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2009-02-01, 11:48 PM

The galaxy trembled as the Empire shifted in it's dreadful throne, twin tentacles of influence and corruption slowly spreading further and further outwards. The fires of the Clone Wars still raged, even twelve long years later. The Republic was shattered, it's precious Jedi Knights a fading memory as the few survivors of the Jedi Purge hid in terror. The menacing figure of the Emperor and his faithful dog, Darth Vader, were pasted in every spaceport on every populated planet, and the familiar sight of the white-bodied troopers grew into one of fear instead of faith. Slowly, the population forgets. Old wounds are bandaged over, old orders forgotten, and old trophies locked away. Even now, the underground movement, known by no name or title, increases in size. There are many, complacent and compliant, who seethe underneath for action, for meaning. For rebellion. And as the Empire's dreaded fingers spread, feeling around in the darkness for an enemy too small to find, rumors of a super-weapon, designed and built in secret, abound in the shadows of worlds too far away to be heard. Now is a time of bounty hunters becoming legends as the Empire makes hundreds of new enemies every day, as the last few Jedi hide, unseen and unseeing, unable to maintain justice or peace any longer. It is a time of smugglers and soldiers, of slavery and defeat. In distant corners of the galaxy, darkness grows. In the shadows, friends are betrayed, lives are bought and sold, and people die. And things are going to get worse before they get better. Much worse.

Nar Shaddaa, Karag City, 8 BBY

The brilliant lights over Nar Shaddaa glittered like the stars themselves. The early morning sunlight gleamed through narrow canyons of buildings and bounced off twinkling spires that rose into the sky like fingers. Far below, the dirty, polluted surface of the world, where the sun was unknown and unwanted, the world teeming with unknown and illegitimate life. The many millions on the planet crawled around the jutting, dirty metal structures with abandon. A constant stream of starships came and went, passing each other in slow lines, marching to the beat of the traffic control drum. For many, the night had left. Around the western hemisphere, criminals were slinking back to their holes, their work done. The first of the day's shipments came, a small fleet of ancient freighters and unwieldy barges dropping out of hyperspace in the distant sky, too far to see. An Imperial Star Destroyer, in the Y'toub system hunting for Jedi, stands against the skyline like a knife, imposing in it's grim connotations. The Karag sector, a haven for tourists and criminals on a world rife with both, stood out like a dirty gem. The H'kig spaceport, a cheap port of call frequented by smugglers, stood resolute in the morning sun. A gleaming silver magnetic tram car hurtled through sharp turns and over empty lots. Only a poet could have described the view. In a world built for convenience, the Karag sector nonetheless boasted some of the most horribly unappealing architecture and tasteless sense of design that some considered hallmarks of Nar Shaddaa. Large gambling complexes shuddered and siezed in violent arrays of glowing coloured light, the images presented dancing and swirling together as the car flew by. Garish buildings, monuments to the veracity and ruthlessness of numerous corporations, stared sullenly out over the cities as only a cheaply built skyscraper can. Old ships, ugly and worn, flew next to designer yachts and shuttles. The quiet tram, a rare example of something clean, flew over the heads of tired business execs and sharp-eyed thieves as it passed over a small cluster of restaurants. The smell of the exotic food, thankfully, was blocked out completely by the air filters.

The tram car was large; Big enough for Nar Shadda clientele. The silver tram had two tiers connected by a small stairwell. Each floor had enough seats for twenty, though more could be accomodated. Overhead, the metallic rail reverborated with quiet power. At the front of the car, in the bottom, was the terminal for the automated system's timetables. It was, of course, locked secure. A small display showed the time to be 0723, Galactic Standard. It would be another 40 hours before the sun went back down. All around the craft were transparisteel windows, granting the few brave enough to watch the aforementioned view. To the right was a door, transparent and sealed tight. A small green light started blinking on the control panel as the terminal neared. A sudden screech erupted, muffled by the airtight seals, as the brakes were applied. The tram slowed.

The terminal was a large circular disc, easily fifty feet across. Walkways hung out over vast drops like thin ropes, crossing gaps in buildings and spanning deadly drops. This early in the morning, the terminal was as empty as the tram. Nar Shaddaa had a thriving nightlife, but the recent Imperial presence had lowered the crime by as much as half in the daytime. Few people wandered, waiting for the tram, while others sat in benches. A small group of stormtroopers walked aroundly slowly, menacing innocent salesmen and asking questions. A tram sped into sight and began to slow, throwing sparks as it came in fast. The number on the side was T-32, with a designation W3. It was a familiar sight in the area, and often a welcome one. It slowed, came to a stop, and began to launch a routine area warning. Yellow lights spiraled as a walkway extended from the terminal and latched onto the tram car just beneath the door. With a sigh, the tram opened and lowered the door.

In the tram

The early morning crowd was clustered around in small groups. The circular nature of the outer seats left a majority of travellers looking towards the center, while a small square bench in the middle seated eight and faced the outside. A man dressed in simple work clothes and a flight jacket sat farthest from the door. He had the indifferent air of a native and rough mechanic's hands. His long, dark hair framed his intense blue eyes as he patiently waited for the tram to stop. A few seats away, to his left, two women sat next to each other. They had been quietly conversing with one another the entire trip. One of them was a strikingly beautiful human woman, her blond hair spilling down to her shoulders, while the other was an equally beautiful reptilian Falleen, her graceful features marked by a red tint.

Across from the two women, sitting in one of the center seats, was a tired looking wookie. The large, furry creature cut an imposing figure, even sitting tiredly like this one was. His shoulders drooped and his eyes were heavy with exhaustion, but he was still tense and alert. A traditional wookie blade hung at his side, and a recognizable bowcaster was slung on his back. Three seats away, also in the center, sat a woman who could only be desribed as a noble. She was dressed like any slumrunner, and she definitely looked like she could handle herself, but her demeanor spoke of power and responsibility. Across from her sat two men. They sat close together and kept an eye on all of the other passengers. Their clothes, and the way they huddled together quietly, showed them to be businessmen.

Across the car from them, on the side closest to the door, sat a strange looking, reptilian man. His skin was a light shade of grey, like steel, his eyes dark in his head. His teeth overhung his mouth, like an overbite, but his overall appearance was lithe, like a fighter. Two seats away, right next to the door, sat a Gran. A common species on Nar Shaddaa, the humanoid Gran had three eyes on short stalks portruding from the top part of his face and an elongated mouth and large, pointed ears. The Gran was armed and armored, wearing a protected personal flight suit with a large rifle slung on his back. He kept glancing to his right, at the reptilian man. At the rear of the tram, sitting very close to the door, were three men who could only be described as thugs. Their appearance was dirty and ragged. Each had an axe hung from his belt. The whole trip, they seemed to be leering suggestively at the two women opposite them.

At the terminal

The sun, a somewhat uncommon sight on Nar Shaddaa, rose ever higher in the sky. The open station bustled with little noise as the many citiens travelled back and forth across the towering spires. In the center of the terminal platform stood a line of benches, each backed by a small trough of ornamental plants. The terminal was relatively new, and had been bought and paid for by the gambling industry native to Karag. Idle conversations in the numerous communication booths gently filtered to the crowd.

A small group of stormtroopers approached a disturbance and immediately cleared a path. On Nar Shaddaa, no one was innocent, and the gleaming white armor cut a path through bystanders like a hot vibroblade through ganari. An amphibious alien with long, fin-like ears was in a heated discussion with some kind of old model droid. The argument wasn't violent or loud, but Nar Shadians knew a spectacle when they saw it. A crowd began to gather as the troopers began to sort out the problem. A single humanoid woman, a Zabrak with red skin and pale, white horns, shifted uncomfortably on the bench. As the tram skidded into place, she stood up and made her way to it purposefully.

Jack, FX-3R, and Yoss
Your small group is in a dispute as the sergeant begins to ask questions. The Gungan looks like he wishes he hadn't said anything at all, while the droid just looks calm. The stormtrooper takes a breath and starts to give both parties a warning when a large Barabel shoves him aside. The creature is big for a Barabel, with plenty of muscle. His heavy body is covered in gleaming steel combat armor, though he carries no weapons. Most notable, though, was his pet. Wrapped around his right wrist and gripped tightly in his gloved claw is a heavy chain. At the end of it is a large, reptilian creature. Built like a dog, the creature's green, scaly hide is marked by spikes jutting from the creatures powerful arms. A spine of sharp plates sticks out from behind it's head. The Barabel approaches the tram slowly, a menacing grin on it's face. You suddenly notice a man standing at the center of the crowd, watching the tram car. His black armor gleams as he raises something to his mouth and speaks quietly.

As you stand from the bench, you spot a familiar face. A male human, wearing expensive black armor, stands about twelve feet from you. He watches the tram with intensity, and smiles as he sees movement inside. He pulls a hand out of his pocket and, still grinning, talks into a small comlink. You know you've seen him before, but you can't say where for the life of you. As people begin to emerge from the tram, four men in the crowd inconspicuously draw blaster pistols and begin to move towards the man in black. Behind him, you see a Barabel leading a lizard creature on a leash, also approaching the tram car. The Barabel also wears heavy armor, and you know trouble's on it's way.

The Gran stands up before the tram stops and waits for the door to open. As it hisses and starts to slowly lower, he gives you a final glance and steps outside. The three street toughs remain seated, maintaining an air of casual nonchalance. You're the first to leave the car behind the Gran. In front of you, about fourty feet away, a man wearing custom black armor gives you a sneer as he nods his head slightly. Closer still, and on approach, a large creature known as a Barabel laughs, a horrible gurgling sound. He holds the chain to a large reptilian creature. The lizard is a green mass of scales and spines, growling quietly as it pulls at the chain in a vain attempt to escape it's master.

Kat, Jay, Fiolla, and Orion
You all leave the tram at about the same time. A Barabel approaches you, about twenty feet out, leading a large reptilian creature. A human male in black, custom armor leers at you as he unslings a rifle off of his back. The Gran you saw earlier, riding in the tram, stands behind him, watching you. You spread out and draw weapons as the first of the bystanders screams. The crowd in the terminal start to panic and run off down the walkways and ledges as four more gunmen, thugs lurking in the crowd, begin to spread out. The man in the black armor, sneering, gives you a small, polite nod.

You don't even notice as the Gran leaves the car. Still tired, you head out of the tram last. The three human males, each armed with a vibro-axe at his waist, are the only people left in the tram aside from the two business men. You step out of the door into a scene of chaos. People flee as gunmen take aim and take cover. Directly in front of you, not more than fifteen feet way, a Barabel kneels next to a creature. You instantly recognize it as a Katarn, though you can tell it's a young example. You notice that a few passengers of the tram wield weapons, and you decide to draw one yourself. The Barabel grins maliciously as he pulls the chain tight, the katarn scrabbling away at the dedck with it's wicked claws.

The man in black raises a single hand as if to pacify the rest of the people. His face is youthful but marred by cynicism; His features are shaded with an inborn darkness. He's vaguely handsome, but a scar down the right side of his face draws attention to itself in horrifying detail. In the silence that follows his motion, he speaks. His voice is rich with arrogance, but seasoned with practice. "My name," he begins, "is Jek Thorn. A bounty hunter, as you've no doubt heard. Just hand over the woman and we'll all leave here just fine." He nods to the men leaving the tram car as they line up behind you. "You've got nowhere to go, and I don't want violence." He says, though he grips the blaster rifle like he means to use it. "Normlly, you'd all be dead already. But Jurga wants the girl alive, so I'm taking it easy on you." He continues, with more confidence than seems prudent. "Now, either you send her over to me," He says indicting Fiolla, "or there's going to be blood." He says, as he laughs out loud.

The scene

The tram sits in place at the western edge of the large, circular platform without rails. It overhangs a gigantic drop down, almost all the way down to the surface. The open-air terminal sits atop a tall tower, with five walkways that lead from it. The walkways themselves, (one each north and south, one northeast and southeast, and one straight east) are lined with rails. Three heads to the same plaza, a flat area with a bazaar, a parking lot for airspeeders, and a few buildings. The other two, heading north and south, head to large walkways, called streets, that hang in the air and on the sides of buildings. Most of the streets are built to support hundreds of pedestrians, not vehicles as the name would suggest. On the sides of the circular platform sit four benches, two to a side next to the walkways. Between them are expensive planters with offworld flora that, despite the cost, are dying.

Just in front of the tram, clustered together, are Orion, Fiolla, Ajayne, Katinka, Shoryyhn, and Kao-Rin. Fifteen feet away towards the center of the platform is the Barabel, rinning over his slavering creature. Just behind him stands Jek Thorn, ready with his blaster rifle. Behind him stands the Gran, unarmed for the moment, but a heavy rifle rests on his back. Spread around them are a bunch of thugs, one to each diagonal, wielding pistols. Three more thugs, similar in dress and manner, stand on the walkway to the tram in single file, each one ready with a vibro-axe. Dice stands in front of the south-west most bench, ready. To the north-east, almost at the edge of the platform, stands Sgt. Henderson and his two men, by the droid FX-3R and the Gungan Yoss Binto. Anyone who has been to Kashyyyk or studied much of the galaxy's animals recognizes the reptilian creature as a katarn.

Jek's speech has given everyone involved time to draw their weapons and hear him out, but so far no one has fired the first shot.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-02, 01:51 AM
Fiolla takes an involuntary step backwards, her heart pounding. She was so close to being free! frantically thinking of what she has done to upset the aforementioned Hutt. She turns to Ajayne with a panicked look, unsure of how to react. She carries no weapons and looks like she wouldn't be able to use them if she did anyway. "What do we do, Ajayne?" She looks fearfully around to the armoured man, and speaks in a quavering voice, not meeting the man's gaze. "I- I don't want to go with you; p-please leave me alone."

Using Adept Negotiator to weaken his resolve, I meant to say. >_< Persuasion check follows in the OOC Thread.

2009-02-02, 02:49 AM
Orion Stargazer

Just as suddenly as the bounty hunter finishes talking, Orion's blaster is in his hand and he's looking pretty pissed off. He looks at the girl that this guy is apparently after, then nods at Kat. He has his blaster pointed at the bounty hunter as best he can, while side stepping toward some cover slowly.

"Bounty hunters," He spits, "You can just take yourself back where you came from now- this isn't the girl your looking for and I don't need nothing else but this here blaster to tell you that."

2009-02-02, 02:52 AM

The tall wookie shakes of his exhaustion as he smells danger on the platform. A swift glance takes in several threats, a squad of stormtroopers not least among them. But his attention is immediately drawn to the katarn. The sight triggers a memory from the past, it has been a long time since Shorryyhn has hunted the noble Katarn in the shadowlands. It would be good to be able to do so again, he shakes his head sadly.

His attention on the beast means he doesn't notice a small human girl backing away from the beast's keeper and his apparent master, giving voice to her fear until she bumps into him.

"Muaargah, rruf rooarrghh, ggrauugh"

He catches the name of Jurga the hutt and takes in instant dislike to the black clad bounty hunter and his cohorts. He glances at the girl, wondering what she could have done to upset Jurga.

"Aah woo aah Jurga warrgh rmphh, wgrra grruff?"

Since you list Shyriiwook as a language.
"Watch your step little one."

"Why would Jurga want you, that fat slug?"

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-02, 03:05 AM
Fiolla jumps at the unexpected warm barrier of the Wookie behind her, turning her head backwards, then upwards, to meet his gaze. "I- I don't know. I've never met him before..." She turns to Orion, pleadingly. "Please don't get involved... I don't want anyone hurt because of me..."

2009-02-04, 02:13 AM

Bounty Hunters? Maybe something stirs in Dice when she looks at the shocked girl. Maybe not. All she does know is that the chance to board the tram has been blown - but with a firefight in the station the Stormtroopers' attention should certainly be occupied.

Slinking into the crowd, she tries to make her way to the nearest 'street'...

2009-02-04, 04:22 AM

Kat quickly returns Orion's nod. The small woman drew her blaster quite fast and now aims it at the Barabel's pet. "Normally, you'd all be dead already ?!", she quotes Jek. "Now let me guess, you and your friends are here to prove that idiocy likes company, right ? Assuming that everone in the vicinity is working for your mark, threatening people with death in front of Stormtroopers. Bugger off, Laserbrain !"

2009-02-04, 09:29 AM

At first there had been little detriment in venting out his anger at the damnable B-1 battle droid that had dared to clothe itself like a regular person and attempt to sneak about Nar Shadaa. The gungan himself cut a rather imposing figure in his black tunic and trousers, a deep forest green cape slung over his left shoulder and obscures that half of his body all the way down to just above the ground. Not even that cape could do much to hide the slim protruding shape of a jetpack strapped to his back though. His green skin can only be seen truly across his head and the long ridged ears that gungans could be recognized by the galaxy over to those who knew of them with puckered scars marring the otherwise smooth flesh of his face and bill

"Youssa got lucky droida." The 2-meter tall gungan rumbles in a growling tone as both eye stalks swiveled to look at the commotion going on slightly further down the station even as the Barbel rushes past him with it's slavering pet. At the sight of weapons being drawn though, pupils widened and a crafty grin tugged at Yoss's face as he spoke to the apparent leader of the stormtrooper.

"Dontka have jobss to do, eh?" He suggests, nodding his head towards the trouble even as he keeps one wary eye on it. It'd only take a moment for this to erupt into violence, best to keep at least one eye on it. Might even be a chance for some good to do..

Frog Dragon
2009-02-04, 10:07 AM
"Klit'ok!" The greyish blue alien in a leather vest spouts at the sight of the stormtroopers as his native language rolls faster off his tongue than Basic. He says it quietly, but sharply and it sounds like a curse. He moves in the crowd making as little as possible of him visible behind the mass of people to avoid the stormtroopers' gaze. He looks at the bounty hunter with the corner of his eye, Scum. They have nothing in common with imperial tyranny yet they consort with the imperials so they turn a blind eye on their illegal activities in turn supplying the imperials with credits they need to keep their hellish grip. The Draethos looks at the young woman and feels the need to help, but sees the stormtroopers. He still slides his sword just a little bit to make it more easily accessible.

2009-02-04, 02:17 PM

As the Barabel barrels past FX3R takes a few steps away from the enraged Gungan, and turns his attention to the commotion beginning to unfold.

So Jurga wants the girl... the question is how much? Could I throw my lot in with this bounty hunter and buy my way out of trouble with the Hutt? COMPUTING ODDS: success unlikely.

No, then. This bounty hunter seems quite the fool, approaching his target publicly, in daylight, announcing his intentions, when she's surrounded by people, people lining up to defend her. ANOMALY: Uncharacteristic behavoir on the Nar Shadaa. The girl does seem to conform to human ascthetic standards, perhaps Katinka and that swoop ganger are motivated by lust? But what motivates the Wookiee? His kind aren't known for pro-Human interspecies desire. He seemed to react to Jurga's name, why?


COURSE OF ACTION: avoidance, observation, discrtion.

FX3R slips into the crowd, trying to make his way unseen towards his destination, while keeping a discerning eye on the conflagration.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2009-02-04, 02:41 PM

The tall wookie places a furry hand on the girl's shoulder and gently pushes her behind him. "Wroogha ahrgh." He grips a long-handled wicked-looking native sword-like weapon in his other hand.

He talks to the bounty hunter, shaking his head and gesturing at the Barabel."Ruffgh warroogh grauh ggrroooff. Wroo gragh."


"Get behind me"

"It's unseemly to bring so many cohorts to capture one small specimen. You dishonour youself."

Initiative [roll0]

Frog Dragon
2009-02-04, 02:58 PM
Kao-Rin glances at the stormtroopers concluding that they have made no effort to stop the commotion like they usually do. He looks at the bounty hunter and decides he has seen enough. He steps next to the wookiee drawing a large sword, much like a vibroblade, but considerably bigger.
He looks at the bounty hunter and spits out in an angry tone
"Step back, lowlife."

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-04, 06:01 PM
Seeing the powerful wookie and another man step in front of her, Fiolla is both touched by their friendliness, and fearful for their safety against the large group of men who wanted to take her to this 'Jurga'. Silently, she made a promise to repay them however she could, when this was over. "Thank you."

I suppose I've already used my action with Fiolla using Adept Negotiator, so I'll wait till the bounty hunters go before I do anything else.
Initiative [roll0]

2009-02-04, 07:47 PM

The stars really do love me, is Jay's impressed reaction, as the other passengers draw weapons rather than slinking off once they've realized they're not the target. This must be all the bleeding hearts on Nar Shaddaa.

The "guide" moves back with Fiolla, drawing a blaster as she does. "Back off," she adds, "before the boys in white notice you." She nods in the direction of the Imperial troops, hoping Thorn didn't have an arrangement with them already. Even with their miraculously charitable fellow passengers, the bounty hunter's paid men have them outgunned...

Aid another to whoever had the highest Persuade check- automatically meets DC 10, adding +4 (thanks to Rapport) to their result.

2009-02-04, 09:10 PM
"**** looks like we got ourselves a situation boys, come on and let's handle this quickly. You over there the droid and the frog thing. Keep out of trouble, I'm not done with you yet. Although if you help if the situation gets dicey I may consider letting you off with a warning."

After he says this Jack takes off with his men to the nearest cover and has them draw weapons. He makes sure he orientates himself in the situation before taking any further actions. Before he waits to let this play out he calls out to the people on the platform. The helmet assist him letting him pitch his message further than normal, but it gives his voice a grainy quality.

Everyone just settle down, we don't want any rash actions. I'm sure we can all just resolve this quickly and without commotion if we put the guns away. If not I might have to request a patrol in here with an armored speeder. Now that isn't what we want is it? If anyone even thinks about leaving and I find out there will be hell to pay. It would be best if people just comply now to avoid trouble later... who knows maybe we can figure out a mutual agreement or two where we all leave happy. At the end you can hear him cut out the amplifier and all that remains is the blank cold glare of the white and black helmet.

Lowlifes, Jack knew these types, and they weren't the ones to listen very good. He was almost happy knowing he would get to bring some more scum in for the day, although if they wanted to it wasn't out of the question to look the other way or even help if the price is right. Not trusting them Jack did a scan of the surrounding area looking and listening for anything odd.

[roll0] Perception check to see if anyone is trying to slip away.

2009-02-04, 09:32 PM
The Terminal

"Bounty hunters," He spits, "You can just take yourself back where you came from now- this isn't the girl your looking for and I don't need nothing else but this here blaster to tell you that."

Jek smiles and says nothing.

"Now let me guess, you and your friends are here to prove that idiocy likes company, right ? Assuming that everone in the vicinity is working for your mark, threatening people with death in front of Stormtroopers. Bugger off, Laserbrain !"

He then gives a slight chuckle. "Assuming? Well, the result is the same. You appear to be working with her to me."

"Ruffgh warroogh grauh ggrroooff. Wroo gragh."

As Jek discusses policy with Kat, the Barabel just laughs and shrugs at Shoryyhn's comment. He may or may not understand Shyriiwook, but when Shoryyn finishes, he points to a small collection of Wookie scalps on his belt. His grin widens.

"Back off," she adds, "before the boys in white notice you."

As soon as she says that, a loud voice calls over the entire scene.

Everyone just settle down, we don't want any rash actions. I'm sure we can all just resolve this quickly and without commotion if we put the guns away. If not I might have to request a patrol in here with an armored speeder. Now that isn't what we want is it? If anyone even thinks about leaving and I find out there will be hell to pay. It would be best if people just comply now to avoid trouble later... who knows maybe we can figure out a mutual agreement or two where we all leave happy.

