View Full Version : Adventure's in Jarlsguard (IC)

2009-02-01, 01:03 PM
The Fort Dominated the small mesa that hung over the rocky mountain passage that lead to Jarlsguard. Its strangely shaped, Romboid Starburst Design, while practical and effective, looks strange to your eyes, as does its construction of gigantic and unmortared granite blocks.

Coming up the fortress gate, you see some sullen dwarfs and dirty human guards and watchmen keeping a careful eye on all those who enter. Inside you see a ramshackle Inn, a General Store, and the long lines of merchant wagons, awaiting inspections.

The Air mists in front of the guards mouths as they look you over,

What do they see?

2009-02-01, 02:06 PM

Varis approaches the gate looking around the fort with a mix of distaste and awe, something so strongly built yet with no style what so ever.
Figures... with Dwarves and humans what else can you expect... he mumbles to himself.

The guards see a elf with long silver hair and forest green eyes approaching, they notice he walks with grace and looks as though he knows how to use the twin blades hanging at his belt. He is wearing a forest green cloak pinned with a lightning bolt clasp.

2009-02-01, 02:28 PM

"Well aren't you a fancy one." Elodius says as he slips in to step beside the elf. His black leather boots crunch an especially offensive flower beneath his heel. "What brings you to out of your forest Skinny?" He grins rakishly and continues keeping pace with the dour elf.

Elodius Fench is dressed in a Black leather Greatcoat, far too stylish to double as armor, worn over red leggings and shirt. His black leather boots come up to mid calf and are studded with metal. The pockets of his greatcoat bulge with spell components and his Implements.

Fench walks with a pronounced slouch, sliding along with every line of him screaming sleaze. His hands sunk deep into the pockets of his coat he stomps any bit of beauty that catches his eye.

2009-02-01, 03:12 PM

Just ahead of the two of them, an Eladrin with white hair and solid blue eyes collects a few gold from a wagon driver and deposits them into his pouch. Underneath a nondescript green cloak, his chainmail, longsword, shield and javelins bear the stylizations typical of Fey smiths. Despite the fact that he has obviously completed an escort run his gear is fairly clean and well-maintained.

Overhearing the conversation between his kinsman and the impolite human, Malaethim interjects. Pay no mind to him cousin, he says cheerfully, he's just envious that his granddaughters will be spending nights in your chambers long after he's pushing up daisies. He just manages to keep a mild does of contempt out of his voice. Dropping back, he introduces himself to the Eladrin. Name's Malaethim, friend. What's brought you here, away from our ancestral home? He is perhaps a touch formal, his poise smacking of nobility trying to pass itself off as a common man.

2009-02-01, 03:25 PM

Baldrik's steady pace doesn't falter for a single step as he looks up from the road at the fortress, only the droning song he has been singing under his breath stops for a while. He surveys it with an eye to the craftsmanship, more than the aesthetics, on which he reserves judgement.
A bulky dwarf he is, made even bulkier by his armor of hexagonal bronzed steel scales, and his solid horned helmet, which also hides most of his face, except for a fleshy nose, a long beard of nondescript brown color, twisted into dozens of thin braids, and a pair of keen gray eyes. He carries a warhammer, the head shaped like an armored fist, loosely over his shoulder, his massive shield, of round, metal-rimmed oak hangs over his back. Sturdy boots protect his feet, while his hands are warmed by fur gloves on a cold day like this.

He spares the other travellers only a sidelong glance and a muffled snort, before he continues singing to himself. "The emperor had a beard so long and thick, he alwas kept it wrapped around his ... leg, fallara-fallara-dam-dam-dam-dam..." He halts however, listening to their conversation.

2009-02-01, 03:37 PM

At hearing the incredibly pomp human's questions Varis turns to him with his hands on his hilts.
If you must know Human I have come from my home becuase it is destroyed. And has been for more than twice your lifetime so please attempt to show some respect to your elders and obviously those more able than yourself.

Varis says with a snear as he turns his back to address the Eladrin in front of him
In Elven:Bright light to you cousin. Glad I am that I am not alone with this savage and his ilk. What brings you from your majestic homeland to this dismal place?

2009-02-01, 03:44 PM

Hearing the elf's words, the dwarf interrupts his song again.
"What? Someone snuffed your home, and you got the audacity to walk around here, alive and kicking, and still talk of respect? I sure hope you have an explanation, why your bones aren't rotting where they're supposed to."
He sets himself up next to the wizard, a look of defiance on his face, but also an unmistakeable twinkle of mockery in his eyes.

2009-02-01, 04:20 PM
Elodius lets rip a rich laugh, "Ah, Elders is it? That would be some of that Elven superiority you've been feeding us for generations." He nods to the Dwarf, "Yet they always wonder why no one likes them." Elodius has always preferred Dwarves to Elves.

2009-02-01, 07:11 PM

A small horse-drawn wagon is moving along the road toward the city, waiting for its turn to be checked by the guards. While the horse nibbles on some stary bits of grass at the edge of the road, the wagon driver, a blond-haired eladrin wearing a dark brown (but clean) travelers cloak looks around at the scene.

In her hand she has a block of wood which she is carving into the rough shape of the Fort. Its strange appearance catches her interest and she takes care not capture this view in the block... might have to look at the other side to get it done right.

Hearing the little argument near her, she looks up and sees the others.

"Hey now, we are guests in these parts, cousin." she says to Varis. "Remember, one cannot expect hospitality to be given them if they aren't polite... Besides, this place looks alot less flammable then our elven settlements. I think they have us beat as far as buildings go."

She turns to the dwarf and shrugs. "Sorry, about that, few of us fey get outside as much as we should."

In the cart, a halfling rogue lays resting on a bundled up blanket.

2009-02-01, 07:40 PM
Moving past the gates, you find yourself in the Courtyard of Giantbane.

Up ahead is an Inn and an attached general goods store. The sound is loud and raucous from the Inn.

To the Left is the wagon yard, where close to 100 wagons are tied, and behind them many beasts of burden are hobbled in raggedy lines. There are a few guards who make a shifty sort of patrol from the outside of the inn to the wagons and behind them, before going back again.

A few rough faced locals and hired guards , keep watch on a few of the wagons.

To the left is the customs office, it looks like. The wood is rotten from lack of use, and a moldy sign there hangs "Closed".

The Afternoon is passing on, and your all certain that you cannot make the city proper, Jarlsguard itself before nightfall. Looking around at your fellow traveler's you must decide if you want to stay the night out in the cold, or in a nice warm inn.

2009-02-01, 08:56 PM

Varis considers the words of the dwarf and the new eladrin and decides to not reply and continue a pointless argument.
It has been a long and arduous journey to this point, I would much rather stay at the inn as long as the prices aren't too steep. My funds have been depleted lately. What say you other fellows?

2009-02-01, 08:58 PM

A small horse-drawn wagon is moving along the road toward the city, waiting for its turn to be checked by the guards. While the horse nibbles on some stary bits of grass at the edge of the road, the wagon driver, a blond-haired eladrin wearing a dark brown (but clean) travelers cloak looks around at the scene.

In her hand she has a block of wood which she is carving into the rough shape of the Fort. Its strange appearance catches her interest and she takes care not capture this view in the block... might have to look at the other side to get it done right.

Hearing the little argument near her, she looks up and sees the others.

"Hey now, we are guests in these parts, cousin." she says to Varis. "Remember, one cannot expect hospitality to be given them if they aren't polite... Besides, this place looks alot less flammable then our elven settlements. I think they have us beat as far as buildings go."

She turns to the dwarf and shrugs. "Sorry, about that, few of us fey get outside as much as we should."

In the cart, a halfling rogue lays resting on a bundled up blanket.

2009-02-01, 09:17 PM

Dollar rolls about in his sleep as the cart makes it's way through the streets. The little halfling has picked up a talent for being able to sleep anywhere, and the noises from arguing humans and elves does little to stir him.

As the guard inspect the cart, one prods him and he immediately awakes, standing bolt upright before the guard could tell it was a little man sleeping there. "I wasn't asleep," he stammers in Deep Speech, "I..." He looks at the guard, then around, slowly remembering where he was. The halfling is of average height for his race, but his clothes hang from his thin frame, a piece of cord holding his pants tight. His head is shaved bald and his skin is almost pale white, except for the black rings around his eyes. "I, uh, apologise for startling you." His common is nervous and jumpy. "Um, carry on?"

He turns back to Carver. "Are we there already, boss?"

2009-02-02, 12:15 AM

Elodius surveys his surroundings quickly before nodding to the Eladrin. "I concur, the Inn would be much prefereable to sleeping out of doors." He looks around the coutyard critically, "I'll be in the common room if you need me." With that he strides into the Inn to search for somewhere more comfortable.

2009-02-02, 01:27 AM

Allowing the human to do as he wishes, the Eladrin soldier turns to Varis. In Elven, he replies Like you, my home is lost. I someday hope to reclaim it, but will need either an army or some truly legendary heroes to conquer what has taken residence there.

To the Dwarf, he says in Common Which is more noble, friend? To die when your passing will accomplish nothing, or to live that you might take vengeance upon those who slew your friends and family? Like my cousin here I chose the latter, and hope some day to free my home from the clutches of a monster the likes of which you've never seen.

