The worm's eyes bulge in surprise like one would expect from a surprised worm.

Hmm... maybe the receptionist has a worm phobia? She should see a doctor about that. :smalltongue:

2009-10-09, 09:13 PM
Doreen just shivers and sits back away from the strange worm creature.

2009-10-09, 09:15 PM
"Maybe I should just leave now." Reinholdt says hesitantly.

2009-10-09, 09:22 PM
Doreen watches for the worm creature to leave.

2009-10-09, 09:23 PM
So out Reinholdt slinks, low to the ground and depressed again still.

2009-10-09, 10:33 PM
Doreen breathes a sigh of relief.

2009-10-10, 05:57 PM
Wormholdt slinks back in for his appointment.

2009-10-10, 06:16 PM
A different receptionist lets Wormholdt in. He's expecting you Mister Reinholdt.

2009-10-10, 06:20 PM
"Thanks." Mister now. Huh.
Reinholdt pads on in.

2009-10-10, 06:39 PM
The room looks exactly as it did when Reinholdt left.

Hello Reinholdt. Glad to see you came back. Would you like a seat?

2009-10-10, 06:43 PM
Reinholdt's mouth twitches a little. "Sure." he says as he hops back up to the spot where he sat last.

2009-10-10, 06:53 PM
Dr. Beit smiles at Reinholdt. So tell me, why did you come back?

2009-10-10, 07:07 PM
"... I dunno. I need it? I'm desperate and pretty much at the bottom of my barrel?" Cause Happy's making him?

2009-10-10, 07:21 PM
Do you have delusions of grandeur?

2009-10-10, 07:22 PM
"Umm... no?" :smallconfused:
Odd question out of nowhere.
"I don't think so..."

2009-10-10, 07:34 PM
Do you wish you could fly?

2009-10-10, 07:36 PM
"Well... umm... no. I mean I can fly, but I was never envious or desirous of it before I got the ability, which was only recently." Well... these questions are a bit easier than what he expected at least.

2009-10-10, 07:53 PM
How did you acquire the ability to fly?

2009-10-10, 07:57 PM
"Wasn't intentional. I was traveling through the Weald looking for a rare herb and was attacked by will-o-wisps. I think they were trying to turning me into one. I got through, but acquired some minor traits from them, most prevalent flight."

2009-10-10, 08:09 PM
Interesting. And what herb were you looking for and why?

2009-10-10, 08:11 PM
"I was looking for a Love-in-Idleness." Reinholdt's voice lowers as he shrinks a little. "It was payment for a potion type thing I was having made."

2009-10-10, 08:35 PM
And what was the potion you were having made?

2009-10-10, 08:38 PM
Reinholdt stays silent for a long time.

"Remove sapience potion. Lots of it."
Dr. Beit may have heard of the Apoca-Con. Dunno.

2009-10-10, 08:40 PM
Ah. So you were the one behind all that. Thank you. I got a lot of new patients because of you. Dr. Beit smiles.

2009-10-10, 08:42 PM
Reinholdt looks rather pissed.
"Oh yeah doc. Real great thing there. When did you sell your empathy for gold?" :smallmad:

2009-10-10, 08:45 PM
I don't necessarily get paid in gold. But why are you so upset? You hurt these people, I didn't.

2009-10-10, 08:47 PM
"And I'm not exactly happy about that either!" Reinholdt scowls.

"But thanking me for doing it?" :smallyuk:

2009-10-10, 08:48 PM
Just searching for a reaction is all. So, why did you do it in the first place? And why are you sorry for it now?

2009-10-10, 08:52 PM

"It's rather complicated, but essentially I made the wrong deal and got knowledge and power in exchange for an extreme twisting of my morales. Basically I was trying to eliminate my enemies that I made because of... prior misdeeds and then form a unified, safe world."

"I'm sorry for it because I hurt people. I hate hurting people." :smallfrown:

2009-10-11, 01:39 PM
Do you have any plans to make reparations for this?

2009-10-11, 01:48 PM
"Sorta... I mean I'd like to, but I have no idea what to do. And I'm pretty sure a number of them want me dead, so I have to tread carefully regardless. I mean, what would you do to pay people back for something like that? What can you do?" :smallsigh:

2009-10-11, 02:29 PM
What are your resources?

2009-10-11, 02:31 PM
"Resources? Ummm... cash I suppose. Lots of it. I have a little private land and building, but it's not really mine, I just live there."

"I've... moved around a lot, so that's really it in terms of tangible stuff."

2009-10-13, 09:13 PM
"Yeah doc. That's the problem I have too."
"One of them." Reinholdt adds, muttering.

"Are we done and stuff? I've got a lot of work to do that I can't do here." In other words, his avoidance is kicking in again.

2009-10-14, 12:03 AM
Okay. But I'd like for you to set another appointment in a couple of days. Will that be alright?

And if you need a place to stay, other that some crystal castle, please feel free to come to NO. I'll set up a room for you there.

2009-10-14, 12:06 AM
Reinholdt rubs the back of his head as he thinks.
"Al-alright." He says, agreeing to yet another appointment.

"You work with NO? I didn't know that." Reinholdt has certainly had a mixed history with them, but they've always been colored the bad guys in his eyes in the end.

2009-10-14, 12:18 AM
Really? I thought everyone knew I worked with NO. Dr. Beit smiles. See you in a couple of days.

2009-10-14, 10:19 AM
With Beit's general absence from NO, I'm surprised anyone knows he works there.

"Goodbye." Reinholdt hops crawls down and pads slithers out.

2009-10-16, 12:06 AM
Kelli the receptionist waves bye.