This said, Jek sighs. His amusement dwindles apparently to nothing, and he contemplates before speaking next. He decides to ignore the Stormtroopers outright. "Truly you overestimate them. The Empire is not a problem; Not for me, not for Jurga. This is Nar Shaddaa, and Stormtroopers disappear all the time on Nar Shaddaa." The way he pronounces the word seems to odd, especially to a native, which he evidently is not. "There was a time that the average citizen would have handed over the girl and stuck around only to ask for their share. What's this world coming to that you can't even commit a decent crime?" He says, mock laughter showing through his voice again. "Now, since you have so kindly stepped forward and shown us exactly who will be fighting us and with what, I believe we can get to the fun part." He glances around, and notices that a few of the thugs seem to be reconsidering. What, with the female's visually enhanced speaking technique and the surprising number of enemies, they seem shaky. He sneers. "All right, fellas. No need to stay. I mean, I'm paying for the best, so I guess I'll pay the agreed price. Per head." That seems to do it. A quick count amounts to everyone getting more than six times their fee, easy. With a glance to each other, their faces harden, their smiles sardonify, and the grip tightens on their weapons. Jek's gaze fixes back on the woman, his mark. She is a looker. I may have to keep for a day or two, while I...renegotiate my contract. he thinks to himself.



The troopers suddenly seem interested in the fight, which appears to be quickly heading down the path to "large-scale war". It's cakewalk to slip away. You flee the scene and cross the walkway closest to you, ending up in a small, barely filled airspeeder lot. Due to the earlier hysteria, the lot is empty.


You slink off and disppear into the nearby shadows, a resource with unlimited supply on Nar Shaddaa. As you do, you notice an odd, low thrumming sound, like the sound of engines. You watch the scene unfolding from the only cover available, across the north catwalk. The area here is almost empty, save one individual besides yourself. He glances at you for a moment, curiously, then shrugs and continues to watch the unfolding fracas. While surveying the scene, you notice that the Gran, even though he has a large blaster on his back, remains unarmed. Looking closely, you can see a small cluster of grenades on his belt, as well as a few other demolitions devices.


For cover, you do the only thing you can do, stand behind one of the ferrocrete planters. As you look around, you notice nothing peculiar.

2009-02-04, 11:44 PM
Frog thing, eh? Stupid Imperial swine, it is ignorance like this that makes non-humans hate them so. The gungan thinks derisively to himself as the stormtrooper leader made his ultimatum to him and the droid, which seemed to have taken that as a suggestion to slink off into the shadows while everyone's attention was elsewhere. Walking scrap-heap. I have to get my hands dirty because of it.

"Dosa I looks like I carry a blaster stormie?" Yoss snorts out with surprisingly good Basic as the trio of white armored stormtroopers take cover and try to diffuse the situation to seemingly little effect except to make the bounty hunter spout a threat about how easy it was for one to disappear in Nar Shaada, true as it might be. So, with an overly theatrical sigh, and casting a glare at the back of the stormies, and advanced toward the gathered group with an irate look in his crystal clear amber eyes.

How to go about it though? Revealing his trophy, even if he claimed to the skies he had merely bought it, would likely mean little in an Imperial interrogation chamber so he'd have to pick his target carefully. Somebody who might not recognize what was happening...

And that was when Yoss's eyes settled on the reptilian creature on the leash as he subtly moved closer to it...

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-02-05, 01:48 AM
Orion Stargazer

"Well... maybe some of us believe in a better Nar Shadda, outsider. After this time, I'll start using my blaster instead of my words, scum. Lets see who speaks louder." Orion spoke, still pointing his pistol at the head of the loud mouthed bounty hunter, and kept glancing behind him to make sure that girl he was after was still behind him. Safe.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-02-05, 04:28 AM

You don't look a gift Bantha in the mouth... She decides to give the speeders a short inspection, if anybody left anything... worthwhile in them. Or maybe the engines running...

2009-02-06, 09:17 PM

the Barabel just laughs and shrugs at Shoryyhn's comment. He may or may not understand Shyriiwook, but when Shoryyn finishes, he points to a small collection of Wookie scalps on his belt. His grin widens.

The wookie snarls in a sudden rage and leaps across the space between him and the barabel attempting to strike the lizard man with quick, two handed blows.

Swift action to Rage (7 rounds)
To hit using Rapid strike and Rage [roll0] 3 Bab 5 str 2 rage -2 Rapid strike
Damage [roll1] +10 str +2 rage +1 level +1 melee smash
Damage if missed 10 - unrelenting assault - do str damage on miss

Wicked strike - if I damage using rapid strike then I can make a second attack on a second target at -2. If it hits then I do 1/2 the damage on the first target to the second
Wicked strike to hit [roll2]

2009-02-07, 03:08 AM
The Wookie lunges forward quickly, surprising both sides. Stunned, some of the inexperienced street thugs gape open-mouthed at the large blur. The Barabel's eternal look of amusement is wiped from it's face as the large, mighty Wookie clears the distance between them instantly. The large Rykk blade, a weapon familiar in design to the Barabel, bites into his shoulder and rends the creature's chest open. No sooner does Shoryyhn do this then whip the blade out and slash the katarn across the face. The creature bleats suddenly as it tastes it's own blood, the wound savaging it's gaping mouth with a hideous scar.

I assumed you used your Rykk blade, since you had it drawn, and that the second target you picked was the only thing close enough that wasn't the Barabel itself. You hit them both.

2009-02-07, 05:53 AM

Positioning: Moving south through her allies squares, then south-east and ends movement 2 squares west of "T6", prone.

Kat tries to get some distance from the Katarn and hustles straight through her (newfound) "allies", causing some confusion in the process. She turns around, drops to the ground and shoots at the nearest thug.

Attacking "T6"; Point Blank Shot bonuses included below. Prone = -5 attack penalty for ranged attackers, but +5 attack bonus for melee attackers.

Attack: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1]

Frog Dragon
2009-02-07, 07:06 AM
The Draethos charges at the black-clad bounty hunter delivering two rapid, but extremely powerful strikes lashing at Jek trying to end this quickly.


I charge Power Attacking for full and Rapid Striking with the Dire Vibroblade Rolls are with bonuses and minuses

Damage: [roll1]

Edit: And I managed to forget charge bonuses/penalties. Add +2 to the attack roll and I have -2 to Reflex defense for one turn

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-07, 06:12 PM
Fiolla turns away from the Wookie as he begins to rend his foes asunder. She looks back, noticing the three men she had thought as 'Rough', (But which anyone with a modicum of sense would think of as 'Hostile') behind her, and makes a short, apologetic bow. "I'm very sorry that I've gotten you into this, please stay behind me and I'm sure that you'll be fine."

2009-02-07, 06:23 PM
As Kao-Rin lunges for the man, Jek raises his carbine and fires off a quick shot.


Jek's shot hits the Draethos, burning through his vest to burn the flesh below. The hit causes the Dreathos's swing to go wild, missing the man completely.

EDIT: Ignore that ^

The Draethos comes in swinging wildly, but Jek is quicker than Kao-Rin anticipated. He nimbly ducks the assualt, leaving the Draethos's blade to sail over his head harmlessly.

The Gran, busy with something, doesn't look up as this happens. Jek, surprised by the sudden appearance of the Draethos, moves backwards from Kao-Rin, raising his carbine to strike.

Jek provokes an Attack of Opportunity from Kao-Rin.

Meanwhile, Kat throws herself to the ground and line sup her target, a stunned thug who takes a shot in the shoulder. He doesn't go down, but he's not happy.

The three thugs behind Fiolla, preparing to grab her for Jek, look at each other in mute surprise as she speaks. With a slow leer, the one in the lead moves in to grab her.

2009-02-07, 06:50 PM

The thug reaches out, his hands empty, his face threatening. Fiolla, her reflexes honed by Jedi training, nimbly dodges out of his grasp. His face turns angry, and he motions for the others to follow him as he steps forward.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-07, 07:07 PM
Fiolla moves dexterously away more from surprised reflex than any kind of readiness, instinctively raises a hand as he steps forward again. Fiolla calms herself inwardly in a matter of moments, the product of many evenings of practice and meditation, and, drawing in on herself, lashes out with a wave of compressed Force.

UtF; making a Force Slam, and using a Force Point to increase the damage.


[roll1] damage, and an additional [roll2] damage and they are all knocked prone, if the UtF check equals/exceeds their Fort defense.

2009-02-07, 07:56 PM

Consumed by his rage the wookie roars and again attacks the barabel

rapid strike [roll0]
damage [roll1]
damage if misses 10

wicked strike [roll2]
damage is half original damage

2009-02-08, 12:21 AM
"****, looks like this is a full blown battle. Lock and load men we're going in. This is squad 066 were in the lower districts at a train platform and we are requesting a patrol speeder. We will contain the situation until assistance arrives." After Jack says this he checks to see if his weapons is primed. Re-assured he is about to pull the trigger, but he stops himself before firing.

"Set to stun, I want to show this scum bag what it means to threaten Imperial Troopers." After saying this Jack hits the switch on his weapon and hears the power cycling down into stun mode. Finally he pulls the trigger and fires his blaster carbine at the alien trash handling the Katarn.

[roll0] Attack, and damage if it hits. [roll1] My two henchmen default to defensive fighting as their standard actions.

Frog Dragon
2009-02-08, 05:03 AM
As Jek backs off from Kao-Rin he takes two quick thrusts at the unguarded man

Rapid Strike

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2009-02-09, 02:48 AM
Orion Stargazer

Orion had stuck close to Fiolla before combat began, knowing that this entire pointless conflict would be even more so if she was caught or killed. "This would be a lot easier if I was in a Swoop..." He cursed under his breath as combat started, and kept an eye out for Kat.

He aimed his gun at the thugs going after Fiolla seeing that Jek was engaged, but she surprised him by using the Force. "You've got a few secrets, eh, girl?" Orion asked with a wink, and pointed his gun at one of the thugs after Fiolla shooting his Blaster Pistol.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-02-09, 04:36 AM

The sudden surge of Force energy catches the thugs unexpectedly; Two of them stumble to the ground, suddenly clinching their sides in pain as the wave of power lshes over them. The third, screaming in agony, spills over the side of the walkway and whirls off below where he disappears in the darkness many stories down. The two that fall stay down, twinging in weakness and pain as they try to stand on shaky legs.

Shoryyhn and Jack

The Barabel snarls as the Stormtrooper's shot misses it, searing the air over it's head. Shoryyhn, still enraged, swings the Rykk blade fiercely, slashing another great wound in the Barabel's thick hide. Gouts of blood spurt out and rivulets of it run down the front of it's useless armor. The creature's eyes roll back and it drops in a heap. Again, Shoryyhn spins and slashes the Katarn, cutting the creature's face and destroying one of it's eyes. The beast roars in anger as it prepares to lunge.

The Katarn suddenly stops, staring at Shoryyhn in bewilderment. The creature chokes once, spewing blood from it's mouth, and then again, more violently. The wracking spasms tear it's lungs apart and the creature rolls onto it's side, dead, it's mouth leaking a spreading pool of blood.

The Thugs

The two thugs on the walkway stand up and draw their vibroblades. The realiation that their target wsn't such an easy mark has left them angry, and they're willing to spill alittle blood to get the job done. The one in front lunges at Fiolla, bringing his blade to bear.


The thug's blade whistles within a hair of Fi. It comes close enough for her to feel the wind of it, and it leaves a miniscule cut on her arm.

The four remaining thugs on the platform line up their targets, the shock of the sudden outburst of combat finally wearing off. One of them targets Kat, the nearest threat. The other one closest targets Shoryyhn. The two on the other side of the platform both target Kao-Rin.





The shot sails harmlessly over Katinka's head, a far miss. The thug that fired his rifle at Shoryyhn misses and hits the second thug on the walkway to the tram. The shot sizzles into the thug's chest, sending him tumbling down below to join his former co-worker.


You slash fiercely at Jek, but he's too nimble, and easily dodges the blade as it sweeps past him. Once out of range, he takes a shot at you with his carbine.

[roll10] +1 for Point Blank Shot and +1 for Skirmisher talent

Both of the thugs fire at Kao-Rin, each shot taking him in the shoulder. He staggers, but he's not down yet. But then, Jek hits him square in the chest from the front. The hit's a rough one, sending Kao-Rin down.

Move all the way down on the condition track. You're at -1; Since Jek's shot technically happened first, you won't have to spend a Force Point.

I'll hold off on Orion's attack until after Ajayne/Snark goes.

2009-02-09, 04:57 AM

Damn, bad, Ajayne thinks, as Fiolla mistakes the paid thugs behind them for bystanders. "Watch out!" she shouts... unnecessarily, as something sends them down like a winning sabaac hand. A little astonished, she recovers her presence of mind about the same time that they regain their feet, and fires a blaster bolt in the general direction of the farther thug.

Attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

2009-02-09, 05:28 AM
Ajayne and Orion

The final thug readies his vibroblade for another slash when a sudden shot goes by him. He leers at the Falleen woman, unimpressed with her close miss, when Orion's shot hits him in the face and he drops to the walkway, dead. His vibroblade falls from his hand and spins away into the distance beneath him. The walkway to the tram is now completely clear of thugs.

The Gran

His working's concluded, the Gran looks up from his device to see Kao-Rin collapsed in front of him. Nearby, Jek and the four living thugs stand poised with their blasters ready. The Barabel, a disreputive bounty hunter named Krayd, lies dead near his precious pet. With a grin, the Gran raises his detonator and presses the button. Inside the tram, underneath the Gran's former seat, a small bomb beeps once and blinks a tiny red light a single time. The entire tram explodes, peppering the nearby air with shrapnel and breaking it off from the overhead magnetic rail. The tram car hangs precariously for a second, spewing gouts of fire, before falling off entirely and breaking into several smaller pieces on the way down.

The Explosion

Fiolla, closest to the blast, is thrown backwards and lands hard on the ground. Everyone else near the tram when it explodes, including Orion, Ajayne, nd to a lesser degree, Shoryyhn, are thrown to the ground. Pieces of shrapnel fly through the air and spatter the platform like heavy rain. One of the gun thugs is killed as a small metal shard impales his stomach, sending him to the ground, doubled over in pain. Jek raises his comlink again and speaks into it. The Gran, still grinning, draws his repeating blaster from his back and takes cover from the Stormtroopers.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-09, 06:04 AM
I assume that means that Fi' is knocked prone in the same square? Does she take any damage? Which Gun Thug was killed?

When it's Fi's turn, she'll take a move action to stand up, and another to close the distance between her and Kao.

Fi can only stare horrified, her hand over her mouth, as she sees the thug she caught with her reflexive Force Power topple over the edge of the railing and spin downwards to certain death below - the first man she has ever killed. A tiny exclamation escapes her mouth."Oh Stars..." She looks up again only to see the closer thug's vibroaxe humming towards her in a deadly powerful arc, her master's Jedi training only just managing to save her as she leans sideways instinctively to escape the axes blade as it nicks her arm with a tiny cut, the massive force behind the blow enough to cause a sizable tear in her clothing.

Her eyes meet those of the Thug for a single moment, just as a hail of blaster bolts from behind her neatly eliminates the remaining two threatening her. Sick with horror and fear, she turns away to the unfolding battle behind her, seeing Kao Rin's prone body with Jek standing triumphant over the unmoving form. Tears well up in her eyes. "T-This is all my fault..."

She takes a step towards Kao Rin, preparing to break into a run, but is interrupted by the wave of heat and shrapnel from the exploding tram slams into her, smashing her roughly to the ground. Her ears ringing and her vision beginning to cloud with tears, she stubbornly musters the strength she needs to get up off of the floor and help Kao.

2009-02-09, 07:25 AM
Orion Stargazer

"Yes, direct shot, one less scu- oh ****!" Orion shouted, admiring his handy work before getting plastered to the ground. He grabs his head and curses again fiercly before rolling over onto his stomach and scanning for that damn Gran. He curses loudly as he watches him take cover, then has the same reaction to that girl running directly toward the guy who wants her. Taking careful aim, he attempts to plug Jek with his blaster.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-02-10, 12:09 PM

OOC: Not sure it's my turn to go, but in the interests of not holding up the party:

The wookie seems not to notice the tram's explosion, at least he doesn't look back to see why he was knocked off his feet, his angry gaze fixed on the next enemy, Jek. He gets to his feet and launches into a charge at the bounty hunter in black, swinging his blade widly.

Rapid strike [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If miss damage 10

Wicked strike if the Gran is still in range [roll2]
Damage is half the original strike.

2009-02-10, 07:01 PM
I posted this a while back, but either IE7's tabs hath slain me again and I lost the post or the forum hath slain me again. For Dice and FX-3R.


The selection of airpseeders is a mixed bag. In addition to new, sleek models that would break in a heavy wind, theres some older buckets of rust that seem more dangerous than the nearby firefight. Despite the prolific danger of using one on the heavily walked streets, there's also a Swoop with an illegal blaster underneath it. You pick out a few choice ones out of the bunch. A SoroSuub ZX-20, red and sleek, seems like an ok choice. An older Suwantek Twin-S model, sturdy but worn, stands out, with it's forward vanes and rugged appearance. Both are able to accomodate about four people safely. You finally notice a large Galactik 12, left over from the Clone Wars. The largest craft in the parking zone, the big pile of metal appears like it could safely hold double that number, for a given value of safety. An explosion resounds out from the platform behind you, and you decide it's time to hurry up.

To break into either of the two newer craft, make a DC 17 Mechanics check. The oldest, largest one would only take a 15. The Swoop uses identification access, requiring a DC 17 Use Computer check. Of course, a creative application of Use the Force would also work, as would physical violence. In any case, if you decide to search for random materials in any of the vessels, roll 1d100 a few times and I'll consort with my list.


As the explosion rips through the air, shrapnel flies around like rain, spattering the ledgs of the building. When the noise dies out, you notice the man beside you chuckling. He moves his hands as the tram car falls from the rail, and you notice he has a vidcorder and is filming the entire thing. Taking a second look at the man, you notice his oddly plain apperance. His striking blue eyes are the only feature that stand out from beneath his jet black hair. He's mildly handsome, you suppose (for a meatbag), but as far as your visual records go, he's relatively unnoticeable. Glancing back at the platform, you notice gunfire starting to break out again. From your unique vantage point, you also notice a large garbage lift, a giant airbarge, drift up from some other level. It moves under the platform and starts hovering.

2009-02-10, 07:16 PM

Oh, yes, an explosion is a very good reason to make a dash for it. She isn't really an expert for hotwiring machines, but she'll give it a try before she has to brave Nar Shaddaa traffic on foot...

Turning towards one of the newer, sleeker craft, she breaks out the tools and gets to work, quickly.



This is just in case one of the speeders is open - she's not going to break each of them open to check it out.

2009-02-10, 08:30 PM

FX3R will drop his hand to the heavy blaster pistol hangnig from his belt, not drawing it but not making any effort to hide his readiness, and speak to the stranger with the vidcorder ""Sir, the people of this moon are self-serving, in the event of an explosion the common self serving response is to seek safety, you have not, therefore I conclude you have some gain to be made from this conflict you deem worth the risk to your person. Kindly inform me what this gain would be, or the risk to your person might exponentially increase."

Persuasion: [roll0] 12 (working roll in OOC thread post #76)
Perception: [roll1]28 (working roll in OOC thread post #76)

2009-02-11, 03:30 AM

Katinka is glad to be already prone as the people near the tram are thrown to the ground. "Not only stupid, but totally nuts ...", she mutters and fires her blaster a second time at the man in front of her.

Point Blank Shot

Attack: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1]
If it is enough to down him, she'll rise on one knee.

2009-02-12, 11:16 PM
As the explosion rips through the station all hell breaks loose. The ante had just been upped. Although he wasn't a role model he knew better than to just turn his back on possible terrorist scum trying to kill bystanders. It would only be more trouble down the line. Looking around for the nearest obvious target Jack moves in with his troops into cover closest to this target and he once again opens fire with his Blaster Carbine. It was too risky to set for stun now, a quick flip and his gun was cycling back up to lethal shots. A quick nod and he hears weapons cycling up in power again.

"Too risky now that we have such wanton destruction. Kill all those who looked like they are involved. Although watch your fire on those who have been helping us. They might be let off easy for the mild assistance."

[roll0]Attack [roll1]

OOC: Not sure who is alive at this point, but I am guessing I want to be shooting at the nearest thug/enemy. Also can I get a map or a link to one? It seems like others know what's going on. Also the forums have been hating me and I have only been able to get back on recently.

2009-02-13, 08:21 PM

The man pauses, more out of amusement than shock. "Nothing special. I just report the news, and a scene like this with exclusive rights could net me food for the next few months." He says, as he goes back to his recording. It's hard to tell if he's lying or not, but he seems far too professional for this to have been his first time in such a situation.


You finally get a confirmation of a nearby available speeder, probably because explosions re higher priority than lone troopers in need. Unit 304 is dispatched and on it's way.

Directly in front of you, by the gigantic permacrete planter is an armed Gran. His heavy blaster looks like an illegal repeater. You take aim and fire, hitting him dead center in the back. His heavy flight suit takes the brunt of it, but he snarls in pain as the blast burns through to his skin.

Check the OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103635&page=3) for a map. They're spoiler'd in Rettu's posts.


You fire your shot, but the thug is on to you now, and your bolt skims his shoulder. The black, sizzling hole looks painful, but he's still standing.


Jek looks around him at the shambles of his men. With a smirk, he turns tail and runs straight south to the edge of the platform, survival his only thought.


You manage to struggle to your feet. A few meters way, you see the Draethos unconscious on the ground. You manage to close the distance between you and kneel at his side.

Assuming you use your Standard action as a second move action here.


Enraged, you see the bounty hunter retreat, a coward's way out. You close in on him impossibly fast and swing your blade with all of your strength. The man's quick, one of the fastest you've seen, and before you're even halfway there he senses the attack and leaps back, dodging. You manage to clip him a solid cut on his arm, an you're satisfied as he yelps, his own blood spraying out beside him. He curses as he steps back from you.


The northernmost thug, remembering his mission, closes in on Fiolla as she kneels beside the wounded reptile-man. He attempts to grab her, planning to use her as a human shield. The one Kat shot twice falls to his knees. He tosses his blaster down and raises his hands, a pained look on his face. Behind him, the remaining thug steps up on a bench and fires his pistol at the stormtroopers.

[roll0] Provokes an attack of opportunity.

[roll1] +2 attack - 5 cover bonus

The man, obviously a better shot than a fighter, misses the grab. The other thug's shot goes wide, missing the platform completely and disappearing into the distance.


You just manage to finagle the vehicle's security; The SoroSuub's ignition is ready to go at a touch. Inside, you see a small holoprojector, filled with an hour of recording. A small compartment in the front of the craft opens to reveal a set of clothes and an identicard. When played, the holoprojector shows an old speech of Emperor Palpatine's when he was still Supreme Chancellor of the Senate.

Alright, that should be it. Hopefully, I didn't miss anyone. After Snark posts, I'll finish up the round.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-13, 08:46 PM
Since you said I could use a Force Power as an AoO over MSN, I will. Using Force Stun.

UtF: [roll0] v Will. If it exceeds the Thug's Will defense, he moves -1 Step along the condition track, plus another -1 step for every 5 by which it exceeds it.