I will choose the inn too, Gods know I could use a bed after my last run. Malaethim makes for the inn as well, avoiding Elodius for the moment.

2009-02-02, 02:00 AM

A smile crosses Baldriks face at the woman's words, and he gives the Elf a wordless nod. To Malaethim he replies: Ah, that's a hard choice to make indeed, and I guess, you wouldn't get dwarves and elves to agree on that one. Sometimes, my people just feel it more shameful to live, than to fall, no matter the manner of death we die. Your quest is noble enough, though, and I hope I haven't insulted you with my rash, but heartfelt words. Oh, and by the way, the name's Baldrik Mountainshaker.

Looking about himself, he rubs his hands. Well, a warm fire and a hearty meal, not to mention a hearty ale, that's for my mother's son. Why don't we all have a drink together, and talk of old times and faraway homes? He then accompanies the Eladrim to the inn.

2009-02-04, 07:56 AM

As all the others agree and head toward the inn Varis follows, he takes a seat at the table with them and orders himself a glass of their finest wine. Even though he has this feeling that it won't be very fine at all...

2009-02-04, 01:38 PM
The Inside of the Inn is grimey, the badly maintained lanterns lend a smokey quality to the air, and the warm tar on the exposed log engs give the place a pungent stench.

Once inside, you see a barkeep, An Orc almost 7 feet high. He Yells at you as you come in. "Whadda Want"

2009-02-04, 03:04 PM
"Wine my friend!" Shouts Elodius to the barkeep. He plunks himself down on a barstool. "I need to wash the taste of road dust from my throat. He chuckles and drops a gold piece on the counter.

2009-02-05, 03:01 AM

The dwarf's face shows that he isn't exactly happy to be served by an orc, but he orders some ale anyway, before sitting down at the table with the others.

Seeing Varis' face he shakes his head.
You should really lighten up a little, friend elf. No place is like home, and this one is decidedly not like home at all, but life goes on, and you don't want to spend centuries with that dour attitude, do you? After all, there's something here to fill your stomach and make your head feel light and fuzzy, so why bother with the atmosphere?

2009-02-05, 07:34 AM

Varis turns to the dwarf seated next to him. How can I enjoy life in a dour place like this, being served by this swine it was his kind that killed my entire village but alas dwarf I will try to lighten up. At least enough to play games with the human. Varis chuckles to himself as he says the last part and takes a look around the inn seeing if there are any hostile faces looking toward his group.

Ill go ahead and roll a perception check just for fun haha. [roll0]

2009-02-05, 10:23 AM

As soon as he walks in the door, Malaethim scans the room out of force of habit. In particular he notes any entrances and exits, the positions of any bouncers or other toughs (if present) and any patrons that stand out.

And if needed: [roll1]
If he can do all I'm having him do in one roll great, otherwise that's what the other two are for.
Edit: Kinda glad I made those extras, hopefully at least one is enough to provide me something useful.

After doing so, he orders an ale and attempts to grab a seat close to the door. Not exactly the royal palace on Midsummer's Eve, Malaethim says mostly to himself, but it'll do. To Varis he says Sorry for your loss friend, but I take some encouragement from knowing that there's at least one Orc around who's chosen civilization over raiding.

2009-02-05, 11:44 AM

Elodius nurses his wine at the bar and glances around the bar nonchalantly. He opens up his senses and tries to determine if anything in the bar is not as it seems. He opens up his magical senses and sweeps them through the bar, sniffing out any low level magic in the room.

Roll for Perception to see if I spot anything out of the ordinary, and roll for Arcana to Sense the Presence of Magic nearby. DC 20 + half the spell level

[roll0] Perception
[roll1] Sense Magic

2009-02-05, 02:08 PM

On second thought don’t we just use our passive perception unless we are looking for something specific, like a specific person or something like that

Varis looks at his companions with mixed emotions, to the eladrin he has a odd sense of respect but also a feeling of misunderstanding how they are so cordial to the others, his entire life he has felt nothing toward other races but anger, but sitting here at the table with the others, even the human, he feels a odd sense of belonging. He smiles to himself imagining that he may possibly grow to trust and enjoy the company of this wide range of other characters.

2009-02-05, 09:08 PM

"Yes we are." she says to Dollar as they reach the inn.

After making sure the cart is parked and the horse put in a stable, she brings Dollar into the inn and sits down.

When asked for her order, she says "Some wine, if you would and whatever is the days special." she turns to Dollar "And what would you like? Some sort of soup might be best to get you back to strength." she looks at the poor halflings lean figure.

Looking at the dirty table, Carver brushes over the spot in front of herself and Dollar, with just one brush of her hands the dirt and stains are cleaned off the table and she brushes them to the floor.

"Bit dirty." she says, inspecting it.

2009-02-05, 10:58 PM
You all settle down in what passes for an Inn in these parts, and eat some meager food, and drink some only slightly corked wine, and passable ale. No one can ignore the hoarse and loud snoring like rotten cloth ripping coming from the backroom, and a few of you spy (Dollar,Elodius, Malathrim, Varius) what looks like a ginormous foot in behind the doors to presumably what passes for a kitchen. Your pretty sure an ogre or something like one is back behind the doors.

Elodius detects the hint of magic about the place , above you believe several enchanted objects.

Before Long the sun starts making its downward trundel to sleep the night, and the innkeep , that ork , comes over to your table.

The Orks foul breath is hot in your face, as he leans over to you and with a toothy grin , smiles, and then says " We aint got no rooms, but you all can sleep in the stables if you want, for another gold piece."

A Large Hulky Figure steps into the general good store, which is only an empty doorway between the store and the bar. The Demonic Cant and Tiefling Tail cannot be mistaken, but this tiefling is the largest you've ever seen, broad in chest and wide in sholder with arms as big as your legs.

The ork yells loudly in your ears "Be With you in a Bit, Rayne".

The Ork Snorts and the continues to give you his best orky smile, "So what will it be"

[OOC, I am using passive perception , so if you make a perception check, Please say what you are looking for , otherwise, Im just going to go with your passive check. Out of the ordinary is fine, as long as your willing to accept what i say is ordinary or not. Limos, check the ooc for the direction to the magic items you cannot see, short story, behind the bar]

2009-02-05, 11:27 PM

That'd be one gold for the lot of us? Malaethim asks the ork. Shame there's no space in the inn itself, but a roof over the head's still a roof. The stalls have been...erm...cleaned since their previous occupants made use of them?

2009-02-05, 11:42 PM

Fench glances around the bar as he feels the subtle emanations of enchanted objects in the room, he attempts to discern which objects are giving off the emanations. (He would have to look into the possibility of stealing them later.)

When the Orc walks over to the table Elodius smiles widely. "It won't be the first time I've slept in a stable friend." He places a gold piece on the table and ruefully examines his purse. "My coin has apparently deserted me." He replaces the depleted purse and rises to head for the stable. Now one may wonder how it is possible for Elodius to have spent his entire store of gold on a few cups of wine. In actuality the purse only contained a few coins at a time, and the rest was kept concealed about his person in a variety of smaller purses and the false heel of his left boot. This is due mostly to abject paranoia and the assumption that everyone else's soul is just as debased as his own.

According to the PHB if I successfully detected magic I should either pinpoint it's location and source, if it is within sight, or get a general direction of it if it is out of sight.

So I would like a rundown of which objects in sight detect as magical and the general direction of any magical objects that are out of sight.

Unless of course it isn't important to the plot in which case you can feel free to disregard it.

2009-02-06, 02:05 AM

Carver raises an eyebrow at this.

"A gold piece to sleep in a stable? That sounds highly excessive to say the least... particularly since I already have a horse in there." She opens her purse and looks inside, seeing only silver and copper pieces (her gold kept in a more secure pouch) getting the coin to pay for the meager meals for her and Dollar.

"What say I clean the stable a bit or wash dishes? Does that sound fair?"

Diplomacy [to get a better deal]: [roll0]
Insight [on the orc to see her feelings]: [roll1]
Insight [on the tiefling to see his intentions]: [roll2]

She takes a brief look at the tiefling and the surrounding area.
Arcana [to detect magic]: [roll3]
Arcana [to identify any facts about tieflings, notably giant ones]: [roll4]
Perception [too look for suspicious things]: [roll5]

2009-02-06, 10:53 AM

Dollar follows Carver into the tavern, taking in the dingy surrounds, but to him, the place was a palace. The orc scares him some. Before now, Carver had been the biggest person he'd ever seen, and now everyone in the inn seemed so big... He had no idea about the reputation of orcs, but the gruffness of his voice reminds him of his svirfneblin masters.

"Mmm, soup sounds lovely." He looks over at the kitchen and spots the giant foot. "Things keep getting bigger..."

"Really? A stable? With hay?" Dollar beams, his eyes almost excited. "Though I'm not sure how much sleep I could get..." He looks around incredulously at the assortment of people in the tavern and the enormity of his situation finally hits him. He smiles, looks down at his bowl and enjoys his first good meal in years.

2009-02-06, 11:34 AM
The Ork smiles, and finally sits down with the rest of you, making Elodius's Gold Piece Disappear with Practiced Ease. "Already Paid for, Thank you Kindly"

A Loud Thump Comes From the General Goods Store making the Ork look Twice, He Gets up without having said anything, but says "Maybe You guys and me will Talk later, Maybe some business eh?" before he hurries to the store, shouting about "You break it you bought it" and then stopping at the surprisingly reptilian hiss that presumably comes from the Teifling, as they both disappear from view.