Fiolla flinches as the man reaches in to grab her, turning to him with a frightened "I'm sorry!", letting the Force flow through her words to disorientate and confuse the man.

2009-02-13, 09:16 PM

Ajayne isn't quite as quick to get up as everybody else, a little shaken up by the explosion. By the time she does, the stormtroopers have joined in, and most of the enemies are fleeing.

Not all of them, though. She finds her charge right next to one of them, shying back in startlement—Fiolla clearly hadn't thought about him before moving to the downed alien. Jay stands, and fires a shot into the permacrete near the pair's feet, hoping to catch their attention. "Hey! Back off!"

Using the Aid Another action to suppress the thug; if the attack roll hits a defense of 10, he takes a -2 penalty on his next attack. [roll0]

I'm not sure whether this attack takes the -5 penalty from Precise Shot, since he's next to Fiolla; the modifier is -2 if it does. Do let me know which, just for future reference—aid another is one of Jay's primary combat tactics.

2009-02-14, 02:39 AM
Ajayne and Fiolla

The shot spatters uselessly nearby as the stunned thug gazes around him in bewilderment. He seems out of place, probably due to some application of the Force. He takes a hesitant step back, and the barrel of his gun lowers.


Your blaster flares as you depress the firing stud. Your shot skims past the assaulting Wookie and hits the bounty hunter. The bolt slips in between his chest and shoulder plates, and he screams in pain as he tumbles from the edge of the platform.

The Gran

Taking aim at the group of stormtroopers, the Gran slowly steadies the heavy blaster on his shoulder, aiming carefully at the group. The repeating blaster lets out a shrill screech, and then another, and another, as he lights the area up with rapid fire.

[roll0] +5 attack, -2 for Autofire (reduced penalty from -5 because of steadying on the shoulder w/ two swift actions)
Everyone hit takes full damage; Misses take half. Targeting Jack Henderson and the trooper labelled Jm1 on the map, or the one to his right.

The shots spang harmlessly into the durasteel bench, though two slip through and hit John, dropping him to the ground. One hits Jack in the shoulder, sizzling through the gleaming white armor.

With the cover bonus (+5 Ref), Jack takes only half damage (7). Jack takes full damage, but he's only at -2 and one step down on the condition track.

Initiative Order:
27 - FX3R, Jack
26 - Kao-Rin
24 - Kat and Jek
22 - Fiolla, Shorryyhn, and Thug
21 - Dice and the Katarn
18 - Barabel
17 - Ajayne
15- Orion
11 - Gran

2009-02-14, 03:02 AM

No taste... Dice shakes her head about the recording, then starts the ignition, to get the kriff out of there - before anybody calls reinforcements.

2009-02-14, 08:19 AM

Kat ceases to blast the wounded man in front of her ... for now. She stands up and shoots the other thug - who just stepped on a bench - in the back.

with Point Blank Shot, attacking "T7"

Attack: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1]

2009-02-15, 11:05 PM
As the blasts of energy pelted into them like rain Jack seen his friend collapse to the ground with burn marks in his armor. A few of the stray bolts hit Jack, but this time the Stormtrooper armor managed to stop them from penetrating the skin too deeply. He had some mild burns where the blasts had penetrated his armor and seared his flesh. Jack was wondering how long this armor would hold up before it was finished.

Staring at the Gran Jack took aim and fired again. This bastard would die right here and now for killing Kornichuk. Poor fellow was fresh out of training school.

*prays for good rolls to the dice god*
Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-16, 03:09 AM
Kneeling by his side and turning to the injured Draethos, Fiolla blinks away tears and places her hands in the air above his chest, franticallly whispering. "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, Oh stars this is all my fault, I'm so sorry..." Tears rolling down her face freely, Fiolla takes a deep breath and centres herself in preparation for what she was about to do, closing her eyes in concentration. Scintillating lights in otherworldly patterns surround her extended, delicate fingers, undulating their way around her hands like an alien, serpentine aurora.

Fiolla opens her lips and from them emanates a rhythmic sound that could be compared to that of a heavenly chorus. Luminescent patterned lines of blue light spread across the unconscious Draethos' body, starting from his head and growing more and more intense as they snake their way downwards to his wounds. Similar crimson patterns trace themselves over Fiolla, centering on her heart with an almost disturbing intensity. Kao Rin's wounds close up as the otherworldly lights fade from both of the two figures. Fiolla falls silent, a pained smile spreading across her face as a single drop of blood falls from the corner of her lip.

Using Vital Transfer, with a Force Point. (To improve the Roll, not to not take any damage.)

[roll0] + [roll1]
If the Roll is ≥15, Kao heals 6 Damage, Fi takes 3
" ≥20, Kao heals 9 Damage, Fi takes 4
" ≥25, Kao heals 12 Damage Fi takes 6

Frog Dragon
2009-02-16, 04:19 AM
Somewhere... Kao-Rin feels the healing hands and becomes at least semi-aware of the situation he's in. He mumbles incoherently and after a few moments, opens his eyes and in his blurry vision, sees the pained woman next to him
"Thank you...."
When my turn comes I spend three swift actions to start being able to do something

2009-02-17, 01:26 PM

I think it's my turn since I would normally wait for Jek, but he fell from the platform last round. I am not really sure which square I caught up with Jek though, so not sure which thug I'd be closest to right now.

Shorryyhn turns away from the falling body of his last target, looking for the next closest, he closes on a thug in a charge, roaring his battle frenzy.

Charge, rapid strike [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Damage if miss = 10

2009-02-17, 06:12 PM
No prob, Shoryyhn. The closest enemy is the Gran, closest thug is T7. I'm assuming you go for the Gran, because he's the greatest threat. Feel free to go before any enemy on your same initiative count.


You fire your rifle, and the blast catches the Gran in the throat. The Gran, bigger than most you've seen, stumbles for a second as it gurgles in pain. The smoke clears from the sizzling, black wound, and the tough creature stares at you with menace, standing even through the wound.


You stand slowly, feeling the pain in your arm and chest ease. You feel remarkably well for a being whom was just shot to death, and you thank the woman responsible as you wake from consciousness. You stand on wobbly feet, and you don't feel well enough to fight, but you've been in worse condition before.

You're at the fourth step of the condition track. You moved from Unconscious to -10 at Fiolla's administration, and now up to -5 with your recovery.


Your shot goes wide, though the man looks around in fear and realizes that maybe standing higher than everyone else isn't that safe.

FX-3R and Jek

From your distant vantage point, you can see that the bounty hunter who identified himself as Jek has fallen down onto the garbage skiff. With a quick word into his comlink, the large vehicle begins to lower and float away from you.


You feel the damage done to you as your life essence flows through your hands and into the Draethos's body, leaving your fingertips hot. For moments afterwards, you feel weak, and your breathing comes heavy.


You rush in at the Gran and swing your heavy Rykk blade, cleaving the creature in half as it raises it's light repeater in a pathetic defense. The upper and lower halves of it's body twitch in a spreading pool of blied before finally becoming still.


The northernmost thug stares at Fiolla in blank fear. Feelings, emotions that were suppressed for years flood to the surface as his mental confusion knocks down the walls in his mind. For the first time, he sees his life with clarity. He turns away from her and runs, dropping his blaster pistol to clatter noisily on the metallic platform. The only standing thug steps down from the bench and runs towards the south-most walkway, heading for the airspeeder parking lot.


As the sound of the last few blaster shots die down, a repulsorlift can be heard. A large garbage skiff floats into view southwest of the platform, about 30 squares away from the edge of it. Jek stands on it, watching the scene as he fades into the distance. As the two remaining thugs flee the scene, an Imperial airspeeder arrives. The large, gray speeder moves quickly through the once crowded air around the terminal. A single stormtrooper pilots the machine, while another stand in the back on a mounted E-Web repeater. The speeder strafes the ground and the giant E-Web cannon fires, lancing red blasts into the southernmost thug. The fire hits the ground in small explosions, incinerating much of the man as the force of the blasts propel him from the platform. The speeder loops around and strafes the garbage skiff. The vehicle hovers in the air as a loud voice is projected into the area. "Sir, please slow your vehicle to a stop and allow us to search you. Failure to comply will result in you being fired upon."

A slight second passes, and a large burst erupts from the back of the skiff. A missle tracks into the airspeeder and rushes towards it, trailing hot plasma.

[roll0] Against Ref 18.

The missle explodes near the rear thruster of the vehicle as the pilot pulls hard on the controls. The airspeeder goes into a spin as it slowly loses altitude. The skiff is quite far now, and Jek can barely be seen readying the launcher for another shot, though the speeder is already going down. The airspeeder careens into the plasteel walkway two levels below the platform and slides twenty meters in, hot sparks flying as it drags on the metal. A column of smoke churns out from the wreckage.

27 - FX3R, Jack
26 - Kao-Rin
24 - Kat
22 - Fiolla and Shorryyhn
21 - Dice
17 - Ajayne
15- Orion
10- Jek (delayed)

Jek is at about 70 squares away from the platform, as the skiff has picked up quite a lot of speed. If anyone wishes to attempt a shot, then do so, by all means, but by standard definition, combat is over.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-19, 02:08 AM
With the blood pounding in her ears from the feeling of exhaustion that came with the power she just used, Fi' doesn't notice Jek hitting the airspeeder. Wiping the drop of blood from the corner of her lips, Fiolla turns to the closest of her 'protectors', which happens to be Kao-Rin, and grapples him in a tight hug. "Oh Stars, I'm so sorry that happened to you because of me! How can I ever repay you?" She releases Kao and turns to the others. "Thank you, thank all of you so much! Are any of you hurt? I can help!"

2009-02-19, 02:13 AM
Orion Stargazer

Orion silently patted himself on the back for his shot, and rolled back into a standing position, running after Jek to look after and see if he had met his fate.

"Blast, he's a damn..." Orion didn't get to finish his curse as he pointed his gun at Jek, taking a last hopeful shot.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-02-19, 02:57 AM

The wookie roars at the dismembered body of the grann at his feet. He looks around wildly for other threats. Seeing none, other than a small decimated squad of stormtroopers he shakes off his rage. Drained, he shakes the blood from his heavy blade as he shambles towards Fiolla and the grey skinned being that is unexpectedly wrapped in a hug from the woman.

Casting a glance back at the stormtroopers he rumbles, "Raargh, wfmff, ruff ruff. Gragh rroff mwarr wgaah."


"You need to get out of here now. Soon the place will be crawling with stormtroopers."

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-19, 03:17 AM
"Stormtroopers? Oh, good, we can tell them all about that mean man so that they can catch him!"

2009-02-19, 05:40 AM

... picks her way forward as the fighting subsides, though the airspeeder explosion makes her flinch and glance back. The important thing, though, is that she keep a hold on her... charge, for lack of a better word. She has to restrain herself from looking at the Wookiee and the gray alien with suspicion; Fiolla might expect people to be generally kind and charitable, but charity from Nar Shaddaans made Ajayne's skin itch. It was like charity from razorsharks.

She can't express all of that aloud in front of Fiolla, though, so she settles for a friendly-but-reserved smile. "Thank you," she adds to Fiolla's expressions of gratitude. "That was more than we could have expected from anybody." Her eyes add, so why did you do it? as she glances over them. On Nar Shaddaa, caution was only good sense.

The wariness in her expression changes to worry as she notices a trickle of blood running down Fiolla's face. "Fi, you're hurt."

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-19, 07:29 AM
Fi looks alarmed. "What? Oh!" She hurriedly wipes her face in an attempt to remove the blood, only succeeding in smudging it more. "It's nothing. I'm fine." It is fairly obvious she is not fine. Though she hated to admit it, she really was not used to physical exercise, and healing someone through the Force was quite taxing. The adrenaline she had felt through the battle had faded completely now, and she felt weary and tired. If she needed to be alert, she'd take some stimulants from one of her medpacs, but otherwise she'd be happy to have a long sleep as soon as possible.

2009-02-19, 05:36 PM

"Gff mwarr ngh chrghf, gff gnhrf harr wffgh. ghrf wrgfh rggrfh." The wookie eyes the stormtrooper squad as he backs off starting to fade into the crowd, as much as a wookie can fade into a non-existent crowd.


"I can't be staying to meet stormtroopers. I have a place nearby. You are welcome to rest there."

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-19, 05:48 PM
Fiolla turns to Ajayne. She wasn't sure if she knew Shyriiwook as well, but it couldn't hurt to translate it for her. "Ajayne, our Wookie friend has offered us shelter! What kind people we've found."

2009-02-19, 06:50 PM
"This is Patrol 2238 here, the patrol speeder sent out to us has been shot down while in pursuit of a fleeing skiff. This is Sergent Henderson here. I have one man down. The combat seems to be over and I am now taking actions to secure the area and detain witnesses. Over."

Not putting his carbine away but lowering it into a less threatening position he signals for Kraust to follow him over to the group of survivors. He slowly and cautiously walks over to the exhausted group of witnesses. As he nears them he sets his helmet to open broadcast once more so others could hear him.

"Citizens I have to ask you to remain here for a quick investigation of the situation. We just need to confirm the skirmish and any combatants, and I will of course tell them you were loyal and upstanding citizens of the Empire going out of your way to make the future a better place. However, this does require you stay here and offer full co-operation for the investigation. Who knows you might even be awarded something for your troubles. Other than that we simply need to figure out the motive of the scum bags. Most likely terrorists or desperate criminals."

Perception check just in case anyone tries to slip away. [roll0]

2009-02-19, 07:27 PM

Kat decides that the best course of action would be to stick around. By the edge of the platform, she has no crowd to blend into, and she did partake of the shooting, so she decides to see what the Empire has in store for it's witnesses, but she stays ready to fly at a moment's notice.


Dispatch comes through in a few short moments, though much later than you would expect. The temporary headquarters are probably having trouble again. "Copy that, 2238. A ground squad has been allocated to your position."

In all the trouble, both the battle droid and the Gungan have disappeared. An eventual search of the Gran reveals a small detonator.


With the scene of violence apparently over, no one pays much attention to the car lot. You are free to go wherever you wish.


The man whistles softly, shaking his head as he closes the recorder. "Golden." He says, before turning to leave. As he does so, the final thug passes your position, running as if for his life.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-19, 11:03 PM
Fi waves at Jack happily, stepping over to the armoured storm-trooper. "Thank you so much for your help! Are any of you wounded? I can help!" She removes her medical kit and fishes inside for one of the compact med-kits. "It's no trouble!" She smiles at the trooper, helpfully.

2009-02-19, 11:14 PM

"Damn." Orion cursed for the time he didn't know that day. He put away his gun and smiled over at the girl he had risked his life to rescue. No real reason to. He hated bounty hunting scum and this girl seemed too naive for the planet. She clearly didn't deserve what ever was going on with her.

"I'm just glad you're okay. You are okay, right?" Orion offered, stepping over to Fi. Then he took a quick look around for Kat. He fidgeted a little and decided to look for an exit too. Stormtroopers after his little shoot out was the last thing he wanted. But he might as well make sure this girl and Kat were okay.

And then maybe get them both out of here.

2009-02-20, 04:34 AM
The Zabrak has no intention of sticking around and finding out who won. Instead she starts up her catch and casually drives away, letting the traffic swallow her. At the first opportunity, she drops down to a lower level, and continues that way until she finally reaches a dingy little repair shop and used speeder lot wedged between two far taller buildings and easy to miss.

The sound of the engines brings the Toydarian proprietor out of his garage... He looks up...

Dice parks the speeder carefully and dons her "business grin" - all teeth. Leaning out of the side, she motions him over. "Hello, Akuno. How's it going?"

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-20, 04:39 AM
Fi turns her head to Orion. "Oh, um, yes." Realisation hits her as she remembers that he saw her use the Force to push over the Thugs from earlier, and a second epiphany comes in the fact that she just used a highly overt Force Power in a crowded area. She involuntarily reddens slightly at the thought of what her Master would think of her actions. "I'm fine... All I need is some rest."

2009-02-20, 01:59 PM

FX3R will draw his heavy blaster pistol and point it at the man with the vidcorder before he has the time to abscond "Sir, perhaps you haven't thought this through to its logical conclusion. You want to give me that camera. One of two things is happening here. You're telling the truth, or you're lying, I've insufficient data to reach a reasonable conclusion as to which, however it doesn't matter."

"If you're telling the truth, you'll leave here and arrange a meeting with your producer, who will buy the recording and broadcast it all over Nar Shadaa where it will inevitably be seen by Jurga the Hutt and his associates. Since Jurga's man Jek was so foolish as to attack openly, announce his intentions, and broadcast his employer's name, that recording is a powerful peice of evidence. Jurga will send someone to the studio to destroy the recording, then he will send someone to ask you some questions. Jurga's men, well, they ask pretty hard" FX3R raises a mechanical fist to further impart that violence will be visited upon the 'reporter'. "And when they're done with you, they may just let you live, though I doubt it."

"The other possibilty is that you're lying. If you're lying you're looking to profit from that tape in some other way. Perhaps selling it to Jurga, or one of his rivals. If you sell to one of his rivals, well the outcome will be the same as if you'd broadcast it, a visit from Jurga. If you attempt to sell it to Jurga, well I don't think those clearly capable and well armed hooligans would take kindly to that." FX3R gestures over his shoulder to the people beginning to recollect themselves on what's left of the platform.

"Either way, there's no way out of this that doesn't make someone some enemies. Enemies that would do you harm. Or, you could give me the recording, any ill will it generates will come to me and you'll be spared a violent and gruesome end. After I've copied the recording and deleted the original I'll return the vidcorder to you and you can still be the first on the scene to cover the aftermath. You still get your pay day, and nobody gets hurt."

"Or I could shoot you. This is a DC-17 Heavy Blaster Pistol, recently modified with an accurized sight and an expanded tibbana gas chamber, I've test fired it against plasti-steel plates and it proved quite effective, until now I've lacked the opprotunity to test its effectiveness against orgainic tissue, and I must admit to a certain degree of scientific curiosity."

"So what will it be?"

Rolls in OOC post# 109

2009-02-20, 03:21 PM

The man sighs, looking back and forth from the gun to the droid. "Damn. You make a persuasive argument, friend, but there's a few things you should know before you do this. I am a reporter." He pulls a holoID out of his pocket as he says so. The viewer projects a detailed file of him and his work with Channel 42 SubnetNews. In the same hand he holds an identicard, which, if checked, reveals much the same. "Secondly, I was hired by someone to film this. It's not Jurga; In fact, it's someone I've never heard of, and it's not someone on Nar Shaddaa. I wasn't told, but I'm sure there's at least two others filming this scene. I could be wrong, but what's the point?" He says as he sits down at a small circular table with a view overlooking a nearby grungy plaza bazaar. "I'm willing to make you a deal. You let me go, and you let me keep this recording, and I'll tell you everything I know about my source. Everything." He says.

2009-02-22, 01:15 PM

While the girl decides whether to avoid the stormtroopers and return to his place to rest, the wookie cuts the scalps from the barabel's belt, freeing the spirits of dead kin.

2009-02-22, 05:59 PM

Kat sighs and puts her blaster back into the hip holster. She walks towards the stormtrooper. "They just waylayed and threatened us. Claimed that they where bounty hunters, hah ! Terrorists if you ask me ! I shot in self-defense but I didn't kill anyone."

2009-02-23, 12:30 AM

The stubby Toydarian comes over to you in your airspeeder. "Ah!" He exclaims at seeing your face. "If it isn't my favorite-a customer." He says. The blue-green creature, what some consider a cross between a mosquito nd an elephant, hovers slightly in the air on thin, insectile wings. Akuna chuckles, a throaty sound, before motioning one of his boys over. The youth, one of the many street urchins hired by Akuno, heads over and starts giving the vehicle a once over. "Adua sin ade!"* He says, looking over it himself. "You bring-a me a quality vehic, this-a time, eh?" He says, before leaning in to you conspiratorially. "Whaddya want, eh?" He asks, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

* - Huttese for "beautiful" or "without equal"

2009-02-23, 03:48 AM

She places her feet on the dashboard and grins. "A beauty, isn't she? Well, make an offer, darling." Her browns eyes stay wary and unamused, though.

2009-02-24, 05:08 AM

The Toydarian eyes the airspeeder as the young boy looks it over. The boy glances at Akuno when finished, and gives a slight nod. "It's a good-a deal, eh? Too bad-a the vehicle's-a probably hot." He says, rubbing his chin. "I know you ain't-a tryin' to pull a fast-a one off on old Akuno, eh?" He gives the speeder another glance. "It'll cost me some-a cash to get this-a thing recolored, eh? I have-a to pull in some-a favors. I can't give-a you more than five thousand." He says, stroking his trunk.


You begin to process the witnesses and detain the involved when a call comes over your comlink. "Squad 066, this is dispatch, we have a call of a dispute breaking out three block west of your location. Witnesses describe lightsabers involved, repeat lightsabers involved. All units relocate there immediately." The voice says before cutting the line off.

2009-02-24, 05:26 AM

The Zabrak's grin widens, as she leans back in the speeder, allowing her ... assets to present themselves better. No, shame hasn't been part of her vocablulary for more than 10 years.

"You're kriffing kidding me. This is in prime condition and worth at least double of what you are offering."

She forces a look of outrage into her cold brown eyes - this dance is necessary and she's danced it before, but it feels like waste of time. Besides, even greed is an emotion that doesn't come readily to her. Not anymore."I want 10K. Or I'll try someone else. I just came here because... well, of old times sake. Don't have to do that, you know?"

2009-02-24, 04:17 PM

Jack stops talking to one of the witnesses after getting the message. He signals for Sebastian to follow him. They break into a sprint heading west. As he runs off from the witnesses he yells out "This is your lucky day, get out here, but if I see you in a situation like this again I will take you all into questioning."

As he is running he pulls out his pistol from his belt, it was of an immense size. It looked like a small hand cannon. He actually has to hold it in two hands because of the size. The stormtrooper known as Sebastian pulls out his smaller pistol as he is keeping pace with Jack. They both shove people out of the way along the way there. A few curses are muttered whenever they have to shove people out of the way during their run.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-24, 05:19 PM
Fiolla waves warmly at the stormtrooper's retreating back. She had been cooperating fully with the stormtroopers, and had even tried several times to engage jack's single remaining subordinate in pleasant conversation. "Thank you! Bye!" She makes her way back to Ajayne, pleased. "What nice men. What shall we do now, 'Jay? I could use a rest."

2009-02-24, 07:43 PM

"Something tells me we should get out of here. All in favor?" Orion asked, pocketing his blaster and taking a few steps in a random direction. "Now what I was coming this way for in the first place..." He wondered to himself, glancing over at Kat and giving her a quick head jerk to follow him before walking off.

2009-02-24, 09:55 PM

Akuno's eyes widen in feigned shock at your price. "It's-a big red airpseeder! With-a stormtroopers crawlin' all over the place, I'll-a be lucky if they don't-a bust my door in-a before you leave! I can't-a go higher than-a eight-five." He says, crossing his arms to show he means business.

Orion and Kat*

As you start to leave, a man approaches you from the renewed crowd around the terminal. His face is middle aged and shows the wear of Imperial rule, though he gives you a brief, warm smile before identifying himself. "Warren Dakk." He says, offering Kat a bow and extending his hand to Orion. "I believe we've met." He says, indicating Kat. He motions for you to follow him away from the gathering onlookers, heading south to an airspeeder lot. "Ebon sent me to find you. We need to get out of here. I think you're in danger, and not from any Hutt." He adds.


You turn to Ajayne as you speak, and you notice, just on the edge of your vision, a familiar face. The crowd that suddenly appeared once the action had died down is like a living being, shifting in place and writhing with the citizens who had nothing better to do on their way to whatever they were doing. Nothing draws a crowd on Nar Shaddaa like an explosion. You briefly search for the face again, but to no avail, and you wonder if perhaps it was just the stress of using the Force.


You feel bad that you missed most of the action, but on the bright side, your wounds are well on their way to being fully healed. On top of that, the stormtroopers left quickly just moments ago, cutting you loose. In the lineup of witnesses, you notice the woman that seemed to have healed you, chatting with some friends.

* - If anyone else is near Kat and Orion, or goes with them, the man gives you a friendly nod.

Warren Dakk is Ebon's co-pilot and mechnic; You've only worked with him once before, though, but he seemed ok.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-25, 12:06 AM
Fiolla blinks, tilting her head to look with obvious curiosity at the crowd as it shifts in a scintillating maelstrom of the drab colours of Nar Shadaa. Almost unconsciously, she reaches out with the Force as well as with her vision to scan the crowd.



UtF (Sense Force (I think that's what it's called. I don't have my book here))
Edit: The roll didn't work for some reason?

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-25, 12:07 AM


2009-02-25, 02:21 AM

The action is over and the stormtroopers have left without taking a rogue wookie into custody. Shorryyhn is starting to recover from the exertion of his rage and the crowd is back. He glances at the young girl that this all started over and sees she's occupied and apparently not wishing to take up his offer. He decides it's time to go home, he needs rest, before this all started he was exhausted already. The tall wookie slips into the crowd, heading for his apartment.

2009-02-25, 05:44 AM

That was way too easy, telling her she probably started too low. On the other hand, 8500 will allow her to live comfortable for quite a while... And haggling is just getting on her nerves. She straightens up, tucking the stuff she found in the speeder into her bag.

"Deal. It's a pleasure to do business with you, friend."

She leaps ouf of the speeder and grins at Akuno, waiting for him to pay her.

Frog Dragon
2009-02-25, 06:25 AM

Kao-Rin picks up his sword and puts it in it's sheath. He then looks at the tram... or what's left of it which is to say nothing. He sighs. At least the stormtroopers didn't note him. He then remembers why he was in the tram in the first place, he had a new apartment nearby. He silently thanks his rebel friends and starts walking.

2009-02-25, 07:55 AM

Kat nods. "Alright, lets's go before the Troopers change their minds again. I have my swoop ready in a shop on a lower level here. If there is time we could swiftly drop by and fetch it." She turns to Orion. "All's well, you come ?."

2009-02-25, 04:54 PM

"Come-a with me." He says as he leads you to his office. He points at the boy as you pass him. "Take it-a to the back." He says. He opens an old, rusty manual door and takes you inside. The office is messy, with cheap datapads strewn about, as well as many placards detailing lists of financial information. Presumably, many of them feature the tell-tale illegal acrobatics Akuno is known for. He presses a button under his desk and a section of the wall opens. He asks you to turn your back as he keys in the code, and when you turn to him again he's holding credit chips. He fiddles with them, apparently conducting some kind of transaction, and hands you three. "Check-a them all you wan't." He says. You key the indicator on each and see that two have four-thousand a piece and the third has five-hundred. "It was a pleasure-a doing business with-a you. Now get outta here before you-a steal something, eh?" He says, shooing you out.


You scan the crowd, and your sharp eye easily pierces through the riff-raff, but whoever it was, if anyone was there at all, they're long gone by now. You reach out with the Force, and you can feel the calm uneasiness of the crowd, but nothing stands out.

Shoryyhn and Kao-Rin

As you make your way off of the platform and to the large walkway down to the main level, you're generally ignored by the populace. People step aside as you pass, noting your physical appearance and apparent readiness to defend yourself, and nobody tries to hustle you. You may notice each other as you leave.

Kat and Orion

Warren nods. "No problem. My speeder's just over here. Get in and I'll fly you down myself." He says, witing for Orion's answer. "You?"

2009-02-25, 05:12 PM

She grins and hides the credchips on several places on her person. "Now, come on, I wouldn't steal from a friend, would I?" She actually manages to sound offended, but of course she would and they both know it. Still, a certain amount of 'honor' is necessary, even in shady dealing, so she just leaves, ducking out the back.

Using less obvious walkways and hitching a ride on a skybus, she climbs back a few levels into a neighbourhood that passes for 'poor, but respectable' here on Nar Shaddaa and buys some meat-on-a-stick at a street vendor, eating it in a doorway and watching the entrance to the building where she currently hangs out. Two Rodian urchins, both of them thin and malnourished, lounge there - ostensibly begging, but really keeping lookout. She watches them for any signal of trouble...

2009-02-25, 06:30 PM

"Might as well, the authorities aren't someone I like to keep in close contact with." He said, obviously, following them and getting into the speeder.

2009-02-25, 06:46 PM

"Great !" She follows Warren to his speeder and takes the front passenger seat.

2009-02-26, 01:33 AM

The wookie doesn't pause on his way off since people generally get out of his way. He catches up to Kao-Rin, the grey alien and catching his attention grumbles and growls at him in what appears to be a conversational tone.

"Grwaugh, mwrff, chwgh ffugh. ghrf wrgfh rggrfh" He appears to wait for an answer.

Frog Dragon
2009-02-26, 12:47 PM
"Kli'ek lek ge kle'ok ki ek." Kao-Rin says then continuing in basic "Yeah that was as useful as what I just said. Most people don't know Shyriwook. If you can't get you message clear, then leave me alone. I'm tired"

2009-02-27, 12:58 AM

The wookie draws his lips back showing his teeth and tosses his head back with a barking cough that seems to a laugh. He gestures to Koa-Rin to follow him, takes a few steps and turns back to see if he is indeed following. He points with one shaggy paw and then draws the two of them together to indicate a small amount. Then gestures to follow again.

Frog Dragon
2009-02-27, 09:06 AM
"What...?" Kao-Rin follows the wookie.

2009-02-27, 04:31 PM
Fiolla waves warmly at the stormtrooper's retreating back. She had been cooperating fully with the stormtroopers, and had even tried several times to engage jack's single remaining subordinate in pleasant conversation. "Thank you! Bye!" She makes her way back to Ajayne, pleased. "What nice men. What shall we do now, 'Jay? I could use a rest."


"I know, I know," Ajayne answers, seeming a bit preoccupied, "but we need to try and find a way offworld. Those guys were after you; I'd be willing to bet your husband hired them." It was lucky the stormies had been called away; convincing Fiolla to slip away would have been nigh-impossible, but letting Imperial troops discover she was the daughter of Ganwa Oldin would have been a little awkward at best. She'd have to talk with Fiolla about why it would be better to avoid all attention, even that of legitimate authorities.

And now that said authorities were gone, it was a good time to start looking for the person they'd come here to see in the first place. "Come on. We should keep moving."

2009-02-27, 05:24 PM

Shorryyhn leads the way back to his small apartment where he happily shares food, drink and a place to rest with the strange looking alien. He pulls out a med pack and offers, through gestures, to help Koa-Rin with any remaining injuries.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-02-27, 06:49 PM
Fiolla nods. "OK. You're probably right, Ajayne. Let's keep moving." Fiolla brightly follows Ajayne wherever she leads her.

Frog Dragon
2009-02-28, 08:23 AM
"Thank you, but why did you take me here?"
Kao-Rin asks the wookie

2009-02-28, 12:19 PM

Shorryyhn goes into the second small room of the apartment and brings back some writing materials, he writes and hands the result to Kao-Rin. <This is my place. It's safe. No stormtoopers here. Rest your wounds.>

Frog Dragon
2009-03-01, 07:57 AM
Thanks, though I should have an apartment about half a mile from here. He then mumbles "If that guy spoke the truth...."

2009-03-01, 06:24 PM

Shorryyhn shrugs and indicates the use of the back room or the door, Koa-Rin's choice. He sits down at the table in the main room and begins on working to clean his ryyk blade after all the gore it collected this morning.

2009-03-01, 06:33 PM
*Double post*

Frog Dragon
2009-03-02, 12:29 PM
"Well, good wookie. I need to go set up things in my apartment so I'll be leaving now. A good day to you." I pick my stuff and walk out the door. Then I go to my apartment.

2009-03-05, 04:18 AM
Nar Shaddaa

A few hours pass as everyone disperses. The smaller groups of people involved in that morning's inident easily slip by any official notice through an odd series of coincidences and the unavoidable fact of their own insignifigance in the grand scheme of Nar Shaddaa's complex workings. Many return to their daily lifestyle, no matter how meager, and a few are surprised at how easily this is accomplished. An interesting video circulates lightly on the high-end information market, but it disappears quickly enough.

Jack Henderson

You reach the scene quickly and see a crowd of civilians, innocent for a given value of the term, dispersing quickly. A large crew of your boys in white quickly cordon off the scene and narrow the group into two lists; The first is actual witnesses, while the second is bystanders caught up in rumor and hearsay. You are greeted by Captain Jensk, an aged clone who takes command of the situation. With you as his second, he questions many of the witnesses. After a seperate interview, the common consensus seems to indicate that a minor suffle broke out between two disreputable parties. Something of a comman occurance on such a planet, the commotion was nevertheless granted full ruckus status when one of the parties drew a lightsaber and attacked the other. Though the eye-witnesses all agree on this point, the troopers scouring the site discover no sign of bodily damage on either account.

Soon after, Jensk isolates you and Sebastian and interrogates you on the events earlier in the day. His days serving with countless legions of stormtrooper clones appear to have left him with a bias against the newly inducted human recruits, but he deigns not to show it as he questions you personally. Evidently, your story matches with Sebastian's, and he immediately dispatches a report to headquarters. He seats you in nearby temporary outpost until HQ gets back to him; Apparently, the Empire doesn't take the loss of stormtroopers and expensive speeders lightly. It looks like they're going to have someone's head for it, and you hope it's not you.

Katinka and Orion

Warren does indeed fly you to Katinka's swoop. While you both arrange to have it moved, he does a quick circle around the area, apparently looking for someone speific, but if he finds them, he makes no mention of it. After everything is prepared and his man shuttles off the swoop, he takes you down many levels in his old Galactik airspeeder. He steers you both into a glittering canyon of lights and steel, a shadowy valley of forgotten and ignored criminals and vagabonds, lost between the high rises and skysrapers of industry that surround it. In this veritable haven for those who wish to remain unseen, he brings you to an out of repair garage. The place hasn't seen business since the Clone Wars, if the decor is any indicator, but when he maneuvers the old vehicle inside, you can see that appearances aren't always everything. He lands the vehicle and shuts it down, silence permeating the atmosphere of the closed in bay. A large door, clean and new, grinds closed behind you. The door is quite rusted on the outside, something that indicates that the person behind this place is into more than a little speeder chopping.

He leads you to a door and keys on an intercom. "It's Warren. Recognition Allana-Vorrit-Takar." after a few seconds, the door unseals and slides open. Behind it, nameless tough guys armed with rifles and carbines return to what they were doing. The room beyond is small and filled with makeshift equipment, much of it powered by a trio of generators in the back corner. A small number of stern diplomatic types speak conversationally at one of the tables. All said, a group of about twenty men are spread about the room. As you stand there, a man you recognize as Ebon Gerhardt steps forward. He extends his hand first to Kat, and then to Orion. "It's a pleasure to meet you again, Kat. And you, newcomer, as well. I'm Ebon Gerhardt. Welcome to our little group." He says, greeting you with a smile.

Nar Shaddaa

The man in the jacket watches around nervously as he fingers his prize. He was surprised the robot let him off so easily. He jumps as the man steps out of the shadows. Even injured, he moves with a cool grace, and appears as if by some kind of Jedi trick. "Here's what you wanted." He says, offering the man his recording. Jek grabs it and studies the plain recorder for a few seconds, motionless. "I trust it's all here." He says, wincing as his arm flares up again. The man just nods. Jek reaches out a hand and drops a pair of credsticks into his upraised palm. "There's no need to count this, then." He says. The man smiles greedily and turns to leave. Jek's shot catches him in the back, and the man freezes in place, shock paralyzing his body and his mind. The second shot drops him. Jek pockets the recorder and steps over the body, kicking aside the blank credsticks as he does so.


In the pitch black of the room, a single flickering red light, like a distant sun, illuminates a blank steel wall with indifference. The measured, timed pulses of the light do nothing to disturb the calm meditation of the room's only living occupant. After a time, seemingly of hours, the man presses a small button without opening his eyes. A faceless voice, anonymous in the void of space, crackles through the subpar trasnmitter. "It's done." A brief pause, giving the listener time to nod, though he never does, an the voice continues. "It happened as you said it would, to the person." The voice says. A longer pause follows. The man, serene, speaks. "She was there?" He asks. The voice gives a single "Yes." Another pause follows it, longer than before. "And the other woman, it is as I believed?" The man asks. Another "Yes." The longest pause of all follows. The voice on the other end of the call clears it's throat. "Good. Continue. And do not call this number ever again." He says. The line is silent as the man reaches over and switches the machine off.

Nar Shaddaa

The night sky over the dark half of Nar Shaddaa is barely watched, barely noticed. The inhabitants of the moon are of the kind to make the best of the night, not to stand around and wax poetic about it. However, to a select few, a brief flicker of psuedomotion catches the eye. These first few will soon spread the word, however. On the other side of Nar Shaddaa, where the industrious workers of the many plants of facilities that legally operate there won't see the nighttime sky for another 20 hours or so, will be the last to hear the news, but soon, it reaches all ears. Nar Shaddaa is quickly surrounded by three Star Destroyers and cut off from all travel, both into and out of the system. Horrified eyes watch vids of the sleek, terrifying ships as they slice through the black of space, and for the many inhabitants who currently reside on the Imperial watch-lists, the task of escape just became a deadly game of cat-and-mouse.

Fiolla, Dice

A brief flicker in the back of your mind momentarily distracts you.
Roll a Use the Force check, please.

2009-03-05, 04:54 AM

She is just disabling the trap on the entrance to her appartment, as something makes her stop and listen... And only a small part of her is aware she's not listening with her ears.


Rettu Skcollob
2009-03-05, 05:59 AM
((Edit Pending))


2009-03-06, 03:53 PM

Jensk leaves you to your own devices just in time for you to go off duty, but he reminds you to stay in the area and not try to leave the planet. He tells you to keep your comlink on.

Fiolla and Dice

You feel an odd, fleeting ripple in the Force. You search your feelings, reaching out as far as you can with your mind, but the feeling disappears as quickly as it came. The world around you remains tranquil as far as your mind's eye can see.


You manage to spend some time adjusting to your new apartment when the Imperial blockade sends a small bolt of fear into your heart. You know they're not here for you, but the show of power nonethless serves as a reminder to everything that you stand for. A short while later, you get a call on your new comlink. You're new on this planet, and only those who brought you here know the number. When you answer it, it's the man who brought you on board the ship that brought you here, the man who recruited you. "Kao-Rin." He says, by way of assuring you his identity. "You might have noticed our company over the planet. If you're up for it, we have a job for you."


The events of earlier in the day serve as a grim reminder of the realities of life on Nar Shaddaa. Despite the events, you find the time to maintain your weapons and get a little much needed rest. When the Imperial blockade arrives, though, you know it means trouble. You guess that about a quarter of the population of Nar Shaddaa is wanted by the Empire, and that another good half of the planet's citizens are nothing more than criminals. Even so, you know that the Hutt presence will keep the Empire in line. Nonetheless, you realize, staring at the huge, knife-shaped Star Destroyers, that if you don't find a ride off of this rock quickly, you might not get off at all.

If I didn't cover you here, that means I'm either waiting on a reply or a PM from you. Anything you do (or tried to do) during the downtime meets with a general level of success, except for specific or complex things. I didn't throw in anything specific, so it shouldn't be a problem adding how you spent the few hours.

2009-03-06, 04:27 PM

The sensation passes, and she disarms the trap, before moving into her little room. It's really not more than a glorified cupboard, containing a fold up bunk, a tiny kitchen and refresher, some somber pillows on the floor in the way of furniture. Everything is clean and strangely... peaceful, the walls wrapped in cream and tan colored draperies that hide the chipped duracrete. The window covering is painted in an abstract pattern of blues and greys, looking almost like a dusky sky - the sky nobody on these levels can see on Nar'Shaddaa. A tiny light seems to glow through the imaginary clouds.

Two rugs cover the floor, both rather gaudy, in blues, reds and greens. Thin gauze shields the lamp glare and dims it to comfortable levels. A faint smell of incense lingers in the air. She moves in gracefully, something in her demeanour changing, as if she is shedding armour or a heavy cloak. She ducks into the refresher and stashes some of her newly gained wealth in two of her secret hiding places, the rest she tucks into a few secret pockets of her clothing, before dropping on the mound of pillows and just letting go... Passing away from the present into something half remembered, soothing, comforting...

Taking ten on Use the Force for a Force Trance.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-03-06, 07:03 PM
Fiolla had been wandering around her hotel for a little while now. Sure; Ajayne had asked her to stay put, but it was boring in there, and she felt like exploring. She stood hesitantly at the doors, lost in decision as to whether or not to go out. On one hand, she did feel like exploring. On the other, she might get lost, or come back after Ajayne did, and she wouldn't want her to worry. For a little while, she stands, wracked with indecision.

2009-03-06, 08:37 PM

Looking up at the sky Shorryyhn realizes that he's out of time. He's going to have to make do with the funds he has already scraped together to book passage off world. Tonight, instead of trying to find some lowly work, he's going to have to turn his attention to getting himself on a transport. With luck, in time, perhaps he can return those wookie scalps to a final resting place on Kashyyyk.

Frog Dragon
2009-03-07, 03:54 AM
"Only if I don't have to work openly. You might have noticed there's an imperial blockade up there" He says into the comlink "You know I'm on their blacklist. And what would this company be?" he finishes

2009-03-07, 04:27 AM

"Thanks, nice to meet you again too.", say Kat and glances swiftly over the room. "Seems like you have something big going on. You need us for something ?", she asks and nods to Orion to introduce himself.

2009-03-09, 02:12 PM
Orion Stargazer

"Yeah, I'm Orion Stargazer. What exactly are we here for?"

2009-03-10, 11:45 AM

Shorryyhn gathers together his meager belongings, his saved credits and the rescued scalps. He looks around the small apartment but quickly turns his back on it, leaving this place is not hard on his soul. He heads for a cantina where spacers tend to hang out, intending to find his way onto a transport by offering his services as a crew member first, resorting to buying passage only as a last resort.

2009-03-10, 11:37 PM
Quickly becoming bored Jack sets off alone to find the nearest bar. This was probably going to be at least a four drink situation. Before leaving the station Jack makes to check he has his Com-Link on. He didn't want to mess up any more.

He also decided it wouldn't be in his best interests to leave with his Stormtrooper armor or rifle and go to a bar so with a pause only to glance into the gleaming white chest plate of the armor Jack stows it away in his locker along with his rifle. Although he does try and his best to conceal his pistol under his civilian clothing. So with nothing better to do Jack sets out on a walk to find the nearest bar.

Not sure if it's Deception or Stealth so Ill roll one of each you pick. :P Deception [roll0] Stealth: [roll1].

2009-03-11, 07:48 PM

There is a tinkling sound as a door opens. "Ah, welcome to my shop, good being! It is a pleasure to take your scent; I can smell that you are a being of taste and refineme—"

"It's Ajayne, Yilt. You don't have to go into the sales pitch."

"Ajayne! My favorite sweet-smelling changeling, how are you? Well? And what is it that brings you to my humble doorway?" He wasn't kidding about the doorway, which was a half-foot too short to be comfortable for most human-sized beings.

"Not your little carvings, sorry. I have... offworld business I need to tend to."

"You are leaving! So sad. But you know I cannot help, unless you have become much smaller than you normally are! Nobody looks at my little treasures twice, but they would look at one if it were as big as you? Yes? Especially if I gave it airholes, which of course I would, not wanting you to waste money on a supply of air. It would be hard, too, to—"

"Look, I know you don't smuggle people off-world; I need you to give me the location of a guy who can. Well, a droid, really. Goes by Fixer."

"Droid? Oh, but Ajayne, surely—"

"I know all droids smell alike, Yilt. You hear things, and this guy's been doing business with the smuggling community; he'll be able to find someone who'll take passengers. Unless you can set me up with a ship, just let me know where I might find him."

"Hmmm." The Sljee wriggles its tentacles. "I do not know this Fixer, but if he has been doing business, you should talk to Griel. Two layers down, runs a little drinking-stall called the Oloi Ma'trowck. It is about two kilometers west, across from a small building that smells of—oh, but of course you will be able to see it. Tell him Yilt sent you!"

"Thanks, Yilt." She ducks out the door, and only then breathes in. Yilt's shop could be very... fragrant at times, something he was certainly conscious of. Nobody would ever quite dare to search that shop, with its peculiar blend of odors and often foul-smelling little sculptures. The obsequious little alien was smarter than most gave him credit for. He was also both too alien and too sharp-nosed to be affected by her pheromones, which was a pity, but Yilt was generous with favors. A lot of people felt it was a fool's gambit on Nar Shaddaa, but Jay had noticed that the Sljee knew a lot of people because of it, and he wasn't out of business yet.

Unfortunately, the go-between she was trying to find would share Yilt's lack of attraction to her, without necessarily sharing Yilt's generosity. She would have preferred a human go-between, but what she'd heard was that Fixer dealt with a good group of smugglers: arms dealers, and other people bringing in items that were seriously illegal in most parts of the galaxy. Not people who would shoot their mouths off.

The Oloi Ma'trowck was a bar, nothing out of the ordinary by Nar Shaddaa's standards: illumination in several shades of neon, a wide variety of races at the tables, holoscreens on the walls displaying a number of sports, which some people were placing bets on. At a guess, she would say the back concealed more gambling, in addition to the sort of deals she was looking for.

She was about to ask for Griel when something caught her eye: a Star Destroyer, depicted on one of the screens. Jay watched, heart sinking. A blockade? Now? The timing was terrible. And it would have been so much better if it had happened just a couple days from now, too—an Imperial crackdown would have kept all the various people who might be trying to get their hands on Fiolla busy, too busy to try and track them. Now, she'd be hard pressed to find a smuggler willing to leave the moon; you'd have to be really good to get past a blockade like this, not to mention reckless enough not to care if the Empire put out a warrant on your ship's transponder number. And there'd be a rush for wanted criminals to get off-planet... and any smuggler with half an ounce of brains would be raising his prices sky-high, if he were willing to take on jobs at all. Definitely—

"You gonna get anything, or—"

"Yeah, yeah. A friend told me to talk to Griel. Name of Yilt. He have time to see me?" Ajayne smiles at the bartender, who without meaning to looks a little less unfriendly. She could still pull this off, blockade or not...