2009-02-06, 04:10 PM

Baldrik scratches his beard.
"Well, a stable, and for a gold piece. This place is rather exclusive, I daresay."
He eats and drinks with good appetite though, and also finds some coins with which to pay for the stay.

"By Kord, I sure hope there's some work to be head in Jarlsgaurd, my purse is getting a bit slim these days." He sighs. "I would even do business with that barkeep, if it pays the rent." Looking at Carver, he adds: "And so should you, before you clean stables or dishes. You never know, what's been there."

2009-02-07, 12:35 AM

"Well... it does have some interesting people here. Plus I imagine there are expenses and such to consider... orks have to eat and it might be that not many people stop here."

She shugs and once the group heads to the stables, she looks at the place and takes her wand out from a pocket.

"Now then, I think I shall demonstrate to you all why us Eladrin do have reason to boast for our magical prowess."

With a flourish, she points to the nearest bit of filth on the stable floor and the slightest wave of her wand a whole cubic foot of muck promply vanishes in a puff of lavender-scented smoke!

"With... just... a... wave of my magic wand
our troubles will soon be gone!
A flick of the wrist and just a flash
will vanish away vermin, mites, and trash!
Banishing blemishes, stains away...
washing up wood and fluffing up hay!

Cleaning up cobwebs, chase away funk
Drive away drafts and mask away muck

And hang-up hangovers.... in case we got too druuunk!"

The fey sings and dances a little as she fires off shots of cleaning magic, sending puffs of sweet-smelling smoke to vanish away the gunk and slime in the stables while digging out even the toughest stains and blemishes!

Within a few minutes, a good sized part of the stables are made as clean as one would expect in a kings court (though being a stable, its obviously not quite as well decorated) and the hay so affected is soft, dry, clean and warm. With a final wave, she sends the wisps of smoke out the door, leaving the regular air inside... though since only a portion of the stable was cleaned in this way the musty smell from the animals manages to drift over again.

"See? No need to get our hands dirty!" she breathes a little heavily, not really used to cleaning out so much at once. She blows off the tip of her wand which was still smoking a bit.

She takes a moment to see to her horse, brushing it a little to make sure its okay... then after a jolt of memory decides to check on Dollar as well, brushing him a little and magically cleaning his teeth, hair and clothes if need be. After that, she gives herself some cleaning.

"Anyone else need cleaning before we get some sleep?" If nobody answers then she says good night to the others and vanishes in a puff of stardust.

Using prestidigitation to clean up a good portion of the stable for people to sleep in.

Then, stealthily fey step up onto the rafters and lay down to go into trance. Uses a prestidigitation to make sparkles appear when she teleports.

Stealth [to keep them from noticing she's on the rafters]: [roll0]

2009-02-07, 12:48 AM

Varis picks out a relatively clean looking spot and sits down with his back against a wall, he unsheathes his scimitars and lays them across his lap as he slowly closes his eyes and drifts into a restful state, but still partly aware of his surroundings.

2009-02-07, 01:06 AM

With a grunt of disapproval at the Eladrins frippery Elodius settles down in a corner with a small pile of hay which had not been cleaned. On the way over he grimly gestures at the air aboves the object of his offense.

A small black raincloud dourly drizzles illusory rain on the sickeningly cheerful creature. "Pardon if I rain on your parade" he chuckles, "But you'll be getting a nasty surprise when all that filth comes back in an hour." He plops down into the haystack. "It's better just to adjust to it now than end up buried under it later."

I'm working on the assumption here that Prestidigitation can only be used to Color, Clean or Soil a cubic foot of material for One Hour. I think you were mixing your effects by turning it into smoke. You can Clean something, and you can make smoke. But those are two effects. So in reality the filth should be coming back in an hour.

And the cloud is the Prestidigitation Illusory image effect.

2009-02-07, 03:17 AM

The other Eladrin remains in his seat as his more magically-trained counterpart sets about cleaning the room. Curious as to what "business" the Orc was referring to, he decides to wait until he finishes with this Rayne character. Don't know about you lot, he says to those who begin heading for the stables, but my purse is a little lighter than I'd like and that Orc sounded as though he has a proposition. I'd like to hear him out, and it seemed like he meant to talk to more than one of us. Once Carver pulls her vanishing act, he scans the room in an effort to locate her. He doubts that someone in a dive like this would have access to such powerful magic that they could move more than his kind's innate teleportation abilities would allow.

For S's and G's - [roll0]

Just barely managing to find her, he cracks a smile. A clever trick, cousin, he says to Carver, But I'm not sure there's anyone here you need to impress with such theatrics. Come back down and hear out this inkeeper's proposal with me. After all, by your own admission you could use a few more coins as well.

2009-02-07, 11:19 AM
The Night Passes on Miserably, and although the dirt comes back, it seems much more bearible than before.

Eventually the ork comes in

"So Tell Me Lads, What are a bunch o Misfits like yourself doing up here? And you looking for work? I Got Something, Maybe, For the Right, People, some cash to be made. "

The Ork looks arround uneasily

"Myself, I'm a bit of a Son of History you know, There be a place not so far away, forgotten a bit. I had a companion, but my Companion he made me a few promises, that he would go there, and retrieve a few objects of value, but he never came back."

2009-02-07, 12:59 PM

Baldrik watches the Eladrin with some amazement, but declines comment, and, when the dirt reappears, mumbles: Momma was right, stick to the work of your own two hands.

When the Orc returns, the dwarf eyes him suspiciously, but waits patiently to hear what he has to say.
When he finishes, Badrik looks at him thoughtfully, and says:
Actually, I'm looking for some kind of work, to keep this hammer busy and myself out of the cold. So, if this place is within reach, and the items are not too dangerous to possess, I'm your man - if you've got the money you promised. By that I mean I want to see it before I go. After all, if the place swallowed your companion, I don't want to go there on a promise and a handshake.

After making himself thus clear, he inquires:
So, what kind of place are we talking about? And what kind of valuables?

2009-02-07, 04:21 PM

I too am looking for work, my pouch is much lighter than usual and seems as though your offer is the best one I have at the moment

2009-02-07, 05:17 PM

Carver notices with some surprise that the dirt had come back... that never happened back home. Guess this place must just be naturally dirty.

However, having spent her nightly trance on the rafter above, she really didn't have to worry about the dirt below anyway. Once the others wake up again she simply teleports down to the floor again, brushing herself off after a fairly good nights rest.

To the orcs offer, she thinks about it. If his story is true then either that other person ran into trouble retrieving the items... or they did get those valuable items and just ran off with them. That or this is some kind of trap... not like an orc who works with a huge tiefling and an ogre would randomly send travelers into death traps for fun and profit.

"I suppose I could use the coin, though danger and peril aren't exactly my favorite things. What are the details of this job you need?"

Insight [to see the orcs motives]: [roll0]
History [to recall what a Son of History is]: [roll1]

2009-02-07, 09:12 PM
The Ork smiles his hot breath raising a small amount of frost in the cool air.

"Good, Good, good to see we are on the same page. The Job itself is to a mine to the east of here, It was recently uncovered by the quarrying, but they are staying out of it until the city has time to send in an expedition to clear the area of monsters, check for valuables and the like. "

The Orks smile widens until eventually you can see the slug of silver replacing one of his back cusps that only god knows where he lost the tooth.

"I got a Map here, I think there is a catch of tapestries and rugs in there. Not anything that is easy to sell unless you know the right people. I dont know anything else about it really however, that's why im sending you folk rather than going myself. "

And I'd be willing to hire you, I don't know for the stunning sum of 10 gold pieces, and I'll let you stay in the barn and see to your animal and wagon for as long as you care to hang arround.

But tell me now, Im a bit of a amature historian, as they say in the good circles , what brings you here to Giantfall.

OOC, For Carver: For those of you who used insight, The Ork seems to be honest, or at least not lying outright. He Also seems to be fishing for some information or phrase from you.

For Those of you who used history, The Sons of History were a tiny rebel faction in the ancient human empire who near the end of the fall of that empire, attempted to save what they could for prosperity, although they were often seen as robber's , thieves , and scoundrels, at the time. They are often contrasted with the largely patriotic Daughters of Destiny, who while opposing the Sons of History, are ironically largely lost to it.

2009-02-07, 09:40 PM

History check for funsies and determination of RP: [roll0]

I too would call myself an historian, friend, Malaethim says to the innkeeper, but I am son only of a city whose name I doubt you've heard. Still, after what I've seen I believe the Sons were unfairly maligned. Were I in their position I would have done much the same. He concedes a small and slightly bitter chuckle before he continues. I can't speak for the others, but I doubt you'd believe me if I told you the full story of why I'm here. Don't suppose you've heard of Faldwythra? Suffice to say I'm hoping to both improve my own skills and join up with a couple of fellow would-be heroes in search of fame and glory. His tone shifts slightly, becoming more businesslike. So you're just wanting us to salvage the tapestries and carpets, or anything of historical significance?

2009-02-07, 11:49 PM

Varis listens intently as the orc finishes his story and asks what he was doing in Giantfall.