2009-03-12, 07:19 PM
Kat and Orion

Ebon watches you both closely for a few seconds. He seemingly reaches a decision about you, and the sudden change in his temperment is visible on his face. "I'm just going to have to trust you on this. Of course, it's not just my life on the line." He motions around the room at the various men and officials seated in the vicinity. They all notice you and begin speaking quieter. "We've formed a kind of...group here. We fight the Empire." He says, taking a seat on a large, old power converter. "I'm not certain, but I believe the Imperial blockade is here because of us. We thought that the Hutt presence on Nar Shaddaa would turn them away, but of course, the Hutt's would turn us over in an instant. As you can see," he says, indicating one of the many monitor's in the room pointing spacward, "our time has run out. We need your help getting offplanet. And if you ccept the offer, you can come with us. As far as you like." He says.


The voice on the other end of the line pauses, and then continues. "Administrator Orix. He's in the Star Destroyer Ravenous above, heading the blockade of Nar Shaddaa. He's a real pit of Gundarks, that one. He's been comissioned to pave the way for the Imperials to maintain a presence in Hutt space. A small comission of smugglers have agreed to help us escape, but we may need assistance. You in?" The voice says.


You wait patiently in the room, pacing back and forth in front of the thick doors. After some time, a slight noise draws your attention. The door clicks a couple of times before sliding quietly open. Harsch Lor stnds there in the doorway, gun in hand, an expectant look on his face.


The bartender looks you up and down, as if indecisive. He glances towards a corner of the room behind you in what passes for a casual manner, but the clumsy attempt at subtlety catches your attention, and you look in that direction. You notice a dark, gloved hand raise at you, and a shadowy, hooded face nods at the bartender. He nods his assent and goes back to the glasses, and you can see that people pay him for his discretion over his intelligence. You step to the back in the nearly empty bar and sit next to a Kubaz. The criminals and gamblers in the bar, now assured of your rank among their numbers, turn back to their illegal deals and games. The robed creature's face is hidden behind a metallic mask. The creature speaks in a high, nasal whine, but the basic is clear and unaccented. "I am Griel, human. You wish to see me?"


You roughly shove the blaster into your clothes and make your way to a seedy bar called the Oloi M'trowck. Inside, the dark seedy atmosphere of the place makes you a little nervous. The predatory eyes of the bar's inhabitants study you, and many can read you as plain as day. They seem to know the score, though, or they don't care, because none of them move. But a few still watch as you saunter to the bartender.

2009-03-14, 05:26 AM

Kat returns Ebon's gaze and says "Fighting the Empire you say ? By what methods and with which goals ? I want to see the New Order fall too, but I don't want to commit terrorism ..." [pause] "... at least not under my definition, I don't care how the Empire might call me. But anyway, what can we do to help you leave Nar Shaddaa for a lift along ? As far as I like and I I don't like how you fight the Empire we just part ways."

2009-03-14, 03:17 PM
Orion Stargazer

"What, fight the empire?" Orion says, shocked. He takes a step back. "I don't know... an entire army couldn't do it. I should know. How do you think you can? I've... got a simple life here..." He mumbles. This is his one chance to do something with meaning.

"I agree. Kat?" He asks, looking over at her.

2009-03-14, 06:32 PM

Kat turns to Orion and nods. "Yes. As I said, I'll help Ebon and his friend to get off-planet and I'll go with him. For how long and what it all entails ... we'll see."

Rettu Skcollob
2009-03-15, 01:58 AM
After some deliberation, Fiolla had returned to her room after all, deciding that she didn't want Ajayne to worry about her. She sits down happily as the door begins to click, expecting Ajayne's return, but as Harsch is revealed in the doorway, her expression changes to one of surprise, followed by joy. She leaps up, almost tackling the man in an enveloping hug. Though she wasn't that close to him, she was glad to see a familiar face. She releases the aging man, smiling in a pleasantly questioning manner. "Harsch! I'm glad to see you. What are you doing here?"

Frog Dragon
2009-03-16, 12:20 AM
"Hmm... I need out of here either way...""I agree. What would you have me do?"

2009-03-17, 03:57 AM
Kat and Orion

"Hey, if you want to help, you help as long as you want. The last thing we want to do is become another Empire." Ebon says, throwing you a quick smile. "And in case you're worried, we aren't talking about going head to head with the 501st, either. There's some civilians, mostly refus from alien worlds under Imperial control. Needless to say, many of these individuals are considered escaped slaves or criminals. Our operation harboring them here, safely away from the Empire's reach has come to an abrupt end, and we need some help moving them offplanet." He says, leaning back as he finishes.


The voice continues. "Meet our agent down a couple of levels from where you're currently staying. Head into the Garza Marketplace and look for a place called the Brial-Quar." He says, finishing in accented Rodian. "Ask him what drink he would recommend. The correct response is Mujan, which isn't served in the bar. I'll contact you again later." The voice says before an audible click can be heard over the comlink line.


Harsch looks weary but happy to see you. "Hey doll." He says, calling you by your childhood nickname. He glances around once, quickly, then puts his gun away. "Your father sent me to find you." He walks over and takes a seat in one of the rooms many chairs. His old gear, all remnants of his days as a bounty hunter, once again adorn his body. His long, grey coat, a symbol of military status on Reion, one again hangs from his shoulders. "Are you ok? Not being held against your will here, are you?" He asks, a dangerous tone in his voice.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-03-17, 05:50 AM
Fiolla gives a short, good-natured laugh at the use of her old epithet, and smiles. "Oh, no, no, no, I'm here with a very nice woman I met when I, um, left. She's been helping me survive without my father... Oh, I do feel so useless, out here. I suppose that's my fault." She sighs. "I just want to get off this planet. Away from him. Father will be able to continue his trading, and I'll be free from my responsibilities... I do sound selfish, don't I..." For the first time, Fiolla begins to feel doubts about her choice of action.

2009-03-17, 05:26 PM

"We're in. How can we help ?", asks Katinka.

2009-03-19, 02:55 PM
Orion Stargazer

"Yes, I'll do anything to help."

2009-03-19, 11:08 PM
Looking over the counter at the barkeeper he orders the strongest drink. If he was about to have his last few days of life he may as well spend them hammered. Jack reaches into his pocket and tries to pull out some credits. Zip. "Can I get a drink on the house here?". That was probably a bad move, especially since even he could tell he looked out of place. Oh well not much mattered at this point, maybe if someone made something out of it he could give them a good beating to get a few credits.

A persuasion check to get a drink on the house, doubt it will work.[roll0]

2009-03-20, 01:29 AM

"That's right." Ajayne slides into the seat easily, content as usual to be taken for a human. The Kubaz either wasn't too familiar with humans, or his eyesight wasn't good; most people who paid attention could tell she was near-human at the least. "I'm looking to talk to a guy with... offworld connections. Someone specific, goes by the name of Fixer. You know the name?" This was the feeling-out stage, testing to see what he knew and how willing he was to give it away; he was probably doing the same. Most people in their kind of business did that the first time they met, unless there was an intermediary present; it was stupid not to know a business partner, even a temporary one.

2009-03-20, 02:14 PM

Shorryyhn leaves his meager apartment and makes his way down levels of Nar Shadda ending up at the Crazed Bantha cantina on level 66. He enters and after picking up a drink at the bar approaches a scruffy looking human sitting at a booth.

Dane Zerick is a go-between who fortunately speaks the Wookie language. "<Dane, I need to accelarate my plans to get off planet, those star destroyers mean bad news for beings like me. Can you suggest a captain who might need some crew assistance? I don't think I have enough to buy passage on a transport, but maybe someone could use some help. My funds might stretch far enough to allow me to buy into a crew.>"

2009-03-23, 03:53 AM

Despite himself, Harsch laughs. "No problem, you know. He's always had a soft spot in his heart for you, even though sometimes it seems that he puts his business first. He just knows the score, and if he doesn't hold up his end of the bargain most of the time..." Harsch says with a shrug. "Well, let's just say that many of his partners aren't too into forgiveness. Or even rationality. Anyway, I was basiclly set loose to help you however I saw fit. I see fit that you don't want to marry that scumbag, . So I've come to tell you about one of the few smugglers still on planet with a ship fast enough to escape that much Imperial firepower. If you're interested, that is."


The bartender, while never the most jovial of fellows, takes a sinister turn at your words. His face darkens, and without a word, three of the nearest customers silently approach behind you. The trio looks rough-and-tumble, like an ensemble of everyone the Hutts wouldn't take because they didn't work well with others.


A stranger, looking a little too military and a little too casual, stands at the bar. Asking for handouts on Nar Shaddaa, especially after you've already downed the drink in question, isn't a common occurence. Usually because someone who tries it never has a second chance to do so. The bartender, while once a menial, amiable if dull patron, speaks quietly, though all eyes and ears in the house are on the man and his new friends. The holorecordings and live sports feeds barely register as everyone in the establishment hangs on his words. The people of Nar Shaddaa always love a free show. "Why don't your friends take you outside? Maybe you'll find your credits out there." He says. The man looks annoyed but not overly frightened. Either he's reckless or he knows something the bartender doesn't.


After the bartender speaks, one of the thugs moves in to grab you, but before he can, a gloved hand grabs his arm and stops him. "Easy, friends." A man's voice says. An aged man drops a credstick onto the bar. "That should cover all the expenses. Next time you find yourself out waling on Nar Shaddaa, try to remember the essentials, Sergeant." The man says. He turns and leaves, and the bartender nods, sending the thugs back to their seats. "I guess you got lucky today, stranger. Here's another round, already paid for." He says as he sets a second drink down.


After the commotion dies down, Griel resumes your conversation. "Fixer. I've heard the name. Of course, around this sector, you'll find plenty who have. Or so they say. If you dig deep enough, you'll even find seven upstarts claiming the title. I know the truth of Fixer, and more, news which may even interest you. But it will cost you." Griel says. The Kubaz leans bck slightly, allowing light to play on it's features. The mask, a common look amon the Kubazi who manage to mke their way offworld, features polarized lenses specially made to protect their eyes from UV light. The slightly chirpy, nasal way in which is speaks is only lightly accented.

Orion and Kat

Ebon's smile is wide as he brings you into a side office. "Thanks. Here's the deal. We have three ships that have a chance of escaping with all that firepower hanging in orbit. We have reason to believe that Orix may bring in as many as twice that many Star Destroyers. Certain sources of mine mention a possible Imperial construction yard being manufactured here. Either way, it means bad news for people like us. A deal between the Hutts and the Empire would make Hutt space just as dangerous as the Core worlds, and I think you understand the kind of force that would be. Our first step is to flee the planet. It's only going to get harder, and soon enough the Empire will be able to scour the surface at liesure. So we need two things. The first is a diversion. With a big enough problem on the other side of the planet, Imperial response time will drop heavily, giving our boys time to slip away." He says. He leans back in his office chair, propping his feet up on his desk. His dark, messy hair falls loosely on his forehead as he gazes away in thought. His clear, blue eyes speak of intelligence, and his face is lined with thought and desperation.

"Here's the plan. I think you'll like it." He says, suddenly breaking out into a much more familiar mischevious grin.

PMing you the plan. =) Oh the suspense, eh?


Dane looks suddenly suspicious. "You been hearing things too?" He says. "Well, all I know is that some cat with a solid rep's been bringing some of the guys together. Legend has it his crew's been hanging with some of the alien refugees we get here. I don't know more than that, but if you're looking to find a way off this rock, I'm with you. Although with such a heavy Imperial presence on the planet, information may be hard to come by." He says. "Whaddya say?" He asks, smiling. "Am I in?"

Rettu Skcollob
2009-03-23, 06:14 AM
"Oh, really? That's great! I'm very interested, thank you! I wouldn't want to put you to too much trouble, though... Speaking of Father, how is he? I hope that I haven't upset him. He must be the laughing stock of all the merchants on Nar Shadaa, having me run off like that.

Frog Dragon
2009-03-23, 11:24 AM

Kao-Rin gathers his stuff and leaves the small apartment he was in. He then makes his way to the Briar-Quar. He then asks the bartender "What drink would you recommend today?"

2009-03-23, 12:08 PM

"<If it means we get off this rock then I am pleased to be working with you. So, how do we go about contacting this crew? We should move quickly before more trouble shows up.>" Shorryyhn rumbles extending a paw to seal the deal.

2009-03-24, 03:46 PM

You wake from your trance as you feel a presence enter the room. You open your eyes and see Brandic staring at you, leering just slightly. You stand up and stretch your muscles, feeling invigorated and refreshed. A few years ago, when you were younger, the young Twi'lek urchin made a move on you despite your protests. You put him in his place, and since then he's learned to treat you with a slight amount of respect. He's s untrustworthy as anyone on the Smuggler's Moon, but like most penniless dwellers of the underworld, he'll do what he can for a small amount of cash. He was keeping his ear to the ground for at least four people, a simple task that passed for honest work down here, under the metallic high-rise surface of the illicit paradise. He holds a holorecorder in his hands. He nods to you and turn on the recording.

Three dimensional images of Star Destroyers flicker into life as they leave hyperspace over Nar Shaddaa. They set up blockade formation, preventing anyone from leaving the planet. Brandic turns the recorder off. "A lot of Hutt commerce has been untouched, free to come and go as they please, but most vessels are searched." He says. ""It's not common knowledge." He says, the obvious tone in his voice. You pull out a small number of credits and pay him. He keys a button on the small card and greedily glances at the amount indicator. It's a tiny enough price, but more than he was expecting. "One more thing." He says.

"Rumor has it that the Empire sent a planetary administrator to oversee the blockade. My sources suspect that the Empire's made a deal with the Hutts, and that as the first part of this deal, Nar Shaddaa's going to be scoured. One of my most trusted sources said that the scouring is for Jedi." He says. Brandic knows nothing of the Jedi, nothing of the Force, and especially nothing of Dice's own abilities, or he would most likely try to turn her in. His piece finished, his trump card played, he turns to leave, most likely to share the same information with numerous other criminals.

2009-03-24, 06:03 PM
She shakes her head, feeling something forgotten stir in her chest as she watches the little crook leave. A blockade... It's not like she wants to leave here, but if it remains in place for a while, this could screw up the market for illicit goods, and change the balance of power.

She grins like a vornskr. Good. The hunt for Jedi... Another opportunity. She doesn't feel threatened by it - everybody who knew her past is dead. Occasionally by her own hand. This place is a warren... Nobody should be able to find her, but what of others? If there ARE others? She stumbles into the refresher and splashes cold water into her eyes. What are others to her, after all? Nothing. And yet... Nothing. Nothing is of value, except the next morning to see.

She picks up her blaster and expertly fieldstrips the weapon, and also checks her knives she wears concealed on her person. Then she leaves the apartment, trapping the door again, making her way into the dens of vice... Listening. What for, she can't say. Maybe it is just the itch in her blood, that drives her out. The darkness in the air, whispering. She listens. Spends a credit, downs a drink, the smell of fire in her nose.

2009-03-24, 10:15 PM
That was odd, so odd Jack felt he was on a little bit of a roll and turned around for a quick glance at the stranger who had just bought him a drink. He tried to get a good look at the mysterious old man who must surely have been sitting in a corner. It was so almost like he had been waiting for him to do something stupid. Maybe it was destiny, nay the force that got Jack this frothy foaming absolutely god like alcoholic beverage. Even if he didn't say anything he had to get a good look at the mysterious stranger. So with drink raised to lips he puts it back down and turns his head to the side to get a good look at the mysterious stranger.

Perception check [roll0]

2009-03-25, 10:33 AM

Kat listens to the plan and nods. "So you'll sow chaos and confusion between the Empire and the Hutts and then we'll all slip away while they scream at each other ? It could work well, but I hope that the Empire won't overreact to this. Do you know if their commanding officer here rivals Tarkin in ruthlessness or if he is more reserved and levelheaded ?", she asks with a worried expression. "Anyway, if you have a imperial uniform in my size I'll be on the bording crew. If not I'd rather be the co-pilot."

There aren't many women in the Empire's military (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/New_Order#Male_Chauvinism). And with a height of only 162 cm Katinka might look funny (and suspicious) in a standard male uniform.

2009-03-25, 10:47 PM

Harsch's knowing look, coupled with one of his trademark smirks, sends an odd shiver through your spine. "As you wish. In all honesty, your father's business associates could care less. Except for Tak Hafell, that old windbag. See, the smuggler I'm here to introduce you to, the one with the fast ship, is a man named Ganwa Oldin. See, I'm sure you've heard the name." He says, joking, but with sincere concern in his eyes. He knows that your sheltered life would bring these problems to a head someday, but he's been like an uncle to you since you were a child, and it's not easy for him to show you the dirt and grime beneath the beautiful, jewelled surface you percieve most of the time.


The bartender, a suspicious Gotal, eyes you before speaking. His accented voice comes out thick. "I would try the Cort brew." He says, succintly, and then remains quiet.


Dane smiles at you and shakes on it, retrieving his flight jacket and leaving with you.


Your comlink beeps, begging your attention.


The man, middle-aged and seemingly weary, surprises you. The offer of generosity an uncommon one here. As you watch him, he sits down at the other end of the bar and watches one of the many recordings of the Imperial blockade over the moon's surface. Something seems oddly familiar about him. Suddenly, you put your finger on it. His face is familiar because you've seen it before, often. He's a clone trooper, aged physically many years older than he should be, retired from Imperial service.

Katinka and Orion

"From what I've heard, he's no Tarkin. He's a ruthless man, prejudiced against aliens, a trait that obviously helped him attain his position." Ebon says with disgust. "But he's no Tarkin. His only experience is administration, so he's usually left out of military commands. On top of that, he's not the most intelligent man. If he's here, though, doing something important, you can bet he's got top brass behind him." Ebon says. He pauses a moment, likely refleting on this. "I wouldn't worry too much about the plan. Orix's only redeeming quality is his use of women among his crew. His experience in the Republic, many years ago, taught him to use what resources he has."

Rettu Skcollob
2009-03-26, 12:56 AM
Fiolla smiles back, playfully. "Oh, I think it sounds familiar." She giggles, suddenly. "I can't picture him as much of a smuggler, though. I'd always catch him trying to sneak himself those horrid cigars, after I forbade him from touching the things. I always told him they'd be the death of him."

2009-03-26, 03:35 AM
With some stirring of curiosity, she takes the call...

2009-03-27, 08:11 PM

Shorryyhn follows Dane's lead as they leave the Crazed Bantha. "<Where are we headed?>"

2009-03-31, 12:47 PM
Curious and bored Jack decided to test his luck and trying not to attract any more attention takes his drinks and walks over to the old veteran. He sits in front of the older man and speaks up in a low voice "Thanks stranger, but why did you do it? Err if you care you can call me Jack."

2009-04-02, 11:21 PM

Harsch smiles in reminiscence for a few moments. He suddenly realizes where he is, nd nervously glances around. "Well, I'm sure I've overstayed my welcome." He says. He retrieves a datapad from one of his numerous pockets and hands it to you. "The ship's called the Akhezi Harlot. It's been moved to the Karag spaceport, bay 271, in case you lose that." He says, indicating the datapad. "The password to the bay is the same one your father's used on his desk for years. I imagine you won't have any trouble finding a pilot." He says, turning to leave the way he came.


Dane shrugs. "I've got a buddy...well, more of an acquaintance, who claims to know plenty about the Empire. I guess we could start there, but I don't know if he's even on planet, much less if he'll bite when we try to draw him out."


A quiet voice, high-pitched but possibly human, speaks immediately. "You are the one known as Dice." It's not a question, and something about the certainty in the voice is worrying. "I have information vital to you. Meet me in the sub-par lodging facilities nearby your current location. I believe the place is called 'The Gundark's Arms'." It says. A chirp signals the end of the call, and the line on your comlink goes quiet extremely quickly.


You sit down and the older man shakes his head. The scarred, grizzled face of the clone reminds you of the man who trained you many months before, back when the Empire first decided to take regular men into the Stormtrooper Corps. He keeps his head low and wears the bar like a cloak, watchfully eyeing everyone around him. He blends in well, and most of the patrons look away from the both of you after a few seconds, despite the commotion mere moments before. "I know who you are. I don't have to see a flash of white to recognize a Stormtrooper, son." He says. "Neither do a lot of these unplesant types. You might want to keep your eyes on everyone else while we're speaking." He continues. He takes a long pull from his drink. "I did it," He starts, answering your questsion, "because I know what the Empire's up to. With this much show of force," He says, waving a hand at one of the many viewscreens showing the blockade in place overhead, "the Empire isn't going to let someone kill a Stormtrooper and walk away." He pauses in thought before taking another drink. "And if they come down heavy on this place, then where will I drink?" He asks.

EDIT: Added you, Gamg. Sorry, once again, for the delay. Ignore the PM; If it's going to happen, it'll be down the road. =)

Check the OOC thread, if you would.

2009-04-03, 04:54 AM

So somebody wants to play games... Vital information? She's quite tempted to just shrug it off. On the other hand, it might be an opportunity. Or a threat. Sipping her drink, she thinks it through. The caller didn't sound like a streetrat... What could he want with her?

Only one way to find out. After taking care that her weapons are all easy to reach, she tosses a couple of coins on the table and moves out, towards the lodging house. To anybody watching, she seems distracted... In reality, her senses are alert, but she is feeling her surroundings instead of watching them, And feeling for danger...

Taking 10 on Use the Force to sense her surroundings and search her feelings.

Frog Dragon
2009-04-03, 06:55 AM
"Thanks for the recommendation then, I'll give it a try." I start picking my pockets (There should be a cred chip with 800 and 745 in cash) "How much do I owe you?"
After paying and receiving the drink, I pick a chair in a corner and wait while drinking

2009-04-04, 01:10 AM

"<Where does this buddy of yours hang out? Draw him out? We hunt?>" Shorryyhn's grin of anticipation shows fangs but he stops short. "<But.... don't we want his help?>" his heavy brow furrows with confusion.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-04-04, 04:03 AM
"Great, I'll find it. Thank you, Harsch. I appreciate this. I'll try and stay in touch, OK? Make sure that father doesn't worry about me."

2009-04-04, 05:01 AM

Ajayne smiles easily. "It will, huh? Truths are all well and good, but what I'm looking for right now is a location. Everything else is extra."

Oh, how she hates this. She almost wants to curse Yilt, for sending her to an information dealer. It's the obvious choice, of course but... She's an information dealer herself; she knows they don't give out charity. She was used to dealing with them, but on her turf, with brokers who knew her and vice versa. Here, Griel holds most of the cards.

But she lets none of that show, keeping up a casual facade. "So let's talk price: someplace I can find Fixer, or maybe a comlink frequency. Anything else... well, can't say I'm not interested, but I'm not lookin' to spend a fortune. You'll have to really sell it."

2009-04-04, 02:19 PM
Jack was getting a little uneasy the way this old vet was acting. He might be an old generation, but they still knew their ****. Jack tried to discreetly take a look around the room. As he is doing this he replies in a whisper. "And what would the Empire be doing with this show of force exactly?"


2009-04-04, 06:56 PM

Harsch smiles as he keys the door open. "I'll do that." He says, saluting you with the wave of his hand. He seals the door up and is gone.


Dane laughs at the easy misconception. "Sorry, friend." He says. "Not that kind of hunt. I'm just afraid that if he sees me with a Wookie, he's going to think I mean business. I've never contacted him directly, but I know something we could try. He usually hides datapads for me behind a sleazy hotel three levels down. There's a turbolift nearby that'll take us down. After that...I guess we wait."


The old vetern gives a derisive snort without looking up from his drink. "The same thing they were always after. Those damned Jedi." He says. He takes a sip.