History roll for fun :[roll0]
I'm no historian but I have picked up a few things throughout my lifetime and I can't say I disagree with what the Son's were doing based on what you have said. As to why I am here, simply seeking a challenge, I need to better myself so I may avenge my people on those who destroyed them!

Varis replied, emitting a low chuckle to himself, thinking how the orc in front of him was one of those which he spoke about.

2009-02-08, 12:38 AM

Having wandered in shortly after the others Elodius thinks this is a fine time to contribute. "All I want to know is this. Will I get to kill something in the course of this?"

He looks up at the rest of the party. "Preferably something evil and deserving, of course." he adds sheepishly. "I wish to practice and perfect my craft more than anything else."

2009-02-08, 06:00 AM

Baldrik listens attentively to the Orks and his companions' words, before he speaks himself.
I know very little of history, I'm afraid. But I've got a broad back, and can help get the rugs and stuff here. Ten gold pieces seems alright, provided we can keep everything else we might find in that mine, apart from the rugs.

He then shrugs and adds:
As for my being here, it is more coincidence than anything else. I travel where I hope to find employment. It's not an easy life, but it suits me just fine. Better than digging all day for a measly grain of gold here and there.

At Elodious words, he laughs, and claps the wizard on the back.
Alright, young man, that's the attitude. Improve yourself over the bones of someone who deserved what he got. But keep an eye out, others might be looking to step over your remains.

2009-02-08, 07:50 AM

Dollar finds a sufficiently soft pile of hay and settles down for the night. Even by morning he sleeps soundly as the ork offers the group a job and the others talk among themselves.

2009-02-08, 11:28 AM
The Ork gives the closest one of you, the map, and then pulls out his coin pouch, and counts out, a gold coin for each of you.

"The other 4 gold when you get back, and maybe a few extra if you get the tapestries back without damaging them and quickly"

The ork , sits and stops a second, seemingly pleased with himself. Before responding to a few of the more obvious questions.

"The Tapestries and such are important, important enough that I have a few buyers lined up, All you really need to know I think. Their just tapestries but They will travel better if you dont mess with them. They should be already bound for travel, and have the markings like on the backside of the map. "

The Backside of the Map has some runes, which say "For last King of the Human Empire "

"As for Foes, Dunno. I expected my companion to come back, This really should only be a milk run, but here you are, and here he aint. If you find sign of him, let me know. As for the rest of it, anything you can haul out is yours. "

Major Quest: The Tapestries 600xp

Bring the ork innkeeper, the correct tapestries

Minor Quest: Trustworthy? 100xp

Dont Open the Tapestries

Minor Quest: Companion Affairs? 100xp

Find out what happened to the Ork's Companion

Minor Quest: Whoz Zhat 100xp

Find out the Ork's name

OOC: The Map shows a location perhaps a bit more than half a days walk out. Also, If those of you with the personal quests, Want to formally write out your quests, I would appreciate that. A Major quest should equivalent to the xp of an encounter of the level its purposed to be completed at , A minor quest the equivalent of Defeating one monster of the level its purposed to be completed at. So pick the level when you want to solve your personal quest, and whether it is major or minor to your character, and I will more or less use it. Probably keep it one major and one minor quest/character or something like that

2009-02-09, 02:16 AM

As far as I'm concerned, we have a deal, says the dwarf. Expect us back by tomorrow.
As he begins readying his equipment for the expedition, Baldrik wonders what things might infest an abandoned mine in these lands.

Dungeoneering roll (+2) [roll0]

2009-02-09, 02:22 AM

Elodius grunts what basically amounts to an affirmative answer and goes back to pondering the coming task. He racks his brain to see if he can dredge up any tidbits about the area they are going to, any threats in the area, anything at all really.

Roll for Dungeoneering and Nature.

2009-02-09, 09:35 PM

Varis agrees to the orcs request and studies the map trying to see if he knew any of the trails or recalled anything about the terrain they would be traveling.


2009-02-09, 11:30 PM
Everyone, having more or less agreed to the Orks Mission watch him leave and resume what little is left of your night, thinking about the prospects of gold, might, magic and fame.

You all get up early, in the cold morning air, and eating a surprisngly thoughtful breakfast packed for you with tender orkish care, head out .

The Walk, is long but not particularly hard, arround midday you find the deerpath that leads to the recently opened cave. You can see where the dwarvish quarry work has caused a cleverly hidden worked wall to crumble inward. Without the crumbling you doubt you could have found it.

Talking amongst yourselfs , you have some idea what to expect.


Probably the biggest threat you will face today is a stray animal or bear that has wandered into the area and has forgotten how to get out. Cramped and Hungry makes even timid animals into deadly adversaries.

More exotic fair may include goblins, or undead, or even as Baldrick helpfully points out, the eternal bane of dwarvish construction, Oozes.


Varius finds and followed the road here easily, and notes a few others, most of them animal trails but also a hidden footpath that you feel may be used for smuggling.

Elodius knows that it is used for smuggling

The Entrance to the tunnel is big enough for a man to squeeze threw, althought it quickly opens up into what seems to be a largish room of strangely carved stone.

OOC Who wants to be Point/Line when I am making discriptions, and if you take a particular marching order please let me know. Also for the record offside and side are going to refer to the monsterside from the point/line character and the not monsterside respectively.
The Point/Line Character should probably not be a striker, as they tend to move arround a lot.

If you have questions on how this is going to work, we can take it ooc.

2009-02-09, 11:44 PM

Elodius quitely inserts himself into the middle of the party, which is generally the safest place to be. Unless of course some harebrained engineer designed a trap that only goes off after the third person crosses it. (Which dungeon designers are known to do)

My recommendation for party setup is

(Back) Varis, Taclord, Carver, Elodius, Dollar, Baldrik (Front)

That way we have a meatshield on either end, and the soft wizardy center.

2009-02-09, 11:59 PM

After they reach the opening, they discuss how they should proceed.
No surprise, the human wants to be in the middle of all of us, for we are nothing but stepping stones for him...

Yeah agree with Limos, but the back usually is less action :P

2009-02-10, 12:04 AM

In his former life, it was rare for Dollar to get more than an hours sleep at a time. Suddenly being able to sleep for so long causes him to be essentially dead to the world. For the first time in years, he wakes up naturally, stretches and yawns, then decided to stay in bed longer.

Finally getting out of bed, he learns of the job from overhearing talk. He isn't sure about it, but if he's going to be an adventurer, he has to stick with Carver. She seems to know what she's doing.

Dollar stays close to Carver during the Walk. Reaching the Hole in the Wall, Dollar breathes deep and decides to head in first. He lights a torch and easily climbs through the wall, into the stone room. Inside, he peers around looking for anything out of place.

Sorry for the sleep addiction, I guess I'm projecting myself a bit :smalltongue:

2009-02-10, 12:20 AM
The Halfling slips threw the crack in the stonework easily, dropping into the large room, which he would guess to be about 30' by 30' and have a ceiling that seems to disappear into the gloom, but if you had to guess maybe 25 feet.

The Tomb is built or carved out of the granite of the mountainside, the light reflects off the exceedingly fine grained crystal that runs threw it. The Room is mostly bare but has elements in its design that remind you of the walls of Fort Giantfall.

There is a large doorway ahead , wide enough for 4 men abreast of each other. There are Iron Bars bolted across it, but the wood itself seems to have dry rot, and seems barely capable of supporting the Bars let alone repelling anyone.

As Dollar approached the doors, the wood and metal convulse into the rough approximation of a mouth, and say in a booming voice that can be heard well outside ,

IX NEE MhaAAL CHIS, QHACK Le Fo, BERR.... and the door itself collapses under the strain of the magic mouth spell and is destroyed.

For those who speak giant
Guard Well Your Right, Ward you left and Press ....

2009-02-10, 12:28 AM

Dollar stumbles back from the door and watches it collapse. He walks up to where the door was and sticks his head and torch through the doorway, looking down the hallway. After a few moments, he ducks back and helps the others through the hole.


2009-02-10, 12:35 AM

Elodius is puzzled by the strange shouting from the hole and looks around at the party. Noticing something missing he turns to Carver. "Hey Sunshine, I think you've misplaced your half-pint" he says with mocking solemnity. "Perhaps we should go in after him? With that he slips into the cavern.

Once inside he peers around and then flicks one hand open, rolling his Crystal sphere out of his sleeve. "Illuminate" The sphere bursts into light and illuminates the cavern.

I enter the cavern after Dollar and use my Light Cantrip.
Roll for Dungeoneering and Arcana to examine what is left of the door. Roll for Perception to notice anything else in the cavern.

[roll0] Dungeoneering
[roll1] Arcana
[roll2] Perception

2009-02-10, 02:49 AM

As Dollar slips into the hole, the Eladrin calls out. "Don't get too far ahead, and be careful what you touch... not all dead folk found in tombs were buried there."

As she hears the booming voice and enters the room to see the collapsed door, she checks the room for magic or traps. Pulling out her wand, she remotly pokes at any suspicious looking stones or objects, even scraping aside the crumbled remains of the door.

"What happened?"

Arcana [detect magic]: [roll0]
Thievery [find traps]: [roll1]

2009-02-10, 03:00 AM

Baldrik squeezes his bulk through the crack to join the others. Looking around the room he waits for dollars answer, ready to tackle anything that threatens the party.