You can't tell, but you get the impression that the Kubaz is smiling at you. "It's nothing important." He says, offering a vague wave of a gloved hand. "Just a simple trade. Straight information for straight information." The being says. He pulls out a small holo-device. "This was filmed earlier today at a terminal station nearby." He says. He presses play and a well-remembered battle scene begins to play out in front of you. You're expression is as cold as ever, and gives nothing away, but you can't help but get the impression that Griel is teasing you a little. "I don't know how much you've heard of the incident, but I hope your contacts have provided you with more information on it than mine." He says. After a few moments, a sudden explosion lights up the recording, causing the already shaky handcamera to lose sight of the battle for a few moments.

The flickering image disappears as Griel turns the machine off and returns it to a hidden pocket. "Many of the proper authorities are trying to get the video removed, though it's anyone's guess as to why." The Kubaz, a race dependant on themselves to escape their own planet and venture to the stars, have developed many skilled individuals. You guess that this Griel, seemingly untethered to the Empire or it's major political enemies, is a slick fellow. His information seems top-level, though you've never heard much about him. These qulities, when combined, speak of a master information dealer, someone not to be taken lightly. It wouldn't surprise you to learn that Griel had planned meeting at least three other indivuals who were present at the terminal incident, though you would be the first to pay out.

"If you tell me of the beings involved, whatever you know of them, and what the bounty hunter Jek was after, then we might have a deal. Though you may not like what you hear." Griel says. "Anything else you could tell me, nything you believe might be important, would be credits in your favor." He finishes.


The bartender takes the credits and nods, leaving you to take your seat. You haven't been there long when a young man approaches you. His nervous face gives you reason to believe he lacks experience, and the obviousness of his approach confirms that suspicion. He glnces bck and forth around you, making sure the two of you are relatively alone before speaking. "Kao-Rin?" He says.


You extend your senses casually and easily, exactly as you've done many times before, with much the same results. You stroll through the streets of Karag City, weaving your way through the hapless citizens. You grow nearer to your destination, though you do sense something odd...something slightly amiss. Nothing stands out, and you don't feel like you're in danger, so you continue, but it's something you can't put your finger on. You're almost there when it finally hits you. You're sensing nothing. Not a lack of the Force; On the contrary, you sense a great deal of it in a specific direction, out into the folds of space, but it feels to you like a black hole. Like the eye of a Force storm, a calm spot on the fabric of space. And above all, this small void is familiar to you. But as quickly as you focus on it, the tranquil disturbance disappears, leaving you with the uneasy but familiar glistening stars and the subtle ebb and flow of the Force. Casually, you make sure no one suspicious is watching you, you finally arrive. The Gundark's Arms is a squalid little inn, dirty but cheap. The few rooms are rented by wanted criminals, devious murderers, and ineffective businessmen.

Take your time, guys. Waiting on Orion and Kat, to mke sure I don't leave them behind.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-04-04, 11:15 PM
Fiolla waves back as Harsch leaves, placing the datapad on a nearby low table next to the room's only window, the tinted glass obscured by a set of cheap curtains. Without anything to distract her, she begins to feel almost overwhelmed as she goes over recent events. Regardless of her intent, she killed, today. The dreadful scene replays itself in her mind, over and over again. She could still remember the man's eyes, the terrified, pleading look as he plummeted from that narrow walkway to certain oblivion below.

Thoughts, questions reverberate throughout her mind as she unwillingly remembers each tiny detail of the events which had transpired. Did he have a family? A lover? Friends? What would they do now, without him? What right did she have to wrench his life from him so cruelly? Regardless of his intent, what gave her the right to kill? Her mind continues to torture itself for some time, before she falls into a restless sleep. It is clear that the questions plague her, even in unconsciousness.

2009-04-05, 01:53 AM

The wookie is momentarily disappointed at the admission that there is to be no hunt, but it's short lived as he recalls the intent is to get off planet, away from the Imperial blockade. "<So we go to see if he left you information? Why would he if he didn't know you were asking?>" The confusion returns to his brow.

2009-04-05, 02:41 AM

Giving one last look at her surroundings, her face carefully bland, she walks into the building and looks around. The strange sensation in the Force has her plenty spooked, but since she can't do a thing about it right now, she just goes on.

2009-04-06, 06:23 AM

"How much time do we have ? I gotta gather up all my belongings if I leave the planet. Maybe also sell the swoop. It won't take long though." says Katinka.

Frog Dragon
2009-04-06, 11:12 PM
"Good Gods, Great, a total rookie. I don't want anyone screwing this. Now I need to see whether he's an imperial spy" I glance back from my drinks "Yeah, What's your recommendation for drink?"

2009-04-07, 03:16 AM

Glancing quickly around the room, you can feel the old man's light paranoia seeping into your mind. You notice a couple of characters more suspicious than the rest, a female alien and some kind of hooded person in a robe, near the back of the room. Of all the people in the room, these two gave you the least attention when your life was in danger moments before; You doubt they'd pose a danger to you, but it tells that something more important is on their minds. A third individual, in the corner farthest from both you and the front door, seems edgy. His eyes dart around as if waiting for someone or something, and he keeps dropping his hand to his side, almost as if to reach for a weapon, though you see none there.


The nervous man takes a seat and looks absolutely puzzled at your question. You count your blessings that the public house is mostly empty. Seconds in, the young agent puts his hand to his forehead and squeees his eyes shut in concentration. "Mojan? Mujan?" He asks. His face flashes apologetically. "Sorry, but I'm new to this whole freedom fighter thing." He speaks quickly, spilling his life story whether you want it or not. "My family was taken on Corellia. They're in Kessel, working the spice mines*, I know it." He says.


Dane smiles. "I'm banking on the fact that he frequents the place. I'm hoping we can catch him there after a while, and he'll speak freely." He shrugs. "It's a long shot, but if he isn't too scared of us backstabbing him, and isn't too angry that we contacted him like this, he can sell us what we need."


As soon as you walk in, your comlink chirps. "I can see I've gained your interest. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we must relocate again. Take a quick hop down a level and step into the square near the turbolift. Enter the small machine shop in the square, you can't miss it." Again, the small device cuts off instantly.

Katinka & Orion

Ebon shakes his head. "No need for such drastic measures. You hang onto that swoop. As a small collection of smuggler's, we'll have room for it somewhere. We've got a bit of time. I'm having a couple of the boys check for more muscle. I've got a couple of good leads, and if we get the right team, this'll be a cynch. If you need anything, I'm sure Warren would love to help you out." He says, indicating him on the other side of the room, chatting with a friend. "He seemed to take to you quite easily when we worked together previously. If you ask me, you remind him of his daughter. But I digress. Do you have any other questions for me?" Ebon says. Even now, his relaxed mischeviousness is clear.

*=Keep in mind that, in my campaign, Kessel is an unproven rumor at this time. Basically, only comspiracy theorist types believe it so far, and he must seem a damn fool.

I'll slow up a bit until Ajayne and Orion post. No PC left behind. =)

2009-04-07, 03:32 AM

She puts the comlink away again, starting to feel bored. Well, have it your way... For now.

Then she leaves the dingy flophouse and walks up the street again, this time taking a lot more effort to pick up pursuit. She doesn't take the direct way...

She will move down the street slowly and take 20 on Perception.

Frog Dragon
2009-04-07, 11:06 AM
Kessel... ... Oh by the.... He's even dumber than he first seems! Ok. You're the contact, I'll follow.

2009-04-08, 12:49 AM

The tall wookie grunts at the explanation and, with no other course of action readily open, falls into following Dane silently, determined not to lose it and scare the contact.

2009-04-08, 03:41 AM

She revised her opinion of Griel upwards, although this didn't make her any happier. Thank you, Yilt, she thinks darkly, trying to muster unpleasant thoughts for the Sljee. Only the best for your friends. It was hard to blame him for sending her to what was probably one of the best brokers he knew of; he couldn't have anticipated that she would have been happier with a two-cred street gossip.

Well, maybe not. At least Griel's information was likely to be accurate. Griel's recording sours both her mood and her opinion of him. She thought he'd recognized her, when he asked for information—which, while it would have meant he knew more about her than vice versa, would also have assured him that she could pay off her favors—but it seemed he was mostly interested in the fight earlier. And the people involved.

She'd be damned if she was going to give him any inkling of what Fiolla was worth. But she couldn't let herself be caught lying, either. And she couldn't let her lies pique too much interest. "I've never heard of the bounty hunter or his men, but he claimed to be working for Jurga the Hutt. He was after the girl; she's an offworlder by her accent. She claims she's in some kind of unfair trouble, presumably with the Hutt; she puts on a good innocent act, too. The other two humans knew one another—the woman's named Kat—and the Wookiee might know the greyskin, too. The Wookiee lives near the station; I don't know exactly where. As far as I can tell, they didn't have any real reason to go up against Jek, which means that either ninety percent of Nar Shadda's civic-minded population took the train this morning, or they were itching for a good fight." She smirks.

"None of them bothered to follow her after, and she didn't pay any of them back, except with a spot of med treatment. If I had to guess, I'd say some wanted a fight, some might have disliked bounty hunters in general or Jek specifically, and one or two might have even felt guilty about leaving an innocent young lady to be taken away."

"As for the Imps, they're trying to keep this quiet to help with their crackdown. If everybody can see that a bunch of people blew up a tram station, nailed some stormtroopers, shot down an Imperial speeder, and waltzed off into the distance... well, it makes it hard to keep order. The stormie at the scene didn't much care about the details, he just wanted them kept quiet."

2009-04-08, 06:30 PM
After getting a good look around the room he notices the odd person in the hood at the back. No way, it couldn't be, or could it? He couldn't help but let his eyes linger on them for just a split second before turning back to the old vet. Thinking on it he heard legends of the Jedi and how they always wore those robes... with hoods. Trying to confirm that he wasn't just being incredibly paranoid he speaks up in a whisper to the old man and tries to discreetly point out the person with the hood. "What about that person in the back? You don't suppose that could be the Jedi. The hood and all?"

Just in case this was something else other than Paranoia Jack pulled his comlink out of his belt and set it to so he could quickly call back to base just in case his suspicions proved correct. After that he tried to get a much closer look at the odd alien and person in the hood. This might just be what could save his ass if his suspicions proved correct.

Perception [roll0]

2009-04-10, 05:46 PM

Griel studies you carefully, watching as you speak, probably to discern if you're lying. When you finish he nods slowly, and carefully. Finally, he speaks. "Interesting." He says. "Jurga..." He adds to himself. "The girl, what's her name?" He says. As he does so, he leans in and raises a hand to signal the bartender.


You study the pair closely. The female is slightly reptilian, with dark hair and light red skin. She looks familiar, but only vaguely so. The person in the hood leans forward and motions towards the bar, and you get a good look at it's face. A metal mask domintes the individual's features, with a lengthy trunk nd large, dark goggles. The creature is likely a Kubaz. The alien race, mostly due to their unbashed hunger for insectoids (including sentient races) kept them out of the Republic's favor. Those who make it off-planet often do so by providing the Empire with favors, though you suppose it wouldn't be impossible that the being could be a Jedi. The old man takes a glance back there and responds. "Who knows." The sudden abrupt turn of the conversation startles you. "The Jedi are gone, the Empire made sure of it. Anyone left is just a hopeless dreamer." The man's voice is bitter, sounding of memories turned sour long ago.


The nervous young man smiles and nods before leading you outside. He has the nerve to ask you to keep your cool as you both leave. As soon as you step out of the bar, he nods discretely to a nearby turbolift. "We'll take it up." He says. "Watch for shadows." He says, glancing at every person you walk by.


Dane leads you through a few backalleys, past some street games that are illegal near the Core Worlds, in and out of more than one seedy establishment, and finally, into an open market. He points, and you notice a turbolift in that direction, close by. He motions quietly for the both of you to board it.


You sigh and decide to follow the directions for now. You begin to near one of the many walkways down when your com chirps again. "That's good." The voice says. "Stand right there and don't turn around, please. Hands to the side." You play along, and quickly feel a light search of your person. The unknown entity removes your heavy blaster. "Now, count to five and go left, into the small apartment complex." The voice says at your back. A sudden padding of footsteps reches your ears, and you figure it's safe to turn.

Inside the small entryway, a furred hand beckons you inside a small room. The cramped apartment is sparse and exceedingly clean. Only a single small table and a tiny futon mark the floor. The bed is spread is tightly. A short Bothan greets you with a polite nod of his head. "Greetings, one called Dice. I am Deed. Excuse me for the precautions, but in my business, the uncatious soon join their friends in the afterlife."


You awake at a buzzing sound. A small indicator light blinks on the intercom mounted by the door. You stand and approach the button, wondering who it could be. Ajayne had the seurity code, and Harsch didn't need it. You press the button, opening the intercom. A male voice cries out. "Oh, finally someone's here. Please! You have to help me, I've been attacked!"

Dice*=Liliedhe: I took some liberties with how you'd act right here, just to keep it moving. I figured you'd play along at first, ready to pounce, but if you would have done something different from what I wrote, feel free to mention it here (in a spoily) or in the OOC thread, and I'll edit in the changes.

2009-04-11, 02:38 AM
Well, let's just say she did that. ;) It won't kill her, otherwise she should have known from the Force, I suppose.

"What is that about? You are playing a dangerous game, furball." She stands inside the door, ready to jump him, if he so much as twitches wrong.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-04-11, 02:44 AM
Fiolla blinks her fatigue away, and makes her way to the door a little bit drowsily. Once whoever was on the other side claimed to be attacked all of that dropped away, to quickly be replaced by concern and a desperate need to help. Fiolla activates the intercom and speaks. "Hold on, I'll open the door!" With that, she rapidly turns to the keypad and punches in the code to unlock the door, opening it.

Frog Dragon
2009-04-11, 05:39 PM
"You know, I've been doing this a lot lately. I know how to handle myself." Kao-Rin remarks from behind the kid* "You're not looking exactly non-chalant here. Try to think like your just going grocery shopping. That way you wont look so suspicious"


Quite silently, but not whispering. still not enough vocal to let anyone except someone just next to Kao-Rin hear

2009-04-12, 09:27 PM
Still a little wary of the odd individuals Jack eases up for a second before remembering the other twitchy individual near the door. He turns his head in that direction to get a better look at that person. Idly he speaks up "Hopeless dreamer.... yea... any Jedi alive now would be doomed. However, that doesn't mean there aren't any Jedi." In an incredibly low whisper he leans forward and proceeds to talk once again "We had reports of a Jedi earlier, he or she got away though."

Perception at the jittery fellow [roll0]

2009-04-16, 05:39 PM

The Bothan smiles, a weaselly gesture, and bows. "I've been waiting to meet you ofr quite some time. I don't know much about you, oddly, as wide variety of people, people who once knew a small part of your story, are all dead. In addition, due more to the impractical nature of this horrid Grell pool of a planet, you have no official record. But I know enough. I know where you were born, or at least where they took you afterwards. And I wanted to warn you. Your life could very well have gone on as it is now forever, save that an individual, or perhaps a group of them, are interested in you, and they knew enough to get me started. My family has...a certain history with the Jedi." Deed says, speaking the word tentatively. "I would be doing them a disservice if I didn't help out an individual such as yourself through hard times."


The line goes quiet. After a few moments, there's a knock on your door, and a hard voice calls to you. "Let us in, missy!" A man yells. "I'll shoot his other leg if you don't!" You hear a rough sound, the thump of a hard rifle into gristle, and a second man, presumably the one from the doorway downstairs, cries out in pain. "Do it NOW! Or I will shoot!"


The kid nods eagerly, a large grin on his face. You both step up to the turbolift and he presses the call button. The door opens to n empty lift, and you both step inside. He keys the right floor in, and the doors close, leaving you both alone.


The vet pauses while you sie up the twitching fellow. He reminds you of the few spice junkies you arrested in the last few months. The number doubled in the short weeks you've spent on Nar Shaddaa, and right now, the guy seems about as harmless as any addle-brained addict. The aged man draws your ttention back to him as he speaks. "Good." He says, finally. "The Jedi...well, the Jedi weren't what the Empire said. They just lost, and afterwards, no one could remember why they were fighting in the first place." He takes a big sip, and for the first time, looks into your eyes. "Don't believe that drek they cram down your throat-hole, kid. It may shock you, but not everything the Empire says is true."

2009-04-17, 03:20 AM

She doesn't even flinch. It is so far away... "And you are doing this for the goodness of your heart?" Her smile is hard and shows teeth.

2009-04-17, 03:36 AM
Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

2009-04-17, 05:14 AM

She'd really been hoping not to have to answer that. If Griel didn't have any hints at who Fiolla really was, she didn't want to say anything that might put him on the path to figuring it out.

Well, sometimes you just had to trust your poker face. Or scent, in this case; she thought she'd heard somewhere that Kubaz had sharp noses. She carefully keeps her scent from changing as she lies. "She's using a false one, not that she's much good at hiding it. She mostly calls herself Faela, but I've heard her slip up and use other names in my hearing. Likely not real either, of course."

It wasn't really a lie. Well, all right, it was; anyone who implied Fiolla had a deceptive bone in her body was a baldfaced lier. But it was true that she'd be poor at hiding a false name. Ajayne made a note to have Fiolla start going by another name when she got back; no doubt the poor girl would do abysmally, which meant her story would check out with Griel if he had them watched. Faela was close enough to Fiolla that the girl shouldn't have too much trouble, but far enough that Griel likely wouldn't make the connection—and even if he did, you'd have to be an idiot to use an alias so close to your real name.

Sometimes, doing something really idiotic meant you caught people off guard, especially if they assumed you were smarter than that.

Deception! [roll0], and let's spend a Force point just in case: [roll1]

Rettu Skcollob
2009-04-17, 09:36 AM
"Oh, stars! Please, there's no need for violence, come in!" Obviously they didn't know she'd already unlocked the door, so she opens it frantically

2009-04-17, 06:23 PM

Grinning toothily Shorryyhn boards the turbo lift car with Dane.

2009-04-18, 12:13 PM
Not really wanting to get in over his head with he possibility of being wrong Jack decided to just pay attention to the conversation from now on. Skeptical about what the old man had to say he speaks up after he is done his odd little rant about the empire "Oh yea? So what do you know about Jedi then? What is it they aren't telling us, or are telling us depending on where your coming from. Imperial drek? Keep your voice down they could arrest you for talking like that."

2009-04-21, 02:54 AM

The Kubaz takes a long look at you. You can't imagine the sight from behind those heavy, tinted lenses, but you feel like lasers are burning into you. Finally, the moment passes, and he speaks. "Very well. If there is nothing else important, then I will speak freely." You feel as if you were tested by Griel, but you can't tell what the outcome was. "FX-3R was, in fact, involved in the dispute at the terminal this morning. Since you and this girl were there, I'm sure you saw him, but you may not have recognized him. He is a droid, and an older one at that. A B-1 battle droid, used by the outmoded and mostly forgotten Trade Federation of old. He has since disappeared. We were never on the best of terms, but either he's been disposed of, either held against his will or worse, or he's gone into hiding. With professional help. Before you ask, it's possible he fled the planet, but I wasn't notified of any outgoing vessels tht he could have hitched a ride on, willingly at least. I do apologize for the less than good news, but if you do wish to continue your line of inquiry with me, I might be able to assist you."


The old man sighs, and his brief bravado seems to flee. "I'm just an old man with old ideals. Fighting a war for something you've never known and never will is a useless gesture, and I guess it made me tired. As for arrest...well, they're willing to try it." He says, giving a brief, humorless smirk as he takes another sip of his drink.


The inner door slides open and a beaten man is shoved through roughly. He hits the floor, his wounds marking it behind him. A man, dressed like a rough customer, steps in behind him and keys the door closed and locked. He wears a simple white shirt under a dark flight vest, and his nondescript pants are smeared with oil and grease stains. His beard is shaggy but short, his hair cropped military style, to the same length. His hands grip a blaster rifle, and he looks like he knows how to use it. He laughs once, a sharp, barking sound that reminds you of a Nek battle dog you once heard. "I knew that Lor idiot would lead me to you. Oldin needs to hire someone from this decade. Now, girlie," he says, pointing at you with the blaster, "put these on for me." He finishes. He tosses a pair of binders to you. They land on the floor at your feet. He smiles wickedly when you look at him.


The short Bothan recoils from such a predatory gesture, but he smiles evenly. "I've crossed enough in my time to know that everyone who isn't against you is an ally. Maybe you don't help me out, I don't mind. But you wont bust into my door and shoot me, either." He says. The mention of it seems to remind him of an actual event, and he momentrily grimaces as he touches a spot on his chest. "Besides, I did not lie. The Jedi were reat allies to the Republic, despite the lies the Imperial Palace is churning out these days." He finishes with a wink.


You both step onboard, and with a lurch, the lift speeds upwards. Some floors higher, the doors open and a business examines the car. He smiles briefly, without much feeling, and steps onboard. He's dressed too well for the planet, but that's common in the upper levels. With another jolt, the turbolift speeds downwards again.

2009-04-21, 03:25 AM

Between the dead end and the Kubaz's concealed stare—I bet they wear those goggles just to put other people off-guard—Ajayne is feeling rather annoyed.

"Kind of you to offer." she says dryly, and gets down to business, trying to moderate herself. He was polite enough to apologize and offer a bit of compensation for useless information, and he'd clearly be a good person to know around here. She was already on tenuous ground concealing what she knew about Fiolla, even if she could pass it off as loyalty to a client. "I was looking for Fixer because I need a route offworld. A secure one. It doesn't matter who it is, so long as they'll get the job done, so... who do you know of who might be able and willing to get me offworld?"

Rettu Skcollob
2009-04-21, 04:39 AM
Fiolla hesitates for a moment, then kneels down to the man on the floor, leaving the binders where they are. She is almost surprised by the steadiness of her words as she looks up to the intruder. "I'm sorry, I'm not doing anything until I've made sure this man is alright."

2009-04-21, 12:35 PM

The Zabrak keeps her unrelenting gaze on the man. "Let me put it differently. What do you expect me to do?"

She leans back in her chair, stretching out with her feelings...

Taking ten to Use the Force, Sensing surroundings. How many people are there, is anybody hidden?

2009-04-21, 04:50 PM

Ebon smiles and clasps his hands together. "Say what you will about enlightened self-interest, but it does me good to see actual upstanding citizens on Nar Shaddaa, of all places. If--" He says, pausing in mid-sentence as his comlink gives a faint beep. He immediately raises the device up and depressed the button, raising a finger to ask for a minute. "Ebon." He says. A voice replies on the other end, slightly distorted, as if coming from a long way off. "The raid's finished. We succeeded on both accounts. Mavis out." The com goes quiet and Ebon smiles. "Good." He says. "With luck, it'll be some time before the Empire realizes that some of their items are stolen. Excuse me," He says to you, "but I have to see a man about forging credentials for the two of you. Feel free to do as you please for a while, until the goods make it back here."

He steps aside and speaks quietly to an intelligent-looking man, pointing at you both repeatedly. The two leave for a while, entering some dark back room. In the time between, you have a second look at your surroundings. The old faded garage complex looks secure; Heavy doors seal airtight at both entrances, and the transparisteel windows are reinforced. The loose knots of people eventually begin to break apart and disappear into secondary rooms, or sometimes outside. News of the successful mission has apparently spread, and people seem to be making preparations. A quick search of the surrounding rooms comes up with the layout of a tight, well-run military installation, even if the lack of experience shows in the relaxed nature of it. An armory lies straight in the heart of the complex, guarded by a casual man who tosses you a salute and a smirk. A carbine is slung on his back, and he appears to be enjoying a game of sabaac on his datapad. Inside are a small but varied collection of armaments, including a range of blasters and renades. A few suits of lightly armored material sit in a corner. Scattered about the room are some sealed crates, contents unknown. Opposite the armory you find a war room, where you see a small group of important individuals clustered around a chart of Nal Hutta, showing both Nar Shaddaa and the space around it. Small pieces made of a light alloy mark specific plces. Every so often, a quick and quiet argument breaks out as plans collide. When you open the door, they glance at you, politely nod, and go back to what they were doing.