This doesn't look like my people built it. I'm getting the impression that this orc didn't tell us the whole story. We had better be careful around here. As for you, little one, don't slip away like that again. You want us around if anything goes wrong.

2009-02-10, 10:45 AM
Quickly more or less everyone is in the entrance to the tunnel.

Gathered around the ruined door, you look and prod, but do not find much of use.

The Tall Passageway Leads on into the dark gloom, From what you can see with light, it looks as if the passageway has statuary on either side, but they are too far off in the murk to see properly.

Carver stares in amazement at the walls, as she finally figures out how this place was made, The Giants, if they created this place litereally burned a hole threw solid granite, and controlled the fire to create the lonely looking and oddly shaped rooms. You feel it was probably also how they did the walls of the Fort, no mortar was needed as simple giant strength and magic were far supierior.

There are no traps in this room.

Elodius finds some signs of animal life, this place has obviously been open for a while. the Occassional Movement of bats can be heard up above, roosting on the rough granite roof. The Floor is only occassionally splattered with guano and here and there the beginings of lichen appear.

Elodius also knows this place was created by giants.


IM going to use Baldrick for my Line, just because I think dwarfs should always tow the line.

Secondly, dont spam Perception checks, its annoying.

HOWEVER if everyone wants to start posting your passive checks with their name it would also make things easier for me.

2009-02-10, 11:01 AM

Passive Perception - 12

Elodius peers upwards with a pensive look on his face, noticing the bats on the ceiling. He turns to the others. "Do you think I could hit them with a Thunderwave from here?" He begins mentally caluclating the distance from himself to the bats.

2009-02-10, 06:11 PM
Passive Perception- 19

Varis enters the cave behind the others ensuring that no attack comes from the rear, he takes a quick look about the cave and joins the others as they examine the door.
I dont know much of giants and magic doors, but we need to be careful, people don't waste their power on useless doors. And no Elodius I don't think you should be attacking a harmless bat with some useful magic as we begin to explore this potentially dangerous cave... Varis says with a sly grin, as if he really wanted to see if he could hit them.

2009-02-10, 06:28 PM

"Thunderwave is a glorified cantrip. I can cast it all day long." He frowns upward. "The only problem is I'm not sure if it will stick to the ceiling, or come back down and eloctrocute us all." He goes back to mental calculations while he waits for the rest of the party to get busy.

2009-02-10, 09:26 PM
Carver [HP: 23, PI: 13]

"I seriously doubt you will have to worry about electrocution from a thunderwave." Carver chuckles. "Considering that it releases thunder instead of lightning. The clap of sound might deafen the bats something fierce but it won't roast anything."

She looks around the cavern. "Anyway, it seems that the giants... or whoever made this place used very powerful magic to simply melt this cavern into the solid stone. Its enough to make one grateful that this sort of magic isn't commonplace anymore."

2009-02-10, 11:19 PM
Malaethim, (P=16, I=11)

NB: initially posted my perception roll as 1d206, deleted message and reposted for convenience.

Following the others into the cavern, Malaethim's attention is once again drawn to the tactical aspects of the cavern. While in awe of what he hears from the others in terms of its manufacture, his training comes into play as he scans in particular for entrances, exits, likely ambush points and other utilitarian (emphasis on tactically useful) features of where the group finds themselves.

Focused perception roll if warranted: [roll0]. Malaethim will serve as vanguard in any marching order, keeping a wary eye toward the group's rear. This comes not so much from a desire to avoid being in the line of fire as wanting to be sure the squishier party members can have some steel between them and an ambush.

2009-02-11, 02:00 AM
Baldrik (PP 12)

Once everybody is gathered in the caves, and the wizards have fallen to their usual academic discussions, Baldrik steps towards the gateway, with a glance to Malaethim for confirmation. Holding his shield and hammer up, he steps over the debris. Over his shoulder, he says.

Follow me. But be careful. There might be other things than bats around.

2009-02-11, 11:58 PM
Advancing Down the Hall, everyone notices the crude clay statues that start appearing on either side every 10 feet. They loom ominously at almost 10 feet tall each and quick inspection shows that they are no more than statues, althought a few of you, no doubt, feel that they may be something much much more.

The Hallway continues for a ways, and you start seeing a serene blue light up ahead. You judge you are about half way threw the hall when you come across the body.

It is up ahead and appears to be a dwarf or a stocky human slumped facedown in the middle of the hallway. His shield lays not far away as well as his broken weapon. The body is relatively intact, but as you edge closer, the smell of death premates the air.

2009-02-12, 05:27 AM
Baldrik, PP 12

Baldrik eyes the statues suspiciously, but if the mage-folk say they won't move, he's inclined to believe that.

As he comes across the body, he stops and signals to the others to do likewise. Whatever killed that man might still be around, so he's ready to defend himself. Pointing at the halfling, he says in a hushed voice:
Hey, short stuff, get over here and check for traps. That fellow looks like he met a nasty surprise.

To Elodious and Carver he continues, still not raising his voice:
Can you guys detect anything out of the ordinary here?

2009-02-12, 11:17 AM

"I will attempt to detect any nearby magic." With that he kneels down and opens his magical senses wide, feeling about for any magical emanations in the area.

[roll0] Detect Magic

His magical senses fail utterly to meet even the baseline strength to detect magic. Most unfortunate, hopefully Carver will have more luck.

Since I got an 18 that means I can't detect any magic. Simply because the DC is 20 + 1/2 spell level. Lame.

2009-02-12, 01:10 PM

Varis was watching the body with apprehension, he could feel as though something up ahead was dangerous, and the body laying in the passage was proof.

He wisely decided to hang back as the spellcasters tried to see what was happening.

2009-02-12, 07:53 PM

Nodding, Dollar edges forward, looking all around for traps.

If found- [roll1]

2009-02-12, 08:32 PM
Carver [HP: 23, PI: 13]

Carver looks at the lines of statues and focuses, trying to detect magic in the area.

Arcana: [roll0]

2009-02-12, 08:35 PM
Wow! Nice roll Randel. That means you can detect Level 20 spells and lower. Which basically means all of them.

2009-02-12, 10:07 PM
Malaethim (P=16)

Upon seeing the dead dwarf, Malaethim immediately becomes uneasy and scans the area out of reflex. Careful, he says, it may not have been a trap that killed him.

[roll0], and if the others signal the area all clear he'll examine the dwarf's body up close as well to identify any clues as to how he died: [roll1]
Edit: Woo! 20!

2009-02-12, 10:25 PM
Wow nice rolls on both the trap disarming and the detect magic!

My passive Perception is 19 but ill roll a specific one to notice anything out of ordinary while the others are doing their thing.


Varis takes a careful look down the corridor.

2009-02-12, 10:46 PM
People congregate arround the dead body, disturbing the odd fly and beetle.

It is definitly a dwarf and as you all take a close look, you notice that he looks like he has been smeared with clay. His hair is matted and dirty and a thin layer still covers his equipment.

Dollar carefully inspects but finds no traps.

Carver opens to the Astral flows and discovers a few things, first the dwarf was pretty heavily covered in magic, His armour, His Shield, and His Boots are all Enchanted. Secondly their is a background radiation of magic in this place. You notice currents of magical force working their way back to where you came from.

Malathem giving the dwarf a quick look over, and thinks about how he could have died. The body seems intact althought the signs of rot make it hard to tell. It almost looks like he drowned. If you move the body, you'll find it quite rigid and covered with slimey clay, including clay falling out of the mouth.

Varius both looks quizically behind them at a slight sound, and then the unmistakable sound of a heavy wet footstep comes, and then another, and then another. Something is clearly something this way, and it somehow got behind you.

2009-02-12, 11:21 PM
I wish you had told us about the clay statues right as soon as we entered the hallway. Then I would have been blowing their heads off with a magic missile as went.

Everyone knows that statues are evil and should always be destroyed


"What could have done this?" Elodius inspects the body quizzically and wracks his brain for any creature he knows of that would kill in such a way.

Roll for Arcana, Dungeoneering and Nature for a general Monster knowledge check.

[roll0] Arcana
[roll1] Dungeoneering
[roll2] Nature

By the way, my prepared Daily spell is Freezing Cloud.

2009-02-13, 06:41 AM
Baldrik PP12

Baldrik spins around, the corpse mus wait now. He takes up a position in front of the others, raises his shield and hammer and growls:
Nope, definitely not a trap.

In Malaethims direction he says:
What do we do now? Seems our retreat just got cut off.

2009-02-13, 05:22 PM

Varis turns at the noise and knocks a arrow on his bow.

There is something approaching, it sounds like some sort of wet thudding sound. Prepare yourselves! I will watch our back while trying to assist the front against whatever comes.[/i]

2009-02-13, 07:44 PM
Malaethim (PP=16)

A sound plan, though I hope we can avoid battle. Still, we must be ready, the Eladrin says to elf. In an instant, the fey soldier seems to slip effortlessly into the role of commander. Baldrik! he barks, if we must fight, you and I will be the front line against whatever this thing is. Dollar, Baldrik and I will engage and distract it. Exploit any weak spots you can find. Carver and Elodius, keep between Baldrik and Varis while using your spells to aid us. We'll take its blows, you just make sure we have to take fewer of them.

Malaethim sheathes his sword and hoists a javelin, keeping his attention focused towards the group's rear in anticipation of whatever approaches. Whatever we're up against, if it wants to fight it won't find us easy prey.

[roll0] - attempting to hear whatever it is that Varis already noticed, and gauge any relevant information about the source of the footsteps (size, distance, etc) and whatever effects the tunnel may be having on the sound it generates.
Edit: eww. Can I just take the passive result instead?

2009-02-13, 07:55 PM

Dollar nods, drawing his dagger. He has a sudden urge to hide behind Carver, but fights it.

2009-02-14, 12:53 AM
You all get in formation as the first of the shambling clay statues comes into view. The Statues , looking rather worst for wear, moves towards you with the slow determination of a thing not alive.

The Statue is 5 squares offside, you are in a 4 square wide hallway that extends for many squares on either side.

Roll Initiative and post your first action, as you burst into action on the now visible statue.

As you begin you actions against this statues, another set of wet footsteps can be heard coming from behind the statue, apparently its not alone.

2009-02-14, 03:08 AM

Come and get some!, the dwarf shouts, and launches himself at the first statue, slamming it with his hammer and shield.


If I get this right by "5 squares offside" you mean 5 squares from Baldrik (he being the "line") and away from the rest of the party?
In that case, as described, I go for the thing, mark it with Combat Challenge and hit it with Tide of Iron. If the latter power succeeds, I'll shift into its square.
Tide of Iron attack roll: [roll1], damage (if any): [roll2]

2009-02-14, 04:29 AM
'Dollar' (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=106096), Halfling Rogue
Init +4 HP 24/24 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 6 (0 used /7)
AC 16 Fort 11 Reflex 16 Will 13 Speed 6

As Baldrik leaps off the mark, Dollar is quick to follow, drawing his dagger, he chips away at the statues leg.

I'm just gonna roll init for now, I'll edit more later.
[roll0] (don't forget the +2 from Malaethim's Combat Leader bonus.)
Edit: With that, I'll delay until I'm after Baldrik.

Actions- Move to a flanking position with Baldrik.
Standard- Piercing Strike (rolls in OOC thread)
29 vs Reflex
6 damage and 10 sneak attack.

Also- Map

Just something I whipped up. Game tends to be easier with map. If anything is off, let me know.

2009-02-14, 11:35 AM

Take it down quickly, it's not alone! Malaethim shouts as he hurls his javelin at the statue. Drawing his sword, he moves in to melee range with the statue.

Ooh, nice map! And yeah, 4e kinda needs a map grid to really work in combat.
Standard: [roll1] vs AC, [roll2]
Minor: Draw longsword
Move: to G3
Edit: Crit! On my first combat roll too. So that's 11 piercing damage to the statue, followed by my engaging it in melee.

2009-02-14, 12:25 PM

"It won't be standing for long. Magic Missile!" Elodius flourishes with one hand and sends a bolt of arcane force at the statue.

[roll0] (Initiative +5 for me, +2 from the Warlord)

Minor action to pull out my Orb of Imposition
Standard Action to cast Magic Missile on the statue.
[roll1] vs. Reflex
[roll2] Damage

I would like to Ready my Move action.
Trigger: An enemy enters an adjacent square to me
Effect: I shift One square directly away from them.

2009-02-14, 05:39 PM
Here they come!

Varis pulls back on his bow in rapid succession firing two arrows at the target quickly.

Init: [roll0]

Two-Fanged Strike: 1d10+4 dmg per roll and extra 1 if i hit with both attacks.

[roll5]<-- Quarry Dmg if I hit with either attack.

2009-02-15, 02:25 AM

"Freeze, foul beast of mud!" The Eladrin cries out as she whips out her wand and fires a blast of cold at the statue.

Initiative: [roll0]

Chill Strike (vs fort, range 10)
Attack: [roll1]
Damage (cold): [roll2]
and target is dazed till end of turn

2009-02-16, 02:23 PM
As the clay statue shambles into view, the 6 of you strike ferociously. (Initiative order is Elodius(22), Malaethim(19), Baldrick(12), Dollar(11), Carver(11), Varius(10) )

Elodius and strikes from range, Elodius's magic missile shimmering off into the darkness, missing.

Malathim hurls a javalin at the monster, before drawing his longsword and advancing to melee with the creature. 11 damage(@g3)

Baldrik surges forward, smashing the creature with his shield and driving it back. 4 damage (@h4, monster @I4 from push)

Dollar strikes, unable to flank, but still striking a vital area, gouging at its joints. 16 damage
(@h3, sneak attack from first strike)

Carver summons destructive Cold Magic to congeal the creature. 16 Damage

Varius finishes the creature striking a magic stone from out its rough head with an arrow. Strange runes cover the precious stone. The Monster collapses in a pile a muck, making I4 difficult terrain. 15 damage.

Another of the creatures move into view, and yet more footsteps can be heard from the same direction. This creature is 5 squares offside and upon seeing you and the remains of its buddy, it hurls a blob of clay at you, smoting Bladrick verrily.

(Natural 20 against Baldrik, 6 damage, Baldrick Takes -2 AC from the clay gumming up his armours well oiled joints and in general being a nuscience (Save Ends))

2009-02-16, 05:51 PM

"Blast, my aim is atrocious today. Well have at you!" Elodius flicks his wrist with a langorious motion. "Icy Terrain"

Cast Icy terrain on the statue, making a 3x3 square around it into difficult terrain either way until the end of my next turn.

[roll0] vs. Reflex
[roll1] and he is knocked Prone

If I'm looking at this right I should be able to cut the hallway down to a 1x3 corridor that isn't difficult terrain on one edge of the hallway.

2009-02-16, 07:12 PM

Drawing and firing more arrows as if a blur, Varis is in deep concentration.

Twin Strike:

2009-02-16, 08:28 PM
New Map-

Let me know what to change.

Casters and archers probably should move up, in case statues come up from that direction.

2009-02-16, 09:39 PM

Seeing the first statue fall and the next one move up, Carver steps forward and blast of arcane force at the new enemy.

Carver moves to E3 and fires a magic missile at the new statue.

Attack vs reflex: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-02-16, 09:46 PM
Will use quotes for dialogue for now as I'm updating from my blackberry


"Hold here, and let it come to us!" Malaethim says to Dollar and Baldrik. Stay within range of the casters. Retrieving his javelin from the fallen statue, he hurls it at the newcomer.

Minor: Retrieve Javelin
Standard - [roll0], [roll1]
Move: Shift 1 square NE

2009-02-17, 06:35 AM

The dwarf sputters and curses, wiping his face and beard with his hands.
Bloody clay beast! I'll show you!
Only after his eyes have been freed a little does he realize that the first statue is down and another one coming, and registers Malaethim's words. He nods.
Alright, as you say.
Then he moves into position in front of Dollar and awaits the statue's approach.

Move to J3, ready an action (attack on the statue if it comes into range). I'll have to roll the save against the clay later. I did now (with an actual physical die), and the result is a 10. That's saved, right?

2009-02-18, 04:27 PM
Elodious strikes with more cold magic, Freezing the terrain from l2 to m4 and knocking the clay creature prone in the icy morass. 9 Damage

Malaethim retrives his javalin and hurls it at the prone creature. 6 damage

Baldrik waits for the creature to come near him, and saves successfully.

Carver and Varius both strike out. 8 and 12 daamge respectively.

The Creature stands up and another two clay creatures shamble into sight. (@n3 and n4 respecitively) They also commence to hurl blobs of clay at the party.

10 vs Ac on Dollar 19 vs Ac on Baldrik for 6 damage if they hit,

-2 to Ac if hit (Save Ends)

2009-02-18, 11:22 PM

Elodius glowers at the stubborn clay statues in frustration. "Stay down you stubborn simulacrums!" He takes several steps forwards and let's loose with his strongest spell. "Freezing cloud!"

Move forward to G4 (which I believe uses all my movement) and then use my Freezing cloud on P4, which is 9 squares away. this should mean that the burst 2 hits both statues and sets up a cloud all the way across the hallway without being in the way of our melee attackers. It should make N3-N5, O2-5, and P2-5 into Freezing Cloud spaces. So any enemies that enter that zone, or start their turn in that zone will take my attack again.

[roll0] Statue 3 vs. Fortitude
[roll1] damage Statue 3
[roll2] Statue 4 vs. Fortitude
[roll3] damage Statue 4

If I miss they take half damage. I'll go ahead and make the second attacks for when the statues start their turn and take the damage again.

[roll4] Statue 3 vs. Fortitude
[roll5] damage Statue 3
[roll6] Statue 4 vs. Fortitude
[roll7] damage Statue 4

EDIT: Good lord those are horrible rolls. Well anyway, #3 takes 2 damage, #4 takes 3 damage. When they start their turns #3 takes another 8 and #4 takes 12 due to my critical maxing the damage.

2009-02-19, 12:41 AM

Seeing the new statues come into range, the wizard starts to really get into the rhythm of casting her spells.

With a flourish, she conjoures a ball of flame with her wand and flings it into the middle of the group of statues where it bursts over them.