If you decide to leave, you find Warren in one of the many siderooms, where groups of gruff characters, straight out of a tavern, roll chance cubes or play games with plasteel cards. He offers to take you wherever you want to go, or to unload your swoop, if you want.

If you want to leave Orion behind, go ahead. I'll have a role for him to play. Feel free to do anything. I've got lots of stuff worked out, for almost any occasion.

2009-04-22, 05:12 AM

After her nosy stroll through the garage complex, Kat decides to leave and gather up her belongings to get ready to go. She approaches Warren. "I need a ride to my hovel and get my stuff. It won't take long to throw it all together and it all fits in my backpack and duffel bag. I guess saying goodbye to a trusted old friend is too risky, eh ? Well, I could just record a message for him and delay the transfer until after our departure."

2009-04-23, 11:54 AM
He had a small grin on his face as the old man was talking. Finally with that same grin and keeping his eyes away from the old clone in one of those heh sure buddy looks he finally speaks up. "What won't I understand? I mean you can't possibly know that until you try me."

Sips his drink and just sits in silence thinking. He has nothing to say right now.

2009-04-24, 04:11 PM

The Bothan is momentarily taken aback. "Want from you?" Deed says. "You misunderstand; Likely, the reputation of my people precedes me. What I want from you is to be careful. As if having the Empire around wasn't bad enough, there is someone else in the market for Jedi, a private establishment with resources. Already there's quite a tidy bounty on Jedi, more than the Empire pays. And as I have said, you have been targeted specifically. Just be careful. That's all I want from you. Now, if you'll excuse me." He says, opening the door and stepping out.


Warren nods and smiles. "Good idea. I've got a recorder in the old Galactik. A quick hop shouldn't be any bother." He leads you back to the secured garage and you board the airspeeder. He fires the throttle with a low, menacing hum, and the old beaten speeder lurches into the air. The recorer is a small, limited device, disposable and cheap.


The man sighs, his face tight with impatience. "Alright, girlie. But I'm on a time limit here. The mandate said alive; It didn't say anything about conscious." His eyes never leaving you, he pulls out a long comlink. "This is Kal. Go ahead." He says before putting the com away. "Now later on, when the bad news reaches you about your friend, you'll have no one to blame but yourself."


Griel nods. ""Offworld. A difficult proposition, with--" He pauses, midoword, and raises a single gloved hand to the side of his helmet. He ***** his head, aas if in listening, and nods slowly after a moment.


After a few moments, you notice the old clone's eyes darting around the room. Glancing with him, you notice three suspicious men spread around the bar. They set off silent alarms inside your trained mind; As casually as possible, they all appear to be watching the pair in the back. The hooded person and each of the three seem to recieve some kind of signal, and by consensus, the thugs stand up and begin to casually approach the table. The old vet nods. "Trouble. I don't get paid for this anymore." He says, as he stands to leave. "I'm outta here."


The_Snark: Make Perception roll to notice the three hoods.


As the turbolift comes to a grinding halt, all three of you exit at the same time. The business man strides ahead, turning down an alley without looking back. Dane leads you into and through a lower class rest-establishment. On the other side of the low building, a side walkway leads across a deep gap and into a small underpass. One of Nar Shaddaa's main tram stations lies overhead, and the shadowy area beneath is a din of noise and activity. He takes you past sellers of the illegal and rare and opens the door of a shanty tavern. He motions you to take a seat and does the same himself.

2009-04-24, 07:44 PM

Shorryyhn slips into a booth seat, as much as a two meter tall mound of shambling wookie can slip. He takes a look around the seedy bar.

Perception [roll0]

Rettu Skcollob
2009-04-24, 10:24 PM
Fiolla ignores the intruder's words and turns the man face upwards to inspect the damage. After a few moments, she turns to retrieve her medical kit, and withdraw a medpac, quickly tending to his wounds and giving him a quick stim injection. As he recovers, she stands, reluctantly donning the pair of binder cuffs, wordlessly.

2009-04-25, 03:28 AM
Is there a special reason you ignore all my skill checks? Why should I let that guy just walk?

2009-04-25, 03:35 PM
Seeing the old vet rise he gets an idea and with a smile on his face says "Oh no your not, give me some help bringing these people in and I will forget what you said about the Empire. You know it's a good deal, and you would actually be doing good contrary to some of your beliefs."

Jack still sits at the table waiting for the first signs of trouble, but he is ready to draw his pistol in a split seconds notice if he has to.

Persuasion check to convince the Vet to help me take the possible perps down. Also come on that ought to be worth a +2 modifier behind the scenes right? It was a good lie. Anyways Persuasion: [roll0] Also got a readied action to draw my pistol at the first sign of trouble.

2009-04-25, 10:50 PM
Sorry about delaying the Force check, I was initiating the end of the Deed conversation before deciding on the results of the take 10, mostly because I forgot. As for the conversation itself, I was just stating what he intended. If you let him be, he'll do just that, but if you want to stop him, then do it. Sorry if I didn't make it clear, I just hate typing two branches of story then going back and erasing whichever one you didn't choose. I'll go ahead and do the Force results, though.


You reach out with the Force as you have dozens, if not hundreds of times before. You use your eyes, your ears, even your sense of smell, but above all, you search with your feelings. The Bothan, though calm and ressured, gives off a twang of nervousness. You can feel him counting in his head as if watching a mental clock. As far as you can tell, however, he appears to be telling the truth. Around you, in the empty stairwell, you can feel a group of random minds, most of them sleeping. No one seems close to you, in fact no one else is even on this floor, but one of the minds is edgy and alert; You can't tell if the mind's focus is you or the Bothan, however, or even someone or something else.

2009-04-26, 03:24 AM
Sorry, but whether I do something or not (and whether I let that guy walk away with my blaster) very much depends on how the situation is.

While the guy talks, Dice sinks deeper into her chair... When he gets up, she stretches out with her foot, to trip him... "Not so fast, furball."

Just tell me what you want me to roll for that ;).

2009-04-26, 03:46 AM

On the way to her current dwelling Kat records a message for Jack, telling the old gunslinger thanks for all the help and what he taught her. She says that she'll leave this place, maybe for a long time, but who knows, maybe they'll meet again elsewhere. It is a small galaxy after all ...

As she finsishes the message, she turns to Warren. "We can leave it at the barkeeper at "The Evildrome Boozarama" on our way back. I'll tell him to give it to Jack ... this evening ?"

2009-04-26, 12:58 PM

As you step off of the turbolift, the kid glances around quickly, eagerly. He motions you to follow him with an exaggerated swing of his head, and takes off without watching to see if you follow him. He eventually leads you to a lean-to in the middle of a shanty town behind a large, nondescript bar. The old plates of metal, leaned haphazardly together, balanced precariously with no visible means of being held together. Inside, you see a casual, middle aged man, his graying hair pulled into a tight ponytail and a stern look on his face.


The move catches him completely off guard; No roll needed...this time. =)

Deed, eyes wide with surprise, tumbles over your outstretched foot and crashes into the floor, rolling a couple of feet away. He flashes you a quick look of betrayal. "What? Honest, I'm just trying to help!" He exclaims, afraid.


The man nods and leers wickedly at you. "Good. This won't pay out at all if I have to burn away that pretty face of yours. Now, out the door. And be snappy about it. I can still shoot this man if you don't comply. In fact," He says, with a mlicious grin, "why don't you help him through the door? We'll bring him with us, make sure he gets the best medical care possible."


The old vet's mouth tightens as he watches the scene. He eyes you, noticing your hand ready to draw. "These people are sharp; They know you for what you are. You draw that in here, any number of folks'll be liable to blast you." He seems to contemplate something before reaching a decision. "Alright. I'm your man. But if it gets to hot, I'm out of here. I didn't quit one war to join another."


Griel, completely still, quietly speaks. "You've got to get out of here. I just picked up some interesting chatter." He says, tapping the side of his mask. "It sounds like somebody's out to get you." He says. Behind you, three nameless thugs draw near.

You can still roll Perception, I just mentioned Griel's part in this (or lack thereof)


Warren nods, giving you another brief smile. "Better than nothing. In fact, better than seeing him person, honestly. He'll thank you someday, I'm sure." He slows the old machine in the air and asks you, "This the place?"


A quick glance shows you that this seedy bar, despite the low quality appearance and standard drinks, appeals to a higher class of person. The people in here seem cultured, intelligent, and in some cases, savory charcters. It surprises you, mostly because this is the type of dive every two-cred bounty hunter, smuggler, and thief prefers. You wonder if this indicates anything about Dane's friend. He comes over to you after checking with the bartender and shakes his head briefly, as if to say Nothing yet.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-04-26, 01:11 PM
"I... Thank you. That's very kind of you." Perhaps the man wasn't as bad as she thought. Maybe he had his reasons. With a grunt of effort, she hefts the man upwards, supporting his weight with some difficulty. She exits the room, willing to follow the man where he led her.

With that naive remark, I'm going to be using Adept Negotiator to get through to the loveable scoundrel I'm sure is hiding inside our kidnapping friend.
If it equals or exceeds his will defense, he moves -1 along the condition track. More a role-playing thing than anything else.

2009-04-26, 01:25 PM
She pounces on him and takes her blaster back, then pins him to the floor, keeping her mind on the surroundings. "Now, you tell me what you really know. And don't give me that 'private establishment' vape."

She quickly checks the weapon for sabotage and then keeps it in plain sight, but doesn't threaten him - yet.

2009-04-26, 03:02 PM

"Yes, home sweet home." Kat jumps out of the airspeeder and enters her one-room flat. She sweeps most of the bathroom utensils into a large sanitary bag. That, most of the contents of the wardrobe, nightstand and other small things are stuffed into a backpack and duffel bag. Kat shoulders the backpack; the duffel bag is too heavy for her to lift but she drags it out of the apartment to the airspeeder.

Well, that's the plan, unless complications arise.

2009-04-26, 11:08 PM

Shorryyhn growls quietly in frustration as Dane's contact signals no news. Getting off the planet is getting harder by the passing hour and he's beginning to feel the pressure. "<Your man says no news? He knows no way out, no ships that are planning to leave? What about ships that are capable of getting through the blockade, if not planning to try? Maybe we can pay, or maybe I can convince a pilot to try.>" Shorryyhn curls his lip in a snarl as he suggests the latter, curbing it quickly since he promised himself he would try not to scare Dane's man and catches himself showing his own fear of being trapped on a planet full of imperials.

2009-04-28, 08:22 PM
Still in a hushed voice "Good, now lets take a seat for a minute and see where this goes." He keeps sitting relaxed, but ready for action. He watches the three he just knows are going to cause the trouble, and finally he speaks up once more "Ill try keep it discreet, but if push comes to shove then so be it."

2009-05-01, 02:07 AM

You find no trouble whatsoever as you gather your belongings. Either someone dropped the ball, or you managed to have a bit of good luck, for once, and no one has linked you with the incident earlier in the morning. Warren helps you load your things and then asks you where to head next, keeping an eye on his chronometer as he does so.


Dane smiles at the Wookie's sudden show of racial temperment. "Easy, big guy." He says. "He hasn't left me anything, but I haven't seen him, that I know of. Usually he'll have a blank datacube waiting if there's nothing to report; I didn't find anything. So either he jumped offworld, he's dead...or he has something for me. I say we wait him out. He's bound to turn up."


The old vet nods. "Alright."


The Bothan now stinks of fear; He's afraid of you, and you both know it. You refrain from pointing the weapon at him, but it checks out as fine-he didn't even seem to have put his finger on the firing stud. After a moment, he speaks, shaky but firm. "Blast! I'm expected somewhere, so if I tell you what you want, will you let me go?" He says. He continues without an answer. "Some guy contacted me. Just a man. I didn't even get a name, but the comm came from Gelen IV. I checked it out, just some backwater planet out on the Rim. He didn't want you dead, and in any case, I didn't send him anything. And that's all I know, so please, just let me go!" He screams in exasperation, his hands raised in silent plea as he lays on the floor.


If the man is fazed by your remark, he doesn't show it. Instead, he motions down the hall with his pistol, pointing at the building's access lift. He follows you as you go, checking behind himself frequently. Once all three of you are in the elevator, he speaks again. "So what'd Lor tell you? Your father got some kind of hot craft waiting to take you offplanet?" He says as he gives another short, cynical laugh. "Man like that'd have all kinds of clearance. Maybe even Imperial. So I'll tell you what, you and me, we go offplanet together, and I won't shoot this man through his eye. We have a deal?" He says. The large Merr-Sonn blaster raises and points at the man's face for emphasis.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-01, 07:44 AM
"So this is it huh?" Kao-Rin mutters walking in.

2009-05-01, 08:31 AM
"Why did you do that for him? What else did he tell you and what did he look like?"

Holstering her blaster, she keeps him pinned with one hand, while the other sneaks towards the knife hidden at the small of her back...

2009-05-01, 11:22 AM

Shorryyhn rumbles unhappily but quiets down. "<So how long do you expect we will we need to wait? This is not so good for my nerves. Every passing minute could be critical.>"

2009-05-01, 03:52 PM

"To "The Evildrome Boozarama" ! You know that place ? Just 2 blocks to the west, one to the north, 3 levels down. The place shouldn't be too busy at this hour.", says Kat as she enters the airspeeder and stows the backpack in her footwell.

2009-05-02, 03:06 AM

Warren gives a hearty laugh. "Never been there, although it sounds like my kind of place!" He says jovially. "On the way." The airspeeder yet again rumbles to life before lifting heavily off of the landing pad. A pair of sensors blink and beep, and Warren gives them quick, worried look before flying off. "You expecting company?" He asks.


Dane sighs as he looks around the bar. "He'll know me, I'm sure of it, but I wouldn't know him if he brought me my drinks." He says. He takes a sip of whatever he ordered before glancing suspiciously at the server, as if noticing his own words for the first time. "I don't know. I've never gone too long without getting a datapad. But if something's happened..." He says, leaving the thought unfinished as he glances nervously at the vidscreens still showing areas of space over the moon. The ominous shadows of the giant Star Destroyers slicing through the view like knives.


"Easy!" He yells. "In my business, I'd be an idiot not to check out leads myself. I kept the results for myself, but people with that kind of pull wouldn't stop at one broker. As for how he looked, he contacted me through three layers of encoding and bounced the signal through two different systems. As I told you, I traced the relay back to Gelen IV...As for him, I sliced through the feed as best I could. It was just...black. Pitch black. I couldn't even enhance the lighting. If you want the holo, I can get you a recording of it. But you're going to have to let me go!" Deed says, worriedly.


The white-haired man, younger than you thought at first, sies you up. "This is the Draethos, then." He says, nodding. "Goldam, you're dismissed." He adds, glancing at the nervous kid. The kid turns a sharp salute and leaves. "Sorry about his lack of experience. The Imperials probably know most of my other men." He says, watching you idly. "So, do you fight the Empire, truly? Or are you just a soldier of convenience?"


You turn your eyes back to the table, not wanting the thugs to know that you've noticed them. Your brain races, calculating a safe way out of this, wondering how anyone knew you'd be here. Griel turns slightly to his right, as if in thought, and the large, dark lenses of his mask perfectly reflects the image of the three men approaching. As you watch, their hands drop to their sides and they pull dark, metal objects from their belts.


You watch as the three men slowly apprach the oblivious pair. They pull metal rods from their belts and switch them on; The devices look like illegal stun-sticks, but without close inspection you can't know for sure. The old vet nods, his hands stray to the ancient rifle slung on his back.

2009-05-02, 06:01 AM
"What would I need a recording of nothing for? Or is there something you didn't tell me?"

Her fingers close about the knife hilt, but she still pauses, feeling a little... bad about what she is going to do. But bad feelings never stopped her. They are a luxury you can't afford.

2009-05-02, 07:10 AM

Katinka puts a hand on the holster and scans the surroundings. "No, I moved in just a week ago. Few people should know that I lived here. Trouble ?"

Frog Dragon
2009-05-02, 10:35 AM
"I've been exiled because I fight the empire" Kao-Rin responded "I have travelled throughout the galaxy because I fight the empire, I've gone through their 'Facilities'" He spat the word out "Because I fight the empire. I hope there's your answer"

2009-05-04, 06:27 PM

"<We should see if something has happened then, otherwise we're waiting here while precious seconds are ticking away. The server shook his head at you. Does he know what you are waiting for? Could he tell us whether something has happened?>"

Shorryyhn wracks his brain for alternative ideas of how to get off the planet. Being enslaved to a hutt for years doesn't leave one with alot of useful contacts. Most of those he'd met he'd had to kill or maim in the arenas. He was present for a few of the business meetings, was there a pilot he could recall that he might approach?

Rettu Skcollob
2009-05-05, 02:55 AM
Fiolla panics, silently. Of course the offer was completely unattractive, but she had to help that poor man. "That's kind of you to offer..." Her heart thudding in her chest, she desperately tries to get out of this situation. "But what after we get off-world?" She knew she was only stalling for time, but she had to say something.

2009-05-05, 03:34 PM
Following his lead Jack grabs his pistol getting ready for the fight. He sets it to the stun setting as he puts his hand on it to draw it.

Just in case Ill roll initiative now. [roll0]

2009-05-06, 08:23 PM

Deed hides his fear well, but you can hear the tremor in his voice. "The man seemed to know you. I thought you might recognize his voice. And..." Deed pauses, a trait more common among humans. "His voice. It was...odd. I can't describe it, but it made me never want to hear him again."


Dane seems to spend a minute thinking. "Well, sometimes my contact leaves me messages through the barman. It's a fair chance he knows what they look like. I'll see if I can...convince him to see things our way. I may need your impressive stature. If I give you the signal, come over and see what you can do." Dane says with a rogueish grin as he heads for the bar. You look around, and though you see a few familiar faces, none in particular stand out as potential associates. You recognize two in particular, though you can't put your finger on where. One of them is a scarred man sitting alone in one of the back booths, while the other is a Trandoshan, idly chatting with a sinister looking Gotal. None of them notice you, though as you stand up to your full height, the scarred man gives you a quick glance.


The older man says nothing at first, then just nods at you, as if in thought. "Understandable. Is it only because you re outcast that you fight? Is it only because the Empire won't accept you? If you could trade it all, the nomadic life, the hardships, the ostracism...would you trade it for a place in the Empire?" He says, giving you a look that somehow goes farther than just his eyes. You don't get the impression that you're being tested, merely the impression that you're being sized up.


Warren throws another glance to the old sensors in the Galactik. "Maybe. It looks like we're being followed. And...scanned." He says. "Whoever they are, they know all about us. Or at least, all about someone. You don't stay on this rock for long without picking up a few tricks. Hold onto your head, lady." He says, as the vessel suddenly lurches forward. "It's going to get a little fast." He says. The readout, while unreliably old and primitive as far as speeders go, does seem to indicate a pair of high speed pursuers. You lean to the rear of the large craft and open the rear viewscreen and see that this is indeed the case. The small, sporty airspeeders weave through the hustle and bustle of the Nar Shaddaa catwalks as they follow; The nondescript craft are devoid of any identifiable markings, though neither seems to have weapons.


The man considers. He glances back and forth between you and the injured man, and seems to come to a decision. "Then I'm going to collect the bounty on your head." He says openly, all traces of deceit gone. "It's a hard life, what? We all have debts to pay. And you're going to be mine." He finishes as the turbolift slows to a halt. The doors in front of you open, revealing the modestly furnished lobby. The receptionist lies sprawled over her desk, hopefully unconscious, and the rest of the room is empty save for a few chairs lining the walls. The unidentified man, presumably a bounty hunter, shoulders the injured man and keeps his gun levelled at his back. "Move it. You try to run and this guy gets a new hole."

I'll try to fit you in next update; Snark, now would be the time to post, preferably with Inititive since this seems to be heading that way.

2009-05-07, 02:14 AM
Dice takes her hand from the knife and relaxes a bit. Her frightening aspect probably ceases, as she is intrigued. "All right. Give me the recording, and I'll let you go." Curiosity is something that can get you killed... But it also might keep you alive. And she can always still shoot him afterwards, though that thought is on a backburner right now.

2009-05-07, 03:22 AM

"Should we send a message to Ebon ? Maybe he can send some help ...", says Kat and fastens her seatbelt.

2009-05-08, 03:20 PM

Shorryyhn stands and flexes to his full height, but then settles and waits for Dane's signal to approach.

2009-05-12, 03:27 PM

Deed feels on firmer ground here. "I know that trick. And I know you. As soon as I hand you the recording, you'll just blast me. We'll do this like professionals. I'll leave the recording in a safe place, and once I'm a fair distance away, I'll tell you where it is."


Warren nods and hands you his comlink. "I'll try and lose these fools." His comlink is linked directly with Ebon's.


Dane spends some time up at the bar, casually talking and making friends before speaking to the bartender again. Soon, the bar is mostly empty, and the two continue having a quiet discussion. Apparently, an agreement is reached. Dane slips what looks like a credstick onto the bar, and the bartender looks at it. He seems to be thinking it over. Behind his back, Dane raises two fingers pressed together and curls them into a fist.

2009-05-12, 05:35 PM
The woman sighs. "Fine. Have it your way." She then proceeds to briskly search his pockets. "But I'm no fool either."

2009-05-12, 10:53 PM

Shorryyhn ambles over towards Dane and growling leans over the bar grabbing the bar tender round the neck with his shaggy paws shaking him."<You should tell him what he's paid you to if you value your existance!>"

2009-05-14, 11:28 AM

Kat takes the comlink and contacts Ebon. "Kat here. I have all my stuff from my den. But now we have two speeders on our tail. We're just passing the Skoo'jaar Towers, on our way to "The Evildrome Boozarama"."

Frog Dragon
2009-05-15, 02:22 AM
You know, I probably could've done that if I had kept my mouth shut on Thosa. Who knows. Maybe my friends from back then are still orchestrating resistance movements. Or maybe they've joined up with the rest of the rebels. Kao-Rin says silently

2009-05-15, 05:20 AM

"So I see," Ajayne murmurs, watching the three men reflected in Griel's goggles. She thinks quickly, considering where to go—they could probably cut her off from the door...

She mutters a quick, "Nice dealing with you," as a goodbye to Griel—it hadn't been that bad, especially since he was helping her here—and rises. She moves at a fast walk towards the bar, keeping a table in between her and the closest of the men and aiming for the bartender...

"You've got a back room, yes? He says let me in. Now." Her tone is peremptory; clearly she doesn't expect to be delayed, much less refused.

Persuasion [roll0]

2009-05-16, 03:01 PM

The three toughs suddenly stopped, stunned for just a second into inaction. You reach the bartender as they all draw their weapons and rush after you. Unquestioningly, the bartender presses a switch under the bar. A door behind him slides open quickly, allowing you in.