Looking at the group of enemies, she says. "Dang, how many more are coming? Wait... I just got a bright idea!" she raises her wand in 'eureka' sign and then points it at the statue farthest away... and a little bulb of light appears over its head, sending out light like a torch to illuminate the passage.

Cast scorching burst centered on E3.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
Attack 3: [roll2]

Damage (fire): [roll3]

Then cast Light as a minor action, making a ball of light that appears on E3 and casting light to illuminate everything within 4 squares of it.

2009-02-19, 06:13 AM
not sure where we are in the initiative order, but I'll post my next action.

"Damnation!" Malaethim shouts. "More still?" Taking out another javelin, he continues to attack at range while holding position.

[roll0], [roll1]
Edit: forgot to specify that I'm aming for the nearest one' though with a roll like that it probably doesn't matter much...

2009-02-19, 06:37 AM

Baldrik gets another ball of clay chucked at him, hitting him in the chest.
That does it! You're dead clay!, he roars and charges the nearest statue, making a swing at it.

Basic melee attack on the statue: [roll]1d20+7/[roll]; damage: [roll0] and, if it's up and fighting, consider it challenged.
Save: [roll1]
Sorry, typo, the attack roll is: 24 (generated with rolldice)

2009-02-19, 07:12 AM
'Dollar' (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=106096), Halfling Rogue
Init +4 HP 24/24 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 6 (0 used /7)
AC 16 Fort 11 Reflex 16 Will 13 Speed 6

Spinning his dagger in his hand so the blade rests in his fingers, Dollar aims carefully at one of the new statues and lets the blade fly, then draws his shurikens.

Standard: Piercing Strike on N3
[roll0] vs Ref
Minor: Draw Shuriken.


2009-02-19, 10:30 AM
Dollar hurls his dagger at the nearest upcoming statue and sinks a deep hit, dropping out another runed stone as this one collapses into a pile of goop.

Elodius strikes out at the other two statues creating a freezing cloud that does not seem to bother the statues much at first , 1 damage, 2 damage

Malaethim strikes out with the javalin again, missing as it clatters back down the hallway.

Baldrik, having enough of being target practice charges the nearest statue, sundering it as best he can. 10 damage.

Carver strikes with arcane fire, burning the frozen statues, and seemingly glazing one of them. Carver also illuminates the area, revealing two more statues slowly advancing towards the fight.

Two more statues advance up and form a line with the last two statues, who are not fairing well in the cold. 8 damage, 8 damage. The statues all attempt to strike Baldrik however. 15, 18, and Natural 20 vs Ac for 6 damage a hit. The statue not able to hit Baldrick, (m2) hurls a clay orb at one of the people at range. (I have baldrik at m4, but if he wants m3, then the other side hurls at range, etc)

21 vs Ac to hit Dollar, 6 damage.

Anyone damaged by the statues also takes -2 Ac (Save Ends )

OOC: (I need an addittional action from Varius and Dollar to get to the end of round 3, I'm having the monsters go anyway so if everyone could post1 turn except for varius and dollar who i need two turns from, initiative is also+>
Elodius, Malaethim, Baldrik, Dollar, Carver, Varius

I will be doing some retroactive turns (notice that dollars turn destroyed the statue that Baldrick would have attacked otherwise ) and reinterpreting as required.

2009-02-19, 01:13 PM

Varis continues to launch arrows from his bow in rapid motion.

I will continue to use Twin Strike until they get closer to me or a different enemy shows up.


Heres another round worth of attacks.


2009-02-19, 01:56 PM

With his most powerful spells expended Elodius goes back to his old standby, the trusty magic missile. "How many of these things are there?" He flings the missile in the general direction of the two statues.

[roll0] vs. Whatever statue is standing

((Oh, that's Attack vs. Reflex by the way.))

2009-02-19, 09:49 PM
Init +4 HP 18/24 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 6 (0 used /7)
AC 16 Fort 11 Reflex 16 Will 13 Speed 6

Dollar flings his shurikens at the closest statues.

Both my round actions will be Piercing Strikes on which ever statue is closest.

Standard: Piercing Strike
[roll0] vs Ref
Minor: Draw Shuriken

Standard: Piercing Strike
[roll2] vs Ref
Minor: Draw Shuriken

2009-02-19, 11:57 PM

"Too many... I will need to get out the heavy spell."

The Eladrin steps back and puts away her wand and pulls out her longsword.

"Spirit of the elder flames, warriors of the ashen wastes..."

There is a noticeable rise in temperature around the flickering embers of fire where her last fireball had hit the statues. The embers spark and grow, soon becoming a roaring fire that bends into a fiery double of Carver. A fey made of molten flames, dressed in a robe of fire and holding a sword made of heat.

"SLAY THESE BEASTS!" She yells. As she brandishes her sword and strikes out at an invisible foe in front of her, while her fiery double mimics her move and slashes at the statue nearest her dwarven ally. Tongues of flame and sparks fly from its robes with every movement, hitting the statues next to it. She carefully maneuvers it so that it won't risk burning her friends.

Casting Flaming Sphere at N2 targeting the statue at M2. Working to avoid standing next to any allies while standing next to as many enemies as possible. Will attack the statue with the lowest hp.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage (fire): [roll1]

Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the fiery soldier takes damage

Adjacent Damage: [roll2]

2009-02-20, 12:14 AM
Didn't you already cast flaming sphere? I guess that means you are using your Orb to extend it, or whatever that word is they use. Continuance?

Except you apparently have the wand implement, so you can't even do that. What are you doing then?

EDIT: Woops! You cast scorching burst, not Flaming sphere. My bad, sorry.

2009-02-20, 01:27 AM
Init +1, HP 7/31, Bloodied 15, AC 17/19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 12, Healing Surge 7 (0/9), Speed 5

The dwarf gets pummeled pretty badly and spits a lump of blood on the tunnel floor.
Blast! Still more coming! You spellslingers better think of something to do, cause this dwarf isn't going to hold out much longer!
Baldrik tries to catch his breath while swinging his hammer back and forth at the two likeliest targets.

Minor action: Second wind, bringing me back to 14hp (still bloodied though), is a minor action for dwarves
Standard action: Cleave against two statues in range and standing
Attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1] against primary target (the one with more hit points), 3 against secondary target.

2009-02-21, 08:54 PM
Can I get a new map? Are any statues in melee range?


After missing with the javelin, Malaethim curses as the statues close in and beat down on Baldrik. Seeing his companion in peril, the Eladrin draws his sword and barks out what could be called words of encouragement but sound a lot more like him ordering the dwarf not to die.

Fight on, Baldrik! Malaethim shouts. We're not done yet!

In the absence of a map, I'll describe my actions as vaguely as possible and hope we get a visual up soon-ish :smalleek:
Minor: Inspiring Word on Baldrik, who regains 11 (roll in OOC) hit points and spends a healing surge (or he can ignore the power, technically).
Move (downgraded to minor): Draw longsword
Standard: Commander's Strike on Baldrik (who makes a basic melee attack against the target of his choice, gaining +3 to the damage roll).

2009-02-22, 07:38 AM

Ha! Very right, we're not done!, the dwarf shouts, apparently inspired by harsh words more than by elaborate ones. You beasties better watch out!

He swings his hammer around again.

I'm not sure right now, how many statues there are, but I'll hit the one with the most cracks (i.e. least hp).
Attack roll: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

2009-02-22, 11:18 AM
Baldrik and the entire group, focusing on the two statues infront of Baldrik ,bring them down with admirable precession.

The Statues now on either side of the gap, move in, infront of Baldrik, as more of their earthy breathern come up from the darkness. The Flame warrior flickers menacingly glazing the clay statues into pottery.

The Two Statues slam their menacing fists into Baldrik, 14 and 8 vs Ac for 6 damage each and -2 Ac (Save Ends)

The Battleline.
Just offside , 4 clay statues, 1 bloodied (infront of Baldrik) with sounds of more coming from the darkness.
The Line, Baldrik
4 Squares onside, Dollar
6+ Squares onside, Elodius (6), Maleathim(7), Carver (8), Varius(10)

Difficult Terrain at i4, m2, n3, n4 (Does Freezing Terrain leave Difficult Terrain?)

Initiative, Elodius, Malaethim, Baldrik, Dollar, Carver, Varius, Statues.

Protip, Powers with the Weapon Keyword, require you to be in weapons range. The commanding strike is used (I rolled it hope no one minds, it was a hit for 6 damage.) but should have required Malaethim to be in melee range, please make it so in the future.

2009-02-22, 01:16 PM

Elodius mutters a quick cantrip, summoning a translucent Mage hand. He silently wills it through the air to the remains of the first statue, where it retrieves the stone that fell out of the creature. The Hand rises back through the air and returns with the Stone to Elodius.

In the meantime Elodius flings another Magic Missile into the ranks of the statues. When the hand returns he begins studying the stone gravely.

Minor Action to summon Mage hand at the statues remains, Move action to bring it back to me. Free action to hand it over. Standard action to cast magic missile. And then I'm making an Arcana and Religion check to see if I can discern what the stone is.

[roll0] vs. Reflex on Bloodied statue
[roll1] damage

[roll2] Arcana
[roll3] Religion

2009-02-22, 01:39 PM

Init +1, HP 25/31, Bloodied 15, AC 19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 12, Healing Surge 7 (2/9), Speed 5

With a grim smile, Baldrik blocks the attacks from the statues and continues to bash them fiercely.

Cleave attack against two statues in front of Baldrik: [roll0], damage: [roll1] against the first, 3 against the other.

2009-02-22, 02:43 PM

Carver notices Elodius retrieving one of the statues stones, interested in what he might find from it. "See anything interesting?" she asks as she returns to controlling her firey warrior. Having it strike at the one of the statues engaging Baldrik and then move to better cook its fellows.

Standard action to attack the most damaged statue
minor action to sustain fire warrior
move action to move warrior to cover the most number of enemies with fire.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage (fire): [roll1]

Adjacent Damage: [roll2]

2009-02-25, 11:41 PM
I've tried to post this several times without success, so my apologies if this post is a bit brief. Also, please let me know if my actions are legit as I'm still not 100% on my exact position.


The Eladrin hurls himself into melee in hopes of bringing down these statues quickly.

Move: Run to a space adjacent to Baldrik and within melee range of a statue, if possible.
Standard: Charge attack on the statue: [roll0]; [roll1]
Edit: Wow, epic fail much? Guess the geography doesn't matter much this round, since either way I'm not hitting anything.

2009-02-28, 10:58 AM
Elodius conjures his mage hand and investigating the stone, he is left more or less stumped. Its obviously got something to do with controlling the golems, and you think you could probably use it in magic item creation but other than that, your not sure about it.
His Magic Missle finds target this time, sinking deeply in the clay flesh of these statues 8 damage.

Malaethim goes and charges the clay statue line, his blade glancing off the heavy defenders. Miss

Baldrick strikes out missing his main blow, but connecting the wild swing at the last moment to the statue by him. Miss and 3 damage

Carver controlls the magical warrior lambasting the statues from behind for 9 damage and 8 damage for starting adjacent. one of the warriors collapses just as he makes to move.

The Statues activate, glaze, and then slam into the two warriors amidst them.

11 vs Ac, natural 1on Malaethim for 6 damage a hit and -2 Ac(Save Ends).
18 vs Ac on Baldrick for 6 Damage a hit and -2 Ac (Save Ends)

4 more statues can be seen lumbering into range in the flickering light of the firey warrior.

(Malaethim and Baldrick are on the line, with everyone behind them. In Melee Range of the line are 3 statues. Behind them is the flaming warrior. 4 squares offside of the flaming warrior are 4 more statues.

2009-02-28, 12:47 PM

"How many of these accursed things are there!!" Elodius slips forward alongside the two melee fighters and angles his spell into the gap. "Back you blasted automatons!" He blasts them with his Thunderwave and then slips backwards out of reach.

I move forward to be beside the two fighters, then I use my Thunderwave spell to catch all three statues in range. Afterwards I use my action point to Shift one square back and diagonally to be behind the melee fighters again.

[roll0] vs. Fort statue 1
[roll1] vs. Fort statue 2
[roll2] vs. Fort statue 3
[roll3] statue 1
[roll4] statue 2
[roll5] statue 3

Any that get hit are pushed back two squares away from the fighters. If possible right into the fire warrior.

2009-02-28, 09:08 PM

A couple possible action paths depending on which is valid. For reference, I'm assuming the statues numbered in Elodius' attack are going left to right, so that statue 1 is nearest to me. I'll un-spoiler whichever one turns out happening, so can the GM let me know either IC or OOC?

If only statue 3 is not hit by Elodius' attack:
Malaethim steps forward, vanishing into midair as he does so. He reappears to the statue's right, blade drawn and ready. As he draws its attention, he shouts Get behind it, now! to Baldrik. Once the statue is flanked, Malaethim stabs at it with his blade. Perhaps we might consider pulling back, the Eladrin says. I don't see any end to these things, and we may be able to find a better tactical position.
I'm assuming Statue 3 is SE of Baldrik here. If it's S, I'll just move to its left normally and not burn my teleport.
Move: Fey Step to reappear E of statue 3
Standard: [roll0] vs AC, [roll1]. Attack roll assumes Baldrik shifts into a flanking position prior to the attack, which is part of the power.

If all statues are hit by Elodius' attack:
As the statues are pushed backward, Malaethim sets himself in a defensive stance and holds his position for the moment. Perhaps we might consider pulling back, the Eladrin says. I don't see any end to these things, and we may be able to find a better tactical position.
Standard: Ready an action to trigger Wolf Pack Tactics once one of the statues moves within melee range. Baldrik can then shift into a better tactical position if possible. [roll2] vs AC, [roll3]

If 2 or more statues are not hit by the attack:
Bloody hells! Malaethim shouts, What does it take to get rid of these things? He strikes at the statue nearest to him, aiming for its chest. As he does so, he shouts Aim for the stone! Try to dislodge it! After striking, he adds, Perhaps we might consider pulling back. I don't see any end to these things, and we may be able to find a better tactical position.
Standard: [roll4] vs AC, [roll5]. Baldrik gains +4 to attacks against the statue until the end of my next turn if he is within melee range, otherwise the bonus goes to Elodius.

2009-02-28, 11:56 PM

"Our enemies keep coming... perhaps we should move back. See if a doorway or something similar will slow them down. Let them come one at a time and pick them off instead letting them come in threes."

The Eladrin expertly pulls out her wand, wielding it in one hand while balancing her sword in the other. The time-honored tactic of using magic to ensure her fire soldier strikes true.

Standard action to attack the most damaged statue
minor action to sustain fire warrior
move action to move warrior to cover the most number of enemies with fire.

If her attack misses by 3 or less then she uses her wand implement power to change

Attack: [roll0]
Damage (fire): [roll1]

Adjacent Damage: [roll2]

2009-03-02, 02:31 AM

Baldrik waits for Malaethim's action, then moves to complement the Eladrin's course, his hammer still swinging in deadly circles.

Since I don't know what exactly Malaethim is doing this turn, I'll just play along and Cleave whatever statue is easiest to hit.
Cleave:[roll0], not counting any flanking or WolfPack bonuses. Damage:[roll1], 3 to an adjacent statue.

2009-03-03, 07:25 AM

The halfling continues his assault with shurikens, suddenly concerned he may run out of stars before he runs out of statues.

Standard: Sly Flourish*
[roll0] vs AC
Minor: Draw Shuriken

*Noticed Piercing Strike is a melee attack...

2009-03-03, 02:36 PM
Elodius's Thunderwave blasts the statues, knocking them back and in one case, into the Flaming Warrior. Dealing some damage (as listed in Elodius's post) and disordering the statues.

Malaethim waits for the statues, and when they do return. Strikes out with his sword blooding a statue as his Ally, Baldrik moves.

Baldrick attacks with his massive hammer for massive damage and cleaving, shifting when the opening occurs due to Malaethim.

Dollar is worried but hurling Shruikens in the back.

The Statues now disorganized and burning from the flaming warrior, move up. One bloodied from the fierce kilning they are receiving from the flaming spherem and another destroyed.

Two statues from the back ranks move up to fill the holes in the line as more footsteps can be heard from "back there."

Melee Statues Attack
24 on Malaethim, 6 Damage and -2 AC (Save Ends)
22 on Malaethim, 6 Damage and -2 AC (Save Ends)
23 on Malaethim, 6 Damage and -2 AC (Save Ends)
4th Statue Out of Range due to shift

Ranged Statue HUrls a Blob of Clay at malaethim, 16 on Malaethim, 6 Damage and -2 AC (Save Ends)
Ranged STatue Hurls a Blob of Clay at Baldrik . 21 on Baldrick, 6 Damage and -2 AC (Save Ends)

Concerning How Many Statues There Can be, You Think you walked by about 10 ranks of Statues or about 20. You've Destroyed 6(?) of them and can see another 6. You can still see all the statues in your vision, which means the activiating statues haven't caught up to you yet.

These statues extend past where you currently are are continue down the hall into the darkness.

2009-03-03, 04:08 PM

Init +1, HP 19/31, Bloodied 15, AC 17/19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 12, Healing Surge 7 (2/9), Speed 5

Stumbling back from another clay blob hit, Baldrik is desperate to keep his guard up. He shouts to Malaethim.
We're getting minced here, boss. We've got to pull out. Now, while we're still standing.

If Malaethim agrees, Baldrik leaves as fast as possible. If not, he won't leave anyone behind, and has another Cleave for the statues: attack [roll0], damage: [roll1]

2009-03-03, 04:32 PM

"I agree friend, we have to move before they start animating behind us." Elodius calls to Baldrik before casting forth a magic missile at whichever statue looks the most likely to drop.

Without bothering to see if it hits Elodius makes a break for the other side of the cavern.

Standard Action- Cast Magic Missile on the most damaged enemy.
Move Action- 6 squares directly away from the front line, I should end up over by the dead guy and Carver.

2009-03-03, 09:09 PM

"A strategic withdraw does sound prudent." she starts to back up slowly, letting the fiery soldier follow her retreat while still staying between the statues and her.

She basically uses the soldier as a rear guard, letting the group head backwards while letting the flaming apperation burn the statues that get too close to it.

retreating at six squares, move action to move herself, standard to move the fire soldier, and minor action to maintain it. Working to burn statues without hurting allies.

Fire damage: [roll0]