You watch everything unfold. The three guys whip out guns and pursue the woman, but she seems to be ready. She slips to the back of the bar, where a door slides open. The thugs take no notice of you as they run past.


Your search uncovers nothing but a hold out blaster, snapped into a concealed holster, and a false identicard. Deed, now calm, raises his hands and makes no movements. The card identifies him as an Imperial Liasion.


"Great." He says, with typical cynicism. "Is there anyone who would be chasing you right now, or is someone on to us?" He asks.


The man leans back and examines you in silence. He take sinto consideration anything else you decide to tell him, and then nods. "You look the part. If anything, you'd make a better agent than Goldam." He says, shaking his head. "Poor kid's just not built for intrigue." He says as he stands up and gives you a small salute. "If you're serious about helping, I'd like to have you on the team. I'm Rahm Kota. Welcome to my militia."


The man's eyes go wide as he snatches up the credstick. He eyes your muscles, likely contemplating the stories of Wookies pulling people's arms off. You have the attention of the rest of the bar for a few seconds before everyone goes back to drinking. Dane warily eyes the rest of the crowd, his hand ready to draw, but no one seems to be anxious to fight you both. The bartender speaks. "Alright, alright. Guy you want is a Bothan. He goes by the name of Deed, but I don't know who he really is. He doesn't stay far from here, but I don't know where. That's all I know, I swear!"

2009-05-16, 03:57 PM
Grinning, Dice tucks both away. "All right. Go now and get the recording. Don't doublecross me. I can find you. Bet your life on that."

2009-05-16, 04:01 PM

"No idea who they are, I don't think that someone is really angry with me at the moment. Although it might have something to do with the little skirmish at the tram terminal this morning. Or it is about you and your plan. How about if we just pull over and ask them ?", replies Kat sardonically.

2009-05-16, 07:55 PM

Shorryyhn tightens his grip to see if that really is all the bartender knows, growling incoherently at the same time. But at least they have a name. He glances at Dane to see if he recognizes this Deed character.

2009-05-17, 05:40 PM
Seeing the would be thugs chasing the girl he follows them and pulls out his gun. He hopes to catch them off guard when they chase their target into the next room and he is keeping his distance but still tailing them. Jack motions for the old clone to follow him as now is the best shot at doing this.

Not sure if it is needed, but Ill roll Stealth just in case it is needed. [roll0]

2009-05-17, 06:20 PM

"Good, shut the door." Jay doesn't waste time, moving through the open doorway and looking for a back door without stopping. She might have to spend a bit of time finding it—a lot of bars had extensive backroom areas, for clandestine meetings, concealed gambling, or simply to rent out to employees—but as long as she doesn't hit a dead end and have to turn around, she'll be fine. She doubts the bartender will be able to hold the thugs more than a few seconds, but as long as she can stay out of sight it's enough...

Perception [roll0], if you need it...

2009-05-20, 11:44 PM

Deed nods gratefully and stands up. "Believe me, I know better." He motions to your pocket. "I'm going to need that ID, though. There's no way I can get past my own security without it." He says, pleading.


You can hear the smirk in Ebon's voice when he replies. "You do that." He says. "I'll see if I know anyone in the area." He says, shutting his comm off with a click.


The three goons take no notice of you; In fact, they seem to be completely focused on the alien woman. The bartender notices you, however, and nods at the three men as they pass. Once the last of the three men slips into the door, it slides shut. You notice the bartender pull out a pistol, and time seems to slow as you realize that you have very little time to react. The old vet, behind you, doesn't seem to be aware of the weapon coming up, and you don't think he'd be able to react in time.


With the man's attention focused on you, you notice Dane give a slight shrug. The man turns slightly away and opens his comm, speaking into it quietly as the bartender stammers uselessly. You figure he's out of information for the time being, so you let him drop back to the floor heavily onto his feet. Dane finishes moments later and turns to you. "I've dropped a quiet word about our friend to one of my informants. If anything comes up, I'll get beeped." He says. "I know he's gotta be coming." Dane says, thoughtfully. "I vote we wait here, but it's your call. If you don't think this'll pan out, say the word and I'll go with."


You slip in and immediately notice the whirring sound. The small room is mostly bare, with a few small shelves of random junk and a single small hallway to your right leading further into the building. Seeing as it's the only path, you decide to cautiously check it when you notice a sudden bout of noise behind you. The three thugs sramble into the back room and begin to search for you, the noise of the ventilation system a constant backbeat. You wonder for a few seconds if the bartender was killed before the door slides shut again; You know you were betrayed somewhere in the line, but you don't know if it was Griel or not. You continue down the tight corrdier quietly, looking for a means of escape.

I figured that if you saw a way out, you wouldn't waste time standing around. You my want to roll a Stealth check, to help your chances.

2009-05-21, 01:07 AM

Shorryyhn sits back down with a humph, glaring at the slimy bartender with renewed malice. "<We'll wait for a while to see if your call turns anything up, but not too long.>" He settles in for a wait.

2009-05-21, 03:18 AM
She shrugs. "Fine." She passes the ID over.

2009-05-21, 05:02 AM

Katinka turns to Warren. "You heard him. Should we continue to "The Evildrome Boozarama" or just cruise around inconspicuously ? I don't think that we can shake them with this pile of junk ... or did you pimp it ?"

Frog Dragon
2009-05-21, 05:33 AM
Kao-Rin shakes his hand "And I am Kao-Rin. Also the guy who contacted me on this said I'd be aiding some smugglers get off this moon. This a fact?" He inquires

2009-05-21, 05:41 PM
Seeing the weapon Jack starts to turn, but it feels like his body is moving far to slow. He aims the weapon at the bartender, and as he does so he speaks up to the Vet.

"Look out for the bartender! They have more thugs here than first appeared."

Finally with his gun level on his opponent he fires off a shot from his immense BlastTech DT-12.

I shoot at the bartender with my pistol. Attack, add one to this if I am in point blank range [roll0] Damage if it hits [roll1] Initiative roll [roll2]

Rettu Skcollob
2009-05-22, 11:25 PM
Fiolla looks at the man for a moment, before silently walking in the indicated direction. It looked as if she'd have to see this situation out till the end.

2009-05-23, 12:46 AM

Deed thanks you and turns to leave. As he does, he speaks. "There's a hotel a block from here. The Nightshade. Meet me there in thirty minutes." He says. "If you come early, I'll leave you with nothing."


You whip your gun out of it's holster and fire a large blast at the bartender, surprising the rest of the bar. Your shot hits him in the stomach heavily, sending him sprawling backwards to the ground.


Warren gives you a look. He keys a hidden panel open and presses a switch, shunting energy reserves into the engine. The old airspeeder picks up a clip, and you feel a sudden lurch pull you back into your seat. "Won't last long." He says, between gritted teeth. "Maybe long enough." He suddenly dips the controls to the left, pulling a harsh turn and barely missing a large, cylindrical tower.


Kota nods. "For all intents and purposes, yes. Our goal right now is to help other rebel groups survive. The more of us there are, the better we'll all fare in this. Here, I'll--" He says as he starts to stand, but his comlink beeps three times quickly, and he immediately pulls it out and switches it on. Before he can speak, a voice is heard on the other end. "R, This is E. I've got friends in your region, pursued by unknowns. Probably dangerous. If you can help, I'd appreciate it." Rahm nods his agreement until the voice stops talking. He motions to several men nearby who hustle into a nearby doorway. "On it. R out." He says. The men return, each with a large missle launcher. "Any good with one of these?" He asks you.


As time passes, you near your destination. The walk is long but uneventful; The bounty hunter helps the injured man along quietly, supporting him on one shoulder, as the other hand furtively hides a blaster at his back. You lead, following the man's directions as he leads you to a nearby spaceport.

Shoryyhn, I'll give you and Fiolla both a full update next post, which should be soon. Yay! Rettu's back!

2009-05-23, 02:58 AM

She shrugs and turns away, letting the Bothan leave. A part of her screams in her ears that she is stupid, but curiosity has gotten the better of her for now.

2009-05-24, 06:02 AM

"Woo-hoo !" Katinka turns around to see how the purusers react to the change of pace.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-25, 11:58 AM
"Right. Details. What should I do precisely?" Kao-Rin asks then looking at the men "I am well armed myslef, but backup is always welcome."

2009-05-25, 04:36 PM

The two pursuing airspeeders have trouble keeping up, but not much. These, like Warren's, seem to be more than they would seem from the outside. One swoops under the railway while the other whips around, losing distance. "Blaster bolts!" Dak says, under his breath as he glances back. He gives you a glance. "At least they're not shooting at us." He says, when suddenly red bolts start to sear the air around the speeder.


Rahm Kota nods to you. "A friend of mine is being tailed by hostiles." He points at the launchers. "He'll be heading this way, so we need to spread out and hit the access points to this district. We've been through this before, men; If anyone sees anything, comm me." The men salute him and disperse, each heading to stations positioned around the area. Left with you and Goldam, who has picked up one of the launchers, Kota signals for you both to follow. "Come with me." He says, taking off for a stairwell behind the old garage.


Minutes have passed when a Bothan slips into the bar. You can smell residual nervousness on it as it passes by you sitting near the door. The Bothan steps up to the bar and starts up a conversation, and when he takes a seat, the bartender gives you a furtive glance. The two have a quick, quiet discussion, and then the Bothan, whom you assume is Deed, nonchalantly buys a drink. You look around for Dane when you remember he was watching the back.


When you finally stop, you look up to realize that, ironically, you're at the Karag spaceport. "Sorry for the walk, but they closed down the trams for the day." The bounty hunter says. "Alright sweetheart." He says, as he checks your manacles to see how tight they are. "Good. The definition of stupid is someone who tries to escape from me." The injured man looks better, though he still has trouble walking. With a sneer, the bounty hunter raises his blaster and takes aim. He puts his finger on the firing stud and then pauses. He looks down slightly, barely noticeable from your angle, and seems to realize something. Then he nudges the barrel of his rifle away. The injured man's face turns from pain to fear, and then finally into mild surprise. "Go on. Before I change my mind." He says. With a nod, the man quietly shuffles off. The bounty hunter gives you a piercing look. "Satisfied?" He says, before turning and leaving without waiting for a reply. He motions for you to follow him with the barrel of his gun.


You turn away, realizing too late that the bartender isn't dead. With a sudden choking cough, he fires his blaster pistol underneath the bar, destroying the hidden switch and fusing the wires and circuitry into place. With a slight laugh, he dies, as a hooded alien walks up to you, empty palms raised in the universal sign of peace.

2009-05-25, 04:41 PM

She curses as the door opens again—mentally, of course; she doesn't want to give herself away. Does that kriffing bartender let everyone in without question?

She hurries down the corridor, trying not to make too much noise, and thanking her luck that the ventilation system was making enough noise to cover up her footsteps.

Stealth [roll0]

2009-05-25, 05:57 PM

Shorryyhn shambles over to the bar and sits right next to the short bothan. He smiles, all teeth. "<Good day spacer, you wouldn't be Deed would you? My friend has a few questions for you, I hope you decide to stick around till he asks them.>" Not sure, and not particularly worried, whether the bothan understands him Shorryyhn growls at the bartender and shakes a fist towards the back. Clearly indicating that he should go and find Dane. In the meantime, Shorryyhn waits with his new 'friend', making sure he doesn't think about upping and leaving.

2009-05-25, 06:52 PM

Kat watches the pursuing speeders again but then decides to help Warren piloting the old speeder. Unless they come so close that she might dare a shot at one of the pilots.

Aid Another on Warren's Pilot checks, if possible. Kat hath no chance of failure on the DC 10 Pilot check.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-05-25, 09:09 PM
"I... Yes. Thank you." Fiolla quietly says at the mans retreating back. For a moment she stands, lost in thought, but, she quickly recovers her wits and follows her captor.

2009-05-26, 09:51 PM
Jack looks at the hooded alien, but still has his blaster raised and is clearly ready to fire at the first sign of hostility from the newcomer. Cautiously Jack speak up to the odd alien, but as he says this his eyes dart around the room for possible hidden assailants. "Pull your hood down now, or I will fire and ask questions later. Also don't make even the slightest bit of movement. Now tell me why you are approaching me, and who you are.

Readied action to shoot the second he makes a hostile movement, such as drawing a hidden item, blade, or drawing from a holster type of movements. Perception to notice any possible hidden assailants [roll0]

2009-05-27, 02:57 AM

The bartender stares at you, mouth agape. He doesn't understand Shyriiwook, so he glances around to find your friend, and then he realies that's probably what you want him to do. He nods to Deed and steps around the bar, headed out back. Deed eyes you for a moment, then puts his hand idly at his side, as if he wished he had a weapon. The he puts both hands back on the bar and sits quietly. Moments later, Dane comes in and waves at you. "I told you it'd come through." He says. He looks at Deed and sies the Bothan up. "I know you know who I am, and I'm pretty sure I know who you are. Or at least, what you told me when you contacted me. So let's go straight for the Katarn's throat, as they say. Don't worry," He adds, seein the sudden panic in Deed's eyes. "we're just here to see if you can help us find a way offplanet." The Bothan licks his lips, a mannerism that strikes you as distinctly human. "There may be a way. But I'm going to need a small favor from you, first. Will you help me?"


You reach the perch with Goldam and Kota. You overlook a transit lane; The flurry of airspeeders going back and forth almost mkes you dizzy. Goldam aims the rocket out onto the street, looking back and forth. "Careful with that, kid." Rahm says. Goldam gives him a look of disgust before setting the launcher down. "And so I have you alone, finally." Goldam gives you a glance before muttering the word dragonspawn under his breath. He draws a heavy blaster and takes a step back. "You've cost us a lot of work, and it hasn't been worth it, General. Hopefully, I'll at least get a promotion out of this." He says.

Rolling Init. Whoever gets highest goes first.
Goldam: [roll0]
Kota: [roll1]
Roll, Frog. =) Let's hope for the best.


You tap your fingers across the power board as Warren flies, keeping the heat to a minimum; The old machine is obviously in need of maintainence. It's been fixed up, but you can tell by the state of the coolant chamber that it must have been a long time ago. You manage to keep it from redlining, but you can tell the old craft won't hold for long. Suddenly, Warren's comm goes off, and he activates it. Ebon speaks immediately. "Head for Kota's place. He's got a little surprise set up for you." He says. "Thanks." Warren says, shutting off the comlink and dropping it to the floor of the speeder. He raises a sleeved arm to wipe the sweat off of his brow, and you wonder if Warren can handle it for much longer himself.

There's always critical failures, m'lady. =) Keep it in mind.


Luckily, you mke almost no noise as you slip further into the back of the building. You get the odd feeling this tunnel isn't supposed to be here; It reminds you of a maintainence vent, but this seems to be heading straight away from the building. As you go deeper, however, it gets darker. Soon, you find that the vent has thinned. Ahead of you, you can feel a round opening about a meter across. The round tunnel seems to go straight ahead. Behind you, the echoing voices of the gunmen reach your ears.

Of course, if you have a light source, you can see that it is a round tunnel and it goes straight ahead. Either way, you can't see where it goes. It just keeps going straight until it gets dark again.


The alien bows slowly, then raises it's hands to it's hood. When it draws back the deep hood, you recognize it as a Kubaz; The long trunked mask and thick goggles are quite noticeable, and many of the creatures hang around Imperially controlled ports looking for travel. The old veteran watches your back as you converse with him. He raises his empty hands and speaks. "We need to get the door open. Those men are in there with my friend." It says, heavily accenting every clicked out word in Basic.

The bar is filled with hidden assailants, but as far as you can tell, none of them seem like they want to assail you. They eye you watchfully, but none stand out as potential enemies.


The man leads you to a treadcar and makes you board first. You step onto the small platform and he joins you, carefully keeping his carbine out of sight. The railing closes, and the platform is suddenly launched along a conveyor at high speed. The bounty hunter leans over the processor and speaks. "Bay 35." He says; The computer acknowledges with a quiet affirmative. For a while, he's silent. "My name is Kal Sarem. Don't use it in public."

Well, I lied. I guess I will post tonight. I'm awake, and I had a little time, so why the hell not? =)

Also, sorry I haven't had any 'big updates' in a while. Today's is a good size for everyone, which is fortuitous, but we just haven't crossed a big threshold for the story yet. It's coming, don't worry. I've got 'contingencies'.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-27, 06:22 AM
"Accident on duty hah? Not while I'm here!" If theyre within charge range, Kao Rin draws a sword during charge and attacks Goldam. If not he draws a pistol and fires at Goldam

Init [roll0]
If charge (PA for full) [roll1]
If shoot [roll3]

2009-05-27, 02:22 PM

"<You seem nervous Deed. Moreso than the situation with the arrival of the empire needs. What favour do you ask of us?>"

2009-05-28, 02:23 PM

Kat concentrates on the power board and hopes that Warren and the old speeder keep up long enough.

Aid Another Pilot check: [roll0]

2009-05-29, 12:52 AM
"I don't fully trust you, but we can ask questions later if we are both after the same thing. Now you wouldn't happen to know how to open that door would you? If not I think Ill try something."

Trying not to take his eyes of the odd alien Jack eventually relents as he has to turn around to truly and get the door open. He was expecting to regret this move, but he had no time to waste. Jack goes over to the door and attempts to fiddle with the lock mechanisms to get it open.

Mechanics check to get the door open. [roll0]

2009-05-29, 01:11 AM

The length of the tunnel strikes Ajayne as odd after a little while, but she's not about to question anything that helps her get away. Passage to another building, probably. Helps clients enter and exit a little less conspicuously—that's handy... She's seen the trick before, mostly in brothels and the occasional illicit gambling den, but it's handy for anyone who values their privacy.

The gloom is nice, too. Her eyesight isn't much better than a human's, but she doesn't really need to see where she's going; she just needs to keep from being seen.

She pauses upon reaching the opening, wondering why there'd be a round doorway; it doesn't seem like a normal part of a getaway tunnel, unless the building was made by a species of alien that preferred slithering to walking. But a snatch of conversation reaches her ear, one of the gunmen saying something to the other. She can't actually make it out, but the reminder that they were there spurs her on—she has the uncomfortable image of them deciding to light up the space with a blaster bolt...

... the hole suddenly seems downright friendly. Dark or not, Ajayne continues, now feeling her way carefully to make sure she doesn't fall.

Rettu Skcollob
2009-05-29, 02:33 AM
Fiolla holds out a bound hand for the man to shake. "Fiolla. Fiolla Oldin. But... I expect you already knew that." She gives a wry laugh, not wanting to make the man feel bad.

2009-05-31, 01:49 AM
OOC: Hate to break the flow, but I just want people to know that Levyathyn has posted an OOC announcement. He will be gone for a few days to a week or something like that. This is just so most players don't take off as I have had that happen in a few games.

2009-06-08, 12:43 PM
Got an update from Lev. His Internet is going wonky until the 12th and he can barely load a webpage let alone post. So this is not dead. He just has to wait until his internet is sorted out. That will be all.

2009-06-12, 01:57 AM

The man looks at you quietly, surprised. A second passes before he slowly nods. Eventually, the tracked machine comes to a stop, and he follows you off of it, his blaster unwavering. "You heard the number; Bay 35. Get to it." He says, pointing to the glowing sign lit with the number 35 in basic. You go to the bay door and he reaches beside you to key in his code. The door opens onto a smaller bay; Two large, magnetically shielded doors stand at the far wall of the room. He steps in behind you and enters another code behind him, and the huge doors begin to slide open. Inside the bay is a rounded SoroSuub shuttle. The medium-sized craft is plain in appearance, a slightly off-grey color, and has no visible weapons. Four sleek, knife-like wings are folded up, two on either side of it. In the front, a rounded tri-window cockpit sits just in front of the lowered entry ramp. "Go on." Kal says. He waits just inside the open door to the bay.


As you go further into the tunnel, you became aware of passing vibrations, sudden rushing sounds that shake the tunnel lightly for moments at a time. Eventually, you realize that the sounds you're hearing are those of airspeeders zooming above and below you. You realize that you're in some kind of bridge that connects to one of the buildings opposite. Behind you, a couple of loud clangs echo down the tube, but the sounds are indistinct.


Deed nods at you. He seems hesitant, but eventually he seems to work up the courage. "I'm going to grab a package for someone. Someone who will be here soon, and someone I don't particularly trust. She is a female Zabrak, that's all you need to know. But when I hand off the package, make sure she doesn't try anything. That's all. If everything goes smoothly, I'll help you find a ship. Do we have an agreement?" He asks, extending his hand to shake with first you, and then Dane.


The Kubaz glances from you to the old clone vet, who eyes him warily, before himself turning to the fried console that once held the door's controls. His nimble hands slip under his cloak and emerge holding a small pair of versatile multitools. He spends a quick second examining the device, then begins to work on it.


You have no luck with the door. While you are skilled enough for most everyday jobs, the door is heavily protected, and you can't seem to make headway on it. You glance at the Kubaz to see how he's holding up. His nimble hands seem to make some progress. A sudden flare of light sparks from some hidden wires in the console. He reaches in and twists momentarily, and then the door slides open.



You whip your sword out of it's sheath, but before you can move, Kota suddenly twists in place. A sudden sound erupts; The distinctive sound of a Jedi lightsaber being switched on. An emerald green blade suddenly appears, and Kota whirls the blade, slicing upwards and severing Goldam's hand cleanly from his arm. You suddenly rush in before the man can do anything else. You swing your heavy sword even as he reaches for something on his belt. Your blow sends him hurtling from the steep edge, his body tumbling down the side of the craggy building until it disappears from sight. All left behind of Goldam is his severed hand, still tightly clutching his blaster, and a small item he was grabbing from when you took him with your charge. General Kota lifts the device up and examines it for a moment; His lightsaber is nowhere to be seen. "It's a detonator." He says, glancing at you. "He must hve explosives planted somewhere around here." He says, when a sudden explosion from a nearby airway causes you both to start. "That might be Warren. Let's go." He says, rushing off towards the sound.


The speeder suddenly lurches as blaster fire begins to hit the rear. Warren grimly checks the sensors as he weaves the craft back and forth. He taps on a button as he makes a turn and then keys on the comlink. On the front of the speeder, a small light begins to blink. "This is Warren. I'm under fire here! On pproach, and this baby's flashing." He says before switching it off. You notice an indicator light flash as, somewhere ahead of you and to the left, a rocket is fired. You look at Warren for an explanation.


The rocket streams past Warren's airspeeder. The vehicle following tries a sudden manuever, but to no avail. The rocket connects with the rear of the vehicle, disabling the engines and sending it into a freefall. Warren switches his light off and then speeds around another corner, watching intently to make sure there's no more shadows on you. With a sigh, he slows the speeder down and takes yet another turn. He keys on the comm aand taps in a new frequency. "General?" He asks. A few moments later, a smooth voice replies over the line. "Copy that, Warren. You alright?" The General says. "Just fine. Thanks for the help, Rahm. You boys getting offplanet?" He adds, conversationally. "We're working on it. As for the help, anytime, old friend. You just come calling." With that, Warren clicks the comm of and resets the frequency.


That should be everyone. I tried to post this last night, but I couldn't. Editing immediately for dice rolls.

2009-06-12, 02:30 AM

The tall wookie takes a long look at the short bothan, eventually though he engulfs the hand in his own. "<Sounds simple enough. We agree.>" He says.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-12, 02:41 AM
"Right" The draethos says running after him, sword still in hand. Questions about the lightsaber were more suitable for another time.